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No. 221464
>used to make shitty cosplay and "lolita" tutorials on youtube, now just does Chinese crap hauls>has an obsession with trying to look/seem younger than she actually is>says she's in her early 20's when she's actually around 25-26>has a sugar daddy in Georgia who appears to be in his mid-late 30's>"my boyfriend likes it when I wear doll dresses">has done projects in school about the objectification of Asian women yet acts like a stereotypical demure and submissive Asian waifu>lurks here. Hi Yumi! No. 221469
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>>221464Forgot to add to the OP but
>shoops and blames it on the mirror "distorting" her (pic related)>also into DDLG and pet play and posts about it publicly even though most of her fans are under 18 No. 221471
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From her latest purse haul video
No. 221473
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No. 221531
>>221522Her shits must be green lmao. That many vitamins for a person her size is unnecessary.
I'm kinda starting to enjoy watching their relationship… like one comment said he seems stable
No. 221544
>>221522That catface-shaped dish she's got that's so cute is an actual cat food dish. I got my little catdude similar when he was small, and there's another half to the set that looks like a cat body and they nest together. Yumi is eating out of a catfood bowl.
>>221525I duno. I'm taking a similar amount of vitamins, so the amount of pills doesn't register to me as an issue. The fact that she has to ask her boyfriend what they are, because she doesn't even know what she's taking, is the bigger issue. And when she's at her parents' house he probably creeps about it and asks her if she's taken her vitamins. Weird.
No. 221623
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>>221469I would love to find a mirror that distort me so well.
The biggest issue about her ddlg relationship isn't that she actually never acknowledged being in that kind of relationship. Giving to her young audience the idea that her relationship is healthy isn't responsible.
No. 221757
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>>221522Dude what about his dirty stove and scratched pan lol, the isolated computer and her room look cheap..
She probably loves him cause she thinks she got lucky and he uses her cause she has a child body it doesn't matter her goddam busted face (he's ugly also) so both are perfect for each other… the disgusting thing here is the young people commenting positive things and wanting a relationship like this ew when she's clearly a pet for him
No. 221780
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Jesus. I'm sorry. I just can't get used to her face.
No. 221853
>>221770>>221770I bet its because he snores
Like super loud. Thats why they sleep separate most likely.
No. 221921
>>221849No, but that's probably what most sane people would think looking at them. She came to the US as a foreign student.
>>221623It's not a ddlg relationship, that's why. I bet in her mind, it's some fairytale romance in the land of opportunity.
Women from poor countries or conditions who get together with richer, ugly old fucks from Western countries are all like that. They lack complete self-awareness, totally unaware they look like cheap, uncultured mail order brides. In Yumi's case it's even worse since she dresses/behaves like a little kid.
No. 222006
>>221544>>221545>>She's basically a human pet.Even the way he "cooks" for her is extremely basic as fuck, it's all pre-portioned frozen vegetables and tofu/meat. It's no different to re-heating TV dinners that were taken out of the tray and stored in plastic bags to make space in the freezer… he doesn't even care to season that shit except use a sachet of pre-made sauce that comes with the instant meal.
No wonder he's pumping her full of vitamins and protein shakes, she's not getting enough from the diet he feeds her.
It's more than likely she got really sick from malnutrition in the past, but he's still substituting cooking proper meals for her with multivitamins as his way of "learning his lesson" from it.
Let's be honest, he looks and sounds autistic as fuck - he probably was once an incel and is now living out his dream.
No. 222034
>>221757Her face looks so swollen
She's a grown ass women, this is probably the only reason why her parents don't step in. But she did recently move out of her parents home. Maybe they don't approve fully like she makes it seem. But she's almost 30 so like, why not.
No. 222096
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No. 222147
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>>222089It's full of insults and then people defending her, is that what we're meant to be looking at?
No. 222159
>>222006Wtf he does not need to cook her better stuff, she's nearly 30! I can't believe you critizise him for not taking better care of her, as if she's an actual child.
She should be able to make her own food, if she doesn't like what he is giving her.
He's literally paying for all her expenses while she's sitting at home all day long, so she could do some chores at least, the only thing she is offering is having sex, while he is doing everything else.
No. 222165
>>221757She's so comically ugly it's almost cute. Those swollen bulimia cheeks are really warming me up to her vibrant character and personality!
>>222094Aww, thanks for posting a video of a chipmunk eating <3 Seeing Alvin enjoy his weebsnax brightened my day!
No. 222182
>>222176I'm pretty sure they have the separate rooms to appease their parents (lol) but that's as far as the modesty goes.
We've seen her feign innocence repeatedly (vibrators in the face care video, pretending to be innocent whilst flashing tits and ass etc). We can't know if she wants to be putting out for her flabby old man, but pretending that she isn't a walking bimbo fetish doll is wishful thinking.
No. 222244
>>222186As far as I know, this is the video anon is talking about? (She uses the vibrator on her face at 4:44)
>>222211>>222212>>222213>>222214>>222215You ok, Sperg-chan?
No. 222374
>>222271She took the fuck me panties out of the box and tried to hide them on her lap but not before the camera saw.
The ones that said bad girl, she had no idea what they said until she unrolled them to show the camera. You could see her falter and get a bit embarrassed for a second. She just said they were cute and she liked the bows. The text was always facing her except for when she put them in the box to show the next pair.
No. 222443
>>222422Anyone notice how she lacks mention of any gifts from friends? :)
Most likely because she doesn't have any.
No. 222531
>>222422I have a strong feeling she can speak english properly. I think she fumbles her words and puts on the voice to seem cute and childlike.
whenever her boyfriend talks to her he seems so annoyed..he also sounds really autistic, I'm not even trying to be mean but you can kinda tell.
Does he even like her or does he just need someone to play out his pedophile dreams on
No. 222545
all the gifts look cheap as fuck, bodyline and stuff from aliexpress and the dollar store kek
shes ugly as sin and that's the splenda daddy she could get so she seems happy so why are all of u worried for her she probably knows the dude is weird and she likes him anyway
No. 222674
>>222640Found the incel.
Re-read the start of that sentence to yourself until it sinks in; "Even the way he "cooks" for her…" it's commentary on the video, it's a video recorded of HIM "cooking" for her and he's feeding her tiny amounts of ready-made-meals, I'm terribly sorry that an anon commenting on some of the content of that video hurts your sensitive feelings for some fucking insane reason.
If anything; he needs to STOP cooking for her.
You don't get to change the context of anons posts here to suit your needs because you lack basic English comprehension skills, even a few other anons commented that you can barely call what he "cooks" for her "food" but you don't seem to be sperging out at them for it.
Sage your fucking shitposting next time.
No. 222758
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>>222271>>222290Holy shit thank you anons, that was beautiful
But yeah her boyfriend either sounds extremely autistic or extremely fed up with her and her childish crap. Their relationship's dynamic is nauseating me, honestly.
No. 222788
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Her feet look so weird? And I'm watching this video of her's and she said "Every morning, I just pray I can lose 2 pounds. I was 95lbs when I was 18 but now I gained a lot, I'm very upset" Uh? And she said this now every a minute into the video…
No. 222846
>>222800um, why the ":)"? is that you again, creepy bf?
and yeah, anon. i have to agree with him, that is a massager.
No. 222889
>>222547If they're in Georgia, a big empty house with cheap furniture like that costs peanuts. It explains why he buys her low class stuff and feeds her garbage.
I don't think he's well off like others assume. She's literally being treated like a pet, but she's in on that joke.
>>222803Yep that's what I was getting at. Shoving her feet into kid's shoes for ages probably did it.
No. 222960
>>222886Dress #1: $13.33
Dress #2: $19.99
Splenda daddy indeed.
No. 222971
>>221636>yumi's bf is probably a sadist Likely, considering he seems to love insulting her appearance and weight, or at least did in older videos.
Also who wants to bet the separate room thing is so he can do "sneaking in and molesting" roleplay?
No. 222976
>>222971Oh disgusting, anon. Really fucking gross.
But I'm sure you're right.
No. 222979
my bf got me better shit for Christmas and he's not an ugly old creep
No. 222980
>>222674Thanks anon, but i think i read it often enough.
If you mean he should stop cooking for her, than please say so correctly.
Not everybody is a native English speaker, so please refrain from using "bad" English as an insult.
In the first post of yours i commented on you clearly complained about the meals he cooks for her as being too plain etc, so i got the impression, that you think she deserves better, which i disagree.
Isn't there another video there he is the one preparing her meal? So i assume it's often that way
No. 222991
>>222788anybody know how tall she is?
>>222849also GROSS the way he tenses how long before these two are doing something explicit on camera
No. 222996
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>>222979>>222979Someone is upset their bf got dumb shit for them and is comparing it to splenda daddy's splurge. Will you be the 32-inch waist chan of Yumi, comparing your dollartree and pharmacy makeup to her dollarstore?
No. 223075
>>222846Oops, my bad then.
Anyway, did you guys see her last video? The one with the
>>elegant matureDating outfits?
What does she think MATURE means?
I have to say tho, I really liked first one, the vintage maxi dress, except for the belt. Then I saw what the fabric was. Polyester? Aw hell naw.
Also does she know the difference between MAXI and MIDI? Because her first two dresses weren't maxi at all but midi. Wasn't she a fashion student?
No. 223100
>>222923Sorry, what thread was this posted on?
I'm laughing so hard at this thread, my boyfriend and I watch her videos when they pop up in recommended and come here for the extra keks
sage for blog.
No. 223153
>>223075this is a child's idea of what grown ups wear to be "very elegant and luxury" but i don't want to call her that because she probably revels in that.
instead, she's a modern day hoe gatbsy. she's recently come into money because of her splenda daddy and she thinks that buying more shit gives her status. but she'll always be low class because she's so stupid and uneducated and she can't comprehend how people born into money act. they certainly don't buy flamboyant clothing especially if you can tell the poor quality from miles away and they know the differences between cosmetic products. and like gatsby's library of unread books, her education is a sham too. i've seen her code, it's very basic and her projects are nonsensical bullshit.
everything she does is a poor (literally, kek) imitation of decadence and the upper class.
No. 223182
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So it looks like her subscribers are starting to catch onto her act
No. 223369
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>>222422The comment section on this video is truely beautiful
No. 223450
>>223075Her video titles look like the insertions of Aliexpress
"Beautiful Gorgeous maxi dress dating mature 2016 New Fashion"
No. 223713
>>223692it can't be underrated until it gets passed over, ya ding dong
No. 223942
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On a scale of 0 to yumi how fake is your personality
No. 223969
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>beautiful, cute, and gorgeous high class rich girl
No. 224580
>>218462 is real and not a troll, his name might be Steve lol
No. 225210
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>>225168>>225208…..are you guys really this retarded? It's traditional Korean wear.
No. 225715
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>>225708fight me nigga lmao
No. 225772
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>>225722>>225770i'm guessing it's the hair
No. 226020
>>225776This is old as fuck
>>225831>>225780I'm guessing she doesn't know a single thing about comics. She doesn't seem the type that would read comic books, she'd only watch moe bait anime. Her boyfriend probably wanted her to cosplay Harley so that he could live out his dream of fucking Harley.
No. 226216
>>226213Yuhan Zhang making videos about her boring life being a useless brain-dead farmer-face infantilism cunt and trying to make a career out of it.
She's at a new level of mental illness and self-importantance if she thinks 4 minutes of her doing nothing interesting is noteworthy.
I skimmed the cringe-fest, but if you guys need to know the best part is that her spenda daddy seems rather annoyed/frustrated with her antics. Any guy would be to be honest. This man doesn't seem the type to want to be filmed constantly. I hope he dumps her soon.
Women like her deserve nothing. She's do unhealthy and trashy. Ugly inside and out.
No. 226225
>>226213God, he sounds so fucking done with her. I'm pretty sure he even sighed at around 4:30 when she suggests they make a video together. Also dat stupid laugh.
Why is he even dating her if it's so obvious that he can't stand her?
No. 226234
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>>226213>the part where he tests her on what a diffuser is called like how parents point at something and ask their children what it is ("what is that Johnny? is it a doggy?")>her pretending to not know how to say diffuser>OM-BEE-YONCE>"I got you sushi" it's crappy looking california rolls>her scary giggle at 2:40>her incredibly cheap looking Cinderella costume>>226216>>226225he does seem super tired of her. i guess he didn't sign up for her 24/7 childish airhead antics and being put in her youtube videos which clearly still pander to the ddlg community and asian fetishists.
No. 226243
>>226213love how she tries to hold her boyfriend's hand and he pulls his hand away.
coupled with her trying to kiss him in the morning routine video and him going "no no no", you can tell he's done.
No. 226262
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>>226213Anybody know what all these graphs and shit are. Maybe he makes money and is just cheap.
Also he sounds the same as Chris chan lol
No. 226278
>>226213>>226234I'm #
triggered by her complete inability to put together an outfit
>ugly OP in the first place>pair it with cherry hair clips>no cherry motifs or even red in the OPfucking why
No. 226288
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>>226262I'm guessing he's an engineer based off of these comments lol
No. 226312
>>226303With all Yuhan Zhang's bullshit about her having an engineer degree from a Chinese university, you would think she would at least try to get further education in USA for graduate studies and make good money herself. But instead Yumi opts for an 'art degree' because lets face it, she probably thought design and media arts was 'easy'. She's probably failing classes to be honest. None of her projects are very compelling or put together adequately. They all look cheap and ugly.
If you look at her as a person, her work reflects her disgusting persona. Cheap and lazy. She has no eye for real aesthetics lol.
Noone is going to hire her after school, considering her industry is already so competitive in the first place, and she sucks, if she does get a job in the end she SHOULD go work at Mcdonalds and grow some work ethic/ a back-bone.
Women this manipulative and selfish need a cold hard slap on the face to learn that nothing is going to be handed to them for free in their 30's. Yuhan Zhang has nothing to offer the world, none-the-less her current 'boyfriend'.
I bet he was looking for a capable, humble woman. Not a self-inflated lazy cunt like Yumi.
Yuhan Zhang has made no attempts to even do anything nice for him in return lol. If she's so 'crafty' and 'sweet' like she pretends to be, why not fucking treat her bf out to some food or just COOK HIM A MEAL like her lying dating profile said she would. Instead all she LIKES TO PORTRAY in her videos is her BEING SPOILED and getting cheap gifts/being taken care for even though she's hitting 27 this year.
If Yumi King was really that educated prior to coming to the states, why throw away her future and not WORK FOR HERSELF in the first place. I think she's just pitifully lazy and self-absorbed. Coupled with the fact she wants to act like a sexualized 'special-needs child' and constantly doing useless attention-whorey cringe methods of gaining Youtube views, you can tell that she's a terrible and selfish person.
This seems mainly because she has no friends. She's always alone in all her videos AND instagram. Noone in their right mind would want to associate with someone so self-absorbed. She totally lacking empathy for others too. Not once does she try to include others as important, just displays them as tokens of her 'glamourous' life.
Has anyone considered that she might have autism? She's definitely narcissistic. I doubt anyone can stand starting a conversation with her.
Especially with a person whom can't take any criticism and has the personality of wet cardboard drenched in rancid cat piss.
No. 226322
>>226314Her entire persona is a set-back for Asian women. I have a similar background to her, and it was hard finding respect from peers for my own shortcomings. But I pushed past those flaws and grounded myself in reality.
Seeing her delusional persona is infuriating because I've dealt with lazy entitled classmates similar to her, and I just rehash how
problematic she is. Sorry for the spergfest.
No. 226329
>>226323>>226322I second this. I'm Asian and my entire family for generations suffered to get us all in the states, but everyone has pursued this by being in line with the medical field and being hardworking. Yumi def doesn't represent all the Asians, and I actually know a lot who are like her personally but I wouldn't use that as a basis to hold an entire grudge against these people. They are still nice and ditzy Asians, but most come from a poor background or don't know much about American culture or class. Yumi is just a bit different because she's a creep fetishist who publicized herself.
I think she really is just ignorant and uncultured and I doubt she's really smart enough to mastermind it. She's making herself look like a dumbass- she doesn't even realize that what she does is creepy and thinks it's normal/cute. A teenager has more pr sense than yumi and would realize immediately how fucking cringey and weird it is. Even people in MOST ddlg relationships try to keep it secret or online, and not make fucking YouTube videos with a channel targeted at children.
Sage for side blogging, but I had to say it cause this topics been coming up every damn time
No. 226415
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>>226359Kek I thought the same imagine if her kweesmas laits started a fire
using plastic drawers and living of aliexpress gifts she can do that by herself. Dumb bitch is ugly af but could get some otaku to give her better shit tbh
No. 226484
>>226365It's her tag-name and real name.
Probably being mentioned for Google to tag this thread as a search result if anyone were to look Yumi up on a search engine.
No. 226652
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what's up with her eyes? her left eye always seems swollen compared to her right eye.
>>226303most likely. and engineering departments tend to have a large male population as well.
No. 226714
>>226415Literally almost anyone with a bit of extra spending monet would buy her nicer shit and take her nicer places
splenda daddy spends all his money on the mortgage for his McMansion, no doubt
No. 226727
>>226719I think it's safe to say it's pretty evident they have a strange relationship no matter what these mean.
I'm actually a fan of Yumi, but her boyfriend seems creepy.
No. 226738
>>226213"I don't know how to use this thing!"
"What the diffuser? WHAT DO YOU CALL IT?"
okay I know they're into age play or some shit but if my boyfriend ever talked to me the way yumi's boyfriend talks to her I would be pissed.
Also why does Yumi pretend not to know certain words…her parents live in Seattle and she went to college for years..she should know how to speak proper english by now, right?
No. 226741
>>226738She's a cringe factory, that's why, anon.
Literally most people who are into DDLG shit don't act like yumi. This is why she's a snowflake
No. 226836
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>>226828What's her fucking obsession with calling everything she wears "rich girl clothing"?
Stop lying to yourself Yumi
No. 226841
>>226828Ugh. If she truly wants to look 'rich' and 'elegant', the best decision she could make is taking her cheapo aliexpress crap to a tailor. Nothing
triggers me more than ill fitting coats.
No. 226854
>>226329>>226323what are y'all on about. you might not think it but yes she does represent asian women to non-asian people, whether the asian community wants her to or not. it's like caitlyn jenner and the trans community. yumi well-known enough that when ignorant people see her it reinforces the idea of "me love you long time" submissive mail order bride.
you "had to say it cause this topics been coming up every time damn time" but you can't even comprehend that your opinion doesn't fucking matter in this case.
>>226415 that little cat lamp is actually cute but everything else is hella tacky. does she even have personal taste or does she just pick out whatever's cheap and popular kawaii?? it's just a random ass collection in her room
No. 226871
>>226835she only shops at walmart and thinks that fabric that costs $10/yd is expensive, so it's no surprise that $40 seems like a fortune for her.
>>226841>>226844even if the coats fit her, people will still be able to tell that her tacky shit is cheap from a mile away. it's super easy to tell whether a coat is well made or not.
>>226854i don't think she has personal taste beyond "i like Miku, Chii, lolita, and pink stuff!". most of her decor are things that she made in videos.
No. 226936
>>226828Yumi clearly thinks dressing like a
rich girl entails looking like some weebs animu OC lmao
Her general aesthetic is 'infantelized weeb'
No. 226942
>>226262Solidworks, some heat pictures and temperatures on middle on left screen. Powerpoint rightmost, screen on left of it seems to be a graph for thresholds? they're looking for the deviation that needs to be held.
I'd say he is maybe a mechanical engineer in a lead of a team. Those texts are team proposals to him and, based on rightmost, making a powerpoint of them to most likely to go present it.
Splenda daddy is not broke by any means, he's just tired of her shit most likely and it could be she buys that shit on her own.
No. 227311
>>226844But she claims she can sew, doesn't she? She could tailor them herself
>>226942I doubt splenda daddy is knowledgeable about clothing brands etc so he might have bought her the Aliexpress and Bodyline stuff just because he knows Yumi always like the stuff sold there
No. 228000
>>227991Nah, her hair is very thin, but I must say it's one of her best features imo.
It's just strange how thin it is on the back when the front is way fuller, but it seems healthy. I would love to see a hair care routine from her tho, since she washes her bangs with soap or smth.
No. 228046
>>226322>>226329I know interacting with flakes is frowned upon but I'm kinda curious about her reaction if any of you told Yumi in Chinese what a laughingstock she is.
Tacky fashion sense aside, anyone would think she's a cheap mail order bride with that ugly pedo boyfriend of hers. The lack of self-awarenes is astounding lol.
No. 228476
>>228319she should just throw it away, her splenda daddy fucking sucks
Do you guys think she is legit impressed by the stuff he gets her and the places her takes her, or do you think her happiness is all an act? I mean, with her busted face and annoying personality I doubt she could do much better, but still. If
>>226942 is right than this dude has money that he's just not willing to spend on her. He even feeds her shitty cheap shit, ffs.
I honestly wouldn't doubt if she mostly holes up at home all day and splenda daddy prepares her those craptastic meals and stuffs her full of vitamines. He probably doesn't even get her anything yummy or take her to good restaurants, lest she get fat - didn't he make some mean comment about her getting fat while she was eating in a past video?
No. 228492
>>228476I know everyone assumes this is a ddlg relationship but I honestly think he's just an aspie virgin creep who says the wrong thing at the wrong time. ("you're going to get fat" being an example)
>>226942 is right like you said, I work with a bunch of these retards and they always manage to bungle the simplest social interactions. Some EE dude, apropos of nothing, once commented on my height/weight. So rather than actively seeking out a submissive azn waifu, I can see him just going along with Yumi's weirdo kinks because he has no other option, and because he has no awareness of how their relationship looks to the average person.
No. 228496
>>226239>>226312>Boohoo splenda daddy deserves better than Yumi>>228492>spenda daddy is just an innocent autistWhat's with this rhetoric? Autistic or not, this guy is hardly being abused or forced into saying creepy shit on camera, he could literally just fold his arms and repeat that he doesn't want to be filmed. If he wanted and/or could afford a mail bride that actually speak English and cook he could drop Yumi and go get one, that's no reason to feel bad for him
Yumi's gross as hell, but splendadaddy is just as bad if not worse
No. 228508
>>228496Splenda daddy probably eats the same shit. If he is an engineer in a decent position as it seems, cooking isnt his priority nor is interior design. If he is in middle of a project he most likely works 10h a day easy, since he brings work home. I dont know his company policy, but the fact he is checking up this stuff at home means a) busy/ big project b)no real energy or interest in his mailorder girls videohobby. He most likely doesnt know how to cook/doesnt care and is trying his best for her. Splenda also seems legit socially awkward or is maybe never really prepared to be in a video?
Yumi is his "trophywife" and if she doesnt work at all, why should he work, cook and decorate FOR HER is also a question.
No. 228641
>>228600>>22862210 bikinis! That's more than enough for one person, and she has even more. When does she EVER even go swimming?
No wonder her daddy buys her cheap clothes, god, if he bought her burando clothing he'd be broke within the month.
No. 229002
>>228996yea ok nice blogpost PULL-chan
sometimes swimsuits are worn just at the beach/pool to bum about without the wearer actually swimming. maybe lounge at the pool edge so swimsuit-materials are preferred.
tho Yumi may just wear them to splash about in her own bathtub for yt views as far as i know.
No. 229262
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Looking like an abused child is totes kawaii! !! uwu
No. 229276
>>228641IIRC one of her parents' houses have a pool.
Apparently her family owns three houses or something. She definitely comes from some kind of money…that's just frugal. It's pretty common for some Asians to be very well off but choose to be "a bit more humble".
No. 229341
>>229262in the comments her fans are saying
"that can be from an accident, not abused!"
Remember that time I fell on a hand by accident?
No. 229401
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>>229378Braces and a jaw extension would fix her underdeveloped jaw. Pic related is before and after a jaw extension. A nose job to lift the bridge of her nose is well needed as well.
I feel like a lot of her unattractiveness also comes from her inability to style herself. I'd do sideswept bangs like the other anons. Less weeby makeup and an age appropriate wardrobe would make a huge difference too.
Honestly, extensive plastic surgery on her face is the least of her worries. She needs to overhaul her entire personality and lifestyle.
No. 229413
>>228600Okay, I'm gonna need to see this chick's wardrobe. I wouldn't doubt if it's a giant mess that takes up an entire bedroom.
Growing up on the coast and knowing beachy rich families, even none of them had more than like 5-8 swimsuits. Impractical as all fuck.
No. 229417
File: 1483841087819.png (1.8 MB, 1334x750, image.png)

>>229413In her "getting ready to see my boyfriend" video, you can see that her closet at home is a rack of hangers and then a bunch of shit jammed in the back. Her closet reminds me of the closet of a girl I knew who was a legit hoarder.
No. 229464
>>229422she must have some technical/applied maths capabilities which she lends to her sewing.
typical Chinese educated lass, all mental maths and no common sense? maybe?
No. 229499
>>229464Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think you need more than basic arithmetic to sew the cheap crap she does.
I wouldn't be surprised if she is smart enough for/can handle the workload of an eng student. But obviously that doesn't change the fact that when it comes to real life she's a stupid ho.
No. 229938
>>229390But she already has double eyelids and average-sized eyes. Those are the only good features about her face.
The underdeveloped jaw and weird face shape are just unfortunate.
No. 230250
>>229413She can't even do a Suzy and sell them all because selling bikinis is nasty and unhygenic.
Well, I guess there probably are a certain type of person who would by them… Would she stoop that low?
No. 230372
>>230282Why the fuck did she even follow a design school if she's going to use store-bought patterns in all of her projects?
She even called it elegant. Um, that looks like a cosplay dress, Yumi.
I've got the feeling she does this just to mess with us, she can't be THAT tacky.
No. 230386
File: 1483969731255.jpg (92.14 KB, 1080x1080, Throwback 19 or 18 no makeup.j…)

No. 230931
File: 1484080734586.png (336.69 KB, 630x475, like a ballerina.PNG)

>>230929Gotta love this one pose she always does kek.
No. 230933
>>230931>>230929also the uggo wooden smile she keeps cuz lest we see her chin or, worse, HER TEETH.
yumi, a tip free on me, bondage your dentures, yikes.
No. 231020
>>228600Not only does she own like 30 swimsuits, but they look alike too.
As for example, she's got the one at 0:40 in anon's video in both pink and blue (you can see the blue one in my video at 0:55)
At this point I think she's sponsored by the stores she gets the clothes from and she's throwing them away after she makes the video.
No. 231453
File: 1484163489368.png (564.61 KB, 845x673, chin.png)

lmao did anybody post this yet?
"My dream chin"
So basically the same tiny chin but more dorito-like
No. 231455
>>231373just call her Yumi, you sperg.
>>231453she's literally got the personality of a 13-year-old who wants to be a ~real life animu~ character, so I'm not surprised that's her "dream chin".
No. 231459
File: 1484164495616.png (290.13 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170111-195327.png)

Her okcupid post says profile says she is 21
No. 231779
File: 1484201268981.jpg (60.02 KB, 1018x390, sheng nu.jpg)

Yumi only dates her sugar daddy to make her family happy.
No. 231901
>>231779Actually most sheng nu in China are statistically more successful with their own career, not a delusional 27 year old gold-digger type like Yumi.
Most sheng nu in china prefer to be solitary for the sake of career, where-as Yumi never had a career job and is thirsty af for a husband whom will enable her autism and various developmental retardations.
No. 231905
>>231455Everyone already knows Yumi is Yuhan Zhang, so why is her name not interchangeable? She makes it clear herself she wants general public to know her real name and status as a rising youtube star. She even bragged about showing her youtube channel to her professors before.
Why else would she include her real name on her various social media outlets?
No. 231934
>>231905Except she hasn't. All of her social media says that her name is Yumi.
>>231779Like the other anon said, leftover women are mostly work focused and are working in high achieving career paths like doctors or government officials. They're usually "left over" because they don't have the time to date or marry because of work. Chinese men are also extremely sexist and don't like the idea of the woman making more money/being in a higher position too.
No. 232034
>>230919Her shoes look like my work shoes. I'm a stripper.
Also, does she only buy clothes for videos? I can't imagine having so much cheap shit.
No. 232039
File: 1484248134423.png (293.57 KB, 1210x1998, IMG_5255.PNG)

>>231934One instance where she has Yuhan Zhang listed is Facebook, And her OKcupid profile mentions her real name as well. Additionally she includes her handle Yumi King on her school blogs as which obviously features her real name. Sorry if I generalized, but she does list it on certain websites. These sites all show up on google when looking up Yumi King. Weird thing is that her PULL and lolcow are both on the first page when looking up her tag name.
No. 232041
File: 1484248264267.png (304.58 KB, 1226x1890, IMG_5256.PNG)

Has anyone seen this thread yet? Yumi is getting more popular it seems.
No. 232134
>>232098was expecting shitposting about yumi. got a bunch of autists trying to buy women from third world countries. and pedos.
No. 232265
>>230919I duno I kind of like the "embroidered coat".
It makes me nostalgic for being 15 and listening to MCR.
Gosh she's just quantity over quality tho isn't she? Just a ton of cheap shit.
No. 232516
File: 1484329748705.png (1.6 MB, 1334x750, image.png)

>>230931I've noticed that a lot of concubines in Chinese dramas about ancient times hold their arms that way so their sleeves don't drag on the ground. Knowing Yumi, she probably thinks that the pose is ~so eregant~.
No. 232749
>>231459>interactive media designWoah, sorry if I missed something, but I thought she did engineering in china then fashion design in america. I'm surprised because most 'interactive media' programs I've seen can
technically mean a variety of things but mostly focus on games and she was so adamant about not dating a gamer. Maybe going to school with a bunch of gamers sparked a hate in her, the interactive media kids at my school were usually the butt of everyone's jokes.
No. 232759
File: 1484361148372.png (851.48 KB, 1242x2208, IMG_5289.PNG)

>>232627On top of that, even the youtube weeb community is starting to catch-on how terribly aged her face is. I think at this point, it's safe to say Yumi is dregging the bottom of the barrell in terms of video content.
She is like those gross mediocre niche inflation porn artists on DeviantArt. Just shitting out almost videos daily to ride the coat-tails of her own controversy. So very hypocritical since she said she was going to focus on her last year of school. Then again, her media arts degree with her skill level isn't going to get her shit…
No. 232832
>>232516i don't understand…that's not the outfit umi is even wearing in the card;;i don't think umi has ever worn that
wtf is yumi trying
No. 232932
File: 1484398276049.png (757.81 KB, 725x929, unknown.png)

No. 232966
>>232964Nah. Camera is at a lower angle, her head isn't tilted down.
She's contoured her nose and she's wearing eye liner all the way around her eyes. And no circle lenses.
No. 235071
File: 1484486244113.png (147.44 KB, 668x423, proita.png)

>>232039It's a shame she's shit at all of her 'skills'
"social media design" - Her Facebook/Youtube banners are just pictures pasted on top of a background she didn't make
"Fashion Design" - Literally everything she makes.
"Interactive media" - A shitty Youtube channel with less than 50% of her subscribers being active.
"Lolita fashion" - This isn't even a professional skill.
No. 235356
File: 1484531825777.jpeg (155.22 KB, 750x1191, image.jpeg)

Kek the shoop on her uggo bf
No. 235357
File: 1484531885536.jpeg (151.86 KB, 750x1185, image.jpeg)

>didn't know I took his picture
Bitch, he knew. He just didn't give enough fucks to look.
No. 235364
>>232966Was going to say exactly this.
>>235357Wait, where is he now?
No. 235412
File: 1484536989134.jpg (157.11 KB, 1312x1556, Screenshot_20170115-191634.jpg)

No. 235587
File: 1484578873877.png (212.5 KB, 640x400, 214.png)

>>235357wtf! im high as hell and his face is the shape of a lima bean and hers looks like a garbanzo bean! u guys c this shit
No. 235657
>>235656You could be right; I may have given her English skills too much credit.
She's labeled 'baby doll' styled stuff properly in the past, though. Like one of her tacky lingerie DIYs.
No. 235671
File: 1484596257658.png (144.61 KB, 1428x971, Screenshot_2017-01-16-20-48-33…)

>>235657Yeah the title seems to be a mistake
No. 235716
File: 1484601783848.jpeg (532.22 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2017-01-16-21-11-10…)

She looks so old (read: looks her actual age) in this shot but she is fighting it so hard with the shitty kid's dress, it is kind of surreal.
No. 235848
>>232932The first image evokes a woman who doesn't have a stupid childish accent and might have her shit together.
Like maybe her real voice is normal and she's just trolling the internet.
No. 235992
>more cheap clothes>nothing is ironed>knockoff makeup brushes>more dollar store makeup>doesn't even do commentary anymoreShe should go back to doing DIYs. Although I guess she figures that she no longer needs to make her own clothes when she could get a ton of cheap shit for free.
>>235967An anon in the last thread said that she appears to genuinely enjoy attention from neckbeards. I guess she's never gotten much attention from men in the first place
No. 236413
File: 1484707907814.jpg (234.63 KB, 964x600, Screenshot_20170117-185002.jpg)

>>235992Her face has never looked so punchable
No. 236420
File: 1484708717975.png (66.07 KB, 852x230, Screen Shot 2017-01-17 at 6.37…)

>>235992majority of the comments on this video are like this lol
No. 236772
File: 1484773916298.png (202.81 KB, 500x500, 1477488410579.png)

>>235967He treats her more like a retarded child than a princess, though. I think
>>235992 is right and she's not used to getting attention from (normal) men, so she enjoys having a boyfriend that actually pays for shit and puts up with her creepy baby act.
IMO she's the ultimate otasa no hime (pic related) and probably enjoys having neckbeard orbiters who think she's a kawaii IRL anime character.
No. 237620
File: 1484943318955.png (143.77 KB, 1333x1242, IMG_5386.PNG)

New video up is basically useless besides she tries to tell her fans, some of whom speculated she was 25-30 in age, that she is only 25, turning 26 April. Still completely different age than on her dating profile ehich was intentionally edited to 21.
No. 237709
>>237620I wasn't even trying to screenshot to make her look unflattering, this is literally what she looks like all the time in her lazy videos lol. You can really tell how much she shoopa her skin/face to look younger on her instagram.
The general consensus is yeah Yumi is extremely haggard-looking. She could pass for 40 tbh.
No. 237857
>>237769Doesn't have to be the case. Some people just inherit the uglier parent's genes.
And not to sound racist but aren't round faces common among Asians? I don't know about the small chins. I only know Asians with normal chins.
No. 237948
File: 1485029043884.png (343.35 KB, 800x534, aoki2.png)

>>237709Misako Aoki is 34 and looks younger than Yumi
No. 238012
>>237948no offense but she kinda looks like a real doll
I think it's the contacts
No. 238100
>>235651To anyone saying her craftsmanship is good: It's not. It's shit and anyone with sewing skills can tell you that.
She traces from a finished garment but doesn't leave any room for seam allowances or to put the zipper in. There are also no darts or seams of any kind on the bodice so this absolutely won't work on anyone who doesn't have a plank body like Yumi. She doesn't line it and doesn't even bother to make any attempt to match up the plaids or finish her seams in any way. This is crap.
No. 238675
I don't know which part of her makes me angrier
>The absolute absence of personality, monotone speaking, still not be able to speak english in a decent way after 5 years of living in the USA.
>The cheap ass clothes. Most of them are fucking ugly and carnival tier. As a cosplayer, I cringe everytime she opens her wardrobe
>Her videos titles that look like Aliexpress insertion (thanks anon lmao) and the generic as fuck words she says
>Mannequin poses
>No facial expressions
>Her total inability of good make up. She just saw Venus' glasses tutorial and still goes by it.
>Her being a walking ad. I have no problem with youtube collaborations but since I have to watch a video and not a magazine ad, tell me why you like it or why you don't, dont just cover yourself in shit and then "It's very elegant!"
>Those ear-fucking carillons bgms
>Her pedo bf. I bet that she didn't even choose him, her parents choose him for the money. (It's a common thing in china for parents to search a partner for their sons and daughter because they don't have time for that, they must study)
>Her shit habits (Washing your bangs with hand soap, body lotion on face)
>The "cosplay in real life! uwu" videos where I bet she doesn't even know the characters
>Her face. You can see the generations of inbreeding. It's not even her fault but knowing that in Asia they do this shit is terrible. Heck, even Xiao's parents are cousins but she's kinda cute
WHy is she even famous? Aside farmers, why do people find her entertaining or inspiring? Because she's asian? "Cosplay"???
She just makes me so angry I can't even speak
No. 238701
File: 1485151437755.png (759.14 KB, 750x1334, IMG_4012.PNG)

on the left: the under-eye flaps go UNDER the rest of the mask, not as she has done, dangling at the front of her face. also she has done the vlogger trendy thing and wore the mask with all her eye make up. that way you can only demostrate how the mask wears/forms but doesn't reflect the product's skincare effects.
she tries so hard to be a life style guru and tell viewers all these 'great' products yet doesn't even demonstrate them properly. gag.
No. 238708
>>238675I freaked out when I saw her wash her bangs with hand soap. I'm so envious of her hair too bc it's in really nice condition but fuck, hand soap? It makes me so angry that someone who puts minimal care into their hair is so blessed (
but at least I have a chin)
No. 238709
File: 1485153266841.png (1.13 MB, 1334x750, image.png)

>>238675Because she's an Asian ~real life anime waifu~ uwu. Her fans are all weebs who worship her as a "kawaii dolly" Asian goddesu-chan.
Unrelated to that, but I'm 99.99% sure that she met her bf through okcupid since they're long distance. If her mom or stepdad wanted to set her up with someone, they would've picked someone within driving distance.
No. 238716
File: 1485154165487.gif (994.88 KB, 320x253, shitnig.gif)

>>238051Fuck that caught me off guard worse than "FUCK ME"
No. 238817
>>231459>interactive media designi hope she turns out to run a pornsite's twitter. her tutors can't fix her stupid attitude and while PULL cunts argue they are 'suggesting' 'improvements' we all know they all secretly wish they have their own threads. Yumi's stalking PULL and here and responding passive aggressively ('FAQ') are just gonna drag her stupid attitude out.
yumi is too much of a whore and loves herself too little, as shown by her cheap show-offs.
No. 238849
>>238817Personally I'm just waiting for her to graduate and vlog about her job searching to see if she flies off the handle.
There's just something about Asian parents and jobs that even Yumi should not bypass.
"When you get job? When you grow up???"
"Why you always dress like child-prostitute and go out to try n' have da sex?"
No. 239240
>>238711Her parents are definetly loaded, she says she lived in Bellevue?
>The median price of homes currently listed in Bellevue is $775,000>The median rent price in Bellevue is $2,500Definetly loaded. They have 3 houses, the costs of those alone hinted at upper middle class, but this sheds other light. Also if her dad introduced her to Splenda? Splenda is definetly loaded as fuck, no asian parents will hook their kid up with a poorman.
No. 239625
>>239240>no asian parents will hook their kid up with a poormanMaybe Splenda Steve was the best they could find? I mean, Yumi looks like
>>237620 IRL, uses dishsoap to wash her hair and dresses in low quality weeaboo costumes in public, so any dude who's truly loaded would probably nope out of there and import an actually cute girl from China if they were so inclined.
I don't think he's POOR, just not as rich as some anons are making him out to be. Plus as
>>239541 pointed out, their furnishings and diet are even worse than in the Onion compound.
No. 239655
>>239625Don't get me wrong, she isn't a catch by any means, but have you ever seen Asian fetishists, especially towards younger women? They love the thick accents, "dumb and obedient" stereotype they believe in their head is normal in Asian cultures, and like that they're much smaller than them so they can feel dominant. She has all of those qualities. I don't think she had to find anyone special, just someone who wanted some kind of LG/nymphet/sugar baby Asian. Don't think for a minute he loves her because she's sharp or intelligent.
As for their income, I think they're okay. Not wealthy and not poor, but they have an alright run-of-the-mill house. They probably budget so they can afford random "nicer" things, like that vacation they went on. They're middle class at best, that's all.
No. 239657
>>239240Splenda isn't "loaded" unless your definition of loaded is upper middle class, at best. Even then, his house doesn't look that large, is barely furnished, and he comes off as very cheap. Let's be real, if Splenda was loaded, we'd know. Yumi would have actual brand to show off and not a pile of shitty taobao rags.
>>239541>>239625I'm with you two on this. She's almost 30 and looks like a gremlin. I get that he's a creepy old perv with poor social skills, so I get why he's attracted to her regardless. (there's the ddlg aspect too) but as far as her family goes, a decently well-off white dude must seem acceptable for their almost 30 year old daughter who acts like a child and seems pretty incapable of caring for herself. They probably just want to marry her off so she's not their problem anymore. Also, it's generally frowned upon in China for women to get past a certain age and not get married/have a family.
No. 239810
>>239541He's clearly autistic and a lot of men don't give a shit about furnishing their homes or eating fancy food. I've known a lot of guys who were financially well off but still lived like college students (the "bachelor lifestyle").
>>239655I think this is right, Asian fetishists don't even really give too much of a shit as to what the girl they are with looks like, just so long as she's Asian and "submissive." Watch any documentary about mail order brides and some of the guys are pretty well off while the women they end up with are not beautiful, they're just easily available and non-threatening. I think that describes Yumi pretty well, she's more pathetic than anything else.
No. 240098
File: 1485412445436.png (1.43 MB, 1334x750, image.png)

>the face of a 21-year-old woman who is not only elegant and cute, but also mature and sexy
No. 240099
File: 1485412553015.png (1.14 MB, 1334x750, image.png)

>>238862YuMom confirmed for liking trashy hooker clothes too
No. 240104
>>240099*elegant rich girl clothes
No. 240217
>>240098The thing that bothers me is that she KNOWS she can do more stuff to suit her (unfortunate) face but DOESN'T.
Jesus Yumi, love yourself more and instead of cheap clothes, let your poor mainland people send you a personality.
No. 240248
>>237620>>240098You know what would make her look more like the middle schooler she clearly still wishes she was?
>BRACESGet your Splenda Daddy to buy you better teefs, Yumi, and you might be able to upgrade to a proper sugar daddy in the future. Dental work doesn't even have to be invasive like a chin implant would be.
No. 240422
>>240099Looks like Yumi got her shit taste and lust for loser white guys from her mother.
>>240248That's a pretty good idea, pay attention Yumi.
No. 240903
>>240891Lol the icon she chose for this is so attention whorish
Reminds me of when margo would put cleavage shots of venus for clickbait
No. 240918
>>240905obvious mainland accent is obvious.
reminds me a lot of how Binasu acts on camera… also neither of them seem to have lips kek
No. 241944
File: 1485761110702.png (1.27 MB, 1680x1050, Screen Shot 2017-01-29 at 11.1…)

>>241714I'm kind of surprised that no one has pointed out that she's a fake nerd girl yet. She claims to be really into anime, but doesn't even know which side of a Pokeball is the top.
unrelated but
>teeth whitening strips are now a weird Asian beauty tool No. 242299
>>242259How the fuck does bulimia make your face
that swollen
No. 242544
>>241944all those chinese knockoff makeup products
impending eye infection / acne in 3…2…
No. 243462
File: 1486012488977.png (21.31 KB, 340x306, IMG_8205.PNG)

No. 243582
File: 1486049721181.png (51.94 KB, 309x500, A84872D6-E2AE-4E64-AC02-A7F5DE…)

>>243462She tried to be anti-political and 'edgy' in this pic. Said something super passive-agro about not caring about politics, but she "hates illegal actions". Coupling with the fact she was raised backwards-traditional Chinese, she probably is racist against Muslims, Mexicans, and any whom "immigrated illegally". This is all speculation based on this insta. She doesn't have the balls to firmly state she is against illegal immigrants explicitly but it's pretty obvious…
No. 243735
File: 1486076749564.png (18.94 KB, 990x128, oh.png)

Now surely she will never feed herself again.
No. 243820
>>243582>I believe i's good doing things legallydefinitely talking about immigration. she and her boyfriend seem the type that would vote for trump and screech about how liberals are ruining our nation anytime someone disagrees with them.
>>243677Getting some major Margo vibes from this video, especially because of the shitty "dancing".
No. 243826
File: 1486092055724.gif (3.66 MB, 480x270, giphy.gif)

kawaii watermelon fruit cutout swimsuit cute mature elegant rich girl sexy bikini vintage swimwear panties summer
No. 243831
>>243826Jesus that is cringe, getting major creepy hand-model meme vibes from her shit-show. And holy crap her hair is COMPLETELY traditional rural china 101.
In most Chinese dramas the 'newly arrived country bumpkin'-types would dress up in their gaudiest outfits and pretend to be rich in hopes it would bag them a man. It's almost like she wants to be stereotyped.
Can't find a better example rn but here.
No. 244189
>>243831Are you from China? Is there something cultural about her obsession to appear as a rich girl? She hash tags everything rich girl, has multiple videos on "How to Dress Like A Rich Girl", and has even defended herself in one of her recent videos from us that she has money.
I know for sure she doesn't because if she did, she wouldn't need to do such awkward DIY projects with cheap materials. It especially shows with her subtle love of lolita, like trying to replicate Angelic Pretty chocolate dresses with glue guns and Wal-Mart lace. I know that Chinese lolitas use lolita as status symbols for their wealth.
Basically, if she were a rich Chinese girl that had money, she'd be showing it off to the world. Her splenda daddy clearly can't afford this stuff.
No. 244299
File: 1486171913640.png (410.54 KB, 1210x1830, IMG_5736.PNG)

Point is with Yumi she's cheap and faux-everything??? There's nothing wrong with saving $$$ but her entire aesthetic choices overall is super terrible.
Maybe her family has some money, but her hairstyle in that bikini-vid looks like she's deliberately caters to the drama-stereotype of clueless country-bumpkin trope. Old-school Chinese dramas usually go with braided pigtails to show naivety/innocence in a character.
Here's an ironic cheaply-made costume ad that visualizes the kind of hairstyle I'm talking about.
No. 244491
File: 1486211001937.png (47.71 KB, 826x374, zachrosenberg.png)

>>221464Her comment section is such a mess since she's been more "adult" acting in her videos.
No. 245324
File: 1486311835941.jpg (89.42 KB, 700x520, mysides2.jpg)

>>245315hahaha, even Toshio is cuter though. My sides, anon
No. 245442
>>221469where 2 cop that skirt though…
Also she looks like a different person in this, why bother shooping so much if there are vids that show what you really look like?
No. 245502
>>241714Her holding the pokeball upside down
triggers me.
Also, I highkey want her shirt for a gurokawa coord. Anyone know where it's from or something similar?
No. 245775
>>245502it's a dress that she's wearing a blouse under. also don't get it. i had one because it was tumblr trendy for a hot second and it's made of super cheap polyester and it wrinkles like no tomorrow. it also gets super stuffy after a while, as all cheap polyester clothes do.
sage for useless blog post
No. 247109
>>246429it was for one of her "cosplay in public" videos
>>246408how else is she supposed to show off her bra collection?
No. 247273
>>246408i suddenly realise it's a response to PULL cunts chiding at her for not wearing bras…
Yumi is flat as pancake but owns bras that have visible cup volume??? seems so obvious she is baiting PULL cunts now
No. 248259
>>248236I've seen tiny tits sag, probably more to do with age than anything though.
>>248202That plus I bet she also does it in some weird attempt to be a kawaii little girl and have her nipples poking out because she has no shame.
No. 248380
File: 1486707600932.png (154.46 KB, 473x456, b6721b2fc2d06ce5.PNG)

So inappropriate. Yumi, your fans are all children or pedo men. You do it on purpose, don't you?
No. 248393
>>248140>her jab at her boyfriend's moobs though>>248174If she's so worried about her skin sagging and shit, she should just get a crap ton of plastic surgery to temporarily fix it. Maybe it'll fix her fuggo face too.
>>248388I don't know about her bf, but she definitely gets off on this. Her videos have gone from her just twirling like an idiot in lolita to her shaking her hips while the camera is zoomed in on her crotch and her cupping her boobs on camera.
No. 249548
File: 1486903466358.png (5.01 MB, 852x428, 20626B73-2BBD-42EE-9FEC-50A5D2…)

Look at them chompers.
Hello Yumi, you looking rougher than usual. Turning 26 must be reaaaally fucking you up to the point you're just crapping out useless sponsored china-shit vids daily.
Anyone think if she took better care of herself than she wouldn't have to extreme app-edit herself with lighter/smoother skin all the time on instagram? She's in denile.
She looks like a starving crack addict IRL.
No. 249588
File: 1486910982957.jpeg (Spoiler Image,76.2 KB, 371x500, 1486907069812.thumb.jpeg.88bd7…)

stole this one from PULL. Her sperging is pretty autistic. that cat emoji is a good touch for your sarcastic rant Yumi, you fucking lunatic.
No. 249970
>>249961I think it's just because she's a major snowflake-y trainwreck and somehow still garners 'success' despite doing everything wrong…that's why we can't stop poking this cow.
No matter how bad your day is, at least you're not Yumi.
No. 249980
File: 1486943625942.png (165.62 KB, 473x456, yumistwins.png)

Maybe she doesn't wear bras because she has very different breasts.
Eh, I wouldn't blame but it's more correct (even morally) to say that you have this problem, nothing wrong with that, a lot of women have different breasts, but spreading lies just to appear perfect (such as bras giving you cancer) is mean.
Yumi is really mean, he doesn't care about her fans (or "followers") she just wants poor excuses to appear quirky and perfect.
Also, she has a literal body of a 10-11 y/old.
No hips, no waist, mosquito bites.
I'm getting pedo vibes again, since her bf could copulate with a more womanly woman (im not a native english speaker but what I mean is just that a woman with more curves is just attractive because your primal insticts say that she would be perfect to carry your children) but chooses a sli azn who totally resembles a tween but she's legal
No. 249989
No, I just said that maybe she doesn't wear them since she can't find an exact bra to match her and maybe she finds them uncomfortable for that reason.
(because if you get them the size of your small tit that would be too tight, by the size of your big tit too loose).
And I said that it makes you more correct to say that you have this "problem" (since is not a problem, mostly natural) and that's why you dont wear bras, not because "they make tits sag and they can give you cancer uwu"
No. 250008
>>249980>>249989Yumi already TOLD THE WORLD why she's free-flopping it you autist.
it just comes down to personal preference, her need to justify it and PULL cunt's need to chide at it endlessly is all insecurity speaking lel
No. 250022
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>>250000Well, just an opinion, no need to be upset my soft friend.
The fact remains that she's still bullshitting her reasons, with lies over lies.
>>250008Life is hard when you read only what you want to read.
I just said that maybe that's why (providing an example, too), if it's true or not it's in Yumi's brain.
But I don't believe the words of a 25 y/o woman that believes bra gives you cancer (see her video)
No. 250027
>>250005>I never understood the moral fags who talk about how *~wrong~* this stupid little kink is.Maybe because her audience are middle schoolers that cannot see the difference between a sane relationship and people who only want a "little" to spank and stuff?
Not saying that all dd/lg couples are like that, but I know there are some guys who with the excuse of "searching for a litte :3" trick even underage girls in extreme things.
No. 250037
>>250027Yeah stop with the slippery slope bs. There's tons of middle school followers and fans of Kim K, Cardi B, all those other plastic bitches. Should those women stop doing sexy stuff(stripping in the case of Cardi B, nudes for Kim K) just because "young girls might see it?" Honestly who the fuck cares. Just admit Yumi's fetish/kink weirds you out, stop using *~young girls~* as your straw man.
Either way Yumi is cringey but I hate the moral fags in this thread.
No. 250042
>>250027>>250005not sure why moralfags think Yumi's own embarrassing showcase of her relationship/character is somehow evil tbh.
tbh yumi can't help who sees her yt, right? does she trget ads to kids or something? middle schoolers must get bored shitless by her lame DIY and unwatchable vlogs.
the commenters on her YT that sounds like children are – surprise – kinkster bitches.
No. 250049
>>250005Uhhh nope, it's not the same thing.
Yeah, dd/lg weirds me the fuck out but you can admit that's more easy to call a guy "daddy" than stripping and posting nudes at the middle-school age.
Mostly because if you post porn of yourself at 13 you can get in prison along with your parents.
And the tv world (of kardashians, i mean) it's more "far", so a girl will just think "eh, it's the tv" but for youtube, since everyone can do youtube, a girl will think "oh, if that girl can do that and she's a
normal person so can I!"
>>250042Nope, she can't control her audience but could be a little more careful about what she posts, but i've seen girls saying "OMG I WANT A RELATIONSHIP LIKE YOURS!!"
Errr no, girl, you don't, trust me.
You don't want to be reduced as a pet and being treated like you're retarded.
But again, are we on lolcow or on
No. 250062
>>250060Yumi is cringey. But please stop with the "kids will see this!!!!!!!1" suburban protesting mom excuse bullshit. Just say you don't like her kink. She's not TELLING kids "yeah totes fuck men"
And yes if middle schoolers do cocaine because of YouTube they're dumbasses and were better off dead.
No. 250069
>envious of being treated like I'm 6, calling my bf the same I call my dad, receiving shitty paper dresses and being fed frozen foody-you yumifags sure are scaaaaaaaaaaryyy…..
No. 250148
>>250060>>250027listen to youselves, moral sis'
>this >>235737 fobtard horrorshow abomination:owns a camera, literally never associates with under-16s in videos
>your faggy cunts:WILL SUM1 THINK OF the CHILDRENNN!11!!
>>250046>danger to childrenthat's some witchhunt there did you miss your medication moralfag?
No. 250172
>>250148Go back to fapping to loli and wiping the cheeto dust out of your fat vomit wreeking cunt, child molestation rates have been going literally through the roof so we have to look for signs, causes, and coordination to lessen it, the fact you mock people for hating pedophilia shows what you are
No. 250175
>>250070Wasnt samefagging but if youre influenced by this shit then its on you and your surroundings that makes you latch onto this shit.
>>250069>imolying folks dont find the stupidest shit to be envious ofYumi's lifestyle is shitty and retarded but shes painting it as 'goals' ontop of the submissive asian woman sterotype. If not girls then men are gonna go around looking for the same girls she presents.
No. 250179
The whole "think about the children" mentality is pretty stupid, I mean should some person on the internet say darn instead of shit because some 8 year old might repeat it?
>>249610She Asian doing weeby things along with the ddlg stuff.
No. 250191
>>250172touched a nerve?
>care so~ much~ about kiddy rape>leave out citing the actual statistic which is the only point worth debating in your post>look out for patterns, signs, causes!!! …on LOLCOW. are you that lazy a clickitist or are you a repressed pedo who is projecting pedo onto some cheap skank fuckface???
nobody wants to hurt kids but srsly no1currs, Yumi hasn't even been seen with a child. where's the pedo???
No. 250206
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>>250191no one cares about your super special and edgy opinions, go eat daddy's doo doo some more
No. 250264
>>250189>I always imagine Yumi to have a completely different voice off camera. While on camera she struggles to talk and has a stereotypical Asian accent and just sounds special needs in general, but I imagine once the camera stops recording she has some low pitched voice and demanding a cigarette.She has purposely mispronounced things (like some humidifier type thing that her nasty old man bf had to help her pronounce), probably to try to seem more cute. I also think her voice is deeper than she lets on, I think you can hear it slip a few times in that video where she rides a horse and does an obstacle course.
But yeah she's fake as fuck.
No. 250378
>>250191>No1curss uwu>but my opinion is rightJesus, kys.
We are discussing and everyone has to express their opinions, whether they're tinfoilhatting or not, it doesn't matter.
For some anon, that's some pedo related shit, for some not but seriously, you're having too much sugar.
Your words will not change my opinion.
"Pedos want children Yumi is adult uwu"
While I agree that this shit is not directly pedo, I still got a vibe.
Aside that if you're an actual pedo you get immediately jailed, but why would a man like a woman who acts like a 7 years old and call her "babygirl"?
Because he knows that
For me, everyone in the ddlg community has a pedo pseudo tendency but masks it off as roleplay, that's just icky.
"Look gurl I'm not pedo but I want you to act retarded as possible and call me daddy I'm not pedo tho even if you have the body of a prepubescent girl but I swear I'm not a pedo just be my pet, wear diapers, use kiddie cutlery andI'll act as you're my daughter uwu NOT PEDO!!!!!"
There's a reason why kinky shit is not exposed to minors
Doesn't matter if Yumi or whoever does that do that, the fact that she's "vlogging" about an insane relationship while being aware that her audience are little girls and liking their comments where they say that they want a ddlg relationship is the problem.
No. 250411
>"You do not like dressing up as a kid? Then you must have boring sex uwu"Fuck off, go back to tumblr, that's the right place for you
I bet that you're a "little" who colors books with magic pens for daddy?
No. 250472
>>250458Imagine having a fetish so terrible even other kinksters think it's disgusting.
You can easily have interesting sex without pretending to be a literal child while you get fucked.
No. 250522
>>249938>heart shaped brush>it's heart shaped>can you see that? it's heeeeaaaart shaped>i think it's perfect for valentine's day because it's heart shaped>dun, dun, dun. heart shaaaape!does anyone know what shape the brush is? square?
also she kisses the brush after using it to put makeup on her face, which is weird and gross.
>cheap and ugly fascinator>this is really elegant! No. 250805
File: 1487051993989.png (799.94 KB, 1680x1050, Screen Shot 2017-02-13 at 9.51…)

>>250801pic is some more "haters' comments"
continuing tl;dr:
>cue even more dramatic music>next mean comment is one saying that she's misinformed about whether bras make your breasts sag or not>next comment is asking why she'd purchase the breast enhancement cream if she thinks it's dangerous>calls a commenter who commented on multiple videos a stalker and a gossip. the comments were correcting Yumi's misinformation like when she said that bras can cause cancer.>"those kind of people? they're liars because they make up stories. maybe it's their hobby to criticize people in rude ways.">says that she's been framed by haters so she'll feel bad and ashamed>"if i'm wrong, you can just point it out and i'll be very happy!", calls people who point out her mistakes liars>"don't frame case against me!">cue happy music>"I'll be making episode 2 in the future!" No. 250807
File: 1487052074621.png (76.29 KB, 259x254, Screen Shot 2017-02-13 at 9.46…)

>>250805she got awful new bangs too. they look like they were cut by someone who had never cut hair before.
No. 250959
>>250802>>250805Ugh, there's way more meaner comments on her videos that she could have pointed out. I mean, they aren't wrong but kek.
>I really love your videos Yumi.Is hate now? She probably didn't want to show any of the comments calling her bf a pedo because more people would probably realize it or comment about it. That's probably what she meant with the ''my bf gets hurt too :^(''.
No. 251747
File: 1487123107728.png (914.06 KB, 750x1334, IMG_6182.PNG)

>Onion looks busted and burnt
>Yumi is over editted
>no editting can salvage these two spent cunts
>Yumi self-insertting/riding Onion controversy
No. 251792
>>250805uh, i think you might have missed the point. she put these up and said these were the "critical comments" she accepts and doesn't mind because they point out her mistakes and help her do better and she doesn't consider them hate comments. later she put up some that were real "hater comments" that were just mean and not constructive criticism.
side note but i just don't understand how people actually subscribe to her and watch her videos when her voice/accent is so fucking annoying
No. 251852
>>251792Weebs think the FOB accent is so kawaii nya desu because they sound like real azns. ^__^
I agree that her voice is annoying though. I find it grating at best.
No. 251869
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that click bait tho
No. 251879
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>>250930Someone please message him. I would do it myself but idc how to persuade.
No. 252238
File: 1487194665510.png (592.38 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-02-15-16-36-02…)

Lol I agree
No. 252580
>>252577He sounds like he has zero interest in being in her stupid videos.
She's a farmer faced retard so I'm not surprised he talks to her as such.
No. 252592
File: 1487237418863.jpg (40.05 KB, 696x436, YK.JPG)

this fringe, well done tasteless PULL cunts for getting Yumi to show her brows. her old fringe was ugly but this is just tragic. i hope it grows out soon…
No. 252620
File: 1487245725442.png (502.1 KB, 594x793, IMG_6_055.png)

>>252577>I'll eat half and tomorrow another halfCrazy bitch has to maintain her disgusting body…
Ew I can't stand her laughing she sounds so retarded wtf
>>252592Her face is tragic, theres no way a fringe could make it look any better, maybe if it covered her hole face.
No. 252640
>>252592I can't really say if she's ugly-cute (just like pugs) or just ugly.
She knows she hasn't a super lucky face but does practically nothing to it.
If she got rid (hardly) of those bulimia cheeks a tried all lined she would be 30% better.
And even stop with those retarded hair pigtails
No. 252641
>>252577I lold hard at
Sigh " just eat the whole strawberry Yumi"
He sounds so fed up lol
No. 252644
>>251869Nah, I think that Yumi wouldn't want to have children.
Pregnancy will ruin her perfect body uwu
No. 252665
>>252657Jesus I thought she just pitched it higher because it seems the same speed as she usually talks, which means she counts dramatically slow lmao
I don't get why her BF makes her do all of that childish shit, like making her count the roses, it's almost like she has a mental disability and he tries to train her to get on a normal level.
No. 252900
>>252727You can't unless she gets plastic surgery at this point. Her skin is shit and all the cheap dollar-store make-up she cakes on her face isn't helping her either.
She definitely also doesn't seem to understand how to dress her age. Or at all. So honestly she is almost expired as it is. Her ideal of being a trophy wife is beyond her physical and mental capacities rn.
No. 252935
File: 1487286216697.png (231.95 KB, 537x444, eh.png)

>>252592Not a proper shoop as I'm more of a draw-fag, but I think she'd be half as ugly if she fixed her teeth and styled her hair/make-up correctly.
No. 252965
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>>252935>>252960This is kinda fun tho
No. 252969
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>>252935she seems to look better WITHOUT make up :/
No. 252981
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>>252978She can still save her lnong hair if she just CUT it out with that straight across shit. (ha)
No. 252985
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anyone else wanna try and make Yumi look cute
No. 252987
File: 1487292533965.jpg (96.01 KB, 720x1075, IMG_20170216_194516.jpg)

The white knight/fan comments on her videos blow my damn mind. It's obvious this is just kink for them to aspire too. What they don't get is Yumi and that old creeper fucking play this shit out 24/7- that is their relationship.
>What kind of father do you think he'd be to Yumi's kid if they happen to have one?
No. 253001
>>252901That's probably because you're a normal person, not a weeb who has a heart attack whenever they see an Asian person because "omg real life anime person!!11!"
>>252987He'd be that dad who's never home because he's always at "work" when in reality he's actually out drinking or something and probably banging another import. Whenever Yumi would approach him, he'd be like "not now. I'm tired from work" and wave her off.
Ofc Yumi would be the stay at home "mom" who doesn't take care of the kids because she's too busy preening and staring at herself in the mirror. She'll fall for all sorts of anti-aging scams and tell her kids to eat less because they're fat, even if they're already borderline anorexic.
Basically her kids are fucked.
No. 253042
>>253001Jesus Christ I just realized I know an older auntie from church like that. She's this 50 year old tiny Philippino lady that's always wearing 8 inch wedges and miniskirt+ tube top combo with lots of botched face surgery (she has no pores or nose anymore) married to this creepy really old white veteran who just sits in the car all mass or drops her and her kid off.
Her kid is so awkward around her and looks so embarrassed .
No. 253085
File: 1487302529603.jpg (45.49 KB, 348x432, Yumi.jpg)

I decided to give it a go too. I think she looks good with shorter hair.
No. 253087
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>>253085Here's the other one. I wish she'd just give up on having fringe. It doesn't suit her face shape.
No. 253102
>>253087i like this one actually.
she's convincingly 'elegant rich WOMAN' here. her age and mature and elongated her face. 8.8/10 gg anon
No. 253106
>>253045>>253019Ok we get it. You think ching chong nip nong sounds kawaii.
>>253087She looks like a middle aged auntie here.
No. 253155
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No. 253516
File: 1487365821670.jpg (311.42 KB, 594x793, MAKEUP_20170217210732_save.jpg)

oh let me try. I think this style/colour is cute.
Pls excuse the aweful phone shoop on the pigtails & background
No. 253629
File: 1487382060685.png (265.69 KB, 696x436, yumi edit.png)

I just love braids
I deleted her water line and full circled her eyes
Gosh I hate that white stuff
No. 253655
File: 1487385256306.jpg (183.08 KB, 696x510, 1487237418863.jpg)

to end with all the bad edits i think she looks better like this! such a good look!
No. 253657
>>253655this is the best shoop in the whole thread. everyone can stop now.
>>253629she looks a lot better with fully lined eyes.
No. 253658
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Yumi desperately needs a haircut
Not because her hair is ugly but it has no shape and it's so fucking "stereotyped asian" it hurts
Plus it doesn't go well with her face shape
I think I went a little Tetsuya NOmura on this but I would like to see other hairstyles that aren't just "tied hair, pigtails, braids! Teehee, variety!"
No. 253660
>>253659Ye sorry, I'm not an expert in shooping real people, I'm a drawfag.
But she wont look bad
At least, way better from now
No. 254194
>>254180UW Bothell, University of Washington's satellite campus shared with a local community college.
It's basically a community college with the university label slapped onto it.
No. 254200
File: 1487486830838.png (1.47 MB, 1680x1050, Screen Shot 2017-02-18 at 10.4…)

>she dresses up in lolita to go on a date with a stuffed rabbit>she "breaks up" with the rabbit and hits him with a cabbage>her video goes blurry>you see her gagged and bound with tape>she gets turned into a rabbit No. 254378
>>254200I'm not brave enough to watch it
Ugh, what is she doing anymore…
No. 254413
>>254152"My life is gone… Please remember never date a bunny…"
>video behind text representing her lost life shows her shopping at a discount store buying cheap pink children's toysI like that she accurately portrayed her true goals in life to her classmates/teacher. I wonder if she'll look back decades from now and cringe at her powerleveling in rl and online. Life is meant for buying cheap kawaii materials and nothing less.
>>254189I wonder if she used this assignment to fish for a new daddy in her proximity, why else show off a video to her class filled to the brim with shit notorious for fetishers? Like maybe she was advertising herself to people like "See? I'm the superior submissive ugu uwu elegant rich lady little girl give me money and attention"
No. 254421
>>254389that's really basic tbh you'll learn that much from your parents or just hanging out at China Towns
but i believe her. this level of stylessness and tackiness and cheap craftsmanship is only attainable by local mainlanders :/
she is, as we call it, "土豪" :)
No. 254422
>>254413no wonder they want to feature her on their admissions website like she advertised on her insta? she goes to a polytechnic/community college, standards are REALLY LOW.
but seriously, being that vocal about your petplay in class is a new level of trashy. she really knows no shame.
No. 254712
>>254421>>254603Does 土豪 mean something along the lines of nouveau riche? She's more nouveau middle class if anything. Nouveau petite bourgeoisie?
>>254422>>254609I remember cringing myself half to death when my friend did a presentation on kawaii catgirls in sixth grade. I can't even imagine producing something like
>>254152 in COLLEGE. Even if it's a shitty community college. Damn, sis.
No. 254760
>>252577This was actually physically painful to watch. She speaks in a completely different way with her boyfriend than the way she talks to the camera which means she puts that baby voice on every time she's with him. It must be so exhausting to constantly have to put that on. I really dislike the giggle she does that sounds like she's imitating a toddler, it's so unnatural.
Her boyfriend seems so fed up with her but I think he's actually worse than her for entertaining her when he's clearly lost interest. Why is he still with her? Are they both just happy acting like a child and her exhausted father? Or did he lower his standards in order to please his parents or something?
They're whole relationship just feels fake. Did he even send those presents? The fact that he has to ask her what she got and how many makes me feel like she bought them herself for the sake of the video…
No. 255308
>>254712means something like "dirt clod"
It's like Chinese hillbillies
No. 255360
File: 1487678817586.jpg (33.18 KB, 961x169, tuhao.JPG)

it's someone who spends a lot of money on useless tatt or buys a lot of things that isn't worth the price. i think Yumi fits.
No. 255531
>>254760When he was asking what she got I got some throwback to my childhood vibes. I remember my parents doing this the second i opened something to get me more excited over whatever it was. I think he's milking the Daddy stuff by doing that.
I think she asked for them and he just gave in to shut her up. I mean i know strawberries go bad fast but to tell her to share them with her parents is weird considering its a loving valentines gift. Again, he probs doesn't want her to get fat from all that fruit.
No. 255900 video
(The right picture look like some skinny dude leg tbh )
No. 255904
>>255531Splenda is such a cheap ass that he doesn't want them to be wasted, or maybe he just can't trust Yumi to understand that strawberries expire quickly
lol at his shrugging off her plans to film a real Valentines video with her next year and then her asserting at the end to the camera that they will definitely do it. In what world do you even put that phonecall publicly online
No. 256582
>>256425What the hell Yumi? Why does she always buy so many cheap ill fitting costumes that look super tacky. You'd think she'd use her amazing seamstress skills to make something herself. Or to at least do some tailoring since a lot of those don't fit her correctly.
And does she seriously plan on wearing that last costume in public? What situation would be appropriate to wear that in? People are going to think she's a prostitute.
No. 256591
>>256425Watching this made me cringe because it felt like some of the shit she wears for her bf in bed or something. It was all cheap and tacky garbage, as usual.
Also, why must she use white and pink for her eye makeup? Makes her look like she has a disease.
No. 256614
>>256602she might have the Nanjing dialect (southern China).
Typically Chinese is taught with the "Beijing standard" (northern China) of Chinese.
No. 256884
>>256582I'm assuming she doesn't buy these things but is promoting the site for free things/pay & free things. A lot of girls on yt do it.
Usually they're kinda fashionable so it's interesting to see the try on styling even if everyone knows it's basically an advertisement.
No. 257197
>>255904>Splenda is such a cheap ass thatIn his defense I wouldn't spend that much money on her either, he's already wasted too much as it is.
I also think he's acting like a frustrated father on purpose, to a degree, part of their act. He does seem to be getting increasingly (and genuinely) annoyed by the videos she makes, so who knows what will happen.
No. 257283
File: 1487984361608.jpg (84.84 KB, 800x600, 7sins_ss01.jpg)

Her bf reminds me of the creepy 7Sins guy
No. 257302
File: 1487986047983.jpg (90.39 KB, 800x600, yumisrealm.jpg)

>>257283At the end, I got inspired.
Let me know if I missed something.
Also, check the up caption
No. 257593
>>257285have a amateur translation
"If there are any problems with my (English) language, please point out. I think I like using Chinese to record these videos"
she then talks about she makes videos in English because most of her audience(?) speaks English.
She's wearing a Chinese hanfu (not very special, it's very normal and quite cheap, according to her) because she's talking in Chinese.
Today's topic is that she's eating various countries' snacks and she counts how many snacks she's going to try. (she includes calories)
first snack- white chocolate, she states how she likes eating milk based
second snack- 'comes from Japan', doesn't understand/can't read the text, good, is like a Chinese snack
third snack- tomato chips, she likes this flavor despite it being strong, its from India
fourth snack- vietnam soda, the soda is like a grape flavored, she talks about her lipstick transferred on.
if you guys want more… let me know
No. 257608
>>257593Yeah I'd like to know what else she says altho it seems pretty boring if you don't mind.
Does she speak with any quirks?
No. 257629
>>257608she talks relatively "normal" (coming from a Taiwanese-American)
as for the rest of the translation, she basically describes each snack and where they're from.
there's nothing really special to her snack review.
No. 258015
>>257720I really loved her skinny legs video cause it
triggered every fat weeb in the comment section and on pull so much that they just had to scream to everybody that they are thick and perfect.
No. 258347
>>258337no its true i found myself dying on the inside. she had to constantly use emojis over their faces to either hide their reactions or lighten the mood in the video. and when he got upset about the pineapple juice, that he probably shouldn't have stabbed that hard, it just made me think that he might really be autistic.
ugh and the sound of the bell as she went t retrieve a a trash can killed me
No. 258365
File: 1488087081094.jpg (177.03 KB, 1400x789, morrissey_wide-17a8d722345e34a…)

>>258333I agree. He also kind of looks like a more autistic Morrissey
No. 258583
>>257645>but it's accented and fairly simple imoIf she comes from a rural background as she says she does, is it really any wonder she speaks in accented, simplified chinese…? I know lots of native English speakers who sound honest to god retarded, even though they're just uneducated.
I really don't see why people are nitpicking her Chinese proficiency of all things when there's so, so much more to bitch about.
No. 258672
>>258323IMO he looks a bit like Charlie Sheen in that thumbnail.
>>258506Love yourself anon
No. 258783
>>258323I watched this earlier and had to turn it off because it was so inorganic.
Kind of like how people make a parody of this sort of thing but she doesn't know acting like this is creepy.
No. 258991
>>250056my point exactly, just like how all the other pedos fap to loli except when they get called out they say "but…but… ADULT" although it isn't actual pedophilia, it's more than obvious he is and is trying to find a loophole, fucking the saggy titted bitch that is trying to look as much as like a child as possible to cope with his pedophilia, although he technically isnt hurting a child (for what we know for now) I do NOT want this man to be around kids
FUN fact: On tests for pedophilia they ask the preference of body, men who like childish body are much more likely to be pedophiles because they dont have the testosterone that makes them like full grown healthy women
No. 259055
File: 1488168056356.jpg (39.69 KB, 594x657, fgjj.jpg)

Also, I wanted to add my version of shooped Yumi(don't shit on me.)
This what would happen if:
>she got a hair cut
>she changed her brows
>she changed her makeup
>she bot botox
>she got braces
>she got a nose job
No. 259164
>>259153She is sucking in. But I think she did loose a bit of weight, when she was showing the bottom her ribs weren't showing that much, but they WERE showing.
She also didn't try on the bottoms, I supose because she thinks her legs are chubby at this point.
I wonder if she starts thinking she's fat…
No. 259193
>>259176yeah iirc in her "night routine" video
as if she weren't terrifying already, weight aside
No. 259772
>>259144Ouch. She looks like a drug addict. She's not just too skinny, she looks unhealthy and gray.
Also why doesn't she go review some of her buttloads of bikinis beside a pool? Or better yet, on a beach? It'd be so much better.
No. 259867
>>259798The splashing sounds really
trigger me
No. 259909
>>259903>>259905She litteraly wrote "This video is sponred
Personally, I love all the swimsuits.I think the quality is okay." in the description on this video.
No. 259928
File: 1488244165748.png (97.21 KB, 306x252, nihaokailan.png)

for those of you wondering how her Chinese is, it's almost as stupid as her English. She sounds worse than the characters for the Chinese children shows. She speaks too quickly to cover up any slurring or some weird accent I can't figure out. Maybe she is trying to do the cutesy baby talk? I guess the only way I can compare it is to a heavy southern accent to Americans.
She CAN speak it, it's her first language. But she certainly isn't a major. In her defense not every American is an English major either (Looking at her fans) This may be TOO harsh but her fans are better off learning Chinese from Ni Hao Kai Lan. At least she enunciates.
No. 259941
>>259909That's still not a review.
>>259927muscle isn't very kawaii loli imouto desu.
No. 260088
>>260051>>260045I agree, he clearly loves all that shit.
What he doesn't seem to like is her forcing him to be in her lame videos, I can't really blame him for that.
No. 260268
>>259144How many swimsuits has this girl got now? She can't even swim, but she's always buying swimsuits to review. She must have like 50+
I remember being 15 and on the swim team and thinking my collection of 20 suits (mostly practice ones, and acquired since I was like 11) was a bit excessive. Hers is like… wow. And all just so she's got an excuse to show as much skin as possible probably. But gosh. Hoarding.
>>258523Lol man why does he not think to put newspaper down if they're going to do something messy on carpet? He's supposed to be the sensible one…? This entire video is gross though tbh.
No. 260465
>>260054she keeps saying 'hen' instead of 'han'??? the entire opening from 00:28 until 02:00 -ish of her modelling and """""""DANCING""""""" is cringe but like i can't look away… the wooden way she moves is like watching some velociraptor imitating kawaii elegant rich girl rice bucket bint
also the GuZhuang dress she deconstructs looks like trash
No. 260781
>>260716You can always put a paper bag on her and a sock in her mouth :)
>>253655It's a BDSM realtionship anyways, I think they will enjoy this kinky shit.
No. 261299
>>261245>>261296Pretty sure he wants her because he's a sick fuck in his own right. To want to fuck a 26 year old who acts and dresses like a retarded child in public?! There is no emotional connection, let alone the fact she is completely unable to string together a cohesive sentence together. His incoherent made in China slam piece. To him it's probably worth spending the $10 to buy all those rip off Ali Express products.
Clearly he's too old to understand how many people are actually viewing this shit. Being associated with her - in the context of the morning routine stuff, is more than enough to damage his reputation.
/rant sorry
No. 261541
File: 1488401533690.png (215.15 KB, 750x1334, IMG_1964.PNG)

she put this in one of her descriptions lol
No. 261729
>>261700I don't remember was it on here or PULL, but someone critisized the shit out of her hair for being nothing like actual chinese traditional hair and just looking lazy, guess who implied efort this time.
>>259144She said that she was thinking about how to make her cheeks smaller, do you think it's because we call her bulimia cheeks on here?
No. 262369
>>262355this chick just gets fucking weirder with each video. at least she's finally caught on to putting her side locks (is that the right term? i mean the hair framing her face) over her jaw to hide her moon face.
how long until she shows us her kawaii and elegant hitachi collection?
No. 262435
>>259131that's not a normal face, anon…
go outside
No. 262455
File: 1488515565849.gif (1010.39 KB, 320x180, Boyfriend_and_Girlfriend_Try_P…)

No. 262562
File: 1488541660841.png (725.72 KB, 1080x1920, IMG_2168.PNG)

Took this from PULL but according to yumi this picture was when she was 20. Considering how inconsistent she is with her age that could either mean 2 years ago or 10. Gotta say, she looks somewhat normal here though
No. 262576
>>262355it's weird for her to wash the bloody cup in the public restroom? no Yumi it's weirder for you to dress like a slut while calling yourself a rich girl elegant ugu.
also you want to have children you know how huge a baby is??? even if Splenda has a micro dick.
No. 262585
File: 1488547256648.gif (1017.01 KB, 320x180, Menstrual_Cup_Tampon_Pad_Try_M…)

i hate her i absolutely hate her kek WHO DOES thIS
No. 262646
>>262585That really pissed me off too. This video was a waste of time. She didn't even try the cup out because she was too afraid to use it because it's "too big." She's almost 30 for fucks sake.I hate that she's trying to act like an innocent young virgin with a tight vagina.Those "Fuck Me" panties tell a different story.
Also, she could have bought a better menstrual cup, one that's actually made of medical grade silicone. I found the exact same one on Ebay for a few dollars. It's a cheap Chinese knock off. Yumi is a cheapskate when it comes to this kind of thing too.
No. 262719
>>262648…hehe. heh.
I've never tried one either but they're flexible anyway, aren't they? stfu yumi.
No. 262776
>>262646It particularly pisses me off because other than us and perverts people who watch her channel seem to be young.
Good job discouraging girls from trying an alternative because you want to feign fear, Yumi. If anything she is afraid of sticking a cheap Chinese cup made of who knows what in her twat.
No. 262801
>>262777…what are they jealous of?
I wouldn't switch lives with her even if that guy had money
No. 262936
>>262455I love this. She's slowly breaking him
>>262582Engineering?? Obviously a lie. She doesn't seem smart enough to go to school for anything.
No. 262951
File: 1488591702584.jpg (890.13 KB, 1104x1534, pt2017_03_04_10_40_11.jpg)

Did any of you guys see the cringy pictures of her and her ex boyfriend she put up?
Also she looks so goddamn bad in that wig.
Sorry if picture is shitty I'm on mobile. Dunno how it'll look
No. 262998
>>262989her current bf definitely does not like this shit and having everything being put on display
if anything this might be the final straw
No. 263037
>>262989Definitely an exhibitionist.
She loves it when people speculate about her relationships. When is the last time she had a Chinese boyfriend her own age? lol. When did she start baiting these yellow fever Splenda daddies?
No. 263091
>>262998No he definitely loves it, check out this video
>>259710 where he's shouting at her to look at the camera while in public and saying "Smile and look cute! You're on camera!" If I were ziplining or horse riding next to them I'd go insane.
He seems like a giant fucking manchild himself. I'd say Yumi playing dumb makes him feel smart. Why else would he partake in videos like
>>258323 where he makes a fool of himself, stabbing the fruit (which wasn't Yumi's idea btw)?
(my bf thinks he sounds like Chris Chan lmao)
No. 263108
>>262801>>262832Being able to spend al her time and money being a huge weeb and dressing like a retard, not having to work or really go to school, no parents yelling at her to do chores or find a job, some degree of e-fame and a daddy who finances her bullshit and gives her cummies? I bet there are at least a handful of PULLtards who would cut a bitch to have her lifestyle. Keep in mind that many PULL posters are wannabe e-famous teenage weebs themselves.
>>262998It's not like this shit is anything new. She's been acting like a retarded baby since before they got together. If he doesn't like it he could've dumped her long ago. No sympathy.
>>263091Agreed. He might not enjoy being in videos as much as she does but he's all there for their creepy relationship dynamic.
No. 263310
File: 1488658150093.jpg (301.59 KB, 1440x1080, hideandq_hd_175.jpg)

Her Boyfriend really reminds me of Q from star trek for some reason. Or is it just me?
No. 263550
>>263497I just imagine her speaking on camera:
kawaii desu voice Hewwo Eweweone.
Camera turns out:
man voice Hey, you fat fuck. Give me a cigarette.
No. 264095
File: 1488773992198.jpg (320.92 KB, 687x506, 057.jpg)

This bitch reminds me of that racist cartoon, she talks like he does in that comic, also every time I see her or listen to her I want to do this
No. 264187
how did she even gain a following in the first place? Yuhan's DIYs are so ita and poor quality she shouldn't even be on the first 10 pages if anyone searched for upcycling/DIY tutorials…
>>263703>>263708ty for speaking out i was worried i talk like Yumi sometimes #stuffcowsruin lol
No. 264306
>>264187In the beginning she wasn't quite as creepy or open about her fetishistic/dysfunctional relationship, and her channel focused mostly on cutesy weeaboo DIYs. There aren't many dedicated weeb DIY channels and I know aspiring lolita seamstresses who subbed to her despite knowing her stuff wasn't that good, just because they liked seeing someone else sew and there weren't any better alternatives. Some people were hoping to see her get better. They probably weren't expecting her to start doing… whatever the fuck she's doing now.
Why anyone new would sub to her now, I have no idea.
No. 264657
>>264187I started following her about a year ago & her diys aren't great by any means but the ott cutesy act and really humble way everything was put together was charming/relaxing.
When she started doing more racy stuff & clothing hauls I jumped ship bc that's so not what I followed her for & the low quality became unattractive.
No. 265353
File: 1488970885672.png (962.61 KB, 675x721, hello.png)

hello darkness my old friend
No. 265376
>>265370Not that anon but
Well normally people at least look somewhat happy with their SO. this isn't some PULLtard thing, he literally looks in pain or exasperated 99% of the time. Of course he chose this life so for me it's more laughable than anything else. I don't think anyone here wants to jump his cock like the girls over at PULL apparently seem to.
No. 265381
>>265370Pretty sure that anon was just making a joke about how fucking miserable the guy looks, which he does.
Calm down bud.
No. 265781
>>265353Well I mean I'd be pretty morose if I had some annoying tasteless goblin hanging off of me too.
>>265383I'd be curious to see if he's actually proud of getting a young Asian gf (no matter how ugly she may be) and brags about it or if he keeps her his dirty secret.
No. 265996
>>259978I never got the pedophilia vibe. Seems like the cutesy ageplayer baiting mostly comes from her.
However, the "I ordered an exotic asian waifu who I can financially and emotionally control because I'm so fat, boring, and uninteresting to educated women" vibe is very strong with him.
No. 266494
I just noticed that he dlesn't have anything underneath his… sweater?
No. 267817
File: 1489282668500.png (1.22 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2017-03-12-10-35-59…)

Would splenda daddy really do this?
No. 268479
File: 1489366053860.gif (2.44 MB, 480x270, wtf.gif)

>>268400This is just horrible. What a pathetic attempt at trying to be sexy.
No. 268507
File: 1489369617837.jpg (278.19 KB, 640x862, propoganda_08.jpg)

>>268500Straight out of some WWII era propaganda art
No. 270238
>>270215She's going to cheap out and it's going to be a disaster. She should leave her eyes alone (that eyebag surgery looks stupid anyway), they're actually fine. What she really needs to focus on is her jaw and teeth.
For the plastic surgery pros, is there anything that can be done for such a round face?
No. 270269
File: 1489612195087.jpg (15.18 KB, 511x288, images (3).jpg)

>>270215I hope she ends like Lin May
No. 270641
>>270276The only time I have ever seen it work out "well" is with older women who have been doing their makeup the same for years and years and are just sick of putting it on everyday.
You'd think a luxurious youtuber would want to keep her options open if next year coloured eyeliner becomes a trend or some shit.
"Sowwy ewiwon, I cannot do dis rook. I had bwak tattwooed on my eyewids".
No. 270715
>>270215This saddened me, for someone with an innocent "pure" (lol) image and a public of 13 year old girls, her list is so long. It's okay to get a couple things fixed but the more you do the more chances some of them could go terribly wrong.
The whole eye shit is unnecessary, and there's something that creeps me out about the permanent aegyo sal, looks like a parasite got stuck under your eye. I don't understand permanent makeup either, she's gonna end up looking like a chola.
The hairline thing is also unnecessary. A lot of people have a hairline like that, and her hair is pretty thick. "If you see remove jaw bone pictures scary pictures will come up" what does she think a hair transplant looks like?
She should stick to braces, she was right on that one. It would bring her chin forward and lengthen her face vertically, which she really needs.
No. 270778
>>270276Tattooed on eyeliner and eyebrows were popular in Korea decades ago.
So whos going to be funding her plastic surgery since her boyfriend seems like such a cheapskate. Hopefully Yumi will not apply bargain dollar store shopping to her plastic surgeon.
No. 270834
>>270215Aren't most of her subscribers young weeb teenagers? It's kinda irresponsible of her to blab about plastic surgery in front of them.
And the comments are fucking cancer. Since when did Korea's reputation as a plastic surgery-obsessed nation extend to the entire Asian continent? lol
No. 270851
>>270778>Hopefully Yumi will not apply bargain dollar store shopping to her plastic surgeon.She will though, it's guaranteed. The best that can be said is that at least it'll be entertaining?
I'm honestly surprised she's so focused on her eyes, they actually look fine to me. She should really focus on the rest of her face, that's the problem.
No. 272002
>>271874I think this was the most painful to watch yumi video I've ever seen. She sounds like a retarded 5 year old who's never heard anything about teeth before. "Why did my tooth fall apart" "i have gum disease?" "oh yeah btw i can't chew on one side of my mouth i should probably get that checked out lol"
Like holy fuck it's because clearly you don't brush your teeth properly and they're ROTTING. That's not kawaii
And her boyfriend literally sounds like a dad trying to explain oral hygiene to his toddler
No. 272236
File: 1489862646371.jpg (97.81 KB, 352x360, 1453652516380.jpg)

>>271874Her boyfriend sounds less irritated in this one. Almost nicer and more patient…? lol
But Christ… I was bulimic in high school (as well as my mom) so she is definitely starting to lose her teeth from all the stomach acid/bile hitting her teeth and gums. I'm glad I managed to get help before my health got any worse but damn Yumi.
No. 273288
>>273168Really? What kind of cheap dentist, I know people over 30 wearing braces to fix the whole mouth wtf
Is she 40 or what
I hope she ends fucked up, I know it's bad to wish for bad things to happen to someone, but she really seems like a disgusting person
Now we know for sure she's bulimic, I mean she brags about not eating lots of sugar and stuff, and her shitty diet also
No. 273315
>>273168 As
>>273288 said, that's an awful dentist. Wearing braces as a kid sure fixes teeth faster. However doing so while your skull isn't fully developed yet can't guarantee long-lasting results. That's why braces are worn during teenage years, it's as soon as you can get permanent results and prevent a bigger mess in your mouth as years go by.
No. 273496
>>273471She looks like a sex doll in that thumbnail, it's rather unnerving.
Lol the same "cute chokers" can literally be found in Walmart's pet section for $2-3.
No. 273652
>>273547>>273546Go away samefag
>the poor girl>she deserves our pityKek okay
And yeah shes fucking disgusting
No. 273664
>>273546Do you really, honest to PT, know multiple 26-year-olds living in first world countries who don't know that they need to brush their teeth at least once a day? I know that it's possible for kids to be neglected by their parents but if someone doesn't pick up on the fact that they ought to be brushing their teeth at some point in their teenage years, they might just be retarded. No sympathy from me, sorry.
The only thing I might pity Yumi for is the bulimia, but she's unapologetically inflicting her and her Splenda Daddy's fucked up body image on her largely underaged weeaboo audience so nah, fuck that too. I'll sympathise with her once she stops calling herself fat in videos and gets some help.
No. 273923
>>273546 I mean, she has the means to take care of them but chooses not to, she kind of deserves exactly that.
Preventative measures are also much cheaper and less painful than reactive ones.
If 5-10 minutes of brushing a day is too much for her, despite spending hours filming/editing haul videos and mediocre sewing tutorials then she clearly doesn't want or deserve to keep her teeth.
No. 274048
>>273923not even 5-10 mins, really. I do it twice a day, 1-2 mins each time and I've only had had 1 cavity in my life.
…but if she is actually bulimic, I've heard brushing your teeth makes them even worse.
No. 275526
>>275315God, this shit really
triggered my autism. Maybe this is a nitpick, idek, but she really couldn't have used a scrubbing sponge or a bristle brush or something while she was cleaning? I was cringing the whole time she was using those paper towels.
No. 275669
>>275315This is some clips4sale level shit what the hell yumi.
I also refuse to watch this so like does she really just film herself cleaning a fucking toilet?
No. 275694
File: 1490259335320.png (1.35 MB, 1334x750, gross.PNG)

>>275669Yup, and the ends of her hair falls into the nasty toilet water too while cleaning.
No. 275697
>>275694I literally literally know ppl who sell fetish videos like this.
Like a women in lil fitting cosplay cleaning a bathroom.
Also she's not using gloves what the absolute fuck if you're going to do shit like this at least get paid for it!!!!!! Don't put it on your public youtube!
No. 275763
>>275526She cleaned the toilet. With paper towels?
Oh for god sakes yumi, remind me again how she is a functioning adult?
No. 275844
>>275694I'm laughing at how she must obviously have never cleaned anything in her 26 years of life…
Blaming her mom for not giving this spoiled dumbass any lessons in taking care of herself. All that bullshit about wanting to have babies, how miserable do you think her spawn will be? My bet they cut her off from their lives entirely, if they don't end up horrible like herself.
Best results are her kids hate her and disown her as their mom. Best case would be Yumi never breeds.
The kids would be starving and living in terrible living conditions.
No. 276041
File: 1490308400609.png (246.02 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170323-183050.png)

>put Lipton tea in spray bottle
Puts it in a cola bottle and there's a bottle of Windex next to her
I don't understand
No. 276050
>>275315If this shit was my fetish I'd totally pay for that. from 5 to 7moneys seems fine.
stop posting it for free to kids looking for diy tacky lace shit you're wasting money and good perv content and it's just wtf
No. 276723
Lol, this:
>>271874and after:
>>275315Maybe it's a hidden cry for help, maybe her daddy makes her practise bullimia! I'm dead.
No. 277612
>>277594Just how many clothes does she have if she's supposed to roll all of them so they'll fit in her wardrobe
Also, that bra hack hurt me to look at.
I thought she didn't wear any bras, why does she own so many plus a bra organizer?
No. 277872
>>277750unless she's faking her routine videos with "boyfrien" then she def has it, she insults her weight and calls herself fat several times despite her being underweight, not eating enough, bulimia cheeks, flakey skin, rotting teeth,etc
I don't know what you consider good enough but that's enough proof to me that she clearly has problems
No. 278044
>>277993She could also just be plain ugly.
Farmer face is an insult to define those whom are below average and look like they should be out in the hot sun plowing fields.
No. 279755
>>272236He may be a splenda daddy, but he has to like her at least a bit to have dated her so long. If anything is going to make him act nicer to her, it'll be her facing something stressful like a tooth falling out.
If that happened to me, I'd be inconsolable. Teeth falling out or breaking is one of my biggest nightmares.
Though I don't get why she needs her boyfriend to explain 90% of these things to her. It's not like it comes off ass kawaii daddy girl that wants cummies
No. 279758
>>273923>>273692>>273652If she's bulimic and brushes her teeth after or too hard, it can actually do more damage since the acid will already have damaged the enamel
Yumi acts retarded, but I'm sure she knows to brush her teeth.
There's a lot of more likely factors that would lead to her teeth getting fucked up.
No. 279877
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No. 279879
>>279755Teeth breaking would be terrifying but
I thought about the whole tooth thing a bit more and from the sounds of things she has a lot of old fillings in her teeth and the "broken tooth" incident MIGHT actually be a filling that broke/fell out.. Which wouldn't be AS bad since the dentist can judt replace it easily enough. I've had that happen with a couple of fillings that are really old, they generally don't last forever, it just means they're old and became weak, or the dentist fucked up.
No. 279884
>>279872Confirmed for autist… and I'm not saying this to throw it as an insult or something, his reactions just make so much more sense if he is. I've hung out with autists before and they often accidentally were massive dicks to me or the rest of the group, it's the way it is. The "very loud" comment is a giveaway and how he fliflops in the way she treats her constantly. Even when he's affectionate, he's painfully awkward about it.
Since Yumi likes dumb down both have a similar level of conversation, so their relationship works. The shitty thing is all the girls in the comments drooling over this relationship going "he's so sweet, goals"
No. 279893
File: 1490783070437.png (200.07 KB, 438x420, 1484106888477.png)

>>279872her bf must be so embarrassed
No. 279896
>>279884Those girls are so ridiculous. I guess they're mostly underage and only see how he finances her weeb lifestyle and lets her walk around dressed like tard, then compare that with the people (parents) in their own lives who want them to get a job/education and at least try to be presentable in public. They clearly have no idea of what a healthy adult relationship looks like and just want a weeb enabler like she has.
>>279893She was just as cringy when they started dating and I doubt he's with her for her genuine personality or stimulating conversational skills. If he's embarrassed, he should just find a less openly retarded sugar baby.
No. 279903
>>279896That's not too easy when you have that personality and look like a mixture of Morrissey and Randy from Trailer Park Boys. He's not
that rich, and non-retarded sugar babies have some standards.
No. 280113
>>279825It can be caused by other things like diet or not flossing properly or shitty genetics. Her teeth look fine, emphasis on look, so she definitely brushes them.
Given that's she's a three though my guys is she neglects check ups and hasn't been too the dentist for a long while. Hence why it's so bad.
No. 280117
>>279879Yeah I think it's a mixture if things. Some people just have shitty teeth despite brushing and flossing, same as how people can have shitty skin for no good reason.
Though I wouldn't be surprised if it had been a while since she went to the dentist. If she did before this, he's a really shitty dentist since her gum disease should have been caught a long time ago assuming she goes for one or two check ups a year.
Yumi is cringey but I mostly just feel bad for her.
No. 281167
>>279872i wish i was tall and bulimic, would be nice to eat that crap and still have boney grandma body.
i wanna see her face in her next video,,, 'boyfriend breaks up with me' when no autist is that committed to incriminate himself so deep in her paedophilia in online videos.
sage while i schlick my hateboner
No. 282546
>>282530Jesus Christ. This is ghetto-tier penny pinching.
LGBT actually stands for
Let's Get down to Business
To defeat the huns
No. 282596
File: 1491123633438.png (3.79 MB, 2876x1542, image.png)

>>282561you forgot the most important step: Kill Germ
No. 282688
>>282530It's the very first fucking thing and it's already messed up….
>fix dey/old mascarauhm yeah you THROW IT AWAAAAAY IT HAS GONE BAD
No. 283478
>>277612well if you don't hang your clothes/have little closet space, rolling them helps keep wrinkles to a minimum. Plus the only real storage I've seen that she has in her room (I haven't seen much) are those small Kmart plastic drawers, so. It's not that crazy.
Also coming from someone who has breasts not much bigger than Yumi's, I use bralettes but also a regular bra where the cup is still too big but I use it to make my boobs have a "normal" looking shape in tight clothing.
She may be retarded but you guys often don't use your brains either lmao
No. 284722
>>250060it's not youtuber's fault that there'sbad parenting and teens/kids are retarded as fuck. idk why anyone should be "omg protect the children!!"
dont get me wrong, i dislike yumi's tacky ass and her cringey vids but it's either teen's fault or their parent's fault for copying anything that a youtuber does.
they need to learn that youtubers arent role models
sage for rant
No. 284759
>>284716>that exasperated sigh at 1:51kek
i know i shouldn't find it funny but i get a kick at the way yumi's bf always seems annoyed
No. 284999
>>284811They don't get that bad after first use unless you gunked the hell out of your falsies with the eyelash glue.
>>284809No, she's fairly tall, she's like 5"7 or some shit
No. 285929
File: 1491535716218.png (1012.13 KB, 1334x750, IMG_1600.PNG)

Such a child-friendly channel
No. 285980
>>285953Very underweight? Using the BMI as a reference she'd need to be 112 lbs to be a healthy weight, but that difference is small enough that it could be due to natural variation.
I don't know how anyone can look at this
>>285929 and think that looks "very underweight". She's not curvy but she doesn't look anything near emaciated.
No. 286088
>>286059Get em
107 at 5"5 is so damn underweight, you can either lose more or gain a tiny bit more. It still wouldn't fit that ideal weight. If you watch Yumis swim suit videos, you can see her ribs and shit, the bitch looks hungry.
No. 286223
File: 1491588038062.png (149.28 KB, 750x1063, IMG_3037.PNG)

Can't find her instagram, found this instead
Is it her ?
No. 286342
>>286043>body completely healthyIsn't half this thread speculating that she has bulimia, severe enough that it rots her teeth?
Her BMI and body are natural for many people, but if you've gotta vomit or starve to maintain, that's a sign you're NOT healthy.
No. 286935
>>286088It's normal.
Is this thread full of Amerifats?
No. 287105
>>286942Yeah that was what I meant in
>>286238 and
>>286100 Her weight isn't that bad, it's the suspected bulimia that's the problem.
No. 287260
>>286342Whether she obtains her body through healthy or unhealthy means, it still looks perfectly healthy and normal.
>>286935I'm American, and I wouldn't blink if I saw someone with her body type lol Looks normal
No. 287405
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>>286342Most people who are bulimic are usually average or underweight only slightly.
People with anorexia can also binge and purge too, hence why the main difference is due to classifying their weight.
No. 287407
>>287405Same person as before.
This video highlights the difference better at 1m23s.
No. 287483
>>283478She made an entire video about not wearing bras
Plus, normal looking boobs aren't kawaii uguu uwu
>It's not that crazyAre you referring to her clothes collection?
She literally pops out a swimsuit haul every month or so, what are you even talking about anon, did you even follow the thread?
No. 287494
>>287405>>287407Thanks for the clarification. I'm very aware of anorexics binging and purging (t f w), but bulimia is just a quicker shorthand. I understand the specifications of diagnoses (anorexia vs. anorexic tendencies), but I'm just… lazy, lol.
Anyway, Yumi weirds me out. There's nothing inherently awful about her, but she just sucks me right in.
No. 287543
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>>262951i immediately thought of this lol
No. 287770
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>>286164the bones excuse is bullshit for every weight. if anything at all it can make up a difference of around 2 kg.
no anon, you dont just have heavy bones, youre fat.
No. 288032
>>287770You do realize that people (particularly of different ethnicities) have different skeletal structures in regards to proportions, both vertically and horizontally? There's a reason why many skeleton models used in Western classrooms (medical anatomy or art) are much smaller in size than the average Western student–they're mostly cast from South Asian men, whom are generally more slight and are more likely to have suffered anemia and malnutrition.
>tl;dr: big bones does not literally mean "big", individual bones–it's referring to the proportions of the bodyIt's the reason why many East Asian girls can reach 85 lbs at 5'3 and not turn into skellies.
No. 288299
>>288294Content (Watched whole video) :
- Talks about the mispronunciation of her name of Yumi, Yumi comes from the Chinese word of "Corn"
- Talks about her last name of King, being from her stepfather's last name
- Claims to not be a weeb. She says that she isn't a weeb, she likes her fashion in addition to Japanese fashion.
- Doesn't watch animu, used to watch anime when she was younger (watched CardCaptor Sakura, Sailor Moon, Pokemon, Chobits)
- Watches Chinese Dramas and explains the kind she likes
- People ask if she speaks Japanese, but she only knows "neko, kawaii, kimono"
- Afraid to cosplay/lolita, because everytime she makes cosplay videos, people call her a weeb.
- Her stepfather is Caucasian
- She's cheap (she says she's frugal though). kind of offended when people call her dresses cheap.
- She says she's average in wealth (middle-class)
No. 288383
yes when having a smaller bone frame you can have a lower weight without looking like fucking starving, but still the bones dont have that much impact on your weight. bones dont weigh that much.