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No. 51209
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No. 51313
>>51203Twitch whores:
90% face/body cam
10% gameplay
No. 51585
>>51559Is being this new on the internet legal?
Tough questions.
No. 51617
>>51527how retarded are you? she is the MOST obvious troll
I never will understand how some people can't tell these troll girls, who overact immensely with a 100% fake act. It's so obvious
No. 51618
>>51318I got 600 bucks on livestream today from nerds, and I don't do much besides be nice and talk to them/ask questions
No. 51624
>>51618That's so sad
I'd feel bad for doing that tbh
No. 51626
>>51624What should I feel bad for? I talk to people and cheer them up/provide them with entertainment. People pay money to watch movies or go to an arcade.
I don't have to beg for donations, people gladly give me money or gifts because they appreciate what I do. Streaming takes time, and time is money (as in, the time I stream I could have another job but instead I use this time to stream)
No. 51628
>>51624>>51626Also sry for double post
But I always make sure to let the guys know donations are not necessary/do not donate unless you can afford to. And trust me, many streamers are the same.
No. 51718
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>>51650ya she's so chunky /s
lmao jelly
No. 51734
>>51730I don't understand how these men are so fucking thirsty.
You're never going to meet her IRL.
She's never even going to show you her tits.
If you can throw thousands at Twitch streamers like it's nothing you should just get a sugar baby. You'd actually get to fuck her.
No. 51743
>>51728I'm not saying she looks I'm saying she is not chunky or fat in any way.
>>51730and Lea's top donator is 25 FUCKING K
No. 51799
>>51778this pic is ugly af can't tell if she is kind of cute/adorable or looks like a crackwhore/old af
No. 51808
>>51732I wear cute clothes for the most part. Kind of like 'gaming' tee shirts (Pokemon shirts, video game character tops) but form fitting ones (not really baggy huge ones).
I do also wear lower cut tops sometimes but not very low cut since I do not have big boobs in any way.
I think the most important 'part' that people see is really the face. I am not really 'hot' but I'm cute enough and with makeup I look good on stream. Since the webcam is a little less 'clear' than real life it is very forgiven in terms of makeup so I don't have to take long to do mine so it looks good on cam.
No. 51840
>>517432500………….. USD?
Man what the fuck it.
No wonder these girls do this shit.
No. 51846
>>51844"top 10 donators"
* AMHAI $23,100
* Richppl $21,777.76
* Anonymous $15,253.68
* TemporalChains $8,201.59
* Zoonster $8,025.20
* IDHQ $7,112
* BBD $6,967.05
* Wilporr $5,000.00
* Anonymous $4,993.65
* Bsweeet $4,642.69
No. 51870
>>51857I mean she is an average player. Not shit horrible or anything but not really good.
Keep in mind streaming is more about entertaining the audience vs game play (unless u are a professional gamer or something)
No. 51945
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>>51846How the fucking fuck does this happen. I guess that AMHAI guy is known for dropping retarded amounts of money on his favorite streamers, but still…
Maybe I should take up a career as a TwitchWhore. I'm gud at vidya, cute, and have a decent rack.
No. 51963
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I posted this in the ugly bitches thread, but had to post here because just looking at her twitter is hilarious and cringy
I can't understand HOW she thinks this looks remotely ok
she is a "twitch streamer" No. 51965
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No. 51973
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Pink_sparkles. Look up that name on YouTube. It's gold.
No. 51974
>>51973I've never found these kind of boring,repetitive trolls entertaining
just same old same old routine over and over again
No. 51997
>>51945Yeah…… it's actually tempting.
I don't have boobs but I'm sure wearing some skanky cosplay would work wonders
No. 52025
>>51997So due to my schedule I cannot work another job (school and current job schedule do not have the amount of schedules block hours to have a second job) so I started to twitch stream.
I have tiny boobs, AA cups. I wear three bras and paint my tits on and wear low cut shirts every stream. I fake drink alcohol for donations (I 'drink vodka' for every 30 dollars and it is actually water, only take maybe 1-2 real shots max). I don't bend over or show my ass/bend over and show boobs but I do show cleavage and wear makeup.
I have made so much money I can chose to quit my other job (I chose not to right now, I'm saving up). It's a lot of fun to play a this 'hot girl' when IRL I wear regular jeans/no cleavage/no padded bra/almost no makeup. Just overall very plain style.
I make at least 100 bucks every night, the most I have made is 1k (one night, 5 hour stream).
The past month I have made 5k in donations and gifts combined. If you are strapped for money/cant work another job/ all you have to do is look hot. You don't even need to fan service or lose dignity by showing your bra/underwear just show a little cleavage or wear a tight shirt/wear makeup and you will make tons of money.
I love twitch man
No. 52038
>>52030I play hearthstone, csgo, and runescape. This is where the EASY money is
less female streamers, but a large fanbase to watch. You easily go to the front page of these games.
Don't get me wrong I do love gaming so this is why I love doing this. BUT I do play some games (like csgo) a lot when I want to play another game (like maybe league or WoW) because I find it easier to 'stand out' in these games.
I love doing this. It's not degrading (i have heard some people say this, no idea why) if anything it's super fun to do my makeup and be fawned over and given money for being 'attractive' to these guys. A lot of them are really nice too, maybe thirsty but nice people.
I have been given my WHOLE computer set up as gifts, clothes (like socks or shirts), fridges (mini ones), microwave, etc.
No. 52042
>>52040I posted what I play
>>52038I get 180-300 viewers on average. You do not have to be a big streamer to get money as a woman, which is a big plus.
No. 52047
>>52045I would try it if you like to play games, would be willing to wear padded bras/stuff ur bra, show cleavage or wear tight shirts, and put in some hours at first.
when I do not want to wear the 3 bras so super push my tits up (i litearly have super tiny boobs lmao) i wear those "chicken cutlets" inside of a bra and it makes my boobs look huge but 'real'. its so funny hearing boob comments when little do they know I have no tits lmaooo hahaha
No. 52048
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>>51203idk how this slut got so popular, litearly looks like a man in drag
No. 52057
>>52052the difference is that kylie jenner does not a manly jaw/man face/body
don't get me wrong I think kylie is gross too but it's more like ugly plastic surgery/too much makeup.
This bitch just look like a man.
No. 52062
>>52025wish i could do this, but I'm too awkward. the games I like to play probably wouldn't have a lot of female competition but are too niche. I also don't know how to do makeup very well.
what was it like first starting out, do you just stream to an empty room and talk to no one?
No. 52064
>>52062honestly, I'm awkward IRL (homeschooled for many years, no friends) BUT streaming has helped me so much! I can talk much better to people now/way better talking/social skills.
When I started I was super awkward, quiet, and pretty boring. I would also wear my regular boring clothes and no makeup.
eventually tried tighter shirts, makeup, and eventually but slowly learned talking skills. I really kicked off after that.
it was weird at first, only 2-5 people there but it was fun. I would play games and advertise my stream in the games or on facebook/instragram pages/groups. eventually i picked up a small but solid following , the same people would come each time.
I went from 5-10 viewers, to 15-20 viewers, to 20-35 and then suddenly 80+ minimum. You only need to get your head in the door in twitch and then you skyrocket. one you have a certain number of viewers way more people see your stream and this is where the real growth begins.
wonderful journey honestly. met some awesome kind people, and have bettered myself as a person (have a lot of self worth now, sounds lame but i learned that people actually just want to hang out with ME for hours at a time).
No. 52067
>>52064But do you make money off it?
I would love to make 20k but the hoes that make that makes it seem like they are doing something else.
No. 52069
>>52067did you not read my previous posts?
>>52038>>52025I make a few K a month in terms of money and gifts combined. Make money almost every night I stream.
I would say I make around 60k a year total with streaming only.
and no, those girls are only getting the money from streaming. sure, maybe some fanservice a bit but they arent sending nudes or sexy videos or anything. people just give you money.
No. 52072
>>52069I don't get it.
Like I can't wrap my brain around a guy dropping a grand or more just to watch someone game.
(No, I didn't see your other post, sorry)
No. 52075
>>52072No worries mate. And yeah, but they do it. I mean maybe these guys just have tons of money and no girl friend to spend it on so they spend it on a girl they think is cute/nice because they want to make her happy/notice them.
>>52073here is what I play
>>52038 No. 53672
>>53671It depends on each country. Legally, in many countries, you have to add it to your taxes. In others (like Japan), you're not even allowed to receive or send personal payments through PayPal due to tax laws. You
can do it, but it's against their ToU.
I sure hope those who are famous, use their real name/info on Twitch and earn a lot are smart enough to file it.
No. 53831's online wtf is wrong with her
is she trans
No. 53833
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does she actually think this makeup is good
No. 53835
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>>53834I'm horrified yet fascinated and can't look away. It's like a car crash.
No. 54026
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>>53835JESUS FUCK you summed up exactly how I feel right now anon
I wonder if she even tries? I've never seen anyone so old with makeup so bad.
And no, it's not a tranny. just listen to her 'classical voice' videos, she has a woman's voice.
>>53860 No. 54265
>>54067sadly, she is not
>>54117I cringe just seeing how one 'wing' (or line) goes up and the other goes down :( if only she tried to do her makeup better (or even no makeup at all honestly) she could look prettier
No. 54270
>>53657You can't JUST be attractive. You have to be attractive with other attributes. Of course you also don't want to be ugly either as that does not help you.
>>53671yes, you must report the money.
>>53630sorry for the late response. Here are a few tips/getting started stuff
-Set up an attractive looking profile in your twitch. If you cannot work with graphics there are many free online programs to make "banners" that look nice. Add a picture or two of you looking cute in the profile information, a small about me, links to your instagram/twitter, and of course a donate link.
-if you do not use instagram/twitter I suggest start now. Make one for your stream. Make sure to post cute pictures of yourself and tag them with a bunch of 'gamer' tags on insta (gamer, gaming, pc gamer, console gamer, etc). Link to your twitch when you go live/post a quick selfie when you go live. Post also on twitter when you go live. Twitter is great as you can tweet to other streamers. retweet anyone that tweets to you (like your fans) so they want to tweet to you again. WCW female streamers (big ones and also smaller ones that you can realisticly talk to). This has helped bring me MANY opportunities with others.
- Do not be a girl hater. don't hate on the other sluts because they get more money/fame than you. don't do it. maybe hate them secretly if you want but just spout pure happiness and love for them. This helps you a lot.
- put a no chargebacks disclaimer on your donation link. using a service like 'streamtip' helps as they block common chargebackers from donating.
- make sure to make an amazon wishlist and put in your profile
- learn how to thank people. when someone donates get SUPER happy and look into the camera like all cute like. They LOVE this crap and will just give you more money. sometimes I will squish my boobs together (don't do this obviously but like maybe press you arms against your face all cute).
- sometimes, when I have not gotten donations i send MYSELF a donation saying something like 'oh lets start a donation train boyz!! or we love you xxx' and I get SUPER hyped for it and tell them so many nice things that I get ACTUAL donations right after.
- wear costumes a few times a month is very helpful. I have around 6 I wear. Right now is a great time to go buy cheap halloween costumes (slutty ones) for 10-15 bucks since it is over. I also have some anime/vidya ones. They do not all have to be slutty but they can be cute/formfitting/adorable
- wear makeup. trust me when i say it doesnt have to be good looking irl but good looking on webcam. when I apply makeup i watch how it looks on my webcam (offline) so i apply it so it looks nice. often i apply a very very heavy countour on my face and tits (which looks RETARDED IRL like heavy brown lines) which looks amazing and subtle on webcam. Apply some huge fake lashes (they look great on cam) maybe some lipstick or blush. you don't need this but this helps you a lot.
- be super excited to see viewers. talk to them about their day, create inside jokes with them, etc.
- be grateful. people give you free shit and money mostly because they like you/have a crush on you/like seeing you happy. Just last night I got a spinning wheel, plushies, a monitor, a wii u, and 400 dollars. It was crazy and i just kind of cried on stream (not like bawling but teared up a bit) and i just let it out how much i appreciate these things. and I really do. don't be afraid to show these feelings if you feel them (and i guess if you are cold hearted and don't care, at least pretend honestly).
I will write more things when I can think of more haha
No. 54372
>>54270I used to stream a few years back but it was before the webcam was super needed and got a little following but now with webcams I really doubt I'm cute enough to get enough viewers :/
It seems so nice but I just get too freaked out haha
No. 54373
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>>54270Lucky. I can't believe ppl give free shit out like that. Thanks for the detailed tips!
Now that twitch creative has officially launched, I wonder if it would be easy to make money and get free shit livestreaming art.
No. 55222
>>54356I would post but you ladies would easily find me :(
What do you want to see? i might look for a similar one to post
>>54372it's not only cute ness. if you are cute with no personality you will not succeed.
>>54373No problem :)
and yes, this is a great thing to do, especially since you can "fullscreen" so they can see you and your whole body which people like
>>55187I make the most money in the PM times (6-12pm). This may be because all of the people with jobs are home, and they prob have the most money.
No. 56498
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Miramisu is absolutely the worst.
I have no problem whatsoever with girls using their assets to draw viewers to their stream. But this girl is like a super angry Kaceytron. She makes her money by having people donate so they can leave her degrading messages that she reads on air. When Kaceytron does this, she quips about it and is actually pretty funny. This girl rages. Not in a funny way.
All the titles to her streams are begging for donations or something blatantly aggressive.
Honestly the reason she sucks has nothing to do with being a girl and showing boobs. It's just her awful personality.
No. 56507
>>56498>Her Majesty Miramisu the First, by the Grace of God and Twitch, Emperor of Mankind.When free from her regal duties, Miramisu likes to spend her time with video games, anime, and investigating the paranormal. Currently her main focus is mastering League of Legends, but she also plays other games from time to time.
>Currently Dia V. I started playing in season 5, got placed in Gold IV, and climbed my way from there. But unlike other scrubs and casuals, I didn't get carried (no DuoQ) or boostedomgggg this bitch
No. 66450
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>>66437Nvm, I found some stuff on r/legendarylea (jesus fuck, those nerds are thirsty)
No. 66461
>>66453I've noticed a lot of female casters on Twitch have started doing the thing where they put signs on their wall for top donators etc. There is no history of such a things on Twitch and none of the male casters do this, but it is a very common thing on MFC and other camsites.
Similarly I've noticed some female casters saying "open bobs" or "bb" which are 5+ year old memes from MFC.
Are they doing this on purpose? Do they know what they're becoming? Are they literally watching MFC for ideas or is it their fanbase bringing the MFC influence to Twitch?
>taking shots for $$$ is against the ToSDo Twitch even enforce those rules? When they updated their ToS to ban excessive drinking and revealing tops there was a minor feminist protest and I've never seen Twitch actually enforce those rules.
No. 66470
>>66461Unless it's a female who is there to actually play games, I don't see much difference between a camgirl and girls like Lea. Not saying that to be mean, I'm genuinely not sure of the difference at this point
Speaking of.. Are there actually any interesting females on Twitch or are there to actually game? I'd like to see some normal ones who don't go there just to take advantage of horny nerds
No. 66472
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No. 66479
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What are the chances she will get banned?
No. 66486
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Nipple "slip"
No. 66493
>>66470There are plenty of them who actually game.
Only most of them are really boring.
The hard part is trying to find one that is a good balance of the personality of the cam girls and the gaming passion of the "normal" streamers.
I've found a couple I enjoy, but I've had to look at a lot of bad ones. I dont think I'd want to post them here. They aren't hugely popular and People would just assume I'm self posting or whatever.
No. 66605
>>66567Also consider Michael_1985 (formerly Michael_2010). He was the first caster back in 2010 to get 1000+ viewers every day and would have JTV staff in his room all the time who said they loved him and had his cast up on this big screen in their office.
But when his computer broke and people sent him donations to buy a new one there was a divide in the community. A lot of people said that casters should never accept money. IIRC he only received like €700, not even enough to buy a beast machine but enough to get casting again.
A few short years later and now Twitch is all about the money and a bunch of "gamer girls" conveniently appeared at the right time to profit from it.
No. 67332
>>67326I agree. The people who have a problem with pandering are probably the ones that dont' have the charisma or ideas to pull it off.
Let's be real … 99% People steam hoping they can make money eventually. Just like any business, it's not just about having a good product, you have to use certain tactics to entice people to spend money.
I always read posts about people saying "I get turned off by people who advertise donations on stream" . Well how the hell else are you gonna let people know they can support you? Sorry, but unless you're just really, really amazing, people aren't going to go out of their way to give you money. You gotta make it clear you accept tips and make it really easy for people to tip you.
And if writing donations names on a whiteboard encourages people to tip - then why the hell not?
All those people out there that want to turn their streaming into a paying gig need to stop with the whole "better than that" mentality. I'm not saying everyone needs to go out and flash skin for money - find some gimmick that works for you.
No. 67342
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this slut stpeach was just banned
No. 67466
>>67326Pro players didn't exist on Twitch 2-3 years ago. They're part of the problem and possibly even the cause of the problem. There was WAY MORE interaction on Twitch back in the day and casters were also a lot less concerned about griefers so it was very common to give server IPs etc out to chat.
>>67332People don't have any problem with pandering. Every caster has to interact with their chat. What people have a problem with is:
>Let's be real … 99% People steam hoping they can make money eventually. Just like any business2-3 years ago it was impossible to make (much) money off Twitch so casters did it as a labour of love. Now it's full of people begging for money. If people could cast for free 2+ years ago why can't they now?
I don't mind casters who have a schedule and put in the hours being compensated but these days even people who cast only like 10 hours a week want money.
Swiftor has a close relationship with Twitch and often shows up in their ads and smaller casters complain about him getting preferential treatment. Yet he has been on Twitch since 2008 I think and he didn't quit his job and go full time until 2013. How many casters these days would wait 5 years before making a buck?
No. 67473
>>67470To be honest I don't mind girls like that as long as they're willing to admit they're de facto camgirls. It's when they get all defensive and say they're "real gamer girls" and "you're just sexist" that's annoying.
What bugs me is stumbling on a small stream (<100 viewers) that looks cool and then having to listen to them beg for subs or donations. Can't they at least wait until they've built their viewership before monetising their stream?
I used to always find random channels that were playing a Total War or Civ mod or something else I hadn't seen before that looked cool and if I'd ask to join in they'd let me - part of the reason they were casting was to get more players. Only the absolute newest noob of streams would let you do that these days, everyone else would be all "lol subs only sorry".
No. 67573
>>67352She just kinda walks to the window, turns to the side (in her tiny ass shorts) and then bends down in front of the cam to show off her tits. So basically whoring it up but trying to pass it off as "just opening my window/putting in earbuds teehee~~"
I don't understand, why not just use MFC or some site like that if you're gonna camgirl? You don't have to be a nude camgirl, I've seen girls on there just sit and flirt with audiences and still get mad tips. I'd assume you'd make more there too just because you don't get people tuning in that are expecting you to game, they know what they're getting into. If you're on Twitch I assume you're going to be playing games.
No. 67667
>I dont get this whole mentality of 'if ur not rly good at games' or have a 'bad kda/score/etc' you're a FAKE gamer Nobody thinks that though? Like 90% of let's players on Twitch and YouTube are legit bad at games.
What bugs people is when people claim to be gamers but clearly don't even understand "game logic". Stuff like iJustine's infamous Portal 2 playthrough that she deleted.
No. 67790
>>67573I see this question asked a lot, and I have to assume the people asking are not actually female themselves. Because the answer seems perfectly obvious to me.
Why not go to MFC?
well… first: because the competition there vs twitch is about 100 fold. Why compete gainst 100s of girls when you can compete against 30? Average looking girls can get way more attention on twitch than they'd ever get on MFC.
Second: Not every girl wants to get naked. "You don't have to get naked on MFC!!" you might say. But when people visit that site, that's what they are there for. So the viewers are very forceful about it. On twitch? nudity isn't allowed. So even though people sometimes ask for it, they aren't ever expecting to actually get it. So in essence, it's a "safer" environment. Girls love to flirt and they love to be complimented, but that doesn't mean they wanna finger bang on cam. MFC isn't even remotely the same. So I wish people would quit pretending it's a place any of these girls would want to be.
Third: Most of these girls do actually like games and talking about games. They might also like chatting and flirting. So what? Twitch is a place where they can do both. MFC isn't a gaming site and it never will be. If a girl went on there and tried to play Hearthstone while wearing a low cut top…. well they'd be ignored for the topless girl doin private chats.
Seriously, stop acting like what the girls do on twitch and what girls do on MFC is the same thing. It isn't.
No. 67799
>>67790THANK YOU. You said everything I think but cannot articulate in English.
>>67667you must spend no time around an actual game community then lol. I am a gamer/would call myself one. Spend maybe 6-10 hours playing games a day and a twitch streamer. I'm bad at most games. Very bad despite playing a lot of time. The only games I am good at are the ones that require no quick reaction times. Tons and tons of people DO have the mentality oh its a girl who sucks at a game, clearly she is just doing this for attention/isn't a gamer because she is ditzy/bad etc.
Honestly I don't see what is wrong with it. Sure she is confused about the game (and being ditzy, possibly playing this up for views). I take a long time to learn as well. Does this make her or me or anyone else a "fake" or not a gamer?
english is my second language sorry for any confusion :)
No. 67815
>>67799How can you play games for 6-10 hours a day? Are you like 14, which would explain why you're not good at any games yet? It might help to get someone more experienced to walk you through games like how Hafu often helps other streamers with Hearthstone.
But why not stream the games you're good at? If you suck at X and only stream X then what kind of reaction do you expect?
The communities for more competitive games (CS, CoD, LoL, and so on) are going to trash you whether you're good or not so if you're aiming at that audience you will have to learn to ignore it.
No. 67827
>>678182 out of 3 of the comments you quoted mention nothing about being accepted as real gamers.
And only one of them mentions money directly.
No. 67836
>>67827>>67332 describes streaming as a "business"
>>67790 mentions it being hard to compete against naked MFC girls. For what? Viewer count? It couldn't possibly be money?
>>67799 agrees with
>>67790"Real gamers" thing I can admit you're right. But the tone of the argument in this thread makes it implied.
No. 67838
>>67836Well, streaming is a business to a lot of people. Who wouldn't want to make money playing video games?
Since when did it become evil for people to strive to make money doing what they love?
I mean, shit.. why should actors make money? They should entertain us for the joy of it, right? Yeah, no.
No. 67840
>>67838Streaming wasn't a business to most people 3+ years ago.
Once it became a profitable business lots of "girl gamers" turned up.
Could there be a correlation? You decide!
No. 67858
>>67847Obviously you can't tell who posted what on an anon board but I'm
>>67840 and agree that most of the new gen of male streamers are just as bad. That's always been my argument.
At some point Twitch became all about the money but only female streamers complain about being accused of being only about the money.
The exact same thing happened on YouTube a few years earlier when word got out that you could make money there. Surely you've seen plenty of copycat wannabe YouTube channels?
>>67853Do you have any stats on the number of female streamers on Twitch in say 2012 vs 2015?
No. 67860
>>67858Why don't you ask
>>67840 ? they're the one suggesting there was some gigantic burst of women in streaming in 3 years. I'm only suggesting that because there are some women, not even a majority, they are seen as 'too vocal' for daring to enter at all.
No. 67864
>>67858To be fair, I don't really see too many threads floating around bitching about male streamers asking for donations.
I frequent the twitch subreddit, and every time there's a thread complaining about "what twitch has become" or whatever, it's almost always about women. Once in a while someone will complain about some annoying dude that makes a million dollars playing LoL by not talking at all, but thats pretty rare.
Girls feel like they have to defend themselves because there are threads constantly that are attacking their integrity.
The recent thread about Legendarylea was a good example. On the one hand, I don't disagree that she wasn't a bit out of control, but on the other hand, the comments on that thread turned into an all-out women hate mob.
More than one person made references to "girls in tank tops" as if wearing a tank top was synonymous with being a whore. Just for wearing a shirt and daring to have cleavage.
Women wear tank tops in public every day. Since when did that become something we have to defend? Am I supposed to feel shamed that I wear a tank top while playing video games? Hell.. Usually I don't even wear pants. I'm obviously an attention whore.
No. 67879
>>67869Looks like there's about 3 girls in the top 50?
I mean, regardless I think people need to realize that the "cam girls" are not ruining twitch. The same dudes are on top now that we're on top 3 years ago. And that's unlikely to change. There are so few girls on twitch at any given time, that it's kind of baffling people still make such a huge fuss.
I enjoy watching other girl stream, so I look for them specifically and Always think there are too few of them. It's always the same handful of girl every day.
No. 67883
>>67864My account on Twitch is (I think) from April 2009 and I've always interacted from channel to channel rather than ever bothering with an external subreddit. It used to be common for each individual channel to setup their own site and forum for people to interact with. I think the global community (if such a thing exists) is probably mostly teenage boys.
From my point of view the argument is more about each individual channel degrading rather than Twitch as a single community. The guys I've been following over the years are still the same whereas half the women have signed up to the "1/20 subgoal" "send me donations please" crap.
For what it's worth my current favourite streamer is a Polish woman who plays old PC Games. Similar to
>>66493 I don't want to drag her in but I think if you watch streams of old PC games you can probably guess her.
>>67861You know there are no stats. There is no more evidence for my anecdotal statements than your pseudo bullshit.
>>67869What does that have to do with anything? A mixture of corporate channels, YouTubers, and pro players who have all been on Twitch for 3-7 years? Also notice how Social Blade didn't start tracking views until March 2014 even though it was always available. What could have happened in 2013 or 2014 that made them upgrade their Twitch tracking? Could it be monetisation?
No. 67890
>>67889I'm not blaming women for racketeering on Twitch, I'm saying that channels like LegendaryLea are a symptom not the cause. I've also not accused women of "dominating areas", this thread is about " whores and their silly antics" which is exactly what I've been posting about. Doth you protest too much?
As for "perfectly legitimate, studied, reason" would you mind if I started quoting studied, reasoned, evolutionary psychology bullshit or would that be too offensive to you? Without actual stats nothing means much (and most stats don't mean much either).
No. 67968
File: 1449328864565.png (185.74 KB, 240x577, image.png)

tl;dr, Lea is a whore
No. 67984
>>67815Why do you care that I have so much free time? I'm 20. The only "job" I have is streaming and I am a full time university student. lucky enough I have a scholarship,am able to get all my expenses paid pretty much (dorm and meal plan). Hilariously enough, I had less time for games at 14
I don't see why no one bothered to read where I said I am bad at games that require reaction times. I am legend and hearthstone and quite good at games with less reaction speeds such as fallout 1/2/miami vice (less reaction compared to FPS).
TBH I do not get trashed too much. But I was saying that there are many people who trash do it for the reasons I say. I am not really abused by the twitch community at all, in fact I have made great friends and usually just ban trolls.
I play CS at a gold level, League at a silver level, no COD, Hearthstone at legend, etc. I'm not bottom tier technically in some of those but I am not the best nor do I improve much in certain games.
People who do not stream or people who stream unsuccessfully do not realise streaming FOR THE AVERAGE JOE is NOT about amazing top of line game play. Sure, try to play the game as best as you can. But unless you are a top of the line player that can only get you so far. You know what DOES get you far? community and engagement. That is the difference between watching a you tube video and watching a person talk to you, joke around, be funny /entertaining, make you feel welcome etc.
I mostly stream games that are fun or engaging to stream. I will stream hearthstone but besides that I play games I am not the best at. But both me and the audience have a lot of fun. Sure, if they want me to play ranked games in games I am very good at I will, but I try to make most of my stream not a silent,super try Harding at my rank stream. I like to talk and engage and that is a surefire way to attract and keep an audience.
>>67818 When I started streaming I didn't even know you could make money off it. I don't even see where you saw money in my comment at all. Most men IRL have never harassed me over 'being fake' ever BUT the community is often still toxic to women.
>>67835Don't be retarded. LIKE I SAID I am bad at games that need reaction speeds. I do not improve too much in those. I am gold in CS, Silver in league. Not super super horrible but not the best. I DO play games like hearthstone at top tier level.
And I don't need to get a job, I make money while streaming and have all my living situation/school paid.
>>67836I meant I agree that that person was right but not that I apply it into my daily life lol. Sure, streaming is a big business for many people. Yes I personally make money off streaming but for most streamers it is not a money business (very few make enough to live off it).
I was mostly agreeing why certain people would NOT go to MFC because it makes no sense as a business model.
I mostly wanted to talk about what I said :)
And this comment is not for anyone I quoted up there in particular, just in general. For people who think oh haha just cuz ur a girl u will super popular, if you are a male then you will get p much nowhere :'c
off the top of my head, in the top 50 twitch streamers only 2 are female. One of those being kitty plays games and lea. The top male streamers have tons more subs than these girls, more than 5 or even 8 times the amount of viewers (and I think in the top 5 streamers, one of them "lirik" does not even have a webcam).
Sure, being a woman is clickbait on twitch I won't deny it. But most people don't stay and watch you and are honestly more likely to stay and watch a man than a woman. I understand why, I mean If I was a man I can see why they would relate more to a man/wanna pretend this 'cool guy' is their friend etc.
It's just weird seeing people think that all you do is get your tits out and suddenly you are a top streamer. Shit takes work man, for both genders
>>67982that is lea
>>67981she was banned but then unbanned. She would pretty much show her whole ass and stick her tits in the webcam all the time. I personally don't mind when people wear whatever they want (shorts/cleavage/etc) but she was obviously doing it so try hard it made me feel kind of weird.
No. 68007
>>67992I found
>>67984 pretty interesting.
No. 68078
>>67984You guys are missing what the argument is about. The super good pro players that make up the majority of the top channels on Twitch have nothing to do with it and constantly bringing them up is an apex fallacy.
The pro players are all independently famous from tournaments so that's where their viewer counts come from. Their streams usually aren't fun to watch but since they have so many fans they can still make money. Also at a certain level of pro-ness your whole life revolves around practising and winning prize pots so supplementing it with a more constant income from Twitch isn't such a bad idea.
The top channels that aren't pros have usually been at it for years and years and years which is how they built up their viewers. They're thus in a similar situation as the pros where they can cream money off the top of their large fanbase.
But if you're an average joe streaming for a couple hours after work and yet you've got as much "subgoal, donations plz" crap on your screen as the top channels then you're not creaming money off the top, you're drinking the milk. It makes you look bad, especially when there are plenty of other channels happy to chill with their chat for free.
Also if you've managed to make a business off Twitch and you aren't some attention whore than this thread isn't even about you.
No. 68486
File: 1449472906973.webm (1.78 MB, 1280x720, OilyAthleticBoa.webm)
This subreddit has one or two attention whore posts on every page wonders include the spine of the woman in vid attached.
No. 68487
File: 1449472954146.jpg (38.81 KB, 599x385, ZwPd1cd.jpg)

And this bot using attention whore (it means they're faking views).
No. 68625
>>68487I saw this and wasn't sure if it was even real. There was no video showing this, only this screenshot which could easily be edited (a LOT of people hate this bitch so I can see why they would do it)
>>68486this cunt is hilarious, her name is 'pettans' like 'pentako'. that fucking try hard arch/lordosis
>>68488idk how people take this video as serious. It was like a joke/made in jest
No. 68630
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If you guys like cringefests it is like 80% of "RUNESCAPE" streamers
No. 68632
File: 1449514669300.jpg (316.58 KB, 1309x766, 1414450631826.jpg)

>Thread supposed to be about making fun of twitch attention whores
>Instead, everyone wants to BE such an attention whore
No. 68636
File: 1449514849974.gif (10.25 MB, 700x418, boobgrabemily.gif)

>>68630more of this girl names 'emilyispro' she is a total lolcow. lied about having cancer for money, draws shit on her face everyday, hangs out with that guy in the above gif (who sells drugs to undercover cops, jail multiple time) and just is an overall shit person.
this gif is her streaming with her ex
No. 68641
>>68632I feel like people who made this picture don't know how twitch works/exaggerate too hard.
You can't expect anyone to play the game 24/7, often broadcasters take a break of a few minutes or more while they talk to chat/check their phone/etc.
I don't believe at all that this girl that 14k viewrs, if she did I am sure the creator of this pic would have just not cut it from the video (showing 'live').
Almost every streamer has a donate button, and her 'top donations' are very small especially for being a '14k' viewer streamer.
No. 68675
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Whats the deal with all the "troll" streamers? Just trying to copy Kaceytron. Get your own gimmick!
No. 68682
>>68675this bitch was banned a looong time ago
and honestly, as lame as 'troll steamers' are IMO they make the most money/gain the fastest attention so I can understand why you would go this route
No. 69318
>>68486this bitch either has or is asking for some severe scoliosis
>>54026eh, for what its worth she seems like the most genuine gamer out of all of these. i wouldn't expect someone who's into videogames to be inherently good at makeup… although, i agree that's its particularly bad. at least she's actually playing the game and not just a pair of tits floating on screen. if you're gonna post non-lulzy unattractive girls with bad makeup, you might as well post the greasy, neckbearded streamers as well.
No. 69343
File: 1449685693764.jpg (19.07 KB, 306x306, 10919761_1397801447188547_3635…)

You know which one of them pisses me off the most, yet never gets any mention whatsoever?
Fucking Kaypea. Everyone seems to consider her some sort of prime example of how every girl stream should be, but she annoys me so god damn much. She acts like she's a pro. Last time I checked she's barely Platinum 5, which is worse than fucking Lilypichu. She's not the slightest bit entertaining, yet she gets thousands of viewers consistently.
She got all of that fame by dating several League of Legends personalities like Siv or Santorin as well as being decent looking. Her whole chat gets off to the idea that she doesn't show cleavage and that she is such a real gamer girl.
I mean, keeping your stream clean is nice and all, but she seems so arrogant about it. Every time she reads out those "You're the first girl on I've seen on twitch who doesn't show cleavage" she says thanks and puts up this "I'm so much better than these sluts" kind of smile. It makes me so god damn angry.
No. 69355
>>69343Lmao this thread is so cringey
>WHOAR WITHOUT HER TITS OUT THINKS SHES SO MUCH BETTER THAN THE WHOARS WITH THEIR TITS OUT WHAT A CUNTwhich is it you bitches, mad that they use sex appeal to get $$$ or mad that they don't use sex appeal to get $$$?
No. 69493
>>69343yeah she is a super self absorbed cunt
She acts like "im better than u other whores ;)" while sucking every esport guy's dick.
>>69355I don't care if someone uses or doesn't use it. The main problem with this girl is her attitude not that she is 'covered up'.
No. 72208
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LegendaryLea was banned for 48 hours because of something she did on stream 2 weeks ago (i think she bent over and her underwear showed?)
No. 72219
>>72208Apparently it was her drunk 80s stream which I think was
>>66479Twitch suspends people for old shit all the time. I remember one time Kreyg (the kreygasm guy) was banned because someone reported a six month old recording of his which contained the Playboy centerfolds from Mafia 2 (in game sex and nudity used to be against Twitch rules).
No. 72267
Usually these girls don't bother me at all. I'm not really offended by girls showing cleavage or asking for donations.
But then I stumbled across this video, and must say that this kinda shit is disgraceful. Should it be a bannable offense? Eh.. I'm not sure. She didn't show any real skin. But in my opinion, THIS is the kind of stuff I think about when I hear people complaining about "camgirls ruining Twitch".
Most of the other crap posted is just girls in cosplay or wearing a low cut shirt.. ie: things you can see in real life.
Girls like the one in this video are the ones people should be mad at, but this is the first time Ive seen one that took it to this level. No. 72269
File: 1450114702250.jpg (370.92 KB, 1284x624, marmalade.jpg)

>>72267Screenshot for the lazy:
Basically this girl was grinding on her chair and doing horrific babytalk pouting that people weren't "letting her level" in her game cause they kept donating.
No. 72474
>>72269Is this real life
I can't deal
No. 75649
File: 1451261416181.png (275.72 KB, 333x380, gtt.png)

she's really not that pretty? how does she have such a huge following? just did whore tactics?
im honestly considering streaming for shits and giggles like these girls, because im pretty decent at games and this shit just seems so easy to pull off. acting stupid + showing a bit of your cute boobs + having a game open = profit? seems nice
No. 75655
File: 1451262922157.jpg (1.24 MB, 1564x1564, IMG_20151227_193252.jpg)

Jennythesquirrel is pretty bad also. She plays lol, and wears double triple bras to attract those thirsty boys. She also takes advantage of being Asian to attract those koreaboo fanboys.
No. 75784
>>75649>>75775 I don't think you guys realize how many girls are doing this. You'd be competing with a lot of catty girls for these guys attention, and unless you have something special that the other girls can't give them, you're pretty much out of luck.
Oh, and if you do go through with this, have fun being posted here.
No. 75790
File: 1451332669657.gif (459.06 KB, 256x144, 1430279386869.gif)

>>75655these gamer gurls piss me off so much. jfc
No. 76848
File: 1451661812685.jpg (795.94 KB, 1728x1000, kneecoleslaw.jpg) cunt. Classic attention whore, wears a tight little dress, barely plays anything, but what makes her especially vile is the animal abuse. In the VOD (05h52m00s) she chokes her cat so it has to bite her to get away, and later she holds her other cat by the throat to "show him who's the boss". Fucking disgusting human being.
No. 76909
>>76848Her channel's gone for now, but I don't think there's any way to know if it's a temporary suspension or a permaban.
Mirror: No. 96787
>>75784What if you have a babyface and you look like a loli? Will that make me stand out?
I can't look hot but i can look cute
No. 96803
>>96800that's sad anon but one day i'll try it
i might not be nipponese but it's fine
No. 124849
File: 1461716612939.jpg (60.84 KB, 600x800, reckful.jpg)

Reckful is an obnoxious twat who has an equally as bad fanbase and fucks around on every girlfriend he's had left right & center and apparently lives in a gamer house? which includes several of his fuck buddies who are all Twitch bitches desperate for his dick. He plays mostly Hearthstone & has a gambling problem since he makes thousands through streaming & has nothing else better in life to do.
Any more male gamers who are just blatant shitheads with egos the size of space on Twitch?
No. 124906
>>124822Terrible to state it this way, but she seems like a narcissistic person, who by "luck" or "chance," was assaulted… And then her narcissistic victim mentality
triggered, much like those proana kids, causing her to just thrive on overdramatizing her injuries and playing to sympathy. It's pretty disgusting, imho. Sucks that she was attacked, but romanticizing injuries and mental illnesses to garner pity money is disgusting.
No. 126148
>>126141Is this girl heavily medicated or just straight up retarded? She always sounds really strung out.
What do you have to do to get permabanned on twitch, anyway? I feel like this girl could just straight up masturbate in a stream and get a slap on the wrist.
No. 127737
>>124822haha oh yes legitimate mental issues are funny
No. 128504
>>126152I know i'd never get it, but I really want Twitch to make a statement about this banning stuff.
Why can she have so many incidents like this and not be permabanned? Straight up vagina to the camera and nothing but a 30 day ban. Why?
Gross Gore deserved his ban for talking shit about Krepo (He falsely accused of an LCS shoutcaster of having sex with a 15 year old for those who don't know) and got a permaban. Yes he had 2 previous warnings but the first warning for calling someone a "slut" on Twitter, come on. That's Twitter, not Twitch. That doesn't deserve a warning.
Kelly Jean can stream in all these cosplays and its fine, and small, lower streamers wore the shit she wears would be a ban. (i remember kelly saying she asks some staff members if certain cosplays are okay to wear).
I just want Twitch to justify these bans. They're so inconsistent and it genuinely annoys me.
No. 128559
>>98345>female gaming idolWhat the fuck does that even
No. 128921
>>128559Female gaming idol?
lmao what is a gaming idol to being with, is that even a thing?
No. 130386
>>130383 girl's bio is the worst I've seen. She seems even proud to be a slut.
And this, wtf No. 130388
File: 1463221790426.png (76.02 KB, 594x900, jfc.png)

Lea's top donations………..
Literal camwhore.
No. 130742
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No. 130743
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No. 158522
File: 1469276066836.jpg (1.15 MB, 1564x1564, IMG_20160723_081007.jpg)

> Totally don't wear 2 to 3 bras to get to the right pic.
No. 158525
File: 1469276353482.jpg (905.27 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20160723_081345.jpg)

>real gamergrrl
>boobs just as real
Finally a real ban shelled out to the twitch cam girls.
No. 160799
>>158525did she really get banned? a little under a year ago i found her stream and watched for a bit. if i remember correctly, she said she mained amumu for a couple of months and was still silver fucking 2/3. she was horrible at the game, amumu is fucking freelo. there was more of sitting there looking at herself on the camera and fixing her boobs and hair than actual gameplay. how it took so long for her to be banned is beyond me.
>>160735the few streams i've seen her have are all tank tops with at least two bra straps under them.. pls.
also kaypea sucks. when i first started league i was about silver elo, the average. now i'm high plat and she doesn't seem like anything good to me. i thought she was some sort of pro player because that's what people glorified her to be but she's a one trick pony like gross gore and dodges when she can't get her character.
No. 161821
>>160847The youtubers that do it have about a mil subs, which is why they get decent views. Everyone else rounds out at about 20 or so. There was one non-youtube girl who streamed it every day and did really nice builds, and even she only had about 40 or so viewers regularly.
Sims is really boring to watch if you're not a good builder, and even then, it's more of a conversation stream. It's a bad game to build a following on if you aren't popular already.
No. 161911
>>161821Then maybe bad-at-vidya anon can stream Minecraft instead since there's a lot of kids that play it so there probably won't bee too many skilled players on multiplayer servers. The relatively young fanbase would probably mean that they'd get some pretty decent views too since tweens have tons of free time.
The only downside is the aforementioned kids will probably be insufferable and they wouldn't have much disposable income which would be bad if anon is looking to stream and get lots of $$$.
Apart from that idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ git gud maybe?
No. 162017
>>54373Istebrak used to stream on Twitch and got a fairly big viewership. It might take a while, but if you have something specific that sets you apart a bit (much like
>>55222 suggests for gaming streamers) you should be fine, provided you have some resilience and don't let it get to you if it takes you a while to get people to watch you.
All the advice they gave for social media is fine for an artist too, try to be consistent with it and don't get hung up on having to make masterpieces all the time: posting sketches more frequently is better than posting once a blue moon.
Drawing fanart is the equivalent of showing your cleavage, find out what people like, draw what you like and keep an eye for requests. People like particular characters, so streaming "Drawing so-and-so from show X" might get you more views because people look for specific characters and shows.
If you feel inclined to do it, you can also teach people some tricks: if people compliment you on how you draw hair, think beforehand about how you go about it and jot down a few notes so you can relay the info in an organised and not boring way. Always look for new tricks as well, and if you learned something new you can share it, too!
No. 162226
File: 1470053542927.jpg (87.24 KB, 900x900, photo.jpg)

I stream in my off-time and find it really fun. I don't want to make a career out of it (I have other goals), but seeing this phenomenon of girls skyrocketing in attention and getting crazy devoted fan followings makes me curious.
I kind of want to do it myself just to see what it's like from the inside, and if it actually works like people says it does. But at the same time I don't want to follow the stereotypical archetype – I was thinking of leveraging the hate against "titty streamers" as a way to get /just/ as popular.
I'm not a busty bedroom-eyes kind of girl, instead I've got the stereotypical "cute" features. I would subtly advertise as an innocent girl-next-door / little sister kind of figure. Dress cutely with modest makeup that emphasizes girlyness, act shy and humbled when people enter my chat, get interested in them personally and care about their well-being when they have complaints about life. Occassionaly slip out a few jokes that reveal dark humor or sarcasm as a "gap" moe (is there an English term for that?) I tend to prefer horror games too which would make for an interesting contrast against everything else (and no I wouldn't act afraid and scream at jumpscares unless I actually was startled, it's /always/ obvious and I don't trust my acting skills that much)
I feel like a lot of guys who feel morally superior and despise "slut streamers" (I don't agree with them, but that's unrelated) might be drawn to that kind of character because it lets them do the exact same thing as viewers of those girls, but with a superiority complex. Especially since I'm a hikki and a virgin, I don't have that "unattainable" vibe and I seem "pure".(thanks for the blog.)
No. 162275
>>162226Usually neet girls are the dirties. The girls who are proud to like hentai and shit kek.
Good luck anon.
No. 162504
After reading about twitch girls and guys for a long time, I've got a theory on how it works. Take notes if you want.
Guys are typically the larger earners on Twitch, because Twitch is a gaming focused platform, or was. So other guys looking for tips, tricks, exploits and who are attempting to keeping with the meta game would naturally gather at the strongest players which were typically male.
Girls, who in general lack the reaction time, and spatial awareness to keep up with the pro players, (no offense its just an evolutionary thing) had to focus their twitch channels on their strengths.
Girls strengths have always been natural aesthetics, body language, communication. (People don't see it as a real thing because its not really measurable).
You ever heard of those millionaires that hire a prostitute that they take up to their hotel and simply want to talk about their day and how they are feeling? Because their wife doesn't listen to them? That's basically who you are.
Girls think "whoring it up" and "cleavage" will attract all the guys to their channel, but if that was the case, there wouldn't be guys obsessed with Ellen Page, Emma Watson and Kristen Stewart. Sure it can get you so far, but you NEED other things to succeed. Guys "grow accustomed to their face" they feel like they know them, like the girl next door, attainable, not so pretty they wouldn't give them the time of day.
Girls don't really understand the mentality of guys and what they like about girls, have you ever heard love songs written by guys? They talk about how she looks, the way she twirls her hair, the way she bites her lip when shes thinking. Men are very visual and pic up on body language. It's why traps are so effective at pushing guys buttons, because they already know exactly what guys like to see. Most girls think showing some cleavage, showing some ass, while playing games in between, is how they get the money, and then they bomb out, wondering why treating it like a job they hate got them no viewers.
You have to research, who are the top streamers, what do they do that makes them popular? What differentiates them from others?
Shit I autistic ranted again…. ass
>>162506From what I've read, it seems she was one of the earlier adopters of the Cosplay/Gaming Stream, secondly theres a lot of Drama surrounding her, and thirdly, she probably slept with a lot of people for favors.
ATM this is the most popular Twitch streamer in Russia, she earns around $7000 a month from schoolboys who come home from school and spend a minimum of 30c each to troll or whiteknight her.
No. 162528
>>162504I love how robots alternate between "we just view you as tit racks and meat toilets lmao" and "we just need that cute attainable girl next door to kiss our owies away!" according to the circumstances. Also, this "theory" of yours is nothing new. We're well aware of how it works already because we're not retarded like these camgirls. Sluts like JNig have tons of white knights because she presents herself as that quirky, relatable alt nerd girl who's not TOO far off your league. Kelly Jean on the other hand isn't nowhere near as popular as she is because she makes herself way too plastic-y and unattainable despite doing pretty much just the same shtick as JNig does.
>Girls don't really understand the mentality of guys and what they like about girls, have you ever heard love songs written by guys? They talk about how she looks, the way she twirls her hair, the way she bites her lip when shes thinking. Yes. We do understand their mentality. We KNOW most men are not intelligent enough to be capable of abstract thought patterns and they can only process the practical stuff they see right in front of them. But honestly how do you think women work with this stuff then? Like we don't see a handsome male model whose attractiveness comes also from the fact that he gives a vibe of being a good, caring person that makes us feel special?
Your worthless post makes me wish we had a fedora stamp to stick on it.
No. 162529
File: 1470141791775.jpg (105.29 KB, 400x300, 327876.jpg)

>>52038>>52025>>52069Do tell me more, fellow Girl! We're all Girls here!
No. 162597
>>16253232"-waist-chan doesn't just refer to someone's weight or waist size, it refers to a poster who comes in and makes a big deal out of their own life (or measurements, in the original context) in comparison to a cow. it's basically just a way to say that someone's using the thread as a personal blog to brag about themselves. The original 32"-waist-chan has an encyclopedia dramatica article if you want to read up on why that label exists.
imo that post deserved it (take that shit to /g/) but I can understand why it would be confusing.
No. 162632
>32"-waist-chan doesn't just refer to someone's weight or waist size, Actually it does. It's used when someone brings up their weight in a thread where that information is irrelevant.
>it refers to a poster who comes in and makes a big deal out of their own life
>it's basically just a way to say that someone's using the thread as a personal blog to brag about themselvesThat's blogposting, which is also against the rules.
Sorry for the OT.
No. 163058
File: 1470320339543.jpg (40.26 KB, 512x541, 1092092.JPG)

Why do all the female Twitch streamers either look like man in drag or just straight up used up?
Like this girl is supposed to be 26 years old and calls herself a "model" and I just don't get it tbh
No. 163060
File: 1470320530505.jpg (245.53 KB, 1080x1920, CnsLAb0UIAA27_F.jpg large.jpg)

>>163058Jeffree star look alike
No. 163065
File: 1470322498470.png (1.75 MB, 1920x1080, a bit.png)

>>163060This is an insult to kota tbh
I'm surprised this chick is doing well, I though neckbeards thought heavy makeup was ~evil trickery~
No. 163067
>>163058>>163059>>163060>26 years oldI she for real
Though I guess her implants might be 26 years old
No. 163086
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Have you guys heard about what happened with phantomlord and his gf dingle derper?
She is a class A twitch whore and she was complicit with her boyfriend in stealing (essentially) MILLIONS of dollars by rigging bets on a CSGO betting site that phantomlord secretly owned. Now she randomly appared on twitter and is posting smug ass shit like they have done nothing wrong. disgusting people they are
No. 330711
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>>330677Relevant that you bump this thread with Lea.
Anyone hear about her suicide attempt? can hear screaming at 10 seconds in and sodapoppin abruptly cuts off his stream.
They went silent for a bit but she said shit about being glad to be alive. stunt? I always thought Lea seemed crazy, skinny girls who drink a lot and do drugs like her tend to be the most unpredictable. Apparently she was addicted to amphetamines too.