No. 1857715
Hey just posting a beware, panda royalty on vr chat and tiktok, even Instagram and discord, yep they have had a few other names like Marcy panda lover, and like a few accounts dedicated to making beware posts, well she's doing alot of questionable stuff. Firstly she fakes being mute and mental disorders online, like bpd, she does this to excuse her behavior and when it comes to VR chat to get gossip on people to shit talk and betray them later. She also blackmails people and socially isolates them. She degrades other girls and takes advantage of those with mental disabilities, because it financially benefits her. She continues to be friends with known abusers because they haven't harmed her, all while pretending she doesn't support how they harm even her friends. She openly talks about not believing her friends about thier rape and sexual assault stories, even tho they all involve the same person, and tries to have those people block people she's fallen out with because she doesn't need them finding out that she shit talks all her friends behind thier backs. She also is extremely controlling in her relationships and expects everyone to cater to her, she also dates multiple people at one time and won't admit it but the timelines don't add up. Basically she's abusive and actively uses faking mental disorders to worm her way into groups to shit talk and eventually play both sides, she was going on and on about how someone was faking did on vr chat, and to the person pretended she believed them. Don't trust her, I hope this blows up because she's been burning bridges through friend groups and communities so often. She purposely targets alt and mentally ill communities, and I wish I knew what she's done to the hundreds of ex friends and partners she's had since highschool alone. I used to think her always having people around her meant she was good, but too many people have dropped her and she's ran through so many communities for it to be everyone else to blame always.(Board rule 6)
No. 1857747
If you’re going to make a thread on here, next time don’t put a wall of text up with no organization, proof, or links.
>Also, this is called green texting. Use this to summarize information to get to pointsHere is the guide to posting new threads. I hope this helps, retard.