File: 1471837513503.jpg (71.67 KB, 500x559, tumblr_obzk8yPfaj1utzqgco1_500…)

No. 167514
Bree Mcgee, known on tumblr as E-Brat, Maggotmother, and now
used to be a lulzy tumblr feminist playing the oppression olympics and basically spending her time at her parents house getting
triggered by everything.
then she started internet dating this nasty guy called Paul who turned out to be a gross abusive fuck and she got dragged by tumblr (
she stopped posting for a while when she moved to LA to be with said nasty abuser but promptly started posting on tumblr again after she suddenly left LA and was broken up with almost immediately. I know other things happened but i honestly don't remember and she blocked me on everything :(
does anyone have more dirt on her? she bugs the fuck out of me
No. 167533
File: 1471843006121.jpg (237.07 KB, 720x1280, d6ebcb5d-11ca-46e5-82cc-eda13b…)

I'm so mad that she could actually be pleasing to look at without her fucking stupid haircut, makeup and outfits. Like her body isn't awful looking but my GOD her face…….
No. 168610
FINALLY I've wanted a thread on her for so long but didn't know how to start one.
>>167547I remember Noah saying she was the abusive one too and everyone was choosing sides. also knew that Paul guy was a fucking creep… there was something about him hitting on other girls on okcupid while dating bree.
she's also a highschool drop out and couldn't get a job because of her anxiety so she would just masturbate and post on tumblr all day while making shitty music.
last I knew she was also all buddy buddy with 2jam4u who is also pretty lulzy.
No. 177544
File: 1475028404090.png (479.66 KB, 1052x375, Screen Shot 2016-09-27 at 7.06…)

i'm fb friends with her and it looks like she's def still together or at least associating with her scum abuser bf
also new ugly hair
No. 180297
File: 1475788036734.png (307.92 KB, 498x445, Screen Shot 2016-09-28 at 12.2…)

>>177544same anon, i'm gonna guess by her vague posts that maybe she woke up and realized how fucked up this dude was
No. 193056
File: 1478189442149.jpg (106.64 KB, 422x750, lol.jpg)

Also, them granny panties and tiny titties
No. 193336
File: 1478224998020.png (52.53 KB, 767x234, Screen Shot 2016-11-03 at 6.57…)
^^^ Paul's old URL got taken by someone else and they used it to make his being a gross abuser permanently on the internet, nice
meanwhile every time he's mentioned on bree's tumblr she's defending that he's 'changed' and turns it on whichever person is concerned about her still being in contact with him, i.e 'why do you care who i'm dating' or 'everyone does shitty things' or throws her mental illness and past abuse trauma in the mix for good measure (completely ignoring how paul's victims who were also abused feel lol)
and when it's not about that it's v ironically about how he doesn't give her enough attention or she can't get a hold of him or something, but yeah he sounds like a GREAT partner what a keeper 10/10
pic related
No. 193338
File: 1478225147821.jpg (74.52 KB, 500x667, paul1.jpg)

>>193301She's definitely in denial about what a scumbag he is. Anytime someone brings up what a piece of shit he is, she throws a huge fit. She says how he's her only reason for living, lmao.
He goes on ignore-sprees and goes out partying all the time, and she flips out, but rushes to his arms when he comes back online. Like, holy shit. She's just enabling this.
Also, pic related; look at that sexy beast. Now I know what she sees in him.
No. 193343
File: 1478225533774.png (14.85 KB, 508x331, breetrans.png)

She says she's trans, but she doesn't feel like a boy.
Her responses speak for themselves.
Someone wants attention.
No. 193345
>>193338yeah, last time he ignored her for a while she had a big freakout and panicked and thought he was dead??? when it was pretty clear he was like asleep or working. had her followers all worried about her well-being and it was a false alarm, of course
which i mean, i've dealt with mental illness my whole life, i know how it is to be anxiety-ridden and really dependent on people and have little things mean the world to you but like…….. she takes it too far EVERY time. i used to follow her back when she'd have at least one big public shitstorm over something at least once a week and it looks like she never stopped
No. 193347
File: 1478226255736.png (12.59 KB, 708x236, paulisdead.png)

>>193345He probably doesn't respond to her because she's too clingy and whiny. I mean, he's still a scumbag, but I would be annoyed by her, too.
She dramatizes EVERY time she doesn't hear from him, and stresses her followers out, then offers no explanation or apology.
Here's the wild ride from when she thought he was dead, and the climax of that ordeal.
No. 193358
File: 1478227902511.jpg (35.67 KB, 225x400, breeface1.jpg)

>>167533Her fucking face. What is she doing with her eyebrows. And her haircut does her no favors! The first time I saw her tumblr, I was like, what the fuck am I looking at?
And she actually looked good in some high school photos she posted a while back.
No. 193364
File: 1478228535034.jpg (37.06 KB, 423x640, breehighschool.jpg)

>>193358Here's the high school photo.
What happened, Bree?
No. 193386
File: 1478233192876.jpg (58.49 KB, 960x640, 10645252_10202975330640320_227…)

>>193364i…… is this supposed to be the better photo???
imo she was cutest like 2 years ago, when she had wavy brown healthy-looking hair and wasn't quite as obnoxious/ at her most genuine i guess
No. 193396
File: 1478235043735.jpg (56.75 KB, 500x500, breeface2.jpg)

She looks like a transvestite. Maybe that's why she says she's trans.
No. 193564
File: 1478281611590.png (5.66 KB, 713x141, nov42016.png)

They broke up again. She'll probably post in about 7 hours how they're back together.
No. 193578
>>193347why doesn't she ever go out
with him??
No. 193585
File: 1478285260222.png (59.97 KB, 530x415, Screen Shot 2016-11-04 at 11.3…)

>>193564notice how she never listens to the people who actually care about her sanity? tbh I feel really bad for her in the situation with her bf because it's so obvious he's using her extremely severe mental problems to fuck with her/ make her feel like anything going wrong is her fault. i still think what she did with ignoring his abuse towards others was shitty, but it's probably hard to see that abuse clearly knowing she was abused in the past as well
No. 193586
File: 1478285324741.png (63.99 KB, 758x519, Screen Shot 2016-11-03 at 6.10…)

>>193585another pic related
No. 193602
File: 1478288005497.png (3.15 KB, 711x68, conventional.png)

Going through her archive and finding a lot of gold
No. 193618
>>193602omg pls continue to milk the cow this shit is
problematic and amusing
No. 193629
File: 1478294110138.png (5.23 KB, 713x66, attemptsuicide.png)

Fucking casual
No. 193630
>>193618the best part is that she thinks she's some kind of profound brave social justice advocate, but she's been fucking hypocritical for YEARS. actual trans people don't buy her 'i'm not cis anymore' bullshit, actual people with mental illness are sick of trying to help or sympathize when she pushes them away, actual abuse victims are done with her denial and defense of her piece of shit predator boyfriend. I have a similar, though less severe mental illness/ ED recovery that takes work to live with, i want to synpathize but you can't live your life thinking that the fact that you struggle excuses you from being shitty. She's even losing relevance among her SJW circle because a big part of their morals involve constantly analyzing/ checking your privilege and
problematic behavior, they probably realize that she pretty much ALWAYS has an excuse for every scummy thing she's done. you can't always be a victim, and she always makes herself one.
I always thought she wasn't anywhere near as bad as Luna and was surprised they were friends at all, and although bree is a decent artist, can be pretty, isn't a druggie and hasn't scammed anyone to my knowledge, everything else about her makes me realize she's a perfect friend for luna.
i wish she hadn't deleted her older tumblr archives, it starts from mid-2015 but she's been the same old bree since at least 2012 and it would've been satisfying as fuck to pull out some really old receipts of her bullshit (especially since as much as she claims abuse a lot of her ex-friends say she was just as abusive to noah as she claims he was to her)
No. 193633
File: 1478294885161.png (6.03 KB, 714x149, shitwtf.png)

Was shitting herself a problem as a teenager or
No. 193637
File: 1478295260743.jpg (46.44 KB, 919x542, 1896816_606990892712909_396856…)

>>193630They're truly a match made in heaven, kek
No. 193640
File: 1478295574533.png (201.43 KB, 732x846, noahdrama.png)

Drama with her ex, Noah, back in August last year. She was just asking for it
No. 193651
File: 1478296327875.png (22.69 KB, 523x565, backwardshand.png)

Draws a hand backwards, gets it pointed out, has panic attack and bitchfit, threatens suicide
No. 193653
File: 1478296652364.png (16.16 KB, 720x196, fucksupjob.png)

Posts about how she is bleeding SO badly and needs to go to the hospital, but doesn't actually go to the hospital
Also calls off work after just starting it and annoys her boss
No. 193657
File: 1478296872431.png (16.56 KB, 519x451, morewhining.png)

Continuation of the above story where she whines to the whole internet about how she's bleeding out and going to die because her mom can't take her to the hospital, instead of calling 911 like a real person in danger would
No. 193663
File: 1478297353967.jpg (159.22 KB, 1280x720, maletears.jpg)

No. 193756
>>193663please correct me if i'm wrong, but wasn't there some claim that an alt-right white nationalist was the proprietor of this particular mug? that all money from misguided SJWs was sent to the people they hated?
was that just propaganda?
No. 193769
File: 1478306101590.png (3.74 KB, 519x151, WHY.png)

No. 193773
File: 1478306368476.png (2.84 KB, 710x75, nottrans.png)

"Are you trans?"
No. 193781
File: 1478307278835.png (5.01 KB, 720x98, daddylol.png)

I'm cringing posting this
No. 193857
>>193756there's 800 different people/companies that sell these.
i'm sure there's many who got in on it like that one picture says.
No. 193902
File: 1478338822674.png (4.07 KB, 709x68, deathscenario.png)

I'll keep posting screenshots in case she baleets EVERYTHING.
Why does she always assume Paul is dead? Does he lead a secret double life as a hitman?
No. 193911
File: 1478340234132.png (13.68 KB, 716x222, jumped.png)

I guess this is why she always thinks he's dead. Smells like BS to me, though
No. 193913
File: 1478340457907.png (619.77 KB, 723x591, morecringe.png)

I have no words, except, shave your fucking armpits, goddamn
No. 193915
File: 1478340741289.png (14.91 KB, 719x220, quitsjob.png)

Gets drunk an hour before work, quits job, says she can make more money as an artist, says it will be good for her mental health because being a broke highschool drop out boosts self esteem
No. 193923
File: 1478342391004.png (20.52 KB, 727x525, feedbacktojob.png)

People call her out for being a retard about quitting her job
No. 193924
File: 1478343107752.jpg (50.97 KB, 480x640, tumblr_nyf2hytETd1utzqgco1_500…)

I think she would look a lot better if she went back to long hair, instead of the stupid fucking haircut she has now
No. 193939
File: 1478349397749.png (3.01 KB, 711x67, bigareola.png)

Careful Luna, she might steal Lurch away from you
No. 193942
File: 1478350195584.png (5.77 KB, 712x70, shit.png)

Why do people do this
No. 193946
File: 1478350422002.png (29.52 KB, 717x313, sexualabuse.png)

For someone who is triggered by sexual assault and rape, she sure does love posting about being choked and beat up by her boyfriend during sex, kek
No. 193950
File: 1478350887014.png (4.25 KB, 714x70, trigger.png)

Don't trigger her, okay, she's ACTIVELY trying to kill herself
No. 193951
File: 1478351450876.png (399.88 KB, 716x347, 2012vs2016.png)

Again, what happened?
No. 193954
File: 1478352001792.png (63.9 KB, 720x1180, breebawwww.png)

She can't handle criticism, it triggers her and makes her want to kill herself :'(
No. 193956
File: 1478352293928.png (283.03 KB, 530x824, rapesurvivor.png)

I'm guessing based on context, her "daddy issues", and other clues that her rapist was her father? Does anyone have any light to shed on this?
Also, lel, at not wanting to give too many details but writes a fucking novel
No. 194008
File: 1478364515939.jpg (1.53 MB, 1000x1500, LADYGUNN-MOLLY-SODA-ANNA-BLODA…)

>>193913>>167533>>193994like, carbon copy type of clone
No. 194029
>>194008Please tell me that that dick on her thigh is made with a pencil.
Also, I know it's normal to grow a "happy trail" but holy shit is hers thick
No. 194196
File: 1478388797865.png (2.53 KB, 526x72, ebrat.png)

No. 194354
yucky and also smelly.
No. 194410
File: 1478432692924.png (34.87 KB, 759x595, suicideagain.png)

Just fucking do it
No. 194411
File: 1478432967537.png (7.23 KB, 517x124, breeandluna.png)

Luna and Bree are special snowflakes~
No. 194901
File: 1478516973479.jpg (112.52 KB, 500x667, breebeer.jpg)

What is going on here
No. 194924
>>194788i asked her this because i was curious as to why she's obviously not seeking help and send a reply to her answer "oh okay i was just curious because you post every single day for years that you want to kill yourself and you never talk about DBT (only know 'cure' for BPD). I hope it's going well. I know whenever I have tried to talk to my therapist or psych about suicide and self harm they tend to try to hospitalize me, but I don't see that's happened to you"
and gosh darn, she didn't respond.
No. 194983
>>194960well i hope she sees this fucking thread one day (dont worry i WILL NOT tip the cow) and realizes how MANIPULATIVE AND ABLEIST THAT IS.
I actually have borderline and I am open about it and I can't vocalize my feeling of suicidal ideation all over the internet because it would kill me if that got back to my parents like can you imagine? </inb4 blog post>
she is such a spoiled, stupid immature brat all she needs is a shitty scam and she's
#1 cow material
No. 195233
File: 1478567159654.png (325.52 KB, 511x408, kek.png)

for some reason I thought this was so funny i laughed out loud
No. 195458
>>195233Someone previously complained about her chewing gum really loudly during a makeup tutorial.
I don't know anyone who chews like a fucking pig because of "depression."
No. 195964
>>195911oo i can't find it
who tipped the cow
No. 196300
File: 1478765844048.png (27.71 KB, 579x163, Screen Shot 2016-11-09 at 11.4…)

looks like she's taking a break from all of social media??? this was her facebook. her instagram is still up tho
No. 197403
>>167514this cow is definitely filled with more milk, anyone got any???
she's far to snowflakey to just disappear
No. 197404
File: 1479018730593.png (865.57 KB, 654x552, breemcsneeze.png)

nasty thing i'm glad shes "not a girl"
No. 197422
>>193913she looks so cute in those pics in particular i can't even believe she's the same ugly goblin in
>>193396Bree wtf you're doing with your life?
No. 197424
>>193951SJW happened
srsly all SJWs think they look so kool with a botched haircut, stupid overdrawn brows and this fucking obnoxious bright red lipstick. i swear it's like a trademark look already.
No. 198303
File: 1479156333707.png (10.45 KB, 561x189, gross.png)

She did something to her theme so you can't view anything unless you add /mobile to the end of the url.
Here's some more milk, before she deletes it
No. 198309
File: 1479156525406.png (14.47 KB, 1363x185, iphone.png)

"you classist fucking rude ass piece of shit"
No. 206818
>>206808she's also real active on IG
she's real boring though also it looks like her "bf" is there but he doesn't let her film him haha theres one on her story right now i think and you can see a guys hands doing something but no face etc and she's posting how shes SOOO IN LUV right now too so i'm assuming thats him
No. 207430
File: 1480656815301.jpg (55.12 KB, 360x247, 20161201_212728.jpg)

Is no one gonna talk about how much she over lines her lips?
No. 212676
File: 1481568134348.jpg (140.07 KB, 500x573, bree1211.jpg)

Much sophisticated, you can tell by the beret and cigarette
No. 422840
File: 1510591917964.png (1.44 MB, 1920x1080, vlcsnap-2017-10-20-16h48m40s42…)

well that return was underwhelming
No. 422861
File: 1510593461848.png (160.9 KB, 271x251, Schermata 2017-11-13 alle 18.1…)

what the frecking fuck is this?
No. 798608
File: 1555552605511.png (38.47 KB, 883x495, Capture.PNG)

>>798558only ominous asks in bree's ask box. p sure she was and is no longer with him which from the sounds of it is a good thing. the bumps (in the last 11 months) may be paul playing games and being crazy.
No. 798620
File: 1555556340463.png (460.79 KB, 449x655, Screen Shot 2019-04-17 at 7.54…)

>>798537>>798558it might actually be true, judging by her IG story…
No. 799094
File: 1555731013697.png (2.26 MB, 1754x1142, Screen Shot 2019-04-19 at 11.2…)

Confirmation from family that paul is dead, most likely suicide
No. 988423
File: 1592417806478.png (278.67 KB, 1125x1958, Screenshot 2020-06-17 at 1.00.…)

She is very active on insta @slipnotnightcore
her best friend just died of a heroin OD and she is coping via depressed insta stories
No. 1007405
>>988423 this lying,
toxic manipulative attention whore is not relevant anymore
No. 1018020
File: 1596653668785.png (4.35 MB, 750x1334, 52003E1F-6375-4F7C-8A6B-CA28B9…)

has problem with neighbor, resolves by breaking dishes at neighbors door
No. 1033873
File: 1599291536254.png (3.83 MB, 750x1334, D05A96B3-9447-4708-B131-C7825B…)

the tiktok of her putting monistat in her pussy lol what the fuck
No. 1034086
File: 1599336866445.jpeg (217.48 KB, 640x1009, 596C089A-5DCA-4428-AB55-2A0AB3…)

>>1007911Well that huge ass cut does not look like she's stable.
No. 1034087
File: 1599336930749.jpeg (386.07 KB, 640x999, 213CDC48-2EAD-4B33-A1B2-F8E1B8…)

>>1034086Samefag - This explains it all and also confirms Pauls suicide.
Oof No. 1036201
File: 1599702367948.png (2.42 MB, 750x1334, 1AC42971-A4FC-4F0E-8B31-E4E343…)

No. 1036203
File: 1599702474006.png (2.96 MB, 750x1334, 3DBEBA59-0253-402A-8F57-A6A597…)

needs to get serious help not just rely on some dude to save her
No. 1036211
File: 1599703581121.png (3.82 MB, 750x1334, 531EBF13-8824-4DF5-BFD4-2FA79E…)

this was the screenshot from the “bender”
No. 1036960
>>1036211“I can’t stop shaking I’m so physically ill”
-framed selfie posted on Instagram along with the million others featuring her dancing and doing whatever recently
No. 1041755
>>1041735you've popularized and glamorized
abusive relationships, drug use, cutting, and other stupidity to your young audience.
not to mention weirdly lying about being half filipina and claiming your dad sexually abused you while still posting videos like "showing dad death grips for the first time"
stop streaming and showcasing your horrible ways of coping to the public, it's narcissistic and manipulative. get some fucking help or have friends help you. having BPD doesn't give you an excuse to act out and lie and manipulate
No. 1041767
>>1041735Girl at least admit that your BPD heart has been shook by discovering a thread about you. Everyone can see it in your instagram stories where you pretend to be cool about "being an reality tv show star". Your teary eyes tell otherwise.
Maybe spend your time searching for a new therapist or some new meds instead of posting "satire" on the internet… A twelve-year-old could pretend better than you kek
No. 1041780
File: 1600545221540.jpeg (Spoiler Image,2.32 MB, 3088x2316, A38CD31A-A120-46C0-85A9-526DF7…)

anyways there are self help books available on amazon thank you all for the support(spoiler this shit ffs)
No. 1041844
>>1041755I remember when she posted on tumblr that her dad raped her when she was a kid and would stick his finger in her ass and she recently posted a story with him hugging him and acting very chummy. I guess they're okay now lmao. I doubt he knows she's made those public allegations of a very serious offense online, it's so bizarre.
the guy that passed away recently was her bf I thought. but yeah now she's dating that girl that robbed her and bree chewed out on insta lol. she must have a charisma in person that she lacks online, because I have no idea why these put up with the way she talks about them online. if what she's saying is all true and she's surrounded by these awful people, I hope she gets help and gets out. this new gf is nasty and I doubt very supportive of her sobriety, they're always drinking/pot.
the hair getting progressively worse as well as tattoos more extreme/poor quality, it's clear she's spiraling.
I feel bad for her and going for the "it's all SATIRE and ACTING none of this is real!!!" okay so if this is a fake character you're putting on for instagram, what is the purpose of this supposed performance art bree? I know you're gonna read this. if this is all a show and not how you are irl, are you aware of the consequences of this 'act' you're putting on? it's promoting self harm (both the cutting and insane bodily changes) as well as drug use and using alcohol as a coping mechanism. if this is all an act, man you're really a method actor bree.
>>1041767 she needs to get sober, get a real career or get into education, regular therapy. maybe find an acting job that pays. :/
No. 1042220
>>1042213She was a
toxic person before that, and the way she’s coping with his death is
toxic. If she wants to smear that all over social media, people can surely make a few comments about her obviously unchecked and destructive mental illness.
No. 1042286
>>1042213No one said it’s not sad. She’s been cutting and suicide baiting for years posting it all online. She just posted the other day about how its been “three years since her
abusive relationship ended”. Who cares. Another reason to scream “My abuser!!.!” years after the fact. This is just another thing that “happened to her” now as long as she wants it to be. Until the next thing
This takes a toll on her life and no wonder she was posting memes about how her old friends are starting to leave her alone. After a certain point self destruction is her choice.
No. 1048828
File: 1601512761249.png (2.05 MB, 828x1792, 61F605B5-EC7E-46F0-948C-320480…)

Bree moved into a new apartment with a memeworthy rich girl “pole dancer” who used to cry on her instagram stories everyday. Her new roommate is a cow herself tbh. I bet she’s gonna have some weird lesbo crush on her soon.
No. 1056779
File: 1602472689537.jpeg (Spoiler Image,181.1 KB, 656x1136, A89B1689-1AA6-47F7-B575-EAF20A…)

>>1041844Why anyone would post the allegations she has online about her father as well shit like this… It’s so uncomfortable
No. 1061823
File: 1603134120922.jpeg (Spoiler Image,312.96 KB, 749x1233, 2FF5E745-1E93-4224-B832-F84400…)

>>1041735Don’t get the satire ?
No. 1078273
File: 1604887982271.jpeg (141.61 KB, 1042x583, 3B14E1F2-9923-4700-BBB1-33A401…)

This downgrade in a year? That mullet shit is not working for her face
No. 1078311
File: 1604891627315.jpg (1.93 MB, 3088x2316, image.jpg)

>>1078273love checking in how yall doing <3
File: 1605847226365.jpeg (152.05 KB, 750x1316, B899139A-5044-41BC-A46D-169DEA…)

damn bitch take care of yourself
No. 1088649
File: 1606052064901.png (3.77 MB, 750x1334, 0B8A8F20-F1BE-4B91-8F3E-62F4CB…)

No. 1088682
>>1088649peep that alcohol right near her
drinking on the toilet, very classy
No. 1088707
File: 1606060939350.jpeg (163.74 KB, 693x1166, 932FD5D5-8022-409A-B2BD-B68300…)

>>1088693This bender was right after that dude she slept with broke things off but yall were saying it was because her boyfriend died at the time when 2 months had past. It’s okay to miss him still but she’s just taking any excuse to get fucked up. The dude she’s seeing now is also a piece of shit, if she tried to be single a while she might be better off
No. 1089158
File: 1606097735276.jpg (37.31 KB, 720x853, here son.jpg)

>>1086885Your selfpost uniform, Mx.
No. 1099521
File: 1607125068451.png (Spoiler Image,2.6 MB, 750x1334, BBEE19DA-12DA-4A76-A120-4464EC…)

No. 1099649
>>1099521What nontoxic man would be willing to put up with this behavior and appearance? Can you imagine a man with a stable job, college degree, and minimal drug usage taking a woman like this seriously? If the internet didn't exist she'd just be another prostitute living in a condemned motel. Maybe she would have tried harder if she didn't have orbiters telling her this was
No. 1099721
>>1099521This thread honestly just makes me really sad and I hope she gets help
>>1099649I dont think she wants to date normies, anon
No. 1100733
File: 1607225045209.png (1.67 MB, 750x1334, CA719F41-2B95-4D43-85EC-12B4CF…)

Oh girl no what are you DOING. Stop outing yourself like this
No. 1100734
File: 1607225076321.png (4.07 MB, 750x1334, C4E047F8-7CC2-4FD5-8850-BF9777…)

No. 1100736
File: 1607225161834.png (3.79 MB, 750x1334, 0BE2B716-D1BD-42CB-A898-D41C24…)

It’s the price you pay for being a dumb bitch who puts your entire life and ~mentwal iwwness~ online for the world to see and you know it
No. 1100784
>>1100734since she refreshes this page every few minutes to see every post made about her, please say what lies have been made.
While you're at it, explain why the fuck you claimed on tumblr for years to be half filipina when you're a white girl, your dad molesting/raping you when he clearly did not, all your partners abusing you when they all say the same thing about you, etc.
No. 1101742
File: 1607298378843.jpeg (651.4 KB, 750x1100, E5923E16-CE72-4718-977C-449925…)

from her private ig
No. 1101743
File: 1607298425833.jpeg (419.87 KB, 750x928, E955DB55-593E-419A-AD60-660A46…)

No. 1103810
File: 1607538693899.png (3.99 MB, 750x1334, 5DE738F3-84ED-434B-ABED-F61088…)

our friend trying to inform us and keep us informed at the same time she has done the same thing “dragging/outing” someone….i don’t understand what she is trying to get at
No. 1103921
>>1103810I lol’d pretty hard when I saw this. Knew someone would post it since she necro’d her own thread. The projection is too good. Didn’t she just get so
triggered that she had to make a post about her latest fuck buddy yelling at her? Lmao isn’t that “outing” or “dragging” someone based on personal conflict? What a dumb bitch.
No. 1106504
File: 1607878165948.jpeg (173.41 KB, 740x988, 5855C849-7A59-4539-BF1A-3F23EF…)

>>1101742this is so fucking self centered and pathetic. imagine having over a thousand posts on a private ig where you just cry about how much of a
triggered victim you are. peoples entire families died this year and this dumb bitch has been slicing her wrists over literally everything since before her ex died. idk why she keeps posting this thread it’s fucking embarrassing
No. 1118974
File: 1609440739051.png (3.52 MB, 750x1334, 00E73DE2-DE48-457F-9FCF-A3B2AC…)

lol hard cope
No. 1122890
>>1122555honestly nothing from what i saw around that time on her ig she freaked and just stopped sleeping with him but they were weird post on her story accusing him of giving her a yeast infection and him grooming girls? seems to be over she’s sleeping with another 30 year old who
triggers her? and reminds her? of paul?
No. 1124946
>>1124729it was definitely another fling….. from her not grieving properly. 2019-2020 was her light year of calling people out canceling but also contradicting herself countless of times she really has a problem self victimizing (example her calling out that josh guy because he gave her a “full body yeast infection” and saying he prays on 18 year olds) just because he didn’t want to be in a committed monogamous relationship with her since uhh her best friend had od like 3 months before hand and he thought she still needed time to process things which is responsible on his part i’d be overwhelmed if this girl is already saying we’re dating after only hanging out for like 3 weeks lol i’d she running fast far away from her now back to the stupid ~cancel culture~ that bree thrives off of is honestly
toxic but we all know that she’s a
toxic individual but she will find any way to make herself feel better even if it’s calling people out for shit that’s happened in the past leave all that shit to rest GET OFF THE INTERNET STOP DATING TO TO A FUCKING INPATIENT clean yourself up
No. 1125102
File: 1610066391537.png (3.12 MB, 750x1334, 299255A0-A26B-4973-8EDA-81354F…)

and your point is?
No. 1144429
File: 1611855304151.png (3.77 MB, 750x1334, B0E8848D-280E-4083-B344-802575…)

really straining the fuck out of this plaid skirt and the patience of her former bestie apparently lmao
No. 1146052
>>1145899judging by
>>1146009 what else could it be
No. 1157335
File: 1612907078697.jpeg (227.11 KB, 750x1334, 6F973D8B-D506-47EE-BFBD-3790E8…)

No. 1157336
File: 1612907102036.jpeg (280.48 KB, 750x1116, 80FAD75F-BCE7-4537-BBF5-20F9B8…)

No. 1157343
>>1157335>>1157336couldn't you also say that having borderline or the above symptoms be an excuse for sexual assault and murder too? like, are we supposed to have sympathy for her for cheating? lmao
let's be real, if she was being cheated on, that shit would justify a billion callout posts and instagram story suicide notes from her cause it's only bad if it's other people, not her
No. 1157463
>>1157335Stop crying about being the poor misunderstood BPD girl and maybe take a look into your DBT workbook or get that Lamotrigine upped.
There are millions with the same diagnosis that are able, or at least try, to live a fulfilling and peaceful life. BPD is no excuse for being a selfish ugly cunt but well, if people wouldn't wallow in their self pity there would be no cows on this page to laugh at kek
No. 1158469
File: 1612995418470.png (3.04 MB, 750x1334, 266C064F-4E75-4539-9049-188DA6…)

No. 1162842
File: 1613471591453.png (Spoiler Image,3.99 MB, 750x1334, 1C5DD135-687D-407D-BE00-EA0548…)

No. 1171844
File: 1614412537926.png (3.02 MB, 750x1334, 6118B585-24F3-4539-A028-6DF8D2…)

>>1171787think she used to have one but doesn’t use it anymore she’s now selling her art since she doesn’t have a job but i’m sure if you dm her and asked she might say yes
also her new boyfriend if anyone was
actually curious i guess lol (old pic but yea) not really milky anymore since she made a new private ig
No. 1172776
File: 1614533903861.jpeg (Spoiler Image,252.4 KB, 750x1096, E118C7A9-81D9-47D2-9442-AB06F1…)

>>1171787you’re really trying to jack it to pancake tits and self harm? she’s got nudes all over the internet already if you google her name, you don’t need to ask
No. 1176759
File: 1614947214287.png (Spoiler Image,2.48 MB, 750x1334, 391B4FD7-9C9A-4B23-84E0-095D81…)

No. 1187996
File: 1616144574052.png (3.13 MB, 750x1334, 9B7E7CDB-9055-4D65-B8AB-0CADC4…)

honestly not milky but what is going on with her hair…….she honestly used to look kinda pretty but biggest downgrade at least she doesn’t have that horrible acne anymore back at it again to!!!with posting videos of herself on the toilet, over sharing posting on ig about how she got cat called and that caused her to not leave her room all summer. like i said super milky didn’t want to bump the thread
No. 1262519
File: 1624430521530.jpeg (320.48 KB, 750x599, 86237966-7EF4-45E4-8B4B-C5C229…)

bree complaining about her roomie beth being a “child” even though bree would take her clothes and shoes and stretch them out and have mental breakdowns on the floor all night…
No. 1262605
File: 1624448256611.jpeg (286.38 KB, 1242x1837, 2A6BB68B-2F12-47E0-81A7-2D8B40…)

>>1262519You should sculpt something out of all the dog poop Beth
No. 1286414 2 where she has recorded her boyfriend literally saying he doesnt blame her or put his friends death on her. but she’s using that as “proof?”
he’s saying he “can’t do this anymore” which probably means can’t deal with her lying manipulative attention seeking ass any more than he already has
No. 1286415
File: 1627525543215.jpeg (80.29 KB, 828x858, CA67673A-B278-4117-9898-F50B25…)

looks smug as fuck. what the fuck
No. 1286423
File: 1627526986147.jpeg (147.98 KB, 828x1280, B94E6EBC-D074-4125-984C-507F7D…)

from her bfs page
No. 1286424
File: 1627527009230.jpeg (309.38 KB, 828x1370, F7A939EF-4C8F-48B8-960C-07C785…)

No. 1286425
File: 1627527079928.jpeg (138.17 KB, 828x1358, 95794AD5-63F1-4BE3-A4F1-CDDDF3…)

she lied about supporting him financially, clearly was her being supported by him
No. 1286427
File: 1627527105308.jpeg (120.42 KB, 828x1351, 9E2E9D63-6727-4E94-8D68-04F2C9…)

No. 1286429
File: 1627527140131.jpeg (158.63 KB, 828x1442, 4019ABBE-8A60-40B4-B5CF-6DE284…)

what an absolute cunt
No. 1286430
File: 1627527217832.jpeg (167.54 KB, 828x1455, 13DE2ADB-754D-49A2-A16D-4AE55A…)

No. 1286431
File: 1627527238287.jpeg (191.71 KB, 828x1467, 76830A2D-4222-4A17-B784-A49B16…)

No. 1286432
File: 1627527276746.jpeg (205.02 KB, 826x1464, FD0E315A-7D75-4F8D-BD7F-E7C53C…)

No. 1286434
File: 1627527358346.jpeg (290.05 KB, 828x1474, 99848A83-C8CF-42B7-BE70-A460D0…)

No. 1286435
File: 1627527401105.jpeg (197.28 KB, 828x1464, 6940A255-EC4A-4C2A-A37F-73E0C4…)

No. 1286464
>>1286435are we really surprised that Bree is a liar and an actual nutjob who likes to terrorize people? she loves to publicly lie about people to make herself a
No. 1286529
File: 1627543644160.jpeg (1.5 MB, 1170x2044, 0BA8C66C-1EB0-4C52-9BC5-5DB8FE…)

She’s going off on Instagram
No. 1286551
>>1286529this image is literally hilarious after reading texts where she’s quite clearly the
abusive one in the situation. like ffs she pulled out every single stop to try and get this dude to simultaneously 1. come running and save her, 2. be
abusive back to her so she can feel like a martyr and 3. pay her way through life. you can only pick one bree you can’t have all three options at once kek
No. 1286565
Samefag just want to point out this little piece of wisdom from saint Bree herself
No. 1286650
>>1286529he's an abuser for telling everyone how i abused him!
isn't it a wonder that all her exes "abused" her but the proof leans towards her being the abuser, each and every time?
No. 1286771
File: 1627580285699.jpeg (174.88 KB, 828x1101, 46EB8F54-7131-4AC2-B802-BF475D…)

he says she’s done worse and called him horrible names, guaranteed she’s called him some kind of racial slurs and he’s too scared to cancel her
No. 1286778
File: 1627580687926.jpg (313.34 KB, 582x1012, Screenshot_20210729-194311_One…)

No. 1286781
>>1286412I don’t know why she thought it was a good idea to have a public meltdown with zero proof of this person abusing her, his screenshots make it so clear that she’s a lying psycho and he is the
victim here
No. 1286817
>>1286778like fucking clock work. bree has been my personal cow for years and she always suicide baits/“attempts” after blow ups like this.
>>1286812if she’s taking about paul, he was a very creepy pedo. she seemed super into him and on his side until he heroed.
No. 1286858
>>1286778>>1286812her first ex was the fat trans guy from tumblr, i forget his name. then it was Paul who killed himself, she said both of them were
abusive. but they also say the same about her, and there's actual proof that she's a liar
No. 1286860
>>1286778how convenient, her plan to use her platform to make her latest ex look like an abuser backfired cause he posted receipts, so now she has to one-up the
victim game and suicide bait. this person needs to be removed off social media, but otherwise, no clue what can be done about her. she genuinely is insane and doesn't seem to realize she is the abuser and the problem in every situation she's been in
No. 1286901
>>1286860>what can be done about herRemove her social media, and she'd just create new accounts, starting the cycle again.
Psych eval would probably help (meds 'n such) but unless it was by court order then it's probably as effective as using Monopoly money to buy a Happy Meal.
No. 1286953
>>1286906also why the fuck is she making recordings like this? solely to play
victim later on shit that doesn’t even make sense?
bree “inviting my rapist over” mcgee has already killed two boyfriends i’m glad this one is gonna be okay
No. 1287580
>>1287491kek i remember too. ancient milk now, but i got such a laugh out of paul’s roommates/family kicking her out in california because she refused to get a job and pay rent. looks like she hasn’t changed a bit.
>>1287280i’m assuming this is a self post. this thread wouldn’t be a thing unless bree was bumping it time to time.
No. 1326585
File: 1631891029045.jpeg (152.11 KB, 828x1459, AE6A2E61-715D-4C4A-85D8-3BA6D8…)

bree made a tiktok saying “hi, my name is Breanna Mcgee, and i have 3 exes who are now deceased.” Who is the 3rd one?
in the comments she just jokes about having killed them. the death of her exes is just a tool for her to use for a couple views on tiktok apparently
No. 1328773
File: 1632110456267.jpeg (276.93 KB, 828x1016, BEBCE77E-CB01-44CB-A5A1-A3FEBA…)

No. 1349434
>>1349174what do you think it is otherwise? She'll start covering it up after the first Karen calls the cops for
triggering her little darlings.
No. 1349860
>>1349434I've just never seen anyone do it like that before or so severely it's all on the outside of the arm and going down instead of across like everyone else i've seen with that much, If you told me it was a filter or something I could believe you too cause she's attention whore
>>1349509I don't feel bad for her, she's obviously a shitty person and BPD poster child but if someone's going to those lengths maybe they earned not joining society or whatever no one normal wants to be an aimless freak in their 20's
No. 1357781
File: 1635467473763.jpeg (268.44 KB, 827x1241, 2482257F-DD69-4C2C-9451-EB7158…)

wonder why she deleted her finsta?
No. 1360118
File: 1635831166529.png (2.73 MB, 828x1792, 7BA9E694-0FDA-49FC-BD28-11CBB5…)

>>1360113She looks fucking physically disabled
No. 1360424
File: 1635886503324.jpeg (59.53 KB, 567x263, 6FC6A391-B39D-4D6D-B5DF-E211C1…)

self post? she just changed her “deleted” finsta profile picture and could have sworn she used a stupid peter griffin pic lol looks like shes keeping up with this thread
No. 1361127
>>1360118I don't know who in their roght mind would want lolcow's attention via self-posting, on a dead thread about a now-boring cow, no less. But
>>1360610 gave me a chuckle.
No. 1365981
File: 1636551364429.png (3.18 MB, 750x1334, 566DEF9F-AAB1-42E6-B486-46E33F…)

on her tiktok looks like she’s back dating that black guy she said would kill her
No. 1366287
File: 1636576891297.jpeg (298.7 KB, 828x1437, 5A47531F-A463-4218-B851-00E46E…)

is she drunk and getting rid of her cat on instagram ?
No. 1366617
File: 1636609234902.jpeg (395.46 KB, 660x933, B70C163D-A82C-44CB-9EFD-E3C2FA…)

she’s doing great
No. 1366618
File: 1636609282631.png (1.87 MB, 750x1334, 3C370229-F6A1-4BEF-98BE-C9DDEE…)

No. 1367270
File: 1636679331564.webm (6.47 MB, 576x1024, Just BPD Things .webm)
Anything to avoid being accountable (1/2)
No. 1367951
File: 1636766663336.jpeg (299.27 KB, 827x1455, 94E5FDA5-523F-447C-AF59-6C1AC4…)

she deleted this post where she actually thanked people for reaching out lol. she clearly doesnt give a fuck. and continued to suicide bait
>>1367897by psychotic shit do you mean the literal screenshots from the person you’re fucking saying you negatively affected his livelihood and of you on multiple benders? that is some psychotic shit, stop abusing xanax and ambien and learn to cope
No. 1368020
File: 1636777282730.png (3.38 MB, 750x1334, F0735BBD-A663-4F38-8925-37A2C1…)

i didnt see this posted yet. first time posting sorry if it’s fucked up somehow.
No. 1368989
>>1286435how manic and twisted do you have to be to text this to your boyfriend. then again he did take her back so maybe he has a type for sociopaths
>>1360118 nice self post kek . i wonder what friend she’ll get bored or annoyed with next for her to come here and do this dumb shit again
No. 1369122
File: 1636946361011.png (4.14 MB, 750x1334, BEEB240C-6896-4EF6-BCBB-AA4573…)

Looks like she’s checking herself into
a mental facility, I did like how she mentioned she grew up on tumblr lol and her toxic past behavior, being transparent about her mental health online for years. Then mentions that she’s trying not to create excuses for her recent behavior and in the past years. Even tho she said growing up on tumblr mixed with being fucked up made it easier for her to be “transparent” online.
No. 1375945
File: 1637884098704.jpeg (239.99 KB, 828x1439, 56C03ABA-96F9-488A-8F0D-F85BCF…)

lol what the fuck
No. 1377975
File: 1638158534329.jpeg (218.2 KB, 828x819, DF934FEA-7FC0-4B68-A729-12B6F1…)

her brows were one of her better features …
No. 1385354
File: 1638685858862.jpeg (367.86 KB, 826x1458, 239A63B7-4945-4371-8DB3-9F268B…)

someone tell this bitch that showers dont hurt
No. 1385548
File: 1638715706994.jpeg (133.44 KB, 828x1256, A8737B57-8143-4D18-A1AA-AF1178…)

No. 1385694
File: 1638726344821.jpeg (216.76 KB, 821x1368, 49E06903-FBED-4E18-9DBE-ED62FC…)

isnt this the dude she was talking about here
>>1101742 No. 1386304
>>1385559someone forgot to lock their phone?
everyone is a cheating piece of shit, not really milk
No. 1387658
File: 1638921483345.jpeg (198.91 KB, 827x987, 4D4BDB94-4025-451A-9AEC-EFC48B…)

the tiny goatee is so fucking funny
>>1368322its in her profile pic too
No. 1388177
>>1387975bree!! what happened to you going to a mental hospital lol
she obviously doesn’t know how to have a healthy relationship with anyone
the only people that’ll stand being friends with her is her boyfriend who apparently she’s been
abusive towards and that other dude who she used to fuck and complained about abusing her
honestly don’t feel sorry for her bf he’s been cucked
i don’t think she can have a healthy friendship with anyone she’s cut her ties with all her “friends” whenever she gets tired of them the only friends and people she hangs with seems to be her cuck bf or abuser i wouldn’t say she’s doing her best
No. 1390153
>>1388177I’ve been following Bree since she was big on tumblr and it’s pathetic seeing how she still remains the constant
victim in her head. Those texts she sent to her boyfriend are textbook abuse. And idc if she wants to blame all of her shitty actions on being drunk because that’s bullshit, she continues to drink and obviously doesn’t want to change.
No. 1390291
>>1100734>>1100736it’s funny she things she’s an influencer even if she’s being ironic
maybe you should go to that mental hospital you’ve constantly been talking about
also bree if you wanna lurk and self post learn how to sage
No. 1390653
i only check this thread because its some sort of form of morbid curiosity- and i know ill be ridiculed and made fun of for even posting this, but the assumptions you all have to say about me just make it worse for me to grow. it makes me truly so ashamed. all i am is a human like everyone else in this thread, im a person who woke up to someone i loved dead next to me, spooning me. im a person whose dealt with multiple rapes and. you all can say that its me victimizing myself or blaming the world for my mishaps, but i am not a victim i consider myself as a survivor of a lot of the shitty cards ive been dealt. im not constantly wallowing or getting wasted anymore, ive managed to live in my own apartment for almost a year, have three jobs, try my hardest to keep going despite how much i wanna give up. ive gotten so many things accomplished- and i dont blame yall for seeing me as some sort of spectacle because i know ive been incredibly vulnerable online for years. and thats my mistake. you guys are all people with faults and issues just like me- and maybe if you knew me in real life you'd like me. i am sorry to the people ive hurt in the past- ive worked out my issues in my life and my circle. im here just like yall. wasting time putting me down or trying to humiliate and make fun of my life isnt worth it. i think im a good person, i try to be self aware, i see a therapist, i take my meds everyday, im trying just like everyone else. i fixate on this thread because it disappoints me. i hate that there are anonymous people that hate me. wouldnt you? yes ive gone through addiction but this was after the most traumatic thing ever happened to me. and you can say im abusive to my partner and i admit my actions were abusive and we have worked them out because ive been working on my sobriety and mental health. the internet is stupid and i know that, to even post on here in defense of myself is stupid. but ive learned in my life to stand my ground and try and prove myself. and maybe thats also stupid because at the end of the day i know who i am. idk i dont blame yall for thinking im a joke, or pathetic. but everyone single one of you have definitely made regrettable decisions in your life because thats just life. and you learn. and im learning. ive posted on here drunken and manic in the past - but i just want yall to know that im truly improving and trying my hardest everyday. negativity and hatred wastes too much energy. idk. im going to stop checking this thread, but i hope you guys consider what im saying as something thats true and that matters and that you can be empathetic. - bree(sage your blog)
No. 1390958
>>1390653lol i wonder how long it took for her to type and retype then have someone proof read this for her
liked how she didn’t mention anything about posting her ex roommate’s LinkedIn page on here over some petty shit
No. 1390961
>>1390653Ok Bree then actually prove to everyone you’re getting better. Tbh those texts about you destroying property to get to your boyfriend really reminds me of my
abusive ex who did the same thing. It’s crazy someone I looked up to ended up being the same
abusive piece of shit they pretended not to be. If anything I hope your boyfriend is ok, the fact that he’s still with you really proves he’s been manipulated.
No. 1390966
>>1390958Lol the fact that she ranted on Instagram about people calling any argument abuse then went on to call her bf
abusive because she was mad at him. Fuck off bree you’re a sociopath
No. 1391487
>>1390653You use the deaths of people as a pity party and that’s sick. You threatened your boyfriend just a few months ago saying you “invited your rapist over”. You’re such a bitch Bree and you’re a forever
victim. Survivors don’t hurt people the way you’ve hurt people
No. 1393809
File: 1639614019707.jpeg (273.38 KB, 828x1317, 710DC96E-67D8-45B7-85FE-611DC7…)

definitely drinking again. only tried “suicide” a month ago and posted her ex roommate here the same time, the growth is astounding
No. 1395899
>>1394782 she can't delete her socials because this is the only attention she gets. Crying in your room alone is stupid unless someone else reacts to it.
>>1395804 she has a raging case of herpes around her mouth.
No. 1397281
File: 1639947153892.jpeg (215.32 KB, 828x1485, C4ACABDE-8DFE-4C47-A81F-05092F…)

nothing has changed with the alcoholism and xanax use but her looks took a dive
No. 1397282
File: 1639947175857.jpeg (35.21 KB, 250x333, B2AB235E-B235-44CA-9EAA-6F1AE3…)

realllly sad
No. 1399779
File: 1640228137013.png (3.17 MB, 828x1792, C0EF60BB-5733-4675-9BDF-D85532…)

No. 1399855
>>1399779back to posting in a week, no doubt.
she's doing this to victimize herself "look how depressed and sad i am as i cry cause everyone's mad i overshare and suicidebait!" like.. get actual fucking help or make actual attempts to take accountability and get your shit together. this "i'm so awful i hate myself i should die cause of what i do to other people" is a BPD attempt to make other people feel bad for her and assure her she's not the problem. which she is.
No. 1401557
File: 1640453540126.png (6.52 MB, 1242x2688, 92EBB872-BF52-49C7-B88F-28F953…)

>>1286412just read through this thread for the first time and saw this. at the end of the vid when she’s supposed to be crying, you can see flashes of a smug smile. it’s kinda creepy like she’s thinking everyone will be too stupid to see this is completely faked. best example of duping delight ive ever seen. this bih crazy
No. 1418568
>>1417584to the point where she jokes about it being “for her fans.” self absorbed dumbfuck. who the fuck cries that much and for what? does she just fake cry and take selfies? i cant imagine what her camera roll looks like.
also why are you asking people on instagram for money when you act like you have ThREe JoBS
No. 1425656
File: 1643056168825.jpeg (362.97 KB, 1125x1699, C73F1BF2-EE54-4027-BE81-D131C7…)

No. 1426095
File: 1643088546498.jpeg (231.82 KB, 804x1380, 529CEC16-09A8-43BC-8091-CF02AF…)

No. 1426500
File: 1643133643488.jpeg (178.42 KB, 760x1439, 15E046DC-E54F-4641-B878-21CFF5…)

>>1426302guessing so from this. damn terrell if you’re going to post here might as well be interesting screenshots not just a number
No. 1428034
File: 1643260062178.png (Spoiler Image,3.42 MB, 750x1334, 3CCA0693-E628-4592-BFAC-28E0BA…)

No. 1439531
File: 1644500358554.jpeg (662.29 KB, 797x987, 87E90C5B-2C5B-475D-BD7A-13259D…)

Bree is now hanging with this person. People in baltimore can’t stand them bc they are constantly begging for money online and generally a sad clout chaser. They have a gofundme every month even though they are perfectly able to get a job. This’ll be interesting.
No. 1440628
File: 1644593740317.jpeg (398.53 KB, 828x1451, 00E013D5-705B-410D-A013-2CE743…)

we get it, you do pills. and will probably try to “overdose” when your impulsive new relationship goes south.
>>1440543if she thought dating a black guy was bad why would she go date a “queer” black man. also, how is he queer? he’s dating a fat white straight woman
No. 1440710 his ig
probably perfect for each other an sjw coke head who ebeggs alot
No. 1443852
File: 1644939962675.jpeg (Spoiler Image,291.25 KB, 1125x1951, F3ACA177-EEA8-44F4-8D2F-4961DB…)

No. 1445013
File: 1645053623936.jpeg (260.65 KB, 828x1224, E972482E-CF39-4865-A403-7CEA09…)

No. 1445976
File: 1645160762185.jpeg (1.34 MB, 1113x1928, 3777DA50-0306-47F8-A334-30C17D…)

No. 1445979
File: 1645160852774.png (6.89 MB, 1125x2436, F5D4AB53-5507-456A-A831-E3E71B…)

wonder if she’s now just doing coke with him tweaking
No. 1446497
File: 1645224051888.jpeg (327.56 KB, 828x1447, 98602B1E-FF28-45A0-BBBE-CB2C74…)

can anyone explain why her face looks so weird and thin/fucked up here compared to all her other recent photos? she looks majorly on drugs compared to the other pics where she looks much bigger. obvious on how this pic theres no comments and other ones everyone says she looks “ healthy” lol
No. 1446535
File: 1645226909985.jpeg (253.91 KB, 750x1306, B91DFCEE-E907-4183-930C-6FD197…)

yeah like her face looks so different here i thought it was really bad faceapp
No. 1447235
File: 1645307939259.jpeg (308.95 KB, 1125x1946, 934A7740-B403-4CD6-A251-0F8401…)

No. 1447728
>>1447418She looks pregnant in
>>1440628 too. God I hope not. Just rotund until further notice.
No. 1453341
File: 1645993866422.jpeg (288.36 KB, 1125x2325, A2DB9DDC-5EB2-458D-B409-427A84…)

kek says fuck cancel culture but has literally canceled 80% of her friends/ex’s
No. 1459742
File: 1646612985298.png (218.61 KB, 704x434, 01ED4C12-63DD-47E3-BCA9-7E9E33…)

her completely ridiculous love bombing vs her texts to her last bf . wild
No. 1462179
File: 1646848892158.jpg (Spoiler Image,923.01 KB, 1077x1808, Screenshot_20220309-125956_Ins…)

No. 1500817
File: 1649893496028.jpg (358.15 KB, 1080x2054, Screenshot_20220413-110109__01…)

pic is of op's tumblr, she's bragging about being friends with bree again even though they have a friend breakup every year or so and this thread gets revived. op has said very awful things about bree- dehumanizing things, and given that she wrote this thread about her, little to no sympathy for bree going back to be friends again. it must be a trauma bond at this point cause op had a drug od at bree’s house a few years ago. bree needs better friends.
No. 1517956
File: 1651523703037.png (Spoiler Image,3.69 MB, 828x1792, AE44BD15-8318-483C-8F62-5B1209…)

idk if anyone else caught it but she just posted a crying drunk and possibly barred out rant with blood all over her hand about no one believing her about terrell, before rhat she posted a text post to her story saying she’s done and suicide baiting, now she deleted everything but i wish i would have screen recorded
No. 1518080
File: 1651535251728.jpeg (288.89 KB, 828x1416, C05BF6D0-3626-4CF1-9716-509674…)

Posted on her stories 4 hours ago, has since been deleted.
No. 1518084
File: 1651535538629.jpeg (354.9 KB, 828x1512, 2535E0C5-C2A7-4CC7-BD48-E58646…)

No. 1518102
>>1518080>>1518084They're both psychotic, actually. Both want so badly to be
victims and saved by someone. It's pathetic adults act like this I've seen more maturity and level-headedness in children. How anyone can buy this bullshit is lost on me. Bree, just actually commit to what you say whether it be getting help or finally killing yourself. Make a decision for once in your life and assume control.
No. 1518874
File: 1651619591785.jpeg (400.73 KB, 828x1448, 90D03F64-08C6-4097-9D21-FA72E3…)

No. 1519085
>>1518084Wouldn’t it be hilaaaaarious if bree and this ding dong just planned out another Bree suicide bait fiasco just so he has another excuse to pander online for donations? That’s my conspiracy theory 100% although that plan also sounds way too smart for them.
It just seems like that guy likes to panhandle on his Instagram all the time and Bree obviously likes to suicide bait all the time. It’s a very questionable win/win for both of them.
No. 1519726
File: 1651699698202.jpeg (354.78 KB, 828x1507, BEEDCC76-3688-432D-81DF-F36A57…)

>>1518410xavier__gibson on ig
is she really pretending to be him on here calling him her partner when he is actively fleeing her abuse and suicide baiting
No. 1519732
File: 1651699750078.jpeg (302.18 KB, 828x1429, 37205C8C-E6A3-4EEA-9D42-345B80…)

she posted this yesterday but surprise she’s still alive
No. 1520701
File: 1651774536847.jpeg (1.42 MB, 1125x1918, F20D3C54-8764-466A-8239-03A9F2…)

No. 1521354
File: 1651811088448.jpeg (2.02 MB, 3912x3895, A8A9B014-EDDA-4751-943F-EC58D0…)

she used to be be pretty attractive, damn. seems to happen to all the crazy bpd bitches. they’re good looking but lose it fast by getting fat and just plain not taking care of themselves.
No. 1522030
>>1521354imagine being at such a low point that you think the angry uneducated zit-covered SJW on the left is hotter than the fat angry uneducated zit-covered SJW on the right.
My take is that Xavier secretly loves the attention he's getting from this Bree fiasco, and that's why he's "getting her help." whatever the hell that means. I personally think she's far gone, she's a few years away from 30 and genuinely think she's the poor widdle
victim in every situation she's in.
No. 1522044
File: 1651888886583.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.08 MB, 828x1463, 377CED62-0ABC-4496-B0F1-053DC2…)

No. 1522054
File: 1651889612654.jpeg (421.37 KB, 828x1458, 25BD662C-9333-4080-A15C-DC9D45…)

No. 1522063
File: 1651890425334.jpeg (384.47 KB, 828x1426, 856B14A1-3B49-4795-B51F-AF83F5…)

No. 1522098
>>1522063Talk about manipulative, she wants to threaten suicide over everyone for not believing her when, why should anyone believe her when this is a repeat situation of every other "
abusive ex" she's ever had. The only one we all really know was a POS was the one that killed himself and she defended him for years and even made HERSELF the
victim after he killed himself.
I really wish this idiot would go to REAL therapy and get the fuck off the internet and stop trying to be a lil internet princess and Baltimore punk icon, seeing as how far that's gotten her
No. 1522175
File: 1651900678462.jpeg (387.39 KB, 828x1378, 51F388DA-7FD8-4B55-8709-A94672…)

No. 1522193
>>1522175She’s just fucking proving a fucking point that all you fucking bitches are obviously the
toxic ones even though she’s totally not fucking ghost posting on her fucking lolcow page and abusing her fucking close ones because she’s totally fucking not also a known abuser
No. 1522302
>>1522193you have to question the type of scrotal sack who would hook up with her, though.
just because she's a bpd cow who cries wolf doesn't mean most if not all of them aren't
abusive moids.
No. 1522612
File: 1651958333853.jpg (52.26 KB, 477x565, Capture.JPG)

how dumb do you have to be to think no one is gonna show the guy the post where you accuse him of rape.
No. 1522689
File: 1651968123136.png (2.99 MB, 828x1792, E640E512-9238-4BFD-A674-B83FEB…)

……..i wonder why……maybe it’s because …you know what nevermind. does she literally see herself and what she posts and how she acts…
No. 1522743
>>1522719Well that's definitely one way to spend your 20s. Must suck to not want more out of life but she has to go and shit up the boards on top of it.
Your life isn't milky Bree. You're a garden variety woe-is-me
toxic drunk. This is embarrassing even by LC's standards.
No. 1522769
File: 1651976168060.gif (1.19 MB, 276x210, -.GIF)

>>1522743I still find the non-fat watered-down milk amusing. We’re almost entering the redemption attempt arc.
No. 1522782
File: 1651977342644.jpeg (1.41 MB, 1125x1628, B4A358CC-BF46-4168-89A6-F6A667…)

No. 1522824
>>1522782Wasn’t this the bitch whose response to this “
abusive boyfriend” not giving her enough attention was to say she was going to invite her rapist over? And then she wonders why everyone thinks she’s a lying psycho?
No. 1522839
>>1522632NTAYRT but I’m pretty positive they were being sarcastic and making fun of how she was typing here
>>1522175 with using “fucking” every other word (they do need to sage still though.)
No. 1522862
>>1522824This one. She was spamming him with texts and threatening to invite her rapist over because Terrell wasn't texting back, and because of that, Terrell has now joined the ranks of the manipulators and the rapists that she must destroy on the Internet.
Isn't it kinda telling that HER friends are siding with her ex? They're tired of her lying ass bullshit and they know that she actually is psychotic. Even the guy she's kind of still with said she needs to get help and is mentally unstable af and that he can't even be in the same house as her because she's mentally and physically violent. But oh no, she's not an abuser at aaalll.
No. 1522888
>>1522782god i'm so confused by this entire ordeal. it all seems so overblown and orchestrated on both ends like, idk how to describe it but it just gives me that vibe. what even is the "snippet of abuse" she says she posted, did I miss it? if they're both supposedly so
abusive to each other why do they both still have all the pictures of them together up on IG? what exactly is he trying to do to convince everyone to "actively hate" you when he says shit like this
>>1520701 and seems to want to get you help? or is that all a facade? is that him manipulating himself to be a
victim or is it maybe possible that you aren't always the only
victim no matter what? why would none, not a single one of your friends, believe you?
look, I know that there's a common cycle of
victims of abuse getting back into
abusive relationships again and again, I'd rather believe that than think a woman is "crying wolf" but at some point you have to take a hard look at yourself in the mirror and at your DECADE's worth of psychotic mental breakdowns liveblogged on tumblr and every other social media platform, you can't undo or look past all that. i don't doubt she was treated like shit and traumatized by fuckers like Paul and whoever else, and this Xavier dude has always given me major slimy grifter leech weirdo vibes, but you also can't excuse the fucked up shit she did to exes like Terrell. there's a ton of receipts of her being
abusive and manipulative right back, like in this very thread. which I'm not using to excuse any purported abuse she might have genuinely gone through, because i know that's a common issue as well but it doesn't add up with her. cases like this make me want to actually believe in mutually
abusive relationships because they honestly both have such clear attention-seeking fake general cowish behaviors. i'm actually shocked it ended up like how it always does with her exes this time around, because i truly thought she'd met her perfect equal match this time lol
No. 1522949
>>1522888Bree is going to have to come and clarify if she means Terrell (she posted evidence of his abuse, while excluding her
abusive behaviour) or Xavier (who came here and did this
>>1519639 and, as you said, is supposedly trying to get her help) If it ends up being Xavier, I agree with you. I hadn’t considered they might have orchestrated this together. Why? No idea but he seems to be asking for help.
No. 1522960
File: 1652017443838.jpeg (1.63 MB, 1125x1838, 437E8575-43ED-4E23-A846-1DFED3…)

don’t think anyone posted this but now wants to move out of the state because of him?
can someone correct me if i’m wrong but didn’t she literally say some bs like he’s a black man and im scared of my life on some instagram story i feel like the reason no one wants to be around her is because of shit like this 1 things goes south and kicks them to the curb or cancels them that’s her go to thing
if she hated the internet so much she would have just deleted her instagram or something
No. 1523092
>>1522960this seems more like “i’ve burned all my bridges and people don’t believe my constant bullshit and psychotic ass anymore so i need to leave” but ok Bree just paint yourself as the
victim again. all the receipts of your
abusive are here
No. 1523145
>>1522949she is taLking about terrell in these posts, it was during a big rant in which she accused him of sexual assault. it seems like xavier is still trying to support her, but that fucker is the creepiest out of all the guys she has dated. he is freaky.
>>1523092tbh she probably should leave the state or go move in with family again or something bc it seems like she is spiraling without any sort of structure.
also bree probably does self post but she is my fav lolcow since the noah tumblr days. she is very dry lately so i always sage but shit i love being able to rant about how dumb she is somewhere
No. 1523612
>>1523145Cheers, anon! I sort of figured she meant Terrell. Why is she suddenly fixated in him again? She herself said 4 months ago
>>1390653> i admit my actions were abusive and we have worked them out And prior to this, they were hanging out
>>1367273 AFTER she said he was an abuser
>>1286529 and
>>1286412 No. 1523635
File: 1652075196486.webm (7.92 MB, 360x596, 01.webm)
>>1286412.webm 1 of 2
(Pardon the autism but this hadn’t been locally archived)
No. 1523638
File: 1652075421310.webm (1.7 MB, 360x606, 02.webm)
>>1286414.webm 2 of 2
(Again, pardon the autism, here’s the local archive)
No. 1524266
>>1523638I couldn't pick up ANYTHING that he said in this clip aside from "that's not your fault, neither of us knew that was gonna happen." and "i can't keep doing this thing." He just seems frustrated with her because she's absolutely insane.
Especially since after playing that clip that doesn't even really prove anything at all, she's smiling and saying she's scared and blaming him if she kills herself (which is ironic considering the "proof that he's
abusive" lmao)
No. 1527405
File: 1652429590905.png (9.01 MB, 1242x2208, 84E2665B-DD3D-48FA-A0FE-6DFEAD…)

No. 1527578
>>1527550I was thinking this too.
>Hey instagram users in Baltimore, I'm being abused!Her audience has dwindled so much since tumblr days, when is she gonna pack this in? Stop leeching off scrotes, be single for a while, exit social media for a year, move in with some female friends and get a job? Why do we need to see this?
No. 1527814
>>1527405So she went to a public place and saw someone she claims is
abusive (yet she has also claimed she was
abusive in the relationship too) then throws a huge drunken fit online because people didn’t stop their lives to give Bree her millionth pity party? Now she’s turning it into the world not believing women. All from one night she went to a bar and saw her ex. Get a fucking grip Bree
No. 1541430
File: 1653624708388.jpg (387.74 KB, 1182x2129, slipknotnightcore.jpg)

>>1541290What? A kidney stone? On mental help? As
>>1541310 said, she just posted on her Stories a few hours ago and since this is an image board, here’s a screenshot of its current state [1/2]
No. 1541434
File: 1653624872179.jpg (2.04 MB, 2160x3840, stories from the great beyond.…)

>>1541430What was posted, something as recent as 1 hour ago. Disproving
>>1541290 who posted 4 hrs ago.
No. 1554329
File: 1654776788636.jpg (389.81 KB, 720x1480, Screenshot_20220609-141258_Ins…)

Alive and well.
No. 1555942
>>1554329It’s crazy how easily bree gets her
victims to forgive her. He’ll be calling her
abusive again soon enough
No. 1556779
File: 1654916776029.jpeg (172.35 KB, 750x875, 5BCD88CF-122A-40B5-BA59-081299…)

bree posted this on lunas ~self harm~ post. the crossover we never knew we needed.
No. 1557737
File: 1654989411218.jpeg (201.16 KB, 828x1472, 75F3F3DB-898D-4E0C-AFD2-BE7DA4…)

literally she has posts removed twice today for self harm still being fresh on her arms
No. 1558358
>>1558325Yeah honestly it’s fucked up for Instagram to take down people just because they have past trauma and many year old healed scars. Sounds like Instagram is deeming ex-selfharmers as not worthy enough, and must cover up. It’s not a tit hanging out. It’s a old scar, no one would be
triggered by being healed.
No. 1565243
File: 1655593563988.jpeg (194.9 KB, 828x1448, 839EDD57-9BD9-4615-B14D-60FCAA…)

i cant imagine how bad her room smells
No. 1567281
>>1565243I feel like they are truly the most perfect gross couple. I mean, they’re identical (besides skin color obviously duh).
Trashy alley way tattoos, stupid looking hair, both are artistic but never do anything meaningful with any shred of talent they might have and just waste it, online begging and pity partying.
It’s beautifully disgusting in a way, but not a good way.
(sage your shit) No. 1571084
File: 1656109392531.jpeg (172.04 KB, 651x1082, 13E80314-7B6E-4F0F-9ED1-624AFA…)

her post promoting sex toy company was banned, i feel like theres no way this company no matter how small would have reposted this type of thing anyway
No. 1579902
File: 1656902621385.jpeg (252.63 KB, 828x1467, 62594360-8F28-4D8F-8B8E-E855FE…)

No. 1583802
File: 1657324107701.jpeg (191.21 KB, 828x1380, 9768A721-F59E-42DB-A34C-BD7432…)

No. 1585023
File: 1657479248884.png (6.78 MB, 1170x2532, E95CC8B4-BE59-40D4-862F-1EB6C8…)

No. 1586059
File: 1657582530522.jpeg (253.69 KB, 828x1515, D21A6953-C806-4ADD-B82C-4CC756…)

her boyfriend posted this
No. 1586902
>>1586255A Bree reveal would be glorious. She
>>1390653 said
> i only check this thread because its some sort of form of morbid curiosity> only check> wasting time putting me down or trying to humiliate and make fun of my life isnt worth it> i fixate on this thread because it disappoints me. i hate that there are anonymous people that hate me.She oughta sell merchandise with Luna “ i hate myself more than any of you could hate me. that’s comforting” Slater
> the internet is stupid and i know that, to even post on here in defense of myself is stupid.Defending yourself here is fruitless but maybe
>>1571084 delivering your own milk shouldn’t be encouraged but perhaps we should applaud her for it? Is the attention really worth the humiliation? I’ll forever wonder.
No. 1588227
File: 1657839798970.jpeg (763.67 KB, 828x1792, FCDA1814-E5C4-48A8-A834-178DD1…)

>>1586255the only times i have ever posted on this was to defend myself. i was hacked before as well by my old roommate who knew my password. i just checked this for the first time in a while and freaked out that someone hacked me again and zoomed in and this is literally fucking edited. you guys are fucking obsessed with me and fucking stupid for believing i would want to add anything to this thread to gain negative attention besides defend myself.
No. 1588228
File: 1657840010822.png (2.46 MB, 828x1792, CC8B690D-7348-42A0-9ECE-07C7E2…)

>>1588227like look at the space between the top of the story and the actual photo jesus christ i thought you guys were like photoshop detectives
No. 1589656
File: 1658002421982.jpg (39.72 KB, 470x615, img.JPG)

please do it bree, you can't get better yourself. it's so clear. please find someone to take boo even if it's a rescue adoption place as a last resort. you're gonna self destruct. you've run out of all your social circle, you're too sick to have a stable career. this is prob gonna be called wk-ing idk but you need inpatient followed by outpatient. youre bpd that shit doesn't go away you cant ignore it forever.
No. 1627259
File: 1661615098017.jpeg (1.49 MB, 1125x2032, 5518C1EB-30DF-4AB8-971C-C610DA…)

she’s fine definitely didn’t check into inpatient
No. 1629459
File: 1661765600421.webm (3.62 MB, 576x1024, bree’s back.webm)
>>1627259She’s definitely back, her latest two TikTok attached.
> time to numb her! one crumb away from admitting myself to the ward sorry mommy No. 1633263
File: 1662079405538.jpeg (133.92 KB, 828x1472, C6193D98-873B-43E4-A0A3-41483D…)

Old milk
No. 1646726
File: 1663031735059.jpg (553.81 KB, 1080x2412, Screenshot_2022-09-12-20-15-38…)

God she's fucking back. Spoilered for giant mobilefag screenshots 1/2
No. 1646729
File: 1663031794356.jpg (602.54 KB, 1080x2412, Screenshot_2022-09-12-20-15-42…)

2/2 looks like she joined aa. The only other thing on her story was a memorial post for some boyfriend.
No. 1646771
File: 1663035829343.webm (2.27 MB, 720x1280, brmc .webm)
>>1646729> The only other thing on her story was a memorial post for some boyfriend.Here it is. I thought it was for the cat, kek
No. 1646773
File: 1663035851031.jpg (86.42 KB, 828x1472, ok.jpg)

>>1646771She also posted this.
No. 1646807
File: 1663040523977.png (8.2 MB, 1170x2532, 82F993AB-1D82-4379-9CC7-B7A7CD…)

She popped up on my tiktok FYP, video is now deleted so my apologies for not recording it but it was really long, talking about how her BF moved out of her house while she was on vacation without telling her (and it basically made it seem like he was just using her for convenient housing LOL) and she’s relapsed at drinking and that she just found out her friend of 8 years is the one who wrote this thread?? Commence suicide baiting I’m sure
No. 1647084
File: 1663082328179.png (608.35 KB, 556x851, Screenshot_20220913-110758~3.p…)

>>1646808zero shame, or maybe terminal levels of shame…why would you post this on tiktok for all to see? this filth is something you keep to your self and move on from. that app has fucking ruined people and is a haven for shameless retards
No. 1647193
>>1647116It takes about a minute and a half to scroll lolcow on our lunch breaks just like any other social media,
nonny. All of us have lives. Bree posts this for everyone to see and is well aware of these threads.
No. 1647320
File: 1663107975656.jpeg (179.15 KB, 828x1455, 8D704011-0CF5-407F-8383-6BB91C…)

No. 1650362
File: 1663587186647.png (3.13 MB, 828x1792, E6BCB016-738C-42D4-B1B7-455C53…)

oh did it?
No. 1650364
File: 1663587241850.png (3.31 MB, 828x1792, ADB1BB12-0C50-4032-A28D-E4F5AF…)

lol okay.
No. 1650478
>>1650364Oh my god she's so smug. Hardly anyone checks this thread, it was dead until either herself or some "friend" came here and bumped it. It's sad to accept this but no one cares about you Bree. At this point people who still check in here only check because sometimes you do extremely embarrassing things, but you're not interesting enough to even be watched constantly. You're just a loser in bumfuck nowhere Baltimore.
I know it's more comfortable to think that there's a lot of weird terfs around the world that are throwing their lives away by coming here to obsessively comment on your life, like a conspiracy. In the minds of people who are constantly in need of attention like you this scenario is somehow positive. But the truth is that the only people who still give you the slightest attention around here are people you know, and who hate you. You get into trouble with anyone in your life because you're a borderline freak who refuses to help yourself and when you split up they come here and rub your shit in this thread. And they probably still have the guts to look you in the eye and smile for you. Those are the people who really hate you, the ones around you. Not a bunch of mean girls on the internet. Wake the fuck up girl.
No. 1650548
File: 1663601016410.webm (2.53 MB, 576x1024, six.webm)
Do you think Xavier Gibson will choose to retaliate over this? The comments, of course, focused on the language she used to describe Xavier rather than the fact he doesn’t wipe properly.
>>1650541Keep the thread. She holds the power here, she continually chooses to be a cow.
No. 1650583
File: 1663602606118.jpg (729.33 KB, 1069x5924, amab.jpg)

>>1650548The comments in question.
No. 1652916
>>1651904I always had a feeling
>>>/pt/862951Was her. Plus she was very quick to call Luna out for the dollar store knife self harm post kek
No. 1653167
File: 1663766393450.png (4.02 MB, 828x1792, B0355E83-0AE4-432C-BC80-9019D1…)

>>1650583i thought this was so hilarious that she said if youre born a man you cant wipe your ass and all the trannies went nuclear.
her tiktok just bouncing between crying about her ex and making fun of him. nbd
No. 1655188
File: 1663916602751.webm (1.45 MB, 576x1024, crying.webm)
>>1653167Here’s the .webm. She looks so out if it.
No. 1655191
File: 1663916706894.webm (2.19 MB, 576x1024, they_them parent.webm)
>>1655188She has to like negative attention.
No. 1655197
File: 1663917398736.webm (10.63 MB, 720x1280, kooky wacky.webm)
Over on Instagram.
No. 1665555
File: 1664796400123.webm (18.53 MB, 576x1024, gross and manipulative .webm)
>>1646807>>1646808We have an update on Tiktok.
>>1656630The thread will die when she’s no longer milky.
No. 1666367
>>1665556At this point it’s obvious she’s posting purposefully milky stuff. She knows this thread exists and she’s literally milking that shit.
While lolcow was down and she thought it was for good, she was posting about how weird it’ll feel to not check her thread.
No. 1666637
>>1665555Holy shit do people not know what private means anymore. This is not what we meant when we started to talk about and not hide mental illness anymore.
>Those quads No. 1671057
File: 1665337009926.jpeg (353.11 KB, 819x1457, EF4F8930-07DE-42C8-8363-165FF5…)

sobriety going well
No. 1672051
File: 1665452101758.webm (18.43 MB, 576x1024, > TOO MUCH WILD SHIT HAPPENS T…)
> rip to the girl this happened to - very close call hahahahahah ha (smiley face) #fyp #fyp(another smiley face) #onethingaboutme #murder #badroommate
Perhaps a nitpick but
Is so inappropriate to me given the circumstances.
No. 1672057
File: 1665453024328.jpg (132.43 KB, 828x1472, instead i slept all day.jpg)

>>1672051Unrelated to her TikTok.
No. 1672120
File: 1665459580873.jpeg (495.39 KB, 828x893, 496A50D6-4017-433D-8FA4-8160C6…)

>>1672070i guess she got fact checked
No. 1692273
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> also like this is not like a part of that like stupid like DID umm like Gen Z Tourette’s TikTok movement because I actually have mild Tourette’s, soo
No. 1696765
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the fact that she grew out her hair only to do this to it…..
No. 1710163
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No. 1733728
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No. 1746198
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on drugs…
No. 1896608
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No. 1898459
>>1898167>>1896608nobody posts for 7 months and Bree gets sad no one's giving her attention, so she comes in, posts a bad selfie,
>>1898134writes in the third person
>>1898147>>1898167and writes these weird comments trying to be funny.
maaaaybe these were different people, but at least one of them is 100% Bree. Get a life breaane, why are you obsessed with your "haters?" is it because they make you feel special and interesting? because aside from your page here and your suicide threats a few times a year, you're an incredibly boring dime-a-dozen "alt" basic
No. 1898533
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>>1898459If that’s the case then Bree is more mentally unstable than what we realise. There are at least two accounts asking for fart pictures on her TikTok. I don’t doubt
>>1898147 and
>>1898167 is also the person behind the account(s) as they added a lot of the comments 9-10h ago when they commented here. I assumed it was an ex-friend(s) but your theory makes more sense.
Ariana seems to be friendly with a lot of our cows, it always cracks me up when I see her in the comments. No. 1923952
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saged so I dont necro this dead thread but god damn this girl can never keep a consistent job. is stuff so hard in her city that there's no min wage jobs available? no retail or fast food? wouldn't a fucking mcdonalds job be better than being months behind on rent and begging online? or are the dumb ass tattoos and hair make her look unhireable for regular jobs? anyway she's a perpetual lazy victim. inb4 mental illness excuse - many people are mentally ill and put in effort to recovering. at least my fav lolcow still gives occasional milk
No. 1926662
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No. 1926795
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No. 1928463
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I just wish Bree would make posts of her twerking again or post more spicy stuff like back in the day. That was awesome
or at least put the old posts in her story highlights so we can remember(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1929523
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No. 1932329
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>>1931825The mental gymnastics
I didn't say anything about her ass being "big", that's just you who brought that up mate
Probably because you've seen her other videos in the past and know that ass to be the Truth
And also what kinda ass you got? Huh? I'ma say you gotta ol' clown ass
Ion' want no hard muscle ass anyway, weird mf
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i miss her thirst traps…. shes so boring now(sage your shit)