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No. 396097>>396098
>>396096Would GHOST really be considered a full-on
cow? I think this thread might be a better fit for /snow/ tbh.
No. 396103
>>396096Holy shit, another Musician snowflake? COUNT ME IN.
>uses garagebandNo music producer should EVER rely on Garageband. Do they not know what Cubase or Logic Pro is?
No. 396108>>396150
Honestly, I don't see what makes GHOST stand out from the rest of the edgelords in the western Vocaloid community. I agree with
>>396098 in that we should just have a western Vocaloid community general thread.
No. 396150>>396164
>>396096Anything besides "she's edgy and a transtrender"?
Why not talk about how she made a song series "Communications", which is the reason for the majority of her fanbase, just to put it on a permanent hiatus because MUH ANXIETY.
Besides that though, she really doesn't stick out with all the other edgy western Vocaloid producers who want to make 2deep4u songs about mental illness (which is pretty much almost every Western Vocaloid producer, let's be real).
>>396098>>396108Anyway, totally agree with these anons here about a general Western Vocaloid community thread as well.
No. 396164
>>396158Hi Ghost
>>396150On the topic of that series, she ended up blaming her fans on her quitting it. Not that she had run out of creativity or originality (not like she had any in the first place, all her songs are the same), but she originally claimed to quit it because "you guys r pressuring me and
triggering my anxiety!!1!"
No. 396188>>396254
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Almost all posts ITT read like samefagging trying to sound like different people. It's kinda crazy. Especially because said flake is a nobody.
No. 396378>>396380>>396679
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This thread is fucking sad.
>Tfw you selfpost
>Tfw you shit up your own thread
>Tfw you pretend to have fans
No. 396444>>396582
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whoever this ghost is, i must admit, they have some pretty dank memes.
No. 396542
Not sure if this is a contribution to the thread or deemed milky, but I remembered GHOST back when we were Tumblr mutuals (this was around when I was a teen) and she went by “Shay”. I’ve known a bunch of edgy Tumblr kids at the time who were super into Yume Nikki and its fangames, obsessed with psychological horror and other shit and generally attempting to look cool and special. Ngl, she was nice when I spoke to her, but from the distance, she was a major weeb who had an obsession for gory shit and stories where there’s at least one nihilist character to it (Aku no Hana, for example. she had a weird obsession with looking like Sawa Nakamura). I vividly remembered when she reblogged a post about an incident where two kids kidnapped this other kid, tied her up, and tortured her with razors and Shay/GHOST was just like, “wow cool! This kid is awesome”. That being said, I don’t think there’s anything actually wrong with her, she just tries way too hard. It's a shame she didn't grow out of her edgy phase. It’s even worst if she self-posted… like really, imagine being this bored and have nothing important to do in your life.
I only recognize her because of her unique art style. The visuals for Housewife Radio was fantastic and demonstrates improvement. However, it’s kind of sad to see that she’s apparently become a 20-year-old NEET who became internet famous for her edgy (unoriginal) songs and art style and possesses the sense of humor of a 14 year old on Tumblr. I’m sure all those Vocaloid voicebanks that she owns aren’t cheap, yet that’s more of a priority than going to college and getting a job or something. But yeah, that’s my useless input.
No. 396582>>396609
>>396329we've seen this happen a million times. even the REALLY popular cows' threads don't have fans coming in to spam as much as Ghost was doing and the posts all said the same unfunny tumblr garbage. it was just her pretending to have fans after my post touched her very core and hurt her fee fees.
you sound really new here so i assume its still you, ghost, trying to damage control hard.
>>396373>>396380>>396377>>396444yeah, please never come back. enjoy your ban
No. 396609>>396669
>>396582I don't think a popular cow has ever directly linked to lolcow. Some of Her fans commented saying what they spammed. I'm not defending her its just annoying because obviously her fans are just as cringy as her so why is it hard to believe they would come here to show us meanies a thing or two.
I get annoyed how in every thread there's "oh this is totally ____ I can tell" even in cases like this when other people straight up said what they posted.
No. 396669>>396679
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>>396609>self posts and posts on twitter "interesting" with caps of the thread as if she mysteriously found it within 1 hour of the thread being made>i totally didnt make this thread guys people care about me this much>spams the entire thread to make it look like she has fans and keeps defending herself when anons make fun of her>heavily spergs out and spams even more after anon calls her art shittyPeople lying on the internet must be unheard of to you, huh. And yes, MUCH more popular cows have been linked and made aware of their own threads before and the spam wasn't anything like how this was. This spam was almost on par with kiki's sperg out, but I'm sure you don't remember that either.
No. 396679>>396712
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>>396669>>396378Fucking this
Idgaf if even some of the posts were her cringy fans. She still self posted this thread and fucking tried to get away with samefagging hard (& pathetically)
The language and writing is so similar in TONS of the posts. Gurrrl, plz. Fuckin embarrassing.
No. 396680
>>396673>>396677Stop. Just stop. Seriously this is getting really embarrassing. We all know it was ghost. No fuckin fan made this thread, sent it to her, and within an hour she has checked her messages, felt this was serious enough, capped it, then tweeted it….all within 1 hour.
Just stahhhhhp.
No. 396712
>>396686Honestly, for whatever reason she did this (sympathy, le epic troll x3, rekkin' dem haterz, etc.) it's pretty fuckin' sad.
>>396679Thank you. A majority of these posts and op read the fucking same, she couldn't even make her own white knights sound different.
No. 396733
>>396724>Maybe I haven't listened enough of these western Vocaloid producers' songs, but I noticed a pattern with all of them.No man, you've nailed the pattern down perfectly to a T. I used to really like some of Creep-P and GHOST's songs, but over time I started realizing it's just the same shit rehashed over and over again with the only variations being which Vocaloid (or UTAU, but that's a lot rarer to see used for an original) was singing this month's thinly veiled allegory for an abusive relationship and/or mental illness song.
I mean, there's edgy producers on the Japanese side of the Vocaloid community too, and I can honestly give the same criticism to Maretu with regards to his music sounding like the same thing rehashed over and over again, but I think the difference is that Maretu, as far as we know, isn't a 19 year old who can't stand even the most shallow criticisms of their music and doesn't shit up threads talking negatively about them.
No. 396923
>>396906*not self diagnosed how didn't I catch that earlier
>>396909Hi ghost
No. 396930
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this whole thread is fucking disgusting, ghost leave and don't forget to take your fucking meds you fucking nut case
No. 406646>>406652
>>406642also one more thing: the only things that she's good at are playing the victim and being a huge narcissist. almost all of her "music" has to do with how her fans are crazy and obsessing over her.
that cunt drives me up a fucking wall
No. 959325>>960318>>1027427
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I am a former friend of ghost, please refer to me as kikio. I hope they get their life together before quitting all of their friendships… this is them(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)