File: 1493750288004.jpg (48.56 KB, 540x720, 1466801947388.jpg)

No. 302894
There's this trip on /r9k/ who has been getting a ton of attention very quickly lately, does anyone know anything about her? She used to be known as Chara and now is as Piety.
She's apparently really infamous on /r9k/ Discord servers, because she'll go on them and tell everyone she kills cats and post photos of animals she's killed. Supposedly she's an 18-year-old Russian sociopath who has made almost 80 grand from manipulating guys. She seems like a massive attention whore, and refers to people as tools and human ATMs. She's also an active poster in the MTFG threads on /lgbt/ and pretends to be a tranny for attention, probably since she can be a god around trannies and /r9k/ users but would be laughed at anywhere else.
Reminds me of Oscar
>>231026 if he was a teenage Russian and not smart enough to try to avoid getting a reputation.
Archive Links: - /r9k/ posts as Chara - /r9k/ posts as Piety - /lgbt/ posts as Chara - /lgbt/ posts as Piety
No. 302895
File: 1493750435057.png (4.02 KB, 492x83, 1493666984071.png)

No. 302897
File: 1493750523316.png (44.04 KB, 878x241, tools.png)

No. 302989
File: 1493758895391.jpg (382.61 KB, 1046x1318, Screenshot_20170502-220052.jpg)

>>302936She mentioned it in several threads and on discord too. Read the archives I'm sure it's there somewhere. Here's one I found but she mentions it alot
No. 303268
>>303267I hit the reply button too soon. I tried talking to her on Discord. She doesn't answer simple personal questions that are relatively safe from being doxxed with.
Something to note is that Piety threads with a lot of samefagging pop up on /r9k/ when she's logged in on Discord.
No. 303309
>>303288You can heat her voice on her clyp and she has no russian accent or any accent at all. It's not sure she is russian or that she really is in any of the pics.
>>303268I think she just makes up characters, multiple posts of chara/piety contradict each other.
No. 303353
>>303288The fact that she always posts vodka and other stereotypical Russian things makes me feel like she's just pretending to be Russian but I have no way to prove it.
She lives in Chicago now for college though.
No. 303396
>>302894I know a few things about this person, i post on /mtfg/ threads and i talk to her on occasion
When she was posting as Chara, she was lying about everything.
She was pretending to be Mtf to try to get attention by being passing. She eventually went on a date with another trip and that's where the truth came out that she was a 16 year old cis girl. have seen proof of the animal abuse that's she has done but i didn't save the images.
I'm almost certain she is in Chicago right now as she has met up with two people in her waifu fan club channel.
I remember her telling me she was born in Russia but moved around a lot. I have heard her speak before and it's a mix of accents Russian/american/chinese?
No. 303418
>>303396Interesting. I wonder if she shows up in chicago police records, I don't know how the us system works though but maybe a lead.
A paypal has to have a real identity ? Is there a way to know with her paypal ? It's Chara Nikishin on her maybe that's a lead ?
No. 303458
>>302894Oh god, is it "Chara" as in the psychotic genocider from Undertale?
Please don't link that game to yourself and taint its reputation further you crazy bitch.
Also I wonder if she's roleplaying. She sounds fucking mental in any case.
No. 303463
>>303458chara the character was adopted too no ? And had a weird relationship with her brother no ?
If that's the case it's evident why she first chose that name.
No. 303485
>>303469Technically, after they fell underground, Chara was adopted by Toriel and whatever the king's name was, and Asriel was their (adoptive) brother.
No rape involved, though.
No. 303732
File: 1493847407463.jpg (36.16 KB, 640x367, 1492108485641.jpg)

>half korean
>natural blonde
No. 303760
File: 1493849761842.jpg (35.85 KB, 640x480, 1493667279395.jpg)

>>303732I must be blind but I started to notice that every pic she posts of herself isn't the same girl.
No. 303765
File: 1493850053667.jpg (255.71 KB, 768x1024, 1493742195058.jpg)

>>303762Another for comparison.
No. 303794
>>303760p sure thats the same person. you can tell because of that fucking triangle beak she's got going on. she just looks slightly different due to angles and lighting.
on another note, why isnt she killing that kitten in that picture like she claims she does? she shouldnt be around animals tbh
No. 303795
File: 1493852467512.jpg (37.62 KB, 675x570, 1493292176273.jpg)

>>303794Are you sure? More examples.
No. 303803
>>303795well this pic and
>>303760 do look quite different. hm.. maybe she is taking photos from a girl who is similar looking but prettier. we need an expert anon over here
No. 303809
File: 1493853134430.jpg (1.31 MB, 2560x1700, 1493657544325.jpg)

>>303803Notice how those are different cats too.
These thighs in pic related (which I saw her originally post in a Discord group) look a lot thinner than in
No. 303907
>>303288Well in
>>303795 the girl is holding a book that you can only find in Russia (the black-orange pocket book series), but ofc that doesn't prove anything. (sage for ramble)
No. 304711
File: 1493935838411.gif (627.27 KB, 384x223, call me now.gif)

>>304679Lemme guess, and no one will spot anyone who resembles the girl(s) in any of these pictures except a few mystery people on Discord who share conversational patterns and will claim to have fucked her behind a dumpster outside the convention center
No. 305015
>>304679If she's supposed going to Anime EXPO in LA, why wouldn't see attend a closer con like ACEN if she really is currently in Chicago?
No. 305067
File: 1493982166909.jpg (442.94 KB, 1620x2160, 1487598731974.jpg)

>>303795Twice an anon claimed to have recorded an actual video of this Skype call but never delivered only using that pic.
>>303760How many cats do you think she has owned? Take note all the different cats.
>>302894I also went through and read every post in those archives. A lot of information carries over between both trips. I think some of the reaction and avatar pics used. The English is actually very good. But I am sort of confused because I have seen her use chat in Russian on a Discord channel. Could it be multiple people? On Discord her tone changes between masculine and feminine a lot. There are lots of little facts like her relationship with her parents or her bodily measurements that are different depending on day.
InB4 anyone calls me a no life loser. That won't hurt my feelings because the truth doesn't hurt. I've specialized in calling out impostors on the internet for a very long time. You all have provided immense evidence so my expertise isn't even really needed.
No. 305321
>>305067>her tone changes between masculine and feminine a lotAnon do you mean subjective "tone" or do you mean actual grammatical gender in the Russian language? If the latter, tons of Russian weebs do that, even non-sjw ones.
Sage for ot
No. 307187
>>307170It is pointless. I on't know this site but I was expecting people with skills who know how to dox. It doesn't seem that way.
Maybe try baphomet , they might manage to track her down ?
No. 307204
>>305501Actually it's not that subjective, there's a whole branch of linguistics dedicated to studying the speech patterns od different individuals and they do vary greatly according to age and gender.
Not saying anon has the qualifications to make such distinction, but they could.
Sage for english major sperging
No. 307209
>>307207I imagine that's the name of the girl in the OP pic on r9k's >>36847951
Someone on the Piety thread said this looked like Piety trying to make them dox this Madison girl, and I agree. Not necessarily Piety, but /someone/ is trying to get this girl doxxed. There's no reason to think that's her.
No. 307220
>>307215That's true, but it still doesn't seem likely. The fembot thread looks like a blatant attempt to doxx that girl, someone even quoted the "Madison Tull" post with another pic of OP girl saying "don't leak my info", which is sketchy to say the least. Sounds like an attempt to confirm OP girl is Chara, and from what we've seen she refuses to answer the simplest questions, why would she confirm her fucking name?
Also, hapa girl
>>303762 is clearly not the same Madison girl. Just the fact that she used both these identities/pictures means that, until we have proof, there's no reason to believe
>>302894 is the real and the other one is not. A thread on r9k with a "timestamp" that doesn't even say "/r9k/" and with behavior widely different from everything she's shown so far is not proof. She clearly has no qualms with stealing someone else's pictures.
I think
>>307217 is right on unfortunate victim of namedrop.
No. 307282
File: 1494256207472.png (128.58 KB, 1024x768, notproof.png)

Madison is not connected to piety/chara at all someone was trying to get her doxxed.
No. 307290
File: 1494257101368.png (29.17 KB, 589x381, fakepics.png)

she has admitted all the other pictures of her were fake other than the ones she's been posting now on the waifu server she says she was using them to scam pedos and trannies
No. 307462
>>307449If that was the intention, it didn't work at all. The real name was up for hours and except for the one post saying "delet this" nobody cared. It's only after a few hours that someone posted it could be Chara.
Maybe just a coincidence or a mixup of things. Was it the real name of Meilleure and nothing to do with Chara?
No. 307584
>>307540Probably not. It's not like there was any evidence, only speculation. And it seems like surprisingly enough there are a few Madisons with that name.
The only thing that's a bit of an odd coincidence is that she's a graphics designed around Chicago. That sounds rather Piety-like. Could be a coincidence, or just another layer in the 5D chess played by whoever is creating these characters.
No. 308993
File: 1494412308242.png (91.81 KB, 1080x633, 1494412068120.png)

>>308992More from the thread.
No. 309509
>>309452It does, but that might be because it's russian, and she's more used to that language.
I've done voice chat with her, and while I don't carry proof, I can attest that her clyp voice is the same as she sounds when she's on voice chat speaking english.
No. 309537
>>309521Not really, no.
I'm not even sure if I like her. She is mysterious and dangerous, but it interests me. I definitely understand her popularity. Her entire personality seems designed to make you orbit her, because she's not actually much of a conversational partner.
No. 311015
File: 1494600891721.png (361.84 KB, 2309x2501, Chara, are you there it's me, …)

Just want to let you fags know I have commandeered chara's name on some social programs, but I am not myself chara or a robot, or usually a tripfag
No. 313604
File: 1494885673543.jpg (23.79 KB, 595x153, pievoc.JPG)

Another example of Piety's voice. No. 318013
>>317998It might still. Information of her true identity will be revealed around AX probably, when someone actually meets her.
If no new information pops up, then obviously everything about her is fake.
No. 318427
>>318013She of course won't go, just like she promised to go to a convention some time ago and never went.
Shame no one had any info or any leet hacker skillz to get them.
No. 318656
>>318427I think you're right, but that'd be the final nail in the coffin if she doesn't.
She's told several people she's going, and she's planning on meeting up with those as well. Right now it's "most likely" that she's fake and basically a catfish looking for money, but if she doesn't show up at AX it's basically proven that she is.
No. 319484
>>313604>>308992She doesn't sound like a 17 year old. Not for the accent, just the tone of the voice.
Is she older?
>>309232Deleted, maybe she is lurking the thread.
No. 319777
>>319748You can see pretty clearly the public 4chan posts where they state edgy things that are 3000% stereotypical 'i want you to think I'm a sociopath' bs lmao
I'm starting to wonder if this entire thread isn't one big attention seeking self post
If not you're incredibly gullible jfc
No. 320578
>>320124Being an edgy shit /=/ sociopath
No. 321765
File: 1495760817592.jpg (9.63 KB, 235x82, pie27.JPG)

No. 331246
File: 1496909622093.png (172.5 KB, 798x1264, pietytrap.png)

Well this is old news and everyone has lost interest but here's an update. Pic related.
No. 367506
File: 1502013926170.png (120.67 KB, 611x934, 00.png)

Sage so I don't necro this thread, but is this Piety's OKC? No. 373558
File: 1502922034370.jpg (59.43 KB, 1024x576, 586d1eea918d110f9841122c5ceda6…)

lol, i'm a friend of hers.
she asked me to cut her name into my leg, so i did.
against everyone else's advice.
she hasn't asked me for money yet, & i don't think she will, b/c she knows i'm broke.
a couple friends of hers told me that she's an emotional vampire, & that she likes to hang around traps & trannies b/c we really are that deprived of affection & emotionally unstable.
she also told me that she wanted me to be her slave. i said no though, & things were still cool.
her other friends think she gets off on this shit, but i'm not so sure.
w/e, she's still my friend, & that's that.
she also praised my for coming up w/ really underhanded & catty tactics for punishing others for giving that bullshit.
fukken "good girl".
yea i'd say, stay away from this bitch, especially if you're a tranner; i know this one tranny chick who's a part of this outreach organization for trannies called "hypatia software", she is now chara/piety's willing cutter slave.
chara's pretty cool in my book, but she's also a pretty dangerous & scary bitch, but that's really what i find so cool about her.
if piety's here, then hi, piety! :3
No. 373579
File: 1502923919271.gif (48.41 KB, 384x203, ty.gif)

>>373558She doesn't exist.
No. 373632
>>373579dude, she's shown me pictures of herself, she's also directed me to her twitch, clyp, & twitter accounts.
i guess that's some devoted story-teller roping the exact same girl into all of this shit, or maybe it really is just piety
>>382194She has hundreds of orbiters, and somehow, I'm the one paying her tuition?
Where are you getting all this?
You know Mantras sent Piety hundreds of dollars, right?
Fucking moron.
No. 382212
>>382205I don't orbit anyone.
>>382208Pedo spic that will be destroyed by me soon.
No. 382917
File: 1504061152531.jpg (53.55 KB, 865x690, Biggest Piety fan Picard.JPG)

Truth be told I don't even mind Piety but Captain Picard is a dumbass. Will be dumping pics from the deleted Twitter soon. That's what you get for taking in retarded orbiters like Picard, Piety.
No. 382955
File: 1504067375013.jpg (155.55 KB, 677x867, Piety not at AX 2017.jpg)

>>304679He said he was going to AX but supposedly flew to LA to only be there for one day. Here's one pic from his Twitter that was deleted. This doesn't look like the venue. I've been going to AX for years and this looks nothing like it.
(Namefag) No. 382996
File: 1504078272787.jpg (167.57 KB, 900x675, conventioncenter.JPG)

>>382955this is what the front looks like, I've been there and I agree the front looks like revolving doors?
No. 383002
File: 1504079441013.jpg (29.07 KB, 604x215, Autism of Picard.JPG)

>>382996I'll post more supposed AX pics from his deleted Twitter soon. I want see if he or his boyfriend Jean Luc Picard will respond again.
>>382239>>382212>>382197>>382174>>382129I was going to leave Piety alone but seeing you whiteknight him made me retch in disgust. Sometimes it's better to shut up than to make autistic posts on here and 4chan.
No. 383205
>>383002He is more focused on Mantras than he is on Piety, why don't you make a separate lolcow thread if you hate him so much?
Fucking idiot.
No. 447586
>>441824As her biggest orbiter, I had met up with Piety and can indeed confirm she is the girl in the pics.
>>438493Piety had quit discord in mid-October. Where are you getting this from?
>>438523Piety hasn't catfished anyone ever.
No. 551690
Ok there is more info now.
Piety/Chara/Mne/Cvnka has been impersonating this girl for a year: No. 552290
>>551851here's the explanation of the proof:
with her old maybemne twitter she said she went to ax in LA but on the vk account you can see those pics were taken in ukraine or russia not in america
she said she went to italy but those tweets saying she was currently there were at the end of year 2017, whereas the italy pics on the vk account were from earlier , in the summer.
No. 570352
File: 1525119196522.jpg (29.45 KB, 494x494, 30915542_539076376486080_27895…)

>>564646He set his Instagram to private after I posted his most recent pic on /r9k/. Pic related.
No. 618400
Her Discord got banned. She moved to a new discord server. If any of you wanna join here's the link., her new username is Divinity#1338
No. 629321
File: 1530790593956.jpg (68.79 KB, 585x407, megu pfp 1.jpg)

>>629128Hey gunjy here, I think everyone is freaking out for no reason.
Desu Cvnky has always been nice to me :)
even though everyone else bully me for being "pedo"
No. 630180
>>630124Hans > Any 2D pig disgusting. Nothing like her beautiful accent. Her weird personality which fixiated on imaginary people. Her obsession with her ex and how much she likes domming subby boys.
There is no greater purpose in life than orbiting her.
No. 630231
File: 1530890538500.jpg (32.75 KB, 820x547, paulryan.jpg)

>>630180Why thank you anon
No. 630433
File: 1530912115286.jpg (241.45 KB, 1072x1500, tumblr_oaotxiHDXM1tn9ip9o1_128…)

Its 2D desu.
stop being a loliconphobe
No. 630906
File: 1530973734318.jpg (94.63 KB, 972x463, paul ryan meme.jpg)

>>630231Watch out for hans she is dangerous (shes actually nice)
No. 631008
File: 1530986392858.png (302.66 KB, 800x450, Sat crying.png)

>>630987Yeah its a huge meme.
People are just really cruel
No. 631089
File: 1530995292431.jpg (117.39 KB, 800x1118, 1529835144772.jpg)

>>631073Thanks anon.
made me smile a lil bit :)
No. 631485
>>620741It's a female's voice.
Not saying that to whiteknight for the cunt (or man I mean won't rule that out) but it's 100% either female or well rehearsed.
Keep in mind she moved to the USA at a young age. That information in mind it sounds about right. Autism and shit mic quality on top of that and it fits perfectly.
No. 634247
File: 1531389090408.jpg (565.59 KB, 850x956, 1530806492019.jpg)

>>634062IDK, I heard she was a loli thirsty for cock
No. 644412
>>644062That's not me, that's someone LARPing as me
I would describe myself as handsome
Is that you killer
No. 645786
>>645703the girl that cheated on her bf with onion.. unironically
The self posting in this thread is insane.
No. 645857
>>645711hi vix
how much for a lewd?
No. 645955
File: 1532437474007.png (124.8 KB, 658x500, take the 2D pill anon.png)

>>640149>girls>>>>>>>>>>>>>Reminder to take the 2D pill and be pure like gunjy.
No. 646224
File: 1532461869150.png (254.4 KB, 501x660, cute megu#1.png)

>>646068gunjy is actually a cool guy, I chatted to him a few times.
(imagefagging) No. 667032
File: 1534517605149.jpg (107.15 KB, 736x1104, 1534514385628.jpg)

piety really stinks but i like moon a lot
No. 741125
File: 1543559574550.jpg (91.98 KB, 588x579, megu sad 4.jpg)

>>725064What do I give you 20% of my NEETbux for if you are just going to date the other aussie chad!!
No. 743719
File: 1543958496063.jpg (70.48 KB, 817x452, cvnka.JPG)

Cvnka is now impersonating a different girl.
No. 746237
hot pucci x trannycock action
No. 747446
>>747382The other 6 LARPS were all just jokes guys I swear!!
Kill yourself.
No. 748354
>>748104This thread began as people laughing at a LARPING loser tranny but eventually they got bored and left and it devolved into orbiters and dramafags.
It's sad really.
No. 748362
>>748354What's even worse than this is that it's the same 3-6 people circle-jerking because this whore is so boring it's not even fun to make fun of them anymore. But I guess as long as there's normalfags on IG and betas on R9K there will always be people to catfish despite being caught doing it already plenty of times.
This whore is retarded, but you're all even worse.
No. 749642
File: 1544907906401.jpg (78.6 KB, 1280x800, megu bingo yes.jpg)

Chad came into my server to threaten me so I just doxxed myself KEK.
Had police raid me over IRL shit a few times, why would I care about a swatting over internet BS, also I dont have anything against the law in my house KEK.
get outplayed
No. 749654
File: 1544909084374.jpg (60.95 KB, 768x987, megu cute.jpg)

>>749646he hasnt done anything and I dont snitch on people anyway.
if I get swatted it actually plays to my advantage regarding PTSD as I already have that for home invasion, it just means id be able to use it for getting on disability incase I dont get on it (I will) or just more benzos for fun times.
IDK why chad thinks he can threaten me over some shit posting I did on cvnkys server.
File: 1545070232335.jpg (50.93 KB, 527x702, 44d3ba832e73697043034024d08a4f…)

>>75014920% of my money, kek I made taht meme.
I get roasties orbiting me.
I dont pay no one shit.
I am shit
File: 1545247375728.jpg (1.36 MB, 1920x2560, JPEG_20181219_233617.jpg)

what does this mean anons?(ban evasion)
No. 751561
>>751292I try to avoid drama.
I am just interested in the thread from long time ago back when I was with hans, etc.
so now I check in to see what is new in the thread.
>>751318thisi s the only place i post she does other than memingon her thread on R9K for fun.
>Someone piety banned and never talked to againshe banned me and unbanned me but I was just a drunk shit poster and got banned again
No. 771329
File: 1548379509423.jpg (165.58 KB, 1280x1031, 9-мм_пистолет_Макарова_с_патро…)

>>756322i'm a former friend.
whoever the fuck cvnka, they're evil, and i someone gave me a gun and their current whereabouts, would fucking kill this person.
when i refused to do as they said, they resorted to using threats make me do what they said.
usually threatening to hurt others.
they manipulated me into cutting for them.
that fucker.
i only wanted to be friends.
but they kept saying creepy shit, i guess until i got used to it.
"i own you."
"you're mine."
and i kept saying i wasn't cool with it and that i wanted to be friends, but cvnka said, "i don't really mean anything by it."
cvnka then invited me to their discord server where their friends verbally abused me and demanded me to hurt myself.
thinking cvnka was still my friend, i tried getting in touch about their inner circle, then they said i was cute and ask me to cut for them.
i still can't believe i did it.
i eventually stopped listening to them.
nobody here should start.
all i remember about them is how their inner circle mentioned stuff about targetting "traps" to make them pets, to torture them.
i hate them so much
No. 771428
>>771329How long ago was this or when you last saw her? I knew they did some fucked up stuff but I thought a lot of it was just a larp.
Is there any insider info or anything that you could tell us
No. 772697
File: 1548639518432.jpg (183.54 KB, 1920x1387, megu mad.jpg)

bumping for Cvnky.
did you get my money I sent you?
I only wanted you to pretend to be my Waifu on VC for 1 minuet…20% of my NEETbux should be enough but you keep asking me for more(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 774746
File: 1549202663506.png (761.42 KB, 1022x1077, megu laugh.png)

>>774524> At least piety is pretty crafty and undoxxable.I doxxed myself because I dont give a shit.
I am a hikikomori anyway so being doxxed means shit and I had been raided IRL so it doesnt matter.
I literally use it to my advantage if I get swatted kek.
So please do, Chad has my full doxx just ask him to try swat me.
>>791298Nothing happened they are a bunch of spergs memeing and shitposting
An underaged boys asspics got leaked by vix but he was a retard
Nim and Eva are nice people unlike the rest of em
No. 954529
File: 1586065068515.png (702.41 KB, 1835x837, Screenshot (786).png)

No. 969914
A discord link with updated info Cvority, as well as a way to privately ask questions on Cv ( This is public info, the private that I can't show is much worse. Message Hush in the server if you have anything to add
File: 1601505708769.jpeg (197.38 KB, 750x1225, 3EB468BD-6981-46A8-9E1E-3350BC…)

Sorry for necro, but I think this thread should be reopened.
I follow this account on Instagram, I’m 99% sure they didn’t post stuff before yesterday otherwise I wouldn’t have followed them. They started spam posting all that weird #KALIACC cult propaganda. The comments are littered with people wanting to join. The writing style is VERY similar to Piety so don’t doubt that it’s him. They are moving over to Instagram and preying on more young girls.
No. 1048720
File: 1601505962357.jpeg (194.36 KB, 750x863, 6D8333AE-7832-4481-B3C8-B8896D…)

> writing style
No. 1055332
so piety is a vtuber now that goes by cvority. huh.
>>1049466can i get a tl;dr on that milk?
No. 1056837
>>1049687>>1049466>>1048720>>1048718This isn't piety it's sonya and they're not the same person.
>>1055332Piety has been a vtuber for year now and before that was making youtube videos.
It's surprising that anyone still updates this its been 3 years since they stopped trolling r9k and lgbt and are normie-tier now.
No. 1060273
File: 1602907817169.jpg (133.35 KB, 720x693, 20201016_231145.jpg)

>>1048718this used to be @nyabeat's spam account. edengarde on instagram is tied into this, believe they are sonya(?). basically they wanted an e-girl harem to manipulate, nyabeat was probably used to pull in other girls. can provide old screenshots from eden's account. pretty sure nyabeat is controlling eden's account & the kaliacc thing but idk sonya so..
No. 1077916
Sorry to necro again but Sonya got doxed on twitter aha sure this isn’t piety? The Chicago thing can’t just be a coincidence.,..
No. 1370850
File: 1637215080717.jpg (80.01 KB, 829x385, gfmepls.jpg)

>>1370842>>1370845The bottom post in its collage there explains what it does better than I could. It is a completely uninteresting beast who cannot escape imageboards, and tries to turn losers into its "paypigs" to avoid finding personal happiness in life, while being trapped trying to orchestrate pointless drama on Discord servers for a fleeting sense of power and money. It is very important to this creature because it is all it has going on in its life.
It is an e-whore of sorts, who crossdresses and says it finds whoring fun while pretending to be multiple people's girlfriends.
No. 1370851
File: 1637215141218.png (26.23 KB, 505x245, LR2Zk2I.png)

>>1370845>>1370850Probably it's some kind of twisted rape
victim who finds fun in trying to tear other people down to try to "heal" them, since it's capable of nothing more in life, other than making other people try to hurt themselves.
No. 1370853
File: 1637215212864.png (Spoiler Image,15.98 KB, 102x101, vdffqz.png)

>>1370851It tries to make other people cut or hurt themselves, I think, or at least takes pictures of other people's scars, then presents them as its own to try to "heal" scarred people and ensure them it's okay to cut themselves, or to try to make them kill themselves. Something like that. Don't overestimate the intelligence behind its thought process.
No. 1370855
File: 1637215337318.jpg (1.45 MB, 2592x1936, IMG_0637.JPG)

>>1370853It's a catty monstrous male crossdresser who pretends to act liek a psychopath to cope with its own abuse probably, it's some poorfag who mixes up the Russian and Ukrainian alphabets on purpose to try to be mysterious and make male virgins play chess with it. If it had more self-awareness, it could probably move on and find some real friends. People like this are just disgusting and not especially funny, but they are particularly pathetic.
No. 1370861
File: 1637215659042.jpg (549.21 KB, 1199x1094, 1494269472238.jpg)

>>1370842Reminder, these people are FUCKED in the head, as the bottom post in that collage says summarizing this better than I could. Anyway, that's enough on it for now.
No. 1370905
File: 1637224436467.png (212.72 KB, 375x674, pietylegs.png)

>>1370902 is most likely the Steam of its best friend or probably gf Ammie or Emmie T. btw, who it trolls imageboards with. slam is their friends' Steam group.
also, it tries to make people cut shit into their legs to prove they love it
No. 1370907
File: 1637224924732.png (330.36 KB, 1031x311, LULZ2.png)

>>1370905Piety is pretty much pure evil ready for milking!
No. 1370919
File: 1637227378193.png (855.77 KB, 1139x1417, AmmieSteam.png)

>>1370902>>1370842This is their sugarmomma with screenshots about "brokeback Gauls." Tried to join their mumble server but it says it's whitelisted: No. 1374882
File: 1637717023987.png (102.45 KB, 797x597, thetraitorssymbol.png)

>>1370913Emma you need to stay out of Skye's life. Leave us alone, we're happy in West Virginia without you. Rot in BC and stay away. She never loved you, she loves me.
The greatest traitor was your most beloved.
No. 1375309
Here is all the information of Piety and one of her friends, Bradley, who is her Russian translator.
They are psychopathic trolls who try to destroy and kill and manipulate people online; especially other psychopaths, who they try to starve to death or convince their family and friends they are psychotic and delusional, to try to destroy them and their sense of identity and object relationships. No. 1375317
>>1375309I help Skye with her cactus and garden and we laugh all day and share stories about how delusional you are. She's been playing you for years and now the chicken's just coming home to roost.
She doesn't need an Emma when she has an Emmie and a Gemma! You mean less to her than the tissue she blew her adorable nose with this morning. So go take your crazy pills and leave our girl alone!
</3 bye stupid
No. 1389297
File: 1639094180495.png (888.51 KB, 1024x768, lol2.png)

Ryan! Please unblock me, dude. We have weighty matters to discuss.
No. 1389919
File: 1639167062173.png (892.71 KB, 1024x768, lol3d.png)

>>1389821As is the lunatic tranny you've replied to.
No. 1392416
File: 1639457010288.png (498.4 KB, 614x400, lesboormid.png)

Or a couple of mentally ill, homosexual dudes?
You decide.
No. 1393337
File: 1639575019537.jpg (Spoiler Image,81.9 KB, 449x800, 449x800_1025759522156155147_11…)

is this her?
No. 1398463
>>1393337i think so yeah, "she" is not russian for sure
neither korean
No. 1398518
File: 1640096542256.gif (Spoiler Image,737.37 KB, 386x480, cvnka 1.gif)

>>1398463I found out about "cvnka" through a /b/ post where he/she was saying they were intersex with a vagina. They invited people to their discord where I found all the Vtuber shit. So confused reading this shit. Pic attached is "proof" they sent.
No. 1459297
File: 1646576533840.jpeg (93.05 KB, 788x727, A262E34E-B6BA-4140-A49C-EE6B25…)

i found more screenshots of this retarded scrote.i have no clue why everyone collectively agrees to call them an "it", leads me to believe this was all some sort of attentionwhorey psyop by the scrote himself… but they're a V-Tuber now and still occasionally exhibit the behaviours that they always have (catfishing as random russian/asian women and the blue whale discord server shit which is still up.) there's their interpals profile which uses the photos one of the anons had provided, though i believe the anon in question was cvnka himself.
No. 1459303
File: 1646577071170.jpeg (1.63 MB, 3464x3464, 6F07FF12-AF7D-4094-B1D4-681EFD…)

compilation of the scrote STILL catfishing as different women, i don't know if his followers are desperate enough to just convince themselves to believe this shit knowing it's fake (like the tards who claimed to have met "her" and that "she" looks exactly like her pics!) or if they just don't give a fuck.
No. 1459305
File: 1646577369436.jpeg (1.17 MB, 3464x3464, 8B6ED1F6-7411-4437-A20E-F1A2B0…)

samefag obviously but this "person" also doxxed chicks at some point
No. 1459307
File: 1646577811430.jpeg (933.03 KB, 828x1400, 33C6AC3D-B1BF-4BEF-9C8D-259951…)

cvnka/chara/piety/whatever the fuck arguing with some crystal.castle chick about the doxxing ordeal. old as shit, but was never mentioned. weird how this thread barely mentions cvnka doing what made him relevant in the first place and moreso whether she's real or not (which HE obviously is not!)
No. 1466477
>>1459247cvnka has been selfposting a lot on b lately among soc and some other boards STILL, honestly at this point this whores just a lost cause, shes 23 already.
better forget about her, one day she will khs
No. 1606547
>>1459305>>1459307I'm pretty sure Piety never actually doxxed any of the crystal cafe girls. I was in the discord, and I remember there being a lot of drama about those r9k posts, but most girls were fairly private and almost none of the people in the folder screenshot were even from cc. It has fucking Higgus on it, lmao.
They never revealed even a single one of the folders contents, iirc they just had a folder on one of the mods (only seeing one of the 2 mods in these sses too), then added more later when it was "found out". Just a weird attention starved loser making shit up.
No. 1664595
File: 1664706916266.jpg (51.13 KB, 640x360, okhere.jpg)

talked to her about a year ago and assuming i was catfished with pic rel? just now finding more about her
No. 1944771
File: 1702931411543.png (40.21 KB, 577x435, dante.png)

Dont want to necro this thread, but for the leaguefags here. She was actually in Dante his tournament, but then someone made a doc that includes links from her thread. So if there are suddenly newfags you know why. Did not even realise she was in the tournament tho kek. Pic related the tweet No. 2095696
File: 1741149233873.png (588.66 KB, 1412x806, Screenshot 2025-03-04 083030.p…)

>>302894Hello, can anyone confirm if this is chara's youtube channel? few years back, sometime between 2019 and 2022 I met this chick going by the name 'chara' in waster's discord server, she had a mickey mouse voice that sounded very unnatural, and claimed it was due to a developmental disorder. She claimed to be basically a shut-in who never left her house and that she was addicted to drugs from childhood. The youtube channel I posted was linked to her discord account (now deleted), but I've been subscribed to her all this time.
She would sometimes post pics of what seemed like some random underaged-looking asian girl and claim it was her, as well as constantly lying about her age saying she's 14, 21, 24, etc. And she was a massive breakcore fan.
She still uploads to her youtube channel regularly but deletes videos as she goes thus maintaining at most like 5-10 videos at a time which I always found odd.
I only just recently stumbled upon this thread and the allegations that she may also be this piety/cvnka/miya person. So I'm wondering if that's the case.
As 'chara' her personality was an odd combination of argumentativeness and then being very sweet and kind to the point where I started to like her and ended up dming for a short time until I eventually blocked her because of her ambiguous age. A year or two later I ran into her in another server, might've been her own server I can't remember, and she was like a completely different person, mean as hell. I thought whatever, many such cases, and left. Haven't seen her since.
Could this be the same individual you guys are talking about?