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No. 244265
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>>244264I have some screen caps from the DVD
No. 244271
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>>244267I'll dump what I have
No. 244276
>>244273She looks pretty bad/awkward in some of the other caps I saw, but she looks really cute in this one.
Girl isn't awful looking though tbh, mostly just needs to sort out her skin issues.
No. 244284
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Kek @ keekihime bitching at people editing their photos when she does the same thing
No. 244285
>>244282I mean the two girls in the cover picture.theyre nobodies.
>himezawaShe's a nobody. Why do you girls love talking about her so much. She doesn't even hang out with the other weebs in Japan.
No. 244296
>>244294Keeki was really popular on nico. Yeah on the weeb con circuit nobody knows her but she had a name in Japan. Of course she wasn't like Rola or Dakota who isn't even an idol.
Amina isn't famous either but she's accomplished a lot more than himezawa.
Himezawa is just a glorified shitty cosplayer who got married for a visa. Don't even put her in the gaijin idol category.
No. 244310
>>244303>>244306Someone sounds really mad that Himezawa's gawky bird looking self somehow managed to squeak by and become an idol. Maybe not a successful one, but like
>>244309 said, she's in a idol group and is in some form, an idol.
No. 244313
>>244310Himezawa is that you?
Baby Wolf isn't a group, they don't do shows or make music. It's just from that shitty low tier net tv show she was on. If you fuckers knew any Japanese you'd see its not a "group".
No. 244317
>>244313Yes, clearly I am Himezawa as I'm obviously speaking so highly of her.
You're taking the title of "idol" very seriously. Why? Why does it get under your skin so much when people call weeb trash like Himezawa or the others idols? The way you are acting makes it come off like you are bitter or jealous, which is silly unless you yourself are one of those girls attempting to become one?
No. 244331
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>>244325Are you the same anon as
>>244313 or no?
That anon seemed to be taking the whole "idol" thing very seriously. You seem reasonable and not jealous though. I agree, Himezawa isn't fit to become a successful idol by any means, but she currently kind of qualifies as an idol regardless as to how bad she is at being one.
The good news, however, for anyone who doesn't like her, she seems to be coming to terms with her failure as an idol, and may be quitting? This was post in her personal thread just recently.
No. 244348
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>>244343Kek she's like a squirrel
No. 244358
>>244350No one cares about what some nobody underground idol does, these rules only matter if the girl is trying to get famous.
And yes anyone can go to Japan and be an idol if they put in minimal effort and are young. It's not hard to get into some nobody idol group or preform in a hole in the wall idol concert venue like Akiba sixteen.
No. 244393
>>244371>>244372I don't see Himezawa being the AV idol type, she has too much of a superiority complex to stoop to doing porn. She always wanted some kind of image like an elegant, European aristocrat, but with the turn of events like "I don't identify as female" and her coming to terms with her not finding success as an idol, I wonder if her role will change? Still don't see her ever doing AV work though, just doesn't seem her style regardless to how desperate for fame she may be.
>>244379>>244387>>244390I think Amina saw gravure as an easy route to securing some kind of fame. I don't think she was wrong in assuming that, however, I do think she's let it go too far for her to ever be seen as a real "girl next door" type idol. While a lot of idols do gravure starting out, most of it is fairly tame and cutesy, Amina's was pretty risque in comparison. Who knows though, her career is still pretty young, I'm honestly curious to see how far she'll manage to get before fading into obscurity like the rest. I have no ill will against the girl, but let's be real, like the other anon said, she's clearly no Leah Dizon.
No. 244452
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I'm surprised with the content of Amina's DVD.
This is from her tumblr.
No. 244548
>>244516She has a fanbase? Color me surprised. I tried searching "aminyan" on Reddit and there was nothing, though.
A lot of the stuff she says/rants about seems very pro-black/SJW-friendly too. She just gets salty when other random black girls try and get into it with her, then answers asks with things like "Sigh it's sad and lonely being pretty". Doesn't seem to be much method to it, aside from keeping it all in English.
No. 244564
>>244548Are you kidding? She goes off on SJWs all the time and a ton of alt right guys follow her on Twitter.
I don't think she's gone by aminyan since she's moved to Japan so not much pops up.
No. 244569
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She definitely has a bit of an ego, but I think that's just a result of all the shit she's been through to get this far.
>Screencap from her DVD she seriously looks disturbed in this shot.
No. 244575
>>244569Ahaha wtf
But seriously what did her family have to say about this?
No. 244599
>>244569>this farWhich ended up not being very far at all. It's kinda sad.
I guess becoming an idol while being a black gaijin is ten times harder than trying to become an idol as a white one.
At least she did better than Himezawa, I guess.
For anyone who wants it btw, I found a download link for her DVD. Seems you need a Rapidgator premium account to actually download it, though. be neat if someone with an account downloaded it and mirrored it somewhere.
No. 244629
>>244313>Baby Wolf isn't a group, they don't do shows or make musicAre you serious? She referred to Baby Wolf as an idol project or something similar though.
I know Zawa used to "aggrandize" her various activities but I thought this time it was for real lol.
No. 244636
>>244612She honestly did. She has a nice body and a cute face, she's perfect as Japan's token black gravure girl
>>244626I don't follow these people but neither of them went into gravure so I think its kind of apples to oranges. Ami is probably making more money shilling her nudes though
No. 244645
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>>244561There's no denying her personality is just as shit as the other aidorus
No. 244653
>>244642Beckii was very famous until she dropped her manager for mysterious reasons, sold multiple DVDs and photobooks where she didn't have to do gravure, had a whole company/idol group catered directly to her, ie "Cruel Angels"(rather than having to join a unit or enter contests for a chance to do so), did multiple commercials, was featured in ads and magazines, and is reportedly still sent shit by her Japanese fanboys.
She was also in the idol scene before Ami even had a chance (IIRC around that period, that crusty Detroit maid cafe was her highlight and m0m0ko was the only black girl with an inkling of popularity).
I reeaally think she blew Ami out of the water on this one. I remember that NHK documentary Ami did that repeatedly highlighted that she had almost no fans/audience going on in Japan, and it was sad.
No. 244725
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Who you is this curly haired blonde girl everyone is hanging out with now?first she hung out with himeka and now amina
No. 244759
I didn't expect Aminyan to do nudity..It's like a theme with these girls who go to Japan, do gravure or porn and get a visa husband or do gravure or porn and end up back home.
>>244636>>244642I don't know about Keekihime but Beckii definitely was the most successful out of all the gaijin idols trying, she released official music videos, dvds, a photobook, commercials, had a documentary, performed on tv, was on magazine covers, etc. I don't think Aminyan or Himezawa did half those things, did their group even actually debut?
>>244710I think it's also because Beckii wasn't really trying be to a famous idol right? It just randomly happened, so I guess she came across as more genuine.
No. 244784
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>>244768I know this may be hard to believe anon but people have different opinions.
No. 244786
>>244626There were other white idols in Japan that lasted 6 months tops.
I don't understand why anyone is white knighting for Beckii. We know she's famous. You don't have to be
triggered. Amina had a longer stint than Keekihime though and she can speak pretty good Japanese whereas Himezawa can't at all.
Her asshole tweets lately really get to me. I think she's trying to play up that new "angst" thing because she didn't use to be like that. Even now she seems pretty civil with most people.
Amina isn't the most talented but she's accomplished a good number of shit in Japan while being black, 18 and having people like Jrcach and Himeka stalking her management. I don't understand why weebs A-log her so much.
No. 244819
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I find it fishy nobody really talked about her here for several months until Amina got into an argument with that aidoru girl Teya this week. This girl supposedly is half Japanese, is going to Japan to become an idol and used to be on world otaku mate. Any deets on her?
No. 244851
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>>244786>>244725By "Himeka" do you mean the ~30 year old Canadian anime theme singer, or am I missing something?
No. 244856
>>244321You know, this isn't bad at all (considering they're new, indie, and growing). But I'm wondering.. Why does the Japanese girl have a really center focused flattering angle, but the American girl some top focused unflattering lower angle? That's some bad camera work.
>>244387Leah Dizon was a tarento and record artist. That already gives you way more fame and a better marketed position than becoming an idol. I'm guessing Amina want to really be an idol, but if you just want to be a famous singer in Japan, it's better to just be a normal record artist. OK apart from Himeka, now that
>>244851mentions it. But look at Chris Hart for example. He might just be the most famous non Japanese black person in Japan, along with the Softbank guy.
No. 244910
>>244906>So is Ami's.Look plenty of major idols and singers have shit tier singing and dancing.
Beckii failed because of shitty management. True, she had no talent but if she had been marketed correctly she could have made it. Her parents fucked that up. Also she was fourteen.
Leah Dizon also had no talent. But she was hot and well managed so it didn't matter.
No. 244915
>>244599I really want to see the full thing, the preview was already funny enough.
Anyone? Please?
No. 244919
>>244893I don't understand why people say ami's Facebook is drama. It's just mainly selfies or weird memes.
We know Beckii was famous in Japan, why are you so
triggered to defend her?
I don't understand how Amina is so horrible besides a few retarded tweets. If someone has any deets can you upload them?
No. 244923
>>244833>overratedShe's not even famous
I'm not tha biggest Amina fan but the A-logging here is awful. She even dumped Himeka for being such a bitch and making child porn. She sucks at singing and dancing but I have yet to see her being a horrible person.
No. 245032
>>245019Except the thread is literally discussing who did better as an idol.
So why are you soo upset anon?
No. 245033
>>244938>>245019Uh..What about the
triggered anon who literally said she did better than both Becki and keeki?
This literally only started because either Ami was whiteknighting herself or an Ami fan was being delusional and salty.
No. 245034
>>244919 What do you mean
triggered to defend becky? I'm just being honest, both girls had more following than Amina. It is what it is.
No. 245048
>>245043Amina pls
Also amina, you won a consolation award for miss iD. You didn't win it, so please stop posting that.
Jfc what's with all the salty amina fans shitting up every thread she's mentioned in??
No. 245050
>>245049sup amina
you should really get those pimple scars covered up
No. 245055
>>245052Scroll up, at least two anons said she won (and were obviously her white knights or amina herself.)
>>245053Or you know, some anon leaked her gravure shots and that's what everyone's trying to talk about - until her whiteknights arrive and try and get any threads/conversations on her shut down, always using the same excuse. "It's Micky" or "it's some other bitch amina TOTALLY called out"
It could just be people who laugh at what an arrogant bitch she is??
No. 245278
>>245277Excuse me for double posting
What about those two twins with the FAS? Where are they now?
No. 245288
>>245207Leah was a gravure idol. That was what made her famous. She became a tarento later after she had mastered very basic Japanese.
On 2007 Kouhaku Uta Gassen she did a special idol medley with AKB and Nakagawa Shoko where they literally finished with a song sung together about being an idol.
No. 245386
If the anons saying Beckii achieved more than Aminyan are Beckii selfposting then by that logic the anons denying that must be Aminyan selfposting.
>>245278They seem to still be in Japan doing the idol thing, I'm surprised they haven't done gravure yet.
No. 245396
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>>245387You don't need a good figure to do gravure
No. 245402
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Amina seems to think a guy flirting with her means he wants to take her home and rape her. No. 245761
>>245749Nanpa guys in Japan can be pretty aggressive. Especially the Gaijin hunting kind. It isn't that unbelievable.
>>245760That's dumb logic. Because someone is hot ignore that they're creepy af? The hell?
No. 245824
>>245402So… some "cute" guy supposedly stalked her to a restaurant, sat down with her and ordered and then left with her, while she videos said "cute" guy, updates her social media talking about how some cute crazy guy is totally stalking her and she doesn't know what to do??
Yeah, I'm not buying it. She's obviously on a date with the guy but she's pulling a Himezawa. "Guys he's totally just some random cute stalker!!! Teehee" Bitch needs to stop.
No. 245826
>>245822She never went. The picture posted was matched to Shani's Instagram.
I don't see why she would need to pull a Himezawa. Nanpa happens in Japan all the time guys. Plus it would be a really dumb move to film a guy she's dating and publicly put him on Twitter where he can see it. Maybe all of you are unattractive but Japanese guys are pretty aggressive with decent looking foreign friend had a guy stalk her around Harajuku even after she asked him to leave her alone.
No. 245830
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>>245827Other comments.
This shit happens all the time in Tokyo especially for foreign girls. Nobody is stanning but it's not that unbelievable. Amina is socially awkward so she probably thought he was kind of cute and went about it in a dumb way. But it's not unbelievable to say the least.
No. 245839
>>245838She lives in Nippon
Any thing she posts 9/10 would have japs in guys are retarded.
No. 245842
>>245839Note that they said HOT jap guy. obviously they'll be japanese, noones questioning that.
>>245841Or she could be exaggerating (or completely making shit up)
the guy in the video looks like he's talking fairly calmly and not trying to force anything.
I smell bullshit.
No. 245849
>>245844>he looked decent so she didn't call the staff on him.even you admit that's the only reason shes talking to him
>She let him pay for her meal and when he pushed things further she lefttranslation: she got a free meal and then told the guy to fuck off (according to her, who knows what really happened)
No. 245856
>>245852Not talking about changing the topic. I'm wondering if it was ok to make those threads. This one is basically an Amina thread, which is against the rules. But maybe something changed when I was away from the site.
>>245853I'm seeing more so people trying to make milk from her more than anything. I don't really see the point of it either way. The sperging out from either side doesn't matter much to her and it seems like she's being facetious.
No. 245866
>>245861Dude. The reason Beckii Keeki et all were brought up was become someone up-thread claimed that Amina was more successful than all the other gaijin idols. Some people disagreed and cited facts. And people did jump on the other girls in defense of her. All that shit is up-thread.
>>245864No vendetta. Just not allergic to facts.
No. 245867
>>245862She's a banned topic in the first place though. Nobody should be bringing her up. It's weird that anytime Himeka or anybody else who's had beef with her becomes more active online the more posts I see here about her.
>>245864That's what I'm seeing. I also don't get why people need to reply to obvious Vendetta posts either.
No. 245875
>>245873Don't care about people talking about the DVD. But the samples and shit came out like 6 months ago. It's suspect as hell people only care
No. 245878
>>245871What I don't get is how they are always on the attack. Like Amina makes a skanky LOLsy gravure vid devoid of charm. Bad decision for a foreign idol. People comment on it. Immediate excuses and shitting on other foreign girls ensue.
No. 246065
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>>245779Is this what you mean?
>>245851I think people can make threads about Micky again.
>>245867Himeka and Micky have been active online for months and this thread was made recently. People were talking about her dvd when she first posted about it, I guess someone found a clip and screenshots recently causing people to talk about her again.
No. 246180
>the pictures are realAnyone can upload pictures.
>it's a paid accountOn SA women don't have to pay for accounts to be "verified".
No. 246448
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soooooo I was watching that weeb show why did you come to nippon and this black Italy girl said to be come an aidoru……when will these weebs stop
No. 246452
>>246448I actually know who she is, and man this girl produce a lot of milk and drama. This was filmed a year ago i think, and she still wants to become an idol and is applying for different auditions and stuff on a regular basis.
Well, I hope she can achieve her dream and be happy I guess. Even though I think it will ever happen…
No. 246478
>>246457It was aired on television in october! Well, i don't think many people outside of italy know who she is. Her facebook page is . Her drama contains mostly of lying a lot, being paranoid about every one talking shit about her, she herself talks shit about everyone else as well, being extremly aggressive, pointing out people in all kind of ways, saying that she is fluent in like 8 languages or something . She kinda sees herself above everyone else, but I don't really know. Even though she wants to become an idol it doesn't seem like she have tried to become internet famous. I remember her being active in the Italian gyaru-comm though.
No. 246516
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>>246448Yeeeah, there's no way. Even if this girl could really sing, the odds are weighed heavily against her.
No. 246542
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>>246448She looks like the Walmart version of Michelle Obama
No. 249821
File: 1486934915936.jpg (43.15 KB, 653x610, 16708459_1314556218590635_5810…)

A manager of some "idol group" called BerriTeam Victory (which has never performed or released anything and yet somehow has 2,000+ likes in less than a week) apparently has some drama with Amina:
>it's not just "insulting your looks". It's called roasting.>it's not my fault that you look like a porch monkeyAnd here's her group's page: No. 249901
>>249821Can someone PM this girl and ask her what the fuck happened?
The fact that Amina has gotten into so much shit and it's all been almost exclusively with other black girls makes me think she's not the "innocent" one here, and I kinda want to know of all the shit she's pulled.
No. 249913
>>249821Sorry if I don't know how tumblr works… but the 'You' and the icon…?
(sage because i might just be stupid)
No. 249917
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>>249913I saved that pic from the comments of Chanteya's (BerriTeam's manager) Facebook post about Amina.
No. 249984
>>249901They all say Amina has pulled some "shit" but usually it's just her saying she didn't believe in cultural appropiation or other SJW bullshit. If you don't go along with their agenda they'll destroy you.
Most of these girls don't stand a chance in Japan. If Amina was truly jealous and attacking other girls she would be going for the skinny noodle looking white girls that actually have some territory in Tokyo. Instead it's just crusty black fat girls saying Amina is horrible because she didn't agree with their bullshit. Call me a white knight but it's true. If you don't agree with SJW they'll accuse you of all kinds of shit.
No. 249994
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>>249984These aspiring aidoru hate Amina for being realistic and telling them the truth that they'll probably never make it as idols. No. 249995
>>249994>psycho>young kawaii black womenKek. The only post I've EVER seen Amina do on tumblr was saying Japan favors thinner girls which is fucking true and that it's harder for black women with certain features. How is that racist or even
>psychoIf she's this horrible I want the milk. None of them can prove it and just say "trust me!!! She's horrible!"
It's such a joke.
No. 250059
>>250051Amina's post: this girl has been bothering me for a while. She called me ugly because I responded to her YT comment.
black and non black friends compare Amina to animals and racist words AMINA IS SO DANGEROUS TO BLACK GIRLS!!!!!!
This Teya girl is obviously salty. No wonder the DVD flood shit didn't happen until Amina called her out.
No. 250072
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>>250063When this girl sees this she's going to say we're Amina or white knights. I came into this neutral but it's obvious this bitch is salty. She also supposedly lies about being mixed with Japanese…(pro black tho)
I never see any popular cute looking girls say Amina is a psycho. If she was jealous wouldn't she be trying to tear down those girls? Why would she even care about pudgier unknown randoms?
No. 250164
>>250072Here's her Youtube channel:, you can't be an idol with a stomach that jiggles like that. Amina was just being 100% honest when she said girls like you wouldn't make it as idols. Better than if she were to lie to you and coddle you, feeding your delusions.
No. 250166
What's up with these black wanna be idols having beef with Aminyan? All she did was film a gravure dvd, I'm sure anyone could do it if they wanted, hell they could even go the Himeka route and film a porn
>>250059>No wonder the DVD flood shit didn't happen until Amina called her out.Part of me feels like it's both ways lmao
No. 250190
>>250169Oh, sorry for the confusion. To clarify, Amina never intentionally insulted anyone. Whenever she receives messages on tumblr asking for advice on becoming an idol in Japan, she always answers honestly and realistically.
These fat, black wannabe idols accuse Amina of fat-shaming because "she told plus size girls they can't be idols in Japan."'s Amina "fat-shaming":>This isn’t me fat shaming or being mean, but yeah if you’re in Japan especially as a foreigner you should be at least a BMI of 18-21.>It’s sad but true. No. 250209
>>250205Fat girls being mad that a skinny girl told them the cold harsh truth that they won't become kawaii idoru looking the way they do.
I mean, there are some thicker gravure idols, but I've only ever seen chubby Japanese gravure idols.
No. 250282
>>250275 I think people think she approved pedophilia because she once said that most men can't help being attracted to teen girls.
And she posted a game on her fb where you can play with a high school girl in her room or w.e and she made a big deal about people saying the game was pedophilic and she defended it saying that the game was just a cute game and its not like it harms anybody.(something along the line)
But she's also talked about how we dosent agree with the pedophilic side of the jpop industry but that would be biting the hands of what feeds her.
I wouldn't say she supports pedophiles but she caters to them.
No. 250292
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No. 250295
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>>250292I think it's unprofessional of her to post this kind of stuff on what I'm assuming doubles as her business Twitter.
No. 250302
>>250282Do you have caps of the pedo stuff she posted? I saw where she criticized IRL loll stuff in Japan but said she wouldn't criticize lady baby because she didn't have anything to do with their pedo stuff. Didn't know there were more.
>white nerd fanboys Amina would do good as a twitch cam whore girl. She's got small features, fake loli voice, pseudo intellectual, flat chest and caters to alt right 4chan retards. She should be doing that than trying to be an idol. I heard her mention Patreon so I don't doubt
it's coming soon.
She's cuter than teya by far. Even if teya lost weight that nose is atrocious. If Amina wasn't a sperg and could do makeup properly and got a better weave(lose the bangs) she could actually do some modeling stateside.
Amina's appeal to white fan and Asian American fan boys is pretty cringe but they give her the most attention. I don't think black dudes would find her that cute.
No. 250307
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tfw your a longtime lurker and see some chick your ex beefed with on here. tfw the thread derails into your ex as the lolcow.
sage for no real milk and blogposting. i'm not gonna give any personal information or dish any embarrassing stories (i don't have much anyways) about anyone in this thread but if you want a little context into why they hate each other i guess i could answer questions
No. 250323
>>250312honestly, she's just really sensitive when it comes to idol work. when it came to personal stuff, i can name very few people she started shit with. but when it came to being an idol, she was really sensitive and held grudges over honestly petty shit
she talked quite a bit about amina when we were close. this was years back, mind you. this whole thing has been going on for years. teya is pretty fluent in japanese, and prides herself on her at dancing and singing. amina went to japan not knowing the language, not being very good at dancing or singing. amina didn't really care about learning any of that stuff either, and said all it mattered is having the look, and it really got to teya.
idc who was in the right because in the end it's niche weeb shit, but basically they just disagreed on aesthetics vs. talents when it came to idol work. and it looks like it boiled over into this embarrassing situation
No. 250324
>>249821Awwwww looks like someone needs to buy themselves some likes to make them feel like a super special aidoru.
This is what I like about the unknown weeb aidoru wannabes. They don't buy their likes just to feel special… That and most of the time their dancing is freaking hilarious.
No. 250332
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>>250324I love when farmers become cows themselves. It's so sad Teya had to buy likes for her group.
>comments on Amina's weave>this photoHonestly this is just a case of saltiness. Amina never mentioned this girl until she posted about her. I don't see how Teya will be an idol when she constantly "drag" someone. Shit isn't cute at all.
No. 250469
>>250415Her "fake loli" voice and singing are pretty bad, I'm surprised. It's like it's too obvious she's faking.
>that uncomfortable laugh from the reporter when she said she came to Japan to be an idolCringe.
>"She sang the same song over and over again for 2 hours."I can't tell whether this is the presenters mocking her or commending her for being dedicated/determined. Or, the former masquerading as the latter.
No. 250579
File: 1487022652097.jpg (68.54 KB, 710x419, idol-fans.jpg)

Can someone help me to understand why so many aspiring idols are so viciously competitive?
Why do they feel the need to attack other idol wannabes?
What do they think being an idol is?
Why do they want to pander to gross old men so badly?
No. 250583
>>250582Also, I hate when girls are like "I want to be an idol because I love the music and I don't want attention"
Lol ok sure kek
No. 250605
>>250582Also, I hate when girls are like "I want to be an idol because I love the music and I don't want attention"
Lol ok sure kek
No. 250937
File: 1487077904611.png (4.28 MB, 1804x1512, Amina_soft_porn.png)

Can someone upload amina's DVD to a porn site please kek
Here's my view on everything. Amina has gone to Japan and done pretty okay for herself. Now reality has started to set in.
- She's autistic and probably struggles to make friends cause of her awkwardness(likely wouldn't have any without the idol stuff)
- She released a DVD and going down a path that she's probably regretting because it is really sexual and goes against her kawaii image. She's nothing like Leah Dizon and black women are already oversexualized and not seen as cute.
- She's too vocal about political views and SJW shit on social media when she should just be quiet
- loves haters. Imho she responds to haters way too much. Not really necessary. Just be quiet and let them hate. Everyone knows that Teya has nothing on Amina. Even Micky is better than Teya
- Passive aggressive and negative.
- Makes a lot of makeup and hair mistakes which makes her look ugly when in fact she is actually quite cute and pretty.
All of this has made her bitter and she's already mentioned about going back to the US once she graduates. It's really obvious that she isn't really happy in Japan anymore.
No. 250978
>>250967Yep. She downplayed it big time so no one really cared for a while because she made it look like innocent gavure DVD when ir its raunchy af.
When it came out I was wondering why she said her mom and grandma was really upset because all the screenshots she posted were pretty innocent but now it all kinda makes sense.
I don't think there's anything wrong with it but I truly don't think that this is what she planned when she was approached with her DVD. I feel sorry for her because clearly she works hard at the idol stuff.
No. 251008
>>251004Ok i think she was still in the idol kick and it's kind of hard to manage a full YouTube schedule on top of the idol shit she was doing and school and if she was really working full time like she claimed.
>she's depressed in JapanI think maybe she's thinking about long term? correct me if I'm wrong but she's 19 or 20? She should be graduating university soon and maybe she knows he idol gig won't last forever. Not everyone wants to be a kawaii hausuwaifu in Nippon so I think it's mature she's actually looking into real career.
No. 251011
>>251009So I looked up videos of her on YouTube.
This came out Winter last year (?) and she's just as light as she is in photos. occasional Asian all filters I never really saw her as lightening skin. Black girls can change drastically in summer vs winter….not to mention a Japanese photog not knowing how to light a black person properly. Amina isn't dark skin but she's not light skin mulatto either…..
No. 251016
File: 1487087898934.jpeg (65.61 KB, 500x281, image.jpeg)

>>251009Sage so I won't same fag but,I see a lot of people comparing pictures she's taking of herself in the winter to pictures/videos(miss iD) taken in the summer by a jap photog who may not have awesome lighting.
I think her real skin tone is closer to this
No. 251024
>>251022Pretty sure they didn't have lights directly lighting the people (especially a darker skin person) compared to a selfie when you're in the fucking bathroom light or something.
I wouldn't consider her "10x darker". She's not light skin or a redbone but as a black person I wouldn't consider her "dark skin" either.
No. 251028
File: 1487088668218.jpeg (313.85 KB, 960x1280, image.jpeg)

Any news on this bitch and pretending to be Japanese? is her ex still here? Is Teya really half jap???????
No. 251035
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>>251033>softer featuresNah. dat nose
No. 251038
File: 1487089362056.jpeg (90.28 KB, 640x1136, image.jpeg)

I'm looking up candid non edited pics trying to get a good idea of her skin tone….she's like a brown caramel if you ask me
No. 251040
File: 1487089397461.jpg (185 KB, 656x700, 54a7685ad9e14_-_elle-02-kelly-…)

>>251032>She's a chocholate mocha tone (think Kelly Rowland)Are you high? Amina is caramel coloured. Kelly Rowland is chocolate coloured. (I added a pic of Kelly so you can see her skin tone.)
No. 251042
File: 1487089466882.jpeg (1.01 MB, 960x1280, image.jpeg)

Some slutty Facebook pic she just uploaded. the skin doesn't look edited (peep the acne shit on her chest)
No. 251045
File: 1487089536169.jpg (213.35 KB, 1536x1016, IMG_0116.JPG)

>>251040They're about the same. Charamel is Beyoncé in the Summer.Amina Being called dark skin isn't an insult lol why do black people get so butt hurt about this?
No. 251046
I'm a different anon than
>>251040But yeah…..Amina is def a little light in selfies but she isn't "dark skin". The darkest I've seen her was in that bikini contest video but the other videos on that channel were badly lit. even in videos she's in, I really don't think she's trying to look Asian or light skin. She's clearly caramel
No. 251048
File: 1487089632988.jpg (48.29 KB, 540x960, 15895194_1280326268680297_2300…)

>>251036>She has round features which are feminineNot really. She's got a small fish mouth, an oddly bulbous nose, and an oblong head. Those don't work nicely together. Maybe if she had a better attitude people wouldn't pay too much attention to her features.
No. 251050
>>251048>small lipsBut big lips aren't considered attractive. Amina's lips are too wide and flat.
This girl could pass as mixed if she bleached her skin a bit and wore kawaii makeup.
No. 251053
>>251047I'm really missing where she's "lightening her skin". Look at nicki Minaj. She looks HELLA different in different lighting and pictures makeup etc. the new picture she uploaded doesn't look like she really lightened it much.
I'm convinced you're non black anon because Amina is nowhere near "dark skin". Dark skin isn't an insult but she's def not that dark. She looks more like Zoe Saldana/Keke Palmer complexion to me.
No. 251058
File: 1487089943683.jpg (189.57 KB, 725x1024, IMG_0117.JPG)

>>251053The girl named keke is dark skin and the other one is half white. I'll agree her skin tone is close to pic related.
No. 251062
File: 1487090004437.jpg (295.97 KB, 736x1075, IMG_0114.JPG)

>>251057Those women aren't considered cute by Japanese standards and having a big nose doesn't mean one cant be cute
No. 251065
>>251062>Teya looks mixedTeya is that you?
A flat but kinda narrow jap nose isn't looked as the same as a huge ass gorilla nigga nose that Teya has. Just stop bitch.
No. 251074
>>251068The girl from destiny child is the same skin tone as Beyoncé and Amina is definitely not that light. There are different shades of dark skin, just like there are different shades of dark skin.
I'd consider drake light skin
Nicki Minaj and Beyoncé on their tan days as caramel
Amina and keke as chocolate tone
And Kevin hart as dark dark
No. 251081
>>251074>Nicki Minaj and Beyoncé on their tan days as caramel>Amina and keke as chocolate tone>And Kevin hart as dark darkThat's all incorrect
Nicki and Bey are light skin
Amina would be caramel
Kevin Hart is chocolate
Wesley Snipes is dark chocolate
No. 251083
>>251074Beyoncé is light skin, Nicki is light skin. What the hell are you smoking?
There's light skin, brown/caramel, and dark skin. Keke Palmer isn't "dark skin" and Michelle Williams isn't as light as Beyoncé. You're def not black. Ain't no way.
No. 251086
>>251084SJW detected. There's a clear difference between brown and dark skin. people perceive actual dark skin people way more dangerous/bad than they do someone who is just brown.
You're seriously going to say Amina and Wesley snipes are the same
No. 251088
File: 1487091070712.jpg (408.61 KB, 1536x1070, IMG_0118.JPG)

>>251083There's like a 2% shade difference between the two. Are black people that insecure that they notice such small differences?
No. 251093
>>251088Beyoncé and girl left of Michelle is light skin.
Michelle is brown skin. Kelly is brown-light dark
No. 251094
>>251084>These are just delusional/anal standards that black people made up so they can avoid calling themselves dark.Except that's not the case, everyone comes in different shades. There's nothing inherently wrong with pointing that out unless I'm doing so to act like someone is superior because of their tone.
Amina's definitely caramel and like I said, there's nothing wrong with that.
No. 251112
File: 1487091867193.jpeg (200.45 KB, 960x1280, image.jpeg)

>>251110This picture looks unedited. I got it from her Twitter. She's not "dark skin" anon. Seriously. She's not light skinn or Beyoncé but nobody would call her dark skin. You're high af.
No. 251113
>>251108As someone who's seen her in person, she's not close to chocolate, she's closer to caramel. I've seen people with actual chocolate coloured skin stand next to her, there's a visible difference.
>>251110I'm not even close to her complexion.
No. 251114
File: 1487091951170.jpeg (117.58 KB, 960x612, image.jpeg)

Polaroid pics she uploaded from her DVD event. Unless she meticulously edited polaroids too she isn't "dark".
No. 251132
Also if Amina "edits her pics from hell to back and so do Japanese photogs!"
How can anyone know her real skin tone unless you've seen her IRL.
No. 251143
File: 1487092842060.jpeg (95.79 KB, 711x840, image.jpeg)

This looks unedited(if it's edited why wouldn't she make her tits bigger) and this. Isn't. "dark skin". Seriously. Dark skin isn't a bad thing but she isn't "dark". Asian and white peoples are gonna see her different than they see Lupita or Kevin hart.
No. 251147
>>251133I can assure you that's not what dark skin looks like.
>>251114>>251112 No. 251151
>>251145You're a bitter dark skin bitch it's obvious. Dark skin isn't bad but Amina isnt dark. She wouldn't have gotten
anything in Japan if she was dark like Himeka or her sister Bibi.
No. 251157
>>251151She is a very pretty dark skin girl. Take a chill pill anon, I don't see why you're getting so mad kek
Amina is a chocolate lady
No. 251162
File: 1487093405455.jpeg (1.44 MB, 1082x1500, image.jpeg)

>>251157Yeah no. So I took a picture of both these bitches assuming they use similar Asian editing apps. Amina on the left and Himeka who is actually dark on the right. She's not dark skin dumbass and it delegitimizes the experiences real dark skin women go through when you claim everyone dark skin for your own reassurance. The right is actual chocolate. Stop being
No. 251172
>>251162I just about to point this out.
>>251160We're talking about how she looks not her character. Pointing out that someone isn't dark skin isn't being sensitive or racist. It's just stating facts. You obviously are trying to twist this into something it isn't.
No. 251189
File: 1487094219562.jpeg (176.07 KB, 338x450, image.jpeg)

Just found a raw picture of her from a Japanese website of someone who went to her press conference. This is her real skin color. This is only "dark skin" if you're Asian or maybe Latin. No black person would call her dark. She wouldn't be called "tar baby" or "burnt" like dark people are.
No. 251214
File: 1487094837313.png (268.85 KB, 1241x1991, IMG_0122.PNG)

>>251202I remember I was posting on some Kpop forum and I read the comments. And a few people were saying that she looks like azalea banks, my brother said the same thing kek
No. 251219
File: 1487095111648.png (344.2 KB, 1242x2071, IMG_0123.PNG)

>>251216Iran just funny that you mentioned her because on that site there were people saying they look the same
No. 251221
File: 1487095247448.png (246.75 KB, 1242x1991, IMG_0124.PNG)

>>251219Quite a few people thought she did look like her lol
No. 251234
File: 1487096104566.png (811.41 KB, 1242x2208, IMG_0126.PNG)

>>251221Those comments were kek worthy
No. 251252
>>251243Those post were from months ago, and Amina deletes things like crazy. Wow this thread grew over her skin color.
Jrcach didn't ruin keeks career, he sucked but she was so desperate and put herself in the that position.
No. 251255
>>251242Amina always talked about sjw people.
A lot of people who make fun of sjw aren't making fun of the normal sje but the crazy over the top sjw. But she did go harder since she noticed her white boy fans(who probably wouldn't even spend money on her)
No. 251257
>>251250where did she say she's leaving chick girls? She said she's studying at Uni now. stop making shit up.
>Keekihime and JrcachJrcach very much ruined her career. He acted like a real event organization guy and pretended to be "concerned" about her visa which spooked her managed. If he hadn't done that she would've stayed in her group. Keeki is conceited but she didn't deserve that.
No. 251266
>>251257Aka "my idol career is a dud so to save face I'll bring up university and make you remember I was a legit idol!" While she probably will still try to do the idol thing on the low and hope to hit a semi good group.
I honestly wanna see her debut, it really is interesting to watch the journey.
No. 251271
File: 1487097927955.jpeg (307.33 KB, 960x1280, image.jpeg)

>>251259No Amina posted a picture on Twitter with @chelsea_theimp when she visited Seattle weeks ago. She's TAA's girlfriend and Amina tweets with her sometimes. TAA's friends are also following Amina on Twitter and sometimes mentions her. she's definitely alt right. that's so weird.
No. 251274
File: 1487098103167.jpeg (176.33 KB, 960x720, image.jpeg)

She also met Artemis Faye Black Khaleeshi girl in Seattle too who is like a polar opposite hyper SJW
No. 251291
File: 1487098808087.jpeg (141.95 KB, 698x1200, 1476650456411.jpeg)

>>251189Original, untouched.
No. 251298
>>251294>>251291>different angleThat's not the original untouched picture that's an entirely different photo dumbass.
Honestly I think Micky is behind most of these posts. Or Teya. Because none of this Amina shit blew up until both of them were called out. And her dvd samples and event have been out for half a year now.
No. 251299
>>251297>>251298What. I never called her dark skinned or said it was the exact same photo, you fucking spergs. People were complaining that photo was edited, so I provided one on the same day, in the same shoot, in the same spot, that wasn't.
You're so wrapped up in shitting your pants at the mere concept of someone calling someone else dark-skinned that you're even attacking unrelated parties.
No. 251300
>>251290Teya used to kiss Amina's ass and suddenly started being rude to her. I can understand Amina's anger.
Also about the white girl thing….it's pretty much true. Look at Dakota. Look at Taylor. Mimei. Himezawa. None of them would be popular outside of Japan. Not one. They're all average. That's not a big deal to me.
I like cringing at Amina as much as the next bitch but I feel like the people of this thread psychoanalyze her way too much and it's cringey in itself. It's quite obvious she doesn't take herself seriously.
No. 251302
>>251298Quit trying. I'm sure some are but some are legit just discussing the girl. I'm sure Amina is behind a lot of post too. The micky thread makes me cringe on how hard it's trying to make it obvious that micky is behind all Amina post.
Amina is being discussed because of the whole teya thing sparking conversation again.
No. 251308
File: 1487099573517.png (226.08 KB, 1242x1296, IMG_0127.PNG)

>>251300Amina does seem to take her self seriously because she get passive aggressive about comments that aren't even that bad
No. 251314
>>251308This doesn't feel passive aggressive to me…I think the anon really didn't understand what debut meant or was being shady.
>>251309Amina has literal shitty qualities which I'll admit but I think because people hate Himeka / Micky they're more inclined to white knight ami. Also because the posted shit about her is usually super vendetta. Despite her being a sperg edgeprincess there's not really milk on her.
No. 251319
File: 1487100035675.jpg (106.46 KB, 500x281, IMG_0128.JPG)

someone said something about Amina resembling azliea banks(can't spell her name). I kind of see it, I think it's the squirrel walnut chipping teeth that they have similar.
No. 251321
File: 1487100145965.jpeg (26.59 KB, 335x335, image.jpeg)

>>251315On Facebook there's a shit ton. On the black girls are kawaii shit group there's a few girls who hate Amina's guts and have publicly shit talked her. A main one being some girl named bri who was an Amina Stan that talked to Micky and now says she's going to take ami's career. there's certainly a few but they're on Facebook or too underground. Ami gets a ton of shit from the BGAK social justice circle jerk group on Facebook she doesn't post about. Pic related it's bri cook who is pretty cringey herself. She's made anti Amina hate vids.
No. 251340
>>251332If people wanted to
trigger Amina's white knights without repercussions they should go shit talk there
No. 251344
File: 1487101111613.jpeg (323.43 KB, 1152x2048, image.jpeg)

Same day. Different photo. She's not chubby she's just normal looking and not anorexic like she was before.
No. 251350
File: 1487101287470.gif (1.56 MB, 275x155, 1481389033793.gif)

>>251339wew lad that singing
No. 251351
>>251344In this picture her skin tone is the same but you can obviously see acne marks, yellowish teeth, visible panty hose. She wouldn't
just shoop her skin lighter. This is her real skin anon.
No. 251372
>>251365Name one unattractive major singer. Not Susan Boyle but a real one? An untalented one? Katy Perry etc.
Name an idol that's super popular, ugly and talented. There are none. But girls like Sayumi from MM and Mayuyu suck at everything but are super popular. Sex sells. Being ugly won't cut it. Especially in Japan where black is already a setback.
No. 251388
File: 1487102071568.jpg (Spoiler Image,79.23 KB, 600x800, IMG_0129.JPG)

>>251382It reminds me of this
No. 251391
>>251384Vendetta fag detected. That fundraiser was a preorder for a shitty CD that her weeb friends and few fans bought. That isn't enough money to make Merch and move to Japan kek.
>>251387Hi bri
No. 251402
File: 1487102408020.png (421.36 KB, 1242x1918, IMG_0130.PNG)

>she came to Japan for college!
No. 251423
>>251417kek what photo. I'm curious if she's dating a fan or not.
>>251419Again Amina didn't make this and she's said she hasn't made it. her Japanese wasn't even that good in 2014 and I doubt a teen girl could organize a project like that. She had a fan boy run the entire thing and dissed him when she moved to Japan.
No. 251433
File: 1487103776238.png (236.89 KB, 1242x1906, IMG_0132.PNG)

>>251427 I wonder how long before she starts doing porn
No. 251440
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No. 251446
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No. 251449
File: 1487104539000.png (274.53 KB, 1242x1504, IMG_0137.PNG)

>>251447She doesn't know wtf she's talking about and just repeating shit she reads on r9k and reddit
No. 251452
File: 1487104639280.png (182.25 KB, 1242x852, IMG_0138.PNG)

No. 251458
>>251438Can't really calling it rebelling since her mom has been supportive of her.
>>251449>>251452>taking these posts seriouslyWe already have enough autist here, we don't need any more.
No. 251459
>>251441>>251444That's.…very clearly armpit hair. It's not the color. The hair is very, very obviously sticking out. I don't care enough to save the image and circle it or anything, but this "all blakc ppl have
hyperpigmentation and are like this, i-it's not like she doesn't take proper care of herself or anything!" meme is getting annoying. I'm black and I don't have that shit going on. She just needs to shave. Please. Stop.
No. 251471
File: 1487105519762.png (92.17 KB, 1242x428, IMG_0139.PNG)

>>251453If a young girl is on social media and being bombarded with ass pats and compliments she's eventually going to start believing she's the shit
No. 251477
File: 1487105826199.png (1.56 MB, 1440x2082, Screenshot_20170214-155213~2.p…)

>calls another black girl a porch monkey
>turns around and posts this
How the fuck is any of this real right now?
No. 251482
>>251480She's a professional model so duh.
Teya said that ami is a "porch monkey" and she consigned non blacks calling Amina a monkey, coon and porch monkey which is literally racist as hell. "Pro black" Aidoru wanna bees like Rhea(fat fake bitch who complains) and hanabi (ugly fake model) and abbiekins(white ex wanna be Aidoru) all co-signed it. Goes to show this isn't about personality, skill or looks but it's about vendetta.
No. 251495
>>251494I'm not talking about teya. I'm talking about all the arguing in this thread. I could make fun of Amina's shirt and white knights would come in
triggered. It's so easy kek
No. 251516
File: 1487108434223.png (273.5 KB, 1242x1421, IMG_0136.PNG)

These photos definitely aren't edited guys
No. 251517
>>251489I seriously believe it's just her obsessively whiteknighting herself. I doubt she has many fans, especially on Lolcow, of all places.
She, Micky and Himeka are heavy lurkers of this place and will defend themselves/shit on each other to the death IMO.
No. 251540
>>251538She wouldn't know about this stuff if she didn't post here and she said she's about to make her twitter private because of the shit talking that goes on here.
The anons white knighting Amina are Amina herself and people butt hurt over micky and they think anyone who says something is her.
No. 251568
>>251545"People", huh?
Tbh the fact that certain anons seem so adamant that Amina wouldn't post here or is the "least likely" (on what basis?) makes it even more obvious, especially the ones who are so quick to throw out "Hi Micky" with no actual reason other than the fact that they're discrediting Amina.
Not slick. Very transparent. It'd be smarter to just ignore comments like that, but I guess it can't be helped.
No. 251574
File: 1487112234318.png (137.98 KB, 375x375, 1465292310433.png)

>>251572The fact that you're getting so defensive tells me you're one of them, for one lmao.
No. 251578
>>251575I agree with this. It's pretty funny watching Ami struggle to whiteknight herself on anon and give herself away because she's a literal autist (not even in the "meme autism" way, as in actual fucking autism), but it's dragging on.
Someone download that DVD and post it somewhere. Or don't and post about someone else. Maybe Keeki. I just want something interesting.
No. 251584
>>251576Obviously Micky has posted ITT, but a chunk of anons saying things about her can't just ALL be Micky tapping away. She's too dumb to get away with pretending to be other people in her own thread, kek.
"People" are getting reckless with their accusations and giving themselves away, is all I'm saying.
No. 251592
>>251587When? Where?
produce milk, pics or stfu and move on. You guys are such faggots.
No. 251605
>>251593Just because she has a gravure DVD didn't mean anything. Those two points aren't even related.
>>251598Clearly they're waiting for you to deliver, anon.
No. 251609
>>251604You seemed to missed the point of the post. I'm pointing only she only knows second hand because the people who about her end up telling her.
>>251600>ami is friends with TAA's gfDon't really see how that's interesting or counts as milk. The old guy thing sounds more interesting.
Also someone posted about an idol dying. What's all that about?
No. 251623
>>251614Spooky, reminds me of Yukiko Okada.
No milk until more details arise, though. In the first place, she's not even a lolcow. All she did was die mysteriously.
Is "someone" just trying really poorly to shift the subject from Ami or is there something actually interesting to this?
No. 251628
>>251615I never asked about that.
>If you wanna talk about the dead Bitch talk about her, no ones stopping youThat's why I asked, don't be daft.
>>251618>She never posts a picture of guys. Ever. And I looked through her pics and couldn't find it…maybe anon was bsingWell shit, go figure.
>>251623This was a thread about idols in general, not just Amina.
>>251617There's post in the first thread about Himeka that contains the first example as well as the one for Micky. There's also an exchange between Teya and Amina that recently happened that contains the third example.
No. 251657
>>251643>>251641Lolcow was not around when they were friends. Only PULL 1.0 and possibly SR. And there friendship ending just before SR disappeared.
>Because she didn't always hate them and they share a shitton of interests. They hate her, not the other way around. They're clearly hostile towards her.
>Regardless, there's no reason for her to just magically not know about Lolcow when literally everyone else in that scene is aware of it/lurksShe could easily have no interest in be fully involved with this site. She's told people before she'd rather not hear about this stuff, yet people come to here about it anyway, which is why she ends up have to address it.
>she even panders to 4chan ""alt right"" types and may or may not selfpost on /r9k/ every once in a whileEveryone doesn't get their political beliefs from 4chan, and considering all the people she has on her facebook I'm her beliefs are built from interacting with them instead.
>Evidence to back up her "not knowing anything"?She has no problem addressing what people say about her, had she known that she was been talked about her initially, she would have made a post on her Facebook about it.
>Why do Amina, himeka and micky hate each other so much?it has to be deeper than jealousy because if they were just jealous of Amina they would have never started being friends in the first placeAmina actually had no problem with either of them. The issue with Himeka exist because got jealous of Amina getting more views and fans than her. She didn't like that Amina wasn't ok with her posting CP. Micky was actively talking to Amina's at the time boyfriend, lying to people and telling them Amina was bullying her, sending her death threats, posting CP(which Amina didn't agree with) and she also didn't like the fact Amina had more friends and fans than her.
No. 251689
>>251677>more milk than himeka> more milk than mickyYou're kidding. The reason more people are inclined to defend her is that she's far more personable than micky and himeka. Those two have terrible, terrible attitudes. Himeka willing through her sister under the bus to save face. Micky treats people in her local comm like shit, so ofc they won't come and defend her. Most want to see her crash and burn.
>>251680You're currently discussing her. If you want to discuss her witout anyone disagreeing and whitekinghting there's an 8chan thread you can post in.
No. 251705
>>251657>They hate her, not the other way around. They're clearly hostile towards her. If you really think the animosity is one-sided, you're blind.
>She's told people before she'd rather not hear about this stuff, But we all know this is bullshit. She lives for the chance to shit on "haters" and gas herself up, and you admitted it yourself in that very post.
>Everyone doesn't get their political beliefs from 4chan, and considering all the people she has on her facebook I'm her beliefs are built from interacting with them instead.It's pretty obvious where a lot of her so-called fanbase's views stem from, anon. She seems to have more Twitter followers, anyway, and Twitter is a hotbed for /pol/ types. I'm not talking about her beliefs, I'm talking about the audience she's trying to get on the good side of.
>She has no problem addressing what people say about her, had she known that she was been talked about her initially, she would have made a post on her Facebook about it.She probably knows better than to openly address Lolcow because she's watched Micky and Himeka fall on their faces trying to defend themselves from this site. Shitting on obviously less attractive, jealous cunts is one thing, but trying to argue with an entire thread full of far more cutthroat, savage girls who you have nothing to nitpick about thanks to anonymity (except the usual, weak "You're all losers! you're making up stories! bullying! get a life!") wouldn't work out so well in her favor.
No. 251712
>>251705>If you really think the animosity is one-sided, you're blind.Mind pointing out where she's said anything about them?
>But we all know this is bullshit. She lives for the chance to shit on "haters" and gas herself up, and you admitted it yourself in that very post. Nice try, but no. Someone defending themselves when some attacks them first is not "living for drama" she's posted about not wanting to her about it openly on her facebook and blog.
>It's pretty obvious where a lot of her so-called fanbase's views stem from, anon. She seems to have more Twitter followers, anyway, and Twitter is a hotbed for /pol/ types. I'm not talking about her beliefs, I'm talking about the audience she's trying to get on the good side of.If her views were truly shaped by her fanbase, her views would be all over the place considering she has fans all over the politic spectrum.
>She probably knows better than to openly address Lolcow because she's watched Micky and Himeka fall on their faces trying to defend themselves from this site. Shitting on obviously less attractive, jealous cunts is one thing, but trying to argue with an entire thread full of far more cutthroat, savage girls who you have nothing to nitpick about thanks to anonymity (except the usual, weak "You're all losers! you're making up stories! bullying! get a life!") wouldn't work out so well in her favor.She wouldn't need to address lolcow, the problems stem from Micky and Himeka, not the site itself. She would know because that's who been causing her problems for years.
Every time there's an influx of posts about her, we gun for the usual suspects. Teya was just an added bonus. And these posts don't happen until someone brings up Milk about these girls.
>>251703Like I said before, Amina's far more personable. Also, quite a few people who know her had already been posting her right around the first Micky thread, because Micky was dumb enough to link it. Not realizing that people hate her and knows she going to say something about Amina. The people the two interact with are far more active online than most.
No. 251721
>>251712>Mind pointing out where she's said anything about them?She's deleted most of her responses to them, so I can't.
>Nice try, but no. Someone defending themselves when some attacks them first is not "living for drama" she's posted about not wanting to her about it openly on her facebook and blog.She's never "merely defended herself", she's always pompous as fuck when replying to haters. She literally posted "It's sad and lonely being pretty :'(" after arguing with Teya/aomines-wife and other passive aggressive, egoistic shit. She's not innocent at all. You're brainwashed as fuck, mate.
>If her views were truly shaped by her fanbase, her views would be all over the place considering she has fans all over the politic spectrum.I explicitly said in the exact line you're replying to that I'm not talking about her beliefs, but that of her "fanbase". Why are you trying to shift the goalposts?
>She wouldn't need to address lolcow, the problems stem from Micky and Himeka, not the site itself. She would know because that's who been causing her problems for years.Micky and Himeka aren't the only ones shitting on her, contrary to her and her friends' beliefs.
No. 251740
>She's deleted most of her responses to them, so I can't.No screenshots either? Dang, sounds like you're talking out the side of your neck, anon.
>She's never "merely defended herself", she's always pompous as fuck when replying to haters. No, she's not, again, show me links.
>She literally posted "It's sad and lonely being pretty :'(" Do you not know what sarcasm is? Are you that daft?
>She's not innocent at all. You're brainwashed as fuck, mate.Again, no one has said that. No one is brainwashed, chill out. If you're provide milk, try not to pull it from your ass, anon.
>I explicitly said in the exact line you're replying to that I'm not talking about her beliefs, but that of her "fanbase". Why are you trying to shift the goalposts?That wasn't moving the goalpost at all. You said she was pandering. I corrected you by saying she wasn't pandering.
>Micky and Himeka aren't the only ones shitting on her, contrary to her and her friends' beliefsEveryone knows that, but everyone also knows who they are because they aren't tight lipped when they post off the site.
No. 251844
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>>251740>this desperate Ami whiteknighting I'm tired. Some people are determined to ignore the obvious and refuse to see the light, I guess.
No. 252056
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>>252025If she doesn't post here she definitely reads it. Usually after People start talking crap she's starts calming down and being sweet/cute(less passive aggressive/cocky) again.
No. 252067
>>252023>The DVD doesn't have a rip. Uh.
>>244599's right there. You can find this shit by Googling the name.
No. 253009
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>stop idealizing me
why did she even become an idol
No. 253094
>>253009>>253009arent these tweets from two different times? Like the first one is way back?
The second one is I'm assuming because she got angry at that girl calling her a monkey on Facebook and people told her she shouldn't be getting angry.
No. 253840
>>244279What do you really expect though? It is Japan after all, and most people there would die if they even got so much as a tan let alone became full on black.
She's much more marketable and attractive being light skinned to them, otherwise she'd be even more of a niche than she already is having to be marketed only to the Japanese who love black culture , hip hop, etc and those types aren't interested in the idol personality and want more of a Beyoncé type so it's either lighten her up and make her somewhat more passable and suitable to the majority or make her into a niche within an already niche.
No. 254094
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>>253867That face she is making though.
No. 254241
>>250937Damn this is all sad. Since she was a rare black idol it felt like she was 'special', but now she does softcore porn and it looks trashy/she looks uncomfortable as hell.
Has she ever mentioned this to any of her followers? Or did the vid just pop out of no where
No. 254308
>>253867Also its wierd i'm assuming its the angle but she looks 30 here.
Yeah I wouldnt be surprised if she started doing porn
>inb4 salty stans start bitchingNothing against this girl but the way shes going it wouldnt shock me.
No. 254336
>>254276That's because most people outside of old jap salary men haven't seen it yet.
I think people are curious about the video and what she's doing with her career atm because she's started being moany and woe is me on social media.
No. 254345
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No. 254379
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>>254370I see her skin hasn't been edited as light as it usually is
No. 254386
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No. 254387
>>254371It does, though. If everyone in the village says you are sick, you should see a doctor.
All this to pretend Ami isn't passive aggressive. Let's call a spade a spade.
No. 254391
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No. 254405
>>254401>>254398When vendetta fags have been exposed by the web admins multiple times to come here and post merely on vendetta(Himeka scandal, other bullshit) its not exactly unbiased parties saying bullshit.
I personally believe Amina can be passive aggressive at times but it would be worse if she were actually aggressive. On the flip side this thread loves to overanalyse and Internet diagnose over the smallest shit. I liked the cringe shit being posted from her DVD but this thread is annoying/obvious vendetta fag when it goes into how awful and passive aggressive and mean she is. Despite being a bit autistic and pretentious I just don't see it.
No. 254408
>>254401This is the type of vendetta shit I'm talking about. So how should she have answered the interview question? "Idk ~tehee~"
It's obvious the pseudo intellect thing has been working with her with foreign fans for a while. I don't see what's so bad about it.
No. 254429
>>254407Nowadays I think the ratio of white to black weeaboos is similar. I remember seeing a programme on nhk world about japanese cultures view of other races and Amina is right about this-white people are considered prettier and people forget japan has very harsh views on race and the sexes (which is why i find it laughable when sjws and feminists stan for japan)
This is not to say that black people will get racist abuse wherever they go or things like that but its just they will have to fight very old fashioned stereotypes about them.
No. 254452
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Theres this oblack girl I saw online who use to do abunch of thinspo(she has a lolcow thread)…I think she should try for the idol thing, she would be perfect for it.
No. 254495
>>254452I doubt it. Being or looking hafu may give a black girl a better chance. There are other ways for foreigners to gain notoriety in Japan. Becoming a talent or singer or blogging or modelling would produce better results in the long term as well.
But that would involve more refined skills and then learning the language to completely fluency like Dakota.
No. 254656
>>254611well sure, but imo these wannabe idols seem to be after fame and popularity in general (possibly in addition to the male attention)
teya's buying followers to try and make berriteam seem more popular than amina.
didn't himezawa used to say she wanted to become japan's top idol?
there's that "idol group" USA50 project that wants to try to bring idol culture to the US…
No. 254687
>>254662Like anon said, most of them want to go into the mainstream acting, singing and modelling but it isn't easy to do that especially when you are near native in fluency and foreign. That's why I don't buy Amina saying that she never wanted to be famous. Of course you want to be famous but you just went down the worst path possible to get there and now you're realising that it's not gonna work.
Also a lot of western girls are deluded about the industry because they've seen a handful of other girls use it as a 2 year stepping stone to better careers. It's creepy as fuck when you truly think about it though.
Even though Dakota is the biggest snowflake out there she actually did the whole (kinda) famous in Japan thing in quite a smart way when she first arrived.
No. 254781
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>not erotic
She was damn near naked and being molested on film
No. 254813
>>254781>not erotic as a lot of DVDs are>>254772Can you guys start posting screenshots? In the entirety of this thread there's been "Amina at dinner with an old jap guy!" "Amina said she hates Japan" and other stuff but where is any screenshots? >inb4 she deletes everything
Jesus fucking Christ post milk guys
No. 255352
>>255339Yes. Most gravure DVDs are jack off DVDs idk why this is so surprising.
>>255349This is a small snippet for a long interview. how is anything in this screenshot wrong? We all know white girls get hella attention. Dakota, Himezawa, YukaPon…it's just a fact.
No. 263604
>>254594i found another good example of the fanbase idols have to pander to.
skip to 2:40 to watch idols having to react politely and enthusiastically to video messages from their foreign fans (skip to 3:55 for the fan who has a cardboard cutout of one of the idols)
No. 263702
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Here's some of Amina's tweets complaining about the idol industry. I don't see the big deal about her scrolling through her tweets. Yes she comes off a little bit arrogant sometimes (like in that interview) and a bit of a know-it-all but overall she doesn't seem as bad as some anons make her out to be.
No. 263705
File: 1488726201236.png (35.72 KB, 703x578, amina_chickgirls1.PNG)

>>263702Samefagging. Here are her blog posts about deciding if she will continue being an idol or not (Posting them because there aren't enough pics about things she says and for posterity)
Personally I hope she leaves the idol industry based on seeing
>>254594 and
>>263604 It just doesn't seem worth it to put all that time and effort into being an idol if you have to pander to these kinds of men and get paid so little
No. 263926
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>>263705>Personally I hope she leaves the idol industrySo do I. She seems miserable being an idol.
I can't help but think that despite being aware of how sketchy the industry is and how difficult it would be to get into beforehand, Amina was still hoping for more out of her career as an idol.
Maybe she was hoping she'd become famous for making history as "Japan's first black idol" and thought gravure would be her stepping stone to that fame, but she's still not famous, stuck in a dead-end idol group delaying their debut, regrets her gravure video and is now speaking out against the industry she couldn't make it big in.
I don't really know why else she would have entered the idol industry despite seeming to be aware of how toxic it is.
Honestly, I kinda like Amina (though there are a lot of things I wish she would've done differently), but the best thing for her would probably be to quit the whole idol thing and go back home.
No. 263951
>>251096Alicia keys is mulatto
The rest are all black idiot
No. 263962
>>263702>>263705>>263707>>263926Well I guess these were supposed to make Amina more sympathetic, but they actually accomplished the exact opposite for me. She's comes off as so arrogant. Why do you think you deserve to have a music career when you have negative amounts of talent. I don't believe for one minute that she was bullied. She seems to have been a shit-disturber for a long time. I think she went to Japan and didn't really understand not just the idol industry but the Japanese social/professional culture overall, and now she's upset about it.
All of the wannabe idols like Teya etc al are never gonna make it there, but if they did they would crash and burn just as hard.
Amina should come back to the US or, stay in Japan and continue her schooling. But most of all she should learn some humility. Because right now she is completely insufferable.
No. 263963
>>263962Samefag to add
Amina save shit like this:
>>263926for your therapist.
No. 263977
>>263962Amina doesn't have negative amounts of talent. If she did then she wouldn't have gone there in the first place and got this far. She's not exactly unknown. Idols don't need talent like singers do in Japan.
Amina went to Japan as an 18 year old girl to join an industry she was disillusioned about. Now she is planning on going back home and opening up about the truths of the industry. Clearly she isn't with chick girls anymore and doesn't plan on performing.
She wouldn't be talking this way is she had say joined one of Japan's biggest groups and was making regular appearances. Then again the idol industry in Japan is so oversaturated because you don't necessarily need talent. She made bad choices and went down the wrong industry. She's salty about it but she isn't arrogant.
I just think she went through a lot of shit whilst living there.
No. 263987
>>263977Her voice is off-key and atrocious. she can't dance. She doesn't write music. And she thinks she should continue with a music career back in the US. Negative amounts of talent.
It's not the idol industry, Amina just doesn't understand Japanese culture full stop. It's the biggest reason she had issues there. It's the biggest reason most weebs have issues there.
It's true that you don't need talent in Japan but you do need to be cute (mainstream Japanese cute) or at the very least be very charismatic and have a charming personality. Amina had none of that. She bulldozed her way into the industry and then whined when it wasn't for her.
No. 264015
>>263962>>263926 here. I'm not trying to persuade anyone to feel anything about Amina, I'm just speculating the reasons for her disillusionment about Japan and being an idol.
>>263963And the post in that screencap was from 2015. Calm down.
>>263987Most idol agencies pretty much just want anyone young enough who's marketable to sex-repressed old men and willing to pander to them.
Now I'm curious as to how Amina's Japanese "fanbase" perceives her. Does she discuss politics and race issues in her Japanese posts/tweets as much as in her English ones?
No. 275696
>>275686This video is filled with so many delusions that I don't even know where to start. I'm not even going to watch all of it.
"Everyone knows that I'm a nice person! Everyone!"
"I don't care if anyone unfollows me! By the way I just got 400 followers on instagram."
You can tell she cares because she can't even calmly form sentences.
And lmao, she thinks she's skinny.
No. 276026
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No. 276029
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No. 276090
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>>276089This meme sums this whole situation up. In better words "just log off"
No. 276189
>>276072It's obvious it's fascist not in a political term but in the way people use when they call someone unreasonable. You guys are fucking idiots.
It's getting obvious this is a staged publicity stunt. Amina's subs are only climbing after this and the haters are falling for it. Amina's a huge BiS fan right? That's an idol group notorious for stunts like this. If anything her fan boys are only rallying behind her closer to protect her. It's obvious Amina never wanted to be a Morning Musume uguu kind of idol and couldn't be(kek black) so idk why people keep bringing up her ~fans~. Teya, the entire Black Girls Are Kawaii bullshit group all got played. By commenting and arguing they're bringing her viewcount higher. She also has leverage for all the screenshots she's used.
No. 276192
>>276121She's not mad about being kicked from the group(I think) The girls are hyper SJWs and kept saying she defends pedophilia.
>INB4 white knightI think Amina is retarded but it's really clear to me now she's throwing SJWs under the bus/sending subliminals now to bring in and please more reddit alt liberal and alt right fanboys. She's going to become a cow but considering Amina has a god complex she'll have her mini cult of dumbassess and patreon money in no time.
No. 276201
>>276192>I think Amina is retarded but it's really clear to me now she's throwing SJWs under the bus/sending subliminals now to bring in and please more reddit alt liberal and alt right fanboys.All of this and this why she flirting with "fascist" and other political terminology popular with those groups.Her choice of words are deliberate.
I can see her becoming a huge cow tbh.
No. 276225
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A skinny black girl with a Loli voice is going to be her niche. Most of her fans like her chimpmunk voice.
No. 276226
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No. 276229
>>276016>I really didn't expect the last video to become as popular as it did.1700 views is now "popular" lmao. She wants this "WEEBGATE" shit to trend so badly, but it won't because no one apart from her existent, tiny group of whiteknights, salty BGAK members and those of us following this shit for the milk actually gives a fuck about. BGAK has never been a relevant group on any scale, the "tea" she's spilling reeks of personal vendetta and there is no reputation to destroy by "exposing" them.
>"I will not be silenced and I will continue to EXPOSE them for the bullying and harassment">"Please spread the word guys"Chill the fuck out. It's not even that serious, you're not some victimized hero or a political figure.
She sounds so obsessive and petty.
No. 276244
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Is this Abbiekins? kek
No. 276311
>>276244Yes it is. And Abbie has brains.
Pure opinion here:
Something tells me Amina lives for drama that gets her attention. First it was jrcach now this. I bet she posted all those "harsh truths" about the Idol industry to try and get some weebs to defend it blindly, so she can argue her case.
Wonder what she will move onto next?
No. 276327
>>276029Havent been following this thread but just watched both her videos. 2nd one was dumb but first one she was right and I'm honestly confused why this group got so angry?
I say this as a black female too.
Anyone who sat there and cried "I'm moving to Japan!" over Trump is just beyond stupid. I can't even fathom why any black person of any gender would actually say that. At a loss for words here, just taken the hell aback. For them to take issue but furthermore get that butt devastated…
In what world does it make sense to move from one racist country right to the other? Of all the countries in the world, why pick an Asian one? You know they think our skin is dirty right?? Why not go to the islands or somewhere where being brown is normal?? They're delusional weebs and Amina had every right to point it out so. I'm team whoever is waking these dreamers up
No. 276380
>>276342jrcock was at fault in that stupidity. No one is against arguing that I hope and certainly no one should defend him ever.
Amina is still an attention seeker. She constantly has to make herself the victim and it gets old. I didn't think much of her feuding with the kawaii black community because it seems completely toxic but then she was complaining about her group-mates in Japan. I don't know, I feel like she shit-disturbs so when it blows up she can whine and play "angel".
No. 276398
>be black>living in Japan>scared of all these internet memes and posts saying Japan is terrible if you aren't white>having the best time of my life and doing more than I ever did back home in AmericaHave you ever actually been to Japan anon or are you just pulling stuff out of your ass? Not saying you can't have a bad time here, but all those blanket statements need to stop.
As a foreigner (white,black doesn't matter anything not Japanese) I think your mileage will vary, but that's also on the effort you make.
No. 276447
>>276380That el tia blonde white girl talked openly about being called fat by her group mates and tormented. Its a group of girls, all trying to be famous. theres going to be fake bitches. Idk why you guys think Japanese people can never be at fault.
Amina is cringy but the moralfagging gets old fast. She's telling people reality about japan and they're mad about it spreading lies about her. i'm just laughing at their weeb rage
No. 276448
>>276380>complaining about group matesbut……didnt the interviewer ask her about being the only black girl in a japanese idol group? if she complained outside of that context let me know.
ALSO does anyone know any deets about the weeb girl who teya supposedly bullied? teya is making an ass out of herself but I'm really curious what went down. Especially from the screen shots of her and that hanabi(manly looking aidoru girl) laughing about it
No. 276592
>>276448>any deets about the weeb girl who teya supposedly bullied?She was a member of the first BerriTeam group from a couple of years ago, along with Teya. She's the short blonde in this video.
Here's what Teya said about her:
>Tracy Brill (MintBerri) is no longer my friend and hasn't been since 2015. >Our friendship ended after a broken promise she made to me and the trauma has affected me since. Trauma? Because your crush liked her instead of you, Teya? Childish.
>She was telling my managers at our job that I ruined her life. I don't know to this day how I "ruined her life" but I've taken credit ever since.>Our last argument was when I made her cry. It felt so good to make someone cry after they made you spend hours crying yourself.>I don't regret it and I am not ashamed. No. 276605
>>276448teya's ex from earlier in the thread here. tracy is a legitimately great person, im actually pissed at teya hearing this is the reason that they stopped being friends. tracy's been in a few really toxic relationships and the guy that she "stole" from teya actually treated her like a person. instead of being happy for her friend finally being in a healthy relationship, she played it like it was an attack on her.
ironically tracy helped hook her up with me, so this whole "tracy always steals my bfs" thing is total bullshit. maybe there's more to the story that teya won't even tell, but i really doubt it.
genuinely sorry for the blogpost but hey, it was asked and it's genuinely frustrating to hear about it lol
No. 276618
>>276592Don't forget Teya turned all of Tracy's friends against her because of this.
Honestly, this whole thing makes me want to befriend Tracy but I feel like that would be a little weird.
>>276605Do you have any other dirt on Teya? I feel like there's so much milk hiding beneath the surface.
No. 276631
>>276618the only one I have off the top of my head is that she was paranoid about other idol groups winning local convention contests because the judges were biased (which is probably true because that's how local cons always work lol) but she wanted to stock this one competition with judges that were her friends. nothing huge, im sure this stuff happens all the time with weebs.
like, i thought she was pretty cool when we were close. now this whole using racial insults towards amina and this new tracy thing have me pretty pissed off tbh.
No. 276757
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she looks like she wants to cry here
No. 276789
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>>276757I would too if my head looked like an egg.
No. 276797
>>276753>Idle IdolIt's pretty obvious Amina is the one behind that YT account and the "idle idol gossip" blog, based on the fact that it only ever made two posts: One about Teya's group having a beef with Amina back in February (with all of two notes, which proves that there isn't exactly a wide pool of people who give that much of a fuck about Berri Team Victory, no matter how relevant they and the rest of their social circle think they are), and one immediately following up with a reply to Teya's "response" to Amina with no voice/commentary, just text.
She's really bad at this whole false flagging/samefagging thing. You can't build controversy from the ground up like this. It's not going to work or look convincing if nobody actually cared to begin with, ffs.
She needs to drop this #WEEBGATE bullshit, it's not going to propel her into fame.
No. 276946
>>276879>I-It's only a joke guysNo, it's pretty obvious she thinks her whiny videos and personal drama are a big deal. The fact that she even titled that video "BLACK GIRLS ARE KAWAII TRUTH" is a testament to that.
She's just pathetic.
No. 276948
>>276871Flusay girls never comes into any of this, wtf? And I have a feeling only she would make an """"idol gossip"""" blog (is this 2011?) about some bullshit personal vendetta like this. Like I said, the fact that the post only ever got two notes shows how many people care.
And the editing in that video is literally nothing impressive whatsoever. It's just a black side screen and white text.
No. 276966
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>>244343>came to japan to achieve her weeb dreams>became a pornstarthis is so sad
No. 277784
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>>276970Are you saying being a sex worker is something you should be proud of?
No. 277867
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>>277824That group is a cesspool. Most of the members are bigger cows themselves. The group
was started by Micky remember…
they're all annoying SJWs too. to them unless you're an obese disabled dark skin trans bisexual girl you're
No. 277925
>teens Most of the people in that group are years older than Amina if I'm not mistaken.
She barely addresses them. I'm in that group on Facebook and for a while every other post was about Ami or some other random black girl. I'm surprised it took her this long to talk shit back.
No. 277954
>>277930>Why does it matter what they're saying?People tend to take what they hear about others and run with it. Just look at this thread and her previous one. Micky gained attention from lying about what Amina did and there are people who still think it's true. Some things people say have impact and that can be a motherfucker to deal with. I'm sure if you were in her predicament you'd be the same way.
>just ignore all the jelly haters and only focus on her Japanese fans.She did ignore them. For awhile, but that obviously didn't work and only made it worse because they then started thinking she being uppity. The reality of most situations like this is that ignoring the problem will not make it go away. I'm glad someone actually decided to speak up instead of pretending the want a problem or acting scared of them. Sometimes it's better to be proactive.
No. 277969
>>277954Amina's been complaining about girls being jealous of her for the past two years now, this isn't new. You'd think by now she would have learned to block people.
This also isn't the first time she's gotten into shit with the bgak group.
No. 277999
>>277969>Amina's been complaining about girls being jealous of her for the past two years now, this isn't new
>This also isn't the first time she's gotten into shit with the bgak group.She hasn't though. This thing with Teya and BGAK is recent. Even though people have been mentioning these girls have been doing this for years. Like I said, I'm glad someone finally spoke up about it. Like it or not, it needed to be addressed because they weren't going to stop otherwise.
I don't get why you're choosing to ignore the fact this group has been harassing people and that girls like Teya have been outwardly aggressive towards anyone that didn't fall in line with what they were doing.The problem shouldn't be Amina addressing these things. You should be focusing on what's been brought to the public's attention.
No. 278020
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>>277999The first problem she had with the bgak group is when some members got all pissy because they took something she said out of context and assumed she was saying dark skin girls can't be idols. Also, there are screencaps from 2015 and earlier where she's complaining about girls bullying her and being jealous….like I said this drama is nothing new.
No. 278048
"I’m noticing a pattern with this girl. Blocking people, just to talk about them because she knows they won’t be able to respond directly and call her ass out.
Amina du Jean, I am NOT jealous of you, never have been. I defended the hell out of you on twitter when people claimed you were bleaching your skin. I cursed that guy out on tumblr (jrcach), when he kept trying to slander your name along with many others. When you came to NYC to see the city, I welcomed you with my close friends and we had a good time. I donated to your “magical first date” single when you wanted to go to Japan, shared tf outta the link and told my friends to like your competition videos (for Miss.ID) whenever they came out because I saw promise in you. I’m in medical school to get a real fucking job. I have NO DESIRE to be a Japanese idol. NONE. So don’t try the fuckery.
Amina, you DID NOT help me with my suicidal thoughts or depression. YOU AINT DID SHIT FOR ME and I don’t expect you to as you’re not my doctor or therapist. I haven’t told you shit about my personal life, you know nothing about my illness or my disorders. Nothing about my home life. NOTHING. Using my disorders as a joke under your status was tasteless and disturbing. No idol I support would ever do that to anyone in the open public. I have no idea what kind of person you are after that. FUCK YOU. How dare you.
Amina, I’m still waiting on the screen shot where I called you a porch monkey like you claim I did. Go ahead y'all, ask her for one, you won’t get one. You blocked me, along with other girls, for absolutely NO REASON and when I tried to speak to you about it, you didn’t allow me to. Grow up. I’m in no way associated with the “Black Kawaii Girls” groups on Facebook or any other SNS because I don’t agree with groups who do the same thing as you, which is cause drama and negativity in an already hostile situation. I’m for black growth, period. Nothing you say can change that fact.
For anyone reading this, please hear me again, I am NOT jealous of Amina du Jean and I never will be. I cannot believe I used to support her as a fan, thinking she’d pave the way for black opportunity. What a hypocrite you are. If you’re “for black girls”, you wouldn’t be slandering them every other week on your profile for self recognition and praise. I’d never do that to another girl as someone with your online status, you’re petty. You’re a drama queen who feels self entitled to talk for all of Japan and talk down to others who haven’t gone or can’t make it through their dreams. I’ve seen you do this and like a fool, I gave you the benefit of the doubt that something may have been wrong in your favor. Now I see how naive I was and I’m upset with myself. I would personally like to apologize to every girl who’s been a victim of this clown because I didn’t take the time to ask you your situation or listen to your side of the story. I’m not going to allow Amina du Jean to belittle me, I’m too told for that. Good luck in Japan, Amina. Good fucking luck. I’m so disgusted.
((**Please excuse the drama, I’m not one for it at all. I don’t need lies being spread about me and I’d like to come clean with my side of things before my name is slandered. Thanks for understanding.))" No. 278054
>>278040That's definitely not the case. She had them blocked, and was ignoring them. They still continued even when she was ignoring it and it had gotten to the point where people had asked her about what's going on. It's the same thing she's been dealing with from Micky. Obviously ignoring is not going to change anything and the only way they seem to back off is when she speaks up. And others have said it's jealous. Himeka, Micky, and Bibi didn't have a problem until Amina got more attention than they did. Same with Teya, Bri, and the other in the BGAK. Add to the their inability to hear differing sociopolitical opinions and we get this. Hell, Teya, Himeka, and Micky don't even regret being pieces of shit to her or others. As I said before the problem is nobody took a stand and pointed out the bullshit. Amina decided to be the one to do that. Which is good on her, regardless of your vendetta.
>>278048Rhea jumped the gun on this one. Amina wasn't even referencing her to begin with since they only met once and barely spoke. Rhea likes to stir the shit pot too alongside Hanabi and Teya. The only difference between them is Rhea and Amina actually talked it out after she made this post.
Also, please learn to screenshot posts.
No. 278073
>>278070No where did I say that. Chill out.
>>278066If that was the case then Micky and the others would have stopped mentioning her about 5 years ago now.
No. 278076
>>276592>>276605while trying to find more info about the original berriteam, I came across this wikia they made for themselves>Teyaberri announced that she would be graduating [from berriteam] before 2016. >She plans to move to Japan and pursue her dream as a professional idol!so along with shit like this:>[amina] told plus size girls they can't be idols in Japan>she said that if you're not a young teen there's no point in going to Japan to pursue a careerif teya was willing to ruin the social life of one of her best friends over her crush not liking her, then i don't doubt teya's beef with amina is fueled by jealousy over not being able to become a "professional idol"
No. 278078
>>278075This. All of this.
>>278070 That's what I was getting at. Sick of the whataboutism where you can't criticize Amina without having someone bring up one of these other idiots.
No. 278393
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>>278387>Yeah for example after her argument with teya she posted "it's lonely being pretty". Pretty sure she being facetious with that line. I swear you all look a little too deeply into her posts.
>>278385>she's deleted everytime her nasty personality has come out In the past, if you bring it up "proof!!" Knowing she deletedShe hasn't deleted anything. She had some posts taken down when they've been reported on her Facebook, but outside of that, her posts are still there. But if there's actually proof, then it would have been posted by now.
No. 278462
>>278455On twitter and Facebook yeah she has the black weeb crowd but I see a lot of white weebs and creeps follow her too
like 50/50
No. 278593
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No. 278764
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>>278746Her and Abbie are still at it
No. 278768
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No. 278770
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These girls are so dramatic
No. 278931
I don't understand why are there so many Amina's whiteknight on this thread. She's cringy af
No. 278999
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>>276592Wait, Teya is the girl in the middle? I thought she was the tall one all the way to the right before introductions. It's really astounding that this girl thinks she has any chance of becoming a professional idol.
No. 279045
>>279041I have never seen proof amina has taken herself seriously as an idol. she even shits on her own songs. she's like weird al yankovich. The only people that take her serious are retards that overly antagonize and weebs that worship her. i remember even before she came to japan jrcach and girls were saying she lied about having a contract.
Considering she had friends like micky, himeka, and now teya turn on her i can see why she's paranoid. the paranoia is a turn off though…..
No. 279133
>>278770Waiting for the 'proof' Abbie is the one now bullying our poor little victim Amina.
My god this chicken loves her drama. Everyone is against her. Jrcach, teya… Who next?
No. 279203
>>279139Ok but the people who say Amina is a shitty person would've had the milk or proof if there were some.
From a Japanese perspective saying something like "Being pretty is lonely" or self bragging is assholeish but in America its normal as fuck. People on Twitter and social media say shit like that ironically all the time. The fact that that's the only "milk" is pretty pathetic. Abbie is also kissing teya's ass. it's not surprising because she sucked pedo jrcrotch's ass for so long……
No. 279289
>>279286If you watch the first video Amina released about BGAK during the video there's a screenshot showing a group chat with Amina's name in it.
>>279272It's not.
No. 279294
>>279289lol yes it is. This anon,
>>279274 illustrated why pretty nicely.
No. 279375
>>27929114:57 it's called #AminyanIsFakeClub
Hanabi and Teya are confirmed to be a part of it. Rhea and Bri are likely a part of it as well.
>>279294It's actually not. Like I said, I've been following this for awhile. She was already planning to go to school there, the idol thing came after.
No. 279410
>>279230Idols do gravure all the time. Just as raunchy as Amina.
Can you guys stop basing your view of idols in Morning musume and groups that haven't sold since 2005 and realize most of the idol scene is underground these days? Seriously this thread is cringe level antagonistic.
No. 279411
>>279263>Hong Kong???Please show screenshot kek. Now you're just pulling shit out your ass.Even if she left Japan what the hell is the big deal? Most western foreign women don't last long in Asia at all. Most last even less than a year.
Where is
amina even saying "I never wanted to be an idol! I'm leaving Japan for good. Fuck Japan" all I saw was one post where she said she was thinking of career changes. That's it. Please fill me in since you know so much anon.
No. 279430
>>279426I've seen her talk about Japanese cultural differences as well. She got a contract before leaving America from that shitty Nico douga thing so it makes sense.
What do you think people in Japan should talk about? Kimono? Kabuki? Seiza? Samurai? For fucks sake
all girls in Tokyo talk about fashion and cute stuff. y'all really love reaching lol
No. 279451
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In this scene she's washing herself with an almost see through bikini-thong. Marina is a "major idol".
No. 279461
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>>279454While she was in a group she started making DVDs like this anon. She's on magazine covers in Japan. She's mainstream enough. Stop moving the goalpost
No. 279923
>>279565Sure kek
>>250937 kawaii af
No. 280230
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No. 280232
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No. 280242
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Weebgate is getting more and more spicy. Her bgak haters are contacting Amina's family about her gravure DVD.
No. 280243
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No. 280245
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No. 280250
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No. 280268
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>>280264Now the autists are mad at her
No. 280275
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Screen caps from dark skin gate if anyone interested
No. 280276
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Someone uploaded her DVD in full on Pornhub
No. 280288
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Humping the bathtub
No. 280293
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No. 280299
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That Kerupani girl's dvd was just as raunchy as this.
No. 280423
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oh boy
No. 280442
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No. 280446
>>280308This is hilarious. Is being a Z-list "celeb" in Japan really worth making something so cringey and embarrassing? She's decently cute and only slightly out of shape. Surely she could find more legitimate work? Why is the idol route so appealing to weebs?
>>280285Amina legit looks awkward/stiff/scared throughout this whole thing, and is she shaking her head "no" throughout that first scene? Tbh, she has a cute body shape over all, it's too bad she seems to have skin issues.
No. 280453
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Has her hand wart ever been discussed? Just noticed it during the lollipop scene and was a little grossed out. Has she always had this?
No. 280490
>>280483judging softcore porn by "acting"
No. 280721
Amina's news report on cumming in figurines
"I came across a picture of a picture of a J-Pop idol with semen smattered over it. I thought it was strange, however I did a bit of research. This was a trend “bukakke” over pictures of anime characters, idols or most notably figurines." No. 280768
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No. 281244
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>>280780Are you sure about that? I literally scrolled to a random paragraph and there are a lot of amateur mistakes. She knows slightly bigger words but clearly doesn't know how to utilize them in the right contexts. There are also issues of odd sentencing structures and she doesn't seem to proofread.
Amina please don't quit your day job.
No. 281501
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No. 281533
>>280446Not shaking her head. It's a sort of slight flick girls do to get their hair from their eyes without needing to loft their hand.
She doesn't flick her head hard enough for the hair to move do I think it's a natural thing for her to do, I don't even think she realised she was doing it.
No. 281548
>>281526People on her YT comments and here write similar things so I'm not surprised. There's a lot dumbasses.
>>281533Thanks for pointing that out. There's a lot of retards here anon
No. 281574
I'll be honest I think contacting her parents wasn't good but making comments like this to guilt trip people over a video she made and they would've seen at some point anyway is the worst. If that risk was there then why do it? I call Bs on that one.
>>280242I don't feel sorry for her. I've already posted up thread about my opinions and I'm not a part of the BGAK group nor do I white knight anima. Both are in the wrong but anima always comes across as enjoying the drama. From way back when she first went to Japan. I think the reason why people get annoyed is because she takes part in it then plays the victim when it gets too much. Some of these girls are jealous but anima definitely takes her depression over her failed idol situation out on these girls.
No. 281601
>>281586She has a bad attitude. Maybe it is the autism but nobody gives you autistic passes in the real world.
I remember when she did that kawaii intl clip and I made an ask on her tumblr with a suggestion because it looked like she was struggling and unhappy in Japan. and she took the whole thing out of context. She was essentially upset about the video and took it out on an anon. If she was so offended by my post then just ignore? It's funny coz everything I said "Go for a less kawaii and more mainstream look" she ended up doing when she started with chick girls.
That's when I stop interacting with her because before she went to Japan the over defensive, passive aggressive, snappy behaviour wasn't there. She was nice and open to criticism. It is normal for fans to critique. If you don't like it then ignore it. It comes with being well known. Anima does not ignore. That's why she's in this mess.
She should take tips from yukapon seeing as they are friends. Imagine if Natalia went in on people critiquing her after her pee pee scandal like Amina is doing with bgak and her gravure DVD.
Do you think her YT would exist right now? She's actually getting popular coz she stfu and focused on her Japanese audience.
I actually hope that Amina lurks here and reads this. Not everyone is against her. She should just move on from her soft porn and bgak and make YT videos about kawaii idol shit. The end.
>>281582Yeah and there's nothing wrong with leveraging drama for views but that's why people are salty. Coz she enjoys it, joins in and responds. Then plays victim.
I'm playing devils advocate here. This whole thing would be a non story if she just ignored the situation.
No. 281620
>>281608People on this board are annoyingly over-criticizing her. Of course she didn't become some mega pop, super rich idol, but at least she worked at it.
>>281610I was just thinking this. I know she named names, but she didn't lie. A lot of stuff they did openly and not privately anyway (although some private stuff did get leaked, but I can't say it was uncalled for). I wouldn't encourage her to go against the group alone (or at all because nobody cares about them), but she made her point and had a strategy that seems successful so far. I'm not sure I understand all the criticism mainly toward her in this situation.
No. 283023
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Amina calling herself a nigress
No. 283026
>>283020Obnoxious. Also unpopular opinion but she just isn't cute at all. I used to think she was but in completely untouched pics I don't see it.This video was
>>283023Well she doesn't look Japanese or mixed no matter how often she lies about people telling her does. Why did she bring this up here?
No. 283027
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>>283026She wants to be mixed so bad
No. 283029
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>>283026She's actually quite dark skin in reality, she only looks mixed in photos.
No. 283058
>>283036Do you realize that she ends her tweet by saying she's still black? She also talked about it on Facebook.
>>283037They do think she looks mixed. It's a common thing to say to anyone who looks mixed.
No. 283074
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I wonder if Amina's white knight in this thread is this cringe anon
No. 283078
>>283058But she doesn't look mixed at all. If I showed a picture of her to Japanese people they wouldn't think she was mixed.
>>283074Nah. That white knight is dumber than dirt. Tbh this anon sounds more like Amina. I don't who else would be so invested in arguing that people think she's hafu.
No. 283182
>>283157And to japs any black person that doesn't have a Mile wide nose and kinky hair looks "mixed". Amina criticized that in the past and never claims to be mixed and never says being mixed is better etc. Y'all really trying to make her ~~~
problematic~~~ kek
No. 283200
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Lmao at this fabricated milk. Obvious she's not saying she's mixed dumbass. It's just extremely rare for a black American DNA test to come back with Russian and South Asian when usually it would be Irish or British and Native American. She's still saying she's black dumbasses.
No. 283203
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"My DNA blood test came back. Of course I'm 80% African from French speaking countries, 17% European and 3% South Asian. It's shocking!"
Honestly I'm not a huge Amina fan nor am I totally against her but this thread is annoying as hell. There's literally no milk besides that cringe fest dvd that came out nearly a year ago, so we have to rely on race baiters taking the darkest pictures of her to prove how she's "secretly dark skin" and taking random tweets out of context to prove she has ~le God complex~ or is problematic. This is just dumb and reeks vendetta. Obviously BGAK bitches here because nobody else cares about BGAK's dry YouTube channel and whether Amina is "REALLY DARK SKIN !11" and "problematic"
No. 283207
>>283023Amina "I'm a full blood nigress"
No. 283213
>>283074>>283157Yea, even some white (American) people often think if a black person isn't literally black, they must be mixed. Also, she is petite (though tall I think), and a lot of asians don't automatically associate that with black people.
>>283037>They don't think she looks mixed>Assuming this muchThere is no indication she is lying and it's not her fault if someone else might have been disingenuine (how would she even know?)
Why are people so salty?
Sage becuz this thread
No. 334789
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Does anyone have a reupload of Amina's DVD?