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No. 365050
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>>she posted a picture of her younger years on IG awhile ago
I would love to see this photo lol
It's hard to tell with her make up and filter but without them, she definitely doesn't look like a normal person. Something has to be up.
No. 365051
>>364918Late 40's, maybe. Late 30's? No way in hell. Liking older dudes is all good honestly, but Splenda isn't even remotely attractive, and on the other end of that, not wealthy or charming enough to make up for it. Yumi is just desperate and is settling down for the first guy who will both put up with her and support her. I mean, at least her tastes are cheap enough for Splenda to afford, I guess?
And while Splenda may not be "fat" as in obese, the guy is clearly fairly overweight. He's got a huge gut and visible man tits through his shirt. It's just funny that he's such a slob given that he's always ragging on Yumi to lose a few pounds.
No. 365107
>>365021I'm sorry but all this ragging on what you deem is a "cheap" dress deffo gives off elitist vibes to me. Smacks of high brow snobbery imo. Like you said, it's a dress for one fucking day. Not everyone wants to, or can afford a "boutique" dress like you say Yumi should, all for a single, "magical" day. If Yumi"s dress that you think is so tacky makes her feel like a rich, fancy lady then good for her. A $200 dress seems "fancy" and expensive to me as well, but then again I'm just an ignorant, poverty-stricken commoner. In actuality, I kinda like the dress, but maybe my lower class status makes me stupid.
Sage for Marxist-type rant in Yumi thread
No. 365140
>>365107Maybe if it wasn't for the "50000 dollars" this wedding is suppose to be, and her trying to pull poorly made and cheap things as top grade.
If you want a cheap wedding dress go ahead but don't brag on how cheap it doesn't look when its obvious. Most girls like to look nice on there wedding which they opt for higher quality fabric and the labor.
If she was really creative and not too much of a cheapskate she could've "upcycle" a preown/thrift wedding dress so it would be nice/unique but not awfully expensive.
No. 365154
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I think OP should include Yumi claiming to not know what the 911 incident is despite being in America for over 5 years when being questioned about frolicking at the 911 memorial in one of her cosplay in public videos. Pic related.
No. 365155
>>365107I understand what you're saying, but the real issue I have as a member of the ~bourgeoisie~ is not with the quality and price of the dress; rather, my irritation stems from Yumi acting like her wedding is going to be super expensive ($50,000) and then buying an absolute garbage, cheap dress. She spends so much time trying to scam her viewers into thinking that she purchases quality items and lives such a lavish lifestyle with her definitely-not-a-pedo Splenda daddy uwu.
If you can't/don't want to spend thousands on a dress, that's your choice, and I understand. But don't act like you're some wealthy, spoiled baby and outright lie about having tons of money to spend on a wedding.
No. 365177
>>365170Oh, shit, that makes it even worse. My bad for not knowing that– I only watched bits and pieces of the video because I find them to be quite boring and cringey. Thanks for the clarification.
~*$50,000 wedding uwu*~
No. 365211
>>365107She could easily go to a wedding shop or even a simple Prom shop and find something for the same price that would fit her better + a professional opinion. I'm also a cheap bitch but hell even if i had a £500 wedding i wouldn't order from an online shop unless its 100% legit and not some cheap knock off.
This is most likely going to be her only time getting married and you can tell how much she was wished for this day, thats the issue, she puts no effort into the "grand" day and settles for pure shit.
I think Splenda is enabling her online shopping addiction tbh because he's also extremely cheap.
No. 365266
>>365107Meh, I'm not going to blame anyone for wanting a cheap wedding dress but I'm certainly going to cringe at a cheap looking one like if it has sequins and poor/cheap lace.
Then again, I've seen some tacky and poor quality wedding dresses that were expensive so eh, It's all about taste I guess and unfortunately Yumi has a penchant for it (just look at her packing her outfits away when she was moving, a lot of her dresses looked like they were Halloween little girl princess dresses)
No. 365401
>>365107I think it's more that it looks like absolute shit than the fact it's cheap
if her wedding dress costed 45k and still looked like that, I'd still say it looks ugly as hell and is unfitting
No. 365425
>>364922She probably does have a natural accent because she immigrated to America so late, but her accent and "inability" to speak English has gotten worse since she started dating Splenda. If you go to her earliest videos, she speaks English perfectly fine and her accent isn't as thick.
sage for no contribute
No. 365483
>>365433He appears to live in a McMansion in Georgia, so the house likely isn't all that expensive and it's not like he spends the money on anything else, his cheap import bride obviously doesn't cost him much. He isn't poor but he also isn't rich, though he might be by Yumi's standards.
The thing is I bet Yumi does care about the wedding, she really just has absolutely no taste or class. She's remarkably stupid and sheltered (see: not knowing what 9/11 was) and wouldn't know quality or taste if it bit her in the face. She could easily have a nice, tasteful wedding (for relatively little money, though I think she's lying about the $50k) but obviously she doesn't want that because she wants her version of "elegant" and "refined" which really translates to "over the top, tacky crap with frills and rhinestones." Even ignoring her I doubt Splenda wants to throw real money as his knock-off future wife.
No. 365539
>>365436ugh. i used to live in douglasville and it is a trashy, racist, boring place. really, douglas county is garbage. and its full of guys like splenda who either work at home or commute to atlanta.
i feel bad that yumi is going to be stuck there lmao. hopefully she can go to atlanta for fun often but i guess its more fun to sit at home in cheap polyester and drink out of a cat bowl.
No. 365550
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What on earth happened? Did she get bad cheek fillers or something?
No. 365567
>>365550Her aegyo sal annoys me the fuck out
Also, "aesthetic" happened. You can see she has no personal style, not a hint of personality, she just buys everything off aliexpress (not necessarely a bad thing but) sorting by newest and popular.
She thinks she can "rock" every asian style but it just comes off as stupid looking.
She thinks she looks "younger" but that make up only shows off more than her age, she has no self projection to get what's good on her and what's not.
Yea, everyone can do everything they want to their body but I would study a little bit of harmony to look good and feel comfortable
No. 365590
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ew his nose and FAS lips
he actually kinda looks like a neanderthal here
No. 365597
>>364918He is pretty fat. And the fact that he pesters HER about her weight makes it even more gross
And I'm not even saying that cause I feel bad for her (because I don't) it just makes him look even more fucking weird
No. 365602
>>365590ugh they creep me out so bad lol
i hate that she always refers to him as fiance when they get married you know shes gonna call him husband all the time
No. 365620
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>>365590Her complete lack of a chin gets me everytime
No. 365656
>>365590imagine if with her chinlessness and his neanderthal skull their kid actually gets nice, balanced bone structure. real russian roulette though. is stuff like chin and browbone shape something with dominant and recessive alleles or does it work a different way i wonder
>>365620you've captured her well. i wanna see a painted version of this in a tiny frame. it would be cute
No. 365698
>>36565620 years from now
their son is a neanderthal with zero chin and bulimia cheeks, new mod of /r/hapas
No. 365739
>>365550She's actually pretty cute here. What in the world happened to her face?
>>365590Topkek at Splenda hiding his turkey neck in a Suzy pose.
No. 365767
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imagine being this passive aggressive
No. 365984
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>>365238The cosplay in public vid was filmed by Splenda. Pic related.
No. 366364
>>365767holy moly this IS so passive aggressive! It's like she has another personality when she types in chinese.
But about the trying to speak cute thing, it could be possible that she's honestly just got a thick accent. Many Chinese international students at my university speak like her, kind of, but a lot faster and more casual.
No. 366573
>>366488I'm not good at translating, but she basically said: "some people are so annoying. They just spread rumours all day. How the heck do I pretend to not speak English well. I obviously just got a thick accent." basically a rant, completely different from the 'I enjoy both positive and negative comments' she wrote in English.
It's written in a passive aggressive tone. it's hard to explain, but it's like when you someone's comment on youtube you could tell that person's pissed. This is what it feels like with Yumi.
also I don't know who she's fooling. She obviously tried to sound like a kawaii bilingual and only stopped recently. It's like she's trying to manipulate her Chinese viewers into thinking people are bullying her, since you'd have to be very proficient in english to be able to identify accents, witch many immigrants can't yet.
No. 366611
>>366586Maybe they are getting married at home
Fancy 50k bucks wedding right there
No. 366626
>>366623It's not about the age, but his obvious attraction to younger girls
Are you trying to say that yumi acts like a 26 y/o?
Yumi's character is a preteen uguu kawaii princess, obviously, if he was a real pedo, he would have his ass jailed, so he just goes with pre-pubescent looking girls (Yumi has zero curves plus no ass and tits) who act and dress like school girls.
Look up some others 26 years old girls, they're not like Yumi.
No. 366630
They look like children and father, he makes dad jokes to make her laugh, treats her like a special needs kid, buys her low quality doll dresses because "he likes them" (Yumi said it).
And Yumi acts like a child, simple.
Look up people like Marzia (yes, pdp gf), she's two years YOUNGER than Yumi, tell me if you see the difference, just to make an example.
No. 366636
>>366635Not talking about culture, just age.
You can be a retarded "Princess" who dresses in aliexpress garbage in every race and culture
Splenda is white, yet treats her like a child, he's not telling her something like "grow up" or "do something"
He's obviously fine with it and he's not asian
No. 366644
>>366623the same reason why guys who fap to loli and claim its an adult that just look young get called pedos
yumi even allegedly admitted herself that she tries to keep herself "youthful" and underweight to look childish for splenda, like an actual child
no I'm not saying all guys with girlfriends that look childlike are pedophiles, but it's clear as day thats shes trying everything in her power to be as much of a child as possible, there's no real love in that relationship and there's clear sexualness, which is probably the only reason why theyre together, if you knew much about people like splenda, it's that they can be obvious pedos and it's clear as day, but as long as if they're messing around with "Adults" they and their enablers scream "but but ADULT" and ignore the signs of a pedo, which is being attracted to bodies that are childlike for the sole reason they look like a childs body
No. 366678
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>>366646they didn't say that at all wtf
tbh imo marzia has a much more youthful face then yumi
then again italian women tend to have youthful faces if they take care of themselves, and from what I've seen marzia takes a good bit better care of her skin than yumi does, if I saw marza in public I'd think she was a late teenager, where as if I saw yumi and didn't know her I'd think she was a 40 yr old autistic woman
for their cultures, italians idealize the grown up figure, wide hips, small waist, big bum, round plump boobs and dressing more grown up, also from what I've seen italians also like more womanly voices on women, where as chinese or east asian culture in general idealize "child like" ness
guess which one attracts more pedos too?
No. 366691
>>366678(pizzaria mamma mia spaghetti anon here)
Ye, the "italian beauty" is someone with defined womanly-features
(like a plump breast, wide hips to give birth, long hair and you know, feminine things but not childlish)
Sadly, there are sick fucks who molest children but that's viewed extremely negative (common sense but you're supposed to get with a woman who acts her age, can be a little childlish for example liking disney, cartoons etc etc but can be mature enough to substain a relationship and has to be indipendent) because if you get for example with someone like Yumi, people will think you're some pedo/autistic fuck who doesn't want to grow up and has "daddy syndrome" and you know, you don't fuck your daughter.
And they're not wrong tbh
Anyway, to me, Yumi exaggerating her "young appareance" makes her look older.
You can SEE it's a woman in child clothing, she would look younger with "mature" clothes and better make up.
No. 366708
her actual structure is very child like, like her face kinda and her body , except she's tall and has a bit saggy boobs for her size, honestly if she took better care of her skin and body (hence wrinkles and sagging), didn't try to over exaggerate being a kid, she would pass off as at least 18-21
think of it as lexxynichelle and her "pear shaped figure"
her figure maybe pear shaped technically, but it's just that she exaggerates it so much with drawing, constantly talking about how big her butt is, calling herself thicc, wearing yoga pants, etc, so that it appears a lot smaller, when in reality her ass just looks proportionate to her body type, idk how to explain it, it's a psychology thing
No. 366722
>>366708I call it the pessimist effect
basically when something is exaggerated so much, you start seeing it the opposite way
its like when you hear about a test and everyone is talking about how easy it is and how they zoomed right through it, you get the test and it seems pretty hard unlike what everyone else said, and say the test was of average or slightly easier effort
applied to yumi, with the right amount of exaggeration she can definitely appear younger, like if she wore pastel colors, not too many patterns, took away the straight across bangs, stopped faking her voice, etc she can pass for a late teenager or early adult, where as her trying to act like a literal child and dressing in lolita, only exaggerates her being older, as it would most people if they dressed/acted like that unless they looked like an actual child, which is impossible for a woman to do without photoshop and lots of plastic surgery
No. 366786
>>366771Because there's no gray area.
You fuck children or you don't, that's it.
No. 366795
>>366771there is a gray area, no one is screaming how roleplaying child molestation is literally fucking children, being in the gray doesn't make it any more good nor does it excuse the fact ddlg sexualizes child molestation and is pretty much an outlet for pedos, along with conditioning people into becoming more pedos and the fact you had to have child molestation fantasies to be able to roleplay it and like it
there's a reason why so many pedos are attracted to this lifestyle, well besides the obvious fact its pedo roleplay
No. 366797
>>366794I don't think its as bad as preying on children however I do see how it can be harmful and spark pedophile tendencies in people when they start associating children with sex
>>366796then why did you say "there's nothing wrong with ddlg"
No. 369232
>>368789at this point with yumi aging and not being able to me some ~housewife~ fetish video or "mukbang", her last hope is to pass for a naive lost me no speaky engwish kid
I will never understand why adult women want to pretend to be dumb and like a kid, especially since the only men that like it are the abusive uggos
No. 369377
>>369374just came here to post that.
i wish she'd get better makeup/skin products. her natural features aren't bad, she just has some kind of body image issues and wants to be animu or something. it's sad…
>>369232it looks like the abusive uggo is what she ended up with after all. she kind of just slotted herself into his life without having to do anything. what was her college for? her life is becoming a complete waste, she is probably going to be depressed if she isn't already.
No. 369490
>>369374her forehead and nose aren't that bad, but her entire jaw, saggy cheeks, lips, chin and long upper lip area just make her look so… odd
maybe if she gets that jaw surgery she could look better, but she needs to stop puking because it only makes it look like shes aging more and more awfully
No. 370423
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There's something so odd about her face, her lips are pointed downwards and she's so bug eyed
No. 371166
>>370973Splenda really isn't "so fat", but he is really, really soft. Not trying to WK, but some anons act like he is obese or something, jeeze. He is soft and pudgy at best. Developing a middle-aged spread, yes.
>>370946Dumb pet-peeve of mine I know, but I really hate it when people constantly and exclusively refer to their soon-to-be betroved as "fiance". We get it, you are going to marry this milk toast, but you can still call him boyfriend, or better yet, his nickname or something (if you are worried about anonymity online).
Sage for pet-peeve.
No. 371205
>>371166I think people are commenting on his weight cause yu is so skinny, her fiance is just going to remain pudgy forever.
how is boyfriend different then fiance, fiance is a much more real title.
No. 371310
>>370357>tfw Splenda is better at DIY's and reviews than Yumi ever wasAlso
>we can upload all the pictures of us over the years>how many years?>long silence >it's a secretWhy must she purposely choose to leave in cringey moments?
No. 372134
>>371166Who cares about people calling him fat though? If he's overweight and pudgy, it is hardly a reach to call him fat too. I mean, the man has an overhanging gut, and man tits.
I just think it's a little ironic and laughable that he's always on Yumi to lose more weight when he's such a flabby slob himself.
No. 373572
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No. 373891
>>372658Lmao she used this
>>365050 video?? for her thumbnail like wtf
No. 374428
>>373822I think it looks rather pretty. It's a prettier chandelier than no chandelier at all. A good and extravagant chandelier costs a fortune, and most people cannot afford a luxurious chandelier at all.
Sage no contribution
No. 374886
>>374428it's definitely not prettier than a nice light fixture. plus we still have no clue wtf this room is. it just looks like a waste of splenda's money.
also, is it confirmed that they're having the wedding at their house then?
No. 375178
>>370357I feel like her boyfriend had a lot more to do with the editing and music here, from the rock to kpop lmao.
Also the use of MacGyver in the title…Yumi is too fucking stupid (and fob) to know the MacGyver character or how it relates to configuring something up like this. I hope the bf intervened with her channel to make it more watchable.
No. 375637

>>375162She doesn't sound half as grating in Chinese. When I heard her speak for the first time (it was in English), I thought she sounded like a second rate Venus Angelic, like nails on a chalkboard.
I do however, know Chinese, not very well though. I tried translating:
Hello everyone, this video will be a bit different, ‘cause it’ll be entirely in Chinese. A lot of you viewers requested this, and so I made it. I got a bunch of sponsored items, I didn't buy these, all of them were free. This shopping site let me choose what to take, but I wasn’t satisfied with everything, just some of what I'd gotten.
Right now, I’m wearing a cute T-shirt, it has word baby doll embroidered on the chest, it’s rather short, so if you don’t want to expose your midriff, I’d suggest you wear it with a high-waisted skirt.
This is a unicorn shaped purse, you can’t carry a lot in it—just a few essentials, cards, cash etc. Plus, you have to carry it with you, like a clutch bag. Still, I think it’s cute.
And I also got an alien backpack, made from the same shiny material as the unicorn clutch. I had some trouble with the zipper. I got a lot of bags and purses, I don’t know why I’m addicted to them. If you’d like, I can make an entire video; a haul on bags, all kinds of them, I have a lot.
Next is another purse, I think it’s better than the last two, much higher in material quality, but the shade of pink they used is too dark for me. It smells rather good too, and it comes with a chain strap, you don’t to carry it in your hands everywhere you go. What is this supposed to be? A strawberry milkshake? It’s an improvement on the other two—aargh, I got my hair stuck in the chains.
Look at this next handbag. You can stuff a lot in there. It comes with a strap, so it doubles as a backpack, but don’t like it very much. I think I’ll treat this like a handbag. It’s cute.
Next are these pink earrings. I’ve always wanted earrings like these, to go with my hanfus. I recently got a new hanfu, if you wanna see it, I’ll make a video on it.
Next are earrings. These have fuzzy balls at the end. I dunno why I picked these, I might have some dresses that go with these, but I’m not sure. Are these balls on the end too big?
Tada! An iphone case with peaches on it, isn’t it cute? These two phone cases are made of the same plastic material, this one’s got strawberries on it, this one has peaches on it. How cute! I need one with watermelon slices on it. See? Isn’t it cute? I’ll use these for a while, I think they’re cute, something a cute schoolgirl would have, gives off that aesthetic.
Next is a waterproof phone case with a watermelon on it. Last time, I got a waterproof phone case with a cloud pattern, this time it’s a watermelon. My favourite’s the latter.
Sigh my room’s so hot, the air conditioner’s on, but I still feel hot. I still don’t have a plastic watermelon phone case, but I have a waterproof one. If I ever go swimming, I’ll have this with me.
If you watched my previous haul videos, you’ll see that I picked these necklaces. If you’re wearing say…a white shirt, you can accessorize with these.
Next is a white T-shirt with watermelon slices all over it. I’ve said before I loved shirts with a watermelon pattern, but I don’t like this one in particular. It’s not very cute; I don’t like these two straps at the front. Maybe I’ll cut those off, it’ll look cuter that way.
I picked out another pair of white running shoes, the blue ones I got before were a bit too big for me. I needed new shoes. These have some rather platforms, see? About this tall. I’m about 165-166cm in height. I feel even taller in these. Still, I like these plain white shoes, white goes with everything. I like these, they’re very comfortable.
I also got some fake lashes. These are the same as the ones I got last time. You probably know that I wear fake lashes. Ever since I started wearing more natural looking fake lashes, I’ve stopped liking the ones that are too long, too fake looking. I don’t think I look good with those.
Next is a cardigan for the fall, it’s quite big. I like it a lot, it looks like it could be part of a school uniform. Love these buttons too. There are these slits on the sides; I don’t like anything with slits on the sides. I think I’ll sew them up, I have a sewing machine, I can fix them. That’s one of the advantages of having a sewing machine, you can fix your clothes at any time, and it doesn’t cost anything, really saves a lot of money.
Yeah it’s pretty big, I think it’s designed to look that way. It’ll look better after I fix it. I’ll wear this with a red tie.
I had some problems with the next dress too, there’s these two straps at the back, I don’t know what I’m supposed to do with them? Wha…oh…I see, I’m supposed to tie a bow with them. This dress doesn’t come with an underskirt below the first layer. It’s cute. It doesn’t have a zipper and it’s very short, it’s only suitable for those with a petite body. You can pair this up with a purse or some nice shoes. It’s still cute, but I wouldn’t call it “well-made.” The waist’s too wide.
Thanks for watching, here are my final thoughts. I liked their accessories, shoes and bags, but their clothes feel like they’re too cheaply made. Look at this watermelon patterned T-shirt; it’s mediocre in terms of material, not even pure cotton. My favourite’s the T-shirt with babydoll written on it, it’s the cutest. Bye bye, I hope you subscribe, I’ll see you all next video.
Sorry if this is repetitive, it was a repetitive video, she overuses the word cute a lot.
No. 375798
>>375162I agree. This video is so much more watchable than her English ones and I could actually sit through the whole thing.
>>375370She still has sort of the same cutesy mannerisms, but it's not as over the top and grating as before.
No. 375843
>>375637thanks for the translation, anon, appreciate it!
yumi's still boring but wow, i've never seen her get to her point this fast before. also she sure likes watermelons, huh.
No. 375969
>>375637>there’s these two straps at the back, I don’t know what I’m supposed to do with them? Wha…oh…I see, I’m supposed to tie a bow with them.>You can pair this up with a purse or some nice shoes.It's been said before, but I think she's mentally handicapped.
Thanks for the translation though, anon! It must've been terrible writing all that repetitive nonsense.
No. 376142
>>375843she sure likes watermelons, huh.
i saw some fugly watermelon thing on ali the other day that i -almost- wanted to link her, but i don't want to comment on her videos.
No. 376346
>>376142step 1: make a burner account
step 2: send her the link
step 3: ???
Unless the thing is $1 with free shipping, I doubt she'd buy it. She doesn't even buy things anymore, she just waits for sponsors to send her shit.
No. 376508
>>376497why are they barbecuing in the dark lol
him talking to her always sounds like a dad talking to their kid, it freaks me out
No. 379417
>>379075no she doesn't she's likely delusional somewhat, she's in that phase that a lot of weebs get in, where they try to look a specific way without taking how they look into consideration.
she's been told tons of times she actually looks good with sideswept bangs, but still cuts them straight, if she wasn't so set on looking a specific way instead of looking good, she'd see that and keep them that way, but even the she halfasses it like everything else.
she halfasses her skincare, she halfasses her wardrobe, she's a total cheapskate, yet she still wants to look like a kawaii youthful maiden or some shit. that's why she just slaps samples of skincare stuff on. that's why her wardrobe is full of sponsored shit. she wants to be like a yukapon type or some other kawaii ageplayer, yet she's too cheap and stupid to go through with it.
No. 379626
>>379459you know that only shows up because you watch her a lot right? Youtubes system works like that, giving you things similar to the search you looked up.
Also means she tagged the video as daddy.
No. 380852
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>>380418>>380758NAYRT but I think they meant that the more you watch a channel, the more frequently it shows up in your recommended which is why Yumi's video showed up in the recs even though it doesn't directly have anything to do with the video.
This is true for other channels too. Ex if you watched a lot of Michelle Phan's videos, she'll show up in your recommendations even if you're watching a cooking video or something.
>>379626Yumi's video isn't tagged as "daddy" though. Pic related are her tags.
No. 381574
>>381517I think they mean usually there are areas with more Asians around who have shop or even those Vietnamese nail salons might do hair.
But if it's just styling it shouldn't matter too much, especially yumi probably half ass at hair routine like her skin.
No. 384216
>>384189i don't know but she's sure showing them off alot.
this video…uhm. just watch
No. 384992
>>384817i'm not sure how much of this is just him being an ass on purpose (to her or us), he also said he went 2 years ago when he was '18' so who knows.
i'll say it again, but i don't think the issue with him is his real age, it's how old he looks. this screams gold digger/trophy wife and DDLG. i don't get why corn and her fans don't get that it's their physical age difference rather than the literal.
No. 385926
>>385466$100 for that? It looks pretty bad and effortless. Maybe curls don't stay in her hair and that's the only thing possible with it.
At least it looks like they cut her bangs.
No. 386494
>>385466Not trying to be racist but this is why blackwomen tend to go to black stylist. Asian hair is strong but doesnt look it. That guy didnt know how to mold her hair and it fell. It must be hard to live in one world but have to sneak off. If she went to an asian stylist she wouldve looked cute. This is a common and beloved hairstyle with them. A chinese or japonese old lady wouldve transformed her for half$. Instead yumi doesnt like herself so her hair is always bad, her voice is bad, and her clothes are the wrong cut.
But it makes her money and got her a white guy so she doesnt care.
Those kids are going to be weird looking so I hope they love each other.
No. 386500
>>384677The staff saw how awful he is so gave her that fortune cookie to cope. More art indeed.
He is the "ugly american". When europeans and asians talk about the ugly american they mean him. He isnt smarter than her and his insults arent going over her head. She knows he is trying to be nasty. He just doesnt have the clout to effect her.
When explaining things she tries not to get too deep. I dont know if she doesnt want to explain to him or if she doesnt want to make him look stupid. Unless he is loaded and willing to give her a credit card I wouldnt marry him. I wouldnt give him a dime of the youtube money. Or have a kid with him.
No. 386505
>>386500are you new to the thread? yumi's brain is empty as well. ugly old man and ugly young girl who looks like an old woman, made for eachother.
also i don't know why she wasn't speaking chinese to them, but pretended she couldn't remember what's in pork suimai.
No. 386738
>>384677Whoa!!! He completely bullshits her. "In America it's rude to put your elbows on the table." Maybe if you're from the 1950s. And oh man, is he some low IQ yokel with zero culture. He acts like her eating with her hands or having bones in a food is somewhat unrefined. She knows how he's acting and looks at him like he's an idiot. It's great.
This whole relationship is fascinating. I'm new to Yumi King, but the tip of the iceberg is quite terrifying. Her fiance seems like a pedophile with his constant "sweetie."
No. 387246
>>384677Tinfoil but when I see videos like this it really gives me the impression that someone in his family was pressuring him to marry so he put a ring on the closest Asian girl to him in order to live his fantasy of marrying a k-pop star. He must be at least in his 40s.
The way he talks to her is so horribly condescending. There is no meaningful conversation between them other than him explaining english words to her and her explaining cultural differences between the US and China. I hated the way he told her that the sesame ball was hers because she touched it. There's something really off about that, like he's asexual or something. Like, who is disgusted by their own partner like that? I know he's probably autistic but there's such a lack of love or even any kind of interest between them, it's just so sad to watch their interractions, it makes me feel sorry for her.
No. 387505
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I hate how everybody on here is making him out as the ultimate evil; yes the way he is treating her is not how one should treat his gf, but does she deserve any better?!
She was already like this before meeting him, so it's not his fault plus she is also the one putting their sick fetish on the internet for the world, and maily little impressionable girls to see.
How can you accuse somebody of dating something like this, of being a pedo? They're simply an old ugly man dating a slightly younger but also old looking woman, so stop lowkey whiteknighting her, just because she's a defenseless, jailbait little asian girl; she bee living in the US for a very long time, she knows fully well what she's doing
No. 387556
>>387505agreed this thread is really about her. she chose the relationship. she chooses to share it with the world.
>>387520she is definitely not cute enough for anything better. plus her okcupid profile was so arrogant and she likely wouldn't have settled for someone who didn't meet her wants.
No. 387750
>>387556Nah. Yumi can do better with a guy who wont treat her as his personal fetish doll.
If Yumi got out of her ed and stop letting him feed her pills for fucks sake she would look better.
She can be cute if she lets herself be cute.
No. 387783
>>387750If, if…kek
If he'd go to the gym and hide his fetish on the first few dates, HE could also have anybody since he doesn't talk like a total retard and actually has a normal job, but they both dont!
No. 388540
File: 1505695055472.jpg (Spoiler Image,46 KB, 640x397, god-is-a-lie.jpg)

thanks, pull
No. 389371
>>389369sorry for accidentally sharing twice guys.
>>389370agreed. i almost feel bad for her. surely this wasn't her weeaboo dream.
No. 392348
>>392346watching her use those daiso makeup products is
triggering me
>these makeups are really cheap!yes, we know, they look it.
No. 392387
>>392363it's really bad…maybe it has to do with her newly found love for her chinese heritage.
she's still just as weeby but is also now pulling this weird 'chinese pride' persona that was really minimal before.
No. 393063
>>392555I only watch these videos to see what her stupid cringefat fiance says and does.
Yumi is actually pretty non-milky in these shopping videos.
What makes it terrible is Splenda following her around in the store like a yellow fever creeper. Yumi explains different foods to him while he records and makes ignorant quips, which in his autistic mind are probably witty. Yet in reality it looks like he's messing around with a mail order bride in a grocery store. So fucking cringe.
No. 393236
>>392345At least it's a normal tutorial esque video
The ones with her fiance and thinnly-vailed fetish videos that are awful
No. 393653
>>393494anon are you okay? the way she eats is disgusting, she has zero table manners and chokes on her food in every goddamn video
>>392851so true, it's the only thing im still looking forward to see. hope she'll vlog the shit out of that wedding
No. 394468
>>394198Probably the skinny ones. Or they don't eat all day and/or the next day.
There's one guy that posted about developing diabetes and kidney failure, recorded himself saying that his life is over, and a few days later resumed posting mukbang videos. Don't want to post it because he deserves an entire thread of his own, but just for your knowledge.
No. 394829
>>394468Good old Nick. Why doesn't he have a thread yet? LOL!
As for Yumi, her recent sponsored video is so odd. I tend to like watching her because I find her whole situation interesting, but her clothes are kind of ugly. Some just have no shape. Some are way to old-ish looking for her. And some are just plain cheap and ugly.
No. 396728
>>396560wtf it took them 2 fucking days to trim her bangs?
>>396575>even her mom wants her face to look smallerkek
No. 396823
>>396803She's just an ugly Chinese girl. She doesn't look like a teen but she she doesn't look middle aged. That requires a lot of wrinkles. Middle age is in your 50s.
>>396820Well it's just her mom cutting her hair. Yumi should go to a salon and splenda should pay for it at least. I guess the complaint is that no one should think getting their hair cut by their mom is worthy for a video.
No. 396867
>>396560My mom used to cut my hair in the kitchen until I started high school. I had no layers or bangs so it was just a straight cut. Kind of cringey thinking back but at the time we were short on money and I didn't care about my hair much yet.
Pretty sure it's illegal to cut someone else's hair without a license though in America. Is her mom going to get in trouble for this?
No. 401459
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>>396560tfw your husband and parents are so cheap your mother cuts your bangs bowl cut style ewww
No. 401460
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shouldve first watched it till the end. the next day she actually cut the bangs even broader
im fucking dead.. thats for her wedding? it looks ridiculous?
No. 401816
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She should just cut all the way around
No. 401832
>>401819holy shit
>using the drill on her real nails>scissors>that shit paint jobgood god what the hell shop did she go to?
No. 401918
>>401819This is just sad, they've cheaped out on absolutely everything for this wedding. It's going to look like some TaoBao sponsorship.
>Her parents don't seem to have helped chip in or help. And no i don't consider her Mum cutting her bangs help kek>Splenda seems to be googling "cheap nail salon, Cheap Hairdressers, Cheap wedding venue, cheap wedding suit hire">Yumis mum has allowed her daughter to buy her wedding dresses of some chinese knock off website and not taking her back to china or chinatown to look at dresses irlI mean i know weddings don't have to be expensive but she's buying the cheapest of the cheap. You'd think she would like atleast 1 nice thing to splurge out on, Dress, Cake, Venue, whatever.
I actually feel sorry for her.
No. 401941
>>401918It sounds like it's going to be really tacky.
Some cheap shitty nail salons will absolutely destroy your nails when you could just paint them a nice colour if money is tight.
She could get a fairly simple dress or maybe a pre-owned one for a decent price instead of a shitty aliexpress one that looks elaborate in the product photos but will probably turn out to be horribly made in ugly Halloween costume looking fabric irl.
I get what you mean - weddings don't have to be expensive, it's just that she's going about it in a way that's bound to end in disaster.
No. 402241
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Guys shes did it, she's finished her transformation into Spock.
No. 402902
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>>401459I tried to give her her "dream face" for fun. Broken record here, but god. She really, really needs to give up with the whole baby girl thing. On top of it being weird and suspect, it just flat out doesn't suit her. And I don't even think her regular face is all that bad. I mean, she's not pretty imo, but what's she's doing now just makes her look so much worse. And the fact that her mom sorta grills on the same thing in that haircutting video makes me laugh.
No. 403133
>>403103good lord, bitch has no aspirations, i know it was obvious from the beginning, but seeing this video is a nail in the coffin for her prozac fueled, depressing as fuck future. she's resigned herself to being a dollar store housewife to go along with her bootleg mail order wife situation for splenda's broke ass. (oh boy a 2 story house in bumfuck georgia, what a stud)
it just pains me to see this almost, because of how empty her life seems from even just a few years ago. despite being a cringy weeb, she atleast had aspirations (to be a cringy weeb) and did things that she seemed interested in, diys, cosplay, etc. now it's just shit hauls and "couple videos: that amount to oh look at my idiot racist fiance while i put on a stupid fake child FOB granny act.
i almost feel bad for her subscribers because no one asked for this weird vlog channel about her mundane relationship. she was a diy channel, that's why she was popular, cringy and a flake. she's boring as fuck now because she stopped being a cringy hot-glue dress making ,self-hating, moon-faced chinese girl who's pretending her name is corn in her native language to sound japanese.
there's so little cringe here now. just a dumb ugly chinese girl and her ugly chubby fiance and their borderline abusive relationship.
her channel is a shell, and she is too.
No. 403142

>>387505Everytime I open this thread I see that gif and it makes me kek.
>college graduation day>all the years of hard work and expensive tuition all comes down to this >everyone is excited and eager to know what the future holds >splenda, her mom, and her creepy stepdad all there to show their support for yumi>all two of her friends graduating alongside her as well>she gets her diploma and everybody's happy>cut to the ride home >"we met somebody and they gave us the name of a company where you can get a job now that you graduated">"ooo">"…and it's right here in seattle, very convenient!">yumi pauses >in the age where college graduates struggle with landing a job and even finding opportunities yumi is presented with an amazing lead>this could very well be the break she needs to start leading an independent adult life and growing the fuck up>what does she have to say?>smugly smiles and glances at the camera she's been vlogging with all day >"i already have a job" :^) >vid related plays>screen goes to blackIt's like one big joke.
No. 403171
>>403103Girl needs to get a damn life. Aspiring to be a housewife is sad. And all she is going to do is stay home/cook/clean. She can barely cook, and didn't she clean a bathroom with paper towels and no cleaning solution?
I'm glad most of the comments are calling her out and saying depending on one person is degrading and staying at home/doing nothing is pretty pathetic.
No. 404087
>>403171>>403569I've got to disagree with this. There's nothing wrong with being a housewife, and it's pretty common in Asian countries for women to go to college and then become stay at home moms/housewives.
I know she's in the U.S. or Canada, but she's very fobby so I doubt her parents would be disappointed in her choice. The main concern would be how her white fiance reacts, since a lot of western men think women should hold full-time jobs while performing household duties.
As for the job, she can always apply for jobs later. Unless she is applying for top positions/companies, she should be able to find something, even years down the road.
Some of you anons are so dramatic acting like she is doomed to some awful life or is making terrible choices.
No. 404105
>>404087are you stupid? no one is saying there's something wrong with being a housewife, it' -her- being a housewife that's the issue.
you definitely sound new to the thread since you have no backstory on her. you completely ignored all the stuff that actually happened with her family after graduation (like her parents actively trying to set her up with a job) and are making generalizations. you realize her mom isn't a stay at home mom right?
it's not the fucking 90s anymore so believe it or not, asian families aren't relying on the stay at home mom thing anymore, especially in america, especially if there's no fucking kid yet.
the real issue is that she has absolutely no experience doing any housewife stuff, can't clean, can't cook(as illustrated in the video) and in general has no skills. she also has no kids so she will be bored as fuck, and essentially a NEET, which becomes fucking depressing.
No. 404419
>>404105Yumi won't be bored, it'll give her more chances to make more stupid videos with her prancing around in more cheap, tack clothes. She gets money (or least free tacky shit) and tons of attention without any of that pesky studying or working to get in the way. As others have said, she'll be a shitty housewife so I'm surprised that Splenda would support it, but then he's autistic and I doubt he cares too much anyway. His standards are already low, so I'm sure he'd be okay with microwave Trader Joe's food most of the time.
It is true though that a lot of Asian women work, in Asia and in the US. It's not as if Yumi has kids anyway, she doesn't really have an excuse for it. Not that there is anything wrong with being a housewife at all, this is actually a pretty good gig for someone who is lacking in appearance, ambition and brains like Yumi.
No. 404571
>>404419Im going to have to disagree a bit here, it's really boring after a while. Not to blog, but I've been in a relationship where I didn't work and I got super lonely and clingy when my SO/friends weren't around and were working, I also had an etsy shop at the time, but who knows, maybe Yumi will be fine with it, she doesn't have many hobbies. I can't even begin to imagine how she'd function at a job, especially with her fake fobby mail-order-wife crap. I'm positive though that splenda will get sick of it when she's clinging to him after work every single day. Imagine that video "Cute and Sad! Husband and Wife fighting! ~My lonely housewife life~" But in all seriousness, he thinks she's unbearable now in the snippets we see here, I can't imagine he's thrilled with her being home all the time now. Plus, I'm scared she's going to burn the house down with cooking.
No. 406549
>>406520"is it goud"
she doesn't get it, she is so stupid.
No. 406691
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>>406554agree, they look like one of these
No. 408102
>>408001God, if she had titled this one "stepfather-daughter outing" or some shit and I had no prior knowledge as to who she was I wouldn't even bat an eyelash.
>Awww, is that your daughter?>No that's my…that's my wife.Urgh.
No. 408120
>>408001who the hell dresses like that to go to a corn farm?
nothing is stopping her of wearing appropriate and cute outfits.
No. 408790
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No. 408938
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>>408790>>408001the uglyness of her face is astonishing
if at least she stop with the bulimia
No. 408939
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>>408001very lady-like and family friendly yumi
No. 410276
File: 1509119217241.png (488.58 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_20171027-174854.png)

What was point of that fake bangs?
Also splenda is actually funny… in that dad kinda way.
No. 410848
>>410276without splenda yumis videos would have zero humor
>>410097that grwm was so damn lazy, she didn't even bother to do a voiceover or EVEN text so that viewers could see what she's doing, what products she used etc., she also didn't do closeups so it was hard to see anything
>>408790damn that face, she needs a new style, she can't pull this kawaii style off at all
No. 411309
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>>410420it means you're as bug-eyed as a fish, Yumi
No. 415369
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>>415052I feel bad saying this, but the pictures reminded me of something you'd see on one of those cheap Asian clothing websites like Milanoo or something.
No. 415564
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>>415427holy shit, that is what Yumi considers expensive and elegant wedding? they run out of money?
>she did her own makeup >aliexpress dress and shoes>literally like 35 guests>the place look's like someone backyard>only a few are yumi's age, maybe her friends >the rest is old people (Splenda daddy friend I assume) and kids (their kids maybe?)>the food looks like something homemade Maybe this looks like nitpicking but it really looks like it was a budget wedding, almost like it was organized at last minute. And since Yumi isn't poor and neither is splenda daddy I don't see why they got that level of frugal. I seriously expected some sort of tacky and big wedding like most of Chinese people do. Can some anon from USA tell me how expensive are weddings?
No. 415594
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>>415564>Can some anon from USA tell me how expensive are weddings?Expensive, but I think the cheapness of Yumi's wedding is reflected by her lack of planning and Splenda cutting off her money budget at some point.
I was a bridesmaid for a friend. An expensive looking villa, catering, photographers, DJ, and a hair stylist for us and a makeup stylist for her all set her family back quite a few grand. I think ~$10k is the standard going price for a wedding with a nice venue and professional organization.
Her wedding is so sad for other reasons, however. No bridesmaids, no groomsmen, no guests, no trace of Yumi's family (maybe the dark-haired girl in the floral white dress?). All those empty chairs and so little at that…
It's like nobody cares about them marrying because it's apparent it's an old guy trying to get hitched before he zeroes out, and a young asian girl needing the security. It's almost like people know intrinsically how shameful it all is. Oh and, Splenda looks like her distant uncle. Gross.
No. 415608
>>415594Engaged anon here. I think you're gravely underestimating how expensive a wedding is. The average cost of a wedding in the US right now is about 30k. The venue rental cost alone is usually about 5k for a day like Friday or Saturday. When you factor in food, alcohol, security, renting chairs and tables, linen, the dress, decor, flowers, photography, a DJ, entertainment things like a photobooth…. it adds up quite quickly. For as "drab" as Yumi's wedding looks, this could have easily cost her 10k+.
No. 415635
>>408790I can't stop laughing jfc
This wedding feels so sad though. Not even in a funny way, just sad.
No. 415716
>>415564Wait, wasn't this supposed to be $50,000 or something? That simply isn't possible for what I am seeing here. I've known people who had bigger/obviously nicer weddings in expensive parts of California that cost around 50k and it was nothing like that, plus isn't she in Georgia? I knew she was going to go cheap but this is even more than I expected.
Also why are there so many empty chairs?
>>415608No way. The major costs of a wedding are the venue/food and she clearly cheaped out on that plus her wedding is clearly very small. 10k makes sense if she had more than 30 people or whatever she has. Her wedding cost less than 10k, though I wouldn't guess a specific amount…I would even say less than 5k. I almost want to say this is either Splenda's or her parent's backyard.
No. 415722
>>415718Yeah, the entryway looked really familiar but I'd never seen a video of the back so I wasn't sure. To put a positive spin on things: the wedding was very Yumi.
I'm a little surprised the wedding wasn't at her parent's house (I know they have two but she did a tour of one that looked pretty nice and had a huge yard iirc).
No. 415799
>>415608>For as "drab" as Yumi's wedding looks, this could have easily cost her 10k+.That's impossible. The wedding was at splenda's backyard, the decor was bought by them at wallmart or something, very cheap tho. If I remember correctly her mother gave her the dress.
since apparently yumi's mom doesn't work, I'm starting to think that only splenda daddy was the only one spending money for the wedding.
No. 415929
>>415608It's true that weddings ARE expensive but considering Yumi and her Splenda Daddy and seeing the results, we can guess they cut back a TON of stuff that is actually expensive:
Probably no invitations, no flower arrangement (besides her aliexpress worthy bracelet and maybe bouquet ?), no bridesmaids or pre-wedding photographer (we see the prographers in some shots but they probably paid someone local for like 2 hours instead of the full day and thousand of pictures + editing that makes it super expensive), doesn't seem to be any catering anyway since it's a buffet for like 30 people. Guessing no open bar.
5K seems like a reasonnable amount for what it's worth. I don't get it because I always assumed Splenda Daddy was some kind of well paid engineer, I bet he could afford a 15k wedding if he wanted to. He probably is the kind of guy who think 5k is already pushing it.
No. 415963
>>415954holy shit anon you're right kek
it made me super sad. Yumi is the only one there her age. The other anons from a while back were right that she really has no friends, including from university. She must have kept to herself a lot because to not make friends at uni is odd. You can sit alone by yourself and still make friends. This is coming from someone with very little friends in general.
No. 415964
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>>415954Holy shit, you're right!
No. 417058
File: 1510065037242.png (693.24 KB, 887x531, 2017-11-07 15_26_59-Our Weddin…)

>>415427Yumi actually looks cute. Her face is natural mess but she did well nonetheless. The straps kinda lowers the wow factor somewhat but I'm impressed she doesn't look cheesy or is wearing some five dollar hanfu dress made for children.
The party itself looks rather boring. There's like 20? people there.. guess this proves yumi has no friends.
No. 417150
>>417058It looks like she's posing in a picture with her adoptive father. Makes me wish that any minute a younger, cuter man will come out from the back and come be with Yumi instead. But no, Splenda is her
husband now guys, ewwwww lol.
No. 419214
>>418828With this video I think it's pretty much confirmed that the wedding cost was around 5k or less. I don't know why Yumi was so vocal about the wedding being "expensive" and everything. I mean, nothing against DIY, but if they were cheap in the decoration and venue, they could at least have some nice food and a nice dress for Yumi.
I actually think splenda is kinda funny but still creeps me out that he is literally like a southern father, he is handy, speaks weird and everything.
No. 419259
>>419219Maybe she decided against doing the dress change thing common to Chinese weddings? Or maybe it's another video? I don't know, from what we saw so far the other dressed didn't seem to feature at all. I guess it really didn't matter if the only person from her side there was her mother.
I don't think people would mock her wedding as badly if she hadn't mentioned that $50,000 thing. There's nothing wrong with a cheaper/DIY wedding and that could have been used for clicks in itself, I have no idea why she didn't go that route. It's just a bit of a shame she didn't go for better food too, from the video it looked overcooked and crappy. At least the cake seemed nice though.
It's also both creepy and kind of refreshing to see Splenda excited and displaying genuine energy.
No. 419321
Seems like Yumi's got a following in China, too. All of her vids gets at least 10 thousand views, which is rare considering everything's in English and there aren't any subtitles, and are all reuploads from a third-party who probably downloaded from Youtube. In comparison even some Taylor Swift mvs only get around 50 thousand views so you can see what they think of foreign videos.
I'm not really surprised, though. Yumi's got pale skin, super thin body,and round cheeks, which is considered pretty in China. If you look at some of their internet celebs, they all look ghostly pale, wear circle lenses, and photoshop their cheeks.
I wonder if Yumi knows about this.
ps. just in case anyone got the wrong idea and thought Yumi's famous in china—she's not. She just got a decent-size group of fans there.
source: No. 419346
>>419321Her following in China is just as mixed as her Western following. Someone on PULL translated some of the comments under the bilibili videos a year or 2 ago and she gets a mix of positive and negative comments like on her youtube.
Iirc people also thought splenda was her dad/stepfather lol.
>>419227>>419219I think she said she wanted to have a separate Chinese ceremony with the Chinese part of her family in her review of the red polyester garbage bag.
No. 419402
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>>403133>who's pretending her name is corn in her native language to sound japaneseLaughed way harder than I should.
No. 420030
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>>419321Found the translated bilibili comments on pull.
No. 422855
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>>422847Pregnancy is going to be very difficult for her, almost every very tiny woman I've ever seen has problems conceiving and also she is going to have some back problems with the extra weight.
I hope she starts eating healthy this time (not that microwave quinoa) and puts on some weight or her baby will have malnutrition problems.
No. 422884
>>422855I feel sorrier for the baby growing up in their weird relationship dynamic. Yumi doesn't seem motherly since she comes off as airheaded and irresponsible, and Splenda doesn't appear fatherly aside from how old he looks. I wouldn't be shocked if he was minimally involved with his own kid after it's born, since he gets so snarky when even Yumi acts juvenile. He comes off as impatient and irritable.
But hey, having a baby will increase their channel views and that's
so much more important than maturing into their own relationship for a couple more years!
No. 424028
>>415427>>419214>>422433Finally watched the trilogy (part 1 attached for anyone who hasn't seen it). I'm torn. I grew a lot of respect for Splenda as I saw him put so much effort into creating main pieces for the wedding. At the same time, he was acting more so like the father of the bride or even just a handy uncle. Yumi had no sustenance but I will admit her dress looked pretty when they were dancing. Two things struck me as really weird: 1) the actual wedding video was only 5 minutes long while all the behind the scenes was 20 minutes combined; 2) the guests' faces were visible during the wedding video but covered with big pink hearts for the behind the scenes videos.
And now we wait for the baby videos.
No. 426260
>>425240They were doing sexual stuff, come on. She wore a pet collar and ate out of pet bowls in those early videos, plus Splenda seemed like he was into degrading her back then (and now, just less directly). I'm pretty sure they had separate rooms for show and so they could do their creepy lg/dd roleplay, not because she was super traditional.
I feel terrible for any kid they have, but I look forward to his posting on r/hapas one day, he'll dish out the good stuff on his parents and their creepy relationship.
No. 426437
>>424028I have no respect for him. He's an ass and half the stuff he did was simple/looked bad. He wasn't doing it to be nice either, it was to be cheap.
>>425240LOLno. They did that so they could have that creepy scene of waking her up. If her parents were traditional they'd make her marry a Chinese boy. They have a DDLG relationship.
>>426260This, her relationship has always been super creepy and gross.
All of these newfags sperging up the thread acting like splenda and yumi's relationship is cute and nice are annoying the hell out of me.
No. 426458
>>426446he bought her panties that say "fuck me" last Christmas
After people noticed the print, she cut it out of the video.
You cannot tell me they were abstinent during that time and expect me to believe it
No. 426468
>>424028Ergh… their kid.
And every fucking Asian fetishist flocking to her video in hopes of breeding a mixed asian white kid. Her kid will look asian anyway- it wont even look white. Hapas only get light hair at and a bigger nose at most. He has dark hair so no exotic blue eyes or blonde hair for YOU Yumi.
Imagine her and Venus Angelic meeting?
Fucking CRINGE.
No. 426552
>>426451I only see "cute" remarks on her youtube. If anons think it's cute than they must be a little retarded themselves.
>>426458>>426462…If I don't immediately forget I read this I'll never eat again. That's disgusting.
No. 426692
>>426468As fucked up as their son will/would be, I hope they don't have a girl. Splenda is already a creep, I can't imagine him with a daughter and I get the feeling a daughter would attract a bunch of other creeps with yellow fever to her channel. First for her being a stupid "submissive" Asian wife to her old white husband but of course for their hapa daughter who will end up getting pimped out for attention.
And I think the better meeting would be with Xiaxue. I will say though, at least Yumi seems like she wouldn't be delusional about her kids ending up white or white-looking since of course they wouldn't be.
No. 427854
>>426692this. this. this.
I really hope she asteast has a son and stops at that. A daughter with Splenda it's so unsettling to even think of. I also think her chanel will become more low-key "fetish". a DDLG, interracial, non english speaking, submissive wife with a young child.. Also though thought of both of them calling Splenda "daddy" makes me dry heave.
Most of me is hoping that she will mature a bit after a child. I've seen a lot of people do a complete 180 after giving birth. Although, i dont see Splenda doing that.
No. 427949
>>427784>>425973quit namefagging. don't put anything in the name field.
>>426156type sage into the email field to sage a post, nothing else.
No. 428365
>>427989>>428171same anon.
yeah im talking about the creepy vibe he gives off. even if you want to be a father so hard you dont go to public events and start talking with children you dont even know, even filming them (thank god they had the decency of not filming the faces) like a creep. he gives a weird vibe around kids, thats all im saying. especially considered his kind of ddlg relationship.
No. 428466
>>428421that's not what happened, she just said she was bored or some shit, it was an excuse for wanting to fucking get off her ass instead of posting sponsered videos.
>>428423not that anon but stop being mad. yumi clearly has an ED and most girls with ED have trouble getting their periods, let alone being pregnant. she's not 'average weight' and her body is infact less developed than the average chinese woman. sit the fuck down.
No. 428660
>>428629not even really splenda. he just wastes all money on useless home decor and utilities & DIY bricolage stuff. then forbids yumi to buy anything or make requests because theyre broke and he wants to save up for more useless DIY and decor shit. hes not a splenda daddy, hes a soccer dad.
hes so pissed at her even in this video. i feel sad for her, he seems to be extremely self centered and focused on his soccerdadness and amusement (and im not talking about the fact he doesnt want to watch kids cartoons with her).
No. 428709
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>>428705more old but gold milk
No. 428721
>>428705Thx bby
>By next christmaswait, was it last year?
No. 428734
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>>428721It used to be "by Christmas 2015" and she updated it last year, ultimately deleting the year. She even deleted the preferred age range from her profile, so I think it's safe to assume Splenda is older than 38.
No. 428923
>>428866>the children were white therefore splenda isn't a pedowow excellent proof anon, keep in mind pedos aren't picky, because if they were yumis old flat ass would be single
he treats her like a child, and not in a playful bf/gf way, he makes her shitty meals, pumps her with vitamins, buys her childlike clothing, buys her kids things, talks to her and disciplines her like an angry, borderline abusive dad, on top of all that encourages her to lose weight despite her already being skinny and flat, he can't even take her weight in lbs being 3 digits, since we all know they are into ddlg, which is roleplay child molestation, and he has been proven to act sexual with her all the while treating her like a child
if someone has ddlg fantasies, assuming they're not doing it just to please a partner or just try it, then they most likely had incest/child molestation fantasies to begin with, just like people who roleplay teacher/student have had legit teacher/student fantasies, people who roleplay doctor/patient have had legit doctor/patient fantasies and so on, now, there's a big difference between people wanting to get kinky in a doctors office vs someone who fetishizes children and their things as well as roleplaying a father/child daughter fantasy in a sexual way. on top of all that, the way he communicates with children is creepy, not it's not about "OMG A MAN CANT INTERACT WITH CHILDREN ANYMORE WITHOUT YOU CRAZY PEDO WITCHUNTERS!!!!"
he gets frustrated talking to yumi when yumi plays dumb, so why the fuck would he ~enjoy~ talking to kids
No. 428942
>>428878Do you even live in America? Because that's a pretty odd assumption to make of Americans. It's not a weird sight for people to be out in public, see a baby and interact while talking to the parents.
Where is all the Splenda is a pedo stuff coming from? That's such a gross assumption to make of a person. Even if Yumi herself acts like a little kid, it's not fair to assume this man is a pedophile if there's no actual proof.
Saged for sperging, my apologies.
No. 429413
>>428705>You DO NOT play video gameswhy tho??? I'm honestly confused
>>428735shoot me if I'm wrong, but haven't we been calling her that for a long time?
No. 429528
>>429413probably something I agree with yumi on
while what
>>429520 said is true, there's all kinds of guys that play video games
the only ones I accept are the ones who just take up gaming as a hobby rather than getting extremely hooked on it and have it be their routine and take it so seriously to the point of getting legitimately frustrated with video games or taking video game jargon seriously, a lot of gamers tend to have crazy standards and expect the girl they're with to be a bigger gamer than they are with big tits and gawk over twitch girls or whatever, not to mention a lot of the time, when dating a gamer, if they're often very into it, they'll reject dates or social gatherings to play, sometimes they'll invite you over and do nothing but just stare at a screen and shoot things for hours, it's even more shitty cuz sometimes when you go out of your way to be with that person and hang out and all that person wants to do is play video games and ignore you
sage for splurging, blogging, ranting and ot oops
No. 429981
>>429977I think you responded to the wrong person.
Or you might be retarded.
No. 430011
>>430002well the "fuck me" panties were a decent gift rather than all the aliexpress shit he brought her, did she ever even use the hairdye btw?
it kinda grosses me out how sexual they act all while doing everything in their power to seem as much like a father/daughter relationship as possible, it blows my mind how people don't think there's even the slightest pedophilia involved
No. 430104
>>430011those are from aliexpress tho. she gets most of her stuff (save her sponsored shit) from this shop: it seems including hanfu anon pointed it out before.
No. 430191
>>430113what is ddlg?
also corn doesn't look like woman, she has a child's body.
No. 430201
there are 2 kinds of pedos, ones who think they are fine and want to hurt children, and ones who have a mental issue making them feel attraction to children. splenda is the former, if he is one. he wants yumi to act like his fetish and would likely fuck real children if he could.
No. 430235
File: 1511384730913.jpg (35.6 KB, 600x600, 120.jpg)

First of all, stop talking about pedos. This is getting way off topic
Second, kill them all. Who gives a shit. They're human waste anyway
No. 430270
>>430113but keep in mind a lot of lesbians would fuck traps, you do realize a lot of pedophiles draw things like lolis that look exactly like children and slap the label "22 yr old woman" on it, so I doubt the age that bothers them rather than the actual underdevelopness that turns them on, keep in mind lesbians like traps sometimes so its even more likely for a pedo to like an adult woman since they all have the same parts
pedos arent picky, if a flat deformed oldie acts childish and ~innocent~ its enough for them
No. 430273
>>430207well no, in really rare cases pedophilia is uncontrolable, however people can train their brain to only like certain things, if people couldn't all people would like the same things, there' not an implemented desires already formed in your head, you form them yourself
think of it like beastiality, it's a gross desire, but do you really think someone who forms an attraction to animals got that attraction as if they were born with it? it's a complicated brain thing, if you control your mind enough you can easily change your desires,some people can control their mind more than others though
No. 430332
>>430329…I'm not from /pol/ and this is a popular belief of this site. Why don't you fuck off back to tumblr, handmaiden? Or are
you a tranny? There's nothing gay about straight sex.
No. 430339
>>430337(sage for same fagging)
2 things: she can't pronounce palette, so naturally, take a shot everytime she says "plate" instead of palette
her dream eyeshadow plate is a whopping $27.
No. 430435
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>>430388I'm not ignoring biological sex, but you're ignoring psychology and how sexuality works anyone claimed to go one way, then is attracted to the tranny who is of the preference the tranny is transiting to, that person is not automatically attracted to the opposite gender
IE, lesbians attracted to mtf aren't attracted to males, straight girls attracted to some ftm aren't lezy or bi, if someone presents as one gender, someone who is attracted to that gender finds them attractive, it doesnt change their entire sexuality
are you gonna tell me straight women who are attracted to this man (who is ftm) automatically aren't straight no more and somehow attracted to girls even though they don't find actual women sexually attractive?
it's not about ignoring biological sex, it's about understanding what's straight and whats not
No. 430436
>>430292>>430320>>430273>>430327>>430328>>430329>>430332>>430367>>430388>>430435for a second i thought I was in the fakeboi thread…
guys, can we keep the topic on corn?
or take your debate else where?
No. 430446
>>430424nah, i think that's just yumi being yumi, it's supposed to be light but comparing it to other swatch videos f it, it looks like she was just lightly tapping her finger and then swatching it rather than actually getting any to show off
video related, someone else swatching the same palette
No. 430452
>>430435Yeah, I am gonna tell you that. If someone has the same biological sex you do, you're aware of that, and yet you and you still want to fuck them, you're not fucking straight. That's not up for debate.
>430436sorry for derailing
No. 430481
>>430463No the fuck they arent! Have you heard of butch lesbians, dude? It's SEXuality not genderuality or whatever.
>just like if a straight girl has a boyfriend with man titsNot at all. If a male has tits, that doesn't make him any less of a male, so it's still straight. There are way more biological differences than just dicks ans vaginas, retard. Lots of behavioural differences too since males and females are raised and treated differently. Maybe you're the crazy one if you honestly believe all this sexist genderfuck bullshit. Like I said, fuck off back to tumblr. I'm done derailing.
No. 430548
>>430337Her fake Engrish is just getting worse and worse. Also, aside from her terrible swatches it I hate it that she sticks her fingers in there and (seems to be?) mixing the colors, it'll mess up the palette.
Also does she always act this retarded? I assumed it was usually for Splenda's benefit but he's not even in this one.
No. 430568
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>>430339>when your $27 palette is cheaper than $100!!!>>430548She's probably using more and more engrish because she's ~so Chinese, guiz~ that she can't speak English. Kawaii!
No. 430573
>>430572I'm sorry, forgot to sage.
Anyway, here's the video where she discusses all her future plastic surgery plans.
No. 430578
>>430572splenda sounds so annoyed whenever she plays dumb and talks to him and he has to explain things to her, yumi can't actually like being talked to like that and he can't actually like that
also, yumi suddenly not knowing the word dentist, when she said it on her own at the beginning of the video when she wasn't around splenda. and jfc why was she not taking care of her teeth prior to this
No. 431073
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>>430871well, even the worm will turn, even though its for his pedo fetish rn he will eventually get annoyed with it, it's one thing to be pretentious/fake being someone you're not but making it so obvious, I'm oblivious as hell and I even caught on to her act, one day, assuming she will keep pretending to be a lost autistic esl-fob loli child, splenda will lose patience and just snap, how he snaps is a mystery, but he's barely clinging on to his sanity rn because of yumis shit, hopefully she wants to live stream and the day he does snap it will be on live stream
No. 431558
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>>431540It never fails to mystify me when they do their weird dd/lg thing in front of people. And (to give Yumi at least some credit), is he "grooming" her to help him interact with kids ffs? Oh and of course they want a baby girl so she can dress it in cheap Chinese shit and show it off and so he can get what he really wanted after he tires of her acting like a retarded Engrish speaking child.
No. 431591
File: 1511592633205.png (181.65 KB, 500x629, ucluuy-today-832-am-daddy-feew…)

Saw this. Reminded me of yumi and splenda kek
No. 431681
File: 1511618823909.png (1.73 MB, 1339x653, 2017-11-25 15_05_58-Husband&Wi…)

>>431540dont they own real plates…?
No. 431849
>>431690>white americanlol what?
every single black and latino person I knew used paper plates for thanksgiving, once mexican guy I knew even used paper plates as an everyday thing, and the whites I did know rarely used paper plates unless they're serving large crowds
No. 431887
>>431681You're supposed to eat shit on paper plates. Hotdogs, pizza, etc.
Only good food is served on china.
This lasagna is shit.
No. 431928
>>431816Idk wher eyou're from anon but i giggled at "palloons"
Sage for irrelevant
No. 431932
>>431540"i like old fashion cars!"
"this car looks good"
"this car looks cool"
She's like a robot who can only speak in simple sentences
No. 433537
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>>433536also she called chibi moon 'chili moon', which…that's something.
No. 433541
>>433536sage for samefagging, but splenda randomly coming in and kissing her on the forehead seems so staged, especially because he's never done anything like that before in her solo videos
and i hate that i laughed at his dumb "thumbnail" joke.
No. 433544
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>>433536It was so creepy when she tilted the camera and asked if splenda wants to make video with her…
No. 433596
>>433536whats with all the comments lately.
>"Omg he showed his thumbs and I lose it I was laughing so hard. He's such a goob it's adorable!!"100 thumbs up?? I swear there can't be THAT many people who genuinely find this relationship cute and funny as much as the comments suggest
No. 435369
>>435355Why would he bother wasting money on a honeymoon, he got a discount bin wife for a reason. I could have sworn they did mention one in one of their videos, but then they also said the wedding was going to be 50k so there's that. The "honeymoon" is them going to random stores and shopping areas to act out their dd/lg fantasy in public.
Also I can't get over her terrible fake Engrish. She makes it worse and worse every fucking video.
No. 435620
>>435600I have a chinese bf, although im not american is marrying an american white guy shameful if you have a degree?
Also considering my bfs parents i can imagine the INSANE amount of shit talk doing on just for the age difference alone nevermind the DDLG stuff. If her family did travel to witness the wedding i can 100% guarantee it would have been to laugh at marrying someone 10 or so years older than you, who is a chubby balding white guy with an average (at best) income and seemingly autistic. i'm honestly suprised her own Mother allowed her to even entertain the idea of marrying Splenda.
sage for blog
No. 435809
triggered. :)
No. 436772
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>>436444gross, i've never seen someone's entire face drenched like that when they haven't been doing some kind of sport.
Kek spendas gryffindor "uniform" with camo shorts on the bottom. So tacky
No. 436780
>>436772How can anyone look at Splenda and seriously believe he's younger than 39? Lol.
She married an old man…
No. 437050
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I think she looks kinda pretty here.
No. 437435
>>437050>>437306I think it's a combo of the light + her hairstyle (it elongates her face) + her makeup is simpler + she isn't wearing an over the top childlike outfit, which makes her look less like a haggard middle aged woman trying to reclaim her youth.
>>437425The bottom right part of her thumbnail looks like she photoshopped the skirt onto her body…
No. 438407
>>438306LOL Splenda at 53 secs "not only are your eyes scary but your pronunciation is scary"
at this point i think she just fakes it and even hes sick of it at this point
No. 438440
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>>438306"It hurt my eyes."
"It doesnt smell good."
Bitch, dont put them near your eyes!
No. 438942
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>>438306She mentions that she can't see through some of the lenses which means they're definitely not from a reputable source.
>splenda nagging her to make dinner at the end>>438774>uses her liquid blush pen as eyeshadow and lip gloss as well>eyebrow trimmer is just a razor blade>pretending that she has no body hair>greif-in-toe and (cuts out pronunciation of slytherin)>has a knockoff WEGO heart window bag when the real thing only costs $30such a high class and elegant rich girl!
No. 438985
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No. 439032
>>438942she probably got sent plano contacts, which likely don't fit her eyes. i seriously hope she was faking this since even wearing the wrong size for a couple of minutes can fuck up your eyes, and expired/dry contacts are dangerous, you could get sent to the emergency room.
good lord, she looks like a caricature. and what are these fuggo glasses?
No. 439843
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>>439842Elegant gorgeous kawaii high class rich Japanese girl!
No. 439844
File: 1512675017616.gif (3.04 MB, 480x270, giphy.gif)

get it, splenda!
No. 439847
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Yumi's face looks like a Bailee Jae drawing because of how lopsided it is
No. 440045
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>>439842a grown ass man dresses like this.
No. 440052
>>439842>"oh it has a washing machine, so we can clean our clothes!" "yeah, that's why i picked it."this video is actually kind of funny to me and i have no idea why
>>440045a lot do, lol. also tbf the button down and tie are supposed to be a part of the ~Harry potter cosplay~, and it looks like he literally only did it for the harry potter land and then left it on
No. 440195
>>439842"Do you want to instor (install) some mirrors in the house?"
"Only on the ceilings, (babe?)"
No. 440666
>>440572summary of the video for those who don't want to watch it
>they go to avatar land>yumi oohs and aahhs at everything, everything looks so real and just like the movie>yumi tries to talk about the ride to splenda, but he seems uninterested, just repeating things the na'avi on the ride said>splenda: she said ring ting ting, andele>yumi: what's that mean>splenda: idk just a bunch of made up words>splenda keeps repeating "ooh eh ooh ah ah" >yumi records the entire damn intro to flight of the avatar until they have to put their stuff away>splenda not really in to avatar land, yumi absolutely loves it overall a super fucking boring video
No. 441703
>>441684this recipe is
triggering me. what kind of retard puts oil and butter in pie crust?
No. 442070
>>441684The fact that she's using regular eating utensils to stir and measure everything is
triggering muh autism.
No. 442124
>>442070the entire thing is
trigger my autism. does she not have a fucking cutting board so she has to use the weeb plate? why is there oil in that pie crust? is yumi wanting to make xmas dinner or something?
No. 442455
>>442310"You know why it's magic? Because it makes your money disappear."
The only dialog from this entire video that was hilarious while everything else was just Yuri whining about wet hair.
No. 442456
>>442455>>442310"You know why it's magic? Because it makes your money disappear."
The only dialog from this entire video that was hilarious while everything else was just *Yumi whining about wet hair.
No. 442550
>>442310splenda is so cynical that doing anything cute like going to disney world would immediately be less fun. that money comment cemented him as a cheapskate who refuses to let go and have fun even on their honeymoon
>>442351i can picture the pregnancy reveal video: "Am I Pregnant? Am I Not Pregnant? Husband's Sweet Reaction" with a thumbnail of her pulling a shocked face and holding a pregnancy test
No. 444769
File: 1513372426242.png (56.73 KB, 256x192, ihapnomekop.png)

>>444226>don fil me! i hap no mekop!>brows filled in, wearing blush, pink eyeshadow and bright pink lipgloss(excuse the horrible editing btw)
No. 444868
another video of yumi getting shit she doesn't really like, doesn't fit, and then making them shorter/fit better. and idk how splenda is okay with her hoarding all this shit in their house
>>444841he probably realized that this is his life now and he kind of has to get used to it
No. 445641
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>>445249>>445253>>445282lol what happened
>>444868>"i just-uh ask my husband how he feel about dis outfit and he said is too long"good ol' splenda
No. 448200
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Splenda wore his Air Force jacket, but made sure to put electrical tape over his name first
No. 448248
>>448237B-but how is she supposed to be a kawaii rich girl rori-chan without her totemo low-lee-ta capelet and gigantic bow???
Real talk though, the whole coat looks terrible. It doesn't have any sort of shape to it, so it makes her look like a gigantic felt sack.
No. 448359
>>448356Totally agree, i see this with many “cows” on here.
Then people try to justify with it eith reaching so hard, kinda reminds me of tumblr call out posts, super silly.
No. 448384
>>448356I think same thing. girl is cringy but that's all so the thread is always the same kind of comments on repeat cause she doesn't really do much beyond being cringy.
It's not like there's much to talk about her at this point
No. 448428
>>448356I think that's why she's been on /snow/ rather than /pt/. There's no real milk here, it's just anons that want to nitpick and be catty bitches. She has always been cringey but never milky. But I guess that's what /snow/ is for.
Tbh, ever since Splenda has been more involved in her videos I find them more amusing now than anything.
No. 448614
>>448166idg why she doesn't go back to her actual diy roots. the ones that she does now a days are so boring and all the same (how to fix shitty clothes you bought on a shitty website.)
if she's so keen on including splenda in them there are diy things she could do with him that are actual diy things.
No. 448682
>>448614I agree. If she's gonna include him, they should at least do somthing like the Threadbanger couple. At least make a challenge out of the DIY.
Her videos dont really have a format. It's always "Hey ewwyone"
explains what shes gonna do in video Then the rest of the video just feels like someones random home movies playing with a camera in their boyfriends face….or maybe that IS the format?
No. 448727
>>448614she's lazy. she has no need to do anything difficult now that she's being taken care for. she just needs to shit out mediocre videos and get random taobao shit every once in a while.
she used to be super deluded and it was funny but now she's just meh. she was a bootleg cow, is a bootleg chinese bride, has a bootleg life.
No. 448730
>>448682he and her are both lazy shits. all her videos are the same now.
>hi ebrywan today…etc.>splenda and her do creepy DDLG-esque things for the camera until splenda gets bored>yumi is annoying>splenda says unfunny shit in a sarcastic, autist way>splenda criticizes yumi>she laughs it off>she says she's fat>finOR he's not in the video and it's 10 minutes of her trying on sponsored shit saying it's bad or cheap or ugly, but she'll fix it (even though it disappears never to be seen again) and raving about fucking watermelon forever.
No. 448805
>>448682You have to put sage in the email box. And you're right - that is the format. I like Yumi but if you click on anyone leaving positive comments on her videos they are often clear DDLG fans, a surprise to no one. But a reminder of who is primarily watching/enjoying.
I like Cosplays and DIY, her old white boyfriend makes me uncomfortable though he seems kinda sweet too.
No. 449942
>>449929Thank you.
She's exactly the fucking same in Chinese. She only doesnt seem as shy because she isnt stumbling over her words.
Also, I dont think her engrish is fake. She just doesnt have confidence speaking it. That would make anyone come off as shy or seem cutsey.
Shes probably better at writing it.
No. 449968
>>449951I think its a confidence thing over an actual knowledge thing. She knows the words but isnt sure. I def think she's adding a bit of cutesness to her speaking but not that exaggerated like everyone here seems to think.
Her voice pitch is inconsistent like she doesnt know what to do with her tone.
You guys ever think maybe some girls just naturally have annoying voices?
fucking saged
No. 450047
>>450004I get Im wrong on the confidence thing. Thats was just an observation I had.
Is the DDLG thing not main milk we're here for?
Everything else is just catty shit like talking about bangs, skin, or the way she dresses.
No. 450093
>>450070Yeah the DDLG thing is the main milk thats kept this thread going.
I don think this subject would've gone on for 3 threads if the only thing we had to talk about is shitty hot glue and bangs over and over.
No. 450101
>>450093i disagree since it seems such a minor aspect of what she does lol
she's fairly harmless, and cringy at the most, which is why she was first brought up. for being cringy.
No. 450160
>>449968anon lurk more, people have pointed certain words she pronounces wrong or pretends not to know in her newer videos but in her older videos she pronounced them just fine or knew what they were
I'd make a compilation of yumi pretending to be dumb along with other videos that prove yumi is pretending but I don't feel like digging up all her damn videos
No. 450216
>>450101>>450160Yeah Ive seen it a thousand times here. I just think shes fucking forgetful and cant remember shit she learns…..I mean English is pretty hard to learn in general.
I get the cringyness. I just doensnt seem milky enough to be talking about it for this long.
sage for opinion
No. 450231
>>450216she's almost 30 anon, not a 5 yr old or 70 yr old with alzheimer's
I'm forgetful myself and still managed to learn other languages without "magically" forgetting words I already learned and how to pronounce
>I mean English is pretty hard to learn in's as hard as any other language anon, and she was most likely taking english classes since she was little, since a lot of people consider english the language of business and a sort of "necessary" language to learn
>I get the cringyness. I just doensnt seem milky enough to be talking about it for this long. she has more milk than most cows anon
No. 450352
>>450325it's hard but not the hardest, especially if your native language was already a latin based language, it's about as same as french and spanish.
you can't really say "it's one of the hardest languages to learn" because it's subjective and the difficulty will differ for each person, it will be harder for her because she has to learn a whole new alphabet and whatnot, but most chinese students are taught english from a young age, no I'm not saying she should speak perfect english by now but it's kinda obvious her stumbling over her words is one of the most pretentious and badly acted thing I've ever seen
No. 452663
new video, they go ice skating, yumi shows another thing she's incompetent at. splenda does most of the recording like usual
she's so boring and half of her content isn't even done by her but splenda at this point
>>452270 No. 454916
>>454768Yea I saw a few people were specifically calling her pic "creepy" in only 20 mins after she posted it.
Im gonna screencap certian comments from now on lol
No. 454926
File: 1514451351276.png (1.26 MB, 1680x1050, Screen Shot 2017-12-28 at 12.5…)

>>454768Isn't her whole skin whitening thing part of her kawaii rich girl act? It's that Asian idea of pale skin = beautiful because it meant that you were rich enough to be able to stay indoors all day and have servants/workers to take care of all of the work for you.
No. 454944
>>454926Vid for anyone who wants to see it, nothing interesting other than her choice of title
> People Call Me Ugly, but I'm Confident Enough To Show Bare Face!>wears 14mm circle lenses so kawaii rich girl
No. 458717
>>428635my god, that constant insistent on Chinese related films ! Kung -Fu panda then Mulan ?
No. 458791
>>458785I don't understand this at all. This is not what skin whitening is about. It's about colorism and racism = the idea that the darker tones are somehow uglier, or inferior. The caste system in India, or the promoted beauty aesthetic in Asian regions being paper-white. It's about never matching up to the aesthetic and spending money to rectify.
Paleness is not aesthetic for Westerners as it is more easily achieved.
It's controversial due to the racist roots of colorism, and skin damage caused while "lightening" skin. American history has things like the "paper bag test" or the fact Obama who is mixed race was referred to constantly as "black" only. Thus erasing black people who don't look like that. The virginal aesthetic thing suggested is ???? Really not what it's about or why it's controversial.
Sage for offtopic.
>>458791>It's about never matching up to the aesthetic and spending money to rectify. maybe back in the older times, but nowadays most women do it just to fit an aesthetic, given there are some that do it because of colorism, but most of the women that go out of their way to get whitening injections, blow money on creams and pills, do it for aesthetic, at least in mainstream culture
also I was explaining why americans may get upset over skin whitening but be kinda okay with tanning (even though they're campaigns against tanning but whatever)
they just see white skin as pure and innocent, skin whitening shows insecurity and vanity so it's a bit of deception and it makes people mad
see the plastic surgery thread, people mention how when a pale woman gets work done and denies it, people go out of their way to defend her, people such as missalice, everyday koreans, cosplayers, different cam girls, etc where as with tan women, the ones who obviously tan, people will easily admit it's unnatural, think kardashians, nicki, amber rose, etc even if the woman herself claimed she didn't
>Paleness is not aesthetic for Westerners as it is more easily achieved.o boy do you live under a rock? there are literal aesthetics that people consider "pale" aesthetics, search pale on tumblr you get tons of aesthetic pictures, nymphet, grunge,goth, dolly stuff, european style aesthetic, even vintage and hipster culture has popularity with white skin , etc
it was literally westerns who invented goth culture, which values the fuck out of white skin
>American history has things like the "paper bag test" or the fact Obama who is mixed race was referred to constantly as "black" onlyyes american history, not americans in todays world
> The virginal aesthetic thing suggested is ???? Really not what it's about or why it's controversial.we were talking about why americans get upset at skin whitening, and I was explaining why
>nymphet, grunge,goth, dolly stuffSubcultures, not mainstream culture in Western society. Which favors cream and tan skin.
>This shit must be oldYes, it's part of American history. Not knowing something does not = it not being important.
But we need to let this sub-topic die now and go back to Yumi
Sorry everyone
No. 459125
>>459099>Subcultures, not mainstream culture in Western societyUmm a majority of westerns all follow the aesthetics I mentioned, yes it's rare to see tan ig model aesthetics represented in real life unless you're a city dweller or cali native, but in the rest of the USA, a lot of us value pale skin
where I'm at, people here value pale skin a lot in a sort of "classic beauty" sort of way, even MARILYN MONROE refused to tan and she's known for her beauty and perfect skin in america, tan came in around the early 2000s, but before that pale was the thing, even people are mocking the 2000s shitty walmart bronzer lotion tan, but to say tan skin is what americans want and act as if majority of americans want tan skin is just ridiculous, why do you think kardashians get mocked so much?
>Not knowing something does not = it not being important.we aren't saying it isn't important we're saying it just doesn't apply in todays world
No. 462642
>>461110Every little tool this girl has doesnt need to be fucking gold plated and diamond encrusted. Yall giving her too much credit with this rich girl act.
Theyre just basic sculpting tools. How expensive do they need to be?
Though, I agree, that E6000 is fake a fuck.
Probably for safety reasons though. A lot of kids watch her bullshit.
No. 462651
Now that I think about it… In the video before the last, Splenda wouldn't let even her cut chestnuts by herself so I highly doubt he would let her around some chemicals like E6000. Eh
No. 462685
File: 1515170242993.png (33.94 KB, 1000x936, you did it.png)

>>461110Awww. Yumi made gak.
That's a gold star right there. I bet Splenda didn't even supervise her while chopping with the pairing knife. Good job Yumi!
No. 462704
>>462700True, not worth showing.. I just see a lot of you guys ranting about how cheap some of her things are. I get it, yes, she shops for cheap clothes but some things are supposed to be …like sculpting tools or basic makeup brushes. That's all.
>>462701But Splenda is a handy man! Did you not see his mind blowing expertise at putting the bearings on that complicated wedding tent? kek
No. 462857
File: 1515186568635.png (677.83 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_20180105-221243.png)

Her face is so swollen
No. 463327
>>462642>>462704E6000 isn't expensive if you buy it in small tubes vs. the large tube she bought. The smaller tubes are $3-4 and the large tubes are $7-8. It's not an expensive investment if you're only using a bit.
Besides, the point I was trying to make was that E6000 fumes are already toxic and harmful as is. Even if you just google "E6000 fumes", it gives you a bunch of information about how it's harmful for you.
Knowing Yumi and bootleg Chinese crap, the bootleg E6000 is bound to be much worse and she won't wear a ventilator for the sake of looking "pretty" on camera.
>>463299For anyone wondering what this video is, it's just her putting on makeup and sponsored costumes and fishing for compliments by saying she sucks at cosplay.
No. 463472
>>463419>"Angry at myself!"She's fishing for compliments.
Besides, she's been sponsored by cheap Chinese websites for how long now? She knows what to expect.
No. 463581
File: 1515268150852.png (422.42 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_20180106-194125.png)

She looks really miserably. Why even post this video?
No. 463582
File: 1515268168523.png (483.14 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_20180106-193944.png)

No. 463656
File: 1515273452248.jpg (79.35 KB, 1065x593, swollenyumi.jpg)

>>462857Lol Now its REALLY swollen.
In the new video Splendas like "You know you're allergic to shellfish. Everytime you eat it you act surprised."
wtf why cant Corn learn?
No. 463737
>>462857>>463656The short side bangs she has aren't helping. They make her cheeks look wider and more swollen than before.
>>463581YouTube ad revenue + the company sent her costumes for her to review in a video so she has to put up the video whether she wants to or not.
She's also probably miserable because she's starting to realize that married life isn't the fairy tale romance that she said she's always dreamed of in her marriage announcement video.
No. 465274
File: 1515447426911.jpeg (547.69 KB, 750x1124, F5247468-FA84-47D4-BE6B-AEEE43…)

>still wearing the bootleg aliexpress lenses that she was complaining about
>her melting jaw
No. 465465
File: 1515459901972.jpg (18.49 KB, 210x240, paul-the-head-waiter-corpse-br…)

>>465274reminded me of this guy
No. 466175
File: 1515526349047.png (656.97 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_20180109-211123.png)

Im pretty sure Yumi has ED. She clearly has allergic reaction, but keeps eating. Splenda even says this is not first time…
Srly Yumi stop stuffing your face!
No. 466197
File: 1515527779464.jpg (Spoiler Image,9.95 KB, 200x150, The_Two_Faces_of_Squidward_11c…)

>>466175Her face is sincerely unsettling to me
No. 466358
File: 1515536886059.png (105.8 KB, 638x831, IMG_0566.PNG)

No. 468331
File: 1515770607437.png (809.75 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_20180112-161626.png)

No. 469598
File: 1515905374659.png (246.88 KB, 935x600, Screen Shot 2018-01-13 at 8.49…)

Jesus christ she's so whiny.
>>468331It was terrible before and now it's even worse after she chopped off the skirt.
No. 474768
>>473492Agreed. Its really not "better" content.
its just more of her same shit, but with food.
Im so bored with her tired description of everything he eats. "It tastes really good!"
No. 477886
File: 1516649537530.png (593.3 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_20180122-191500.png)

>> "everyting matches!"
No they dont….
No. 482498
>>482492He's married to a Chinese girl so probably picked up Chinese humor (rude)
I'd say it's not racist given the context
No. 482512
>>482451Seems like she never leaves the house except to stuff her bloated face with Chinese food. These two probably take over 2 hours to go grocery shopping because they comment/ question every single thing they come across
>>482492Idk probably not intentionally racist but he's incredibly ignorant because he was saying he never ate kiwi.
No. 483437
>>482451At around 11:30
sees Splenda holding something that looks like a big wooden spoon Wat iz dis?
Splenda: It's for spankings
slams thing into hands No. 495310
>>491418god that whole video reminded me why i hate chinese weebs.
yuhan is so fucking transparent. like she tried decrying her weeb status by wearing 'hanfu' but she bought them from the same shitty soft sister aliexpress store that she got the 'fuck me' panties from. she, like tons of other chinese weebs just piggy back off of japan since it's easy for them to do so. hell, she's so desperate she changed her name to the word for corn, not even a name, to keep her shit japanese sounding one, despite plastering yuhan on everything before. fuck yuhan.
No. 495698
>>495688he's probably some yellow fever fetishist to
he wanted a kpop but got a chinese knockoff instead
No. 495744
>>495668Was this on his LinkedIn? I couldn't see it.
If he is Mormon, it's a little strange that he got married so late in life. And I'm wondering if they'll pop out a bunch of kids.
No. 495762
File: 1517970765865.png (1.7 MB, 1440x6722, screencapture-linkedin-in-scot…)

>>495744Bottom of pic related.
>>495754It seems to be gone now, maybe it's visible if you're logged in though.
No. 496108
>>495762If you have a LinkedIn, you can still view his profile if you log in.
There's a way to change if he can see you viewing his profile or not under your settings (instead of it saying "Lolcow Anon has viewed your profile" with a link to your account, it'll show "a LinkedIn user has viewed your account" and he won't be able to see who unless he has premium but I doubt he does).
>>495831I wonder what his/her parents think about their marriage. They all must think this is great since he's old and Yumi's mom obviously wants her with a white guy. I feel sorry for their future kids already.
No. 496574
>>495762Well he's an engineer and is part of a lot of organizations, survived GATech with a masters, has publications… so he's no moron… even if he is old AF.
Wait, why are we doxxing people now? I mean, making fun of bloated cheeks is one thing, but…
No. 498944
File: 1518203782363.png (844.9 KB, 760x692, Screen Shot 2018-02-09 at 12.1…)

the highlight of their wedding pic video
No. 499443
>>498944god his face grosses me out, something just feels so fucking off about him
I literally got nauseous looking at this and this hoe has sex with him? not that she's any better with her deformed face, her face is looking more and more fucked up each day, no clue what she's doing but it needs to stop
No. 500647
>>500643Sorry for double post but where are you guys getting 47 from? The old LinkedIn because if he started at nbc in 1994 and assuming he went straight to school and graduated in 4 years would make him 47. He could have taken breaks in between and did he do his masters right after?
He’s probably mid 50’s.
No. 500674
>>500536>"Rude" humour>Awkward as fuck>Unorthodox relationship>Dresses like a nerd>EngineerEach unremarkable enough on their own, but it's just when they're all combined + general intuition.
I also don't mean this as an insult to him in the slightest, even though it probably came across that way.
No. 502354
>>502205splenda is giving off such lifestyle vlogger energy in this, its kind of incredible
also yumi pretending she doesn't know the definition of "sweat" so splenda has to look it up on his phone… GIRL PLEASE.
No. 502396
>>502205Fucking lol I think splenda's growing into the role.
Splenda spin off channel when?
No. 502527
>>502205why is splenda better at this than yumi?
also, him picking up the dvd and being like "is this…yogiho or something"
>do you want greentea mochi>>sign says melonnever change, yumi
No. 508234
>>502205this video is kind of nice??
They seem to genuinely like each other, splenda is even kind of funny
thought they're still off putting as a whole. idk the tone has changed
No. 514805
>>513171I wouldn't doubt it, that's the type of shit autistic people do as an autist myself
splenda is definitely shady, and he seems to have a lot of free time, he's obsessed with his relationship but doesn't give two shits about yumi unless it's about her looks
he's clearly obsessed with her being thin, and the videos of what he said to her about her weight, like most relationships is just the tip of the iceberg, if he's not afraid to say this shit to millions of viewers then who knows what he's saying to her behind closed doors
No. 514869
>>477886This outfit looks cute tbh. Looks nice on her as well.
Too bad Yumi fakes being fresh off the boat esl.
No. 516535
>>516442Same. All they seem to do is go to the fucking Asian grocery store…he must be fed up with it, because god knows I'm fed up with all the videos of their shopping trips
He was all dressed up, got her flowers, and for what?
No. 516604
>>516355It's cringey how they act like their grocery store trip is exceptional and not completely average. As if every ingredient needs to be documented, like lotus roots and tapioca balls are something new and interesting–and Yumi could pull this off if she added anything interesting besides saying the name and sperging over it for five minutes.
I like slice of life videos, but they're clearly trying to make these romps to the market into a bigger deal than they actually are. It's so boring. And neither are particularly entertaining or fun to watch, unless you like Yumi pretending to be an idiot.
They're not even haul videos either, can you imagine "Herro errywhon, today we ar going to agrocery storr to buy ingredants for to make derricious meals at home!" Nope.
They buy snacks and insta meals when they could capitalize on changing their channel's direction by making more cooking and meal time videos. Since that's all they vlog about these days anyway. No wonder they're so unpopular anymore.
No. 516637
>>516604The way you worded that was spot on anon lmao.
Does anyone else think Venus angelic has yumis current hair right now? Jesus if they met
No. 517042
>>516499"Cute girls need rose tea." WTF???
I can never finish a whole video of theirs. They are so creepy.
I just read other people commenting on them here and on PULL, and every now and then I think, "Huh, that sounds funny, I should watch it", then nope the fuck out due to too much cringe
No. 519972
File: 1520121606584.png (768.29 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180303-171801.png)

I hate that she constantly mispells words in her video titles of all things.
She obviously means SAVORY gravy.
Lmao at "saving gravy."
No. 523255
File: 1520448782667.png (76.95 KB, 1161x375, lol.png)

>>523224Holy shit, I'm dying.
No. 523262
>>523224no links or screencaps anon?
?ol imagine being such a broke sexpat that this guy seems rich to you
he has a good resume so I assume he has an okayish job but just like the shit he buys for yumi. it always has to be fake shit for social status
fake ricefarmer aging face chinese knock off wife who pretends to be an autistic fob child so he can get off to his "lost esl child in america" fetish
most their house is filled with aliexpress shit
knock off university
knock off skincare
knock off house
knock off vacations
knock off food
knock of doctors
etc etc
he needs to accept the fact he's not a millionaire, he lives a knock off life and he is miserable 24/7 because he didn't get his ~spoilt korean child bride housewife in a fairytale mansion traveling the world~ he always wanted
No. 525709
>>523996Starfish is when the girl just lies in bed during sex as said above
Rainy refers to Chinese girls that want a white husband, learn English poorly, and act naive and stupid. Hobbies include sleeping and posting pictures of food to Weibo. Basically china version of a basic bitch.
No. 532112 the first 30 seconds of this video we get a possible age confirmation of Splenda Daddy:
Him: "I know a pretty good Chinese Restaurant… I visited there 35 years ago-"
Her: "When you were… 13?"
blinks, pause "I visited there… a while back…"
I like how he realizes that by saying he visited 35 years ago dates himself and assuming that Yumi isn't completely dumb I'm willing to give her the benefit of a doubt that she did the quick, simple math in her head right there. 13 + 35 = 48, which lines up with the age that was posted for him earlier ITT.
I just find it hilarious that there's this one specific YouTuber (probably him under an alt account) on their videos that says he's 30 every time someone asks how old he is.
No. 534414
>>534184why does splenda look so disinterested in the screen cap?
anyway, i hope that this gives us splenda at an anime convention which would be exciting
No. 539980
>>539951it's so awkward watching splenda telling her to look at him while they talk and NOT the camera.
it really really bugs me that these videos are yumi's content, she creates them, she edits it, but splenda provides the content. this is literally your job, yumi, do your damn job.
No. 544428
>>540058ugh. this is why they
shouldn't be together. they don't see eye to eye. even if it's played for views it's cringy at best. there's no reason to be cheap when you're not making any of the fucking money, yuhan.
No. 547999
>>547991Great job throwing a blanket on "us just not liking them" and totally has nothing to do with borderline abuse, how they treat each other, how yumi acts, how scott acts, why they're even together, etc
Here I'll do it to
"Wow just imagine being this mad at people who says mean stuff about a bad relationship"
No. 549443
>>548009>>547991>>548007Hey Splenda daddy.
>>532112I work with a bunch of old people and he doesn’t even look his age. He looks way older. How the hell does he thinks he can pass for 30?
No. 549500
File: 1523173780404.png (508.27 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_20180407-195221.png)

So this is what she is going to wear at the con, cheap maido outffit.
No. 556303
File: 1523814819916.png (440.7 KB, 937x599, Screen Shot 2018-04-15 at 1.53…)

Yumi is at Tigercon today.
No. 557538
File: 1523916784052.png (395.8 KB, 534x500, Screenshot_2018-04-16-14-03-45…)

>>556701What she and Splenda served to her adoring fans at the convention.
No. 557540
File: 1523916848949.png (438.06 KB, 500x500, Screenshot_2018-04-16-14-03-24…)

No. 557611
>>557538That looks like vomit and off brand minute rice
Why are they even serving food? Neither of them can cook, i wouldnt eat this shit even if they paid me it looks so bland and gross but at the same time unhealthy and cancerous
No. 557624
>>557538no seriously… wtf is this?
I see rice and… brown shit and… lighter beige lumps of shit??
No. 560290
>>557540hahahaha what the fuck
How were they allowed to serve food without a license? and why? what the fuck kind of convention was this
No. 569592
>>569510Splenda probably called her that once and she thought it was a cute nickname he gave her because she buys so much crap online lmao.
>doing a giveaway for an item that she wore No. 583172
File: 1526352547883.jpg (12.82 KB, 600x515, reeeeeee.jpg)

>>583163I don't pay server bills so you can do this, SAAAAAAAAGEEEE
No. 583184
>>583172uwu remember to sage
your post too next time, admin~! ♡·°⋆。°✩
No. 597040
File: 1527629221230.jpg (626.43 KB, 1006x1762, Screenshot_20180529-161751.jpg)

Hi.. anon from
>>519972 here.
I said it before about her mispelling shit…
But goddamn his is so irritating. Lol
I think its on purpose at this point or shes actually that bad at editing her videos. If you're gonna misspell somthing at least make sure its not the fucking video title of all things.
I wish Splenda would proofread her shit before posting.
No. 597277
>>597040>>597085>I think its on purpose at this point it's 100% on purpose, I don't believe for a second someone who has lived almost a decade in america and spoke english even longer, graduated from an american college and speaks english in her day-to-day like misspells stuff that badly, especially since a lot of people will catch things and words she says in older videos and in newer videos she magically forgot it or whatever
honestly, I've been following yumi for a while, and not only cannot I not believe she is still playing me no speaky english, but also the people that STILL believe she's some innocent foreign airhead waifu who doesn't know english uwu
the answer I want is WHY she does this
No. 598467
>>598464I could understand if it was just normal errors any esl person would make, but it is extremely obvious she fakes most of them, in every single video she's made several errors, not to mention even her own fans have pointed out her englrish is getting worse and people have caught several things she use to say correctly and magically she says them worse
Yumi also has a reason for it to, as she always goes out her way to fetishize children and her being asian, her annoying fake high pitched squealing is already a giveaway, she knows what she's doing
No. 599319
>>599159Oh she definitely did it because of Venus.
Very pathetic.
No. 615471
File: 1529455479970.png (42.04 KB, 2086x158, Screen Shot 2018-06-19 at 5.43…)

>>599140>pic related is one of the commentsKek
>>615140Lol at her pretending to be dumb in her description.
>And I don’t know what is going on because I don’t read the news about politics.She doesn't come off as kawaii or naive. She sounds ignorant and uneducated.
No. 615868
File: 1529505309047.png (632.35 KB, 689x651, autism.PNG)

No. 615908
File: 1529509472796.jpg (32.51 KB, 275x260,…)

>>615868I tried to make her head "normal". Now the before picture looks like someone used the fucking bloat tool on her face.
No. 617965
>>615140>And I don’t know what is going on because I don’t read the news about politics.So she's proud of her ignorance….
If it were up to Trump and his gang she'd probably be kicked out of the US since she's an Asian immigrant.
Her make-up in this vid looks a bit better than before though?
No. 618026
>>618020h-hey everyone, lets go to pull!
fuck off.
No. 618576
>>615868Goddamn those bulimia cheeks and teef
>>618025He had another Asian waifu in 2012 before he downgraded to Yumi
No. 618727
File: 1529726414523.jpg (57.98 KB, 418x418, cornking.jpg)

>>365564In all honesty, I don't think she has bulimia cheeks (speaking from experience). She probably got v-line surgery or something-it's pretty common in East Asia, especially China since girls keep chasing the beauty ideal of "瓜子脸" which somewhat translates to "watermelon seed face" which is pretty much what Yumi looks like. A really, really fucked up attempt seed face.
No. 618772
>>618576If that's Splenda, it looks like his ex wife is Hispanic (definitely not Asian with the name provided), in her 50's and they have at least one son, named after his father, who is now in his 30's. Not sure where people are seeing an Asian ex wife or that they had three kids, unless I'm missing something? Does he have multiple ex wives?
Splenda married a girl younger than his own son though? I wonder what his family thinks of the whole affair? It looks like the ex wife got a very nice house out of the deal too. Do you thinkl Splenda made Yumi sign a prenup?
Sage for speculation.
No. 619044
File: 1529761243984.png (46.24 KB, 815x271, 84373.thumb.png.92ad292df61bf5…)

People lurked and found the receipts of her first marriage and divorce, they also found pictures of his wedding with his second wife
No. 619132
>>619044i can use mspaint too anon!
can you guys fucking stop vagueposting about shit from PULL and actually post real shit. also, you know that splenda's identity was a hoax by some PULL user in the first place, so this stuff having that name is extra bs
No. 619243
>>618727Don't be stupid. V-line chins don't look anything like that, lmao. She wished she had one instead of a broad face shape with absolutely no chin.
>>619132>you know that splenda's identity was a hoax by some PULL user in the first placeSince when?
No. 619464
File: 1529798523106.jpeg (13.58 KB, 200x200, 52F94FB7-D55A-4219-BDF0-F8F8BD…)

>>619243It wasn’t speculation. His linkedin had his full name and photos attached.
No. 619562
File: 1529808212614.jpg (246.33 KB, 1350x1217, PSX_20180623_164211.jpg)

How I imagine Yumi thinks she looks.
No. 619710
File: 1529815140117.png (1.91 MB, 1466x1228, yumiking.png)

>>619647Shoop, my friend. Here's the original for reference.
No. 650648
>>650526what are you responding "wait what" to?
like were you out of the loop cause you haven't been paying attention to her channels/insta (which haven't been THAT eventful tbh), or were you bewildered by something else?
No. 650718
>>650660yes, the past few days she has been uploading a shit ton of ASMR videos, with a few sponsored hauls thrown in. and the ASMR's are all very disgusting/poor quality. i don't think she actually understands the purpose of ASMR. i'm sure someone has said this before, but i speculate she is just hopping on the trend because she needs $$$ and can't think of anything else to lure in views with.
it's funny though because these new ASMR videos are so terrible that even her fans who used to blindly worship her and defend her are in the comments section telling her what she's doing is gross. lmfao.
as far as splenda goes, i wish there was more milk on his situation with his ex wife(wives?) and children. there was that anon on PULL a while back trying to spill tea on his personal life, but i haven't seen her post in a while. i know it's not really any of our business but yumi's life fascinates me so much that i can't help but wonder what their relationship is really like.
splenda seems to have disappeared from her videos as soon as all the info leaked. so i'm wondering if something happened between him and yumi, or if he's just keeping a low profile.
No. 651995
>>651843I watched one of her ASMR videos and her whispering is really annoying. I don't particularly like ASMR anyways but my god isn't it supposed to sound soothing or something? It just made me irritated. She doesn't even talk in some of her food videos, just has text on screen to explain things. Those are way more enjoyable than what she's doing now.
I wish she would mention why Splenda hasn't been in videos lately though, it looks like most comments are asking about that. He was at least entertaining.
No. 652193
>>651995I wish she mentioned what happened to Splenda too. I felt like this video was the ultimate clickbait because she knows everyone wants to know why her husband isn't in her videos anymore. So she made this video, only for it to turn out to be some bullshit about preferring ASMR.
She'd keep dropping her sentences as if she was going to lead into some dramatic reveal, at least twice, and I thought it was going to be milk about Splenda. But no, just crap about her voice and ears hurting or whatever.
No. 664752
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Corn's camel toe. Fucks sake how can she be so stupid?
No. 676946
>>676915Of course yumi! You're ugu shy too, all the shy girls I know have thousands of youtube subscriber's for channels they showcase their floppy pancake tit, sad flat ass and gross smelly meat flaps on
As for her accent. You have to be a complete idiot if you think her worsening English is real, and just because her equally gross and fetishizing parents support her doesn't make the relationship less weird, if anything it makes it worse, you have to be a moron if you can look at him screaming at her all the time on video and encouraging her to lose weight despite her being underweight, I feel really bad for you if that is something normal and totally not anything to be cautious about
No. 677763
>>676915all accents change over time but for her english to get worse then suddenly better then worse again is impossible.
I can see her being "shy" and not speak but thats chinese people for you. She diffren't when speaking chinese because her engrish is another persona. She is in a DDLG relationship after all.
Also real shy kids wouldnt do into uni wearing full dolly dresses and cosplay filming herself, that doesn't happen. Its her persona.
Of course her parents were okay with the whole thing, By chinese standards Yumi was getting old to marry. She married the first best bet and it was handy that splenda has an asian and ddlg fetish that he would stick around long enough to propose.
Don't forget Yumis Mother has also married a white man with (what i can assume) money. I 100% she her mother being "very Positive" about splenda.
No. 683377
>>681846god the only thing more sad than a weeb is a woman playing on 1950s era war bride stereotypes
at least the war brides were forced into those circumstances due to political and social issues beyond their control, and were just trying to have a better life
No. 690252
>>650803It isn't fake, you can literally look up the more recent divorce case (Splenda divorced 2x already) and see that it was re-opened around the time Splenda and Corn got married.
Also, the other ex-wife posted a bunch of salty comments on Youtube saying things like "He doesn't want to have any babies with you, you are going to grow old alone".
Now consider that Corn is obviously desperate to have a baby, and that if she did get pregnant it would be great for her channel because she could do months on end of "pregnant grocery shopping", "cheap maternity outfits haul", "my husband cooked me a special cup noodle for pregnant women", and on and on…
She's not that old, if they had been TTC for a year, it is highly likely she would be pregnant by now.
More likely, Splenda is drowning in alimony/child support payments for his two ex wives and doesn't want more kids to pay for.
Also both of the ex wives have Spanish/Filipino surnames and speak poor English.
It's pretty obvious that Splenda is one of those guys that preys on young, uneducated foreign women from poorer countries in Latin America/Asia, who don't speak the language or understand the culture well. He woos them with his completely mediocre (by American standards) house and job, pumps out a few kids, then divorces them in favor of a newer/younger/stretch-mark free model. Rinse and repeat.
Corn is just unlucky that this time around Splenda has figured out it's better to not have kids.
No. 690254
>>690252this is interesting anon.
I'm now curious how he's getting away with the no kids. I was just thinking a few days ago why she isn't pregnant yet when before her marriage she was fully ready have a family.
Yumi can't really be this dumb can she? It HAS to be an act to some extent. She's going to end up very heartbroken if this is the case and i actually feel a little sorry for her if he is refusing to have kids when that was the main reason she wanted to get married in the first place.
That being said, trash attracts trash.
No. 690397
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>>690254There's no way she doesn't understand the basic biology of how to make a child. Even if she didn't, if she told her mom she's frustrated that she's not pregnant yet, her mom would likely just explicitly explain how to do so to her. Chinese parents hunger for grandchildren, it's a huge part of the culture, and they're much more straightforward about these things Some Chinese mothers/mother in laws will even give their daughter Chinese herbs that are supposed to boost fertility and ask them directly if they've been having regular sex.
You can find the court records here by searching 380-53627-2011
I'm not clear on if this is the second ex wife or just a friend of the ex wife, but this woman has commented all over Youtube and PULL with more dirt
No. 690439
>>690397I know we all hate corn and all but this woman looks very pathetic doing this. A grown ass adult should know better, especially when it seems like splenda pulling most of the strings.
Although it is funny to read kek
I'm not fully educated on divorces and remarriage etc, could you fill me in on why it was re-opened? Does this mean Splenda will have to pay more money or something? Sorry for my ignorance.
No. 690487
>>690439samefag, sage.
i just read up on it. Splenda really has fucked up huh
No. 691135
What's more likely
Somebody dug up a random divorcee from Texas, created a fake LinkedIn profile for him, added matching work contacts, educational history (which is also searchable from his alma mater), colleague reviews, etc and put a picture of Splenda on it
Or that's who Splenda actually is
That LinkedIn profile was up for a loooong time before PULL found it, and honestly it's not that hard considering that from hints in Yumi's videos people can figure out the town they live in in Georgia (creepy yes but all it takes is one person from that general area of Georgia to see the videos and recognize it, especially when she's posting videos of things like an Asian supermarket, which there tends to only be one of per general area)
Once they have the real name from LinkedIn they looked up the court case. If you literally just google Scott Cook divorce case you can find stuff. mean to tell me they faked legal documents about the house ownership, the divorce proceedings etc?
They faked a whole LinkedIn profile?
It's not at all surprising this dude would be in his 40s and divorced with kids. It would be more surprising if he WASN'T…
No. 691752
>>691190sorry same fag
never use emojis again on this site
No. 692342
>>691751It absolutely has to either be Splenda or Corn who is always trying to allege that the details on Scott's residence/marriages/legal disputes/crazy foreign ex wives are false. Who else would be this invested in arguing that this whole pile of evidence, including things like Google Maps and court records and years old Linked in reviews and university publication records and property tax records that cannot be faked, are somehow all fake.
Which means Splenda is going on all the gossip sites, referring to himself as Splenda and refuting them.
He's an engineer so I can imagine he knows how to set up a simple app/tool that pings him any time any of the gossip sites update with info about Yuhan. Further supporting this is the following:
1. When the LinkedIn profile was revealed on PULL, he immediately changed his photo. Shortly thereafter a new account came on PULL for the express purpose of claiming it was false information.
2. This thread was dead for days/weeks until anon updated it with their theories on the divorce case, and on the same day a different anon started arguing it was fake information. This happened earlier on this thread, too.
Hi, Scott! Thanks for joining us! Man, you really fucked up this time around, huh? Taking advantage of ignorant young foreign women and abandoning your children is all fun and games until your whole life is displayed on trashy gossip websites as the first result when your employer googles you :)
No. 692455
>>692342Ily Anon
This all checks out. And the last part! These guys with multiple marriages and kids behind them that they just "forget" and move onto the new woman, it ain't cute. There's Shay and her similar man too. Always trying to reinvent themselves.
No. 692456
>>690397The weird thing about this is it calls the marriage into question. It seems like the divorce wasn't finalized. A completed divorce can't "open up" again.
Which explains why Yumi got a budget wedding in her garden. It was likely a fake wedding, and they will do a "real" one later when the divorce is finally done. Also explains Splenda disappearing from videos recently as it's been outed that he's technically a bigamist.
No. 695570
File: 1537758904144.webm (1.53 MB, 640x640, yumi.webm)
>>695291>>695405Saved for posterity
No. 695639
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Does it piss anyone else off how shamless she is with using foundation that is shades away from her skin tone? Why do i usually see “kawaii uwu” asians doing this?
No. 695675
>>695570shes so weird…
ever notice her numbers on instagram this year? she makes 800-1000 views/likes yet 2~ comments seems like she had more genuine engagement on her account last year compared to now, sad to see she bought so much of her popularity instead of it genuinely coming from youtube
>>695639its to keep that idolized 'precious doll' look they all go for, because you can't be kawaii ugu~ with tan skin anon, gosh
No. 709497
>>709477would a divorce case reopen for that? i thought it'd be a separate matter unless it's outlined in the divorce terms.
caps? i hate wading through PULL.
No. 710016
>>709962>>709963>>709964Holy fucking shit
I actually feel bad for Yumi, Splenda is pure trash if this is even a little true.
I didn't think it was this bad, i can't imagine how his poor kids must feel knowing their dad who left them is prancing around the internet with his ~ugu anime waifu~ acting full DDLG fantasies out in public. It makes me sick, I sincerely hope none of Splendas kids friends know about any of this because this is a one way ticket to being bullied in School.
I can't imagine how shit my life would be if my friends found out my Dad is making fetish style videos for youtube with his new shiny wife who looks 12 years old.
What a horrible person, i hope his ex-wife destroys him in court.
No. 710225
>>709477>>709962Welp…there had to be a reason he abruptly disappeared from Corn's videos.
But how likely is it really that Yumi/Youtube is the "thing he was up to?" Sounds like something else to me, something far more serious.
I remember talk upthread about bigamy, which carries jail time in Georgia (According to google at least). Seems more likely to be that
No. 710491
>>710225Bigamy sounds most likely but who knows, i can't wait for more milk. Splenda is the true cow.
>>710480This anon.
I honestly hope to god his kids are unaware of corns youtube, and if they are aware they're doing something to get them taken down or something (it's kek worthy to me but if this were my parent doing this shit i'd try my hardest to get this shit wiped for my own sake, for again the chance of being bullied over it.)
If yumi was aware of all this drama and chose to ignore it she's just as bad as Splenda and is just as pure trash as he is. I know she was desperate but god damn she could have got someone a hell of a lot better than splenda for sure. I'd take being a "leftover woman" than being married to that human pile of dog shite. The 2x previous divorced should have been a red flag to her from the beginning.
No. 712092
>>711963Tbh she wouldnt care if he already had kids as long as he agreed to let her have kids too. She probably didn't realize his vasectomy though kek
Also his first 2 wives were not white… one was mexican/latina and the other filipina. All 3 are immigrants and non native english speakers as well. No American women of any stripe wanted his creepy ass lol
No. 719325
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Turns out Yumi's hanfu obsession comes from a nationalist movement in China connected to racism towards China's other ethnic tribes: No. 719346
>>719325not to derail but did you even read the wiki? that's not what it's saying at all.
plus, han clothing was banned by both manchurian rulers and during maoist rule in china, so it was more an oppression of the han than the opposite.
No. 720024
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>>719326This is what you see lurking in the corner of your room when you have sleep paralysis
No. 720026
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Also top kek at her trying to cover up her real eyebrow shape with foundation and drawing a totally different eyebrow on
No. 721789
>>721780She and splenda should get one of those realistic baby dolls instead of having a kid since she clearly just wants a kid so she can dress it up and treat it as a doll.
OT but didn't Eurasian Tiger post about her on r/hapas?
No. 727141
I've been watching compilations of asian makeover videos on youtube lately and corn shows up a few times in this one, starting at 6:06. It starts with a close up on her mouth and I recognized her instantly. Her makeup skills are nonexistent compared to most of the girls in these videos.
>>722372what a disgusting piece of shit.
No. 731572
>>730175she really needs to wear a different style of hanfu…
tang dynasty style that ties above the chest would make her look more shapely. the one she has on is too big too.
No. 737538
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I’m living for his scarf.
I can’t believe they’re legitimately planning on procreating. Yumi is so incompetent I can’t imagine her even being left alone with an infant for more than an hour.
No. 738391
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I wish she would just get a job instead of milking her personal life. How self-absorbed and narcissistic can she be?
No. 738396
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I haven't watched Yumi's videos in months and her overall views are dwindling. They both look worse. Yumi's face/ bulimia cheeks keep getting rounder and Splenda has aged so much (look at the way she edited him KEK)
No. 738675
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>>737431She's not even trying to hide that she wants to spend her Patreon money on vacations.
No. 738911
>>738675>really good contentDoes she really believe that? Her videos don't get many views because her content is lazy and half-assed. She's motivated by greed tho so she keeps doing the videos with Chinese sponsors.
She's so incredibly sheltered and naive it's baffling. She moved out of her parents' place in Washington for the first time at 26 to be Splenda's housewife. She goes on her first overseas trip without her mom and now she considers herself a travel blogger lol
No. 752541
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Yumi is still making shitty and boring videos with her husband in China.
She gets her makeup done for a photoshoot yet she still has those unflattering straight brows and pink eyeshadow.
She tilts her head up and shows off her botched and uneven nostrils.
No. 752543
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She must not be making any money from her videos… she included 11 amazon affiliate links in the description and listed her new Etsy shop selling autographed prints LOL
No. 752545
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The lady put in some hairpieces and it makes Yumi look like she has one of those trendy straight bobs. what an improvement over her greasy long hair.
No. 752740
>>752543is this retard seriously wearing a japanese uchikake with this? god she's so stupid. that is
not a ruqun robe.
also does anyone want to make a new thread?
No. 755686
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>>752574She's definitely had botched plastic surgery. It's really apparent in her older videos which don't have heavy filters over them.
>>752740Tbf she was styled by the photo studio so she didn't specifically choose to wear the uchikake like that. I doubt she knows that it's an uchikake and not a ruqun robe though.
No. 757884
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She did the thing margo couldn't
No. 763541
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From a friend…