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No. 258019
Previous thread:
>>237156Last thread maxed out.
Dako-chin let herself get fat, bald and sallow and continues to upload hilariously unrealistic, heavily edited selfies to her Instagram, but hasn't been obviously buying views/followers ever since aomw farmers started checking her shit with Socialblade. Dako hasn't booked a decent quality job in over a year now, opting instead to do app game ads and web shows as a novelty guest. Pic related is from the most legit job she's had in ages, a commercial for a candy that she probably got by technicality for
still being inexplicably signed to Bravo models. It was also discovered that she's a direct booking client, means her potential employers only have her hilariously inaccurate Bravo profile measurements and her photoshopped portfolio to go by if they want to hire her. Anons continue to speculate and wonder how she can afford a 2LDR in Shibuya and how she keeps her visa&contract despite hardly working and getting shit tier token gaijin gigs.
Instagram: Models profile: No. 258027
>>258019the fact that op used that pic of Koots
top fucking kek
No. 258045
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Crossposting from the last thread since I get the feeling the discussion wasn't over yet.
Dakota got a Tonymoly x Pokémon eye palette from a friend in South Korea, then Cathy sent her the same palette along with a skin serum, an anti wrinkle serum (kek), and an eczema cream.
No. 258070
>>258045iirc Tonymoly isn't vegan? It's hilarious because a couple of years ago, kaka was pontificating about how hardcore vegans reject jobs if these were against their principles kek
I know they're fake vegans but still.
No. 258073
>>258030You're my hero haha. She actually looks so fat. My sides
>>258045I truly don't understand why her hair is this bad. I actually feel sorry for her in this regard. :( Also, this may have been mentioned in the previous thread, but that eyeshadow palette is a couple of months old. And I'm also pretty sure Tonymoly isn't vegan and tests on animals.
No. 258106
Is that really her hair or did OP shop it??
No. 258130
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>>258045Is she intentionally squishing the top of her head ? She already looks bald as it is. Why not add volume rather then shrink the areas with hair.
>>258126Holy fuck ! That's spooky looking …
No. 258132
>>258126Barbie elf goddesu with no hair.
Why did she play herself like this? Why didn't she get extensions, or even wear a wig? If someone else did her hair, they must have hated her to allow this to happen.
No. 258287
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>>258140The dress won't fit on her waist because she's too fat for it, see the pouch under the waistline. It only fits up her stomach like pic related.
>>258272He's the only person she ever goes out with, takes pics of her and who buys her dinners.
No. 258416
>>258374not here to ass-kiss kooter, but it is actually ok to use products meant for "mature" skin when you are still young. Starting a routine in your early 20's is ideal. The products she has look super cheap though.
She needs to get some Olay Regenerist. Affordable and does an ok enough job.
No. 258454
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>>258045she shrunk her ear like 5x smaller
No. 258468
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>>258401>>258383currently, that's an asian fashion trend. pic related. looks kind of weird on white girls though since it's meant to 'enhance' (aka make-less-asian-looking) asian eyes
No. 258519
>>258516thats ok bby
I'll look it up <3
No. 258529
>>258502Speculations are there for a reason. Being a model isn't that great, it's been proven that it doesn't pay that much especially if you're not a high-end one.
It just doesn't make sense that :
- Kota is getting less and less gigs and still can live in a flat in Tokyo instead of those dormitories models are crammed in
- She's definitely gotten fat(ter) and doesn't seem anxious at being dropped, otherwise she'd haul her ass to the gym like any other model
When you look at it, it makes the most sense that she's getting money from somewhere besides her modeling jobs. It could be her family supporting her like Taylor's did but we know they aren't that loaded. She could have a husband/sugar daddy on the side but then how didn't she get dropped by Bravo after causing problems in Korea, being nasty on a comedy show and getting fatter and balder by the day ?
Even her japanese fanbase is getting sick of her, so the whole real barbie girl stick is over now. Honestly it makes the most sense that her manager is pulling some strings to keep her around and what for if it wasn't for shagging her ?
No. 258539
Popteen just uploaded "new" videos with Kota in them.
Here's the link to the other one: No. 258545
>>258539In the second vid, did she miss her cue when she was supposed to say "nine"?
kek A+ japanese
No. 258551
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>>258539It's from 2015, back when she was still actually with Popteen. She's just kind of… awkwardly there.
And since when is she so busty? It must be stuffing to try to offset her lack of a waist.
No. 258571
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>>258516I wish there was a video of her doing that jump in OP's pic … ( and one of the actual dirty noodles falling off and hitting the floor )
No. 258611
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>>258593Anon, in these vids she's fat and balding. She wasn't "still cute" in
>>258539 's vid.
No. 258640
>>258571Sugoi indeed, Dakota. This gif is a blessing to the farm.
It's amazing how cute and small the other girl looks in comparison. Only a couple of inches shorter yet half the size of dacote.
No. 258647
>>258539>sneezing into your handI'm
No. 258662
>>258647Glad to know I wasn't the only one bothered by that.
>>258657I think this theory would be more plausible if she weren't listed as a model. But maybe– I don't know how these companies work and I won't pretend to.
No. 258664
>>258657That still doesn't explain why she's still listed as a model and why they are lying about her.
I'm also certain that she hasn't even finished high school which would mean she doesn't qualify for that type of job. ( though I read sugar daddies sometimes hire their sugar babies as personal assistants/ receptionist. So she could personally work for Hiroshi but not the company )
No. 258746
>>258714They are a different kind of model than even a commercial model in the west. A lot of Popteen models start off as Dokusha models (literally reader models) girls who are teenagers and might read the magazines themselves (It's also the reason that most of those types of magazines have exclusively Japanese models) . They are supposed to look cute - not beautiful- and make the popular fashion look good. They are more relatable as opposed to aspirational.
But Koots missed the mark because she wasn't relatable and stopped seeming aspirational really fast.
The only reason she got Popteen anyway was because of Candydoll and her connection at the time to Tsubasa.
>tl;dr- Different kinds of models have different standards and Koots manages to meet none of them. No. 258757
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>>258751Nope because they thought their readers would like her. She was presented like a literal doll in her intro. They were riding the Candydoll wave.
They thought she would be aspirational. They even super-shooped her her in the beginning. Pic related.
No. 258777
>>258764Yeah, I'm sure the magazine that's outlining her shooped pictures like some obsessed waifufag couldn't possibly have fudged the numbers and are being completely truthful in saying that she weighs 88 pounds.
You're repulsed by people criticizing a model about her weight but not the blatant objectification and exploitative nature of that zine spread?
No. 258785
>>258764Dude she gained about 25lbs while modeling in Japan. She screwed herself into a hole by lying about her weight and measurements to be begin with (you were never 5'4" and 88lbs Koots) but then she went from being about 100lbs when she got there to about 125lbs now. No that isn't in any way fat for a regular person but for a model in Japan, it's big.
>>258767>And yes men would do a fucking lot for their favorite piece of candyToo true. Even happens in high fashion with genuinely quality girls.
See Also: Joan Smalls
No. 258816
>>258813Well Japanese people are literally calling her fat so…
Take it up with them.
No. 258818
>>258813this comment actually
triggered me.
It's been said like a dozen times in this thread that Kooter is fat for a model and she is fat by Japan's standards. I don't know how many times people have to clarify this until people stop whiteknighting her.
No. 258887
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>>258859>actually thinShe's also fat and kinda ugly, she only looks pretty with filters, edition and makeup
No. 258902
You judge someone's weight solely off of their face.
Well, I can tell Tooter's is actually fat by that bulging Fupa in her pants and, no anon,that isn't because she happy to see you.
No. 258930
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She's actually thinner than Kota and seems to exercise. But she's not the real deal. Her face is cute but looks different irl. Although I can see why Popteen fired Kota's ass.
No. 258953
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>>258930She is definitely smaller than Koots and she is super popular.
No. 258967
>>258966Honestly, it's good. Very upper level conversational with a good accent and intonation. Her grammar and vocab are not great but because of her accent, she can pass for fluent. Very natural sounding for a foreigner. A good ear I guess.
She learned on the job in Japan. Before she came she hadn't studied much. It only got really good when she started working at Popteen.
No. 259002
>>258989Nope. just her photoshop and editing's the topic if you wanna peruse.
No. 259389
>>259357She lies about everything. I mean it seems almost pathological. Why did she lie about how she learned Japanese 3 or 4 times differently each time? Why did she lie about wearing child's clothing? Why did she lie about about growing up in Chicago when she moved when she was 3? Why did she lie about feeding foxes and owls potato chips in the deep wilds of suburban Florida?
I mean she just does.
No. 259458
>>259002Rich coming from Japanese girls considering pretty much all of them use meitu on every one of their selfies.
I was always under the impression that that's all that Taylor used too. Her edits didn't seem like Photoshop, just the automatic enhancements like eye enlarging/jaw thinning/skin smoothing that meitu does. Could be wrong though.
No. 259463
>>259458Yeah. You should see the threads there about Nicorun. Hint: very not complimentary.
With Tay, I don't know. Maybe its ok for them but not for famous people. I really don't know their mindset.
No. 259587
>>258539They just uploaded another one.
You can only really spot Kota in the background in this one and you can see them actually cut her part out in the end when everyone is taking turns talking into the megaphone.
No. 259625
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>>259587>>259588she was kind of in the end, but its understandable why they would cut her out, she looks so sad, and not really amused to be there at all. She was also the only one wearing a suuper baggy shirt which was really weird. This is what convinces me that she didnt really make a lot of friends and that some of them were prolly bullying her or being catty towards her because she always looks so down in popteen vids, and always like an outcast.
No. 259632
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>>259625Well, people aren't going to be interested in you if all you do is sit by yourself and ignore everyone.
Looks like her Twitter and Insta are finally reflecting her ~fame and popularity~, lol.
No. 259635
>>259632LMFAO. Damn she's losing on all accounts.
She's either really fucking lazy to the point she can't even keep her social medias running properly, or she's given up and its getting closer to her returning home.
Barely any gigs, all social media platforms losing followers and weight gain … 2017 is just not Tooter's year.
No. 259661
>>258859Shes only like 3rd polish? She has a hafu parent and a japanese parent. So she is more Japanese than she is hafu/polish.
Unlike for e.g Yumi Lambert who is more white and a 3rd Japanese with a white parent and a hafu parent
No. 259727
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what exactly is Popteen and Fits?
I don't understand Japanese; what's going on in these videos exactly?
No. 259730
>>259727Popteen is a teen fashion magazine that was(and is) pretty much a gyaru staple. Fits is type of candy sold by the manufacture Lottes.
That video was actually an event that Popteen models did with their readers. A lot of the girls in the video are fans of magazine and models, which in retrospect makes it even more obnoxious that Koots was acting like a sour bitch.
No. 259733
>>259723She missed so many verbal cues in these videos that I wouldn't be surprised that she had no idea what she was showing up for.
She had no clue what was going on during each of these children's PhysEd class activities either. Probably more so because she was freaking homeschooled.
I think they lazily cut her out because she's not part of Popteen but they're releasing old videos only now.
No. 259737
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>>259730Thanks, anon.
She's definitely too self-absorbed to participate in something like this; if she thinks she is so above it she should work on her appearance to snag better gigs.
>spoiled little twit No. 259743
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>>259668At her height, she could be 120-125. According to her height, B/W/H, and other measurements from the last time Popteen printed them, not to mention just looking at candids of her, 54-56kg would be believable. Pic related.
No. 259763
>>259587That actually made me feel really bad. She looks like the typical socially stunted outcast in class. I bet she must have felt very embarassed, she doesn't seem to understand what's going on half the time.
That said, she could have put a bit more effort and good energy, at least in smiling more. Her posture is terribly introverted in these, she looks miserable. It's her job to look good so she could've at least pretended, no wonder she got fired.
No. 259799
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>>259625I noticed that too. I wonder what she said or if she maybe complained thinking it would be funny to.
Honestly Dakota probably did get picked apart by the other girls, but who wouldn't nickpick her. She's given special treatment,doesn't meet standards and is a miserable bitch in every video. Even popteen lied for her just like Bravo. I'd be pretty annoyed if someone came in and half assed everything and didn't have to work hard to maintain their weight/looks, and got treated better then most and labeled "real barbie" when looking like a slab of ham.
No. 259845
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Another picture from the fits event.
No. 259863
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>>259799in these videos she seems to have realized just how much her "star power" is fading. that or she was already aware and it's being made all the more clear. dakota got so much attention on the news. she was showered with interviews and extreme praise. it was all about her, she was a sensation in pop culture for just a bit. for an extreme narcissist who grew up in an overbearing household, it was heaven.
and now time has passed. people got bored. she was revealed to not look much like her "doll" self she was advertising. for awhile, she rode the wave. but the attention continued to fade, and fade, and fade.
watching how all the other girls are having fun, wearing cute flattering clothes, having the cameras focused on them far more than her, it must have stung.
and now, it seems, after trying her best with a new photoshopped 'look', she is giving up. she doesn't care anymore. she looks hollow inside, honestly. like she's withering away just like her care toward being a famous model in japan.
No. 259939
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>>259934Her 21st. This post says her birthday was on the 19th, but that 3 friends threw her a surprise birthday party almost a week later. But she's the only one in the pic? Also when it was still recent someone posted pics some jvloggers took on a set that was extremely similar.
No. 259943
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>>259939Also she deleted the original pic she posted on her actual birthday of her sitting/laying on her couch in a white tank top by herself looking sad af, showing off the tacky, tarnished pentagram she claims her dad gave her from his band phase 20 years ago.
Also, some designer sunglasses from her "best friend" at the surprise party.
No. 259945
>>259939uh well
those balloons are cute I guess but…
dear god that shoop
No. 259946
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>>259943However, she didn't delete it from her Line blog.
No. 259950
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>>259845>>259859Kind of OT but damn that girl they paired Koots with, Ikeda Nana is ridiculously cute.
No. 260065
>>260057- One more left.
- Yay it's complete!
- Let's take a selfie
- Check this out! cool, isn't it?
- "Blackboard" is written on the blackboard.
- It's made of Fitz.
- It took a while
- ikr?
Cute~! We worked hard on it…
weirdo stalking in Japanese No. 260072
>>260057Ah, I forgot this boring part :
It's a mix of grape and peach flavors. . .
>>260066I think it was ok. The other girl doesn't speak that much anyway
No. 260085
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>>260081>>260083Idk besides the original commercial and the videos with the token hot characters, the ones with Dakota in them got the most views. I know that's only because of us haturz but maybe a gum company dgaf as long as it rakes in views.
No. 260090
>>260057tbh i have been thinking like
>"oh shes not THAT fat now, anons are just being harsh">see this>"oh holy shit… she looks fucking HUGE"jfc.. she must give good head to keep getting the couple jobs that she does and stay in japan
No. 260095
>>260085The one with Dakota front and center doesn't have that many more views than most of the other videos though.
The one sitting in the 4th most watched is clearly because of Naomi and not Dakota. I get that Naomi isn't attractive, she's huge, but she's a popular comedian right now. Let's be real. She's the one pulling in the views, not a washed up nobody like Dakota.
No. 260098
>>260083why can't companies tell hiroshi to shove it though…? I don't get it. Maybe I'm just not thinking Japanese, but if I'm using an agency for models for my products and they give me koots, I'd be pretty pissed.
I understand the "direct booking" thing, but for how long can everyone be fooled by her same old shooped photos?
No. 260104
>>260098It's all really complicated tbh. But this is my interpretation.
As crazy as it sounds to us, Koots is still riding her rep as a living doll and Bravo is good for pushing that narrative aggressively. She's not blacklisted because Bravo, the agency could get pissed and not hire out their other models (and they have a big name pool of talent in their direct booking section). But more than that, it would also be considered very rude to blacklist her, especially since Koots is a foreigner. As a foreign model, her agency and not her is held responsible for her mistakes and if Bravo isn't stepping up and taking responsibility, no one is necessarily going to call them on it for fear of disrupting the wa. And that's a big piece of it. If she were Japanese, Dakota would have been blacklisted, but because she's gaijin people don't call her on her bullshit and give her a lot more passes than she deserves.
way tl;dr- Bravo counts on Japanese professional politeness to keep getting Dakota jobs. Dakota accidentally gaijin smashes her way through the JP model/entertainment industry.
No. 260119
>>260107>It's just a theory tbh.Oh thank you for answering.
>t's pretty obvious someone at the agency is pulling strings for her.I think it's not a bad theory but, I'm going to compare her situation with Taylor's:
Taylor is still listed as a model and has an entertainment visa but she rarely works as a model, does this mean someone in her agency is pulling the strings for her so she can stay in Japan? mmmh, I think sometimes the agency simply likes them and believes in them, even if they aren't popular all the time, if they get some good jobs every once in a while, it's better and cheaper for them and potential costumers to have them around than to pay airplane tickets, make the arrangements etc.
Also, take into consideration that Dakota speaks Japanese, this helps her a lot, Japanese people enjoy to see foreigners that speak the language more than you think, she has been on TV shows many times, fashion shows, magazines etc.
Not saying someone's not helping, she was underage when she first arrived, so she probably had a very special contract and treatment (they paid the rent, taxis, etc), and maybe her agency still pays a part of her expenses. It depens on your contract.
No. 260125
>>260104Makes sense, anon.
they'd rather avoid confrontation and just put up with her, lest they damage their relationship with bravo in the future, or anyone else because who wants to be seen as potentially difficult…
No. 260127
>>260119Apologies in advance for the essay:
>Taylor is still listed as a model and has an entertainment visa but she rarely works as a model, does this mean someone in her agency is pulling the strings for her so she can stay in Japan? Taylor gets away with it, because her agency isn't footing her bills.If they were she would either be working a lot more or out on her ass.
> I think sometimes the agency simply likes them and believes in them, even if they aren't popular all the time, if they get some good jobs every once in a whileNo it doesn't work like that. Because if Koots isn't working regularly she is costing Bravo money. Maybe, she is like Taylor and she is being provided for by someone then bravo could keep her without worrying about the financial aspect. But if she's not, her agency is footing the bill.
>Also, take into consideration that Dakota speaks Japanese, this helps her a lot, Japanese people enjoy to see foreigners that speak the language more than you think, she has been on TV shows many times, fashion shows, magazines etc.Dakota's Japanese is not amazing. Moreover, she not the only white model to speak Japanese and not even the best. She got on TV because someone got her on TV.
>she was underage when she first arrived, so she probably had a very special contract and treatmentMost models are underage. You know that right? Do you think they all get super special sweetheart contracts. That's rich. Tell that to the 15 year olds on shitty 3 month contracts at Bravo hustling to make money to send back to their families in Russia and Eastern Europe.
Sorry for the tone anon, but this has been talked around ad nauseum. We can't know for sure but if you have any knowledge of the way the industry works, it's a more than reasonable guess.
No. 260221
>>260158Agreed. I think Taylor's agency considers YouTube to be an understated or less significant form of tarento. She's earning money through revenue, sometimes promotes products (iherb for example), and has a strong social media presence, so her lack of bookings can be set aside.
Dakota's Youtube has flatlined and there's no growth potential. She has Instagram, which is usually really beneficial for models, but she doesn't know how to use it to promote herself or make companies want to work with her. Also, when you start accepting low quality jobs it really lowers the bar for future bookings. That's why a lot of models who pose for major things like Vogue are unpaid. They do it to help their career in hopes they get better paying jobs. This girl gets paid peanuts to do low level shit.
No. 260322
>>260119>Not saying someone's not helping, she was underage when she first arrived, so she probably had a very special contract and treatment (they paid the rent, taxis, etc), and maybe her agency still pays a part of her expenses. It depens on your contract.I've been modelling since I was 15 years old. You don't get a special treatment just because you're underage. They don't paid for your expenses. Well, they do. But they just lend you the money, you have to pay back with your earns. You're mostly in debt. My parents had to send me money 24/7 and most designers pay you with clothes, not real money. You also share flat with 4 or 5 more girls. Dakota has been living alone since the first time she step a foot in Japan. She receives a special treatment because she was an internet sensation and might be fucking someone from Bravo. Look at Kendall, Gigi, Bella… they also receive a special treatment because who they are, due to their surnames. They don't have to go to castings and they're in all shows. All the models I know that have worked with them are hella mad because of the treatment they receive, if they cancel a show the night before there's no problem. But if I cancel a show, I'm out and my career ends. This is why Popteen models didn't like Dakota. If some of them gain 5 kg they'll tell them to follow a liquid diet so they'll lose weight (my former flatmate was told that) If Dakota gains 5kg, they just let her cover her stomach with a towel.
Sage for OT
No. 260342
>>260322…is the allure of "real life Barbie" really strong enough to warrant all this? Even after Japanese people have clearly demonstrated they can see the difference between her real face and shoops?
This is why I wonder if there's something else… Because aside from her internet Barbie phase, she's no one?
No. 260424
>>260322Your experience as a model =/= other models. Dakota was hired because she was an internet sensation, she already was
someone, it wasn't the typical girl who sent her photos to her agency and worked hard to become a good model, she was already popular, it's a waste of time to ask
why? Why Dakota if there're more beautiful models? it just happened and still happens, many successful models aren't pretty or special AT ALL (imo), but they are there…
Of course, is up to you if you want to push the other theory, I prefer to be skeptical.
No. 260448
>>260278 I meant that Bravo might be keeping an interested eye on Taylor. I worded it poorly so thank you for catching what I meant anon!
>>260281 You're very right, employing models wih great social media following is extra advertising and publicity for whoever they're modelling for.
In a way, Dakooter did pioneer in using social media to get ahead in another career path but she didn't keep up with it. Taylor took an established career and changed it to what she does now. Whereas I know many will disgaree, I do think Taylor does work on her channel and her trying out new things shows an active interest in envolving herself within the platforms she uses.
Even if Dakooter would revert to what made her popular back in 2012, she would never reach the same level of popularity. Dakooter, much like her sister, is stuck in her era of popularity. Whereas I have no sympathy towards Kiki and limited sympathy towards Kooter, I will say Kooter did work a lot harder then her sister.
No. 260460
>>260424No agency on earth is gonna keep a model for 5 years because she had 1 year of internet fame. Especially when she looks nothing like the pics that got her famous, she gained 15+ pounds, is losing hair and aging like milk, is rude and lazy and introverted. Saying she's still there because she
was a Tumblr sensation or a YouTube viral sensation doesn't explain anything, because she hasn't been either of those things for 3-4 years now. She should have been dropped by now.
No. 260466
File: 1488308067435.jpg (1.24 MB, 1836x3264, IMG_20170216_181224.jpg)

Went to a local supermarket a few days ago and found this
No. 260481
>>260460Anon, Taylor still has a visa and she barely works as a model… is she fucking with someone from her agency? I don't think so.
About the weight and height, she's a tarento not a runnaway/ high fashion model.
No. 260486
File: 1488309290296.jpg (28.15 KB, 320x495, 14938231_1827578070799327_1028…)

>>260466Found this few days ago too lol
No. 260494
>>260481Anon get your head out of your ass, it's been explained before, read the goddamn thread.
Taylor has a wealthier fam, she's a legit model and was modeling well before Kota, she's way more professionnal (works out, know how to properly model) when Dakota just recently learned how to smile in shoots and can't even walk a catwalk properly. She's at least thin a head full of hair, and puts out much more videos and has more views than Kota.
How tf do you compare a legit model who's way more determined and a chubby talent with a nasty personnality ?
No. 260521
>>260481At least Taylor is a real youtuber and gets views. Plus her following is real, unlike Kota's and she makes decent content. I can see Taylor as a 'tarento', it's a pity she doesn't speak Japanese because I'm sure she would get t.v gigs.
The moment Dakota stopped working on her channel and abandoned herself she dug her own grave.
No. 260560
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>>260466>>260486So basically they keep reselling her old Etude pics to low level print ads? Wooooooooow.
No. 260697
>>260655>Tay's boyfriend has money she don't need to fuck anyone except her boyfriendFTFY
sage for OT
No. 260718
>>260697>>260709Someone sounds super salty that they don't have a rich HK boyfriend.
But I agree the agency not having to pay for anything for Taylor is probably the biggest reason that they keep her. After that it is her social media presence, which gives the agency free exposure and which they get a cut of her youtube money and jobs that she does.
Without money or youtube/insta/etc she wouldn't still be signed, I think.
No. 260756
One anon commented about how agencies loan money on models and how it puts them in debt more then they even earn.
Is Dakota severely in debt to Bravo then ?? I highly doubt Hiroshi is paying for her apartment while also risking his reputation to keep her signed. It doesn't seem impossible that he'd just get her a signed loan under the agency rather then pay out of pocket for it. In my honest opinion she's to plain and frankly ugly to be that spoiled for a sugar baby/prostitute …. He's probably only helping her stay in the agency and nothing else really.
>>260718Taylor's agency not to long ago featured her on their insta, so I'd say not having to loan to Taylor plus gaining some recognition from her social media is why they keep her. Plus she actually looks like her pictures and has a good modelling portfolio with a wide range of variety. Kota doesn't have variety nor does she look like her pictures as well as probably cost the company more then they make off of her.
No. 260807
>>260415I suppose this could be true to some extent, but fashion is probably one of the only industries in Japan in which there are more women, who make a majority of the decisions concerning casting, so I'm not sure that the fuck-your-way-to-the-top method would really work. But it should be accepted that as a foreign model you mostly likely won't be getting many high fashion jobs as most of them are either given to Japanese girls or to models that they specifically fly in for a shoot or event.
>>260768It depends purely on the agency and the model. But Japan is fairly strict about visas, so I would imagine they aren't very long. The question is whether they'll agree to renew it.
No. 260822
>>260807Fucking your way to the top works in any language as long as the one on top wants to fuck you. Dakota didn't speak Japanese when she got there, and she didn't start using it publicly herself until 3 years later. She learned it via immersion and the fact that Hiroshi is a native speaker
and fluent in English. Her intonation and flow are incredible, but her grammar and keigo have gaping holes in them. So, she had a lot of speaking/listening practice but probably only about the same stuff over and over like small talk or things related to her jobs. It makes more sense that Hiroshi has been supporting her for the last ~3 years as well as helping her with Japanese. Nobody else gets that much help and handouts fresh off the plane, especially after giving up on themself, their reputation, and their own website/social media. Dakota fucking Hiroshi is the only plausible way she is still in Japan and still with Bravo. If her situation were all about her being
the Real Barbie makeup guru, then why hasn't anyone else reached out to support her? Throw her some decent jobs so she can feel like she's sticking it to all the ugly fat pedo lesbians again? Why didn't her friend with the clothing line use her as a model? She even bought one of the dresses. Why hasn't she had a role in a movie/drama yet? She was doing all those movie release press events for a while. Where's her clothing line? Her Dakota Rose makeup palettes? All the things she should be able to do if the Japanese love her sooo much just for being white and speaking Japanese?
No. 260865
>>260822>It makes more sense that Hiroshi has been supporting her for the last ~3 years as well as helping her with Japanese.I've sort of suspected this as well for a long time. Based on your post I put together a timeline of how I think that Dakota's relationship with Bravo might
have progressed. Sorry for the length.
>April-October 2012- Dakota arrives in Japan. She is signed to a standard short her term contract.Bravo has already set up a crapload of work for her based on her shooped image including fake Polaroids. Then the big reveal. No matter they just send her to Korea and HK to see if she catches on there. She doesn't. Work dries up and they change her status to special request only.>Roughly Nov 2012-April 2013- Dakota is getting no work. She spends time with her friend in Mie. She shoops like crazy and makes videos.>March 2013-March 2014 Dakota suddenly returns to Bravo's site but now as a direct booking. They start rebuilding her career from the ground up and heavily pushing her brand as the super nihongo fluent Real Barbie.A lot of work and money is put into promoting this ideal. Most of her clients start shooping her face to try to match her own photoshops. Highly unusual. It's obvious that she is being given special treatment. Her Japanese slowly starts to improve. Her accent and intonation especially, indicating that she is spending a lot of time with a native speaker. She keeps getting work and clients keep shooping how she wants with a couple notable exceptions. All of this effort culminates in her getting hired by Candydoll. She uses Tsubasa (probably the most famous Popteen graduate) to get her into Popteen and Cutie. >2014~now From there on, her career kind of builds itself and what we're seeing now is a combination of the dregs of that success and whatever Bravo can rustle up for her. At the moment her career is stalled because she's made herself pretty difficult to work with between the weight gain and attitude. But she is being;dr- Hiroshi spent way too much time and effort trying to make Dakota a success after her initial buzz wore off. Agents and agencies don't usually do this unless they think there will be a big payoff. Dakota didn't deliver.
No. 260907
>>260902Didn't Venus marry under the age as long as a parent was there to consent to it ? Or is that only if you're a year under the age.. ?
I always do wonder why she wears a ring ( albeit not on the right finger ) Just a plain little ring that she always wears, and has for the past .. however long ?
( I have no idea how shit works in JP )
No. 260937
>>260822I didn't say anything about Dakota specifically, I was responding to a comment that suggested foreign models are all prostitutes.
And while I do think that Dakota is probably fucking Hiroshi, I wouldn't call that fucking your way to the top because at the moment she's scraping rock bottom. It's pure desperation and it's also career sabotage.
I guess my original point was that, although there are some situations like Dakota's, the majority of foreign models can't or won't fuck people to get legitimate modeling jobs because it doesn't work. Maybe to cling to a visa like a million other foreign women in Japan, but not actual bookings.
No. 260962
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>>260822Also remember Koots catfished the fuck out of them with fake polaroids.
No. 260964
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>>260962Under normal circumstances, that shit alone should have gotten her ass dumped. even taking into account Japanese politeness, her initial contract should not have been renewed.
No. 261029
>>260988Japan in particular is absolutely obsessed with young girls and children. 13-14 is basically the perfect age that all women should strive to not only look like, but act like.
A nation of pedos tbh.
No. 261111
>>261106Even being the only gaijin, Dakota manages to be amazingly unremarkable. About a minute or so into the video, it took me a second to actually spot her out in that group shot.
Her head game must be absolutely top notch for this shit to have dragged on for as long as it has, man.
No. 261132
>>261105iirc they're super against plastic surgery for some reason
>>261130If you follow her threads more regularly this is already constantly considered. I'd even go so far as to say there's no doubt
No. 261176
>>260221>Dakota's Youtube has flatlined and there's no growth potentialThat's the most frustrating part here. She has SO MUCH potential to make some cash there but she won't fucking use it. It doesn't matter that she's not a kawaii uguu princess irl, if she just frequently uploaded videos of dumb jvlogging stuff she would get enough attention from teenage weaboo girls to pick up some income purely because she's in Japan and can say that she is/was a model. She could use the same filters that the other basic bitch jvloggers use and be praised for being honest about her face at the same time
>Today the MODELS in TOKYO talked about weightloss so I'll show you how to make shitty cabbage soup>I'm a MODEL in TOKYO so here's what you can buy in the vending machine on my street because quirky japan amirite>a day in the life of A MODEL in TOKYOIt would be enough. But no, unless she spend 18 weeks running it through AE, she won't upload a thing.
No. 261224
>>261176>That's the most frustrating part here. She has SO MUCH potential to make some cash there but she won't fucking use it. It doesn't matter that she's not a kawaii uguu princess irl, if she just frequently uploaded videos of dumb jvlogging stuff she would get enough attention from teenage weaboo girls to pick up some incomeThis is the biggest reason I do not believe she's a sugarbaby or whatever. She has many ways of making money if she were really that bottom pit desperate and needed something other than modeling to fall back on. Before she actually became a model she was making bank off her blog and youtube. After she became a model the activity was much less frequent until she unofficially stopped entirely 2 years ago. but i remember back in the day people used to calculate how much she was making, and it was enough to live off.
she could continue to just make robotic hair tutorials she finds on japanese magazines with video game music in the background… the whole reason she was so popular on youtube was because of the AE after all, no one gave a fuck about the tutorials.
Or she could be like Venus and start making click-bait content like "how i learned japanese", "my shoe collection", "tour of my room" etc people would fucking eat that up. she could easily become more youtube successful than Venus.
No. 261244
>>261224Just because she has "potential to earn money" doesn't mean she isn't a sugar baby. Nothing she is
currently doing is enough to to support her or justify an entertainment visa. Even if it was, she shouldn't still be with Bravo after ~2 years of bad shoops, D-lsit jobs and agin 5 years and gaining 5kg. The fact that she isn't using her YT, her website, or making videos yet is still signed, still in her apartment and still in Japan
without doing
any of those things kind of debunks your "she's not a SB because she
could X/Y/Z" theory. Especially considering how she currently looks.
No. 261249
>>261244I personally feel she isn't a sugar baby either. She doesn't have anything to show for it besides an apartment, which if you ask me I wouldn't put it past Hiroshi to bill that to the company rather then pay out of pocket for it. Kota isn't pretty enough for a talent agent to cater completely too as he sees a constant flow of desperate prettier girls trying to get in the agency.
I think its perhaps just a simple trade off of sexual favours for a contract and paid for apartment. I bet you any money though that she probably has a large owing sum to pay back to Bravo ( Maybe Hiroshi loaned too much and now he only keeps her to earn it back )
No. 261257
>>261248Did you miss the part where we agreed that her shooping is part of the thing stopping her and that if she just filmed herself normally she would get enough views just for being a model in japan irregardless of her actual looks?
I personally don't think she would be ichiban kawaii jvlogger immediately but she would make enough to survive
No. 261268
>>261257Sorry for OT but 'irregardless' isn't a word. You're thinking of either 'regardless' or 'irrespective'.
No. 261270
>>261249>I think its perhaps just a simple trade off of sexual favours for a contract and paid for apartment.That's exactly what a sugar baby is. As for her apartment, she sure isn't the one paying for it. Trading sex for a place to life is also what sugar babies do, even if they work on the side legitimately and just want a nicer place to live than they can afford. Not all SBs want to be fully supported 24/7, sometimes it's just for extras like nice things, trips abroad, paying for college or to pay off debts like student loans.
>I wouldn't put it past Hiroshi to bill that to the company rather then pay out of pocket for it.Yeah, I'm sure the agency would just look the other way and whistle Dixie while he bills an apartment to his employer.
Maybe if he were the one living there, which would explain it being 2 bedrooms and would mean Dakota lives with him, at least part time. That explains her natural sounding conversational Japanese skills. If she had had a tutor or taken classes, her grammar would be a lot better.
>Maybe Hiroshi loaned too much and now he only keeps her to earn it back Except keeping her there would continue to cost them money. If she were in debt to them they would fire her and she would still owe them for any money lost supporting her for the last 3 years.
No. 261272
>>261244>Just because she has "potential to earn money" doesn't mean she isn't a sugar babythat doesn't make sense. you're aware that she has the potential to be financially independent, but.. what? you think she would rather be fucked by an old man instead?
>Nothing she is currently doing is enough to to support her or justify an entertainment visaYou don't know that. do you know how much her latest gig paid her? how much her rent costs, or what her grocery bill is? do you know how much yen she's getting per month? You're the one with the X/Y/Z theories but no valid proof for anything you say.
No. 261275
>>258019as someone also in the asian modelling industry, I can tell you guys that she is no way poor or broke. She's basically moved up to a tier that most model nowadays wishes they were at.
Print ad is chump change and you are basically paid minimum wage, while runway work is a lot of effort for the amount of pay.
The most lucrative line of work for us is appearances through/from brand sponsorship. Working with well-established brands like Shiseido is really tough, while the pay-off is enormous, you are under a lot of scrutiny in terms of image and job restrictions. However, middle-level sponsorships, like the ones that she's under, are easy, short-termed, with reasonable limitations and hefty pay-offs.
Many of us consider her very fortunate, because at the time she got into the business, instagram wasn't as big as it is now, and the "online personalities" boom had just started and agencies here were advise they need to grab as many as possible while their fees were still cheap and lock them in.
No. 261287
>>261272>you're aware that she has the potential to be financially independent, but.. what?The fact that she's doing none of those things that you claim could "earn her so much money", which was your "proof" se isn't sugaring.
And no, I don't know how much she makes and I don't know how much she spends on food. Probably not much, considering she says she hardly eats and only posts pics of junk food or nice restaurant food. Her apartment, based on how big it is and the fact that it's in Shibuya proper means it's upward of $2K a month easy. As for how much work she gets/how much she makes, if a fat, balding slob like Dakota, who is antisocial and rude, can pull enough money and work to keep her contract for 5 years, her apartment (that she claims she lives alone in) for 3 and still have enough to live on- then why aren't other, prettier girls doing it? Dakota is the outlier, she black sheep at Bravo. Find another A list international agency that lies, edits, and censors a model's work for her while she gains weight, ignores everyone and refuses to wear makeup or dress nicely. Good luck.
The real world doesn't work that way. Real modeling agencies aren't that lenient. They aren't that generous either. And they sure as hell aren't so hard up for white girls with a gimmick that they're scared of losing her.
Honestly I don't care either way, but the fact that Dakota made her career and got to Japan by lying, taking shortcuts, deleting fucking everything and doing the least amount of actual work possible (since she did it all with PS/AE) is what makes it so much more believable that she's sugaring to stay in Japan and live her pretend dream life. Neither her nor Kiki have ever put in actual work or effort for anything the claim they want, they just had their parents buy things for them, cover their asses and whore them out to every media outlet possible. Dakota isn't even willing to eat healthy, get some kind of treatment for that tragic hair loss or even replace her tired ass 4 year old shoes. That's why I honestly don't believe she's really still there because hard work or "earning potential". Which really, she doesn't even have anymore because most of her Japanese feedback is lukewarm at best.
No. 261298
>>261275She sure looks and acts broke. And I doubt any other models wish they were Dakota. See
>>258019Totarry enviable desho~~
And she doesn't do much runway work. Se does 1-2 a year maybe? And her apartment and living expenses, if she were payment by for them, would burn through that. She also takes taxis everywhere, which is expensive.
Plus, if the scrutiny is so tough and strict, why does none of it apply to Dakota? They lie about her weight, measurements, and made her direct booking to trick people into thinking she's some kawaii smol dolly and not some bloated has been.
And what sponsorships does she have? She lost Etude, Candydoll, Dollywink, Samsung, Popteen, and every other "mid level" sponsorship she had. All she's been doing are print ads and web commercials for the last year.
As for YouTube/Instagram fame, I doubt she's still there just because she was the first girl to get a deal based on her online following. Taylor makes money off of her YT, so does Venus, and so do a lot of other pretty, thin girls in Japan who may or may not speak Japanese.
Sage for repetitive BS. Dakota still being signed/in her apartment VS. how she looks and the jobs she gets doesn't add up. Something stinks and I'm sure it's not just her greasy hair.
No. 261300
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Dacote on a pachinko magazine.
No. 261310
>>261298I think you've misunderstood some of the things I brought up. My point is that in Asia, being a C-list model is sometimes much easier and better than becoming "successful".
She isn't under a lot of scrutiny because she ISN'T an A-list model. She gets away with photoshopping because she ISN'T an A-list model.
Btw, Agency ALWAYS lies on publicly-listed profiles, it's common practice. I myself is listed at 181cm 47kg when I'm 175 and 50kg, and I didn't fudge those numbers myself. It's kinda seen as "I COULD be 180, if I were in heels, and I could be 47kg, if you gave me 10 days to go on a diet"
She also didn't lose the sponsorships, contracts end after 6-14 months, which is why they are called mid-level sponsorships. Trends in Asia moves much quicker, fashion/retailer needs new faces each year so their terms are usually shorter than say in Europe or the US.
Also, taxi to and from jobs/agency/salons are 100% compensated, although usually we must arrive at the job site via company car. A perk of working in Asia.
No. 261336
>>261313Firstly, Bravo isn't an A-list agency. While they are one of the first place many people look to for white models in editorials, they lack proper connections within Japan to be called a top agency.
Without going into too much, Dakota is also signed through a Japanese talent agency, which is actually giving her more work than Bravo is. That's why the bulk of her work now are more "talento" based.
I can see why many people think she's doing more terrible, because aesthetically editorial is a lot more glamorous, but trust me when I say that the lame and cheesy shoots that she does makes her a lot more money.
No. 261351
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>>261336>Bravo isn't an A list agencyU wot? Because idk any C-list agencies whose other models only get high end work and manage celebrities. You know who else was signed to Bravo around the same time Dakota was, and is still there? Andreja Pejic (a MTF transgender). Who is actually famous, thin, and beautiful.
>Without going into too much, Dakota is also signed through a Japanese talent agency, which is actually giving her more work than Bravo is.Then why is she still signed to Bravo?
No. 261371
>>261351Ok, tell me more about the industry I'm actually in.
You know how she's under "special booking"?
Well Bravo nowadays actually functions more like an intermediary company, while they have a few notable models signed, most of their big names (usually under "special booking")are actually signed to other agencies, and Bravo simply handles their activities in Japan. Models shown on their websites are the ones they have contracted agreements with for work within Japan.
Visas are a huge issue in Japan, and a lot of Japanese agency don't have the legal team/knowledge to handle foreign talents, so they rely on agencies like Bravo and Free Wave to act as guarantors.
Honestly I hate that it sounds like I'm defending her, I'm not, but there's just a lot of misinformation here that muddles actual reasons to dislike her.
I've never met her, but all I can say is that except for her bf, she's as lonely as you guys think she is. Also from what I've heard, she's scared as fuck about Taylor.
No. 261407
>>261380We run in different circles but you do hear things.
Modelling in Japan can be very lonely. I'm half so it's easier, but foreign models comes and goes, so sustaining long term friendships is hard.
I think she really tried hard to make only Japanese friends when she first got here, which is a rookie mistake. It's very hard to forge true friendship with a Japanese as a foreigner here.
Her reasons for being scared of Taylor is because Taylor is much better managed in terms of branding and expansion. Dakota blew up because she was the "first" of her kind, but also because of that they've made a lot of crucial mistakes(like signing popteen), while Taylor's management was able to observe and improve on.
No. 261418
>>261416I can not.
But I can confirm anecdotally that most foreign models who decide to work AND live in Japan long-term do so because of their SO.
No. 261467
>>261371Thanks for the info anon, but none of this explains why Bravo and Popteen lie so much for her.
>>261371>I've never met her, but all I can say is that except for her bf, she's as lonely as you guys think she is.If you never met her how do you know she has a boyfriend?
No. 261524
>>261336Can you tell us the name of the talent agency?
Also I'm not trying to disagree with you but Bravo has been super shady about her since the beginning. The lies they hid for her are incredible. Your height and weight adjustments seem reasonable. Hers don't.
Why was signing Popteen a mistake?
No. 261528
>>261465Is Vivienne Westwood even expensive though ?
( I don't wear or buy Japanese brands )
>>261473Could explain why she speaks "manly"-esq slang, because its all she's been around. Maybe she's one of those girls who are " I only have guy friends because girls are too bitchy" type of people. All in all it doesn't explain why a company would throw money into a pit hole to keep her.
>>261524Right ?
I get that too, the lying about weight and height, but why lie about her photoshopping and skills. Literally everything about her is a fucking lie … I can't really find much of anything that they didn't lie about …
No. 261559
>>261363Yes, that's why I said "not only a model".
All of the popteen girls are considered "models", but they're too short to be considered your typical high fashion model according to the American and European standards.
No. 261573
>>261407Why do think that signing on Popteen was a crucial mistake? I seems like a lot of the subsequent work she got came from being Popteen model.
I think it's silly has fuck for Dakota to be scared of Taylor. But can you go into a bit more detail about how Taylor is better managed.
No. 261586
>>261582Sorry, I'm a different anon. I'm
>>260322 Sadly, I'm not in any Japanese agency so I don't get to hear about her.
No. 261595
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No. 261596
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No. 261617
>>261600Bit OT but I have a strange feeling that Bravo used to insinuate that she was hafu because it seems like a lot of Japanese used to think so. I know Dakota actually used to push that narrative herself and during 2012-2014 all of her shoops had that look (blurred rounded nose bridge, stretched eyes and a psuedo inner epicanthic fold, rounded features etc). I feel like they promoted her as hafu because I can't understand how anyone looking at her could make that mistake. She is aggressively white.
>>261613Until model-chan comes back and give specifics, I'll remain skeptical. Of course Dakota is threatened by Taylor.You don't have be in the industry to know that. Although come to think of it, why would have model anon know it? It seems weird that Koots is just blabbing about her insecurities and that model-chan just happened to hear about it.
On a side note, I'm pretty convinced that Koots was in on the Kiki-spergathon even if she wasn't an active participant.
No. 261620
I never understood why anons always cackled and accused her of knock offs.. I do now.. Some of the clothing is down right ugly and cost the same amount as a mac book .. tf..
I literally thought it was some fugly kawaii lolita tier clothing that was mildly over priced…
>>261597I'm getting hues of shadiness coming from ModelAnon. I don't know what to believe as some of what they say sounds fairly believable while other things just really don't add up. How would they know anything ? Dakota doesn't talk to anyone or really leave the apartment all that much.
Maybe model anon is that model from pictures with Dakota ? The one that agreed to post an edited version of Dakota and her on IG. ( Lia_JP / though she's 100% Korean and not hafu )
>>261617Didn't Bravo use to have her listed under "Asian" on their site ? I remember Anons cackling about that.
No. 261629
>>261600There really is a lot that isn't adding up. First of all, this talent agency is nowhere to be found. Fellow moon-capable anons, is you feel like searching go ahead. I just searched through a whole bunch of of garbage "real barbie" articles full of old shoops (btw does Bravo pay people to still write this shit because it like 2012 all over again)and came up with nothing. Whereas, I can find the talent agencies of just about every other talent.
A lot of what she said makes sense on surface and sounds reasonable, butwhen you start considering it relation to Koots, things kind of fall apart.
No. 261631
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>>261620They totally did. Actually they had her listed under Japanese/Hafu.
Pic related. This shoop.
No. 261632
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>>261625>>261629Only model I know of that has taken pictures with Kooters.
No. 261635
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and this.
No. 261639
And is the only one to be in contact with her that we know of recently. Seems like Koots may have confided in her and some stuff as they meet twice at a party and cat walk and took pictures.
No. 261642
>>261635this is a really cute shoop tbh should have stuck to that style… but shoop nonetheless
No. 261675
>>261631Don't forget the Samsung commercial where they made her legit half looking.
I mean who knows, maybe deep down Dacote wishes she were half Japanese like every other weeb?
No. 261676
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Remember this gem, fam? From a movie premier a year ago.
No. 261677
>>261675what commercial was this?
>>261676wtf is even going on with her body/posture here?? I'm confused
No. 261686
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>>261683Idk, he has a few pics like that of her leaning way the fuck back and poking her belly out. She must think it's some fancy high fashion model pose or something. Makes her look prego tbh.
No. 261690
>>261675Yeah I really think that Bravo used to market her as hafu behind the scenes. It would make sense with the career that she ended up having. Especially her affiliation with gyaru stuff like popteen, candydoll, cutie,even larme and tiara miley and also what about the fucking kimono that she's modeled. Those are not normal jobs for gaijin models, but if Bravo sort of hinted that she could be half, I think those jobs become more plausible.
I really think Bravo is dishonest as fuck.
No. 261694
>>261688I don't think anyone is
triggered anon. People just have questions. If model-chan answers them, then great. She's being a bit evasive and that has people wondering that's all. No one is saying that she is flat out lying. There are pieces that don't make sense.
No. 261698
>>261132>they're super against plastic surgery for some reason Nah, more like Ostrengas need it but can't afford it. So they gotta shit on Taylor's.
>>261179Stop it Koots, he was never your bf.
No. 261720
>>261710but that talks bad about them too.
Leaking private messages so that your friends and fans can have a laugh and shit talk that person in public is not exactly classy.
No. 261723
>>261718You're really exaggerating anon. Most of them weren't even in Japan yet when Koots moved there. And none of them were ever very active on any incarnation of PULL. I remember Sharla and Rachel made accounts during the drama with Mira, but they were not there shit-talking constantly. This one incident is the only one that happened.
BTW this yet another example of how Ostrengas can ditch it out but can't take it. Koots was a complete nightmare before she got to Japan and deliberately did things to hurt people online for the lulz. Duncan's little 10sec parody was nothing.
No. 261726
>>261723I know Tay wasn't there, it was just one example of things they have done as a group.
>>261706>Koots probably already since how childish that group is like who still have sleepovers wtf. Well I can agree with this kek
>Kooters should've known they would screenshot a private message almost everyone does that now.I think she thought Duncan wasn't going to leak it…
No. 261743
>>261741It's all cool.
>>261737>Probably most of them lurk there and read about other flakes. That includes Koots btw, Ok agree
>since you seem intent on white-knighting her.In that specific situation, I'm totally kooter team.
No. 261779
>>261775Ooooh what a hot mess, ok. Anon, listen, these anons:
>>261744 And
>>261743 (me)
Are different anons.
That was my last comment about that Duncan issue and everything was cool, but maybe you think we are the same person?
No. 261786
>>261779Sorry anon. I messed up tagging you in
>>261748. Meant to tag
>>261744 No. 261789
File: 1488425005252.jpeg (463.44 KB, 720x694, image.jpeg)

No. 261850
>>261786That's ok, no problem!
>>261789Hahaha I'm laughing of the weirdo stalking Koot! I like his role
No. 261868
>>261800Meh. She is one of those people that has the potential to be cute/attractive but has to style herself very carefully to do so. But she is not amazing gorgeous or stunning really.
She is not one of those people that rolls out of bed looking pretty. Which is totally fine, cause that's how most people are.
Girl just needs to get her shit together.
No. 261880
File: 1488434474452.jpg (138.59 KB, 640x937, IMG_2289.JPG)

>>261868she needs to go back to this type of look. she needs bangs and eyeliner desperately. i know she shopped back then a shit ton but id rather see this than the shrunken headed alien fetus thing she goes for now.
No. 261904
>>261893Haha Top kek
haha anon, good question..
No. 261978
File: 1488452066225.jpg (1.66 MB, 2482x2513, Wmd2l5f.jpg)

>>258045Give it up kota you will never look like this
No. 262017
>>261978OT: I kinda think this model is ugly .. It looks like her mouth area is upturned or something. Her face reminds me of a bulldog or pug…
>>261789Her head looks even more beefy in this shot. kek
No. 262043
>>262041What the fuck was that guy at the end??
And her hair literally looks unwashed. So stringy and dark, wow. Other than that, her face looks less busted here but idk if that's the video quality or the blurry shots d her up close from the phone's POV.
No. 262065
>>262063> in reality she's average size (or even smaller) for an American girl. Well, yeah.
The average American girl is overweight.
No. 262078
>>262063I truly wish you would at least skim thru the threads rather then throwing a mini tantrum about " omg she's not fat you guys ".
> We are not calling her fat for a normal person, we are calling her fat for a model which she is … Do you understand the difference between the two ?
No. 262237
>>262128Just because anons call Dakota fat doesn't make them anorexic. She does look fat because she's a dumpy mess from not taking care of herself. At her height (5"3) and current weight, she's fat. She was average when she first got to Japan, not super skinny, just average. Then she gained 15 pounds (that we know of, could be more). Also fat =/= obese, her being ~smol~ doesn't buy her more skinny points just because most fatties are tall or much fatter.
Sorry if it
triggers you stan, but that doesn't make t anymore less true just because she's been able to get everyone to lie about her gaining 15 pounds.
No. 262459
>>262430How many times does it have to be specified
She is fat FOR A MODEL and especially one in Japan
No. 262477
File: 1488521085203.jpg (199.97 KB, 600x450, 1339960260642.jpg)

>>261629Why did the thread suddenly fill up with a large amount of simply-written posts praising Dakota's appearance, right after this investigative post? Some examples linked in this post (also what caused me to notice.)
>>262076It's an interesting change in pattern. Especially since everyone just saw her latest work, and it's some of her least impressive, ever, unfortunately. Farmers critiqued and criticized it, and while the reaction was not positive, it's accurate.
My personal theory is Kiki got a new VPN/changed settings on her current one and is on a rampage again. Maybe she is even hafu model chan, trying to plant theories that would cause farmers to view Dakota in a more sympathetic or positive light. Farmers scrutinize, so they will notice a similar pattern of grammatical errors in posts when all of these express a similar sentiment. (Is proofreading that difficult?) Like okay Koots, lots of people really want your career to work out too, but girl, you need to get it together. Just like Donald Trump cannot, in reality, "make America great again" by straight-up lying, Kiki cannot "make Dakota great again" by shitposting.
Just go to the gym a few times a week, decrease your carb intake, and everyone would shut the fuck up about your jello body. Kiki, seek therapy.
No. 262503
File: 1488528875624.png (197.07 KB, 627x500, kootsom.png)

>>261738>>261732posting the message here for any lazy anons
>>261739Wait, what happened between tay and kaka?
No. 262509
>I don't think she's fat>she just needs to lose weightLol k then that means she's fat?
>she's fat FOR A MODELShe's fat for her size. The only people so invested in convincing everyone she isn't would be her and her family, or other flabby skinnyfats who want to believe fat is "average" so they feel less bad about being fat.
No. 262539
>>262503"eh? oh my zeriouzlyy~~*! Dakota-chan, you know who I am? I'm so happy! But , , , you're mad? why why? (;;)"
Mimei sounds like a really obnoxious tumblr tween here.
*weird spelling mistake or some random thing she made up.
No. 262552
File: 1488538595299.jpg (20.51 KB, 181x211, 1488417787072~2.jpg)

>>261748Fuck this shoop still gives me the willies.
She looks like a wax model. Some serious spook.
No. 262584
Being a fat/extremely average commercial model doesn't matter, but Bravo doesn't have a commercial model division, they only have high fashion models. When they scout a girl they think about if they can use her for commercial, catalogue and runway. If the girl doesn't fit in one of these categories (usually runway due to height) they won't hire her. If she's incredibly beautiful and is at least 168 they'll hire her and say she's 170. The 168 girls that are in the website are 165 irl but they're pretty and can bring money to the agency (and I can totally see them doing shoots for high end brands, look at those faces). They were fooled by Dakota (shooped polaroids) and they're stuck with a girl that doesn't look like her photos and doesn't take care of her. So yes, for a high fashion model in a high fashion agency, she's fat. As I said, she can gain weight and not worry about her job, the others are constantly worried about gaining a single kg. She's been there for 5 years, she has to renew her contract next year unless they put her on an exclusive and for life contract which I doubt. Or maybe the contract is for 5-7 years. My advice is lose weight and take care of yourself, Dakota, because once it's over you'll be back to Kiki's side. If you want to live there you should work hard. And as for her flat and expenses, if her parents aren't paying for it and Bravo is paying, she's going to drown in debt.
No. 262606
File: 1488553527555.jpg (12.27 KB, 180x324,…)

pictured: the generally desired model size
holy fuck can we ban discussion on this shit already? you guys are fucking stupid
No. 262616
File: 1488554905292.jpg (706.82 KB, 2560x1920, IMG_4363.JPG)

15+ pounds
When she was average to begin with.
No. 262619
>>262606Literally why are you so emotionally invested in proving Cooter isn't ~~~technically~~~ fat? Nobody cares about your technicalities,
she looks like shit. Do you really thing that if you manage to convince everyone on lolcow that she's ~technically average, but fat for a model because they're all anachans~ is gonna make her look any different? She'll still look like a huge pile of chewed gum.
/sage for semantics
No. 262642
>>262623I don't think I'll ever understand they way people like Dakota's minds work…
I'd rather diet and exercise then to actually be fat and shoop it thin ( then again I ain't got the fucking time to sit around and edit a damn picture ) Man you'd think she would since she has zero control over any of these photoshoots though. Plus the amount of time she spends on one picture she could of spent on a jog or hitting the gym.
No. 262665
File: 1488563495431.jpg (114.27 KB, 1037x601, image.jpg)

>>262650She's def significantly bigger then the other models.
No. 262666
>>261275I don't trust halfu model-chan. She says that the reason Dakota can stay in Japan is because she gets high brand name jobs, not print ad jobs. Even if this were the case, with the amount of jobs that she gets, it would not be enough to sustain her. Even if something like the Fit's job paid her $10,000, she doesn't get enough of these jobs.
Life in Tokyo is expensive. Having a 2LDR in Shibuya is extremely expensive. I highly doubt that she makes enough to sustain herself. It's likely that Bravo or manager-san are chipping in, which is NOT the usual case for a model.
Most models are thrown into small, shared apartments. They are genuinely disposable, especially to an agency like Bravo, and their contracts only last a few months to MAYBE a year. There are hundreds of other skinny white girls clambering for their time in the spotlight, so if you gain a few cm in your waist they'll find someone else who can maintain it. There is absolutely NO excuse to gain that much weight as a model. Anyone else would be dropped insanely quick.
Other models are also usually very invested in getting hair sets, nails done, new bags, shoes, etc. I'm not sure if it's just because she's depressed and doesn't give a fuck, but it could also just be that she's broke as fuck.
It's just weird. And no, I can't find her listed under any talent agency. Why would they go through another talent agency when she already has connections to Tsubasa and the Popteen team through Bravo? Makes no sense. She is definitely being kept. This is not normal.
No. 262667
File: 1488563746482.jpg (38.52 KB, 600x338, B7Z3N3gCAAESJor.jpg)

>>262498Yeah nothing came up for me either and tried a number of combos;ダコタローズ+事務所(agency)、タレント(talent)、芸能社(talent agency). Nothing but Bravo came up.
But honestly, I think the fact that she gained so much weight should be an indicator that she isn't signed with a Japanese agency because I have a hard time believing that they would be ok with that. Even if they didn't drop her, wouldn't they at least pressure her to lose weight and be more presentable? Unless of course this "talent agency" is a shitty gaijin farm full of "charisma" guys named Todd. The maybe it would be believable.
>>262606She is also fat by Japanese model/talent standards (pic related Dakota's peers、Michopa and Yura)
No. 262675
File: 1488564715163.jpg (47.13 KB, 480x481, o0480048112927699967.jpg)

>>262670i don't think she ever had to exercise or watch her weight as a teen. after being a chubby, prepubescent she stayed pretty small for a while.
and I was being charitable when I picked that pictures because, Yura especially is actually on the bigger end of the Pop models. If I really wanted to highlight how shit Koots is, I would pick this one.
No. 262682
File: 1488565371736.jpg (80.8 KB, 320x480, IMG_4433.JPG)

>>262675Some more Popteen models
No. 262687
>>262685Not just that, she's posing hard as fuck too. She's sucking in, standing on her toes, has her bum stuck out and her heels all the way apart (and her thighs
still touch lol), and she's pulling her shoulders back super hard. This pic makes me think she's holding her breath and as soon as the lights flashed she just let it all out and everything fell and/or widened 3cm.
No. 262690
File: 1488566138728.jpg (89.47 KB, 1280x720, jumpingpop.jpg)

and more
No. 262691
File: 1488566211149.png (74.92 KB, 640x1069, IMG_4391.PNG)

>>262666>I don't trust halfu model-chan. She says that the reason Dakota can stay in Japan is because she gets high brand name jobs, not print ad jobs. Even if this were the case, with the amount of jobs that she gets, it would not be enough to sustain her.Not only this, but her runway work (the closest she gets to Bravo-tier work) is shabby at best too. Always baggy, always either dark solids or obnoxious patterns.
No. 262693
Why most of the popteen models are so busted, yes they're skinny and all but kek they're all ugly, fucking japanese standards…
>>262665Poor kota she looks like Nanny from Count Duckula
No. 262713
>>262709First of all Taylor doesn't look emaciated at all. And why bring her up??
Secondly, Koots, actually is about their average heights. And for a western girl she has a petite bone structure. You can tell from her wrists. It's the reason that she didn't end up sized out of Popteen earlier. It's the reason she could model for Tiara Miley (despite having a gut). If she was average framed, she'd be around 130-135 instead of 120-125. Her hips would have been around 37-38inches which would knock her out of most gyaru style fashion. She's chubby as fuck and she should thank whoever, that she is small boned or she'd look bigger.
No. 262725
File: 1488572247377.jpg (145.95 KB, 431x575, TSE0116S0009_pz_a001.jpg)

>>262709Here's a "western model" modeling Popteen style swimsuits. This is what Koots should have been.
No. 262728
File: 1488572348722.jpg (179.46 KB, 431x575, TSE0116S0008_pz_a001.jpg)

One more.
No. 262757
>>262725this girl looks pretty good, I have to say.
and any other day people would be clamoring over themselves to screech "AVERAGE!!!!" and yet, koots is still less than her.
No. 262778
>>262616>>262619did you even read what I was responding to??? I'm not saying Dakota isn't fat but dumbass anons keep being NNOOO BUT BMI so I posted a model yes she's fat for a model
Good fucking god like I said you guys are dumbasses
No. 262812
>>262758She still looks underweight though.
The Japanese models may be perfectly healthy and naturally very slight, but judging white models by Asian standards isn't a fair comparison
No. 262828
>>262586>>262598>>262606Lmao. You guys are so sad :( Are you honestly so down on yourselves that you have to call this seemingly normal girl fat? Yeah she looks like shit, I don't give a flying fuck about Dakota or what she does. Though, blatantly calling her fat is just plain
stupid. I'm just saying there are other types of models who don't have to be stick thin - and I'm sure they give her slack for being a foreigner, but I've seen plenty of catalog models who look pretty normal. And before some dumb asshole starts shouting 'bye fatty' at me, I'm not fat or overweight.
No. 262840
>>262778Literally nobody ITT mentioned BMI at all.
>She's fat FOR A MODEL111!!!and the general consensus is that she should not be a model since he doesn't want to take care of herself. Anyone else would have been sent home on their fat ass, except her.
Dakota is fat.
Accept it.
No. 262853
>>262848She isn't a tarento. For one, she has written "model" in every single social media bio of hers. Other than the few TV shows that she was on a few years ago, when has she recently done tarento work? You are still a model even if you are appearing in videos or are making media appearances. It doesn't just mean print ads and runway.
They tried hard to
make her a "gimmick" tarento with the whole catchphrase thing a while back, but she completely failed due to her rude personality. She hasn't been invited back to any variety or gameshows after she gave that one singer a really bad score in the singing competition show she was a part of.
No. 262872
File: 1488583957203.png (1.25 MB, 981x747, 1434892937932.png)

Kind of a rough way of saying "what the hell!" or "no freaking way." It was her usual answer to "have you had plastic surgery?"
>>262868She hasn't been on TV programs for a while, though. This screencap was from June 2015, and the singing competition was shortly after that. I don't think she was ever booked for any variety programs after that, because a lot of people on Twitter were complaining about how rude she was. She can't really be considered a "tarento" in 2017 with her recent body of work. Hell, the "model" label barely still applies with how few jobs she gets.
No. 262876
>>262872>She can't really be considered a "tarento" in 2017But that's not what they think, they still present her as a tarento, so…
Your opinion =/= Reality
No. 262877
File: 1488584209155.png (107.14 KB, 640x1047, IMG_4444.PNG)

>>262868It also lists her height as both 162cm (5"3) and 5"5. The weight category is blank (topkek), and her H/W/B are listed as 29"/22"/30". This shit is as full of lies as the Bravo bio and the last page of measurements Popteen printed of her. I wouldn't be at all surprised if Dakota wrote the herself. Also strangely it has no mention of her being a Floridian, just that she's from Chicago.
No. 262881
File: 1488584360874.jpg (310.06 KB, 1680x1050, akemidarenogare.jpg)

>>262848Jesus Christ. Yes if you are female, you need to be thin to be a tarento UNLESS your gimmick is that you're fat and funny (like Naomi Watanabe). That's not Kooters gimmick.
Pic related- popular tarento Akemi Darenogare
No. 262889
>>262877Dakota IS short. 1.62 or 1.63 are pretty accurate imo. That's not a lie.
>They don't say her weightThat's not necessary and it's not a rule. They have photos to judge that.
And even if they were lying, that's not Dakota's fault. So you giving her shit for something she doesn't even posted or said is stupid.
No. 262893
>>262876Who is "they"? Her agency doesn't. Her social media bios don't. You realize anyone can edit Wikipedia articles, right? Even if it wasn't her, you can also see right there that her measurements were taken in 2015. It's outdated.
>>262874The Fit's campaign is still modeling. Just because it's a commercial doesn't mean she's a tarento. She also hasn't been interviewed or really had news coverage at all, like normal tarento would get.
It hasn't just been a week, either. She's been off television shows for almost two years now.
No. 262895
File: 1488584875947.jpg (6.56 KB, 249x202, Lol.jpg)

>>262881>Only skinny girls are tarentos!!1Tell that to Naomi.
No. 262911
>>262901They are fake measurements. Anyone with eyes can see that.
No Koots you are not
74 - 58 - 78 cm/29 - 23 - 31 in
You can assume any measurements given publicly by her or anyone associated with her are lies.
>>262905Yeah I'd think that was the case for her except moles and freckles aren't really considered attractive in Japan. Maybe though.
No. 262919
File: 1488586868159.png (23.11 KB, 200x247, topkek.png)

>>262917kek these edits are HILARIOUS.
People keep adding "Ostrenga" to her article, making her measurements bigger, and changing her birthday from '95 to '93. KurodaSho and anon users keep changing it back. Looks like it's only been fussed with a handful of times since 2015, though.
No. 262935
>>262650Jesus her bellybutton is fucking with me.
Why isnt she tone. Its not that hard.
Just some vasic ass cardio.
No. 263038
I think she hates herself. Shame because she could be really pretty if she took care of her appearance. Maybe that's why her looks are going worse over time.
(blog) I have a cousin that's blonde, blue-eyed, thin and very pretty, and her familly always said she was going to be a famous model and get them out of poverty. (blog)
I think thats what happened to Kota and she feels like a failure, she is a really sad girl ans she probably thought she only had cuteness as a good point but is now sorrounded by girls that are so much more thin and cute than her.
She looks like she wants to cry in
>>261691 and
>>259625Sage for armchair and blogging.
No. 263044
>>263038Look I understand where you're coming from but she's made her own bed. She made it when she shooped everything even Polaroids. She made it when she used to copyright everything remotely negative under the sun. She made it when she wasn't able to rein in her boredom and attitude on TV. Basically, Koots jack-hammered her way into a career she simply wasn't suited for and it's worked for the most part.
She was handed every opportunity on on silver platter. I haven't seen that kind of pimping of a gaijin since Leah Dizon (who at least had the looks to back it up).
I haven't seen anything from her yet that suggests that she has changed for the better. Her most recent reply to a comment I saw was self important, vaguely condescending, and an outright lie.
Ostrengas remain Ostrengas.
No. 263057
File: 1488613493884.png (162.53 KB, 370x500, wp_ss_20170105_0001.thumb.png.…)

>>263045Not a comment actually. This stupidity.
No. 263064
>>263057oh THIS… lmao.
oh koots. ugh.
No. 263130
File: 1488634606557.png (456.98 KB, 939x399, Screen Shot 2017-03-04 at 8.35…)

She's determined to prove she has friends .. yet never takes any photos with any.
Google trans : My favourite friends come home from abroad to see you go.
No. 263153
>>263130Hiroshi and Kiki are her only friends.
>>263130It actually says her best friend is back from abroad and she went to see them. The bottom part says she's going to a party/gathering. So I guess Hiroshi is back from overseas and now she's going to another meeting.
No. 263155
>>263130oh lord it just gets worse
Did she even look at this photo before she uploaded it? Christ.
No. 263169
File: 1488639812679.jpg (96.21 KB, 970x611, 8YWBUPr.jpg)

>>263130Jesus she looks like fucking 8 years old.
No. 263172
>>262840then you must be new, because the BMI thing took over last thread for awhile. and people have been nitpicking about how exactly fat she is for awhile.
my point is that you can't say "dakota is thin she's a normal size for an average person". she's fat no matter how you spin it, because she's either fat in general or too fat to be a model. now calm the fuck down before you sperg any harder.
No. 263207
>>263169Well, that's what she wants, at least. I think she looks haggard as hell in candids, more like a 30 year old mom.
In her shoops idk how old she looks because she doesn't look human, and not in a good way like she wants. idk if she still thinks she looks like a kawaii elfu goddess with her alien babby shoops or what.
No. 263220
File: 1488646042771.png (221.74 KB, 311x399, IMG_9467.PNG)

>>262872Yeah, she put her foot in her mouth by giving Kumamushi a low score for virtually no reason. She thought she was being tottemo kawaii with her cheeky little low vote, but I think that this was a very bad move for her. If it wasn't, she sure went through great lengths to scrub it from the Internet.
No. 263229
File: 1488646843148.jpg (183.87 KB, 1024x575, IMG_9468.JPG)

No. 263241
>>263220>>263229link to this video?
also, do we have any pics of hiroshi? curious what he looks like
No. 263256
>>263229I wonder if at any moment she saw the other scores and realized how bad she fucked up
Or is she that far up her own ass
No. 263267
>>263254Are you being deliberately obtuse. We don't know if she affords her apartment herself. I kind of doubt it because a 2LDK in the middle of fucking Shibuya is probably not under 3000 dollars a month. And no I don't think that Dakota makes enough regularly to afford that.
>>263260No. That was Dakota in all of her obnoxious glory. I'll see if I can find the video.
No. 263299
>>263260Usually, yeah. But I just can't see Bravo or anyone else telling her to give that low of a score, ya know? It completely ruined her chances of being a regular on variety shows. It never would have been presented as "quirky" or "cute" to give him such a low score, it's just straight-up rude. Especially in Japan.
>>263295True, but most models are thrown into cheap, shared houses that don't cost the agency much to maintain. Kooter lives in a 2LDR in the middle of Shibuya, supposedly by herself. That would be costing them thousands a month just for one model. One that's not even really getting much work, for that matter. If she were Rola or something, I could see it. As it is, though, it just doesn't add up.
No. 263312
>>262747Anon, they're hiked up because it only fits at her waist. Her hips are too wide due to her weight gain. You see how in
>>262665, it's showing her stomach pouch. She wouldn't be able to get it any lower than that.
No. 263323
>>263318Yeah it was a special moment.I can't find the video anymore but what she said when asked about the score was paraphrased in kind nasty fake saccharine tone.
"I thought the singing it good, but I just didn't FEEL their passion." or something along those lines. And she giggled about it.
No. 263335
>>263241Ostrengas scrubbed the Internet of it but it's probably out there somewhere. Just have to search the name and season/episode. I'm not sure what it's called.
You can search him on FB. I am one of those people uncomfortable making the link between them because there's no real evidence they're together.
No. 263360
>>263342Maybe this "friend" is really just her flatmate coming home .. A flatmate who happens to be a model and also gets gigs unlike her… ( Probably pays most the bills )
heres the video : the link works )
No. 263370
File: 1488665099722.png (450.5 KB, 1020x535, Screen Shot 2017-03-04 at 5.00…)

>>263366This spare room just looks like she plastered self shrines on the window to give the illusion she's there on her own. I wouldn't be surprised if she befriended/bestied a more top tier model who travels abroad a lot.
Maybe Bravo is okay with covering the rent since a higher ranked model lives there ? I could see them doing that for a successful model.
No. 263398
File: 1488667730672.jpg (Spoiler Image,765.72 KB, 2560x1920, IMG_4449.JPG)

>>263241>>263328Pics from the last thread. His FB profile pic VS a more recent pic of him.
No. 263477
>>263442I know right lol
So much for them being so real, not circle lenses~
why did they magically disappear then
No. 263481
>>263480…she was wearing circle lenses in this?
……..oh that's unfortunate
No. 263489
File: 1488678524695.jpg (119.19 KB, 750x852, image.jpg)

Found this in her tags and couldn't help but to chuckle.
No. 263495
File: 1488679066699.png (500.88 KB, 588x397, Untitled.png)

this is disgusting
at least her old shoops were believable. at least she could kind of emulate them in real life. at least they were something to aspire to look like. this malnourished-ambiguously-gendered-8-year-old-drowning-in-their-parent's-clothes thing is so hideous.
No. 263521
>>263520Bro, I remember watching her videos while in the computer class with my best friend, who had a huge crush on her. Good times
Sage for ot
No. 263536
>>263520I'm glad I knew she was a photoshop or after effects fraud from the start, all the signs are there if you look closely.
Thing is I would never have guessed that she's much more ugly than I thought.
No. 263597
>>263480Didn't she buy the same necktie for herself before she ever even left for Japan? Did she dress herself for this??
I'm guessing she did her own makeup too because wouldn't any mua in their right mind give her some eyeliner…
No. 263626
>>263625I'm assuming it's a 2LDK. At least that's the term used in Japan
2bedroom 2
living/dining LD
kitchen K
No. 263682
File: 1488722323542.png (996.13 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170305-135603.png)

Lol found dakota's doppelganger
No. 263692
File: 1488724158104.jpg (30.65 KB, 180x232, IMG_7865.JPG)

>>263682LOL looks JUST like dakota's old sh00ped artwork (before she was hot, what she THOUGHT hot girls should look like)
No. 263693
>>263682if they're vegan leather
they're not leather.
No. 263716
>>263697It is. There are lots of doll companies now making fuck ugly BJDs for the ~aesthetic~ since Tumblr made being the emancipated drug addict look a trend. Imo I wouldn't spend $700+ on something so ugly wen I could spend half that for a much cuter doll that fits into clothes made by more than one doll company.
Sage for OT
No. 263733
How the hell did she go from relatively normal and cute in this
>>263720To whatever the hell creature she is in this
>>263480In such A short time? It's not just the weight, there's something else that's really off about her face these days.
No. 263760
>>263730That ship has sailed, anon.
I don't want to bring up her age argument again, but she really does look closer to 24 than 21. I've never seen a 21 war old with a face this saggy and beaten. TBH she looks older than Kiki, who at least wears mascara.
>>263733I thin it's just the filter + an unfortunate shot of her in the middle of making a facial expression. It does look bad though, but really so does the blue dress pic. She looks like somebody's mom, not a spokesmodel for Bravo.
No. 263779
>>263730it would also be cute if she wasn't such a cunt.
anyone notice how she keeps having her hair in her face in recent pics to try to hide her jowls, so she doesn't have to shoop them as much?
No. 263799
>>263790Its also possible its a flatmates inhaler ?
I mean if she doesn't even take care of her hair/nails and skin as well as gained weight and eats trash all day, why would she even bother going to the doctors for that.
No. 263801
But why also get a 2 bedroom apartment and buy a bed to put in the other room if you have no friends. Why not make a makeup room or office out of it ?
No. 263992
>>263801could be part of trying to seem legit for a marriage visa?
either that or she does have a roommate, idk
No. 264097
File: 1488774556490.jpg (121.38 KB, 1016x662, damn.JPG)

Lol. From today. Which farmer did this?
No. 264104
>>264099Wonder who did this. I thought it was just weight and measurements at first but when I looked again I noticed:
Florida as place of origin
changed birth year to 1993
added BMI
and in the intro part
"a model working in Japan that became fat and ugly."
No. 264192
>>264189If it were a choker it would be tighter and higher up on her neck. It's a leather collar, salty.
>>264170It has to be a joke, 30.5 BMI would make her about 80kg/175pounds. She's realistically probably 50-60kg.
No. 264201
>>263620>American model Dakota RoseLol, guess they can't bill her as the "Real Barbie" when she looks like
that. Trying to pass her off as a model is pretty kekworthy though. That really kills all the stans' arguments that she's still there because of her 2012 shoops and her ~long lasting efame~.
No. 264203
File: 1488806170913.jpg (414.99 KB, 2208x1242, Abema_Prime_Screen_Cap.jpg)

>>264201Totally agree with you about just about everything in this post. But to tbh they probably did introduce her as "Real Barbie". That caption was probably just on screen when she was interviewed. I mean they still introduced her as "Real Barbie" in the Abematv Web show and well (pic related).
Of course I could be wrong.
No. 264210
>>264203Her eyes look so small in this picture, like I know they were never big but…
>>264097I can't read Japanese, but if this was a Farmer I'm surprised they didn't put "sleeps with manager to obtain job/visa". Maybe this was a "edgy" Pulltard as nothing seems to extreme from what I'm seeing from other anons.
No. 264217
File: 1488808448665.jpg (130.56 KB, 602x389, living-doll-dakota.jpg)

>>263536SAME. Even before the big reveal, when everyone knew she was photoshopped, but no one had any candid photo to know what she looked without it, I mostly thought that she enlarged her eyes and maybe fixed her makeup digitally. never even considered that she edited her jaw
No. 264221
>>264097the first line below says
>Born in Florida on September 19, 1993both those things are wrong. even the source cited at [1] actually says born in Chicago, IL on September 19, 1995
No. 264238
>>264203this is awful.
she would be pretty if she was healthier and lost some weight, and stopped this ugly makeup. and got better hair.
half of what is dragging her down is this god awful makeup
No. 264240
>>264221Eh, I think the edits were done by some anon trying to annoy Dakooter. She
was born in Chicago though. As for her DOB, that horse has been thoroughly beaten.
No. 264246
>>264203What's sad is that even this footage had special lighting and smoothing filters but she still looks like a troll.
>>264217Her jaw is the least of what she edited when you look at it now. Literally everything was modified. The best is that she really believed she was hot shit bc of her attitude. She still does too.
No. 264250
File: 1488815369199.png (323.36 KB, 739x431, popteenvideo.png)

>>264247Pic related, how much better she could look probably any time again if she lost weight and styled herself right. The difference is really jarring and likely has a lot to do with her decline in job offers, along with her rude persona and behavior on TV.
No. 264279
File: 1488820129574.png (187.72 KB, 640x1136, IMG_4478.PNG)

>>264221>>264240I went back in the catalog and found the cap of the tweet she made, since it's been deleted. She did say she had a degree in sound engineering, but that has to be bullshit. Her and Kiki went to Valencia college before she went viral but a degree in sound engineering takes 2 years and you have to be 16 to enroll. Valencia
does offer one-off technical courses in sound and music production, but the age limit would still apply. Either she's lying about her age or she's lying about having the degree.
No. 264287
File: 1488822390141.jpg (79.11 KB, 600x450, 1439414197886.jpg.aee05d34e7cd…)

>>264279I know Kaka has the degree. Pic related.
Whether Tooters didn't actually do it with her and just lied and said she did, or she did do it and she's older than she says, I don't know.
I don't ever remember Kota showing hers off though. But then again, she's not as much of a humblebrag as Kirsten.
I'm reluctant to bring up discussion of Kota's age because farmers tend to get aggravated.
I personally don't mind discussing it, though I do kinda agree that the topic is beating a dead horse.
No. 264299
>>264287Ok so, it's a nitpick, but that's not an actual degree, that's a certificate of completion, meaning she did the <1 year course.
Any idea when she posted this on her IG? I can't go check since she made her main account private.
No. 264303
>>264189didn't notice before, but dude, that anon is right. that's a legitimate dog collar. she's even wearing it as such.
>>264271you're probably right. i could imagine, that she doesn't want to lose weight, because her face would look too boney and saggy. that would be a good reason to get fillers, but apparently the ostrengas are opposed to that.
No. 264314
>>264299>>264304The source from which I got the picture called it a degree, so I just assumed. Figures though.
I'm sure Kaka claimed it was too. I know she put 'Bachelors' in the education section of her profiles on those dating sites, kek.
No. 264351
>>264287Just chiming in to say what other farmers have said, this is definitely not a degree.
She's such a goddamn phony, trying to pass this off as a degree. Fucking shameful. Probably one of the worst things Kaka has done, in my opinion, anyway.
No. 264355
>>264287Just had to google "comprehensive audio engineering & music production Orlando"
and there ya go: No. 264363
>>264287If it was a degree, it would say a degree was awarded, not a "course of study". It'd be more accurate to call it a certification.
Just checked mine, and it says my name is "admitted to the degree of" then my field of study, not "this document is to certify". It also clearly says I was awarded "Bachelor of _____". Online Bachelor's degrees are similar in wording.
If it was a degree, it would say degree. It's a cert.
No. 264382
>>264254aging you guys are fucking retarded,
2012-2017 when you're in your early twenties barely makes a fucking differences unless youre binge drinking, binge eating, or doing hard drugs
this was max like 3 years ago.
dakota could do this shit in her sleep how much she photographed herself but no.
somebody else rip off this aesthetic and actually give her fans what she wont even bother with doing
No. 264409
>>264405Adding to this:
The surreal, yet still (somewhat) natural beauty of her edited pics is also part of what made her such a big deal on 4chan/Tumblr. Most girls who are into kawaii shit/Japan/anime don't look like that. They look like… well, real Dakota.
No. 264419
File: 1488840021475.jpg (99.65 KB, 1080x1080, 14504817_1096725087073144_9199…)

>>264405She's competing with 10 year olds now tho.
No. 264430
>>264382Why are you so angry?
In that pic from when she started at Popteen she was barely still pulling off the cutesy look. She needed to be perfectly lit to offset her harsh bone structure. The same with Kiki. Both of the Ostrengas peaked in their mid teens and are aging like milk.
It's not that uncommon for that to happen. You see it with a lot of models where, their strong bone structure is still delicate enough in their teens, but when they hit their 20's it becomes sharper and more masculine. That's what's happened to both Kiki and Koots. She could still look good if she wanted to, but the kawaii look doesn't suit her anymore. She could make a decent go at the insta-ho look which favors strong bone structure and a lot of make-up (which Koot's face can handle).
>>264414>Taylor derangement syndrome strikes again No. 264450
File: 1488842301673.png (284.37 KB, 456x438, Screen Shot 2017-03-06 at 6.16…)

>>264430Wasn't the popteen debut video edited .. Like what the fuck was going on with her shoulders the entire time.
No. 264464
>>264450huh. Good catch. I don't know.
But I do know the lighting that video was fantastic.
No. 264471
File: 1488843524453.png (227.91 KB, 380x415, tumblr_inline_nfqnetD1JB1rxwov…)

>>264405>Dakota took off on tumblr and in Asia but never really gained traction in the west because her look didn't cater to the westWrong. She never took off in the west because she completely refused to acknowledge anything that wasn't east asian. I know that places like latin America lost their fucking brains over her. you wouldn't believe just how many TV news, front page magazines, and official online websites covered her. The middle east also paid immense attention to her during her 15 minutes in 2012. Hoards of Russians sites too, in fact it was the Russian "insekts" that told Valeria about Dakota, and caused Valeria to start dressing up as a "living doll" because they taunted her that Dakota was more beautiful than her (pic related). And her photo from this article was once the top page story on the Daily Mail. had to FORCE Asia to notice her. one of her first ever videos had korean subtitles. then she made a weibo and promised to learn chinese, then she started making her popular videos with japanese subtitles. I really think at the height of her popularity she could have chosen any country, done videos in their language, and have probably nabbed a modeling contract in there. She was able to hand-pick Japan because it was her prime choice.
No. 264479
File: 1488844100484.jpg (65.27 KB, 477x640, AtZdaHgCQAEV2rG.jpg)

>>264430Not that anon, but i completely agree with them. this whole "she's aged" bullshit always makes me roll my eyes. I honestly believe some of you guys are just unknowingly fooled by her old shoops and actually think she used to be prettier back then. when in fact she's always had the same meaty face and laugh lines. we're just seeing it in their full glory now that we're getting more candids and videos than back then.
No. 264501
File: 1488846846130.png (220.13 KB, 919x1840, IMG_4315.PNG)

>>264464>>264450It's a ribbon. They even posted this explanation at the end of another kota video. The video still looks pretty edited though.
No. 264502
File: 1488846921811.png (55.55 KB, 734x406, IMG_4316.PNG)

>>264501I wonder why they felt the need to defend themselves to internet trolls like us
No. 264573
>>264552I'm pretty sure you didn't read my post at all because that was not the point.
I won't use the word masculine. Instead I'll replace it with hard.
Koots (and other girls like her) used to have softer more delicate features. Now growing up her features have also grown and she's lost the baby fat, her face is hard.
No. 264574
>>264552Maybe her masseter muscles got bigger from all the shiitake mushroom sampling she's been doing over the years.
( Though some argue whether that muscle can get significantly larger from exercising it, but its possible maybe with age if she was still developing at the time. Just like her feet grew and she got maybe a smidgen taller her face could have changed. )
No. 264585
>>264382 and
>>264552 are unusually angry about Koots being called old looking.
No. 264598
>>264552>>264363>It'd be more accurate to call it a certification.It's even less than that. It's just an acknowledgement of completion really.
>The Comprehensive Audio Engineering and Music Production Program at F.I.R.S.T. College, is eight months and designed to teach students all aspects of Recording Arts.So it was at best a one-year commitment. Not a degree.
No. 264604
>>264598jfc why didn't she just get a degree from a community college or something if she wants to pretend she has one so bad lol
She had more than enough time to do it. But I guess they just have an innate need to lie about literally everything.
No. 264719
>>264617High school diploma or GED, in the state of FL at least. There's an exception though for students still enrolled in primary school that allows them to take college courses while still in HS.
>>264621It's a college program certification. Meaning she paid money and enrolled in a college to take a course offered there, completed it and is now qualified to do whatever the certificate entails. It doesn't carry as much weight as a degree, but it does look good on a resume.
No. 264937
>>264907…just about anything can be pirated, anon.
what's it called
No. 265363
File: 1488973611631.png (619 KB, 1136x640, IMG_4500.PNG)

>>265348Well, she is. Since 2011.
No. 265365
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>>265363And apparently her YT is doing better than her IG, despite the fact that she spends more time on IG which is kinda sad.
No. 265384
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No. 265393
File: 1488982349037.png (427.31 KB, 657x400, k.PNG)

>>264502unfortunate angle?
No. 265398
>>264598i actually remember both of them going around calling themselves "audio/sound engineers" as if it was their profession. I know dakota did it on her old formspring. that's one of the reasons I used to think she was much older, because she made herself seem like she had a professional job.
yet what did they even do with it? kiki failed multiple times at selling her ripoff music on iTunes, there are still some hilariously bad reviews if you look up Kiki Mimuex over there. and the kickstarter back when dakota had already gone viral but not yet realized she could cash in on modeling, and they both planned on wasting $20k just to drive around the country.
No. 265411
>>265405None of the shit with Dakota was intentional. The only thing intentional was once her & Kathy realized they good get on this ride to the fame train they took it & she started pandering to different asian communities.
it was basically the 1st & last time Dakota made any smart decisions.
No. 265412
>>265393she's cute here why is she so freaky looking now.
if she did stuff like this everyone would watch her
No. 265524
File: 1489002108334.png (143.02 KB, 640x1095, IMG_4505.PNG)

>>265411I agree. I'm saying that I believe she never meant to go viral, and that her shoops were probably just some weird altered self portraits for some class she could have taken when she went to whatever college she got her "sound engineering degree" from. Those classes that teach AE and PS were available for 09-10 and 10-11.
It also coincides with the beer commercial she was in with Kiki for college in 2009.
No. 265540
>>265524I hope she gets in a non fatal car crash for being one of those shitheels who wants to speed past a SLOW DOWN LIGHT. You should literally ONLY do that when there's no safe way to stop abruptly. This is driving safety 101.
Good job endangering other people's lives you braindead bitch.
No. 265762
File: 1489021042702.png (660.59 KB, 1469x1241, Screen Shot 2017-03-08 at 7.55…)

>>265524that tweet didn't imply she was the one driving. she could have been a passenger. and that "beer commercial" was a quick Orlando gig that only appeared on buzznet.
seriously stop. apart from every single one of these "she's older" claims being easily debunked, there's overwhelming evidence already that she's the age she claims she is. pic related from their archive, a hater from 2006 that met them in person confirming she was 11 at the time.
No. 265865
File: 1489028854541.png (223.12 KB, 354x461, Screen Shot 2017-03-08 at 10.0…)

I know Kooter's has always had thin hair .. but just looking back at her old videos I don't even know how I missed the bald spots..
How in the fuck does her hair look thinner now then it did then when she is still wearing the same amount of extensions.
No. 266041
>that entire messageThis is why I'm glad scene died. It was just illiterate, trashy retards sperging at each other. Also plains why Kiki loved it so hard lol.
As for Kota's age, idc how old she is, she still looks too old for 21 because she doesn't take care of herself.
No. 266050
File: 1489063911722.png (408.59 KB, 510x509, Screen Shot 2017-03-09 at 7.49…)

Another picture from the event ..
No. 266087
>>265363 She probably can't afford it. Wen if she was on a long term contract with her apartment and transportation covered, she still has to pay her ow taxes.
No. 266259
>>266218That's their proof?
lmao how sad
No. 266583
>>266561lol nope. I'm
>>266493 and
>>266550, but that's it.
No. 266595
File: 1489117335506.jpg (72.49 KB, 593x884, 151120.jpg)

>>262552reminds me a little of this
No. 266611
File: 1489117753130.png (961.76 KB, 627x1907, Screen_Shot_2016-07-18_at_7.57…)

>>266493>>261701>>261725>>261732I'll leave this here.
Admittedly they were acting like cunts. I used to really like Micaela's videos but based on this and some other comments she's made she seems like she has a terrible personality. I'd actually have no idea who the fuck Mimei is if I didn't browse here. I honestly can't stand these people. They're all in competition to profit the most off of Wacky Japan!! and I think that's what I can't stand about them. I think they're salty that they're still shilling Youtube videos titled shit like "Trying Weird Japanese Snacks!" while Dakota has been able to make a living in Japan without having to commodify her mundane daily experience of buying onigiri from the famima to the weebs back home.
Taylor is the only bearable one of them all because she doesn't shit pettiness like this all over twitter. Can you imagine how the other jvloggers would've reacted if they'd been in Tay's position when kiki-is-spergchan-gate happened? They'd have a field day. They'd have squeezed at least three videos out of that.
No. 266614
File: 1489117855850.jpg (144.65 KB, 1200x1005, C6hwKH4V4AEKhs9.jpg)

No. 266629
File: 1489118526692.jpg (63.68 KB, 397x555, 1471608712poraloid_MarceloCant…)

>>266614Reposting this but current face shoop inspiration?
No. 266642
>>266637i find it weird that this girl doesn't actually have that great of a career
i mean compared to dakota it's 10000x better but she doesn't book a lot of shows or editorials
she must be short
No. 266653
File: 1489119177881.jpg (36.67 KB, 403x604, 8b0c9dd60e3a.jpg)

>>266629I don't think it's a specific person besides maybe young Gemma Ward/Sasha Pivovarova, I think she's just trying to look like a Russian model-off-duty in general. The new shoop proportions plus the lack of make up and oversized clothes and lazy hairstyles imply this.
No. 266684
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No. 266685
>>266614kooter please
everyone saw the fits commercials.
No. 266714
File: 1489126265446.jpg (74.29 KB, 600x432, ph01.jpg)

Koots seems to be modeling for this designer's style book. She's also in the video on the page for a hot second.'t think this a great look for her
No. 266736
File: 1489127790801.jpg (64.01 KB, 561x997, C6IBzEjWYAEqSM7.jpg)

>>266714She just… besides NEEDING bangs, she needs to start doing her lips more naturally. this looks like that covergirl boy's flashback accident.
No. 266796
File: 1489137099291.jpg (84.26 KB, 639x631, be42d81e7112aea09c27d3a4135bf5…)

>>266736What the literal fuck is that it's neither attractive for males nor females.
No. 266799
File: 1489137443192.jpg (93.38 KB, 600x900, full.jpg)

>>266614I-is she slowly reverting back to her first shoop style?
It looks so weird because she shooped her body to be skinny but she lacks the definition someone would have if they were actually that size.
You can especially notice it in her calves and her lack of ankles. You can still tell she's doughy as fuck and it throws everything off.
That top with sneakers tho. Just… why.
No. 266848
>>266479>I think Dakota is really prettysee:
>>266714She has the potential to be pretty, but in reality she's rather plain. if I knew nothing about her shoops or who she was, I would wonder what contest she won to be in this ad.
>>266486Japan isn't a nation of pedophiles. True, the focus there is on cute and youthful rather than sexy and sultry, but that doesn't mean all Japanese men prefer lolis and jailbait who pander to ephebophiles(?). According to Charms, before Dakota ever went viral or dressed kawaii, she told we she liked Asian guys, and preferred older men. Her going viral and Japan noticing her was her perfect chance to start pandering to that demographic- older Asian men who like young girls who act cutesy and shy. That doesn't mean she went viral in Japan because they all wanted to fuck an underaged white girl. She went viral because she tagged her videos and pics with the kind of shit those men already use to search for their fap material.
No. 266856
File: 1489149264124.jpg (691.81 KB, 2560x1920, IMG_4519.JPG)

>>266849The transformation is finally complete.
No. 266864
File: 1489150289295.png (107.44 KB, 640x1027, IMG_4525.PNG)

>>266721Confirmed. She uploaded the video of her in that same hat and then on the bridge with the bag on Christmas.
>category: ComedyAt least she knows it?
No. 266869
>>266864Well her editing and career is pretty laughable now.
>>266856She looks like one of those ugly mannequins. I seriously can't believe how meaty her face have gotten in just a Year.. She must of gained a significant amount of weight.
No. 266897
File: 1489157367264.jpg (62.29 KB, 474x352, IMG_4517.JPG)

>>266871It's Cathy, just a more recent and less made-up pic of her than the one that's usually posted (pic related).
No. 266918
>>266714jesus christ she looks like a MTF in the middle of their hormone replacement therapy
i was one of those people who said "she could be really cute and pretty if she tried". holy shit, nevermind. her face has become incredibly unfortunate and none of her styling/makeup is doing it any favors. jesus, her jowls are so heavy and masculine. it's like her balls dropped but on her face.
No. 266936
File: 1489162177201.png (287.04 KB, 581x532, Mama_o.png)

>>266932Yeah, this def isn't Cathy.
>>266897 this is though, as is pic related. Not very clear but one of the only few out there.
That woman has a completely different nose for starters.
No. 266949
>>266714how fucking unfortunate
who will wear the kawaii living doll crown now?
No. 266975
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No. 267035
>>266975Look at those gobblers …
So majestic !
No. 267235
File: 1489193555146.jpg (148.12 KB, 1013x602, dakochin.jpg)

>when you realize the pic on the right has been shooped but she still looks awful.
No. 267248
File: 1489194801508.gif (232.66 KB, 524x602, fb.gif)

No. 267252
>>267235Her cheeks are looking a lot more sunken down, and her jowls are a bit swollen, making her look a lot older than she really is.
Honestly that's why I still think that Dakota has an ED, maybe even purging. Either that or she has a very shitty diet.
No. 267261
File: 1489195750055.jpg (204.73 KB, 1013x602, 1489193555146.jpg)

>>267235took a stab at it and had a seizure on the left photo since it wasn't fixable. It's just overall a terrible picture that never should've been posted it, tbh. kota isn't horrid by any means but it really couldn't hurt for her to work on her brows,
consider shaving her jaw, get bangs or at the very least start using dry shampoo to achieve some volume.
No. 267292
File: 1489199143788.jpg (106.31 KB, 600x800, Olivia Wilde.jpg)

>>267266you never seen someone with a big square face before?
No. 267411
>>267266>>267252I know it's awful to say, but if she
is purging then it's not working.
No. 267421
>>267420Ah, I see. That would make sense then.
Whether she's bulimic or not though, she looks like death. Her unhealthy diet/eating habits are
really showing on her face and skin now. It's coming down hard and fast.
If she doesn't start eating healthier and exercising soon she'll regret it so much later in life. I don't know how she can be content looking like this
>>267235 at age 21!
Please Toots, love yourself.
No. 267432
File: 1489220377174.png (71.21 KB, 275x226, IMG_4532.PNG)

>>267085By now bangs would only help so much. The rest of her face is too wide and mushy.
No. 267454
File: 1489227530042.png (100.34 KB, 822x640, IMG_4541.PNG)

>>266614What is this pic even supposed to be? An anorexic photoshopped fetus in running shoes, a frilly top and no pants? And the upskort angle makes it even worse somehow.
But I guess she got sick of losing ~300 followers a month pretending to be a model and had to start pandering to her true demographic again.
No. 267516
>>267248 jesus fucking christ that's so sad
plus i feel like she shoops her chin even smaller
No. 267593
>>258019she's honestly at an all time low and has never looked worse.
i hope she turns her shit around and can become something to be proud of. at this point it's just unfortunate watching her waste all this opportunity. she could be so much happier and have all the things she wants
No. 267596
File: 1489255078373.png (7.12 MB, 2560x2560, PhotoGrid_1489254982088.png)

Gotta hand it to her, making a face look this freakish delibrately ain't easy.
No. 267636
>>267546Shave down her nose bridge??
Do you also think she should have a dorito chin, weeb?
No. 267861
File: 1489287372519.png (5.65 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_1376.PNG)

Koots looks like a pasty potato on the verge of death
No. 268067
File: 1489319273328.png (81.29 KB, 640x739, IMG_4553.PNG)

Looks like she got tired of us talking about her naked nails.
No. 268068
Once again she shooped her knuckles and some fingers are so fat compared to others.
No. 268287
>>268258No, nobody sits there and shrinks everyone's fingers thinner and longer, or erases their knuckles.
Just look at any Tokyo salon's instagram. They brighten it and use built-in smoothing but that's about it.
No. 268473
>>268284She has a closet full of shoes and she chooses fucking sneakers.. Simple flats or heels would have been 1000x better.
Are the Nike shoes special or brag worthy ( expensive ) or is her style literally that tragic ?
No. 268506
Is it possible this
>>266614 is in response to
>>262670, or am I reaching?
No. 268519
>>268506well I don't think anyone would go running in that outfit….
would they
No. 268811
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>>267596naw it's really not so difficult. really if she just got her jaw koreashaved her dysmorphia would probably ease up and she'd shoop less. this is still very very shooped though.
No. 269383
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>>269134i think it's just a product of her BDD. The more her insecurity and need to feel special deepens, the more unreal her virtual-fantasy self gets.
No. 269445
>>269438She peaked in her teens, but that doesn't mean she was gorgeous or pretty. All it means is thats when she looked her best and now its going down hill. Whereas most are starting to peak now in their 20s.
Anons here aren't stupid, they know all her images were shooped, but at least back then she could actually pull off some of the cutesy shit. Now she just looks like a corpse that sat in water to long and is starting to lose hair and bloat.
No. 269497
File: 1489503669294.png (277.31 KB, 500x370, tumblr_m2r84wgHzo1qdnkx0.png)

>>269445>All it means is thats when she looked her besti disagree. i still say she looked exactly the same irl, pic related on the left. If anything has made her go downhill it's growing out her bangs and putting less makeup (eyeliner, mascara etc) that's literally the only difference I see.
No. 269509
>>267235Man…this is awful. I think as she's maturing her chin and jowls are really filling out. Also, no eyemakeup means you focus on the bottom of her face.
She definitely needs different styling and layers to frame that jaw.
>>269497Even here, it seems like she suffers bloat on the regular, but her jaw isn't as insane as it is now. It makes sense if she's moving from her teens into her mid twenties (I don't care if she's 2 years older or younger) her face is chiseling out.
She really has too many harsh features to be a Japanese model and not enough strange or striking features to be a Western model. Not saying she's hideous, but the camera ain't kind to a judging audience with what she has to offer.
No. 270008
File: 1489543812054.jpg (43.6 KB, 306x484, article-2627342-1DD422D0000005…)

>>270001I was wondering why she looked familiar, esp after watching Santa Clarita diet.
No. 270067
>>270054Drew seems to exude a much more pleasant personality too lol
That can do wonders for anyone.
No. 270108
File: 1489560535457.gif (121.12 KB, 302x427, IMG_9900.GIF)

Thought I'd give it a shot. With a smaller jaw she would look much better and losing a bit of weight. I shooped her wrists because it weirded me out there was no definition kek.
No. 270145
>>270135will this argument end?
unless somebody took a candid of her, any pictures of her former self from her or kiki/dad aka "photographer" were edited to hell and back even in the scene days.
No. 270155
>>270145thank you.
>>270135wow you're retarded. never heard before of a 16/17 year old "still growing out her chin" until it fully comes out at 21. Chins are not prepubescent dicks.
No. 270186
File: 1489601834869.jpg (192.36 KB, 1197x809, IMG_4381.JPG)

>>270145Calm down, aspie. Her chin was never as small as her shoops and I never said it was. All I sad was that losing weight isn't going to make her chin shrink, because she's always had a meaty chin, and that her face looked smaller even without shoop then because she was still maturing facially (unless you're actually claiming people's faces don't grow/change from 16-21). I then said that losing weight
would make her face look better. But she's never going to look as good without shoop as she did circa 2012 after her Japan debut when they were actually styling her and she was still thin and cared about herself.
>>270155I see you also think everyone looks the same at 21 as they do at 16 because what is puberty, amirite
No. 270225
>>270186literally the only difference are bangs and teeths even MORE yellow lmao
she just needs therapy, that would make her look better
No. 270374
File: 1489619672491.jpg (39.75 KB, 300x300, IMG_4613.JPG)

>>267235>>270008I went on Netflix and watched episode 1 and now I can't unsee it. 21 year old Dakota looks like 42 year old Drew Barrymore, but with much less effort and grooming.
No. 270755
File: 1489673319025.png (97.43 KB, 596x779, IMG_4635.PNG)

>>270746Wow, you're so personally offended, lol why?
Drew looks like crap but she's also in her 40s and has had drug problems in the past. Saying it's unfair that dacote looks like her because the pic comparing the two was shooped? Lol, what a reach. A candid of drew still looks better than a kootershoop, both her own and the ones her employers shit out in an attempt to make her look less like a blown out has-been.
No. 270763
File: 1489674425495.jpg (576.67 KB, 1920x1920, IMG_4639.JPG)

>>270746>if you chose a bad pic of yourself and compared it to a photoshopped celebrity you'd look bad as wellI would, but I'm not a ~model~ and I don't lie about what I look like by changing my entire bone structure and outward appearance in photoshop.
Dakota looks like shit because she looks like shit. She does. Getting mad isn't going to change that. Nobody forced her to get fat, nobody forced her to stop wearing makeup and nobody forced her to let herself turn into a lazy, gross slob who can hardly get work without looking like a middle aged woman in her candids. She has no business being a model, she's a shitstain on Bravo's roster. You can't say every pic of her that she doesn't post herself is just "unfortunate angles" or "just not a very flattering pic" and then continue to insist she's a real, legitimate model. She only gets decent quality work when they can put her in a crowd in something baggy, andnwhen they do show her face it's shit like
>>266714. It's sad when the legit Bravo-tier jobs she gets make her look like such shit, and you
know they already tried to shoop her to look better. I'd hate to be whoever gets stuck with her as a model, I'd feel ripped off paying for
No. 270899
>>270831Lol, who the fuck would recognize her on the street ? Those that do post pictures with/of her out and about she makes them post a shooped version. Or she deletes them out of her tags.
I wouldn't be surprised if she also did what Taylor does and just turns notifications on for friends rather then actually follow them. Dakota seems fairly private with what little of a life she has.
No. 270910
>>270800Kinda sick of the "everybody photoshop in the model industry" comment. You know you need high res pics to print and those graphic designers probably don't have that much time on their hands to liquefy her whole face without it looking wonky AND still have a good enough picture to print ?
Plus it's easy to make someone appear relatively slimmer when they're already slim and the clothes look good on them. It's almost impossible to make a stuffed sausage looks good like she did on the Tiara Milly one.
They only make efforts for really famous people like Britney Spears cause they don't want to hurt her image. They don't give much crap about c-list models, their job is to make it look good without resorting to too much editing and waste people's time.
No. 271381
File: 1489765981928.jpg (52.91 KB, 660x440, IMG_4637.JPG)

Found a few pics on Twitter of Dakota with Yoko
No. 271418
>>271394god what happened
she needs a new manager
No. 271426
>>271418I'm sure Yula got her this gig. The article that the vid was in mentioned an idol group called Magical Punch Line with Yula&Kota as members (probably just the name of the "group" in the commercial).
Have another video, Dako dances in the back of the group again & has the smallest character role of the group.
No. 271432
>>271430*nearly flash the camera, my bad.
Same dance with another girl. I'd lose my mind having to do this type of stuff over and over again tbh.
No. 271450
File: 1489774085302.png (Spoiler Image,37.11 KB, 566x413, IMG_4651.PNG)

>>271438Considering how many people in Dakota threads are too lazy to even read the previous threads or use the catalog, it doesn't really matter. Hence the sage. Learn to love the sage.
No. 271584
>>271384>>271430All her recent jobs she side by side with a Ham beast and/or in baggy clothing.
The angles and editing they did on her in the shoop makes her look like a MTF in mid transitioning.
No. 271747
File: 1489803409717.jpg (61.06 KB, 600x900, BzLow8sCIAE2Xi3.jpg)

>>271452this, maybe?
though it might just looked shooped due to the fucking blinding amount of contrast
No. 271765
>>271394So they keep her in the back and have her be one of the first to leave.
Well.. at least she's actually smiling and kind of trying in these. But I suppose that could just be whoever is in charge stressing her to smile and act like she gives a shit.
>>271381She seems okay in these too (personality wise, not looks… never looks…)
No. 271812
>>2701862 days late to reply, but lol anon, are you aware girls typically hit puberty at age 11?? 16 is already a "late bloomer" for boys, for girls it's extremely late. so I hope not suggesting Dakota hit puberty sometime between age 16 and 21 lmao.
also hate to blog, but as another anon who replied said too, I also haven't changed since I was 16 either, and I'm Dakota's age.
No. 271844
File: 1489814945101.jpg (146.46 KB, 600x800, imgrc0069071300.jpg)

>>271338Not blue but Tiara Mily shoop. Most of the terrible ones happened when she first started working for them until they tweaked the shoop just right. Tiara Mily was one of the greatest offenders in terms of clients trying and failing to match Koots nihon fetus shoops.
No. 271846
File: 1489814992078.jpg (54.38 KB, 540x720, YJBTAdjgiwE.jpg)

>>271844one more early one.
No. 271848
File: 1489815263751.jpg (38.14 KB, 600x800, 8d9bfa71960b1c0c67fe45641040cb…)

face shoop fail here
No. 271863
>>271844>>271846God, I loved these, they're hilarious. For god's sake, Kota herself could have done an 100 times better job at shooping that. The jagged white pixels on the edge of the pink dress though. Just awful!
I'm wondering, why did they even decide to shoop the dresses on her? Did they not have those outfits at the shoot and were just that lazy? It seems to me like shooping them on would take more time anyway though and not only that but it looks terrible.
Is it possible that Toots rocked up to the shoot and couldn't fit into any of their stuff because of her false measurements? It does kinda seem like they shot her in her underwear or a bikini or something. Super weird.
No. 271867
>>271844wtf they just… what???
did they try to liquefy her but it ruined the print on the dress so much that they just… Pasted the dress back on? what happened here… wow lol
No. 271980
>>267266I just caught up on this thread and was going to throw this in there too…
I've been following them both online since I was like 14 and I'm the same age as Kiki, so it's been about a decade now, didn't keep up with anything until Dakota got famous on tumblr though.
She was always the chubby little sister and I do believe she eventually developed an eating disorder.
You have to be a very low weight to look small at her height and she obviously wasn't genetically predispositioned to be small like Kiki, so I assume she either starved or purged.
Both will age you quickly, it explains the jowls and harsh lines, and the fact that she gained so quickly.
The lifestyle cannot be kept up forever and will leave you yo-yoing, to gain 15 lbs like that could very well be from her trying to recover, or simply eating normally after years of disordered eating.
As you age your metabolism also slows which could also be a big part of the rebound weight-gain.
I've always been hesitant to actually post on these forums, but I lived in Orlando from the time I was 12-22, and I worked at a vegan restaurant in Colonialtown and Kiki came in once (I know this isn't her thread but w/e I'm not going to bother posting in hers as well, or maybe I'll just c/p, it's not all that juicy)
Anyway it was during her very gaudy crystal jewelry phase, and despite looking like a ~glowy vegan fairy~ online, she was very sallow, gaunt and her hair was very thin…not damaged looking, just the look of an overall malnourished person.
She got some soup with who I assume was her dad and after she left I asked my coworkers if they'd seen her in her before and how I'd followed her online when she was a ~scenequeen~
None of them knew of her online presence but they said she came in every now and then and was rude once about one of the portabella panini's? Lol
Also her business cards for KND koi tours were in our bathrooms where local artists and shit could leave their flyers.
Then when she started DJ'ing she friend requested my ex gf/best friend (one of orlandos only female dj's at the time) presumably to try to make connections in the scene.
Friend messaged them saying hey and she never responded…needless to say she screenshotted and we both loled because we both really liked to indulge in internet lolcows before we even knew of the term.
That's my extent of interactions with them, honestly florida is a sad, weird place and the fact that Dakota managed to gtfo by any means necessary isn't something I feel I can criticize her for.
I mean what else would she have done with her life?
Hopefully when the model thing dies down fully she'll be able to completely recover and maybe have some sort of epiphany or extensive therapy that lets her feel comfortable in her own skin and can develop a personality not based around insecurity and constantly being on the defense.
Sage and all the other image board jargon for rules i broke, just felt like finally chiming in
No. 272163
Sorry koots ?
No. 272176
File: 1489856063882.jpg (28.68 KB, 570x423, image.jpg)

>>272167>>271848Oh man, I know she has shit poster and her shoulders do push forward some what. But fucking damn ! This shoop reminds me a bit of this one ( pic related )
No. 272351
File: 1489872290401.png (575.21 KB, 610x612, Screen Shot 2017-03-18 at 5.01…)

They just keep slowly posting pictures from this event… One by one. ( I made sure to check both threads to ensure it wasn't posted already )
Man, she just has such a meaty head.
No. 272571
File: 1489881440699.jpg (321.22 KB, 2048x1365, IMG_6203.JPG)

This kinda reminds me of Berry's shoops in that she contorts herself to look skinny but the shoulders are a dead giveaway of how chubby she actually is.
No. 272597
>>272571this scared the shit out of me when I was scrolling by lol
her teeth look nasty
No. 272615
>>272571Christ'ol mighty this almost made me fluff.
I see what you mean. wheres the fucking collar bone, and kek her nails look so fuking back. Wad of chewed bubble gum thumb nails.
Btw, is it just me of do her brows look like there fucking balding too ? The look so fucking patchy.
No. 272641
>>272571what the fuck is this
why would anyone post this ???
No. 272730
File: 1489889157875.png (129.91 KB, 750x843, IMG_4674.PNG)

>>272571Reminds me of this nasty looking instagirl
No. 272792
>>272571where to even start
>cake face>crusty nostrils>crusty cuticles>hideous fake nail already growing off>thinning eyebrows?>weird contrast of skintones on the forehead>white eyeshadow, again, why>clumpy mascara>terrible shop job on the tooth>no collarbone????>that fucking pentagram necklace again>weird red marks on her shoulders>the hand at that angle looks like someone else'si ain't even being nitpicky, this shit just sticks out immediately at such a close angle. what the fuck.
No. 272927
>>258019sage for blogpost
Anons have exactly the same face shape with that square jaw like kota, what can you actually do to hide that?
No. 272933
>>272927There's a makeup thread in /g. Or go make a new contour thread. This discussion doesn't belong in a Kota thread.
Also sage goes in the email field.
No. 273043
File: 1489943000411.jpg (56.6 KB, 352x640, IMG_4667.JPG)

Found a random pic of Dakota on
No. 273179
>>272351She's like all head but no eyes or mouth.
>>273043Like in FITS her skirt is so high on the waist and is puffing out forwards on the stomach. Meanwhile the cat tights are so stretched around the thigh. Must be terrible to be pudgy but still flat chested.
No. 273192
File: 1489961772559.png (71.12 KB, 501x683, 1487996512970.png)

>>272571Eww, she's giving off some major Hooligan vibes in this pic. Why does she shoop herself like this? She could have at least fixed her teeth.
No. 273230
File: 1489964992636.jpg (562.68 KB, 1908x1010, somuchface.jpg)

>>271394Why is her name on the video title when she literally was in the back hidden? Then existed the stage right after this happened kek
No. 273870
>>273864I couldn't put my finger on what it was that bothered me about her teeth, but now that you point out the "grey colouration ". I guess she figured the "grey" tones looked close enough to being white … Kek
>>273801I just can't believe that after this many years and the amount of candids that have gotten out she is still shooping her images to this extreme. When I first found her I figured after she got into Japan she'd still edit but tone down as its hard to hide when you're a model.
p.s I think her original forehead was accurate as it looks more caveman-esq. You should of made the brow bone more prominent.
No. 274264
>>274033It's considered a cute fashion trend in Japan to have large eye bags
Only on women of course since Japanese women are more objectified and sexualized compared to men than just about any other culture lol
No. 275026
File: 1490187992726.png (222.37 KB, 610x285, Screen Shot 2017-02-20 at 6.09…)

>>274264>>274318>>274366>>274376>>274422>>274445Not the same anon either of you were arguing with, but come on.
They are totally wrinkly eyes. This screen shot is from years ago and I could only imagine how horrid they look in un edited pictures now. There is def a difference between eye bags and wrinkles.
No. 275140
>>275111mm, dry skin.
I know a few people that don't take moisturizing their skin seriously just because they don't get breakouts/zits. One of the girls I know only being 23 has crows feet as advanced as a 40 yr olds. Dakota's gonna look 50 when she's 30. Other anons have also pointed out how flaky and dry her skin looks, especially around her nose.
No. 275160
>>275140yep, consistently dry skin + smoking habit + bad diet will wrinkle you up even if you never see the sun.
i'm 27 and only recently noticed how fast wrinkles develop. i moisturize way more than i ever did just a few years ago bc they sneak up on you. and my skin is generally pretty oily/i don't smoke. kota is gonna age really fast in the next few years unless she changes her routine.
No. 275185
File: 1490212003401.png (128.32 KB, 429x397, Screen Shot 2017-03-22 at 3.44…)

Time for Tooters to start applying that good'ol anus cream to her eyes.
No. 275666
File: 1490251359631.jpg (579.08 KB, 1920x1080, babyfanglol.jpg)

>>273941Not that anon but now that I look at a few pics, I think she's been shooping yaeba fangs in since the days of tumblr.
>>273801These fangs aren't ever in candids. Not even in that commercial where they had to cg her face to make it acceptable.
No. 275847
>>275670lmao, i was just about to post something like this before seeing this comment
iirc, even japanese think her teeth look rancid. i'm not sure whether it was from youtube or girls channel, but someone translated a few comments in japanese and folks were saying that they were really goddamn yellow or something along those lines. if your teeth are nasty even by japanese standards, you seriously need to reevaluate your life.
No. 276017
File: 1490306051632.jpg (448.81 KB, 866x977, c.jpg)

>>275666no, she really does have sharp fangs. they show up in pictures dating back years. they look even more so because the teeth next to them are unusually short. if you compare candids like those to a photo with an extreme angle like the one from instagram, you're obviously not going to see it the same way.
No. 276352
File: 1490349750806.jpg (86.92 KB, 340x340, anonirl.jpg)

>>276223this meme is going to come in handy a lot.
No. 276363
>>276351girl, have you seen
>>275666It's just few posts above yours, read the goddamn thread and stop spitting nonsense
No. 276400
>>276352it's weird how this "meme" only comes around when someone starts defending dakota in an oddly ostrenga way.
keep telling yourself everyone is so ugly, koots. keep pretending you don't have a more doughy face than whoever that chick in the picture is, or that her teeth aren't whiter than yours lmao.
No. 276449
>>276351So it's just a coincidence ONLY shooped pics have fangs but none of the candids do.
And also coincidence she called her failed brand "babyfang". Totally not a reference to the delusion of how she shoops herself!
No. 276484
File: 1490374559294.jpg (182.69 KB, 480x720, 001_size6.jpg)

>>276449So I went as searching and I found a couple of candids where you can see the "fang" a little but it has to be at super specific angle. Needless to say she shoops to enhance it. But what I did find was this awful set of pictures. They are old af but I'd only ever seen a couple posted before so enjoy the cringe I guess.
No. 276487
File: 1490374701176.jpg (180.94 KB, 462x720, 009_size6.jpg)

No. 276488
>>276484>>276486I haven't seen this one before, good god, what a disaster.
I thought there was strange white splotches on her arms for a sec and then I realised it was the reflection of the sequins.
No. 276489
File: 1490374809063.jpg (129.92 KB, 720x484, 002_size6.jpg)

>>276488Yep could believe my eyes when I saw them either.
No. 276493
File: 1490375041724.jpg (49.06 KB, 292x438, w292c-e_ac75397e15e595c93e86e7…)

guest model
No. 276497
File: 1490375211107.jpg (162.08 KB, 480x720, 007_size6.jpg)

>>276495last one. rear view.
No. 276500
File: 1490375574318.jpg (157.34 KB, 720x483, 004_size6.jpg)

>>276497+whatever is happening here
No. 276501
>>276352Omg stop whiteknighting lmao.
Do you honestly think shit like
>>276484 is attractive? The asians literally think she's an ugly clown.
No. 276514
>>276486what the ever loving fuck
it's horrible but still… Covering more of her face with hair helps
No. 276575
>>276523If thats so then it was even more useless for her to promote/make a commercial for it. Don't forget create an instagram and official website for it. So much money and work wasted on something that was only going to be a one time deal (1-2 months or less ).
Did she pay out of her own pocket to have the commercial made ?
No. 276590
>>276577Man, Hiroshi is one dumb fucker.
Who the actual fucks goes out of their way to sponsor a trash jewellery brand and lose money on it. He what ? bought the cheap shit, paid for the commercial and maybe made 2 bucks back after splitting the earnings.
He's even keeps her over weight flabby ass as a model despite she's a sour puss that even after 4-5 years still can't pose to save her life. Jesus she's a fuck up in everything she does.
Bejesus man, just how fucking good are those blowjobs, or is she holding his balls captive ?
No. 276600
File: 1490391502234.png (76.71 KB, 640x809, IMG_7456.PNG)

>>276575Hiroshi could've asked bravo for help for the commercial like how he did this video for her.
No. 277036
>>277035Manybe that anon is the long lived Kota clone on IG thats been tagging everything with Kota's nicknames.
>>276663>>276880I love the fact that you barely have to scroll down on her profile and instantly see a line up of better looking models who could do the jobs she gets better.
No. 277138
File: 1490466315019.png (622.16 KB, 600x591, Screen Shot 2017-03-25 at 2.22…)

>>277075I believe there is like 2 clones still tagging themselves with her name and both are ugly af.
Anyways I found more pictures of that Yoko ?? shoot ..
No. 277139
File: 1490466396621.png (287.68 KB, 438x621, Screen Shot 2017-03-25 at 2.22…)

>>277138And the second one. It almost looks like they shooped her meaty face, and welcome back butthole lips.
No. 277145
File: 1490467435745.jpg (96.45 KB, 350x484, TP074_smart-1.jpg)

>>277138>>277139Basic shoop plus using hair and hands to cover her jaw and chin to fake a more delicate look.
In that one with cap they are trying desperately to cover her body.
Also gotta love the caption "Called 'Real Barbie' because of her too beautiful appearance. fucking lol.
Also this picture in a larger size.
No. 277178
>>277138Those extensions look so bad and obvious.
Kota, for the love of Christ, take those ratty things out and let your hair grow. Your balding, tormented scalp will thank you.
No. 277199
>>277035having fangs isn't that unusual tho? i don't look a thing like Dakota, real or shopped. i was just commenting on the teeth.
what a weird thing to accuse someone of for something so minor.
No. 277245
File: 1490475642331.jpg (25.62 KB, 400x300, how dakota applies…)

>>277145Can someone with decent shoop skills just please…please draw in normal lips for her?
This photo wouldn't look so bad if it didn't give off such a toddler vibe with the overdrawn lips.
I hate it.
It's the worst makeup trend to ever plague girls next to drag queen eyebrows.
No. 277303
File: 1490480986799.jpg (128.34 KB, 780x558, kooter.jpg)

This was not an easy task. I tried.
No. 277356
>>277255That one anon is like 32" waist chan but with everything about Koots.
>>277138"Real Barbie" hahaha
No. 277394
>>277255you are fucking retarded.
saying you have a feature that koots shoops onto herself, yet it isn't even visible in photos as the way she shoops it, as proof of her fucking shooping it, is not 'wannabe' or defending her.
go bang your head on the floor some more.
No. 277405
>>277303nice job anon, maybe add some bangs too
kota wishes she looked like this
No. 277437
File: 1490498047512.png (809.59 KB, 1000x483, pootkoti.png)

>>277145holy shit this photo is horrifying in a lot of ways, I tried to fix it but it was hard af. I'm convinced that what makes it look so bad is the lips. Why Dakota? You're no model material but you could look decent if you stopped styling yourself in a way that just does not suit you
No. 277441
File: 1490498350659.png (1.78 MB, 750x1334, IMG_1965.PNG)

>>277437Reminds me of this here in her bravo promotion video…. how the heck did she think overdrawing her lips like this looks any good?!
No. 277541
File: 1490509867225.png (63.49 KB, 639x470, IMG_7495.PNG)

She uploaded a new picture
No. 277543
File: 1490510069399.png (117.64 KB, 640x624, IMG_7496.PNG)

And another picture
No. 277557
>>277541jesus christ of nazareth, it just keeps getting worst
honestly, who are these shoops for at this point? i wonder if its just for shits and giggles.
No. 277584
>>277580Wearing visibly tarnished 5-year old bootleg jewelry to show off DVDs is tacky as fuck. Yes, jewelry tarnishes, but that's why civilized people
polish and
clean their jewelry. Real jewelry, at least. But this is more fitting for the Trash Princess.
>inb4 Kiki uploads pics wearing Dakota's knockoff wing shoes or horns yet again No. 277590
File: 1490516138597.png (Spoiler Image,116.09 KB, 635x634, IMG_4743.PNG)

>>277543>>277580>charmingLol ok. Meanwhile this is what my fake armor ring I bought at a convention in 2013 looks like.
No. 277611
>>277543that ring looks like something she picked up at a flea market kek
It's fucking dirty looking
No. 277642
>>277437Looks like a middle aged woman going thru a crisis, and ran out to get plastic surgery because she couldn't let go of her youth. Tooters literally looks like a 80yr old that had her wrinkles shooped off but you can still tell she's old.
>>277541Is Tooters finally giving up on the circle lenses ? I wonder how long it takes her to shoop these images as I personally feel like she does it on the computer rather then thru mobile app.
No. 277656
>>277649That's really strange
Definitely looks like either scarring from cigarette burns, or like she had some giant hand warts that deflated which is unlikely
No. 277674
File: 1490543300457.jpg (12.17 KB, 240x180, image.jpg)

Smile burns in which edgy teens would do with a cigarette lighter. ( certain lighters would leave a smiley face scar shape hence the name )
Now can we stop bringing up her ugly scars everytime she post something.
No. 277684
>>277674bic lighters :)
source: gave myself a smiley
No. 277710
>>277535>>277527y'all must be fetal alcohol babies with the level of brain damage here
kiki is that you
No. 277713
>>277649Are we sure she did that to herself? Maybe someone else did it to her (ie, boyfriend or manager) or it's just from everyday life.
I doubt she would do this to herself tbh. I mean, the cigarette thing seems American, and she lives in Japan so it's not like she has anyone to show the results off to. I'm pretty sure the only reason someone would do the cigarette thing is to show off to their friends.
My guess is that she burned herself on some funky hair styling tool, or was cooking with oil and some of it flew onto her hand and blistered.
No. 277746
>>277710Shut the fuck up i doubt that's kiki
>>277674If you've to do that to be edgy you were never edgy to begin with. Kaka and koots are like lame ducks who would want to hang with them? They hardly have any friends to show their cigarette burns to ?
No. 277790
>>277713Yeah I'm pretty sure she did it herself.
>>277778This is not pull weeb don't go nitpicking at dumb shit.
No. 277799
>>277790Not the anon you quoted, but I agree with them that it's annoying. Obviously the farmhands/admin also agrees, hence the temp ban.
I swear that anon uses the crying laugh emoji in every single post they make.
>This is not pullYou're right, it isn't; it's an imageboard, not Instagram, and in the words of an anon that said this previously: take some time to integrate.
No. 277806
>>277713Ugh. There were pictures showing she's had them since her scene/emo days. She was a smoker and probably still is. Those scars are fucking old and were there before she even discovered Japan.
Every emo kid glorified scars, bruises and mental illnesses. So again, can we stop making a fuss about her ancient scars ?
No. 278465
File: 1490633388651.jpg (275.34 KB, 750x1334, kk.jpg)

>>277441i don't even get why she did this??
No. 278486
>>278477You crack me up Anon.
Why would she ever want to befriend someone on here when just about everyone on here calls her a flabby jizz rag, ugly, balding, meaty jaw'd, lazy, stupid ect ect ect ect.
"Befriend more popular people "
KEK, that wont happen either as I'm sure Kaka fucking ruined any chance of that happening when she went squirrelly on Taylor. Who the fuck would trust the two, because lets be honest. They're a package deal.
Tbh Dakota could have easily done well on her own, but she's just to damn fucking lazy to put the effort in. No way in hell is someone going to want to help someone who wont help themselves.
No. 278607
>>278481No, Dakota is a fat, sloppy nobody who is shacked up with somebody who
is popular and well connected.
No. 278772
>>278731Oh man, I just wish I could see how all of that went down on their sides of the screen. Like if model-can was right that Kota expressed concerns/fears of Taylor to Kaka, and Kaka just took it to lolcow to chimp out. Dakota is still the same shitbag but I think she's wised up when it comes to dealing with people/places/things she doesn't like. ( IN other words she doesn't take it to social media to shit talk anymore. Bravo probably gave her a hefty slap on the wrist for doing shit like that )
During that time wasn't there a lot of following/unfollowing between the two ?
No. 279085
>>278651Nah. I'm
>>277778 and not
>>277799 and didn't bother reporting you. Just said you should stop being cringy. Emojis on lolcow are cringy why you so mad? Also you calling anyone who disagrees with you using emojis a "weeb" is hilarious. Keep using it emoji-faggot or go back to PULL.
No. 279088
File: 1490680570952.jpg (151 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_7582.JPG)

>>279085Nobodys mad at a old ass weeb take your sperg shit to pull moron. If the shoe fits then yeah your a weeb you mad? The 'anyone' you speak of is 'you' nice try anon. Stop derailing the thread with stupid shit, since you want to be a crybaby. Take your lesbo crush on cringy bitch.
No. 279112
>>279088>>278651kek, I didn't report you either which, like I said, means admin or a farmhand saw your trademark emoji injected post and took it upon themselves to give you a temporary ban.
If I'm old, then you're underage, which would make a lot of sense actually. I love how you call us crybabies, yet you're the one chimping out over the fact that you got banned and now you can't use your precious emoji anymore :'^(
No. 279119
File: 1490685926800.png (107.92 KB, 640x462, IMG_7587.PNG)

She looks nice in this picture even though the obvious chin edit.
No. 279200
only looks nice in pics she edits, because her real face is ground beef. She can't look good unless she completely redraws her entire face after the fact in PS. Tbqh that's nothing to be impressed with or jealous of. If Dakota was actually pretty, actually successful (and I don't mean just moving out of her parents' house and wig in Japan), and actually cute/fashionable then maybe. But she's just so…. blah aside fro how striking her shoops are. I'm sure they're the only reason anyone talks about her anymore.
No. 279541
>>279119I respect your opinion, but to me she looks like a deformed fetus
>>279200The last shoops anon, have you seen them? those huge alien eyes, she doesn't look nice at all imo, she looks like a non-human creature.
No. 280342
>>279118rare good candid imo
this photo she managed not to look washed out in her "natural" makeup
No. 285373
I want to jam my cock up her ass