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No. 1703905
Dr Sidhbh Gallagher (pronounced like "shive") is a sex change surgeon who uses "hello fellow kids" relateable Tiktok videos to market her services to young Gen Z teenagers.
>she has removed the breasts of girls as young as 13, and has botched several patients due to her lack of precautions and medical malpractice>is associated with Jazz Jennings and has been on the show, which is when she rose to fame >Gallagher has an extremely milky, very online social media presence, most notably on Tiktok where she shills her own surgical "skills" and goes to battle with "transphobes", as does her sister Neasa, who is a lesbian tranny chaser employed by Gallagher's surgical practice who has sexual relations with her former patients >>1703739 Sidhbh almost exclusively promotes her work towards gnc lesbians and tomboys and her younger sis at the clinic is a lesbian who dates trans men >Sidhbh Gallagher started doing sex reassignment surgery in Ireland, but moved to the USA possibly to escape legal trouble sometime in 2014, and now operates out of Florida>As of 2015, she was getting one-star reviews calling out her unprofessionalism, lack of transparency and poor care for her patients>Gallagher proudly calls her work "real Frankenstein stuff">In 2019, a former patient going by the name of EmmaLake began documenting their experience with her on RealSelf. TL;DR, she botched the surgery, botched the revision, and then ghosted the patient who had been left incontinent and in constant pain. The first post was made on the 2nd of April 2019, three months before Dr Gallagher relocated to Miami (seems like she relocates whenever she might be getting in trouble) >Sibbhb always takes photos of her smiling patients at a distance, with their families and often joins them in the picture to drive home just how happy they are with their surgeries. Some of these young women and girls have visible self-harm scars>she has operated on girls as young as 13 who have reviewed her services on Reddit and she's often posted on trans websites as a suggestion for very underage and/or morbidly obese trannies as she is the only doctor willing to disregard age and health conditions and operate on anyone who can pay up>Sidhbh has no BMI limit for her surgeries, and also does not use surgical drains to manage bleeding, which is extremely dangerous>her most recent botched surgery was on Rylan, a popular Twitter troonfluencer who got surgery with Gallagher because she was the only one willing to operate on someone that fat, ofc she ended up maimed and is now in constant pain and considering suing >>1703019 >>1703040 >>1703058 >>1703066>Rylan said that Shbfhhv opted out of carrying medical malpractice insurance, which would make it harder for potentially injured patients to sue her, as that means they wouldn't be able to get any significant payout except potentially bankruptcy/seizing her personal assets>Sidhbh's sister Neasa (pronounced "Nasa") is engaged to a ftm named Jessica (troon name: Noah) who she met when Sidhvjshd cut Jessica's tits off>Jessica whores herself out on onlyfans and Neasa "manages his business" and they also have broken up and gotten back together several times, which Jessica makes TikToks about, as well as daily tiktoks oversharing her personal life >the company that Sihbhb's business is registered under Gender Affirmed Inc. comes up under Neasa Gallagher's name but names Sidhbh as the Director and their mother in Ireland as the treasurerLinks:
Kiwi thread (summary/screenshots are pretty much from here, they've extensively recorded her history and past legal issues) (business account)'s personal account)
https://gallagherplasticsurgery.comNeasa's insta:'s facebook:'s tiktok:'s insta:'s onlyfans: No. 1703907
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esl, sorry if i fucked up thread
also will dump more caps in a sec
No. 1703909
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No. 1703915
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No. 1703917
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No. 1703918
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No. 1703919
nonny for this thread! I think this will become my new thread I regularly stalk kek.
No. 1703922
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here is the Jessica and Neasa saga of their relationship "evolving" ig
>Jessica was Sjbjjbj's patient for top surgery/breast removal in mid 2020
>Neasa met her in the clinic and literally took selfies in front of Jessica on the operating table
>they began dating, publicly interacting on Insta initially, then showing each other off on social media by early 2021
>Neasa got Jessica to start an onlyfans
also forgot to mention that Jessica ebegs a lot and claims to be short on rent (hence the onlyfans?)
shbhbhbhb doesn't seem to be sharing that surgeon money
from kiwi op:
>While Neasa keeps a comparatively low profile on social media, Noah frequenly posts about being trans, responding to haters, and has recently started ebegging. Why she needs to ask strangers for rent money when her fiancée and future in-law are raking in the cash with their chop-shop is anyone's guess.
No. 1703926
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An example of Jessica's e-begging
No. 1703928
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13 year old from Reddit that Gallagher operated on (identifying details censored out for obvious reasons)
No. 1703932
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some reviews from botched patients of gallagher's butchery: also botched Grace, @hormonehangover, who is a prominent detransitioner
No. 1703944
>>1703932So i was really confused as to why a doctor not having malpractice insurance essentially makes it impossible to sue them, but I found out it's because no lawyer will take the case since the settlement or possible pay-out wouldn't be as substantial (you can only get the wealth of the doctor while the insurance can settle on millions).
Many hospitals just immediately make malpractice insurance a part of the employment and many doctors get it just for ethical concerns and/or for the possibility of an angry rich patient who can afford a lawyer regardless.
Now what I wanna know is.. why doesn't Dr. Butcher have malpractice insurance? Turns out the only doctors who choose to not get it, it's because it's not a choice. as in they aren't eligible enough for it because they've been sued too many times. I wanna know what's her deal
No. 1703945
can some anon please archive some of her tiktoks itt? i can't do it right now but they are definitely an important part of this whole trainwreck. she quite clearly predatorily markets towards zoomers, speaking their language with memes and slang, and she has a bizarre tiktok series explaining why she does very unsafe, unusual practices
>why I don't turn down patients with higher BMIs>why I don't use surgical drains>why I don't tell my patients to stop taking hrt before surgery even though it may leave them at risk for blood clots>why I operate on patients with anemia/any other health condition where surgery is generally not advisedthe answer always being "because it's their gender and my job is to be affirming," but these vids are pretty clearly trying to normalize her subpar safety standards, and possibly even deflect accountability. like, if a patient watched her videos where she announces that she doesn't do very common safety procedures, and then they get botched and try to sue her, she can argue they knew what they were getting into?
>>1703941I think she does, she has a mtf page on her website, but her main focus is on ftm surgeries
No. 1703946
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wuh oh kek
No. 1703953
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shhbhbhb is probably the only surgeon in the world who doesn't consider landwhale patients a liability
No. 1703957
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she will even operate on women with a BMI of higher than 50
>If your BMI is 30.0 or higher, it falls within the obesity range.
50 BMI people would more than likely be unable to wash themselves or move around, much less live a normal life - it's insane to operate on anyone of that size
No. 1703971
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>>1703965she compared her work to Frankenstein in an interview for some Irish magazine, not the exact quote my bad No. 1703980
As a butch lesbian, this one's kinda getting to me, ngl. Fuck this bitch and the troons who line her pockets and promote her.
>>1703975NTA but same. I feel like if I grew up today, I would have a high chance of being one of those girls that bought into this fairytale. It's so incredibly fucked up that a parent would allow these acts of self-harm. The older ones though… they should know better. Fuck the traitors.
No. 1703995
>>1703969it's a common one unfortunately, which would definitely add in with what
>>1703982 has said. She either is intentionally not using malpractice insurance because she knows her patients won't be able to sue (most of her clientele are zoomers who are using up all of their savings to get this procedure done) OR Dr. sbsbsb doesn't qualify because she was deemed a liability, hence her practicing in Miami.
No. 1704042
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>>1704031this country is insane. I wonder if she had a sign somewhere??
No. 1704062
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>I was an F cup so DI was the only way, and she said she would connect the incisions otherwise I would have a lump of fat in the middle. I had questions, but due to my nerves I was unable to vocalize them. It was the shortest visit I ever had- she was in the room maybe 2 minutes.
>The IV ended up in the crook of my arm which was painful and left a nasty bruise. Dr. Gallagher came in for another 2 minutes to quickly draw a few lines on me with a purple marker and bounced right out. This time I was able to voice my concerns- I was worried about nipple placement, and my fat sacks being lopsided affecting how straight the scar would be. She assured me she knew what she was doing and I trusted her, despite our interactions totaling less than 5 minutes before she cut me open.
>[My nurse] put me through the motions, sitting me up, getting me to a chair, getting me to the bathroom, changing. It seemed she did not enjoy being part of the process- she was emotionless and didn’t offer to do things like help put on my shirt. She asked if I wanted my reveal as I was sitting on the toilet and I refused, tears almost coming to my eyes. I wanted it to be a “moment” and I was in such a vulnerable position, naked on the potty and doped up on drugs. She handed me post op instructions and basically waved me away.
No. 1704071
>>1704042If she didn't, the fat Ayden may have a case. The problem is, who tf will take it? Even having 250k is having insurance, yet no attorney will touch it because that will barely cover his fee. Another thing they don't realize is that making troon issues untouchable will bite them in the ass in terms of people's willingness to take cases in which troonacy looks bad.
The Ayden's only chance is possibly riding the coattails of some de santis driven right wing backlash against troons, or whoring herself out to fox news.
No. 1704086
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Shbhbhbh also did top surgery on my personal cow's 17 year old daughter
No. 1704133
>>1703917Poor mom. The desperate traumatized eyes, beyond hope that this will fix her daught..son.
Those cuts are rough and this photo is peak unethical redflag. Sucks she has a body like a big toe. She was probably a majestic butch.
No. 1704148
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>>1703941only for mtfs and she's known for fucking it up
No. 1704189
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>>1704026>>1704031>>1703982Florida is such a fucking shithole. It's like a showcase of all the worst things about the U.S.
No. 1704192
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>>1704189Yeah. :C
It is an immensely dense and horribly bloated failure.
(:C) No. 1704206
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another overweight TIF has posted about her experience with Dr Schmoop & how she insisted on going with the surgery anyway despite the BMI limit
>I woke up during surgery and was given no pain medication while also feeling everything. I felt so alone since her social media makes it seem like she walks on water
>I had holes in my chest that were large enough to put my fingers through, and despite having to go to urgent care MULTIPLE times, she insisted there was nothing wrong and for me to just put Neosporin and bandaids over the growing holes.
>I was told the day of surgery that I was too large and the anesthesiologist refused to preform surgery
> she convinced the anesthesiologist to preform anyway which lead to me waking up in the middle of surgery trying to remove my mask
No. 1704207
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and ofc it's not the fatties fault for disregarding why the BMI limit exists and they couldn't possibly just lose weight for surgery
No. 1704229
>>1704072I think it's to avoid a need for follow-ups. It seems like a lot of her patients fly from all over the nation to see her, because of her unique "any age, any BMI" recklessness. Dr Sidbgbf wants to do one and dones, 'go home, don't come back' surgeries. Time wasted on follow ups is money she isn't making from surgeries. May also open up chances for patients to complain. Much easier to dismiss concerns over email or not return phonecalls than directly to the Aiden in your office potentially with their rich parents face-to-face. This is probably presented as best for the patients, who do not want to pay for travel for follow ups after the already expensive surgery. Dr Sidbfht doesn't take insurance, apparently out-of-pocket only, so it's a huge expense. You might ask, "that's dangerous, how is this ethical?" and you are correct, and it isn't ethical.
No. 1704252
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I wonder if she's related to the Gallagher. It would explain her obsession with destroying melons.
No. 1704289
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No. 1704303
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>>1704292>this whole thread gives a lot of credence to the people who point out the disproportionate tendency of surgeons to be sociopaths/fit ASPD symptomsSeriously. My armchair is that you have to be some kind of sociopath or at least emotionally disconnected to be able to professionally slice people open knowing they could die at your hands and you have to be especially weird to be fine with cutting off healthy body parts for profit. Sidhjskjfd even has the psychopath eyes. She wants her patients in and out as quickly as possible for max profit, like a body botching conveyor belt, without taking the time or care to talk to them or get personally invested. It's all about the money for her
No. 1704319
>>1704315making light of aggressive nlogs that refuse to listen to common sense falling
victim to their own hubris doesn't make me a man. I'll save the pity for the day they realize all of what they're doing is fucked and stop shilling this retardation to other self-hating women. until then, oh well.
No. 1704451
Sorry if this has been posted already
Super long read about the sketchiness of TIF treatment and Gallagher in particular:
> Gallagher’s marketing tactics have caught the attention of organizations critical of gender-affirming care for minors. In February, five of these groups, made up of parents, medical professionals and people who have detransitioned, filed a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission, asking the agency to investigate Gallagher over the way she communicates with young people on social media. The complaint alleges that Gallagher and her medical practice are “engaged in unfair, false and deceptive practices in the aggressive advertising and marketing to minors of their plastic surgery services, namely mastectomies of healthy female breasts, as proven safe, effective and medically necessary.” One of the groups’ members said she was alarmed when her child, who was following Gallagher on social media, told her about wanting surgery by the doctor.
>In a statement to Reuters, Gallagher said that nine months after the FTC complaint was filed, “there is, to our knowledge, no investigation by the FTC” and that the “obvious aim of these opposing groups is to oppress, silence and attack gender-affirming care and those that provide it.” She added that the mission of her social media was to “amplify transgender voices, celebrate transgender lives and, most importantly, to provide education that empowers our patients to navigate the complex process of surgical transition.” No. 1704463
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For the anon who asked for some of her tiktoks. Here she explains how "we get away without putting in drains for top surgery".
No. 1704466
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They look genuinely soulless.
No. 1704473
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No. 1705002
>>1704979Troons did this to themselves, and provided this woman with a perfect cop out.
One of the core concepts in medicine is weighing risks of treatment vs benefits. For example, some antibiotics can render you horrifically disabled with just a few doses (Levaquin, etc). But if you're facing a life threatening infection that can't be treated with anything else, you have no argument against the clinician's judgment. It's either rotten ligaments or death, so rotten ligaments it is. Same with chemo and cancer.
Troons lobbied tirelessly to push the "not being given surgery right here and right now is literally fatal!!!!!!" narrative in transgender care. So what we get now is this woman choosing to operate on hamplanets ASAP as completely
valid clinical judgment. She can tell any medical board "but asking this vulnerable patient to lose weight for surgery would have made him live in the wrong body for God knows how long, and he could've killed himself during that time! The risk was unacceptable!" and it'd be over immediately. It's either taking that risk or they LITERALLY DIE, per troons themselves. Like chemo for cancer.
Another stunning victory of the trans lobby! Yasss!
No. 1705061
>>1704979>small increasesmall increase is a very shaky margin. She should have numbers. I know she has published research on the matter, but so far I hear her constantly use the phrase "acceptable risk" which I'm starting to think her audience doesn't understand what that really means.
Acceptable risk =/= lower risk, just permissible in the pursuit of certain outcomes.
No. 1705748
>>1704971Risk factor:
>malnutrition but not obesity kek
No. 1706061
>>1704958This makes me feel so bad for her and her family. I know she's the creator of her own misery, but you need to truly loathe yourself to go through all that shit and STILL decide to carry on cosplaying as a man, especially when she's so horrified by the whole process, and literally asks when people will start listening to women.
I wonder how her kids feel, seeing their mother destroy herself like this and happily risk death for the privilege of having urethra hair in a Frankensteined arm sausage.
No. 1706415
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>>1704972You should be okay as long as you don't shop for makeup at Home Depot.
No. 1706576
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>>1703932i checked rylan's live twitter thread and her tweet condemning terfs has more likes than every single tweet in her thread except for the first one. i wonder why.
No. 1707190
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>>1706966oh god. never heard of "bigenital" surgeries so i had to look this guy up and what he does… i'm stunned. absolute frankenstein BUTCHERY, seems horrifyingly painful and impractical to live with, can't imagine how does it even work down there after surgery. why do these retards willingly make themselves disabled?
No. 1710171
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(accidentally posted this in the wrong thread at first cause im retarded sorry if anyone saw that)
>Complications started 4 days after surgery, a hematoma on my left side that I sent her a photo of. I cannot describe the discomfort. Scabs were starting to collect from leaking blood.>She said it was just “bruising.” The next day, my incision tore open and bled significantly.>By August 27th, I was still waking up every morning with blood all over my sheets and clothes. Wrapped in layers of gauze, I tried going out to see some friends, moving slowly and carefully. While out, a coagulated blood clot the size of a golf ball fell out of me.>When I got to the ER, my heart rate was 155. They paged their plastic surgery team immediately and admitted me. They took off the gauze and another clot fell out.> The next day, I woke up to an email response from her assistant telling me that Gallagher said this was expected.>She said “no need for the ER.” I replied back and said I already went to the ER. She made the same joke again, that I was menstruating.> I went under anesthesia 3 days later and woke up to a nurse telling me I could’ve gone septic without the surgery. Over half a foot of my left side had been killed by a bacteria that has a high mortality rate.>Dr. Gallagher opted out of medical malpractice insurance years ago. Suing her is near impossible for me. Even if I found a lawyer in Florida who was willing to try other strategies, it’s unlikely they’d be supportive of medical transition in the first place. The payout would not be enough to cover the cost of the case for a law firm, so laywers are highly unlikely to help me sue her without that insurance. I was told she likely utilizes this loophole on purpose, knowing it leaves her victims powerless.>When I arrived home, the hospital she works with sent me an additional bill for over $102k. When I contacted Dr. Gallagher’s office about it, they told me to take it up with the hospital. No. 1710172
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No. 1710173
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i keked tbh
No. 1710302
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>>1710171inb4 Rylo starts a GoFundMe to pay this off.
No. 1710360
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>>1710302Pic from the tif thread. Kek that mountain of paperwork is doing you a whole lot of good now
No. 1710374
>>1710360But her life saving teet yeeting surgery didn’t award her instant gratification on twitter, so she deserves compensation
>@testosteronejewUGH just noticed this
No. 1711180
>>1706576it's so weird to me that "
terf" is even a phrase because there is no such thing as trans exclusion in radical feminism. we include "trans men" in our feminism because they are biological females and face the struggles of biological females as a class. they could make a case for calling us "male exclusionary radical feminism" and try to spin an argument that excluding males from any society is still a form of discrimination maybe? but their argument as it stands now is complete gibberish.
No. 1713792
>>1703922This troon's face makes me think that much of this "swapping genders" nonsense is just because these women want to be allowed to age, to get wrinkly, to have bad skin, and to just be ugly without being scrutinized for it like women are.
Obviously there is also an element of trying to sidestep misogyny by pretending that it doesn't apply to them. I just never thought about the first reason until now.
No. 1716031
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Did Neasa used to be (more?) obese in the past or something? I know she was a kinda chubby, ugly kid but that doesn’t explain her current appearance. Her body is so fucked up in a really unnatural way. She has these really jarring calves and cankles but no fat gut. I’m assuming she’s had a ton of lipo or something. She looks really freaky and I don’t really know how to explain it. Look at (what you can see) of her legs! They look like they belong to an old woman.
I’ve followed Gallagher’s thread on KF since the beginning but don’t have an account so I’m happy I can finally voice my irritation about Neasa’s Pillsbury Dough Body somewhere!