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No. 339920
Tinkerchel used to be a relatively famous YouTube celebrity around 2008-2009 or so, known for her anime/video game song covers. She'd take fairly long hiatuses from posting videos. Around November 2016 she popped back up from one of her hiatuses and started spouting insanity regarding her ex-boyfriend (Yung/Nithis Kitchaichankul) on her public Facebook fanpage and Youtube channel, desperately trying to get him to talk to her again.
> Claims he flew to her home country (Hong Kong) to meet her and raped her upon first meeting> Despite that, she says she still loved him and he flew her out to Thailand to be with him in October> Claims he then abused her and then abandoned her in a hotel room in Bangkok for a month where she “suffers heart attacks every day” and stopped eating and drinking until he comes sees her> Screenshots of song covers from years ago were posted matching curtains in her farewell video> “….. Actually I’ve been in this hotel room this whole time!” > Has huge holes in her story regarding visas and how she’s managed to stay in Thailand for so long> Repeatedly tried to contact his family, stood outside his family’s house for hours, threatened suicide and that he’s the “only one that can save her”> Has a whole elaborate story on how the police are involved and against her, the hotel staff are against her, all his friends are against her, etc and that everyone’s taking away the “evidence” that he abused her> Made a farewell video saying she was going to kill herself, goes on to police and block any comments that question her story for the next few hours> “Kills herself”, mysterious new admin comes along immediately and says she’s in a coma> Mysterious admin then says she committed suicide> Mysterious admin then says she’s alive but in critical condition and will probably have permanent brain damage> Pictures of someone who is supposedly Yung surface showing insane bite marks all over his body> Apparently they were in a SM relationship, she went overboard, he got pissed and peaced the fuck out> Fast forwards a month or two, she’s posting more song covers on YT and selfies on her Facebook like everything is normal> Brushes off her “suicide” by saying that she’s still in very bad condition, but she wants to make people happy> Family is nowhere to be found during this whole spectacle, minus one post her “mom” made talking about how innocent her daughter is (probably a sockpuppet?)All in all, the whole situation is incredibly fishy and fucked up and she’s clearly mentally unstable. It’s kind of hard to filter truth from lies because everything is so convoluted and she contradicts herself constantly. Everything she posts has serious word salad going on.
Relevant links: (Main Youtube) (Her “twin” sister) (Facebook page) (Twitter)
>>306326 (First mention in the “Where are they now?” thread) (PULL thread) (Farewell video #1) (Farewell video #2) (Boyfriend’s confession video #1) (Boyfriend’s confession video #2) (Boyfriend’s confession video #3)
No. 339922
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>>339921Not that I could find, but she was mentioned here >>306326
Pic is her first Facebook update
No. 339925
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>>339922Fuck me
>>>/pt/306326Malnutrition rashes
No. 339926
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Room comparisons
No. 339929
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Yung's bitemarks
No. 339930
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Update on her farewell video a few hours after she posted it and supposedly killed herself
No. 339931
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Mysterious admin coming to "clear the air"
No. 339933
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Email exchange between her and Yung
No. 339936
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Giant word salad explaination of what happened "post suicide" Google Drive link
No. 339939
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>>339936Was her last update until she posted this, up until 6 hours ago she's been posting as if nothing happened. Also no explanation video has been made, though it's been four months and she's posted two song covers on her channel.
No. 339941
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>>339939Her post 6 hours ago.