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No. 340492
Blog: - Former German "Gyaru"
- Has some kind of identity disorder maybe
- Her identity at that time was Himena, some Gyaru with a prominent nose
- Left viatnamese boyfriend/photographer/luagguage carrier and two cats to fly to America and hat a shotgun marriage there
-At that time obsessed with Monster High to an unhealthy level, suddenly likes Horror, has image change
- Husband moved to Germany but break-up in 2015 I think
She left Himena and now became Melanie Martinez.
When confronted with her creepy obsession she gets really defensive and simply calls her lifestyle "Cosplay"
It's even more creepy because Melanie Martinez must be like, almost 10 years younger than her and her music is aimed at an much younger audiance too (At least that's my impression.)
Anything to say?
No. 340504
>>340492Sigh, does she ever go away? She was a regular himegyaru lolcow and brandwhore back in the day, she used to brag about spending thousands of euros on clothes and always competed with other gyaru by hoarding the most burando. She would get very pissy if anyone used her pictures or outfit shots, and had some drama with
another German himegyaru called Princess Yuki, who turned out to be a prolific scammer and Sui lost quite a lot of popularity when she defended her.
She seems to develop creepy obsessions with a different female idoru or singer every six months or so, her obsession with Himena bordered on stalker. She has big sausage legs (even since losing weight) and a pretty unfortunate face. I always felt she looked quite old and haggard and has a very long face, so all the cutesy aesthetics have never really worked for her. But if anything I think himegyaru was best on her, because she always seemed like a spoilt prissy heffalump, and that's what himegyaru is all about.
No. 340509
>>340492What? This is Sui Princess? I used to love her stuff because she was one of the most prominent hime gyaru. She didn't do just basic Liz Lisa stuff, but really was the only western gyaru that did the hime gyaru look well.
Last I checked she dyed her hair pink and got into more generic harajuku fashion, but she seemed to be just moving on from a dying fashion.
What exactly is she doing? Has she explained why her Instagram is just Melanie Martinez literally and suddenly this spooky doll stuff? It's existed long before on tumblr and stuff. It seems less like she appreciates the aesthetic suddenly and just wants to wear her flesh.
No. 340513
>>340511After she left hime gyaru she got into swamkiss to an obsessive creepy point and would change her hair to match Swankiss's then shop staff MiMi. She gained a following from that style and when she first moved into the vintage doll Melanie style she did gain momentum. But she doesn't post much and complains about having ghost followers all the time.
Did her and her American husband Brandon really break up in 2015? From photos they where living together until around April. It looks like he lives in her old house still and she now lives in a new place with her new German boyfriend.
No. 340532
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>>340512being this creepy is deserving of ridicule, tbh
No. 340547
>>340512This is what I thought as well.
I only started following her around her larme phase when she was already dressing like melanie every other day.
I remember her saying she was upset that people only compared her to melanie though. She explained that she simply enjoys the style but considered it somewhat different than melanie or something? She wasn't trying to be her, she was only a fan etc. No clue when she started claiming she lived a 'cosplay lifestyle' though..
Hasn't she met melanie a number of times though? That somewhat invalidates her point of just being a regular fan.
No. 340588
I looked at her IG a few months ago and it didn't mention "Melanie Cosplay Account" at all. Is this a recent thing to cover her obsession?
>>340512She doesn't just like Melanie, she's obsessed. She's copied some of her tattoos and is stalking exact locations Melanie has been.
No. 342524
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>>340534Last I remember she worked at a call centre, she rarely mentions work (even when she did have a job, she's only mentioned it by name like… twice) but it's possible she might have some small gig or something.
>>341651Tbh all she does is throw money at things and then sell them when she gets bored
>>341655He certainly looked like the type to cheat, his idea of fun was hanging out at Walmart and he looked like a crack addict
No. 342623
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Looks like she knows about her thread kek
No. 342962
There's no milk, in my humble opinion.
I've followed her for a long time too, and I really loved her Swankiss phase.
Even if she took a lot from MiMi, Hikapu and even Sakurada Miwako, the character from "Paradise Kiss", she was somewhat original and cute.
Also, she was a great inspiration for me in term of hairstyles and, as some anons already said, she's really nice.
But her obsession with that untalented age-player get creepier with time…it's such a waste and I hope that she'll move on.
In general, I just want the ddlg/crybaby/lolita trend dead (as a fan of Nabokov's work, and not just for "Lolita", I can't stand these "sad bb ass grl blabla" )
sage for no real contribution and real rage
No. 343279
>>343202Really? Is that what she'd do? She probably just wanted to make it seem like she had a lot of brand. I've seen a few lolitas do this and try go around trying to get status pieces to make it seemed like they owned a lot.
>>343263"Fuck the haters" is the stupidest thing someone ever says. I know there's salt here, but I never feel like we don't have good criticism when someone is clearly wrong or questionable in behavior.
But really, of all people to idolize, Melanie is no looker and her music is like a one trick pony. It's just sad babydolly aesthetic and I've never heard anything else from her.
No. 343311 Brandons Instagram, with a picture of his new girlfrind.
That's her:>>343301I wonder too what happend with Ina.
I'm so glad Sui finally got a thread here. I think she was one of my first lolcows I followed
No. 344878
She is always so obsessed with everything, like the minute she found her new boyfriend she is all over him, it's the love of her life and she will never ever leave him (haha…). And on her old blog it was hilarious to see how she changed her best friends every few months, she was totally obsessed with them, meeting them every day, and then dropped them like a hot potato when she found someone who fits her new fandom more.
I loved her amazing style and make-up / hair skills when she was a Hime Gyaru, but her personality is off.
>>343202Sui only had a part-time job at the call center. I think she couldn't afford much stuff so she had to sell everything after wearing it a few times
>>342732Yuki moved away and is not a Hime Gyaru anymore but still buying tons of luxury brand stuff
>>343311Inadoll turned into a depressed gothic bitch, but otherwise I think they are still friends
No. 379588
>>344878Yuki scammed tons of people, that's why she disappeared for a while.
>>343415I always had a feeling she is quite stuck up and prissy/spoilt, and often has a resting bitch face expression. However, that could just be shyness coming off as rudeness. She's definitely very sensitive to criticism, as she's bawleeted her IG. Maybe she's princess-y irl and isn't used to people not kissing her ass.
I have talked to her a couple times casually and she was actually quite nice but I don't know her well enough to see if it's genuine or not.
I wonder where she gets all her money cause last time I talked to her she was working in a call centre which is basically minimum wage.
I think she should have stuck with her Azn photographer boyfriend, her last boyfriends have been really weird. Bin (I think that was his name) seemed down to earth and nice. She cucked him and kept him as an orbiter unfortunately, even when they broke up and she was seeing someone new, she was still making him do shoots for her blog, which I thought was kinda shitty.
No. 379720
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No. 390337
>>390290In Scandinavia students are getting a shitload of money, if they attend school, University. So that's why they got so much to spend, especially if they also receive pocket money from their parents.
>>390307She's around 27-30
No. 409482
>>409379it's now
she's selling her vintage shit in her depop No. 438174
>>438131She'll find some other weirdo to copy.
Do you guys believe the MM thing? it seems weird how this timothy person is also an artist and did a melanie cosplay days before they posted the rape story.
No. 438185
>>438174well i thought the story was bizarre since it just made melanie sound like an autist but then she didn't deny it happened lmao just that it was consentual. that was the moment i went… yikes. if timothy wanted it i don't think it would've taken two nights to convince her like it just doesn't sound she wanted it even if she coerced her into consenting which i doubt tbh.
it's not surprising melanie wouldn't see it as rape since they were best friends and girls but she likes wearing lingerie with binkies and kids toys so lol.
No. 438199
>>438185It all sounds like a pile of shit to be honest and a boost for this other girls music career since she uploaded a new song just days before posting her story. It seems
So weird to me.
No. 438222
also i found it weird how the girl found it important to mention that they where supposed to support each others music career, that a few of melanie's fans also became fans of her but ''most didn't stray and remained loyal to melanie because she can do no wrong'' and then later again ''melanie dropped friendship with me and went her own way and became super famous without me''
it all reeks a little bit off bitter jealousy and ''if i can't steal your fans by copying you i will make you out to be a demon so i can be the victim and they'll like me instead''
No. 438238
>>438233that's exactly what I thought. If NOTHING EVER happened, I think she would've said something around the edges of ''what the fuck are you talking about.'' She didn't comment about smoking weed and pushing that on Timothy, she didn't say anything about being pushy altogether, she didn't say that Timothy even wanted sex to happen, she only said that ''she didn't say no.'' There is a world between ''not saying no'' and being willing to have sex with someone.
If ''she didn't say no and I wish her all the best'' is seriously all she has to say to this whole story this Timothy girl made, it also shows that she gives zero fucks about her reputation and that's just plain stupid. Or is she trying to act all cool about it since she didn't do anything wrong, I don't know.
No. 438246
>>438233(Sorry for the samefagging)
Something else I got out of Timothys story is that she seemed to be really emotionally dependent on Melanie. I'm armchairing here, but I know how being emotionally dependent feels like. Saying no is really fucking hard and you're willing to take the blame for everything
No. 438378
>>438364Literally the persistence over hours and days shows it was just about power and not sex. And not romance either since she never did it again. Just a barrier to break down.
Embarrassing times for all the Melanie stans who dress up as her
No. 438513
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what a shit-stirrer lol
No. 438780
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In the article that broke this it claims that Melanie contacted her before she released the statement officially, but only after Timothy mentioned that she had an abuse story. There aren't caps in the article, but it states that the texts she sent Timothy's boyfriend were seen by the journalist. If true, why would she frantically try to contact her if she hadn't been watching her social media to make sure she wouldn't say anything? I can admit that Timothy had suspicious timing, but Melanies timing and actions are far more suspicious. Pic related.
Here's the whole article for people who care/haven't seen it: No. 589407
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Sooo I think she is starting a mew era with being Disney obsessed and a little inspired by Simply Kenna or am I wrong??
No. 589408
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No. 589409
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Also any tea on Miss Neko?
No. 589432
>>589407There also was a time when she was really obsessed with IT and Stranger Things, I thought the way her and her sister fangirled about the kids was a bit creepy and weird.
It does look like a new phase is about to start… Do you think she'll finally stop this Melanie obsession? I don't wanna be rude but isn't she a bit too old for all of this?
No. 589458
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>>589407i would say this is 100% inspired by simply_kenna
screenshot of kenna's IG around Xmas time for anons who don't know
No. 589712
>>589432Oh gosh I remember!!
She did weird cosplays of the Stranger Things kids and only posted about this and IT
I can’t get behind her obsessive personality. As soon something isn’t trendy anymore she lets it drop like a hot potato