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No. 420959
Thread All About Autumn from…>>>/snow/408576Social Media ["Chronically Autumn"] Channel?About AutumnAutumn is a munchie talked about in the OTT/Munch thread, however, she is way too "special" for that thread and deserves her own.
She is a non-binary trans woman [AMAB], which I only mention because it makes some of her claims impossible. She enjoys claiming multiple illnesses (a "steadily increasing list of illnesses") despite never having tests for them, and will claim them even after doctors have told her that she doesn't have them.
geneticist told her she didn't have hEDS, but she said she was going to say she still had it because the geneticist didn't give her the time of day. She also claims to have things like POTS (she is very deconditioned), Von Willebrand Disease – cannot support this claim in any way (says she was young when she was diagnosed and doesn't know much about the diagnosis / how it affects her), psychosis (in similar style to bendycripple's "psychotic episodes" that read like a bad fanfic), menopause (impossible as an AMAB; she had her balls chopped off), and Anorexia Nervosa (though claims major GI upset not related to that). She also claims that she
might have MCAS (though she shows no signs of it), and that she might have Gp (re: anorexia, "incredibly average" GES results).
In addition, she begged a doctor for a PICC line, though claims VWD, so either she's an idiot or the doctor who gave the PICC is. She also claims that her little dog is a service dog / service dog in training for… illnesses she has never been diagnosed with and for things service dogs are not practical / needed at all for.
She enjoys blocking people who call her out and deleting comments that disprove her little charade. In the past, she has hashtagged things like MS and ALS, which leads us to believe she tried getting diagnosed or claimed those at one point. She has not, to our knowledge, created any fundraising platforms to fuel her munchidome, but that will not be surprising.
Her little escapades are severely affecting others with chronic illness because she is using up resources that could otherwise be used by those who are actually ill. Her untrained service dog can also pose a public risk, as well as make it harder for those with legit service dogs to do their work or be accepted in public. There is little known whether this facade is all online or if she convinces other people offline (besides her girlfriend and doctors) that she is ill.
What Is A "Spoonie"?People who identify as 'Spoonies' are referencing 'The Spoon Theory,' written by a woman with lupus to explain the chronic illness experience to a healthy friend who asked her what it really feels like to live with her medical problems. 'Spoonie' Community is, in general, a legitimate supportive network for people dealing with chronic illness. In recent years, however, it has become polluted with SJW types and has attracted a new breed of attention-seeking catfish: people who lie about, fake having, and/or exaggerate existing medical problems and crises for no benefit other than to garner attention.
What Is Munchausen By Internet (MBI)?From Dr. Marc Feldman, an expert in factitious disorders including Munchausen Syndrome, first described Munchausen By Internet in 2000:
>>…the advent of online support groups, combined with access to vast stores of medical information, enabled individuals seeking to gain sympathy by relating a series of harrowing medical or psychological problems that defy comprehension to misuse the groups.[1] Communication forums specializing in medical or psychological recovery were established to give lay users support in navigating often confusing and frustrating medical processes and bureaucracy. Communities often formed on those forums, with the goal of sharing information to help other members. Medical websites also became common, giving lay users access to literature in a way that was accessible to those without specific medical training. As Internet communication grew in popularity, users began to forgo the doctors and hospitals often consulted for medical advice. Frequenting virtual communities that have experience with a medical problem, Feldman notes, is easier than going through the physical pain or illness that would be necessary before visiting a doctor to get the attention sought. By pretending to be gravely ill, Internet users can gain sympathy from a group whose sole reason for existence is support. Health care professionals, with their limited time, greater medical knowledge, and tendency to be more skeptical in their diagnoses, may be less likely to provide that support.Links to Articles and Info on MBI: (Dr. Feldman's website) No. 420982
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I think his was autumns attempt in trying to say she hates being oh so chronically ill, she just can’t help it!! eye roll
The dude girl with no diagnoses yet so chronically ill ..
No. 421015
>>421002Jaquie’s for sure better at the manipulating, but I think her money plays a big role in that, too, because she dan afford all the things that appear to back up her claims (treatments, equipment, etc.). Jaquie also has the funds to doctor shop, which even with insurance would get expensive. Autumn also isn’t as good at picking illnesses she can pull off faking, or at least doesn’t go as overboard with “symptoms. She’s definitely more talk and less action. Jaquie does get called out pretty often, though, it’s just that she either deletes the comments very quickly, or her crazy posse jumps on the person calling her out. She’s also got lots more followers who are duped, which gives her a stronger claim. I also think jaquie’s more sociopathic, which goes along with her manipulating.
No. 421017
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They’re reblogging a ton of schizophrenia stuff on Tumblr and posting about it. It’s always amazing when people who are #actuallypsychotic are able to calmly blog about it…. (pic related)
No. 421022
>>421017Hence the
>>psychosis (in similar style to bendycripple's "psychotic episodes" that read like a bad fanfic)in the thread description
No. 421039
>>421017Those feels when psychosis does not equal schizophrenia
Depression can even bring on psychosis
Learn your mental illnesses before self diagnosing yourself, you dumb cunt
No. 421049
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I can pretty much guarantee that tape isn’t doing anything for her “EDS” shoulders. And it looks like she’s getting her gf into the whole “let’s become chronically ill” scene. Her primary is brushing off her problems!? Yea because you have none
No. 421051
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Definitely getting her into the chronic illness scene. Her girlfriend when I’m for allergy testing when she specifically says in the paragraph, her allergies don’t effect her… why would you bother going for testing in the first place then!?
No. 421061
>>421043He very obviously has severe mental health issues.
Do you not realize what website this is?
No. 421081
>>421075Even people with moderate-severe allergies that don’t cause anaphylaxis tend to stay away from allergy testing. Most of the time you know what your allergies are and you can treat them with OTC (or Rx) antihistamines or mast cell stablizers. Kek, it’s not surprising she’s taking her gf down the munchie route.
It seems like another case of “munchie convinces non-munchies that all of these things are needed, then non-munchie appears munchie because they are taking advice from munchie” (can we say Shelbi with her “friends” all over again?)
No. 421097
>>421062He is claiming menopause. I'm not sure how you're not seeing how his "gender identity" shit and Munchausens are related. I'm going to guess that the attention he got while transitioning set off this shit spiral.
He can call himself whatever he wants but no one is required to play along just how we're not playing along with his fake illnesses. I'm not actually trying to debate this, I'm just shocked that people who are seeing through one part of his bullshit are willingly falling for another.
Only when all of these self proclaimed spoonies (but not like those other spoonies!) started coming here to Lolcow did all the Munchie boards get a weird, forced SJW vibe to them.
No. 421112
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>>421062He's living a lie, why should we not discuss a big part of the lie?
No. 421117
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>>421115>Pretending to have an illness is bad and worthy of mockery>Pretending to be a woman is A-OkayI fail to see the difference.
No. 421118
>>421049I subluxed a shoulder because I have EDS and my specialist taped across my back and shoulder blades with tape that looks nothing like that.
I have no idea who this chick is and why she thinks wearing band aids as shoulder pads is going to do something.
No. 421122
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>>421119We're discussing a lolcow who's a fake woman with fake illnesses, I'd say it's related.
No. 421123
>>421112The way I see it, you can discuss it all you like as long at is relevant to her Munchie-ness. But calling her a him is just confusing. Every time I read your posts I'm like "wait, this isn't the Autumn thread?"
Yeah, part of it is relevant. Not the fact that she is trans, but the fact that she is claiming menopause while being a biological male. Also, I am curious why it is she doesn't take estrogen. I can understand the non-binary thing, but she uses female pronouns and she even says she is a trans
woman and that she identifies as a lesbian. The very word 'trans' would mean she is transitioning (or has transitioned) but you cannot do that without hormone replacement. She also wrote somewhere that she couldn't take hormones, which would imply that she
wants to take them but there is a reason why she can't. That could simply be because she doesn't have the funds, but you'd think she would just say that if that were the case.
Now I don't really follow her, so maybe she addressed it somewhere? I think it is possible that she just doesn't
want HRT and she is lying about that, that she has some made up medical reason why she can't take it, or she just wants to be more special,
wants the problems that come with having no sex hormones at all, or is hoping for asspats for 'not being able to take hormones'.
And if is IS one of those, then yes, I'd say it's relevant. But the fact that she identifies as a woman is, imo, not relevant on it's own. Just like her being gay isn't.
No. 421130
>>421126It's relevant to the discussion due to this person claiming illnesses that are a biological impossibility.
We are attempting to explain that this persons sex is what is important, not their claimed gender identity, as you can see he is prone to lying about his health and history.
No. 421149
>>421130This. No one (except for sperg anon) gives a shit about their GENDER identity, but knowing their biological SEX would definitely confirm whether menopause is even a possible diagnosis. If it’s not, that’s extremely relevant to their munchie status.
>>421143Triggered. If you actually read the Lame threads plenty of farmers take the piss out of her “spxceprxnce” identity. Stop trying to derail with muh oppression.
/sage for rantz
No. 421154
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Well even her family sees right through her bullshit. She “can’t wash dishes” because she’s too sick. And needs to use a wheelchair in the house (this was an old post) but if you notice all of her recent posts, none of them include wheelchairs or having to use them. And honestly if she even had EDS she wouldn’t be rolling herself in one anyway. I dislocated my shoulders tying to push myself in a wheelchair. She would need someone to be pushing her around … which clearly she doesn’t.
No. 421163
>>421149I'm not saying anything about opression. I'm saying people are more than happy to shit on afab trannies, but they think it's -
problematic- to do the same to amab trannies.
No. 421169
>>421154Contrary to popular belief in these threads, it is possible for SOME people with EDS to roll their own chairs (especially if shoulders aren’t affected to the level other joints are). But it
wouldnt be possible to these munchies like Autumn if they had EDS near as bad as they claim.
No. 421172
>>421049>>421051Autumn's idea of a couples activity is going to various doctors.
I wouldn't be surprised if her gf really isn't worried about all these symptoms but goes along with it to humor Autumn.
Primary doctor is obviously not a better doctor than Autumn (look at how well Autumn can dish out diagnoses). Wouldn't be surprised if Autumn was the one trying to list all the gf's "symptoms" and the doctor wasn't super interested because his actual patient wasn't complaining. (I picture Autumn being like "sometimes she get dizzy - do you think she has POTS? sometimes she coughs - do you think she has black lung disease?")
gf might have agreed to allergy testing to make Autumn happy but once they recommended she start stabbing herself with a lot of needles, that was too much for her to do just to humor Autumn. Plus while Autumn might want a spoonie partner in crime, she certainly wouldn't want that person to be sicker than her or have a "treatment plan" that sounds more involved than her.
No. 421223
>>421215You realize there are multiple people here your opinion doesn't line up with, right?
I can tell you are very new to lolcow and don't even lurk elsewhere on the farms. To save you some time I'll go ahead and tell you that your opinion is NOT the majority.
Also, admin is pretty hands off. Stop whining and go find a circle jerk you're more
comfortable with.
No. 421224
>>421211Have you spent any time on the munchie/OTT board. The users of that board and its related spin-offs never discuss gender identity because its not the point of those boards (and this includes FTM munchies - such as hypermobileguy). Many are seasoned users, like myself who have no interest in any of the other boards). Autumn is actually the first AMAB individual to be encountered on the munchie board (which has been entirely female or afab as far as I know).
The munchie boards aren't the place to discuss gender identity, as has been stated several times. Autumn has plenty of milk. The only reason her gender identity was even brought up was due to her claiming menopause. And frankly she has it in her bio but from what I have seen, doesn't mention it much at all.
Let's get back to discussing her recent uneeded PICC, her claiming GP while having a completely normal GES, her claiming hEDS despite being told she doesn't, and her claiming a bleeding disorder that she finds significant enough to put in a bio but when confronted about it says it was diagnosed years ago and she doesn't know how it affects her.
No. 421228
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Boards are parts of the site dedicated to the discussion of a certain topic. Examples are /pt/ and /snow/.
Threads are discussions within boards. This is a thread.
>>421215>Everybody who disagrees with me is a single person No. 421237
>>421228Fair enough - as stated I only use the munchie/OTT threads.
Admin told you to take the gender identity discussion to the OT board (got the term right now). So be a pro and move it to the right place.
No. 421243
>>421211I know. This is distressing. Now they want to silence anyone with a different opinion? Seriously, where do they think they are? This isn't a tumblr hugbox. Honestly, I'm starting to see why so many people are moving to Kiwifarms instead. The definitely-not-spoonies are ruining this place with constant blogging and trying to sensor others.
Autumn is a shitshow this is all related.
No. 421247
>>421224Actually, I've read them almost all in their entirety. Nice try though.
The illnesses Autumn claims are more predominate in women. Do you think this is by chance?
No. 421251
>>421243kiwifarms is pretty much tranny thunderdome at this point.
A bit more on topic, while I was using my internet detective skills, I came across this.'m not surprised in the least.
No. 421269
>>421264It starts in april and one of her first posts is about how she's 'just at the beginning of the chronic illness journey'.
If she's remade I feel she would have been noticed by now, considering how often she's getting called out and questioned by other spoonies
No. 421283
>>421275Kek what? I guess they could be positive if you shut up and agree on every single point. Even trans people will admit the community is volatile similar to how ill people want nothing to do with the stupid spoonie community.
I definitely agree with them both focusing on getting sympathy and pity from others.
No. 421291
>>421275I mean, the mtf community is a circle jerk of sympathy/oppression points too, but most of the time it's a literal circle jerk because autogynephilia. The spoonie community is focused on getting sympathy and being speshul 100% of the time, so it's only natural he chose this.
Side note: I mistake Autumn for Idubbbz every single time I see him while scrolling
No. 421334
>>421169That's what I was trying to figure out how to articulate. I have eds, and I'm sure I could push a wheelchair on my own without any problems. However, I don't need a wheelchair, the only eds related reason I've ever used one is when I tore my meniscus, and even then I felt ridiculous.
Sorry for talking about myself, but I did want to back up that if someone with eds could push a wheelchair without a problem, they probably did not need one to begin with.
(medfagging) No. 421335 is a video on her page where she is on a panel of trans disabled people and the person next to her has Von Willebrand disease. In the talk she says she has a genetic illness that got bad a year ago.
Video is 50mins so haven't watched the whole thing yet.
No. 421342
>>421335Amazing. He sat next to someone with vWD and now he has it.
I'm not sure about this, but is he trying to suggest that he suddenly became ill due to introducing female hormones? Women with EDS and POTS tend to be more severe than men due to our hormones. Yet he's trying to get synthetics…
No. 421352
>>421334You still missed the point. It is very possible to need and to be able to self-use a wheelchair with EDS for lower joints and when shoulders are not too affected.
But THESE people like Autumn claim their shoulders (all of their joints) are soooooo bad, and yes, then the wheelchair claim is odd.
No. 421364
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Have you seen autumn's girlfriend's Instagram? It's pretty clear they're in a LDR from her posts. Curious because her gf doesn't live near her and they don't see each other regularly it fits in because she wouldn't see her enough to see the BS
No. 421371
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Life’s just so hard being HEALTHY
No. 421375
>>421356Andropause occurs when the male body for whatever reason cannot produce testosterone. Since he cut off his testicles and cannot take testosterone supplements, his body is experiencing a serious low in male hormone and he is experiencing the side effects: exhaustion, weakness, changes in sleeping and eating patterns, mood changes.
He drew the distinction between menopause and andropause - I don't recall him ever saying he had menopause - but some anons here got confused. I think they felt he was making up a condition.
Not unexpected - transwomen talk about their girldicks so why couldn't a transmale talk about "andropause." I think anons felt he was adapting the experience of female menopause for a MTF in some sort of illness appropriation.
But andropause is actually a thing, it happens when men cannot make or maintain testosterone, and I'm sure this munchie snowflake feels like shit most of the time without basic hormone levels.
No. 421379
>>421375So you agree to self-inflicted.
He tags menopause and it's listed in his instagram bio.
No. 421392
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>>421375But yeah, it was obviously our mistake. WE got confused…
No. 421401
>>421386The bio lists "inventor"
What did he invent apart from his chronic illnesses, kek
No. 421432
>>421342I genuinely know of a trans woman with EDS who got much worse due to the hormones she was taking, so this might be a possibility. However, Autumn has been checked by a specialist and been told she doesn't have it - I'm guessing she read somewhere about the increased risk of EDS worsening with female hormones and decided that she would try for this.
As for meeting someone with VWD and then claiming it later…. typical!
No. 421455
>>421432Exactly. Him claiming POTS and EDS would be enough of a reason for some doctors to not prescribe him female hormones
>>421413 This is a thread about Autumn. No one else has been mentioned by name. Who else would "he" refer to? Use context clues and figure it the fuck out.
No. 421581
>>421505No, I don't think so. I don't think it's about hormonal levels when the tissues develop (although that might factor into it as well - I don't know though) but about current hormonal levels. That's why tissue laxity - and therefore symptoms - in EDS and JHS can vary depending on where a woman is in her cyclus.
Progesterone is known to induce laxity, but estrogen does the opposite. There have been anecdotal reports of women in whom symptoms decreased after supplementation with estrogen. Although I do not know about the exact implications of using estrogen in a trans woman after orchiectomy and what the effect might be on tissue laxity, based on that you would
think that using estrogen would actually be a good idea for someone who is hypermobile.
And although I do not believe she has EDS, I have seen some signs of hypermobility in at least a few joints in her videos. I do think it is possible that any symptoms she might experience from this (if she does) actually started only after her orchidectomy (or maybe earlier, if she was using hormone blockers). Since testosterone builds muscle, I do not think that is too far fetched: good muscle tone compensates for hypermobile joints by giving them stability.
Testosterone also accounts for more confidence, more energy, less anxiety and less depression (and let the record show that as a woman, it is my opinion that this is very much unfair). Add to that the stress
any transition causes, let alone one so majorly life-changing as changing ones gender. IMO it is very possible that the combination of both physical and mental changes caused her to have some body pains. And because she also has some degree of hypermobility, she thinks she can get away with a diagnosis of EDS.
It makes one wonder though.. with all her mental problems, how much of that would be influenced by the fact that she has neither male nor female sex hormones? We know testosterone can help with anxiety and depression, in both males and females. Low estrogen can - at least in biological females - also cause mood swings and depression. Plus, if she isn't taking ANY hormones, she is definitely at a high risk of developing osteoporosis. But who knows, maybe that's what she is going for.
No. 421592
>>421591The pics you refer to are both Autumn.
>>421051This is her girlfriend.
No. 421711
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Now autumn wants to start vlogging
No. 421857
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**”thanks for giving me more ideas of what illnesses I’m going to choose next”
No. 421859
>>421857If she had costochondritis she’d for sure know it. It’s not just getting “out of breath” its horridly painful.
MCAS? Where are the reactions?
No. 421863
>>421859Exactly! Also I bet if she picks costochondritis she only does so they do the tests to rule out heart disease. An echo with costochondritis is incredibly painful.
Additionally costrochondritis doesn't directly impact breathing (obviously pain can and if the cartilage is inflamed and there is other infections then they could impact on breathing).
Additionally people get diagnosed (or should get diagnosed) with MCAD/MCAS after severe allergic reactions to things they weren't previously allergic to. Resulting in admission to hospital/ emergency. You don't just 'think' you have MCAS, you friggin almost die because you do have MCAS.
No. 422630
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Watch out cardiology world Autumn had found another problem she wants wrong with her!!! She’s just so fucking tired from being alive and doing nothing on her ass all day it’s causing heart problems
No. 422712
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>>422630This is what she’s referring to. I’m sure if your heart actually felt like it was stopping, you should probably go to the ER instead of posting for pity points on your story or hold off posting until AFTER you make sure it’s not something going on. But ya know, everyone else’s opinion is more important than that of a doctor (because they wouldn’t find anything wrong at the ER — why rack up the medical bills when you can just fake stuff online?)
No. 422844
>>422712as some that actually has multiple 'heart stops' a day you will definitely call an ambulance the first time it happens. also there are some easy tests do diagnose this stuff.
I'm being purposefully vague because I don't want to inspire people to all have a new illness lol