File: 1447305207953.jpeg (Spoiler Image,142.34 KB, 750x1032, image.jpeg)

No. 56942
File: 1447305294000.jpeg (123.84 KB, 750x889, image.jpeg)

Clearly another pic of her showing off her skinny legs again. Obviously she isn't really recovering
No. 56946
>>56945Do you have any other reasons for posting this
besides personal vendetta?
No. 56947
>>56941Why didn't you just post this here?
>>44088She isn't worth having a thread about.
No. 56949
File: 1447305612554.jpeg (99.93 KB, 750x850, image.jpeg)

She a anorecic who claims to be recovery but clearly isn't she always posting body pictures that show her bones and she takes such anorexic pose
No. 56955
File: 1447305921875.png (13.48 KB, 420x204, sage.png)

Hey I know you're new here so I'm going to give you a tip to help you get your posts noticed faster. Put your e-mail address as "sage". It highlights it for gold users.
No. 56966
File: 1447306464684.jpeg (98.94 KB, 750x726, image.jpeg)

No. 56970
>>56953>>56963Man, so strange how you're the first to shit talk her and the first to stick up for her.
So strange…
No. 56972
File: 1447307230812.png (843.28 KB, 1080x1269, Screenshot_2015-11-12-00-46-05…)

>>56971This is her 2 days ago and you say she doesn't photoshop lol
No. 56980
File: 1447307778968.png (804.47 KB, 1080x1302, Screenshot_2015-11-12-00-53-36…)

6 weeks ago
No. 56981
File: 1447307806480.png (1.45 MB, 1813x1339,…)

8 weeks ago
(stills from a video)
No. 56987
File: 1447308084450.png (918.5 KB, 1080x1210, Screenshot_2015-11-12-00-59-26…)

this image is only a few days older than these
>>56981 No. 56990
>>56987I associate her face shape with that of every soccer playing/rugby/field hockey girl
Like feminine butch
No. 56992
>>56988I just saw this on the Gold Chat! Wow, I can't believe it. Someone lying on the internet and pretending to be something they probably aren't? That's some top-grade milk, right there. We might have to change the board name after this.
Is she skinny? Is she average? Is she lying about recovery? The world may never know!
No. 57000
>>56998>private accountWell, this thread just got about 99% more useless, a difficult feat.
Funny video linked to on her profile, though – 'Don't be fooled by people's pictures they post on insta.' I love it when liars overcompensate with shit like that.
Really, though, what's the point of this thread, and why didn't you just put it with the rest of the wannarexics?
No. 57022
>>57020Fantastic work Sherlock jr. It me, Ashley.
No but seriously if you're basing it on that alone, maybe the possibility that my phone autocorrects words and capitalizes the first letter of the first word in a sentence, well, maybe you wouldn't be looking so stupid rn.
No. 57138
>>57026Awe, baby wants her baw baw?
No one here is salty but you :^)
No. 60827
>>5701735? is this sarcasm? I'm pretty sure she turned 20 like a week ago. She's not that lulzy, very repetitive, delusional, thinks she's weight restored and recovered, always talking about going to meetings and her sponsor, blablabla.
i didn't realize she's photoshopping though, i thought she was actually that thin; like a bmi of 15.. but the screen grabs from the video don't lie.