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No. 407633
Jaclyn Glenn is a YouTube atheist mostly known for being a massive plagiarist, having fake tits, injecting herself into every bit of Onision drama possible, and fucking a goth horse.
In 2015 she was caught plagiarizing
multiple times from other YouTubers and from her own comment section, and was shamed and ridiculed by other YouTube "skeptics", made a non-apology where she basically said her plagiarism was an accident, and went under the radar for a while. More recently she got attention again for plagiarism - this time accusing Buzzfeed of plagiarizing
her - and didn't accept their excuse of not knowing who the fuck she even is. Because who wouldn't know who
THE Jaclyn Glenn is, right?
She also believes some stupid shit about gender and thinks of herself as a true progressive. Basically, she's high off the smell of her own highly intellectual farts.
Her YouTube channel: links talking about her many cases of almost word-for-word plagiarism from 2015: feature on Phillip DeFranco for whining about Buzzfeed copying her videos: me while I die from toxic levels of irony.
No. 407654
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She’s friends with Blaire and shoe0nhead, right? I’d heard her name a few times before but just assumed she was an even more boring clone of shoe that’s not worth looking up.
But just looking at her YouTube thumbnails and titles she seems like a complete retard attention whore who jumped on the tired-out anti-SJW bandwagon. *~groan~*
As for the Onision drama, she’s dating Social Repose apparently and he has a real-life beef with onion. Maybe that’s why she’s inserting herself into it.
No. 407673
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>>407666Their kids would probably also have webbed appendages.
Nothing anyone can say will convince me that these two dopes aren't siblings.
No. 407728
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I'm glad people are calling her out on Twitter over her hypocrisy, but her stan here is forgetting the one thing that made her situation so egregious - that being that when initially called out over her plagiarism in 2015 and asked point blank if that's the first time she'd done it, she lied on record and said it's definitely her first time.
She lied and only apologized after she was called out repeatedly by other people who compiled huge lists of instances of her plagiarism. All well and good for her now to say "that was all in the past, plz forget that little mistake" but the record clearly shows that she lied and lied and only owned up when she had no other choice. She was only sorry she got caught, as they say.
That is why her new accusations are so funny to those of us who don't have the memory span of a goldfish.
It was actually smart of her to accuse others of plagiarizing, even if it is 2 years late. Now because of this, when you search "Jaclyn Glenn plagiarism" the search results might end up being more about people plagiarizing her than her being a plagiarist herself. Maybe she's hoping to bury that little chapter of her history. Maybe being constantly exposed for being a plagiarist every time she attempted to say something intelligent in the past is the reason why ever since then, she sticks to bimbo topics and drama whoring.
No. 408081
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She obviously decided a while ago that her best angle is this 'head-tilted-open-mouth-fake-as-fuck-Joker-smile' thing, and just ran with it in all her thumbnails. But it's nightmare fuel.
She did another 16 min video on Buzzfeed several hours ago, complaining again about how it was shot-for-shot, word-for-word a copy of her video. I cannot believe the hypocrisy from this fake bitch.
No. 410216
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Is it just me or does she seem to be obsessed with whether people think she's a bad person or not?
I wonder if Richie ever gets jealous that she makes more videos about Onion than she makes about him……
No. 410818
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>>408081I actually immediately lost all patience for her when I noticed this. what a punchable shitty face. more so than the constant pose, her sanpaku really annoy me. pic related.
No. 410828
>>408329that's transphobic as hell
>>410827I suppose you're the anon who asked in the onion thread if this thread was greg sperging and hell that op sounds so much like him
>Jaclyn Glenn is a YouTube atheist mostly known for being a massive plagiarist, having fake tits, injecting herself into every bit of Onision drama possible, and fucking a goth horse. No. 410871
>>410832You know there are different anons here, right?
>>410827This is two different anons. They don't even type the same. People interrupting a thread to go "hi [thread subject/related party]" is so boring.
I'm the OP. I started it because I'm sick of this plagiarist kicking up shit for attention, especially given her past history with being a plagiarist herself. Considering that she has been involved in the Joy Sparkles drama, the Onision drama, and the drama of a bunch of other cows, clearly she has a propensity for being an attention whore. She has plenty of cow potential, especially now that she's dating another attention whore.
Inevitably, given his dirty Youtube dick, Onision is going to be tangentally related to many cows. Such is the nature of the lolcow.
No. 410883
>>410871I agree with you. Fuck these losers. Jaclyn is an attention-seeking retard who deserves a thread. Don’t ruin it for everyone else just because you’re a butthurt whiteknight.
>inb4 samefag/grug/selfpost blah blahlick my ass.
sage for sperging
No. 410891
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I know this is old news, but what is your guys’ opinion on Jaclyn’s drama with Riley Dennis / NeonFiona? As straight up delusional and borderline retarded as Riley is, he kind of has a point about Jaclyn mocking a small YouTuber with barely a fraction of the followers she has, which invited her followers to send Fiona harassment and death threats that she and her small following couldn’t fight off. Fiona might be a retard worthy of criticism but it does seem fairly shitty that Jaclyn didn’t even feel the slightest bit apologetic about sending all that hate her way.
No. 411892
>>410723nah they irl dated and he wouldn't stop sending her shit after they broke up
I think Jaclyn is smart and I love anyone who can enrage Gregma but her hopping on the anti-feminist bandwagon makes zero sense considering her fundamental beliefs seem to actually line up with feminism. lol
Also, mocking Riley Dennis for views when Blaire pretty much covered everything while it was hot is boring as fuck. I disagree with Riley's snowflakey bullshit but it's hard for me not to judge the integrity/quality of content that joins in on the lynching of an easy target. These anti-whatever-the-fucks always beat the dead horse instead of bringing something new to the discussion or solutions even.
Like thanks for showing us that your content is so lazy that you'll go for any low hanging fruit for those edge views.
Her condescending mock voice when she thinks she is being funny makes me cringe, too. Like we get it Jaclyn, you're superior and ultra intelligent because you're a "skeptic." Thanks for arrogantly over explaining things anyone with common sense can figure out on their own within seconds.
Also I'm not over her and other youtubers shilling for that stupid candid app and then pretending it didn't happen.
Sage for being petty but did she somehow become less attractive after her surgery? Her face looks tired and emaciated lately. This is coming from someone who usually finds her objectively beautiful.
I hope that if ever she comes across this thread, she takes this constructively because I actually do like her a lot of the time. Her and Richie can be cringey people but they also have a lot of positive attributes and genuinely seem like decent people.
No. 412310
>>407773>outed as being abusiveyou mean greg said he was abusive? nice source lol, ayalla herself never said anything about abuse, greg said she did but are you really going to believe greg?
the plagiarism is old news, it's from when she started out in the skeptic community (like when mr repzion was more relevant lol). I beleve TJ made a video about it maybe.
sage because this thread reeks of personal vendetta and nitpicking
No. 412322
>>412100Uh no lol
Most cows end up finding themselves on their own
I'm not cow tipping or encouraging it
Just sharing my opinion
No. 412323
>>412310Grug will never stop sperging about Richie's "Dear Future Girlfriend" art video lmao
I doubt he is abusive or that Ayalla would hesitate to share that herself
No. 414094
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No. 414098
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>>414094I thought it was a troll tweet but turns out it might not be?
Damn wait for Onion to jump onto this.
No. 414099
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He's been tweeting quite depressing stuff for a while, I've been wondering what's been going on. Has to be something serious since they actually thought about moving together
No. 414102
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>>414099That's what I meant. All of them from the past week
No. 414108
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tinfoil: jaclyn cheated on richie with blaire white kek
No. 414114
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>>414094Don't be sad, Jaclyn. At least now if you date someone else, there's a chance your future children won't have ass faces.
Silver linings, you know?
No. 414130
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No. 414138
>>414099If he cheated than i hate how he tweets like hes so broken hearted despite being the reason everything happened? the same thing happened when he first cheated on his ex. but if hes been super depressed lately maybe it was something else. Im sure we'll find out in a few days when both of them release videos….
fuck and theyre all about the drama so wouldnt even be surprised if they get back together and break up and repeat
No. 414295
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No. 414344
>>414295The milk tho!
The only time i agree with Onision was with the tweet about JG watch her back in the tour's, and for me in always look like she was always after him in every trip for the same reason, seems he still manage to cheat on her.
Im sure Social Repose wont release any information, not because he mature but he hates being seen like the bad guy, that's what he did the last time with Ayalla.
No. 414352
>>414344Not hard to cheat on her if she only visits him during weekends or something.
I wonder how she found out…did a little phone sniffing?
Or the girl he slept with sent her proof.
No. 414380
>>412310Ayalla did say he cheated on her, and SR admitted it. And she did say he would threaten to kill himself which is why she got back together with him in the past which is abusive behavior. I remember the younow where she talks about it, she says she doesnt want to out all the details because SR will just deny it because he doesnt want to look bad and he has a bigger fanbase than her and she was worried he would make her lose all her fans and shit. I actually always believed ayalla that SR was a shitty person. She was dumb for telling onion boy because he cant keep his mouth closed, but there was probably truth to some things onion said but probably exaggerated.
>>414295Jaclyn is going to repeat this forever because she has the mindset that she will ignore what everyone else says about a person and wants to see for themselves. Just like onion fans actually. She was friends with onion boy before despite all the bad shit said about him, but only when something happens to her does she realize oh he actually is bad. Same with SR. Ayalla told the world he cheated on her and SR admitted it. Jaclyn again does the oh im not going to believe what anyone says and see for myself. He could be different this time!
No girl. I saw this coming so bad especially when I realized they were not even living in the same state most of the time. Hes probably been cheating the whole relationship.
No. 414385
>>414380Social repose admitted after a Ayalla speak about it in her Younow, before that he wasnt saying anything, just avoiding the accusations.
And his video "Dear Future Girlfriend" was in fact base on him, even after he denied it was pretty obvious he did all those things and wasnt just an "art piece". He just didnt spect being attack by Onision so he used the cart "it is art, bruuuh"
No. 414406
>>414387>she seems like a nice person. And she is smart.Yeah no. Shes very arrogant and thinks shes better than everyone else and if you dont agree with her you are just not as
intelligent as her. Its not surprising she and onision used to be friends.
Her videos on onision are true, but then so are everyone else's who calls him out for being the creepy pedo he is.
No. 414413
>>414353Is she dumb?
Jealousy is a huge red flag that the person is a cheater. They're jealous because they think their infidelity means you must be unfaithful too. Guilty conscience.
Don't even consider someone who cheated before, as
>>414358 anon said. But don't trust the overly jealous either. Such a skeptic, Jaclyn.
LOL, just saw
>>414405 anon beat me to it
>She reminds me of someone who lives in constant fear of their partner cheating because theyre a cheater themselves. She thinks shes being plagiarised because shes a plagiarist herself. No. 414426
>>410891>Fiona might be a retard worthy of criticism but it does seem fairly shitty that Jaclyn didn’t even feel the slightest bit apologetic about sending all that hate her way.Exactly. Even tho I agree with Arielle and jaclyn on that point the way jaclyn went about it came across as shit stirring. I think this case highlights jaclyn hyprocisy-for all her crying about being part of an oppressed group and suppoedly "championing" said groups she'll happily throw them under the bus when it benefits her. For someone who is apparently so
smart and "cares about the lbgtq+ community" the way she handled this shes as bad as those she moans about.
No. 414616
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Milk is coming
All the comments are asking what happen because "they dont want to pick a side"
And Social Repose is keeping his charade of lonely emo boi
No. 414634
>>414380>She was friends with onion boy before despite all the bad shit said about him, but only when something happens to her does she realize oh he actually is badNah, bb, more like "only when she found a youtuber with a lot of fans that she could get more subs from" she decided to stop being friends with him. Its all about dem youtube subs.
Shes stupid as fuck for thinking SR wouldnt cheat on her even though he cheated on his exes. Why would she be any different? Bet shes feeling stupid as fuck for making those videos of her and SR being dovey-dovey, kissing each other and calling themselves wifey and husband lol
No. 414639
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>>414616Not quite proof, but Jaclyn started following Ayalla. Why would she do that unless he cheated on her?
I wouldn't connect with my ex-boyfriends ex just to talk about it unless I'd have specific questions for her.
No. 414657
>>414635She never experienced jealousy because she never dated someone with as many fans as SR. Of course she wasnt going to let that cash-cow go away so easily. Jealousy? More like possessiveness.
Tbh they are both ugly inside and outside so they deserve each other.
No. 414658
>>414634Eh not really because she was dating richie while still being friends with onion boy. It was only until he did the whole if your friends with richie i cant be friends with you thing, and "dumped" her as a friend unless she dumped richie so of course she went with richie.
I do think shes dumb for thinking she would be an exception to his cheating. Why date someone you know is a cheater? It wasnt even long after breaking up with ayalla they got together and ayalla hinted she was supposed to be in his filthy pride video but they broke up. jaclyn straight up just replaced her and he put her in her spot. Hes scummy.
>>414639I feel like its 100% that he cheated. This is EXACTLY what happened with ayalla. He goes on tour and shes on tour with him. Mid tour, finds out hes been cheating and leaves the tour and breaks up. Literally same exact scenario. She probably wants to talk to ayalla because she went through the same exact thing.
No. 414660
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I honestly had sneaky suspicions Ayalla's oold poems on tumblr were about Richie and Jaclyn (Her blog is inactive but I'm still mutuals with her on it) this is pt 1 screen shot and I'll post the other one in a follow up post
No. 414661
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pt 2
No. 414703
>>414675Her most delusional statements typed out for the hearing impaired.
>A lot of people would say this is a bad thing. I think it's a good thing. But Richie is like one of the more jealous guys I've ever dated. Umm laughs And…I like that. Because, I've dated guys before who like did not give a shit about me. Like If I went off with another dude they'd be like "Cool, whatever man." like they just didn't give a shit and that hurt. Like, you want a guy to care. You want a guy to stick up for you and to defend you. And I've like never really had that until Richie.
>Like another guy I dated, when I would get hit on he would like, he would be like "Thats hot" and like, he would fantasize about me with other guys. But Richie's never… Richie does get jealous at like if another guy flirts with me, he wants to kill them. Um smiles, so like I can't imagine him having that as a fantasy. I don't know if that was like a thing that he had one time before in another relationship. I don't know. Like we don't talk about other relationships. Like thats weird. Um, but as far as like our relationship, nothing like that has ever even come up. And I feel like I've been with him… I'm like one of his longer relationships. I feel like I've been with him long enough that I'd know that. It just seems really weird. It just seems really weird for me to fathom him doing that or wanting that. It's just so weird.
>I don't know, like, I've dated so many assholes and I feel like finally I'm not dating an asshole. I'm finally dating a guy who's like, really sweet and he's very respectful to me. And he actually like, geniunely cares about me. Whereas other guys that I've dated it's been…very questionable…whether or not they legitimately cared about me. And now I finally have a good relationship and I don't know tt's weird that people want to hate him so bad. I don't know. No. 414716
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>>414714>speaking from experience, jealousy is normal when it's warranted, even this levelNope. There's no amount of "I'll kill anyone who talks to you" that is normal. Not ever. I fear for your relationships if you think this is normal or healthy, anon.
If you have to be jealous of your partner, you don't trust them. Without trust, there is no love.
No. 414717
>>414707Ayalla said she tried to be friends with him and that hes a good friend if you're not romantically involved with him, and then she realized he was still lying to her so she ended the friendship. That was before meeting with onion and had nothing to do with onion. Idk why you think SR isnt an asshole. Cheating already is asshole behavior. And its not weird to try to befriend your ex who you cared about immediately after breaking up even if they were an asshole.
>>414703I think she dated assholes and so she though richie is a good guy because he was the least asshole of them. He was also probably hiding all the cheating happening and was nice to her face. I could see how someone would think seeing your bf/gf get jealous is nice because it seems like they care about you, but when its too extreme its bad. She should stop dating people who have ex's who tell her he cheats and is an asshole. That'd probably help. Toby Turner also had history of being a shit boyfriend.
No. 414719
>>414660The last part, about him not getting out of her life, remember when she had her nickname like Empress? (even her only professional video call Not a princess but an Empress) and suddenly SR decide to call his tour " The empress tour" and now take over complety the word now using the nickname Empress Mothra? after that Ayalla change her nickname.
I feel like he enjoy doing passive agressive things against his ex's, wonder if he will try to
trigger JG in the future in low profile.
No. 414735
>Tbh they are both ugly inside and outside so they deserve each other.I don't understand the massive hateboner over your average ~intellectual~ youtuber and a serial emo cheater, sure they ugly on the outside but they aren't evil lol
>>414661is this about that video with the paint? wew
>>414712sage your shit greg
>>414717I def think richie is an asshole but I think grease and the things he's said were blown out of proportion to exploit the situation.
I feel for ayalla but she made the mistake of using greg for his emo shitstain demographic to sell her mediocre music. He probably treated her like shit but abuse? Don't buy it, richie seems too sleazy and unconfrontational
No. 414791
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>>414768I was more weirded out that he had Natti back playing that big black goth chick. She was in one of his videos the difference between Goth and Emo and they definitely gave me "we just fucked" vibes in that video. So I'd probably be weirded out if I was were Jaclyn that Richie keeps his scraps around for that long.
No. 414794
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>>414791>they definitely gave me "we just fucked" vibes in that videoNo kidding anon, I've never seen a more obvious 'just rode that dick' glance in my life!
Was he with Jaclyn at this time? (I don't keep up with either of their channels tbh, not into all the twisted dramas these people get into with Gergle and his groupettes)
No. 414817
>>414816It is shocking, indeed. The only thing that comes to mind is perhaps he wants to wait and see if a) any of this is fake bait b) Jac maybe wants to come to him first, so he has an even stronger "case" against SR?
It's really bizarre that
this would be the one thing he chose to stay quiet about, when milk could be rolling in buckets.
No. 414837
>>414833Honestly if Jaclyn dated Onion, it would literally destroy lame to pieces. And honestly, I think Jaclyn would be the only one who could.
Lame has no idea how fatal this is yet
No. 414861
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Why would it be dangerous? So dramatic!
No. 414864
>>414861Lol that is her way to tell him she is not home but she is gonna be at her dad's place so if he wants to beg her he have to go there.
If she didn't want him to go after her, she would not post that.
Sadly he doesn't give a crap about her, he is probably using his sad tweets to bang groupies
No. 414866
>>414861I have some sympathy for her idk, I'm sure she's having an existential crisis currently because all the dudes she dates cheat on her after they make her think it's a long term thing.
If she wasn't so mouthy and outspoken, I think she'd attract the right type of guy who would enjoy her personality. But alas, despite playboy, this girl can only land onions and horses.
>>414864You hit this on the head, she's totally letting Richie know where she is so he can beg for her back. I don't think he should, nor should she take him back.
No. 414868
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No. 414888
>>414864>>414866Hes on tour in the UK. Hes not going to come knocking on her door. I took it as her house was probably a reminder of their relationship and she felt it was dangerous to be alone in her house for her mentally.
>>414869it was about the flithy pride video. he made it soon after their breakup. She was obviously supposed to be in it, and the song was about her. Pretty sure he named his shit empress after ayalla started using it and made a song with that in the title which was shitty from SR.
No. 414906
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Seems pretty clear she caught him cheating
No. 414912
>>407633>>414906In her original tweet about the break up she said "don't want to talk don't have questions or bring it up" but she's been giving details on every single tweet after and mentioning it…
I do think he must have cheated. Two days ago everything was fine, so either he did something recently or it was a while back but she just found out now.
No. 414917
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Oof, imagine really thinking this …..
No. 414922
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barf worthy
No. 414930
>>414922He sounds like onion kek
Guess they are more alike than they think
No. 414937
>>414922Why do adults tweet shit like this in 2017? Why is every e-celeb always acting like a 14 year old emo kid from 2008 on myspace?
Grow up and keep shit to yourself
No. 414976
>>414794I seriously thought this was Mira for a good 10 seconds. I mean, he's no Brad Pitt, but ow.
>>414937Because they want attention and asspats.
No. 414995
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Jacklyn liked this tweet from SR brother. Seems like a weird thing to do.
No. 415022
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Like nothing ever happen
No. 415048
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JG's friend just posted this so I guess that confirms it
No. 415064
>>415063I think he was cheating with Ayalla or something. I find it really weird that he still would use 'empress' in his music videos knowing that is what Ayalla liked to call herself. It is still obvious he probably still wants Ayalla cause I remember watching
>>414870 and how he was saying he had to try really hard to get Ayalla to say yes
No. 415078
>>414995If this is a real breakup, which i think it is, that's a weird thing to tweet as his brother. Who does that?
>>415023I still doubt thats her intentions with that tweet because she implied shes staying with family for "a few days". That's not long enough for SR to come back from tour. Whether they get back together or not is a different story.
>>415058Ayalla was also 19 while dating richie and richie is 25 now. I just realized Jaclyn is like 29 years old? wtf. Why would you waste your time on a known cheater?
>>415064i doubt he was cheating with her. I think the empress thing was because his whole album was about being a terrible boyfriend and hurting his relationships, so he "stole" the word she was using because he thought that would be oh so artsy. Of course jaclyn just ignored that part too.
No. 415119
>>414976me too she totally looks like mira
>>414947topkek at posting song lyrics after a break up. i know they are embarrassing emos but this is such a teen behavior
No. 415188
>>415120lainey is just a shit person who's siding with her husband cause he's her ~soulmate~, she can't think for herself and she wants to please him
tbh i can't believe SR cheats on his girlfriends who are (in my opinion) out of his league, at least if you only consider the looks. it must be something about low self-esteem and pushing his ego with it. without all the make up and costumes he's actually quite ugly, he doesn't have a good face and looks pretty douchey, especially in his old videos.
No. 415212
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Emo rant
No. 415236
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No. 415242
>>415236Haha I still remember the first video I saw from this horsefaced freak. It was the one where he doesn't feel like wearing a goth native American headdress is cultural appropriation. People shit on him all over in those comments.
Isn't he bisexual? You would think he would be more sensitive. I'm really glad that Phil didn't take Jaclyn's side. I don't like Phil at all but he has a ton of influence
No. 415257
>>415252it was obviously sarcasm/ irony. that doesn't need a punchline.
>>415242I'm pretty sure he's straight. But yeah, the headdress is terrible and he should just let go of it. But if he really cheated and Jaclyn is going public with it (which she will eventually), I think a lot of his fans will leave.
No. 415258
>>415252Tbf it isn’t his fault the girl was too dumb to get sarcasm. Going to their house (and he lives already in the middle of nowhere) is creepy af.
It’s hard to sympathize with either of them. Richie is a known asshole, Jaclyn should have known better. She only gets what is coming for her to ignore it all for the fun of being more well known.
No. 415279
>>415276Yeah, she didn't have anything to do with being emo or goth before Richie and got really into It.
I think she'll be back to her old self once she gets better. But I honestly understand her venting on social media, it's her job after all.
No. 415319
>>414922Modest Mouse lyrics after a break up?
Wow. Deep.
No. 415323
>>415315 She will talk to the side girl on YouNow sitting sideways showing her teeth through her thin lips drinking a glass of red wine.
Then Joy Sparkle BS will ask to be in the chat and compliment Jaclyn a bunch of times.
No. 415370
>>415228She wouldnt fly to the UK only to fly back so soon after and leave the tour for a prank either. Its definitely real. Everytime they do some clickbait or prank thing its just for a video.
>>415310Idk about jaclyn but he definitely does that and will probably ask her to do it. Look at how many ex videos he made with ayalla. And even not long ago he did the my ex writes me a song thing. He even fake married jaclyn just for clickbait. What a great guy. Hes basically a less evil onion.
No. 415528
>>415067She literally says in this video that SR's video wasn't an art piece and he did a lot of the things to her that he says in that video.
How many lies did he feed JG? That mocking video she made about the art piece gave me the weirdest vibes too. Like I get she was trying to make it seem not serious but it still gave me "girl in deep denial" vibes.
No. 415542
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Not sure if that's super interesting, but these are the tweets of the person that came along with Jaclyn and Richie. They also replied that tour is not fun anymore etc. Really would love to know what went down.
I don't understand why Jaclyn would wait so long to say what happened, but I guess it must suck to fly to Europe just to return on the same day because something went down. No support, paying for an overpriced return ticket and having no one to talk to while flying back with a broken heart.
I'm not her biggest fan but that's shitty.
No. 415569
File: 1509844855017.png (66.02 KB, 551x359, qaaa.png)

Lmfao just confirmed that this is totally about SR.
No. 415583
>>415560Yeah, that thread become extremely agressive.
>>415567Well since it started was a pain in the ass SR got sick and couldnt sing, he broke/hurt his ankle because he fall from the scenario, problems with the schedule of other bands, etc. In several of JG's instagram stories he seem annoyend af.
No. 415811
Alright, look, JG… Here's some outsider's perspective on your relationship with SR…
He dove into the relationship, right? Big marketing ploy: are they dating? Are they married? You're an object (to him), and your relationship is a mystery. Toby tries to get in on that (again), and SR swoops in to rescue you. D'awe, right? No. You're SR's property (trademarked?). Makes it public, etc. He got off on the idea that Onion wanted you because you're his property, and not because he finds you worthy of respect in your own right (like your preference for monogamy).
He looked annoyed in most videos with you within the past several months. Not your fault. You looked like you tried to capture his interest with cute voices and expressions of validation, to lukewarm reception. It's something you wanted to hear and wanted others to hear, even if it wasn't part of the discussion. Why?
He's going to guilt trip, like Toby. It's a similar song and dance. Stop being a victim.
No. 415814
>>411892the last of mr blaire and all of jacyln videos are what turned me sympathetic to riley. I believe riley saw everyone else having fun online and decided to join in. he has a girlfriend now and seems confident. I'm legit happy for him now. not too long ago i thought the channel should be delete. now, aye no harm no foul. hopeful he will abandon youtube and get a real job. I have faith in riley all because of phony jacyln and mean blaire.
* I misgender and will continue to until the end of time.>>412026cute. I wished kids looked like kids again.
>>412310nayrt but Jaclyn gives that impression over multiply videos.
>>414094>>414099these two talk about everyones business yet they want privacy. get em greg.
>>414108people bring up how twinkie Robbie/blaire is but I bet he has nailed a few chicks. I get that vibe. for comparison andy cohen from bravo network has never had a woman and it shows.
>>414114>>414120>>414138the sexual partners you have the less guys value you. fyi.
>>414198since day one. I also get the "i use people vibe" you guys hate onion but she used him from the start. I think Richie is a user too so this should be real milk and complex.
>>414376who cares about her or blair. if you cheat on them people will comment but nothing will be lost.
>>414380I'm the chick who called her a groupie. I stand by that. this was probably not a real relationship. if he is a cheater and she has a lot of long distance relationships, then you are right he more than likely was cheating this whole time.
No. 415835
Part me wants to hitup richie, cause I'm a skinny "alt" girl who makes music, just to see get some milk. But im not going to be a pos and tip the cow.
Cant wait for the onion milke though
>>415366I forgot about this, but i saw cr1tikl making fun of her (light heartly for sayinh buzzfeed copied her. It reminds me of when emilie autumn accused gaga of copying her.
No. 415839
File: 1509872561498.jpg (29.32 KB, 525x197, 9.jpg)

Jaclyn, seriously. Woman to woman. Stop acting like a little bitch in public. Breakups are hard af, everyone knows this. The best thing you can do for yourself is to not be public with your embarrassing little breakdown. It's time to stop.
No. 415880
>>415868She said repeatedly that her flat chest has bothered her for years and she has always wanted to get implants, but something about how defensive she was about how it
definitely wasn't for him made it even more suspicious that it was for him. At least getting then
when she did.
No. 415888
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Keem is a cow but holy shit I kek'd
No. 415891
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>after falling off a horse
Oh it was her sister that fucked Richie then
No. 415921
>>415880>>415868The FIRST thing Richie mentions in his "dear future gf" video (that Ayalla said is NOT a "art piece" but that he really did do those things to her) is about appearance:
>Dear future gf, you are a masterpiece. But only when you are the correct weight, when you wear nice clothing, and when your makeup is immaculate. Anything less is unacceptable to me.That entire video is about how he will make his gf feel worthless and insecure so that he can wrap her around his thumb. She might have not done it for him, but I bet he made her feel even more insecure. No way it hasn't contributed to her decision to finally do It.
Onision might have jumped on her for the boob job not only because he's a jerk obsessed with judging women's bodies, but because he knew this and wanted to take advantage of it (and how he did! so much fuel for his narcissism).
Ayalla probably gave him this ammo. She was retarded enough to confide in Greg about Richie, she told him much of what she kept publicly quiet about. Including presumably all the ways in which he made her insecure about her body - including tits among other things.
No. 415957
>>415886I thought this was how she found out since this tweet
>>414906>>415843Is there evidence that they broke up right after the plane landed? It would make it more likely that she found something in his phone because directly on a plane it's hard to cheat and if she found out before the flight she wouldn't have come with him
No. 416045
>>415957At the end of the video they landed and were changing money or paying (who knows) so my best guess it was exactly around the moment she cut the video or a few hours after, maybe at the hotel.
I am very confident about she making a video exclusively about the break up very soon (why burn two videos at the same time when she could upload the other next week, it would get views cause everyone is watching trying to guest what happen)
I hope Keemstar dont try anything, he could ruin the milk
No. 416101
>>416067Well, maybe she felt hurt cause he was ignoring her in most of the times she want him in the videos or answered her in a very bitchy way.
I watch a few old videos and he seems annoyed by her waaaaay before this, another Anon mention trying to catch his attention using baby voice, and fuck it is so fucking true. She became so clingy for a reason.
However it was a dick move to don't tell her he was tired of her before she got in that plane.
No. 416114
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No. 416129
-Richie deleting comments
- Jaclyn responding to his video and having her comment deleted as well
-Huge subscriber drop
No. 416141

>>416140are you too retarded to copy and paste?
>saying she was so happy that richie was public abt the relationship bc she felt like he was proud of her>and she feels so stupid now>and is so embarassed>and she didnt think it'd work that way that it's so obvious that he's with her but still this happens>calls him out for making emo tweets knowing his fans will rush to ask what SHE did to break his heart>he dated a girl briefly before her and stayed in touch with her the entire relationship>first day on the tour she went to the tour and had a quickie with him>she knows bc she read his texts>him asking her to come back to the car for another quickie, she said ok as long as he doesn't mess up her makeup>she cooked for them when she last (the other girl) last visited>he texted her he missed her, asked to come to shows>how looking at her the night of the show made him almost prematurely come because of her extra weight, while jaclyn was insecure about being too thin>the conversations were "very vulgar", he talked shit about the relationship, the girl has a long-term bf too>he asked her for nudes to tide him over until he could see her again and fuck her twice a day, and she sent them>she was so excited to meet his family for thanksgiving while he made plans to spend a week with the other chick>she brought it all up and all SR could talk about was how this was messing up his tourRichie:
>starting out by saying he'll lose some fans>the brutal, graphic details she explained to everyone>i did care about her>i have a lot of deep-seated issues>she thought she could fix me>i should've just broken it off early>i always felt this imbalance in the relationship>we dated for 11 months and i never brought it up because she was so attached and ready to settle down and buy a house>of course i went along with itfucking scum
>obviously we were having an amazing time up until last week>I told her I don't agree with therapy>I don't agree with medication>the best solution is not to date anymore so he doesn't hurt people like Jaclyn and Ayalla>maybe i have a sex problem (CALLED IT)>ultimately we wanted different things>i'm so deeply entrenched in social repose as an entity, it comes before love, relationships, even my family>I'm a little hurt she broadcasted everything>I'm sorry I let you guys down>if you don't want to follow me anymore because you think i'm a shitty person, I can't make you stay>my content will get better tho!!! No. 416146
File: 1509990375734.jpg (121.54 KB, 1555x878, VSyqBcy.jpg)

>>416144I archived her Tumblr and got some pics.
No. 416153
File: 1509990641252.png (88.69 KB, 1098x512, BezVscS.png)

jaclyn's comment he deleted:
"I absolutely did not ask to move into a house with you 3 months in lol. You are the first person that brought up moving in together and the plan for that wasn't until mid next year. We were in a long distance relationship. The only way to make that work is to have some vague idea of when the distance would be closed. That's the only reason I ever brought it up but thanks for trying to make me sound irrational though. Especially coming from the guy who kept calling me his wife and who bought me a ring to wear on my left ring finger. Do not play like you weren't absolutely perpetuating the idea of real commitment. This was never a conversation we had until after I caught you cheating. Fear of commitment didn't drive you to cheat, are you kidding? You were in another girls pants a month after we started. You made fun of one of my exes for failing at committment as though you were above that. You bring me on a UK/European tour with plans to stay extra days in Paris. You were going to take me to your family thanksgiving. You gave no indication of this being a problem ever.
You discredited everyone who warned me and then you sit there and act like it's shocking to you that I didn't listen to them? You played a role in that. Also, do not call cheating a mistake. If you felt any remorse you wouldn't have continued to do it. You didn't slip and fall. You made a choice. You made that choice over and over again with no regard for my feelings. If I didn't see those texts you would have kept doing it. That is not a mistake, that is intent."
No. 416156
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The face of remorse
No. 416158
File: 1509991000674.jpeg (57.4 KB, 750x363, 7F0C4975-3D9F-4CF5-A947-8EC199…)

Blaire’s(now deleted) comment on SR’s video
No. 416160
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Shoe’s(also deleted)
No. 416173
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Poor Ana-chan jest wanted to prove she is loveable by letting horseface fuck her in the ass in shit particle infested bilet lmfao
No. 416185
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No. 416193
>>416185Why are these nu-emos one of the shittiest subcultures to exists on the internet?
Majority of them are still Onision fans……..
No. 416194
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>>416180Dropped my file, oops
No. 416197
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No. 416198
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Ex-patreon from Onion
No. 416229
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I don't feel bad for her or anything because she's a whiny bitch. I actually think it's funny looking back at her and horseface's smug videos knowing he was fucking Myra clones on the dl. You guys are going overboard with the pity party for yacklyn. It's cringey af.
Only thing I feel bad for is her low ass self-esteem. She could really use some of that feminism she bashes lmao
No. 416252
>>416229she's a whiny bitch for speaking out about her public relationship without the fear ayalla had? UH OK
Jaclyn doesn't bash feminism outright just the way 3rd wave feminism presents itself. You could really use some of that feminism you're defending to stop kicking a woman down for being cheated on.
If you have a problem with JG bring up some actual milk instead of pathetic nitpicking
No. 416257
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Lexi and Richie when they were dating in the summer of 2015.
Also I honestly think the buttsex is just a rumour. All Jaclyn said was that he pulled her into a bathroom and had a quickie and she said to not mess up her makeup.
No. 416260
File: 1509995658014.gif (4.51 MB, 480x270, 93c29069a7eae59d9e008504d2702f…)

Gem from the temp thread.
Skyler, SR's bandmate, after flying with Jaclyn and Richie.
No. 416262
>>416252She's a whiny bitch in general. You're putting words in my mouth
And the feminism thing was a joke….chillll. lol
My problem with Jaclyn Glenn is the crazy annoying videos she makes about Buzzfeed (she has made about 4 now, one of which she is sulking outside their offices like some kind of psycho) when she has plagiarized so many people the past and brushed it off. Everyone on YouTube copies each others formats and ideas. She isn't doing anything revolutionary.
Also she mocked people (some of which were native Americans) who criticized Richie in his video appropriation video by calling them
Triggered etc.
No. 416263
File: 1509995801400.png (3.64 KB, 296x74, socialbade.png)

Social Repose is nearing 15,000 followers lost on his Youtube.
No. 416272
>>416245maybe get glasses baby cause it's not on his chanel. It's reupload from his stream.
I still think SR and JG will get into it somewhere down the line because onion sure as fuck will not let go and he demands apologies for him AND lamo lmao
Jaclyn is a fucking dumbass and deserves no sympathy. She is a groen woman and not some inaxperienced teen and should have known better or kept better taps on her retarded boyfriend.
No. 416307
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No. 416330
>>416318Especially since Richie was the one who came onto Jaclyn and not the other way around
What an all around prick
No. 416382
>>416252but for reals, the hard lesson she's learnt is that as noble as it is to dedicate yourself so much to the person you love, it can end badly, and it's a lot healthier to not get too entwined in someone else who could turn out to be a fraud. I think that's what the anon was jokingly referring to - keep your own identity and don't just try to be the ideal girlfriend.
She couldn't have seen the problem with that, though, given that he pretended to be just as entwined as her. She would have thought it a reasonable gamble.
And we can see he wasn't just going along with her level of attachment but initiated a lot of that, so she had even less reason to be wary.
No. 416407
Back to topic!
This video is so good, a 'fixed' version of his apology video (it's on Twitter, so I can't embed it) No. 416425
File: 1510005970507.png (121.08 KB, 1268x552, Screen Shot 2017-11-06 at 5.04…)

>>416412I just remember her being worried that Richie would get it, too. It's weird that he didn't because hers started just after she was at his place, so I think it's likely that that's true.
Also, apparently the crowd today was rather small.
No. 416449
>>416177>>416192>>416190>>416257Anons were joking about how it had to be buttsecks because she's too ugly to look at in the face when you fuck her. From those jokes, other anons started just running with it, and those that didn't keep up thought it was a serious rumor.
>>416409That's fucking nasty.
Jaclyn, get all of the tests. All of them.
No. 416489
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SR officially minus over 10,000 subs. Kek'd
No. 416524
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>>416490>>416501cap for those who weren't in the tempcow thread or don't feel like looking up the account
No. 416525
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>>416524but seriously jaclyn needs to get tested. fuck knows what diseases he has.
No. 416535
>>416253That's because le anti-feminists care more about dumb shit than actual issues.
Fuck her, honestly. Like, FUCK him too, but fuck her. She's almost 30, she should know better than to date a fuckboy. This is like going to the beach in a suit made out of bread and getting mad when seagulls fuck with you. What an overdramatic dumbass.
No. 416538
>>416535these youtubers care about their friend? lmao what crawled up your asshole to have such a massive hateboner
Why do you think she's crying? she didnt know richie wasnt the person she thought he was
No. 416545
>>416538LOL their friend is a dumbass crying over some shit she should've known would happen, she doesn't deserve any sympathy. no hateboner, I didn't even know who she was until a couple days ago, this is just so stupid imo.
>>416537It's definitely entertaining, but it's a shitshow on both ends.
No. 416549
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>>416158>>416160Don't know if you saw repzion's (also now deleted by SR) comment anon. But I'm posting it to add to yours. Repzion made a video about SR/JG too.
No. 416556
File: 1510015698444.jpg (214.71 KB, 946x1272, POS.JPG)

A brief summary of this cold hard stunner
He also answered a Q on breast implants though which was out of the blue in comparison to his other answered Q's. Didn't see the condom one tho
No. 416571
>>416546Lol, like the only threads on lolcow are about major internet celebrities. I don't know who
most of these people are, they're still fun to laugh at. The amount of fucking nobodies who got threads because they were suspected munchies or got their boobs out on stream, let's not pretend there are such high standards for cows.
They can't all be Onision, who has apparently kept these boards entertained singlehandedly for years (can't imagine why tbh, he's so fucking boring to me).
>>416567This, all of this.
No. 416575
>>416523He's not even trying to get back together or salvage his relationship with JG. He gives zero fucks. It's ridiculous. With his ex, he tried to salvage it. And there were issues in that relationship besides SR. His ex was emotionally unstable, but that in no way gives SR a pass on cheating.
SR said that JG was perfect and their relationship went well up until basically this past week when she found out he cheated, and yet he doesn't give a fuck about working things out with her. Does not make sense.
No. 416584
>>416571Onion is boring now but he used to be good value.
Maybe Richie will become the new darling of lolcow.
No. 416590
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Richie, Ayalla & Lexi all together in February 2016.
No. 416591
>>416575Makes sense. She made trouble for him when everything was supposed to be about him. He had to punish her for that, and now she’s gone public (kinda necessary given his comments, even better for us) the bridge is burnt.
And thank Christ for that for Jaclyn’s sake. I could nitpick Jaclyn a lot, she isn’t very likeable to me and says some stupid stuff, but she’s quite obviously just a human being with feelings, unlike SR.
Same with her friends - they’re bullying arseholes but they obviously care that she’s been hurt. Their support makes it possible for Jaclyn to spill the tea in a way that Ayalla couldn’t.
And I couldn’t handle another doormat on these boards.
No. 416595
>>416561I joined and answered the bullshit to see the response.
Richie's "I joined OKC for sex" answer though pissed me the fuck off
No. 416597
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Anybody know which ones?
No. 416604
>>416556Not to say he isn't a sex addicted asshole but, is it me or does it feel like this account was made for exactly this situation? Like he's just going to point at this and go "See? This is why I cheated! I have a problem, I'm so messed up".
Or maybe I just don't want to believe people like this exist and literally have no shame in being the definition of a slut and posting on a public dating site for anyone to find. What a waste of life.
No. 416609
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>>416608Screenshot in case the tweet goes down
No. 416610
>>416608I believe it's fake because the real ones are I'm sure much
much worse.
No. 416611
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>>416608I gotchyo back guuuurrrrlll.
No. 416617
>>416575Ayalla was afraid to expose him for cheating, and he knew that. It's all about the game. He gets off on the thrill of being with all these girls and not being under the public eye.
But, with Jaclyn, everyone knows. The game is over.
No. 416622
>>416597>>416609Why exactly would someone bother faking a (pretty mild) DM chain from over 2 years ago? As if he even remembers all the random bathroom stall sluts he's stuck his dick in over the years, how would a whore like him recall if this is real or not?
This just makes me so angry that on top of everything he would even bother to play victim about other people coming forward. You're a known sociopath womanizer, Richie. You're beyond redemption and nobody fucking cares about your feelings (lol) at this point.
Good thing about being a sociopath is that you don't have to worry too much about pesky human emotions though so you'll be fine.
I'm gonna lol so hard if this turns into a Weinstein thing where like 200 girls come forward like "he fucked me in a port-a-potty too!"
Feel bad for Jaclyn and Ayalla, he must be a human petri dish of STIs. He should have his dick cut off to check how many he's collected. For science.
No. 416624
File: 1510020853247.jpg (486.43 KB, 2000x1333, IMG_8736.JPG)

he even reposted & pinned his tweet promoting his music video today… the song about Ayalla specifically. What a lil asshole.
No. 416635
>>416629There was one that I thought of necroing, but it hasn't been posted in in 7 months and I didn't feel like getting banned.
I do think his drama should be split into his thread though, he and JG are no longer a single entity, so their drama can be separated too. I think his downfall is going to be extended and milky as hell if more girls keep coming forward.
(dropped link)
>>>/snow/182057 No. 416640
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No. 416660
File: 1510023181543.jpg (108.28 KB, 678x388, love yourself.jpg)

no, honey. just no.
No. 416664
File: 1510023909570.jpg (31.86 KB, 289x431, jaclyn1.jpg)

Jaclyn has been getting nothing but support, did something happen in the last couple of hours that so many would suddenly turn on her? Could be a glitch, could be milk.
No. 416665
File: 1510023996040.jpg (44.27 KB, 297x559, sr1.jpg)

At the exact same time he won back a lot of people. What?
No. 416677
>>416265what kind of a sick fuck makes this video and then makes hs gf watch it and documents her response like… everything he says he actually did to her
hes a psychopath
No. 416688
>>416677Gotta give it to him for being sincere, even though some of you think its tough and makes him an asshole.
All in all, Jaclyn baby, youre almost 30. Stop acting like a fucking 15 year old with a broken heart. Stay low for a while and stop talking about this shit in public.
They should have kept this shit private, but nah, they have to do videos and tweet about it to get dem view$.
No. 416690
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Richie responds to criticism
No. 416694
File: 1510026380434.jpeg (65.05 KB, 734x266, 1E20BD0D-F604-4BB7-8CF5-5BA04A…)

Richie responds to criticism pt 2
No. 416745
File: 1510028901691.jpg (31.84 KB, 886x156, jenny.jpg)

>>416737Sadly, there will always be low-class guttersluts that will jump on his peen because he makes youtube videos. He will never have a shortage of willing tail to hit, even if they know he's a dirty, slimy, STD-ridden whore. "Doesn't matter, he's famous!"
And this is how the world gets emo AIDS.
Always nice to see the used up crack pipe and one of the biggest lolcows on youtube, Jenny McDermott, jump in with her unwarranted opinion.
I wonder if she has a thread here. She should. She's endlessly milky.
No. 416801
>>416746This is one thing I agree on - it's really too bad Ayalla was ignored in this sense. Much like other anons have said, it couples with not having that many followers, associating with Gergle…and well.
Perhaps these two can talk about everything eventually and share the fucked-up-ness they both experienced dating the same horse individual. Maybe it would be good for them to do so.
>>416776Yes, that's exactly why it's harder for some people to understand this. They see anti-O and are automatically on their side ( cause fuck Gergles, really ) - then it turns out that that person was equally completely shitty.
Sadly, lot's of rotten eggs even if they're anti Gergle.
No. 416831
File: 1510033909535.jpg (26.6 KB, 462x149, oh.jpg)

>>416801>They see anti-O and are automatically on their side ( cause fuck Gergles, really ) - then it turns out that that person was equally completely shitty. HAVE WE LEARNED NOTHING FROM JOY SPARKLES?
Seriously I've thought that pretty much every prominent anti-Onion person is a cow themselves for such a long time. The hysteria in every Onision hate forum attracts and breeds these kinds of psychos, it's why I stay far,
far away from any of his threads even here on lolcow. Let's not forget that people like Joy and her herd of calves all migrated over from hate forums dedicated to Onion. It's creepy as fuck.
>>416828Screencapped for you, for when they inevitably edit it back. Pic related.
No. 416837
File: 1510034192098.jpg (30.14 KB, 417x197, lmfao.jpg)

Never mind, I thought there would be more. The top is good though.
No. 416840
>>416831Exactly, anon - and Joy's not even the only example. I said the same thing on tempcow and got called Greg - like why the fuck would Gergle be posting that these two are exactly alike, lol?
There are a lot of brilliant anti-O videos out there, but certain individuals who are against him, eventually turn out to be
just like him. It's shitty, but it is what it is.
>>416831Massive kek.
No. 416842
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yeah, there isn't too much else to it besides this at the bottom.
No. 416848
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Ayalla follows Lexi on Instagram, it is weird
No. 416855
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Whoever keeps changing these, it's pretty hilarious.
No. 416864
>>416756Okay i dont get why people are acting like onion is some kind of genius who was right about richie. Anyone with any insight knows richie was scum since he cheated on ayalla and ADMITTED IT. There is no was she lying or not. He didn't say he never did it. Which is at least better than what onion does, which is deny he has ever cheated in his life when he clearly did.
What everyone should be mad about and what I definitely was mad at onion for was him trying to dictate who jaclyn can and cant be friends with based off if he likes the person or not. Yeah Richie is known to be scum and he was probably going to cheat on her, but you dont berate someone for dating someone you dont like and defriend them just for it. My friends have dated assholes a million times despite obvious warning signs. Its a human thing to do. Not like im going to dump every friend who makes a bad judgement in people unless they start acting like a huge asshole because of the relationship (aka lameo).
I think most people didnt know ayalla's side of the story UNTIL onion announced it, and ayalla never spoke up really besides on a younow and the way onion phrased everything while cheating on his wife made not only him but ayalla sound like a liar. I always believed her since SR admitted to cheating and of course a cheater is not going to want the details of his shittyness to come out. You can just listen to his songs and see him admitting hes horrible.
No. 416889
>>416660This is why these creeps have a never ending conveyor belt of naive girls until they get too old and gross like onion. With all the paint Richie wears who knows how long it will take for him to age like that.
>>416688Fuck off, there’s nothing sincere about a guy who gaslights an entire nearly year long relationship. Who knows what else he’s hiding… that’s the fun part.
Ayalla should spill more now.
No. 416927
>>416694This is the kind of self-flagellating fake-remorse onion pulls sometimes.
>I know I'm awful!! I'm not going to change anything, but I take full responsibility! This is not just lip service to make people think I've changed!! :(They're as bad as each other, just give Richie some time.
No. 416931
>>416919He probably gets that, but hopes other people dont get that and believe his piss poor excuse. Also that conversation is hardly as terrible as anything jaclyn revealed, so idk why hes denying it if its real.
>>416927Yeah onion always did the "i was wrong poor me feel bad for me because im so terrible and dont deserve love. ill be single for a long time because no one deserves someone terrible like me" shtick. Of course with lameo, his ego has hit the roof and he doesnt even admit hes wrong anymore AT ALL. I bet Richie could get to that point eventually.
I also think Richie wanted to hide his next relationship after Ayalla so he could freely cheat and play girls left and right, but he met jaclyn and saw dollar signs in her since she was a youtuber with a following too. She also lived in LA so he always had a place to stay if he went there to do collabs, which is convenient since LA is a good place for youtubers. He couldn't resist making a fake marriage video. Hes acting like hes just going to go back to "art" and music videos, but he knows that his other videos get more views, so hes likely going to have a new girl to star in his videos in the future. He might pretend they are not dating, but they probably will be.
No. 416934
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The funniest bit about this is Richie acting like he's okay with losing subs (read: attention). Does anyone remember that vidcon video he made where he was bitching about not getting enough attention? Here's parts of the transcript for lulz.
Pic related.
>there's a bunch of people here but there's less than I thought and I want to kill myself
>I go to VidCon for two reasons: one is to meet fans–that's arguably the most important reason. It's a concentrated gathering of people that watch YouTube, and what better way to spend my time than to organize meet and greets and just kind of walk around the showroom
floor and have people meet me that watch my videos and ultimately just have a good time?
And the second reason to go to VidCon or any of these conventions is to meet other creators to meet youtubers to network to try and get collabs to just kind of make friends in the scene. That's also a really really important part of all this. And while I did lots of number one–meeting fans–I did almost none of number two and there's very specific reason behind that.
>After doing some thinking, I must preface this by saying I do enjoy meeting fans the meet and greets are wonderful it's very humbling to see so many people enjoy my videos and tell me how great I am even though, um, you've seen my videos you know you know they're–they're, uh, you know <click noise>.
>But as far as number two and meeting creators… has kind of non-existent for me. Now I
saw pictures of a lot of my friends meeting all these big Youtubers or, or you know making friends and collabingbut i didn't really do any of that…
Wonder if the 'friend' was JG lmao.
No. 416976
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We fucking called it. Asshole. I'd love to know if it was that Natti chick or just some randoms.
No. 416988
>>416980I wonder how she found out. Maybe the girls messaged her, I doubt Richie was honest and told her it wasn't just one girl.
I feel so bad for her :/
No. 417045
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No. 417052
>>417037 this video she mentions she was cheated on before. It could be about her ex-husband though since Im not sure if she was still with dave days (the first time) at the time or they broke up by then. video is the second time she dated him and she talks about moving out because he did the same things he did before. she doesnt outright say it and shes very vague. Also at 3 minute mark she mentions how she thinks its a red flag when people dont post pictures of you or hide you from being in videos, etc and mentions being cheated on before. So no wonder she thought Richie was better. And its heavily implied she cheated. I havent watched all the shit, so i dont know if she ever outright says he did or not.
No. 417054
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>>417052I saw on her wiki that her ex-husband cheated on her.
No. 417055
>>417045It's honestly fucking creepy. The filthy pride video he was going to put ayalla in before meeting jaclyn was literally about ayalla too.
The villian music video some of his lyrics are:
>"Oh god, what have I done?/ It's easier just to run away from me/ My friend, I have sinned/ I watched you buckle under the space I put you in" >"I am a human/ I am the villain/I am the monster/But you let me right in" And he wrote all this shit and filmed her in it while constantly cheating on her the whole time. He definitely gets off on it.
I also would be very weary when all of your boyfriend's music content is about being terrible, a monster, and ruining other people. Most people write lyrics from what they know. It's one thing to write about depression and sadness, but when your whole album is about you being a terrible boyfriend who will hurt and ruin people who love you, that's a pretty clear massive red flag.
No. 417061
>>417045Why is she falling for his ~troubled&twisted~ 12yo emo boy musician schtick? God she's stupid.
Keem said it like it is here
>>416661. If she doesn't look at stuff realistically like that, but instead buys into his emo persona shite, she will never stop making the same mistakes.
No. 417063
>>416142This video is just full of excuses.
How old is this manchild again?
It's embarrassing watching him try to force an emotional response to a situation he clearly doesn't feel anything about or have any guilt/regret over.
No. 417121
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Natti still defending Richie. Gurl, detach yourself from this situation. Its not a good look and makes your boyfriend look like a cuck.
No. 417146
>>417118Bitch its been a couple of days, Holy shit jaclyn wasted a year on this guy.
Sorry but its not up to you to demand that she move on immediately and it seems likely shes finding more shit out, People coming forward to her and that.
Fuck that, I want her to drag him into the ground.
No. 417148
>>417081No, it was Toby Turner aka Tobuscus who cheated on her.
2:17 Several girls warned her about Toby but she ignored them.
4:47 She's making excuses for Toby's abusive behaviour. (He just pressured her to do things that made her uncomfortable but he didn't force her to do anything.)
5:35 Toby has a history of cheating and he isn't good with monogamy and he wasn't honest with Jaclyn. They broke up. A week later they got back together because he was gonna change. He didn't. He continued to cheat and lie instead. This went on for months but she was trying to make it work or something and got back with him several times.
12:00 She helped him curb his drug problem.
18:32 She doesn't think of him as a criminal. She makes a lot of excuses for him throughout the entire video.
No. 417152
>>417118you don't get to tell her when to stop being upset about wasting a year of her life with a fucker who managed to be worse than gergles
her pain is obviously sincere and he deserves all of the shame and backlash
go fuck yourself cunt
No. 417163
>>417152I dont know if anyone can ever stop feeling salty about being cheated on, especially from the start. I'm envious that Jaclyn has thousands on her side and that she can vent to.
Plus, this fool likely gave her mono and who knows what else and put her health at risk. Giving STDs can be a criminal offense. I'd be pissed and ranting too.
No. 417170
>>417146But she's not dragging him to the ground, she's doing the "woe is me" (self-)pity dance.
It's all just so cringy. Richie is not a dark demented "villain" like he's trying to sell himself, he's an emo manbaby. Jacklyn is not a poor hapless victim, she's a retard that keeps putting her hand on the stove then whining about getting burnt.
They both act as if they're twelve, and it's embarrassing.
No. 417211
>>417148She didn't make excuses for him, she explained he was a shitty boyfriend like all his other exes but they didn't see him as a rapist.
The chick who accused toby Turner of rape has no evidence and Instagram photos were found during the time she had claimed to be "roofied". The Tumblr post she wrote was inconsistent and many other girls met her past the time frame of the alleged rape and She still had a thing for Toby then.
No. 417214
>>417170He is a sick fuck, dude. Stop trying to minimize it. He has unsafe sex with multiple thots thus putting her health at risk, fucking shames Jaclyn for trusting him, shows no fucking remorse, purposely taunted Ayalla by stealing her "empress" title while having a significantly larger following, etc
We may see through him for the small dicked joke that he is, but that doesn't make him any less of a narcissistic selfish piece of shit who preyed on a vulnerable insecure girl for his "art."
Should she be stronger? Sure. Can self-pity be annoying? Fine. But she's completely within her rights to say everything that she has and someone who almost always disagrees with her views, I am in full support of her side 100%
Also, how she's presenting herself actually does drag Richie. Stop criticizing internet personalities for not handling their emotions exactly as you would like them to.
She's a fucking person, dude. Stop acting so entitled and let her be upset.
No. 417218
P much copied verbatim kek
No. 417225
>>417211She's making excuses for his shitty behavior tho and she put up with his cheating and lying forever while dismissing everyone who warned her.
Jaclyn keeps falling for the same type of man over and over again. I hope she can at least learn from her experience this time.
No. 417228
>>417220Their relationship was very public and I suppose she didn't want to keep quiet about why they broke up. Especially since this wasn't cheating once but multiple times during the course of one year
>>417226Yeah his art is essentially him romantizing how he treats women … yeah nope
No. 417230
>>417170She put on blast the shitty stuff he did to her all throughout the relationship, how is that not dragging him? She could have kept quiet and none of it would have ever come out.
Fuck Ritchie he deserves to burn.
No. 417235
>>417214>Stop acting so entitled and let her be upset.She's got no right to be upset.
Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.
Being fooled by every boyfriend ever? Sorry, it's 100% her fault by now.
No. 417237
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>Yeah his art is essentially him romantizing how he treats women … yeah nopeTHIS. I don't get the cock-goblins who are defending him saying it's all about his art. Like are you going to support the next album all about how he fucked other girls while being with Jaclyn, and how sad he is he 'cant help himself'???
No. 417241
>>417235>She's got no right to be upset. LOL. Who died and made you in charge? People can take as long as they need to deal with major issues in their lives. It's been a couple of days since all this fell out, and she's clearly still processing stuff. She probably will be for awhile. If that bugs you, perhaps you should focus on other threads.
That said, I do think she should go see a therapist to figure out why she has this pattern of dating shitty people, as it seems self-destructive on the face of it.
No. 417261
>>417235Well, it's not
her fault, but she is the one who keeps letting this happen to her.
She doesn't have a right to be upset though, everyone told her this would happen and I'm sure she knew. She's so stupid and naive.
No. 417270
>>417190“Jaclyn is very nice but Im going support the man who totally screwed her over and put her health at risk — the art guys. its all about the art”
No. 417288
>>417274She has money and could afford therapy. If she has a history of dating emotionally abusive men and she was aware of it then it's up to her to get help. How old is she? 29? That's just pathetic.
I know there are woman who get told they're worthless, who get beaten, who have to worry about the safety of their children. Some women can't leave abusive men because they are controlled by their abusers financially AND emotionally. Jaclyn has literally the support of thousands, financial freedom (she is not married to him and they don't share a child/home). If she can pull herself out of it before when she was actually married she can do it again.
I'm okay with her continuing to dwell in this pity party because I think it's funny and pathetic. Like girl, forget about him. He's a loser. If KEEMSTAR of all people calls him a loser then why spend time thinking of him! You aren't getting any younger sweetie! Get therapy and be with someone who isn't a goth horseman.
Inb4 one of you thirsty anons tell me to go fuck myself because I offended Jaclyn
No. 417291
>>417270I still believe she fucked him. She just wasn't the bathroom stall one, that was Lexi.
Jaclyn confirmed he fucked multiple people while in relationship with her anyways.
No. 417293
>>417261It's not fair to blame someone for putting trust in another. You have no idea what kind of persuasive bs SR might have told her. He was aware of her history being cheated on, how the fuck is that ok.
It's natural to want to trust people you really like, everyone has been there multiple times. Just because she been there more than you or others doesn't mean she is at fault. No one is sure of anything, your basically saying she shouldn't date anyone anymore because they could possibly be a cheater.
When did blaming the victim of a cheater become a thing?
No. 417296
From the videos, it seemed like SR was sweet to her and definitely showcased her a lot more than his ex girlfriends. I'm sure Jaclyn truly believed he has changed.
And from her video there is intense emotion and sadness because she truly believed that he was "the one" and even admits shes an idiot for it. Not a big fan of Jaclyn's viewpoints and annoying buzzfeed vids, but no need to continue to victim blame when we should be blaming the cheater and the bathroom slut
No. 417311
>>417303I wasn't aware she had another bf. Has he said anything? I might have missed that
You guys are all acting crazy aggressive. Just relax. Jesus
No. 417321
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I feel like one of these type of SR cumslut stans are in this thread rn…
No. 417360
>>417345No one has anything positive about emo Indian. People are only saying she should log off Twitter and get therapy. I mean being 29 and acting this devastated over a ridiculous male slut loser emo twat like SR just screams major issues. Men cheat. Most men ain't shit and will not change. Women really have to do more to get better
How you guys gonna act in the next event she gets cheated on? Lol. People have to stop coddling this 29 year old woman she's not 18.
No. 417377
>>417366Watch this video
>>417060 and tell me she's not equally irresponsible in regards to her love life as she used to be.
If she took responsibility and changed her approach, the same shit would not have happened for the millionth time.
No. 417395
>>417385Trust? She doesn't trust these dudes. She reads their messages. She sees all the red flags and gets suspicious. Lots of women will use that knowledge called experience. Then if it happens again, it's really not a big deal. She also gives her partners her passwords to everything because she thinks thats normal??
Some woman are stupid yes. But Jaclyn, the resident "skeptic guru~" in all things, just wants to be cheated on. She must have a humiliation/cuck fetish. Kek
No. 417398
>>417385But this is not a one-time or two-time occurrence. It's a pattern.
Her ignoring red flags over and over again, and then saying "I'm an idiot for doing this" is exactly the same as Richie cheating over and over again and saying "I'm a bad person for doing this".
Just empty words designed to elicit sympathy.
Don't fall for it, from either of them.
No. 417411
>>417398Da fuck? Its nothing along the same things. If anything Jac repeating it is hurting herself, while what Richie does is hurting OTHERS and not taking any responsibility. Not the same at all.
Jaclyn just seems like the really gullible type, and I agree with an earlier anon that said she should think about seeing a therapist about it. There is a reason she's picking these douche canoes and legitimately falling in love with them. That doesn't make her a bad person or even that its her fault that THEY cheat. All of these dudes, could… you know… NOT fuck around and actually care a little.
No. 417415
>>417412>>417411I'm seriously trying to grasp how people think it's Jaclyn's fault SR did what he did. YEAH Jaclyn is dumb and chooses the wrong guys and has a history of it. Does that make it her fault though? or even make her evil? SR did this to Ayalla too but she didn't have the same patterns as Jaclyn. There's no fucking way its the same as a guy who is a serial cheater.
If anything Jaclyn gave too much to a guy that didn't deserve it.
And fuck yeah we need a new thread to talk shit about SR because I'm sick of these dumbasses blaming the victim
No. 417418
>>417415I'm also trying to grasp how you don't get that it's not her fault what HE did, but what SHE did.
If you don't want to be cheated on anymore, the last thing you should do is go for a known cheater.
This is not rocket science.
No. 417421
>>417395If she wanted to get cheated on then why would she try to enter a monogamous relationship? She said herself that she likes to see the good in people and doesn't judge them on her past and believes she is dumb for that.
And she only went through those texts because she saw explicit chats. Maybe she accidentally saw it on his phone notifications and used her intuition to lurk further. We don't fucking know how she found out about the initial texts but if she wanted to get cheated on why would she wait a year to do it?
No. 417424
>>417418I do get that she was stupid too I said that in my post.
I don't believe she is 100% innocent but do you really believe she is at the same level of responsibility as Richie in this situation?!
No. 417427
>>417424She has full responsibility for taking care of herself, he has full responsibility for taking care of himself.
They're adults.
No. 417434
>>417423kek, it's either her or someone on the same level of brain dead as her.
>>417426Are you over 18? Yes, she was retarded for giving a known cheater ~a chance~ but she didn't shove his dick into some groupie whore. He took the chance she gave him and shat all over it. She was lead to believe that he finally turned over a new leaf, she honestly thought he was the one. And it's not like he didn't play his part in deceiving her. He didn't pull a Greg on her.
No. 417441
>>417426>>417427Not that anon but have neither of you been in serious relationships or what? Yes you take responsibility for yourself but, when you entrust your future with someone there is a thing called trust and responsibility that you both share with each other to not lie or cheat. Jesus christ.
The problem is Jaklyn took the relationship seriously(ehich she admits she is an idiot for doing) while SR pulled her along while not giving a fuck but, pretending in front of her that he did. Thats why people here are sympathizing with her a little because its a really shitty feeling when you realize you meant nothing to someone.
No. 417448
>>417434That's all some real life role play shit. She has a humiliation/cuckold fetish. Hmmm… the skeptic youtuber didn't see a cheater coming from a mile away… gee… and then she played into it now getting her rocks off being all exposed. She enjoys this. People do get off to crying and enjoy crying/masturbating.
You guys need to really read the lines in between these people lol. Body humiliation degradation fetish "I wasn't thicc enough :[" . Even just read her YouTube video titles. She acts like she's being sarcastic about it but nope.
It's surprising how most of these skeptic YouTubers are ddlg and humiliation. Actually, no it isn't. Lol
No. 417449
>>417441You still have the full responsibility for your choice of whom you will put your trust in.
She keeps making the wrong choice over and over.
No. 417452
>>417448that's a biiiit of a stretch
but it was hilarious to read
No. 417494
>>417473No she doesn’t have a cuckolding fetish. She dumped him. You sound like a fucking incel.
She fucked up by trusting him despite warnings but if that’s the worst you have on her in this situation - that she was overly trusting - then the hate is overblown. Ditto for not being too bright. None of these youtubers are geniuses.
I really want that separate SR thread now, to get away from JG haters who go too far with it.
No. 417506
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I don't know if this is even important, she has been know to be a possible new member of the Onions Trinity , she supports Jaclyn.
No. 417523
>>417494BITCH you sound like someone whose taken every narrative these shitty influences at face value.
Call me a fucking incel lmao. You're inexperienced and delusional. WAKE UP!
Whether she is aware of her fetish or not, this girl loooooves to be cheated on. She loovves it. She enjoys the pity party afterward too.
This is not dumb luck, this is deliberate. She does this cuz she likes it!! A lot!
No. 417527
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No. 417548
By dumping his ass?
Why is 18 years old the limit? This age shit on this site is retarded.
No. 417553
>>417540Doing WHAT shit? Posting about the breakup of a very public relationship online?
Get the fuck outta here
No. 417554
>>417523You're seeing this from an incredibly distorted view, and I think you're interpreting everything too much.
She doesn't have a cheating fetish, why would someone willingly spend a year with someone and be distraught over being cucked? There is no reason. And she doesn't have a fetish for crying, I haven't seen her cry since this exact moment.
I don't know why you're so sure, you're making ridiculous claims and have very little evidence to support this theory.
She dated Richie and gave him the benefit of the doubt, maybe she didn't expect their relationship to become so long term. We don't know how their relationship got started, we don't know what he told her for her to believe him.
Many people get into situations like this, Jaclyn's fatal mistake is always thinking she is going to be the exception for these individuals.
No. 417565
>>417554I don't think Jaclyn expected it to be long term either.
From what I remember, they started hanging out for fun and pretended to get married spontaneously. I think this fun edgy lifestyle attracted Jaclyn and she started to like him more and more and eventually fell in love with him. Like she said in the video, she thought he loved her the same way but she was wrong. He lied to her the entire time.
Why the FUCK would she have a cheating fetish?! Where the hell did you even get that from?!
There are so so so many girls who fall into the same trap as Jaclyn and constantly get hurt by men- doesn't mean they're fucking looking for a pity party- they're just stupid.
Being stupid doesn't equate to cheating on someone you know cares about you and wants a good life with you.
Richie threw away a chance to live a better life with a girlfriend that actually cares but he decided it's better to fuck nasty goth girls in restrooms and cars. Maybe it's Jaclyn's fault for romanticizing him as something he's not, but it's not her fault she got cheated on.
No. 417606
>>417523All caps and double exclamation marks. Methinks the robot doth protest too much
>>417540She does a bit, she's caught up in the immature culture of youtube, but let's not complain too much about it, because we rely on that immaturity for milk
>>417554Yeah she wouldn't have dumped him if cheating was her fetish - just because she's made bad choices repeatedly doesn't mean it's a fetish. Not everything is done because of fetishes, especially for women.
>>417565I dunno, she did the commitment ceremony in Vegas and seems to think she thought it was forever. Despite the obviousness of it to everyone else she seems honestly blindsided.
No. 417628
>>417582Now if she did that I would lose sympathy for her.
I mean, not for confronting him, but what "closure" and meeting up with an ex usually mean.
Better to NC him
No. 417629
>>417550>I have a feeling she actually did expect to get cheated onYou're right. Now just go one step further. Was it just because she is insecure? And stupid? It's never what they want you to think. Even they may not know their own deeper motives. So yes I'm willing to say Jaclyn does not understand or is aware of how she loves being cuckolded.There is no woman out there who keeps getting cheated on who acts like this. For the normal person being cheated on is something no one likes to admit other than to close friends if that. It's very awkward and uncomfortable to tell your friends and family your boyfriend cheated on you. And if you do, it's usually just a quick short explanation. This type of embarrassment and humiliation is obviously enjoyable to Jaclyn every aspect of it. She wants the world to know every detail. Going So far as to admit it's more than 1 girl, the exact sex act itself, and much more. Girl what the hell lol. Wake up she even tweeted "Makes me sick that Richie gets off to me in his video cuz he cheated on me" yes Jaclyn and so did you. You should feel nasty, you're into some mad weird shit!
>>417606>>417573>>417577>>417592Thanks for all the love, but maybe focus on the issue at hand? If you're going to sperg over my posts at least contribute something related to the topic at hand while you're at it. Lol
No. 417631
File: 1510090921594.png (151.93 KB, 540x960, 23416223_1623624511034284_5981…)

Finally, some milk from Ayalla.
No. 417642
(ignore them)
No. 417651
I think Jaclyn thought Richie was different was because he was different from her past relationships where they probably were more outwardly shitty and obvious about their cheating. Richie hid everything better and was nice to her most of the time and acted like she was so important to him.
She probably did "learn" from past relationships but she learned the wrong things. She thought someone who hides you away and tries not to mention you are their gf is bad and that if they dont care if other guys are into you and never feel jealous, it's a sign they dont care about you since her past bfs seemed to not care about her much or feel any jealousy. I think Richie cheating hit her hard because it was unexpected since he acted so different from her past ex's who cheated.
>>417631omg finally. I was hoping she would talk to jaclyn and jaclyn would encourage her to speak out which is what I think happened since they follow each other on twitter now. spill the milk.
No. 417657
>>417631Need to know what time zone, too. Can someone tell us that?
No. 417682
File: 1510092913443.png (167.5 KB, 591x445, likes.png)

These are in Ayalla's recent likes, so yup, she's about to light shit on fire.
Added Onion hates for the lulz
No. 417687
>>4176599:45 am AEDT
11:45 am NZ
10:45 pm London
Basically in 30 mins from now?
No. 417705
>>417209>He appreciates the art. The art is separate from his drama.All of his "art" is literally all about what he does to lovers in his spare time. His drama informs his art, he has openly said he cannot create art without first creating drama and misery to feed off. And it's not even good art ffs. He is scum.
>>417700Yes gurl yes
No. 417729
>>417565I agree. It was likely a slow burner. How else could you fall for that horse faced loser?
I am so fucking glad that people see them both for what they are now. They are both fucking losers and people stan them so fucking hard. You would think the sun shone out of these two troll doll's asses.
(learn 2 sage) No. 417938
Aha finally you guys all made your own Jaclyn fan page thread. Head on over to
>>>/snow/417732 you spergs. No one cares anymore
No. 418079
>>418072She’s probably going to find progressively worse men and the fact that she’s notoriously e-famous will repulse any decent man only leaving abusive freaks to hit her up.
Not only is she becoming a lolcow but she’s becoming a Greek tragedy at the same time.
No. 418099
>>418079I second this prognosis.
Her only hope is completely changing her social circle, the type of people she hangs out with, and the type of person she is.
So, practically next to no hope.
No. 418113
>>418103For her sake quitting YouTube and social media would do her a world of good.
We’ve all been through shitty break ups but at least We didn’t broadcast it to the world and trolls.
No. 418114
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Okay, can we agree Jaclyn's starting to milk this a bit. I get she's upset. But she reallly needs to take a break from social media.
No. 418119
>>418103>>418113I too would love her getting a serious career, a new circle of down-to-earth and off-the-grid friends, and a loving bf. Offline.
But she doesn't strike me as the type to leave the stage. Both the YT stage, and the stage of the Greek tragedy that are her relationships (like the anon above put).
She strikes me as someone who'd rather be in the spotlight and miserable than in the shadow and happy.
No. 418121
>>418114I don't get how she can just move on after just a couple of days and finding out more and more shit about a relationship that was an entire lie for her.
Why do some anons keep insisting she's milking? Fucking let her she has every right too
No. 418124
>>418114Well when you have the habit of attention whoring it’s not an easy thing to walk away from.
You can’t turn a drama cow into a sane person.
No. 418137
>>418134No one (except that cunty anon earlier) is saying she should get over it, or be over it by now. Some anons just think she's making things worse by dwelling on her social media and creating an bigger situation than it already is.
But i'll just sit back and enjoy my milk while I can I guess.
No. 418142
>>418114Lol, just came to post this. It's really getting obnoxious. Everyone's on your side already, Jaclyn. Stop acting like a 13 year old.
>>418134You know what people normally do when they're devastated by a breakup? They
delete social media, or turn it all off for weeks or months. Normal people know how to take time for themselves and do their soul-searching and recover. Normal people don't broadcast their misery to as many thousands as possible. She's with family, she has support, she doesn't need to use attention as a crutch. This is
why people think she's an attention whore. It's just unnecessary.
No. 418188
>>417235The only person at fault is Richie. Go fuck yourself creep.
>>417240lmfao did you see that amazing shop of Lamo's face over a foot on tempcow
>>417241>If that bugs you, perhaps you should focus on other threads.lmao this. I don't understand how this anon thinks it's perfectly acceptable to sperg about how an internet personality is publicly responding to her already public relationship. He deserves it and he looks like a foot with yellow teeth.
Also I second the therapist comment.
>>417245Yeah that buzzfeed shit was annoying. You didn't copyright walking into crystal shops and being condescending towards other people's beliefs, Jaclyn.
>>417270Seriously, that bitch needs to disappear. She is loving the small attention this site is giving her irrelevant ass with her wannabe clever tweets about the situation that have 0 retweets and faves. Disappear Mira clone. All you've done is take like 3 old ass posts to heart and prove you lurk here. No one cares.
>>417301So true. I would have to sacrifice a lot of pride to give Gerg leverage. Dragging Richie is worth it, though, and I'm proud of her for sticking up for herself instead of letting him slither away. I do think she should get therapy, though. Not because I believe she did anything wrong exactly but because she needs to figure out what unhealthy patterns to break to not repeat old mistakes.
>>417345>>417346Yeah, I don't know why this is so hard for these morons to grasp.
Also, to the anons that are legit angry that Jaclyn is getting sympathy. Does no one care about you or something? Is that why you're salty? lol
No. 418337
>>418325Yeah, you do. You sound worse honestly.
As a matter of fact, a lot of people ITT do. Are you guys coming from the onion thread? If so, please go back there because you're all annoying as shit.
No. 418534
>>418323stop samefagging.
we know its you.
you already said this, and you cant know unless your psychic.
which is impossible.
also doing
all the
time is unnecsessary.
No. 418833
>>418520Well yeah, he even foreshadows in the "dear future girlfriend" video that he is a narcissist, flat out says he is one. Narcs are the worst, most abusive people and incapable of loving. It explains a lot.
And they can't be cured either, NPD is a personality disorder
No. 418891
>>418520Another example of cows attracting cows. People who talk about narcs a lot often sound like narcs themselves, humblebragging about their powers of insight, but anons here have made a lot of this these observations themselves, it's all pretty obvious in retrospect of course.
Play at 1.25x speed at least if you have to.
TL;DW: Richie is a narcissist (no shit), narcs have patterns, obvious lyrics analysis, his videos have clues to his shittiness as a person (yeah we got that), thinks Jaclyn was being used as a muse even though it was clearly Ayalla, his Re: I'm an idiot video shows his lack of remorese (we noticed).
It's almost like marketing for his goddamn album, and feeds into his belief that his shitty behaviour is necessary for his creativity
No. 418896
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Pic: omg he has a huge head and manlet dad body like onion, the similarities are neverending.
>>418526It's pretty normal for people in this situation to become a bit obsessed with it all for a while. If they can't vent to everyone else, then they just stew with the thoughts invading their mind all the time.
Like anons said in the tempcow thread, lots of us would drag our exes like this if we had this much dirt on them, if we had public support, and they had fucked us over to this degree.
Plus why be here if you don't like the milk?
No. 419063
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>>418896>why be here if you don't like the milkI prefer my milk creamy, not sour and full of tears.
New tweet about it. Again.
No. 419081
>>419063>we shouldn't talkOut of everything that's happened so far, you're damn fucking right for once Richie.
Jaclyn sounds like she's on her way back into his clutches.
No. 419141
>>419063What fucking morons are telling her to talk to him in private?
She should avoid all contact, block him, mute anyone that conveys information about him, either get someone else to retrieve her stuff or kiss it goodbye.
No. 419160
>>419148I am almost envious of the catharsis she gets that most people don't.
But it's also pretty important for the tween fanbase and lots of others to see someone fairly attractive and confident go through this. Chances are a lot of them will go through something like this in their life, and will feel like they're crazy or defective unless they realise how common it is and how it can catch anyone off guard.
No. 419161
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No. 419249
>>419160>I am almost envious of the catharsis she gets that most people don't. I get that, but
>>419161She is talking and acting like this is the first time. This is at least her 3rd relationship that ended like this, all of them publicly. There's only so much public catharsis you can have before you start just looking like an overdramatic idiot. Did she not learn how to process this shit the first 2 times? The sad thing is, she won't have even learned her lesson this time. Give it 2 years, rinse and repeat with some other loser.
No. 419268
>>419265It went down in the Richie thread because it was more about him than Jaclyn:
>>>/snow/417853 says basically everything she brought up.
No. 419397
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Richie lied about the dates, to the surprise of absolutely nobody.
No. 419416
>>419141lol yeah anyone who isn't telling her to stay far away from him is a shitty friend/fan.
Ayalla even said Richie needs to just mail Jaclyn her shit and I agree.
>>419145sage your autism
>>419161I agree with her. People need to stop rubbing her old relationships in her face. She thought Richie was different because he acted different. And like another said previously, she thought he was different for the wrong reasons. Thinking that his jealousy for example was a good thing because her last exes didn't give a shit. It's sad, but it seems like she is learning. People are being way too salty at her dragging of him. Also, did anyone see this fuck face try to blame her for the pedo rumors? Fuck him.
No. 419432 is so annoying! Shut up you fat sweaty idiot!
I mean, both SocialRepase and Onision are assholes but youre laaaame
No. 419546
>>419493>>419432wym anon? I kinda like him
sage for ot
No. 419742
>>419397Vegas wedding/officially started dating…
Um. What? I've been feeling rather sympathetic toward JG but did she really "marry" a guy that she wasn't even officially dating?
No. 420140
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Fucking stop.
No. 423223
>>423204hahaha ot but gross, how the fuck is trish
still such a piece of trash?
No. 423233
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>>423223 30 flirty and trashy
No. 424166
>>423204trish has never been a youtuber I liked or cared to watch but I admire what thick skin she has
and how she even has empathy for someone as pretentious as Jaclyn who has harshly mocked her so often
No. 434727
>>424166I love Trish. She’s a fucking dumbass but also seems like she’d be a really fun person to hang out with which is why I’m addicted to her videos.
But anyway, I looked up some of Jaclyn’s “response” videos to Trisha and they’re so petty and bitchy. Video related, She doesn’t even have any interesting input other than pointing out Trish is dumb (as if we didn’t already know) and it seems like she’s just picking on popular people for views a la Onision, and because she lacks originality. This is why I don’t feel bad for her in all honesty. Trisha is good, and if you don’t have anything interesting to say then leave her alone.
No. 440279
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Ok so i'm gonna get shit for this but I dont feel sorry for her anymore. She is a total cunt and she clearly went for social repose because they are so alike (and no I dont mean they both have horse face, but personality wise they are both up their own asses) and she goes on about how shes so smart but went for him?
She probably felt she was gonna be the one to change him. Its amazing for a woman who goes after low hanging fruit and claims women play victims shes suddenly playing out the victim to make bank.
She's a lot like shoe in the projection department-they are both snowflakes who try to put the spotlight on others so they don't get called out for what they really are-attention whores with no intellect and just echo chambers for beta orbiters who exaggerate drama so they can get views with their straw man arguments. I have no idea why youtubers insist shes a nice person given how shes super nasty to other people who have dont her no harm. TBH her and social repose deserved each other.
No. 441321
>>440279No way, I agree with you anon. The other anons are mostly just immature snowflakes. The thing that I found interesting is that she is like a decade older than Ayalla, but handled the cheating situation just like her. Anons tried to argue that it was not true, but it was. Did anybody notice that after she found out social cheated, she still wanted to stay? Just like Ayalla. The only thing is that she lucked out and found out that it wasn't just one girl sooner than Ayalla. So she dated a known cheater, started acting all smug like Lainey does with Greg about it, got screwed by him cheating, STILL WANTED TO STAY, then left when she didn't feel special enough to him anymore, aka after finding out he cheated on her not with 1 other girl multiple times, but with multiple girls, multiple times. And this is from someone with a history of being in relationships with cheaters. She seems to me to have left only to cut her loses, not that she didn't want to be with him. I'm in probably the least popular boat, as i'm not mad at either party, they just both need help (not from airing their dirty laundry to the world and having retarded randoms try and diagnose the situation and "help" them). And also, the icing on the cake:
>with him 24/7 for a year>writes songs about being a pos that she apparently listens to, enjoys, and helps him promote (including about cheating (?))>cheats on her>"THAT'S NOT MY RICHIE"TL;DR You are a functional adult ('influencer' as well) in your 20s, you are 100% responsible for yourself, no exceptions. Trust, she is only making things harder for herself listening to these internet retards (anons will just keep blaming Richie for all her future problems though, because she couldn't have possibly had any BEFORE she dated him).
No. 441571
>>441321>>440279I'm really surprised anyone feels sorry for her after all her shitty behavior in the past. Richie is a shitstain of a human being who should have his dick cut off but I wish people would stop treating Jaclyn like she's some poor abused little flower. She is a cunt herself lol.
>>441232>>441273Nitpick, but she definitely could use a nose job like the one Blaire had. Every woman I've seen with a nose like that aged horribly.
No. 444417
Did anyone watch this? I love how this dude just brings anyone into his show, lmao
>>441321Yeah this thread was unbearable at that time. Only me and one other anon were on the same page. Everyone else just coddles her. I keep forgetting she's 30 too. Isn't she one of those alt-right girls too? Don't let your eggs dry up Jac.
No. 505010
has anyone else been watching the shitshow go down between her and SR the past day or so? it's really embarrassing. she's now doing with him what she was doing with Onision, making a tweet/video response to every single thing he does. claiming she's moved on yet she cannot stop talking about him. she streamed on V-Day after a "very nice date" with someone else and just complained about SR the whole time, even mentioning she talked about her ex to her date that night. yikes. run, whoever you are, run! many comments from her "fans" are giving her sound advice, like ignore him, take the high road, "this is what he WANTS from you, don't give it to him," etc. she doesn't know what it means to be the bigger person because in reality she's no different than SR or Onision. she claims the only reason she knows about what SR does is because people tweet his every move to her. girl we know you are looking at his shit all on your own. it’s the only thing keeping your online personality alive.
never posted a link here before so hope I'm doing this right: V-Day stream No. 508009
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is she joking
No. 628423
>>628421Thank fuck, I was so pissed with her association but not only that, Edwin had her fucking back during the richie debacle and yet when it comes to mina, Ol' jackie tells him to sling his hook and unfollows him completely like a massive cunt.
Then she cries on the internet about "Ooo why are people so meeeeeeeeeean" Bitch because you associate with fucking sociopathic psychos like grease and putin but still expect to be treated nicely? Fuck off. Thank fuck this thread was revived because the bitch was getting on my last nerve and she was totally self posting in the dasha thread like a rat.
No. 628426
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>>628423Heres a screenshot of the "WAH"
No. 628428
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The selfpost from the other thread
No. 628430
>>628426Man, I really wanted to like her for the longest time, but she keeps making stupid decisions without even
trying to get better. It always goes like this
>meet new person>everyone points out red flags>gets snarky and ignores them>person fucks her over>"Waaah why does this keep happening to me???"now she's shilling betterhelp while announcing that she stopped taking her meds cold turkey because of potential weight gain. Let's go into that:
- you're never, ever supposed to go off psych meds without doctor's guidance, the withdrawals can be terrible
- she always whined about how she was insecure about being skinny and
wanting to be
thicc- shows her followers that their figure is more important than their mental health
- shills online therapy like it's in any way comparable to real therapy
wonders why the hell she's a hot flaming garbage fire>>628428she still has plenty of whiteknights, I wouldn't reach that far and call it a selfpost (yet).
No. 628436
>>628430Are you fucking serious? I’ve had issues with being thin but god you’re really stupid to stop taking meds for your own mental health if you’re scared of weight gain. If she’s so scared of gaining weight why complain about being skinny?
I used to like her until I noticed the same thing anon. She never fucking listens to her fans and then a month later goes on a twitter ramble about how she fucked up once again
No. 628439
>>628437The anon was banned for bumping this thread without actually explaining what was going on or referencing the posts they were talking about. Context is required. It's a short ban.
>>628433This user was banned for extensive sperging and because they have sperged in many different threads, not because we think it's Jaclyn.
No. 628457
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>>628428>>628433She was asked about the posts on here on her stream just before but she ignored them
No. 628461
>>628460The videos still up?
Yeah i saw her vendetta against the channels that reupload her livestreams but when they were uploading incriminatory things against Social Repose she didnt have a problem.
No. 628473
>>628465She probably saw him more like a leech than anything else, also they did hang out together, she probably didn't get a good impression of him and maybe that's why she doesn't give a shit about the situation.
I can see her gossiping about him with Dasha on Dasha's shitty and peeded apartment
No. 628535
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>>628436This bitch… complaining about yt demonetizing her video about muh depreshun where she has ostensibly said that she values her appearance (kek, she will always be an ugly bitch irrespective of whether she is
thicc or thin) above her mental health and wonders why. Fucking moron.
No. 628866
>>628647She has always had terrible style but this goth lite nonsense is so unflattering on her. She has beady little brown eyes that look like pissholes in the snow with the amount of poorly applied eyeliner and shadow she cakes on, she obviously uses foundation that’s too light for her skin and she doesn’t even bother trying to contour or highlight, so she invariably looks like a reanimated corpse, but not in a creative way like dedicated goths do. Adding insult to injury, anything she wears that is not sponsored by black craft cult (kek that shit is designed for angsty teenagers, not senior citizens) looks like it’s from walmart. She really is just a desperate basic bitch trying to fit in with the cool kids like jessie, frank and eva, all of whom are way too nice and inclusive when they should be ditching her toxic, negative, drama seeking ass.
>>628774I’m all for enjoying a beverage or ten but she is straight up glamorizing alcoholism. All she does in her live streams is talk to her ugly feral cats in an annoying baby voice while singing along to shit songs for asspats from her edgelord teenybopper fans and chugging cheap wine. She is the apex of cringe.
No. 629048
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So edgy, jacko. Fuck this attention seeking piece of shit so much. This “ironic” wearing of maga shit is one step away from wearing a swastika for the lulz. Hanging out with robbie and trasha really is rubbing off on this dumb cunt.
No. 629050
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Fucking kek, you wish you looked 23, you decrepit old hag
No. 629075
>>629048I wonder if she bought an official one or borrowed Blaire's. If she bought it then ~~ironically~~~ wearing it ~~ironically~~ donated directly to Trump's campaign
Though I'm positive she's going to start crying in a few minutes about those mean, nasty liberals being mean to her after trying to start shit
No. 629092
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>>629048Such a bad move considering her ~atheist skeptic~ schtick. Although I guess he pseudo-intellectual male audience will lap it up as the height of irony, or bend over backwards to defend her.
No. 629101
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>I’m done up because I’m going out with mah gurlz eden and blaire tonightYou mean your new pet gays? With your 3edgy5me nationalist memorabilia? Fuck outtta here, you dumb bitch. And if this is you “done up” I’d hate to see what you look like when you’re undone.
No. 629158
>>629138she dropped out of medical school
>>417054 so yes, she has her bachelor's
No. 629203
>>629090She has a cheek to talk about richie stopping therapy, Bitch gloats about stopping fucking MEDS so she won't gain weight while shilling the betterhelp crap to fans. Great message jaclyn you hypocrite.
>>629102Dear god, This bitch is lainey.
No. 629242
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What's with keeping her hair in that horrendous shade of red? Does she really thibk it looks good?
She did other shades of red before and it looked way better, is she blind??
No. 629912
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kek she is such a tryhard, being ~ so edgy ~ with her white trash porn star friend and ~ so emo ~ at (yes, really) the fucking warped tour. She even admits she didn’t know any of the bands playing. This is what she gave up med school for. No. 630072
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>>629050maybe a 23 y/o with progeria
>>629092she made an entire video once about a twitter post she made about murica and how
dumb people were because nobody understood that it's "SATIRE"! It's clear why she was friends with Onision, she has very similar thought processes. ( )
No. 630464
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Of course the filthy skank has roaches. Those nasty ass cats must stink up her apartment. She’s so gross.(Chill)
No. 630481
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Jfc who told her this was cute? The black lipstick on her non existent lips makes her look like such an old hag.
No. 632455
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No. 632482
>>632455Blaire's plastic ape face is terrifying. Also JG only ever has 2 expressions - "scared" and "I just smelled my own fart".
I'm pretty disappointed with her post-horseface drama. I really figured she would work on her own issues but it's clear she enjoys being a pathological victim.
No. 633581
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So much cringe, from the overload of plastic tits, the glorification of alcoholism that normal people grow out of by the age of 16 to the edgelord sjw-baiting maga nonsense and everything in between. No. 633603
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>>633595The only straight girl in a sea of gay men. This mic drop, though
No. 634942
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Maybe that maga hat wasn’t so ~~ironic~~ after all. The thirst on this thot is palpable.
No. 635197
>>634245Oh yeah, I didn't mean to imply Blaire was one of those people. As much as I hate her, she isn't them which is likely working against her with Jaclyn, not as cared about as Onision/SR. Blaire may be biggoted but the people she actually is friends with seem like proper friends. She constantly involves Jaclyn in the things she does and put up with a lot of Jaclyn's diva nature. She's likely going to be dropped when Jaclyn can find someone better to skinwalk who will give her better material to gain fame from.
Speaking of Jaclyn with Blaire though, I bet you anything she's just going to regurgitate Blaire's opinions for this new "political" video. Don't see why this is such a big deal to Jaclyn though, she's made all her social political clear already, American politics is all that right now anyways among YouTube political commentary, so this won't be new. I'm glad she's putting it out on video though so we can see if it changes the moment she finds a new friend. Maybe the next person she leeches off of will be on the total opposite end of the social spectrum
No. 640739
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Fuck me, she’s only just realized something most people have figured out by tenth grade. Great clickbaity title too. No. 641570
>>640739'I decide what I think regarding important political matters based on WHO WANTS TO BE MY FRIEND AND WHO DOESN'T'
jesus this woman is 30 and thinks like a teen
No. 642307
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>>640739She has such flimsy opinions on politics that people like Steven Crowder ~can change her mind~ lmao.
No. 642439
>>640739jesus christ how does anyone consider this woman smart in any way? I always assumed she was cause everyone seemed to reffer to her as such but every single time I've hear her speak she makes observations of highschool debate team level and you can tell she thinks she's deciffered the secrets of the universe, wtf? I am very curious to hear these "very thought provoking conversations" she supposedly has. Judging for the guy she chose as a boyfriend it's probably all autistic rants about how religion "is the opium of the people.
How does she not realize she is getting her fee fees hurt by rad left because IT IS RAD LEFT? She obviously has never intereacted with a radical right person, any person that is a fanatic wacko won't listen to anything anyone has to say, no matter where in the political spectrum they are. DUH?
No. 643381
>>642439samfag but jezz I just noticed the horrid typos. Sorry, English is my 4th language.
>>642913wait she has a freaking degree?!?!?!? Please tell me she's a drop out, otherwise…
No. 643717
>>643710She graduated with a Bsc and was IN med school (I'm surprised too) and decided to drop out and decided to put all of her eggs in the YouTube basket right before all of the ad stuff went crazy.
She talked about it in a video, where she said she's also been divorced?? I forget that she's 30 since she whines like a teenager
No. 648128
>>644585Book smart =/= common sense/logical thinking
Now med school is usually much better at weeding those people out with the interview process and the general requirements involving volunteer work and all that over undergraduate admissions but some schools are better than others. No matter what, some people will always slip through the cracks. Those people tend to drop out or get kicked when they can't handle the logical and critical thinking or the problem solving. I wonder how well she actually was doing in classes…
No. 700144
>>699982>misogynistic pricks>on an all female websiteDid you really have to bump a thread, unsaged, just to say that?
I hope youre not about to say that we all must have “internalized misogyny” next…
No. 700236
>>699982I happen to be in a wonderful long term relationship and I also support genuine hard working women. Not those who try to chimp their way into success for popularity points. Jackie is a prime example of trying to force her own popularity.
>misogynisticJust because someone who happens to be a woman is criticized or called out doesn't mean it's misogynistic
>>700144 is right, we're all women here so try harder lmfao you sound like you're projecting for insinuating women have to date other people to not be critical of others actions
No. 841652
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On her latest video about Shane Dawson. Comment from Ijustine.
No. 843340
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Apparently she tried to stage an intervention with Eugenia, and got the cops called on her for kidnapping. Two full length videos dragging Eugenia and her mother for not accepting their 'help'. Her acting in the video is terrible and fake, she's acting so 'shook' like damn bitch calm down, everyone knows you don't care and you're making fat stacks off this girl's mental illness, what the fuck. I bet the 'intervention' was all filmed too. What a fake ass friend.
(Sorry if this is necroposting? But whew)
No. 843359
>>843340she actually did help Eugenia, vendetta-chan. who is still living with her
abusive parents.
No. 843607
>>843340While I do agree her whole shaking voice sounds fake as fuck, the story is truly believable. E's mother is also 100%
abusive because what kind of parent doesnt force their dying kid to go see a doctor? The mere fact Euginia was living with her mother and wasnt institutionalized sooner is proof her mother is a piece of shit who deserves no empathy whatsoever.
No. 843720
>>843607Ah, okay, didn't realize they were the reason she was hospitalized. Forget everything I said, Jaclyn did a good thing for once, wow.
My in-laws didn't let their kid with a rare disorder see a doctor for 10 years. So that's relatable. She probably saved E's life.
No. 844319
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Edwin made a video on Jaclyn Glenn. Tone deaf, delusional, hypocritical video. Aggressively irritating in both mocking tone directed at Jaclyn and white knighting the parents of EC. All along with 4 ads. Jaclyn is a cow, but on the matter of EC, she did good. She did right.
No. 844320
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>>844319And while he was trying to pain Jaclyn as opportunistic and clout chasing: no ads to be found on either of these
No. 1079094
>>963563>>1076933>>1076969>>1076975Seems like the same person figured out how to sage. Having a drink in a video does not an alcoholic make and the wedding thing is pretty common.
If you have more info on her being an actual alcoholic then post it. That would be milky. But otherwise for now she's faded into being irrelevant here.
No. 1079140
>>1079094She drinks in almost every video, Instagram posts and it goes as far back as 7 years ago. Normal people dont drink that often and get drunk on camera. 98% of the time she has a drink in her hand. I bet 100$ she cant even go a week with out a drink.
>>1079094 she based her channel off of being an atheist for the longest time but then has a religious wedding? Shes hypocritical. And doesn't practice what she preaches.
Also euginia was looking healthy when she made tht video with shane. Once jaclyn spoke out eugenia relapsed fast. So jaclyn un did everything she faught for. Cuz shes a dumb alcoholic with no brain.
No. 1079304
>>1079209 lmfao NO. Jaclyn is
garbage and the world should know it
>>1079450Got that post nut clarity, huh scrote? Unless she said she would post nudes and then didn't, you've only got your cumbrain to blame
>>1079140>Also euginia was looking healthy when she made tht video with shane. Once jaclyn spoke out eugenia relapsed fast. So jaclyn un did everything she faught for.Of course Shane couldn't put her in front of the camera if she had looked the same as ever and of course Jaclyn couldn't speak out about Eugenia shittalking her until Eugenia actually did it. Your logic doesn't make sense, including the rest of your comment, but keep seething
Agree that she has an issue with alcohol though, and she needs to drop her idiot friends she only keeps around to look like a cool girl (Blaire)
No. 1080051
>>1079450I hate men
>>1079920I think eugenia was never planning on staying recovered. She hid her body early on seemed uncomfortable af, I really think that her ed is probably from her controlling ass mom.
Also I do think that Jaclyn has an alcohol problem. In her videos, and on livestreamsshe's always seen holding a drink. She keeps posting videos on onision even tho people in the comments tell her not to give him any attention and it's all he wants. I wish people would let his platform completely die. I don't know why anyone would hate watch him and give him money.
No. 1082747
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tinfoil: the low IQ samefriend dragging up super old posts about Jaclyn to get mad at is in fact Onision.
For your consideration, the telltale signs:
- can't spell
- very focussed on blaming Jaclyn for Eugenia's relapse, despite the fact that even people who hate Jaclyn could tell Eugenia was going to relapse anyway
- doesn't seem to understand how eating disorders work despite talking like they're an expert in them
- thinks that alcohol makes all your opinions invalid
- doesn't get why Onision having an OnlyFans is way cringier than anyone else having one
>>1081279 just posted an Onision skit from 6 months ago which has no milk in it, and absolutely no entertainment value, and it's linked directly to one of his channels so he gets views from it
- the way this person types "uhhhh yeah it does look bad" in
>>1080649 is exactly the same way Onision speaks when he's doing his misogynistic little "parodies" of women.
It was worth the ban to point this out, farewell anons. o7
No. 1085324
>>10827471 imposter. But everyone else on here just fucking LOVES jaclyn. Must be why they are on here then.ha.
For real get a life you annoying little pest. Anyone who stands up for jaclyns drinking is obviously an alcoholic them selves.
Her drinking does invalidate majority of her opinions if she cant have a political opinion with out being drunk.what an inspiring woman. Fakes tits, booz, degrading towards anyone who has a different opinion. What a lady to look up to.
No. 1144276
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Look at her flat forehead
No. 1147300
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I actually looked up this thread by googling "lolcow jaclyn glenn" wondering if there even was a thread. And I'm glad there is because boy does she grow thin on me. I used to be subbed to her, for years. Her boyfriend Blaire White I was subbed too as well. Until I realized just how full of shit and far up their own ass these people are. These people genuinely enjoy the smell of their own farts. I am so sick and tired of their bullshit. We got Jaclyn here being a "proud Atheist" whatever the hell thats supposed to mean, since she grew up in a religious household. Congratulations Jaclyn, you did it. So did about 800 million other people in the world besides you and they didn't become super duper "outspoken Atheists", trying to mock religion. Thats just the least of her flaws though. I mean she talks about her former bestie Eugenia having an eating disorder but bitch have you looked in the mirror lately? Beyond your fake tits, I mean? Every video she becomes whiter and whiter and its getting so bad its fucking up the contrast on her videos, making her look like a dead hooker found in the trunk of an old car. She's skin over bones, tits dangling everywhere because the cunt doesn't know how to dress herself and besides at this point even a size supersmall will hang over her like a tent. Then her lips I don't know what the fuck is going on here, maybe shes subconsciously so hungry that she started nibbling away at her own lips making her look like Darth Maul and slut I am sick and tired of you trying to peddle merch to us. No really, we KNOW about Adam and Eve and are fully aware you buy your dildo's there and probably now that you married a nice jewish accountant sheets that have a hole in the middle. Go sip some more grain alcohol you salty greedy narcissistic twig. I swear that bitch starts drinking at 7.30 am every morning.
Then she has the gal of accusing Chris Hansen of making money on the Onision story yeah he fucking did, but so did you, Edwin, Blaire, Mikenactor, Repzion and all the other greedy narcissist scum of youtube.
I do have to thank her for that, she's the one solely responsible for me realizing that all youtubers are the scum of the earth. They are absolute douchebags and truly, we need to rid ourselves of the influencer phenomenon. Just because these assholes made a career out of narcissism and get paid for being greedy cunts does not equal them being better than us. If anything, it makes them worse.
Fuck off Jaclyn, seriously. Go settle in Encino with your nice jewish accountant or some shit and give up this public facade you call a career. Oh, and your singing fucking sucks.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1149249
>>1147300Let's be real jaclyn definitely gained profit off the onision drama and
victims from all her YouTube channel along with repzilla, edwin, blair white , repzion, they all suck. They are the slime of YouTube.
But jaclyn is by far the worst. She judges eugenias body figure but you are right she her self looks like death. Her paper white skin and skeletal body. I bet she doesn't eat and only drinks. Which she bitches about eugenias self harm when all she does is drink booz what looks like daily. So she should focus on her own self harm. She says shes trying to be a good friend and save eugenia all shes doing is bullying the girl and now thousands of people harassing eugenia daily. I wouldn't be surprised if eugenia snaps and trys to kill her self from all the mental stress being projected onto her. Jaclyn will feel dumb then cuz instead of saving her she will be the cause of her death.
Jaclyns a dumb bitch, a bad friend and kind of a slut. Shes gone through like 5 different guys on YouTube. I feel bad for this new guy she trapped.
No. 1149565
>>1149249This new husbando of hers will cheat on her too, and something tells me it will be with another guy.
>>1149250She has quite a landing strip. Also, blonde is definitely not her color. It makes her look like Casper the friendly ghost.
No. 1150033
>>1149762Yepp you are not alone.
>>1149565Well jaclyn does have the worst taste in men. Shes really drawn to the gay metrosexual type men. These two also have a collaboration channel where they give relationship advice. Jaclyn is the last person on earth to be giving successful relationship advice.
No. 1150106
>>1149762As much as I couldn't stand watching her most of the time, I thought her input on the Eugenia documentary was fair and she certainly turned out to be right.
That still stands but now it's infuriatingly hypocritical of her to bitch about the Disney onion documentary and talk about
victims not consenting to their stories being told with very little time separation between that and making another video about Eugenia. She thinks Eugenia is an abuse
victim but she had no problem telling her story without her permission. Apparently that's ok for her to do but no one else. She seems sad to see onision go, like she needs the views that his occasional relevance brings.
>>1150061Fuck off, he's known for cheating on everyone, so the thing she did wrong was dating him. It's incredibly scrote-like to act like men need to be given a reason to cheat besides being insecure validation-seeking little bitches. Sage your bullshit.
No. 1150257
>>1147300Honestly anon you just sound like you were offended by one of her videos or something by the way you mock her. You only gave one criticism which was her being mad at Chris Hansen for making money off of
victims. Why don't you come back with some real milk next time.
No. 1150479
I just don't get why she uses such atrocious hair colors. The red and blond both look bad, her face doesn't suit super bright shades. The reddish dark brown she had before looked miles better. Goth style also looks cringy on her, she's like a normie that tries to fake having any personality by badly mimicking other people's style.
>>1149249>dumb bitch >kind of slutHow is she a slut? She wasn't the one doing any cheating. You have Onision-tier insults.
No. 1150561
>>1150479How is she a slut? Shes EASY. She jumps from Man to man with out a breather. Shes now married taking sexy photos selling them online and waves her dildos around on YouTube for the world to see with her fake tits out. Shes a floozy hoochie.
>>1150061 even with him being a known cheater. Shes been cheated on before richie. Shes got bad taste in men and all she does is bitch about everything on earth. It's safe to say she drives them away into the arms of another woman because of her obnoxious personality.
No. 1150822
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>>1150061the bitch is controlling too if you ask me. like in her latest "anti-religion" video she had her new husbando in it and he looked uncomfortable as fuck. she doesn't even notice that shit, its all about her, her, her and "how right and level-headed she is."
>>1150061oh i bet he has a vast array of great stories about her.
>>1150257I thought they made some really good points. Don't really get why they where put out to pasture tbh.
>>1150561and she's super besties with a gay guy. those are usually the worst people you'll ever meet. (no offense)
No. 1152915
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oi vey i'm sure David's mother Ima is glad her boy married the village bicycle nafka.
No. 1152939
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>>1152915"grandma, why is that man wearing a bridesmaid dress?"
"because he's a pervert, bubele."
No. 1156445
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No. 1156447
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No. 1251021
>>1241871she always dates metro sexual men its nasty.
she's also asking people to buy their baby stuff off her wish list. like don't have a baby if you cant pay for your own baby shit.
maybe they are running out of cash now that she's not making videos about eugenia cooney anymore. lol sad shit right there.