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No. 286316
Didn't see a new one yet.
Last Thread:
>>258019Not much new since last thread. Dakota keeps on uploading her creepy baby uguu pics while continuing to be an online laughingstock.
Dako-chin let herself get fat, bald and sallow and continues to upload hilariously unrealistic, heavily edited selfies to her Instagram, but hasn't been obviously buying views/followers ever since aomw farmers started checking her shit with Socialblade. Dako hasn't booked a decent quality job in over a year now, opting instead to do app game ads and web shows as a novelty guest. Pic related is from the most legit job she's had in ages, a commercial for a candy that she probably got by technicality for still being inexplicably signed to Bravo models. It was also discovered that she's a direct booking client, means her potential employers only have her hilariously inaccurate Bravo profile measurements and her photoshopped portfolio to go by if they want to hire her. Anons continue to speculate and wonder how she can afford a 2LDR in Shibuya and how she keeps her visa&contract despite hardly working and getting shit tier token gaijin gigs.
Instagram: Models profile: No. 286317
File: 1491596474316.png (1.03 MB, 1199x759, 2017-04-07 22_08_51-ダコタ ローズ (@…)

So I'm guessing she has an active follower base of 9000 users? I guess she only spends money on her insta-videos when they're of her and not sponsored content (which I'm guessing this is)
No. 286356
>>286337does she ever? lol
also someone mentioned it in the comments.. usually when she uploads anything that's not her face or kawaii it's sponsored
No. 287678
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At least this is marginally better than some of her recent shoops, her hair always looks better with some texture and the lips aren't stupid overdrawn. Body's bulky though.
No. 287735
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>>287678she looks as hunched over as an old granny. she needs to fix her posture…
No. 287752
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>>287735idk if posture can help her
No. 287935
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Has anyone noticed that she's not listed on the Bravo website anymore but she's now in the same agency as Rola? No. 287937
>>287720It reminds me a lot of Berry's shoops, where she focused so much on her face she forgot she's huge and has no neck anymore.
>>287806>pretty girlsShe never looked as pretty as her shoops.
>>287935Fake measurements again?
No. 287952
>>287935Wait … WHAT ?
Bravo gave her the boot ? and was she hired based on the same shit the other agencies had to go off of ? "Fake measurements" and "shooped images" ..
No. 287984
>>287937I'm guessing we are seeing the beginnings of Kooter the actress. Expect to see her in dramas and in bigger campaigns tbh.
She's honestly so outclassed here again, it's ridiculous.
So anyone want to speculate how she managed to land herself this one? This is a really exclusive talent agency. The names they have are huge.
I wonder how long she has been with them. Did she sign a while ago when she was still popular but they didn't put her up until she was officially out of Bravo. Btw pretty sure Bravo didn't drop her. This is a step up and could bring her real success.
I don't get it. At all. Even in that profile picture she doesn't look very attractive and she's about 15 cm larger than her measurements. Japan needs to stop trying to make Kooter happen. She's had like 5 or 6 chances already. Enough.
No. 288231
>>288226Here we go again.
Anon, she fat for a model and talent. Moreover she's chubby for Japan where she works exclusively.
No. 288237
>>288231You're delusional. Models come in all shapes and sizes. Plus Size models are a thing you know so maybe keep your fatphobic bigotry in check.
Most models are not sickly underweight. That is a liability first of all.
You are the same assholes who gave Gigi Hadid shit for being skinny but healthy skinny, not sick skinny.
For fucks sake, get out in the real world and look at what average women look like! Not these photoshopped idiots.
No. 288238
>>288237Dear anon;
I understand what you're saying and I agree with a great deal of it. But I think that you are posting on the wrong website here. Unfortunately you are fighting a losing battle trying to argue about this.
No. 288242
>>288226>>288237>kooters is a plus model you assholes!I don't get why newfags post here to only get
No. 288244
>>288236I don't know but OP implies it. Sugar Babies are considered a form of sex work so.
There are huge communities of Sugar Babies/Sugar Daddies. They're adults. Millions of rich guys want to spoil their gf because it's a power thing and feeds their masculine ego or whatever.
Tons of dudes literally want to be treated like human ATM machines and look for this relationship on the many kink dating sites out there.
Don't shit on these lifestyles is all I'm saying.
No. 288250
>>288247right. because thinking that sex work isnt upstanding and that someone isnt typical model standard makes someone psycho.
you need to find a new hangout anon.
No. 288252
>>288244OP implies nothing except that Kooter is living beyond what she makes off of jobs. There has been endless speculation about this which you'd know is you hadn't charged in here on some kind of moral crusade.
Lurk more.
No. 288256
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>>288253The popteen models were thinner than Koots. Some a lot thinner. But they were also toned and in shape unlike Koots.
And Popteen was Koots at her thinnest. She's gained at least 15 pounds between her first set of measurements and her last and has gained more in the following year. I mean Japanese people are like "Wow she got really fat."
No. 288309
>>288305Not that anon but nah,
>>288304 is a straight up lolcow narrative.
No. 288321
>>288308Is this addressed to me?
Are you 14? You associate sociopolitical terms like fatphobia to be from Tumblr?
This is academic jargon, kiddo. Go to grad school.
No. 288375
>>267174>a burn victim who has undergone extensive reconstruction surgery.i couldnt put my finger on what freaked me out about her face so much but there it is.
>>277649those doesnt look like cigarette burns. scars from cigarette burns dont become even circles. just do a quick google image search. not gonna blog, but i know those scars irl and nope, doesnt look like it. maybe she used something else for burning, but i put my money on some disease as well.
>>288237>plus-size model i think koots would fucking choke if she read that. which she sure will soon.
but seriously, she looks even too fat for a plus-size model. she looks like over 200 pounds.
No. 288386
>>288315>Kota isn't chubby>how dare you shame women who have sex for money!!!Literally only 4 people in the world would care this much about either issue ITT. An ostrenga or the poor, desperate gaijin chaser trying to still keep her relevant.
Dakota is a failure, I don't care where she lives or what she calls herself, she's ugly, she looks like she pushed out 3 kids and hasn't washed her face in weeks. She's been wearing the same boring, baggy shit since she gave up on kawaii, her nude makeup isn't flattering and her hair is falling out. She has to rely on her parents sending her clothes, trinkets and vegan food replacements- what is there to really be jealous of? A HS dropout who got noticed for being fake and lying to everyone? Because she lives in Tokyo with a middle aged businessman who was already married when she first came to Japan?
I'm sorry but she's a fat, stupid whore. She could have taken the chance Hiroshi and Bravo gave er and went so much farther with it. Just by taking Japanese lessons as soon as she landed and keeping herself in shape and not just sticking her nose up at everyone and sitting in the back looking bored on her phone.
No. 288397
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>>288389>irrational>probably cantyeah, i mean youre right, we should all cut her some slack, poor little girl cant have a model figure…
how about not trying to fucking model then?
No. 288420
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Sorry for the samefag but… Dakota, no…
No. 288421
Jesus, it went from 0-60 real quick in here….
Japan clearly didn't hire her to be a plus size/curvy model … Not with the fake measurements they're spewing out about her. In all seriousness I really doubt this contract will last long either. Most companies already know of her and don't want her.
I expect her to yet again fishy flop in 6month - year.
>>288420These have already been posted.
Please don't spam.
No. 288428
>>288411Dakota didn't move to japanto be a plus sized model, ad she doesn't call herself s plus sized model, and she and her agencies lie about all er measurements.
I'm sick of "she's fat FOR A MODEL!/she's fat COMPARED TO JAPANESE WOMEN!" when she has no business as a model or being in Japan to begin with. It took her 3 years to learn conversational Japanese yet when she first moved there she claimed she loved anime and kawaii so much. Her line blog entries from 2012-2013 were obviously written by someone other than her.
No. 288443
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>>288256Dakota's definitely carrying more fat than the popteen girls but I wouldn't describe them as "toned." It's always grossed me out how Japanese models seem to have no muscletone at all. Despite being skinny they still look so… squishy.
No. 288471
>>288411worthless argument since she never had the figure of an american/international model either.
>>288451>That's why skinnyfats all think they can model there/signed/
No. 288475
>>288443>>288451Well they don't have a torso like
>>288443but they are still in shape. In the running scene, from the video upthread they still look toned. None of the front girls are jiggling when they run (unlike Koots) and most of them don't have visible hip or ribcages, so maybe lightly toned is the better word. But if you comapare them to most of the "soft" girls who do gravure, the difference is night and day.
No. 288494 girl seems to have taken Kooter's place on the Bravo site as the resident kawaii too shirt for regular markets model.
She already seems more personable and she looks like her measurements, so that's a plus.
No. 288496
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>>288494she also doesnt have that horsey shitface and also doesnt seem so stuck up. koots career is dead.
No. 288498
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No. 288501
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>>288496This one has gorgeous hair.
No. 288508
>>288502Because she is really petite. She has almost the same measurements as Kooter's fake ones. It seems like Bravo only keeps one really small girl at a time.She seems to have done anime/cosplay work as well. Plus she speaks fluent Japanese(attended Uni there) and seems to be for the Japanese market.
>>288505I guess, I can see that, but this girl just seems so fresh and alive. And I personally like her softer features compared to Kooter's harsher ones.
No. 288510
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She actually reminds me of a baby Evan Rachel Wood.
No. 288529
>>288304>Dakota got dropped from BravoAnd was immediately hired by a bigger agency? KEK that's a very exclusive agency.
Bravo didn't drop her, she got a better and bigger contract… But whatever helps you sleep at night anon. Lol
I'm a different anon btw. I don't ofyen post here but this made me laugh.
No. 288532
>>288519They shooped off most of her actual face. It's hilarious that people are saying she looks cute like this when they know damn well she really looks like this
>>288420It's not just cute makeup, washed hair and different lipstick, they shaved off her jowls and her double chin and sehow made her eyes look less dead and puffy.
No. 288533
>>287935I think she looks nice.
>Libera That's cool tbh.
No. 288543
>>288537>So she fucked someone else for a new contract? you don't even know for sure if she
fucked someone from Bravo in the first place, that's just a theory you are taking as a fact. You tried tho.
No. 288547
>>288529Lol, getting a contract with a larger company means jack shit if she isn't going to get higher end jobs or jobs in general.
So lets see and wait. If she still doesn't get any jobs then I say its pretty safe to assume that Hiroshi pulled some strings and contacted an associate of his in Libera.
Doesn't needed to be pointed out that Dakota has no business modelling when she's out of shape,balding,average looking and short. SO with that being said, she shouldn't have been able to score that deal on her own.
No. 288642
>>288547I've been thinking the deal with Libera is that she has been working with them for a while. I think that Bravo worked with them to get her most of her Talento work in 2015. I would make sense. In 2015 she was on tons of shows and still in Popteen. If Libera wanted to work with her it makes sense. Now, it seems like she has left Bravo because she is going to focus on building her brand as a Talento and wants to cut Bravo out of the equation (more money for her),or because she's no longer a good fit for Bravo and it was their decision.
Whatever the case, if they are serious about marketing her, I think they will try to rebrand her somehow. But they will have to do it carefully, because except for teenage girls who lament that they don't look like her shooped face, most Japanese people think that she's pretty unlikable at this point and not cute enough to get away with it.
It will be interesting to see how this pans out.
No. 288659
>>288443they look better than this girl, she just looks old and weird.
>>288265 look like normal, young and healthy girls
No. 288668
>>288642She hasn't had a tv gig in ages though….
So why take on someone who hasn't had a gig in that field since like, what ? 2015 … Even if she was with them since then, still hasn't had a job on tv since 2015. Can you even be signed to two agencies at once ?
I just think its too weird for an agency to use another agency for the means of finding their model ( dakota ) gigs when they are well capable of doing so themselves. It'd makes sense if she was to shift to a different country to then go thru a different agency in finding/receiving gigs…
This all to me just seems like her contract was coming to an end and was not going to be renewed, so Herpderposhi pulled some strings and got her signed with another agency. Dakota is just not capable of scoring these things on her own.
I always wondered why Taylor didn't score a better agency then Dakota, until I saw the portfolio/resume page of requirements and they seem to only want people who are younger then 25 to apply. I guess they're sticklers for age in Japan, so maybe once Dakota's over 25 she'll be obsolete.
No. 288683
>>288668But bravo handles the fashion end. Think about it. Your model wants to expand out into other entertainment. You hook them up with the right people. Bravo was never a talent agency and they probably knew that they would be better off deferring to a company with more experience in that kind of marketing. Think of it as a subcontractor kind of thing.
And Hiroshi got her hooked up with one of the best ones. But now it's up to them to shape her career.
No. 288704
>>288683I suppose.
Though I'm going to fucking piss my pants if she still doesn't get any tv gigs despite completely swapping over to Libera.
( Does anyone else find it a bit sus that someone came on here awhile ago rambling about how she must be signed to a talent agency … and also proclaimed to be a model and know the industry. Did we get a legit visit from Tooters ? )
No. 288706
>>288538She's tried to become one there multiple times but it didn't work out. Like
>>288596 said, her face is too harsh for it. Plus, they wouldn't like her personality.
No. 288728
>>276501Not that person, but how is that whiteknighting? It doesn't matter if any of us look better or worse than her, she's someone we make fun of for her horrible shooping skills and personality at the end of the day.
We haven't heard any input from other Asians except from here, the Girl Talk forum (when she was involved with FITS) and when she was on a South Korean beauty show.
>>276773It's not so much her "jowls" as it is her big chin and square face, like what
>>276682 said.
>>277303 illustrates it well, too.
>>277178I can't see them.
>>277199>>277201This. They're called cuspids.
>>287678Her eyes still look unfeasibly huge.
>>287935She actually looks pretty here. Shooped, but nevertheless by someone who knew what they were actually doing.
>>288315Also this. I know we're here to make fun of certain people, but the A-Logging has really gotten out of hand these days.
No. 288791
>>288668>I always wondered why Taylor didn't score a better agency then Dakotaonly top models stay relevant above a certain age. or the ones especially applying for senior looks, or anti-aging supplements.
first off taytays hands/arms and knees look like she is a plastified 40 year old that somehow managed to lift and botox her face well enough for looking decent, which is also the reason why she has little to no facial expression when talking or smiling. she is no model only because she was booked for being photographed in a fucking pumpkin for a catalogue shoot. she is a fucking joke. she can only hope to stay popular on youtube/IG, thats her only chance.
No. 288851
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Sorry in advance if someone already posted these
No. 288856
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No. 288871
>>288863Part of low key marketing her as hafu I think. Plus furisode (what's she's modeling) is popular with the popteen/gyaru crowd for events like Seijin no hi.
>>288870They are about a year old or so.
No. 288879
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>>288871Ah, right right. She post on Youtube so little and belated I forget that this was actually that old. (oct 2016) is when she posted the video for this shoot.
>>288874Anon, I'm well aware of that, but I can think that some of the shoop/shoot jobs are decent. Thus why I mentioned still being able to tell her face is meaty despite there being shoop.
No. 288881
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>>288861How about 21 year old Drew Barrymore?
sage for ot
No. 288886
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>>288879Actually this shoot predates the video substantially. It's from about 9 months ago.
+Koots uh interpretation.
No. 288887
never mind this video was for a runway show she did ..
No. 288967
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Good luck Libera.
No. 288968
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No. 288989
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>>288791Koots also heavily shoops her hands.
Makes you wonder what her hands really look like.
No. 289157
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>>289140what the fuck are you talking about and where have you been the last trizillion threads about her?
next time sage your shitty post at least.
No. 289447
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Dunno how old these are, but she legit looks like a cancer patients ….
No. 289449
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>>289447Also why is it when ever someone is incharge of the picture she makes the same stupid facial expression ?
No. 289602
>>289518She just looks unwell and has that fresh out of chemo "my hairs falling out" look..
> Shame about her eyes being smaller than an asian's I choked …
Though it probably only looks that way because she's making a retarded winky face, that just rather looks like she's constipated.
No. 289625
>>288244>>288278>>288321no1curr, go back to your professional whore support group or whatever and whine about it there.
>>288375>she looks like over 200 pounds.Oh babe… hopefully you're either an end-stage anachan or a twelve-year-old because normal adults are able to guess weight at least somewhat accurately. 200lbs is far, far, far fatter than the chub Koots has.
>>288572Wouldn't be surprising, her spergouts throughout this thread resemble her post on PULL.
>>288668>I always wondered why Taylor didn't score a better agency then Dakota, until I saw the portfolio/resume page of requirements and they seem to only want people who are younger then 25 to apply. I guess they're sticklers for age in Japan, so maybe once Dakota's over 25 she'll be obsolete.Taylor also kind of wrecked her look with all the plastic surgery she got.
>>288371Why would Hiroshi land her a spot in another agency rather than keeping her at Bravo? What would the benefit be to either of them, unless Hiroshi was strongarmed into getting rid of her and managed to find her a new gig in order to keep her around?
Does anybody have a theory or any ideas about what happened?
No. 289664
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Her new profile pic reminded me of this bullshit.
Still can't believe her shoops were posted to legit sites like modelpress as real.
>>289625Well this is my theory
>>288642>>288683Make of it what you will
No. 289666
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>>289664her Libera profile I mean
No. 289670
>>289668Of course it is. The hairstyle and shirt just reminded me of
>>289664. I mean at least the Libera shoot resembles her.
>>289664 is another person entirely.
No. 289689
>>289676I don't have any experience with japanese culture firsthand so if anyone can clarify or correct me, that'd be cool. It seems that with the prevalence of editing/editing apps in Japan that there's a general understanding that there'll be some discrepancy between your online/photo shoot face and your face IRL?
However, I've met a couple of JP lolita models in person (Midori, KimuraU, Misako) and they look just like their pictures. So I'm not entirely sure where the line is drawn, if it is drawn.
No. 289701
>>289664lmao I still don't understand how she thought she could shoop her eyes that big and no one would be the wiser?
well I mean, it did work, but still
No. 289707
>>289704Well this isn't a bigger agency but a more boutique one. it's specialized for tarento. We'll see if it has any effect on her current career.
I don't think Koots and Libera together is a new thing. I believe that she has been working with this agency for a while since probably late 2014-early 2015 not as a signed model, but kind of in a subcontracted way.
The stuff with Bravo-san has to do with the way her career was pretty much built up out of nothing after her initial burst of popularity fizzled. She received special treatment that was really unusual.
Now at this point, she may have decided that Bravo couldn't give her any more, so she left, but in the beginning someone at that agency went to a lot of trouble to buttress her flailing career. They did some really shady things to make her happen and financed a couple of her projects (Baby Fang plus probably her photobook) Not sure what was going on with her but someone at that agency was acting as her fairy godparent and they were doing things that weren't above board.
No. 289810
>>289659She's not closing in on 150 anon
Kooter is short asf so 150 would make her more like 2000's PT tier. She's probably about 125lbs. Koots is also kind of apple shaped and out of shape in general which makes her look fatter than what 125 might look like on a different person of similar hieght.
No. 290013
>>289992Them specifically, no. The girl are the right Maenon is really really thin naturally. But many pop models aren't naturally that thin and many of them probably exercise (mostly cardio). At least Kumicky mentions it periodically in her blog. They may not be toned like this
>>288443 but their stomachs are firm and flat.
No. 290078
>>289707This. Dakota isn't a model on her own right. All her work is heavily edited or buried and nobody else gets that kind of special pass. Other girls are thrown away for much, much less, but they decided to keep this fat, balding twat because Yula and Hiroshi like her?
>>289704Hernparents cant afford to pay for her living in Japan for 5 years. If they could they would be trying to show off a much more affluent lifestyle than they have in the past. She's fucking Hiroshi because he's the only person who has been by her side since she entered Japan and after everything that she's done that would have sent anyone else packing. She isn't paying for that apartment and now that she's not with Bravo that theory is out the window that it was "in her contract". No new agency is gonna adopt a new model who is fat and can't wear anything fitted
and pay her living expenses.
Dakota's career is a sham because she's living too comfortably without doing work. Because she insists on pretending to be a model, and that she doesn't do anything else but model/TV work for money, it doesn't add up. Most of her work she does is buried or heavily edited.
No. 290127
>>290026She's so huge it's almost like she was photoshopped… but she isn't.
>>289707> she may have decided that Bravo couldn't give her any more, so she leftMore like Bravo can't get work and make money off someone who looks like she does.
No. 290160
>>290133more like the people shooting the photo giving her the outfit to somehow hide the fact shes chubby.
also omfg im dead… the towel cover-up at 2:23 … holy cow.
No. 290167
>>290165it gets better. the black bikini shoot? it is shown in this video. and dakota is even running with chubby ass. oh ma lurd.
10/10 she fucked hiroshi or any other guy.
No. 290172
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>>290167samefag that cant stop laughing.
No. 290174
>>290121>>290127The fact that she's doing sex work or otherwise making a second income is undeniable; the Ostrengas aren't remotely wealthy enough to finance her lifestyle. Shame we can't figure out for sure which strain of sex work it is. Or perhaps she has a visa husbando or wealthy boyfriend…wasn't there a rumor going around that she was dating an actor a little while back? Or has that been debunked?
>>290124Are Popteen models supposed to be beautiful? All of them aside from one look like regular girls here. Aside from her weight, Koots doesn't seem particularly different in terms of how attractive she is compared to them. Seems like Japan generally values youthful appearance over beauty in their models, though.
No. 290187
>>290174The actor thing was probably made up.Anons figured it out a while ago but I don't remember all the details. Someone wanna chime in?
Popteen models are supposed to be really cute and young. They are relatable to the girls who read the magazines.In that picture it cuts off a lot of the cutest girls but if you watch
>>290167 you can see they all are pretty adorable. At least imho they are head and shoulders above Koots in terms of looks. Your mileage may vary.
No. 290212
>>290180Definitely wouldn't be surprising; there doesn't seem to be a better explanation given that she doesn't get nearly enough work to renew an entertainment visa. Pretty sad if it's true, though; if that's the case then she's not much different than the other gaijin who go on some shitty temp visa and desperately marry to stay.
Must mean that she truly does love Japan, though. Or that she's desperate to make her career work because she can't do shit back at home.
>>290187>The actor thing was probably made up.Anons figured it out a while ago but I don't remember all the details. Someone wanna chime in?Seconding this request; I remember people putting the theory together a while back, but not if/how it was debunked.
No. 290228
>>290160I never actually watched this video before because I just took anon's word for it and omg how awkward
She's literally the only one you could not see the body of. That lady IMMEDIATELY jumped in with the towel
No. 290231
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>>290228Her face did look much better than whatever is going on with it now though. Is it literally all the hair?
No. 290234
>>290193>super chubbyThey're all stick figures though
>>290231She looks nice here, wish she'd go back to this look instead of whatever the fuck she's up to now
No. 290239
>>290234They aren't sticks at all. They are really tiny but look healthy and not bony.
She can't go back to it. It wouldn't work with how her face looks now. Anyway, the girl modeling with her in that screenshot is so much cuter.
No. 290241
File: 1492045123857.jpg (62.41 KB, 656x624, EWWWW.jpg)

>>290234>>290239Samefag but these are sticks and in the back of most Popteens.
No. 290246
>>290193They're not supposed to be super models, just relatable models. Since they're serious about doing their jobs, their hair, nails, bodies and faces aren't a hot mess like Koots'. They also show lots of positive energy to the camera.
>>290212Basically she bought various things he owned and took pics wearing it. Then posted the theory online, This is easy to do when you shop items that are in season. She then tweeted at him but he never replied.
No. 290255
>>290244you did? because I did too and this image is nowhere to be found, neither on google nor reverse-searching it.
also those are clearly photoshopped and not the models themselves. I also think "ads" in a magazine is not what the actual magazine depictures.
No. 290263
File: 1492046811827.jpeg (30.63 KB, 560x495, a72eefbaad70b3162628bf1ca1f076…)

>>290255Don't know what to tell you. It came up for me. I can try to point you to the source if it matters. I know they are shooped. I didn't shoop them.
I was just pointing out to
>>290234 that in the great world of skinny gyaru girls, the Popteen models aren't sticks. That's all.
I also found this ad courtesy of girl's channel.
No. 290303
File: 1492049693706.png (166.05 KB, 970x779, Screen Shot 2017-04-12 at 7.14…)

>>290297Yeah that's pretty short. At 5'3", 125 would make her fairly chunky and give her measurements FAR from what's listed on her agency page.
No. 290305
>>290303I think she is between 120-125. Yeah her measurements-particularly her waist-are about 15cm off that this point. She isn't huge by any means and honestly 125 is probably the max I think she could be. But she lied and shooped and claimed to be 88lbs. And unfortunately the Japanese expect their models and entertainers to be the Japanese ideal (really thin).
No. 290344
File: 1492053785763.png (149.48 KB, 1321x843, image.png)

>>290303125 doesn't look out of the realm of possibility at all. Pic related is 5'3 at 200lbs, which was anachan's guess lmao
>>290212Huh, I vaguely remember something about them having followed each other or exchanged comments or something like that. Highly unlikely that they're dating/married, of course.
No. 290378
>>290371tbh could be interesting to see if they try to improve her at all?
not sure how she can continue like this but hey I could be wrong
No. 290560
>>290160Holy shit, they covered Dakota up with the towel so fast the assistant had to pull the pink bag off her arm from under the bag so she could get her arms around it.
And to think, that was
before she gained all the weight Popteen claimed.
No. 290670
>>290603Unlikely as the cost of living in Japan ( food,rent,taxis,trinkets ) is not exactly cheap. Whatever savings she did have she probably already blew thru it when the jobs ran dry.
Girl seems like she's just barely scrapping by. Ratty clothing,old af shoes, dirty thinning hair and eating cabbage. . . "Its a hard knock life, for tooters"
No. 290726
>>290303 matches
>>290026 and she was thinner back then. So like
>>290574 I believe she's 130.
>>290554Maybe she'll go the direction of fat comedian like the FITS lady.
No. 290835
File: 1492136719902.jpg (50.45 KB, 457x650, 1870fa21c1080aef7a3532f4b2f073…)

>>290750i dont think that he initially wanted her because she was so chubby. but maybe thats why her contract now flew and he lost interest?
sage for complete speculation ongoing.
No. 291483
>>291368>Have any of you considered maybe no one in the industry seems to care she gained weighttrue! chubby models are so popular in japan! and i mean since she is such a popular supermodel they probably simply dont care!
also balding models are a super popular thing over there!
irony off No. 291494
>>290750I'm so on the fence about this topic, as a sugar baby would have more to show then Tooter's… wouldn't they ?
What if she slept with Hiroshi while under age (16-17) and is holding it as black mail against him ? Extorting money and a job from him ? Because she's just not that appealing to be a actual sugar baby.
No. 291498
>>291494The AoC in most Japanese prefectures is around 16-17, though. I don't think she has anything solid if that's the case.
Some people just enjoy mediocre white girls, anon. I mean, have you seen some of the gaijin that get the occasional modelling gig in Japan? Their standards aren't that high as long as you're blonde and not morbidly obese or overly crusty/grandma-tier.
She might not even be his "main girl", just one of many.
No. 291500
>>291498Damn, Japans that low on standards ?
I guess thats why all these basic flakes congregate there.
No. 291514
>>290574They were initially claiming she was 162cm and a mere 40kg, which is about 88lbs!
Compare that with teen model Tamashiro Tina, who at that same time was 163cm and 43kg in her official profile, despite being noticeably thinner.
>>291368Girl, this is Japan! Get real.
No. 291676
File: 1492201988737.jpg (62.86 KB, 610x612, 1489872290401.jpg)

>>286316sage for no contribution but does anyone else think she would make a great redhead? I just added some eyeliner but otherwise I changed nothing about her face. I think even if she lost zero weight, a change in hairstyle/hair color and some eyeliner would make a world of difference.
No. 291857
>>291856wait a minute you gave her some bangs too I just noticed lol
She needs that more than anything
No. 291867
>>290160OMG this is legit embarrassing, the way that lady gives kota the towel like "here, cover your fat ass immediately, please" LMAO then kota is so awkward - it's just painful to watch
>>290472I think koots is the living proof that you cannot force anyone to do anything. if she had cared at all she would have at least lost weight (way easier than fixing that personality), I bet at some point someone had to tell her that it'd be best if she took care of her image but she just didn't listen obviously.
No. 291881
>>291867She's too lazy and spoiled to care. Don't you know? She deserves a lifetime modeling contract entertainment visa with full living allowance because she went viral on YouTube in 2012 when she was only ~16~. She's
exptoc and
special, unlike everyone else who is a pedophile lesbian and a hater.
She's the product of shitty parenting for sure. She had so much handed to her and decided to take a giant steaming shit on it. Reading the current Dakota thread VS the first Dakota thread is crazy.
No. 292851
File: 1492390624230.jpg (69.89 KB, 1427x777, mannequin.jpg)

>>292845They should have casted a model that actually looked like the mannequin. Her face was like ten times larger.
No. 292858
File: 1492391606921.png (45.18 KB, 733x416, IMG_3499.PNG)

>>292777The best shot I can get of her
No. 292932
>>290303This is shit and assumes everyone has the same body fat composition.
>>290350That's because you're fat waisted with little shape. Not every woman is like this.
No. 292967
>>292777it's actually really disarming to see her suddenly in the vid because there's all these cute/normal/fashionable asian people and then… some really plain white girl who looks like she wants to kill herself. dead eyes, no emotion, dumpy appearance.
hiroshi must be friends with someone who was directing this vid.
No. 293106
File: 1492431100532.png (558.23 KB, 936x597, Screen Shot 2017-04-17 at 8.08…)

Kooter fuzz IG update.
Can we lol at how her leg looks thinner then her arm.
No. 293107
File: 1492431173242.png (379.71 KB, 935x428, Screen Shot 2017-04-17 at 8.08…)

>>293106For once a wild friend actually appears ! And isn't just her sitting alone saying "blah blah muuh friends "
No. 293120
>>293107Wow, look at him ow hard Dakota shooped herself and left the other girl out of focus and blurry. What a friend.
Also is that someone dressed in black I see reflected in the mirror?
No. 293139
File: 1492436834951.png (63.06 KB, 640x572, IMG_8863.PNG)

I've never saw this photo but she actually look decent.
No. 293144
>>293139I mean, it's not too hard to look decent with that overexposure. It's like back on myspace when people put the contrast all the way up on pics until they didn't have a nose lol.
>>293107I know this pic is heavily shooped but I think this is really cute.
No. 293180
sure jan.gif
No. 293316
>This actually involves common sense, and while it doesn’t increase your chances of getting a verified badge, it simply ensures how to avoid losing the opportunity.
>Based on our research, only accounts with a high level of real engagement are more likely to get the verified badge. More importantly, however, purchasing fake followers may dent your chances of getting a verified badge completely, even if you’re very popular or very likely to get impersonated.
>So for instance, if you have got 1.2 million followers and decide to purchase fake followers to cross 2 million in followers, you will probably never be getting a verified badge, even if Instagram finds you worthy of one (based on other factors).
>Hence, if you’re looking to get the verified badge at some point, purchasing fake followers is a big no.
> would have to actually use it to engage with her followers, not just have a fuckload of them.
No. 293436
>>293434cash why else?
Living doll trend's over now. She's old news.
No. 293526
>>293180>leg smaller than armKoots always goes overboard on the warp tool when it comes to her cankles.
>>293427We want to know more.
No. 293602
>>293427Proof or gtfo !
There has been far to many fake retards coming to this thread claiming they know stuff, but never have any viable proof of what they are saying is true. It only ever flows with current unproven speculations about what happen and just gets anons hopes up.
Even if she was "kicked out" why did another agency take on her bullshit lies immediately ? So they can have a good chuckle too ? Why would they also keep her if they thought her career was laughable at Bravo ?
No. 293608
>>293602yeah that's what I was thinking.
If she's so laughable how did she get picked up right away? And why was she with bravo for so long when she wasn't getting any more jobs than any white girl who quickly scans craigslist with no agency? How much money could she be making, and how was it enough to pay for that apartment (although the second bedroom is obviously suspicious)
No. 293631
File: 1492480828729.png (490.81 KB, 847x603, dakotababyfang.png)

>>293139without overexposure
No. 293632
>>293631Why does her face carry so much of her fat?
She'd look decent at her current weight (not for modeling, but just as a regular person) if she just had less face/neck/jaw fat.
No. 293689
>>293631Still incredibly overexposed and this photo was taken at her babyfang event which is old. She seems to have gained weight again since then.
>>293632I almost feel bad for how she carries her fat… Fupa,jowls and thick neck … don't forget her ass looks like a saggy diaper. Unfortunate is an understatement tbh.
No. 293702
>>293631LMAO at the comments
I'm guessing this pic is not shooped?
No. 293815
File: 1492502235543.png (419.51 KB, 828x385, Untitled.png)

>>292777I honestly can't tell anymore if she's really, truly ugly or just like an average girl and my mind has been fucked by all the shoops.
No. 293850
File: 1492511732185.jpg (767.15 KB, 1920x2560, IMG_6058.JPG)

No. 293851
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No. 293853
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No. 293855
File: 1492511984311.jpg (775.1 KB, 1920x2560, IMG_6055.JPG)

No. 293900
I will never get over how pointy her nose and chin are. Despite that I wish she'd embrace the fact that she's getting older and try for more mature looks and jobs. She can look really pretty if styled right.
>>293863Nah she's been gaining weight steadily for a while now. I doubt any breakup really
triggered it.
No. 294048
File: 1492543872218.gif (896.21 KB, 306x304, mmhmmmhm.gif)

>>293815i think she's good-looking, or at least has the potential to be good-looking. having features that are atypical or slightly off can really give you an edge in the entertainment industry. there are lots of actresses and models that are weird-looking or nearly ugly due to their features. but you have to play into them. you have to soften or highlight harsh features to wear them properly. what dakota does is take her prominent features (like her chin and nose) and ignores them irl and erases them in photoshop. the result is the bizarre distortion of viewers' perception of her face.
she was better off making her nose/chin pointy in shoops rather than shrinking them.
No. 294122
File: 1492549079398.jpg (300.37 KB, 1912x1285, image.jpg)

>>294054I actually prefer her edits, though it depends on what genre of editing.
No. 294206
>>294122I enjoyed Dakota's old edits and some of her more subtle edits since Japan, but I of course know she's a rotten bitch and that she doesn't look like that and never has or will. I consider her shoops and edited YT videos to be just her trying to make herself look like what she wished she was so she could pretend to live that fantasy. Like writing self insert fan fiction but IRL and possibly being a sex worker.
sage for stoned and irrelevant
No. 294227
>>294206Eh, again. I like her shoops, not her. I think its pretty obvious nobody here likes her ( or anybody in general ). Her current shoop style is just about if not even more ugly then her in rl. ( though some come out alright, not great but still an upgrade from her real looks.
I seriously wonder if her or her retard sister will ever have kids. What would Dakota tell them when going down memory lain and seeing their mom have 100 different faces … ?
No. 294266
>>293815i wouldn't say she's truly ugly but she has a really chunky, extremely masculine, "hard" face. it's a combination of unfortunate fat deposit and having really intense facial structure that i guess her youth hid from everyone.
her personality makes her ogre-tier, though
No. 294387
File: 1492581921721.jpg (1.07 MB, 2560x1920, 20170326_201527.jpg)

Found her in the wild over the weekend. Sorry for the potato pic, I was hammered.
No. 294602
>>294391She's not smart enough to pull that off. Plus, neither she or Kiki has ever given a fuck about politics, I doubt either of them know the difference between a democratic and a republican because all their family ever seemed to care about was fame and celebrities.
Dakota is going to keep being boring, ugly and fat in Japan and fuckinn old guys to keep up her lie of being a famous model in Japan. She's living off a middle aged man who took advantage of a 16 year old foreigner who didn't speak the language and had stars in her eyes to turn her into his personal sex waifu. Nothing about Dakota is enviable or cute, her life before Japan was disgusting and empty and it's still disgusting and empty now.
No. 295162
>>294979She still has yet to have a job with her new agency.
Can they fire her before the contracts up ? or do they have to wait out the contract.
I really feel like the Lirbra agency got the same treatment as all her employers got. No meet N greet, hire before meeting. Her profile on Libra is exactly the same as on Bravo. Even with Taylor's agency switch from HK to JP there was fluxing in the measurements.
No. 295217
>>295162This. She was only moved around on paper essentially. And to be honest I doubt the jobs she
was getting when she was with Bravo had anything at all to do with them. She only got shit tier gaming ads, podcasts, catalogue work and some variety TV she can't do anymore because she wants to be a cunt to everyone.
I'm wondering if Hiroshi got a new job at Libera and just took his favorite sock with him.
No. 295240
File: 1492706372827.png (165.49 KB, 693x337, Screen Shot 2017-04-20 at 12.3…)

Sorry to same fag. I actually just now checked her profile in which there is now a "job" added to it.
Fits comercial was thru Libera. I guess she's been with them for a little while. Seeing as thats the only job mentioned and the first one I think its safe to say that somewhere between that job and the one before it is when she switched.
( Though did Yoko come before or after ? Fits.. My memory is a bit fuzzy )
No. 295313
File: 1492715240686.jpg (193.33 KB, 1024x768, ruleofrose.jpg)

Request: cows faces on these characters with title "Ruse of Rose"
No. 295334
>>295313That game was so fucked up..
>>294387This looks hilarious in the wild, what is she supposed to be?
No. 295347
sage for ot
does anyone know the song used in this video?
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
No. 295515
File: 1492733913180.jpg (83.3 KB, 748x736, image.jpg)

Hahahahaha how is shit from the fits commercial still coming out ?
No. 295518
File: 1492733975657.jpg (112.47 KB, 747x742, image.jpg)

>>295515Lol. She's looks like she has autism.
No. 295535
>>295518Those eyes are really poorly shooped.
Does she even use Photoshop anymore or is this all phone-app meitu tier stuff now?
No. 295594
>>295591Dirt ? Dookie ? A snack for later ?
Idk, man.
No. 295601
>>295594>a snack for lateridk why but lmao
>>295591It looks like a bloody hangnail or something, anon.
No. 295767
>>295763The video was already deleted by "Fullscreen, Inc."
… Kiki chill
No. 296166
>>295759Her lopsided eyes are so obv with the heavy makeup. There's def a very specific lens being used here and
>>295763 to make her look slimmer.
>>295920She also has several photos taken just outside of it, not counting the ones on the white couch inside where it gets distorted into a new dimension.
No. 296212
>>287935This is actually a nice photo of her but that's probably because they wouldn't allow her to do her usual make-up and photoshop for this and thank god for that.
>>292777Ugh, I forgot this existed. They tried to make it seem touching and sweet but I found it disturbing especially with them still trying to play off of Dakota's dead "Barbie living doll" look.
No. 296443
>>295591It's a bloody hangnail.
No. 297859
>>297724Their family must have had a few loans or something come through because this era was the first and last time Koots was able to afford tons of garbage from Taobao.
Oh well, she wouldn't be able to shimmy into those one-size clothes nowadays.
No. 297991
File: 1493030234536.jpg (49.79 KB, 500x745, dakota-rose-human-doll-girl-10…)

>>297724I still love her B4,B7 and D6 outfit.
I tried to search the clothes she wore on some pictures (pic related was one of my favorite, those shoes bro) but by the time i realized they were from taobao they were either impossible to find because too old or out of stock.
Can we share our fave Dakooter outfits/clothes?
No. 298006
File: 1493034143085.png (793.54 KB, 1016x798, kooter.png)

Well, this gave me a fright when I was scrolling down Twitter.
No. 298021
File: 1493035534336.jpg (39.01 KB, 486x370, 90s-fashion-women-is-a-preposs…)

>>298012tbh i feel like my 12 year old self wouldve loved these clothings. like those stuff was in someparts popular like in the 90s?
but even then, some outfits seem really off. like the style of a porn actress in those "teenage" porn genres, that is suppossed to be a minor school girl.
like, it just doesnt suit her in any way, because she is not 16 anymore.
No. 298023
File: 1493036019403.png (86.97 KB, 205x243, Screen Shot 2017-04-24 at 8.11…)

>>298006Michael Myer's tier of creepy.
>>297991Those shoes are huge on her … and why the fuck is she always wearing socks with her heels ?
No. 298035
>>298006Most of her face isn't visible and she still looks like an unwashed NEET. Also lol, she's become full Kiki now, gone straight brunette yet still insists she's ~dark blonde~ because their hair color is all that makes them speshul.
Also lol, she enlarged her eye area so much it makes her eyebrows look
>>298023Because she's the cankle queen and doesn't have ankles. She either shoops them in so that her legs look broken, wears boots or wears socks with her heels.
No. 298049
File: 1493043938977.jpg (48.73 KB, 640x480, kk1.JPG)

>>298021your pic related actually WAS my style when I was 11-14 years old during 1996-1999, at least until JNCO came on the scene.
for the most part, I like her style from a few years back. a lot of it was pretty nostalgic and cute (minus some ugly accessories and bad pairings with shoes), but like you, I saw it being more for the crowd that was younger than she was at the time.
even with all the photoshopping done while she wore those outfits and doing various other poses, you can still see how they didn't pair well with her body.
>>298035kek i noticed her eyebrows, too.
if you were to look at her head on, not only would her eyes be real far apart, but her forehead and brow bone would be super wide. pair that with how she photoshops herself a tiny ass chin with slim cheeks, she would look like an alien (even more so than usual). you'd think by now that someone who edits themselves constantly would finally understand facial proportions and what works best that doesn't look so retarded.
No. 298067
>>297991gotta agree with
>>298064 are those freaking sport socks in open sandals?
No. 298076
>>298058>But why not just enlarge your eyebecause it's kooter we're talking about here. the girl who doesn't know how to just do basic touch-ups in editing, but goes overboard so they can give this faux, distorted image that is the complete opposite of what they look like.
ignoring all her shitty behavior and antics (hard to do, but for the sake of it), the idea that someone goes to those extremes every single time they post a photo, even of just their EYE, is pretty fucked up.
>>298067yep'. i could maybe understand ruffled socks, as it used to be big with those types of sandals, but i don't know what the hell she was going for here…it's a disaster.
No. 298476
File: 1493095769864.jpg (61.2 KB, 599x427, 1491827461414edit.jpg)

I tried giving her bangs, but her jaw looked like shit. I then put side bangs on her and they looked great, but my computer started messing up so no bangs. I tried to make her look "good" by just fixing up her "makeup" and not liquefying her face. It wasn't happening
No. 298551
File: 1493109064750.jpg (96.3 KB, 467x700, tumblr_m07vf5CnDn1qzy8r9.jpg)

>>297991I used to love some of her clothes but i'm going to have to agree with the other anons. She wasn't exactly fashionable. Some or even most of her outfits were bleh or terrible.
Also sport socks in cutesy sandals? Come on. But she did have some cute clothes imo
No. 298557
>>297724>>297721Idk, this is /snow/ so people are just going to call her tacky and bad at fashion or w/e but although clothes like this look bad now they were super trendy in the gyaru community a few years ago. Outfits like these were all over Popteen and Ranzuki and I remember so many girls on daily_gyaru dressing up like this too.
It also reminds me a lot of European chain stores Fornarina and Tally Weijl, they used to sell shit like this cca 2009-2013.
No. 298578
>>297724eeeh, a lot of her clothing looks really frumpy.. Though I dunno if thats just her, herself making it look that way or just the clothing.
I'm laughing because she still wears her A11 sweater. Pretty sure in the most recent picture with that sweater she can't even get all the buttons done up.
No. 298595
>>298557True, this stuff wasnin style back then. Problem is, Dakota just bought a bunch of trendy stuff ad slapped it on, and before hat she had her parents and Kiki helping her with scene. Since she's been to Japan everything she wears is fugly, unflattering or XXL, so it's obvious that the kawaii shit that got her noticed was never her actual style. It was just a bunch of shit she bought to play dress up for Tumblr ~for the aesthetic~ and then never actually wore again. She has no fashion sense when it's just her dressing herself.
I wonder what makes it worth it to be picked apart and look so bad in everything just to be able to grasp at calling yourself a model and not
technically lying? Modeling isn't for insecure girls looking for praise. It can't be fun to hear how ugly and basic and fat you are constantly, so what is the appeal I wonder? What is it that Dakota thinks is so glamorous and prestigious about modeling?
No. 298609
>What is it that Dakota thinks is so glamorous and prestigious about modelling ? The Title.
The title its self makes her feel more important and better than others. How often have we seen her throw the line " I'm a model" as a explanation to why she totally can't get surgery or photoshop or do something ? The title "Model" makes her feel untouchable in some sense. I don't think she cares about the job its self, just the title and being able to tell people "I'm a model". She has and still sorta is aiming for the next title "celebrity" so she can then tell people "I'm a star".
No. 298625
>>298623Thing is we just don't know.
Taylor does even less work and her agency signs for her. Dakota's with a new agency so she may have them signing for her visa and maybe she agreed to do more work or promote certain things.
I wish one of the Japan anons would just spot her out and about with said "bf/husband" so we could make it case closed. 9 Or half closed )
No. 298698
File: 1493136363696.png (600.84 KB, 714x500, Screen_Shot_2016-09-18_at_8.52…)

>>298649>real model can people stop bringing taylor up for arguing how dakota is not a real model? because it's laughable.
No. 298724
>>298649Beauty is subjective, anon… I don't personally think either are pretty. Taylor is aged and considered a"mature model" yet still tries so fucking hard to do teeny bopper gigs. No large company wanted her because she's nearly 30. Her content is trash and she doesn't advertise shit. Both really shouldn't have a signed visa by agencies, but they do.
To me all these plain as day girls need is a "name/brand" and at least one shit tier modelling agency will sign them for there once a month/year gig. Both Taylor and Dakota have both got there name out there.
I just don't really get the vibe that Dakota is "married" when her apartment more just looks shared between her and another girl ( if even ) . That shitty ring she's been wearing looks like a vending machine ring, and wouldn't she technically need her parents to fly down and sign for her to marry ? Due to age, just like Venus needed her mother to sign ? Also if she was married why try and make it look like your "dating" a celeb by buying shit they have and tweeting at them ?
>>298698Taylor's face always looks like uncooked pizza dough in candids not taken by her.
No. 298846
>>297724She definitely has some cute pieces but even for some of my favorite outfits of hers I would tweak like which stockings or ribbons/neck-ties to pair.
Considering how she dresses now, I'm inclined to believe the speculation that it was Kiki who helped her coordinate most of her outfits back then.
No. 298905
>>298698Taylor is a real model because she didn't get her jobs from her sugar daddy. She got them by being thin and pretty and photogenic.
>>298724She doesn't work enough as a legitimate model to afford that apartment. She doesn't even work enough legitimately to stay in the country.
>Also if she was married why try and make it look like your "dating" a celeb by buying shit they have and tweeting at them ? Really? Because what could Dakota possibly gain by making people think she's dating a hot, young celebrity instead of married to a fat, older man who has a daughter by a woman he was married to when he met Dakota? Yeah why would she
ever want
No. 298910
>>298625>>298724Dakota never travels to renew her visa like Taylor does. She also doesn't have the personal cashflow that Taylor does.
Whether Taylor works or not, she isn't begging for handouts and apartments like Koots. She keeps her appearance up using her own money and this alone makes her very attractive to agencies.
>>298905LOL ikr, gee whiz why would Dakota spend all that time building up a lie, like everything else she does? I wonder!
No. 298960
>>298823Ah, thanks for the correction. I thought Margo did have to sign for something. Guess not.
Her place comes off as to dorm mates sharing rather then lovers/couple. Koots doesn't seem like the type to me to settle down either. Nobody knows if she has or hasn't left the country to renew visas, and I don't know why people are claiming as fact that they know she hasn't. Korea to Japan isn't that expensive and if homeless Margo can do it .. Why can't homely looking Toots ? Besides Dakota seems extremely frugal that half the rent is all she's putting out for + cabbage/junk food.
>>298846I sometimes wonder if the clothing was actually Kiki's clothing since so much got left behind. If I moved to a different country I'd probably ask my family to mail me my clothing, but Kota didn't and now Kiki is wearing them. ( Unless they were shared clothing which is kinda gross )
>WASTaylor was a real model in HK. Now she's a house wife who mooches off of a rich boyfriend and gets 1-2 modelling related jobs a year just to keep her Visa. She can't even get more then 1/4th her subs to view her shit.
She herself has stated that she isn't a model anymore. Frankly because she failed at replacing Kota, and has been reduced down to a unkept insecure mess that hates her body and face.
>Wealthy manwhere ?
Anon, Tooters is wearing the same shit form 2012 and looks like a scrub.. She shares an apartment with a room mate most likely.. How does anything about her scream " I'm married to a wealthy man" … This sounds more like Taylor who sports designer shit and lives in a fancy large fully decorated house, not Dakota who wears the same shit from 2012, and lives in a 2 bedroom apartment barely furnished and sharing with a room mate.
I think she makes just enough to live, and nothing else. No nails, hair,clothing, excessive eating out or traveling. She's not Taylor so could everyone stop trying to claim she has a rich boyfriend paying for her apartment and life style.
No. 299127
>>299124You'd have to to go back in the catalog, his FB and her FB were both posted in an old thread long ago, they were taken I think but after that he took all his pics of his wife and kid off his FB.
As for ~scandal~ she was also a fat, white former model so Japan wouldn't care.
No. 299145
>>298960Ok but like
How does any of that explain how she's still a model despite being a fat, balding greasy slob? She looks like a 40 year old mom of 3 (a la Cathy). "Being white" isn't enough to live in a foreign country for 5 years doing barely any work. Yes, her contract and her apartment could be her "payment" for her work, but she barely works, so…? Better models who get more jobs live in shoeboxes they share with other models. The only way Dakota could afford that apartment, even with a roomie, is if the roomie was a much more successful model who makes lots of money and lets Dakota live there and helps her get jobs.
Either way, nothing Dakota has was gained on her own merit as a model, talent, or whatever else she claims to be.
No. 299155
>>299145At this point I'd say contacts.
Of course she isn't in there based on her looks or skills, she's in there because someone did the paper work and lying for her. Likely who ever it is she's fucking. Its clear they didn't do a remeasure and just faxed her fake info over.
Anon, Dakota has only had one job so far with the new company, and it came with a tidal wave of back lash to the point they had to disable comments. I'm almost inclined to think this contract will end much sooner as she doesn't have her sausage linked fingers wrapped around some gross managers willy there.
No. 299275
>>299268Wow, someone is seriously mad about Taylor. Granted, Taylor is just as overrated as Dakota but Taylor never lied about her looks, has no racist dirty laundry unlike Dakota, can get work based on her looks (which automatically jumps her up from '"average white girl"), has a wealthy family and a boyfriend she can actually be seen with. As for her being a sugar baby, there's literally no evidence to support that. She was modeling for Lancôme in Hong Kong, something Dakota could never do. Even her pitiful "vogue photo shoot" was still just a Bravo ad shot she did that was later put into Vogue.
Taylor gives 0 fucks about some podunk white trash lardass like Dakota, and the only people who do are either laughing at her or still think she could or would ever want to go back to her 2012 look so they can either wear her skin or fantasize about fucking a 16 year old.
No. 299293
>>299268>>299275Eh, different anon here.
Taylor's the physical embodiment of " dumb bimbo blonde with dumb luck". Taylor was fortunate to have a wealthy supportive father who paid for her modelling class ( yes, she took classes ), drove her all around Toronto from agency to agency till she got signed and then paid for her flight and accommodations till she got on her own feet. He even paid for her wasted dropped out college education in HK.
Would I call that evil ? or paying her way into an agency ? No.
Would I call it lucky, yes.
Not a lot of families have the spare change or time to do that for their kids, but Taylor's did. Taylor is just like Dakota is, another spoiled child except Taylor's not a giant asshole, she's just really stunt and stupid. ( Or really likes acting stupid ) Honestly, neither of them have really worked all that hard for what they have either, Dakota sucks dick for support, and Taylor has always had someone wealthy by her side to pay all the larger expenses.
No. 299298
>>299293Alright, I know that this is not the Taylor thread but there was never ANY proof of her dad being rich. I live in the GTA and know approximately where they live and it's not expensive to live there/ have a big house. At all. It's not uncommon to have multiple cars within a family here, either. (Plus he's a car dealer) So stop claiming he's so rich.
And it's common to take modelling classes as a model, duh. It requires skill, too.
Her boyfriend seems wealthy, but they haven't been together that long. Taylor actually works out basically everyday and works to achieve her goals, how it that lucky? She has supportive parents, that's all.
And as
>>299275, Taylor has no bad past. She's an average white girl, but Dakota is a cow.
No. 299308
>>299304Taylor just turned 28.
There's just a salty as fuck Ostrenga posting in here today, most likely.
No. 299312
>>299293Okay, Taylor
is plain, and I guess she could be considered lucky to not be homely, uneducated and trashy like Dakota and Kiki. She's also hella lucky she looks as good as she does for her age, whereas Dakota and Kiki both look like they could be in various stages of decomposition without selective lighting and extensive photo editing.
No. 299332
>>299298 Her father is well off, but not a millionaire either. I was just stating that he has the funds to support his kid in that way, so calm your tits. Not every family has that kind of funds to throw into their children's dreams, which they themselves typically have to save for. She is lucky and I don't know why thats something you feel is worth arguing over.
( I always wonder about the lives of the anons on this site when they praise someone for "staying healthy and going to the gym" like its hard to do or accomplish when to me its basic and everyone I know does it )
> Taylor's a plain white girl and Dakota is a cowThats basically what everyone here has been stating … ( Except for one person thats arguing that Taylor is horrible and apparently racist despite no proof )
No. 299339
was plain when she gave enough of a shit to style her hair and wear makeup. Now that she let herself go, she's ugly. Her face is swollen and she looks like a Cathy clone, pointy witch nose and all.
No. 299348
>>299340i dont think it's an ostrenga, because it started with this post praising taylor here
>>298698 was my response to it and now i wanna kill myself since this thread keeps derailing
No. 299351
File: 1493238964044.png (153.78 KB, 320x371, Screen Shot 2017-04-26 at 4.31…)

Blah, back on Topic.
Any Anons in Japan ? How often do they change their building advertisements ? I saw this in a Russians Youtuber's video from yesterday and can tell its Tooter, but its also really old.
No. 299371
>>299368 wont see much more then whats shown tbh. It looks like one of the first shoots she did from Ufufuf ? or whatever that brand was called.
>>299367I'm try and find the picture it looks like. Hold on.
No. 299378
>>299371Ufufu girls far as i understand, it's a shop that works with several brands not a brand itself?
No. 299404
File: 1493246798604.jpg (284.67 KB, 932x1300, 876543.jpg)

>>299351apparently not THAT often, this is from google street view, march this year, the girl with the glasses is the same. unfortunately the photo quality is the shitty as well. maybe a japanese speaking anon can make out what the advert is about?
No. 299452
File: 1493254392070.png (116.21 KB, 277x194, Screen Shot 2017-04-26 at 8.52…)

>>299449>>299450In the video it looked more like her, but in the googles maps not as much. The one in the video reminded me of (pic related )
>>299351 No. 299644
>>299332Well so are Bella Hadid or Kendall Jenner.
I'd say most models are probably from wealthier families that allow them to travel to big cities for auditions or rent a flat there (Living in Paris will set you back some serious cash) and build a photobook with a photographer.
Dakota and Kiki's parents are just as supportive even if they're throwing their money down the drain. How many props and stuff did they buy to launch their many failed businesses (KND Kouture, their photoshoots and props) and spend so much time advertising them ? Even Scott traveled to Japan with Dakota and I'm only guessing but that probably cost a cool $2k at the lowest.
They probably helped Kiki get into that crap movie for 5k too.
No. 300088
>>300079Tay isn't that useless anon. I'm sure if push came to shove she could get and do another job if she had to. It's not like she hasn't worked before. She said her first job was working at Swiss Chalet in high school and she certainly hustled her ass in Hong Kong and took some truly shit embarrassing jobs in the beginning.
Koots I'm less sure about given her upbringing but if she was desperate she probably would also be able to figure something out.
I mean I don't really like either of these chicks but you just sound salty af.
No. 300120
>>300079Theoretically Taylor could work at an model agency or something like that. Wouldn't be to far of, she is English native and knows the business.
And don't forget her rich boyfriend. She could also marry and pop out some hafu babies.
No. 300134
>>300033>>300076 the link works, but thats her wonky book I believe. The only thing you could marvel at is how terrible her makeup is.
>>300088Taylor basically is already a house wife, so I wouldn't be surprised if she completely just fell back on her bf. Which isn't horrible since I remember her actually expressing wanting kids so she'd be pretty busy regardless.
Kota will likely become a Basement dweller at her parents house when all else fails, or just turn to prostituting in Japan like some other cows on here do. ( Just had a flash of horror of tooters having leaked nudes… lord save future farmers )
No. 300138
>>300134omg ive never seen these before
she looks ridiculous jfc!
No. 300142
File: 1493350716424.jpg (202.76 KB, 725x1024, eCmPeTWZXrs.jpg)

>>300134It looks like someone sliced the top of her head off. By the way, how did she even get a book?
No. 300151
File: 1493351496343.jpg (160.65 KB, 724x1024, f4ladUsyAFk.jpg)

>>300142Thanks anon, holy crap.
Her eyemakeup and thin hair, even with all the shoop to hide flaws is still so visibly bad.
No. 300380
File: 1493389393843.png (474.3 KB, 936x401, Screen Shot 2017-04-28 at 10.2…)

Dunno why but her hand looks so weird to me…
>"Waiting for my burrito"
You are what you eat Tooters.
No. 300394
>>300380her hairrrrrr omg :'(
she looks cute happy in that pose but so deformed. that outfit…..
No. 300421
>>300380Why did she use the shrink tool
On her hands like that? It's disturbing how she tries to photoshop herself to look like a child. At this point I just think Dakota is simply mental.
No. 300561
File: 1493407345488.png (397.25 KB, 475x470, Screen Shot 2017-04-28 at 3.19…)

>>300515I kinda wonder at this point if she thinks having thin hair is cute because it looks like baby hair… Babies don't have as much hair as toddlers and up.
She does have a habit of fetus shooping herself..
No. 300746
>>300380For an idea of how massive her jaw really is, the top of her head is supposed to be equal in girth/thickness as the bottom half. The collar of her jacket being stretched all over says it all. As usual she spaced her eyes apart and made them big.
Her hands were also made tinyy thanks to us pointing out her massive hands compared to the tiny shooped face. Unfortunately she shrunk them so much that the jacket sleeve size now doesn't match on either arm.
No. 300776
File: 1493434221826.jpg (547.54 KB, 533x3718, fb.jpg)

>>300437this is the next best thing. each were taken minutes apart
No. 300783
File: 1493435327150.jpg (99.45 KB, 640x640, IMG_4029.JPG)

>>300380A failed attempt to unshoop her face. She's just ps her face beyond repair. Midface is so squished in I don't even know what to do.
No. 300795
File: 1493436519491.gif (546.04 KB, 660x624, 9601bb52-s.gif)

>>300783lemme show u how a pro does it
No. 300799
File: 1493436885121.jpg (577.24 KB, 1200x800, 201704282024367810.jpg)

>>300795This is A+ anon. The jarring difference made me laugh.
I tried to make her hand normal but they ended up sorta sausage-y. Facetune can only do so much.
No. 300804
File: 1493437265326.jpg (586.37 KB, 1200x800, 20170428-230178486.jpg)

>>300799Ok I got finicky and made a few more tweaks. Pardon the samefagging.
No. 300826
>>300794Look at her neck, it's very long compared to her unshooped self. That's why the collar is so long, too.
>>300804Good job, just need to make her chin less pointy and eye brows smaller.
No. 300893
File: 1493462343004.jpg (140.13 KB, 750x682, YeC_frKOaas.jpg)

She really needs to start doing eye makeup again. She looks like a naked mole rat
No. 300908
File: 1493465993328.png (195.1 KB, 358x480, 1387198579325.png)

>>300884Didn't Tooter's lighten her hair when she first entered Japan ? I thought she was always a dark blonde-light brown.
No. 300934
File: 1493472668239.jpg (686.16 KB, 1920x2560, IMG_5211.JPG)

>>300921Meh, she looks good but I wouldn't say "cute". She still looks older than she should. Her and Kiki both look best for their age, going by looks alone I would say Kota is 24/25 and Kiki is 28/29. They both look so malnourished.
>>300908I wouldn't doubt it, the only time it's been "dark blonde" since we debut is in washout lighting or web she shoops the color lighter. Premium denial.
No. 300953
>>300776this is hilarious
she's so ugly
No. 300975
>>300949Is it weird that my first thought was that she is working at a fast food chain in Japan .. Thats what that jacket looks like to me, fast food chain uniform.
>>300934Her cheek bones got significantly bigger from her debut till now .
No. 301070
>>300776I feel sad for dakota, I went through this fucked up phase when I was 14-18. I used to wake up at 5am so I could do my hair and makeup and pick out clothes. My parents gave me a nice camera that Christmas, I used to take hundreds of pictures of myself and then pick out the best ones and shoop them, and then pick the best shoop to post online. All of a sudden, everybody is calling you beautiful and wanting to be your friend.
It sucks looking in the mirror and not loving the person you see, you don't even realize how fucked up it is that you wish you looked like a completely different person.
Dakota, if you are reading this, you are fucking beautiful just the way you are. I am sorry that this messed up world made you feel like you were not good enough.
No. 301076
>>301074That's the best part. I couldn't keep up with my lies either, eventually you have to tell the truth, now I've moved on with my life.
I truly do wish dakota the best.
File: 1493494468305.jpg (50.64 KB, 500x750, DakotaRose5.jpg)

>>300776i think it's obvious she would have turned out like this. coming from a mother and older sister obsessed with vanity who made her think she was some internet teen idol before she was even teenage (pic related). Only having her narc Regina George of a sister as a role model. And then going through the pressure of suddenly going viral as an inhumanly beautiful doll girl that she knew she was't.
i don't think ANYONE could have come out of that without having severe self image issues.
No. 301169
>>301104Shit, even then she looked much older then she was.
To me she looks 16-17 here.
( The unevenness in her bangs
triggers me )
No. 301623
>>301622Forgot to type the rest of my post, hur.
I would give anything to time travel back to 2012 before Dakota ever heard from bravo, right as she went viral and show her pics of herself from the last 3 years plus a pic of Hiroshi and his wife. I couldn't even imagine her and Kiki's reaction.
No. 301647
File: 1493579736104.jpg (27.84 KB, 300x427, dakota-rose.jpg)

>>301623She's always been some balding twat that was lumpy. She may not even be fazed since I'm sure she's well aware of how shitty she looks. Why else would you shoop yourself to those extremes ?
I'm more curious if her shoops would look even grander now if she never left for Japan. They looked really decent when she started and almost believable ( when there were no photo evidence of her real looks )
(Pic related ) If she stuck with this editing and improved upon it. Just imagine what they'd look like.
No. 301700
File: 1493584810921.png (168.88 KB, 279x293, 1437180481197.thumb.png.477dfe…)

>>301384>>301393>>301491>>301622it really is hilariously ironic that she used to make fun of asians, and now she's a fat meat-face talentless joke who nobody cares about anymore beyond middle-aged south american and arab men who want to jerk off to little kids, living in a country full of adorable asian model girls who are infinitely more successful and better-looking and healthier than her, who aren't sucking old man dick to keep getting jobs
No. 301797
>>301723Weightloss wont change her bone structure. Nor will it affect her buccal fat as much either.
-Bangs will shorten the length of her face and cover her caveman brow and receding hairline.
-Shorter hair will give her hair more body and a break from extensions.
- Buccal fat removal + botox might make her lower face look a lot less meaty.
-Proper diet and a lot less sodium intake might help with the greyish tone in her skin aswell as help with the bloaty look in her face.
-Contouring the face, especially the jaw.
No. 301800
>>301700And this is a pic from when she was thinner…
>>301722>>301797She totally has to shave her jaw if she wants to look young, full stop. Botox only works for defined jaws by weakening the muscles, not fatty ones.
Also one of her eyes is a lot higher than the other. That can't really be fixed. It's also probably why she stopped wearing eyemakeup, it exagerrates how wonky they are.
No. 301861
File: 1493605895174.png (413.19 KB, 1000x440, Kotakotihomophobe.png)

>>301384>>301393idk if you guys saw it, but that apology was edited at least 3-4 times. each time it got more passive-agressive and less apologetic. The first one was the most genuine.
iirc she said that an adult lesbian woman was sending her sexual messages through formspring, and in one of them she described what she was wearing, and that freaked her out. so she vented with those homophobic slurs. For the racism, she said that she was actually making fun of some show, not actual asian people. Might be true, I think spoony
might have been one of the people that got those videos off of stickam and i think even she said that in one of them they were making fun of Brock from pokemon.
BUT then again. Kiki is a raging homophobe who hates lesbians in particular, and Dakota did once say the guy from TheDirty was "cute for a colored guy", proof: No. 301997
used to be dark blonde, these days it's straight up brunette unless she shoops it or is in certain lighting.
No. 302049
>>302006I wonder what she must have to do to keep getting these strings pulled for her. She doesn't have anything to fall back on that justifies her
still being signed to an agency after 2 years of spotty, inconsistent work and gradual weight gain, not to mention rapidly thinning hair and expanding face. Dakoko was at least always smart enough to keep her sex life private, unlike Kiki and Charms. Who knows, maybe she's a freak and her perv gimmick isn't an act.
No. 302170
>>302049She's with a new company and honestly I doubt she's going to have the same treatment. It looks like the company got her signed on the same way a client would and thats direct booking. Libera only got her paperwork and photoshopped images to base her worthiness off of. Once this contracts up, she's done.
2-4 months of being signed and only one gig ?
She wont last.
No. 302197
>>302195Also Yuka really doesn't have the look to be a model. She's not photogenic and tbh is really plain and not in a blank canvas kind of way. Her face can't take a lot of make up or hairstyles. She could have maybe been a Talento sans pee videos, but she was never really model-y at all.
Neither she nor Koots have any business being models.
No. 302229
>>302190Libera only enlist one gig .. If she had any gigs before the Fits job or around the same time it would be listed on the website, but instead it only list one job (Fits).
>>302199Feels more possible this time. She may not leave Japan, but she is likely to lose her model title within a year+. Before with Bravo she got a few gigs a month, and now she only gets one once 1-2 months.. Thats embarrassing.
She has no strong social media presence for them to want to keep her on .. ( maybe this is also why she went back to youtube and created a few more recentish videos )
>>302219What if she's working as a host (escort) ? Like another cow on here is in Japan ? ( I still don't feel convinced enough that she's married ).
No. 302248
>>302229If she was hosting, we'd hear about it.
That world is very very small and you can only be so inconspicuous.
The drama would be welcome though.
No. 302321
>>301074TOP KEK Im in love with you fartanon
>>301861I can totally imagine them both in high school being arrogant bitches bullying others.
>>302219im guessing she will pop out a baby soon and justifying ending her model career with that.
No. 302332
>>302229imo one of 2 things could happen. She could make like Felice and once everything's up, just disappear from internet without a trace. she's not like Kiki who's internet presence is her lifeblood because she's a nobody offline and needs constant validation from strangers. Maybe marry a rich gaijin fetishist.
or, knowing the ostrengas after modeling she might come up with something new. like become a clothing designer.. she's always wanted to do that apart from modeling.
No. 302498
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No. 303447
File: 1493821377318.jpg (303.81 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_6300.JPG)

Why doesn't she do anything about her hair… and that tiny neck isn't fooling anyone.
No. 303472
>>303447She has such a pointy large nose, but then again it could only look that way because she's shrinking everything else.
2 questions though :
1) Did she shrink her forehead in this pic ? Looks smaller in comparison to her other pics ..
2)Are those baby hairs of breakage ?
No. 303473
>>301861God I remember being 15 and having a bit of a crush on her back then, then being completely heartbroken when I found out about this.
Wouldn't even touch her with chopsticks now in any case. Lesbians don't want to fuck any girl from the same sex, we have standards. We like girls, not blobfishes, that would be beastiality.
No. 303509
File: 1493828662720.jpg (69.69 KB, 960x540, 18199341_1295921337194254_5606…)

>>303493I was thinking the same I just saw this photo on FB and it remind me of her, there are so many procedures in the field of surgery in Asia it makes me angry AF she prefers photoshop over a permanent change in her image
No. 303510
>>303493I'm getting the vibe that she doesn't like Kawaii trends/fashion/looks anymore, but also doesn't really have a choice because its all she's known for. ( Then again I don't think she actually ever liked it and only saw it as a cheap gimmick to get her attention )
Also because she's bum ass broke and can't even afford to get her nails done, new shoes, better hair extensions or possible even lenses anymore as she's stopped wearing them …
>>303509Holy fuck, is that real ?
Can you really fucking morph your lips now too ?
No. 303519
File: 1493829934848.png (854.72 KB, 817x450, Untitled.png)

just get the surgery already jesus
>>303505ikr looks like stuff a ten year old would pick out at claire's.
No. 303522
File: 1493830009261.jpg (16.66 KB, 490x349, 9af8e616a62d5178a842e211f4c479…)

>>303510I think so, if you look like this after a surgery in korea everything is possible lol
And yeah, the same thought crossed over my mind, I'm pretty sure she just jumped over the trendy train and thinked the kawaii/uguu/human doll was a goldmine and someday she'll be "famous" like her sister and in consequence get all the attention her sister stole in her puber years
No. 303523
>>303522kotex will probably never get surgery because she has no friends and doesn't go outside, so she apparently doesn't have a problem spending hours photoshopping herself all day every day.
i am surprised keeks hasn't had some kind of surgery yet though [that we know about]. probably just too vain to think she needs it
No. 303527
>>303523oh kiki is definitely too vain to think she would ever need sugery
>types something about fat filler injected pussy or something like thatkek
No. 303539
File: 1493830842484.jpg (117.02 KB, 600x827, koot.jpg)

>>303519yes surgery would be such an improvement tbh.
i wonder if kooter will get herself together this year. maybe eventually become somewhat close to the likeness of her old shoops and fake measurements? at this point it's just embarrassing. i feel like within the next year she's going to look like a whole new level of bad. her face already looks so scary in her yt videos.
No. 303551
File: 1493832194713.png (334.1 KB, 454x531, Screen Shot 2017-05-03 at 1.18…)

Could lacking B12 and Protein be why Dakota is going even more bald … I mean she's always had thin shitty hair, but after years of a shitty diet.. Maybe ?
( Not the image is actually just makeup and a wig to demo what lacking those vitamins and protein would look like )
Video incase someone wants to watch it : Replace this girls and her love for potatoes with Kota and her love for cabbage )
No. 303553
File: 1493832569650.jpg (1.11 MB, 1564x1564, 20170503-854048130.jpg)

>>303447Fuck, I tried ya'll.
No. 303898
>>303519That fucking chin.
That everything.
>>303510> can't even afford to get her nails done, new shoes, better hair extensions or possible even lenses anymore I wonder about this now, did she get this desperate for dollars after Bravo canned her?
>>303509Gross, what's happening here? Are they making lips smaller?
No. 303947
File: 1493862881078.jpg (62.21 KB, 584x611, fb.jpg)

>>303417>She was already aging out of her cute, youthful faceyou sure you're not just thinking of her photoshop? cause to me her real face hasn't changed much at all.
No. 304022
>>303947No, I'm thinking of her Bravo debut video. Her real face was nothing like her pics, and was ugly in comparison, but compared to now she
was cuter and had a more youthful face then. Now she looks busted af.
No. 304115
>>304022that vid was shooped too
she has never looked good or cute
No. 304205
>>303510her apartment looks big though in here
>>303447considered this even is hers.
would be another point for actually being married.
>>304184>implying plastic surgery companies dont use make up and ton of photoshop to advertise their businesskek, are you dumb anon?
but for real, you can do a lot. still most of the times it looks a lot better on pictures than irl or on video. Most of the time especially the mouth area just looks weird and off to me. but idk, i can understand it. Especially those girls with extremely deformed jaws.
there is this korean makeover tv show "let me in" and they have a lot of videos from before - after on youtube.
sage for ot and no contrib
No. 304262
File: 1493896018811.jpg (47.6 KB, 560x315, IMG_5266.JPG)

>>304115This was the pic I was thinking of. Cute, not beautiful, not model material, just plain and cute.
No. 304274
File: 1493897244487.jpg (64.75 KB, 671x428, IMG_5268.JPG)

I was looking through google images and I found a new (to me) pic of Kooter in some shampoo commercial, but the video is private.
Here's the link though: No. 304287
>>304205Or simply just having a room mate to split the rent with. She barely even has furniture, and maybe that inhaler was actually a room mates … Why marry someone and help them with rent but nothing else ? She looks like shit,dresses like shit,eats like shit and is one step away from looking homeless.
Worse case scenario is she occasionally sleeps around for money.
And yes, Korean clinics edit ALL of there before and afters.
>>304275This is old and even here you can tell she gained a significant amount of weight since entering Japan.
No. 304314
>>304287>Worse case scenario is she occasionally sleeps around for money. I'd believe it. It would explain all those random nice traditional style dinners she goes to with "friends" she can't take pics of or be seen with.
>she gained a significant amount of weight since entering Japan.Not surprising. Without her parents buying groceries for her she only eats candy, convenience food and fried/boiled everything else.
No. 304322
>>304314tbh I wouldn't be surprised if her "direct booking" thru her website is also used for escorting.
I'd love to see those leaked emails.
No. 304352
>>304274>trying to make it look like she still get's worknice try, koots
lazy anon. took me 2 minutes to find it elsewhere ts ts ts ts
it's from 2012
>shampoo commercial>with kootsTOP KEK
No. 304433
>>304113I drew on her face in photoshop and I copied the lines on her face from
>>303519 but I was surprised how bad and old she looks
No. 304568
>>304352Kek, they didn't let Dakota do a model walk at the end with the other girls.
>>304449"Real Barbie" shooping fail probably.
No. 304890
>>304322I wonder if anyone here tried to book her or knows because it would explain how her inconsistent cash flow + flaunting fakes matches right up with other Japan escort cows.
There was that one anon who was spilling deets earlier…
No. 305054
File: 1493980454804.jpg (398.91 KB, 2030x2560, IMG_5337.JPG)

>>304352I love how confused she looks by the shampoo.
>claims "dark blonde">studio lighting & it still looks light brown >in a commercial from 2012So has she legit been shopping her hair lighter for 4 years? Because it's the same medium brunette in all her unedited work too.
No. 305071
File: 1493982716300.jpg (156.67 KB, 600x900, LQci4p6pwcY.jpg)

>>305054tbh i always used think whoever called her "blonde" was fucking blind. however, it's true that in very, very rare lighting it can look legit blonde. these two pics are from the same day in different lighting conditions.
No. 305134
File: 1493992941696.jpg (338.83 KB, 720x720, 20170505_224154.jpg)

>>305071Anon I don't think being blonde is something that special.
Dakota is blonde. It's just not like Dakota/Elle Fanning's/barbie kind of blonde, just blonde.
Pic is dark blonde vs light brown, Dakota's natural hair isn't in the light brown team imo.
No. 305138
>>305134Both light brown and dark blonde have super light ends but you can tell the difference looking at the hair roots.
Dakota's hair roots never show/ look dark compared to the rest of her hair.
No. 305358
File: 1494016359205.jpg (68.84 KB, 525x525, IMG_5338.JPG)

>>305134I agree, it's not, but Dakota's hair is darker than
dark blonde now. It was dark blonde in 2011-2012, but as Cathy's hair did and now Kiki's hair is doing, it's darkening with age. She wasn't ever gonna stay the blonde she was as a kid if Cathy didn't, dye or not.
That said, if I took her hair color now and put it up against any box dye color chart it would be called light brown, not dark blonde. And at what point will she ever stop being "dark blonde"? Kiki still calls herself a blonde and her hair is medium brown now. IIRC Cathy has very dark/black hair, probably dyed though.
>sage for ~hair color is a spectrum~ and kooter & spergy being darkblondes by technicality until it's not cool anymore bs No. 305457
>>305122No it wasn't. that picture was part of a series of candid pics that were all unedited, stop making shit up out of thin air.
>>305157>Unless you live in Swedenyou would be surprised how many blonde people in Nordic countries are actually dyed. In Iceland Dakota's hair color is called skollitaður, it's an ash dark blonde/light brown. It's the color that people who were platinum blonde as kids typically grow into as their hair darkened after puberty, and it's the most common natural hair color in Iceland. Women usually don't like it and often dye it lighter blonde.
No. 305512
>>305358if you compare your chart with her picture here
>>287678 she actually has some ash blond or wheat blond going on. Though it depends on lighting. A hairstylist once explained the difference to me: blond hair of whatever shade becomes seethrough when sunlight shines through. Thatswhy the strain that is laying on top of her head almost looks like swedish blond and which is also the reason why her hair looks different in the next picture here
>>303553 because there was nearly no lightning and it was night time and probably because it was already greasy (btw what was she trying to prove here, that she is not indeed fat?).
>>303553 most of her hair looks like a greyish ash blond, but again the strains on her hair look light blond.
No. 305551
>>305054There's something wonky about her chin on this commercial. They did a ton of filtering to the commercial, but the chin size warps around. Even her hair on that upper image bends with a hard angle at the chin.
What's funny is that she probably never met Kyary. It's clear they were filmed at two different times.
No. 305874
File: 1494071843372.jpg (38.1 KB, 300x450, kill me.jpg)

>>303551the angry vegans in the comment section
No. 306355
>>306136pretty sure its an argue topic bc kotex and keeks both will screech to the grave about being blonde and ppl think anyone who says they are blonde are an ostrenga in disguise.
i mean i dont doubt a lot are but its hard to tell bc of all the shop.
No. 306648
>>306417I legit thought it was an ugly fast food restaurant uniform for the " burrito " she was waiting for ..
Just lowkey showing how far she has fallen that she's serving burritos to Japs.
No. 309213
File: 1494430775072.jpg (36.05 KB, 180x231, 20170510_113828.jpg)

kek just realized kooter is the splitting image of this picture of yung jodie foster
No. 309264
File: 1494435012352.jpg (35.19 KB, 640x480, 183602709_640.jpg)

wishes she looked like young Jodie Foster.
No. 309293
>>309213>>309264>>309290Proof that Dakota
could look good if she tried. Too bad she chooses not to and so every time someone critiques her the screeching stans swoop in.
No. 309318
she's, like, 14 here. The 70s was a strange, strange time.
No. 309733
>>309213Holy shit, thought it was her.
>>309293She could but Jodie's face isn't as gross and her eyes are aligned.
No. 310033
>>309954>average blonde, white girl you'd see on the streeti guess that's the point.
i never really liked the jodie foster look with her thin hair and her thin lips, but at least she had a look going and i like her acting.
No. 310161
File: 1494527397478.png (317.64 KB, 936x404, Screen Shot 2017-05-11 at 2.28…)

Guess its that time of the month for her.. You know, when she finally decides to bathe herself.
No. 310558
File: 1494556698611.png (824.14 KB, 967x544, lolita_film_1997.png)

>>310551"I'm a young loli that just came out of the bath, I'm totes pure and thin"
No. 310670
File: 1494564726507.png (103.81 KB, 1240x1200, IMG_2684.PNG)

It looks like she's off the Libera site now, too? So does she not have an agency anymore?
No. 310701
File: 1494566098509.png (535.67 KB, 993x399, Screen Shot 2017-05-12 at 1.05…)

>>310161>>310551>>310558Let me explain
I can't be arsed to find a pic that perfectly sums up what i know Dakota's going for, but it's basically the 2017 edition of heroin chic. Everyone's accusing her of trying to look like an "alien baby" which isn't like, inaccurate, but it's really obvious that she wishes she looked like a high fashion model. Probably since she's not doing so well as an actual model lately. The girls she's emulating have bulbous facial features and seem to like having stringy weird avant-instagrammable hair that they can pull off and get away with because they're insanely beautiful.
You're welcome
No. 310728
File: 1494567572564.png (379.04 KB, 478x482, Screen Shot 2017-05-12 at 11.0…)

>>310701hmmm isn't that whole alien model era dead with moli blair being a thing only in ss'15
also I think in 2017 being conventionally pretty is the only relevant thing like the whole heroin chic aesthetic is just clothes even that ali model u posted isn't a thing anymore it's all about being pretty by normie standards ie gigi
No. 310753
>>310161I would not even recognize this as her if I saw it elsewhere on the web.
Girl has gone off the rails. I would at least hope she's getting some money promoting pducts on instagram with her fake ass face, but pretty sure she isn't. Which makes me wonder what the point of changing herself this much is.
No. 310886
File: 1494583174948.jpeg (94.5 KB, 815x543, 96B25F72-AEF4-4D69-BD83-5B633F…)

>>310852She's been sporting the Macaulay look for at least half a year
No. 310996
>>310670Just some tinfoiling :
What if she lost her contract to Bravo due to a breakup with one of the workers there that was keeping her on ? Like she was dating a manager or was their go to slut and things went sour so they stopped signing for her ? Like everyone keeps saying, there was no legit reason to keep her signed on so long..
Now with Libera, they got her signed thru direct booking and had no damn clue what she looked like until her first job. Then came the negative backlash, and they decided to keep her until the end of her short contract of 3 months ?? maybe ??
I think modelling agencies do short contracts, don't they ? Maybe the only had her signed for 3 months as a trial model before deciding if the want her full on.
>>310895Work probably as a host or prostitute, or give up and pack her bags for Florida and do what Kiki is doing… Shitty film.
Either or will probably deliver some tasty milk.
No. 310999
>>310898I've been suspicious ever since she made her Instagram. It's too convenient that she dropped off the radar after her initial bump and came back with a big new apartment, a bunch of TV tarento gigs, speaking Japanese (with no lessons, as she claims) like an older male who uses a lot of casual speech and slang) and her own jewelry brand. Not to mention her ring she never takes off, even when she's not wearing any makeup or jewelry. And it doesn't help that her first Instagram pic was of her in a wedding dress with just the caption "wedding" and not anything about a shoot or a job (until later). People who don't know much about her
still comment on that old ass pic asking if she's married. Plus, it would explain why a vain narcissist like Dakota would let herself go so badly- clearly she feels safe enough to do nothing but eat junk food and play video games most days.
No. 311030
>>311014It was for a photoshoot.
I get the vibe she didn't mention it on her IG because it was also around the same time she was trying to convince people she was dating that one Japan Celeb by posting pictures of owning/having the same shit. ( ie : Sweater , pillows ect )
Maybe Dakota was given a promise ring by one of those player dudes ( for got what they're called ). I remember reading stories of guys that hit on foreigners and make the girls believe that they are special and what not, but the dudes only want sex. Some even give the girls promise rings that are cheap little shit tier rings like Koot's.
No. 311056
>>311030oh god i remember that. trying to leave "breadcrumbs" so people will think they are dating. how cringy.
i reckon she is married though. there is no way to finance her lifestyle with so few jobs in japan. her parents are poor so its not like she has family money to fall on.
No. 311080
>>311054ahh misunderstood what you meant, my bad.
>>311056it's the only reason I'm still following her honestly, she's so boring these days - the reveal of her husband will be such good milk
No. 311227
File: 1494614297828.jpg (38.08 KB, 500x667, 636589-500w.jpg)

>>310728I mean yeah, it does actually strike me as being a little bit dated. I probably shouldn't have used the phrase 2017 lol. Still though I expect that working in japan dakota is exposed to a lot of alien baby looking russian models, since those are the ones that are particularly popular over there
>>310721You're on lolcow though so your standard of beauty is probably closer to Taylor R than naturally attractive people like pic related
No. 311277
>>310895She doesn't know proper English and only speaks Japanese like an old man bc it was learnt from the old man she lives with.
>>311080>the reveal of her husband will be such good milkI'd be so here for this. It likely will be revealed after they get divorced and she's sent packing.
>>311233The "off duty model" is allowed shitty brows. That's what Koots is trying to recreate in those selfies. Problem is she's neither off duty nor a model.
No. 311284
File: 1494616865358.jpg (241.71 KB, 600x600, dff8489a02cec7340481abb9f28ceb…)

>>311233>hideous browsHer brows are like the crux of her career though so not really. It's a Cara D situation
>>311277>Problem is she's neither off duty nor a model.This tbh
No. 311288
>>311277How long do you suppose until said marriage is up ?
I mean with all that weight gain and balding … The fact that said spouse also doesn't buy her new shoes or proper fitted clothing that doesn't appear to be from the discount rack/thrift stores like what she's always wearing. Doesn't also seem to buy her shampoos/conditioner for her greasy scalp or proper groceries ( cabbage ). God, all we know is her poorness might even be why she finally stopped wearing lenses and makeup.
How much could a spouse love their significant other if all they do for them is give them a place to live and fuck'em ?
No. 311354
>>311314I love how every time Dakota goes quiet and releases some bad work pics and the milk starts slowly dripping, someone comes in here and makes a huge post about how pathetic everyone here is and how hard we reach and cherry pick photos of her to make her look bad.
What these stans don't seem to get is that Dakota provided the lolcow fuel herself by being fat, balding, getting bad reviews and failing at everything she tries.
No. 311400
>>311395Yeah but as soon as you start saying "hi Kiki" or "monstrenga" they shit their pants and derail the thread with their blatant autism. Kiki or outed as Sperg-chan only because she broke a rule, but other cows who post here are protected by he same rules as the cows- as long as you don't break the rules repeatedly you won't be outed and mods won't check your IP.
Dakota, Kiki, and their parents and Hiroshi could have all posted here at some point, and could at any time, and we wouldn't even know unless they fuck up big like Cringelord Kaka.
No. 311790
>>311400I don't think Hiroshi knows english enough to do it and the Ostrengas are pretty consistent.
They always bring up very specific things (money, jobs, friends, imagined success) that only Koots' ego would care to defend.
No. 311941
>>311882Soooo… It is possible that its someone else's apartment ?
Like the larger room was quite barren minus the self shrine she built on the window ledge. I also wonder why she took the video down, like was her flatmate unimpressed by her filming their home. ( Though I guess its entirely possible its a bfs room.. Still don't buy that she's married. )
No. 312025
>>311227i don't think taylor r nor that girl are attractive
basic white girls with bad eyebrows do not strike me as "insanely beautiful". she looks average
No. 312086
File: 1494699526210.jpg (162.9 KB, 630x630, Kelly-Mittendorf-The-Model-Wal…)

>>312035"lmao i like commercial models" - anon
try again when you get some taste in white models who are actually striking and stand out
No. 312163
>>312152>>312159Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
I agree that the caveman original Anon posted is fugly but if she thinks that's pretty then… Whatever
No. 312645
>>312190That because deformed people are a unique sort of ugly where as Dakota is just ugly.
You don't see deformities as often as you see ugly people.
No. 314371
File: 1494984871635.jpg (112.75 KB, 528x1080, IMG_5988.JPG)

This (Kristina Pimenova) is what kaka and kooters wish they looked like, an 11 year old who so far has had more success than what they can ever dream of having.
No. 314406
File: 1494987950560.jpg (336.8 KB, 1163x611, surekoots.jpg)

>>314371Damn, how many poses did she steal from this girl's insta?
No. 314448
File: 1494993108458.jpg (36.8 KB, 990x634, 342.jpg)

>>314406thats also the one that is actually signed with bravo and she is absolutely gorgeous already.
Koots in comparison looks like a little alien abnormality.
No. 314671
File: 1495034740613.png (413.18 KB, 1242x1866, IMG_6685.PNG)

>>314639>she stole Dakotas entire gimmickWith absolutely no effort
No. 314678
>>314639>she stole dakotas entire gimmickanon youre retarded. without question.
kristina stole nothing. kristina didnt get plastic surgery to look any different from herself. she just looks like she does naturally.
she just happens to embody everything dakota every wanted to be, without doing anything for it despite being young, beautiful and having sane adults around her who are able to advance her in her career.
No. 314692
>>314678She stole the spotlight from Dakota for being a beautiful, natural (bs in Dako's case ofc), delicate living doll-girl. That was Dakota's gimmick. But as soon as Kristina P came on the scene in Japan, Dakota changed her look and her shopping style, stopped getting work with Popteen, gained hella weight and faded into what she is now. She stopped updating basically everything but twitter and insta and occasionally gets work through her successful friends that shows just how badly she's aging and how poorly she takes care of herself.
Meanwhile, Kristina rockets to the top, is landing high end contracts in multiple countries, and is labeled "the most beautiful girl in the world" and a supermodel/actress as well, before even hitting puberty. Dakota got rid of her bangs, copied her poses, wore those awful huge lenses and started doing what I can not assume is her attempt at a youthful, nude style that honestly just doesn't work with her harsh features.
>sage for stoned rambling No. 314702
>>314671I thought that was Dakota in the thumbnail for a sec, wow.
She's probably going to grow up to naturally look the way Dakota wishes she does.
No. 314708
>>314371She looks like an average kid there (and I guess in reality/daily life), which just makes this so much sadder for Dakota tbh.
So washed up that she couldn't top an 11 year old and protect her position in the modelling game, RIP.
No. 314851
File: 1495053079756.jpg (59.54 KB, 808x565, 3453.jpg)

>>314708>looks like average kidikr? but she got it all going.
No. 314980
>>314406jfc kooter is so ugly here WHY
and why tf did she warp her head like that?, why would anyone think that looks good ?? wtf
No. 314985
>>314371Effortless beauty. People may argue she's average or she's really beautiful, but this kid is objectively good looking if you throw out personal preferences.
It's sad when an adult tries to copy a child's beauty. Of course she looks like a living doll. She's a little girl! My niece looks like a doll too.
Anyways, have to agree that Kooters is mimicking Kristina, but this is probably one of the least likely looks Kooters is capable of pulling off.
No. 315000
File: 1495065154408.png (776.52 KB, 1134x522, creepy.png)

So I went to that girl's instagram to see if there were any other similarities…
No. 315077
>>314639ahh, funny how dakota had everyone shooping themselves into her & copycating. now she's doing the same for Kristina. that shit takes effort.
i think she was inspired by some other model Gemma Ward or something back in the day. but at least her creepy cute highschool pretty girl look was original at the time.
remembers shoujo koots No. 315183
>>314371no matter how much they try, monstrengas just can't compete with actual natural beauty.
I bet both of them screech and froth everytime Kristina posts a new pic
No. 315195
File: 1495082869120.jpg (32.79 KB, 400x599, dakota-rose.jpg)

her old edit style was so attractive because she actually looked the opposite of cute. Her face looked hot in a mature way, she looked like a teenage girl with a mature face and delicate features, who wore very cute and frilly clothes. Now she's trying to look like an actual child, so she's literally lost the whole appeal of her image. The appeal wasn't that she was "cute", it was that she was hot with a cute style. Pic related and sage for pointless commentary. Her shoops now, even when done "well", are honestly just plain boring to look at. If she still did her old style of makeup and photoshop I would honestly still follow her social media even if I knew it was fake. At least back then her pictures drew people in. Her photos now are just boring as fuck
No. 315263
File: 1495087762292.png (1.11 MB, 922x611, Untitled.png)

>>315195ugh i miss her old style
No. 315417
File: 1495100918443.jpg (12.1 KB, 320x320, A02xwqACEAA7CxI.jpg)

>>315195hot is never a word i would have described it tho. i think they were just extremely pretty and realistic. but also had that blank stare that made her look like a doll i guess?
tbh it was just the perfect combination of flattering light (I believe she used natural light + photography light, nowadays its just washed up artificial light), good shoop that she took her time with. and makeup that looks fucking horrid irl but very good in photo. i can't be bothered to find good pictures that show it, but the makeup she used to do in all her 2012 selfies like pic related, would have all looked incredibly bad irl.
No. 315420
File: 1495102011057.gif (496.48 KB, 500x339, wLPWMjU.gif)

my fav kota is gif related, round face and all.
No. 315478
File: 1495112427050.jpg (18.24 KB, 480x360, hqdefault copy.jpg)

>>315417>>315432Yeah, she did look silly irl with her eye makeup. Even though this image is photoshopped, you
can see how low she positioned her lashes to enhance them.
No. 315572
File: 1495122545529.jpg (192.32 KB, 797x408, fb.jpg)

if anyone wants to know how she probably looked during that ~golden era~ these pictures were from her first modeling gig straight out of Florida. the makeup and resting bitchface she has here are the same that were base for those early tumblr pictures.
No. 315579
File: 1495123454226.gif (591.33 KB, 357x392, fb.gif)

here's a fading gif. the nose stays identical, but you can see the sides of her jaw shrink and her eyes get bigger and farther apart
No. 315582
File: 1495123693487.gif (296.43 KB, 223x314, fb.gif)

and just for fun. her currently shooping for comparison
No. 315649
File: 1495130401056.png (Spoiler Image,77.5 KB, 640x885, IMG_5512.PNG)

>>314671Looks like there's still a page for Dakota with a big "COMMERCIAL" banner on the bottom at Libera, lel.
> still comes up in Google with Bravo, though I bet they'll use her much now that they have the living version of her shoops.
No. 315651
>>315174>>315231>>315248>>315258Have you guys ever watched PeachMilky's video on how she edits her videos to make her face smoother/lighter? I think it's useful to link to anyone who hasn't realized that videos can be edited, and she also acknowledges that many youtubers do it.
>>315417>hot is never a word i would have described itI'm not that Anon but I think the main reason for seeing her face as "hot" are the squinty-ish sexy bedroom eyes. I think if she dropped this whole Japan thing and changed her makeup and clothing style, she could be a sexy mature American girl, even with the weight gain.
No. 315654
File: 1495130630870.png (652.06 KB, 640x1136, IMG_5505.PNG)

>>315649Damn, didn't mean to put the pic under a spoiler.
Another pic of Kristina, compared to Dakota's Libera models "polariod".
No. 315659
File: 1495131255361.png (79.54 KB, 640x829, IMG_5513.PNG)

>>315649>>315654Damn, dropped my sage.
>Kristina's Bravo Polaroid I went to Dakota's Bravo page to get hers to compare and she doesn't have one, KEK. She only has a list of all the good jobs they booked her before she even got to Japan as her 'portfolio'. Regardless, it's obvious that Dakota is shopping herself to look like her twisted BDD version of Kristina, and someone else is editing her to look like Kristina as well to get her contracts (as a commercial model) with high end talent agencies (that don't have other commercial models).
No. 315670
>>315659unpopular opinion I guess? but there's no proof Dakota is basing herself off this kid. the only thing similar to them is their hair and eye color, and the fact that Dakota shoops herself into the face of loli toddler, and Kristina is well, young. I saw somebody say she's trying to be like her because she started parting her hair in the middle like.. lol, as if that wasn't a universal hairstyle that's getting trendy now.
>>315654>Hair: Lt.brownLOL Kristina is much blonder than Dakota, but they put her as "light brown"? this just goes to show it was Dakota who told those people "put my hair as dark blonde".
No. 315682
File: 1495133743544.jpg (753.89 KB, 2560x1920, IMG_5518.JPG)

>>315670It's the fact that she copies her poses, and ditched her bags, makeup and kawaii shit and hobbies when Kristina started getting popular. And now that Kristina is signed with Bravo, Dakota had to move over to Libera, and her picture for her profile on their site has her as a brightened version of Kristina basically. They changed the entire shape of her jaw, chin, and forehead and shaved away half her face to make her look as "young" as possible, and thebavr that Dakota changed her style to the same basic model style (that doesn't flatter her in the least) and stopped wearing makeup. Anons saw it coming years ago when Kristina started first making waves in Japan.
No. 315685
File: 1495133964660.jpg (425.99 KB, 2560x1536, IMG_5519.JPG)

>>315682Dakota, compared to herself.
No. 315689
>>315682It's the professional Polaroid he used for Libera models. Yes, it was edited to look more like Kristina. What are you trying to even argue? That it doesn't count as a lie because it's not a 100% identical shoop? Dakota is intentionally misrepresenting her appearance
and edition eeself to look like a more successful, younger model who stole the spotlight from her. Without her old Popteen connections she wouldn't even be with Libera, and since the backlash from the Fitt's commercial senmight not be there much longer.
No. 315822
>>315795Plastic surgery wouldn't help her at this point.
Maybe if her looks were the only thing holding her back, and maybe if she found one hell of a wizard plastic surgeon, and managed to get him to do her surgery for whatever perks Hiroshi gets to keep pushing her as a legit model.
She eats like shit, claims she sleeps very little and has multiple health problems (anemia, asthma), doesn't exercise and doesn't look like she takes good care of herself at all. Plastic surgery would be for Dakota what implants and tattoos are for Charms: an expensive, permanent coping mechanism to deal with some serious underlying self issues.
No. 315901
File: 1495150460045.jpg (47.71 KB, 500x745, cc5ae769cb541205bc07470482f96c…)

I have an embarassing confession to make. I'm 22 and still look up to 2011-2012 shooped Koot in a way.
Some of her clothes were neat (she couldn't coord well most of the time, a shame), her general aesthetic was really pleasing,…
Am I weird for taking her as an inspo? I kept like five pics of her that I hide shamefully in one of my folders
No. 315906
>>315795this a hundred times. I'm still baffled at how she just showed herself to TV looking absolutely nothing like her edits and not even wearing bangs or circle lenses (probably because you can easily tell when someone wear CL in real life and someone might have called her out on it and that would have been extra awkward).
I remember the day that video was leaked though, oh boy. PULL v.1(and tumblr) was on fire. I kinda miss the old dramu looking back. Now the milk is dry
No. 315920
>>315579The nose stays identical,
Yeah. Her nose is perfect imo.
>but you can see the sides of her jaw shrink That's nothing compared to whatever she does to her jawline these days. I think the jawline in that picture is the same or almost the same, also the angle is slightly different..
>and her eyes get bigger and farther apartHer lips get bigger and rounder too
No. 315988
>>315579It's wild the amount of detailed work she must have done.
>>315582Even the ears and neck shrink!
>>315670There's no proof but with ostrengas there are no coincidences.
No. 316063
>>311056>her parents are poor so its not like she has family money to fall onI know the Ostrenegas filed for bankruptcy a few years back. Any mention of what their financial situation is like nowadays?
>>311227>>314371Methinks they'd look prettier with bangs. Either way, Kristina looks adorable!
>>311400It could be worse. There could have been another Rima episode.
No. 317125
>>316063that bankruptcy happened
10 years ago. they're not poor.
No. 317207
File: 1495285142792.png (1.01 MB, 1223x586, Screen Shot 2017-05-20 at 8.55…)

>>317206-fuck forgot to upload.
No. 317291
File: 1495294493201.jpg (20.63 KB, 450x327, images.jpg)

>>317254>>317215>She must have bought those boots secondhand from a stripper >tacky>cheapBitch pls…
No. 317451
>>317207Good lord that outfit is awful. The Ostrengas have the worst taste.
>>317333Kyler is 25.
No. 317469
>>317207Sage for Taylor mention, but this really looks like she's copying her style. The sweatshirt, the round glasses, the hat, the jeans, ponytail, backpack.
>>317291Which is funny because these boots were brought up after people started making fun of her shoes.
No. 317506
File: 1495309196044.jpeg (725.17 KB, 2000x3000,…)

>>317291Vetements is the definition of a shitpost brand, to be honest. I refuse to believe the head designer isn't laughing his ass off at some of the shit he pushes out.
Pic very related.
No. 317518
File: 1495309713759.jpeg (953.56 KB, 2000x3000, unnamed5.jpeg)

>>317506One more for good measure
>tres chic No. 317521
>>317518Model looks like a crack addict.
>>317469I got Taytay vibes from her out too, except I think that was the still Taylor did last year. I haven't seen her rock a cap in a while now.
No. 317767
>>317207>>317338A whole lot is edited. Mainly made her body thinner and longer, especially the legs. Also gave her jaw and head another slimdown and eyes bigger.
Can see where she struggled to give herself a thigh gap, hers touch so she must have dragged the gap from her legs (not thighs) higher, resulting in that bend on her white sweater in the middle.
No. 317908
>>317207actually those boots are from dollskill, idk, I was planning to get a pair
sage for offtopic
No. 318846
File: 1495462658584.png (329.5 KB, 938x420, Screen Shot 2017-05-22 at 10.1…)

She looks like a literal retard here.
No. 318850
>>318846I also don't get why she buys/receives makeup when its evident she doesn't wear it.
( She always goes for rose scented things I realize… So she probably smells like a old fucking lady )
No. 318851
File: 1495462789454.png (523.86 KB, 936x449, Screen Shot 2017-05-22 at 10.1…)

>>318850-sorry to same fag… I keep forgetting to attach the fucking image
No. 319104
File: 1495481250350.jpg (59.27 KB, 750x563, 575721edbcc8ba93078b45c8-750-5…)

>>318924You got a thing for downies, anon?
I agree with
>>318846 She looks like her new shoop inspo is a downsydrome child
No. 319118
File: 1495482382440.jpg (185.71 KB, 500x377, c.jpg)

>>319104lol I saw this coming when I wrote it.
No. 319234
>>319104Not her, but nice assumption.
>>319118Sad but true, Anon. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but ugly (for Dakota, in this case) runs all the way to the bone.
No. 319337
>>318851Honestly this looks like another care package from Mom. Dakota never outright says she buys anything except games and she so rarely posts anything at all, but goes to all those nice looking restaurants with "friends", nice apartments visiting "friends", and then cheap makeup and trinkets that play on her initials or her name/Sailor Moon.
Everyone knows she's just a commercial model who is more than likely shacked up for a visa somehow, and her uploads on Instagram are all she has left of her dead ass "modeling" career and ~5 months of internet fame. It's been how long since her last 3 jobs? Fitt's in March, Yoko Fuchigami in November, and what was before that? Yet another ~Eresuto~ app game ad mints before that.
She's slowly grinding down to instahoe model tier and it's so tasty. Trying to be a combo of Taylor and Kristina while expecting people to believe models are simply allowed to get fat and ugly. Even worse, she's become Kiki- she literally can't accept that her glory days are behind her.
Sage for stoned rambling
No. 319400
>>319337She's aging out of modeling in Japan for sure, but I'm sure she'll still get some acting gigs and if she's smart and good at networking (which I would assume she has to be by now, even if it is networking through a sugar daddy) there are other things that she can do in the industry.
Realistically though she's like, what, 22? And somehow maintained internet fame for the better part of a decade? I'm sure she'll be fine.
No. 319434
>>318846>30 degrees out>wears sweater again>shoop all over the sweater, chin and eyes>>318851Nice $10 haul.
>>319337I wonder if the stuff she has, like games and DVDs belong to the guy she's living with? A lot of the tastes are on the side of what an older man would like.
No. 319458
>>319456well excuse me, not tom-lip-sama rich tier, but the flat looks big, so considerably well of then.
he probably also has influence as well as she is still getting jobs.
No. 319486
>>319458What ? a 3k ish apartment ? Well off ? For all we know he pulls in only 5k a mouth, and in a house hold where thats the only income coming in, HEH. Clearly she'd have more then just shelter if someone wealthy was taking care of her. Instead she looks like a homeless person that broke into some poor Japanese couples apartment.
She hasn't had a job in a LONG time and she isn't signed to Libera anymore. Just because you can still click a link and see and archive version doesn't mean she's still signed. She isn't on the list, therefor no contract,jobs or model title.
She's probably taking a walk ( applying ) to random agencies. I'd laugh if she got signed to Taylor's agency and we saw her frumpy ass in the background of one of Tay's vloggs.
No. 319524
>>319519idk scroll back you lazy ass.
somewhere in the beginning of year or november/december she posted an image that looked like it was taken on a fashion show or something, before that was a christmas thingy that looked like from a tv show and before that there was a photo shoot where she was in a yukata or kimono.
No. 319607
So, uhm, kootz has a sugar daddy who provides rent but her taste in everything is just cheap af and can't hide it?
No. 319726
>>319607With how poor she looks, i'd say splenda daddy. He clearly doesn't invest much in his fuck toy, or else he'd buy her a gym membership.
>>319504Hasn't been for a little while now. No one knows the true date in which she was removed, but if you manually go to the site she's not there.'s been given the boot.
No. 319843
>>319792Kek, when even Yumi can get a better splenda daddy.
She seems to be affording less and less .. I really wonder if she'll end up back in the states by new years, and if she doesn't then I might start believing the marriage theories.
No. 320141
>>319843Koot got the boot
fucking finally
No. 320213
>>320141>>320152Is it a sign she's leaving Japan? Along with the agencies dropping her?
>>320157If she's not married, how is she staying without a visa?
No. 320220
>>320213No idea but her website is literally dead and her Line blog is dead too. It's only her Instagram and Twitter she is keeping alive atm. < Even her videos are disabled.
She well and truly has given up
No. 320289
>>320157I didn't say she was if you actually could read, but without a working visa or income how would she stay there. I'm just saying I might lean more to that tinfoil theory if she stays there indefinitely. It seems expensive and pointless for her to go for a tourist visa which requires leaving the country every 3 months for Americans ( correct me if wrong ).
I'm just trying to speculate when her final dime will run dry and her visa will expire.
>>320255Links are just archive copies. When you manually ( type in thru google or type the website in ) search she doesn't show up, which is what a client would do.
No. 320348
>>320344The archive copy though..
Direct Booking list link ( no Dakota ) : town list for booking page ( No Dakota ) : No. 320461
>>319433She's definitely married and on a spouse visa.
Taylor has an entertainment(model) visa which needs to be renewed every 6 months. And is the easiest to do by going to Korea (or China), to "reset" your stay. I've never once seen any implication of Koti being in either of those countries (or anywhere outside of Japan), and we know she's a bragger so she'd definitely share photos from there.
No. 320474
File: 1495615989052.jpg (93.57 KB, 807x417, 9d05a0395cf6.jpg)

i'm really fascinated by how Dakota Rose became so loathed.. i know it all adds up to
>her cunt attitude (racism, homophobia, narcissism, frequent humble-bragging, offensive/crude/vulgar way of talking)
>her fakery. the fact that her pictures are heavily edited and she intentionally fools people, as well as outright lies about it (lenses, wearing a wig once etc), or blocks/copyrights anyone that points it out.
>undeserved success as a model in Japan, that she wouldn't have achieved without photoshop, lies, and concealing the truth. This probably has a bit of jealousy involved, but also the fact that she's not a nice person also fuels the "undeserved" part.
but i wonder what steps she could have taken to avoid all of this happening. if she was never Dakota Rose the nasty scene queen/stickam bitch, and just started fresh as kotakoti, reserved, quiet and mysterious~, then people wouldn't have had a reason to hate her from the start, and maybe this wouldn't have gone so far. Actually, if that part of her life was never online, then /cgl/ would have never found out she didn't look like her pictures because they wouldn't have had pic related for comparison, there wouldn't have been anyone to tell stories about what a bitch she is or pull out those stickam videos, and PULL would have never happened. therefore nothing about her would have been so closely documented, and she may not even have haters at all.
No. 320480
>>320474You're essentially describing Taylor, who is more favorably seen than Koots but still has obsessive haters
Unless you're imagining an alternate universe where Koots never had a social media presence in which case you could look at the hundreds of other average white girls who have briefly modeled in Japan without much fanfare
No. 320484
>>320289If she manages to make t seem like she's been working and paying taxes the entire time she's been in Japan, maybe she'll get one of those "special permanent resident visas" like Mira(nda) has.
I don't see her doing legitimate work for a visa, so other than marriage she has no way to stay in Japan indefinitely. All her professional ventures have failed miserably.
No. 320486
>>320474As soon as Dakota gr to Japan and we saw her face we would know what she looked like. In fact, it would have been better if we had no images of her to go on before her shoops- the contrast would be so much more striking with her big reveal. It would have been Magibon-tier.
Dakota is hated not out of jealously, but because she's a nasty, ugly twat pretending she has what she has because she's so much better than everyone else, and that she lives like a princess without lifting a finger and shmoozes with Japanese celebs left and right. She's a cheap gimmick that's been drug out for far, far too long on just the same 1-2 selling points (that don't even apply to her anymore). She got a good little bunch of gigs before it all started going tits up, but it was inevitable that if she wasn't willing to really work and put effort into modeling that she was never going to make it. You don't just sit on a modeling career for 5 years if you're a relative nobody who went viral.
No. 320514
>>320474>then /cgl/ would have never found out she didn't look like her pictures because they wouldn't have had pic related for comparisonlol what
She would have been relatively unknown yes, but her irl appearances couldn't be faked.
No. 320517
File: 1495626652710.png (27.53 KB, 574x136, Screen Shot 2017-05-24 at 7.48…)

>>320441If thats the case then why remove all tittle from her website if still represented by them ? You literally go straight to her with any inquiries because there is no one representing her.
Why delete/remove both Bravo models and Libera from the contact bar ?
No. 320530
>>320517Maybe trolls started contacting them again with
proof and links to lolcow and pull.. like when pullerinas attacked Bravo's fb page and emailed her agency when she first went to Japan.
No. 320643
File: 1495641591758.jpg (125.5 KB, 550x743, elle-girl-korea-2012-september…)

>>320628is that sarcasm? because she has gotten some amazing opportunities, especially around 2014. I think Etude House, Peach John, and various others were a big deal.
No. 320701
File: 1495646613231.jpg (36.47 KB, 440x675, b1dfcdce0121249bc3ef509cd35018…)

What's your fave pic of Koots so far, anons?
>tfw forever missing this era
No. 320704
>>320646lul, is someone taking it personal?
show us proof she is on a working visa then. go ahead.
No. 320706
>>320441It costs nothing to put someone on a website, but there's limited physical space at an agency to put someone on the wall.
Koots is on neither.
>>320461This. The evidence is that she hasn't travelled. If she travelled, or even leaves her apt, she can't help but post something about it. Just like when she goes to USA or rides a cab.
It's a stretch and a half to assume she's on an entertainment visa, despite no jobs, and despite no agency push, and despite no travel to reset the visa.
No. 320716
>>320704lol are you literally retarded? that's the same argument as
>you can't prove that fairies are real.>well you can't prove that fairies AREN'T real!>>320706I don't doubt that she may be married. But people here seem to want to believe
>she married her manager for a visa and an easy life because she's a lazy, fat, ugly and rude
>>291580 said. Where's your proof of that? What if she's married to a hot young Japanese guy?
No. 320720
>>320716Damn Koots, no need to take it personal and sling insults.
>she's married to a hot young Japanese guyThese comments reveal more about yourself than anything..
No. 320997
File: 1495667192474.png (791.01 KB, 720x1233, LIBERA.png)

She's with Libera.
Get over it.
No. 321034
File: 1495670732707.png (341.91 KB, 843x275, Screen Shot 2017-05-25 at 01.0…)

just leaving this here
No. 321046
>>321034imagine just walking through the supermarket and the girl in front of the oranges turns around and THIS IS WHAT'S STARRING AT YOU.
god, it just doesn't work, that is not how human faces work, at all. god, it's creepy.
No. 321135
>>321066You've been talking to different anons. You said the same to a different anon.
Stay mad.
No. 321171
>>320715Something Awful?
>>320841Depends on her family's genetics.
No. 321235
>>320997Her Libera link works again, and they added links for her social media.
> how all her shit goes blank and as soon as we notice, it pops right back up to ~prove us wrong~. She must be sucking all kinds of dick to stay a 'model' with the reception she gets for her jobs.
No. 321247
>>321235Anon, her social media was added before she was dropped when the Fit's commercial was. That is still an archived copy just a slightly more recent one. If you look at the actual live site she is nowhere to be found. See for yourself.>>321237She did
No. 321260
>>321247Except Dakota's profile was never on the Artist page for Libera. Go to their site, click on the Artist page, and then add /Dakota.php to the end of the URL. In other words, you can only find her on the site by having her direct link. She isn't even listed with the artists at the bottom of the page.
So, why is a direct booking commercial model who hasn't worked in months signed to another celebrity-tier modeling agency?
No. 321358
>>321332Ok but like
How can I still see her actual profile on the live site if she's been booted from it? Because that was my question.
No. 321402
>>321358Anon, stop being dense.
Taylor's old Starz people profile is still up, same with her Area MGMT agency despite she isn't with neither of them. She is also not listed on their sites either.
However, Taylor still being a model means she can reconnect with them thru her current agency. Dakota on the other hand isn't listed with any agency and can not work/reconnect with them. She was let go/ fired.
I'm going to take a wild guess and say it takes a while before profiles are completely deleted. They're removed off listing, but maybe just made invisible/private instead of deleting since its easier.
No. 321404
File: 1495731692016.png (886.05 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-05-25-12-54-34…)

Correct me if i'm wrong but i follow a lot of japanese models on instagram and they all upload photos of them with friends, working out, photoshoots, gigs in magazines and so, kooters shares none of this simple things a model based on japan would do, she doesn't even goes for a walk and take pictures from the streets or the view "to make all the haters jealous because she's living the princess life in dreamed tokioland with her asiatic sugarprince" i mean, that was her dream am i wrong?
No. 321412
File: 1495732367339.png (82.71 KB, 640x957, IMG_3801.PNG)

Just going through her comments- all of her followers sound like fucking bots. Her post engagement is really pathetic
No. 321419
File: 1495733188844.png (674.91 KB, 587x628, Screen Shot 2017-05-25 at 1.25…)

These are from her fits commercial, but I don't recall seeing them before so I'm post'em.
( sorry if they've been posted )
No. 321708
>>321420>Beefy lookingFuck off ana chan
>>321426>not even a walk around her neighborhood lolShe just did that
>>317207 "I went for a walk" No. 321713
>>321404Everyone is different.
Do you have to do what the other girls do just to prove shit to people? I think it's clear she doesn't care what her haterzzz think.
No. 321718
>>321708>Fuck off ana chanthere's definitely someone in this thread getting regularely
triggered, kek.
looking beefy isnt necessarely about weight, "honey", but rather about looking like a construction worker dressed up as a school girl regardless of your weight.
No. 321731
>>321718>there's definitely someone in this thread getting regularely triggered, kek. And now you have the theory that I'm Keeks or her mom or Dakota herself. Lol
You are beating a dead horse.
>Construction workerYou seriously need some help with your body image and weight issues. Yes anon she gained weight, but she looks normal.
No. 321733
>>321718Watching as one anon continues projecting while defending Kota in the same breath for the past few days.
Nobody here ever defends Kota that hard, especially to the point of insulting people and taking things personally.
>>321419>>321420Imagine getting this crap when you booked this
>>320997 No. 321734
>>321708Calm down porker-chan !
She looks beefy in that picture, very broad and lump sack-esq. While in the other photo I didn't mention her weight because she looked normal.
No. 321750
>>321745>>321734>>321745>>321739Stay mad
And nope, it wasn't just me.
No. 321791
Calm down, children.
Her face is a bit meaty here
>>321419, yet her chin looks really sharp from the angle in
No. 321800
>>321750Mad about what ? Kota isn't worth getting even annoyed over let alone mad about.
>>321419I can't tell if thats a lighter extension showing thru or if its a fucking bald spot above her ear. . . ?
No. 321872
File: 1495766734486.jpg (Spoiler Image,680.51 KB, 2560x1920, IMG_5935.JPG)

>>321420I love comparing her polaroids to her candids.
No. 321989
>>321986Kek, wonder if it's the same anon who is insisting that everyone is jealous of Koot's supposed success ever since signs of her being dropped.
Not saying it's keeks but it could be keeks. This thread has historically been consistent in tone except for when she's personally
triggered and can't help herself. Plus the only people who ever bring up "PULL" are people from there or keeks herself.
No. 322006
>>321956Nah, her nose and cheekbones, jaw and chin are softened/shooped in her Libera pic. She had minimal makeup and styling for Fitt's, if she were eee going to look close to her Libera pic that would have been it. This just goes to show what a catfish she
still is.
>inb4 omfg she probably had no control over the shoop!!!111>>321966What about the 40 pound, 5 year difference between the two pics? One is shooped, I know.
Nothin is "wrong" with them per se, she just doesn't look like what they're trying to sell her as and it's pathetic. She couldn't make it on her own as a model with her own face so she's had to lie and do the switcheroo since she set foot in Japan, that's why she can't keep a long term gig going anywhere. The
only reason she got where she is was by pandering to men who want to fuck kawaii innocent nymphet teenagers crazed for attention.
>>321873Her cheeks are so fat she has a Chelsea smile, wtf. Get Botox, Kota.
No. 322099
>>321966There's nothing wrong with them, she just gained some weight. They are just nitpicking as always.
>>321873She looks the same, except for the better lighting and the fact that they smoothed her skin, usual edition.
No. 322111
File: 1495804712138.jpg (531.59 KB, 1515x740, c.jpg)

>>321873it’s ridiculous to expect people to look the same in completely different conditions. the photo on the left has good natural makeup, no lenses, professional lighting, and professional airbrushing. while the photo on the right has unflattering yellow lighting, and she's a making a face.
you can literally make a photo comparison like this of any model there is, and they will be just as strikingly different. here i made one. People here LOVE to convince themselves that the unflattering photo is what she "really looks like", and any good picture fake fake fake.
No. 322115
>>322111Except the picture on the right looks like a cute girl who would be beautiful if she fixed herself up a bit. This girl is wearing zero make up and it's actually a candid. Meanwhile,
>>321420Kooters is styled and the lighting isn't exactly unflattering.
>>321419The girl on the right looks beautiful. Dakota is just a shit model. And I don't think she's fat or ugly. She just looks horrible in front of the camera. She has harsh features that are picked up by any lighting that doesn't wash her completely out.
No. 322142
>>321966PULL's thread for Dakota is practically dead … Its like updated every 7 days if even. They don't seem to give a flying fuck about Dakota anymore, they're more into ragging on Taylor, so I'd actually agree with you if this was Taylor we're talking about, but it isn't.
And what is it thats considered reaching ?
>Not believing that she has a 21inch waist ? >Thinking she looks chunky ? >Saying she got the boot from her agencies ? > Thinking she's ugly ? >Thinking that she's broke af ? >Thinking she might have a S.O helping her pay the bills, or a room mate ? >Saying she never gets any jobs ? >>322130Honestly, I don't really mind stans and all, like if they want to express their opposing opinion or debate/debunk somebodies theory. I just don't get why every Kota stan takes everything so personally as if its them were making fun of. Always the same insults too….
No. 322234
>>322142And who else in a dead ass Dakota thread would care this much about Taylor?
Who has her own thread. And the Sperg ALWAYS compares Taylor to Dakota and does exactly the same nitpicking shit Sperg-chan claims anons do.
>>322178Reminds me of the time they made her look legit hafu for a Samsung phone commercial with AE. There was backlash about her looks from that one too.
No. 322278
>>321991>Not saying it's keeks but it could be keeks. Haha stay paranoid.
>>322006>Her cheeks are so fat she has a Chelsea smile, wtf. Get Botox, Kota.You have some severe body issues and a distorted perception of beauty anon. Get some help.
>>322178>I think a nosejob would soften her looks 100x more.Her nose is very pretty imo.
>>322142No one hates Taylor here. I actually like her too. Keep reaching.
>>322111>it’s ridiculous to expect people to look the same in completely different conditions.
>People here LOVE to convince themselves that the unflattering photo is what she "really looks like", and any good picture fake fake fake.EXACTLY.
No. 322279
>>322115>Except the picture on the right looks like a cute girl who would be beautiful if she fixed herself up a bit. This girl is wearing zero make up and it's actually a candid.LOL do you read what you write? can't you tell how hypocritical you're being? if that were a picture of Dakota i'm positive you would rain shit on her. But since it's not, she's "a cute girl, who would look beautiful if she fixed herself up". And as if people don't use candids to compare her to professional work? this anon here
literally said "I love comparing her polaroids to her candids".
>>321872 you got nothing to say about that do you?
No. 322294
>>322278The reason people were saying it might be Keeks is because this anon
>>321966 used the exact same phrasing as her during her spergchan episodes. Don't want to be mistaken for Kiki? Don't sound like Kiki.
>>322279I'm assuming that anon meant Polaroid to be in quotations because let's be real koots has never taken a true no make-up, no shoop, multiple angle polaroid/digital in her whole career. All of her "natural" pix are exactly like her Libera profile, shopping away all of her unattractive features and pretending that she really looks like that.
No. 322321
>>322234>>322278Dafuq ?
The person I was quoting was saying everyone who doesn't like Dakota in this thread were Pulltards who wanted to wear Dakota's skin. I simply disagreed and said that Pulltards don't seem to give a flying fuck about Dakota, but instead care more about Taylor. I said nothing hateful about Taylor or that the people here even hate her.
So how am I sperging or reaching or hating ?
No. 322348
>>322321Because it's not about Dakota Vs Taylor.
It's about Taylor constantly being brought up in Dakota threads by stans saying "well if fskotsnisnt a real model then Taylor isn't either!!111 and she lives off her parents and boyfriend and makes stupid boring videos!111"
I agree, btw. Taylor is boring and overrated (she seems nice tho). But this isn't her thread. And every time she's mentioned in these threads, it's with one of a few very specific and cringetastic writing styles.
No. 322349
>>322321These aren't the same person. I'm
>>322321 and I was only feeding off your comment replying to how Dakota threads somehow always take off once she's directly compared to her own actual face. And that somehow, someone always ends up saying the goddamn T word. Spergs or anons, it truly doesn't matter at this point.
No. 322513
>>322142>Not believing that she has a 21inch waist ? Agencies lie about that ALL the time, you can believe that's bs all you want, she doesn't tell them what to put there though.
>Saying she got the boot from her agencies? She's with Liberia.
>Thinking that she's broke af ? Is someone here her accountant or something?
>Thinking she might have a S.O helping her pay the bills, or a room mate? Maybe she has a bf or a roomie, However, people here are saying things like her manager is her sugar daddy and that she's broke and can't pay her own bills etcetc the reality is: they don't know a shit.
>Saying she never gets any jobs? She worked with many celebrities and big brands but k.
>Thinking she looks chunky ?>Thinking she's ugly ? Whatever help ana chans itt sleep at night…
No. 322930
>>322513I'm not a hardcore follower of koots or anything, but honest question:
Why do you believe so firmly that she's with Libera?
Not trying to start some big debate or anything, sincerely just curious. I know everything here is speculation but from what I've seen it really does look like she isn't with them? Like, she isn't on the site, her info with them is off her own sites, and we've not seen her have any new work/jobs/whatever?
I know some people guessed she might have taken it all down so people don't harrass the agency, but wouldn't there still be some mention of being signed – just maybe sans direct contact info? Even then I can't imagine an agency taking all that down solely for that reason, I doubt there's exactly handfuls of people actively harrassing?
There's of course no direct proof short of a public announcement/from the horse's mouth, but evidence really seems to lean towards her not being with Libera…
Mostly just curious if I'm missing some kind of info that contradicts the case against her. Even if you believe the idea of 'innocent until proven guilty' (so to speak), it really doesn't seem very out there/far fetched for her to no longer be with them…
No. 323020
>>322930Because I know models that don't appear on their agencies' websites and they are still signed with them, it happens a lot.
I haven't seen the current work of many celebrities and that doesn't mean they are poor, irrelevant or married to their managers.
It's that simple.
Don't over analyze everything.
No. 323021
>Agencies lie ALL the timeBut by that staggering amount ? Maybe by a inch or two, but not as insanely as they do for all of her measurements. Even when they mention her weight in the past, do you really think she was 94 pounds ??
>She's with LiberaShe was removed off their site and had the contact links removed from hers … Thats not odd to you ? She only had one job with them, and they had to shut down all comments on the YT videos. ONE JOB ! and already major backlash and problems.
>Is someone her accountant Its not a crazy assumption to assume when she use to do things on the regular ( nails,hair,shopping,eating out and make up) and now she never gets any of it done… But instead flaunts off 5yr old jewelry and cheap freebies she got from "friends". And now you see her cooking cabbage for meals and wearing the same beat up shoes and handme down looking clothing.
She looks fucking poor.
>Saying she's fucking her managerI agree this is a wild speculation. Half the time it just comes off as a inside joke for farmers who have been waiting so long for karma to bite Tooter's ass.
>She's work with many celebs and brands, but k. In the past, nincompoop. Brands and celebs have nothing to do with what was stated … You think getting 1 job per month if even is considered good ? How long has it been since she had a job now ? Fits commercial was almost 4 months ago… and is the only job ever listed with Libera. But you think thats doing swell, K.
>whatever ana chans ITT sleep at nightShe's normal weight to squishy, and in some poor angles looks porky.
Why you get so offended about her weight ?
No. 323030
>>323021She's not OBESE but she is too large to be a model, especially in Japan.
Insecure farmers gotta stop taking that shit personally.
No. 323034
>>323029Jealousy ? I try debating with you retards, and insults are all you can conjure up ?
Go furrow your head a little more up her ass while you're at it.
No. 323054
>>323034Fine. You got it
>Fake measurementsNo, I don't believe them, but I don't blame Dakota for what they do, you should be mad at the people behind it, not a model.
>>323021>Thats not odd to you? No. I have seen things like that before.
>And now you see her cooking cabbage for meals and wearing the same beat up shoes and handme down looking clothing. I suck at cooking too and I'm not poor lol about the clothing..
First you people said she had very expensive shit her
sugar daddy was buying her, but now she's
"poor" because she's wearing tacky and cheap stuff? Where's her sugar daddy now?
Paris Hilton uses tacky af clothing all the time… many celebrities use cheap and tacky clothing in fact.
>1 job If you get one GOOD job per month, it could be enough.
>Porky Wtf anon seriously?
>Why you get so offended about her weight ?I am not.
I just find those kind of comments extremely unhealthy and vicious. She gained weight, but saying things like
"ugh porky/ so fugly!!1/ she needs botox and a nose job!!1" are talking more about you than about her tbh..
No. 323088
>>323054>blame the ~people~ behind itTopkek it was Kota herself who claimed these measurements long before Bravo. Same for her shooped pics and videos.
>you people>projecting>blogposting>reachingI guess this is what happens when there aren't many mods around and nobody's checking suspicious IPs.
No. 323109
>>323054She has been pushing fake measurements long before she was even taken on. Both her and her agencies are liars, and don't think for a moment that people here haven't scrutinized Bravo for it, they have. Both are guilty.
You speak as if everyone here has a hive mind mentality… I don't think she has a sugar daddy, and just about everyone is 100% aware that its a crazy speculation because she's barely got shit to show. Oops, sorry, she's got nothing to show.. All she has is a barren looking apartment. Anons just like to crack mean jokes.
"1 job"
Her last job was 4 months ago …. So ?
" Porky/ being offended "
Beauty is subjective anon… You're on Lolcow, not PULL. For someone who is "not offended" you responded pretty hostile towards my comment of her looking porky in some picture like
>>321420 … Perhaps you'd be more suited for PULL life if "mean" comments
trigger you so easily.
No. 323130
>>323088Not the Anon you replied to, but it's not so much blogposting as it is a giant rant.
>>323109>For someone who is "not offended" you responded pretty hostile towards my comment This entire site summed up in one quote.
No. 323678
>>323088>Topkek it was Kota herself who claimed these measurements long before Bravo.>>323109>She has been pushing fake measurements long before she was even taken on. Where? She never posted anything like that.
Receipts or it never happened.
No. 324154
>>324048I never understood that, like did she have to remove them ? (videos ) If not then I don't see why she would delete them and not milk'em for a few extra bucks. I remember that joba or w.e drink she did promo for too, and its gone too.
( Pardon my ignorance )
No. 324344
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Koots wants everyone to know she can afford better than cabbage
No. 324356
>>324218>she knew what she was getting herself intoEhh really? I mean, she had to know the lying and shoops wouldn't hold up. I bet she had Hiroshi andnher parents both convincing her that nobody would care and that is normal for models to never look the same twice because of editing. Honestly it's not
all her fault, but a fair amount of it is. Her attitude is her fault, her ungrateful behavior, her laziness, her letting herself get fat- none of that was forced on her.
She did get farther than a lot of other white weebs who go viral in Japan, like Beckii and Yuka. But Dakota for some reason has some kind of protection around her which is so bizarre and I'm pretty sure it's the only reason she's still talked about on here and PULL.
Beckii got the boot for being an ass to her manager, Yuka faded into obscurity because of her drama, Magibon was a laughing stock because she didn't look like her pics. Dakota? Still being shilled as a model in kawaii sefuku with photoshopped catfish selfies and Polaroids, still a rude bitch, and still has never
actually made an honest apology or even acknowledged what a piece of shit she was (probably because she still is tbh).
No. 324360
>>324348it looks worse here
>>324350 the fuck is happening here?
No. 324367
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>>324350She's tying to make it seem like she needs glasses/contacts? My moon is weak.
No. 324397
>>324367i translated it for ya
my eyes have gotten even worse! when i was working i wasn't wearing glasses so i couldn't see the faces of the people around me well. if i don't buy contacts…
so basically she's implying that her vision is getting worse, which is probably just an excuse to wear more glasses or something.
No. 324417
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>>324218She actually does a lot of litt wsmall fry shit that ends up on Rakuten. It's possible that she claims she lives with friends and pays rent by doing small time commercial work like pic related (I shop on Rakuten a lot and I see her in kimono listings alllll the time.)
I think it's safe to say she's not the model she wants people to think she is. Sure, she gets some good deals
sometimes, but it looks like she's having to do other modeling that any other white weed can do to keep her visa if she isn't married.
No. 324835
>>324365She's probably too flat to just use inserts. You need to have something to lift for that to work..
Her bodyshape is just unfortunate all around, but it also is funny that as an adult she doesn't know how bodies work.
>soymeatI guess she thinks this garbage looking meal is healthy and trendy.
No. 324967
>>324356>I demand an apology immediately for shoping your pics and not looking exactly like thay irl and for not being what I expect you to be!1! An
honest apology? For what now? She wrote one years ago for things that happened literally 10 years ago…
No. 324976
>>324967anon has a point. it is kind of deranged to just continuously punish her over this shit.
honestly ive been here watching just because i was there from the beginning. even kiki back on myspace before rolling stone haha. i didn't even know kota was her sister for a bit. & it's crazy neither of these girls have completely faded into oblivion/matured. i was hoping dakota would at the very least maintain posting cute ass content even if it was a sham. but lmao.
its kind of a weird nostalgia thing too.
No. 325028
>>324999Well I have a negative RX (myopia)and I experience face warp when the frame exceeds the side of my face like hers does. Negative Rx lenses will also shrink your eyes, while positive will enlarge them. I'm pretty sure when your frame exceeds the boundaries of your face there will be some warping along the sides of your face if there is any sort of prescription in the lenses, because of light refraction and what not.
Sorry autism.
No. 325041
>>324367but she got bangs back? whoa, that helps a lot
>>324350this is fucking terrible though, its incredible how stiffly and rigidly she has to pose and fix everything in the entire shot and then spend hours editing it only for it to still be a warped, shaky, blurry mess. she will never upload a clear video of herself
No. 325095
>>324967You wouldn't be saying this if you read her apology and how dismissive and "well, I was a kid and didn't know any better!" It was. It was only an apology because she called it one.
>>324976How are we punishing her? By saying she doesn't look like her pics and she looks like a flabby bum? It's her choice to be a model and put herself on the internet, anon. She's an adult, she can get a real job that doesn't put her up for scrutiny the way modeling and internet fame do. It's stupid to get butthurt over people saying mean things about you online if you refuse to get your stupid ass off the internet, like Kiki.
No. 325347
>>325095>You wouldn't be saying this if you read her apology and how dismissive it wasExcept that I have read her apology.
>"well, I was a kid and didn't know any better!".She was a kid.. literally.
>It was only an apology because she called it one. It was. Wheter you like it or not, it's your problem.
>How are we punishing her?She doesn't owe you anything but still, you are here demanding an
honest apology for whatever you feel she has to.
No. 325350
>>325347She doesn't owe you anything but still, you are here demanding an honest apology for whatever you feel she has to.Pretty much.
I don't resent this girl. I'm just waiting for the other shoe to drop honestly because so much doesn't add up.
No. 325777
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>>325041I looked at this video with fresh eyes and it's entertaining in how badly done it is. It makes you wonder how big her jaw is compared to the edit.
But who needs to wonder when we have
>>303519 No. 326136
>>325854her extensions are tragic
all the wasted potential lol
No. 326390
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>>325854the fuck is this shit in her hair
No. 326431
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>>326425I didn't know there were an extense post about this part of her hair salty anon.
No. 326545
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