File: 1480565226493.jpg (57.11 KB, 600x800, CAfgC26W4AAn6l-.jpg)

No. 206974 thread is in autosage. Let's continue the milking!
Kayla is a near 30 year old tumblr has-been. She peaked in 2012-14 for her online persona of broken fragile wolf gurl poetry meth addict lonely heart warrior. Then she greedily tried to abuse her online game by switching into rapping, only to lose all her popularity.
Pretends to be a thicc rapper from da hood who loves gangstas even though she's confirmed to live with rich mummy and daddy in a mansion.
No. 207001
File: 1480569760274.png (224.41 KB, 1440x1604, Screenshot_2016-11-30-23-20-53…)

One of dad's friends, maybe? Cory fucking hates her, in case anyone was curious. He's not exactly the greatest guy, but at least he does something to earn money unlike this lazy bitch. She didn't do shit except pop pills and drink
No. 209432
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Do you think God stays in heaven because he too lives in fear of what he's created?
No. 211062
File: 1481288631872.jpeg (67.96 KB, 640x643, image.jpeg)

old but she sure loves swastikas !
No. 211393
>>207001Have you noticed how she always tell her stories in retrospect? Like So that she doesn't have to prove it's really happening, maybe?
I feel like her fanbase no longer believes her shit anymore and moved on. That's why she barely gets notes. No one bothers exposing her anymore because she's such an obvious liar and everyone her. She could have kept her online relevance and reputation by being a bit more honest or at least making the effort of sounding credible (I mean this kind of shit is too over the top tbh), and typing like a normal person. Sad
She was a fun cow while the exposure phase lasted though. I miss her milk.
No. 211420
>>211393I feel like it might be partly to show she's gone from *~damagedmethbbyangel~* to a tryhard "gangster" girl - like as if it's a kind of happy ending, like "my dark traumatic past doesn't define me" or some shit.
>I miss her milkDon't we all? I'm just hoping she does something ridiculous again TBH
No. 213544
File: 1481672133343.jpg (60.88 KB, 975x965, IMG_20161213_173450.jpg)

That gut
No. 214050
>>213671That's not uncommon at all. But what if she actually got fat on purpose to accomplish some kind of aesthetic? In
>>213544 she gives me the vibe of a greasy truck driver who smokes and curses a lot and gets into bar fights. Very white trash and gangsta I guess, which is her thing.
That'd be tragically retarded though.
Also inb4 the pic gets deleted off her insta/twitter, as always. lol @ how everything gets stored here forever though
No. 220980
File: 1482596877368.jpg (61.33 KB, 450x675, ysl.jpg)

>>213544Oh man…rip. This is my inspiration not to eat too much over the holidays, so i guess Old Ginger's actually useful for something.
No. 221339
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No. 234846
File: 1484444274168.png (110.11 KB, 1069x223, Capture.PNG)

I find this new song of hers hilarious because the album cover so perfectly summarizes what I want to do when I listen to it
No. 234877
>>234875>>234876she's just chasing the aesthetic of being a white trash traumatized lil girl who has dreams of being a big musician without actually… making the effort to start a serious music career. she only started doing shitty rap to fit with her aesthetic of a talentless ugly sex worker who desperately wants to be a superstar musician.
at what point of being raised by a lawyer and a psychologist in upper class california do you purposefully deviate from sanity
this bad, honestly.
No. 236866
File: 1484782909443.png (522.4 KB, 718x442, ohno.png)

I can't believe this is her now
No. 237748
File: 1484967728516.png (870.68 KB, 750x1334, IMG_1273.PNG)

Lol anarchy ok Kayla
No. 240492
File: 1485479499058.png (542.23 KB, 750x1334, IMG_1331.PNG)

God her recent insta video is creepy bad
No. 240513
File: 1485481973618.png (177.34 KB, 330x329, Screenshot (9).png)

dem sausage fingers doe
new, suuuper original song: is her voice getting worse? it just sounds like a wounded cow that's running out of breath.
is she even trying to copy Lana anymore??? so confused
No. 240797
File: 1485542346340.png (40.66 KB, 865x303, 16295248_1069473923198343_1233…)

What does this even mean? Is she claiming she still does meth now and then?
No. 242934
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No. 242953
File: 1485921660069.jpg (67.23 KB, 421x316, wax-lips-AOGHS.jpg)

>>242934Good god, I don't know what's worse; the pale, flabby body or those fucking lips.
They look like those candy lips.
No. 243498
>>243466How disappointing.
Nicole's music is cringe, but Ginger's is absolute incoherent trash.
I'm appalled that she can't tell the difference between real, unique talent and just another Tumblr faggot ripping off Lana's ~aesthetics~.
No. 245793
File: 1486353305767.png (633.12 KB, 640x1136, IMG_3866.PNG)

She's opening an online clothing shop on March 1st. Oh dear lord…
No. 246347
File: 1486438190199.png (1.08 MB, 750x1334, IMG_1444.PNG)

Where is she who even took this
She doesn't have any friends, right?
No. 253814
File: 1487421469236.png (688.93 KB, 538x537, BQjbTpPgaWs.png)

Sorry to bump this thread but look at the shit she's going to sell.
No. 253837
>>253826It's meant to be a DIY bikini top made out of an old swimsuit bottom, and for some reason it's been mildly popular lately, like why? Allie Kay (cringy sheltered girl youtuber) featured one on her video a few days ago. It just looks like a boob diaper.
This one looks especially trashy tho. The dice and the chain and the stripper outfit pink colour.
No. 253842
>>253814The top is one layer of wtf but what little we can see of her facial expression here is hilarious. It looks like she's on the toilet after a Del Taco run.
>>253837>boob diaperkek
No. 257380
File: 1487991765946.png (104.16 KB, 750x886, IMG_1679.PNG)

I immediately thought this was supposed to say GOB as in the character from Arrested Development maybe I'm just 2high but she is so fucking weird note she hasn't had a relationship/been touched in probably years the way she expresses her sexuality are so creepy and not cute at all
No. 260629
File: 1488318963729.png (385.25 KB, 1440x1868, Screenshot_2017-02-28-15-55-28…)

No. 260965
>>260629she even did the longass Lana vaguedeep monologue thing à la Ride!! except x103498530 times cringier since she isn't actually talking in the clip and just making weird gestures while looking fatter than usual and wtf is going on with her lips?!?! I can see her Q&A thumbnail on the right and her lips aren't even half the size she paints them. I swear she draws them bigger everytime.
In her favor she's actually singing in this one instead of groaning huskily. God I hope Grimes signs her. Kayla live performing must be hilarious.
No. 260989
File: 1488342722114.jpg (231.18 KB, 800x1066, 1457998757865.jpg)

>>260629ah in light of grimes pimping out yet another talentless rich white girl, let's take a trip back to memory lane
No. 260990
File: 1488342765139.jpg (188.48 KB, 750x744, 1458692188576.jpg)

sooo0OoOOoOo0oOOOOOooO0o abused
No. 260992
File: 1488342803371.jpg (76.84 KB, 600x800, 1458003211607.jpg)

No. 260993
File: 1488342883348.png (125.28 KB, 640x616, 1458008853238.png)

No. 260994
File: 1488342908865.jpeg (112.82 KB, 480x640, 1459255522118.jpeg)

No. 260997
File: 1488342984433.jpg (95.97 KB, 922x598, 1459244005628.jpg)

No. 260998
File: 1488343024145.jpg (133.49 KB, 923x595, 1459243974158.jpg)

so much abuse and hardship being homeless and abusing drugs with older daddies ;/
No. 261000
File: 1488343099671.png (563.43 KB, 887x597, 1459269976931.png)

this was during berlin when she said she was homeless sucking dick to survive lmao. in reality her lawyer dad paid for her studies overseas.
No. 261002
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No. 261003
File: 1488343226493.jpg (452.99 KB, 700x583, 1458003780583.jpg)

No. 261005
File: 1488343668905.jpg (229.33 KB, 686x620, realname1.jpg)

proof her real name is kayla day aaron
No. 261010
File: 1488343894032.jpg (53.71 KB, 656x114, niasedc.jpg)

proof her parents are ruth aaron and jeffrey aaron and that she lives with them
No. 261014
File: 1488344056226.jpg (86.37 KB, 389x228, Untitlhjdaed-1.jpg)

proof her mom is ruth aaron
No. 261015
File: 1488344168950.jpg (503.75 KB, 756x822, ff.jpg)

proof her mom is a wealthy psychologist and kayla/ginger claimed she was abused by her in poverty
No. 261017
File: 1488344305898.jpg (132.72 KB, 463x368, jcdw.jpg)

proof her "i got all my tattoos done while i was abused and on meth it was done against my will" is bs because 1)here she is showing it off
No. 261020
File: 1488344486182.jpg (831.24 KB, 1161x1185, jjdcn.jpg)

and here is proof she was never on meth via her perfect smooth skin
No. 261026
File: 1488344626595.jpg (244.91 KB, 1170x332, jida.jpg)

proof she is turning 28 this year
No. 261030
File: 1488344697178.jpg (262.15 KB, 682x634, jf.jpg)

proof she didn't grow up in poverty and is living in an upper middle class neighborhood
No. 261031
File: 1488344745835.jpg (183.68 KB, 812x836, njcs.jpg)

proof she lives with her dad 1/2
No. 261033
File: 1488344798567.jpg (204.03 KB, 812x836, njdwicwe.jpg)

proof she lives with her dad 2/2
No. 261034
File: 1488344888696.jpg (63 KB, 656x114, jicujs.jpg)

proof her dad is a rich attorney (peep the address) who works in riverside
No. 261037
File: 1488345027256.jpg (289.06 KB, 478x491, hjsd.jpg)

the "about" page of kayla/ginger's mom who she claims raised her in poverty and abuse
No. 261038
File: 1488345159750.jpg (48.76 KB, 286x113, uidcnsd.jpg)

proof her mom graduated from university the year before she gave birth to kayla and was NOT unemployed when she had her(has been working for over 20 years and kayla is in her 20s)
No. 261041
File: 1488345319226.jpg (1.45 MB, 1552x1500, nuws.jpg)

proof kayla lives in a rich neighborhood
No. 261043
File: 1488345398971.jpg (423.76 KB, 618x732, 5.jpg)

here she is claiming she lived in poverty while living with her parents
No. 261044
File: 1488345506186.jpg (321.45 KB, 882x1020, hnxdai.jpg)

more proof her real name is kayla day aaron
No. 261047
File: 1488345602466.jpg (717.3 KB, 1166x702, Untitlhded-1.jpg)

some receipts from the old thread of someone who knew she lived in claremont and that her dad paid for her studies in berlin
No. 261049
File: 1488345759371.jpg (89.45 KB, 529x304, nudwe.jpg)

proof she's claimed to be a stripper and prostitute
No. 261051
File: 1488345822857.jpg (214.1 KB, 481x243, nud.jpg)

proof of the story she had her followers believing. according to her, this was her life story.
No. 261052
File: 1488345881114.jpg (213.95 KB, 529x304, ujcsw.jpg)

proof she encourages underaged girls to pursue relationships with older men and romanticizes them
No. 261053
File: 1488345960604.png (25.13 KB, 293x571, 1458720541288.png)

proof she claims to have grown up in poverty
No. 261056
File: 1488346032094.jpeg (67.6 KB, 1000x750, 1458008617124.jpeg)

oh and have a pic of cory
No. 261060
File: 1488346187566.png (176.48 KB, 322x327, tumblr_o4gvzeWz1C1vpnyfao1_400…)

oh and here she is showing off her swastika tattoo. she says she only got it because she was abused and on meth. except she was never on meth. and no one put a gun to her head and forced her to take a selfie with her swastika and post it on her blogspot.
No. 261292
>>261052lol at these randomly underlined bits
She definitely romanticizes those gross age gaps but in this all she's doing is telling the girl to not be sad about the guy and look forward to the future, she doesn't say "go fuck him or another old guy".
Kaya's a huge cow, you shouldn't need to reach so hard when there's so much legit milk
No. 261349
File: 1488386589715.png (908.15 KB, 750x1334, IMG_1733.PNG)

Is it just me or does anyone else think she looks nothing like she used to at all?? If it weren't for the shit tattoos i would claim she's a different person my god
Also this photo is gross she's so greasy filthy looking those lips ahhhh
No. 261518
>>261271>could actually have been doing meth, I believe thatshe never did meth lmao. within months meth destroys your face because you get itchy and pick at your skin but it doesn't heal so you get sores. see
>>261020 kayla's face is porcelain smooth. all she did was smear eyeliner and put coconut oil in her hair to look grunge. but the effects of meth(arguably the hardest drug) are fucking devastating on your skin and face. kayla's skin is better than mine.
she wasn't super high and abused when she got those tattoos done. she just thought they were edgy like any other person who gets ironically disgusting trashy stick n poke tattoos. she just realized being a literal skinhead wouldn't be good for her next h00d lolita image.
No. 261536
File: 1488401390958.jpg (63.06 KB, 460x615, IMG_2463.JPG)

>>260965>>261349Serving 2008 Adele
No. 261795
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>>261349>>261536Just add some wax lips and…
No. 261841
File: 1488430917558.png (978.45 KB, 1440x1969, Screenshot_2017-03-01-22-30-43…)

Just checked her store thing out of morbid curiosity… and ppl get mad at toopoor for selling her nails.. she's literally trying to sell this dumpster chic bullshit for 80 MF DOLLARS lol
No. 261852
File: 1488431327631.png (1.69 MB, 1432x2294, Screenshot_2017-03-01-23-03-32…)

>>261851the bag is the best
No. 261891
File: 1488435533602.png (595.05 KB, 750x1334, IMG_1758.PNG)

No. 261900
>>261891un-fuckin-believable. $80 for some shit that would be easier to make than one of those shitty pillows you make in home ec. not onlt that, but minger's elephant tits probably stretched it out/fucked it up even more. smdh.
No. 261975
>>261900>>261891Jesus honestly we should all start making shit like this and charging these prices obviously there is some kind of untapped market for this junk.
Ugly as the asshole of Delandra Barbie after a Nippon gangbang, with a Tumblr tier nynphet wannabe inscription inside to boot.
Like you can't make this shit up honestly, I don't know whether I'm more scared that this top exists or that at least 2 people exist out there bonkers out of their minds enough to buy/ own it(+ 1 crazy mother fucker who actually stormed up and birthed this thing into the world)
No. 261982
>top made out of an old pair of swimsuit bottoms Wait wait wait…
So she expects somebody to buy and wear a top in which their breasts will be exposed and touching directly a piece of fabric that has been previously been in contact with her dirty vagina juices ?!?
Oh and pay 70$ for the privilege of it all - the unfortunate skin rash that pops up in a few days is at least free right?
What is this world, I don't want to live in it.
No. 261997
>>261891Nah, nah, nah…literally
WHO in the fuck bought this? I wouldn't buy this for $1 let alone fucking $80.
Just makes you wonder about the kind of individual that actually spent their money on this garbage.
>embroidered on the inside w baby blue thread, reads "ALL THE BOYS HATE ME CUZ I SMELL LIKE VANILLA I DON'T PICK UP MY PHONE"She embroidered the lyrics to one of her own songs inside. Wow. I'm disappointed in myself that I actually remembered that line from when I gave her stuff a listen. Never again; that shit was rough.
No. 262007 song…yay…
>"Ginger…listen. All this act– how you actin' now my nigga, like, that's not you, OK? I know how you are. So, cut that shit out"Intro made me laugh; sounds like the dude is calling her out on her Lana Del Rey druggie trailer park trash gangsta thug slut persona being fake, yet she actually uses the clip to fuel said ~aesthetic~.
No. 262044
File: 1488469459666.jpg (77.8 KB, 600x600, 0005148518_10.jpg)

>>261428She does wear extensions. her hair was only halfway down her neck a year ago then she started posting photos with the extensions. in most photos its extremely obvious because she doesnt blend them properly.
No. 262179
>>261841>>261851>>261852>>261853>those priceslooks like mommy and daddy cut her off kek
>>261891nah she definitely "bought" this herself. she's a compulsive narcissistic liar living in a fantasy world. obviously she wanted it to seem like she has fans. not even the most kawaii uwu tumblrinas would sell ugly shit like this for the price. god imagine being this pathetic.
No. 262419
>>262179Nah she got her nails done and her hair n shes obv living with them
She just thinks her name is a brand that should be expensive and seeing what she can get for her garbage.
No. 262421
>>261349God the thing is her gained weight isn't bad she could look healthier etc it's just omg what she does with it!! Eww like she's got nice curves now, why show off the gross stuff
Also she's queen of the shittty tattoos of course which look hideous whether they're worn away that forsaken tat n the white trash tramp stamp make her body look awful
To me her biggest mystery is the tattoo garbage cuz it's seriously bad and not super ~aesthetic etc like whyyyy those you know if it were her it would be like some pics of Cherubs and her own awful lyrics ? It's just the most sus thing about her
No. 263411
File: 1488669072866.png (920.78 KB, 750x1334, IMG_1804.PNG)

I don't know much a lot the 3dge but I do know if you're comfortable/trained/whatever, you hold a gun with your index finger out straight parallel to the gun and not on the fucking trigger.
Who wants to bet those guns are fake af
No. 263546
File: 1488686048995.jpg (98.55 KB, 700x933, IMG_2432.JPG)

she really let herself go now compared to her old photos lol she actually looked decent before
No. 263557
File: 1488688150821.jpg (182.94 KB, 1176x613, depop.jpg)

she must be an XL now since this jacket is said to fit up to an XL and it clearly doesn't look too loose on her… oh btw it sold, who tf is doing this
No. 264139
>>264111>>264134Meth doesn't give you any skin conditions lmao. It takes away your appetite. If you dont nourish your body your skin will get shitty
It also makes you focused on one thing. So if you're already a skin picker it will just make you ultra focused on picking your skin
Plenty of adults and children take Desoxyn which is medical methamphetamine and don't encounter these problems. Even at a high dose as long as you eat and shower and arent already prone to picking your skin youll be fine
No. 264145
File: 1488783447965.jpg (96.47 KB, 500x701, 1458056422887.jpg)

>>264139every drug affects your skin lmao. meth is a stimulant so it makes you sweat more which gives you bumpy, oily skin which leads to acne. she didn't even have acne. poor blood flow also makes the skin saggy and affects the healing process of acne, which is what causes the perma-sores you'll see on nearly every meth user's face. kayla was claiming that her trashy appearance(pic related) was 100% due to her meth addiction. if it were making her that hammered, she would have been a heavy frequent user which would've made her look like absolute shit. if she was a casual user to the point where it didn't even affect her skin, it wouldn't make a significant impact on her lifestyle aka her white trash prostitute aesthetic she so loyally copied off of christiane f. just like she had her white trash phase from gummo. and her hospital anorexia phase from girl interrupted. it's all fake.
No. 264411
File: 1488839020223.jpeg (43.04 KB, 640x376, image.jpeg)

just in case u were wondering who would drop $200 on a jacket that looks like it came out of an autistic cat's asshole
this lola girl makes "music" too lmao
No. 264429
File: 1488840691154.png (107.89 KB, 750x723, IMG_1848.PNG)

Wouldn't post this if they were active on the internet but this is a family memberof a family member of mine and his wife (she's clean for years now) used to be crank addicts all the way and I know she looks crazy but their skin is fine
No. 265515
>>265203I decided to have a listen. I'm not trying to be funny or exaggerate: this is the worst song I've ever heard.
I thought my speakers were glitching out or something. Nope. Her voice is intentionally like that. What the fuck.
No. 265554
This one is pretty bad as well. She doesn't really "sing" but honestly how can you fuck up this bad with a cover. Even somoene posted "constructive criticism" lmao>>265479I…I don't even know. I listened a bit and her voice sounds similar to Ginger's but I didn't feel like torturing myself for too long. But this Lola girl is def kinda suspicious since there are no photos of her…
Actually down the rabbit hole of soundcloud there are quite a lot of hood bbydolls rapping about drugs, <3breaking hearts<3 and miscellaneous edginess. And the irony of it all is that they all think they're doing something original.
No. 265626
File: 1489013097489.jpeg (132.95 KB, 640x789, image.jpeg)

This is Lola. Yikes
No. 266942
File: 1489164251580.jpg (161.03 KB, 1468x1466, C6Wf_gtVMAAWHca.jpg)

i swear she gains 5 to 10 pounds between every photo
No. 266944
>>266942If she really did want to look like she was from a small meth country town, you think she'd be lost stereotypical about it. The crosses, the fanta, etc…It reminds me of when she wa still pretending to be from the hood and she said ''koolaid and section 8''. I guess she has to rely on offensive stereotypes because she has no idea how it actually is.
She should just go back to who she was during YSL days, and maybe try to go back to having an actual career or opportunities…Or she could just get pregnant by some methhead or black guy and really complete her image.
No. 268525
File: 1489373721928.jpg (236.02 KB, 1280x1266, IMG_2610.JPG)

oh god
No. 270977
File: 1489702730143.png (136.85 KB, 750x1080, IMG_1994.PNG)

What is this? Did she make a greenscreen video?
No. 274370
>>270979The bloated corpse of Paz de la Huerta maybe.
I haven't seen Paz in a minute so we could both be correct.
No. 275474
File: 1490233480640.png (1.05 MB, 679x689, ok.PNG)

god i swear heres the thing about her i dont understand…. this is actually the first photo she takes in a long time that could have actually been a good photo, if only she didnt so blatantly pulled her dress up just for the photo for some reason & if she wasnt making that…. expression (?) with her face. like this is so confusing to me why does she intentionally make her face… like that, she could look good but she just chooses not to? i dont get it
No. 275558
File: 1490239696964.jpg (1.02 MB, 1000x1498, tumblr_nz6ycrSVqI1qb6al9o1_128…)

>>270979ya that's p much exactly what she's going for now. fat paz de la huerta but more poor and white trash. it's funny because paz is actually a model and more of a socialite for being so GENUINELY fucking weird it's fascinating and enigmatic and hilarious at the same time. ginger's just blogging in her parent's kitchen when she isn't taking the family toyota downtown for a cliche'd photoshoot. plus she's fat.
No. 276045
File: 1490308667012.png (15.47 KB, 399x436, pathetic.PNG)

>When I’m rich
When she's rich LOLLLLLLLL. Who still believe her bullshit
No. 277383
File: 1490491061164.jpg (170.27 KB, 1440x781, Screenshot_2017-03-25-19-54-31…)

This is depressing. I remember when she'd get hundreds of notes and everyone was up her ass. Ever since she posted that picture of herself showing off the swastika tattoo, things seemed to somehow get worse? All her new songs are terrible. Like ear blood. I dont get her fans who actually listen to it and want the lyrics.
No. 281949
>>275498>>275505Not more than Ginger. Elizabeth actually had an issue with alcohol addiction and probably did some drugs along the way(nothing heavier than cocaine tho), but yeah, Lana is a fabricated persona that Elizabeth created for her music.
Honestly her songs are a digievolution of Ginger's except Grant's voice is actually good.
No. 288812
>>288578i may be off on some dates but i think
08/09 - pissangel, black and white images and no like personal info
10 - bedbones and arealwolf on twitter, talks like cassie from skins etc
11/14 - halfbunny, "ptsd" and more poetry
15 to now - gingerbronson
No. 289009
File: 1491887816912.png (132.4 KB, 640x905, IMG_3290.PNG)

On ginger's recent instagram photo, her swastika tattoo is on full display and these are the comments lol
No. 289038
File: 1491892506896.jpg (97.31 KB, 538x538, jesus.jpg)

>>289009"not getting enough attention, time to show my
problematic tattoo"
No. 289079
>>289038>>266942I don't understand why she does her lips like that. It doesn't look aesthetic and it doesn't look like Jessica Rabbit. How can she possibly look in the mirror and think "yea this looks great I should take photos".
She looks like a Chinese sweat shop Bratz toy knockoff that got recalled for lead paint.
No. 289083
File: 1491902801179.png (150.45 KB, 750x858, IMG_1429.PNG)

>>289009Lord almighty she must be trying real hard to act this dense and dysfunctional
No. 289298
>>289218Please donate your voice to
>>>/ot/34224Thanks anon, I had me a jolly laugh <3
No. 289584
>>289298this was beautiful lol
she always gives these nonsensical replies they used to be somewhat poetic so it worked now theyre just like y do i have a swastica tattoo well once when i was havin my titties sucked…
No. 291396
File: 1492145302813.jpg (Spoiler Image,99.97 KB, 1228x1236, C3jHidNUcAAPitq.jpg)

Say what you want about her, really, I just care for seeing her nude…
No. 291801
>>289298>>289312>>289584>>291455thank you guys! glad you all enjoyed it.
it's hilarious how she tries so hard to sound romantic and artsy even while addressing comments about her blatant swastika tattoo. she just comes off as trying to dodge questions in an inane way that makes zero sense all while sounding like a total tryhard. thats why i couldnt help but chuckle when i was suddenly reading about her tits being sucked in berlin
No. 291862
File: 1492224993223.png (1.64 MB, 1440x1971, Screenshot_2017-04-14-18-30-55…)

I cant believe she goes out in public like this.
No. 292601
File: 1492353421065.png (211.67 KB, 280x556, f.PNG)

>I grew up in a dirt road town
>But I nVr considerd myself a smalltown girl
so living in a mansion in rich family is dirt road town? ok kayla
and how the fuck she goes out in public with faded shirts and such look? i wish her to lose all her money and then to really feel what is to be poor
No. 292603
File: 1492353820216.png (12.13 KB, 314x354, png.PNG)

and it's obvious she sends herself these asks. I don't know what normal person with no hearing problems will like her mumbling and annoying af voice.
No. 292624
File: 1492357901484.jpg (210.41 KB, 656x525, Snapshot_003.jpg)

She always reminds me of horrible tacky Second Life avatars (but she looks worse somehow).
No. 299443
File: 1493252492781.png (125.14 KB, 750x1030, IMG_2579.PNG)

I feel like most of the photos she posts are like the shitty out takes of a photo shoot?? Like what's she trying to serve here? She looks like she's shitting herself.
No. 303857
File: 1493856029981.png (41.8 KB, 640x277, IMG_3755.PNG)

No. 308690
File: 1494376718115.jpg (72.15 KB, 640x635, IMG_1282.JPG)

shes getting fat as fuck
No. 308836
File: 1494386400892.png (2.23 MB, 1420x2457, tmp_22974-Screenshot_2017-05-0…)

Saw this in my feed… she really does look rough. also,
>Liked by grimes
why does she have to be such trash?
No. 308839
>>308836Grimes has always had the worst taste in Dumblr. When this happened I was hoping she would sign Ginger just so we'd have something to laugh about.
I think she also liked and commented on one of /snow/ resident Junkie Luna's caked makeup posts so yeah.
No. 309050
>>308690what a whale lol
>>308836truly disgusting
No. 310002
>>309999i refreshed her page and yep, it seems she really deleted? holy shit lmao?
literally seconds after i opened her twitter and watched the clip, it started displaying an error message when i tried to open the tweet. idk how to save video files from twitter but i managed to screenrecorder it before i refreshed the page. should i try and upload it somewhere? bc its fucking gold
No. 310005
File: 1494488709079.png (326.48 KB, 581x492, xdgyuhj.png)

>>310002also heres a sneak peek to kaykay's freestyle its fire emoji
No. 310027
File: 1494493141344.png (298.87 KB, 445x450, FDD3C33C-CDB9-4B6A-AC22-199C60…)

>>310014oh my god…. she looks like a giant greasy baby constantly on the verge of vomiting all over herself
No. 310041
>>310014she sounds intoxicated and looks like she has a case of the downs. imagine being 30 and sitting in front of your computer 'spitting bars' for your 3 followers on twitter.
shes a giant 18 year old
No. 310138
>>310014>grimes please signal boost this masterpiecebless you anon. thanks for uploading
her room is a mess
No. 310356
>>310014this would be normal behavior if she were like 16. she's a grown ass adult. she's old enough to be a medical doctor. she's old enough to run for congress. she's
definitely old enough to at least have some type of job or school thing happening.
instead she's sitting in a dirty room maintaining the millionth poser identity in a series of poser identities and rapping shittily for her three remaining followers. you'd think the lack of attention alone would have pushed her to do something else by this point wtf
No. 310365
>>310014how that's rap? she's talking slow af .. she sounds retarded
don't you have shame kayla? you are not teenager you are almost 30 years old
No. 310369
>>308690She's probably trying to get thick. Hood bitches have fat asses, dontcha know.
>>310014…I'm sorta feeling this. Disgusting, I know anons…I'll box my own ears.
I like this aesthetic in general, it's kind of nostalgic to me in a sense, but her version isn't appealing because of how she's portraying herself. Idk her appearance has declined greatly these past months. Plus, it's painfully contrived…the daddy this, daddy that, the babydoll idiot typing ("im 2 kool 4 u <3 luv my daddy 4 lyfe"), the nails, the breathless voice.
>>310356God, I cringe every time I remember how old she is. She has too much time on her hands to be living out all these fantasies online…I can't wrap my head around why she does this. I get efame, but still. She could probably acquire that without being a cringy walking stereotype. Did she not live out her teen years online?? Is she using these personas in a 'lost childhood' sense (a la Michael Jackson)?
I've always wondered how much better her 'music' would be if she used her writing skill from her grunge/poet phase. why does she write such shit now when she could use what/how she used to write? It was way better than this filth.
No. 310381
>>308836What's her occupation?
Like does she legit whore out on the streets or does she just dress up like this for social media fodder
No. 310395
File: 1494546271626.jpg (165.46 KB, 1280x960, IMG_0441.JPG)

>>310381tfw this ho spends actual money on looking like a tacky sweaty ass bag of ratshit, parents must be proud.
>so what does your daughter do>well you know dressing up in goodwill ratchet gear and posing like a retarded baby for social media No. 310870
File: 1494579460344.png (1.33 MB, 1440x2095, tmp_12098-Screenshot_2017-05-1…)

Ginger, you're a fat, upper-middle class, white bitch with a swastika tattoo….you literally couldn't be any further from being a gangster.
shouts out to my girl, Tuna btw ♡♡
No. 310962
>>310014So much cringe
Also, someone take the highlighter away from her.
No. 310987
>>310870She's a legitimate lifetime movie.
How did anyone ever take her seriously? Kek
No. 312814
File: 1494791245696.jpg (22.5 KB, 600x450, full (4).jpg)

btw idk if we already went thru these in previous threads but anyone interested in cory's old myspace? is this even relevant lol
No. 313146
File: 1494837981866.png (1.65 MB, 1064x714, trailer.png)

>>313142>deleted the fat photos of herself>theyre all like thatso which is it anon
No. 313729
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No. 317806
File: 1495335071789.png (124.69 KB, 750x1060, IMG_3006.PNG)

Is she like a slutty janitor now? Is that her aesthetic.
No. 318064
>>317806oh god that belly… kayla honey u do realize that replacing ur eating disorder with another eating disorder isn't technically "recovering" right?
also lmao nice editing on the neck/chin, it seems like she just literally used the paintbrush tool to create a jawline over her nonexistent one with a single lazy stroke?? i mean sure her shitty editing isnt anything new but this is just some next level shit
No. 318552
>>317806she looks disgusting overall
and do you guys even understand what she says in her new song on soundcloud .. mumbling
No. 321218
File: 1495692241301.jpeg (148.6 KB, 1470x1464, DAnc2H5XYAAyKPi.jpg large.jpeg)

>>I was a problem child
looooool why she's lying on the dirty ground?
No. 321224
File: 1495692726132.png (123.68 KB, 405x387, sdfs.png)

>>321218sexy broken bad girl
No. 321774
>>321310>wigthe top half's her real hair lmao. shes wearing extensions though
>>321310what aesthetic? "mommy and daddy buy me ugly clothes so i can walk around richville, ca in them and pretend im a prostitute" aesthetic? shes essentially LARPing. it's not even in aesthetic because nothing coherent is going on here and its not real or hers.
No. 322767
File: 1495879432716.jpeg (165.65 KB, 1280x1238, DAzFAFuV0AEbU3F.jpg large.jpeg)

congratulations Kayla you look like poor prostitute. i bet your parents are ashamed of you
No. 322769
File: 1495879586432.jpeg (137.09 KB, 1478x1466, DAtIqGGXcAEOJEo.jpg large.jpeg)

>>Beware of
of what Kayla? the smell from your armpits? lol. really awkward picture.
and these dots she draw under her eye in every her picture really annoys me. it doesn't look good
No. 326320
File: 1496255258939.jpeg (158.73 KB, 1466x1460, DBG27T7V0AA3EQS.jpg large.jpeg)

she's huge
No. 327125
>>327122More like a US 10-12.
My cousin is 5'3, 250 pounds and wears a US16-18…
No. 327139
>>322767 is not the body of a size 10-12. Remember these are highly curated, posed photos. No way in hell is she a size 10-12, I'd put her at least size 14.
No. 327559
File: 1496406557160.png (72.87 KB, 750x741, IMG_3172.PNG)

I saw this scrolling through IG and had to go back cuz I thought this was a Ginger Bronson Original™…
No. 328559
>>326513no need to sperg out, fatass. way to derail
>>327122read the thread, retard. her height was discussed not too long ago. and considering she modeled, its not like solving a fucking geometry problem.
>>327122>>327125>>327128no one cares about your blog.
when will summer end
>>327559lmao that looks like something she would wear. can you imagine her fat sweaty thighs chafing in these and a yeast infection starting to form
No. 328899
File: 1496590058481.jpeg (270.77 KB, 1152x2048, DBRUTiXVYAAzgoI.jpg large.jpeg)

>>New bra & panties from Ali Express
lol lol lol what a poet!
No. 329142
>>328899That line is hilariously awful. That's not cute at all. What's even better is that she spent 12 dollars on shit quality lingerie when you can buy other shit quality lingerie on aliexpress for 99 cents. Might as well go to the mall and buy a decent pair for 12 bucks.
>>328962It was discussed MANY TIMES within the past like 3 threads that she copied people. Who are you new retards who cba to read the threads before posting? Lurk more.
No. 329649
File: 1496691622456.jpg (60.96 KB, 450x413, tumblr_lojp9sCuAC1qh6hioo1_422…)

>>326320she has gained a lot of weight and her belly is very fat but she looks normal and healthy. look at her calves, look at the bones of her feet. how can her legs be "whale" fat? she definitely looks better now than when she had that cringy and creepy malnourished little girl appearance.
and if you're going to say "you are probably as fat as her blah blah" i am not, i am small size. and tired of people hating female body shape. she looks curvy and fine.
to the 2 or 3 losers who keep posting all her photos with references to her body, post interesting information or shut up. she has a normal body and you are either woman haters, real "whale" people or ana-chans
No. 330663
File: 1496824713542.jpeg (165.48 KB, 1990x1464, DBrKa8OUMAAvnOz.jpg large.jpeg)

>>Lift me likk a baby, hold me in ur heavy arms
kayla,so you weight like a baby? cool
No. 331566
File: 1496966184197.png (90.84 KB, 750x863, IMG_3300.PNG)

This is scary and I probably should have spoilered it, sry for the nightmares
No. 331653
>>331566I know I'm in the minority here, but I think she looks good here for once. Her eyes look beautiful in that photo.
I can't shake the feeling that this ~*trashbbygrl*~ stripper/hooker aesthetic would actually be somewhat viable if she lost some weight. I know she suffered from an ED before, but this looks bad too. Like, really bad.
No. 333749
>>330663Is she getting her tattoos removed?
they're super faded, but they've looked that way for ages, kinda like she just had one lazering session and then decided she couldn't be bothered or something?
Or maybe they're just fading super fast bc they were so badly done kek
No. 333859
File: 1497201248288.png (Spoiler Image,885 KB, 750x1334, IMG_3630.PNG)

I think she's been getting them removed.
They're barely even present here. Maybe the backlash from the nazi tat kicked her into high gear?
She doesn't look as chunky either. Are we witnessing the early stages of another identity shift?
No. 333943
>>333859nah, i think it's just a case of poorly done scratcher tattoos fading quickly. I mean seriously, if you were gonna get lazer removal, woldn't you start by getting the fucking swastika completely removed first? plus i don't think the rate of fading is consistent with lazer removal. I bet she keeps them around bc the add to her ~broken trailer park baby~ aesthetic
as for her body, the lying down legs up pose hide the belly fat, but if you look at her calves you can see shes as chunky as ever
No. 334178
>>333943She uses a tattoo removal cream which is cheaper and and doesn't work as well if you don't use it properly/takes longer. She's mentioned it.
Also the tatttoos are shit, the shittier ones are fading faster. I don't think she deserves to remove the swastika. She marked herself, followed white supremacy (if her life then was real we don't know for sure right?) are there any pics of them together?
No. 336048
File: 1497560837903.png (67.31 KB, 640x598, IMG_0897.PNG)

new instagram post
she's looking hefty
No. 336084
File: 1497566837918.png (513.97 KB, 900x599, mings.png)

>>336048What's sad is I actually think her aesthetic works (JUST the aesthetic, nothing else
>>331566 actually definitely not this lol)
It's obviously heavily copied from Lana Del Rey, from the darkest content of her lyrics, and even though Lana didn't authentically turn out to be that girl, the initial intrigue that she could be, might be what propelled her to fame.
Ginger was obsessed with Lana and then saw how Nicole Dollanganger got success from super simplistic music/just being as vulgar as possible and combined the two.
This world is so dumb, all it would take is a producer, or a record company, or any kind of financial backing behind her bullshit backstory that would acquire her
some kind of the pseudo-level of fame.
happened for cringe iggy az
No. 336445
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No. 336595
>>336541>>336526she wrote like 3 of these "books"???/things in total iirc. not totally sure about the titles but i think it was 1. moonet, 2. violetly and 3. …uh, something with crushed petals on the cover? and it was like "a limited edition" i think… and it was one word. or maybe violetly was the last one but ok whatever ANYWAY
i think that was the first time she sold her stuff to her followers. and not to toot her horn or anything but people had repeatedly asked her if she'd ever publish a book for a long time by then.
it's kinda similar to how she began making her "music career", she posted 1 kinda messy, quirky clip on her tumblr, people obv became more curious (and she posted some audio+video of her reading and/or coming up with poems) and asked if she'd post more of her "music" and/or clips of her speaking/improvising. i assume she thinks her music would take off like her writing did, when actually her writing only seemed to become more interesting and gained more and more popularity over time, whereas her music started as cutesy-silly at best and only keeps going downhill.
No. 336596
File: 1497641183386.jpg (65.7 KB, 540x405, tumblr_myu9e9k4CE1rof565o1_540…)

>>336595AHHH RIGHT it was called blown
No. 336656
File: 1497646607194.png (126.91 KB, 640x732, IMG_0932.PNG)

new instagram post
No. 336776
>>336656Is she a stripper? Those kinda look like stripper shoes. Wonder how she can hoist herself on a pole and do anything
Yes I know she is rich but lots of rich girls do it for the aesthetic~
No. 339659
>>336703>>336858i was thinking this too but …..idk as weird as her whole schtick is it almost seems TOO weird that she would be bringing a tripod with her in public. Remember the pic in the gas station with that tiny crop top? Just seems unrealistic that she would set up a tripod in a place that public lol…..then again who knows but I feel like she does have a few friends, she just never talks about them because she wants to continue this "lone wolf" persona.
Or maybe it's her mom kek
Either way, I for one really want to know who tf takes her pics. Not sure how we'd investigate tho
No. 346767
>>337107iirc she still lives with her parents? so if they're letting their adult daughter live with her they are almost definitely paying for her food and other necessities, and probably foot the bill for her credit card too.
thats probably the most pathetic thing about Kayla, her whole persona is about being a tough babydoll who knows how to make it by herself, but she's in her mid 20s and still cant live by herself.
No. 346862
>>346767shes gonna be 28 this year. i wonder if she actually has a job
reading her old poetry made me kinda miss her old style she really made a mistake changing things not that id want her to be successful when its all fake
No. 347472
File: 1499377997379.png (970.64 KB, 1783x1102, yikes.PNG)

i dont think she really photoshops but this post is so weird i dont really know how else to explain it. her face is so melty and lopsided, and the shadows look like they're hitting her face in completely the wrong way, it just all looks so off.
it kinda reminds me of the shoops vicky shingles used to do where she would literally just airbrush herself a new body so that she looked like a second life character or something. shit's seriously weird
No. 349200
File: 1499589135388.png (935.75 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-07-09-15-30-20…)

ANOTHER MASSIVE PURGE! her IG is now only six pics. Who is excited?! Don't worry Kayla day, I've got them all capped including the swastika one just in case your Nazi ass gets anywhere in music by sucking enough dick
No. 363297
File: 1501388751813.jpg (218.08 KB, 1040x596, gingerchange.jpg)

She has changed so much… I wonder which version of her is the real her?
No. 363308
>>363297>black burzum patch on a floral tankwhy…
this trashy rap shit isnt her. her previous persona still isn't her because it's a persona but it was closer to her actual interests.
No. 369346
oh my god who posted the queen bitch freestyle to yt lmaooooo"grimes please signal boost this masterpiece"
No. 370076
File: 1502383062463.png (186.48 KB, 500x257, lucassville-mulheres-de-john-w…)

>>369346she looks like the mom from pink flamingos who likes eggs and sits in a playpen all day
she doesnt have any fucking flow. and what tf does "shave my back then im leaving" even mean
No. 384407
>>380745>>384339oh wow maybe she is moving on because her followers had dropped immensely throughout the years and she wasnt getting any tumblr asks anymore. mustve been boring for her not getting enough attention.
she should work towards becoming a real, working adult especially given her age now. i hope she isnt planning her next persona or something like the womanchild she is.
No. 385982
File: 1505312403100.png (71.6 KB, 490x347, Skjermbilde 2017-09-13 kl. 16.…)

Cory posted this just yesterday on Facebook. The whole "Sincerely daddy" got me.
No. 401207
File: 1507590794797.jpeg (116.25 KB, 750x1009, FE9DAEF1-EFE4-4696-A78B-7D15C4…)

No. 401220
>>401207oh my god she's back.
i was genuinely sad that she might have really dropped off the face of the internet lol. she looks like a totally different person in this picture.
No. 402182
>>401392not to wk or rant but i see some anons in other threads too also talking about "visible collar bones" and i don't think that's a very good gauge of someone's weight, especially because in someone who's not thin but not fat, the collar bones won't be entirely visible at certain angles. I recognize that in chubbier/fat people the collar bone isn't visible, but i feel like the whole ~visible collar bones~ thing is reminiscent of the ~thigh gap~ thing that anachans are (were?) obsessed with.
also, i'm in nooooo way denying she's fat because she's definitely fat and seems to be steadily gaining weight, but her collarbones aren't exactly visible in a lot of her other photos itt. i think a more obvious marker of her weight gain is her fat face and weird jawline.
>>401207>>402170is she trying to do some like hollywood glamour aesthetic instead of her trailer trash one?
No. 405306
File: 1508288112098.png (563.57 KB, 720x992, 20171017_205424.png)

Throw her away please. What even.
No. 405431
>>405306THE TINFOIL ON HER WINDOWS LMAO. Not so elegant. Trap aesthetic again?
I remember ages ago on tumblr her saying that she goes blonde when she's unstable or something to that effect. She was not wrong. She looks truly horrible it's embarrassing. How does she post these things to the internet??
No. 405514
File: 1508341797442.png (765.2 KB, 750x1334, IMG_0114.PNG)

Ok G "use" the fucking meth you've never touched in your life
No. 405687
can someone please tell me why there is fucking TIN. FOIL. On the damn windows and why that's cute to photograph..
Second of all that bandana had to be pretty damn big
No. 405803
>>405687Makes me wonder if she's going in the direction of a new way of being a lost girl. Mary Karr talks about her mother covering the windows with aluminum foil and that one day they ironed crayon shavings or chunks directly onto the windows. Kayla hasn't been able to make anorexic model, addicted trailer trash, or fat low rent goddess work - maybe she's aiming toward a more literary persona.
Who knows though. She probably saw a poor do it and went straight online and ordered some foil so she could copy the aesthetic.
I'm surprised more people don't call her out. Pretending to be poor on a lark is super irritating to people who use foil on their windows because they work third shift and can't afford good black out curtain or possibly even curtains at all. Poverty slumming is gross, no matter how awesome Lana pulled it off.
No. 405940
File: 1508432817520.png (129.2 KB, 750x974, IMG_0134.PNG)

"and i stopped bleaching my hair and i dont wear it in pigtails anymore"
No. 405991
>>405940She's been wearing solotica lenses lmao
So poor and
No. 406400
File: 1508516429381.png (1023.12 KB, 1004x996, gb.png)

did she photoshop herself into this picture?
No. 407060
File: 1508611023782.png (176.45 KB, 750x1101, IMG_7732.PNG)

>>310004I know I'm posting 5 months late, but it's pretty funny that she posted the address to her PO box to send her things instead of her home (not for privacy reasons, probs cause she doesn't want her followers to know she lives in her parents huge rich house bc she's a ghetto broke bitch… just like Lana del ray….right?! Lol)
Obvi saged
Pic related is where she picks up her mail
No. 412072
>>412062>so is she in contact with Cory again?Source?
He got out of jail not too long ago, I thought he hated her guts
No. 413384 song "Methamphetamine King" is on Grimes' "fae" Spotify playlist. Also has Nicole Dollanganger of course.
"The fae are the children living at the end of the world, who make art that reflects what its like to live knowing the earth may not sustain humanity much longer. We live knowing that environmentally driven genocide is nigh, that the least equipped are to be struck down by the very earth itself. Repentance by the innocent for the sins of the rich. This does not mean that all fae art is directly about this, but that the influence of this reality is inescapable for the fae”.
No. 422393
File: 1510536300059.png (107.21 KB, 750x1334, EEE9202F-975E-46B6-9248-59E499…)

What is this even supposed to mean
No. 460738
File: 1515006808399.png (91.48 KB, 1110x454, Skjermbilde 2018-01-03 kl. 20.…)

it looks like she deleted again. her store twitter is still up, along with her Soundcloud and frozen Tumblr.
No. 470384
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I guess she’s really with a label now?
No. 470424
>>470384i'm honestly really interested in where this is going to go, if anywhere. i was wondering if she deleted because she finally gave up on her weird ~ghetto toootally-not-lana del rey~ shtick but i guess not.
sage for pointless rambling but it's especially weird that she may actually be signed now bc her newer music is honestly way worse than her older songs imo. not like they were necessarily Good, but a few at least didn't hurt my ears, now you can't understand anything she's saying and it feels like she's run out of interesting things to write about. maybe it's bc of the soundcloud rapper thing going on rn? idk
No. 488152
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No. 488171
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>>470458I looked up the record labels website and she isn't listed for Records DK
No. 510468
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She isn't signed, she just used a distribution service to get her on Spotify.
No. 534660
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I scrolled through Kayla’s tumblr for the first time in over a year.
Everything she writes reads out like she says it to herself in the mirror in a breathy, slurred voice pretending to do a Lana Del Rey’ monologue. Every. Single. Thing. She writes. Nothing can convince me that she does anything besides pretend to be doing interviews and monologues like she’s Lana in the mirror and occasionally go outside with something to set her phone up on self timer and take photos of herself looking trashy in random areas she drives to in the car her parents bought her.
No. 588922
>>588118I’ll be honest, I don’t blame you for hoping that.
I’m not an ana chan, but the way she looks really grosses me out? I don’t know how to describe it without sounding like an asshole but looking at her makes me feel very embarrassed.
No. 627317
>>627233Don't know why you dug up this old thread to post about your music tastes, but whatever. I suggest you read the thread, most of us don't like Ginger because she's a terrible liar, glamorizes ghetto lifestyles, and makes herself look like dogshit to fit her 'aesthetic'. Her music is just an added bonus to make fun of.
Not to mention she's lazy af. If she actually put in effort and did live shows instead of releasing the same shit on SoundCloud, I assume she would still have a fanbase. Sage.
No. 627527
>>627233To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Ginger Bronson. Her lyricism is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of hip-hop and RnB, most of the intricacies will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Ginger's "damaged baby angel" outlook, which is deftly woven into her persona's characterisation - her personal philosophy draws heavily from Susanna Kaysen's Girl, Interrupted, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of this work, to realize that they're not just catchy- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Ginger Bronson truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the poignancy in the line "Princess Feel Nothing, thou shalt not fuck with me" which itself is a cryptic reference to not only the emotional and physical numbness juxtaposed with a sense of near-superhuman confidence incurred from heavy drug use, but Shakespearean forms of speech and the biblical Ten Commandments. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Kayla Day Aaron's genius unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools… how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Ginger Bronson tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.
(inb4 this pasta gets taken seriously by some idiot newfag as unironic whiteknighting/maleposting)
No. 692226
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just saw that Nicole had commented on her Instagram. She should have Kayla open for her when her LP ever comes out
No. 710098
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Her soundcloud is all blacked out.
No. 724972
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No. 759046
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Semi-recent updates from November.
No. 760060
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No. 785475
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Her other ig for her clothes she was selling is blank now too. To confirm it was her I clicked on email and it says 36ozclothing. I always wonder what happened to ginger, I never actually thought she’d leave the internet lol
No. 818017
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No. 818474
File: 1559763843409.png (451.99 KB, 631x620, Skjermbilde 2019-06-05 kl. 21.…)

i´ve gotten the impression that this girl only had a relation to Kayla through the internet
No. 819249
>>818017Oh shit, plot twist
Imagine she really did have an evil meth ex and he murdered her or some shit
No. 844135
i found two videos of her runway performance, i dont think they were ever posted she shows up at 1:00 she shows up at 3:00
No. 919996
>>919973Lets be honest she’s probably locked up in her bedroom in her multi million dollar parents house in Cali obsessively checking to see if people are talking about her while getting stoned and facetuning old pictures. What she usually does.
I agree she would think being “missing milk box carton” “kidnapped” would be fuel for her uwu aesthetic.
No. 925425
>>925369Wasn’t Gvcci Hvcci like 6 different people? there’s definitely similarities but the witch house dudes behind ‘her’ were actually good at music.
They’re a bunch of girls that do what ginger did on SoundCloud but better regardless cause sexy bad girl femme fatale white girls rapping isn’t exactly an original take
No. 936655
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I got to this blog through a post in my recommended… I’m into some similar elements of Ginger’s ‘aesthetic’. The typing of the post was VERY similar to Ginger’s (awful grammar, 2 instead of too, u instead of you, etc), and it gave me a similar vibe to Ginger’s usual vague forcefully-poetic bad advice or Lana Del Rey monologue rip off… adorned with diamond emojis and shit… they also both seem to have th e same ~broken bad bitch babydoll in the hood Lizzie Grant cigarettes schoolgirl~ schtick
There are some differences though… she claims her name is Tiffany Manchester, though she wants to be called ‘Ginger’ (new persona??)
She also put (1990/NY) in her bio, whereas Ginger is (apparently) living in Los Angeles, and is born in 1989, but ig she is known for faking her age?
This ‘Tiffany/Ginger’ also reblogged a pic of Courtney Love which they captioned something like ‘only 💕’ (love)… this makes me a little skeptical cause Courtney/kinderwhore/grunge was Ginger’s old shtick as Kayla Day.
She vague writes about living in the streets or some shit though… and being a teen runaway… similar to Ginger’s narrative? There’s only like, 5 posts, 2 of which are reblogs. None of the originally written posts are tagged or have any notes, suggesting the blog has garnered little attention or is really new.
What do you guys think??
No. 954603

photo is where she currently lives, assuming she still lives at home with her parents. what’s weird tho is they moved in late 2018, same time she disappeared. maybe that means something maybe not. it’s a 4 bdrm house worth 450k.
i literally ran a background check on her lmao, i have a subscription so. she’s like a ghost, cause nothing is registered in her name. no cars, no leases or evictions, didn’t find any arrests or anything either. she is in fact 31, born in august 1989. ruth & jeffery are her parents, i even found her grandparents but they’re like 90. ruth has a twitter, it’s [redacted](doxxing, containing family info)
No. 954626
>>954609You might get banned for doxxing with her parent's stuff, but thanks for bumping anon
All I really want is to see a new blog, music or IG from Kayla. I'm sure she's still making content, just under a new moniker
No. 954689
>>954626I'm sure she'll always think she could become Internet Famous again but I really don't know how. Everyone saw through her GB days and that airy fairy thing is dead as dirt.
Only thing left is being some egirl TikToker which I really hope she wouldn't try in her 30s.
No. 971707
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Did she delete more photos from her instagram???
No. 971899
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Deleted all of her music as well
No. 971903
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No. 972222
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No. 972226
>>972222lol kayla is about 30 years old, why should her parents just give her money.
Letting her live with them while she acts like poor white trash on the internet is more than enough
No. 972360
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I got a feeling this is old milk but I can't remember it being posted. I remember them interacting, but apparently Grimes has a song with her stored away somewhere.
No. 982766
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am I the only one who thinks Ginger resembles a trashier, bloated, tryhard Scarlett (from skins)? They have a similar spoiled, 'yes daddy~' attitude, and similar 'y2k' fashion(necro)
No. 1062177
>>1062175Got excited for fresh ginger milk and it’s this????
Don’t necro the threads and look for her shitty mumble rap yourself
No. 1204589
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>>1204472No she didn't, it's in safe mode and tumblr doesn't want users to turn that shit off because they're the most family friendly pornsite ever now kek. You can look at her blog through tumbex though, but it's been the same the last three years: really milk but I found a tiny bit of activity, at least if she's managing her own facebook page. She updated her URL to her now suspended twitter account and her instagram.
No. 1204598
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Also looked up her e-mail adress she has in her tumblr bio. No reviews or anything on google but at least she logged in, so she seems to still use this adress
No. 1211805
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>>1211792why did you bump the thread for this, loser
No. 1225687
>>1062175for u anon. this channel has uploaded a few of the soundcloud songs
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
No. 1458843
>>899594>>1062175someone uploaded like 40 of them to soundcloud recently
>>1375331this is garbage lol
(necro) No. 1810180
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No. 1810187
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So she married her dad?
No. 1810670
>>1810187i’m assuming it’s an odd error but hilariously it plays into her bullshit white trash from the holler princess of the trailer park LARP. god, i miss her pre-Ginger shit on tumblr. her backstory always seemed too ridiculous to be true but my teenage self thought her writing wasn’t all terrible and she managed to cultivate an online persona that was simultaneously captivating and mysterious. the character she created was obviously interesting to a lot of tumblr girls but imo she ruined it when she started to show her face and she straight up grossed me out when she rebranded as the thuggish wannabe chola type thing that was Ginger Bronson.
maybe someday she’ll reappear as a barely recognizable mommy blogger (do those still exist?) or something equally unexpected.
No. 1810833
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>>1810670There's a blog archiving all her shit its reblogs from her blog but if you scroll there's a lot of Kayla Day photos and poems too. I browsed a couple of times for a good ol nostalgia kek. It's def easier to browse than gingerbronson cause it was restricted/mobile view only after porn ban tumblr era.
It's quite detailed and there was a lot of rare/forgotten stuff, which made me think how come this person hoarded so much of stuff? some extreme case of fangirl, or? But it must be the fangirl. Anyways, this one's hilarious, "she's safe now" Bitch she's always been, she was blogging from her rich parents house. expensive universities/hipster friends house eventually.
>maybe someday she’ll reappear as a barely recognizable mommy bloggercan't help but wonder if she disappeared bc she got way too fat and it stopped being so kawaiii~