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No. 257843
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>>257839this is her family. she was already light skin but became ghost white because of skin bleaching. No. 257854
>>257842She is part panamanian. She is not "black" but rather mixed race. She obviously has some recent white ancestry and got some throwback genes. It's really not uncommon for hispanic families. And she is Latina, she speaks spanish fluently albeit with a bit of a gringo accent. She could pass for Puertorican or Dominican.
>>257843Obviously she uses Korean products which keep her looking light and bright but I don't think she is bleaching in a traditional sense. She is just lacking in pigment (lol) she even said that her nipples are pink which no matter how light a black woman is, I have never ever seen in my life.
No. 257866
>>257858For surgery she only did her boobs. I believe her on that one. When she went to see her mom and she was filming themselves together, they looked so much alike. She has her mom's nose and face shape.
Besides that she's had a ton of fillers. Probably botox on her jaw. She tattooed her eyebrows, lips and nipples darker. And she has had laser treatments on her face.
>>257861Yeah it's hilarious when you can see her nappy roots coming in. Like at least try to flat iron them or something.
No. 257870
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>>257860>>257866Yeah, her cheeks do look suspiciously hamster-like.
No. 257875
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>>257870Typical gangnam unni face. Do these people really think they look good?
No. 257913
>>257880I don't see how she gets compliments when she looks like this
>>257870She probably got one compliment and stretched it.
No. 257987
>>257961It did sound kinda extra like who cares about nipple color except some jav stars? She says shit like this and then gets butthurt when people call her out for being too image obsessed these days.
>>257957I don't know why she'd bleach her nipples and then recolor them with a brown tattoo… If you stop bleaching them they'd get dark again naturally.
No. 258599
lmao at "being mistaken for korean". I am whiter than white but the second I said 1-3 words in Korean I'm asked if I'm mixed. Pfft.
>>257993>I thought showing breast was frowned upon in S Korea.It is.
No. 258604
>>258601Nah I can see her eventually marrying some C-List Korean semi-attractive Korean guy. She's not desperate enough to settle for one plus she meets television hosts and such regularly. And did you see her 'ex'? Clearly has an eye for the built buff types.
Not saying it isn't going to crash and burn but she definitely has options.
No. 258627
>>258612every black person has different experiences in korea. i lived in seoul for six months and i'm a dark skinned chick, never once had anyone say anything about my skin.
people who tell stories like this tend to always leave out the fact that they lived in bumfuck areas and not seoul/daegu/busan
No. 258693
>>258604She said she dated a "celebrity" before but never specified who. Don't think anyone figured out who it was.
She is not desperate to bag a visa guy because she will have a work visa as long as she works for the tv show… So I don't think she will marry some old uggo like some of the other asia vloggers.
I think she's pretty enough to bag a c/b-celebrity, maybe a rapper. And she's adapted enough to the culture/has light enough skin that most parents wouldn't oppose a marriage. She clearly only dates koreans so there's that.
No. 258745
>>258693she's also a liar, so i wouldn't believe that she dated a celebrity. she claimed to know club owners, but i never once saw her or know anyone who even knows of her in the club scene in korea
most clubs save for the big big ones (octagon, nb2, and i'm gonna throw in cakeshop) are all the type that if you go enough, you'll be known by people or just even recognized. i've never seen hair nor hide of her and none of my club friends even know who she is
so i'm gonna call bs on her dating a celeb
No. 258815
>>258745I swear I've read this exact comment about clubs before, but I do agree. A lot of people try to go to Cakeshop because a lot of YG staff hang out there. I feel like if she saw any celebrities while clubbing she would brag about it though.
>>258723Her haircut looks like Prince Valiant. I don't know what she was thinking when she decided to have that style
No. 258843
>>258745Well I don't know. I never considered she could be lying since she never mentioned it again but I'll trust you on it I guess.
I have seen her at clubs on snapchat and she's shown her "friend" that owns one of the clubs she went to, but I didn't care to learn the name of it. In the same snap story she said Jay Park was there but didn't show him. The club didn't look that big.
No. 258855
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>>258815Bob hair cuts are pretty popular in Korea. It just doesn't suit her face at all.
pic related: what she's going for I guess.
No. 258857
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>>258855Same fag but even closer match
No. 258896
>>258843lel, meeting Jay Park at a club is literally the easiest fucking thing.
Actually I wouldn't be surprised if he was the celeb she's claiming to have dated, as the guy run after every semi-attractive black girl in Seoul.
Dude's got some serious issues.
sage for semi OT
No. 258913
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>>258896Lol he even hit on azealia banks
No. 259654
>>259653To sum up the little 'boyfriend drama', someone who's supposedly friends with the other girlfriend left a comment on Megan's Boyfriend tag video saying she stole him from the other girl. People didn't pay too much attention to that comment since they all just assumed that person was just trolling. Then a few days later, Megan posted on snapchat that her boyfriend actually had another girlfriend who lives abroad and contacted her after seeing the Boyfriend Tag video. On the same day, on twitter, some users were tweeting about some 'tea' about Megan that people didn't know about and that it was funny that her 'fans' were sad for her, not knowing what actually happened. Some girl then made a twitter account early July (I think it was around the 6th?) claiming to be Jun's girlfriend and posted a twitlonger about what actually happened between her, the boyfriend and Megan (I didn't get to read the actual twitlonger though as she deleted it a few days later and, as per usual, I'm always late to the party :alpacabored:.)
If you search for Megan's name or her username on twitter, there are a few people discussing the drama/twitlonger around 6-7 July.
I think I found the girl's personal IG (there's literally a picture of her and Jun on it and he left a comment on the pic as well. It's from 34 weeks ago so I'm assuming it's her but I'm a bit hesitant to share it though.) The girl has the same name as the one who wrote the twitlonger on twitter and a similar bio.
From what I gathered, according to the girlfriend/people who read the twitlonger, Megan was very forceful about getting into that relationship with her boyfriend and that happened while he was on a break with his other girlfriend (?). Apparently he didn't even know Megan was black (!?) - that's from the only screenshot I found of the last part of the alleged girlfriend's twitlonger - and Megan blocked the girlfriend so there is no communication between those two anymore. Also the girlfriend is not Korean. She does speak Korean but she is a UK national (that's if Jun's girlfriend from 34 weeks ago is the actual girl involved in the story.)
No. 259679
>>259073I don't want to sell out one of my best friends I made in Seoul- but she has done a hell of a lot more than Megan ever has and is still working, and while I love the girl trust me, no Korean would recognize her on the street or knows her name or anything.
Megan needs to work on those delusions of grandeur.
No. 259693
>>259680i would definitely say that eyk are more known than her. but the most relevant kblogger, by far is sunny. she does a lot of work with korean idols, is friends with idols and is talked about on website portals (particularly amongst teens) because of her make up stuff
then eyk but they're pretty hated by koreans lol
then it would go haeppy and bapmokja. megan is bottom tier, she's got a huge following amongst koreaboos but koreans don't know her, and don't particularly care for her. even on instagram all the likes are by koreaboos and all the comments are by koreaboos
if you tag your pictures with hashtags in korean, especially with as many as she does, you're bound to get comments or likes by korean people. out of 148 comments megan gets 4
No. 259697
>>259679same. i know a few other people who are actually foreigners working in seoul and kind of famous, and surprise: none of them are vloggers
people who are actually trying to get somewhere in seoul via modeling, acting, singing or whatever aren't getting out there through vlogging but they're literally out there hustling and getting jobs off of craigslist and stuff that pertain to their fields. those are the people that end up being known despite being foreigners. those people actually have agencies that help them get gigs as well.
megan has none of that
No. 259728
>>259627She works for EBS, which is like a government sponsored (i think??) education channel. Kind of like PBS in the states, but not run on public funding. They have similar shows for Chinese and Japanese. It's all based on educational programming.
>>259680I would put them in the same category. Only waegook hunters and the small percent of aspie-level people who study english and jerk off to all of the foreigner K-vloggers on youtube watch their videos. Other people don't really know about them and have no opinion on them.
>>259693She even tags her pictures #외국인모델 (#foreignmodel), she's delulu
No. 259776
>>259773>She's basically the koreaboo Kanadajin3So tripped out, I was literally about to make the same comparison.
I remember when I came across her I watched some of her videos for a brief time and then got sick of the way she talks like she knows Korea + Koreans inside out and like she's one of them. Just has that "I know better than you" attitude. Exactly like Miranda.
No. 259930
>>259728that haircut is hideous dear lord why does she do it
>>259923you say that like it's hard to get into a vip section at a club to begin with. you just need to be mildly attractive and persistent and the guys there will let you come over, give you a drink, etc
No. 260260
>>259930hmm that's true. it's just that, besides me and my friends, she was the only other non asian foreign girl there both nights so that's why i assumed she knew someone. but i guess that doesn't really mean she has connections with the owner lol. i wouldn't put it past her to be exaggerating to make herself seem more important than she is
>>259937yeah that's what i mean, haha. saying she dated a celeb is what's a bit of a stretch for me but there's no doubt she can and has hooked up with some.
No. 260282
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Is it just me or does Megan seem super irritated by this girl?it was so awkward when she was making jokes and Megan didn't even laugh, she just made disgusted faces. Why do they even hang out with each other? No. 260301
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Not to "whiteknight", I'm just pointing out it was said earlier that she didn't really have any korean fans, but i'm seeing otherwise. Not saying it's a HUGE number, but it looks like she clearly has some. Not saying she's not snowflakey, but I'm suspicious of the levels of salt in this thread..
No. 260456
>>260365>could be wrongyou are lol
>surprised she could have so muchI get more Korean spam than her and literally all I post is food.
No. 260495
>>260456Okok :). I thought maybe they could come from her having been on tv a few times and on a show (?), but no. I'm not well-versed in using instagram so thanks for clearing that, but if you don't speak Korean the comments don't look like obvious spam.
sage for no contribution
No. 261781
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This is a throwback, but I remember seeing her post this and cringing so hard. She captioned it Seoul Fashion Week S/S 2017 because she wasn't actually invited to any of the runway shows or fashion events, she just wandered around with her friend hoping that they would get their picture taking. That level of desperate attention seeking was sad.
No. 261783
>>261781dear god so many koreaboos do this. They hope they'll get their photos taken, and then they find them, shoop them up and post them on Instagram lol
actually a few of my friends went every time and I just… quietly cringed at their photos but said nothing lmao
No. 262049
>>261781I actually really like the pants she's wearing tbh.
Her friends'outfits are particularly awful though.
That jersey with blue spiked wedges and that gross ballet headband… none of that shit matches or looks good at all. Don't even get me started on velvet/satin girl.
No. 262068
>>262049i agree i like her pants
the satin girl is so bad i got shivers
No. 262120
>>261781Her fashion is awful in general
But it seems a lot of people do this. They just hang around the design plaza hoping to get their picture taken. The cringiest I saw were parents taking their little kid models there decked out in stupid outfits.
No. 262346
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It's ridiculous how much better she looked with longer hair.
No. 262590
>>262500Well yea, but on some level I understand. I do feel she does try a bit too hard to have their aesthetics, but she probably thinks it will be easier since she seems to be interested in the taking the route there with a career that would show her face a lot. I think it is kind of cool that she can resemble them so much in appearance and not even be of their race (in the US we don't even see a lot of that). I think a lot of her try-hardness comes from her being ambitious despite the odds being heavily stacked against her of finding success. Still one level up from your average intolerable ~Koreaboo.
sage for me not knowing what she is trying to accomplish in Korea
No. 262628
>>262500Just coming from the Venus thread what urges me the most are people on here or in the youtube comment section trying to defend her or justifying that as 'simply trying to fit in' while venus gets shat on for literally the same thing! double standards much
I really haven't watched her videos in a long time, only saw pictures, but the helmet-like hair und tattooed on eyebrows are even creepier in motion…
No. 262636
>>262590this doesn't work because there's the entire cast of abnormal summit (both seasons), sayuri, and christina who made it in korea and didn't spend their entire time trying to look ~korean~
hell, one of the panelists and sam hammington are pretty much the farthest you can get from looking korean but they're out there modeling and picking up gigs and stuff. i'd argue that megan trying so hard to be korean is hurting her chances more than helping her because it's just making her look even more like an old koreaboo trying to be korean, which isn't actually what koreans like to see or know about foreign celebrities
No. 262643
>>262637Ok. Correct me if I wrong but…
What your saying is the barely adult, culturally confused (because her mother took her on a tax evasion tour and she grew up with no anchor culture of her own), Venus who is married to a Japanese native and is more than likely desperately trying to make a life for herself because she has literally nothing to go back to should be shat on MORE than a nearly 30 year old koreaboo, who thinks teaching english on a public access channel makes her part of the entertainment industry, goes out to try to have her picture taken, and brags that people think that she looks Korean (after doing everything in her power including ps to look Korean).
That's just wild.
No. 262673
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>>261781I keep staring at the Naruto sandals and body mesh. 2007 was a decade ago Ino-pig!
No. 262689
>>262636sage for blogpost but yeah they really don't want a foreigner trying too hard to look ~Asian desu~
I had a random meeting with a manager along with another outwardly koreaboo looking girl, and the guy said flat out I would be getting more opportunities than her because of "my look" (clearly western, fit what they expect to see) and she immediately squawked "it's because I look Korean right!? I get that a lot!" and he just laughed his ass off lol
No. 262721
>>262702I think adjusting your manners and even your clothes, learning at least some of the language is all great
But trying to "look Korean" (as in the actual ethnicity, not makeup or fashion trends) and saying shit about "I FEEL KOREAN" is all pretty fucked.
No. 263006
>>263002Every foreigner will always be foreign lmao
Even gyopos are never "real koreans" to Korean nationals
No. 269698
>>261781It might just be the lens or the angle– because it varies from photo to photo but…she has a really unfortunate hook nose thing going here. The bridge (is it the bridge? donno my nose anatomy, sorry) has a noticeable curve to it, it's not straight at all, and the tip is drooping badly.
It makes her look witchy and old. I'm assuming she's already had it fixed but I think she needs to have it fixed again.
No. 273265
She did an ancestry test.
She is 65.2% African
34.4 European.
1.9% East asian/Native American
The average African American is between 20-30% European. No. 274138
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>>274055Where's this? You have to show caps.
I saw the video where she did the 23 and Me DNA test because she gets asked "what she is" all the time.
She only had 1.9% Asian in her and half of it was Southeast Asian and the other was Native American. I don't think she'd seriously claim to be part Korean at all after getting those results.
No. 274198
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>>257817they went to a bird cafe together
No. 274224
>>274221thats not her Korean name, it literally means " I'm an American person" she actually says her Korean name in a a video.
No. 274280
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they're not just back together, he seems to be living with her too. this picture is in her kitchen.
No. 275197
>>274055I watched the vid because I want to do this test and she never said that.
I didn't know it took spitting nonstop, gross. Why can't it be something like giving a piece of hair??
>>275083Wonder if he had surgery too, what if that is not his real face?
No. 275375
>>275091Well, I mean Megan showed this thread to me and I wondered why I had such a huge ass influx of subs.
Wanna know a secret? I use adblock too! :D Unless it's for people I actually know and like.
No. 275542
>>275479Yeah, I wish it could be more. I'm making a change to what i'm doing. This whole goody goody bullshit i've been doing hasn't worked out for me. I didn't know how much I was copying other YouTubers until I compared my work. I realized how much of a shit no one gave about a black man in Korea that's doing touristy stuff. Those mutha canuckers Simon & Martina pretty much covered a lot of shit and Korean Englishman has that "British" charm Koreans love so much.
I recently found out how Youtube screws over smaller channels: by being buzzfeed. They'll push clickbait over everything.
>>275467Thanks, I love you too!
No. 281211
Latest video. Mukbang. she got
triggered when someone asked her if she sometimes wishes her family could live in Korea. "Ummmmm… no". And goes on about how she doesn't need to see her mom ALL THE TIME after people commented it was weird she didn't see her for seven years. Isn't there an in-between between "all the time" and seven damn years? Lol
No. 281233
>>281211Thank god her hair is better, didn't watch the whole thing.
>>281219It's gross but acceptable to eat like that in Korea. I'm more annoyed by the mess.
No. 298437
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how on earth does she think she looks good? in an effort to become more korean she looks like a gangnam woman that even koreans find ridiculous looking
No. 361268
>>361253Yeah melanin can be a bit tricky. She showed baby pictures of herself and she was the lightest one in her family, though she could have edited them. I have doubts though because her mom is fairly light, as is her sister. I would say they're only about 2 shades darker than her.
She definitely made use of a whitening filter in her videos in the past though, it's not as prevalent now and she has been looking darker and what looks like having an actual skin color. I don't think she's trying to fit the korean ideal anymore or as much.
No. 362122
Megan doesnt seem to have an identity. She is whatever her surroundings are. However, I think she fell in live with the easy living of korea. So I give her points on that. She is actually getting out there. But she is a try hard. she makes a lot of jokes but you guys dont seem to get them. Whatever path she is going down I hope she is remembers that anericans go to korea to save up. I have a feeling her, carson, and whitney are going to come home broke. Whitney seems to have more korean fans so she may get a real job yet.
>>259654The girl and her friends seemed to go overbroad. She was his internet girlfriend. They only met once or twice. Uk and jun both seem to be foreign hunters. So I dont blame bowen for dating jun. The other relationship seemed like a chatline thing.
>>361251It matters because a lot of foreigners dont like that a black girl is doing nice work in korea. They keep bring up her race. She is an odd mixed person. Kinda like the white/asian kids. They dont have a dominate parent so their faces are a mash of everything.
Sage for everything.