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No. 1830495
A continuation of this thread:
>>>/snow/1772274SUMMARY: Effina Hyatt aka Fotouh Al Sahlamm is a silver spooned, 23-year-old self-hating Kuwaiti and plastic surgery/filter addict who rose to z list notoriety after she married washed up has-been/former MDE member, 38 year old Charls Caroll after a whirlwind courtship of less than year.
>Effina marries her senpai Charls Carroll after years of stalking MDE despite Charls being 14 years her senior and openly fetishizing virginity, she flies out to live with him in his squalid rented apartment
>Effina is caught editing her own baby photos
>Effina’s online fashion “boutique” which she claimed included clothes designed by herself is exposed for being cheap Aliexpress sweatshop dresses which she was inflating the price of tenfold
>Screencaps found incriminating Charls for being involved with underage fans in previous years.
>Candid pictures of Effina are uncovered showing the extent of her plastic surgery/video editing and photo editing which she still denies
>Effina claims to be an uwu trad virgin waifu despite flying out to Sweden when she was 18 for dick whilst lying to her parents and Charls to this day by claiming she was staying with friends.
>Archived 4chan threads are found in which Effina posts about her hate for “immigrants”, “n*ggers” and “subhuman spics”. Effina also brags about her arab billions and details the beautiful story of her and her Swedish lover that she was seeing in secret. These threads are proven to be posted by her due to timestamps and links to her previous Instagram handle which she posted herself
>Charls continues to be schizophrenic on-stream attempts to clearpill his audience with shitty takes and then threatens his own fans on stream whilst Effina draws fan art of him in the background
>Effina features in online streams full of twitter scrotes where she’s largely ignored by moids whilst she tries to virtue signal about how knowledgeable she is concerning history and politics (she reads Jung, duh!)
>Effina posts in the previous thread proving she’s been lurking and admits to heinously editing photos, getting plastic surgery, selling Aliexpress clothes, getting fillers, lightening skin and wearing contacts. She tries to deny ever having a posting on 4chan and having a Swedish boyfriend due to Charls having a moid meltdown if he finds out she’s not a virgin.NEW MILK:
>Effina gives birth to two twin boys who remained in hospital for a month after they were born assumedly as a result of her own health being underweight and emaciated whilst pregnant and post partum.
>Charls continues to bald and schizo stream to support his new young family
>Effina continues to edit her pictures to insane degrees and looks to have lost a considerable amount of weight.
>Trolls call Effinas sons deformed and she goes on an online Instagram story sperge seemingly unable to take the insults despite being a 4chan race baiter/avid slur user a couple years ago.
>Effina dyes her hair a pukish orange color to look more white, but ends up looking like a circus clown instead.
> continued editing and trying to be an Arab influencer but getting lowkey bullied because now even the Arab followers know she’s phot shopping. SOCIALS:
TWITTER: TOK: No. 1830498
File: 1684520912498.jpeg (68.58 KB, 750x915, 83CAAC88-1AEF-410D-8F26-F2A432…)

Who told her this was a good idea? It looks like a wig. Foot is like a brown plastic mannequin trying to turn white.
No. 1830499
File: 1684520978471.jpeg (69.05 KB, 750x649, 4D09976D-58E0-48D2-8411-D52D00…)

Charles looks like a suicidal middle aged man. Gone are the glory days of MDE and Adult Swim…
No. 1830540
>>1830498I think she was trying to go for Angelina but looks like a Saudi tranny instead
>>1830499Well no wonder, being married to deranged narc like Foot with two ugly kids is probably reminding him how old and washed up he became.
No. 1830568
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>>1830498Reminder of what her face looks like when she’s not editing away
No. 1830945
File: 1684588276586.jpeg (56.43 KB, 750x707, 8F955B71-DB0A-4762-AFA4-72D57F…)

>>1830716Don’t be mad, Foot. Maybe if you stopped editing your face, there would be no more threads about you. The milk is that even your followers think you’re a weirdo now.
(hi cow) No. 1830947
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>>1830567She’s going to go full psycho and shoot Charles if he tries to leave her with those two doomed babies
No. 1830948
File: 1684588468086.jpeg (81.85 KB, 750x891, 147D3E5F-E93F-48D1-9762-E10906…)

The Amityville Horror: “broke white incel procreates with a self-hating goat farmer from Yemen” edition
No. 1831887
>>1831743this is such a stupid nitpicky post. Wow they don’t look exited for a photo while receiving a gift! So milky! I’m not defending her behavior by any means, but I’m sure that even you don’t express a soyboy face every time you’ve received a gift?
Thread must be slow if this is considered milk.
No. 1832200
>>1832125>People talk about non-milky stuff all over the boardTrue, but shitting up the catalog with an entire new thread, just to trash-talk the appearance of Effina and her toddler babies, is pointless and reeks of vendetta-chan'ism.
There hasn't been milk in over a year - just let go.
No. 1832505
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Foot posted a birthday tribute for Charles, but he never reposted it on his story or even bothered to like it. You would think that your husband who is supposed to love you soooo much would at least acknowledge you but nope. Charles has purged all but one pic of Foot from his Instagram. Yikes(
No. 1832629
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>>1832125I wonder who it is posting no milk 50 times in each thread. Can’t think of who would do that
No. 1832939
>>1832629Holy shit, she actually looks like a mtf..
Her facial features are so absurd, I'm convinced that her family is inbred.
No. 1833120
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>>1832939This is her malformed father. imagine her real nose looks like this kek
No. 1833411
>>1832505He probably simply thanked her in person and doesn't care about appearances on instagram.
>harles has purged all but one pic of Foot from his InstagramNot at all, there are many pictures of them together
No. 1833418
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What you ordered on Wish vs. What you actually got
No. 1833521
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>>1833424Charles before and after meeting Foot
You’re coping if you think Foot is out of his league. Charles isn’t the one who needed 20 surgeries just to look human. All he needs is a hair transplant and laser eye surgery.
Foot on the other hand is botched and has horrible teeth, recessed jawline and garbage genetics she passed on to her babies. At least Charles has straight white teeth and a good jawline. Foot is looksmatched with a 5’5 ft Arab man who looks like her dad. Moids are gross but so many feminazis are in denial that women can be nasty and ugly too. I’m Arab and I know that many mothers would even reject Foot to marry their son because she’s 2/10 in the Middle East.
No. 1833522
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>>1833478She’s had at least 3 rhinoplasties, lip filler, jawline/chin filler, cheek filler, plus photoshop, Facetune and filters
No. 1835529
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Too bad for her that all the filters and surgery still can’t fix her recessed chin which she edits to look sharper in pictures
No. 1835714
>>1835529They live like crackheads, having no furniture is crazy. Also where tf is her fucking engagement ring? I just now that charles is way to cheap to buy her one kek not very trad
>>1830948I'm really starting to believe her kids are legally retarded. Grunting creatures. OT but even my bf said charles kids look extremely fucked up. Perhaps something genetic? They don't even seem to develop correctly. I'd feel sorry 4 her tho, having slow kids gon be hard on our photoshop queen
No. 1835734
>>1835719This. Sam's probably laughing his ass off that Charles settled for fuckinf Foothouh. But she's still the best he could get at his current state.
>>1835724They already look weirdly short, stumpy almost. I'll give them 5ft7 MAX
Sometimes I think Foot despises her life more than charles, yes she's extremely ugly but she could've gotten at least with someone taller/younger kek
She fucked her life up before even reaching 25. And is tied to ugly kids, and an old balding edgelord.
No. 1836177
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She’s trying to pretend she has green eyes and red hair. The only Arab who wanted to be Irish(do not use emojis)
No. 1836178
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Are they filming for the new MDE?
No. 1836682
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>>1836669We shouldn’t feel bad for Foot tho because she’s just asking for it by hanging out with Sam and his band of misogynists. She thinks she’s special and they’ll like her because she’s supposedly not a “hoe” and she’s “trad” which is hilarious. However they definitely know she’s a photoshop addict and she just got exposed once again in Charles’ story. SMH. Also the new MDE show is gonna suck if she’s in it.
No. 1836684
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She has such pronounced prognathism when she’s not editing away
No. 1837371
>>1837361Uhm pol retards are exactly the people Fotouh loves to asslick so idk
She's stupid to participate in this MDE bullshit, it will most likely backfire on her, as she literally looks like a fucking tranny.
Whos watching her goblins? The dog?
No. 1837374
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>>1836177>>1836909>>1836186>>1837370reported for race-baiting also, most arab women don't have afrian/iranian features don't lump her in with us you racist freaks
No. 1837375
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effina doesn't exist, it's a made up name that some brown girl thought sounds white kek
She's literally admiral alladin making this up kek
Anyone else hates her fake high-pitched trans voice? Like it's seriously insufferable to listen to, she sounds genuinely retarded.
No. 1837493
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Kek this new pic on the left of Foot and Charles looks like the old one on the right which she said was “shopped” to make her look worse. She made Charles cover her ugly face this time LOL
No. 1837504
File: 1685464923260.png (2.24 MB, 750x1334, 9CDE6372-66EF-4EB2-A9E9-57C281…)

Nick gave in and took a photo which her, which she heavily edited her face in once again. What happened to this “based” 4Chan comedian who once ridiculed narcissistic and low iq women? Foot is the ultimate parasite: a delusional, botched, plastic, self-hating, photoshopping brown woman from the third world using her white husband’s failed sketch comedy group with a cult following to gain ig clout, and producing babies that came out deformed and sickly because of her lifelong eating disorder. Are MDE fans that retarded that they’ll accept this?
No. 1837612
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>>1837493Remember when she had a meltdown on Twitter about how that picture with Charls is fake (even though it is real and was originally posted on the Hadeyn's Facebook page), then she posted a completely edited picture and lied to her followers about how that's what she actually looks like.
No. 1837659
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Samefag, average Arab man. Same fucking nose. You can like her or hate her, but it is delusion and cope to try and push her as "African". You'd have more luck calling her Indian lmao.
No. 1837670
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>>1837666This was the deleted post, probably the same person complaining that the thread was full of "anti-arab racebait". Anyway, you cannot fight DNA, biology or kick someone out of being what they are (Arab) because they make you mad.
>>1837664Go and fight with the author of an article on Arab ancestry if you're so sure of this No. 1837684

>>1837679> unironically racistyes like all the disgusting remarks you guys make about arabs as if fotouh is the representative of us all
> arab cousin marriage and it's consequences> Arabs will get their giant noses reduced, wear contacts, bleach their skin, edit their photos like hell then say they love being arab and would never want to be whiteall of those remarks are "calling an arab woman arab-featured" when she clearly stated her mom is persian and her dad is african-arab.
(Rule 3.2) No. 1837691
>>1837684I never made a disgusting remark about Arabs. All I've said is that she is Arab, which she is. Incest (eg cousin marriage) will create strange-looking people, nothing to do with any race. However, Arab inbreeding will never make an African. IMO, she is an average Arab woman. Everything else is decided by her character.
>>Arabs will get their giant noses reduced, wear contacts, bleach their skin, edit their photos like hell then say they love being arab and would never want to be whiteI didn't make this comment or even see it, but it probably came from another Arab person who is just sick of the lies and endless plastic surgery. I'm not part of the races being discussed, but everyone looks down on self-hating women.
She also never called her father "african-arab", and what's more, you've posted a picture of her father with a natural tan that many other Arabs get (like in the deleted picture), when his skintone is more on the lines of
No. 1837803
>>1837799Oh really? You think saying
>the ultimate parasite: a delusional, botched, plastic, self-hating, photoshopping brown woman from the third worldis totally neutral and doesn't have a racist undertone at all? LMAO I don't know if you're actually retarded or just pretending to be.
No. 1837806
is a brown woman that is also delusional, botched and self-hating. Nothing in that post says says it's bad to be brown alone. If she was Asian, it'd be "the ultimate parasite: a delusional, botched, plastic, self-hating, photoshopping Asian woman from the third world". Does that mean being Asian is bad? No. You are being insecure, quit.
No. 1837864
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>>1837793GTFO here with that
victim shit. Arabs are some of the most racist people in the word and still own slaves to this day.
Foot bragged about owning Filipino slaves, called black people the n-word, claimed she wasn’t brown because she’s a “light skinned Persian,” and insulted Mexican immigrants. And now you want to call Foot the
victim because we call out her self-hate and racist projections kek. Nobody said being brown is inherently bad, but denying your own race and thinking you’re better than other ethnics is so cringe seriously. She’s getting what she finally deserves and her brown sons will face racism when they grow up. Maybe Foot will realize then that she’s not white and never will be. She’s just an immigrant who hates everything about herself.
No. 1837889
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>>1837684arab cousin marriage is literally apart of the history, sorry you had to find out this way
No. 1838065
>>1837795Anon, we're talking about kids… not men.
>>1837361 >>1837427Very much agreed. I think it's not just /pol/ vendetta fags but an overlap of kiwi vendetta fags as well. There's been a large influx of this kind of posting since KF's been absent on the surface web. It'd be nice if a mod could step in.
No. 1838182
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>>1837864>>1838154she just wants to be white so bad when in reality she's an african arab. she would make fun of black people so much when she literally has their dna and profile. you'll never be a huwhite woman
(global rule #7) No. 1838204
>>1838065>>1838081You’re really comparing Foot to Anisa? At least Anisa is pretty and doesn’t need photoshop, and she’s proud of her race and not a self hater like Foot. This just seems like Foot talking to herself and trying to deflect.
“Wahhh no milk muh racism! Jealous nonnas, Charles fangirls, vendettachans!” Nobody gives a shit, no one wants to fuck Charles eww, and no one is jealous of Foot or cares about her. The milk is that she’s still shopping her face everyday despite having 2 babies to care for, and she’s trying to usurp MDE and Sam needs to clap back. There’s more than enough milk rn and more milk will be incoming now that Charles’ sad career is rising again. Stay mad Foot and keep self-posting.
No. 1838222
File: 1685535721864.png (267.18 KB, 995x715, jaw.png)

>>1838182That's a Habspurg jaw, very common to inbred Arabs and whites and named for the latter.
No. 1838232
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>>1838222Except if you knew anything about physiognomy, you’d understand that the Habspurg jaw comes from mandibular protrusion. Foot has maxillary protrusion with an underground mandible, which is common in African and Arab phenotypes. White people rarely have this unless they’re deformed, and more likely to have a recessed maxilla than an overgrown one if anything.
(don't derail with race science, retard) No. 1838272
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>>1838179Yeah but no matter how she twists and turns this thing, she does not look racially ambiguous in the slightest. Not every iranian is "white" kek a lot of them are still mixed.
>>1837705Sure Mena woman can be extremely beautiful, but Foot is clearly a femcel camel. She's ugly in every beauty standard, globally. Not even Africans would call her pretty kek
(racesperging ) No. 1838323
File: 1685548019189.jpeg (614.09 KB, 3464x2310, 8DD4A901-7589-4F90-A8D3-040844…)

This chick is so delusional it’s sad. Not only is she abusing Facetune and morphing, but the skin bleaching smh. Foot keeps lightening her brown skin in photos with Charles. She tries to make herself look the same color as him which is disturbing. There’s obviously a contrast in their skin tones but she is unable to accept it.
No. 1838341
File: 1685549015126.jpeg (553.51 KB, 3464x2310, 293CA76D-A7D3-4473-A3BA-37A51F…)

>>1838332Two hours ago. She’s still abusing Facetune kek
No. 1838347
>>1838272That's Middle Easterners mixed with whites VS. Middle Easterners mixed with blacks
>>1838341She loves to pose in lightings that illuminate her nose to try and make it appear smaller
No. 1838670
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Charls doesn’t even post photos with his kids anymore. The last time he posted them with their faces showing on ig was over a year ago. He’s so embarrassed about his goblins, I feel bad for him.
No. 1838704
>>1838670feel bad for him, wtf are you talking about? Like the babies plotted to be ugly before being born to spite their father? This thread is full of weirdos and I agree with the
nonnie who said there are some weird fangirls of this dude ITT.
No. 1838835
File: 1685599411098.png (213.31 KB, 1634x1038, howsoonisnow123.png)

>>1838570>>1838552>>1838503>>1838373The link was to one of her Reddit accounts. It was up and running until it was posted here then it was deleted within minutes. Google "howsoonisnow123" (her username) and all deleted posts will show.
Inb4 someone asks "how do you know this is her account", she posts in the Kuwait subreddit and also in the Netherlands back when she visited it to continue her architecture degree (she was planning on moving in with her Swedish boyfriend while studying). Latest post was booking a one-way flight to the US (to meet Charls) which proves she cheated on and dumped her Swedish ex for Charls.
It's all old milk but it goes to show how she still lurks in the thread when she deleted the account immediately.
No. 1838839
File: 1685599694001.png (364.37 KB, 616x1092, maastricht.png)

>>1838835More proof the account belonged to her. She posted about being in Maastricht in June, 2019 and all those Reddit posts correspond to that date. This is when she was still with her Swedish ex. Again, not new milk but it is suspicious how she immediately deleted the account when it was posted on here.
No. 1838861
>>1838855My assumption is that it was still active
(although since you said last post was 2019, maybe viewable is a more accurate description?) until it was posted but that it’s now gone. Perhaps
>>1838835 can clarify.
No. 1838926
>>1838907I cliked the link like 3 minutes after it was posted, and the account was already deleted.
Either Fotouh set up some bot to refresh the thread every minute and automatically delete the account, or it was deleted earlier.
No. 1838945
>>1838835lmfao, good to see her anorexic tendencies are finally having real harm beyond making her babies look sickly. everyone knows you need to take prenatal vitamins and eat well during pregnancy to avoid damage to your teeth but foot must feel like she's too good for that. or god forbid-she might look fat :(
foot- just a tip: you can always lose weight, you can never regrow teeth - but it's too late for that
(:() No. 1838951
File: 1685625511496.jpeg (97.94 KB, 750x752, F08ED594-BBC1-4C95-A97B-8CC655…)

So much to unpack here. Firstly, it appears Foot is transracial. When she is around whites, she magically turns white herself. She has no lines on her face, even when she scrunches up her nose.
Also Charles is such a cuck. Team Sesh Bones makes him look like an emasculated little child. Foot is literally hanging off another man in front of him yet he’s supposed to be so “trad” though kek.
No. 1838960
>>1838958The thing is, Foot presents herself as some based tradwife feeding her family organic food and being such an “amazing” mother. In reality, her children have birth defects, her husband is rail thin and malnourished ever since he met her, and she’s a huge opportunist who will use any white incel for money and a visa.
She posts pics with any white influencer 4Chan edgelord Charles introduces her to. She never posts pics with any of her Arab friends and family. Just white men, who she has a clear fetish and obsession with. Charles should be wary of her instead of being a clueless dork who lets her invade his inner circle and colleagues for Instagram likes.
(sage) No. 1839180
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>>1839175Cope. If you crop out charles it looks like Bones and Foot are dating. She’s literally pressing her flat chest all the way into him and leaning close. Charles is a cuck
(nitpicking) No. 1839216
File: 1685658140824.jpeg (48.76 KB, 704x396, 73217CF6-7A68-4672-9C39-132184…)

>>1839188She looks Aboriginal
No. 1839416
>>1839192> How does that mean he’s not embarrassed? He didn’t bring them onIt's common for people who have a following (even D-list celebrities like Charls) to avoid showing their family too much. It doesn't mean they're ashamed, they just want to protect their close ones from bullying by psycho-haters.
Seems completely justified BTW once you consider how many posts ITT are spewing venom at these babies.
No. 1839626
>>1839546We call her ugly because she’s a little brown Nazi who changes her entire phenotype and racial profile with Facetune. She goes from australoid/negroid to caucasoid with photoshop, then she turns around and tries to claim she’s white kek.
She calls Filipinos “slaves,” but is always watching Japanese singers and anime. Why? Because she worships whiteness as a self-hating Arab. She shops her mud brown eyes to green, her swarthy skin to look pale, her big dark lips with prognathism become small and pink, and her large abo nose becomes small and dainty.
Sadly for her, she just gave birth to two ugly little brown men. The type that she would reject and not give a second’s notice to. And when the homely twins go up, white women will reject them and they’ll go crying to Foot about it.
(back to /pol/) No. 1839628
File: 1685709145339.jpeg (426.17 KB, 3464x2310, 3F5F8993-6E9C-4EF1-98F3-54798F…)

Fantasy versus reality
No. 1841004
File: 1685918611847.jpeg (72.27 KB, 750x883, B16C096A-613B-461E-A22E-B64010…)

More weird skin lightening filters
No. 1841344
File: 1685970800095.jpeg (257.76 KB, 1170x1674, IMG_8271.jpeg)

>>1841004There’s something seriously wrong with this bitch
No. 1841365
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>>1840708Sam was in the same place as Charles and Erick tons of times recently, but they won’t take pictures together because they’re still salty about Sam bullying everyone. Also where the hell is Nick?
No. 1842446
File: 1686163933611.jpeg (244.69 KB, 1170x1985, IMG_8332.jpeg)

>>1838341This bitch is insane holy shit.
colors hair lighter (which requires lots of bleaching) THEN back to black and THEN chops it all off in span of one week. BPD much?
And still continues to shooop herself into another race (eyes lighter, prognathism gone). Foot, serious question since you lurk here: are the editors for MDE2 gonna facetune the fuck out of you?
Also does anyone find it funny her and Charls bought a huge ugly house FIRST THING after they got to the states and she keeps posting about which expensive ugly furniture to buy? Dude gets a fraction of a percentage of what Nick and Sam get on his livestreams. And footy spends it all on aesthetic useless shit. Foreclosure much??
(sage your shit) No. 1842519
>>1841993Charles is so tiny, why would anyone have kids with his defective genes??? His sons do resemble him a lot tho, so it's not foots fault entirely.
>>1842446Ngl I actually liked her lighter hair.
Also, what's with the chad chin? It looks so fucking rectangular.
Does anyone know why they live in a rotten bungalow next to a highway in bumbfuck nowhere? With small kids? All she does is laying on the couch and filming her kids for the gram, instead of actually doing child-friendly activities w/them. She's so lazy. Not very trad.
No. 1844568
File: 1686470402387.jpeg (185.62 KB, 828x1472, 392D85A1-ED00-44A8-9FB3-C45F64…)

today’s a bad day for footy
multiple tweets about her extreme editing are going viral + arabs are calling her a troon and masculine looking, also charles and her goblin looking children are being dragged on there too lol
No. 1844651
File: 1686490941666.jpeg (67.02 KB, 750x866, 4AC18A44-FF35-4AB6-BDAC-7BBAB3…)

More dumb filter and attention seeking antics. Also her hair be looking like lord Farquaad
No. 1844652
File: 1686491088564.jpeg (51.69 KB, 750x857, 8A6E39FD-D853-45C6-8215-04F83B…)

Does she really think that we don’t know this is a filter? The lines of her face look way off and the little pointy chin looks so creepy
No. 1844706
File: 1686500218332.jpg (128.61 KB, 1080x2183, Screenshot_20230610_232057_Ins…)

>>1844664The filter working on God's shift damn, she looks almost female.
No. 1844862
File: 1686524766570.jpeg (120.38 KB, 828x1525, 9502EA93-4971-4738-9201-0D949E…)

how is it possible for someone to have 3 nose jobs, use a tiktok filter and STILL have a humongous nose! she should’ve spent that nose job money fixing her gigachad jaw instead
No. 1844863
File: 1686524891501.jpeg (102.52 KB, 828x1533, C343AD8F-6C1E-4635-B2E5-05DF75…)

starve harder footy! you literally look like a mtf bugchasing faggot
No. 1844903
File: 1686530327620.jpeg (61.12 KB, 750x981, 29BC2B59-D565-4407-A9FA-FD0B93…)

She claims she’s using no makeup and filter here kek. The prognathism is still visible under all those filters sadly.
No. 1844906
File: 1686530592704.jpeg (153.11 KB, 750x1076, 44B8C7AB-A257-4F11-A941-DC3532…)

>>1844568The more she tries to do damage control, the more embarrassing things turn out for Foot…
No. 1844908
File: 1686530746501.jpeg (62.95 KB, 750x641, 6831023C-F82B-4B00-A965-A0F1C5…)

Charles/MDE are getting flamed by Arabs as well lmaoo
No. 1844973
>>1844908>>1844862She looks like a typical inbred pakistani village girl lol
Jfl at her trying to cultivate some cosmopolitan old money upper caste Persian facade for herself, she looks like a TP from Hyderabad
No. 1845092
>>1845019Ew, she had to travel half the globe just to find a middle aged white dude to marry her lol
She's not different from the 90day fiance 3rd wold girlies kek
Ugly femcel behavior.
Does anyone knows Charles real age?? Some websites say he was born in 1990 but he looks waaay older? Is he like 37/38 yrs old?
Imagine your kids not even finishing pre-k and your dad is already mid forties and completely bald. I really feel sad for their kids. Incels in the making.
No. 1845093
>>1845019Ew, she had to travel half the globe just to find a middle aged white dude to marry her lol
She's not different from the 90day fiance 3rd wold girlies kek
Ugly femcel behavior.
Does anyone knows Charles real age?? Some websites say he was born in 1990 but he looks waaay older? Is he like 37/38 yrs old?
Imagine your kids not even finishing pre-k and your dad is already mid forties and completely bald. I really feel sad for their kids. Incels in the making.
No. 1845151
File: 1686575717255.jpeg (414.1 KB, 3770x2122, 3BC5280D-D88C-4D11-B9AA-1BF0FB…)

Same vibe
No. 1845175
File: 1686579282513.jpeg (136.74 KB, 1162x1365, 079054E6-4C24-4DD7-A4EF-41D691…)

this is the same person making 99% of posts here shitting on plastic surgery
No. 1845177
File: 1686579338639.jpeg (150.21 KB, 1155x1637, 9E61DFF0-83E2-48ED-8439-0CD7F4…)

>>1845175also claiming that straight girls are just jealous of other women which is why they’re not bisexual
No. 1845178
File: 1686579503064.jpeg (203.91 KB, 1170x1679, AB408A80-8223-42D1-8BB6-AD35EA…)

>>1845177then doxxing this girl and claiming to have found it on lolcow or 4chan even though the image doesn’t exist on either sites. she made this herself to harass a girl for liking MDE and being a fan of Charls. Jessica you are sick
No. 1845180
File: 1686579548500.jpeg (69.01 KB, 1170x791, B8996239-4536-443A-9DB0-AAAD75…)

>>1845178threatening the same girl to post her info
No. 1845192
File: 1686580709899.png (268.06 KB, 1170x2532, EE074A23-DF2B-4BC6-A50A-897049…)

>>1845180she’s also active on here calling other women whores when she had an OF herself, boasted about being in the top %1 of creators even though she had 5 subscribers. I’m not trying to make fun of her but it’s sick how she makes fun of so many other women on here when her tumblr is full of body acceptance and supporting other women. And saying “Effina starve harder” when Jessica herself claimed to have problems with eating disorders and anorexia
No. 1845203
File: 1686581446928.jpeg (592.16 KB, 3465x3465, A63FD844-E9CA-4BB4-9883-2D4E71…)

>>1845198again, not making fun of her but someone else posted this in the last thread and I just don’t understand how she makes fun of people for using filters and Facetune when she does so herself. And she now claims to be happy with a new bf but she still comes on here everyday to obsessively make fun of the wife of an ex who she was with for one week
No. 1845288
File: 1686589139431.png (128.07 KB, 1288x1066, foot.png)

translating the comments about her by other arabs on twitter is a fucking goldmine.
No. 1845304
File: 1686590047469.jpeg (44.73 KB, 710x384, 620435D8-F528-4A34-93D0-A6142E…)

>>1845288It’s normal in Arab culture for women to heavily photoshop and whitewash their appearance for validation. In the Middle East, the girls get a nose job in their teens because it’s considered very ugly for a woman to have a big nose. Foot is obviously a
victim of botched plastic surgery but her nose and lips still look gigantic even after several procedures.
The Arab celeb mentioned in the tweet is Haifa Wehbe, a delusional and schizo Arab singer who got tons of surgeries but is now old and can’t cope with aging so she still heavily facetunes her photos at age 51. Recently her real face just got exposed and Haifa got rekt online by fans. They’re comparing her to Foot but it’s a very common mental illness for Arab nonnas.
No. 1845315
File: 1686590673756.jpeg (410.27 KB, 4096x1548, AA80BF79-D3E1-40EB-9044-C8C5CA…)

>>1845019Wow what lovely facial features! Is that why she edits every single part of her face for years? That’s right, Foot was just too lovely and cute that’s why she’s a serial photoshop artist!
The reality is that nobody hates Foot as much as she hates herself.
No. 1845334
File: 1686592346116.jpeg (101.21 KB, 1170x1318, IMG_8527.jpeg)

>>1845288Does footy have any admirers left? Besides some of the brain dead scrotes who breathlessly praise charls for finding “one of the good ones, we’re all gonna make it bros” the majority of her simps were fellow Arabs. Now they are turning on her too. Fucking kek
No. 1845353
>>1845315yes obviously she's extremely self hating with her obsessive editing. but her face in candid shots is objectively pretty. she has excellent features that match the rest of her face.
so the fact that anyone besides her actually thinks shes ugly is weird and mentally unwell. clearly it's a vendetta cope because you hate things about her as a person and her character. which i'm sure is fair. i've not followed this thread but the summary is alluding to her being complacent with her predatory microceleb husband. sounds like she's trash.
she can be fairly attractive and still evil inside anon.
convincing yourself this attractive woman is as haggard and ghoulish as she must think she is, is only going to make you that much more out of touch with reality nona
No. 1845355
>>1845334arab twitter is a fucking cesspool. trad conservative misogyny on steroids. it's the natural life cycle for people like that to turn on any woman who's slightly injured their parasocial sense of ownership to her.
tbh who cares what they think it's literal irrelevant garbage people running their mouths. amusing but not at all surprising
No. 1845409
File: 1686600356278.jpeg (12.22 KB, 262x443, 21AAD695-7C30-4DC2-9819-E1AFB3…)

>>1845353you’re absolutely right she looks amazing in candid shots!
No. 1845466
File: 1686607814001.png (106.47 KB, 257x275, 9EE70749-5586-4232-B88A-388A32…)

>>1845351“She’s pretty than the average Arab” kek is Foot self posting full time now?
No. 1845470
File: 1686608189958.jpeg (259.02 KB, 1200x1200, D2F41774-8A15-42D0-B8B0-C7D205…)

>>1845351What Footy wishes she looked like.
Seriously thought imagine thinking Fotouh Carroll is one of the most beautiful Arab women are you brain damaged?
No. 1845482
File: 1686609374982.jpeg (81.42 KB, 750x1057, 9D6C4DDE-712C-477C-8690-FD8CF0…)

“I’m a slave for my pedophile husband, I edit my selfies and I listen to Dvorak! I’m so special!
No. 1845483
File: 1686609466954.jpeg (79.85 KB, 750x910, 42D2ACC9-B5C6-4F65-B7A1-F373E3…)

Her tweets are so boring. And why get buccal fat removal when you have a lifelong subscription to Facetune?
No. 1845832
File: 1686665739188.jpeg (62.57 KB, 828x545, 80D1EE23-A810-48ED-8983-F14189…)

>>1845706If you think that Foot is pretty, you must be very ugly yourself. Anyone who’s actually attractive wouldn’t think she’s anything special. Idk how ugly you are nonna, but going around making post after post about how beautiful Foot is sounds simpy to me.
Here’s a picture of Foot with a conventionally attractive girl. Nta but she looks like shit in comparison. And inb4 “racism” there’s plenty of brown women prettier than Foot out there so you must be racist if you think she’s the best of the bunch.
No. 1845843
File: 1686666421191.jpeg (64.88 KB, 678x955, 5C910FB9-FB3F-4BA5-AD39-CEA079…)

Charles is having another meltdown again. He thinks he and Footy are being persecuted for having their two goblin babies.
No. 1846108
>>1846010>his wife’s inbred geneshave you seen Charls?
two boring and unattractive people get married, this is not news or a tragedy
No. 1846143
File: 1686698872932.jpeg (45.16 KB, 1148x557, IMG_8585.jpeg)

>>1846108Kek he’s using an ancient picture of himself with hair for his avi. Total twink death. Guess footy’s catfishing ways have rubbed off on him.
No. 1846154
>>1846148Him calling out the nasty vile racists who have been saying his waifu is an ugly sandn*gger and calling his kids ugly mutted goblins (seems to be quite a lot of them ITT too) would be very unbased and bluepilled of him and lose him his fans.
Instead he’s gotta lash out at something so he picked the woke boogeyman. Because forcing two unconsenting beings into a painful existence is totally sticking it to those lefties.
No. 1846176
>>1846000And his bitching about how Foot can’t stay at home and be a mother instead of both of them being forced to work to support their babies is THEIR fault. No millenial who isn’t mentally retarded is trying to have a baby right now. After the fake pandemic and economic crisis, who in their right minds would get knocked up? Especially a broke loser like Charles and his low IQ immigrant wife with a useless architecture degree from Kuwait?
Charles and Footy are both unemployable, and he barely scrapes by on his schizo streaming income. Foot’s rich dad is paying for their kids. Charles has no shame and will not work a real job to support his family. And nobody will hire Foot. Yet they decided to produce two malformed babies kek.
Now he’s on livestream sperging out about it. As if any of his incel follower can relate or manage to impregnate a woman. Only a 90 Day Fiancé user like Foot would be dumb enough to procreate with the bottom of the barrel American man
(sage your shit) No. 1846189
File: 1686703135558.jpeg (103.18 KB, 1620x1031, 09B842D1-6293-4B6C-A743-184CFB…)

>>1846184Because Charls lifestyle is dogshit by his own admission.
Sits there chainsmoking and looking like an 80s AIDs patient, while calling fish and seafood disgusting like a 5 year old, saying he doesn’t think humans are ‘meant to eat vegetables’, says he ‘doesn’t believe’ in the science saying leafy greens like spinach are good for you, and saying he ‘doesn’t trust’ supplements and implies its ‘all big pharma maaaaan.’ Him and Foot are living proof that shitty lifestyle and garbage diet will show in your physicality, every time.
No. 1846192
File: 1686703516187.jpeg (710.65 KB, 3464x2310, C4776A16-9BD3-4D83-B3AE-A18987…)

>>1846189He’s definitely a moron, but it seems charles weight dropped substantially and he also become anorexic after meeting Foot. This is him before and after his marriage to her. I feel like she passed her eating disorder onto him?
Kek at him not eating vegetables and seafood. No wonder he and Foot look sickly and jaundiced. But it’s worrisome for their babies to have such mentally ill parents
No. 1846200
>>1846193He blatantly plans to live off her for the foreseeable future (not gonna say forever because I don’t believe they’ll last.)
Charls is a broke bum still hanging onto his relevancy with Sam Hyde by his fingernails. He found a rich white worshipping Arab girl from money and saw his meal ticket. I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s the only reason he got with her. And he knows Arab fathers would rather their daughter die than become a single mom, so he basically baby trapped her into staying with him and being his mommywhale 4 lyfe. People say Foot is a social climber and user and I agree, but Charls is just as bad if not worse.
No. 1846431
>>1846389Foot’s father is an architect and property developer in Kuwait. He’s a marketing manager for house planning and infrastructure design at a big Kuwaiti consultancy firm. He got his degree in USC. Clearly they’re loaded on her father’s side. Foot’s mom married him for $$ not looks.
If Foot is facing any financial struggles, it’s because she went against her father to bang unsuccessful and poor white men in Europe and America. She got an architecture degree like her dad, but after that she didn’t want to stay in Kuwait and work for a high level firm like her dad. She thought it was better to fuck Charles in bumtown USA kek. Her dad clearly disapproves and wanted Foot to marry a rich Arab.
ISo it’s probable that the dad pays enough for her to get by, but he still wishes the couple would highkey get a job and stop being useless leeches off him. It’s bad enough Foot wants a handout but then when she expects him to buy her designer shit and whatnot the dad probably put his foot down. She came from privilege but she chose to ruin her own life
No. 1846528
>>1846520That’s why Foot is a huge loser. She had the easiest life ever and she ruined it to marry and breed with the most worthless and failed member of MDE. She could have been a successful architect with a rich Saudi husband.
Her whole Arab family probably hates her and thinks she’s a weirdo. She thinks she’s too special to stay in Kuwait because she listens to The Smiths and Kate Bush kek what a snowflake. If daddy stopped paying for everything, Charles would split in a second and leave her to be a single mother.
No. 1846542
File: 1686760822324.jpeg (184.27 KB, 1284x1284, 8042EA42-1948-4E66-9602-5D5AE0…)

>>1846520I don’t think she can even get a hot white guy. The only guys she ever got were ugly white scrotes
(learn to sage) No. 1847127
>>1847082Watch around the 41 minute mark. Charles is drunk and crying that if he died no one would care, even though he has a wife and two kids kek.
Then he starts repeating over and over the phrase “paying for cunt.” He creepily zooms into Turkish bar patrons, especially women, then he says something like oh there’s probably guys here paying these women for cunt or whatever. He says it’s really messed up that men have to pay money through dates/dinner/financial support etc to have sex or a relationship with women. He films women without their consent too. Basically he’s a broke misogynistic loser. It’s sad for Footy that she has a garbage can of a husband who cares more about his incel online fans than his own family, and he resents Foot asking him to get a real job.
No. 1847404
File: 1686902784824.jpg (498.01 KB, 2048x1536, FysOSnIaEAAP9xU.jpg)

she looks great here, and she didn't even photoshop it.
No. 1847653
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No. 1847654
File: 1686939943196.jpeg (199.28 KB, 1125x1549, 1FA89C12-E4F6-4052-AB17-973E5C…)

No. 1847659
File: 1686941171957.jpeg (95.52 KB, 1170x1400, IMG_8682.jpeg)

>>1847655Her simps are so fucking clueless lol she’s just filtering LESS but editing her weird overbite away. And the second pic she’s edited the hell out of her profile.
Also did anyone watch Charls and nick’s stream last night? They are so disrespectful to their wives it’s embarrassing. Anything to pander to brain dead scrote MDE fans
No. 1847684
>>1847653this length is actually cute for her but i can see she's still editing no doubt.
>>1847127this is sad and gross but i expect nothing else from the likes of him. these are the pathetic moids crying about how we need to return to greatness and that they are built to conquer and rule over us kek
No. 1847727
>>1847652Charls has always been somewhat psychotic, of course he hams it up because he thinks it’s cute.
I still don’t understand how he became a comedian because he’s so unfunny and witless, literally just rambles nonsense and his retard fans lap it up.
No. 1847806
File: 1686959299164.jpeg (461.23 KB, 3464x2310, FE452A41-A41A-4294-819D-315138…)

>>1847694What a lying subhuman
No. 1847915
File: 1686971339268.jpeg (481.28 KB, 2828x2828, 7A83AB02-0859-4155-A38E-CDE195…)

>>1847870Yes, who could ever hate on this beautiful and lovely woman?
No. 1847919
File: 1686971633278.jpeg (557.56 KB, 2122x3770, 32CD4511-A18F-48B5-B6DB-14E645…)

>>1847548Foot has horrible taste in men. Her ex was also a misogynistic white scrote she met on 4chan. She gets off on being used by incels with no other options.
No. 1847932
>>1847930Why are you lurking this thread then? You seem obsessed with every single post about her. Get a life
nonnie you’re on lolcow
No. 1847933
File: 1686973544353.jpeg (52.81 KB, 750x601, 41DF414E-CFF3-4248-A49B-B27028…)

The most useful thing she learned from Chinese girls is the existence of Meitu
No. 1847934
>>1847870>>1847847>>1847930she’s not going to fuck you
>>1847806if I shooped this much, I’d be scared to go in public. sad to hate your own face this much but I also don’t blame her kek
No. 1848006
>>1847997And it isn’t normal to photoshop your whole face and bone structure while your babies are in the back shitting their diapers and Charles is having an alky meltdown
>>1848002Why are you so defensive cow? You’re defending the self hating brainwashed sex tourist tradwife of a misogynistic racist MDE member. What kind of a retard do you have to be to defend Footy as a feminist. She would just laugh if Charles told you to go back to the kitchen.
No. 1848011
File: 1686993378518.jpeg (112.94 KB, 750x1098, 6AA897C1-C777-4960-BFFA-157EDA…)

Does anyone know if Sam is dating this girl? Judging from his pedo past it seems likely
No. 1848585
File: 1687085092197.jpeg (9.91 KB, 275x155, IMG_8650.jpeg)

>>1848287She looks like a spooky ghost I don’t know how anyone thinks this is normal. Literally like Michael Jackson back from the dead
No. 1848765
File: 1687110691602.png (253.97 KB, 750x1334, 6CC814AE-3BA7-4137-BE8D-7A18D8…)

>>1848622Shut the fuck up Foot. Go live in your rotting old flop house (paid for by daddy’s money) with your broke alcoholic husband who despises you, and your strange looking babies.
(sage your shit) No. 1848951
File: 1687132580922.jpeg (456 KB, 3770x2122, 85A14A56-B4DB-44A4-BD4B-5EBBD7…)

Imagine being the mother of two children and still editing your face and race everyday
>>1848785Uh you know she can stop posting facetuned pictures of herself online right? It’s Foot who thrives on attention and wk simps like you
(sage your shit) No. 1849063
File: 1687145723657.png (513.84 KB, 1170x2532, IMG_0263.png)

>>1848951Is that really her? Where are her horse teeth?
(sage your shit) No. 1849237
>>1848951Her malnutrition makes her face look extremely old imo. Her midface is sunken in, no buccal fat whatsoever and it also creates that dark shadow around her mouth. How old is she again? She looks near 30. I hope she will gain at least 5 pounds, she lacks overall softness.
>>1848771I agree foot. This thread constantly derails and it annoys me. But the cow milks itself so perfectly. Photoshop (raceplay), acting debut with pedo scrotes, ugly kids, drunk husband on twitch. Like this is all for free? I don't know when, but there will be a time when everything is going to be exposed, perhaps after your divorce, we just have to wait for season 3.
(hi cow) No. 1849499
File: 1687204356197.jpeg (351.2 KB, 2828x2828, B1787738-FF60-428B-A8E1-021B77…)

>>1849144Her dad must be a Paki immigrant to Kuwait. She doesn’t look like a Khaleeji Arab
No. 1849503
File: 1687204515547.jpeg (180.26 KB, 1076x1298, 7418377C-21CA-4ECC-AA82-C4805C…)

>>1849063That picture is still whitewashed/edited. Here’s what she really looked like as a kid
No. 1849511
File: 1687205388205.jpeg (462.3 KB, 3464x2310, 7ECE3326-91C0-4547-A6CA-5D8F1F…)

>>1849237One of the milkiest moments was when she tried to edit herself to look like Charles. Classic body dysmorphic Effina.
No. 1849515
File: 1687205516498.jpeg (61.48 KB, 750x745, 7AF4496E-63A4-43E2-AAEF-8E98D4…)

Imagine being married to an ugly white scrote who exposes his subhuman body on social media for laughs. How must Foot’s Muslim family feel kek
No. 1849613
File: 1687215343780.jpeg (110.13 KB, 1170x1318, IMG_5893.jpeg)

>>1849515Imagine how they’d feel knowing she willingly procreated with a man whose fans think this about her and her children.
Footy you could have had it all. It’s not too late for divorce and child support.
No. 1849619
File: 1687216191081.jpeg (43.5 KB, 750x608, 4D05CF1C-E72A-4456-A791-9E0131…)

>>1849613Where is this from? Even her Arab followers are making fun of her babies for being ugly
No. 1849937
File: 1687263704506.jpeg (200.6 KB, 1170x2412, IMG_8827.jpeg)

Remember when foot was doxxing this girl last year? Did she post here or what
No. 1849992
>>1849499Ooga-booga ass profile kek
>>1849619Are her kids even 100% healthy? Perhaps they have a rare genetic disorder that foot tries to hide? Both kids don't look right in the face and we can all agree on that. One son looks especially retarded. I hope she would stop posting them, it's literally gore.
No. 1849994
File: 1687273943044.jpeg (164.64 KB, 750x1001, D490A823-FCE9-414C-9ABE-E1EF9A…)

>>1849952This is where Charles and Footy’s money is coming from
No. 1850004
File: 1687275671242.jpeg (119.65 KB, 1170x2289, IMG_8828.jpeg)

>>1849992“Poor nutrition and calorie intake while in the womb can have a number of developmental effects on a baby that persist later in life. For example, babies of mothers who suffer from anorexia are at a higher risk of developing diabetes and heart disease, and even have a 35 percent increase in their risk for death due to heart problems, according to Epigee Women’s Health. They are also at increased risk for suffering from learning disabilities and mood disorders later in life, as well as physical impairments such as cerebral palsy, liver problems and cleft palate.”
It can also affect the brain and learning development
No. 1850034
File: 1687277999088.jpeg (58.59 KB, 750x822, 3941A9B0-0442-45D2-97D5-45A038…)

>>1850006Genuinely curious, how exactly do the babies resemble Charles? They don’t even look related to him.
The babies don’t share his brown hair, blue eyes, pale skin, small symmetrical nose and sharp facial structure. Maybe the only thing in common is the big forehead, which the babies have an even worse case of than Charles. The babies only resemble Foot and her dad with their black hair, brown eyes, big bulbous noses, eye bags, big lips and swarthy coloring. They look like Turkish kebab sellers. Not sure why anyone thinks the babies look like Charles when he’s a completely different phenotype from them.
(racebaiting) No. 1850039
File: 1687278245740.jpeg (154.7 KB, 1170x2391, IMG_8829.jpeg)

>>1850034Agree, kek they look nothing like Charls except the unfortunate hairline
No. 1850046
File: 1687278630625.jpeg (80.52 KB, 750x935, 6F9415EB-9AAB-41F5-B281-CDCB11…)

Has anybody here heard of the Brazilian 90 Day Fiancé model Juliana Custodio? She left her old white husband on the show to have a baby with a German scrote for citizenship, and the baby turned out very cute with both their features and his father’s blue eyes.
I feel like this is the type of cute baby which Foot expected to have by race mixing with Charles. When her babies were born, Foot tried to claim they had blue eyes at first. I’m sure Foot is disappointed her ugly genetics completely took over and wiped out Charles’ DNA.(derailing)
No. 1850057
File: 1687279274514.jpeg (111.19 KB, 750x939, 93A6637E-8EA3-4712-8608-E64AC9…)

>>1850051It’s more racist and disgusting that “Effina” edited herself to look like this. She hates her own ethnicity and features, so seeing them in her babies obviously
triggers her
No. 1850087
File: 1687281253643.jpeg (51.76 KB, 750x915, F8385BD6-7C28-4277-9E43-984640…)

>>1850068I don’t think it’s right to insult babies appearances but yes they do look very unfortunate. Probably because of malnourishment in the womb It’s better that Foot realizes right away and doesn’t have another child because it’s unfair to them.
No. 1850160
>>1850046She's literally a Brazilian Model kek her son looks cute because she's conventionally attractive unlike foot.
I think her kids just look very weird, not even ugly. But I dont think the anorexia made them special looking
No. 1850508
>>1850119nta but those eye bags are the only thing worrying me
being malnourished and sick causes babies to have those- also kind of a nitpick since some people are late talkers but they're literally incoherent at almost 2 years old.
foot literally made her kids deformed and developmentally delayed because of starvation. it's sickening.
No. 1850551
File: 1687348326673.jpeg (16.87 KB, 1170x243, IMG_1879.jpeg)

>>1850532>>1850508>>1850087Sadly, since she is a wannabe trad waifu, she and Charls are probably already trying for another if not already pregnant.
No. 1850662
File: 1687362308121.jpeg (221.14 KB, 1800x1800, IMG_8861.jpeg)

>>1850636Charls was probably duped by Foot and thought the kids would look like him. Who knows what lies she told him. (We Can guess)
We already know he’s dumb enough to stay with her after seeing her in real life without the facetune. I doubt he knew about her nose jobs and fillers.
Also kek Reddit has discovered footface