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Vote in the VPN ban runoff poll! Closing at 23:59 GMT on the 26th March.

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No. 1543069

Obese mass shooter fangirl with multiple shooter-themed tattoos (including knuckle tattoos reading LANZA) who cannot help but post lies online. Some recent milk/drama:

>Claims to have been accepted into Harvard University despite admitting to not finishing high school

>Alternately claims to have graduated with her undergraduate degree from Harvard and to still be attending
>Also claims that she studied at “six different universities at once”
>Turns out to have paid to take online courses offered by the schools, literally anyone can take these courses
>In a polyamorous relationship with white supremacist murderer Peter Avsenew
>Other members of her relationship include Ef, a man who she brags about having sex with his own family members
>Originally on tumblr as fakepontchartain, got banned from for trying to sell murder memorabilia, remade immediately as oddynuff
>Brags about her shitty administrative job and posts screenshots of her correcting other employees to her murder fanblog
>Recently added tumblr mutuals to work chat, spammed main chat with mass shooter sperging, claims boss is cool with it—whole situation likely a lie
>Also posts screenshots of conversations with her mother showing her mothers name onto her murder fanblog
>Her mother is a cop
>No self awareness, seems to believe her own delusions of grandeur, exaggerates her own education and knowledge
>Seriously can’t stop bringing up how she totally attends Harvard; however, her LinkedIn lists her as having been a student since 2016 with no signs of graduating, no posts about course material, or generally any reason to believe she actually attends
>Frequent Luna-level posts detailing and glamorizing her own drug use
>Previously made herself a thread; was promptly banned for self posting
>Currently planning a series of "scholarly" medium articles on topics such as mental illness, ADHD, and (of course) mass shootings. Can't wait!

tumblr: oddynuff.tumblr.com
linkedin: https://ca.linkedin.com/in/chantellebrodersen

No. 1543102

Thanks for finally making a thread anon, you did pretty well. I've been on and off keeping up with her and one of the most edgy cow things I remember her doing was how she used some of her dead brothers ashes and mixed it with paint to use on a gift for her mom without telling her.

Also is it just me, or does something seem off about her whole "polycule"? Most of it just seems like made up fanfiction to add to this narrative of how she's such a psychopath, like she was real time posting EF/Colton fucking his own mother. For someone who has claimed that she never ever leaves the house, she sure does get around a lot.

No. 1543110

Samefag but that linkedin is wrong, this is her actual one, be warned though if you do click it, she said once has Linkedin pro and can see everyone who looks at her profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chantellemoore?trk=people-guest_people_search-card

No. 1543111

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Yes, the Ef stuff is pretty strange. She also sporadically mentions women in her polycule to remind everyone that she's totally bisexual and then never mentions them again, unlike the nasty men she fawns over. Her stories about Ef having sex with everyone in his family and then her joining in… sorry but I do not believe that many people consent to sex with her. Not that that's the biggest issue with the story obviously.


Sorry, no idea how I did that except I'm retarded.

No. 1543114

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She's still arguing with an actual doctor on LinkedIn btw.

No. 1543115

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Her poor mother.

Also kek at having to pay in 4 a Doordash order. How's that $40 an hour job going Chantelle?

No. 1543118

>Fatass daughter sits in her room all day jerking it to child murderers
>Spends $50+ on delivered alcohol because she can't be assed to step outside
>Ask her to please just be normal
>Hang up, sit in silence and contemplate what you've brought into the world

No. 1543120

Untreated personality disorder is one helluva drug. I can't believe this lardass is literally using a klarna type deal for food and booze delivery.

No. 1543121

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She fucking had her tumblr followers join her work's slack channel, holy shit she's actually retarded

No. 1543127

I realize I misread it as the drivers being drunk but fuck that's actually worse… Imagine having one of your children die because of alcohol and having the remaining one be a fat tard who refuses to stop spending you money on doordash booze.

No. 1543142

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Nice try. This retard tried to make a thread about herself a couple months back and got caught and banned for self posting >>>/snow/1408828 Give up no one gives a fuck about you

No. 1543143

That's literally in the op nonna.

No. 1543149

one glance at her tumblr and it's so incredibly disturbing how someone could gleefully make jokes about children dying. wtf.

No. 1543160

She's truly disturbing and not in the way she wants to be.

No. 1543221

She clearly reads here and this is just fueling her desire for attention. She's a nobody. Don't bother making a thread for her.

No. 1543390

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Why does she even lie about stuff like this? It's like the most repulsive form of I HAVE SEX GUYS bragging imaginable.

No offense but are you Chantelle lol

No. 1543473

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No shit they blocked you Chantelle, they probably found out you sent him, a jailed white supremacist, letters engaging in raceplay. Been trying for a bit to find the screenshots but they seemed to be all on her fakepontchartain blog. Personally hoping one day all this interfering she's been attempting to do with Avsenew or the others' cases is gonna get her called into court for questioning.

She lies about it because she has a huge case of main character syndrome and thinks the world is one big TCC fanfiction. She's gonna get a real rude awakening one of these days.

No. 1543579

I agree. She would have been a fun cow to laugh at but since she has gotten caught self posting here before the chances of her fueling the fire just for attention makes it lame.

No. 1543601

Can you faggots seriously not understand why other people would want to make fun of the fat retard trying to fuck mass murderers. If you don't like the thread hide it.

No. 1543773

File: 1653870667058.png (1.27 MB, 672x1194, yikes.PNG)

Holy shit, she's so obese she can't even wear her Aliexpress chokers and has to wear them as wristbands. There's no way she has a harem of men willing to fuck her lmao

No. 1543953

Mom needs to cut this woman-child off. Give her cash for actual food at the most, no online purchases.

No. 1544254

Isn't she supposed to have a job at the UN?? Why does she need to rely on her mom to buy her stuff? Why is she still living at home anyway?

No. 1545815

She also already has a thread here: >>>/snow/1408828 (idk why it got locked though)

No. 1546455

That thread is locked because Chantelle made it herself, it literally says that in the OP of this post.

No. 1546850

my bad

No. 1547079

File: 1654184380245.png (16.37 KB, 696x344, fat retard.PNG)

Well, someone cowtipped. Hi Chantelle, none of your selfies are hot. Also "doxxed" kek, you put your own name out there on your own. No one doxxed you, retard, anyone can Google the name you gave out and find your address in Dallas.

No. 1547405

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I like how she leaves out the fact that she made the first thread and doxed herself

No. 1547410

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"They don't pay my bills" No shit Chantelle. YOU don't even pay your bills.

No. 1547411

Lmfao for someone "going to Harvard and Oxford" she sure is stupid as shit

No. 1547421

We know her well enough to remember when she claimed she was married to Adam Lanza's brother (his URL was emergencyshotgun I think? I'm fairly sure it was Chantelle herself running it) and officiated it in a Chuck-E-Cheese, then the story later changed that it was his cousin. When she got bored of that story arc she claimed that he was conveniently shipped off to Sibera, which is when the whole saga with Heil and Colton started.

What's even more interesting is that she's trying this narrative now where she's "engaged" to Peter Avsenew. Well Chantelle, how are you gonna marry him? Or are you admitting the whole Robbie Lanza thing was bullshit and you were never married?

No. 1547525

>one of my hot selfies
Damn, wish I was that delusional.

No. 1547686

Sage for no milk but how and why is a black girl simping for white supremacist/crazy ass incel dudes who would want nothing to do with her.

Whole new level of sad. Even she could do better kek

No. 1548138

Is it even cowtipping if she made the first thread herself? She wanted a thread on here about herself enough to make one of her own. If she's acting surprised, it's only because she wants to pretend that we're obsessed with her when she's the one who posted herself on here in the first place.

No. 1548151

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No. 1548175

How do any of her tumblr followers believe this shit? Also I wonder how many of those anonymous asks she gets are just her messaging herself.

No. 1548217

because she's a compulsive liar and a NEET who took one $50 course that anyone can do without actually being enrolled at the school. the only "job" she has is writing opinion peices for Medium and i doubt she gets paid much for that, if at all. she hasn't needed to moved out because her mother probably feels guilty over her brother's death and lets her do whatever she wants.

No. 1548238

I really question the legitimacy of a good chunk of the "friends" and followers she has. They all type like her, post the same kind of shit… I mean, she's schizo and has claimed to have hallucinations so I wouldn't put it past her.

Her mother needs to do a 5150/Baker act/whatever the Texas equivalent is. If Chantelle is making threats like that towards her, then she's well within reason to do so. Then while she's being held, change the locks.

No. 1549177

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A quick google shows that over 330 other people contributed to this project so her saying “I won an award” just shows how bad her main character syndrome is

No. 1549447

Ohhh, so she never worked at the United Nations, she volunteered at a thinktank that spoke at the UN once. What is with her compulsion to exaggerate everything she does all the time? "I volunteered at a think tank" becomes "I WORK AT THE UN." It makes me kind of sad to think about her and how shitty she must feel about her real life to lie so much about it. But then I remember she simps for child murderers and it becomes funny again lol.

No. 1550330

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The harvard larp continues.

No. 1550400

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Her mom needs to seriously have her committed.

No. 1550677

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No. 1550678

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No. 1550690

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one of her orbiters

No. 1551016

She sperges about how much she hates white women too which makes this extra funny

No. 1551062

This doesn't surprise me. Just look at her in the OP pic (she really thinks that that's a "hot" picture of herself kek I'm ignoring the possibility of this being a selfpost) it makes sense that she'd go for the absolute bottom of the barrel type subhuman mass shooter white guys because I mean who else is gonna settle for her.

No. 1551147

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Peter Avsenew from what I can tell is currently having a re-trial and, after they participated in raceplay over J Pay emails (which I am so upset are on her terminated blog, there was so much milk, she had even said some of her emails were rejected or not received due to the nature of the content), he was probably advised not to contact anyone until the trial is over. But sure, he's so distraught that some ugly hambeast he talks to is writing to multiple murders.

No. 1551507

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Holy fuck, my stomach just turned.

No. 1551509

This is just a LARP, anon.

No. 1551585

Kek anon don't worry, assume all stories of her having consensual sex with anyone are false.

No. 1551631

the lack of self worth is astounding honestly. it literally blows me away. perhaps one of the worst i've seen on this site. i seriously don't get it, she must have gone to a majority white school.

No. 1551730

She claims to have been homeschooled

No. 1552124

She says this but I doubt it, her most up-to-date story is that she was in normal school, then was pulled out by her ABUSIVE mother at age 11, then completed high school and middle school by herself by 14 and got accepted into harvard. Most likely I think she just went to regular old public school her whole life. Maybe she had to be homeschooled because of bullying or something, I could buy that.

No. 1557026

How come her thread got locked when that one girl (presumably the OP) posted her hands?

No. 1557102

From previous thread:
>Colton / Ef, a man with an addiction to smoking embalming fluid. Used to hate Heil, but now they regularly have sex while Chantelle does her homework in the same room. Got Chantelle pregnant, she mercifully had an abortion. Also formerly Chantelle's stalker, who she apparently only dates out of fear of him murdering her and her mother. Chantelle blogs about wrestling her guns out of his hands when he makes drunken suicide attempts.

No. 1557122

Because it was all just this girl self-posting. Imagine clout chasing on lolcow of all places, sad kek

No. 1557128

Why do I believe all of this shit is just this one disturbed girl LARPing with the voices in her head? I guess I can believe one or two mass shooters wrote her back, prison is pretty boring. But all the polyamorous neo-Nazi incest orgies are giving schizoposting.

No. 1557295

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"Look how mentally ill and insane I am!" kek

She's posted a handful of pictures of both Colton and Heil, they're both very real people. However I honestly believe these are just people she knows here and there that she's started making essentially fanfiction of.

No. 1560543

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No. 1560545

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No. 1560548

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No. 1560550

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No. 1560553

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No. 1560575

I’ll be surprised if this thread goes anywhere. This is Soren 2.0 but more boring. Just another schizophrenic retard writing fanfic about ~bad boys~ who would never associate with her if what she says is true. Why the fuck would a nazi hang out with a fat black girl? She’s just the degenerate, tumblr-posting, wannabe edge lord version of Shayna’s “this sexy daddy just winked at me and bought me free wine!!!!” fairy tales.

No. 1560602

she wishes she was schizophrenic lmao. these edgelords always larp about hallucinations because it makes them oh-so psychotic. same with the DID larping.

No. 1560607

Hard agree. Soren was an entire rabbit hole of fucked up lies. There was a lot of mystique surrounding Soren. This girl is just annoying. Sad. They don't make horrorcows like they used to. Honestly I barely even read the screenshots of her posts. She's just that boring.

No. 1560635

>why would a nazi hang out with a fat black girl?
She’s different Nona, she transcends racial barriers. She is the goth Lizzo.
Lizzo likes woman beaters like Chris brown
The goth one likes murderers.

No. 1560636

Who is that lmao I feel like she doesn’t even actually talk to that ugly ass person

No. 1560672

Has she posted real receipts of any type of irl relationship with these ugly ass men whose photos she posts? Because this whole thread smells like self-post and serves e-clout chasing by an obese, alcoholic hybristophile shut-in who'd be locked away on a psych ward somewhere if her mother could afford decent health care.

No. 1560676

The retarded-looking incels she posts don't exactly look like ladies' men, maybe she's the only girl who'll talk to them? I mean come on anon, this guy looks like the only sex he'd get otherwise is with a sock full of lotion kek >>1560553

No. 1560677

Saw this post on my dash and laughed because it's so obvious she made it as bait for someone to post here. She's mad as fuck her self post got deleted LMAO. Why does she think anyone cares about the ugly white men she's "dating." Chantelle, go back to arguing with experts and lying about working for the UN. Your relationships are not interesting.

No. 1560678

Missing link ass looking motherfucker

No. 1560754

I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s lying about dating that white supremacist murderer because he’s literally in prison and people can’t just go ask him about it unless they were really dedicated. I don’t think anyone even cares about her that much to do that

No. 1560920

Is everyone with that name Chantal destined to be an mentally deficient embarrassing obese criminal lover?

No. 1561906

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We got another shout out! Another day of Chantelle being too retarded to understand what doxxing means.

No. 1561946

You didn't have to sage, it's milk

No. 1562755

Chubby sausage fingers

No. 1562786

I love this crazyass unironically

No. 1562948

Her hands are so jarring to me because they look so much like Jonny Craig's

No. 1563025

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No. 1563026

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No. 1563029

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No. 1563030

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No. 1563033

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No. 1563035

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No. 1563037

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No. 1563039

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No. 1563042

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No. 1563045

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No. 1563049

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No. 1563115

so romantic

No. 1563271

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In what world is taco bell greasy that shit is dehydrated af. It's cool that you're self posting and all but this is such an embarrassing conversation. I guess that's the point of your existence though. Carry on

No. 1565187

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No. 1565188

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No. 1565189

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No. 1565191

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No. 1565192

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No. 1565193

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No. 1565341

Literally anything that leaves her greasy pie hole is a lie. Literally anything. I don't even know how people can be so gullible and believe all this bullshit. The post about a follower describing her saying ''she's insane her life looks like a movie!'' like come the fuck on. She's a morbidly obese self hating black retard who thinks treating her mom like shit is so cool. The only truth in this tread is the post about this fat bitch ordering a pizza and a calzone, because nobody gets to weight like a small car by eating a salad.

No. 1565914

She's not even intelligent either, actual intelligent people don't go around bragging about Harvard (she's never gonna graduate either, it's just gonna be "Well I'm a Harvard student!" until she finally drops dead from shoveling calzones down her gullet), they don't go around talking about how smart they are. But of course she's not smart enough to figure that one out.

No. 1565938

The slaves sewing those cat leather collars in China are probably thinking "American zoo animals sure are well decorated! They asked for extra length, hopefully this one is for an African elephant"

No. 1566125

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kek she got extra length and it still doesn't even fit her neck

No. 1566168

They probably assumed she put the wrong measurements, there's no one in China that large, they can't even imagine it.

No. 1566445

File: 1655696346158.png (77.47 KB, 606x678, Shopify.png)

Chantelle is on tumblr right now bragging about how fast she put together a website, but she's telling on herself because Shopify is literally just a storefront template - they do all the heavy lifting for you, I've used it before. Also absolutely hilarious that Shopify is $30 a month which she doesn't even have to spend. So much for that "high paying job" of hers.

No. 1566452

She's never gonna graduate from harvard because she never went to harvard kek. I remember someone asked her how she got in at 15 and she said she had good grades and
"plans for the future" or something… Bitch what the fuck.

No. 1566489

JFC when a choker can only tightly fit as a bracelet it's time to hide the food.

No. 1566491

She reminds me a lot of Soren but dirtier? Not sure how to describe it. I miss soren.

No. 1566622

that filthy wall

No. 1566666

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No. 1566669

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This one was good too

No. 1566670

god she’s so insane

No. 1566682

i truly don’t understand how she can post a picture like this. her wrist is around the same size as non obese womans neck. so disgusting.

No. 1566702

Those ‘beetus knuckles though…,

No. 1566822

File: 1655740459902.png (186.07 KB, 1214x980, harvard essay.png)

We got an entire essay this time ladies, and she still can't understand the definition of doxxing! Also does she really think we're the ones responsible for Chris-Chan lmfao

No. 1566914

Anonymous now No. 1566910
>more intelligent and accomplished than they will ever be

i have 4 degrees and (actually) attended Cambridge

incredible that she levels herself with Chris Chan, top fucking kek

No. 1566920

>more successful than they’ll ever be

Girl, what? I have a real job, own my own house and don’t live with my Mum or have to buy DoorDash on my Mothers quadpay

No. 1566947

File: 1655747428598.png (492.93 KB, 1417x1062, chantelle moore.png)

Whatever do you mean anons? She's TOTALLY successful! You all are just jealous of her intellect and how many murderers flock to her fat ass! (inb4 she calls this fanart and posts it on her Tumblr kek)

No. 1566949

I'll be honest all you have to do to go further than chantalle is not simping for or engaging with an imprisoned white supremacist

No. 1566959

LOOOOOL the $0 balance

No. 1566964

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how can one person be so cringe.
I highly doubt she smokes meth but even if she does it’s fucked up that she does it around her cat and poisons her

No. 1566966

She doesn't smoke it nona, she just takes Adderall and calls it meth

No. 1566967

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No. 1566969

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she deleted it but the girls response was ‘what’s lolcow’ god she’s so insane she’s trying to convince herself that lolcow is just the same 2-3 people who are ‘harassing’ her. don’t you think worshipping murderers is a form of harassment against their victims family?

No. 1566972

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>pull another 9/11

she always threatens to carry out mass violence. she couldn’t shoot the shit out of her own ass

No. 1566974

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No. 1566975

Ever notice how whenever anyone challenges her "intelligence" she goes from typing like a typical Tumblr user, to trying to flex some sort of writing skill. It's kind of hilarious, she claims to be so unbothered but the minute someone questions her, she bristles up and types out an essay.

The next chris-chan? Bitch barely even has two threads, the other farms hasn't even caught wind of her.

No. 1567011

The other farms would not give a fuck about a LARPing ugly tumblrina hambeast kek. Not unless she actually carries out/tries to carry out a mass shooting. Even then the kiwifarms thread would be pretty short lived.

No. 1567017

ayrt and yeah that was kind of my point. She's not the next Chris no matter how much she wishes to be because the website that was originally dedicated to Chris wouldn't even give her the time of day.

No. 1567054

world's fattest adderall addict. I didn't know it was possible to get so huge while on it.

No. 1567098

Unrealistic, the choker couldn't fit.

This is what really bothers me about her. Imagine a family member dying in a shooting, possibly the most terrifying way to die, then finding out some weirdo calling the person who ruined your life her blorbo and bragging about writing him loveletters. I don't know how she hangs around in terf-ish circles.

Who is this.

No. 1567109

>lolcow users harassed Chris Chan into raping his own mother
kek what a fucking retard, the amount of caping for male degeneracy

No. 1567110

Imagine taking adderalls and still being fat

No. 1567551

Does she have a prescription for Adderall? Because if she doesn't then yeah she's probably doing meth.

No. 1567582

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No. 1567583

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No. 1567641

I’ve never hated a lolcow so much. The victims who died at the hands of the ugly retards she venerates were children, somebody’s baby, who were tragically and unjustly murdered, who were terrified and likely crying in their final moments, and died alone and in pain.

I hope she suffers the same fate. She is subhuman.

No. 1567850

sure, if you count the one you made yourself and another that hasn't even hit 200 posts

No. 1567875

the forced nonchalance is so funny. 'i think it was-' girl… you know exactly what channel it was, the title of the video, and the exact minute and second. let's not pretend otherwise

No. 1568125

File: 1655843338077.png (305.38 KB, 2860x1106, Heil.png)

Chantelle's latest post about Heil gave me enough information to find out his identity. His full name is Zachary Blake Mathews.

No. 1568241

I don't know which one is worse, her being 100% serious about all of this or her pretending that she's 100% serious about all of this.
Never understood the appeal of trying to be as edgy as possible to impress…who? Random teens on the internet?(sage)

No. 1568558

File: 1655890467290.png (3.1 MB, 1242x2688, D76649D2-E7FA-4469-9698-C306E8…)

Just admit you doesn’t work. First it’s I work for the UN, next it’s I have an admin job now it’s I work from home.

God imagine being 22 and threatening your Mum who you still live with for not paying the internet so you can have $50 pizza takeout (on her dollar), booze and sit on your fat ass all day. JFC she’s so pathetic

No. 1568559

I’m glad her Mum isn’t paying her internet anymore, maybe she’ll stfu and get a job and some friends

No. 1568561

File: 1655890924639.jpg (336.94 KB, 1080x1602, crazy.jpg)

No. 1568565

this woman is a femcel for sure

No. 1568569

Jesus, that's fucked up. What an absolutely evil bitch. I hope the texts are fake for her poor mother's sake. Hell, if they aren't, I hope her mum comes to her senses and kicks her out, cuts her off and takes out a restraining order against her for ruining her credit, draining her funds, and threatening her life. Chantelle is a successful online businesswoman after all so paying for her own flat and internet connection shouldn't be a problem.

No. 1568604

File: 1655894803075.png (697.72 KB, 1242x2688, 91F14A54-76FB-4F64-A384-BD737A…)

kek at her philosophy word salad, she doesn’t know what half these words even mean. Also she never went to Oxford kek

How is thirsting over school shooters feminist most teachers are women and many of the kids killed were girls

No. 1568607

File: 1655895027017.png (505.79 KB, 1242x2688, 2F25AB14-82A6-4174-9D07-8BFFBF…)

she thinks people get witness protection for being posted on lolcow girl you’re being rightfully mocked for being an obese nobody who abuses and leeches off her mother and lies about attending Harvard

No. 1568608

File: 1655895179444.png (957.63 KB, 1242x2688, F5BA3CF6-EF3F-4161-B59D-F38C7C…)

No. 1568652

File: 1655897527692.gif (773.15 KB, 498x298, 40C799CC-12AC-46F5-9183-71BA4C…)

I don’t understand - is anyone really that interested/actually cowtipping her? It’s not like she’s big Shaynus or filthy Luna, let alone Chris Chan. I just don’t understand where she’s getting all this.

No. 1568653

no one cow tipped the doxxing is all part of her fantasy LARP just like her fake Harvard degree and fake education

No. 1568719

File: 1655901384209.jpg (366.96 KB, 1080x1969, knittedhandkercheif.jpg)

Stop cowtipping, retards

No. 1568727

It's real cringe to watch a grown woman desperately beg people to waste their time on her personally and privately. You don't even have a kiwifarms thread. No one cares enough and everyone feels bad for your mother so no one wants to bring her stupid failure of a daughters internet shit to her door. She has enough to deal with having you as her biological leech and all. I wonder how often she wishes it was Chantelle over her son. At least he supposedly fucked off to be a mental case. Would she even keep anything of hers to bring her comfort after her death? Doubt it kek.

No. 1568865

Lmfao is she mad Heil's name got out? If anyone deserves any sort of protection it's her mother.

No. 1568922

Ahh I see this woman gets no attention anywhere else and the only was she can is an infamous niche way. That’s sad.

No. 1569671

I'm almost certain chantelle herself is behind that blog. No one else cares enough.

No. 1569686

Nah, what triggers her most is anyone accusing her of no being a graduate of Oxford like she keeps LARPing

No. 1569725

File: 1655990676331.jpg (213.49 KB, 1080x1177, 1.jpg)

No. 1569726

File: 1655990708127.jpg (254.95 KB, 1080x1654, 2.jpg)

No. 1569727

File: 1655990730107.jpg (337.96 KB, 1080x2140, linkedin.jpg)

No. 1569747

Who keeps bumping this thread?

No. 1569749

What do you have against this thread being bumped?

No. 1569753

Nothing really, it’s just odd that screenshots with no context or commentary are posted and then barely get interaction. Didn’t mean anything by it, was just wondering because it seems a bit weird and self posty.

No. 1569773

Milk or gtfo, it reeks of self posting and the thread should be locked at this point, its just out of context bs.

No. 1569777

File: 1655996441059.gif (578.76 KB, 220x123, 6167BB95-9851-4075-B2AA-297AC6…)

It’s also pretty odd that there are labeled screenshots that are uploaded with no context versus ones posted with whatever randomly generated label that actually contain milk and commentary.

No. 1569805

File: 1655997691001.jpeg (429.8 KB, 828x1012, DB79F46A-7563-4737-8970-F5D0E4…)

Trashy, but seeing how she treats her mom, I'm not surprised at this reaction. I wonder where she learned that from.

No. 1569810

File: 1655998264613.jpeg (764.46 KB, 828x1417, AFD785C9-714E-4CEC-BB13-46B0EA…)

She is also getting promoted, potentially. Does anybody recognize what program/website she's messaging her "boss" on? Sometimes I doubt this job is even real because of how much money she steals from her mom. Sage for no milk.

No. 1569811

File: 1655998300666.jpeg (447.99 KB, 828x740, C0495E3F-8F73-40CC-9A88-BF0AA2…)

Can't forget to mention teh haturzz.

No. 1569814

For whatever it's worth, I've been posting a few of the labeled screenshots of milk but with captions, they're just labeled I save them all in paint and not through a phone screenshot. I'm not the same anon posting the mass screenshot dumps though, so there's at least 3 or 4 people posting apart from myself.

Yeah attacks on her intelligence always seem to send her on a rant. It's almost as if she thrives on being called crazy or insane, but the minute you tell her she's not as smart as she thinks she is, she loses it.

No. 1569824

Kek are you >>1566947 because that’s fair. The other image dumps with labels and no contexts are still sus though. She obviously likes the attention and wants to keep the thread going.

No. 1569828

Yes lmao that was mine. But I agree with you, the only reason I'm still posting milk is because she's been a personal cow for a while anyway so it's entertaining to see other people find out about her antics

No. 1569830

I'm the OP of this thread and I noticed that too lmao. I really do think Chantelle is back and self posting here. If you look on the last thread she made for herself, all the screenshots she dumped were posted similarly to how you described–just a bunch of boring sc of her blog that she thought made her seem cool with no context or captions. On the other hand all the random commenters going "omg this is so boring the thread needs to be locked!!!!" are sus too. If you don't like a thread don't read it. Commenting over and over about how you want the thread to go away… Yeah.

No. 1569831

Kek she doesn’t have a job especially not one paying $40 an hour else why would she need to order takeout on her Mothers quadpay. This is all corporate jargon that she’s compressed into one paragraph as part of her deception.

I doubt she’s employed. She spends every waking moment incessantly posting about her fantasy LARP life on tumblr. She doesn’t even step away for a few hours. I think she gets disability or welfare.

No. 1569834

Yeah quite a few threads end up this way, people start posting milk and suddenly the thread is "omg you're giving her what she wants" as if attention-seeking like this isn't lolcow behavior in itself. Chantelle's definitely self posting here to some degree, she's not gonna post shit like this >>1569811 if she isn't - and you KNOW she can't sit by in silence while people say something, she's always got to have a paragraph of a last word

If she isn't making all this shit up, she might be "working" under one of those article ghost-writing jobs that pay a penny or two per word. It's not an actual job, it's more or less just one of those "beer money" gigs.

No. 1569836

Where did I say I want the thread to go away? All I said is it’s odd and seemed self-posty. Which isn’t a far stretch considering she got here by self posting. It’s milky and cringe to point out.

No. 1569840

>"I interned at the UN!"
No… You did volunteering for free online for a thinktank, and that thinktank later on presented at the UN… once. This is not the same as getting an internship at the United Nations.
>"They're continuing education classes!"
I guess she moved on from claiming to be getting five degrees at once and is now just admitting they're fancy khan academy courses that she shelled out $500+ for the privilege of listing on her linkedin. You've shown the hadurs this time!
>"I'm a degree candidate at Harvard"
You have apparently been attending Harvard university since 14 and you're now, what, 25-30? You post every minute detail of your life and yet you've never shown any proof of ever having been accepted or attending Harvard. This is the saddest larp yet and the one that she refuses to give up despite literally no one believing it.

Just… Why does she think no one realizes? Why does she continue to make fake blog to cowtip herself so she has more excuses to post quote unquote proof of how smart she is? What is the reason, I truly don't get it.

No. 1569841

I didn't say you said that, sorry. I was referring to other posts in the thread.

No. 1569846

I'm not arguing with anything you said here nona because I think you're right, but I think she's 22, she was saying how she only was legally allowed to drink last year. No doubt in my mind though that she'll continue this LARP into her 30s if she hasn't offed herself by then.

No. 1569851

File: 1656000695660.png (503.02 KB, 591x1105, Capture.PNG)

KEK she sent the Buffalo shooter nudes and got denied

No. 1569859

File: 1656000890186.gif (391.86 KB, 500x281, CCD41872-6D1C-496C-A5EC-E2B603…)

I think she’s only 21 or 22 at most. Unless she’s lying about that of course kek, but I don’t think she’s quite that age yet. Point stands, though.
Ah that’s fair, no worries nona!

No. 1569883

File: 1656002784196.png (205.53 KB, 1568x1186, Capture.PNG)

It's not really milk, but it's just interesting she won't list this supposed to 40k a year job on her Linkedin, but will post every single school or freelance site that's even slightly breathed in her direction.

No. 1569891

File: 1656003489128.jpeg (729.07 KB, 1170x1830, 5CB90050-EDC1-430A-A612-338057…)

Is this from linked in? I don’t want to click on her profile. Would someone from her “company” be commenting on her work, or can any random say something? Because if it’s the former, it seems like she works with some real great guys. All very professional.

No. 1569896

File: 1656003998558.jpg (61.22 KB, 844x1005, courses.JPG)

Do any lawfags here recognize any of these as legitimate courses?

yeah it's from hers, just log out before you click on the link (it's in the top few comments in this thread). As for that guy commenting, I think anyone is open to comment.

No. 1569935

If you google the course codes, they're real classes but they're at Dallas College which is a community college aka pretty much anyone can sign up for them

No. 1569940

Huh, that's the one she has listed second to last on her linkedin. It says she's still attending there as of 2022 so I guess that confirms to an extent that her totally real Harvard courses are just her attending a community college kek

No. 1569990

What is with her obsession with schools? I swear miss fatty got bullied and that's where it stems from.
Bragging about going to Oxford and Harvard yet simultaneously fixated on mass school shooters? What's hilarious is her attempt at sounding smart by throwing in "fancy" words amongst otherwise poorly typed paragraphs littered with spelling errors and misuse of punctuation.

I bet she was bullied and men have only ever used her for a quick pump and dump and now she's just a sad fatty living in mom's house writing fanfic and fairytales about her shitty existence because she's chronically insecure.
This is literally just a mentally ill woman spouting off shock factor bullshit knowing it gets attention and it's extremely pathetic, almost sad.

No. 1570040

File: 1656014603180.jpg (324.88 KB, 1080x1549, 7A5BE276-6460-434A-95F0-4B43B.…)

No. 1570075

File: 1656017726880.jpeg (404.88 KB, 1170x1579, 0502F7ED-800D-4325-87B7-246EC5…)

This is Karen. I’m sure all of that is why Pete called her and not Chantelle. No other reasons.

No. 1570101

The white supremacist is only calling the white girl and she can't put two and two together. We're all supposed to believe she goes to Harvard?

No. 1570146

Jesus girl he doesn’t love you and isn’t jealous of ur other husbandos girl lose some weight and find a real boyfriend.
I believe in u Chantelle

No. 1570154

She lives with ef (the dude who fucked his parents)

No. 1570158

She lives with her Mum and ef is very unlikely to be a real person

No. 1570187

His name is Colton, EF stood for Embalming fluid and no she doesn't, she never moved out of her mom's

No. 1570216

File: 1656024170179.jpg (166.11 KB, 993x1280, tumblr_b88b477e8facba7463b200b…)

Older pic but it wasn't posted itt. Fatty's body.

No. 1570243

How old is this pic? It's pre hand tattoos at least. Also I'm not an expert but something seems… off about her waistline.

No. 1570267

This girl is a military wife with three kids. I really doubt she is in any sort of polycule with this mentally ill fatty.

No. 1570406

..Hello?? that is obviously not her, the choker doesn’t even fit this lumbering meatball has to stuff her obese arm into it >>1543773
and this girl is black… the girl in that picture is white.. that’s not different lighting that’s an entirely different person and she cropped “her face”out.

There is no way she’s in a poly lie with that woman, maybe this >>1560553 ugly ass man probs hooked up with her on tinder and now she’s spinning it into a tale. But there is no way she’s actually interacted with that chick, she’s actually hot.

No. 1570410

File: 1656040723368.png (310.1 KB, 416x743, ff.png)

She's been a hambeast since childhood.

If you zoom in, you can see some signs of shooping (pic dump incoming).

I'm no expert either, but it looks like most of her torso was just painted completely black. And something about the way the necklace hangs is very reminiscent of Vicky Shingles' work.

No. 1570412

File: 1656040809616.png (2.09 MB, 2690x1814, 5d90whO.png)

No. 1570414

File: 1656040861006.png (2.22 MB, 1216x1526, y0Fw3jK.png)

No. 1570517

File: 1656052567192.jpeg (521.15 KB, 1242x1312, 86650C6E-7B4C-4493-85D1-1ACA61…)

No. 1570533

>I'm talking the entire menu!
This post of hers feels like lolcow bait.

No. 1570539

implying she doesn’t order the entire menu every time courtesy of her mothers Quadpay

No. 1570557

This is just really sad.

No. 1570594

I’m pretty sure Ef and heil are fake in the sense that they’re people she’s seen but has never interacted with them or even uttered a word to them. All her bullshit is a shitty patchwork of lies because she’s a lonely edgelord neet that leeches off her mother.

No. 1570612

Can't believe noone's pointed out yet that she keeps saying she's totally for realz on the board of directors - fixing to become the chair even - when her slack conversations with her boss like in >>1569810 clearly state she's going to become a secretary for them.
Have fun setting up appointments and dealing with manbabies in power throwing tantrums every day Chantelle!

Kek at her taking my post from >>1568569 almost word for word to insult herself with via her obvious sockpuppet account. Despite her boundless creativity when it comes to making up grandiose lies about her personal life it seems she must suck at coming up with ways to drag herself. Guess that tracks for a narcissist.

No. 1570629

Yes, exactly.

Also she's such a bad liar when she lists her education as 'University of Oxford' because everyone who is remotely knowledgable about UK universities would know that she would also be attending a specific college

No. 1570694

Her skin looks lighter because she's using a filter. Kek

No. 1570883

>contents of post hit on everything recently mentioned in this thread
>exaggerates negative traits mentioned here to absurdity
>screenshot posted with no caption

inb4 chantelle pulls a HAHA! I was only PRETENDING to be retarded!

No. 1570913

File: 1656096953670.jpg (283.21 KB, 1080x1567, 23EC8D5B-1F38-448F-B852-EAB092…)

No. 1570914

File: 1656096979395.jpg (281.86 KB, 1080x1656, F24FC48B-D3D5-4203-AD4C-99E1E7…)

No. 1570915

File: 1656097003559.jpg (697.29 KB, 1080x1915, 81610129-49A6-4659-BBD5-BF1513…)

No. 1571658

File: 1656165406309.png (3.17 MB, 1242x2688, 2B015EE3-0916-4656-828A-1F7ED9…)

harvard this harvard that bitch you don’t go to harvard shut up shut up shut shut up

No. 1571774

I find it so funny that she has that creepy baby doll in her "professional" Linkedin profile

No. 1571779

also the choker that doesn’t fit and the beauty filter kek, so professunul luv

No. 1571978

even if my some miracle she did get made
an offer at Harvard she wouldn’t get past the interview stage given she has no sense of professionalism particularly pertaining to her appearance, just look at her LinkedIn photo. a choker, facial piercings, black lipstick, filter, and some sort of aliexpress mourning dress. I mean. There’s just no way

No. 1572020

Semi related but the picture thing always struck me as odd. She has an iphone, why can't she take something other than low light, grainy, bad resolution webcam photos? Or is she too fat, embarrassed by it, and only sticks to photos where her face is barely visible? We hear every "detail" (lie) about her life, but we never see photos of any of it.

No. 1572237

because she's ugly lol

No. 1575843

File: 1656538496836.png (118.08 KB, 559x640, chantelle.png)

Hadn't been on Tumblr the last few days to see what she's up to, and apart from this and bragging about her "job" as, from what I can tell, a glorified secretary, she's be real busy showing just how totally unbothered lolcow makes her by talking about us nonstop

No. 1576124

Why would you want to see high res photos of an alcoholic shut-in posting lies on the internet?

No. 1576158

As someone who has suffered from addiction for over a decade, she really doesn't talk like an addict. Im sure she abuses alcohol and her adderall prescription. But this addict shit is another edgy LARP.

No. 1576664

I had a mighty kek at her posturing as an addict with sugary beers, pot, and prescribed meds. I don't follow this cows thread because LARPing as a groupie for violent men is peak bleak cringe, but I couldn't hold myself back from hollering at "people like me who studied addiction psychiatry and knows how addiction works down to the neuroscience of the brain". Lmfao. Those are all certainly words of an eternal shut-in who wants to believe in whatever image she thinks she's curated for herself.

No. 1577028

File: 1656623798934.png (55.71 KB, 1041x437, tumblr1.png)

channelworldbluez is a calf, imo.

No. 1577031

File: 1656623838996.png (1.48 MB, 1606x724, tumblr2.png)

No. 1577032

File: 1656623885850.png (81.03 KB, 540x466, tumblr3.png)

No. 1577033

File: 1656623925537.png (66.5 KB, 540x551, tumblr4.png)

No. 1577034

File: 1656623958919.png (308.44 KB, 540x777, tumblr5.png)

No. 1577035

File: 1656624137495.png (58.67 KB, 540x455, tumblr6.png)

No. 1577036

File: 1656624168503.png (39.75 KB, 540x410, tumblr7.png)

No. 1577037

File: 1656624191179.png (108.06 KB, 540x794, tumblr8.png)

No. 1577038

File: 1656624219252.png (52.25 KB, 540x479, tumblr9.png)

No. 1577039

File: 1656624243115.png (74.61 KB, 540x575, tumblr10.png)

No. 1577073

Pics or it didn’t happen (it didn’t happen)

No. 1577587

Aside from the fact her 'career' is obviously an outrageous fabrication, but also the timeline and pace at which she is supposedly progressing doesn't make sense.

It is very unlikely that someone would be promoted to an exective position with an assistant after 2 months AND no experience in budgeting as she admits to.

No. 1580179

File: 1656943997293.png (26.68 KB, 540x283, tumblr1.png)

No. 1580180

File: 1656944040116.png (59.56 KB, 540x684, tumblr2.png)

No. 1580181

File: 1656944094406.png (426.58 KB, 540x791, tumblr3.png)

No. 1580297

glad to see the ~mysterious~ anon who posts random non-milk screenshots with no caption is alive and well.

No. 1580314

I hope she figures out soon that no one gives a shit about her. This thread is mostly boring screenshots with no replies, take the hint.

No. 1580491

> formaldehyde AND pcp
this dumb bitch knows they're the same thing, right? Or does she think people out there are actually smoking embalming fluid kek. To actual addicts, her drug LARP is so obvious and pathetic.

No. 1580671

the sad thing is that the bottom post is actually a normal experience that would be believable from just about anyone else but i’m almost certain she’s lying about it. so, so sad

No. 1581202

She is just not lulzy. Boring compulsive liar obsessed with gross violent white men is not entertaining.

No. 1581665

Chantel maybe if you posted moar pics of your fat meatball hands that would be pretty funny

No. 1581956

>actually smoking embalming fluid

I hate that I know this, but people actually did smoke joints laced with PCP & embalming fluid in the early 00s. They called it “wet-wet” in my city.

No. 1584529

File: 1657417914079.jpg (445.37 KB, 1080x1972, lanzapresentation.jpg)

No. 1584570

That's her own handwriting lmao

No. 1584599

Yup. The reason I know this thread is filled with self-posts is because “anons” keep pretending her posts are real, when they are all quite obviously the delusions of an alcoholic shut-in neet who never leaves her bedroom.

No. 1584645

So chantelle is self posting while also wanting her thread to be locked? They just don't make lolcows like they used to….

No. 1584661

Isn't most university feedback given over email/Blackboard/Canvas/etc. It's a no-brainer that this hamplanet is a compulsive liar so whatever.

Saged for shit nobody cares about.

No. 1585174

you have to be logged in to view her blog, selfposting seems more likely than everyone suddenly using Tumblr again

I'm guessing this isn't from muh hArVaRd, unless she wants us to believe that a professor handwrote a note, took a picture and e-mailed it to her?

No. 1585488

No uni handwrites feedback anymore, I've studied at 3 of them. Most of them use Turnitin, and if that's not the case, isn't she supposedly doing distance learning from Texas? She received this in the mail?

No. 2028080

finally figures out how this website works and bumps my own thread just to fuck with y’all

I’m at @realpontchartrain now lmao(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2028084

you are fat

No. 2028090

Bear with me, I’m still figuring this site out. Anyway, I want to fuck you too.

No. 2028093

Have some sympathy for victims of murder, when you die your coffin will be a circle

No. 2028102

I do have sympathy for murder victims, believe it or not. But sometimes, people have to resort to murder or attempted murder for good reason. And it’s about time that people stopped to realize that, as I’m living proof of it. Next question/response, please.

No. 2028106

Damn, this thread is about two years old, or at least that was the last response to it before mine today.
Anyway, here’s an update: I got my entire life somewhat together after trying to kill my mother (for good fucking reason, because all of you people who harassed me on here knew that something horrible was happening to me), I moved out, got a good job that pays well and lets me travel, going back to school and picked up criminal justice in addition to psychology, I kicked the drugs and now i’m sober and happy, I got a pretty ass black man now who started off as my husband and i’s roommate (he’s a lame ass SoundCloud rapper, too!), I’m living life and doing things on my own and with my boyfriend and husband (just blew $1,000 on a date weekend at a nice hotel with my new boyfriend just because i could, and y’all know i had to do it all over again for the suicideboys concert i dragged him to — and didn’t overdose this time!), we’re looking into buying a house in New Orleans (in which i’m also planning a trip to this Winter), I leaned back into my Catholic faith from childhood and go to Church now, and… basically, I made something of myself when y’all said that i couldn’t, and now i’m rich and living life as god intended lmao. That’s all for now!

No. 2028124

They always go back to religions when they know they fucked up badly kek, redemption doesn't come just because you go to church once a year.

No. 2028132

I actually go once every other week or so. I’ll admit that I still have a lot of work to do in order to find my faith again, as I was baptized and grew up a bit Catholic (Roman Catholic to be precise, as some of you may know that it is heavily intertwined with Voodoo and stuff). I asked our house manager about how to go about finding my faith again, and she told me that all I had to do was simply go to church, and if it works it works. I like going and i’m goad that I found some sort of faith and community, as it definitely helps with my sobriety and stuff. Y’all know damn well that i’m still a wholeass heathen though (last time I went to church, I went on shrooms lmao). So; do you have any advice for navigating my way through finding my faith and a better life than what I was living? How do you approach yours, if you happen to have one at all (you’re on here, so i doubt it lmao).

No. 2028150

Oh and does anyone have tips for cutting down on bad gas? I think the people at church are catching on that it’s me who’s letting out the nastiest juiciest ripest farts whenever the pastor starts to speak because lately families have been scooting all the way down the pews when I come to sit down like they’re avoiding me or something.(retard)

No. 2028152

Ha, admittedly this is pretty funny. I would argue that this response obviously isn’t me, but y’all are gonna spawn some new rumor out of it and say that it is. Anyway, time to officially get going from here, because y’all already finna wild out. Later!(retard)

No. 2028157

Goodbye cjm10031@g.harvard.edu and chantellemoore.00@gmail.com !

What do we think, does this cow actually go to Harvard? It’s the legit ending to a Harvard email address and it’s her initials. Kek. I don’t think she realized we can see her email. Now remember everyone… it’s against the rules to contact her school and inform them of her behavior.(learn to sage)

No. 2028162

File: 1724186758734.jpeg (866.28 KB, 1177x990, 7A162063-3B48-41AB-A741-CC0DF7…)

actually pretty good drawing lmao

No. 2028164

File: 1724186863233.jpeg (174.29 KB, 750x1160, 5AB5038A-6B28-4EF1-9570-47E18E…)

Kek, found her LinkedIn. She was trying to hide herself it seems by only using a last initial on LinkedIn, but too bad she gave us more info. Unless she’s in some elaborate 6D chess larp, I think she legit used her Harvard email address here. Also, what the fuck is up with that creepy doll in the profile pic?!

No. 2028167

I really don't think an absolute ugly fat fuck retard with an internet history showing how much of a BPD tard into serial killers (that would've killed her given the opportunity to do so) would be accepted in Harvard of all places. What would she even study?

No. 2028169

According to LinkedIn >>2028164 and her post from earlier, psychology. Do we think she’s psychotic enough to set up a whole fake LinkedIn profile and subtly drop a legit Harvard email address in her post info? Idk enough about this cow to tell. Either way, real or larp, it’s milky.

No. 2028171

lol ivies are desperate these days

No. 2028184

File: 1724190122162.jpg (445.99 KB, 1080x2340, 1000021443.jpg)

It was actually verified through a LinkedIn learning license, not her email adress which is a bit strange. It means she simply used a linkedin course license provided by Harvard. I'm not saying she is or isn't at Harvard but it seems a bit strange not to have verified it through your school email instead. (Verified over three years ago too…)

No. 2028209

File: 1724197653310.gif (3.01 MB, 339x278, 1666662261810310.gif)

>my boyfriend and husband

No. 2028246

Stop bumping this thread with old milk and giving Chantelle attention retardnona. We talked about this shit ages ago.

No. 2028687

File: 1724310435745.jpeg (856.05 KB, 1283x2434, IMG_8679.jpeg)

She takes classes at Harvard extension school that anyone with internet access can enroll in. She’s not an actual Harvard University student and she would be banned from taking further classes if the school ever finds out she’s representing herself as one.

She’s such a rich and successful genius that she didn’t even have enough money to her name to steal when she fell for one of those fake personal assistant scam jobs. (Picrel). She claims she was being “harassed” by farmers when she was unequivocally the author and main contributor of her original thread.

Literally everything she posts about herself and her life is a lie or an extreme exaggeration. She is so oblivious to how higher education, careers, and the non-online adult world work that she doesn’t realize how obvious her lies are to anyone who isn’t retarded. Lilliee Jean and Laur look successful and clever compared to her, which is depressing because Lillee is borderline illiterate.

No. 2028975

File: 1724381358184.jpeg (2.16 MB, 1284x11714, IMG_0905.jpeg)

As soon as she unlocks her Harvard email address, it’s over for us bitches!

anyone can be a “Harvard student” by taking edX or extension classes. Extension programs give you an email address while you’re enrolled. Anyone can register for classes at Harvard Extension school. Well, almost anyone, but probably not “coNvIctEd atTemPted mAsS murdErers”

No. 2030883

Yeah, exactly, this is just the edX FREE online course, lol. Literally anyone can participate in those.
And her bragging about assaulting her own mother and getting arrested for it - how extra pathetic.

No. 2081546

File: 1737740386510.png (212.71 KB, 525x1773, realpontchartrain_spaghetti-ex…)

She started dating spaghetti-explod and it seems like all her original posts are about him now. The BPD meltdown when he leaves her is gonna be good.

No. 2081550

quit self-posting.

No. 2081597

Fatty is dating a literally who nobody? Good to know.

No. 2081638

two retards e-dating
who cares

No. 2081640

>Why are you gossiping on the gossip site?

No. 2081656

two retards i have blocked edating each other…love wins

No. 2081708

i thought she was moving states to learn how to be a professional dominatrix?

No. 2081720

I guess she's right but the problem isn't just her ex partners, it's her

No. 2082499

This bitch really has that ‘violent sped’ body type. the ‘attack a caregiver over tendies’ look.

No. 2082589

File: 1737994666140.jpeg (273.3 KB, 1284x1292, IMG_3327.jpeg)

I’ve never seen someone with no accomplishments, skills, redeeming qualities, or talents think their life is just so fucking interesting. You’re a terminally online neet that spends all day talking about nothing but yourself. And despite most of it being lies, exaggerations, delusions, and/and embellishments, it’s STILL not interesting. Even your own lolcow thread is bored of you.

No. 2082896

You’d think someone so obsessed with themselves would maybe lose some weight. Maybe learn how to do makeup that doesn’t make her look like a 12 year old with special needs. Her extra edgy ‘LANZA’ tattoo contrasted with her chubby discolored diabetes paws never fails to make me kek

No. 2082897

She’s literally addicted to the smell of her own farts, it would be hilarious if it wasn’t so pathetic. I can’t believe she has people who are actually willing to put up with the lies that come out of her fat gob

No. 2084437

File: 1738429522820.jpeg (576.76 KB, 1284x1590, IMG_3613.jpeg)

Girl, you have a transcript from Harvard EXTENSION school that shows you dropped the only class you were ever enrolled in. You are not carrying any kind of burden from having 2much education.

No. 2084501

This spaghetti kid (I say kid because he’s literally 19) is actually mentally challenged like I’m not kidding the dude only plays hentai visual novels. How long y’all think until they kill someone together.(sage your shit)

No. 2084518

>people like us
Kek what does this bitch mean by us? Schizo terrorists?

No. 2084523

dear lord i hate this stupid bitch trying to sound smart so much its so embarrassing its like a twelve year old trying to emulate how successful adults sound

No. 2084538

As ever, clueless and deluded, give me strength to not nlog right now

No. 2084573

please don't call her a schizo terrorist. she is not schizo or a terrorist. she is a fat girl who spends her days larping online as someone interesting enough for other people to care about and buying doordash with her moms credit card. chantelles greatest fantasy is that she is a schizo terrorist. she would do anything to be as interesting and intelligent as kaczynski or mangione. anything except graduating high school and quitting day drinking, i guess.

No. 2084588

You're right, nona, "schizo terrorist" would be giving Fatcelle Poore far more credit than she deserves. My comment was intended to be incredulous that she would place herself alongside people like Luigi and Kaczynski, not saying that she is, kek. As far as I know, she has yet to commit one righteous murder, build one concealed bomb. Does she even have a cabin in the woods? What makes this heifer so arrogant…

No. 2084591

>How long y’all think until they kill someone together.
Literally never. No one thinks Chantelle is a psychopathic, insane, murderer except Chantelle herself.

>is actually mentally challenged

…implying that Chantelle isn’t

No. 2084769

They’re never going to kill anyone together because Chantelle is so fat she gets out of breath walking down the stairs. I think her fat hands can’t even fit around the hilt of a knife, much less squeeze a trigger.
This smells like selfpost anyways. Only Chantelle thinks like this.

No. 2084773

File: 1738513133539.jpeg (781.41 KB, 1179x1767, IMG_5129.jpeg)

God just everything about this bitch pisses me off beyond belief. I guess we’re calling making up stories about getting fucked by nazis ‘right wing beliefs’.
Remember when she was posting about letting some disgusting old moid permanently mutilate her tits for money? She should’ve done it, maybe she’d have shut the fuck up by now.

No. 2084778

File: 1738513914962.jpeg (550.15 KB, 1179x1171, IMG_5128.jpeg)

Ebegging for ikea furniture, not surprising from someone so pathetic they have to pay for a dominos order using Klarna

No. 2084784

File: 1738514494022.jpeg (796.83 KB, 1179x1943, IMG_5132.jpeg)

Surprised someone educated at Stanford, Harvard, AND Cambridge doesn’t know you’re not supposed to use first person pronouns in research writing!
Except this ain’t research writing, it’s a medium article, and she’s a severe sped

No. 2084799

>he doesnt know about the kino swordge VNs(sage your shit/derailing)

No. 2084860

File: 1738527329972.jpeg (475.02 KB, 1179x1231, IMG_5140.jpeg)

confirmed too retarded to understand what a ban is. Also such an obvious self post from Fatcelle Poore

No. 2084923

Behold, every nazi's greatest sexual fantasy. Kek. I do not believe anyone has paid her for any sexual services, ever, point blank. It's all part of her fantasy about being some evil mastermind femme fatale.

I'm going to say right now that when Chantelle gets too upset over people mocking her, she's going to pull a "jokes on you! I was only PRETENDING to be retarded!"

No. 2084932

File: 1738543796997.jpeg (589.53 KB, 1179x1573, IMG_5146.jpeg)

No one is calling you schizo, we’re calling you retarded. Because you are. Also apparently she’s getting kicked out of her housing kek.

No. 2084935

File: 1738544089642.png (67.73 KB, 640x360, IMG_5134.png)

Also she’s closer to her beloved Chris Chan than she thinks… as apparently she told her arresting officers she was in a romantic relationship with her mother, kek. Keep it up Chantelle, it’s a laugh a minute!

No. 2085103

>Also apparently she’s getting kicked out of her housing kek.
Kek indeed! She just moved, didn't she? >>2084778 In October, less than 4 months ago? Interesting… Her stench must be truly repugnant to result in such a swift eviction.

No. 2085178

File: 1738606361440.jpeg (1.4 MB, 3464x3464, 6E574D68-A5E5-46AC-85C8-6B0743…)

Either her roommates are trying to be gentle with her feelings and pretend they’re all getting kicked out or she’s too embarrassed to admit on her blog that they asked her to leave.

No. 2085191

I personally think she’s being asked to leave due to how quickly it came up and how fast she’s packing her stuff. And I don’t think they’re “Moving out a little later” I think they’re lying to her to get her to leave without throwing a tard fit. Ever notice how those oh so close best friends of hers almost never interact with her blog?

No. 2085192

samefag also they're mailing her belongings to her, they obviously want no further interaction

No. 2085343

File: 1738645967015.jpeg (772.67 KB, 1284x2023, IMG_3723.jpeg)

She’s planning on squatting in the garage for a month now. The homeowner needs to start the eviction process with the courts tomorrow or he’s never going to get her to leave.

Imagine this whale moves into your house, stinks up the place from never washing their clothes, won’t shut up about nazis and Harvard and her imaginary pedophile ex, doesn’t buy food or cook or clean, stops paying rent, and insults your significant other to the degenerates that read her blog. You ask her in the nicest way possible to find a new place to live ASAP and a day later she tells you “no it’s okay, I’ll just stay in the garage for now.”

No. 2085346

So the landlord wants to foster a child, and miss piggy doesn’t realize that her making nazi fat porn in his house is fundamentally incompatible with that? She owns nazi paraphernalia, including SS flags and a bundesadler, can’t imagine why her landlord wouldn’t want her around while CPS is placing a child. And of course she’s not paying rent, if there’s one thing Fatcelle is, it’s a drain on others. Kick her out now Joey, before her stench permanently fills the house!

No. 2085349

File: 1738650857544.jpeg (1.34 MB, 1179x2021, IMG_5161.jpeg)

this is the landlord I’m assuming. Same cat she likes to post too

No. 2085350

File: 1738651096019.jpeg (340.23 KB, 1179x1481, IMG_5163.jpeg)

old and not really milky but July 9th 2021 she hasn’t even finished an associates degree

No. 2085351

File: 1738651143529.jpeg (328.14 KB, 1179x1388, IMG_5164.jpeg)

And then by July 21 2021, she has seven years of higher education! She really is a genius!

No. 2085480

I'm hoping this boyfriend thing with Spaghetti-explod doesn't last. He seems like a bulk standard autist weeaboo and undeserving of whatever chaos she brings with her.

No. 2085492

See I hope they do link up, so the milk can flow freely… or at all. The problem with Chantelle Jahana Moore is that she’s a fat delusional LARPer. All her lies start to sound the same after a while, and it’s honestly getting boring. Guess you really can’t fake being interesting.

No. 2085890

At least this boyfriend is not imaginary and actually consented to her telling people he’s her boyfriend. This is a major step up from her previous relationships.

No. 2086089

Someone needs to remind her and that ugly dog bitch unsen what happened to French prostitutes who slept with Nazis at the end of the war. Not that I believe either of these cunts is having sex regularly, much less doing by sex work with white supremacists

No. 2087092

She's even worse than icky with her flagrant lies about attending Harvard. You did NOT GO TO HARVARD.

No. 2087093

What's the charge? Man she is such an egregious catfish and she's not even attractive in her megashooped filtered edits.

No. 2087094

>After night fell, I checked
Kek she has never written a paper beyond high school. She's a mega cow and I hope her milk flows. I love liars and frauds they're my favourite type of cow.

No. 2087095

get a job

No. 2087100

Tried to beat the shit out of her mother because she denied her tendies/ wouldn’t let Chantelle open more payday loans in her name/ wouldn’t let her use her card to quadpay for dominoes anymore

No. 2087103

File: 1739122988146.jpeg (672.34 KB, 1031x764, IMG_5223.jpeg)

W I D E. Also she’s using fauxpontchartrain again

No. 2087104

File: 1739123332320.jpeg (453.99 KB, 1179x1250, IMG_5224.jpeg)

Is this supposed to make us feel sympathetic? This one really makes me want to a-log. Just nasty and pathetic.

No. 2087108

who the fuck is this

No. 2087109

File: 1739124028346.jpeg (1.08 MB, 1179x2014, IMG_5226.jpeg)

Chantelle posted a tattoo tour, and shocker, they’re all terrible!

No. 2087110

File: 1739124057036.jpeg (1006 KB, 1179x1957, IMG_5227.jpeg)

I can’t tell which is my favorite

No. 2087111

File: 1739124084403.jpeg (958.97 KB, 1179x1822, IMG_5228.jpeg)

So self obsessed

No. 2087114

Glad her Mum kicked her fat ass out. Imagine raising this useless block of lard just to be abused and stolen from all the while SHES larping as the abuser.

No. 2087962

>"I actually did want to become a psyop"
You wanted to become a psychological operation? That's like saying you wanted to become a reconnaissance.

Is there any actual proof of her doing sex work? I feel like it's just another lie to make herself seem desirable.

No. 2088133

No, there’s zero proof of her ever doing any sort of sex work besides her own lies. She posts conversations from fetlife as evidence that she’s going out hooking.
>INB4 Chantelle selfposts here with a named jpg as “proof”

No. 2089555

her schizobabble gets so samey after a while. always circling back to "drugs school shooters i study at Harvard i have 4 degrees im so tough i went to jail i do drugs i fuck nazis". is she capable of talking about literally anything else?

No. 2089949

No. 2090011

File: 1739808215563.jpeg (1.01 MB, 1284x4605, IMG_4238.jpeg)

>>fat bitch with every mental disorder in the DSM-5

…including, but not limited to:

Intellectual Disability (Intellectual Developmental Disorder), Formerly Mental Retardation
Mental retardation has been renamed Intellectual Development Disorder (IDD) in DSM-5 to
reflect changes in U.S. federal law (Public Law 111-256), which replaced the term mental
retardation with intellectual disability.

No. 2090028

I love that she still doesn’t understand what this site is. We don’t want you to kill yourself, retard. We are making fun of the things you, Chantelle Jahana Moore of Arlington TX have posted for everyone to see on your public blog! If people making fun of the lies you post upsets you that badly, just stop lying! It must be exhausting being in the bitch’s life, imagine having to listen to this heifer day in and day out

No. 2090030

File: 1739816057421.jpeg (895.25 KB, 1179x1625, IMG_5345.jpeg)

Do you think she knows how stupid she looks waving those extension school credentials around?

No. 2090683

nah this is fucking crazy coming across a thread on this person. Years ago I used to be in a mutual friendship with her and we used to follow each other. I always thought it was weird how she would constantly change her name and gender identity.

No. 2090758

Any milk you’d care to share?

No. 2093507

I feel sorry for the kid. She's 5 years older. I'm sure he could do much better than her. I'm sure she thinks she's doing some sort of awesome service to him, saving him from inceldom or some shit. He should stay in school. God forbid they ever move in together, she will never leave.(sage your nonmilk )

No. 2093556

Isn’t she moving to live in the same town as him? After like one month kek.

No. 2093613

You are not Harvard educated. Stop saying that you are. Anyone can get into a Harvard 'extensions course' as it's offered to anyone and does not offer an actual degree or certificate worth any graduate credits. Shut the fuck up

No. 2093844

File: 1740706341666.png (96.45 KB, 1080x733, Screenshot_20250227-202836~2.p…)

From what I can tell she's with him right now. I'm just waiting for the inevitable "I moved in" post since she's sort of always homeless… or something.

No. 2093862

Aw, it’s the Harvard student’s first time at a real college campus! Nothing like your fat stinky online gf coming to stay with you in your twin bed

No. 2093871

Imagine you're his roommate and, as if it weren't bad enough to room with him, now his lardtarded homeless girlfriend with face tattoos and a school shooter obsession is there too.(sage your shit)

No. 2093878

holy shit enough selfposting no one cares about this bitch

No. 2093940

He's a scrote. It almost never happens that a woman is predatory towards a scrote because she's older. Kek.

No. 2094675

it feels like she’s talking about nothing or this is a joke.

unless i see this spaghetti person im going to assume she’s in all of this

No. 2094914

File: 1740987361198.jpeg (596.41 KB, 1284x2016, IMG_4047.jpeg)

Here he is

No. 2094916

File: 1740988558525.jpeg (1014.47 KB, 3464x2393, IMG_4489.jpeg)

>”highly successful person”

No. 2095351

>be chantelle
>thirst over skinny sexy school shooter bad boys and racist white men like tj lane and adam lanza
>was able to bag a smelly fat loser moid with a gunt instead of “sexy school shooterz emo white boy”


No. 2095390

ive talked to him a few times. he's just a very autistic poorly socialized kid. not even remotely close to mature and kinda retarded, don't really understand their relationship at all since he's very sheltered and autistic. he probably just really wants female attention or some stupid shit like that

No. 2095594

File: 1741132172570.jpeg (52.91 KB, 851x873, c9bjlmtva9ea1.jpeg)

No. 2095718

He is also short

No. 2096397

You have never been to Harvard. Doing a free online course they offer to anyone is not 'attending Harvard'. You will never study there and you never will. STOP

No. 2097044

File: 1741499119934.jpeg (179.16 KB, 1179x604, IMG_5520.jpeg)

Another fake job, I think the only real employment she’s ever had was that executive assistant scam position where they couldn’t even scam her out of $500

No. 2097073

File: 1741506646743.png (384.58 KB, 993x1839, Screenshot 2025-03-09 at 07.49…)

She turned off anons after someone kept telling her she is not a Harvard student and never will be. She believes that Harvard are going to offer her a place in a degree because she did a scam extension course there.

No. 2097074

File: 1741506736246.png (1.28 MB, 1030x894, Screenshot 2025-03-09 at 07.49…)

And then attached even further proof of the anon's point that she did not get any sort of degree from Harvard, it's literally a confirmation that she took them up on a course offered to literally anybody.

No. 2097075

who puts their bed right up next to the register…?

No. 2097077

File: 1741507691566.png (558.76 KB, 2047x1975, Screenshot 2025-03-09 at 07.52…)

Their courses are aimed at working professionals already in the field looking for a few extra skills, not to objectively retarded high school drop outs who want to LARP being Harvard educated. Making her $2k an even more insane waste and disposal of money.

No. 2097284

she seems annoying as fuck

No. 2097611

File: 1741638942317.png (1.19 MB, 3772x1452, this bitch.png)

i've been spectating this specimen for about a year and i'm still just fucking floored by how bad she is at lying. i needed to save this schizopost ramble about her mother for my own sanity because jfc. i remember when she went to prison for attempted murder, but i don't remember her saying a single thing about trying to kill her mom because she went through sexual abuse at her hands at the time it happened? how does she have tumblr mutuals who eat this retarded shit up

No. 2097616

samefag but i also just remembered her saying that her nazi ex bf's lawyer was the reason the murder charges were changed to assault, not her cop mom. i'm pretty sure she deleted her other blogs where she talked about that but maybe i'll look through her archive or something to see when she started saying her mom was the mastermind behind it all

No. 2097684

File: 1741654560361.jpeg (1.33 MB, 3464x3464, 43C87B29-401B-4B5F-8A6B-FB7AE1…)

There was never any murder charge, she even admits it herself in your screenshot. The initial charges were ”ASSAULT CAUSES BODILY INJURY, FAMILY VIOLENCE.” As usual, it’s her being a lying retard that doesn’t understand how anything works. She literally doesn’t even know the difference between being charged and being convicted and thinks charges get “escalated” after one is found guilty lol. The only reason she spent as much time in jail as she did is because she couldn’t afford the measly bail.

No. 2097695

The fake husband makes an appearance. Robbie Lanza, who supposedly made her miscarry… oh no wait that was ‘Heil’. I love how she can’t keep her obviously fake stories straight for even 5 months. This bitch was never married, much less to Adam lanza’s fake nonexistent brother
> inb4 Chantelle posts on her tumblr that Robbie is a fake name to own the haturezz

No. 2097699

File: 1741657110912.jpeg (1.34 MB, 3464x3464, 0EAD1523-68F9-41EC-84B8-0ED923…)

Also, there is no nazi ex-boyfriend. The person she calls “Heil” was in prison from 2020-2024. The entire time she claimed to be living in his mAnSion, being pimped at his “rich nazi” house parties, being pregnant with his child, “adopting” his adult cousin Ben with him, being tracked by him, having to “escape” from him, experiencing domestic violence from him, making meals for his daughter, claiming to be sexually active with him, etc etc he was an inmate at J Dale Wainwright. He was sentenced to 5 years for his 3 DWI/DUI offense + methamphetamine possession and was released mid-2024. It is physically impossible for any of her claims about him to be true. He’s also not a nazi. Nearly everything Chantelle says is a lie. It’s actually shocking when one of her claims about herself turn out to be even remotely true.

No. 2097703

Her larp about her mom being NYPD is so funny, just another blatant lie to make Chantelle Jahana Moore’s life seem more interesting, because the fact she’s an obese NEET who beats on her mother and can’t afford a dominoes pizza doesn’t get double digits on tumblr. You will never be internet famous, you have to resort to spam reblogging your own unfunny untrue posts to even get ten notes. She and empathchan are cut from the same boring, faux edgy, ugly ugly cloth

No. 2097704

No fucking way. I KNEW she was making all this shit up by stealing people’s photos and inventing the ludicrous Nazi sex work posts, considering she self admittedly does not leave her house and is also class three obese

No. 2097769

lol that's shitty. what a compulsive liar. this spaghetti kid is in for a hot mess.

No. 2097885

File: 1741710870609.png (275.2 KB, 1110x1392, Screenshot 2025-03-11 at 12.30…)


b-but she's taking criminal justice classes at harvard (extension school (which is totally just like the actual college))!!! she's a super genius who's been studying killers and the legal system for years! surely she has some idea of what she's talking about and isn't just sitting on her fat ass lying on tumblr all day every day!

she actually thinks people are jealous of her and that she's trying to educate her haters into getting on her level. oh my god. she's so delusional she thinks everyone actually believes she's a harvard educated real estate baddie that's made thousands of dollars off of sex work… only the tumblr mutuals with room temperature iq are buying the larp, chantelle.

No. 2097954

They really do eat it up. One ask reads 'whats with all these degree purists?\ like chantelle even has a degree to be a purist about.

No. 2097964

If anything, the reverse is true and she’s being educated by this thread. Like how she’s finally admitted to being a Harvard Extension school student. Keep reading and taking notes Chantelle, now that you’ve personally and publicly accepted that you are not part of Harvard College with the 3.5% acceptance rate you were bragging about a few weeks ago, the next step is to actually get your degree from HES. There’s nothing impressive about spending over a decade taking university courses and having no degree to speak of. You do not have any accomplishments nor have you achieved anything anyone would be jealous of except for other NEETS. Or do you plan to be in your 30s and still reminding tumblr 5 times a day that you’re a “Harvard psychologist” despite having no degrees and no career?

No. 2098026

Chantelle what could we possibly learn from you? You have a certificate from Harvard extension school which took you less than a month to get, no job, sleep on the floor, and have ruined your body through greasy food, alcohol, and shitty tattoos. Why would I need your advice on how to improve my career and education? All her ‘advice’ is incredibly basic too, and makes it clear she is absolutely just talking out her ass by googling shit. I guarantee all her ‘haters’ are more successful than she will ever be, and probably don’t have to make up hordes of fake boyfriends to pass the time

No. 2098027

File: 1741729564544.jpeg (432.45 KB, 1179x1529, IMG_5650.jpeg)

“The world of finance” is making me cackle. These fucking idiots. You are a fake real estate agent fatcelle

No. 2098029

File: 1741729804417.jpeg (270.37 KB, 1179x546, IMG_5651.jpeg)

Only broke ass bitches think other people can’t afford a 2k course. Some people don’t even have to pay to go to school… you know, because of talent or intelligence, of which Chantelle has neither

No. 2098035

File: 1741731006200.jpeg (235.49 KB, 1179x922, IMG_5656.jpeg)

A fake Harvard student AND a fake lesbian, there’s truly nothing she won’t lie about

No. 2098060

File: 1741734249787.png (242.3 KB, 1116x1320, Screenshot 2025-03-11 at 6.56.…)


i try not to get too MATI but her randomly claiming to be a lesbian drives me mental. all she ever posts about is hideous white men. she's talked about a few girlfriends here and there but it's obvious those relationships don't get her enough attention from her equally retarded followers. no idea what she even gains out of the 'i was a lesbian before my mom pimped me out at BDSM parties' thing.

No. 2098076

She is obsessed with men and obsessed with dick and won’t shut up about her disgusting boyfriend’s disgusting penis, how does anyone believe this. The mother stories are getting more and more ludicrous by the day too

No. 2098125

File: 1741741896833.jpeg (1.27 MB, 1284x5441, IMG_4799.jpeg)

This is an old screenshot, but one of my favorite Chantelle retard-isms is how she thinks the United Nations is a US Government agency lol.

No. 2098251

She's just like Vicky with her fake psychology credentials…

No. 2098367


the fake psych thing… it's crazy because nobody who actually studies psychology would call themselves a 'psychologist' without an advanced degree. this bitch has exactly 0 degrees and a few articles that definitely couldn't pass peer review, and yet every chance she gets she's saying she's a harvard educated psychologist… her ego would get her laughed out of the room in any real psych lessons lmfao

No. 2099252

I feel almost bad bullying her but I was hoping some of our posts here would be enough to get her to reign in her outlandish lies because imagine how humiliated she would be if she was actually going on and on about her non-knowledge and non-credentials in any sort of actual IRL medical community?

Imagine you're a seasoned medic and a 6'2 obese ghetto schizophrenic-LARPer is telling you about your own field? I don't think I could hold back and I'd end up hurting her feelings.(sage your shit)

No. 2099319


No. 2099328

The second paragraph is already blatantly wrong. You don't get charged and convicted at trial with a lesser crime and then have your charges increased and get convicted again? What the fuck is she talking about? If anything the police overcharge initially, then prosecution ends up reducing it with a plea deal. Which, if anything she wrote is actually true (it isn't), sounds exactly like what she describes happening. Except this isn't some amazing privilege she got because of her
> H A R V A R D E D U C A T I O N
it's just what happens in 99% of all cases because of how the criminal justice system functions. Oh my god, she is so fucking stupid I can't read this thread without getting angry.

Chantelle is such a weird breed of pathological liar. I feel like others would avoid addressing things that are inconsistent, especially when it's on anon and no one would know if she just never answered. Instead, she's compelled to keep every lie going at the same time, so she just adds more lies in each time she's caught.

No. 2099332

File: 1742105298336.jpeg (310.64 KB, 1284x1270, IMG_4929.jpeg)

>state jail prison
What a real criminal justice genius we’ve got here.

No. 2099386

Does anyone know what state she lives in? This seems like something that should be easy to check. I googled and wasn't able to find any recent stories that match this. But I also wouldn't be surprised if it's just something she heard on the news and decided to add to her personal narrative, kek.

No. 2099474

i THINK she’s claiming to be in wisconsin currently, though i think her ‘boss’ (quincia) lives in a different state? she was chantelle’s landlord at the group home she was living in with ‘robbie’ if that helps.

No. 2099683

File: 1742174468472.jpeg (1.06 MB, 1284x4281, IMG_5070.jpeg)

She’s from Texas.

I also think she’s lying about being there. Probably back in Texas. At the end of February, she was still making posts like this in Facebook groups looking for a place to live in that region.

No. 2099785

Everytime this crusty hamrolled bodied bitch thread gets bumped, I think it’s Tophiachus fatass. You’d think Chantelle is trying to LARP as her with that bleached snow filter

No. 2099907

You don't study at Harvard University Chantelle.

No. 2099934

It's really interesting how she can never shut the fuck up about herself, ever. Especially in context where literally nobody cares. It's fine if she does it on her Tumblr blog but doing it while trying to look for housing and trying to impress others with your compulsive lying is ridiculous

No. 2100115

how is she a full time student when she admits she only takes one or two classes a semester? kek

No. 2100214

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She even had to humblebrag about herself in someone else’s RESUME that she offered to “improve” for them.

No. 2100448

File: 1742329400541.png (591.85 KB, 650x1214, TAKEITOUT.png)

How does she not realize offering to prove that she's telling the truth, unprompted and in a situation where she didn't need to bring that information up in the first place, is a massive red flag to normal people that she's lying? And how does she not realize that her eyebrow piercing is rejecting?

No. 2100727

File: 1742401597018.png (602.84 KB, 1284x2778, IMG_5118.png)

She deleted this, but she slipped and accidentally admitted she hasn’t officially met Arlo yet. If she just meant his parents, then there would be no reason to delete it.

No. 2100739

Well spotted nonna

No. 2100834

..is there like an entire space on tumblr where a bunch of drugged up fat asses just pretend to be hot rich successful billionaires to each other?

No. 2101022

Daaamn why is her eyelid pierced!!

No. 2101346

>consider contacting HIPPA
holy kek

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