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No. 83728
Facebook: Twitter: y/o league of legends/video game wannabe from Singapore.
Calls herself meat meat girl(肉肉女) because she wants to sound like shes a kawaii little minx with weight only from her tits and ass.
Tumblrina who tries to justify herself posting nude photos online by saying that "this is why we need feminism", and gets angry when people call her out/objectify her.
Her facebook page is filled with thirsty white knights licking her left and right and she seems to love the attention. Posted racy photos on her tumblr(now deleted) and it was circulated around, causing her to be scared and created a new account…
with more racy photos.
Lies about her chest size(she stuffs them/tries to push her boobs together to fake a cleavage and fakes her accent (she tried to make an american accent when talking to someone she just met).
She is an americaboo who only wants men from the states, and that all other Singaporean men are beneath her. She is ostracized in the local Singapore Cosplay Community, to the point that people have seen her walk around aimlessly during cons. Many people have fallen out with her due to her extremely attention seeking attitude. She has said to some people along the lines of: "if boobs get me likes, then I will show boobs."
She has modded coses to "sexify" them only to have some fall apart during cons.
Has shit tier make up skills and depends on photoshop to make her eyeliner look even barely passable.
Uses patreon as a means of extra income to give shitty fan signs(which are supposed to be free) and previews to her shitty photos which will be posted on her fb anyway. She took forever to send the prints to. She gave the excuse of the printing shop delaying when there are a whole bunch of printing shops in Singapore which can print all in one day. She wants to use the money from that to go to cons in the states.
[Thread has been locked due to people posting nude pictures of minors + a raid. Check last post in the thread.] No. 83736
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narcissism at its finest
No. 83741
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her eyes… ): liquify too strong
and is there something wrong with her waist??? seems shopped tho
No. 83744
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>>83741Looks like she shooped her eyelashes on.
Idk, this looks pretty unphotoshopped and I'd have to say her eyeliner doesn't look too shabby.
No. 83746
>>83741Everything about her seems shooped, on every picture
She should've made herself a lot less ugly instead
No. 83752
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sucks to be so poor pls send me more money so i can buy more thongs!!
No. 83755
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is it me or does her head look huge as compared to her face?
the level of photoshop though over 9000
No. 83758
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using the same swimsuit for two characters such oc originality
No. 83759

>>83754One of her old photo from her tumblr.
It's the Internet after all, Once it's on the net, It will forever be there.
With Love, lilbitsychu from 17.
No. 83766
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No. 83767

Bump me for Cont'
No. 83768
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No. 83775

Unfortunately this is the last of the album , i have some of her other shit
No. 83800
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No. 83812
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photo from afa'15.
kinda shows how she never improved in both cosplay and attitude-wise
No. 83813
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No. 83837
>>83827it's in the 17 app image
somehwere in the middle
No. 83873
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>post racy pics online
>expect it to stay unseen
No. 83894
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here are her real tits guys
See that little nubra at the side
she has it on 24/7 XDD
No. 83910
>>83908More people prefer to Lurk than post
If you got a solution the shoot
No. 83919
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>This thread
>Not sure if it's for fapping or shaming
No. 83932
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moo moo
No. 83952
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guys what will you insert here?
No. 83961
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No. 83963
>>83961i'm not gonna shop in a dick, because i personally don't know her. though, i am going to shop in something else as a replacement.
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No. 83964
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Oh right, Her AFA "Cosplay"
No. 83993
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>>83991sorry 4 bad photoshop
No. 83995
>>83993I'm not complaining your skill, what I mean is
No. 83997
>>83995eh, no idea what made her become so hated. anyway im out
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>newfags cant triforce No. 84002
>>83999Psst, it's a self post
Most of the replies are her jerking it to herself
No. 84013
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>>84010Nope, she has 10k likes since dec. if you want to white knight, please check your facts mmmkay?
No. 84021
>>84017dose aint human tits nigga, dose r wagyu tits
me more into wagyu tits ( ° ʖ °)
No. 84054
>>84051OP prolly wanted to raise awareness of this typical whoring of a girl with 0 personality but it attracted neckbeards (which happens to be her top audience, guess she can never escape the fedora horde)
Welp its really time to let this thread die.
No. 84075
>>84060I am asking myself the same thing what the fuck is going on. This whole thread reeks of a self post or a personal vendetta. Tons of samefagging up on this too.
I haven't even heard of her until now. Jealous pinoy girls now? I'm not her but I don't see how she is a snowflake. She's just another boring cosfamus aspiring harlot that likes to take slutty pictures.
Us farmers have seen worse. This is nothing to us. Take this Singapore or whatever shit to PULL, and take this >xD
with you. Admin this thread is clogging up with pointless BS.
No. 84092
>>84084>not reading imageboard ruleswe're here for the lulz because someone's getting roasted.
go back to tumblr, newfag.
No. 84214
>>84213"welcome to the ricefield"
-FilthyFrank 2k14
No. 84216
>>84213Everyone knows you posted this thread yourself, and most of it's replies are from you.
Fuck off from lolcow
No. 84222
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No. 84225
>>84213The queen herself has come forth. Now, if you were a bit more bright you would've known what you did wrong. Its all clear cut. Why dont you remove that page of yours that's filled with thirsty neckbeards and start anew? Without the CP and thirst posts. If they really love you for you, they wont mind if you post non-thirst posts. Or are you afraid you'll gain no followers cos of your own lack of skill? Have you ever thought of that? Let's face the music sunshine. Attention whores like you make me sick.
Or have you been selfposting all these while? Who would be so stupid to post on a thread about themselves?
Get the fuck off lolcow retard
No. 84226
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No. 84237
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