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No. 40381
Meet Idol Aiya. She's been my personal Las Vegas lolcow for a while, along with Isaki, but I figured I should share since you guys might find her interesting.
>like 27, acts the same as she did in middle school>thinks she's an idol, tons of lulsy videos to go with it>mediocre/bad cosplay>considers herself an inspiration to others and will tell you all about her fanbase in person>went to conventions instead of seeing her dying father>is currently pregnant and naming her kid after sailor moon>boyfriend cheated on her so she decided to force him into marriage>THE BABY WILL FIX EVERYTHING!11Personal Facebook:"Idol" Facebook: couldn't decide whether she belonged here or in /snow/.
I'll post some caps and let you guys decide.
No. 40382
File: 1444326081073.png (70.08 KB, 311x433, MARRIAGE DESUx2.png)

sorry I'm so lazy and half-assed at censoring.
No. 40384
I'm having some technical difficulties posting but, I also forgot that she made a new idol facebook: keep getting "failed to resize image" message so if anyone knows what that is about..)
No. 40386
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No. 40390
>>40389I think she used to go by Motoko too?
But yea moving to California has not helped her personality in any way.
She is pretty much online constantly. Her boyfriend and her run their own "business". No. 40391
File: 1444329340864.png (633.46 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-09-25-01-09-51…)

this is the cheater boyfurendo.
(lets see if I can post unedited pictures at least)
No. 40392
File: 1444329666820.png (1.44 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-09-25-01-34-08…)

okay so I can't post anything edited so have some raw caps from my phone (I have a lot of notifs okay..)
No. 40393
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No. 40394
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No. 40395
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No. 40396
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Also the day before their engagement…
when I get this technical problem sorted out, I have a collage of the lulsy parts of the conversation
No. 40397
File: 1444330408088.png (328.81 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-09-25-01-13-48…)

she complains a lot about not being in vegas, since she has no friends outside of the middle school/high school group.
No. 40398
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>>40397case in point.
alright, done for now.
I'll try to stop fucking up my future posts.
No. 40402
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…. while pregnant.
No. 40403
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No. 40407
File: 1444334020123.jpg (376.82 KB, 2008x1456, super healthy eater.jpg)

She is a healthy food guru.
No. 40408
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Also I've always wondered if her gums are just the result of poor genes or something else.
No. 40411
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No. 40413
File: 1444335614953.jpg (197.7 KB, 958x948, best artist no etsy.jpg)

omg I can't believe I fucked up the links. here's more:
this is her personal storenvy: idol fb: "business" storenvy: fb: couple page (I didn't know people made these??): I remember she used to have an etsy but idk what it was/if it is still around
No. 40416
>>40391How did she manage to get cheated on by such a disgusting lardass, like who would come even near that
top kek
some people have no standards
No. 40418
File: 1444336483298.jpg (16.23 KB, 423x130, golden corral what a dirty slu…)

>>40416idk but he is super gross.
He does work really hard to support her slightly less fat ass though (like two jobs or more if I remember correctly).
No. 40419
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Alright sorry for the delay but I had to track some of these down.
Basically her papa (who I forgot was her grandpa and not her dad), was sick and being cared for by her mother. But instead of saving up money to visit him, she basically blew all her money on cosplay and kawaii related stuff. Not to mention that despite multiple ride offers, she still used her car as an excuse not to make it down to Vegas.
After he died, her posts alternated from "I'm sad give me asspats" to "OMG look new anime-or-manga-related thing I'm so happy also look at how much cosplay I am working on" and a ton of check-ins at various stores. She started a kickstarter to have him cremated and people also donated enough money for her to drive to Vegas for the funeral (+ to Anime Expo on the way back).
Some of the posts have been deleted (there was one where she was essentially arguing with her mom about visiting), but I think the comments/timestamps on these kind of speak for themselves.
No. 40429
>>40421aye aye farmhand-sama.
worst case, I figured it would be moved.
No. 91816
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No. 91821
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Not op but the drama that we all knew would unfold has finally unfolded. Told this girl it was a bad idea. Why ask for our advice and then ignore it only to ask for money when it blows up in her face?
No. 91867
>>91821she's the dumb slut who realized she fucked up by getting preggo and is now trying to act upset when the guy who cheated on her is GASP still doing it???
I understand if the infidelity was because of some kind of intoxication but this could have been called from a mile away. When will people learn trying to lock someone down with a baby is only going to end badly?
No. 92105
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>>91839>>91839Doubt it. He's a scumbag never liked him
No. 92115
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No. 92706
>>40381Wow, actually not super surprised she's here. I remember working in a Maid Cafe back when I was around 13? 14? She was also in it and kept trying to say how she's gonna be a Japanese idol. She would rope in the most Asian looking maids to be her backup dancers. I remember one girl was so shy she never said no to anything Aiya said.
The cafe in question was a joke, but mostly because people in it were in their weeb phase. I guess that's what you get when the "head" maid doesn't screen people (but they were gonna launch an actual cafe you guys!)
I just figured by now she would have grown up a little, and she's let herself go quite a bit.
Here's some of the old Ichigo Cafe/dance videos I could find:
-'m sure you could wayback the Ichigo Cafe website, too if you wanted. Pretty sure Aiya had a profile. Either way, sounds like she needs to grow up… :/
No. 92795
File: 1455431736444.png (223.19 KB, 934x847, part 1 - doubt it.png)

>>92706Most of her friend group is stuck in perma-weeb phase.
Or, like me, have her as a personal lolcow since she never listens to our sound (often unanimous) advice anyway.
No. 92797
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No. 92798
File: 1455431957224.png (635.5 KB, 1329x662, and back with the scumbag.png)

No. 93119
>>92795>>92796>>92797>>92798It bothers the fuck out of me that no one can type. She also sounds paranoid. "We also think she has a recording device!" Where is your evidence or is it just you pulling BS out your ass?
This girls a hot mess. The fact that she's back with her baby daddy who cheated on her multiple times is astounding. Your husbands mother wants to take away your baby but you're pretending everything's okay right now? Nope the fuck outta here. I feel like I'm reading a Maury episode.
No. 93139
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>>93138And the comments.
She does not listen to us.
I don't know how she has so many people licking her ass all the time.
I guess to be fair, a lot of them I know are personally almost as bad as she is.
No. 93302
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>>92796>>92796But jacob is friends with his mom so they do have a mutual friend…
Also this mom provided for and supported them note than anyone else during the end of the pregnancy
No. 93352
>>93305The people that have apparently donated a ton of money to her seem to care about her for some reason.
I just sit back and watch it all unfold.
No. 93584
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>>93470Yea, repeatedly.
>>92117>>92795>>92796>>92797>>92798But his mom just loves the kid and her son.
No. 97570
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No. 97577
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>>97573Just fyi: Las Vegas is one, maybe two, gas tanks away (6 hours). Not to mention that many of us have offered her a place to stay.
She's gotten around $500+ from speaking to people that have donated. And she's still asking for more.
No. 101195
>>40381She's also proud that he proposed with a fucking ring pop after she gave him the ultimatum. I'd be fucking embarrassed as hell if I were her for
both reasons.
No. 101308
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Lol please tell me this is one of you trolling.
This "person" showed up on my recommended and is friended to one of her accounts. Or maybe it is motoko herself… ? Idk but it's fucking weird.
No. 101358
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>>101355>>101308Also it's a member of her "Elle's Jammin Launch Party" group? And she personally added them. Lmfao I'm so confused.
No. 101369
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It's kinda cringey when SOs post things like this to one another imo.
And it's even worse when the tagged party doesn't even like, comment, or acknowledge it.
No. 101372
>>101165Lvl up expo, right? She posted on the comm for donations too lolll.
>>91816 No. 101373
>>101372Hm, so she is moving back with the money. I'm still not happy with the fact that she's wasting like $40 on a badge and cosplay shit when taking care of her daughter needs to be priority. What if her kid gets sick? Will she have funds to take her to a doctor? She has some of the worst money management skills I have seen in my life. Then again… a lot of the weeaboos on her friends list that never grew up are shit at it too.
I just don't get how she can be so fucking careless. This is why I've given up on her for good about a month ago. Teenage mentality at its worst.
No. 104029
File: 1457649208523.png (2.31 MB, 1440x2270, Screenshot_2016-03-10-14-20-22…)

She knows about this thread.
This was posted right after we bitched about the mass dump of baby photos. Not to mention what she's says. Which, her apology is stupid because Facebook has this handy thing called messaging and you can hide stuff from your timeline.
I'm worried that she'll delete me even though we're pretty good friends (Not telling you enough to out myself just yet, weeb). Might play it safe for a bit, still taking screenshots but not posting them, unless there's done excellent milk.
Cya in fb messenger, dani.
No. 104048
>>104043Well personally idgaf but the account she is posting then on is supposed to be her professional business page to sell nails n shit so… Why post 40+ baby photos there and not on your personal page?
Tbf she's been using them both as personal pages and that is dumb and attention whorey af.
No. 104052
>>104048Same anon you replied to, in that case it's stupid.
You have your personal page then your business page, no need to spam both with pictures of your kid.
No. 104303
>>104157entertainment, anon. I'm not stirring anything, I just let it flow. it's like having a pt of my very own.
case you haven't picked up on it tho, it's a one-sided friendship. and there are plenty of us irl chronicling this girl.
a lot of us have donated or tried to be supportive but she just spits in our faces and uses her friends for attention, pity, and money.
No. 104362
>>104348Read the thread. She's moving
back to Las Vegas. I do agree that it is pretty low on their part to call her a friend and still spill caps.
No. 104488
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No. 104683
>>104611Hate to break it to you but most of us have said this shit to her face. She's just dumb as fuck for basically putting her fingers in her ears and screaming, "LA LA LA LA!!! I CAN'T HEAR YOU! I LOVE JAKE AND I'M GOING TO STAY WITH HIM TO PROVE EVERYONE WRONG!! LA LA LA, CAN'T HEAR YOU!"
By the way, my life is fantastic. Can't say the same for her. ;D
>>104617And yet here you are.
>>104676>wow look all these immature children You mean all the people on Danielle's friends list with middle school weeaboo mentalities that don't confront her for her dumb actions and instead, encourage her wreck less behavior? Yeah, that sounds about right.
>i bet half of you aren't even loved yourselves and only do this to make yourselves feel better cause mommy and daddy don't loved you enough and put you down youselves.No my dear, the difference is that we actually
do love ourselves. We love ourselves enough to let ourselves be
helped. The problem is that Danielle
doesn't love herself. If she did, she wouldn't be staying with that sack of shit claiming he's "the best thing that's ever happened to her" and letting his mother treat her like shit. What rational woman would even let something like
>>40391 even
touch her let alone get knocked up? Let's be honest, he has nothing to offer, is a loser, a cheater and disgusting to boot. He'd make any woman's skin cringe–lesbian or straight.
>hey i bet some of you are in abusive situations too and i bet some of you are fat ugly cows with no boyfriends/girlfriends i bet none of you have a nice body since you seem to have no lives other tan putting other downNo, we aren't because we're not blind and dumb. Unlike her, we actually know the signs and can stay the fuck away. How many of her friends have told her about this? The last time I looked at that status, a lot. And no, the majority of us are neither fat or ugly so keep projecting that.
>grow up and leave that high school shit somewhere else cyber bullying is not ok and fyi cosplay is for everyone no matter who or what you are you have no right to say what people can and cannot do fat or skinny no one is perfect everyone is different and if you're a cosplayer how about you go back to your roots where you were a no body struggling to be a somebodyPerhaps you and Danielle can take your own advise? Grow up and stop acting like you guys are in high school. Get your priorities straight. Get your lives together. Sometimes these boards actually
hell people stop acting like idiots. Take that Yuuhi Takahiro girl for example (hey, they're both from Las Vegas). She got completely destroyed on a forum and today, she's shaped up and is actually having a childhood, acting like a kid and can actually
keep friends. She doing really good for herself. Too bad Danielle has lost a shitton of friends because they all gave up on her. Who can actually blame them with how she acts?
No. 104886
>>104842>implying we didn't post a lot of the shit we're saying here on her wall in the past>Guess what? We did and she didn't listen!You weeaboos
really want an excuse and want her to play victim, don't you?
No. 105723
>>105520And sometimes people just like to play the victim and relish all the drama and attention, which has nothing to do with "~taking their own path~". We didn't trash talk the baby, fyi, we trash talked her posting over 40+ photos of said baby to a FB page being marketed as her BUSINESS PAGE which is stupid and unprofessional.
>>105522You mean like being the #1 pussy that dani is by just deleting her entire friends list instead of, you know, fucking growing up? I know she's on here posting, so that makes her the queen of all pussies in this thread by your logic.
No. 105756
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She was always ugly (except when she was a kid) but she used to be slim. Damn, what the fuck happened?
No. 105759
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>>105756As the years went by she kept gettin bigger
No. 105778
>>105771She's the biggest shit talker to come out of our shitty toxic community. If there was another cosplayer that was better than her (even worse if one of her friends was friends with them), she'd go into a tirade of shit slinging behind their backs. Is the girl pretty? Dani would go on about how she's ugly and people only think she looks good because of her cosplay. The bitch couldn't fathom how another girl could genuinely just be more attractive than her.
Someone else cosplaying the same character she wants to? She'll nitpick them apart for dumb shit like, "Her breasts are too small. I'm going to look so much better!" Bitch, no one cares if your tits are big when you're the size of Shamu. Even if it's a character that she doesn't know shit about? She'd still go on to insult that girl's body type even if its perfect for the cosplay. Dani is the most two-faced bitch from the old school weeaboos and hasn't changed.
Heaven forbid a cosplay girl be all around more talented than her. The shit talking never ends! The asshole has no conscience. Even if the cosplayer is nothing but nice to her, she'll
still talk mad shit. She'll pick apart their costume, accessories, wig, etc. and say what's wrong with it when she herself has no talent in
any of those areas. In her mind, she's the best (insert character name here) in the world!
She has pissed so many people off. Funny how she thought none of this would ever get exposed.
No. 105811
>>105798Snowflake spotted!
This is
exactly how Dani posts and thinks. Christ almighty, I'd tell you to learn how to read and not just skim then wonder why the recipe didn't turn out right, but that'd be expecting too much.
No. 105823
>>105822Do you mean those of us venting because we're tired of dealing with her using us or the lone white knight?
Mootoko is lurking around too so feel free to say hi
No. 105999
>>105796Her sales page is so sad and desolate.
But who can blame anyone?
And what happened to the girl that paid dani's way for her to get started in the first place?
No. 106009
>>105999She's so fucking dumb. If I didn't know any better, I'd think she was illiterate. She's probably borderline since she can barely even read.
Really, deleting all your friends then trying to
sell them some shitty nail crap? Danielle, you're a super shitty business woman. You let everyone know that you only see them as a dollar sign.
No. 106102
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>>106049If I were her I would've saved up for this procedure as early as fucking possible.
But that would require responsibility and money management skills so of course she would rather have a baby and no job.
No. 106111
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>>106102Sorry for the double posrt
But I mean, if she wasn't self conscious about them, she wouldn't make it a point to close her mouth and use angles to hide her gums all the time. So why not get the relatively inexpensive and safe procedure to feel better about yourself?
Contrary to a lot of people in this thread, I think she definitely had potential to be very pretty. (see photo)
I think it's the case that happens to a lot of people where their attitudes and actions start to really impact their looks super harshly as they age though…
No. 106198
>>102103Are we talking about
Jinnai or someone else?
>>105671I can agree with this. I used to think she was nice, too. My mom was always like that's a "weird" one though, and over time I saw it that way. I also knew that the maid cafe had clicks and everyone talked about one another. I just think it's sad to see people wasting their lives and not even going after a solid career. If she was gonna be a housewife, then awesome, but it sounds like that's an impossibility with her fiance's situation.
No. 106255
>>106118Oh, boo fucking hoo, Danille. Guess what? The farm isn't Tumblr!
Oh and Danielle? Nice way to try scamming your friends with that dumb nail party. All you wanted were the hostess rewards.
No. 106260
>>106118We aren't judging her BECAUSE of her size, we are judging her size BECAUSE of her.
Get it straight.
No. 106269
>>106198>I just think it's sad to see people wasting their lives and not even going after a solid career. If she was gonna be a housewife, then awesome, but it sounds like that's an impossibility with her fiance's situation.I agree! One of the sad things about it is that she never had a realistic dream. That whole idol thing was impossible because she wasn't good at marketing herself online with her dances. To be a weeb idol like Beckii or Yukapon, they had to find some kind of niche and constantly pander to it (Beckii's was a fluke tho), but Dani
never had a niche. Plus she became way too old for it. Dem Japanese like dem idolz young.
Yeah, that's pretty much how it was with me too. She was the weird weeb in the group but I didn't mind it too much since I was able to see past that. Then when I found out about all the horrible things she was saying about me behind my back after doing favors for her because I thought of her as a real friend? The way she picked apart my cosplay, my body being too thin for "slutty" characters (who weren't even fucking slutty), picking apart my looks (lol she has no right with where she stands on the 1-10 scale at a 2 if being generous) and just slinging shit for no reason? After I found out about all that, I was so done with her. I didn't understand what I ever did to her but the only thing I can think of is she was the jelly donut of envy.
The maid cafe had some cliques but shit… She was the person of them all, fuck! The stories I've heard about the maid cafe… Thank god she never roped me into being a part of it. That was way too weeb for me to get into. All the cringe…
No. 106274
>>40395LolWAT? How, pray tell is she going to lose her baby? I'm convinced she really does have some kind of mental disability and it's not only stupidity.
>>106118You're illiterate, as always. It's a wonder you can even live on Facebook all day. Danielle, you are a
cow. You're a cow both
inside and
No. 106287
>>106284Danielle, you have yet to come up with a retort that makes any
sense.. All you do is repeat the same thing over and over, spam "TRUMP 2016!", call people fat and ugly (pssst, you may wanna look in a mirror) and say that people need to grow up–something that you don't plan on doing. And the way to talk shit and lie about people behind their backs? Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.
Bitch, you're an A+ snowflake. Keep playing up the professional victim card. You can't come up with anything to defend yourself because
you know everything people has posted about you here is true. No. 106311
>>106269I almost thought I knew you, but then you said you weren't in the maid cafe, haha. I joined the year she did? But not from her, I didn't know anyone in it, I just thought it'd be fun. In fact, I donated a shit ton of prizes in the first year.
We might have ran into one another if you kept going to Anime Vegas and other Vegas conventions.
She was not apart of all the cliques though, it depended on whose clit she licked that week. She used to be super tight with Queen V, then she jumped to someone else, then someone else… eventually the spotlight for her shrunk and she didn't seem interested and after that the cafe closed from what I understand (I think the official message for it closing was legit drama).
Either way, finding out all of this has been really hilarious. I kinda figured she moved on or moved away (which she did the latter). The fact she's coming back is super funny to me.
No. 106313
>>106311You might have seen me but I wasn't known in the community or really partook in it that much. I went to maybe one of the maid cafe events but weebs like Aiya made me never want to join one. She just…
no. Yeah, I remember hearing that she was close with V but I think she jumped to someone else when V started doing other shit like growing up and doing her own thing.
I went to Vegas conventions every now and then but wasn't that big on those.
Honestly, I thought she'd change and grow up once she left Vegas with that ex-boyfriend from Cali that was taking care of her but she didn't. If anything, I think she became worse over time.
No. 106335
File: 1458125009046.png (1.14 MB, 1440x1437, Screenshot_2016-03-16-03-40-59…)

Not sure what to make of this.
No. 106811
>>106712That is true but what gets me is that her mom even got her a trailer to live in when she got to Vegas. I think what changed her mind is that she realized how immature she was being and that she managed to piss everyone off in town so no one would want to be around her.
>>106558>I would choose people that just want to me to grow up over a crazy woman any day.Agreed. I have the sinking suspicion that Danielle is lying about how horrible Jake's mom is, honestly. If she's as horrible as she claims she is, then why would she choose to stay? She doesn't have to move to Vegas, she can move somewhere else in Cali but nope, she chooses to stay. With how much she lies and
loves to talk shit about people, especially those that never did anything to her, it won't be a stretch.
No. 107084
>>106712I might be outing myself here but I've literally made this move (socal > vegas) by throwing what I could carry in my car and my only out of pocket was a tank and a half of gas. When you are ing a desperate situation you figure out real quick what is most important to you.
Alternatively, I was desperate enough I considered taking megabus if my car hadn't been up to it (which is $15 tops one way, usually cheaper).
Like dani, I had family to stay with when I first got back. Slowly, I got back on my feet, but it was so much better than living with abuse.
No. 111230
File: 1459090844873.png (219.09 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

This was interesting
No. 111231
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No. 111390
>>111230>>111231I fucking knew she was lying about that woman. I fucking knew it. Before I thought that Dani was telling the truth about her being abusive but after hearing all the shit she said about so many people in the Las Vegas community, especially the ones she called friends? I began to doubt everything she said.
I do think Jake is a cheater but I believe his mom is telling the truth about what a piece of spying shit Dani is. This gives more proof about her lying for drama, attention and sympathy. It's no wonder why her pasty lard ass never wanted to leave that house. It was just a scam to get money. Dani needs to get a job because those dumb nail sticker shits she's trying to sell isn't meant to be a career. Fuck, she'd make more money working at Kmart, the job she turned down, part-time.
No. 112507
>>111231This doesn't surprise me. She just wants attention, negative or otherwise. And look at this thread, she's got it.
I will say that Vegas isn't what makes people bad, it's just dumb people being fucking dumb. It's just sad… :/
No. 124364
File: 1461633057606.png (631.67 KB, 1440x2029, Screenshot_2016-04-25-18-08-29…)

>>124345And a game.
Just. I feel like if his mom was that abusive, moving would be more important than a ps4…
No. 124425
>>124364>This is good news for SerenityHow? Her child is only 5 months old, what the fuck?
And I agree. If Jake's mom really were abusive, they'd save to move out rather than buying frivolous items. All the more proof that she's lying and
>>111231 sound far more believable than her whole, "Jake's mom is controlling and is trying to take my baby away from me!!!!" bullshit she tries selling everyone. And she wonders why none of us want to have anything to do with her?
No. 128695
File: 1462741966675.png (2.48 MB, 1440x2050, Screenshot_2016-05-08-14-10-44…)

Something about this makes me really uncomfortable. Maybe it has to do with treating a baby like a cosplay prop….
No. 129969
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>>128799ugh. she reminds me of that shawna murphy girl that has a sephiroth thigh tattoo and then named the kid sephiroth…
No. 133220
File: 1463937354138.png (312.16 KB, 531x749, oh boy.png)

Can't wait to see this one…
No. 146095
>>146087>knowing all this shit that no one cares aboutYou're still bad at white knighting yourself, Danielle. How is having two phones cheaper than one, especially if one is an iPhone 6? All your Las Vegas friends dropped you a
long time ago (really, linking your thread in a Facebook status just helped everyone see all your shit get exposed just weeded out everyone else).
And on the rare chance this
isn't Dani (but bitch, I know it's you because it's obvious you lurk several of these threads and not just yours), it's only a matter of time until she talks shit about you behind your back and uses you. Have fun with that.
No. 146129
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No. 146257
>>146087>If there is something you don't like about her blame yourselves cuz it was being around you that made her this waySo what you're saying is… It's our fault that you're a jealous cow? Sorry if we have better things going on in our lives than being a trashy weeaboo with nothing to show for being 27. I'll give you this. At least you went onto graduate community college but you need to do something with your degree. Work on your portfolio or something instead of concentrating on how many anime conventions you can go to. Shit.
Whatever happened to your drive in life? You used to have determination to do something with yourself and now you're not doing a thing. MDo something productive with your life and don't waste it. You're not even 30.
No. 146652
>>146584I hope she covers her stomach up too for that cosplay because… Well… It would be like seeing this in motion all over again at the 30 second mark.
She can also benefit from wearing pantyhose for it too.
No. 146657
>>146646lol won't be the first time a snowflake called the internet's police. You're delusional. No one here wants you to die.
Where are people saying that or is this more drama made up in your head again? People just want you to do something with your life and grow up.
No. 146661
>>146646Danielle, I've met you a few times and I find you unbearable but, with that said, I would never sit and contribute to a thread like this just bashing someone.
My advice to you is to ignore it. I know it's difficult, but these people will feed on anything you give them. Nothing will come of you reporting them, and as such they have no reason to be scared… so the threats aren't going to help you.
Just do your best to steer clear of the post. If you have to come in here, only do so to correct blatant lies. Be cordial and only comment on the facts, then leave. These people have nothing going for them and will always hate you… just accept that and move on.
No. 146665
>>146646>>146661You both are being super delusional here.
No one wants her to kill herself. No one is making threats or forcing her to come here and read anything. She lurks here at her own peril, like any other special snowflake.
Dani, you are free to do whatever you like. We are free to talk about it. You are an adult, get over it, and stop blaming this forum for your own fucked up issues that have nothing to do with us. You can mostly blame your parents and biology. Which, by the way, no one is making fun of you for your mental health issues. What we talk about here is mainly how fucking hypocritical you are and the lies you've been caught in. Your weight gets brought into this because you've been a bitch about it in the past and karma is just as big of a bitch.
We aren't trying to get to you, we don't give a fuck how you feel about the thread, you just have so much drama to talk about that we like discussing it.
This thread isn't going anywhere either, nice try.
No. 146673
"Has anyone actually threatened you?"
"Well, no- but they are super mean!"
No. 147275
>>146646I don't actually believe it, but if it was Danielle…
Why are you even entering a thread about you without being mentally, emotionally, and physically prepared for any backlash? People constantly judge each other and the internet is a way to do it publicly instead of whispering behind your back.
That's society, internet police can't change that.
No. 147497
>>147300Is this English? I don't think you understand how punctuation or spelling work…
If the gist is that you are trying to just call us all losers with no life, out to destroy the super special snowflake Dani, then you must really be new here.
No. 147520
File: 1466735041388.png (11.51 KB, 632x77, lolgoodluck.png)

>>146646do you mean you'll delete your entire friends list (again)?
lol i like how you have no idea who i am, or how many of us talk outside of here on fb. makes this thread 100% more enjoyable.
No. 147529
>>147523she likes the attention. she cant help herself.
gives her a new excuse so she doesn't have to take responsibility for anything in her life. she's bipolar, fat, and shit with money all because of the big bad online bullies, dont'cha know.
No. 147697
>>147673>>147673No one really asked why you were here. They just pointed out that there's no reason for you to be.
Most of us know your sob story, the truths and lies. You like sympathy and you like being the victim. That makes long term friends difficult excuse you don't fucking listen and you are in your own world.
Bullying sucks, but you're an adult so stop using it as an excuse to act like a 12-year old. Accept that it helped define you, learn from it, and move the fuck on. No matter what you do, people will dislike you and that's life. Sometimes those people that dislike you have valid points though – read this thread objectively and you'll realize it isn't just mean spirited, but mostly just calling you out on your own selfish bullshit.
No. 147749
>>147673>If I ever acted liked a bitch to you it is because that is the kind of person you are and I am just trying to fit in.Bullshit. You've done this to people you barely know that were nothing but nice to you. Not everyone you were a catty bitch to behind their backs acts the same as you. You really do need help with your self-esteem and jealousy issues. I hope therapy will help you with that so long as you keep going. Constantly checking places like this
and replying only make things worse.
No. 148202
>>148199You must be new here.
This whole site exists to talk about to talk about people. Which, by the way, talking about people is not cyber bullying.
Most of us on here look at the website casually like gossip news. Who cares if she changes her ways, or not. True lolcows/snowflakes/etc don't change, they always call us jelly bitches with no life, blame us in some way for their issues, and send their white knights in to make fools of themselves.
No. 148384
>>148302>>148302>>148302If you aren't new here then you shit talk just like the rest of us so get off your white knight high horse.
We are mostly adults here that know English, so you might wanna brush up on your middle school spelling and grammar so we can tell what the fuck you're saying.
No. 148492
>>148384Haha this.
>>148302 is new as fuck or a huge hypocrite because everyone on this site is here to talk shit. There is literally no other reason to visit this site unless you're here to do that or laugh at the cows and snowflakes. Keep white knighting your two-faced friend.
No. 148523
>>148302Just lol.
If you want to stick up for your friend. Tell her to realize there's some sort of weight you take onto your shoulders when you put yourself in a public light. That's reality. That's how society is. Have you never seen a smut magazine in a check-out line? It's the same bullshit everywhere.
When you subject yourself to it, you only have yourself to blame.
No. 148551
>>148539If you read the thread and don't understand why she's been posted, then I don't know what to tell you. Adults make sites to talk about things that fascinate them. Lolcow is all about calling attention whores and special snowflakes out on bullshit that almost everyone around them knows about already. they literally put it out publicly and then pretend to be astonished/offended that it was reposted somewhere. It's the internet, it will exist forever and people will talk about the shit you throw out into it.
And if half of your friends have been posted here, you have a really shitty friend group. Get help.
No. 148553
>>148535>they always call us jelly bitches with >no life, blame us in some way for their issues
>Gee Golly I wonder why^^^^^^^^Because they don't know how to take responsibility for their actions.
You need to learn how to quote/reply to posts before you start claiming you aren't just a whiteknighting newfag.
No. 148556
>>148535>Gee Golly I wonder why^^^^^^^^Holy fucking, shit I can't even…….
You call yourself her friend, and yet YOU can't help her out on her problems?! You don't see anything wrong that you see all of the evidence posted here as BULLYING…I feel pity for you, wait until you realize that what we're saying here is truth about her….
No. 148557
>>148556I'm pretty sure it's just Dani herself.
Why she'd want to make it look like the only friend(s) that would defend her are this fucking stupid, I have no idea.
No. 149259
>>149214This isn't the site for you.
Go back to FB before you embarrass your daughter.
You're probably more hilarious than her though, tbh. Good job raising such a lulzy special snowflake.
No. 149799
File: 1467401453922.png (88.69 KB, 557x602, srs.png)

Why would you post on FB over just calling someone you know to take you? Like your fiance, your fiance's mom, friends
It's like those tumblr kids that type posts while having an ~anxiety attack~
No. 149852
>>149799"Aw man, I'm in danger. Time to post it on Facebook instead of calling 911!"
Flawless logic.
No. 152339
>>152305I think I speak for the majority of us when I say this is really no different than people that half-heartedly follow celebrities.
We find these people to be interesting or a source of entertainment. Most of us have lives – steady relationships, jobs/careers, etc.
Sage because OT.
No. 154465
>>154087How sad is it to be called Dani?
If you guys can't even tell if she is posting or not then you need a life off the internet.
No. 223157
File: 1482953825444.jpg (Spoiler Image,26.7 KB, 600x450, 00v0v_1qATcCphs4j_600x450.jpg)

>>40381Ummm is this milk?
:V I'm new here. Did I do good? o.O
>>223336no she hasn't. she's gaining lmao
who even cares? She's boring spoilt milk
No. 472000
>>467742On the very small chance you’re
not her, you sure as hell are making things a lot worse by posting here. And mods can always check that shit if they’re bored enough.
No. 492459
File: 1517721702415.png (354.11 KB, 1080x1981, 20180203_211948.png)

Just some updates
No. 492467
File: 1517722000693.jpg (481.96 KB, 1080x1999, Screenshot_20180203-212433.jpg)

>>492459>>492459Whoops forgot I should probably include her original post about suicide
No. 494800
>>492493I still feel like this might be dani…
Side note: where is dani living right now anyway?