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No. 246064

I'm surprised she doesn't have her own thread yet, seeing as how much people have to say about her in the art threads. I've followed her for a while and she belongs here for sure

>Popular SJW artist on Tumblr for her awful magical girl (sorry, 'sassy sisters') OCs, all of which are gay/trans/disabled/fat/POC etc

>Has little artistic skill, but gets by because she draws the type of shit Tumblr users eat up (Shiney pink bust portraits of kawaii fat/hijabi/vitiligo girls)
>Makes all her money from terrible headshot commissions
>Says straight couples trigger her, gets angry just seeing straight people kiss in public
>Used to be in the DD/LG community, left because of abuse
>Despite this, her main OC pairing is a young mentally ill girl, who is held captive by a much older man (An OC of her girlfriends)
>Said OC is based closely on herself
>Is now strongly against DD/LG shit and posts about how disgusting it is, warning girls against it
>All this while using the nymphet(fashion) tag and listing lolita as her favorite movie
>Held an OC/fanart contest where the prizes included commissions and promo on her blog
>Her girlfriend (Edward/nich0lael) has the exact same art style as her, but claims they are just inspired by the same things
>Is artist friends with Tearzah and agent_lapin

That's all I can recall for now, links;

Tumblr: http://petitepasserine.tumblr.com/
Art Tumblr:http://passerineart.tumblr.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/PetitePasserine
Insta: https://www.instagram.com/petitepasserine/?hl=en
DA: http://petitepasserine.deviantart.com/

No. 246077

meh, all of this can be said about 99% of ""artists"" on tumblr tbh. i can think of 10 off the top of my head who're a lot worse about it, particularly ddeeric. this bitch is boring.

No. 246078

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Yeah, I was surprised too because she's brought up quite a lot on here. Her art is cute at first but then you notice she has a serious case of sameface and never really tries new things or goes outside of her own style. It's kinda freaky how similar her girlfriend's art style is similar to her's, you can barely tell the difference. I was surprised by how big of a fanbase she has tbh. They're both average-okay looking irl though.

No. 246080

I find her pretty annoying too but I don't think there's much drama around her. If there's any, I'd love to hear about it though. I remember that she was answering to some asks on tumblr in a realy rude manner some years ago but that's all I remember, and it's not like she's the only one who does it anyway

No. 246082

She attacked Melanie Martinez for "sexualizing childrens' things" and Avril Lavigne for "cultural appropriation", both of which are things she does. Kind of a knobhead, to be honest.

No. 246113

Lol did she hurt you? Cuz I've followed both her and her gf for a while and she's just really sweet? I smell personal vendetta

No. 246120

Yikes, when did the Tumblr whiteknight parade arrive? Muri/Muri stan pls go.

No. 246141

lol I'm not her I live in America we've never met…

No. 246144

I don't think that's enough to warran an entire thread for her, you should repost it under Artist Snowflakes & Crazies

No. 246208

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Abuse is cute.

She also had a panic attack while watching a rape scene during GoT and the first thing she did was to take selfies of her crying only to post them on Tumblr while ranting about how it triggered her.

No. 246229

She's snowflakey but being a lazy artist and getting into minor spats on tumblr doesn't warrant an entire thread.

No. 246287

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Never forget pic related.

Also, I don't think she has enough milk on her own, but a general Tumblr artists thread should be enough. There's enough drama with tearzah and her clones to keep it going.

No. 246291

literally who the fuck even?

This is shitty vendetta, come back with real milk faggot

No. 246372

Yes! I remember this bullshit. But I agree with >>246144
this should be in the general tumblr artist thread.

On another note, tumblr has bred a flock of artist who pump out sameface generic artwork without the incentive to make improvement or grow as an artist. That's why a lot of tumblr art looks the same.

U mad bro????

No. 248314

>Says straight couples trigger her, gets angry just seeing straight people kiss in public
Pics? I've heard nothing of this 0.o(lurk more)

No. 248396

>implying that there isn't a group of artists like that on every platform
People will copy whatever is popular. Tumblr doesn't take credit for every minor annoyance.

No. 249793

always hated this hypocritical cunt. her gf is goals though.

No. 265413

well she made a huge drama about making some furry pets for her local lolita community, and after people complained, she said it was to represent all races (SJW shit). She does not even wear Lolita, so people started to hate on her back because she was self-proclaimed mother of the group.
Later someone posted a text in Btb about all the dramu. She got pissed and cried that people were not grateful enough to her, so she left the comm for good

No. 276915

>bitches about pedophilia and loli/shota
>has ocs who are physically and mentally 12 but have been ~alive longer so they're not actually children
>said ocs are prostitutes

also changes opinions constantly for rts/rbs

>defended shotacons/lolicons after zamii attempted suicide

>"even if someone draws underage content you shouldn't tell people to kill themselves!"
>friend circle starts talking about kodomo no jikan a literal week later
>pp joins in
>"if you like underage content you deserve to be in hell :)"

underage content disgusts me but holy fuck, i really only think she's against it because tumblr is anti-underage right now

No. 276923

>bumping a month old thread just to restate the same shit in the op

No. 277069

Ah yeah, she's been in the Bad/Horrible Art thread for a while. Still a little bit annoyed that the prize for her contest was, partly, a promo. I don't know it seems a little cheap.

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