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No. 573436
My personal favourite:
Kareki/Tanja Marion
DoB: 24.11.1984
German Kyo fan
>is saving herself for him>keeps insisting only she knows the "true" meaning behind Kyo's lyrics and all fans just don't understand him>triggered by people not taking him seriously, e.g. daring to make a joke or calling him cute>gets into moronic arguments on Kyo's body and whether it can be viewed sexually by people who are not her>apparently her actual reason for doing so is that she believes Kyo reads her posts and notices her defending and deeply understanding himTumblr:
http://deadtree.tumblr.comExamples of her teaching the silly masses how to accept Kyo in their lives:
>How can you be that daring and claim Kyo is bad at poetry? Do you understand Japanese? Do you know how Japanese poetry works? Why do you attack him, laugh at him for things you don't know at all?! As if you know something about poetry in general. And still, I've got the same question for years. Why can you thoughtlessly laugh at Kyo when you like him? You would hurt yourself if it was true.>Don't you get what you do to Kyo?! When you inflict pain on him, by telling shit about him? How could you answer for that?! Dirty sluts, lying, disgusting filthy sluts! What more boundaries will you demolish?! When are you going to finally have enough and allow him to keep his dignity?! Brain fucked MONSTER! No. 573445
>>573436Isn't he married?
Also, is that her in lolita? Didn't the band members make fun of lolita fashion before?
No. 573457
>>573445There's no confirmed relationship status about any of the members from the band. People on tanuki kinda managed to figure out Die is married but that's about it (was never officially confirmed by anybody tho)
There were pictures of kyo with some girl(s) on tanuki within the past year but that's about the only information there is (if that even qualifies as information), nothing official either
No. 573488
>>573445I never heard of them making fun of Lolita fashion…? And no, that's not her, just another cringy weeb.
A couple of months ago Toshiya was seen with a newscaster and is said to marry her, but nothing confirmed.
No. 573950
>>573457Interesting. I remember hearing that Kyo and Kaoru were both married. There's a videoclip of Kyo at a store with a woman, shopping. I always just assumed that was his wife or whatever.
When did Die supposedly get married? He hooked up with an american groupie way back when they did that family values tour. I'd like to think it was sometime after that, but I mean… life of a rockstar, I guess.
>>573923I can't remember which members said it tbh. But I recall an ancient video clip of them making fun of lolitas showing up at shows and saying something about the "ribbons in their hair"? This was ages ago though, but I do think it's a little funny seeing fans show up in what looks like a rather ita sweet lolita coord considering.
No. 574034
Seems lulzy, thanks for that gem.
But…Maybe could we talk about diru/( insert random japanese bando)fandom here?
>>>/ot/234968I'm not trying to minimodding , just wanna keep the jmusic thread alive.
No. 574216
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>>574211samefag. This girl. She posted a picture of her and very drunk Die and was told to take it down. Actually I thinks she was a suicide girl.
No. 574271
>>574216completely ot but
she's got a beautiful face but her tattoos are a fucking mess
No. 574273
>>574253I tried to read through her tumblr but had to stop after a few minutes because I cold not deal with the amounts of cringe.
So far she attacked every single person in the fandom on tumblr I've ever interacted with.
She takes kyo more seriously than he does himself and goes on rants about other fans being disrespectful while in my opinion the most disrespectful thing is that she is bascially talking for him claiming what she is saying is fact
No. 574285
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>>573927It's definitely not, she's not into anything cutesy, so no lolita.
Not that i want to defend her, but judging from the little snippets she posts of herself now and then, she at least doen't look too fat. How would you know it's her, did you talk to her? And where was this?
No. 574343
>>574337Oh wait she even had threads made about her on lj several years ago.
She used to be obsessed with die but recently switched that for being obsessed with kyo I suppose No. 574552
>>574508Ugh yes. Got into an argument with her once because she had a go at a good friend of mine for ~not liking deg correctly~
She doesn't seem to be very active online nowdays and I think I saw on her instagram that she kinda turned to the punk/communist scene?
Iirc her name for every kind of social media was owarired No. 574559
>>574508Here is some more cringy stuff's mostly just in german though)
No. 574622
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>>574559Seriously, why are all these trainwrecks German?
I went through her and while she seems to not be as insane as Kareki she's just really rude, even in response to nice messages.
Here's her facebook: looks homeless, hangs with punks and seems to have devoted her life to "fighting" Nazis…
No. 574706
>>574201Didn't this girl date Harry, who was their tour manager early on? Or am I mixing her up with someone else.
>>574211>>574216Yeah, I meant this girl. She also made some video clip of her showing a bunch of their photos together and crying. I honestly don't doubt that they had an on tour fling, but she seemed to have thought it was something more. If I remember correctly, she also hung around one of the dudes from "the Underneath", another japanese band who was also on that tour, for a little while after that. No idea if they hooked up though.
She was a suicide girl at the time, but left the company. In more recent years she was an alcoholic, but checked herself into rehab I guess, and is turning her life back around.
>>574323Die definitely has the most stories about hooking up with fans from what I can tell. There was rumors about Toshiya too back then, but no one had names or anything so it might just be bangya nonsense. There was a story about Kaoru and Toshiya (I think it was? Maybe it was Die also), going to a strip club and some fans followed them there, but I can't remember the details.
>>574273Yeah, she definitely is the most hostile bangya I've seen yet. She seems to basically argue with any other fan she encounters, just for the sake of arguing and proving she's the bigger fan. She seems absolutely miserable.
No. 583870
>>574201First of all, who's thos girl? She always appears when I search something of deg.
And who is kareki? I'm going to one of the concerts of the european tour and I want to know dramas, please.
No. 583889
>>574622They're all German, because Germany has been undermined to become this level of awful
>>574285I really worry when these kinds of people get shiba inu breed dogs to be "cute" and "for the memes/popularity" because those breeds shed so much so regularly and can easily become a nuisance to types like her who just want floof and not the effort of taking care of their animals
No. 583931
>>583915I didn't know about this myself, she was only 28… exists a different "person" in the deg fandom named (stamina)rose and he/she was rumoured to be engaged to Kyo kek But never any proof of who that's supposed to be.
No. 584054
>>584053She's a fucking mess (I'm still convinced that's missy though since she tagged her selfies with "mistress")
What I gotta say though is that she's not as rude as kareki for example
No. 584056
>>583870"deadtree" is her tumblr. Scroll through her blog for a bit and you'll see what's going on
Also if you look for "kareki dir en grey" on google, you'll find a bunch of stuff
basically a girl in her thirties who's been obsessed with kyo for years, think she's the only real fan and the only one who understands him and does not allow anybody else in the fandom to have any kind of opinion. Will screenshot comments/posts of others and post it to her blog just to add her "opinion" about how everybody else is wrong
No. 584090
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>>584054Talking about a different nutjob believe it or not. This one's name is bianca. Looks like either she or whoever is in charge of the offical instagram deleted her most recent crazy but this shit from a few years ago should give you an idea.
Note in these conversations both enterthesicness and _slipknot_ are her sock puppets.
"Yeah her name is Bianca but known as Bea. She lives in Australia and runs both the slipknot and enterthesicness accounts. She’s fucking insane. She claims she hates dir en grey and kyo in one account but in her other account she’s Kyo’s “fiancee” which is totally delusional lmao. She even dresses up like him with the Adidas jump suits and short haircut. She thinks arguing with herself will make people think it’s not her, but it’s all her."
No. 584091
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>>584090I didn't take the original screenshots of this.
No. 584092
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>>584090btw this quote some from someone who I assume ha the displeasure of knowing her personally.
No. 584106
>>584092>>584091Reading this gave me so much second hand embarrassment I want to bury myself.
I don't understand why a lot of the fans behave like this, no wonder most of the decent people eventually decide to cut all ties to the fandom
No. 584400
>>584090>>584091Why are people even like this? Did someopne catfish her pretending to be Kyo or something? Why are people this delusional and desperate?
There was a clip where Kyo and a woman were accidentally filmed shopping in a department store. It looked like it was for an advertisement or a segment of some kind. They were by something like washing machines or similar. I can't find the clip now, has anyone else seen this? As soon as Kyo notices the camera, he and the woman immediately split paths and look uncomfortable. I always assumed that was probably his wife, girlfriend, fiance or whatever. She looked like a fairly typical Japanese woman.
No. 584611
>>584555Tanuki did the same when the photos with meg came out and imo she is actually quite cute
As for the washing machine video, I already read some people write about how it's not him but just somebody who looks similar to him (just like that one porn actor who looks very alike. I remember seeing a gif on Tumblr and I was very confused for a second)
No. 584639
>>584611It's him. He was wearing that hat and shirt a lot at the time and he had the same hair cut and color. There are other pictures of him from that time(2008)where he looks the same.
Yeah they went crazy over Meg and also some girl he was holding hands with in Shinjuku.
No. 584850
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>>584847The original post was posted by her on her blog about kyo showing pictures of meg (from her old Instagram profile)
She reblogged it with her other Tumblr and her reply sounds like she's pretending to be a different person
No. 584851
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>>5848473 of the blogs of which I know it's her
No. 584855
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>>584847Sorry for the cut off text, should still make sense
There was an argument between people on Tumblr about the price of items of kyos fashion brand and apparently she kept changing her opinion
No. 584863
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>>584855Top left is her insulting the person who runs/ran the tanuki Tumblr, the other 2 are her talking about 300$ being an okay price for a shirt and bragging(?) About her glasses
No. 584864
>>584851Anon, the name of the blog on the left is not fully visible; mecri…?
And thanks, I love following these nutjobs lol
No. 584867
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>>584847Her telling kareki she has a soft spot for her (despite hating her)
No. 584869
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>>584847Sorry for the spam, this is the last one
4 different text posts (beautifully edited on my phone so it looks like it's just one) showing that she's a nutcase and desperate for attention.
So far every time somebody tried to tell her she needs to change her behaviour she just went ~muh mental illness~
No. 585079
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>>584847She complains about people not liking/caring about her art but like…..?
No. 666458
>>666426She's probably going to as many as possible to see her future husband kek
>>666450No, Owari is another person, see
>>574552 ,
>>574559 and
>>574622 No. 666466
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From her tumblr
No. 666556
>>666546You mean the woman that goes by Miyabi?
>>666339It's only in Europe, right?
No. 667246
>>666871I’d prefer to keep my self anon, so I don’t want to share anything too crazy. The backstage area is generally pretty tame, and the crowd I ran with never did anything too crazed, apart from some substance habits.
One thing that always bugged me was Fukusuke’s (Metronome) odd dislike for potato chips. I offered him some backstage once since he didn’t go out to eat with everyone after sound check (he had a habit of editing BG sound files on his laptop at the last minute). He said that he only eats ~Japanese~ snacks, therefore only senbei for him. This was shortly before he adapted his super omg I’m so Japanese it hurts persona for ADAPTER., so I wasn’t too surprised when then happened.
No. 813804
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Lets talk Umi Zoomi as crazy bangya because she falls under so many lolcow categories it is hard to pick just one suitable page
She has been posted here numerous times for dreadful fashion already but has since then stopped with the pastel fairy kei harajuku crap
Posted here in the past for molesting a korean idol who visited america and had korean/japanese fans respond to her tweet negatively regarding touching and hugging idols, invasion of personal space, which she played victim to
her recent trip to japan relied heavily on her expat friends to navigate her dusty ass around japan because her japanese is very basic, embarrassingly basic but writes walls of facebook posts referring back to full conversations she has said with her 'honmei' which are highly doubtful that happened
she is obsessed with this band RAVE and seems to think the band are in love with her but this subject will die down eventually as she moves from band to band rather regularly and pins a honmei in every band she is introduced to
she tries to go sjw but lacks the intelligence to do so, other than being a total cringe when it comes to bands there isn't much dirt that earns her a thread here unless you want comedy
she dated a japanese dude who twit streams himself naked playing games and she had never ever met him but fell in love with him within a week that was top kek sadly he wasn't a bandman so this doesnt fall under crazy bangya just crazy weeb who wants to live in japan but still is unable to function as an adult because lol learning disability
good luck, umi
i know you read here
No. 815231
>>815216 for ages, don't you mean always? kek
but it literally is any guy from japan even the hosts and the way she interacts with them even in english is so cringe
No. 816941
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>>816770she’s so weird and is ALWAYS posting her photos and making up different stories for each one, ultimate cringe
more cringe, half her fb friends are not even vk fans or bangya so they are always wtf at her posts. she legit wants people to record themselves shouting bandoman names out
No. 816997
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>>816941good lord someone save him kek