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No. 189455
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>>189452it's like Sister Sister meets aegyo-sal
No. 189470
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Chonunmigooksaram looks different here.
No. 189477
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samefag because forgot photo
No. 189492
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>>189479I don't understand why people post videos crying over their ex as if it isn't pathetic
Migook uploaded a video with her boyfriend only to take it down a few DAYS later and cry about it all over snapchat but her boyfriend was already engaged to a white koreaboo lmao. Supposedly Migook already knew that though. Her claiming the break up was because he was using her for promos sounds like bullshit. She had no problem showing off her ~ hot Korean ~ boyfriend. He was just a Korean gaijin hunter.
No. 189537
>>189516I wouldn't say it's a ton of drama, just boyfriend dramu which admittedly is hilarious. Tbh when she posted his photo a few weeks before on her insta without saying it was her bf I thought he was sketchy because he had a ton of similar cutesy selfies with really cute and pretty girls on his page. He's the type of guy that knows he's hot (at least body wise) and can get who he wants.
I like the fact that she can speak Korean fluently though, it's nice to see her interact with people and not just be in a western bubble like most vloggers.
No. 189539
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>>189529I never heard of him before but fuck he is hideous. this is embarrassing
No. 189541
>>189539This looks like a mugshot.
His lips are busted as fuuuuuck. Wtf is going on there?! Home boy needs some lip injections on that top lip stat.
No. 189600
>>189589this was recently posted so I'm assuming it's after surgery. holy shit, I can't believe he looks this bad after PS.
he looks ridiculous with circle lenses. he looks too old to be trying to look like a kpop idol
No. 189606
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It gets worse
No. 189613
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>>189611I'll give it to Dave and Josh, they are actually relevant to young Koreans and have been successful. Their vids always seem to go viral and they get tons of fan mail (from Koreans, and not Koreaboos living through them) and get stopped on the street. Funny though, so many Koreans think Dave's a fag as well. Pic related, Dave before his Youtube fame
Barely anybody knows who EYK, Megan, or Bapmokja are, and if they do, it's because they are foreigner obsessed weirdos who's only dream is to pork a non-asian.
No. 189690
I don't think Sunny speaks Korean that well? Like in this video ( when she tries to say "2 minutes" she says "doo boon" instead of "ee boon" (uses the wrong counter). And that's very basic Korean lol. I guess she's trying to improve it by staying in Korea though.
No. 189728
>>189727She has over 400k subscribers on YT, so I can imagine her having a big head (even though that really isn't a drop in the bucket compared to the most popular youtubers.)
I like jheartsj. They're cute and pretty honest, I feel. I've only watched like 7 or 8 of their videos, but I like what I see.
No. 189746
>>189703Megan is not white passing, atleast not in America. While I didn't immediately peg her as black, I thought she was some kind of spanish/latina. When she has her natural curly hair she looks even more nonwhite.
Light skin =/= white passing
No. 189751
>>189740…because every Korean person thinks she's white.
She can talk about her experiences. But to be like "I'm black and I'm having a great time so you're all gonna great time too!!" is weird to watch when she knows she gets treated like a white person by Koreans.
No. 189970
>>189823Already said she's allowed to talk about her experiences. Nothing wrong with that. But when her channel is based on educating other people about Korea and its customs and 'what to expect in Korea' its weird for her preach about how awesome Korea is to black people when she herself is fully white passing in Korea (and she's aware of this). Sure she's black but she doesn't get the same experience as a non-white passing black person in Korea would get. I wouldn't care if she just spoke about her experiences as a white passing black person in Korea, my issue is that she assumes every black person is going to get treated like she does, which is not the case.
I'm the same race as her and I'd be white passing in Korea too. Oops I put quotation marks around the word 'black', oh well.
No. 190073
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Josh is hot
No. 190199
>>190028Lmfao anon.
Their only stealth if they don't open their mouth and remove all doubt.
>>189970Agree. If you don't look like the "average" person of your ethnicity, you're not going to get the brunt of the racism/discrimination/judgement etc. So everything is peachy keen to you.
No. 190331
>>190073I don't always like White guys, but when I do..
He is hot indeed, anon.
No. 190433
>>189651Nah white, he uses a lot of makeup and has had botox (videos on both)
Circle lenses could throw you off his race a bit i guess.
No. 201303
I know no one's posted here in a while but I have stuff to get off my chest lol
I think Megan Bowen (Chonunmigooksaram)'s kind of a nice person who, despite sometimes being annoying and less informative and more…koreaboo nowadays, genuinely saw an opportunity and took it.
Don't know where she's taking it to, but she took it.
About the boyfriend situation, the "he said, she said" is all over the place. Some poor (read: stupid) anon even posts about it here(, saying quite passionately (kek) Megan is to blame.
Facts are that as soon as Megan came out with that video, a comment came from one of the fiance's friends saying that he's engaged. Offline, the fiance flies into Korea and her, Jun, and Megan had a huge confrontation and then the snapchat stuff happened and Megan fans rip the shit out of his instagram. He puts it on private for a while and she got caught liking some of his shit after everything went down.
She also curated a KBox (korean beauty subscription service, like Ipsy or Birchbox) that she heavily overpriced (35 bucks compared to Ipsy's 10 bucks? um no), considering how cheap korean makeup and skincare is and how it was basically only a sheet mask, some stupid liptints, an eyeliner, Etude House falsies and stickers of herself. Whatever.
BapMokja (Alexander Varley) and Haeppy (name unknown) are already controversial as fuck in the kpop community because they shat all over everything in the kpop reaction videos, if it was too sexy, too innocent, never liked guy groups. They were like those two muppet dudes who never liked anything but more douchebaggy about it. And then their BS got worse when Alex was featured in a kpop music video (AOA's Heart Attack) and then they shat all over CL or Hyuna, which forced them to privatize/delete all of their kpop reactions.
Don't really know what they do now on their channel/in life other than bleach/fry their hair, slather on the BB cream, shove in the circle lenses and put on their best "blue steel" for the kpop groups no one knows/cares about.
Edward Avila is one I only just heard of. I saw a video he did with another K-Youtuber and he was an absolutely blatant asshole. I don't know if that's his thing, so I saw a video he did by himself (the Harley Quinn one) and it was bland as fuck and he talks like one of those aggressive hipsters. Clearly, he's only there to bank on the fame of being a foreigner in Korea (something that K-Netizens are beyond tired of) and he might actually try to audition for an agency if he hasn't already and posted a video "on his process".
I don't know much about Sunny, but she seems like your harmless Koreaboo and I actually like that she's honest about her cosmetic surgeries.
Whitneybae is one I'm surprised no one is talking about. She doesn't have drama as far as I'm aware, so no real milk. She was mentioned twice in Korean media: Once, in a documentary about how she's just another koreaboo with a youtube channel who came to Korea with dreams of being in the industry but the thing is, she can't sing and she's not that great at dance; and two, when she tried to answer an English question on a Korean college entrance exam.
Her youtube videos can be fun, if you can get past her terrible, exaggerated, aegyo-filled, "airhead american" accent or clickbait-y titles. She does genuinely study Korean and she does seem like a nice girl, though.
Josh Carrott (the cute half of Korean Englishman) is one that I have zero problems with. All he does is travel and introduce cultures without imitating or just doing huge Koreaboo-y stuff, and now he's married to an amazing chef from Master Chef Korea.
Dave is another one I know nothing about. From the looks of his videos, he seems like a genuinely nice person. I remember he did a foreigner's special with Megan a few years ago and he would slap on the BB cream even though his skin was already breaking out.
I feel much better now. Just like when you go to take a dump and come out feeling 10 pounds lighter. Thanks for that.
No. 201351
>>198313lol what at that nightclub statement. i lived in korea, and i never saw hide nor hair of her at any club.
the most popular club is nb2 and she doesn't know the owners there because it's owned by YG entertainment. there's also octagon which is one of those super clubs, considered one of the best clubs in the world, she doesn't know the owner there. and then for all of the medium or smaller clubs in hongdae, knowing the owners and employees who work there isn't exactly hard to do or everything. you just have to go to clubs regularly and then they know you.
but this chick i've never seen her. i doubt she knows the club owners and shit.
No. 279155
>>279076Can't help but agree
>>279054Yeah, it was the first video I watched of her and very cringe inducing. Clicked back to that old video of her and her sister in the link above and saw that she was even worse than I originally thought
No. 279208
>>279155She seriously said that she's upset because other exchange students from the US are better at Korean than she is? And how does speaking a handful of Korean words make you original anyway?
She seems like the sort of person that is intimidated by other people's success, even though she should just be focusing on improving herself.
Also, koreaboos seem like weeaboos in terms of being territorial about a ~unique~ culture that isn't even their own
No. 279556
>>279208yup she is definitely upset over other peoples success
in her first semester, her roommate had a bf and she made a joke about it, but you could tell she was really jealous because her roommate didn't spend every waking moment in the dorm room with her, since she had a life
plus nevermind the fact that Cherie (girl in the vid) has never had a bf before
In many videos she shows how jealous she is over her classmates being much better at Korean, smiling about how much better they are but it looks so forced: (start at 8:40
No. 280361
>>280244I feel like most koreaboos go through a mental breakdown living in Korea once they realize it's not the magic land of oppars and kimchi they thought it was
Or they fall for some random 외국인 hunter who dumps them after a couple weeks and they just can't handle it.
No. 280381
>>280361I think she went through something similar because before she left she kept saying guys suck and her friends confirming that they're terrible. She said she would say why in a later vid but never brought it up again.
I can understand building up expectations of a relationship, but a country? An entire nationality? Smh, no pity when they're dreams get crushed as a result
No. 570713
>>570261I was thinking the opposite tbh lmao
Megan looks really pretty and is open about her PS and sharla looks kinda…washed up
No. 570863
>>570713I'd take looking like boring Sharla over looking like PS, bleached skin and wig wearing Megan any day.
I bet if Sharla had all the shit done like Megan had, then she'd also look prettier lol