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No. 56885

Really attractive but that's about it. Has an army of supporters, but I know there's a good amount of others out there that don't like her. Hypocritical about feminism, body shaming, and general sjw ranting. She's gone through a handful of boyfriends who chronicle their relationships publicly on tumblr. Just broke up with her most recent boyfriend and he's freaking out. Went from a preppy blonde cheerleader with a fitness blog to a pastel-atheism-as-aesthetic cam girl who admits she eats like crap and doesn't work out so her body is just genetics and responds to anyone who disagrees with her with just "bye".

Does she annoy anyone else?

[terrible thread]

No. 56890

Yeah, you annoy me you fucking self poster

No. 56892

lol i'm not her????

No. 56895

>really attractive

yeah right lol

No. 56898

How about posting some caps?

You all make these new threads about people no one knows about.

No. 56899

Attractive in what universe? Also, this isn't really lolcow worthy. Some girl who changes her style and breaks hearts with no self control isn't anything special.

No. 56900

Definitely self post, just some random butterface with barely 500 followers on instagram.

No. 56903

Guys I swear I'm not her. Just a genuine different person who wants to know if anyone else gets annoyed with her. I know she's not WELL known, but she does have like 50k followers on tumblr. I will try to get some caps to post. She's daisyfairy on mfc. And her ex is 50shadesofsuckmydick on tumblr if you wanna check that out.

No. 56905

Why didn't you post about her in the cam girl thread then? What makes her so special?

No. 56921

I googled her and turns out she used to go under the name therealbarbielifts

I think a few more on here know her under that name as i've seen her and her obvious shooping antics posted on this site before

She did shit like post a picture where she was an extreme hourglass and then a gif where she looked like a box

No. 56926

kek I don't know who the fuck these weird, metrosexual looking clown people are, but that guy's blog sure is a riot. Who the hell gets that drivelly in public? Cucks, that's who.

No. 56937

Why is she cosplaying Ariana Grande?

No. 74166

On some of her pics she has tat on left shoulder & some on right shoulder back blade.shes stealing someones photos(baseless claim + necromancy)

No. 74167

I was following her then I commented on something about her not taking a compliment and she snapped at me for it.

No. 74180

>bumping a month old thread about nobody
Fuck off with that

No. 74192

Show examples, or you will be banned.

No. 74200

File: 1450712144949.png (1.08 MB, 921x615, ttattoo.png)

I had a hard time believing anon will deliver so I did a little digging and found nothing to support this claim. I searched through multiple tags and every image of her back sported the same tattoo.

>pic related - left image is over a year old and right photo was posted two days ago

I really wish all of the individual cam girl threads will be moved to Webcam Girl General >>56503

No. 74201

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I did find this in her tag though. Besides this, I have no idea if she has been involved with any kind of drama. This thread is really odd?

No. 74207

She flips images which is why the tattoo goes from right shoulder to left.

No. 74208

excessive reaction to someone who simply may not have realized:

No. 74300

she's one of those annoying militant feminists that puts down men and she likes to play an oppressed victim in the sex industry even though she just cams. She's not attractive imo just looks okay?? no special facial structure but I do remember there was a scandal about her shopping her waist and shit.

No. 74439

Same and i believe it was under the name realbarbielifts but i cannot remember if it was on here,stamina rose or my short time on PULL ages ago.

It was hardly interesting anyway.
In her photos she had a slight thinner waist while in her videos her body seemed more human.
Which when it comes to milk.. is equal to water.

She's just a boring standard camgirl with bad taste and a jerk dickhead boyfriend nothing lol worthy going on.

No. 74453

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Her body is amazing but her face… not that impressive. She reminds me of cardcaptorr, except a lot more slutty. I do remember the shooping accusations and looking at the images she posted while under realbarbielifts, I doubt she is being truthful when she says she doesn't alter her shape.

No. 74454

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Images on the far left are from back when she was realbarbielifts, middle were posted recently, and far right is her ugly mug.

At least she stopped shooping but she has became more bitchy. She replies to hateful anons way too often.

No. 74458

It's always amusing to see how people photoshop so hard then become a camgirl and basically expose themselves.

No. 74643

I found her getting her butthole fingered on Pornhub. You can tell by her MFC vids how much she photoshops.

No. 98788

she also reblogs from "pro ana" blogs, but, claims to be against that stuff. And, now, she tags her photos "#ed", cause shes "lost oh so much weight". Even though her body is the same size as before. And a healthy size. I think she just wants to be relevant again, and try to get some fake support for all her "problems".

No. 498482


No. 498646

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Since anon bumped the thread, though I'd just do a little update, no milk tho.

Pic related is what she looks like now, goes by imindigowhite on instagram, has 50k followers and is still a camgirl + is trying to sell her art

She also stopped shooping her pics so extremely

No. 498664

She’s dating a black girl swore off guys and her parents no line get talk to her according to her tumblr.

She went from a spoiled uppper middle class blonde to a washed out camwhore.

Hilarious actually

No. 663101

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she has been milking the cosplay niche as of late lmaoo

pic related & semi problematik

No. 744638

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Getting in trouble for dropping the n bomb on Twitter. Looks like both her insta accounts have been shut down lol(necro)

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