File: 1687603900406.jpeg (300.15 KB, 1125x1371, IMG_8300.jpeg)

No. 1852226
Known online as Maggie Dunlap, 28 years old. One of Nicole Dollanganger’s calves - perhaps the most well known one in her niche. Starred in one of Nicole’s “music videos” years back.
Has gained her following by posting fake gore and fake
abusive porny photos of herself online. Banned from most platforms (which she boasts about), constant tears about not being able to “show her art”. Kicked out of her art school. Most recently boasted about an opportunity to photograph real dead bodies inside a morgue, without any regard for the families of the deceased themselves. Apparently she actually procured a pass, so more edgelord cringe level posts to come. Speculation as to whether or not she actually received a pass, or photoshopped herself onto one for more edge points on Instagram.
Her website showcasing her “art” (explicit photos of self-created snuff photos & crime scenes): laughable photoshoot of her pretending to be mauled by a dog.
Sold shirts in picrel, which other lolcows have been seen wearing.
Previously mentioned in this thread:
>>>/snow/1852221Obviously she loves online attention at any costs, so while engaging in discourse here don’t get derailed by her potentially posting about herself or coming to the site to defend herself.
Have at it! This woman is vapid and so attention seeking she’d post real dead bodies for the sake of “art”, without showcasing any respect or any real intellectual backing to her decisions to do so.
No. 1852227
File: 1687604112217.jpeg (135.94 KB, 1125x1547, IMG_8390.jpeg)

Maggie posing proudly with her “art”
No. 1852231
File: 1687604388017.jpeg (Spoiler Image,200.7 KB, 1125x1620, IMG_8391.jpeg)

Her snuff photoshoot where she pretends to be a young girl getting kidnapped, raped and murdered. Spoiler for obvious reasons
Link: No. 1852233
File: 1687604551413.jpeg (163.05 KB, 1125x1520, IMG_8386.jpeg)

Her alleged press pass from Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department
No. 1852236
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>>1852233Her post about attempting to gain said pass, captioned “I’m the luckiest girl in the world and everything works out for me!” Comments are filled with concerned and disgusted followers saying she doesn’t deserve that level of access
No. 1852239
File: 1687605121939.jpeg (Spoiler Image,129.26 KB, 1125x1351, IMG_8394.jpeg)

Maggie advertising more of her “merchandise”
No. 1852240
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From her infamous shoot with Nicole Dollanganger
No. 1852241
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Her memes
No. 1852242
File: 1687605514081.jpeg (Spoiler Image,267.47 KB, 1125x1537, IMG_8397.jpeg)

Her shitty sfx art
No. 1852244
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“Art” - glamorizing serial killers per her usual M.O.
No. 1852245
File: 1687605998426.jpeg (Spoiler Image,203.36 KB, 1125x1797, IMG_8399.jpeg)

More snuff art uwu
No. 1852248
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More accurate photo of her ugly mug for anyone falling for her edited photos
No. 1852282
File: 1687611910046.png (503.8 KB, 989x733, ugh.png)

She has this Instagram page called the "Opioid Crisis Lookbook" I found on her website which she describes as "the first narco-capitalism fueled lifestyle magazine"
At first I thought it was a meme page but it's really a collection of edgy shit that has to do with opioids or whatever. There's also lolicon posted on it. This girl is like a psychopathic goth twelve year old who kills birds and brings them to school. The fact that she considers this art baffles me. No. 1852310
File: 1687615654744.jpeg (164.32 KB, 1125x1661, IMG_8404.jpeg)

Her being associated with this atrocity makes me seriously question whether or not she has a drug problem herself. Being on opiates would explain the constant dead look in her eyes, she does look somewhat out of it in her posts.
Side note - she was in a small insignificant Glossier ad. Which parent do you think paid for that or set it up? She very obviously comes from a wealthy family with ample connections. Makes me wonder if she’d be getting this much online attention without her parent’s constant help.
No. 1852322
File: 1687616876501.jpeg (128.72 KB, 1125x932, IMG_8406.jpeg)

No. 1852324
File: 1687617247132.png (2.73 MB, 1328x1614, opioid crisis my ass.png)

>>1852310>Her being associated with this atrocity makes me seriously question whether or not she has a drug problem herself. Being on opiates would explain the constant dead look in her eyes, she does look somewhat out of it in her posts. Absolutely fucking not. Stupid bitch has no idea what is she photographing/talking about. As someone who was addicted to opioids for 10+ years, i can tell you with whole certainty that no actual junkie makes ~tumblr opiate collages~ like this. A tumblr dumbfuck just starting experimenting with their first lean for the aesthetic? Maybe. But longtime addicts suffering the consequences of their decisions everyday… no. There's nothing to romanticize, and no, opiate addiction is not ~cute but creepy dirty heart-shaped bathtubs with a syringe strategically placed inside, with Nicole Dollanganger playing softly in the background~. I just mean, actual addicts don't take a time out of their day to do precious shots glamorizing their struggle via unrealistic tumblrina sadbbydoll trailertrash photoshoots, they'd be amused by implication someone doing this
seriously could have any idea about opiate addiction. These pics honestly made me snort first time i saw them, pure 2012 tumblr. She never changed, did she? I can't believe it's an actual "publication"
She could just look like that (vapid, empty-eyed.) Or tinfoil: she uses makeup to make her eyes look more "dead". Like painting on exaggerated eyebags a'la Arrow de Wilde.
No. 1852354
File: 1687622516117.jpg (46.08 KB, 598x905, theweleit.jpg)

I had never heard of this bitch but ugh that shirt she's selling is a design stolen from the cover of a classic cultural history of fascism (it's an interesting read that summarizes a lot of Weimar-era primary sources, you'll be shocked to hear that Nazi street fighting moids were deeply fucked up misogynists.)
Edgelord Nazi shit, into the trash it goes
No. 1852355
File: 1687622576531.jpg (46.08 KB, 598x905, theweleit.jpg)

I had never heard of this bitch but ugh that shirt she's selling is a design stolen from the cover of a classic cultural history of fascism (it's an interesting read that summarizes a lot of Weimar-era primary sources, you'll be shocked to hear that Nazi street fighting moids were deeply fucked up misogynists.)
Edgelord Nazi shit, into the trash it goes
No. 1852363
File: 1687623742189.png (288.03 KB, 2198x1116, oxy.png)

>>1852294that is not her natural hair colour lmao
>>1852282they're selling fucking oxycontin plushies jfc
No. 1852407
File: 1687627721058.jpeg (Spoiler Image,65.35 KB, 679x1024, IMG_8408.jpeg) to one of her interviews before she went completely off the rails. She’s been obsessed with Marilyn Manson forever and wants him to notice her… no surprise there
No. 1852415
File: 1687628356948.png (744.44 KB, 748x828, redscare.png)

>>1852354that cow crossover. Birds of feather
No. 1852416
File: 1687628851428.jpeg (11.69 KB, 275x270, 1686751046622.jpeg)

Already been mentioned in Nicole's calves, but i feel it's relevant to mention here as it's one of the cringiest things ever. She's obsessed with that fake "snuff movie where rabid dog bites my face off" thing she was posting to every forum and 4chan trying hard to pass it off as ~legit~ violence footage… only to turn out it's a photoshoot done for some glossy magazine by one of those lowkey trendy/well connected LA artfag nepo baby photographers who just love to slap "blurry Y2K digi camera" effects on their photos, kek
>>1846596 No. 1852417
File: 1687628953288.png (26.34 KB, 235x275, 1686771040151.png)

No. 1852422
File: 1687629788800.jpeg (Spoiler Image,26.55 KB, 924x645, IMG_8410.jpeg)

From her “true crime” exhibition. Spoiler for gore, but it’s not real kek. Imagine letting this woman into an actual morgue with her camera. I hope the Los Angeles Sheriff’s County isn’t actually going to let this woman take photos. If so there is going to be so much milk, and I hope the families of the deceased she exploits for her “art” sue her ass off
No. 1852425
File: 1687630011365.jpeg (Spoiler Image,28.35 KB, 626x876, IMG_8411.jpeg)

>>1852422“Art” kek and in her summary of the exhibition she really talks about how true crime podcasts etc. are muh bad bc they don’t showcase the bodies, just “sensationalize” the cases. But here she is sensationalizing actual gore and crime scenes. Btw Maggie true crime outlets don’t post the crime scene pics or photos of the dead
victims out of respect for the dead and their families. You’re not earning any points here from anyone. You’re just seeking shock value for the sake of edginess. If mommy and daddy didn’t have art connections this exhibition would have never happened.
No. 1852431
File: 1687630304137.jpeg (159.89 KB, 1125x1093, IMG_8412.jpeg)

Margaret being banned from art school, even they think she’s a fucking edge lord. I love how they put the quotations around “art” - they too were done her shit. Imagine failing so hard as an artist no platform, website or even art school wants you to post it or continue
No. 1852438
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>>1852431Unrelated but she is so butt ugly when she’s not in super high contrast. Big nitpick but she’s so pudgy and her face is just so awkward if not in the perfect angle with bright ass flash or editing. I keep noticing how deep her nasolabial folds are, which I know is a meme but for her it’s a reality kek
No. 1852450
For anyone interested, here’s an interview featuring her mom, dad, and herself. She comes from a “family of artists” and there was an article on them mommy and daddy fund everything she does
No. 1852452
File: 1687631521842.jpeg (184.36 KB, 1125x1459, IMG_8415.jpeg)

In her own words - she’s creating images she wants to see. Her work is without substance - she’s obsessed with gore, murder and apparently little girls being abducted. “Worlds she wants to explore”.
No. 1852462
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I have no words
No. 1852463
File: 1687632252095.png (58.15 KB, 752x1016, comments1.png)

>>1852462Some of the comments under thins, and Maggie's reaction to this… fuck me, she's so pathetic.
>yOu fOrGot tO uSe yOur BuRneR >UNFOLLOW ME! No. 1852466
File: 1687632517534.png (36.18 KB, 740x748, comments3.png)

This fucking moron… damn I see now this thread is well deserved, how could i ever doubt if she's milky. bitch is waaaay worse than whatever Nicole's ever done. Perhaps way worse (and cringier) than many many cows discussed here.
No. 1852499
>>1852282>The Opioid Crisis LookbookSage for butthurt blogpost but this shit makes me so unreasonably angry, jaded LA/NYC rich kid art school hipster assholes who think it's cool and edgy to romanticize poverty squalor and hard drug abuse. All of these people should be shot.
t. lived in a shitty rust belt town, went to art school
(just because you sage does not mean it's okay to blogpost) No. 1852557
>>1852431>>1852438What the fuck is wrong with this cow? 3D printed AR-15 isn't art. Neither is distributing the downloadable version on your website. I hope she is on government's watch list.
>>1852227>>1852231How did she even get accepted to the art school? These are horrible. The image quality is unacceptable. Did she take the pictures with a potato?
>>1852241>>1852244The memes are shit quality too and I don't mean the message. Is she colorblind? Looks like elementary school kid learning to add text to image.
No. 1852558
>>1852557Let me guess… i bet mommy & daddy's money and connections.
Also, private art schools will accept anyone.
No. 1852559
File: 1687645939234.jpeg (199.92 KB, 1125x1578, 1686671882290.jpeg)

What is this. Who in their right mind let her in on the runway? kek
Why not Millie Dollgraves, Patience Kingsley or that giant Andre calf as well? I'm sure they'd make an equally, uh, huge impression on a catwalk…
No. 1852572
File: 1687647017501.jpg (1.77 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_0869.jpg)

>>1852559it's a zoomer brand with "inclusive" casting. Not really a compliment to be included with models like picrel kek
No. 1852729
>>1852559She looks like shit.
Every time I see average or shitty looking people on the catwalk it reminds me that modelling is a genuine talent and supermodels deserve every penny they get.
No. 1852741
>>1852232I swear ugly doughy cows like this have the exact same brains as MTF trannies.
Autopedophiles who fetishize girlhood, femininity and womens bodies. Forever seething and resentful at being rejected in their youth by normal girls, for being weird, ugly, nasty, and insufferable. Nobody ever wanted to rape or kidnap them because they were always so obnoxious and repulsive, they feel like they missed out on female socialization. So they try to reenact pedophilia and violence against little girls as adults as part of a sexual fetish to feel validated as female, but also as an outlet for their sadism towards the women who ‘rejected’ them growing up. So repulsive. Two peas in a pod with vicious, misogynistic troons.
No. 1852742
File: 1687686507749.jpeg (112.8 KB, 1242x1421, FCE24886-189E-45E1-BDE5-CB831A…)

>>1852559Lol it’s so obvious she wants to be an edgy platinum blonde model like Hanna but the difference is someone like Hanna is gorgeous and photogenic meanwhile Mags will always look like a puffy British tranny with Down syndrome who has had too many cortisone shots.
No. 1852785
I just wanna say something, there's all this talk about how it's heartless and disrespectful to photograph dead people (first because dead people… can't consent to being photographed, second - disrespectful to families), and she always comes back with 7 year old tier replies lie UNFOLLOW MEH! I AIn'T READING ALL THAT! etc. And with "IT'S ~ART~!!!".
Yeah, speaking of which. WHERE is this "art", Maggie? Is there anything "artistic" about her photography? Idk, technique, angles, colors, setting, how you stage the photo or quite the opposite, how spontaneous moment was luckily captured and came out striking in some way? Because there's no such thing in her photos. She just takes pics of dead people, and that is that. Everything you can say about her photos is that photo captures real dead bodies, which is shocking, revolting, or "cOoOL" to 13 year old gore edgelords looking up to her (except she's a woman in her 30s, kek). But it is like that ONLY because of the subject of photos. Or to be more precise, it's not even because bodies are real: no, that in itself isn't shocking. It's something else. These photos evokes such emotions strictly because you know the author had such a nerve to take such photos and then masturbate over it on instagram, and THAT's what makes you shocked/annoyed/straight up cringing, for the most part.
I see no art there, it's edgelordery for edgelordery's sake. And i'm graciously leaving her 4chan fake snuff out of equation - it's just a weird mix of fetishistic narc fuel imposing their pervert hobbies onto others for shock value (perhaps because she's too ugly to capture people's attention in any normal way, lol). blatant attention grab.
No. 1852798
>>1852707Kek nona you didn’t actually think that was her real hair did you? It’s obviously extensions.
Maggie of course is probably extremely aroused by wearing a dead Indian prostitutes scalp hot-glued to her greasy pink head and is rubbing her big smelly beefy cow cunt to the very thought right now.
No. 1852803
File: 1687696387797.jpeg (108.46 KB, 1125x2075, IMG_8416.jpeg)

So she posted this in her story. She’s lurking, and also, it would appear it’s faked? How is this art? I ask again…
No. 1852804
File: 1687696453456.jpeg (Spoiler Image,150.29 KB, 1125x1954, IMG_8417.jpeg)

More from her story today
No. 1852805
File: 1687696614010.jpeg (Spoiler Image,290.49 KB, 1125x1880, IMG_8418.jpeg)

Just for the keks
No. 1852820
>>1852787I thought she had access to a couple of real cases occasionally? Like pics from autopsy or whatever. Anyways, even speaking of staged ones, she makes these "bodies" look oddly realistic in a fetishistic way. Like all these bruises, cuts of a violence/murder
victim etc. Can't explain, it's almost like she gets off on that. Add onto that all the "sex torture snuff" vids she makes with her boyfriend and you see where it goes.
Anyways, speaking of those clips. How was it implied that there was rape involved? Did she try to act out the rape on camera or was it implied somehow visually (like bruises or thighs or whatever)?
No. 1852831
File: 1687699289287.jpeg (Spoiler Image,190.98 KB, 1125x1712, IMG_8419.jpeg)

>>1852820& it’s faked. Didn’t realize she doesn’t even do the special effects though literally just takes a picture. Spoilered for nudity and edginess
No. 1852861
>>1852831So, correct me anons if i'm not getting it right (i haven't lurked her site or IG much yet cause i have no time). So turns out she's NEVER in fact photographed real dead bodies (from autopsies, morgues, crime scenes), she just orders MUA/SFX artist and instructs her models to play dead, THEN she goes onto instagram/4chan/r9k and tries to pass it as ~le epic legit dead people footage!~, and also presents same "content" in galleries thanks to daddy's money?
If it's ALL faked, then i feel somewhat relieved. she's still a huge cow nonetheless, cause it's still modelling after/fetishizing murder, rape and actual dead
victims. That being said, i'm sure she
is actively trying to gain access to real
victim's bodies, autopsy entries etc so who knows maybe she will succeed. Stupid, talentless bitch.
No. 1853014
>>1852866I don't know if this is another publicity stunt like getting expelled from art school for breaking the law. I looked up her website and barf. I believe she was failing her classes and wanted a dramatic exit. She wouldn't have actually 3D printed the AR-15s, right? She knows that would have gotten her arrested.
She is not the only edgelord shock value artist. As a matter of fact, that shit has been done so many times there is nothing special about it. Those artist are talented enough to make ot look real, have better quality cameras, and know how to light up a set. Makeup artist work hard to master the SFX skills.
The only photos with real dead bodies that got featured at art galleries are from wars, and the photos were originally taken by reporters.
Maybe her goal is to get arrested when she is trying to enter a morgue holding a camera in her hand.
No. 1853178
File: 1687739601024.jpeg (Spoiler Image,49.89 KB, 558x1080, aesf.jpeg)

>>1853137NTA but she is 100% right. This girl isn't milky. She doesn't grift, she doesn't lie, she doesn't stream her cringey views or podcast, she doesn't engage in online drama with the exception of that one post on her press pass, she doesn't produce milk, I don't like her art either but it's also not even that new or shocking. The whole thread so far has just been anons going through her archives talking about how they hate her art and bitching about her rich parents; I give it a few weeks before the thread necros. The whole things stinks of vendettaposting tbh.
>>1853014Joel Peter Witkin built his whole career on dead bodies, and he didn't get permission to photograph them he just bought them from mexican morgues and brought them to his house. A russian photography group photoshopped designer clothing on unclaimed corpses just decade ago. Are farmers going to make threads for that too? The milkiest thing so far in the thread is moralfagging by anons in the funeral industry pretending the whole industry isn't rife with grotesque abuse and exploitation of dead bodies
No. 1853267
File: 1687749645601.jpeg (74.45 KB, 1125x469, IMG_8407.jpeg)

>>1853113Narcissist Maggie would claim those art hoes are just mimicking her kek. She is absolutely milky
No. 1853343
>>1853293She doesn’t have an army she’s a terminally online smelly piss stained loser cow
>>1853267Kek she really is a raging narc.
No. 1853348
>>1853207She’s an edgy clusterbee narc who craves any kind of attention negative or positive, and can’t take the slightest criticism without chimping out
>>1853267Lol since when is anyone copying this bitch. Real delulu hours. Everyone in that shitty tumblrina gore scene copied each other to death.
Besides her outfits are plain and ugly, her hair and makeup sucks, her art is the most derivative pile of edgy dogshit I’ve ever seen. There are a million other e-girls who look and do it better than her.
She’s just mad that other women can at least look attractive when they go for the possessed creepy dolly look whereas she just looks like a dumpy potato faced downie.
No. 1853421
Maggie mentions this lilybloom_ woman a lot, and their profiles are eerily similar. I guess the only difference is it looks like this woman is somewhat of an actual artist (still cringe posting) - would appear Maggie is almost trying to copy her? Or at least receives a lot of help from her when it comes to photoshop and photoshoots. Speculation saged.
No. 1853451
File: 1687779370020.webm (1.98 MB, 720x1280, Untitled.webm)
TikTok with caption "am i gonna get banned for this". Try hard Maggie could just delete her TikTok.
No. 1856888
File: 1688275290903.jpeg (1.53 MB, 1110x2024, IMG_8580.jpeg)

Her tumblr account was @maggiedunlap, still is, just your stereotypical sadbbydoll posts like this
No. 1857194
File: 1688334404506.png (1.29 MB, 1118x975, 20230703_003728.png)

Maggie is selling stuff on insta including boyfriend's guitar. Why would people be scared of that?
No. 1857930
>>1852322I'm making a rare post here because I'm a co-director of a young but fairly well known contemporary gallery in nyc. I have never heard of this person but judging from this post, she's a moron, cringe as fuck, and imo her art is horrendous and unconscionable.
That said, there are a thousand talentless weird looking nepo babies just like her in the art world, and therein corpse abuse is nothing new. My prediction is that she will disappear in a few years as these people usually do either from boredom, being cancelled, or irrelevance.
No. 1869868
File: 1690147999841.jpeg (129.13 KB, 1080x1920, download.jpeg)

So is this quirky girl finally going to abuse the corpses or just posting her thighs with edgy caption?
No. 1870684
>>1869868Her fucking mug, she’s such a wannabe edgelord piece of shit. If you love coroners so much maybe you should have gone to school
and entered the field. Like some people (me) actually do without looking for edgy points. Kys
No. 1870685
File: 1690308323211.jpeg (957.69 KB, 1125x1419, IMG_8711.jpeg)

Yeah they would totally consider your haggard ass 30yo self to play a teenager kek
No. 1870754
File: 1690319584741.png (1.19 MB, 1981x970, 20230726_001001.png)

>>1870685She is not an actor. So this was make believe. No wonder she is not mentioned in the Midsommar (2019) credits. Midsommar was not filmed in Helsinki. The director's name is not Astor.
No. 1881489
File: 1692039508495.jpeg (151.2 KB, 1080x770, download (4).jpeg)

Mags wrote a short story "Better than Graigslist" for some shit magazine. They posted a two page sample of it. This is pornsick scrote tier smut.
No. 1888804
File: 1693075984231.jpeg (1.13 MB, 1125x1672, IMG_8955.jpeg)

anyone know why she’s wearing a shirt that says child slavery? Kek
No. 1888984
>>1881489She directly lifts this entire concept from Michael Giras The Consumer and then
>>1881491 trying to channel Jenny Holzer. This bitch is literally trapped in 2013 someone save her.
No. 1900246
File: 1695039348606.jpg (Spoiler Image,145.83 KB, 1250x594, EGcSqC7X0AEIV9b.jpg)

>>1852227Not going to necro since it's not exactly milk, but could this photo be plagiarized on picrel ? The pose and the way the hair is positioned are near identical. It's a painting by Fuyuko Matsui.
No. 1911245
>>1910368She started as Nicole Dollanganger's calf, so the expectations for her are not that high to begin with.
She can use her connections to get her mediocre unoriginal art featured in galleries. It's not like she has to even try to better her art.
If she took pictures of beaten up scrotes, that would be kinda rad. She could even support Amber Heard to get that shock value. But she could never because that's how you lose your moids. Most cows are pickmes and this one is no different.
No. 2055352
File: 1731346162039.jpg (938.98 KB, 914x1305, Philip_Best.jpg)

Maggie Dunlap has been associating with yet one more better-known artist in another attempt to build credibility and compensate for her total lack of originality.
This time, she's associating with Philip Best, a washed-up power electronics artist who hasn't made anything worthwhile since the 90s. According to Best's blog post, he wrote a 100,000-word commentary for her upcoming "art" book. What could be so interesting about her utterly generic output to an old pervert?
Maggie could try making something genuine for once instead of hiding her complete lack of inspiration behind plagiarized styles and regurgitated edgy aesthetics that have been trite for decades. Her newer works rely almost entirely on copying misogynist works (art, porn, whatever) by men from decades ago (her older works are just as imitative). Adding perfunctory hints of cliché "femininity" to her plagiaristic works doesn't at all reduce her total reliance on and imitation of misogynist works by men. It doesn't reduce the banality of her "art."
About her being from a "wealthy" family, her family does the same thing she does with artists: her parents latch onto wealthy people who tolerate their leeching because they're "artists." Her family is not wealthy.