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No. 415649
Hazuki No Yume and TheBlackCero
>vocaloid subbers, got into a fight with rachie, circus-p and some irrelevant utaites>basically they said the hazuki and cero were just reuploading videos, when, in fact, for the most part they were not>apparently rachie stole hazuki's translyrics, and cero is mad because "hazuki's japanese skills are superior">cero goes on large twitter rants and just can't fucking let it go>hazuki "retires", and ultimately just leaves and deletes all their accounts>cero is mad that people are reuploading hazuki's videos, because hazuki is the fuCKING bESTGHOST
>used garageband for a majority of their music>knows nothing about music theory>""""nonbinary"""">had a music series but discontinued it because "i am depressed">horrible tumblr art>"bendi and the ink machine ees good game>tRIGGER WARNINGS bECause i have mental illnesses and you do too
>not very milky, just shitty voice, shitty art, and shitty translyrics
>terrible fucking music>keeps shilling his album>obsessive fanbase of edgy children No. 415737
>>415649oh thank god a thread on ghost, I really can't stand her preteen fans and her sperg sessions when something doesn't go her way
Also Hazuki thought she was the best subber ever, she was disgustingly pretentious
No. 416049
File: 1509897683619.jpg (107.86 KB, 1005x795, self_centered_asshole_by_ghost…)

heres some e d g y shit from her da titled 'self-centered asshole'
u dont get sympathy points just bc you dont like urself sweetie :)
No. 416748
>>415874I'm a rando not really in the fandom but I've seen a few songs
I've noticed that some of the clunkiness the English vocaloid vocals could be fixed if the song writers/producers had a better grasp on singing technique and diction.
No. 418046
>>416103Yeah, it's get on my nerves too. The "P" is like an honorary title given by fans.
Coming with a "P" when you're a nobody is just as stupid as calling yourself "sama" or "senpai" (we all knows that weebs doing that too)
In France, the comm is still relatively small hence there's no drama.
"Big" producers/utaites are pretty chill and the audience too.
And as a teeny-tiny part of it, I'm greatly happy with that.
But I'd really like to know more about the anglophone part of it (since Voca is mostly a matter of community, it's interesting to compare its expression depending on the country in which it's located)
I hope that thread won't turn like the Ghost one (a massive shitshow with unfunny sperging apparently made by ghost herself)
saging for crappy english but hoping the thread keep going
No. 428141
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Some drama brewing on within the UTAU (freeware Vocaloid, for those unfamiliar) community.
User revolocities is taking old voicebanks, fixing them up and creating new art for them. Some people are getting pissy at him for doing this and getting offended on the behalf of users who've been inactive for over half a decade. I figured Vocaloid and UTAU are close enough in proximity to bring this up and bump up the thread.
No. 428376
>>415649GHOST is the most incoherent content creator ive ever seen.
does anybody remember the "you can be kin with all my character besides the pedo priest" deal? when literally their character at the time were:
- two deformed monsters
- a homicidal-suicidal mother
- a homicida-suicidal wife
- a suicidal husband
- a homicidal minor
yeah you cant be kin with a pedo, but you can be kin with all my homicidal OCS!!
plus all the inside jokes they puts on their channels (both the old and the new one)? youre a content creator keep these fucking inside jokes to yourself.
and the jeff the elf deal too. what were they expecting, with that kind of fanbase?
last but not least: "I DO NOT MAKE FANDOM RELATED SONGS!!!" theyre right. they dont make fandom related songs: they rip off the most popular character of a fandom at the current time, make it into a shitty oc, and make a song out of it.
not to mention they made a thread for themselves and repeatedly shat it up.
this person's bpd-induced god complex need to get a cure. go see a specialist, ghost.
No. 430210
>>428141The UTAU community needs stuff like what revolocities is doing. As long as he's giving credit, that is. Unfortunately that community (in the West at least) has been very nearly dead for a long time.
As for all these communities, I wish the content creators were more open to constructive criticism. There are some producers who are decent but not great, and I feel that useful criticism could help them figure out where their skills are lacking.
No. 431165
>>431137she deleted her ask blog a while ago so i don't have caps, but she used to adamantly refuse compliments and talk about how much communications (her abandoned project) was stressing her out :( but oh noo it wasn't her fans fault (even though she posted a lot about how people wouldn't stop asking for it to be finished)
someone leaked the old thread on her to her askblog (which she deleted shortly after the incident) and she posted it to twitter and got her fans to spam it with bullshit with her
she has no problem with talking shit about her parents on streams and on her blog (apparently they both abuse and hate her but she's broke buying too many vocaloids so she can't move out)
there's not too much on her other than that afaik it's mostly generic tumblr dramas and edgy music
on a side note, she's currently considering giving up music to set up an art shop. she posted about it a while ago on her Twitter, but has said nothing on any of her blogs about it. which, considering most if not all of her followers follow her for music, is kind of something they would need to know
No. 438007
>>437964I personally like Juby and she's really nice from what I can tell. There doesn't seem to be any milk on her? She even does collabs with others. She even met my friend at a meet up and even though he's a nobody she hung with him and invited him to a live stream. Her only crime is she's a weeb, which honestly a lot of us are.
But I won't bash your opinion, she does use autotune and edits her voice, but most artists do. She ain't no professional singer for sure. I'm sure if she just sang on stage with a mic it would sound awful.
No. 438152
>>438007I see what you mean. Yeah she doesn’t really have any milk.
I know that most artists use autotune, but not as much and obvious as hers at least. You can really hear the autotune without trying so hard to hear it. It just ends up sounding so robotic. And I also agree with
>>438033Her covers aren’t really something to be hyped about.
No. 441523
I vaguely remember this little drama on dA about MMD model parts theft. Parts theft is pretty common among MMD autists but there's this: is the same guy doing the mmd models for VOCAMERICA.
VOCAMERICA was funded by a kickstarter and a part of funds go toward mmd models.
You think he has wisen up to not do this anymore or?
No. 442044
>>441523Speaking of vocamerica, any opinions on it?
I know that there was some kind of problem during a vocamerica concert a couple months back. Wasn’t major or anything but the people who went didn’t enjoy it. And how Kenji and AkiGlancy handled the problem was pretty immature/unprofessional.
No. 442286
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>>442044Vocamerica and SRP has been low-key cows I've been following on and off for several years now. EmpathP and her/his/their friends at SRP have been having their go at making super mediocre events and begging for e-money. It's a really weird thing to watch from the sidelines.
Empath's original gang used to be at SRP but I guess she moved over to Vocamerica? One of the orignal crew members (Wolf) is still keeping it alive it seems like, I haven't really been following the dramu the past year..
No. 442438
>>441523I remember this modeler got caught red handed by another modeler for stealing a whole body base once: claimed it wasn't the same model, but apparently he forgot to fix the one anatomical mistake the model had that gave him away to the original creator. There was another drama (also about him stealing assets) on Twitter, where REM (another MMD modeler) found out Yoi-Style was using one of his textures for one of his commissions: part stealing for his models isn't really an unusual thing when it comes to this guy. Which makes VOCAMERICA's 3D artist choice… Interesting to say the least.
No. 442927
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>>442468Somewhat unrelated (which is the reason for sage) but I wish there were more adults in this community. In my opinion that's part of the reason there's not much talent - people grow up and leave for better things. Most retired utaite (e.g. rockleetist, kran) probably realized there was no reason to keep growing their skills for an audience and peers that don't care about quality.
No. 443269
>>442927There are some who would claim they're done with Vocaloid but would come back to the scene just to make fun of or discourage people who are still into it.
After depending on the community to grow as a ""successful"" producer, they pull this shit. Heard one of them is promoting a new album lately so now they're back lul
Fans are mostly blind to the obvious gatekeeping they're doing so they take this as gospel truth
No. 448987
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people are actually defending this
No. 449142
>>416103it actually
triggers me that people still repeat this misconception in 2017, it's pretty much the fastest way to out yourself as an elitist weeb who doesn't actually have the first clue about the japanese community. P names are barely a thing anymore (hence a lot of popular producers moving away from them), but when they were, self-ascribed P names were in the minority but they weren't discounted as a valid option. i can't count how many rando japanese producers i've seen with them. the "like an honorific" thing was basically grammar usage notes (so people don't make weird stacks like lamazeP-sama) but somehow that got warped into a whole damn rite of passage. it's not a big deal tbh.
the japanese community has really turned into a flaming pile of edgekid bullshit in the past few years just like the western one, it's just rare for it to leak into the western community unless it's REALLY bad. like maretu cheating on his girlfriend for a minor, or rerulili being a narcissistic dick, or like two or three people plagiarising music, or even that one utaite who made fuckin TV news after he got arrested for sleeping with a 14 year old fan. this community is so full with insane trash people that most of the people with actual talent don't even bother anymore.
also holy shit do most of these kids who got inspired to write music through kagepro have no idea about music theory at all. it's not as viscerally disgusting for someone like me as GHOST or creep-p's stuff but i legit feel so bad for the people being overshadowed by this atonal tryhard garbage.
No. 449841
>>449385yea if i remember right her birth date was found on her blog. the age of consent in japan is actually 20 though so he was up to some illegal shit
i think too many people got caught up in the ethics of fucking 19 year olds when the real irony is in how he made nonstop songs about women being abused and then got accused of abuse
No. 449851
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to keep things on topic, this was absolutely the cultural nadir of the western vocaloid community
>teenage weeb crusher makes an edgy song about a "schizophrenic child"
>parents notice and decide to use it as an opportunity to shill for their charity
>crusher sells t-shirts for them, everyone pats themselves on the back for supporting a real cause
>a few years later
>parents are thoroughly outed as munchies
>complaining about doctors refusing to accept their children's self-dxed schizophrenia
>bragging about putting their children on ridiculous dosage levels of antipsychotics that are linked to brain damage in adults
>posting videos of their barely-conscious children drooling on themselves in their fly-infested hovel
>outright admitted to physical abuse in a biography and having a child sex abuse report against them
>no vocaloid fans ever bother to check this out, at most they just complain about vague "ableism"
>despite the community possibly being financially complicit in the abuse of a child
>crusher has a falling out with the family at some point after their divorce but barely acknowledges the drama, says the kids are fine
>goes ahead and releases an updated version on her first major album anyway
like i still can't bring myself to bring crusher for this completely because it started when she was a gullible kid
but jesus fuck, i'm still trying to wrap my head around how this happened and no one noticed
No. 449894
>>449870i actually found that thread because i was curious about the song, lol. in terms of schofield drama being connected to some random youtuber is pretty inconsequential so i doubt people would care much. but if it got out on the vocaloid side of things… man i don't even know what would happen.
i know this is petty but ffs, this is such a perfect example of what sheltered brats most "edgy" producers are. the contrast between this, a real life case of mental illness and abuse, and the "i'm so crazy and sad :((" bullshit they write about is so huge. i wish they'd grow up. or at least take care not to accidentally involve people with actual issues in their bs.
sage for rant
No. 492054
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>>482700This voicebank appears to be real. Sorry for the awful screengrab skills, but people in the vocaloidotaku thread contacted Anders (VocaTone founder, they apparently made Oliver and Yohioloid) and Yamaha. I think Yamaha is pretty out of touch with the Western side of things though.
>>485677I would like to know this as well. In this case someone from a Western Vocaloid company probably gave it to the Vivi developers.
By the way, "Ausgris" is the name of another Vocaloid whose production has seemingly halted.
No. 493887
>>492054>I think Yamaha is pretty out of touch with the Western side of things though.Makes sense to me. I can recall similar dramas about people going full skeptic about upcoming western vocaloids because Yamaha couldn't bother themselves to give enough shits about them.
In part I get why people becomes so paranoid over every engloid anouncement that isn't backed up by some vocaloid company. What a shitshow, I dont get how comes a big firm such as Yamaha is lets this stuff happen everytime.
No. 493891
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Regardless VIVI was legit but just unlicensed (or not), she's been cancelled until further notice.
Now why would you anounce something you lack the license to release. This is not like making and posting your fucking UTAU online.
No. 531477
>>416028Creep's songs are tolerable when rearranged by someone else.
Shit, but the original uploads always sound like it was made by the academy of deaf-mutes and lyrics were a direct copy and paste from the tard version of creepypasta wiki.
Outside of the "music", actually he doesn't seem to bad though. He just got posted to an instagram account which made fun of his fashion sense but he seemed to take it pretty well.
>>493891Western fandom has basically been treated like utau the past couple of years. What is Vocamerica besides Aki's OC shit show?
No. 531482
>>428141This is a pretty fucking stupid drama to start in the first place.
Yes, revolocities is an attention whore, but no, using shitty utau banks and redesigning them =/= stealing them.
No. 534116
>>531480If you become good friends with AkiGlancy, you bet your singing OC can be in Vocamerica.
I heard that's how it goes.
No. 536872
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kind of old but creep's awful try-hard jfashion is eternally hilarious. i can't believe he went to jillian vessey's meetup
No. 538957
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>>531477>Outside of the "music", actually he doesn't seem to bad have to be joking… did you miss every new twitter thread he has to make about "wahhh, someone looked at me funny" every time he goes out in his awful decora
also spoiler because i gagged
No. 556502
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this is why ghost went on hiatus:
No. 576261
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that VOCAMERICA song contest sure brought in some salt
this guy thinks they're some hot shit with this noise No. 577320
>>531477well that's just how it is with those one of OneThoughtRemain's groupie (those with edgy names)
>>576261to be fair vocamerica contest is almost a reality shitshow. the winner of the contest doesn't even know music theory and just use vi-IV-I-V progression for all his songs.
another thing i'd like to talk about is how Aki made the email, where she gave participation trophy to losers, public. so if the contestants replied directly, basically there goes your real name and address
No. 582875
Can someone fill me in on the whole subber drama thing over people "stealing" translations? I really don't get the idea of that being a thing. Like, yeah, they did the work (Excluding the "translators" who have very basic knowledge of Japanese if any at all, use shitty online translators as a crutch, and act like they're reliable sources), but they don't own the actual lyrics. Two people who know what they're doing are going to get the same or near the same translation, right? Even if you make a modified version to make it easier for people to sing in their native language, it's not your song, it's just a singable fan translation. Plus, if another subbing channel takes your translation and claims they did it by themself, isn't that technically pointless because then people will ask them to translate things they can't find and they'll be found out as a faker?
No. 583538
>>582875Writing is a skill and you are right that google-translate level translations are more or less the same. But translations written by knowledable people will use different words, sentence structures, level of abstractness etc
Just see the manga translate competitions that MAL hosts every year.
No. 583842
>>583007I liked his new Luka song, Dream. His songs and tuning are extremely hit or miss for me. Once in a while he makes something really nice, but usually his stuff is a little generic and grating. His tuning style bugs me, like he tries to emphasize consonants too much. I get that it's hard to make Engloids understandable, but I don't find his methods to work.
On another note, it's too bad the Unholy Quartet didn't do more actual covers together. They're all at least decent singers, and their vocals were pretty tight. I would've liked them to do a series of songs or something.
No. 585362
>>582875>>583542if this is about HnY from a few posts above, she's not exactly some rando with Google Translate-levels of Japanese proficiency.
I think one issue was youtaite fandubbers would stea-"borrow" her translations for english translyrics then indirectly profit from it via Patreon or other means.
No. 600712
>>585362Lol and if you are a fandubber with 0 level of Japanese, how the fuck are you supposed to adapt the lyrics of a song for an english fandub without referencing someone's else translation at all? I may be missing the point on something but the translation-stealig shit is the dumbest drama I heard in ages and I've been in this community for years. When you are the only one to provide a translation people are bond to use that translation one way or another. Getting offended over something like that is just being an over-sensitive snowflake.
Also if I'm not wrong HnY also got
triggered at people for putting her translations as lyrics on the original uploaded song videos on nico nico douga (giving her credits and everything), the ones from the song authors themselves. Fucking retard. I hope her channel wasn't monerized either huh.
No. 603270
>>600712Maybe they should choose an area they might have a talent/skill in?
I don't know if it's the problem here (and maybe my reading comprehension is shit and I apologize in advance if so) but crediting someone's work isn't that hard. And that should applies to everyone: artist, singer…blablabla
I'm making fr adaptations of Vocaloid songs myself, and I put a lot of time and heart into.
I can only speak for myself, but If someone would take my lyrics whitout crediting me, I would certainly not throw a snowflake tantrum but I'll be sad.
sage for blogging/shitty english
No. 603372
>>603234GHOST was an annoying person outside of vocaloid stuff, her fanbase was made up of the same sort of people as her. Remember when she was sending herself anons on tumblr about how she had a thread here?
And when her "fans" found out, "they" filled the thread with the same exact cat reaction photos that she herself used on multiple occasions on tumblr lmao…
>makes thread about herself>sends herself asks on tumblr talking about thread>dumps entire cat image file onto thread and claims it's her ~fans~, even though only she had used that same style of humor before She was a real pathetic person.
No. 681341
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>>680932I saw this too, and it really bothered me. Not just the tasteless subject matter, but the clumsiness of the song itself. Creep-P's music never has discernible chords to me.
>>671999It's good that she's back, but this doesn't make much impact on first listen. I love that everyone has been using Eleanor Forte, though, even if her design is kind of bad. (Something simpler would have been much better.)
No. 698431
>>698390eh, vocaloid is a really good tool for musicians who don't have access to singers. but that's literally it.
100% of the time i like versions with real singers, even if they vocode their voices, because most musicians don't tune vocaloid vocals well.
that said, it doesn't work that well in the western indie scene because there's no huge pool of singers wanting to work with anyone, nor is there a huge cover scene.
No. 717343
>>716018ghost's lyrics are stilted sometimes but jeez. this feels like listening to a word salad, save for a couple lines in the middle.
i do like the art for this a lot, though.
No. 720173
>>720079Not dating a 19 year old
BA dum ts
No. 720860
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This was posted on another server. I’m not in it so can’t see what people said about this in there.
No. 722231
>>719978obviously for clout
this is the same girl who was "done" with the fandom only to come back crawling to promote her first album
No. 724525
>>722231Why do producers do that anyway?
I wonder how many of them actually work full time. It doesn't make sense to shit on all your fans if they're paying your bills.
No. 725697
>>724525Being a Vocaloid producer definitely does not pay the bills, but she's clearly cashgrabbing regardless. I doubt it will affect much, honestly, her fanbase is full of dumb kids.
>>725682I speak Japanese but I only know about older stuff, I've been out of the loop.
No. 726306
okay, so GHOST tries to play off how "poor" and "abused" she is but look at how many vocaloids she owns (based off her past + present videos)
-macne nana
-gachapoid (she used him for that one 'meme' song)
-her most recent addition, LUMi
-utatane piko
-otomachi una
-hatsune miku
-sweet ann
-cyber diva (?)
that's all of them, judging from what i can remember/reuploads/what's currently on her channel.
unfortunately i can't find the costs for a lot of these, so i only managed to get to a total of about 1014.78 USD (not factoring in any sales; this is including fukase, cyber diva, otomachi una, lumi, vflower, gumi, chika, gachapoid, maika, macne nana eng and gumi eng)
No. 730382
>>728267why should i care for
>herpreffered pronouns if she blocks me for no reason? :)
(don't use emojis) No. 737495
File: 1543097235880.png (86.74 KB, 1242x331, I am Disgusted.png)

She even fucking said Micheal Myers. MICHEAL FUCKING MYERS, a serial killer, was hot. Disgusting.
No. 738828
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I'd be concerned about this (now deleted) tweet from them…
No. 740627
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This is disgusting…
No. 740650
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alas another one
No. 740663
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>>740658just to show how easy it is to fake some juicy content. if ya'll want me to believe any of that shit get some way back machine screenshots, otherwise, eat my ass
>>741195he's a guy?
i think his lyrics are fine. he's going places but man he does have to work on his mastering a lot. maybe also his tuning, sometimes i can't even understand the words lol
No. 741562
>>740658Nah I don't think it's Ghost trying to get back at people. Besides, Ghost has never had any drama with Nico. It's probably someone trying to create drama or some shit. Who ever you are anon, please get a fucking life instead of being pathetic by faking tweets just to start drama with people you don't like. Grow up.
>>740663 Yeah I'm not buying these tweets unless it's archived. Nico doesn't even have a cat as far as I know.
No. 744152
>>744037anon, they act like professionals, and each time their work is critized, they end up being the crybabies, so what's your point. Creep-P is one of the oldest Ps in the community so they should know how to properly pay his artists.
I doubt he even pays the child who's tuning most of his songs, because they probably be like "it's just tuning"
I hope that's not the case, but if it is, well, won't deny that it's nothing new.
No. 744153
also damn, people who directly get in touch with those producers
>>743874consider that he'd be using your work not just for a PV though, if he owns the artwork he can use it as often as he wants and on whatever he wants like merch and etc, that's why I think people really underprice that what they're working for
No. 744157
>>744037"making music in their spare time" and "not being perfect" are not good excuses for scamming people, being emotionally manipulative, sexually harassing people, exploiting mental illness, etc etc etc
there are loooads of great independent content creators in the world who don't act like shitty brats but the general tone of the western vocaloid fandom is so bad that they're staying a million miles away
No. 745747
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>>741195He's actually an ok artist
No. 745820
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>>745747You left out the reference he used
It looks more than just "referenced" and straight up traced to me though in all honesty
No. 745839
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>>745832>>745820It doesn't line up at all.
No. 745848
>>745839>>745844tbf it's hard to tell when people trace, because people who are smart about it won't trace it perfectly, and usually do like in
No. 749063
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Ghost being salty about mild criticism vol 80
No. 749259
>>749064>I don't like the reverb on your cover. Can you please re-record it?I have that kind of comments on my own YT sometimes and I guess it comes from very young viewers.
It can be sligthly annoying but come on, it is not worth throwing a twitter tantrum.
But this is Ghost, a girl stupid enough to create and shit up her own thread on here.
No. 754270
>>754264>>754249He's extremely boring nowadays. The lyrics and the music are just so fucking bland.
The only good song he's made recently was Hello Again, which incidentally sounds very similar to Wooden Toaster's Awoken
No. 755329
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Someone asked Zion a relatively okay question, and then he responded with this. pure immaturity.
No. 755429
>>754479Because a decade of consistent producing and social media presence will accumulate at least some semblance of a fanbase, no matter how much you suck at it.
Also because there's no Jin, Neru, supercell, or other big names that actually make good songs on the western side of the fandom. Western vocaloid fans are lazy fucks that mindlessly consume whatever the JP side makes. No one with any actual talent tries.
No. 755966
I posted that simple quiz in the comment because people are capable of making change and pushing forward. That dosen’t mean that they don’t become aware of their past mistakes, it just means that they are rebuilding, they are a work in progress.
And i know that the other producers may do things that i may not agree with, like underpaying collaborators, interacting with minors, or something of the sort. And if you’r aware of that, then maybe reporting them to the police or even the FBI would be a lot better than resorting to this comment section here. I know this is lolcow, and it has a purpose, but there are other options OUTSIDE of this website. Like, if you’r being abused, calling the police is the best suitable option.
And if you saw someone abusing them, getting the police involved or giving the person enough strength to get out is an option as well. So it’s not like calling the police, or going to the cops yourself isn’t an option anymore.
If anyone is aware of that person’s misdeeds but still enjoys what they do, whether it’s making videos, music, or comics, etc, then let them do so. Because we all have different thoughts and opinions on people we may not like.
Unless of course you decide to make some sort of meme or joke out of this, then go right ahead. I’m kind of expecting it.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 756203
>>755329I wouldn't worry about that Zion kid. They're even more of a nobody than Ghost themselves.
They're just Ghost but more oobnoxious
No. 756293
>>756247The people you mentioned seem super edgy. That's nothing new at this point, obviously.
Some of it was decent but nothing made me go "wow! this is worthwhile!".
There's got to be one good eng prod. somewhere, Right? Cuz this isn't it.
I like Ferry's art sometimes but not his music.
ODDEEO's stuff is pretty good though, alas, the fandom doesn't like music that makes sense. (Not sure if they're new, but I never hear people talk about them.)
Kira's lyrics might be too "baddest bitch on the playground" but its listenable and I like it.
I also like the song Back to the Future Funk(it's an UTAU original).
>>756103Yeah, its better to stay safe. Ghost's worshippers will end you.
No. 756662
>>756618There's a few nuggets of decency, but no it's still pretty bad. Bad mixing, clunky lyrics, reeks of midi and sounds halfbaked overall.
Also maybe it's just me, but if I were going to make a song about how bad my parents are, I'd make sure my song is good-enough to convey that on its own instead of spelling it out in the description for pity points. If anyone really wanted to know if it was based on reality, they could ask me on twitter and I'd answer them there.
An example of this done well would be Kimi wa Dekinai Ko by Kikuo ( Was Kikuo's mom like this? Is Kikuo just being edgy? Who knows, but the song is creepy and sad and that's exactly what he's going for here.
No. 756745
What do you think of Beau Jordan?
I think his stuff is pretty nice.
Also for some reason I never hear people mention Cephied, though he has a bunch of songs with over 100k views.
>>756689Ferry is not as bad as some other western producers, but he really suffers from bad mastering. I think even his tuning would be fine if the vocaloid wasn't drowned out by the music half the time.
No. 756750
File: 1546248876261.jpg (143.3 KB, 720x760, IMG_20181231_123222.jpg)

Pumpkin Head was barely mentioned and immediately threw a shitfit
No. 757328
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What's the story behind this?
No. 757725
>>757328Circus and Crusher never dated, and I know that Creep never dated Circus, but this wasn’t about him since they had a falling out a while ago, farther then his tantrum.
I think it was about Rebornica/Mxbones.
No. 757906
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No. 760245
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Jee, while I don't think they are wrong they say it in such a bad way
No. 760246
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>>760245 they lost all creditability with shutting down critiques as well lol
No. 769963
File: 1548189025627.png (Spoiler Image,83.77 KB, 770x509, morosgacyapology.png)

This is his apology to the people who were concerned about the subject matter of the song.
No. 770401
>>449851hey so susan schofield is currently trying to put her son on
lethal doses of antipsychotics and filming his withdrawals to prove he needs it and i keep thinking in the back of my head that crusher-p never apologized for raising money for these sick fucks and lies about how they're doing "better" when she should be denouncing them