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No. 33377
Post cringey, over the top weeaboos.
I'll start with one. Her name is Yumi King and she posts vlogs dressed as a ~real life animu~ character and prances around in public, like this: also does alot of sewing and craft videos making cosplays and weeb related stuff, many of which are of questionable quality (Although some of her videos are useful and good for beginners)
No. 33392
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No. 33399
>>33388That was… really weird to watch. She looks so out of place.
I guess I like how she doesn't cover up the fact she is rather vain. Like worrying about her make up while fucking swimming and her eye lens 1st during a car crash.
Funny stuff.
No. 33400
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>>33377her older photos in this style are so creepy
No. 33406
She kinda looks like Venus to me, but if Venus were actually Asian. Though, it's probably just because they both have the exact same face shape, similar makeup, the fact that they're both weeby, and this girl does the small mouth thing.
>>33388I like that too, lol. It made me chuckle just imagining how everyone reacted towards her there.
Tbh, while she is really cringeworthy, at least she can pull this off. It'd be far more cringeworthy if she was the average fat, ugly, greasy weeb.
No. 33642
>>33567Wasn't she pretty well known as of a few years, or at at least in a group? I can't remember, but. 'Jemma' is ringing a bell.
No. 33644
>>33567Oh lol this girl is from my area and I happened to be at the daiso she filmed a video at and it was super embarrassing.
>>33642Yeah, jemmakuma.
No. 33650
>>33618I liked this girls vid when it came out. She had some decent points., she started going full SJW and also acting like authority for foreigners on Japanese culture. All her vids are similar to this now. Anime vs. Reality, Japanese vs. American otaku. Does she really think she knows everything just because she has a Japanese husband and lives in Japan?
No. 33693
>>33567I think this girl is cute but it's super cringeworthy and annoying when grown ass women force this cutesy anime girl/"childlike" act.
Does anyone actually think this shit is cute?
No. 35325
>I'm 18, have a baby face, and dating someone 3x my age.yes, tell us how totes kawaii you are
i mean, your probably a redneck aging looking crackwhore but ok :^)
>>33388lol, i love all the black kids gawking at her. the looks on their faces say "fuck off, we're trying to swim!"
No. 35369
>>34055I've had my fair share of sleeping with contacts and showering with them. But I never felt true fear until they rolled into the back of my eyeballs and stayed there for a few days. Contacts being stuck in your eyeballs whether they roll back or not is a true fear.
Infection, melting, ripping out cornea, etc
No. 36734
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>>36711>that fat girl in the commentskekkkkk
No. 36881
>>36711or just go to primark and buy a pair for £1?
No. 54552
>>33388Every time I see water park videos, I'm reminded of Allie Kayyyyyyt or w/e she's called. Only she's not a weeaboo so ya. Just goes to waterparks a lot because she lives near Wisconsin Dells.
Felt totally awkward for Yumi though when she's climbing into that kids'… thing… like why? That's not kawaii. Just clumsy.
>>33961Oh god this is so cringey…
>>36721My mom's posted a few make your own pants tutorials on pinterest too, and I just really don't get it. Like you can get cute cheap pants at any discount store, and it's so hard to find proper pants material at fabric stores. Honestly. But ya I guess making your own pants is a thing now.
>>36881THIS lol. Which is way less spendy and time consuming than making your own pants. 1 pound for a pair of pants from primark versus probably having to buy a full metre of pants material at the shop for like 20 pounds… and it's no different in America either except our fabric prices are a bit less extortionate… like 3$ for a pair of pants at target versus 10$ for a yard of stretchy good fabric. Plus ain't nobody got time for all that… I dunno stretchy fabric is fussy af to sew and i hate working with it tbh.
No. 54634
>>33377Yumi might be cringey but I admire her confidence. To go out in her clothes and get her mom to film herself… I'd be so embarassed. wish I could wear whatever I feel like and don't give a shit what other people think about it.
Her sewing is shitty but at least she gets stuff done. Whenever I make something I obsess over making everything as perfect as possible and end up making things extremely slow.
No. 66146
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becoming prettier and prettier …..really
No. 66147
>>33388Yuck. Ugly ass moon faced bitch. She is so
Chinese trying to be Japanese. Pathetic.
No. 66148
>>66146Bitch has to reach a level of basic attractiveness to accomplish that. Ugly
ass hoe.
No. 66264
>>66146Hahaha it's like her parents brainwashed her to have these expectations what a fucking useless fob. She's literally relying on her 'femininity' to gain husband who will put up with her ugly face? Give her children? A green card?
I got no respect for flakes like these who expect their prince charming will come courting then.
She honestly talks like she's entitled to this shit what a fucking joke. Hahaha. She's a 24 year-old dumbass Manchild. She should go work at McDonald's than fucking talk.
Even with make-up she's 4/10. Absolutely no figure either. Lol.
Such a basic-ass China scrub lord.
No. 66268
>>66264>who will put up with her ugly face? Give her children?This girl doesn't seem like someone who'd need a green card but she should go back to China with her weird traditional goals of marriage. There are also far uglier girls who get husbands, her face is not a problem.
I found her Okcupid profile and it's honestly embarrassing to read: No. 66282
>>35325Top kek
>>35427If you are wannabe kawaii poster-you're dating someone who is 57-why is that anything to brag about?
No. 66283
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>>66268>You should message me if:> You are looking for a serious relationship.> You are a traditional man. You want a housewife.>You DO NOT play video games.>You are thoughtful and laid-back. You are ready to have a family. You love, care about home and have a responsibility of home. You have a decent and steady job. ^^ You have a sense of humor. You are fun. You are a real gentleman.Girl…with a profile picture like this…
No. 66451
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"you have a decent and steady job"this girl sounds like she wants a sugar daddy making the whole good financial status thing a requirement Lol beggers can't be choosers she's the Chinese version of Venus
No. 66497
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wants kids when she acts so fucking childish lmao get the fuck out of here
No. 66620
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>>66283She also wants someone who wants to get married by next Christmas. Bitch is delusional. Does she really expect to attract a husband on okcupic with her ridiculous standards? The only thing she's gonna attract is some kind of fetishist with the photos the posted on there
No. 66687
>>66497jfc that coollar
did she even try??
No. 66688
>>66465come on man..she's not that ugly. the problem is her attitude
>>66283this shit seriously makes me hate her
No. 66742
>>66688She probably wants kids because she thinks they're accessories. Like tiny dogs. Nothing about her seems like she's a rational human being.
Delusional retarded bitches like these give all hard-working independent Asian women a bad rep.
She's literally playing into and pandering to those pervs who want a submissive delicate Asian flower but she's super scary-lookin with make-up on that i dread what her natural face looks like.
she's obviously descended from rice farmers.
No. 66745
>>36627She's so ugly and creepy wtf.
Why wasn't she kicked out it looked like she was trying to film some sick kawaii-fetish film around all those innocent kids.
No. 66757
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No. 66856
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she will be a kawaii neko wifu
No. 66892
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eeew I hope her kids don't end up looking like her
No. 67323
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she thinks this is Gothic lolita what a weeb, if anything she's a total ita.
No. 67575
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she's wouldn't be so bad looking if she just toned down the try hard kawaii shit ,she looks kinda average here
No. 67926
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No. 68173
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but yet her voice is so fucking ugly
No. 68181
>>68180I don't know, I think that's a bit of a generalization. You can play video games with someone, and you don't have to play the fuck out of a game. There are plenty people who just enjoy them casually. I don't feel like it's that different a hobby from watching anime.
I suppose if she wants a "traditional husband" it makes sense to want that, but it seems pretty stupid to want that while not fitting the bill of a "traditional wife", I guess?
No. 68183
>>68181You're totally right about the double standard thing. I just applied this to my life because I felt the exact same way after dating a gamer/weeb. He was mostly a gamer and that makes for a beta cuck.
I'm assuming she's betting on the fact that some dudes idealize/fetishize the docile Asian woman and they're not gonna give a shit what that comes with, or, they think weeb shit is just a part of their culture.
She basically praying for a blind man to walk into her life.
No. 68215
>>68183Seems about right. Without lumping every dude who plays games into the beta cuck category, I think a lot of the kind of guys who just want a subservient Asian waifu probably play video games at least sometimes.
Part of me kind of wonders if she explicitly stated the thing about video games because she's had bad experiences with weird neckbeardy guys or something.
No. 68401
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>>67926Shes giving me a bit of a nicki minaj vibe (guessing its the eyes and teeth)
No. 68450
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what the fuck is this
No. 68902
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Beckii just entered Kawaii International's Kawaii Leader contest with this monstrosity of an outfit. She's trying so hard to stay relevant in the jfashion community, which wouldnt be bad if she at least had decent styling/coording skills. It looks like she might win at least 3rd place because of community votes sadly. But judges pick 1st and 2nd place so they probably wont pick her considering her outfit doesnt really look like any jfashion
No. 68905
>>68904it isn't.
>Post cringey, over the top weeaboos. But I have seen Beckii posted in a bunch of different threads. Someone should just make a Beckii thread.
No. 68975
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that forehead
No. 70152
>>68902She looks like a trainwreck tbh
This kawaii style doesn't suit her at all
No. 70240
>>70203She definitely doesn't look 'old' without bangs, but they do suit her more.
Without bangs she just kinda looks like every other brunette girl.
No. 73258
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How is her neck holding her head up
No. 78909
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>>68902I hate how she's been styling her hair recently. She should just get a bang again.
And that outfit.. I'm not sure what she was even going for? Generally shes not even a cute girl. I think she'd look much better if she dropped the "kawaii desu" shit.
No. 85528
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some ecuadorian hoe
No. 85553
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>>85528This is all I can think of
No. 85672
>>85659>>85663Not that anon but I'll tell you guys about a Viet Koreaboo I met.
>believes that Korea is all kpop and kdramas >says that Korean skincare is the best in the world despite owning literally 0 skincare/makeup/hair products, Korean or otherwise>thinks Korea will love her regardless of her terrible fried hair and acne everywhere because she's tall and sort of thin>gave herself a Korean name>only eats Korean instant noodles because Jap ones are "inferior" >admits that she only wants to date Koreans >tried to become a popular league player after giving up on the fgc. she's back to playing Smash now. >stalked a guy in our local Smash community because he's Korean and actually hot>got some Korean dude to cheat on his fiancée with her and broke up their engagement. ran off with said Korean for 2 months before dumping him because he didn't act like a kdrama hero all the time. (Poor fiancée. don't feel bad for the guy at all tho.)>says that kdramas are the only shows worth watching and refuses to watch anything else>only listens to kpop>says that Korean men are the hottest men on the planet but thinks that all Korean girls are naturally ugly and only pretty through surgery>tries to dress kfash with her walmart wardrobe and fails miserably at it>shoops all of her selfies into knife chin Snow White ulzzang selfiesbtw this girl is 22. there's probably more but that's all I can remember off the top of my head.
No. 85682
>>85659>>85663some stories coming up!
most of them are from my time in anime club in HS and college
>get into anime club in highschool>pretty cool set up, in one of those 'lecture' rooms with a projector room at the back and movie theater style seating>president is half chinese half veitnamese named an>is fairly average/ugly thin nerdy asian>tries to convince people he's actually japanese, but has normalfag cousin who outs him at every turn>huge interest in loli>talks about how he wants to take home certain tiny, flat girls(including me who is tall but fairly flat)>pics of loli in locker and other personal items>general creep>an is know for acquiring japanese dvds/vhs including the demo tapes/dvds for upcoming anime >most of the time these are really cool/interesting>is a pretty good club leader so our supervisor is out most of the time>one day an has to take care of some thing after school so he puts on a demo reel and leaves, or so he thinks>entire thing is porn, mostly loli porn, terrible disgusting stuff that goes on for about 25 minutes while we try to find the supervisor since no one but an has projector room access>he gets banned from anime club and suspended for a while for bringing porn to school etc>hear about him recently legit raping a 17 year old girlshit was pretty fucked. my friend linked me a news paper article about the rape incident.
No. 85867
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No. 85873
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not super weeby but still lol fail
No. 86820
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i dont know. i just dont know. maybe i am vendetta. maybe i am jelly.
not because these frickin idiots are living in japan, but because they can live in such a fantasy land of snowflakehood…
No. 87419
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I follow Jun Leo on Facebook and Insta and personally I think he's adorable. He actually does modeling shows and events and has management and stuff so I don't think it's all fake weeb stuff. He's supposed to release an album but it seems to be taking a long time.
I don't think there's much milk here. Some weeby shit but he only dressed up in all that Stitch stuff to go to Disneyland, it's not like that's everyday.
I probably sound like a female white knight but idk, I think this one is more cute than cringe.
No. 87444
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>>87307Half black?
Are you on crack?
No. 87447
>>87444his face looks sickly.
like it's covered in yellow putty.
No. 87550
>>87542>~*~ Tumblr confirmed
Nigga just because he as Asian backup people or whatever doesn't mean he's using them as accessories. Get your head out of your ass.
No. 88097
>>87973 WOW. HE TOLD YOU A LOT? MUST BE ALL TRUE THEN HUH? I knew him before he claimed his shit, and he was obsessed with central Asians, and mixed people. Would creep on anyone who was mixed and asked for their pic/their parents' pic. Nice try. No I don't believe him and he's a weeb who deserves to be in this thread.
>>88003 My friend posts in Korean on fb, doesn't make her Korean. tf is your logic?
No. 88226
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No. 88227
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My personal favourite kek
No. 88394
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>>88225>>88226I don't understand why her nonexistent chin looks so unappealing and not like pic-related at all.
No. 89144
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>>86817>>86820>>87444Idk if I think he's cute or not.
No. 89750
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No. 89780
>>89740 You must be the same whiteknight as before.
Just shut the fuck up m8. Not everyone's gotta like him. People have opinions. Some people think he's ugly and don't like him, some people think he's not ugly but just stupid so they don't like him. Get the fuck over it.
No. 94006
>>94004>pretending to be KoreanI'm white.
I have no idea why someone would do this. At least if you're Vietnamese for example, there are some distinctive things about your culture that separates it from other cultures.
Korea is basically a Chinese province with an Altaic language isolate.
No. 94008
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>>94006I'm sure you've heard of K-pop, ulzzang and cheesy Korean dramas.
That's the reason people suddenly find South Korea and being Korean exciting and appealing now. It was the same with Japan and anime.
No. 94010
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>>94008Japan actually has both an interesting and unique contemporary/pop and traditional culture.
Korea's traditional culture is a carbon copy of Chinese. Literally.
Korea's contemporary culture is just Japan's but with some American shit and marketed more heavily by the state itself to foreign countries (hence why Hallyu started in the first place).
No. 94016
>>94004Lemme post the entirety of his cringe.
>about 2 years ago at my local big con, i was approached by someone in my cosplay fandom, who had just moved to the area and joined our group>guy was fairly tall about 5'11-6ft, average weight and some manner of asian(looks mostly vietnamese) with a vaguely reminiscent hot topic goff look going on>he was asking me to write lyrics for him, since he was apparently a producer of vocaloid music, and was told that i write engish fandubs for popular vocaloid songs for people in my comm>i accepted cause it seemed pretty cool, and why notHe and i exchanged contact info and that was that, but the first weird sign was the name he gave me though i brushed it off as a weeby con name.
>the beginning was fine, he liked my lyrics and it was fun for me to continue my hobby>we talked off and on every month or so for a while and then things got weird>suddenly it turns out he was actually(mostly) japanese and he lived in japan till 2012>went to school in japan as a native but reads/writes very little and makes excuses when asked to speak in japanese >was a ghost producer for a ton of indie and even popular groups>he told me he was the first popular vocaloid producer(he uses the same name as the real one)>that he had a sound engineering degree from japan, but needed to go to college here cause his credentials didn't count in the US>he makes tons of money off royalties from sony>has 300k worth of equipment and his own studio>suddenly dark mysterious past~>he is half japanese and half egyptianbut suddenly!
>his great(or great great) grandfather was white! and married a japanese woman and they moved to vietnam??>but all of his family records are lost or were destroyed because of the vietnam war?>he and his parents are rightfully american citizens but his dad just got his green card after they hired a genealogy lawyer to prove his citizenship>claims his (mostly) japanese father was homeless in the us for years, but then owned/or worked in many fields such as: vietnamese restaurant, car dealership, landlord, and currently is an electrician >actually lived with his abusive japanese aunt(who's brothers ex wife is vietnamese)>was homeless in japan and had to eat grass>can't speak japanese to me cause of his oh so ugly delinquents voice>originally lived there since 2012, but recently told me he only lived their till he was 16(is 25) even though he founded a band in japan that broke up in 2014>has a womanizing cousin who looks like a twin and a twin brother who still lives in japan(no photos)>claims to be a teacher and student at his current private university>claims his ex as of a month ago was abusive>is currently trying to get in my pants(hard)some weeby shit
>claims japan has a 'fake invented language' they use in anime a lot of the time to trick people>loves shit like naruto and dragonball(also mentions toonami a lot even though he may or may not have been around for that)Oh right, thought of a few more things
>him and his father are trying to buy a house>first house was great but the owner wouldn't sell unless her kids could live in the basement with them>the bank is giving him shit even though he can pay in CASH! since he is apparently ending his contract with sony(?) since he wants to now be a game designer>claims his mom is egyptian but had to celebrate lunar new year(japanese don't celebrate that)>his dad is best friends with a famous game designer>he has a shit ton of rare, coveted games worth thousands of dollars just lying in a box at his house>is close friends with skrillex!>works/worked for disney No. 94466
>>94130Even Korean plastic surgery techniques were taught to them by Americans after the end of the Korean War. Nothing is original.
No. 96698
>>94016The saga has come to an end! After getting many many many many lewd texts/skype messages from him(things like take a picture i want to see the face i want to cum on) etc. I asked his 'ex' if they were broken up, turns out no, so i proceeded to cap a bunch of stuff and send it to her. Lulz were had. I can break it down here.
>gave some caps to his gf of 5 years>turns our said gf is 20>been dating since she was 14(eww)>he is 24(double eww)>gf was being an untrusting cunt to me>he called me at the ass crack of dawn asking me if i talked to her, tried to badmouth her and proceeded to tell me he wasn't sure we could be friends>called me back while she was there and tried to get me to pretend to be lying>got pissed(including begging me not to use my computer for a minute)and hung up when that didn't work>call my skype from his gfs and tried to pretend he had no idea who the skype belonged to(likely why he didn't want me to use my computer>hung up and disappeared>called my phone back yelling at me like a maniac>his gf calls my skype asking for more details then messaged me later saying he confessedshe wouldn't tell me if they broke up or not, but i received a bunch of texts from him about how much he hates me. he's probably wanting me to respond cause he keeps sending them all day.
No. 121877
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>>121876Sorry to samefag, but her fans are dumb as hell
>There's nothing erotic about spiky bras and boob cutout shirts and butt crack hole panties!!1!>She's just being kawaii!!She makes those ddlg harnesses for chistsake, how can you be so dense
No. 127345
>>98337I am so
triggered when people buy a whole shitload of cheap clothing items like this and do hauls on YouTube. Like you could definitely afford something of quality with all that money you spent on those cheap items that will probably rip within a week or so of wear.
No. 127730
>>127316As much as this sounds like an inane rant, the general idea is correct. This site is nothing but hateful, ugly people making hateful, ugly remarks about people they don't know.
That's what these people choose to do with their time, and they still feel justified acting like the people they target are worse than them… it's almost funny.
No. 128037
>>126264She can't be stupid enough to not know some of those are sex toys. It really kills me how she makes videos like this one that are practically for children and then posts stuff with lingerie and sex toys. The dumb commenters keep saying how ~pure and innocent~ she is not knowing those are sex toys; they've bought into her innocent loli image(which I'm not convinced of)
>>127316>>127730Hello whiteknights, I was wondering when you guys would show up. You've encouraged me to bump this thread even though I wasn't even planning on posting anything
No. 137781
>>137773>necro-ing a thread that's been dead for a month for no reasonwhy
but also yeah probably that or they think that it makes them seem kawaii animu.
No. 137782
File: 1465227299196.jpg (70.76 KB, 750x750, 13167439_232172067161589_91982…) another dakota wannabe who shops the shit outta herself
No. 162870
>>162830She's fob so I can't imagine that's what she means. The one closet she goes in isn't even full.
>>162837Definitely some white dude with a fetish who settled for this caricature of an Asian woman.
No. 162955
>>162870>Definitely some white dude with a fetish who settled for this caricature of an Asian woman.kek that was my first thought too. her image and personality would only appeal to asian fetishists who want a kawaii real life animu waifu.
at least she finally moved out of her parents' so her mom doesn't have to follow her around filming her.
No. 162960
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>>162775Goddamn this is the most moonface ever. she had literally no chin and gigantic fat cheeks.
And the "tiny rice" conversation with her nerdy sounding white bf. He's fucking and living with someone pretending to be 5 years old. Is this some sort of next level age play or she is mentally retarded? I'm new to this thread.
No. 162992
>>162960Wow, if you didn't tell me that was a female, I would have assumed it was an ugly 11 year old boy with long hair.
Yumi King really needs to fucking grow up. Even the the c-list fake/weibo kawaii models/actresses of Taiwan or mainland china are more respectable than her ugly farmer-face.
Is she even going to school anymore?
No. 162997
>>162960She's obviously poor and has mental problems. All she seems to know how to do is eat and poop and blog/prove about how cringy/souless she is.
Isn't she 26 years old or some shit?
No. 163021
>>162997yep. she's in her late 20's now. she said she's graduated college in china and then just graduated in the us as well so she's like 26-ish.
she also said somewhere (iirc it was her okc but don't quote me on that) that she's never had a real job before and just wants to marry a man to support her hobbies.
>>162960the part where she was like "idk how to pronounce this… there's literally pronunciation guides all over the internet now. you can even type a word into google translate and the robotic translate voice will say it out loud for you.
No. 164292
>>164290she doesn't even look that young. the only way she looks like a loli is when she shoops her entire fucking face off like
her ~irl animu~ videos are just pure cringe because she looks like (and is) a woman in her 20's trying to act like a small child.
No. 164309
>>164290He's not that old. Just an ugly out of shape white guy which makes him look way older. Probably only late 20's.
Both of them can't do much better.
No. 164332
>>164290>Yumi isn't even good lookingAssuming he's really her bf, the guy isn't good-looking either. There's a reason why stereotypes about Thai-white couples exist: It's often a chubby, older guy with a short, below average-looking Thai woman. Except it's Chinese in this case. Not trying to race-bait, just saying.
>>164288It could still be her stepfather. Who knows?
No. 164342
File: 1470747909889.png (1.69 MB, 1334x750, image.png)

A screenshot from the car crash video. That's her stepdad she's talking to.
No. 166158
>>166128Boyfriend for sure.
Idiots on PULL are still like "HOLD ON GUYS! COULD BE HER STEPDAD!"
No. 166255
File: 1471375977324.png (107.51 KB, 940x577, okcupid.png)

>>166158lol is it normal to still use OkCupid even when you're in a relationship? She changed the picture and her age to 21, still looking for old single men.
No. 166298
>>164342that's her sugar daddy
>>166255She's looking for a vanilla boyfriend (someone not in the sugaring world)
No. 166314
>>166305The whole video is creepy. A 20 year old splashing in a disney princess bubble bath while a much old man watches.
Also that comment on her weight was either bad humor or whoever that guy is, is a plain jerk. I know asians have a different body standard but to me she already has a good body, fair enough if she wants to weigh 100 pounds but any more than that would be too much.
No. 166316
File: 1471392646890.png (85.18 KB, 1056x474, yumi.png)

it's not her dad.
No. 166325
>>16630510/10 Ageplay/Daddy Kink
It can't be other thing. The way she keeps laughing at the bubbles, dude.
No. 166329
>>166305>"350 calories">"GAAAASP! THAT'S A LOT! I need to lose 8 pounds!">"Only 8? Shouldn't it be closer to 10?"Lol what the fuck. Her SO is a fat fuck, too. I'm
And that bathtub giggling. Everything about her is just so uncomfortable.
No. 166377
>>166330Honestly she doesnt seem mentally stable enough to engage in that kind of kink relationship.
She's 26 actually. Her insane obsession with youth keeps her lying about her age.
She was 24 or so when people started posting about her on this thread.
Again, she's poor and has mental problems.
She's definately a terrible role-model for any young person. And she's got terrible views on health and fitness.
No. 166387
>>166377>Honestly she doesnt seem mentally stable enough to engage in that kind of kink relationship. hahaha WHAT?
yeah, people who act out child rape are probably bastions of mental health. That whole scene doesn't attract crazy people at all.
No. 166420
>>166305She confirmed it but yeah, we've seen two different guys so far. This guy looks a tad younger, less like a grandpa (the one from the car crash) and more like a middle-aged uncle.
>>166326Have you read her dating profile? She wants a traditional marriage like the good Chinese girl she is. Hardly someone who'd engage in a poly relationship.
I also think it's "unintentional dd/lg". She's childish as fuck, she probably thinks this relationship is normal.
No. 166432
>>166305Her reaction to the bubbles and the jets was really telling that it's not a normal part of her routine.
Also the uncleboyfriend telling her "get in sweetheart", like the way he said it… gross.
No. 166442
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>>166305girl legit turned into the fucking moon emoji
No. 166448
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>>166305This made me feel so uncomfortable.
No. 166450
Her morning routine is just as cringe with the age play.
She doesn't know how to say Quinoa and calls it "tiny rice". Shes Asks her partner/Daddy/boyfriend how to say it and he doesn't tell her.
>>162775"What I call it is what adults call it, what you call it is what Baby Girl calls it"
He is mega creepy.
No. 166756
>>166753oh wow that was kinda uncomfortable to watch
that "the camera's over here, sweetie" with that slight southern drawl creeped my shit out
yumi's videos have always made me pretty uneasy, but this takes the cake.
No. 166762
>>166755a-anon don't hurt me like this.
I just thought from his voice, and their relationship, he was going to be uglier and was slightly surprised when he wasn't fatty bald acne old man
It makes me wonder how they met
dating site??
No. 166804
>>166754I thought that was established a long time ago… She's got bad taste in everything from buying awful materials exclusively from Joann's and Walmart to her tacky "designs" to thinking that those cheap dresses are good quality, hell she even glues some of her clothes together and she thinks that shit is acceptable quality.
>>166755>>166762Ngl I was pretty surprised to find out that he's not as ugly as I thought he was. Of course he's still below average and creepy as fuck, but I definitely thought he would be uglier/physically grosser.
No. 166923
File: 1471641128993.png (157.7 KB, 500x264, tumblr_mhibcjc0Ju1r30h2ao1_500…)

>>166862No one cares that she wears j-fashion but most of what she makes looks cheap and tacky like clothes from Milanoo.
No. 166957
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No. 166959
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>>166923i swear to god i've seen this "victorian style dress" on milanoo before…
>>166957holy fuck please post this in the shooped weebs thread in /b/ too
No. 166976
File: 1471658147299.jpeg (108.14 KB, 636x907, image.jpeg)

Devilinspired nooooooooooooo
No. 167018
>>166989I can't help but notice how small her body is compared with her head…
Also, that dog collar at 3:35.
No. 167052
>>167018good eye anon
she seems so unaware and i feel bad when she talks about sexy style. eurgh
No. 167156
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Lol if her creepy boyfriend was her step-dad it'd make the situation 100x creepier. I'd love to be a fly on the wall of this girl's trailer if this is normal father-daughter behavior.
No. 168241
File: 1472090779670.png (589.26 KB, 884x476, FINGER ME.png)

>>166305Holy shit Yumi King is being held captive !!!!11
(saged for terrible post)
No. 168698
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>>168679My guess is that she is trying to pull off a look similar to some Korean Ulzzang (round face + bangs) since full bangs are extremely popular in Japan. Unfortunately, her face isn't a traditional round face (pear shape? diamond shape?) so it doesn't work properly. It would probably look better with some variation in length and not being
completely straight across.
>>Pic is Ulzzang Hong Young Gi for reference (Round face with full bangs) No. 168702
File: 1472238664127.png (219.32 KB, 633x312, lol.PNG)

>>168627>The kicker is that she says some of the clothes are good quality but all the outfits just look like clothes you can get on Taobao for less than 100 yuan.She would've been better off buying from Taobao, the clothes on that site are like 50-200 dollars. But those clothes are probably sponsored anyway >
No. 168705
>>168663Weren't there a few comments in her, already sticking up for her?
I'd much rather hear what her sugar daddy has to say, than her white knights.
If she didn't want people talking about their gross relationship, just edit him out of the videos? She purposefully keeps those parts in.
No. 168708
>>168705>just edit him outShe doesn't because she genuinely doesn't realize how gross her uncle boyfriend comes across.
I also don't think it's DDLG because LGs usually advertise/openly state they're in such a relationship while this woman acts like it's cute her boyfriend appears occasionally in her videos and there's nothing more to that.
No. 168868
>>168627She's poor, ugly, 26 years old, and has mental problems.
She's also running out of ideas. Not that she was creative or interesting to begin with.
Chinese people only raised in rural china tend to often have no idea how to do critical-thinking. Bad roots.
She's heading in a really gross niche on Youtube now and her uncle-daddy-bf filming her in the bath isn't helping.
Is it possible to get her channel banned for posting almost age-play shit for the public to see? I know she might think it harmless and unintentional, but this us pretty fucked up shit thats literally not progressive or helpful for her younger viewers to be seeing.
I don't see why she can't just NOT show-off her new bf's 'weath'. She has 0% class or taste.
Honestly what kind of idiot tries to sell the image of 'pure asian doll' while purposefully submitting videos of herself showing off her ass in bed, implied naked in a tub, etc while doing a baby-voice on purpose.
No. 168978
>>168976>I'm not a childMaybe stop talking with this fake cutesy voice then.
She really has zero self-awareness. Should've stuck to making DIY videos only.
No. 169012
>>168976>"I'm wearing this skirt because I don't want to show the fat on my thighs!1!"Bitch, where?!
God, I hope she's not going to turn into an ana-chan
No. 169024
>>169012she already is an ana-chan.
in one of her older "real life anime" videos, she said that she didn't want to eat because she would get fat and added audio of her mom saying "you aren't fat!" in the video even though the rest of the video didn't have any audio, just jpop playing over clips of her prancing around the supermarket in cosplay.
No. 169096
>>168986I've always attributed her childlike appearance and fake voice to her being one of "those" kinds of Chinese women who prance around in cheap-looking frilly dresses and think high-pitched voices make them seem more feminine and cute.
It's got nothing to do with our definition of dd/lg but it comes off that way to us. I also doubt a naive FOB like her knows what it is.
No. 169098
>>169096She is one of 'those' Chinese women.
Raised to try and attract men with 'feminine innocence' that was popular back in the day in the day when modesty was the norm in China. But she twisted it in a weird child-porn vibe. Can't believe she thought she was pretty enough for that route lol.
I have friends who are super fob and cutesy but they definately have more backbone and real personality than her. They have good work ethic and have since cut-out that cutesy act since they hit 22 years old.
She keeps trying to brand herself in this unrealistic, cheaply-made fantasty-luxury-kawaii vibe. That's why it's creepy as hell and actually
triggering to see her act like this, since the closest thing we have here is ddlg vibes and to be honest it's very similar.
Her step-dad/uncle/bf probably feels empowered by her lack of common sense or self-worth/easily damaged ego/lack of intelligence etc. Book smart =\= sensible.
Except ddlg is suppposed to be a sub-branch of bdsm and this old chinese wannabe bapo has no idea. But she just accepts her audiences perception of her and rolls with it. She's unintentionally promoting shit that she doesn't even understand. That's
No. 169128
>>169121It makes her look like a failed gyaru, but I agree that it's way better than her cutsey uguu makeup. I guess this is from the era when she was still ok with a more mature look.
>>169096>>169098Agreeing with that she's one of "those" Chinese women. She acts very much like someone from a rural region. City women (i.e. women whose families have lived in large cities for generations) are more progressive and don't try to go with the demure housewife feel that Yumi wants to have.
Yumi is a stereotypical rural region girl who has delusions of suddenly becoming a rich princess if she acts cutesy and attracts the right man like something you'd see in a TV drama.
I'm in China for work at the moment and even though I'm in a big city, I see so many people who come from rural regions walking around in cheaply made dresses covered with plastic lace with knockoff bags and shoes thinking that they look like princesses and are hot shit. Girl, I can tell that your "Valentino" "rockstud" heels and your "Kate Spade" bag are fake from 1 km away.
I saw this girl wearing a badly constructed "lolita" dress similar to the ones Yumi makes at a cafe in a mall yesterday. She had gotten cake on her chest and was forcing her boyfriend to wipe it off and literally said "我是公主好吗?" (I'm a princess, okay?). She later pushed an elderly lady with a cane who was in line to buy something and then got huffy and started arguing people when she got called out for it and told her boyfriend to help defend her actions. That's probably the kind of life that Yumi wants which is gross and sad.
saging for the blog post. I'm just so
triggered by people like Yumi and the cafe lady who think they're princesses just because they can afford to cover themselves in plastic lace.
No. 169369
>>169352Gotta hand it to her, she churns them out fast.
If she continues to harness the lolicons and ddlg crowd then she's probably making good cash with her gross fetishistic barely-Pegi-3 pandering.
No. 169408
>>169352I feel like every time I watch one of her tutorials, I end up with more questions than answers. Why didn't she sew the top into the collar? Why did she use stick-on Velcro if she was just going to sew it down later? Why didn't she bother to do any research on Saber Alter before working on the costume? Saber Alter isn't a "kawaii" girl personality-wise.
I get the vibe that her sugar daddy is telling her how to pose and stuff now because it's kind of different from her older videos.
No. 169456
>>169408I get that vibe too. She's been slowly going in a more sexy~ direction but it was still DIY and paid hauls.
Just based on the thumbnails this seems beyond what she would do without outside influence.
I do wonder how she feels about it all since on her instagram she would some times talk abt how she felt trapped into making really simple DIY's bc it's what gave her the most hits and interaction which means she cares and paid attention to the way that she marketed herself.
Now that she seem to be letting her daddy have more creative control is her engagement suffering? Does she even care now that's she's got a man who she thinks will take care of her?
No. 169469
>>169456I think she still cares otherwise she would've quit. Her daddy definitely seems to be the one pushing her to have a more mature, sexy image since she was still sugary sweet and all pink before she started showing him in videos.
They live together now so I'm assuming he's the one directing her from behind the camera.
>>169069He's middle class probably. He lives in Georgia where rent isn't dirt cheap, but it's certainly cheaper than rent on the west coast. It's $200-400k to buy a house with 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms.
Not related to his wealth status but she did mention on Instagram that she thought $13/yd is too expensive for fabric and that she only buys things when they're more than 50% off.
No. 169473
File: 1472465797573.jpeg (155.49 KB, 750x1074, image.jpeg)

>>169472A month? That's fucking insane. I'm paying 3500/month, utilities included, to live in a shitty apartment in California.
Pic not related.
No. 169474
>>169473Yeah, the rooms weren't huge, but pretty big. It was about an hour outside Atlanta. GA is kind of barren though. Right now I live in a three bedroom apartment outside a major city in the midwest and it's also 1,200. This place is tiny in comparison though. Money goes a lot farther in most places in the south or rural areas in general.
I'm shocked Onion didn't try to get in that tbh.
No. 169478
>>169473Gurg only dates teen white girls.
And Yumi is hideous without make-up. She's barely passable with it slabbed all over her face.
His entire body was probably repulsed by her standing next to him since he's such a narcissist.
Funny how she just mentions he's famous and doesn't even realize what a shitty person he is. What a basic, shallow bitch.
No. 169479
>>169478Gurg also shames girls who wear loads of make-up because bluh bluh bluh he believes in superior natural beauty etc.
Except he wears make-up himself to cover his many skin flaws.
No. 169480
>>169375This is exactly why Yumi needs to do a rebranding overhaul with her videos. Stop lying that she's younger than she is.
It's public record she's at least 25 this year and turning 26 in 2017.
Put that fucking engineering degree she bragged about to good use and get rid of her audience of 10-14 year old underaged cancer.
No. 169488
File: 1472473601930.jpg (15.51 KB, 134x135, 1472465797573-1.jpg)

>>169473Her jaw is so fucking tiny, she looks like a shrunken head
No. 169516
File: 1472482873822.png (718.38 KB, 937x602, Screen Shot 2016-08-29 at 10.4…)

>>169501nope it's still there. it's just extremely old. comments though…
>ONISION IS BAE>SO AWESOME>2 OF MY FAVORITE YOUTUBERS IN ONE PIC!completely not related to her meeting Onision but while trying to find the picture, I found a bunch of pictures she posted of her eating out of literal cat bowls. what the actual fuck?
No. 169540
>>169520Seriously, 350 is SO much. She should only be eating 20 calories per meal.
>>169520It's possible since she always wears collars now.
No. 169636
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No. 169669
>>169651Hahaha 10/10 anon.
But seriously though how is he doing that? Where is she even looking?
No. 169670
>>169479Didn't Onion have an Asian fetish at one point though? And he's fucking Billay right now even though she wears more make-up than some drag queens. The girl highlights her nose blue.
>>169516>>169636Oh man, this girl is so cringe inducing.
No. 169671
>>169473Onion the midget. 6'0 tall my ass. Lmfao
>famousGirl, no. He's washed up and still fading, greasy skin, annoying voice, disgusting personality and all.
No. 169687
>>169651Kek 10/10
>>169669He's probably standing off to the side of the camera and is tall enough to be able to bend over and feed her from out of view.
No. 170015
>>170008The bf first awkwardly started saying "I wanna drag you off-"
So creepy!
I think the goth outfit looked ok on her except for that huge collar.
No. 170016
>>170008Wow, i couldn't even get through the first minute without feeling gross.
I don't know maybe it's because a lot younger "kids" are the ones watching her?
No. 170019
File: 1472617807039.png (454.29 KB, 720x1023, Jfsofjzis.png)

Oh my gosh this is too funny
No. 170020
>>170019It used to say an entire forum it she changed it after seeing someone on PULL say that she only had a thread, not a whole forum.
>>170008>>170016I get the feeling that she has no idea what she's even talking about. I doubt she's even gone clubbing before even though she says she has, like how she says she exercises and goes to the gym while simultaneously suggesting that people wear crop tops with plastic lace to the gym.
No. 170315
File: 1472661876718.gif (1.16 MB, 350x196, 3c512251143103316637444125_700…)

>>169642>>169651I snorted. Thanks
No. 170639
File: 1472764139958.jpeg (140.75 KB, 750x963, image.jpeg)

Oh lawd dem legs
No. 171390
File: 1473073665603.png (17.87 KB, 304x467, yumiking.png)

>>171344The harness at 0:25… why. Is she really that clueless? Is she just acting clueless? Does she know why her followers are talking about ddlg shit?
No. 171393
>>171344The reality of the situation is she gives no fucks about her viewers.
Most likely has no soul or real morals.
She's from rural China, she probably views her followers as a paycheck.
Considering the rate she puts out videos, she wants to milk youtube as much as she can.
Does she ever do collabs with other youtubers or get acknowledged as a content creator? Seems like no. The most she is acknowledged as is a 'fan' of others.
Because noone wants to be friends with a creep like Yumi.
It looks like she has no real life friends either, or they would have told her she looks like a fucking idiot projecting this poor with mental problems creepy-childish-sexualized lifestyle to a shitload of kids online.
The best way to get her to stop is to red flag her vids so they get demonitized, aka stop making any money from it.
I doubt any company wants to really promote themselves on women who deem it alright to pretend to be 'youthful and innocent' while they're hitting 25-26 and trying to combine it with sexually-charged creepy lifestyle vids.
Honestly her lolipop prop is a transparent as fuck way to clickbait or sexualize herself more. Dumb greedy bitch.
No. 171551
>>171498Why did she even go back to school anyways? A engineering degree is enough to get a reasonable job even if it's from another country as long as the school was decent.
Honestly I was really shocked to see that she had a degree in a hard science like that. At first I thought it meant I judged her wrong and given that UW's acceptance rate for international students is like 38% or something and not very cheap it makes even less sense for her to go back when after seeing her okc it seems like she's someone who would get some fluff degree while she picks up a husband. I wonder what motivated her enough to get into school again when she really really just wants to be a kept wife.
No. 171617
>>171551You guys are ignoring the obvious fact she's a liar and maybe lying about her degree.
She lies about her age, and most likely lied about her education to seem somehow qualified on her dating profile to be making greedy demands.
Honestly who would labour through school to get an engineering degree, just to drop it to be a wannabe housewife?
If it's not a lie, she has to be at least turning 25 years old this year.
How long has she had her youtube channel? You can guess her age from her old videos that mention her age. Just check the posted date and add up.
No. 171653
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>>171617regardless of if she's lying abt her first degree, UW's admissions offices had to have seen something in her. I don't understand why she would go through the trouble of getting in and paying for tuition when she seems to just want to get wifed.
Like I said before it's not an easy school to get into if you're international. Just one of the required tests to even be able to apply(TOEFL) costs $200 in wa, most of the kids who get in are from wealthy families or older people in there 20's that have been in the states for a while because it's a bit of an investment/process. And she can't be lying about getting into UW at the least because she did an acceptance letter opening video. Bothell campus is admittedly easier to get into, but that really only goes for in-state kids.
I don't really care that she lies about her age, but I do what to know what compelled her to pursue an education at a 4 year then seemingly drop it to go live with a salt daddy in nowhere Georgia
No. 171685
>>171653Maybe she originally was a normal person who was like "I'll earn a living through hard work" and then she got introduced to the idea of ddlg and sugar daddies and decided that that was the way for her to go so that she didn't have to work, instead her whole life would be taken care of for her.
I originally thought she was just another one of
those Chinese women who wanted to be pampered by Prince Charming ever since they were little but she has an engineering degree… Maybe her parents pushed her to get a degree?
No. 171763
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>>169636She creeps the fuck out of me. People like her shouldn't be allowed to have kids..
No. 171766
>>171344>Not measuring if both sleeves are even after cutting them off>She didn't even use a fucking ruler or somethingI'm not even talking about the skirt part which is a complete disaster.
She doesn't even try jfc
DESIGNER my ass!
No. 172905
>>172809That's why she's a terrible role-model for the stupid kids who are idolizing her cheap rural-china quality knock-off looks.
She's vain, but doesn't admit it. Constantly wants praise and attention for her 99% edited/shooped looks. Passive-aggressively tries to make people who dislike her into the bad guy by making strawman arguements or deflecting/avoiding blame.
She's just completely immature and acts like she does nothing wrong while literally trying to fuck with everyone at the same time.
Know why most people don't mind Xiaxue? Because she's honest and blunt about her shooping/bullshit. She owns who she is.
Yumi tries to hide behind her fanbase and pretend she's perfect and blames her faults on other people. Also she's pretty vain for a plate-faced buck-toothed walking stereotype.
She's no natural-beauty, that's for sure. And her personality is like cardboard.
No. 173058
File: 1473581743624.jpeg (218.69 KB, 727x1270, image.jpeg)

>Joker is super cute
Shit taste in everything confirmed. (as if we didn't know that already)
No. 173109
>>172768Does making sewing tutorials from a bought pattern really count? I mean I'd get it if it was a tutorial on how to use the pattern or a sewalong but at this point you'd be better off just using the pattern because it explains more.
She doesn't even show the pieces or measurements like most sewing tutorials do, the tutorial is basically "buy this pattern and use it".
Also at the end
>daddys lil monsterthere's no apostrophe reeeeee
No. 173568
>>173565I wouldn't doubt it. The only kind of person that wants that kind of stereotypical Asian behavior is Asian fetishests anyways. Pretty sure all of her recent outfit videos were just made to satisfy her boyfriend.
Why do all of the descriptions she comes up with read like Taobao listings? You know, the ones that are like "cool hot sexy beautiful woman 2016 fashionable unique elegant trendy red purple flower vintage Japan Harajuku dress".
No. 173797
>>173790But anon! How is she supposed to prove that she can be both a kawaii real life anime girl AND the ultimate submissive yet sexy Asian waifu if she doesn't make these fetish videos?
Real talk tho, this is disgusting and she isn't sexy no matter how hard she tries. She just looks like any ol' plate-faced buck-toothed Asian uggo. She definitely cosplays and wears "lolita" just for attention and nothing else. Then she figured out that she could monetize her hobby through Youtube and that was that.
I reported a bunch of her videos for sexual content and YT has gotten back to me each time saying that they were fine by their guidelines. Good job, Youtube.
No. 173812
>>173803You said it's extra bad 'cause it's under the guise of innocence but I think that's the point; like it's 'sexy' in her mind because of the baby act. If she labeled it for what it is, it wouldn't be cute or sexy to her anymore. We've basically reached a consensus that she's in a ddlg relationship, just more proof that acting like a toddler in cute/sexy clothes gets her off.
It's interesting to hear the topic of 'children are watching' debated. I think adults don't have to restrict how they act online just because some kids are watching. When Miley Cyrus started acting all 'grown up' people were mad she was being scandalous when she had kids looking up to her. I'm not fond of her but I think it's not her fault if parents don't teach their kids right. Same with the internet, it's not a posters fault if a kid finds your adult content posted online, it's their parents fault for not supervising them.
I don't mean to whiteknight Yumi though I live for this thread, I'm so glad others see through her bullshit too.
No. 173839
>>173790The sad thing is there are actual people like moomoo making money off of shit-tier cosplay like this, but despite how shit people like moomoo and sheena are, Yumi is literally the scum of the cosplay barrel.
She honestly is just using Her Engrish and anime/manga as an umbrella for her own selfish purposes.
She doesn't give two fucks about her fans.
She never really adresses any of the many
problematic issues in the video content she uploads on there. Just tells her haters that they shouldn't have opinions and are bad people for not catering to her ideals.
Kinda sounds like a charisma-less, tiny-eyed version of Hitler, right?
She's just on Youtube to be vain and have as many people she can click-bait tell her she's pretty when she's just a lazy farmer-face. For a 25 year old woman turning 26, she really should consider a switch in content.
She's not showcasing Lolita fashion.
She's literally "cheap rural china knockoff sexy asian miso horny 2016 suki suki 5 dollar shitty all-you-can-eat sushi run by the Chinese" type of girl.
I know Chinese girls like her and as soon as she gets off camera and speaks in Chinese, you can bet she's got an ego/shit-attitude.
No. 173851
>>173812I would agree with you but for the fact that her channel did start off innocent and kid friendly. Her kid viewers were already subscribed by the time she started doing lingerie videos. I do agree that parents need to monitor their children's internet usuage better.
>>173839 said, she just doesn't care about her fans, some of whom commented under her first couple lingerie videos that they weren't comfortable with that, but of course her other stans defended her and Yumi eventually said that she's going to do what she wants.
No. 173862
>>173790This old granny really doesn't have any friends or sense of of decency, does she?
This video is so cringe and screams 'poor with mental problems' in the worst way possible.
No. 173863
File: 1473861155950.jpeg (130.88 KB, 1242x793, image.jpeg)

Stopped the video because it was too cringe to watch. Enjoy Yumi fliping-off everyone while applying make-up.
Her bare-face is so unfortunate.
That bloated nose/face and underdeveloped chin. :/
No. 173867
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" when they grow up "
" they don't know me "
" my youtube is healthy "
Yes, because making public posts about how you should ignore haters while simultaneously addressing/complaining about them constantly is going to make you look super mature.
No. 173871
>>173867>When I reported one video on YouTube, I provided my driver license, green card and all my personal informationWtf
For what purpose?
No. 173934
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>>173915Pic related is some girl on PULL calculated Yumi's age.
Why wouldn't she update her OKC info if she changed her age? It's really weird.
Why does she even still HAVE a OKC if she's already got a Daddy?
No. 174864
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she doesn't know the difference between a bodycon and paneled dress. the difference is so obvious that it's even in the name.
No. 174866
>>174863Nothing in this video looks highclass.
The shops prices are ridiculously high for the cheap chinese shit you get. If her followers are aroubd the age of 12-20 most of them won't even be able to afford this shit.
Also she can't walk on heels for gods sake, she shouldn't wear them unless she trains how to properly walk on them
No. 174891
>>174864Was this inspired by "The Little House on the Prairie"?
Not even Araki could ever think of such tacky dressing choices.
No. 174921
>>174919Nice google translate Chinese. ;)
Like 3/4ths of your sentence is incorrect.
No. 174927
>>174921Hi Yumi, good to know you're a real China-Chinese netizen and feel so good about yourself.
Btw it's not google-translate.
No. 174940
>>174863I live in an area with PLENTY of rich Asians in general, mostly Chinese though.
She looks nothing like them. The rich are either low-key or they are dressed like basic bitches.
This is extremely cringe. It's a trainwreck.
No. 174944
>>174863All of these are so tacky and the qipao is so short, absolutely none of these look elegant or even high class to me.
I've seen girls wearing only H&M clothes or such with accessories from Claire's and they looked way more elegant than her because they knew what quality and good-looking things were.
But yeah, the qipao is way too short, she looks slutty.
No. 174949
>>174863She is better off doing weeb shit. She has no fashion sense and is trying to do beauty blog/lookbook videos now. Please no.
Also she might want to consider investing in a bra.
No. 174953
>>174927Not Yumi but if you're trying to say "it's real silk", it should be 它是, right? Also the English in the post you're replying to is too articulate to be Yumi.
>>174940>>174944This tbh. No person who is actually rich dresses like that. She's the cheap Chinese version those ghetto people who think that wearing fur and tons of gold will make them look rich and cool.
No. 174959
>>174953The Chinese was referring to diaoshi. ( 屌丝 )
It's common slang term in China for basically otaku/neet/poor working-class Chinese young folk who won't make it big in life ever. Literal translation is something along of 'penis hair'.
Pretty accurate of Yumi, although she REAAAALLLY tries to be baifumei (白富美) which literally translate to "white rich beautiful".
No. 174980
>>174959Ah ok. I'm not familiar with Chinese slang so I didn't know. But yeah that sounds exactly like Yumi considering that she's already 25 and the only think she knows how to do is to appeal to sugar daddies.
>>174960I know this is a joke video but what the fuck. Just toss in some clothes slathered with cheap plastic lace that's literally Yumi. The northern girl is pretty funny.
No. 175147
I've found a blog she seems to use for her college work? Sadly, my English is too bad to know if there is anything interesting on it: is a video of her in a lolita dress and she also used a pic of her in cosplay for work?
No. 175159
>>175147This is pretty weird. She talks about how Asian women are stereotyped and viewed as sex objects, and how they can overcome their goals despite this, and to create awareness for this she made a robot version of herself. The robot seems to be a roomba with a doll and LCD screen on it? Is this normal for the degree she is doing? Then it seems she does an 'experiment' where she gets people to stand in front of the robot to guide it.
>A second person said that He thought I was going to some school where only taught about social experimentThis really seems like some sort of social experiment, besides her coding the LCD screen. I don't know much about coding, but it does seem quite basic.
Honestly I'm very confused about this whole idea, and I am planning on taking an engineering degree. I find it rather ironic that she complains about Asian women being viewed as sex objects, considering how she presents herself on her YouTube channel.
No. 175162
>>175147Jesus H Christ.
I just skimmed that blog and what the fuck how can she even do projects about SEXISM AGAINST ASIAN WOMEN and SJW type things when her own YOUTUBE CONTENT is literally just SEXUALIZING HERSELF AS AN ASIAN WOMAN.
Wow talk about not practicing what you preach.
Well now you know she's knows exactly what she's doing with herself and her image she portrays online. She intentionally keeps provoking 'her haters' in order to get attention. She thinks she's better than everyone lol. The mental illness is real.
She calls us all 'evil' but she probably the type to act innocent and shit-talk all her fans/gross neck beards behind their backs.
No. 175163
File: 1474307844571.jpg (16.11 KB, 509x395, 13177740_1702701493318954_1498…)

>>175147Samefag but the second most recent post is "Social Engineering: Plight of the Social Justice Warrior". Guess Yumi is a SJW?
Her project is weird as hell. Why does one of the boxes say bisexual? She also uses the same shitty YouTube library music for her school videos and uploads them on her normal channel, unlisted though. I don't know whether to link them or not since they're unlisted and she might notice a sudden increase in views.
No. 175189
>>175178>pretending to be dumb as shitThat's a bit too charitable.
Most "sex positive" feminists are like this. They complain about how everything is
problematic, but when it comes to their own behaviour it's ok because they like the attention- er, i mean they're an empowered woman expressing their sexuality. If you told Yumi that sexualizing children and prancing around in a polyester 'sexy chinese girl' costume isn't exactly tasteful, she would just call you a slut shaming bigot.
No. 175193
>>175189The funniest thing is that she probably thinks everyone else who does exactly what she is doing is a 'slut' and 'dirty,' unlike herself. Oh yeah, she's also a fat-shamer.
Special snowflake syndrome. One child-policy at its worst. LOL.
No. 175246
>>175178I used to think this & like seeing that she can code & build simple systems is really impressive but like. Playing into what the Asian fetishists on yt want is one thing, plus that's easy to monetize & keep at arms length.
Going full ddll pet play & moving in with some random that doesn't seem all that wealthy is another. It makes me question how calculated she's really being since most sugars would know better.
>>175163Her project is a bit incoherent but seems critical of sjw's tbh. It's purpose is to illustrate how social engineering, so social justice, doesn't work and is often harmful and tonedeaf. I can't really understand how her robot thing does all that but if you read just the end of her project description it seems to put it pretty plainly.
No. 175367
>>175248Looks like Daddy bought her sewing supplies.
Also how come there is little mention in the comments that every video she does now is sponsored by some cheap clothing store?
I used to like Yumi a few years ago, she was cute and the kind of videos you watch to just chill.
No. 175379
>>175246Every cringe thing she's done up to this point would have been fine if she didn't try to PUBLICLY monetize on her over-the-top infantilized videos and having her way-older boyfriend/sugar-daddy included.
She's not young anymore. She's 25 and can't seem to accept it.
Older people can be 'kawaii' and enjoy 'kawaii-culture'. It's a fact. Just own your age.
But lying that she's 'old enough' and '21' only makes her seem desperate, and it's a terrible way to make her general audience think it's 'normal' to seek out VERY OLD MEN as partners.
The fact she doesn't address it but keeps including is done INTENTIONALLY to convince the viewers it's NORMAL. Which it's not, honestly.
She should be more honest with herself.
No. 175388
>>175248"hot topic" "lolita stuff"
i think i puked a bit
No. 175391
>>175385I find sewing videos cute and relaxing, is that a crime?
sage for blog and irrelevant
No. 175595
>>175367If she moved to the middle of nowhere with this guy I hope he's bankrolling her life tbh.
I'm in the same boat. I thought she was cute/relaxing before all the really out of control sex stuff started. Even some of the harness/lingerie stuff was passable bc it's still big w ~soft pastel~ lolita leaning teens
And I think that it's just so normal for yter's to be sponsored that no one, especially the fanbase she has, is really gonna come for her on that?
When I noticed it I was a little annoyed, especially since she has like, no fashion sense/taste, but I took it as a sign of channel growth lmao. I watch some girls where every other video is a sponsored clothing haul from like romew or s/t but they pull it off/can actually dress themselves.
No. 176536
>>176457Wow her taste is real shit. Poor thing…
I don't think she wears a bra in most of her videos so lucky for her ~free the nipple~ is a thing these days.
No. 176537
>>176495To my understanding, because a lot if my fav Youtubers have been complaining any content they've posted in the past with any kind of age-restriction gets dropped for use of ad-revenue because they don't want to be associated.
Also, for someone who claims that she's "just living her life", Yumi sure is obsessing over her haters again and also getting MONEY from Youtube??? What a contradiction.
From what I know you have to have people watch at least the whole video, not 5 cringy seconds for a view to count for monetizing. And the video has to be lengthy too.
No. 176539
File: 1474716564769.png (95.66 KB, 371x500, image.png)

Seeing how obsessively she checks this thread since we've theorized she's got no friends and only does all this horse-shit for money, it's nice to see how transparent she can be. Passive-aggressive shit like this for people who want to hide behind her 'fans' and also let's not forget how MANIPULATIVE she is to pretend she's '21' and 'naive'.
Everything she's doing is to make herself seem like the victim. Good luck living life like that. God-knows how many old aunties I knew of with this attitude back in the day who kept getting divorced because they were always denying themselves of any fault for their own problems.
No. 176554
>>176541She's not really putting amy effort into it though, just click-bait material.
All the videos that were genuine to her original interests were her old DIYs for beginners, now it's just all about fetishizing herself for money.
Yeah people would like to be paid for Youtubing. But she puts almost no effort in improving any of her content or editing skills. But she clearly feels entitled to be making a living off of her click-bait vids.
No. 177946
File: 1475172312370.png (604.18 KB, 909x508, image.png)

Yumi casually posting about her 'h8rs' again to get asspats from her neckbeard fans.
This time it's an old video made in 2015, about how she used the 911 memorial site as a cosplay photoshoot area while other prople were actively praying/giving condolences. She just acts like a complete self-fetishizing bimbo while other people grieve.
Also her playing up her ignorance saying because she lived in China and was in elementary, she gave no fucks about dead Americans.
No. 177947
File: 1475172598377.png (55.96 KB, 347x446, image.png)

Pt.2 of the rant where she says her h8rs are losers but she's a saint and is being SOOO strong by 'ignoring' them. Poor Yumi boo hoo. I mean morbid curiousity aside, she's nearing 30 years old ( currently 26 years old now or later, but when jan 2017 hits she definately will be 26 at that point) and not taking any account of her own ignorance.
Of course there will be backlash.
No. 177954
>>177946You know she's the type to obsess over 'h8rs'. It's written all over her ugly mug.
She's literally looking for trouble by this point and stirring her own shit-pot. Don't her followers/fans get tired of her acting like she's constantly the victim while acting like she's better than everyone at the same time?
I mean if you knew a person that just posted about how mean everyone was and played pity party, wouldn't you get annoyed? Especially from a person who pretends they're a supposed guru on beauty and life lol.
No. 178096
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>>177947It's hilarious how she tries to act all cutesy and innocent as if she knows nothing. As if she didn't know she put herself in a disgustingly sexual position right in front of a fucking cow's ballsack.
No. 178104
>>177946>>178096LOVE how in both pics she's trying to pose all cutesy right beside defined brass balls. You don't need an American education to know which ends a bulls face or ass.
Didn't know other countries knew about 9/11. Huh.
No. 178219
>>178096>cowit would be a bull, technically speaking
>>178104>Didn't know other countries knew about 9/11. Huh.If other countries DIDN'T know I'd be concerned. It is the single thing in recent history that has dramatically affected the way the entire world works in this new millennium.
No. 178229
>>177946>>177947>>177949>>178082>>178104>>178123>>178143>>178185>>178211>>178219She was in rural China during 9/11. I bet the mentality there was like "those dumb Americans deserved it", which is partly why she gives no fucks. The other part is that she's just plain retarded.
Tbh she just reminds me of all those other Chinese who are intelligent, but aren't smart at all.
No. 178299
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Yumi promoting ana
No. 178300
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No. 178303
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Did anyone order a dead hooker in this thread? Wait, it's just Yumi.
No. 178349
>>178303woah what??? is that really her?
either way, that's fucking hilariously sad. the horrible lighting, the cheap ass carpet… this "photo shoot" took place in somebody's mediocre town home. I bet the carpet smelled bad.
No. 178385
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>>178303>the guy in my videos is my boyfriendwhy are you doing this
No. 178398
>>178303sorry but I will never get over
>hi eweewon it makes me wanna punch her fucking jaw further in.
Also, that is one shitty makeup fx job. 1/10 creepy af video
No. 178546
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Kek that last comment is savage.
Implications aside, it's mostly true tbh with her overall attitude/ideals towards men and being a 'trophy wife'.
No. 178557
>>178552She needs to realize it's not 'all-about-yumi' and her way of thinking is super backwards 90's ana-promotion mentality. There are plenty of people heavier than her. Heck I'm sure a lot of her so-called fans are also average to overweight in terms of bmi.
She seems obsessed with her looks because tbh deep inside she knows she's very plain behind all that cheap make-up and bra-less shotty-skank dresses.
All that shooping honestly is not healthy or cute. It's funny because her constant calorie-restricting is going to wear her out more and her hair/skin will suffer. Therefore she will look even more old and haggard instead of 'youthful'. Tbh she just has an unfortunately permanently plain, bloated face and bad chin/jaw formation.
No. 178583
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What kind of bra has neck straps instead of shoulder straps? Homegirl does not know what a bra looks like.
No. 178737
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>>178641I think we may have different definitions of "neck strap". Pic related is what I'm talking about.
>>178710K that's cool
No. 178739
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She looks like a cheap Chinese whore.
No. 178759
>>178739That's because she is one.
>>178754That look has been around for a while now. I remember seeing it on Pinterest a couple years ago.
No. 178767
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>>178299She wants to be chin chan, but she cant rock it like chin chan.
No. 179089
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>>178583They prob don't sell these in America, but in Asia they sell the "neck strap" for bras. They come in diff designs and sold as just one long strap. They're very cheap too, its possible yumi owns some (even though she doesn't even wear bras majority of the time)
No. 179111
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holy shit this ugly skirt
No. 180084
>>180063It's such a boring house. There's no charm or anything to it. Apart from the large rooms and lots of space; there's nothing tour video worthy to show.
>>180070It looks it was decorated with leftover 80's/90's furnishings from a abandoned hotel complex.
No. 180185
>>180138Just like her as a person.
The only reason she posts anymore is for extra money. That's what she really is concerned about anymore, she doesn't actually care about her fans lol. It's too transparent at this point.
Her actual life is so obviously boring and her personality is mundane without her weeb-gimmick. At least she's living in a fitting home for her. Basic and ugly.
No. 180203
>>180102Girl obviously has no taste at all and can't distinguish between what's good quality and what's not.
Most of the clothes and wigs she wears are cheap and low-quality but she thinks they look good.
No. 180520
>>180063The pool's pretty nice but the rest?
No thanks
No. 180572
>>180517Probably because it's built somewhere property is dirt cheap, so you can have a big house with comparatively little money. In places like that, track homes get built as cheap as possible (likely in the 1970s just looking at it), and are all pretty much box shaped.
Someone could fix it up if they wanted to, but anyone with enough money to do that wouldn't be buying a house there to begin with.
No. 181640
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>>179103>>179145Viewers in China pointed out how her head is always pointed downwards. It drives me nuts.
I get that's she's trying to be all "kawaii" and do a "staring up at senpai" face and that her facial structure is tragic, but she never changes her poses or facial expression.
Leaving us with the same dead-eyed empty expression 24/7 that creeps me the fuck out.
She looks like a fucking monster with that fake smile and dead eyes.
In every selfie that she takes, her eyes are lifeless (probably cause she realised she can't pull off this kawaii innocent bullshit forever)
No. 182017
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No. 182183
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No. 182355
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No. 182378
>>182347LOL fuck
i cant fucking breathe
Why is she wearing a qipao??
No. 182405
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>>182378 I don't even know. All Asians really are the same to koreaboos I guess?
She tried to justify it by saying the qipao has European influence which is honestly a big LOL
No. 182407
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>>182406Not saying she can't, just saying she looks embarrassing
No. 182413
>>182183"Whenever anyone doesn't instantly praise you and gush over your mediocre work you instantly call them a "hater"
"All of 'lovable innocent and kawaii' Yumi's actions are excused"
No. 182425
>>182405Probably afraid of being called out on "cultural appropriation".
Shouldn't have worn it then but she doesn't seem to be the brightest bulb in the bunch what with all the drama she's been involved in.
No. 182471
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>>182347the comments on her videos are disgusting holy fuck
No. 182479
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>>182471Right?? They're so graphic. The comments are always either very sexual or like these. They don't seem to bother her much though
No. 182510
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>>182405I question exactly how self aware she is sometimes
No. 182527
>>182425What other drama has she been in?
Also she uploaded a "pg version" of the dance and said that jealous girls got it taken down.. like isn't she underage ? wtf..
No. 182541
>>182347tbh u don't even know why i enjoyed this kek
someone hit me
No. 182550
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The blonde girl is pretty although kinda (very) cringy, but.. Am I lost?? Why are we talking about her on the Yumi thread? What? Shouldn't you make a thread for her instead? Or cringe koreaboos?
No. 182581
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>>182558The way she tries to do aegyo has to be one of the most cringe things I've seen. I'm legitimately feeling second hand embarrassment for her. She's definitely not cute enough to pull that shit off, maybe it's because she has a horse face idk. I don't find her pretty.
No. 182589
>>182581She has a really punchable face.
The only redeemable thing about her would probably be her legs imo.
No. 182620
File: 1476343707839.jpg (196.17 KB, 1152x465, issheserious.jpg)

>>182558What a fucking twat
No. 182638
>>182479I'm honestly wondering if these are really Korean guys or just trolls. Poor Korean girls, lol.
>>182598From thirsty gooks on Instagram. Blonde, thin girls who use Korean tags receive a lot of attention from them. And their standards aren't exactly high when it comes to foreigners.
No. 182672
>>182524Are you talking about Yumi?
She does strike me as the type who can only be 'friends' with male neckbeard orbiters and not with other women, either because other women see through her tryhard shit or because she simply doesn't want the competition.
No. 182823
>>182804my liver doesn't like your drinking game. a minute in and there's already a ton of shot taking criteria.
>butchers a word she doesn't know how to pronouncealso not gonna touch this lol. mad respect to ppl who fuck up their english whilst trying to speak it because it's their second, third, w/e language because at least they're trying. the way she mislabels different styles though… like all this time in fashion and she still can't sort out what's gothic and what's steampunk. i'll just do shots for that instead thx.
No. 182900
File: 1476444080195.jpg (261.83 KB, 832x535, y.jpg)

She's still uploading videos that will be appealing to children. I get she still has her interests like miniatures but with the direction her content has taken lately this creeps me out.
No. 182915
>>182754>>182877He doesn't look like an orc but kinda creepy and definitely older than this teenage girl. I can't blame him and other similar guys, though, for taking advantage of dumb girls with a blind ethnic fetish if they so easily fall for it. Both get what they want. It's exactly what
>>182646 described.
No. 182971
>>182900I honestly wish she's go back to doing shitty lolita and "kawaii" DIYs, her demeanor and fake voice makes her look like a child trying to be sexy and it's just a huge train wreck.
>High class outfit ideas>nothing but cheap shit from taobaoYeah, alright.
No. 183148
File: 1476493326437.jpg (282.17 KB, 1769x824, IMG_0014.JPG)

the battle between 2 koreaboos. "w all ur korean pedo oppas". Pretty rich coming from Katieaeggz when her entire online presence panders to the korean male gaze
No. 183150
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Pt 2. Katie really isn't the sharpest tool in the shed
No. 183176
File: 1476502332136.png (1.79 MB, 750x1334, IMG_0015.PNG)

she kinda reminds me of one of the step-sisters from Ella Enchanted
No. 183374
File: 1476579947001.png (1.48 MB, 750x1334, IMG_0019.PNG)

she looks the same
No. 183379
File: 1476581757867.jpg (112.87 KB, 1000x663, 232969_full.jpg)

>>183176Omfg so true she totally looks like Lucy Punch/Hattie
No. 183476
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>>183475people are uploading it already lol her face is the most punchable one i've ever seen. one day she's really going to get her ass beat
No. 183513
>>183423Race fetishists have low standards in general (gaijin hunter, yellow fever, black chasing white, white chasing black)
They want specific race/origins not nice or interesting other features…just gross and stupid
No. 184818
File: 1476764527448.png (182.6 KB, 750x802, IMG_0040.PNG)

Exhibit A of katie's victim complex. She's worse than the SJWs lmao she thinks the whole world is out to get her poor, oppressed white ass:(
No. 184819
File: 1476764683680.png (141.85 KB, 750x899, IMG_0039.PNG)

trying to drag another kboo yet again in an attempt to deflect all the hate she attracts
No. 184828
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>>184820it seems like all this bitch does is whine on her ig story lmao
No. 184836
>>184828I don't get the persona she's going for. It's like she's trying to make herself as unlikable as possible.
Constantly complaining and trying to be edgy won't really go well with her target kboo audience.
No. 184859
File: 1476771182801.jpeg (77.87 KB, 750x579, image.jpeg)

saw her while skimming through this thread. average weeb but looks like we'll be getting another kawaii jvlogger
No. 184861
Sauce on the rilakuma dress?
>>33406Venus has a chin though
No. 184862
>>166305This has to be one of the most uncomfortable things i've ever watched. Her bad English combined with that fake voice..why.
That guy is just really creepy too of course.
No. 185288
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Lol even the scribble can't hide how gigantic her nose is
No. 185462
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>>185410I really don't know why she insists on wearing that cheap taobao qipao. She looks so frumpy. Not like she normally has any sense of style though.
No. 185805
File: 1476929549477.png (80.53 KB, 750x976, IMG_0076.PNG)

So he cheated on her with one of her friends and she still took him back. Koreaboos will put up with anything for even the least desirable of Korean men lmao
No. 185809
File: 1476929849505.png (69.12 KB, 750x429, IMG_0079.PNG)

>>185805Samefag. It's funny how her friend is blamed for his cheating yet he was the one in a relationship with Katie. Nobody's ever forced to cheat
No. 185821
>>185805lmao this is so embarrassing. I really hope she develops some standards. The clip of her crying is especially cringe worthy.
It takes a special sort of dick visit your "girlfriend" for the first time and cheat on her with a friend. How does this even happen? Where was she during this? You would think they'd spend all their time together during that.
He obviously just wants as much foreign pussy as possible. It's a bit pathetic that she took him back. It's not hard at all to find another Korean with a kink for white girls.
He's like 20+ and she's still in high school? How desperate must he be to spend all that time/money/effort to see a high school girl?
Katie is a mess but I hope she gets out of that relationship.
No. 186297
>>186295Koreans will apparently rape her cause she's white and "pretty"? Oh god
I still find katie more cringeworthy though
No. 186347
>>185462>Not like she normally has any sense of style though.she tries to dress like what she "thinks" korean chicks dress like and she's just…super off
>>186295lord what is this how fucking awkward
No. 186383
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>>186347It makes me laugh. The looks she tries to put together are so bad.
Pretty sure this "dress" is supposed to be a top. Still ugly tho
No. 186442
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>>186383if this is recent (i don't watch her videos thank god) then she's copying seolhyun from aoa, who was seen running to her "boyfriend's" house in a similar outfit
funnily enough, all of the comments were like "kay but where are her pants", so katie at least got that aspect right
No. 186720
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>>186397tried to improve her looks. a nose job and some work on her jaw+chin would do wonders
No. 186926
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Hattie af
No. 186974
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At first it was her horse-teeth I noticed. Then those saggy cheeks. Her age is really showing.
No. 186987
>>186961oh my god why is she stating all the obvious shit.
Green tea cookies
>smells like green teawasabi chips
>smells like wasabispicy chips
>smells spicyetc etc
why is she so retarded
No. 187212
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it's so obvious the hate is getting to her
No. 189346
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Her last videos were way to normal, y'know.
No. 189526
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Yumi is filthy…
No. 189615
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No. 190055
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>>185805honestly, I'll bet no korean girl wants to date him. I don't see any redeemable qualities from his orc looks to his shitty, dishonest personality.
No. 190819
>>182558Her god-fucking-awful pronunciation is
triggering me.
No. 190971
File: 1477926192784.png (1.35 MB, 750x1334, IMG_0203.PNG)

He looks like those 30+ year olds that desperately try to dress "hip" and attend high school parties despite being double everyone's age
No. 191097
>>190971it's almost sad that a middle aged man is the best she could do.
when will koreaboos realize that being a bad imitation of what they think korean girls are like won't work when men can just get the real thing instead
No. 191192
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No. 191319
>>191309>>191314My favorite part is the black people who are just minding their own business indifferent to the sugar daddy white 30 year old man and sucky sucky asian girl shit going down in front of them.
This guy seems to be really infatuated and overly concerned with her weight. It's unnerving.
No. 191358
File: 1477986971534.jpg (116.45 KB, 750x1334, IMG_0208.JPG)

Katie posted a video of some guy imitating elysain. His koreaboo getup resembles katie more than the other kboo tho kek does she not see the irony?
No. 191381
>>191314The comments on this video saying "couple goals" and "he treats you like a princess" or something are a bit concerning. The trip does seem fun for a child or a young teen, but also very cheap. I understand her boyfriend doesn't want to spend a lot but I don't know, it just all seems fake.
And the "sweetie, please be cute and all, you're on camera", what the hell.
No. 191411
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No. 191412
File: 1478002016790.png (280.71 KB, 1242x1970, IMG_2982.PNG)

>>191390Rejoice, even her dumb as shit fanbase can tell somethingvis inherently WRONG with her relationship. And because of it, her real age is being 'prefered'. At least now she can't weasel her back to pretending to be younger than she is. Honestly, once she started dating that gross dude, the illusion of wanting to be her should have broke in some of her fans hopefully if they had no already been brainwashed into accepting older, gross and rude fat men as the dating norm. A lot of her shitty fans assumed too much of her fake innocence.
Although we have to wonder if Yumi is legit stupid and can't see she is setting herself up for an abusive-controlling relationship with a much older-looking man.
Or if she thinks him being 'ugly' will prevent him from cheating on her. Because it won't.
A guy like that is a slimeball, not a 'sure-thing' ticket to financial freedom. She's probably sucking his dick at least 4 times a day.
No. 191433
>>191390She has or used to have an online dating account where she was pretty open about wanting a man who could pay for her lifestyle. Even if not on outright sugar baby sites, they definitely did meet online.
>>191411They're both so creepy and gross. Please don't procreate.
No. 191445
>>191370Oh gosh yeah. His voice in these videos creeps me out tbh because it reminds me of my dad's offcamera voice in home videos. Same tone, inflection, same observing "you look scared!" if me or my brother would climb to a high spot on the playground jungle gym. Just watch home movies from when you were young and listen to your parents' comments and direction off camera and you'll hear a lot of the same stuff.
>>191381Nahh even as an adult I'd love a trip like this. Not with a guy like him though. Ew. but tbh horseback riding is fun and something I rarely get to do, and I've never done a high ropes course before. With a non-creepy dude or a group of girlfriends it could be fun.
No. 191578
>>191411How much more cringy can a woman like Yumi get? This is literally such shit content abd so terribly staged. I feel like throwing-up looking at the thumbnails.
I guess no Asian guy would want a attention-crazy farmer-face like her to be honest. Only a creepy old and fat white grandpa is willing to date a mental trainwreck like her lol.
They deserve each other, I hope he cheats on her but makes her sign a pre-nup if they ever marry so she gets nothing out of the divorce. :)
No. 191642
>>191314I hope she got some nice burnings on her legs for riding on a horse dressed up like that.
(I know a lot of tourists do it, but well as I said it usually causes some pretty uncomfortable burnings on your calves and thighs)
No. 191664
>>191411So this was definitely filmed with a tripod.
How fucking pathetic would it be to see this balding old man with this homely little asian sitting in a restaurant filming themselves feeding each other? Like holy shit the cringe is real.
No. 191761
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>>191192>>191734this girl is so
problematic No. 191811
File: 1478049853551.png (92.41 KB, 750x929, IMG_0224.PNG)

>>191761Katie is a fucking idiot lmao she just wants to be oppressed soooooo badly. She gives other girls shit for having sex yet cries slutshaming!!1!1! everytime someone comments on her cheap dancing and outfits. Apart from her suffocating fetish for East Asia, she seems more or less like your local skank with a busted face + personality. Only difference is she exclusively fucks the korean rejects because she loves korean culture and history~~~
No. 191857
>>191734Lmfao who the fuck cares? Why would you go cry to some faggy kpop star about some white girl being ~
Koreaboo sjw's are the fucking worst I swear
No. 191888
>>191411This guy reminds me of Quentin Taratindo.
Also when will Yumi King get her own thread?
No. 191895
>>191882doesn't make what that person did any less cringy. you literally get one thing to say/ask a person when you go to a fanmeet, and this person claims to pull out her phone, pull up videos of this koreaboo, and have a convo that proves that some celebrity thinks some basic white girl is being
No. 191929
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As some anons have already pointed out, this is a true example of a punchable face
No. 192404
>>192027Don't post pics of random people you know here.
First, because it's just stupid. Secondly, it can be bad for that chick.Third, nobody fucking cares.
And they don't even look alike.
Just fuck off.
No. 193399
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No. 193409
>>193399>hot sexy elegant beautiful high class kawaii rich girlIt's honestly hilarious that she tries so hard to cling onto her youth. Her appearance is clearly no longer youthful and she just seems like a weird fetishist at this point with her ~so rori~ DIYs. It's super tragic that she even looks as old as she does since Asian girls tend to look 2-3 years younger than they actually are.
I guess she's finally realized she can't keep up the kawaii act forever which is why she's trying to appeal to Asian fetishists and the DDLG community in hopes of roping a man into marriage.
No. 193414
>>193399I'm jelly of how thin she is, but not much else.
She has a face like a fish.
No. 193417
File: 1478240991811.png (21.01 KB, 839x107, goodbyehorsesimflyingoveryou.P…)

>>191314>43 likesthese comments holy shit
No. 193834
>>191314Holy shit. If I were in a relationship like hers, I'd shoot myself. He treats her like a complete idiot. And then there's this gem
>How much do you weigh?>sigh drops fork I gained three pounds.>No dessert. Even the "He was just joking" disclaimer doesn't make things seem better for some reason. Christ.
No. 193973
>>193834>i'm just kidding, bro>it was just a prank, bro>>191638she acts like a child in the video too. like the part when she says she wishes she brought her bubble bath.
>>191314b-but anon! it's her kawaii cowgirl cosplay!
I'm surprised the activity center or whatever they were at didn't force her to change into long pants or have her sit out. there's usually some kind of dress code to make sure that you don't get injured/caught in something.
also the part when she couldn't figure out meal courses…
No. 194082
>>193973I agree her outfit was horrible and everything but fit for what she did but I didn't think she acted like a child wishing she brought her bubble bath (even if she did acted like a child during the trip).
She went back at her parents place shortly after this trip and it wasn't at the creepy house she once filmed, maybe she doesn't have a bath at her current one? Or simply can't take baths often because it's too long or something?
No. 194086
>>190971Blondie can do so much better than this, lel. Just looking through the AMWF tags on Instagram, you can see Kpop fans with relatively good-looking Korean boyfriends around their ages and yet, she settles for this thirty-something guy who apparently cheated on with her another girl.
Funniest thing is, she obviously thinks she snagged the first prize when even Koreaboos with standards and a conscience wouldn't consider him. Same goes for Yumi and her creepy-ass white boyfriend.
No. 194409
File: 1478432620145.png (62.74 KB, 750x906, IMG_0263.PNG)

AMWF goals guys ~~~
No. 194444
>>194409He looks like a stereotype… She isn't that ugly to settle for this cheating orc.
There are tons of better-looking non-cheating Koreans she could've chosen from on some language exchange platform.
No. 194516
>>194409>>194444>>194503Off topic: this milk belongs in another thread
On topic: I really like Yumi and her videos, even though her voice is sped up to an abnormally high pitch lol
No. 194677
File: 1478476520391.png (228.24 KB, 750x1334, IMG_0271.PNG)

Katie thinks she can become a plastic surgeon in Korea.
>my sides
Anyway she could do with some surgery. That beak is tragic. Not sure what she could do to fix her long, horsey features overall though. Even her mouth is really big and wide.
No. 194765
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Pt 1
No. 194767
File: 1478493567590.png (192.05 KB, 750x847, IMG_0279.PNG)

Pt 2. Yet she still took him back. What a fucking doormat. Does she not respect herself at all? Lmao anything for that korean dick
No. 194772
>>194767..and she's still with him?
damn how stupid is she
No. 194940
>>194765>>194767Putting most of the blame on the other girl. Classic.
It's obvious the guy's one of those Koreans who want to ride as many white horses as possible. How blind can this Koreaboo be.
No. 194958
>>194765>>194767lord this girl is gonna get pumped and dumped so hard if she ever goes to korea, i can see it now.
she's gonna meet some random dudes off the street, because people will go up to you if you're a foreigner and they're gonna "charm her", aka just talk to her for a bit. they're then gonna take her on one or two mediocre dates and she's gonna go on and on about how she's so in love with him and everything, and then he's gonna take her to a noraebang (maybe a hotel if she's lucky) and fuck her there or at least get their dick sucked.
and then they're gonna ghost the shit out of her.
rinse, repeat until her semester abroad in korea ends. i'm calling this shit now
No. 195318
>>193409Her husband is pushing 50, talking to her like she's a child, meanwhile she is a dried up almost 30 y/o so rori pretending to be young.
They deserve each other, including the expected fallout when she needs to be replaced. Which won't be far off.
No. 195448
>>195410Those ugly fucking things cost close to 80 dollars each
No. 195452
File: 1478603313954.png (1.69 MB, 750x1334, IMG_0293.PNG)

Katie looks like a sweaty foot here. I wonder why she posted such an unflattering picture.
No. 195942
>>195410>zooming in on her nonexistent cleavage>that polyester blouse with scratchy looking lace>elegant office lady look with pigtails>su gawfick sweater with elegant, high quality, 5 cents/yard ribbon She's actually trying to say it looks like a doll coat. Her country bumpkin upbringing shows every time she calls something "elegant" or "good quality" because literally all of the clothes are neither elegant nor good quality.
She's definitely in a major that has nothing to do with fashion either since she doesn't know the names of any of the materials ("sheer satin", "violet" aka velvet) her clothes are made of.
>>195941She's probably fucked up in the head considering that she's pushing 30 but tries to act like a kawaii doll-like anime rori imouto-chan. It's like she's lost her grip on reality.
No. 195978
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>>195814I really can't find her attractive. She gives me vibes of a 40 yr old grade school teacher who's trying to star in some cheap porn.
No. 195980
>>195978She doesn't look bad? It's just that she looks nothing like a sexy Korean girl or whatever. The way she dresses makes her look super haggard but if she actually wore classier, more mature clothing and makeup she'd look way better.
Like her nose isn't even that bad, I don't know what people have against it. She obviously doesn't look like a kawaii azn loli but that doesn't make her ugly
No. 196021
>>195998>doesn't have a naturally beautiful faceThat's why people like her try to cater to foreigners. She probably knows she isn't naturally pretty but Koreans fawn over everything that has a big nose bridge and colored eyes.
The ugliest white guys get called handsome in South Korea, same probably goes for women.
No. 196033
>>196021She's a lower average at best in both western and Eastern Europe (especially the latter). When I think "attractive American girl" a face like that definitely does not come to mind.
Koreans do have really low standards for white people. It's funny how strict their beauty standards are for their people but when it comes to pudgy blondes with unslightly noses like Katie they are so much more lax. However, even in Korea she's not really the ideal western type either. Koreans go crazy over faces like Miranda Kerr and Emma Watson. Katie's subpar looks are enough to attract creepy korean dick though so I guess it's not all bad for her…
No. 196223
File: 1478740033486.png (313.74 KB, 749x1050, IMG_0304.PNG)

Is she lurking here?
Anyway, I'm glad she's over it. Seriously, why the fuck do koreaboos compare their bodies to korean idols? FFS Katie, you are white. You have a completely different bone structure and carry weight differently to East Asians. You will never look like Seolhyun or Hyosung because you are Caucasian. Koreans/ East Asians are lighter in general, when compared to westerners. It's fucking stupid striving to achieve a Korean body when your genes and body composition just won't ever make it possible. Why kill your self over a body you can't have? Sure, you can starve yourself thin but you still won't look like an idol. Anyways, pretty sure most korean idols lie about their weight.
No. 196247
>>196228because she's cringy and over the top and belongs in this thread?
this isn't a yumi thread, and neither of them give enough milk for their own threads
No. 197095
>>196366she says she's inspired by a DIY pin so it's possible that they were both inspired by the same pin.
honestly popsicle stick houses are so common that I doubt she "stole" the idea.
>>197091>blouse with tons of ruffles and lace>"low key" No. 197146
>>197091I got into a rage mode level 100 while watching this. Like she's wearing quality clothes for the first fucking time ever in her videos aka the LizLisa stuff and calls it low key?? Like yumi, go get your brain checked and your eyes. But seriously liz lisa is not top tier first class luxury item but it's so much better than anything what you've worn, showed or sewn in the past few years!
And then she shows that cheap ass bl kimono thing and goes like
>woaaaaaa diz iz zo kawaii cute high quality kyyaaa nyan Yumi get a check up, you're NOT ok.
Like I have a friend from south china and she could be a cuter version of yumi, she loves cheap milanoo stuff BUT and here comes an important fact she also DOES know how quality looks like if she sees it.
No. 197454
>>197091She has really nice legs but she shouldn't always wear short skirts, the brown Liz Lisa one doesn't fit her imo but the lenght is great and makes the entire outfit more elegant than slutty.
She still looks cheap in everything she wears, like the cream flowery dress, I didn't know it was possible.
Also, blunt bangs aren't for her. Her mother has split bangs and she looks beautiful and when Yumi wears those cheap-ass wigs with blunt bangs, I always think she looks way better. Just my opinion.
No. 197492
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>>197146Low key doesn't mean cheap, it means something that doesn't really stand out aka modest. Although with Yumi it's hard to know what she really means since she can't English. I don't understand it anyway since Liz Lisa definitely stands out. Maybe she means it's something simple to put on and coordinate? The world may never know.
I like the brown skirt on her. It's nice to see her in something longer. It looks like many of the things she bought are much older Liz Lisa items, which did tend to be more on the short side back when gyaru was more popular. Plus she bought some sukapan shorts which are always notoriously short. The floral dress looks more like a tunic. I wonder if it was part of a sukapan set? I know I've seen it before but I can't remember.
Either way the quality is better than most of the crap she wears but of course the thing she seems to love the most is that terrible "kimono."
No. 197859
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No. 197879
File: 1479083822347.jpeg (322.11 KB, 1779x1334, image.jpeg)

>>197859Nah, that girl is wrong. Yumi is wearing the tunic version. Here's a screenshot from a girl on mercari selling the tunic and sukapan set.
She's literally wearing a top as a dress.
No. 197981
>>197879wait so she's just wearing the top in the photo? she didn't get the skirt? jfc shouldn't it be obvious that it's a top, not a dress?
sorry if this sounds really dumb. i'm not familiar with liz lisa at all.
No. 197989
>>197986She's not exactly known for her intelligence…
Also let's vote on if we want a separate Yumi thread or if we want to keep a weeaboo/koreaboo general: No. 199398
File: 1479298432614.png (1.06 MB, 1334x750, image.png)

>>199269God. It is a literal trash bag.
No. 199567
>>199269When she said "the dress is too long", girl, your butt is almost showing, if you want to attract ugly white men so much, just go outside only wearing your *~kawaii~* panties uguh.
>>199398The dress doesn't fit her because of her ugly hairstyle, it doesn't because it's hideous, plain and simple.
No. 199661
File: 1479327305917.png (672.61 KB, 1136x640, IMG_3263.PNG)

I wasn't aware eighties business attire was a thing still
No. 199663
File: 1479327460869.png (509.7 KB, 1136x640, IMG_3262.PNG)

This top and vest need to be tailored to her body. The looseness only draws more attention to her awkwardly long torso.
No. 200711
>>199398what the actual fuck???
I dont get why she doesn't at least try to style her hair to fit the outfit she's wearing. Not that it would do much with the trash bag.
No. 202407
>>202398damn beat me to it
but its so hypocritical she posted this and says in the description she wont be using the diy pads
whats the point of making em???
No. 202476
>>199661>>201148Kek it's ok OCs of any fandom are not stains on the original IP and only on the faggot who created them.
>>202398aww hell yes,
Who says periods cant be kawaii? No kawaii adult diapers or tampons though? period/10
No. 202598
>>202398Tbh reusable pads are still a thing. Good for the environment and you don't have to spend to much on period products.
Just wash them before & after use and store them separately.
What's the point in making them if you aren't even going use them?
This bullshit kawaii thing is getting on my nerves jfc Yumi can't you make one watchable video with actual content in it instead of ~*nyaa high class gorgeous!! kawaii pads desu*~ crap
No. 205523
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Not sure if she's been talked about yet but there's this white girl who legally changed her name to a Japanese one
No. 205576
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No. 205596
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>>205593Sage for samefag, but this is their new legal name for those interested.
No. 207097
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No. 207413
>>207217I get a feeling that her boyfriend is going to dump her soon once 2017 hits and she's officially going to turn 27 years old. We should wish for her to finish her 2nd degree smoothly so she may be employed for her first ever REAL LIFE JOB at least by 30.
Unless she really thinks she can get-by on Youtube. Honestly at some point she might have realized the only way she can ever garner enough attention with her cardboard personality and rural looks is to casually look like she's advocating child abuse and racism through perpetuating shitty asian stereotypes.
No. 207416
>>207097She is do disgusting and creepy.
Does she have mental problems?
No. 207447
File: 1480663008386.jpg (376.93 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20161202-171533.jpg)

$64 AUD damn son her sugar daddy must be broke by now
Gold diggers everywhere
No. 207537
>>207531Do any of you think that her relavence is running dry? She's been doing the DIY gimmick so long that she SHOULD have better craftsmanship, but doesn't.
Meanwhile she's making more and more vain skank-thrashy click-bait material while still trying cling onto the last shreads of photoshopped youth.
At some point in time she really has to rethink her image. It's really unhealthy why she can't move-on to something more helpful. No one comes to Yumi's channel to stare at her face or body (besides neckbeards) there are plenty more attractive youtubers with much better make-up skills than her, as well as straight teeth.
She wants her cake and to eat it too. You really can't mix loli and sex anymore because it's still CP and honestly gross.
No. 207648
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Looks like she's really thinking about that surgery
No. 207677
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No. 207729
File: 1480724886142.jpg (Spoiler Image,588.29 KB, 1920x1080, 16-12-02-18-22-05-914_deco.jpg)

>>207655Here are her teeth . She has a tooth gap. Screenshot taken from her 14 weird and creative asian products.
No. 207854
File: 1480745882323.png (1.17 MB, 1334x750, image.png)

>>207648I can't wait to see her botched plastic surgery since her Splenda daddy isn't rich enough to pay for her to fly to Korea (she most likely wants her procedures done there), get the surgery done at a reputable place, stay there for the recovery period, and then fly back.
Tbh this wig color doesn't look bad on her but the wig is so plasticy and cheap and her outfit is so tacky that it ruins the whole look.
No. 207892
>>207648you need a jaw before you can get jawbones removed yumi
tbh she needs chin fillers or SOMETHING because goddamn her face is so top heavy. one thing that's making look really ugly that she can control is moving away from that stupid haircut. get side-swept bangs and layers.
No. 207902
>>207648Honestly hope she makes a dick out of herself and asks the surgeon to look more like 'anime' and just fuck up her face even more. She'll end up like those scary China-real doll women. A dime a dozen.
Yumi's on a self-destructive path right now and it's so easy to google any of her dumb attention-seeking escapades by looking up her real name Yuhan Zhang that she basically fucked herself in the foot.
No. 207910
>>195410>this outfit looks like office-lady outfitSure, if your job is calculating taxes on a pirate ship.
Also, she's got a couple of interesting items in her wardrobe but holy shit she doesn't know what to wear them with.
No. 207989
>>207977Someone should tell the Chinese netizens she's 27 this new year and still looking for a husband to give her house, money, and car while she does nothing all day.
Maybe that will change their tune. Usually Chinese dudes are super
triggered by these types of ladies. Welfare queens.
No. 207991
>>207961With her portfolio projects??? Nothing.
She's the bottom of the barrell in terms of skills and she doesn't seem the type to work hard at anything. Honestly look at the quality of her youtube videos. For someone who's supposed to specialize in interactive media, all her graphic design and video editing is lazy and basic. Pfft.
No. 208386
>>207961>"IMD majors graduate with a design portfolio that prepares them for careers in the arts and industry, as well as for graduate study. They are uniquely qualified to provide leadership across employment sectors concerned with interaction design in education, engineering, art, science, social media, and other forms of digital interactivity."From her university's website.
She won't be able to do anything with her degree since she obviously doesn't practice anything she learned. Like
>>207991 said, she hasn't improved in her design or editing skills at all. Her degree seems to generalized to get a job in anything anyway, but she doesn't need one since she's putting all her effort into being a loli sugar baby
No. 211562
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>>211556Sorry to samefag, but I just noticed from looking through her videos that she's uploading 3 or 4 videos with very mature leather outfit in the past month alone. Ever since she started including her sugar daddy in videos she's been wearing mature fetishy outfits, the leather stuff in particular make me think he wants her to get into bdsm and not just be an ~innocent loli lg~ She's done darker goth related outfit videos before but they were more on the kawaii side.
No. 211584
>>211562Yumi can't be so stupid she doesn't know what she's getting into, right?
I have a special rage for the shittons of Asian chicks who let themselves get cucked by old ugly fat guys. If she wants her weeb fantasy, there are plenty of young neckbeards with six-figure incomes and whose hairlines haven't started receding…couldn't she find one of them?
No. 211586
>>211584I'm pretty sure those neckbeards play video games probably abd she only wants a 'real' man.
Probably to replace the father figure she never had in China because why else does she even brag/include this creepy older guy than to express to the internet how desirable and cared-for she hopes to seem.
No. 212730
>>212711>cheap clothes>cheap cleanser>cheap fake eyelashes>cheap eyeshadow>cheap eyeliner>uses body lotion on her face>ugly and old daddy dom bfYumi makes me feel dirty by only watching her.
It's not that she buys cheap things, but she makes them look gross for some reason. Her whole frugal chinese woman aura is there but she also tries to pass as "high-crass" princess
No. 212832
>>212822Her entire makeup that she owns probably only cost sugar daddy a $20 bill
I'd be so scared if putting dollar store eye makeup on for fear of an infection which she said she got before because of eyelash glue
No. 212836
>>207729I did something horrible and zoomed in…she has such a dry face and that lotion loaded wth fragrances is not doing her face any favors. She needs to stop that. The clean and clear cleanser I use and it's pretty good but she needs to invest in a good moisturizer or just buy one for $10 at Walmart.
If anything she should just buy the 1,2,3 step Clinique pack that covers all her bases and last a few months but that'd be $80 she'd have to ask sugar daddy for kek
No. 212926
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>>212711He looks so disinterested in everything.
No. 212928
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>>212926He probably just wants to get the fuck out of the airport instead of having her film herself running and hugging him over and over again. I doubt there was only one take.
No. 213017
>>212926Srsly though, she's kind of super creepy herself. They were made for each other.
It isn't right for a 27 year old jowl-monster wannabe off-brand baifumei to create this misleading 'romance' and post it online for her mostly impressionable underaged viewers to watch.
Most old man - too young female relationships end in manipulation and abuse. It's also just not healthy to WANT to depend on someone for ALL YOUR MONETARY/EMOTIONAL NEEDS. At this point I doubt she really has any friends, or else they would have tried to convince her against this type of relationship. She's not in love with him, JUST THE IDEA OF WHAT HE REPRESENTS. Which would be her ideal 'man' whom provides everything for her.
Yuhan Zhang, go get a fucking real job like the rest of us. Maybe that will even out your delusions of grandeur on a walmart budget abd earn you some SELF-RESPECT. Jeez.
No. 213056
>>212711Lol she has the voice of an old woman
Cannot unhear
No. 213057
>>212711>body lotion on your faceGIRL NO
No. 213088
>>212711fucksake is she taking 3 goddamn cases to go to her boyfriend's house? does she really need all that?
>my boyfriend likes me wearing doll dressesew. what a pedofork.
No. 213837
>>213097So she's going to abandon her last year of media arts school? What the fuck? Two degrees would be better than one, especially since she's not putting her engineering one to any good use. If she's quiting school now at the crucial end just to chase some old man around for his supposed wealth and support in marriage…than I'm gone.
Fuck you Yuhan Zhang, you are literally ruining the progress North American Asian women have pathed for YEARS trying to abomish the 'poor rural chinese gold digger suki suki 5 dollar stereotype'.
No. 213919
>>213839You're all acting as if she could score better, stop it! Why would a younger richer dude pay an ugly dumb girl to go out with him, when he could easily get a normal younger girl as a partner?
Her sugardaddy isn`t even that ugly or digusting looking he is simply old…
In their latest pictures the don`t even look to have that much of an age gap, he will probably break it off first
No. 214247
>>214136Not saying it's not shitty of him, telling her she's too fat even if she isn't… but he is basiclly paying her for being is cute/young/slim girlfriend. What has she to offer, if not her looks?
Otherwise it would be a normal relationship not a sugarbaby-daddy one…?
No. 214251
>>212926fuck, the clothes themselves don't look sexual to me at all but even tho yumi is of legal age this just looks pedophelic to me.
do you think yumi puts out for the old man? i know it's kind of a gross thought but all young asian women getting saved from their shit hole country do it for the visa/money.
it just looks so creepy how yumi tries to look young and acts dumb as shit. i actually hate her voice now every thing makes me cringe
No. 214517
>>213919She could though. As much as I loathe sugarbabies/daddies, there are a hell of a lot of desperate, wealthy white guys out there that would be willing to pay for a vapid Asian sex doll like Yumi just by virtue of her being asian and acting like a special needs child.
And not all younger dudes could easily get a normal, younger girl as a partner. Ex. ugly guys, autismos and assholes. Not all younger dudes actually want normal girls either. Some guys specifically seek out dependent partners because they're looking for a trophy instead of a relationship. And some guys just plain have weirdo submissive asian fetishes.
Point being that any guy who wants to be her sugardaddy is probably going to be a gross loser in some way or another, but not necessarily an old, ugly hypocrite that feels comfortable calling other people fat like Yumi's managed to snag.
The whole point of being a sugarbaby is that what the guy provides for you has to make up for the shame of living as his parasite. From the looks of it, this guy has nothing to offer but a weekly stipend at the dollar tree.
No. 214633
>>213837lol Asians with old, ugly partners do tend to be from Asian countries. I don't see any of my Chinese and Vietnamese friends who grew up in the West being interested in balding men.
I wonder why Yumi and her kind lack some sort of filter for appropriateness. She looks like a mail order bride pretending to be a kid with these doll dresses and her "cute" demeanor, proudly holding hands with a pedo-looking creep and filming it for everyone to see. Wtf is going on in her brain?
No. 215190
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her face looks so fucked in her newest video
No. 215257
>>214633" Look at all the people admiring me and my cute outfits! They pay attention to me because I am so cute and small. My dad-boyfriend also thinks I'm cute and small! I am so happy they are paying attention to me! Hehehehe! I am so pretty and everyone who disagrees is mean and ugly! :) "
That is what she's thinking.
Despite being academically-learnt and having a hint of intelligence, she's basically like Himeka. Manipulating her audience to fufill her own delusions of being loved/liked.
You must remember this old hag is amazingly insecure/vain and has no irl friends. I mean who the fuck would be friends with someone like that whom only talks about herself 24/7. :/
No. 215746
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Massive kek. Just watched katieaegi's livestream and she defended Margo's actions while painting Venus as a money-hungry, cheating whore. Figures a pudgy weeb like her would be a Margo fan. Anyone else catch the livestream?
No. 215775
>>215756I think so, too. She clearly has jealousy issues and low self-esteem. To be fair, it's hard not to be insecure when you have no talent without a pretty face to make up for it. Guess that's why she acts like such a cunt.
Take a shot every time she says "like" in this video.
No. 215787
>>215779it's even weirder because it's all the koreaboo english teacher types that are like this, and they are all always competing for some medicore average or ugly looking dude
like at least go to a nightclub so you can get at least a cute dude
No. 215790
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I don't even find her body appealing.
At least Katie has her orc boyfriend by her side though.
No. 215792
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>>215190Looking like the floating face from Death Forest.
No. 215991
>>215978>luxurious goth underwearGod, her English is so…translated from Chinese. Everything is "luxurious" or "gorgeous" or "classy".
I don't know if this video was posted yet, but I almost puked in my mouth. She is so catering to her old fuggo bf's creepy fetishes, it's like she's too stupid to know what she's doing.
No. 217279
>>207425>fik bubs>>212836She should start buying kawaii Japanese and Korean skincare online and making videos to review it. It would do her skin a lot of good and appeal to her weeaboo fanbase as well, and it's not even expensive.
>>214475>Hey kids, meet your new stepmother!>"hewwo eweewon">>214633My foreveralone 50-year-old uncle is dating a mail order girlfriend from the Philippines and despite being nearly thirty like Yumi, she's very childish and vain. Any time we go somewhere she'll loudly talk about how exotic and Asian she is and how everyone's staring at her, even though they only started looking her way after she began yelling about herself. It wouldn't surprise me if many mail order brides are like this. If they were more mature they'd manage to get a real job or at least snag a more profitable sugar daddy.
No. 218037 HAPA-blogger picked up on Yumi's cringey shit and used it as an example of the mental illness and self-hate asian women like her must have in order to date a old white guy most likely doesn't even love.
If Yuhan Zhang ever had kids, it'd be a tragedy. The kid would grow-up hating their mom for being so stupid, self-racist, and vain. Sounds about right.
No. 218539
>>218286I've seen one bedroom rental apartments more furnished and decorated than this.
And since when is following assembly instructions for a fake headboard (omfg it kills me that sugardad couldn't pop the dough to get a real bed frame) considered "DIY"? Doesn't do it yourself imply they would've actually made the boards and fitted a frame that wasn't purchased from a conglom-o-mart? No wonder they live in a bare bones house that looks like it could be repossessed by the bank at any minute. They are slow enough to consider this single task a 'project' that's worth filming even though it did little to add to the room at all. Which itself is fugly.
That color scheme and disgusting carpeting kills me. My rental apartments have the same carpeting because it's cheap and easily replaceable.
A real DIY project for that house would be to get rid of the carpeting and repaint. But neither of them have the know-how to do so. The man seems like such a bumbling potato I doubt he knows how to rip out a carpet and lay down some wood or grout tile. Anything outside of putting a hole in the wall would probably require to hire help to accomplish, but we all know how cheap he is. That house is gonna stay exactly as how the contractors built it with just some tacky Ikea shit nailed onto it.
No. 218541
>>218539>And since when is following assembly instructions for a fake headboard (omfg it kills me that sugardad couldn't pop the dough to get a real bed frame) considered "DIY"
i just imagined yumi literally building a bedframe and i can't stop laughing. thanks
No. 218542
>>218286this looks like some sort of fake room on these DIY shows
Are we sure they didn't film this at ikea
No. 218545
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>>218286Samefagging again. It could just be their shitty tripod or camera distortion but fuck if this shit doesn't look crooked. This is so retarded.
>>218541She'd probably give up and sew herself a hammock with a seam riding up the middle to fasten her crotch.
No. 218569
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Yumi Kang: The perfectrole model for your teenage girls on Yt. Clap!clap!clap! So classy!
(pic related: comment on her last video)
No. 218570
>>218569* perfect role
(sage for typo)
No. 218601
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>>218589This makes it worse
No. 218609
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>>218601She looks horrendous when she smiles. Ughh.
No. 218741
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Bad porn
No. 218743
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No. 218744
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No. 218795
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she shooped her sugar daddy kek
No. 218828
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No. 219811
>>218839the average asian girl does not look like this actual mongoloid.
"ugly" asian features are protruding cheekbones, too-square jaws, and small slanted eyes. hers on are almost all on the other extreme of the spectrum.
>>218601woooow this looks like someone put their grandma in a wig
No. 220084
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I feel very bad for this Yumi girl. If she's in fact not a mail-order bride of some kind (doubtful) who's only with this old fart because she wants to stay in America, and she does in fact enjoy this, then that's great. But I have a very hard time thinking a young, pretty (despite all the uncalled-for hate in this thread I think she's cute) girl wants to act like this for a man twice her age who isn't even attractive and doesn't appear to be loaded in a way that makes it mutually beneficial.
It's quite possible that she's a victim of abuse in this relationship, and she's deluded herself into thinking it's consensual and great and her channel is all her trying to convince herself this is what she wants. Again, if she really does want this, then great. But I am doubtful and I truly feel bad for her.
No. 220098
>>218753He must be as equally retarded as she is if he agrees to show his face on video.
>>220084She's okay looking…after taking selfies at a very particular angle and running them through like 50 filters. Her actual face is kinda busted tbh. I agree with you that there is a huge probability she is being manipulated.
No. 220099
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>>218601I thought of jigsaw
No. 220115
>>220098Many insecure girls take pics at outrageous angles and filter the shit out of them. I have a bunch of friends like that. They are often beautiful or pretty but look totally different in pics cuz they hate their appearance.
Signs point to this being an iffy relationship imo, so I feel bad hating on her. Why aren't we hating more on her gross 'boyfriend'?
No. 220141
>>220131iirc she immigrated here with her family. definitely a textbook uncultured rube.
I'm not Chinese, but a lot of recent immigrants from my ethnic country come here under a green card sponsored by a relative, which is what I assume Yumi did. Most of them are uncultured trash who have delusions of America as a place where they can live large and mooch off everyone. They spend their welfarebux on cakey makeup and gambling and then complain about how poor they are.sage for blogpost
No. 220907
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>>218286This one maybe? It's a pet collar from aliexpress.
No. 221377
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>>221075Kek the anons saying she's not that ugly and even one saying shes
cuteEw that video was even more disgusting than the previous one and the fucking old dude looks so done with her,when she freaks out because of the bug he's like … whatever bitch.. And the house looks empty and so impersonal?? Like ready for a porn video or something
Fucking gross
Also shes wearing her cheap choker/pet collar whatever it is
No. 221585
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>>221377She's halfway there anon
No. 222467
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>>222118>>222139someone nabbed a screenshot before she took it down.
No. 222848
>>222847Also, "gorgeous, elegant, mature"
Continue to be a tacky cheap Chinese stereotype yumi, it never gets old.