No. 46556
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No. 46560
lol she mentioned her patreon on her youtube page so i looked it up's getting paid 1k a month just to be fat and have fake tits
No. 46574
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No. 46575
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No. 46612
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No. 46647
>>46605Don't forget Adventure Time because she's totally hip and lolsorandum.
I can't believe she's defiling OoT like that though. Doubt she even played it. I want to steal it from that bitch.
No. 46799
>>46647Of course. How could I forget?
Panty and Stocking seems to be kind of a trend with legbeards, too.
>>46655That fucking music drowning her voice out, jesus christ. Is it supposed to be a joke or something? That's some Deadly Premonition-tier shit.
>>46612Hahahaha jesus fucking christ my sides
No. 46865
>>46864you know, if you want this thread to die
>>46862, you should stop replying
No. 46889
>>46887Are you a fat girl with neon hair?
She's not that interesting but at least it's not another Berry or Ember thread
No. 46999
You're unusually aggressive Anon, you should go have a cup of tea.
No. 47001
>>46999Seeing those big tits must have
triggered her Ana brain
No. 47165
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>>47009Nope, I'm only
>>46999 No. 47179
>>47168Do I really need to film myself reloading the page, selecting the post and attempting to delete it in order to prompt the denial, upload it to Youtube and link it here.
You're wrong, just slink away like a good little bitch.
No. 47316
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Just some gamer grill heifer that is insecure about her body.Also a huge sjw, and thinks very highly of her self. "I've always had a small waist and big boobs" 200% lie. Though I've never understood why people get these huge balloon tit implants, yet they don't also get a brazillian butt lift. She has the lardiest flat ass ever, she could've transferred some of her fat there instead of compressing it down and shoving their rib cages so far into there lungs.
No. 47767
>>46655She's very annoying for sure….but I do agree with some of her points. They're very valid. All these leg beards talk about how video game bodies are 'unrealistic' and 'objectifying women' then when asked what they would have a character look like….they want a flat chested chubby woman….
Well I just so happen to be thin with large breasts and a traditional hourglass shape….does that mean that my body isn't real? My body isn't a realistic portrayal of a woman? My body is somehow bad and should be replaced? There are many women with my body so clearly it's a real body.
I think she has a fairly good point, annoying or not. I don't think that this particular video was snowflakey.
No. 47775
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>>47767I think the issue is that women have different bodies and that in culture etc women are expected to all have the same kind of body, and that those who do not have that body are ridiculed. I have seen arguments for having various bodies, not ruling out one type altogether, so its a bit of a redundant argument.
No. 456711
File: 1514592896133.png (Spoiler Image,110.82 KB, 1024x619, fromdeviantart.png)

Much of this stuff is still on her deviantart or can be found over on
No. 456759
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>>456699what is this garbage?
why do people who say they have DID are always the biggest attention whores?
No. 456771

>>456759From her website:
>TL;DR my mother was very sick for my entire childhood, and dad was out of the picture for the most part. So, I spent an absolutely insane quantity of time-consuming media.
>I sometimes debate with myself on what has been the most influential… Cartoons? Well, certainly they had a huge impact. But I'd argue literature was more directly to thank for me developing complex opinions… But how can we ignore music? Not much can match music when it comes to simplicity and emotional connection. That's not just with me either, I think music has a unique way of interacting with its audience. It's short, so it's much more readily consumed than most other forms of media. On top of that, it's usually only got a few lines, and it leaves a lot of emotional interpretation up to the person listening. I haven't even mentioned the obvious stuff, like the feelings that we get as a creature when we hear a well composed tune, or that many musicians are more approachable and easy to connect with than other forms of celebrity… But, at the end of this pointless little introspection, I arrive at the conclusion that, very specifically, Musical Comedy is the lifeblood of what makes me who I am.
If you can take something as serious as composing a song, and riddle that with comedic hooks and satire, I am putty in your hand. Nothing makes me more happy than listening to musical comedy.
Vid is her claiming that she was sexually abused at SDCC this year.
No. 456774
File: 1514611709860.jpeg (87.23 KB, 524x502, milk.jpeg)

She got majorly fucking TRIGGERED on FB a few weeks ago.
No. 456804
>>456774Wait, what? She fucking cries in another video about how growing up she wasn't allowed to play video games with boys unless she fucked them. She cries about being isolated and so not like other girls.
You should check out the above video. I'll probably get called an incel or apologist but this girl has always been sketchy with all these disorders she claims to have, the shit she does for attention, and then going as far as to allege in that same video that people don't take cosplay sex assault seriously because of her huge fake tits. The victim complex with this one is too much and I legitimately do not believe that "everyone at sdcc stood and laughed at her while she was groped".
No. 457220
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No. 457412
File: 1514670023499.png (Spoiler Image,902.95 KB, 1863x2000, botched tits penny.png)

>>457238It is irritating because she is completely serious about it. I do acknowledge that there is gatekeeping in the nerd subculture because I had to deal with it myself and so have friends of mine, but it isn't as extreme as she makes it sound. And then she cites 4chan as having turned her into this internalized mursgyny monster just because she was bantering on /b/.. yet here she is still pandering to the exact type of men she claims to have been assaulted mentally and physically by. Her deviantart is full of photos which are blatantly sexually charged but in the same breath she whines about how people see her as sexy. She's doing the same exact shit that Yaya did; Making her huge fake tits the focus and then stomping her feet when people reciprocate. If nobody acknowledged her then she would whine about how she is the victim of unfair standards, as if the average large chested woman is even anywhere near her goddamned size.
She, Yaya, Bellechere, and all the other oppai-titted-tardlettes in cosplay are exhausting. If you criticize them then it means you're either jealous of their tits or a rape apologist but if you validate their "claims" then it just enables their shitty behavior.
In the
>>456771 video she mentions a security guard at the con saying, "Damn.." when she walks past and then makes it seem as if due to that remark if she required assistance he wouldn't help her. Dude, wtf with that reach?
>some dude says "Damn" and nothing more>HE'S NOT GONNA DO HIS JOB IF I ASK FOR HELP OMGGGGGGGG QQ No. 457460
File: 1514674579755.png (Spoiler Image,198.98 KB, 1024x683, stop calling me sexy.png)

No. 457603
>>457590Did you watch the comic con vid she just made? Obviously you didn't.
Also this is /snow/, faggot. Not pull. There doesn't need to be a smoking gun for farmers to fucking talk about people. Hide the thread if you don't like it.
(sage) No. 458119
File: 1514752844975.png (Spoiler Image,828.97 KB, 752x762, 22335263526367638.png)

>>457696>>457590Why are people attempting to force PULL-tier etiquette in lc when it comes to cows is what I'm more curious about. There are gaijin idoru threads that continue to get bumped despite the only criticisms being coords and shitty hair, Jill's thread has been people talking about alcohol for who knows how long now, June's last thread and the newest is a literal rehashing of old information from her first threads (and yet nobody is giving those posters any shit despite it being against the rules), Kelly Eden's is constant talk about how bad her hair and makeup is, and the Altcow thread has been
>wah wah ree's bangs>wah unboxings im sick of it>wah kaya's skin and hairfor the longest time now.
And yet people are assblasted that Penny's thread was updated because it hadn't been in quite some time because … ?
You have the choice to hide threads you don't care for, but don't try to police what gets posted here when there are a bunch of other threads in which literally nothing five alarm scandalous is occurring. It is called /snow/ for a reason.
No. 458143
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No. 459989
File: 1514935124035.jpg (31.76 KB, 586x184, cm.jpg)

ah fuck, what a tall fucking glass of cringe. Now the nearly 30 year old is acting like a fucking tumblr tween XD'ing about her mental illness.
God if she does a "MEET MY ALTERS :D" video ill barf
No. 460853

>>459989>>460008I seriously wonder what the fuck is wrong with her. Why does she suddenly have DID? And while I can understand rape or sexual assault being difficult to come forward about its as if she has a new sexual assault story every time she makes a video yet never goes into any detail about it. Why bring it up as if its going to be the subject of a video then back peddle 15 minutes in about how the rest is too difficult to talk about? This reminds me of when Yaya Han went like 30+ years without a single incident and suddenly when gamergate took off she was best buds with Anita and claimed that some man grabbed her tits at a crosswalk in NYC.
I feel like I'll be accused of being an incel but I really don't understand these women. They cater to the lowest of the low and are somehow surprised when people treat them a certain way. Penny acts like she gets raped on a daily basis. What happened to her at comic con wasn't rape. The first dude making such a comment and grabbing her was disgusting, but the security guard? Being packed in tight quarters and people bumping into her? The drunk Batman pretending to choke her? That's not rape. And she's so fucking huge that I honestly can't see how people would be able to avoid her in tight corridors of the convention center. Maybe she shouldn't have gotten monster tits and the worse she'd be bitching about is somebody stepping on her feet.
>>460102She has no ass either.
No. 462083
File: 1515108985316.png (80.47 KB, 720x435, 20180104_183408.png)

>I support people shitting up cosplay even further by turning it into all about tits and ass
And she wonders why people don't take her seriously when she tries to talk about serious subjects such as mental illness, rape, literature, etc.
No. 462085
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No. 462120
>>462083"porn is art"??? Hahahaha what the ever loving fuck. Shut the fuck up, Penny. That's a real insult to actual artists who spend months, even years, working on artistic projects.
No. 463009
>>462968I was hoping that there would be somebody else who remembered this. She's been in the scene for quite some time yet it appears as if she wiped away much of her "old" stuff. when she lived in Japan.
>Tools of the Trade: bewbsAnnnnd, notice how it changes several months down the road..
>Please people, keep your comments rated G. I am a married woman who is not interested in your penis.
>People like asking me why I do not post nudes and why I am not available for commissioning nudes… Because I dislike people asking for it like I owe it to them because I am a woman. It's incredibly rude of people not to respect my wishes, and having people constantly bombard me with questions makes me uncomfortable. I don't owe anybody my body, it's mine to show when and if I want to. The more of you that ask for it, ESPECIALLY IN RUDE WAYS, the less likely it is EVER GOING TO HAPPEN. Even if you mention it sarcastically, IT'S STILL RUDE AND PRESUMPTUOUS.
>A little about me: I'm a plus sized fetish model, I'm Australian, I'm pretty friendly most of the time, and I like video games. That sort of sums it all up.
No. 463041
>>463009I'm surprised that breakdown basically got zero attention from anyone. Honestly I did feel sorry for her when she first made the video on her old channel crying about being seen as a fetish toy, as I really believed her when she said she wasn't TRYING to come across as that, its just unavoidable.
So when she made her new channel and was straight back to her old purposely bouncing tits shit I was really disappointed. I have no issues with a woman who wants to sell sex to get cash, we all have to get by. But you CANNOT build your brand as "big plastic balloon tits woman" and shout people out when they see you as that!
Does anyone else remember that old Sonico cosplay vid she did in Japan that was literally her wearing a vest top and some headphones and standing by a tree physically moving her tits and giggling like a school girl? How does she think she can make content like that and get an audience worth holding on to?
No. 464285
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No. 465281
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>>465265Yeah, I always wondered what exactly is wrong with her face. Why does she look inbred?
No. 465293
>>465281Far apart eyebrows, pig nose, thin lips and long philtrum.
She should have gotten a nose job and a lip lift before getting those massive tits tbh
No. 466178
>>465252Of course she plays the ukulele
Contrary to anons above I actually think she is really pretty in the face and I like her voice. I am a bit weirded out by the fact her boobs move with a different obedience to gravity than the rest of her and how you can see her purposefully bounce around weirdly enough to make them move completely separately to her body.
Idk she reminds me of legbeards you always meet who have poorly dyed hair, are in fandoms, carry a battered messenger bag that looks like it came straight from 2010 with pins all over it and who wears corsets, fingerless gloves and still uses the "xD" face
No. 466419
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>>466178That description is startlingly accurate.
Pic related and now she is anorexic? How many disorders does this fucking chick have?
No. 466746
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>>466419>>466438It makes even less sense in full context.
No. 466770
I actually understand where she's getting at when she asks to not be complimented on her weight loss or asks people to not bring it up, because it CAN make you obsessive about not gaining the weight back and make you resort to less than healthy behaviours - However I disagree with the fact that she posts on her twitter, instagram and facebook PSA's asking people to not mention her weight to her.
It's completely unrealistic, she's a fetish model on the internet, new people come across her all the time and are bound to comment on her body, again, she's a FETISH MODEL. ONLINE. I also have the tendancy to obsess about my weight when I start to lose weight and people start to point it out, but my solution to that, ANYONE'S solution to that shouldn't be a feeble attempt to censor those who think they're harmlessly complimenting you. The solution to unhealthy thoughts regarding people pointing out your weight loss has to be dealt from within, YOU need to fix how YOU react to those comments, not try to control how the world talks.
No. 466784
>>466770I get what you're saying. There is no way this bitch is anorexic like she claims though. This is the same person claiming to have dealt with "numerous rapes and sexual assaults uwu too painful to go into detail" yet in other videos talks about how her childhood was great because vidya and her teen years were nothing grand because she "saw herself as a genderless, sexless being but also had a boyfriend because she MUST have one in order to be ALLOWED to play vidya", then anxiety, depression, goes back and forth between claiming to have zero body image issues whatsoever, and now she allegedly has PTSD and DID.
She has something called attention whore syndrome.
No. 466793
>>466784Oh I agree, on her DID video someone actually asked if she self diagnosed and she said she did self diagnose the DID. With Anorexia you can't just say "I have self image issues, I've calorie restricted before, therefore I'm anorexic" there are criteria you need to meet to be diagnosed with it, including actually being noticeably underweight and being in denial about being underweight, it's LITERALLY one of the criterias, and let's be frank Penny has never been even close to being dangerously underweight. She's always talked about being chubby even as a kid.
God self diagnosing rubs me the wrong way. It's attention whoreing 101
No. 467010
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No. 468377
>>468165She has shown photos of herself as a child and she was chubby. She, in her past videos, never mentioned having anorexia as a child or even a teen. She described her childhood and teen years as great and that she was chubby, awkward, and hairy.
Penny also used to have a weekly segment on her old channel called Fanservice Friday, where she would cosplay as something and bounce her tits around for the camera for a minute or so, but most of those have been purged and only some can be found on xhamster. There were other times where she filmed in literally just overalls and a bra.
She wants attention.
No. 471139
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No. 472416
>>471163She's clearly big boned but chubby. She's hardly "so fat" There is evidence she's muscular and works out most days.
>>471206Lipo has no effect on weight or health whatsoever. It's a cosmetic procedure that is about as healthy as getting fake tits. No doctor on earth has EVER recommended lipo because its "crucial for their health"
God damn the ana-chans on this board are out of control. It's so fucking boring.
No. 472425
File: 1516126626986.png (151.92 KB, 495x410, Screen Shot 2018-01-16 at 18.1…)

Penny gets 54k a year for posting make-up less selfies on her phone. I just don't fucking get it
No. 472443
>>472416Agreed, I've followed her for years and am honestly here for her personality and the shit turn it has taken as of late. I don't have any issues with her body and anyone who takes two seconds to look at her content will know she actually works out a ton, probably more than the people sitting on their ass calling her fat. She's a big girl, she's never gonna be a size 0.
And LOL "crucial to her health like lipo" lipo has absolutely no health benefits.
No. 472587
>>472442A friend was a patron and linked me her drop box. It's literally full of ugly selfie rejects, like she takes 25 selfies, uploads the two best ones to instagram and the people who pay her actual money have the honor of seeing all the rest of the shitty shots.
Patreon so quickly went from 'incentivize your viewers to donate for exclusive, quality content" to "panhandle the internet and give them the scraps of your public content in return."
No. 472714
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>>472443Sweetie, nobody here is expecting frogmouth to be a size 0. People have seen her body prior to the tit job and she was always chubby with no ass, so it makes no sense for her to have gotten massive botched bolt-ons when she should have focused on working with the mess she had to begin with. Bitches like her have been cramming their asses into corsets and waist trainers for the last 4 or 5 years now and calling themselves curvy.
No. 472720
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>>472714And again, she didn't NEED the titjob. Pic related was prior to it.
No. 473086
>>472714"I'm MAD a STRANGER on the internet didn't decide to meet MY expectations about HER body."
Nobody cares dude.
Can we get back to talking about her victim complex and self diagnosing attention whoring/her abismal ebegging patreon? Or do you wanna whine a bit more about how much you don't like how she looks while posting 10+ year old photos?
No. 473250
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>>473238It's hilarious how mad you are at someone online having the body they want that you're posting supporting yourself.
Pic related was from last year. As much as I hate Penny (for personality and personality alone) she's buff as fuck and could probably lift you with a single arm. Even if she WAS "literally obese" who gives a fucking shit? Now shut the fuck up ana-chan
No. 473277
>>473260>>473261lol, i'm ntayrt wrt being "obese", but you're the one that freaked the fuck out just bc someone called her a fattychan and thought getting chronically irritated beach balls shoved under her skin wasnt a good idea when the rest of her looks not so great. who cares if ppl think she's fat?
anyways, she's annoying, she's always talking about how high her cheekbones are and how she has always had an extreme hourglass figure (while obviously an apple still to this day). she's pretty narcissistic/delusional and i'm not at all surprised she's coming out with the crazy ass DID shit for attention.
No. 473307
>>473250Anon who lifts and was fairly big when younger (similar body type slightly shorter)
She has to be on 3kcal to 6kcal if she’s lifting 2-3 times a week
I’m only 2kcal and I lost 3 sizes.
Weightlifting if done correctly (assuming that she wants to be curvy “cartoon” Jessica rabbit) will elongate your muscles
She wants to be a ham beast
No. 473494
>>473479>anachan The anons you've been arguing with aren't me? I'm the one who called her frogface and then I left /snow/ for the day because it was slow as fuck.
Also, there is no "you can't talk about this because I say so". It's not PULL. It's lc. There are threads on here nitpicking for the exact same things (being ugly, being fat, being a liar, etc), so I don't understand why people are suddenly offended by this thread existing when other cows exhibit the same behavior.
People are allowed to talk about how terrible and ugly they think Penny looks as well as her personality.
Maybe you should leave and come back when you're capable of disagreeing with others without assuming they must have an eating disorder like it's 2014 with your mpa fixation.
No. 473619
>>473546.. This has literally been taking place in the past two shoeonhead threads, the altcow thread, and others and as long as posts are sage then yes, people ARE permitted to discuss it. There had been zero mod intervention in any of those threads when it was a debacle spanning days over ill-fitting attire, acne, Kelly or June's implants, and more. Know Why? Because so long as it doesn't become a blog post, it is allowed.
This entire site is dedicated to drama and nitpicking. Once again, it isn't PULL. You don't get to police what is and isn't "milky enough" to discuss.
If you want that, then head back over to that forum.
No. 473713
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No. 473714
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No. 473767
>>473714"Host body" cringe. She's really milking the whole D.I.D. thing full force I see.
One thing that's always bugged me is she is literally the most awkward at posing. Like photos anyone else by any regular means would be like "man this is a shit photo of myself" she seems to think look BOMB.
No. 473771
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I think she's been trying to appeal to the 'giant woman' fetish but she just looks bloody retarded.
No. 473774
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No. 473898
>>473767according to the rest of the caption it has more to do with a demon thing or some shit but yeah it really doesn't help her whole sudden "I ttly have D.I.D. gais XDDDD" ploy
>>473771i find it odd that she is married yet her "profession" is essentially being a blow-up doll for sweaty neckbeards online. she bitches so frequently on all of her accounts about how men view her and the types of sleazy remarks she gets but she is selling herself to the lowest common denominator so what exactly does she expect? if nobody salivated over her momo-esque form then she would be crying about how bigger girls aren't loved enough
>>473774so /fit/ much jelly
>>473794>relies on an alias to hide from a stalker>gets interviewed by several media outlets>goes on botched>continues to this day to try and grow her "brand"totally the behavior of somebody trying to hide from a psycho, yup.
No. 474034
File: 1516242331326.gif (Spoiler Image,466.29 KB, 876x1019, 1448344501798.gif)

This is first boob job to second boob job [she's had two, yup, threw a fit when she was told she couldn't have a third]
No. 474039
>>474034Is there a post of the tantrum or was it one of the videos she purged on her old channel?
Also jfc those tits.. and there are people itt stanning this shit so hard?
No. 474053
File: 1516243061896.jpg (Spoiler Image,24.16 KB, 320x400, 16109044@400-1427389842.jpg)

>>474039I believe it was a series of blogpost rants on her tumblr, I'm actually gonna go check her tumblr out and see if there's anything lolsome still up on it.
She had a furry sideblog for awhile that she deleted and hasn't said a word regarding why about, she also disabled her furaffinity where she used to draw her husband as a bull with huge balls. She seems to have a thing for big round objects, I definitely see a theme.
No. 474064
File: 1516243688980.jpg (Spoiler Image,222.36 KB, 1280x1280, 1427887322.fruh_easter_bunnies…)

Image description
"The Female Easter Bunny is a hyper sexual creature- that produces a clutch of between five and fifty golf ball sized eggs per month. Her eggs are firm but shell-less. These eggs are then injected into the male with use of her ovipositor. The sack underneath her ovipositor creates an activation syrum- or catalyst, that when introduced to the female's eggs causes swelling. The eggs absorb the catalyzing fluid and become soft and jelly like as they swell. These eggs also have a very strong flavour that is based on the theme of the bunny that creates them. The female featured for example- her eggs taste like fresh milk.
The male Easter Bunny is also a rather sexual creature- but generally more cautious as to who it chooses to couple with. The swelling of the eggs within his stomach frequently causes difficulty moving, even in mild cases, and he relies heavily on the female to keep him nourished whilst the eggs are developing in his womb. The eggs continue to soften and expand whilst in his womb- until they reach a soft enough texture to be inseminated. After insemination occurs, the eggs begin to harden on the outside. Forming a shell to protect the offspring from possible danger once the male lays his crop. So as to be capable of birthing these ostrich sized eggs from his womb- the male produces an obscene quantity of lubricating fluid, that both smells like and tastes like his character theme. In the case of the male featured- cookie dough.
Once the eggs are deposited- a biological mixture of the genetic flavours of their parents- they are abandoned. They will develop within their shells and hatch in a few months if left unharmed.
I have had fun thinking about this species- and do hope other people enjoy the concepts as much as I do."
You can't go to her furaffinity page any longer but you can still see some of her, uh, "art" through links so I'll leave this here for the brave No. 474228
File: 1516255574500.png (819.59 KB, 1127x526, fas.png)

God her face is so FASsy
No. 474271
>>474204i was totally not expecting that and tea went up my nose as i laughed. accurate
her tits look so bad. worst part is she totally went over the muscle, most likely saline, as it's literally impossible to get a silicone implant in that size in the US. she could not have chosen worse on size, placement, and material. there's no support and eventually the implants will probably literally wear through her skin by stretching and thinning the skin out (not an exaggeration). she's accelerating ptosis and she already had it bad. she needed to lose weight and work out her pecs, not get anvils for tits. maybe a minor boob job UNDER THE MUSCLE, but this looks terrible and painful.
>>474053to be fair, it does look like him. she got that right, and her skills aren't awful, but christ, this chick is straight up gross and annoying. he must be a fucking disgusting furry too, bc who the fuck would put up with a furry woman if they weren't one also?
>>474064the stupid, useless, anatomically retarded feet kill me. this is a stupid image for so many reasons, but the peepee kind of looks cute, like, were it real, on a human, and not on a creepy drawing of a fucking tranny cow-rabbit. the fuck
she's gross. furries shouldn't be allowed to have animals.
No. 474429
>>474228Well she did say her mom was a gypsy in the sense that they moved around a lot and the dad wasn't present.
>>474271I feel like penny, her stans, and a lot of other women don't really understand how implants work. Her chest looks awful and people seem to think implants are a one and done deal when that isn't the case at all. You still need to return for touch ups, as you age more issues DO arise with them. It's literally never that simple.
No. 474467
File: 1516290288221.png (657.91 KB, 720x988, 20180118_104201.png)

Oh, you're such a rebel for wearing animal ears and tails.
No. 474468
File: 1516290315381.png (711.93 KB, 719x1006, 20180118_104235.png)

No. 474492
File: 1516293265064.jpg (78.87 KB, 612x667, 1486093042186.jpg)

>>474467all i see is shrek in these pictures
No. 474524
File: 1516296029915.png (96.95 KB, 720x573, 20180118_121926.png)

>>474508Yeah, they've both got the same narcissism issues too.
No. 474525
the resemblance is uncanny
No. 474532
File: 1516296698118.jpg (409.68 KB, 1269x1280, 18-01-18-12-30-36-677_deco.jpg)

No. 474541
File: 1516297212652.jpg (185.58 KB, 960x1280, 18-01-18-12-39-14-358_deco.jpg)

No. 474551
File: 1516297574312.jpg (316.52 KB, 1275x1280, 18-01-18-12-45-20-320_deco.jpg)

No. 474556
File: 1516297838224.jpg (222.46 KB, 780x610, self diagnosis.jpg)

Oh cool so she just plainly admits it here.
God her mom sounds like a fucking nut case as well.
No. 474561
>>474556>using somebody else's diagnosis as your own Bitch why. Are you scared of being told that you don't have DID and you're just an attention whore narcissist? That you clearly got two tit jobs so you could pigeonhole yourself into this niche body type and cry discrimination like some sort of victim? Because it sure sounds like that is the case.
And no penny you do not have different accents. You sound the same in every video, every interview, etc.
No. 474565
File: 1516298529096.png (48.94 KB, 720x445, 20180118_130005.png)

An example of the type of people she caters to lol
>People who don't like what I like are a vocal minority
Sure jan
No. 474569
File: 1516298758652.gif (2.4 MB, 480x270, 21254.gif)

An almost 30 year old woman everyone… She's literally the exact opposite of the look that can pull off ~kawaii mannerisms uwu~ she just looks special.
No. 474572
File: 1516298880740.jpg (381.07 KB, 1254x1280, 18-01-18-13-06-05-606_deco.jpg)

>>474533I swear if someone read her response to me without saying who it was from I would think it's from Momo
No. 474592
File: 1516300182852.png (175.99 KB, 1147x833, sdcc.png)

This was posted on the SDCC video where she claimed she was sexually assaulted and people just "stood around and laughed."
No. 474630
File: 1516302786143.png (79.23 KB, 1095x641, i hate the attention men give …)

No. 474682
>>474650I cant even watch two minutes of this trite shite without wanting to off my own head.
>Hey kids did you know when i was growing up it wasnt cool to be a NEEEEEERD>IM A BIG OL NERDWhy can't penny at the very least say shes a geek, she has never seemed anywhere near mildly intelligent (just narcissistic) and 'nerd' still very much refers to someone inclined to liking math, biology etc with hints of d&d. Things that take more out of you than just drooling on your tits while anime flavour of the week is playing.
No. 474692
File: 1516304976262.png (224.26 KB, 1600x2400, patreon.png)

>>474682I'm curious as to why she thinks that literal children are watching any of her videos and in such quantities that she feels the need to state how things were "back in the day." Most of her viewers are around the same age bracket and those of us who are late 20s+ already know that being into le nrrdy shit back in the 90s and 80s wasn't considered cool.
OT pic related is her "awesome photo" from her Christmas set on Patreon.
No. 474700
File: 1516305132702.png (247.62 KB, 800x1200, why.png)

No. 474701
File: 1516305159015.png (94.96 KB, 667x1000, B5qN3QgCQAE-chz.png)

No. 474710
File: 1516305392665.png (982.42 KB, 1412x781, 910.png)

No. 474713
File: 1516305547944.png (171.74 KB, 1024x1787, tifa_lockhart_by_underbust-d6m…)

No. 474755
>>474721He looks like your average soyboy hipster faggot so maybe it's a case of him thinking he can't do any better than penny.
Also they're married yet she has never spoken of their wedding, honeymoon, there's no photos…
She has no actual job besides sitting home all day so she likely married this guy for security.
No. 474835
File: 1516314724548.png (627.42 KB, 720x1037, 20180118_173032.png)

so /fit/ how ever will us "anachans" compete :^)
No. 474856
File: 1516315396570.png (807.68 KB, 720x1042, 20180118_174141.png)

>when you cram yourself into a corset and still look like shit
No. 474858
File: 1516315415139.png (586.37 KB, 720x713, 20180118_174201.png)

No. 474860
File: 1516315450378.png (820.55 KB, 720x1012, 20180118_174113.png)

In both photos they put her in the back lmao
No. 474862
File: 1516315486101.png (866.91 KB, 720x940, 20180118_174031.png)

No. 474919
File: 1516317730757.jpg (99.41 KB, 504x696, Freya.jpg)

Her name is actually Freya
No. 474936
File: 1516318328805.png (847.02 KB, 720x1042, 1516315396570.png)

>>474913She is wearing a corset in that one though. Its the same trick that Ivy, Yaya, Bellechere, and other coschubs/fats pull. They just layer something else over it to hide the grommets and hooks up the front.
No. 474953
File: 1516318869106.jpg (31.48 KB, 450x462, corset.jpg)

>>474936Nah, what you circled are just her weird huge love handles that jut out a meter further than her hips and thighs do since she's an Apple body type in denial ["hourglass" figure my ass]
This is how her Harley body suit looks like with a corset underneath, in the pic you posted her waist isn't nipped in in the slightest.
No. 474959
>>474953If she was at the con looking like this
>>474936 I honestly question who wanted to "sexually assault" this dump
No. 474966
File: 1516319214480.png (102.2 KB, 1456x819, fP6ZVz6r.png)

courtesy of her subreddit
yet she wonders why she gets treated the way that she does
No. 474976
File: 1516319558483.png (Spoiler Image,833.9 KB, 1324x3000, YjfLyFF.png)

No. 475293
File: 1516349274179.png (705.06 KB, 643x580, w.PNG)

at the point where i just want to tell her to download meitu or facetune i just cant stand how fucking terrible and unflattering her photos are. she's really delusional if she thinks her face is attractive and that these boobs look good. they make her look so much fatter by making her head look like a pin, and she's already pretty huge
No. 475323
>>474053>>474064this is ot but i don't understand this trend of furries doing this genitalia-switching shit, it straight up creeps me out as to why anyone would be like "YEAH THAT SHIT'S HOT I WANNA DRAW IT". but back on semi-topic, please tell me this wasn't her drawing her and her husband as genitalia-switched rabbit things
>>474862god, and here i had been hoping she wasn't in something i'd seen and enjoyed. she looked so out of place in that video like here's all these cuter girls in sexy cosplay eating hot peppers and then here's penny with boobs the size of their heads just watching and not really doing anything but drinking milk like she barely even tried the challenge. its probably nitpicking but after reading this thread it comes off more like her just going on phil's channel for her "looks" rather than being an actual part of the video
>>474034>>473771those do not look good at all and honestly remind me of the scene in leprechaun 3 where the dealer lady gets her boobs butt and lips inflated by her shitty wish. who the fuck decides to get two boob jobs and then pitch a fit over being harassed at a convention as a fetish model?
No. 475441
File: 1516381038224.jpg (43.48 KB, 318x618, love handle.jpg)

Her body stores fat so fucking weirdly, like excluding her surgically augmented breasts, her love handles become the biggest thing on her damn torso. It's mystifying to me that her thighs manage to be fat yet look so small in comparison. And I'm SURE she mistakes her massive love handles for "Wide hips".
And on top of ALL that, NO ass, absolutely none. Built like a BMW, body made wrong.
No. 475449
I'm highkey mad at the lack of effort she puts into her photos, and mystified by the complacence of her fans. Even Momo's unshaven ass hairs put more effort into photoshoots than this lazy cunt does. She rips a brush through her frizzy hair, doesn't put a lick of makep on, puts on an ugly outfit that looks like she pulled it out of a thriftstore dumpster, and either takes terribly angled and posed phone selfies or asks her husband to photograph her. AND WANTS PEOPLE TO GIVE HER MONEY FOR IT.
God even Trisha Paytas, love her or hate her, does full glam, hair and makeup, wears more interesting outfits on her days off and pays actual photographers, all for her instagram, all for the fun of it. Trisha's laziest selfie takes more thought and effort than the shit Penny charges top dollar for.
The fucking nerve of this lazy toad to literally want to stay afloat on 0 effort and just her tits. "I got big tits! Pay me!"
No. 475451
File: 1516382331734.png (1007.81 KB, 1334x590, lip.png)

It's hilarious that the only way she has of creating the illusion she has lips is to take photos staring up her fucking nose.
Straight on it becomes obvious how downturned and barely existant her fassy upper lip is.
No. 475486
>>474034This is one botched boobjob, wow. I hope the implants are fine, that shape doesn't look good at all
>>474569She looks like that Maxxie girl of the Onionpatreons crew
No. 475528
>>475313 It was more of that "I'm totally this character guys" bs she, Moo, and Pixiefoxx both do.
No. 475534
File: 1516389243031.png (123.55 KB, 1024x667, toxic_spill_by_underbust-da14h…)

>>475449but anon we're all just anachans who are jelly of a curvy womyn
No. 475579
File: 1516392927255.png (509.65 KB, 959x485, PENNY.png)

>>475528Speaking of the "I'M TOTALLY THIS CHARACTER GUYS" thing [she's also done it with Rose Quartz and Mei from Overwatch]
No. 475583
File: 1516393015447.png (82.92 KB, 832x508, HUMBLE.png)

Dropping in comments about how she used to have terrible self esteem are apparently all the justification she needs to be a literal fucking narcissist in 98% of her instagram captions.
No. 475606
>>474953She has whats known as "violin hips" or hip dips. That's why they stick out so far, its where the top of her hip bones are. It's fairly common.
In this cosplay her corset edges were SO protrudent. Surely they sell some kind of body sock that would push it down?
No. 475614
>>475612Currently they live in San Diego
Hey guys, remember to type "sage" into the email field of the reply if your posts aren't adding new material to the thread.
No. 475643
>>475534To be fair people were calling out the retard that was going on about how she should have gotten a lipo instead of tiddies and calling her unfit when in reality she does work out quite a bit. No one was really defending Penny or saying anything about the anachan being jealous.
Hell I recognize that she works out a lot and that lipo has 0 health benefits but I still think her love handle to thigh ration is tragic and that she's an apple in serious denial for claiming she has an hourglass figure.
No. 475670
>>475643You sound like that anon if it bothered you so much that you felt the need to rush in here and say something.
Yeah, lipo has 0 health benefits and for all the working out Penny does she's still a fat fuck so maybe she needs it.
I don't have any kind words for yet another cow of a woman who tries to push the #bodypositivity bullshit on every social media platform yet refuses to humble themselves in the slightest all the while demanding that everybody else fights for her not to be treated like a piece of meat when she, in fact, sells herself as literally nothing more than just that. And, she is similar to June in the regard that she has shat on other body types in the past but the only difference is she purged most of that evidence and all we have is one video where she claims that the video game industry isn't diverse enough because it doesn't cater to huge chests, yet continues the same sentence with saying that smaller chests aren't a problem only to end her thought with, "but its something I think we should be fighting against because my body is more interesting and extreme".
No one here cares how much she exercises, because at the end of the day she is still a cow in both size and personality.
No. 475692
File: 1516401212782.png (912.3 KB, 1186x765, whale.png)

More trailer trash coords.
No. 475703
>>475670I sound like what anon? The one mad she got tits instead of lipo? That makes no sense lol.
Nobody is arguing anything in favor of Penny, or saying she isn't fat. Literally what are you going on about?
Quit trying to instigate infighting, stay on subject please.
No. 475708
>>475703No one is trying to instigate shit by saying that you sound like the anon who was so pressed about others saying that thundercunt should have lipo. Its an observation based on how you felt the need to respond to somebody else's comment when you could have (and should have) just ignored it. Don't bring something upon yourself and then complain about the results.
Also, fuck off with your mini-modding. The post was sage and OT about her personality.
Vid related to anybody who cares its when she had her breakdown and purged most of her old content. Its the same wah wah woe is me I'm being treated like an object despite her internet "career" always being centered around being a fetish model a la her deviantart days.
No. 475717
>>475708>>475449>>474835Uh, dude, literally several people called you out on the stupidity of that post, not just me. It's days later and you keep referring to being called an anachan whenever someone posts anything about her body. Like, get over it lol.
>You felt the need to respond to somebody else's commentyou mean your response to me? I'm the one who posted
>>475449 you retard. Why wouldn't I reply? Stop getting so
triggered over every little thing dude, you sound like the cow herself.
No. 475724
>>475583LMFAO holy shit she's delusional
>>475692id feel bad for her if sh ewasnt such a narcissist. having to spread her legs apart to create he illusion of hips… so embarrassing. wtf is that hairdo
No. 475733
File: 1516402985759.png (688.37 KB, 670x744, pink_20bikini_20set.png)

>>475724Supposed to be a whale or something because the hair looks like water spurting out of her head according to her. Pic related more arching trying to look like she has hips but in the first shot you can see the meat flaps.
No. 475743
>>475733She loves laying on her back and pointing out how "flat" her stomach is. That was boob job number one, she should had stopped there, I can't imagine the complications she'll have in the future with her skin because of the 2500 cc's of saline in there.
Imagine 70 year old Penny if she has decided against never removing them.
No. 475754
>>475747Agreed, she had really big tits, I honestly think she could have stood to lose weight and maybe get a lift or just the first boob job to acheive the aesthetic she seems to desire, the only reason she could possibly still have to think her boobs "still aren't big enough" is because by comparison her body is huge.
Idk, if I was a fetish model with her body and her income I'd do what Trisha did and get a fat transfer from her gut to her nonexistant ass.
Going through her instagram I remembered she had plans of doing a burlesque show once she moved from Okinawa to Vegas, a little bit after the move on her insta there's a post about getting rejected continuously. If she's talking about no one wanting to hire her for burlesque shows it's gotta be because most people don't share her delusions and didn't wanna see a chick with a huge awkward body and no ass parade around in corsets with beach ball tiddies thinking she could do what Dita Von Teese does.
No. 475796
>>475788Don't bother, anon. They seem to think I'm lipo anon when I'm not because two people can't think the same thing, but two people can think the same thing if it aids that anon's specific argument.
I agree that she really must not exercise that much if she is still larding around looking like kool aid man. It's pretty easy to just cram oneself into a corset and some shapewear and take maybe 5 photos a year of oneself in a gym and claim to be working out regularly. Moo does it all the time and you'd think farmers would know better.
No. 475959
File: 1516426538034.png (293.03 KB, 655x566, velmanot.png)

Soooo, apparently she is similar to many costhots in the regard that she thinks she is actually these characters and frequently living under fictional alias.
No. 475961
File: 1516426872897.png (65.79 KB, 654x632, freyafucktard.png)

No. 475963
>>475961Yeah, her name, at least before her marriage to Tyson ["Cooper"] was Freya Olsen.
>>475959She looks half decent when a professional does her makeup. If only she put that much effort into taking the photographs people literally pay her for.
No. 477206
File: 1516578562157.png (791.82 KB, 720x728, 20180121_184848.png)

No. 478001
File: 1516654246067.png (520.51 KB, 720x958, 20180122_154824.png)

No. 478006
File: 1516654356515.png (490.11 KB, 720x809, 20180122_155140.png)

>teehee guys I'm in so much pain
No. 478538
File: 1516683317082.png (107.2 KB, 1132x823, fr.png)

>>478535Some comments from this video.
No. 478957
File: 1516729363221.png (175.05 KB, 720x787, 20180123_124209.png)

No. 479448
File: 1516751403297.png (834.46 KB, 1176x744, literally how.png)

No. 479717
File: 1516764590636.png (19.87 KB, 743x162, the irony.png)

She retweeted this earlier.
Wonder if she found this thread?
Also kind of ironic for that dude of all people to be saying something like that. He's basically male J.Nig and has worked with Nigri in further gentrifying cosplay..
No. 480259
File: 1516818584235.png (24.01 KB, 737x183, ego.png)

Is she seriously claiming to have made Twitter what it is today or…
Also her narcissism never ends.
No. 480494
>>479717Well he is dating Nigri so it makes sense for him to work with her.
>>480259You mean the sites never helped you get your name out there by letting you use their platform? What bastards!
No. 480599
File: 1516841653433.png (1004.17 KB, 1164x659, c3.png)

She really is pushing this demon shit after making that video about dealing with her D.I.D. through demonic possession.
No. 481232
File: 1516908130731.png (417.23 KB, 1163x746, so fit.png)

No. 482238
File: 1517009545627.png (920.81 KB, 1005x740, the comments.png)

No. 482453
File: 1517031561624.png (1.41 MB, 1434x934, Screen Shot 2018-01-27 at 06.3…)

She looks like she's related to the principal of Matilda.
No. 483024
File: 1517089243055.png (434.98 KB, 1150x744, bleh.png)

No. 483672
File: 1517117265428.png (514.94 KB, 745x489, 7390.png)

No. 484192
File: 1517170489499.jpg (264.66 KB, 1152x2048, DUp0Pn2U0AMm7O0.jpg)

Can you imagine setting up your camera and going back and forth with it to take a photo that looks like its candid?
No. 487453
File: 1517357801822.png (395.48 KB, 572x558, penny underbust.png)

Ok so it's cool to just outright brag about how you receive money for the absolute bare minimum a fetish model can do. No time, money or effort spent on hair, makeup, outfits, settings, photoshoots, nothing.
What more to expect from the overinflated ego of the broad who literally has her selfie rejects that aren't even good enough for instagram as a fucking tier on patreon.
No. 487458
File: 1517358153751.png (585.53 KB, 1157x560, c38.png)

No. 487466
>>487453I had to double take when I saw this. When I first started following Penny she released actual photoshoots taken with DLSRs and edited. Now she's actually just flat out saying "yeah I can't be fucked wit that, I'll just take iPhone selfies of me in my fucking pajamas and get paid for it"
She knows what she does deep down is worthless or else she would not have made this tweet. She isn't a model - modelling is work. What she is doing doesn't even have a term its so worthless.
No. 487486
>>487466Agreed. Honestly I question the kind of people who are forking hard earned money over to her for this swill. I'd feel like I was insulting my fans if this was the quality of the content I had the gal to try and sell to fans.
She hasn't done a proper photoshoot in years it feels like.
No. 489410
File: 1517508069496.png (491.43 KB, 1150x736, 58c.png)

>>487550But anon, she is a sooper kewl big ol' nerrrdddd!
No. 489562
>>489410ok im an anon from up above who said I find her facially pretty and I officially take it all back. she has such a posey face? there's a video above where she covers giant woman on the ukulele and for the first few seconds you can see her posing in a way that reminds me of myspace days or being on webcam to someone you fancied. she looks lovely in the face with makeup on but god without she looks like inbred trash. i hate to say it.
Also, what's the deal with that necklace she always wears that looks like a pipe?? I know she made a collar related video but I couldn't watch more than a few seconds in. If anyone could briefly explain that'd be cool
No. 489810
>>489562Oh and tldr of her collar:
It is specifically a slave collar to remind her she belongs to herself
No. 489980
>>4898101. Thank you!
And 2. Please be joking. Omg.
I now also can't unsee jack black omg it's like him and the Matilda principal had a baby with FAS
No. 490767
File: 1517600690419.png (656.48 KB, 1165x558, c30.png)

>does this
>constantly whines about being treated like a sex object
No. 493993
File: 1517855374314.png (684.63 KB, 1163x565, ermgerdgiantnrerd.png)

No. 493996
File: 1517855430921.png (327.38 KB, 745x744, no fashion sense.png)

No. 493998
File: 1517855447945.png (879.26 KB, 1161x745, nope.png)

No. 494243
File: 1517866042818.png (44.36 KB, 593x161, Screen Shot 2018-02-05 at 21.2…)

But didn't you just make a tweet a few days ago saying you are a professional? What is the truth?
No. 494269
File: 1517867109857.jpg (17.6 KB, 636x358, 18l4bzt8w4ec0jpg.jpg)

>>494243..Why do both she and mariah do this fucking not-so-subtle self deprecation/reverse psychology garbage on social media 24/7?
No. 495780
File: 1517971270796.png (431.73 KB, 1156x737, LOL THE COMMENTS.png)

No. 496394
>>494243She clearly has BDD and it seems that her bf has manipulated it and her shitty cosmetic surgeon has pandered to it bc $$$
That said, she has some gorgeous corsets (I'm an ex ana chan, average size now but love tight lacing bc it feels secure and reassuring)
So her having shit self esteem under the cover of body positivity isn't at all surprising
No. 497724
File: 1518113535652.jpg (61.17 KB, 586x448, penny underbust wow.jpg)

>I need to shower myself in asspats for doing the bare minimum of taking selfies on my phone
The bar is literally on the fucking ground.
No. 500685
File: 1518375894689.png (761.57 KB, 1160x546, 98y.png)

>from an artistic standpoint
No. 500687
File: 1518375942471.png (929.96 KB, 1165x742, 26e.png)

No. 501021
File: 1518402857230.png (689.21 KB, 1150x550, 1d.png)

No. 501504
File: 1518456264544.png (190.04 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180212-122343.png)

>>501076Hm, it couldn't have anything thing to do with after her mental break down she is more careful with what she says yet still supplies enough in her nasty captions and tweets. Nope. Not at all!
No. 501735
File: 1518471293440.png (705.74 KB, 747x539, 36g.png)

She is really playing up the whole "I have a demonic alter" thing.
Also the twitter rant was cringe and her usual, "waaahh why do people treat me exactly as the fetish model I marketed myself as". Does she legitimately lack awareness or does she actually believe that she can make a career from being beach ball tits woman and be seen as anything but comical and disgusting?
No. 502439
>>502296I like discussing her over-inflated ego, whiny personality, joke of a work ethic, complete and utter inability to pose or photograph, and the fact that her patrons are neanderthallish enough to throw money at her for shitty phone selfies… But at the end of the day this is an imageboard and I guess like she said in her twitter rant, some people can't see past her boobs.
It is quite fucking retarded though to purposefully get implants as large as hers, become and describe herself as a FETISH MODEL ON THE INTERNET and then get
triggered when she's treated like a sex object.
No surprise she's friends with that compulsively lying gold digger SuperMaryFace AKA the cunt that photographed in an erotic Lara Croft cosplay and went on a "STOP SEXUALIZING ME THIS IS MUH ART REEEEEE" rant.
No. 512764
File: 1519417638518.jpg (59.85 KB, 577x337, surgeons.jpg)

Didn't the Dr's on Botched tell her if she went any bigger her skin would be at risk of literally bursting? How is "money and finding the surgeon willing to do it" more important than your health when it comes to a fucking fetish
No. 512866
File: 1519425775819.png (385.25 KB, 596x609, Screen Shot 2018-02-23 at 22.3…)

I don't even know what to say. This is how she thinks she looks?
No. 512879
>>46554This maybe is nitpicking but it's more on the curiosity side.
Why she never uses make up or a good hairstyle?
No. 512951
>>512879Cause why try when people will pay you $5000 a month for looking like you just rolled out of bed and haven't showered in three days.
Also she's using this site where she answers to anon questions a lot, amusingly enough. No. 517803
File: 1519927269006.jpg (72.85 KB, 572x414, UHM PENNY.jpg)

So her tit jobs were a sexual experience?
No. 518021
File: 1519940782243.png (489.06 KB, 610x575, Screen Shot 2018-03-01 at 21.4…)

>character development = lazy selfies
No. 518023
File: 1519941007544.png (169.1 KB, 578x383, Screen Shot 2018-03-01 at 21.4…)

>character has brown hair
This character doesn't look anything like Mei, yet they apparently both look like Penny? hmmmm
No. 522065
File: 1520353642140.jpg (515.86 KB, 516x1586, rant.jpg)

No. 523106
>>475594Funny enough he just used one of those pictures in a Jimquisition this week, though it was for like seriously half a second and probably just because he needed a picture of himself so why not for lolz.
Made me go look her up again and brought me back to this thread.
No. 524053
File: 1520528170648.png (88.53 KB, 604x405, Screen Shot 2018-03-08 at 16.5…)

Can you imagine being upset at America cus your kid died in a mass shooting then Penny comes in and beats the shit out of you for complaining about it?
No. 528301
File: 1520978928998.jpg (42.51 KB, 576x230, bitch.jpg)

They literally weren't suggesting anything, they asked a question. If she's so annoyed to the point of snapping at fans why doesn't she just ignore the questions she's answered dozens of times before or refer people to a FAQ. It comes off as incredibly egotistical to expect her fans to know every detail she's discussed regarding her fetish career.
No. 529209
>>528301hate to say it but if her tits weren't so awfully misshapen and warped when naked she probably would do topless shoots.
without a corset under and tight top over to give the illusion of perfect beach balls underneath, those things are really really dodgy looking.
No. 530346
>>529209Agreed, the nature of her implants make them project forward a ton, they sit on her torso super weird. It legit looks like if someone stuck two balls on a barrel cause her rib cage is just so broad.
This becomes painfully obvious whenevr she's all sprawled out stretching her chest forward and her shoulders back in a bikini or pasties. They only look ok under a shirt.
There's a surgery pic somewhere up there of her topless and it's a thing of horrors.
No. 535873
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Also "I do so much!" what you mean those 500 selfies of you without a lick of makeup or even having to pull a brush through your hair? Shit yeah sounds real damn hard. Good thing people don't expect you to take actual professional photoshoots like literally the rest of your industry peers.
Why the fuck did she become a fetish model again? Why? If you can't take the heat get the fuck out of the kitchen you eternal fucking victim
No. 583562
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>>583431And sh's conveniently a fetish model in both these 'personalities'.
No. 583726
>>583431She's really still going with the personalities thing?? Ew god.
Has she posted any more about DID etc?
No. 586263
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>hasn't slowed down for even a second
She's spent almost every second of every day posting photos and gifs of herself in underwear without make up or even brushing her hair. I don't get it.
No. 596789
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No. 602592
>>474034Ugh. That settles it. The only reason I was even checking in on this girl every now and then was for the possibility of topless shots.
But having see what her tits look like, I've lost all interest. I mean, holy shit, they look even weirder than Amy Andressen's, and I thought those were the worst.
>>660811Made it a min in and had to turn off.
Basically boils down to "I can express my emotions but I'm afraid to voice my opinions" which if you pay attention to anybody like Penny. Basically means nobody agrees with her outlandish hot takes on the world and that doesn't make her afraid. Just pissed off she can't impose her beliefs on others.
No. 733193
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Every one of you sad little shits on here, bitching about Penny’s body/relationship/lifestyle/etc are just projecting. You’d fuck the shit out of her if she gave you half a chance, but you know she wouldn’t, so you’re butthurt. There is no other reason to get so bent out of shape otherwise. Pathetic.
No. 733198
>>733193While I don't think she's that bad compared to the other cows on the board, she is a bit of an attention whore. She doesn't scam people and is relatively nice,but her demon alter antics and getting angry at being sexualised all the while trying to act sexy (not talking about how her body is automatically sexualised, I'm talking about the patreon and her wannabe seductive poses in the videos)
I hate when people automatically assume you are 'jealous' if you don't like another person's behaviour.
My body and face are actually nicer than Penny's and even if I was an ugly cavetroll, I would still not fuck her because I personally don't find her attractive.
Her boob job is botched and her face is really not my type.
No. 733212
>>733203Why are you here then if you think it's so toxic?
Also… I am not jealous, I literally hate follow for the cringe. It's like a train wreck you can't look away from.
Not everyone worships Penny like you do, jesus christ.
No. 733228
>>733223You do realise 99% of us are women/faggots right?
You can calm down, noone is going to steal your FASsy looking miss trunchbull.
She looks like Shrek in a wig with horrible beachball implants.
We all know bitching is toxic, that's why wecome here to gossip.
What's your excuse? Why do you care so much about what a bunch of strangers think about some fat chick?
No. 733303
>>733283I dont know why she thinks these stupid personas are actually schizophrenia. They are literally only there for her to test out personalities that would catch on for a larger audience in order to keep her popularity. Like Swimsuit's succubus thing or even Hidori Rose having her cat persona. It's so cringy that she keeps trying them. She doesn't actually have any medical issues in her head I don't believe. Its all about what gets her attention and what doesn't.
Fucking robot? Jesus christ. Penny is as desperate as they come since her website failed several years ago.
No. 733324
>>733303i doubt she actually believes that. she's probably just an attention thirsty bpdfag. she is a literal neckbeard with a vag though. it's so gross.
>>733283her regular voice is awful though too.
No. 733336
>>733324I know. As a fellow aussie, it's a pet peeve of mine to hear other aussies trying to emulate american or english twangs. I knew an insufferable guy that legit put on a hugh grant englishy accent all the time and he had grown up in Australia his whole life.
I understand having parents or partially living overseas, but in her case, she puts it on. Personally I don't like her voice, but I find a lot of people do in her comments, and I don't get it.
No. 733419
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No. 733421
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