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No. 376144
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This happened.
It's Yohio and MiA kissing.
No. 376431
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No. 376967 fucker needs a mention too btw
He is a complete bastard who went to rant about hating foreign fans and there was a massive backlash and he got his thong in a twist and threatened to retire from the music industry.
YET Hates foreign fans so much he will gaijin hunt on facebook and add you… creepy fucking old man.
No. 377011
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>>376962So much for SEIKE calling out Yohio for being a man hoe when he is one too.
"Heard That I'm being called unprofessional by a person i once held very dear. Hypocrisy just took human form. It's not me who lie to my fans about smoking, drinking and having a lot of sex. All of this would be totally fine if you would not tell your fans the opposite and then throwing away your friends when they refuse to lay people right in their face to please you. I'm fed up with your bullshit. At minimum stand for your actions, and do not you dare calling yourself a role model for young people and in the next breath accusing me of being unprofessional. I might be unprofessional for writing this message official, but it's _nothing_ compared to what you've become. "
No. 378793
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I posted this in another thread but does anyone know パルうみ she's about 22 and a really cringe worthy v kei fan. She just met Shiena and Katie on her Japan trip and she e stalks a ton of band guys.
No. 378803
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>>378794This girl must be super tiny because from what I've heard Katie and Shiena are hobbits. I know they're wearing heels but they still tower over her. Also even tough this girl is an ugly weeb she still looks better than Katie… who is aging rapidly.
Anyways she went around Japan with her aunt to Vkei events saying how every guy was so in love with her. She's hella cringe worthy and it's kind of sad.
No. 379649
>>379545The only thing wrong with him is his vanity; plus his insta is pretty lulzy (e.g. looking like a sugar baby)…
Other than that he's actually a pretty skilled guitarist, especially given his still rather young age.
No. 380218
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I feel like MiA wouldn't bother me so much if he low-key didn't look so much like Vanilla Chamu.
No. 380261
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damn he looks hideous
No. 566502
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Searching for a visa guy like charlott?
No. 719271
>>707825 Who the fuck is that? Picture?
Also why does it matter, if that is the ONLY thing she is doing then wtf jelly?
No. 719286
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>>719271nahh not interested in Vkei
>>719286 I don't see anything wrong with her, never have I even heard of her and I know a large majority of gaijin in japan for the vkei scene. So the OP is obvs jealous lul
>>719332 He usually bums around in a lot of clubs or similar, I have him on Line through a mutual, never spoke to him but his timeline makes out he lives a party 24/7 life wouldn't go as far as has a ring of girls around him but he doesn't have anything milky as you said
No. 723283
>>720038 You are obviously jealous for bringing it up constantly, it is her life, let her live it and fuck it up. Not everyone needs to live a basic vanilla life like you.
>>720047 So… there is no milk then, lmao
>>720049 Davey? Or whatever the fuck his name is… or was he the host who got a girl knocked up and went to live in the countryside