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No. 215265
Facebook: Twitter: y/o league of legends/video game wannabe from Singapore.
Calls herself meat meat girl(肉肉女) because she wants to sound like shes a kawaii little minx with weight only from her tits and ass.
Tumblrina who tries to justify herself posting nude photos online by saying that "this is why we need feminism", and gets angry when people call her out/objectify her.
Her facebook page is filled with thirsty white knights licking her left and right and she seems to love the attention. Posted racy photos on her tumblr(now deleted) and it was circulated around, causing her to be scared and created a new account…
with more racy photos.
Lies about her chest size(she stuffs them/tries to push her boobs together to fake a cleavage and fakes her accent (she tried to make an american accent when talking to someone she just met).
She is an americaboo who only wants men from the states, and that all other Singaporean men are beneath her. She is ostracized in the local Singapore Cosplay Community, to the point that people have seen her walk around aimlessly during cons. Many people have fallen out with her due to her extremely attention seeking attitude. She has said to some people along the lines of: "if boobs get me likes, then I will show boobs."
She has modded coses to "sexify" them only to have some fall apart during cons.
Has shit tier make up skills and depends on photoshop to make her eyeliner look even barely passable.
Uses patreon as a means of extra income to give shitty fan signs(which are supposed to be free) and previews to her shitty photos which will be posted on her fb anyway. She took forever to send the prints to. She gave the excuse of the printing shop delaying when there are a whole bunch of printing shops in Singapore which can print all in one day. She wants to use the money from that to go to cons in the states.
[warning: don't post nude or sexual pictures of people under 18] No. 215267
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No. 215283
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No. 215289
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>>215286>no boobsShe's doughy but I fail to see how this is "no boobs".
No. 215290
>>215289Her boobs are really small compared to her body, if all the pics in the last thread wernt deleted you would see.
The pic your using is all angles and photoshop.
No. 215291
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Well, she found out about the old thread and posted this cry to her sing white knights. Kinda shows how much of a liar she is.
No. 215292
File: 1453470581617.jpg (22.07 KB, 363x542, 12571261_1010304715708321_8707…)

>>215289Here you go, evidence of her having no boobs. This is mostly unedited.
No. 215293
>>215292She definitely doesn't have as much as she pretends to on her edited pics, but she still looks like she has at least some boobs.
I'm more distracted by the face. She's so low on the kawaii azn girl meter
No. 215295
>>215293hi im here to provide some insight when it comes to azn qtpies.
AZN countries with actual qtpies:Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea (mostly plastic)
AZN countries without actual qtpies:
ALL OF THE UNNAMED (in this case,she's from SG so i aint surprised)
No. 215296
>>215291there's always an initial reaction before actual reaction right ~__~ dunno why you trying to label someone that for something small like this
ive also seen her irl before she's nice and she does have a good size what ~__~ yes la she does photoshop her face but it's skin cause when I see her irl cause she has acne but so what lol even if she photoshop you also wanna talk
No. 215297
>>215296Oh boy, here comes her Sing white knights again. Please tip your fedoras elsewhere, now.
Read the picture you replied on closely, she herself posted on the thread, yet claimed that she never posted on the thread. What has she got to lose if she was honest? Nothing right? So it goes to show she lies for little things like these. Take your white knighting someplace else.
No. 215303
lol and this isn't?
No. 215305
No. 215307
>making a patreon page for people who want to see more racy photosthere's the porn industry for that smh
>>215304 nice quads
No. 215308
>>215295Off topic but I wish this were true lol. I haven't seen many attractive Japanese or Taiwanese girls. I only know like one girl from Hong Kong so I can't say about them. The most top tier girls I've seen are from SK, Vietnam, or look mixed.
Word of wisdom to all, if you see an asian girl with the circle lens + false lash combo, and she wears them almost all the time, make a u-turn and don't look back.
No. 215314
>>215300People ~___~ like you ~____~ don't ~___~ belong here ~____~ okay.
P.S. singlish is disgusting pls don't
No. 215318
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>>215312yeah.everyone does these days lol
she often posts very unflattering pics of herself which is something i like tbh.
No. 215333
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>>215332Oh nvm, she just make a new nsfw gif tumblr by herself. No. 215335
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>>215333>"Big brother">Pigtails>Puffed cheeksThe cringe
No. 215348
She's no longer even a cosplayer she's a full blown "ero idol" now
Catering to her neckbeard fan base by selling used panties ♡ No. 215356

>>215334She's apparently a "little" now.
No. 215360
>>215356Ungh, so she's one of those retarded ddlg leeches at this point. What is with younger girls these days idolizing being infantile it's like the new trashy.
She's definately stupid-looking and defensive enough. Let's hope she ruins her own life over this since she'll never be a success story in any sense.
No. 215362
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Mmm really gets the boner party going ;)
No. 215367
>>215365Me too :(
But I guess doing toning and doing strength training is the only way to flatten that area. Pot belly feels :(
No. 215371
>>215366Yeah man I can actually hear the disgusting sound of your cum- encrusted fingers pawing away at your grimy keyboard as you raise your 2 gallon bottle of mountain dew to your neckbeard.
This girl is a disgrace to society and needs to be set straight, not encouraged by your depraved sexual preferences.
No. 215373
>>215371Leave your pornified imagination at the door.
And yes, she is degenerate. Because she posts nudes, not because she prefers white men. Lots of Singaporean women prefer white men and they aren't all like that.
No. 215375
>>215373LMAO do you know how to read?
I never said anything about her preference for white men. You seem quite salty when people so much as appear to be opposing the notion.
Better clean the dried cum off of your keys, the stench is obviously dwindling your mental faculties.
No. 215378
>>215377she's so…flat.
this makes me wonder…i'm not familiar with law, but does this count as child porn? sure it doesn't show children having sex or in sexual act, but the images she wanted to depict is that she's a little girl and the naked flat body she took are certainly for fapping purposes, so yeah…is it a child porn?
No. 215382
>>215381That's because she's a dumb follower. She has no mind of her own. As all 'feminists' I've seen she is one because she wants all of her dumb actions to be excused because if there's anything who is wrong it isn't her it's the PATRIARCHY!!!! Man not only is she dumb she's so self contradictory.
Anyways she's obviously in to the dd/lg kink because it's a popular kink on tumblr and it could potentially earn her some more neckbeard earned cash.The funny thing is she tries to pull off being young,fresh and petite but she's far from that
No. 215383
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But here's her without makeup though
No. 215385
>>215383Lmao she still has circle lenses on
Imagine her without
No. 215388
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It turn out she with someone now.
No. 215391
>>215390Can confirm.
Saw him at a con selling his prints and he's slightly shorter than her. His short stature accentuated even more while she wears heels. Kek some men just like to be stepped on
No. 215392
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>>215391I saw him before at a con and I noticed his shoes were boosted up like his shoes has some height to it
Anyway why do cheap hoes nowadays like doing this ahegao face its everywhere nowadays
No. 322375
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rubbing oil on herself for stream as fanservice, she finally lost all her noodles?
No. 751882
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appear she went back to her old ways again.
No. 751885
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and would willing post her topless photo for her patron on her patreon.(spoiler needed)
No. 751998
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She even change her name to Theresa Hime.
No. 763320
File: 1547318365869.jpg (Spoiler Image,109.94 KB, 800x1200, DwutvbnU0AAW-Y5.jpg)

Free Topless Pic For Everyone.
No. 763351
>>215265>>215285Downward angles aren't her friend. They make her face look way longer. On top of that, she only looks attractive with heavy eyeliner and a lash on.
>>215363>>215378The law doesn't care about fetishes. CP is quite literally putting children in danger by using them in sexual images.
There's a thick line between someone posing childishly and being of age and someone being a child, the biggest factor is being able to give consent.
Apparently, in the Philippines, the age of consent is 12 for sex, but she's 19, which is well beyond legal everywhere world wide.
No. 764901
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>>763874Here you go, 1 more.
She post those topless pic on her twitter. No. 764948
File: 1547480238396.jpeg (25.24 KB, 358x311, 437297C7-BF5E-438D-8C35-0EA598…)

>>751882That arm shoop is heinous, all them jagged edges.
sHe OnLy PhOtOsHoPs HeR sKiN cUz HeR aCnE
lol sure
No. 767510
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>>763320Anyone know her cup size thou?
Look like around C or D to me.
No. 767516
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>>764901Man, if only that photo is as clear and big as this photo.