File: 1665743102669.jpeg (1.77 MB, 3531x2373, AFB22C37-1ABD-4530-A212-3C7FD8…)

No. 1675101
warning: may contain dry milk
Hayden is a new calf who has crowdfunded his way into a treatment centre and is as happy as a pig in shit about it. Despite Hayden preparing for his death mere weeks ago he appears to have recovered in miraculous time.
Ganer is continuing to overtrain and eat plain slop and getting smaller. Doubling down on her OCD after being specifically told to bulk up. Anons who are not interested in Ganer are whining she should no longer be a cow despite clear milky behaviour.
Nikol is leaving snarky comments in recovering anas intagram pics, classy stuff. She is also apparently a different species whose healthy bmi is 10 and obese bmi is 13. Now it’s clear why she looks down on us mere humans so much.
EC is looking even more deathly than usual, and people continue to provide her additional years by predicting she will die any day now. But a new threat of danger has entered the picture, a stalker called Steven who is a creepy pedo/doll fetishist has developed an unhealthy obsession with her. He has been scoured from the internet for now, let hope he’s gone for good.
Fiona is remembering to breathe and went on a family holiday and is looking happier. Let’s hope she continues to improve and not slide back into her wheelchair UWU shenanigans.
Zara hasn’t posted much expect for claiming she has gained “so much weight” while looking as sickly as ever.
Niamh is claiming recovery now, but is continuing to post body checky pictures, so it remains uncertain whether she is milky anymore.
123 Kitty is appearing in posts and definitely has milky/trolling behaviour, dead fish eyes and no personality.
Legohead has resurfaced and sporting a no tear suit and a fresh head wound, let us all pray for the healthcare workers dealing with her right now. She’s no longer ana but as a former cow she is still of interest to some.
Hannah is continuing to inspire body positivity or recovery by taking unflattering photos in her underwear in various states of undress.
In bright news, Elzani and N2f appear to be doing well and seem to be living proof that cows can be reformed.
Links - YouTube No. 1675140
File: 1665749104964.png (Spoiler Image,625.53 KB, 720x1415, 311288770_805047470784245_4048…)

Spoilered for blatant body check
This one was mentioned last thread, her comments sections is an interesting mix of concern/people calling her out, other anas and the skelly fetishists.
She has been in recovery for 4 years and says her blog is a "weight gain journey" and talks about eating cake a lot.
No. 1675147
File: 1665750388313.png (432.67 KB, 703x1219, 311137572_782062223023535_6664…)

Holy lanugo!
No. 1675158
File: 1665751268583.jpeg (281.47 KB, 1125x1113, FA03B4E9-6A44-4656-A614-5C3EB7…)

Y’all want some actual milk? I have unshooped photos of Laura.
No. 1675173
>>1675158holy shit kek its so weird to see her look like a normal fucking person. where did you get these
No. 1675209
>>1675181It's just dark
nonnie she's still corpse
No. 1675213
File: 1665756524451.jpg (285.36 KB, 1080x1277, Laura.jpg)

She gets progressively spoopier in these. This is from early 2020. I'd wager a guess that She's a lot spoopier now, given all the trips to acute and other hospitals via air ambulance and all that. I think she started shooping during a stint at erc–my theory is it's wicked body dysmorphia and she sees her already skelly body as not skelly enough and warps further from reality.
No. 1675218
File: 1665757403765.png (575.75 KB, 720x1197, 311072689_850783105937027_5239…)

Luka uploaded this, does anyone know if the girl in this post actually her sister or just a friend? Just seems irky to me.
No. 1675228
File: 1665758369012.jpeg (263.23 KB, 922x1561, 502.jpeg)

I wasn't sure I'd anyone was still interested in Hayden, but this story series from the other day made me kek. He's so dramatic
No. 1675230
File: 1665758852098.jpg (433.33 KB, 1080x1861, Screenshot_2022-10-14-23-43-40…)

Katy and Maria (the twins) are on holiday in Thailand posting blatant body checks. This is a video and at the end you can her someone (Maria?) say "you look so thin" …bruh
No. 1675241
>>1675228Lol Hayden's over the top sad faces give Cece's a run for their money.
He's always trying to sound like the sickest ana ever despite having no medical evidence that he was ever in danger of dying.
No. 1675248
File: 1665760219869.jpg (500.84 KB, 1080x2009, Screenshot_20221014-110949_Ins…)

So dainty, can only take a "few mouthfuls" of rice
No. 1675250
>>1675228Why would you actively ruin yourself in multiple ways and still look like this?
I don’t support any type of unnecessary bodily mutilation but at least the women who get addicted to plastic surgery or something did have a “beauty ideal” or chasing perfection.
But what is the end goal with this, look like some special ed bible school teacher?
No. 1675262
>>1675159So you're telling me a spoop got spoopier? Shocking.
>>1675253Cece called she wants her forehead back
No. 1675336
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No. 1675358
File: 1665769401489.jpeg (209.73 KB, 962x1280, image0.jpeg)

>>1675279I think she's always looked like she's melting. I almost want her to put the gross glasses back on yikes
No. 1675423
>>1675358she might not be classically beautiful but she's a woman god fucking damn it, there's no reason for her to transition aside shitty socially enforced dysmorphia and misogyny.
there's nothing wrong with being a butter face as long as you have your womanhood.
No. 1675495
File: 1665781035447.png (1.25 MB, 1170x2532, F1FF018E-B54A-46AB-86DA-2764C7…)

I managed to screenshot this before Zara took it off her story and said it was “accidentally posted & only meant for close friends.” Regardless of claiming she is getting better, our recovery queen is not doing well and currently has a nose hose.
No. 1675551
>>1675101>>milk shortage!Kek. Milk shortage indeed.
>>1675332I love listening to Dorian. It's so sad she cannot recover.
No. 1675731
>>1675495Holy shit
nonnie you are a star. I was hoping so bad someone here got a shot of that "close friends" post. How can she live with herself.. pushing recovery and weight gain on everyone else. I wasn't expecting the nose hose though! Jesus. So much for her gaining "so much weight"
No. 1675794
>>1675332Yeah she's so weirdly nostalgic for her younger anachan days, and she still claims that the early pro ana sites were so much less "
toxic" than the new ones despite her also saying there would be starvation/purge tips that got shared along with thinspo, same as the pro ana sites now. Her life still revolves around how she lived in the early 2000's and it makes me sad, it's like she peaked in her mid twenties and then just regressed.
No. 1675897
File: 1665828601875.jpg (368.35 KB, 720x1317, IMG_20221015_110729.jpg)

Han keeps tensing her abdominal muscles to try and get that "six-pack", she keeps looking down her screen and so I assume she's checking that it's on view. obviously thinks she looks good when in fact she is a skelly.
No. 1675908
>>1675862I agree. She seems so intent on labelling her illnesses as anything but anorexia, when in reality its both. The physical health problems are a result of the long term starving. She is also in denial about how bad her anorexia still is.
When she dies its not going to matter what the medical diagnosis is, she'll just be dead. She can argue all day about how she totally doesn't have anorexia anymore, but her body isn't going to hold out forever like this.
No. 1675996
File: 1665840521973.jpg (Spoiler Image,774.59 KB, 1457x1229, RDT_20221015_09224442405838345…)

>EC foaming due to dehydration
>streamers point it out
>"omg guise it's just like, saliva or my dog's fur or something I'm like, TOTALLY FINE."
I think we may finally see the end of this one pretty soon. Saged further mere fact it's EC.
No. 1676192
>>1676006Do you think they should be able to section hamplanets, too?
>>1676012Why do you hate freedom?
No. 1676202
File: 1665861190595.png (987.59 KB, 1080x2171, Screenshot_20221015-210430.png)

Saged because not sure if milk, but I was lurking mpa (edsf now) and I feel like I've seen this one before, has she been posted here?
Sorry for asking to be spoonfed but I can't find it quickly and maybe someone remembers?
No. 1676243
File: 1665863901345.jpeg (492.72 KB, 1125x1604, 9F64147C-65C0-4EFD-9191-9E9D93…)

>>1675230I was actually thinking they look a little better? Like I don’t want to say that too loud cause obv, they’re still walking skeletons, but those legs are looking better than EC’s. I’m borderline hopeful cause it seems like this trip is really good for them.
No. 1676253
File: 1665865374407.jpeg (381.46 KB, 1242x680, DD697556-AEEB-4BE7-8C8A-0E496F…)

everyone say cheese!!
No. 1676282
>>1676274One person's bullying is another's holding people accountable for the hypocritical shit they post all over their
public social media. They're more damaging and on a wider scale than any farmer.
No. 1676313
>>1676306If some people talking btwn themselves about a cow is bullying then almost everyone is a bullying
victim, as long as farmers aren’t directly telling the cows all this it’s just people’s right to talk about others lol
No. 1676335
File: 1665873254883.jpeg (1.55 MB, 1170x1990, 673C71B6-52D9-432A-8A65-E7FD5F…)

thats was it?
No. 1676393
>>1676253I'd say cheese but that may be someone's
trigger food and I'd hate to send them into a death spiral.
>>1676335Damn her face looks better!!
>>1676309What I love is when people forget that farmers rejoice and celebrate when these women kick their ED and recover legitimately. No one ever talks about that. But I mean we are here to laugh at stupid people being stupid.
shrugs No. 1676424
>>1676013Yes please spoiler Hayden
She's grim
No. 1676520
>>1676335She isn't going home though, stepping down to intensive residential (whatever that is)
She looks better but still very unwell, and I was initially gutted when I saw this because I thought she was going home.. she'd just die.
No. 1676543
File: 1665894053702.png (Spoiler Image,508.23 KB, 717x992, 308857941_838647184166873_6269…)

Spoilered for Hayden
I find this type of belief system problematic. You shouldn't define yourself by your disability (or your gender identity for that matter). He seems to love having as many diversity points and sympathy points as possible.
These glasses are way better than the usual cartoonish ones though lol.
No. 1676573
File: 1665899553438.jpg (467.49 KB, 720x1136, Screenshot_2022-10-16-06-45-26…)

Didn't think she would be able to last at the new job at all tbh, imagine working in a food environment with an ED, and she can barely make any sense when she talks in her videos. I wonder how she is at work??
No. 1676594
>>1676590I don't see it, she just looks kinda muscular and not super underweight.
Maybe she just has weird proportions and bmi sperging is pointless anyway.
No. 1676642
>>1676307agreed anon
cece was one of the last great cows but she's finally moved on and the farmers that cant accept she's trying to actually get better are low because… she fixed what we all 'bullied' her about
No. 1676653
>>1676614The "you look so thin vid" was so cringe and creepy. A lot of anorexics get a weird rush and sense of achievement from concerned comments, interpreting them as compliments even if someone is telling them they look seriously ill.
Actually recording a concerned comment and then publishing for anyone to see is sketchy and is just bragging/flexing how sick they are.
No. 1676822
She's been discharged for noncompliance from there before, but it's been a while
No. 1676878
File: 1665944123272.jpeg (1.02 MB, 828x1152, FE9C1AB5-D69E-40A2-B7F2-5EBC8D…)

Imagine having her as your sibling
No. 1676884
File: 1665944594136.jpeg (274.46 KB, 828x1792, 2FB1FE5C-099C-420D-AA1F-F428A5…)

Not milk but here’s Ham, looking extra moonfaced.
No. 1676965
File: 1665950555547.jpg (25.64 KB, 320x240, 9YKQXsG.jpg)

>>1676911No way, she has one disability left at least!
If she had them all, she would be fine, as Mr. Burns' door of germs.
No. 1676977
File: 1665951378832.jpeg (369.43 KB, 1125x958, 4F9F82A9-66FB-4579-B684-EE8D9B…)

>>1676575not food related apparently
No. 1677220
>>1677162Idk much about her either but she has been posted here before for a different spoopy pic. When she was younger she did competitive dancing which probably led to developing anorexia.
Not much milk aside from posting spoopy pics.
No. 1677229
File: 1665972636107.png (261.06 KB, 367x503, 308672168_780774763028517_1830…)

Found this old gem of Claudia, lol tell me you have anorexia without telling me.
No. 1677497
>>1677480She quite obviously is. Are you actually fucking blind
nonnie? She is an adult who is deemed to have capacity. She cannot be forced onto a medical ward
No. 1677514
File: 1666010011345.jpeg (939.8 KB, 1125x1410, B7C8ED64-844F-4307-B0BD-716EDF…)

Her mental health went up a point. Gosh, I hope this next treatment can get through to her.
No. 1677546
>>1677541Thanks for the detailed answers. Maybe you could have a private word withe the disability advisor just letting her know Zara isn't doing well and to check in on her, just incase she's not aware already.
Also do you ever see her eat or drink? Not trying to be weirdly personal but it's pretty normal to have lunch or something at university, particularly if she is following any type of recovery meal plan.
No. 1677601
>>1677517A lot of the extreme skellies use a wheelchair but try to hide it as best they can–I know skelly Laura some anon spotted one in the back of a photo where she was sitting in a car. I think it just gets to a point of muscle atrophy where it becomes very difficult. It is
insane that Zara is allowed at uni. People tall about Eugenia but remember that she does nothing at all most days.
No. 1677730
File: 1666029104685.jpeg (101.38 KB, 714x1202, WhatsApp Image 2022-10-17 at 1…)

maybe just found another cow??? this one was in ed community for a while and now claims the very much known gastroparesis/EDS story. lots of happy proudly pics around "nelly" her toob and her admissions. also so much drama cries all day and posts everytime she throws up
No. 1677791
File: 1666035321346.jpg (32.26 KB, 426x304, ham.JPG)

>>1676884Is she moving out of her dad's place? She did mocks last year.
I came across an account on YouTube - ticcing together - and thought Hannah was LARPing Tourettes.
Ham's sad. She's setting herself up with a personality that she doesn't have irl. She's digging her Friendless Forever grave with her instagram fake warrior bs.
No. 1677823
File: 1666038232080.jpeg (429.21 KB, 750x938, D918E359-184C-4C84-B7BA-640FD3…)

Hayden’s getting discharged, not surprising with the amount of gate leave they’ve been given. They have a planned readmission in December ahead of Christmas which isn’t something I’ve heard of before
No. 1677849
>>1677842Oh I agree, it's entertaining to watch larpers in general. Porgie really thinking that she is so dangerously at risk, Ham behaving as if she ever had anorexia to beat. I get it. There's just something so fucking annoyingly positive about this person that makes me want to go off.
>>1677844She definitely didn't seem to need it, never looked particularly underweight before, and never mentioned it until recently. But I'm sure she'd say it's because of some trans stigma/ masking her pain etc. barf
No. 1677859
File: 1666040399776.jpeg (1.93 MB, 1170x2128, 13EE5F26-B2AA-4798-AA99-636B36…)

ok but whos copying who?
No. 1678025
>>1677924Same anon here. I agree she's underweight but it didn't seem enough to warrant IP. I just don't get why anyone would
want to go inpatient unless they're medically unstable, suicidal or a an attention seeking munchie (it's pretty clear which one Hayden is, kek). I've never been inpatient for anything before so I don't know how it works, but from what I've gathered you lose almost all privacy and freedom, you need to be a serious attention whore to want that. If she wants to recover so bad surely she would be treatment compliant, so she could just have gone outpatient from the start.
No. 1678180
File: 1666062043995.jpg (Spoiler Image,278.69 KB, 1080x1880, 20221017_215745.jpg)

Laura's doing her best to look like a spooky skeleton this month. Warning: jumpscare.
No. 1678205
File: 1666063589312.jpg (144.43 KB, 612x380, scream-12.jpg)

>>1678180lol her face shape in this is literally ghostface
No. 1678315
>>1677823The amounts of "I" and "me"-s in that post is insane. I guess its part of the munchieness.
>>1677844>>"planned readmission" sounds more like "planned relapse"Exactly.
No. 1678391
File: 1666090443171.jpeg (983.54 KB, 1017x1890, 85529F68-01CD-4EB6-AC33-C0F051…)

So this chick ate a whole chocolate bar (like a share one) to ‘remind her eating disorder who’s boss’… while eating mostly classic disordered food for the rest of the day. I think she’s bulimic, she’s done the same with ice cream but is still relatively spoopy
No. 1678401
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>>1677823Anon you dropped the shit-eating grin
No. 1678407
File: 1666092826695.jpg (598.81 KB, 1080x2108, Screenshot_20221018-073256_Ins…)

Kek at the "outside of a hospital" as if this wasn't a summer camp vacation
No. 1678446
File: 1666098156872.png (79.9 KB, 919x708, fashionthin.PNG)

SG scrote and handmaid(tranny?) explaining why they like to make ppl wear uncomfortable shoes
No. 1678554
>>1678527I’ve only seen it used by spicy qweers and/or people that are so insufferable, narcissistic that their actual family what nothing to do with them anymore and have to leech onto a group of equally oppressed socially outcasted group of degenerates to fit in and simulate normal relationships and lifestyle. I can imagine these chosen families are just as turbulent and
toxic because they’re all trying to out narc each other.
No. 1678571
>>1678557Yeah I sympathise for lgbt people that actually have bigoted or unsupportive families that disown them - nobody should go through that, but I’ve seen it a lot in the TIF thread where they claim their families have cut them off for being transphobic when it’s actually been over normal family drama or something they’ve done unrelated to the trans issue… like even refusing to do chores and left home and dropped their family because they don’t want to participate in normal life. I feel some of these “oppressed” souls like having estranged families as it gives them another reason to be downtrodden by society. Narc behaviour.
My “disabled” narc mom will cut all of us kids off and then complain about how she has nobody and has to fend for herself. Just another larp.
No. 1678606
File: 1666113310167.jpg (22.56 KB, 400x303, zlhz.jpg)

>>1678346I blame Creepy Chan
>>1678407Her ugly man look would look less ugly if she didn't have long hair.
>>1678527It's cringe. I also hate when normal girls claim their friend is their sister and not in a feminist way. And this
>>1678554 Tranny points when a parent disowns you for wanting to be a "they" or opposite sex.
No. 1678646
File: 1666115222662.jpeg (40.19 KB, 495x753, Web capture_18-10-2022_17469_w…)

Here's a great photo of Elzani. I am so happy for her. (it's from her tiktok)
No. 1678720
>>1678646Wow. She not only looks healthy, she seems
happy. Like she's moved on
No. 1678750
File: 1666125021878.jpg (328.54 KB, 1078x1916, Screenshot_20221018-221744_Tik…)

That girl pisses me off. She inhales a ton of food while staying really thin, people are praising her in the comments and if someone says something negatively, her replies are "shut up bestie" or "get a life darling <3", so fucking cringe. Her followers are calling people who write something SLIGHTLY negatively "pathetic loosers". I think she purges 100%. Just think about poor families with no money and then u have this retard whos parents pay all of the food so she can prob purge it out again. Eating like this long term will also cause alot of health problems so who is she trying to fool
No. 1678829
File: 1666130813548.jpeg (61.25 KB, 581x415, 0BEB4ACE-79C7-400B-9475-27A3C0…)

>>1675228this whole time i’ve been trying to figure out who Hayden looks like and it just clicked today
No. 1678837
File: 1666131255753.png (450.36 KB, 471x730, Screen Shot 2022-10-17 at 8.46…)

Wasn't Taylor just whining about how her insurance coverage is going to run out soon and she won't be able to have more inpatient admissions? Glad to see she's taking her time there seriously.
No. 1679072
File: 1666154733481.jpeg (867.04 KB, 828x1534, 526A4F4C-0906-4534-9802-48C8B1…)

This girl showed up on my explore page. Super skelly dating a morbidly obese man.
No. 1679096
>>1679072Judging by the grass by her legs this is shooped too
>>1679086Are we wking random fat moids now?
No. 1679158
>>1679072Well, at least she's got someone by her side.
On second thought, it might have been his skelly fetish that brought them together.
No. 1679175
>>1678750tinfoil but this seems like self post.
she's been posted so many times and keeps getting posted again when it gets brushed off. also they all just say how she remains skinny and probably purges when she's… average, not fat but not super skinny. maybe her way for attention and so she can show ppl how she is sooper sick
No. 1679338
>>1679167I agree anon.
Being sick alone is not milky.
No. 1679359
>>1679350She's as milky as a cow can be… There's quite a lot of wild bodychecking and being iNsPiRiNg on Insta. All that while obviously not gaining any weight.
About her husband, that likely puts him into the role of an enabler. It's the usual crap.
No. 1679370
File: 1666200005289.jpg (251.78 KB, 1080x1833, Screenshot_20221019-131812_Chr…)

Sage for possible non milk but this tiktok therapist was profiled in the new york times. Article also included Shira Rose who is milky imo (plus sized therapist who used to post to her stories about purging between patients)
No. 1679414
>>1679370The "atypical anorexia nervosa" label is just a new name for ednos.
I guess doctors came up with that diagnose to avoid being called
We are living in the era of delusions, where anyone can be whatever just because they said so.
No. 1679503
File: 1666209871765.png (730.61 KB, 1170x2532, 3E0E3CE6-CBC9-425E-8A2F-EE8C2C…)

Zara will take any opportunity to call someone out. I just WISH someone would call her out for how obnoxiously hypocritical and fake she is.
Who do we think she is talking about?
No. 1679509
File: 1666210228292.jpg (329.68 KB, 680x860, nitpick.jpg)

Sage for nitpick and no milk, but is it me or is this outfit really ugly? I think Niamh usually dresses really well but this is not it.
No. 1679631
>>1679616I mean, you can develop restrictive behaviors at a high weight (even as an obese person) and lose weight very quickly in a way that's unhealthy. It's not going to be exactly the same as being severely underweight, which carries its own inherent risks. A lot of the deathfats who moan about how they totally have anorexia for real guys!!!! miss the point here, that you can have an eating disorder that needs medical attention but not be underweight. Weirdly, in their quest to be ~
valid~ they imply that eating disorders other than anorexia aren't worth caring about.
The pace of weight loss has to be very different for it to matter, though. Super obese people can easily healthily lose 5-6lbs per week, for example, and are often asked to do so before weight loss surgery. Same with low calorie diets… depending on the amount of calories, it can be perfectly fine for a deathfat.
No. 1679675
File: 1666218391369.jpeg (710.55 KB, 1096x1288, FC7ADADD-F083-4A51-B650-B68663…)

>>1679663looks like a tart or quiche, she bakes those a lot
No. 1679697
>>1679616The thing about deathfats is that, truthfully, they're already partial to eating disorders. Mentally healthy people who have non disordered relationships with food don't become deathfats. It's not a total stretch to believe one would develop anorexia. Now, are they anorexic?
not technically because the diagnosis criteria for anorexia involves being below a certain weight (which is stupid in a way because they should be helping people before they reach a critical weight instead of fannying around telling anorexics they're not thin enough to be anorexic). I don't pity death fats but I do have a serious gripe with how doctors handle eating disorders kek because reasonably thin women will still be denied the diagnosis despite having all the behaviours
No. 1679730
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No. 1679770
File: 1666227766876.png (758.96 KB, 1048x540, Screen Shot 2022-10-19 at 8.01…)

>>1678900No. She posted this on July 18th about getting a job in retail that was going to be her first job since 2020 and then readmitted herself to inpatient on August 17th. I actually hadn't thought about it before, but that makes me wonder if she was running away from actually having to be an adult.
No. 1679861
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That angle
No. 1679913
File: 1666247694090.jpeg (141.78 KB, 1125x326, 4E709607-AAA3-4771-944A-6F54CD…)

Did Katy just give us her sisters bmi
No. 1679930
File: 1666252438894.png (2.26 MB, 1806x1175, Capture.PNG)

massive congrats to our rice cake and raw spinach qween! she finally ate something different! at a different place!!
Only took her close to 11 months.
i do have to wonder if she took her laptop with that picture of she-hulk with her to place infront of her while she ate…
No. 1679932
File: 1666252836242.png (782.92 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20221020-095851.png)

Ah yes Haden it is very important to cross all the information out, but be sure that 'anorexia nervosa' is still on screen!
We didn't know you had that after all your elaborate very sick posts about it prior to this
No. 1679935
File: 1666252969593.png (673.56 KB, 778x847, yogurt.png)

>>1678750NTA but I accidentally found her reddit while browsing r/OUTFITS. There isn't much interesting to see, she posts a lot on calorie estimate subs, asking how much a scoop of this or that is. Not inline with the recovery queen she presents in videos.
No. 1679952
>>1679935Learn to sage u selfposting cow
Also you don't look underweight at all so stop trying to pretend to be so small uwu, so very sick
No. 1679979
File: 1666259310326.png (667.52 KB, 510x778, Screenshot 2022-10-20 104650.p…)

>>1679930Notice how she only filmed herself eating the chicken on top of the pizza on her story, but none of the calorie dense part of it.
No. 1679986
>>1679930"First meal out" in mid-October…
But spending every fucking day in the gym.
Talking about wrong, wrong, seriously WRONG priorities here…
No. 1680032
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>>1679930Since she doesn't have real friends, she went out with all the gym chicks.
No. 1680114
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Notice hxn is in grippy sock jail? No home toilets have taps and flush systems like that?
No. 1680123
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>>1680034He posted this on June 25th (it’s the first post on the account) saying that he’s been in recovery for a year and a half so I’m gonna assume maybe two-three years?
No. 1680230
>>1680219He probably has a really confused sense of identity. Particularly with being ftm trans, if he actually gained weight it might make him look and feel more feminine so I can understand where an eating disorder and body dysmorphia could develop there.
Not wking him, I just think he probably does have issues but that his posts are warped, romanticized versions of the truth.
No. 1680282
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more like an excuse to show how skelly she is?
No. 1680654
File: 1666350498113.png (368.08 KB, 414x539, chicken neck.png)

What is it with Ganer and sticking her neck forward like a chicken head-bobbing when it walks? She does it with everything from deadlifts to bicep curls.
Has she given herself kyphosis already and the bones in her neck are crumbling, or is it just the weight of her huge forehead dragging everything else down? Guess we'll never know, but it's fucking horrible form either way.
No. 1680659
File: 1666351756375.png (2.26 MB, 750x1334, 6716C9A9-2F48-499A-AF2B-4340CE…)

Hxn proudly showing off weight loss with latest stories.
No. 1680676
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Laura’s going to the same supported living she was assigned a year ago - surely this time she won’t have another incident and get readmitted hmm
No. 1680680
File: 1666355300572.jpg (676.92 KB, 1080x1907, Screenshot_20221021_132630.jpg)

just a casual ootd from Han, definitely not a body check!
No. 1680685
>>1680654What really annoys me is the way she looks up and around dramatically after each set. It’s like she’s hoping people are stood watching and waiting to applaud her. I don’t understand the approval thing…clearly nobody in the background of the videos is watching but she does it every time. Is it just me that sees this?
I don’t get it.
No. 1680739
File: 1666362810068.webm (3.09 MB, 576x1024, download.webm)
God this is so bad, I don't dislike Ganer I really don't but this girl is crazy. Her legs are literally buckling under the weight and she shouts as she finishes the rep, something she does alot. After she's done she slinks down and looks like she doesn't even know if she's okay. Awful, she's going to injure herself going at this pace.
No. 1680743
>>1680739Good I hope she does. She deserves to snap a femur with the shit she pulls and her bone density in the gutter from all the years with no period.
I never noticed the looking left and right thing before but now I can't un-see it. What an attention whore. And the pain faces as if she's an olympic fucking athlete instead of a pathetic nobody lifting crap amounts of weight with bad form. Fuck off Ganer and get professional help.
No. 1680757
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She has been mentioned once on here before. The way she crossed out everything except the follow requests kek.
No. 1680882
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That receding hairline tho.
No. 1680903
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Has anyone seen that woman before? She got popular bc of eating toast with different sweets in it. Her "what I eat in a day" consists of 3000+ calories. She even filmed herself in ikea binging on different meals like it's nothing. I think she b/p's.
No. 1681146
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>>1678837Lol the staff probably hate her
No. 1681220
File: 1666412028108.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.14 MB, 828x1346, F3741701-ACE5-47EC-B188-393098…)

Spoiler cause Hayden. Attempt at a body check? Or….? Honestly I don’t know. Make of it what you will.
No. 1681263
>>1681220I genuienly believe he doesn't own any shirts that aren't some queer pride rainbow washing shit, like gotta make sure anyone who sees you knows how speshul you are.
Lol Texcept the ugly Jack Skellington shirts I guess.
No. 1681373
File: 1666436809719.jpg (123.64 KB, 720x1161, 312428362_793186051953926_2156…)

Have we talked about andorciak? She fan girls a lot of death skellies and is pro ana.
Looks like she drew her brows on with a crayon lol
No. 1681385
>>1681377Yeah she looks normal. But she always tags Eugenia Cooney in her instagram photos for years.
Also she is very supportive of Wiki Pawlak, always calling her pretty and beautiful etc. It seems kinda sketchy to me.
No. 1681389
File: 1666440735033.jpg (114.03 KB, 720x995, 312321593_497050178986550_4390…)

It annoys me when skellies always make a photo op out of a snack. Just eat the fucking thing.
No. 1681455
>>1681389Does she
have to be making that face? Seems like an overblown attempt at being funny/*~~relatable~~* to me. Like when making weird faces was
the thing to be funny on the internet.
No. 1681469
File: 1666453374188.jpg (624.28 KB, 1080x1908, Screenshot_20221022_163952.jpg)

careful to specify that her energy drink was sugar-free. porgie wouldn't want anyone doubting her sooper sick ED warrior status, thinking that she would ever choose to drink that contains sugar.
No. 1681478
File: 1666454515101.png (143.82 KB, 441x792, rude.png)

Zara has some competition from Scarlett in the rudeness race.
I'd given the latter a pass for a while because she was implementing a decent off-season, unlike Ganer. But then she's just a total cow to everyone on her Q&As. Plus she shows why bodybuilders belong here - it's just a socially accpetable eating disorder.
She freaks out whenever she isn't stage lean. One of her followers called her sassy and she herself said I tell it like it is, but there's a way of saying things that isn't so bloody bitchy.
Like there's a huge gap between sitting down doing fuck all on a rest day and doing 20,000+ steps like she does and/or walking circles round your kitchen because you had to sit down for a few hours at the hairdresser getting your fugly silver straggly hair done to cover your androgenic acne. Oh, sorry, skin picking disorder
No. 1681481
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No. 1681484
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No. 1681545
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>>1681494She’s looks the same except she’s got a sweater on?
No. 1681621
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>>1680849oh thank god. that makes so much sense. i thought Hayden was just the world’s most unfortunate-looking man this whole time
but imagine all the pain and side effects (medical, political, and social) that comes with transitioning… imagine going through all that just to come out the other end of it all as the ugliest fucker you’ve ever seen. what a waste of a life No. 1681637
File: 1666468344459.jpeg (563.91 KB, 750x1161, 418B16B3-8269-4006-8C54-0BFA87…)

went to lurk scarlett’s account after seeing the q&a posts here just to see this.. no one can convince me this is a normal healthy thing
No. 1681903
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Lol watch out all you uncoachable FATTIES
No. 1681936
File: 1666497277081.png (296.41 KB, 424x715, Screen Shot 2022-10-22 at 10.5…)

good news everyone, zara has decided that she no longer has anorexia
No. 1681998
>>1681936Honey didn't you have a nose hose 5 minutes ago..?
>>1681751I think Hayden passes ok but if he wants to look more masc might as well chop off all the long hair
No. 1682015
>>1681998Don’t be silly
nonnie, you need the long hair for the mandatory braid therapy sessions in the ED unit!!
No. 1682023
File: 1666512774703.png (59.1 KB, 770x869, dms 5.PNG)

no milk but was reading medical journals and its really funny how everyone and their dog claims anorexia ("diagnosed" or not) when one of the most important diagnostic criteria is an underweight bmi. Like so many of the skellys deny ana while all the land whales have anorexia
No. 1682039
>>1681871Completely disagree.
Look at Ganer's pinned posts. All 'transformations' from skelly to super low bodyfat. She is way more evangialistic than Scarlett about her lifestyle, about how it
saved her even though she's so disordered she may as well still be anorexic. She encourages people to use the gym instead of therapy, instead of seeking proper treatment. No, she's not making money and it might seem less explicit than Scarlett, but she's just as bad in her own way if not worse.
tldr I hate them both, but Ganer can drop dead for making ppl at super spoop level think it's a good thing to go to the gym and half kill themselves.
No. 1682051
File: 1666520351680.jpg (88.68 KB, 600x528, ganerpump.jpg)

>>1681871Nope. She even imagined a career as a BB trainer. Also, pretty much all of her captions are iNsPiRiNg and full of idiotic tags.
<- Yesterday's Insta
No. 1682147
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I wonder why.. hmm 1/2
No. 1682148
File: 1666534198810.png (3.47 MB, 828x1792, CF863CFC-675F-4534-B2CF-95EC68…)

2/2 for the girl who bashes others for body checking and claims she never posts her body or body checks…
No. 1682430
>>1682402She’s an adult, there’s only so much they can do. Kind of like that old idiom “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink.” Sums up most career anas like Zara well, especially when they’re in denial as bad as she is (“I don’t have AN any more” kek uh huh sure, Zara). Her parents have their own lives and it’s got to be hard enough on them that she’s so sick and so far in denial about it, trying to force her to get dental care is likely pretty far down on the priority list. She’s like a two year old throwing a tantrum, a parent can’t just tell their toddler to knock it off and have the kid stop screaming and pounding their fists on the ground. Unlike a toddler though, they can’t just pick her up and carry her home for a nap.
I’m sure her parents have tried, but unless Zara cooperates there’s not a lot they can do until she’s in medical crisis or actively trying to kill herself. They’re probably just trying to survive emotionally while watching their daughter slowly kill herself.
No. 1682479
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Remember when Hayden did this?
No. 1682535
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>>1682532Ganer is spinach bulking.
No. 1682557
>>1682555Do you have caps
nonnie? I think she's still private after Nikgate
No. 1682564
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>>1682549i love this idea!
my bbgal n2f is still on life.
No. 1682573
File: 1666562168283.png (2.89 MB, 1017x1302, ganerlulz.PNG)

see Ganers latest post for an insight into her fucking delusional, malnourished brain:
edited to remove the line spacing because she doesnt have the mental capacity to string together a sentence rn.
also, is bodybuilding really a sport?
I truly believe that to become the very best at something you have to give it 100%.
Meaning you’re either all in or your not.
You simply can’t be 100% for more than one thing, so things will have to be sacrificed.
Some people will deny it, but bodybuilding is a very selfish sport.
But that’s the way it has to be.
To become the very best athlete you need to focus on you and ONLY you.
Your food, your training, your sleep, your recovery, etc etc…the list goes on.
It’s got to be a part of and considered in EVERYTHING you do.
It’s true what they say, ‘it’s a lifestyle’…it’s a way of life.
But that’s okay - This is NOT a bad thing.
>>The important thing is that people going into it are aware of this and that a lot of things in life will suffer as a result.
No matter how hard you try to find that work/life balance - becoming the very best will ultimately never be ‘balanced’.
Don’t get me wrong, that doesn’t mean you can’t do anything else other than bodybuilding.
>>But it does mean that everything you do in life can not be at the detriment of your bodybuilding goals. (If you want to be the very best anyway!)
>>Living life as a bodybuilder and ‘living life’ are two very different things…
>>Being fully present in ‘life’ and it’s experiences is (in my opinion) not possible when trying to pursue something as demanding and disciplined as this sport.
BUT recognising and being aware of that is a good and important thing.
Bodybuilding is a sport I absolutely cherish and love…
My passion.
And I wouldn’t change it for the world.
(…this is definitely my signature pose now )"
absolutely fucking delulu…
No. 1682582
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Spoiler for jumpscare.
No. 1682750
>>1682573"Being fully present in ‘life’ and it’s experiences is (in my opinion) not possible when trying to pursue something as demanding and disciplined as this sport."
damn, she is really abondoning living in her fucked up dream of being #1 on a stage full of orange social outcasts with ED's.
thats the most grim, depressing shit ive read in a while.
No. 1682793
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cow crossover?
No. 1682925
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No. 1682994
>>1681871And for what? For all her fucking conceited arrogance, she's never going to be
the best. She doesn't have the aesthetic requirements for the division she's in, no matter how much she punishes her body.
What's her end goal? Olympia champion? Then she'll need breast implants and a shitload of plastic surgery on her face, because she ain't no bikini pretty princess. She's wasting her life for nothing.
Ffs she goes on like she's an olympic marathon runner or something. Ganer you are achieving nothing. You're in a joke division in a beauty contest for trussed up turkeys. The whole world is laughing at you.
No. 1682995
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I really don't understand how it's possible for her to still be obese after spending so many months in treatment on tube feeds.
No. 1683119
>>1682250petition to make a super size vs super skinny for cows
first up: Zara & porgie…
No. 1683120
>>1682551if you're not interested, leave. not that hard
No. 1683131
>>1682573There is no way Ganer will become a pro. It takes good genes and dedication.
She only has the latter, since her ED ruined her body in her teenage years. It's very sad that her only focus in life now is this narrow-minded stupidity called bodybuilding. Well, it's a socially acceptable way to get rid of that evil fat, after all.
No. 1683255
>>1682564ughh I love her so much (and the cute little necklace too)!
Whatever phase she is entering now, I hope she's thriving
No. 1683480
>>1683296What is there left to "sacrifice" for her? Relationship, career, anything?
Like you said, all revolves around her sorry body and it all screams ED.
No. 1683486
>>1683269Tube feeds only make people gain weight fast when it’s giving them eonigh calories for that to happen. Which would happen if a person was eating that much extra of any food, since it’s a simple biochemical thing of excess calories. A body doesn’t care where those excess calories are coming from.
The land whale with tube feeds here (and Porgie often too) are massive while being tub fed for so long simply because they are eating on top of the tube feeds. They have to be getting the calories to gain weight from somewhere, and it’s not the tube feeds that are calculated out. We’ve had farmers here speak to witnessing Porgie frequent the New Fats vending machines while tubed, something similar is happening with this one too. Or at least she’s sneaking snackies from somewhere.
No. 1683620
File: 1666646518695.png (7.83 MB, 1170x2532, D0B4FDD9-AC7C-471C-8F20-E4D410…)

Does anyone remember clutterpilar? She was discussed here awhile back if I remember correctly. She’s a grown adult, goes in and out of inpatient, relapsing as soon as she gets home to mommy’s house & posts her tiny intake in her story. Mom is a huge enabler. The girl doesn’t work or go to school. She lays in bed with her Starbucks and dog all day, but life is too overwhelming to possibly recover. Plenty of milk here. She was offended last time the hospital discharged her because they “kicked her out to die at home” when she was absolutely not complying at all. She’s bitched about it for months, baited more treatment and saying she’s “about to go to treatment” or “figuring out treatment” but then doesn’t go to treatment and wastes away in her bed…
No. 1683623
File: 1666646705057.png (6.38 MB, 1170x2532, 394EEE0D-9A4B-40C8-A3FB-C14947…)

She’s back at it again. Playing her “woe is me” drama on her way to treatment. She didn’t even take it to the hospital before already knowing she might not go there tonight and stay in a hotel with her enabling mother. Someone that actually wants to recover should be given this bed. Clutter just doesn’t want to die.
No. 1683741
File: 1666654247508.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.25 MB, 1125x1878, 22BEB770-81F6-48D7-ADB2-11236F…)

I fucking can’t with EC. Like don’t bring your grandma into your fetish shit.
No. 1683753
>>1683717You honestly sound jealous nona
People getting up in arms about a cow living with their parents is so weird maybe it's cultural/amerifags
No. 1683825
File: 1666660276444.png (1.43 MB, 1351x1069, Capture.PNG)

anyone who refuses to accept that Ganer is 100% full cream milk needs to read this.
the bitch is literally encouraging people to ignore their limits and (potentially) injure themselves.
i wish she'd crack a femur with her osteoporosis, that'll show her.
No. 1683892
>>1683119I second your petition. I loved that show, the Food Tube always made me laugh lol.
"lets see what Zara had for breakfast?"
nothing"lets see what PORGIE had for breakfast?"
3 large pizzas and a Zero Sugar energy drink No. 1684080
File: 1666691078590.png (2.43 MB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20221025-114247.png)

I don't buy this, why would people misgender him/her (anons gonna hate anyways) in public? He/she (same) has got a fucking beard.
No way that happened, once sure, 3x times a day? Nah fam
No. 1684104
File: 1666694812561.jpeg (34.26 KB, 326x484, 1666654247508.jpeg)

>>1683741this defies the laws of physics..!
No. 1684105
>>1684102Kind of looks like purging cheeks tbh
Wouldn't be surprised
No. 1684120
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>>1683825that face tho…
"oi father, i think i shit me'self"
No. 1684168
File: 1666700667719.gif (1.17 MB, 498x213, chum-jaws.gif)

The rush of baiting cows and having them respond to you.
No. 1684172
>>1684168This is my confession. Under a reddit different account months ago I made a skeleton post, and kept chumming the waters with "Eugenia should get TOTALLY skeletons comments", the post was negatively recieved by some so I took it down.
But with this Halloween video she made, I'm worried she might have actually taken the bait. I feel kinda ashamed and kinda flattered if so.
Gonna have to nuke my current reddit account now in a day or so, but I'll be back with a new face.
No. 1684232
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Another vacation at NF for Lee
No. 1684256
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>>1684174She has transitioned from Sally to Jack Skellington. How grim.
No. 1684416
>>1684412check the box, choose "delete", write a new one
you're welcome
No. 1684582
File: 1666727147546.jpeg (1.49 MB, 1170x2028, 1584F776-1597-41EC-B5DC-D7ECDA…)

that lasted long enough!
Also its the season of Fis fabulous outfits
No. 1684609
>>1684582Dressing like a clown and hinting a relapse.
That's our girl.
No. 1684615
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>>1684609Ah fuck I really hoped she grew up but NoPe
No. 1684647
File: 1666729539954.jpeg (222.29 KB, 828x1422, image0.jpeg)

Saging bc I think it's low fat milk, but beaheaton on instagram has/had been relapsing/hinting at it (look at picrel date on the bottom), and she's lost weight in her recovery. More images incoming 1/3.
No. 1684648
File: 1666729634686.png (68.3 KB, 192x320, image1.png)

2/3 and as for my prev comment I accidentally cropped out the date, but it was four days ago. As for picrel, this was back in early recovery.
No. 1684653
File: 1666729785883.png (69.33 KB, 248x320, 9.27.png)

3/3, she's clearly lost weight.
No. 1684724
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how long before she starts onlyfans kek
No. 1684815
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When worlds collide
“DID” meet ups and holidays together
I’m surprised Australia hasn’t imploded yet
No. 1684862
>>1684816Middle one is Ashleigh - going as Tee or something now.. changed her “names” to suit alters and is constantly changing her IG name so I have no idea.
CJ is private - I have access but she doesn’t post anything lolcow worthy.. pretty boring..
Ashleigh and her recently did go on a cruise but I didn’t get a screen shot of our “new ballerina leg lifter” - Ashleigh apparently thinks she’s a ballerina and took a bunch of tutus and shit on the cruise..
No. 1684883
File: 1666745992279.jpg (451.06 KB, 1080x1884, Screenshot_20221026_015626_com…)

aw, porgie is having her wisdom teeth removed - she will undoubtedly take the opportunity to demanding a toob, claiming she can't eat and needs to ensure she keeps up her excessive daily intake otherwise our poor dainty waif is at risk of fading away!
No. 1684890
File: 1666746690437.gif (404.63 KB, 220x165, simpsons-homer-simpson.gif)

Guys please stop being mean to porgie, she's such a brave recovery warrior for not starving herself
No. 1684949
>>1684739I view this thread the same way I view the great Boston Molasses Flood of 1919, both tragic and rediculous.
Deaths: 21
Non-fatal injuries: 150 injured
No. 1684981
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There you go, found her on IG anon.
Tutus and leg lifts galore!
No. 1684983
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>>1684883I find it kinda hilarious they gave her a bariatric gown for surgery.. looks like the exploding, oversized blueberry from Willy Wonka !
No. 1684984
File: 1666756960619.jpeg (53.94 KB, 640x480, FDA11659-FDB1-401E-8D90-D2ECDB…)

If I knew how to photoshop porgies face would be on this
No. 1685008
>>1684992You have a choice over here. You can have them out in the chair at the dentist, or you can pay the extra to have them out while you’re under general.
I chose to have mine out under general because a. They were impacted and jammed in my jaw, and b. I didn’t want to hear the noise of my bones being chopped open ha.
Can you even imagine trying to get your tools into Porgies mouth?!
She’s going to be epically bruised because they’re going to have to use brute force to remove them.. probably why the dentist didn’t want to do it in the chair too
No. 1685015
>>1684983Her cheeks are so fat the poor surgeouns are gonna have to use callipers to try to pry her maw open.
I personally wouldn't operate on her until her lost weight. Her teeth can't be that fucked she needs to risk going under GA at 300lbs.
They will literally need to climb her like a couch to "get in"
No. 1685032
File: 1666761479997.jpg (1.82 MB, 2250x2700, crazybegetscrazy.jpg)

>>1684256>>1684174I legit thought she was going to become a recovery influencer henceforth from 2019 and make overplayed vids about how society causes anorexia and how sad it is for the children and all that noise but now I can see how fucked she really is. Prayers to her but reminder to never name a kid something that sounds vaguely like eulogy and with initials that looks vaguely like ED
Related, her mom's out of frame deco from her latest vid. If EC’s fave hobby is a slow croak I’d wager her mom’s fave is letting it happen
No. 1685051
>>1685032EC is a fenestripper
Someone who takes off their clothes while standing in front of an open window.
She was arrested when her neighbors called the cops and let them know she was a fenestripper. No. 1685070
>>1684815Australia is pretty open minded, to a fault in the medical field.
As long as you perform symptoms at least semi decently for a month or two you can get diagnosed as anything.
No. 1685082
>>1684983Lol most patients wear the typical light blue hospital gown in surgery, she's gotten the dark blue smock because she's morbidly obese.
Gotta be able to distinguish them somehow.
No. 1685089
>>1685026Good surgeons are pretty much perfectionist adrenaline junkies. Anytime they cut body open they can nick an artery and it's all over.
Bad surgeons are like yeah I'll take your money, then take a stab at it and roll the dice on you living or dying.
No. 1685096
>>1685070You just tell them what diagnoses you have, describe the symptoms, throw in some tears and a fresh head wound and presto manifesto, you have a diagnosis.
Wanting to bang your head against the wall is a pretty natural reation to stress and/or attention seeking. Like just get anger management ladies.
No. 1685395
File: 1666808454137.jpeg (92.11 KB, 633x476, A45FB62C-C6B0-4F92-A0BB-E3F8A1…)

>>1685250kek reminds me of this
No. 1686080
File: 1666881901448.png (224.05 KB, 612x568, vlcsnap-2022-10-27-16h43m15s31…)

>>1685888Holy fock, look at this ARM
No. 1686082
File: 1666882525710.png (1.81 MB, 1080x1890, Screenshot_20221027-105312.png)

I missed out on seeing Lego Head's latest bashing until I saw her story
No. 1686084
File: 1666882558340.png (1.65 MB, 1080x1866, Screenshot_20221027-105404.png)

>>1686082when it was actually fresher looking
No. 1686294
File: 1666900491257.png (237.82 KB, 520x832, druggie.png)

Ganer is depressed and worried about getting fat post show. Is this also a possible confession to using drugs?
No. 1686308
File: 1666901610726.jpeg (Spoiler Image,335.76 KB, 1170x2532, 6A7FE1BF-B791-44BB-BA43-F27A6F…)

Sage and spoiler bc I hate her face but she claimed she wasn’t posting self harm and just showing another side of herself she always hides while literally previously showing every inch of herself, unmarked/without scarring. Post now deleted lol
No. 1686343
>>1686294It’s not her post, she shared it from someone else, but “post cycle therapy” does refer to steroids.
Fat burners/steroids, i have absolutely no doubt that she used those. I’d be surprised if she did use steroids though, I think she’d be afraid of the weight gain that comes with them.
No. 1686420
File: 1666911564726.png (8.83 MB, 1125x2436, F26926C7-22C7-470A-B6C8-2352B7…)

Double “DID”
Apparently Melli Moo wants to move to Australia so she can get NDIS (reserved for seriously disabled people) and remain on a NZ pension type thing..
meanwhile thousands of Australians cannot access NDIS and it’s likely because of people like Ashleigh and her who are clogging up the system.
As an Aussie who pays a shit tonne of tax, this makes me livid.
No. 1686641
File: 1666928905651.jpeg (Spoiler Image,307.49 KB, 1125x1776, 240970AB-DC36-4CA8-B067-922F8D…)

Happy Halloween from Eugenia serving if the Joker cosplayed as Sailor Mars.
No. 1686742
>>1686641What I don't get is why she does her make up so badly these days. I mean, she was never a beauty guru but still, I think she did her make up just fine.
But lately it's like a toddler putting on lipstick and eyeliner. I'm not sure if she does that on purpose or if she really is struggling so much she can't apply it properly.
No. 1686803
File: 1666946774769.png (6.35 MB, 1125x2436, 3AB2FA7F-BDA5-4CAE-878C-11A37C…)

No. 1686841
File: 1666954673899.gif (6.59 MB, 320x569,

So very, very scary.
No. 1686848
File: 1666955771713.gif (10.44 MB, 320x569, 1666954673899(1).gif)

>>1686841even more spooky
No. 1686901
>>1686848I feel like I’m watching a cursed silent film.
It’s wild that after she’s dead, these images husk of a person will be mainly what exists as her legacy. Also sick that momma cooney is proud of that. Is it in bad taste to tinfoil that she’ll be selling off EC “artifacts” to fetishists when she finally croaks?
No. 1687019
File: 1666971424994.png (Spoiler Image,2.2 MB, 1079x1754, Screenshot_20221028-113607.png)

Jesus Christ, Nikol. Jumpscare much?
No. 1687400
>>1687354I was wondering about it but it looks like such an odd way to shave them. Then again it is Nikol we're talking about so who knows lol
>>1687380it can be a sign of malnutrition and protein deficiency No. 1687534
File: 1667006051334.jpeg (933.02 KB, 828x1454, D07C1C5F-E125-4B3A-A977-766CEA…)

New cow? Posts wieiads that are like 500 cals max
No. 1687676
File: 1667023016382.jpg (541.81 KB, 1080x2610, Screenshot_20221029-185212_Tik…)

Another skelly body checker from toxiktiktok. Almost every single video starts the same way.. roll upthem sweater sleeves honey make sure you show off your arms. I hate that stupid app.
No. 1687722
File: 1667028677542.jpeg (810.64 KB, 828x1238, DED6694F-6669-4D68-8482-5FFA27…)

Does anyone follow Onique?
Nice recovery “meal”.
No. 1687776
File: 1667040149277.png (206.82 KB, 468x736, Screenshot 2022-10-29 114218.p…)

Scarlett: I have no ED thoughts any more.
Also Scarlett: complains constantly about poor body image and hating her offseason look.
No. 1687841
File: 1667048905817.jpeg (722.13 KB, 1125x1943, EC9EB3EC-73D4-4B5F-A50B-5D35AD…)

Found gainers muse
No. 1687959
File: 1667060147319.jpg (Spoiler Image,417.9 KB, 1073x2115, skeleganer.jpg)

The Beast from Bristol never fails to appease her audience.
No. 1687993
File: 1667063371509.jpeg (Spoiler Image,281.95 KB, 1125x2436, 8164E32A-5998-489F-AE7D-09FCCF…)

>>1687959She’s probably the only person that seemed more alive as a spoop, like she actually used to go out with humans called friends and have that thing called “fun”. All that work just to be a shell of a person doing the same bs but with the added benefit of safe foods and a brand sponsor code.
I’ve actually never thought about it before but clearly her mom had to have been helping her pay for all the training, it’s not like ganer was working a job when she shifted disorders.
No. 1688130
File: 1667072958796.jpeg (777.51 KB, 1170x2115, CB70BA71-4213-435B-9426-BF1EF5…)

No. 1688131
File: 1667072997681.jpeg (1.04 MB, 1170x2045, 0152C397-C5EA-49D9-A69C-D557E3…)

2/2 Why doesnt she tries to recover then?
No. 1688530
File: 1667103097837.png (5.17 MB, 1125x2436, 6F409921-D5C8-4035-8821-E42FEB…)

“Couldn’t find people more alike than us”
That’s because you’re both larping DID and clearly know how to copy each other..
No. 1688537
File: 1667103389307.png (11.27 MB, 1125x2436, 74A4E017-EDC5-4695-A574-31AD01…)

I love that Mel (I thought one of her “alters” was known as Zara, apologies) - makes such a huge deal about her NJ and how it’s keeping her alive .. and then just like that, magically it disappears - im wondering whether this isn’t a part of her act in trying to get an Australian surgeon to give her a PEG/J tube.
What freaking monkeys
No. 1688542
>>1688537oh, you might be right about the "alter" names (which I don't bother to remember because they're bullshit), sorry, I thought it was just a typo because we'd been discussing zara
Mel is ridiculous. I do find it amusing tha Ashleigh posts basically the same pictures on her public and private accounts, but uses "we" on the private one and "I" on the public one.
No. 1688565
>>1688542The two of them are ridiculous.
Apparently Ashleigh & Christine fundraiser for Mel to come to Australia to see Ashleigh’s Psychologist, a gastro Dr who would do surgery for her - all the while claiming to all for free through Medicare because Australia & NZ have agreements when it comes to our citizens.
I bet if they bothered to work, they’d finally maybe understand why people get so angry when they pull these stunts because it’s the hard workers that are paying for the lies.
No. 1688586
File: 1667105915020.jpg (1.14 MB, 1080x1648, Screenshot_20221030_175759.jpg)

Omg noo. She did NOT. How embarrassing.
No. 1688589
>>1688586let her enjoy herself
she's already done massive amounts of damage by being that emaciated. a bit of levity never hurt anyone
No. 1688651
File: 1667114647558.png (540.5 KB, 432x701, Screen Shot 2022-10-30 at 2.23…)

>>1688537this vague mention of saving up for surgery seems to support your PEG/J theory, unless she had some other surgery in mind also
No. 1688700
File: 1667119973392.jpg (279.59 KB, 1080x2032, Hurp.jpg)

>>1688658On tiktok last week she said she left a hospital with the ngt in and that's how she did the ed/gastro larp. They wanted to treat her ed and she didn't.
No. 1688703
File: 1667120073481.png (Spoiler Image,5.64 MB, 1170x2532, CCAC3790-4250-4897-933B-02727A…)

A Han jump scare for halloween tomorrow
No. 1688749
>>1688658same anon as above. milk: Some alters have all types of EDs including Anorexia. She claims she hasnt eaten in like 2 ? years and no alters can eat because it would
trigger the anorexic ones. She had an ng for nutrition, then an nj and she claims she needs a peg because the nj keeps coming out or parts pull it out and end up without nutrition for days.
i bet you even with peg she still would get no nutrition
No. 1688753
>>1688586That’s actually atrocious.
There’s dealing with stuff through dark humour but then there’s just being a total bitch. Imagine how her family and friends felt having to see that and try deal with that.
No. 1688757
>>1688586one fine day her body will have to pay the bill for her shenanigans.
we'll see who's laughing last.
No. 1688802
File: 1667134131335.jpeg (763.63 KB, 828x1276, A1B5A650-57F8-4C2E-90AB-A4AC3E…)

>>1687841Yep, I can see that Ganer might look up to this woman
No. 1688804
File: 1667134219017.png (360.21 KB, 720x1445, Screenshot_20221030-224810~3.p…)

Littlest Lee "needed" another new farm admission and this time, after the toob, went on leave for parties and what not. So sooper sick and struggling.
No. 1688817
>>1688804Many. She needs her Bpd sorted out.
>>1688700Oh that's hilarious she can't shut up about her ED or her fake gastro probs. She needs her munchie disorder treated. The DID larp is pathetic and the way she answers tiktok comments about it. Whoever asked what her system name was thx for giving her an idea.
No. 1688818
File: 1667135425333.jpg (148.21 KB, 1162x681, team america.jpg)

>>1688802A natural beauty.
Fuck yeah.
No. 1688875
File: 1667141062621.jpeg (1.44 MB, 3222x3222, C3917D26-905A-4756-95AD-6B2B06…)

ERC is not the “most intensive Ed unit in the country”. She just wants to show she’s so sick and special. She also got her phone taken away at ACUTE bc of the no social media policy. Then she uploaded an acute video when she left bc she needed attention & people to see her sicker. She’s trigger other patients & getting mad that her slice of zucchini bread was slightly larger than the other girls. Cringe. She’s competing.
No. 1688883
File: 1667141235177.png (6.29 MB, 1170x2532, F6BB165C-9746-4C94-9037-47BCA9…)

Apparently it’s only okay for her to trigger others. This girl is so immature and self centered. She’s not getting better anytime soon bc she’s focused on others.
No. 1689143
File: 1667156693016.png (1.99 MB, 898x1414, Screen Shot 2022-10-30 at 2.04…)

>>1688960Zara still insistent that she's only experiencing the "long-term" effects of AN because she's TOTALLY RECOVERED GUYS and there's NO WAY that she could still be anorexic and experiencing effects from that
No. 1689262
File: 1667164435689.jpeg (625.44 KB, 1440x1440, A18127C5-BB0B-4130-8361-401241…)

>>1689256this is ridiculous? and to clarify is not a halloween costume
No. 1689292
File: 1667165698970.jpeg (1.54 MB, 1170x2142, 170C571B-3F18-4356-A9DB-9B4BBF…)

she is live now guys, doing clown make up and without a tube - no nutrition
No. 1689298
File: 1667165903340.png (1.01 MB, 685x717, Screen Shot 2022-10-30 at 4.38…)

extremely normal 30-somethings
No. 1689354
File: 1667169786736.png (6.25 MB, 1170x2532, 67B84BF6-6B24-4D95-B46B-E6BC45…)

what on earth is this
No. 1689410
File: 1667173451427.jpeg (144.52 KB, 542x332, 4916B42A-D7C4-420E-A339-C20309…)

>>1689354Was just about to post this kek. Absolute joke she is. Her and Zara are genuinely awful manipulative mean people. They Han is just rude though, however she’s still refusing to give back the money from her gfm
Thought I’d share the photo of the fact the two of the biggest cows have posted on their stories
No. 1689445
>>1689256developing DID as an adult is unheard of. practically every single case starts out with life threatening trauma/severe psychological distress that happened in childhood.
if anyone is saying that they drceloped it as an adult they are fucking lying
No. 1689497
>>1689147I'm so glad she went to the hospital, good for her. Sounds like she might actually be hitting bottom which could be a good thing.
She seems to realise how sick she is at least, hopefully she can throw all of that motivation and drive she has into recovery from now on. I really hope she makes it.
No. 1689670
File: 1667195010628.jpeg (1.47 MB, 1125x2313, IMG_7141.jpeg)

She used to be… Absolutely amazing.
No. 1689753
File: 1667205063714.jpeg (30.36 KB, 640x1136, 307822525_109674068468544_3326…)

>>1689717Nah, it's just babyface. The further back you go, the more rounded her face. She was just a child, basically. That's not a medical affliction.
No. 1689770
File: 1667206599322.png (312.1 KB, 1312x1630, Screen Shot 2022-10-31 at 1.56…)

Nikol legit responding to a pregnant person like this…
No. 1689797
File: 1667210772361.png (697.11 KB, 601x938, njhgvfcdrescgvhbjnk.png)

>>1689670She looks like the cotton swab girl from Zoey 101
No. 1690342
File: 1667256830798.png (31.6 KB, 479x706, quelle surprise.png)

Ganer has been undereating on her macros and has had a stern talking to from her coach. Why am I not suprised.
She loves to make out like she's strong willed but really she's weak as fuck and she just does everything her ED wants. You know who's really strong Ganer who never gains? People who actually recover rather than failing at every area of life like you are. Hope your coach kicks you to the curb like you deserve.
No. 1690344
File: 1667256898364.png (644.21 KB, 457x709, hide yo kids.png)

She-Hulk costume? More like the Wicked Witch of the Fuckin West.
Scary, but unintentionally so.
No. 1690400
File: 1667261009357.jpeg (217.73 KB, 828x823, 762278F7-98CD-427F-83F5-83B6F4…)

>>1690344What in the actual fuck….this bitch starved her upper lip off
No. 1690524
File: 1667268589700.png (497.15 KB, 1060x586, Screen Shot 2022-10-31 at 9.09…)

"spirit week", jfc.
No. 1690562
File: 1667271876221.jpg (343.14 KB, 1079x1918, Screenshot_20221101-025956_Ins…)

This Lauren? I've not heard from her in years
No. 1690569
she basically admitted to restricting for once.
i am shooketh!
No. 1690581
File: 1667273228837.jpeg (764.87 KB, 1170x1609, E509F969-51F4-4C52-8A2C-044202…)

This shit is so funny
Also any actual ballet dancers here? Is this a joke to you? Like are they terrible at it? I didn’t think you could just go and buy pointe shoes
No. 1690583
File: 1667273258607.jpeg (818.62 KB, 1170x2067, 0446415F-E3A3-44DF-AF82-6EC921…)

This could be a meme if I was good at photoshop
No. 1690604
>>1690581Yes, and this is just… Painful to look at
>>1690583And this is even worse
My main ballet teacher is 67, I think she'd have a heart attack seeing these
No. 1690639
>>1690637Top Kek’s!
Ashleigh claims to be a ballerina and got pointe shoes - the new leg lifter.
Or maybe that’s one of her alters.
Those two together was always going to end in hysterics !
No. 1690774
>>1690761Oh I don’t know the cows in real life; I just know Ashleigh was at New Farm for maybe the whole of 6hrs and when they wouldn’t meet her demands she left - had a fucking tantrum before she did though.
She has NDIS and a gfm because apparently they don’t give her enough money, but I’d love to know where her and Melly Moo get all of their money from. They literally did another gfm for her to come from NZ to Aus and see all of Ashleigh’s “specialists” and get a PEG-J because she apparently can’t eat anything (doesn’t have an issue drinking smoothies or energy drinks though..), see the same therapists, GP, everything.. it’s people like these two that grind my gears because they take take take from everyone to fill their sad lives with squishmallows and wigs and think they’re untouchable.. and as for CJ - who in their right mind encourages the bullshit?!? She’s clearly the idiot behind the camera taking all of these photos of them.
End rant
No. 1690938
File: 1667316221703.jpeg (197.2 KB, 828x819, 6B7AB69B-F925-48C5-946B-B9C030…)

>>1690549Oh sorry this was meant to be in comparison to the She Hulk horror show. This is what home girl looks like now. The implants combined with the skelly face and overbite is so fucking creepy.
No. 1690939
File: 1667316284272.jpeg (218.39 KB, 828x918, 6825FB9D-02AF-4E54-8ADD-54C32D…)

>>1690938Bitch needs a visit to Denver ACUTE stat
No. 1690997
File: 1667322431872.jpeg (100.95 KB, 712x712, 75DF547E-7490-449B-81DB-AAF1BF…)

>I’m a fan of mischief
No. 1690999
File: 1667322514243.jpeg (200.59 KB, 704x1265, 6D8981F6-244C-4A26-AB08-18146E…)

>>1690997i couldn’t decide what was funnier, so have both
How one woman looks like both Rami Malek and Nigel Thornberry is beyond me
No. 1691331
File: 1667350962269.png (1.48 MB, 968x1382, Capture.PNG)

i dont mean to alarm anyone but our grime queen appears to have lost some weight and has been posting "meals" similar to her heavy bp era.
No. 1691366
>>1690938What the fucking FUCK is with her ASS??
What is with her everything Jesus this is nightmare fuel. Someone feed this poor woman.
No. 1691433
File: 1667360592080.png (144.86 KB, 461x617, Screen Shot 2022-11-01 at 10.4…)

grifting for a peg/j
No. 1691493
File: 1667368354138.jpg (196.95 KB, 1080x1920, Lolz.jpg)

I no longer have anorexia!
No. 1691503
File: 1667372574969.png (1.31 MB, 1322x1622, Screen Shot 2022-11-02 at 12.0…)

I wonder if Nikol realizes all her man-hating is directed at the wrong folks, especially when she's Exhibit A about women tearing each other down. Full photos she's judging will follow…
No. 1691505
File: 1667372629503.jpeg (250.06 KB, 862x2030, FgZ_OsgXgAATjNg.jpeg)

I mean, 21-23???
No. 1691510
>>1691505Is this you and you're having a meltdown based on her bmi estimation?
this person looks healthy. she guessed a healthy bmi. I don't see the problem.
No. 1691516
File: 1667373420788.jpeg (590.38 KB, 2048x2048, nV8yRar.jpeg)

>>1691510I'm probably the opposite of the girl in the picture, but she's reasonably slender, and I know Nikol pushes estimates as high as they could possibly be from earlier posts.
By contrast this pic is listed as an example of 16-17.
I'm not saying she's not healthy, just that she's being overestimated.
No. 1691525
File: 1667374004709.png (570.68 KB, 589x701, Screen Shot 2022-11-02 at 2.26…)

something actually funny instead of the bmi sperging
No. 1691527
File: 1667374128139.png (420.35 KB, 449x733, Screen Shot 2022-11-02 at 2.28…)

>>1691526apparently at some point someone was recommending a g tube? what the actual fuck
No. 1691559
File: 1667383337876.jpeg (422 KB, 1125x1332, 934646CA-B5F6-45E2-ADBD-50C923…)

Could you be any more narcissistic? Kay is honestly just a bitch!
No. 1691592
File: 1667389500129.jpeg (446.63 KB, 828x467, 34D7AFA2-8C06-4156-BD1E-74B57D…)

not my idea but heres my submission for the banner in the next thread
(sage for no milk)
No. 1691593
>>1691592I think we've got a winner already…
Well done!
No. 1691595
File: 1667390254151.jpg (Spoiler Image,83.55 KB, 936x926, RDT_20221102_07452819199447500…)

EC looking extra spoopy yesterday while flashing her bra. Apparently many theories of her abusing stimulants and/or barbiturates are floating around due to her manic then subdued behavior, drastically switching between the two repeatedly throughout her stream. Pretty amazing that her heart is still going tbqh. Her grandma is dying and her weight has dropped throughout this time. Keeping an eye on this one as she's gonna get the 5150 again soon or keel over.
Saged because not proper milk imo.
No. 1691623
File: 1667393526039.jpg (307.75 KB, 1080x1904, Screenshot_20221102-083604_Chr…)

Kitty's made it to some PHP
No. 1691716
>>1691679You are not the only one.
That squeaky voice and excessive use of the word "like" add to the madness that viewing her clips is.
No. 1691744
>>1690939the ugly face of ED
all hail our new cow!
No. 1691968
File: 1667421828025.png (317.01 KB, 464x655, holy shit.png)

>>1691706No this isn't a bodybuilding body. They have actual muscle, not just definition that's there by default of having zero fat on you. Also this gross woman posts pics of sweat dripping off her shrunken abs every damn day on her story, in super close-up. Doesn't sound too puke-inducing, but somehow it is.
No. 1691998
File: 1667424354506.jpeg (557.88 KB, 750x1070, 07214E2E-33EE-4C9C-BB5E-939259…)

I don’t know if these two are still together but if so I’m baffled how someone like laura has had a gf for this long
No. 1692140
File: 1667432772932.jpeg (30.25 KB, 384x357, 3A71573A-C44C-406D-ADCB-C3FA8E…)

Milk is bone dry but I noticed Cece changed her profile pic on insta. This definitely doesn’t scream “I am a healthy adult who is working on treatment and being a part of society.” A bit dramatic it seems. Hm. I thought nonnies with access said she was doing well.
No. 1692326
File: 1667450716118.png (454.53 KB, 450x757, Screen Shot 2022-11-02 at 11.4…)

didn't she say 11 months earlier? or was that how long she's been inpatient?
No. 1692328
File: 1667450771512.png (426.03 KB, 450x757, Screen Shot 2022-11-02 at 11.4…)

>>1692326anyway, our brave recovery warrior pushes on
No. 1692462
File: 1667476944676.jpg (Spoiler Image,23.22 KB, 579x409, RDT_20221103_07591184869160029…)

EC's knees… apparently in this stream someone asked her to do jumping jacks, she complied.
Deleted original post as I forgot to spoiler.
No. 1692466
File: 1667478070823.jpg (Spoiler Image,155.38 KB, 1080x1817, RDT_20221103_08182131013088315…)

Oh and here's EC without her signature makeup. Just for some additional nightmare fuel. The filters aren't helping at all.
No. 1692527
>>1692471You ain't wrong. Kind of why I didn't post it…
>>1692475She looks sore, freezing and like her brain is completely rotten. Sad her family is just letting her carry on like this but they must be tired af.
No. 1692633
File: 1667490874240.jpg (496.17 KB, 1080x1856, Screenshot_20221102-233130_Ins…)

Hayden bravely fights hayfever
No. 1692658
File: 1667491933668.jpg (449.97 KB, 1080x1837, Screenshot_20221103_161107_com…)

"starting solids". it seems Han has started the weaning process…!
No. 1692675
File: 1667493693955.jpg (337.45 KB, 1080x1856, 1667490874240.jpg)

>>1692633I gave it an honest try, but those eyes just won't fit.
No. 1692857
>>1692633OK, ive been quiet on this topic but seriously, how the fuck is posting this milk?
she is posting about hayfever and its symptoms…
>>1692636and FFS, enough with the pronoun WK'ing. It's a she. take your virtue signalling elsewhere you cuck.
No. 1693015
File: 1667521204351.jpeg (46.68 KB, 720x743, 0887F84E-BC00-4B60-A1AF-E1CC4E…)

>>1692633Every time someone posts a picture of her my brain stops working for a sec and I just stare because I cannot believe anybody would do this to themselves.
Picrel is both a reaction pic and who she reminds me of
No. 1693076
File: 1667525303431.jpg (41.26 KB, 640x360, _90613295_nazihimmler4041hulto…)

>>1693062Me visiting the fat camps to see what skinny legends they've became and how much money they're saving the taxpayer. Working hard, thank you! (If someone could superimpose Porgie or Ham's face over this, it'd be a great pic for the next thread.)
(bait) No. 1693098
>>1693076kek reminded me of this
>>1693095yes they are.
No. 1693249
File: 1667543597334.jpeg (71.24 KB, 720x540, A756CF47-09D2-4185-A19A-BD1513…)

Never realized how many photos there are of Cece on Facebook. Most of them are super cringe:
No. 1693286
File: 1667551308585.png (2.6 MB, 836x1428, Capture.PNG)

>>1691701you spoke too soon anon, as of yesterday and today (picrel) the skinny syrup has returned.
No. 1693292
File: 1667551676951.jpeg (414.33 KB, 1125x1732, 59E2D543-ECA8-4F2D-9585-AC81E2…)

These two have been “twinning” around the local shopping mall in their pointe shoes - terrifying everyone they see ..
I feel second hand embarrassment living in Aus.
No. 1693374
File: 1667564039980.jpg (96.38 KB, 1189x933, RDT_20221104_08122225414521755…)

>tfw your heart starts skipping beats and you're not sure if you should take another step
No. 1693496
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>>1693465>you have no idea how bad it really isShe really fucking loves showing off that boney cleavage and shitty red bra. Dunno why she doesn't just wear pasties at this point and call it a day.
No. 1693501
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why does a vein belong there
No. 1693513
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>>1693501Loads of large veins in the legs, you're just not supposed to see them as they're typically protected by muscle and fat. Which EC of course is mostly devoid of.
No. 1693723
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>>1693506she’s not missing as far as i know, i live in her area. she’s probably not allowed on social media or is in some sort of rehab, she did comment this on her sisters facebook earlier this year.
No. 1693727
>>1693653Nta but I don't think it's creepy. Cece was a major cow and she is missed, everything she did was guaranteed milk. If anything she owes everyone else an apology for being such a fucking gaslighting liar. "I've never purged, thankfully", "this is not a body check", "I am not relapsing", such Jewish, many recovered. And daring to attack everyone else for noticing the very obvious bullshit.
I hope that wherever that boring beige bug-eyed troll is, she's actually recovering and not just posting daily for asspats and baiting.
No. 1693741
>>1692466her hair is starting to thin and her hairline is receding. Extensions can only take her so far. Sad to say that even if she did die you couldn't tell the difference because she already looks like a dried out corpse.
Sucks to say but it's obvious she's just slowly killing herself on stream for attention. I'm pretty sure that's how she wants to go out to. On stream.
No. 1693850
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>>1692892This isn’t the one you’re talking about but is worse imo
No. 1693951
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Weird, weird milk from Luka
No. 1694065
>>1693951She kinda strikes me as going through psychosis or mania. Like the dress style, self harm, weight loss and risky behaviour all just look like psychosis broadcast on social media.
It's sad I hope she gets help because her body will give out if she keeps pushing it so hard.
No. 1694101
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Dear God here's a train wreck, and only 17. If these constant body checks aren't enough then I don't know what is..
No. 1694230
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Oh look, EC is spiraling again…
No. 1694232
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Wtf is even happening anatomy wise here?
No. 1694234
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>spooky scary skelesmile
No. 1694236
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I mean just so blatant it's sickening. Girl is circling the drain and each day she draws breath I am gobsmacked.
No. 1694384
>>1694375Pro ana scumbags no 87: Big Brother Farm
EC the Bonelord has been very generous with us this Halloween, giving us skeleton bodycheck realness in her house tour. In all seriousness she’s dying but she seems to want that so who are we to stop her.
Zara has presumably been lurking in the thread a bit, and boldly decided last month she DOES NOT have anorexia. However she actually admitted herself to hospital so hopefully she gets the help she needs.
Momsfav has moved from ACUTE to ERC and was pissing other patients off by refusing to eat for days upon her admission. We have some undercover farmers in ERC so please share milk when the milks good.
Ganer continues not to gain and ignores advice to eat more. She also uploads vids doing leg lifts that look way too heavy for her and we’re afraid her legs will snap. Also we’ve found some of her possible inspiration in Fitness Queen Ohio, who may be missing an upper lip but she makes up for it with the epic shred
Scarlett is still a bitch but nothing new to report really.
Larpers/anyone else
Hayden has gone home from summer camp for now but has a planned readmission happening in December because the Christmas months are so hard for him and he is speshul. Half of the last thread was spent fighting over Haydens pronowns, so lets just individually call him whatever gender we want or just reference him by name.
Laura (flourishingfxiry) is in inpatient and looks doped to the gills on antipsychotics or fried from ECT. Anons hope for her release and better health.
Porgie got some dental work done under General Anaesthetic and uploaded some funny pics in her surgery gown. Haven’t heard any updates since she went under, so can anyone let us know if homegirl is still alive.
The account thatrecoverylife (anyone know her name?) continues to post obese photos with her nose hose.
A clan of Australian DID girls had a meet up, with tazmin.ashleigh and fellow did friend dancing around shopping centres in matching outfits and pointe shoes.
N2f is posting stuff which might indicate she’s relapsing, and the ominous skinny syrup has reappeared. Everyone here loves her so lets hope she stays on track.
*Sorry for repost, had to fix spacing in last paragraph.
No. 1694415
File: 1667648094788.png (1.84 MB, 1852x1352, bullshit.PNG)

sure Ganer.
"omg, i am eating more than usual, its not my fault im not gaining weight"
certainly sounds like a true ana bullshit right there.
especially when she only has added an extra rice cake to her daily intake.
now watch as her definition of "more food" means adding a thin spread of jam to those aforementioned rice cakes. im calling it.
No. 1694483
>>1694478She's definitely alluded to having osteopenia, if not full osteoporosis in the past, but seemed adament that she could reverse it.
Highly unlikely given her recent downward weight spiral and denial that a bit of jam (probably skinny jam/sugar free) is the height of gluttony.
Similar to EC dying best thing that could happen is for Ganer to fracture every bone in her body to show people it isn't fucking clever to batter your body in the gym and call it recovery. I can't stand the way she holds herself up as an inspiration when really she's the exact opposite.
No. 1694508
>>1694483Can low bone density be reversed? Isn't it like once you lose bone mass it's gone for good.
Personally I thought that was impossible, my creaky old bones want the cure.
No. 1694578
>>1694508Weight bearing/training and not being nutritionally deficient in calcium or vit D can increase bone density.
Think the reverse version of astronauts bones getting all weak cause of no gravity.
No. 1694635
>>1694569I think you're spot on, nonna.
>>1694582A shocking amount I'd wager.
No. 1694747
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Hi Zara.
No. 1694771
>>1694752 whichever dumbfuck wrote
>>1694384 does say “admitted herself”- that’s probably where she’s read it.
No. 1694797
>>1694747The mention of her “sitting on walls” was so briefly mentioned, it doesn’t make sense for her to concentrate on that
Her making a “dear lolcow” post is so counter productive to what she preaches, she drags attention to places she deems “harmful” such as this and when she will make a video response to a pro ana tik tok account. Honestly no logic.
No. 1694800
>>1694415Bulking with raw spinach and egg whites only?
At the end of the day she'll only be bullshitting herself.
No. 1694801
>>1694747Hey Zara.
There you have it.
No. 1694816
>>1694811Ikr. She must be desperate for attention.
And also what the anon above me said, its a way to distract everyone and playing the
No. 1695023
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Hayden’s posting about not coping with weight gain, then immediately denying a fear for getting fat. Guess pretending to be pro-fat is more important to him than the fact having a fear of being fat is part of the DSM for AN
No. 1695041
>>1695023Grinds me the way she always blames other people. Massive
victim complex - until she stops with the BPD shit she’s always going to be a cow.
No. 1695049
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Oopsies.. clearly someone doesn't want to chew.
No. 1695051
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100% meal compliant.. methinks not kek
No. 1695110
>>1695023Literally the whole superficial side of anorexia is fear of weight gain, fear of being fat, fear of being seen as glutinous, wanting to eat healthier, vege/vegan foods & Restricting calories. Like it’s inherently fatphobic
Obviously the whole underlying shit of control or coping is true but it’s so weird that’s she’s dying on this hill
No. 1695287
>>1695256she has some kind of a
victim fetish (i guess a lot of cows do anyway)
No. 1695446
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what is she talking about. is she delusional or
No. 1695454
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ofc is a “piece” not a potato. Yes Zara you are so recovered
No. 1695503
>>1695370Actually, "mija" is a nickname for daughter, used in Latin America, but not "miha". Also, "hija" is daughter in Spanish.
I don't know about "thatrecoverylife" ethnicity, but what I've found about "Miha" names is that ig is an Arabic and Persian name for girls, and Hindi and Bengali name for boys.
No. 1695516
>>1695446She is. Zara is so full of herself repeating she is cured, when the whole world can see that it's not the case at all.
It's kind of the same (or the opposite?) as wannarexics like Porgie or thatrecoverylife do.
I know about the illness and body dysmorphia and all, but they are pure attention seekers, ffs.
No. 1695589
New thread
>>1695588 I’m baked and hope I did a good job
No. 1697679
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Potential new cow
Twt: amyhtcb
She was a personal cow. Is a proana influencer known for posting herself as thinspo on tiktok and repeatedly getting banned. Runs a proana discord. Spergs about how her elderly parents are to blame for her obesity. In a deleted post she talks about how she threatened to starve herself to death if her parents didn't take her back to China and confessed to being a neet. When asked what she was going to do to support herself she replied "onlyfans". Gives "meanspo" to her followers which is just fatshaming.
No. 1697680
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No. 1724711
New Thread
Pro-Ana scumbags #88: the elves are busy in the workshop