File: 1469805635581.jpg (97.56 KB, 500x700, o0500070013706353436.jpg)

No. 161534
File: 1469805797686.jpg (58.51 KB, 500x700, o0500070013706353870.jpg)

What is that behind her ear? A blonde streak?
No. 161535
File: 1469805849862.jpg (57.67 KB, 500x700, o0500070013706354150.jpg)

She looks so weird here
No. 161544
File: 1469809627616.jpg (94.43 KB, 526x400, 2016-07-29 18.26.05.jpg)

>>161534dat Bruce Campbell chin kek
No. 161556
>>161532This is awful tbh. Ariel doesn't suit her at all. Her eyes look so small in comparison to other shoots/her personal photos. Her lips look weird in red lipstick.
Why is this allowed?
No. 161562
>>161559Trust me anon, it was way easy for me to point that out myself I mean not to boast about myself or anything but I would describe myself as "a pro" with Photoshop and my work compared to this poor standard quality of a job is more exceptional.
I find it alarming and lazy that they used this method of editing other than putting more effort into it by actually using hair dye and makeup. No wonder there are false advertisements online on most Asian online stores and I'm not saying that all online stores in Asia do this but this "Disney store" editor made this very easy to point out. How do they expect to get paid for doing such a bad job?
No. 161588
File: 1469815948450.png (125.54 KB, 326x189, Screen Shot 2016-07-29 at 19.1…)

She looks better as Tinkerbell tbh and Cinderella
No. 161590
File: 1469816578192.jpg (93.07 KB, 480x640, 10443609_3_l.jpg)

She really does resemble a classic porcelain doll, just not the kawaii ball-jointed dolls she tries to look like. Since Anne of Green Gables is apparently popular in Japan, she should try to appeal to that fanbase.
No. 161633
File: 1469825732492.gif (784.38 KB, 500x226, huehue.gif)

>>161562>not to boast about myself or anything but I would describe myself as "a pro" that you kaka
No. 161700
File: 1469845576691.jpg (662.87 KB, 857x575, joyfuleri.jpg)

No. 161701
File: 1469845778993.jpg (665.26 KB, 627x617, joyfuleli.jpg)

No. 161755
File: 1469868875026.jpeg (124.36 KB, 725x800, image.jpeg)

Risa threw dakota down at the event too and her face isnt edited here…
I wonder when kaka and koots will report it kek
No. 161763
>>161759She might've deleted it because your friend was being rude.
A lot of models/girls in Japan edit their photos. They probably don't want to be criticized for it or something.
No. 161765
>>161759or simply due to the fact that Dakota asked for it to be taken down, or asked to remove negative comments in general. We don't even know if Risa's PR manager is managing her accounts, so it may have not been Risa at all, but a contract between models for good PR
>>161763tbh I dont think Kota has been in absolute good terms with any of these models. Acquaintances, but def not good friends. They don't even follow each other on instagram so I doubt shes doing that purely for the sake of protecting her as a "good friend" or anything like that
No. 161805
File: 1469888871237.jpg (694.47 KB, 774x612, bonbon2016.jpg)

No. 161809
File: 1469889291589.jpg (413.59 KB, 718x467, bonbon.jpg)

No. 161831
File: 1469895306451.jpg (802.05 KB, 915x656, kotaface.jpg)

No. 161860
File: 1469905277577.jpg (1.27 MB, 1920x2560, 16-07-30-13-59-52-103_deco.jpg)

Dang risa was like "I don't give a f* about you" lol
No. 162002
File: 1469951109077.jpg (74.13 KB, 510x394, beardbillhill-thumb-510x394-44…)

her new look reminds me of a younger hillary clinron
No. 162136
File: 1470010048459.png (268.88 KB, 600x335, eird-al-yankovic-tin-foil-hat.…)

So, do you guys remember months ago when she was on some sort of game show on TV, and she was the judge or something? She ended up giving a low score to a really popular and well-loved comedian duo that ended up loosing the competition. She got some backlash from the public about it.
I was thinking, wasn't this around the time she slowly stopped getting work? I think she appeared in a few things after that, probably stuff already booked. And she ended up leaving PopTeen, didn't even graduate like past members do when they get older. She hasn't really been on any print ads since then either. Wonder if its somehow related at all?
No. 162447
>>161805These jeans look like a pair of thrift store jeans I used to own…. that sad waistband looks so frumpy and old…
now that I think of it she's totally been dressing herself like a thrify fina>>161831
ncial aid fashionista lately.
>>161831She would look so much better if she gave up on those circle lenses.
No. 162515
File: 1470136263635.png (297.49 KB, 579x470, Screen Shot 2016-08-02 at 12.0…)

No. 162516
>>162515Before someone whines about the Japanese.
"Baby the Stars shine bright" is going to do a collaboration with a game called "Tower of Princess". On 9/10 (Sat) I will appear as a guest."
I wonder if she speaks proper polite Japanese…
No. 162751
File: 1470212419721.jpg (465.72 KB, 790x443, kotadraw.jpg)

No. 162754
File: 1470212890412.jpg (899.55 KB, 1043x609, dakoka.jpg)

No. 162769
File: 1470217041775.jpg (149.26 KB, 500x708, emo_girl_by_betwinned.jpg)

>>162765>>162751Her art style just screams 2006 scene kid for some reason.
She could try and design shirts for Hot Topic, but that's pretty much it.
No. 162779
>>162772it is totally obvious that she is just drawing herself - however she wants to look.
no talent.
No. 162784
>>162781Drawing-Chan here
Trust me its shit
But ofc the japs on telly would be amazed gaijin princessu babi can draw animu
No. 162793
>>162765I didn't see the vid this cap is from but if you mean the hosts on the show compliment her doodles, they're probably being polite. Likely why that one time one when a tv host asked if she was wearing lenses (she denied) and he got up and looked her in the eyes for a minute, then silently sat back down again instead of calling her out; to be polite.
Also chuckled hard at her drawings, if you're only gonna half ass faces your whole life at least learn anatomy of the face. If anyone thinks her art is impressive or 'could sell at hot topic'(lmao sorry to indirectly call out other anon), I implore you to start drawing, you will easily get to her level.
I'm blown away she chose these drawings to be examples of her skillz for a tv show. You can do better than this Dakota, how many years have you been a renowned artisto for?
No. 162861
File: 1470254984963.jpg (193.38 KB, 500x700, 16-08-03-15-02-48-808_deco.jpg)

don't eat me. Haha
No. 162891
File: 1470259828546.jpeg (165.52 KB, 465x699, image.jpeg)

>>162886Here's another older pic of her without lenses. The blue in her hair and outfit bring out the blue in her eyes but you can see she doesn't naturally have the thick limbal ring all the lenses she's worn since have had.
No. 162927
>>162891this whole pic is badly photoshopped and the colors are probably heavily altered.
Dakota has pretty eyes. She just doesn't have a dark limbal ring and ginormous irises.
I'm pretty sure Kiki has been wearing subtle circle lenses while claiming not to, as well as altering her eyes to be a deep dark blue. But who knows.
No. 162966
File: 1470279094361.jpeg (45.72 KB, 396x704, image.jpeg)

>>162927I never said they weren't pretty, I just said they're not the color she edits them to be and claims they are.
No. 162984
>>162979He asked "is that your real eye colour" ad she said yes. That was not her real eye color. Therefore she lied.
He never asked "are your eyes really blue" which is what you're trying to imply he
really meant, which doesn't matter because that's just semantics. Besides, it's a well known fact that Dakota lies about wearing lenses and lashes already.
>getting so upset and defensive of Dakota over some old shit everyone knows about since ages>"she didn't lie (about her eye color)" I'll be so glad when summer is over.
No. 163004
File: 1470289353777.jpg (188.88 KB, 500x384, fb.jpg)

>>162984>getting so upset and defensive>my first post vs your 5th post on the subjectlmao. i didn't say anything about lenses or lashes. I said she doesn't lie about her eye color. you're literally the first person to say that. her eyes are gray-blue and the lenses are artificial blue, literally no one but you cares about that tiny useless detail, they're both blue, period. she doesn't choose lenses to change the color of her eyes, she chooses the ones that blend in the best with her natural eyes so she can pass them off as naturally BIG. that's the only purpose of her wearing circle lenses.
>Without those bright blue lenses her eyes are grayish blue and not very striking as far as blue eyes go.>There's a pic somewhere she uploaded forever ago to show off some pink/white mascara and eyeshadow she's hilarious how you referenced that one gif from "forever ago" where her eyes look the dullest they've ever looked in a photo. That's because when you make a gif in photoshop it makes the image grainy and less saturated. in a normal picture with her fancy lighting, they can look prettier than her lenses.
No. 163044
>>162984Not anon from earlier but if we're gonna nitpick what he said: seems rude to ask a guest on television, whose gimmick is beauty- if she's wearing lenses. Asking if that's her real eye color could have been a roundabout way of insinuating he thinks she's wearing contacts, especially since vast majority of lenses are colored. (they do make lenses that are only limbal rings with no color though they're less common)
But it's a nitpick lol Dakota adjusts features on her face depending on what beauty trends she's into at the moment. Can't blame anons for questioning authenticity of minor facial features.
No. 163069
>>163044i thought it was entirely staged, that it was in the script that yu shirota should ask her the exact question, as advised by dakota's agency.
the hosts even tried to pair yu and dakota together as a couple, but it didn't catch on. kek
No. 163869
>>162751kek it looks like she's drawing her shooped self.
That's kinda sad.
I think her art is fine and even kinda nice despite all the face/neck anatomy fails and shit but really she couldn't make "something out of it".
No. 163996
File: 1470637275704.jpg (127.94 KB, 1200x1200, CpUOvU4UMAA67j7.jpg)

Someone break her goddamn phone.
It's just catastrophe after catastrophe.
No. 164019
File: 1470649588508.jpg (101.54 KB, 1280x720, gallery_cbb_frenchy.jpg)

>>163996how awkward does it get when she meets people for the first time IRL and she's not E.T
No. 164588
File: 1470841578438.jpeg (149.28 KB, 750x1151, image.jpeg)

No. 164589
File: 1470842263661.jpg (166.77 KB, 1200x1200, Cpfl_SVUEAERZ4O.jpg)

>>164588Here's a higher res version
No. 164591
File: 1470842403584.jpg (180.91 KB, 1200x1200, CpfnZPVVIAAkF9_.jpg)

>>164590(Ugh fucking flood detection, come on.)
No. 164595
>>164593People have speculated that she's probably using PS for some things, especially since she has so much free time.
She could also stretch the picture which would make her look skinnier in general.
No. 164730
>>164590>>164591I wish she would just fucking use eye liner again. That dark ass limbal ring from circle lenses looks best when it isn't the darkest thing on your face. When the lash line is darkest/as dark as the limbal ring it makes her eyes look more balanced.
>>164602I agree, the part above her cupids bow is the darkest part of her lips which looks like she has shit or food smeared on her mouth, not Kylie Jenner lips. You'd think she'd edit that part as light as the rest of her lips but no she's proud of her ministache.
No. 164738
File: 1470878068643.gif (1.87 MB, 500x281, tumblr_nmv7unFer31snosjno1_500…)

>>164730it looks like she stuck her lips in a vacuum and then rubbed a chocolate bar all over them. its just looks painful. people need to explain to her show terrible it looks.
No. 164739
>>164591>>164590>>164589Oh my god, her lips look fucking disgusting.
Why does she overdraw them only at the Cupid's bow? It makes her mouth look like a filthy triangle. She needs to take some tips from western Instagram queens so it won't look so damn nasty. If she's so self-conscious of how thin her upper lip is, why doesn't she get fillers??? It's not like she has a busy modeling schedule.
No. 164772
>>164591Need candids from this event
Detective-lolcow, onegai!
No. 164787
>>164589Is she trying to warp herself into Taylor? Trying to be thin making herself tiny.
The fuck is with the SPLICE eyes though.
No. 164818
File: 1470903994382.jpg (110.29 KB, 1080x1045, Screenshot_20160811-092211_1.j…)

>>164810>>164589a snapchat filter (pic is Gigi Hadid)
No. 164840
File: 1470909641756.jpg (1.32 MB, 2300x2754, 20140212_110829.jpg)

I can't wait till she goes full Novi stars
No. 164857
File: 1470921893187.png (715.03 KB, 478x597, 6ea8e97a5b0f225e0a5f613a022856…)

oh kooters no matter how hard you try if you go to an event we will find candids
No. 164858
File: 1470922123587.png (466.96 KB, 548x594, nodiff.png)

>>164857like… idk I'm convinced she's shooping herself so that when people see her in person they think she looks cute but making her boobs bigger says otherwise and I just sigh a lil
No. 164860
>>164858Oh for fuck sake… she looks quite nice too. I wouldn't call her drop down beautiful kawaii elf goddessu white girl perfection. But she looks decent, nice and normal.
When will it end
No. 164865
>>164858Nah she shoops for her beauty goals as she always has. Look at the difference between the left and right photo.
Right face: She has a pretty face, albeit western face. It's longer than the left photo and has more prominent features.
Left face: Child facial proportions. Large foreheads look youthful apparently (look at anime, they all have huge foreheads. Having more forehead shrinks the other half of your face (eyes, nose, mouth) and she already has a big forehead so she doesn't shoop it. She's shaved her jaw into an extremely weak jaw (some people idolize this as feminine, also obv makes anyone more baby faced/makes their eyes look bigger in comparison). Hides all natural structure in face, 'flattens' face out by hiding shadows and highlights (and blurring). This marketed trend sucks for white people (this isn't just an asian influence, typical western ads flatten out all dimensions on womens faces with photoshop for much longer than japanese baby trends have been around over here) because it's another thing that no white people can achieve naturally without make up (we can't really get this look with makeup either you need photoshop), all of us have dimension in our faces. Ironically Asian faces typically have less dimension in their faces (less prominent noses, cheeks, chins, foreheads, etc) and a number of surgeries and make up trends aim to add dimension similar to western faces and what Kota is trying to remove from her own face.
The most upsetting this about this for me is thinking Kota really has bought into all the baby trend shit to a deep level, like she genuinely does not see herself as truly beautiful until she shrinks her jaw and enlarges/spreads apart her eyes. The whole rest of your life you're gonna have this face and it's only gonna age more, learn to like how you look or get surgery so you can have someone take a candid of you at an event and not have to shamefully untag yourself.
Honestly even if she does get surgery for her face she's still gonna have body issues and probably shift more attention/shooping to her body. Fix one thing, there'll always be a new problem to take the place of the last. She'll be mad she doesn't have Wang Jia Yun's body. She already shoops herself into a stick and lengthens legs a bit.
It looks like she intended more to cinch her waist in in the left photo which changes her boob to waist ratio making her boobs look bigger automatically.
No. 165022
>>164865I love how little she tries irl and makes up for it in shoops. If she's going to shoop her waist smaller why doesn't she just cinch it irl?
If she's gonna edit away 1/3 of her face why doesn't she wear big poofy or curly hairstyles or hairpeices and bangs that frame her face instead of the worst possible styling for a big face? It wouldn't look bad with her style either.
No. 165039
Can't believe she wore a black bra under those outfits.
No. 165135
File: 1471022328255.jpg (113.79 KB, 900x1200, CpiOD2pUkAE80Uq.jpg)

just saw this old pic. look how far you've come kootie
No. 165147
>>165142she was still doing 'youtube makeup' at that time
when you can control your lighting settings, this type of shit is perfect for photos/instagram
but god forbid you get caught in a dim room by a camera with its flash on, which it looks like is exactly what happened. she probably picked a 'luminous' eye concealer that had reflective particles in it
No. 165153
File: 1471029108031.jpg (39.75 KB, 540x779, angelina-jolie-powder-w540.jpg)

>>165142It probably didn't look like that in real life. The product she used under her eyes might just reflect flash. Hopefully that shit wasn't intentional.
No. 165300
File: 1471074725330.jpg (48.31 KB, 408x600, fb.jpg)

>>164865i wonder how deep her BDD runs.
like, growing up with an ultra flashy appareance-obsessed sister like Kiki (pic related). the probable trauma of the tumblr days trying to prove she was not as pretty as her photos. even before she was a model Charms said during their hangout she would touch up her makeup every 5 minutes. and now as a model having to live up to the impossible expectations she made for herself. it's obvious she wouldn't come of all of that without severe self-image issues.
No. 165304
File: 1471075924908.jpg (61.14 KB, 600x600, 492b64c7.jpg)

One more from the Samantha Thavasa event snagged from her lineblog. That fucking wink is so unnerving man.
No. 166277
File: 1471382883391.jpg (140 KB, 1200x1200, Cp95VzkUIAAfKhP.jpg)

No. 166563
>>166338it's a pretty standard western trend. sporty, baseball caps, matte overdrawn lips, etc. although i can see how taylor would have a sporty style since she works out a lot whereas dakota……… anyway taylor was just the first to grow up and embrace western trends albeit still with a kawaii vibe. early bloomer tbh so many weebs have grown up and are doing the same. although i wouldn't be surprised if taylor sort of paved the way. i mean at this point being a weeb a-la abipop is embarrassing as fuck lol.
tbh dakota started wearing more western shit very close to the time taylor did. i wouldn't be surprised if the tables have turned and now dakota is copying tay because her being a previous kota clone makes her feel connected(not in a deep way just in a relevant "always on my mind" way) to her in some way and she wants to keep being above her which she still is. cos dakota is waaay more popular than taylor is. but she dropped the ball so fucking hard despite EVERY big opportunity she was handed. i mean she's way above taylor in terms of popularity but her star is dying while taylor's is growing, so eventually they're gonna meet in the middle and go on from there. unless dakota steps her game up. which might be why she's shooping to such absurd lengths out of desperate insecurity. this is just me talking out of my ass tho of course it's just me guessing.
No. 166619
File: 1471522948843.jpg (154.43 KB, 1200x1200, CqI4TwKVMAEzsir.jpg)

this has gotten so goddamn ridiculous lol
No. 166625
File: 1471527332765.png (3.7 MB, 2208x1242, image.png)

Totally forgot to take screenshots, but they basically just talked about the exact same things that were on other tv shows and when she first appeared on tv. There's no variety with her, it's always "I got popular from my pictures and people didn't think I was human so I had to make videos as proof bla has bla" also that she learned Japanese fluently by just listening.
Kind of a new thing she said at the end- she said she doesn't really see herself doing model or talent work, but wants to create things (because she likes drawing etc.) I find it hilarious they never mentioned her brand. It wasn't even on the list of her achievements they showed. Just goes to show what a failure that was.
Also there were quiet a few comments about her yellow teeth. Lots of comments saying "you should whiten your teeth" "the guy beside her has better teeth" (although his are super crooked)
No. 166640
>>166277>>166619I'm just glad she brought back a little eyeliner. Even with baby proportions, not to hate on natural blondes, but they tend to look better with mascara/eyeliner because they can look a sorta like two iris floating on a white face without a defined/darkened eye shape (example
Interesting to see her try to make hairstyles for her middle parting. Middle parting is meant for rounder faces to help give an illusion of a longer face (that's why long faces are recommended not to middle part) but unfortunately for some reason Koots doesn't seem to experience the slimming effect, I feel like she looks even more wide-faced with it. Maybe if she curled the ends inward like she used to do it'd help the illusion?
>>166625Has Koots never learned her lesson to not look the camera head on? Take Ariana Grandes advice, you're always gonna look more like a baby from 3/4ths view.
>>166636I'm sad because your deshoop is still really cute.
>>166633That would be a dream come true if she went back to YT. I think Koots would think it too much a failure like backtracking to go back to YT, like she graduated from it and is now above it all. It would be funny to see her vlog, then we'd really get a chance to see how much she is influenced by Taylor, if at all.
No. 166641
>>166633Literally all they talked about was how she got famous, why she came to Japan, and how fluent her nipponese. Oh and also telling her that she looks like a doll/Barbie all the regular crap. Literally the exact same things she's talked about on every other show. I have no idea why she was on this episode, half of it was about the olympics and she said she has no interest in the olympics and also doesn't watch tv. Like etf Dakota at least prepare yourself to go on a NEWS show.
I laughed at the comments that said that they pamper her too much and wish they would stop.
No. 166663
File: 1471539604031.jpeg (200.58 KB, 1777x901, image.jpeg)

For good measure.
No. 166668
>>166663I give up
I don't even have anything to say anymore
At this point I just laugh
No. 166709
File: 1471560664690.png (356.24 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20160818-235032.png)

>>166708Sorry I forgot to include a screenshot
No. 166796
kota is getting too old for this dolly idol bullshit. She's a pretty woman, but she has a very mature face and is outgrowing this kawaii style
No. 166849
File: 1471608549485.jpg (148.75 KB, 1200x1200, CqNta04UEAA3bHT.jpg)

I guess she showers with lenses and makeup on. Gotta admire that dedication.
No. 166850
>>166847It was in the live comment section, not the actual program.
It was a mobile tv program
No. 166855
>>166849This picture is staged. She didn't take a shower she just made a few strands wet and put on a towel.
What's up with those caterpillar brows lately? Her natural brows are nice why would she fuck them up like this?
No. 166856
File: 1471614929296.jpeg (84.1 KB, 750x730, image.jpeg)

>>166849lmao, full on with foundation, lipstick, blush, color contacts and eyebrows. I see some nose highlight as well.
No. 166869
>>166849>>166855>>166856>>166868Her eyebrows are to extreme for her over shooped face though. Cara delevingne's eyebrows look small in comparison, kaka what are you doing?
The full makeup/ full shop shower pics really show how insecure she is about her appearance. I can't imagine how extreme her body dysmorphia must be if she thinks her extreme shops are her ideal. What a mess.
No. 166887
>>166874>>166870Looking at the hashtag it's probably one of those things where pepole are paid a few dollars based on the amount of likes and comments.
Anyone can make money doing these instagram posts for brands. You don't need to be a model, but you have to buy and show the product. A lot of model wannabes do this though.
No. 166975
File: 1471658080562.png (5.03 MB, 2208x1242, image.png)

No. 167000
File: 1471665175923.jpg (183.78 KB, 500x744, enhanced-buzz-15706-1332873967…)

>>166975what the fuck is with that horrible hairstyle and awful matronly outfit? she looks bigger than the men.
The way she slicked down the front or her hair makes it look so thin and greasy. What even happened to her style?
No. 167002
>>166975Her feet can barley fit in her shoes and her legs look like corpse legs with that contrast of complexion.
The only real outfit coordination that's nice is just the white shoes with her white shirt but the skirt looks off with it. I don't think I would wear a black and grey cat pattern skirt with a frilly white top and bold/clunky white winged shoes.
I'm surprised she isn't wearing any jewelry (other than the ring) like something from her old line though.
Also that smile reminds me of Suzy's smile with that scrunched up hammy face lol.
No. 167075
File: 1471692466927.png (274.85 KB, 724x387, abemaprime.png)

More pictures from the Abema Prime thing
No. 167076
File: 1471692506507.png (1.35 MB, 1432x709, abemaprime1.png)

No. 167078
File: 1471692676441.png (1.03 MB, 1433x700, abemaprime2.png)

This flood control thing is really annoying.
No. 167080
File: 1471693282489.png (956.24 KB, 1436x770, abemaprime3.png)

No. 167084
File: 1471694257883.png (1.26 MB, 1263x712, abemaprime4.png)

No. 167085
File: 1471694859671.png (1.37 MB, 1262x710, abemaprime5.png)

No. 167254
>>165300This is exactly why I 110% know Dakota will break at some point in the future. Her life is and always has been about looks. When she ages, when she loses fans/modeling gigs, what's she gonna do? Fucking burst from her hermit cocoon as the beautiful fertile cow she was destined to become, spraying enough thick delicious milk to supply a continent.
On a serious note I think her future on the path she's on now will be dark. She's still above water, but give her enough time and she won't be able to stay afloat. But sad milk is still milk and drink we shall.
No. 167270
File: 1471753223082.jpg (147.55 KB, 720x960, o0720096013463801107.jpg)

i have not seen this before
No. 167271
File: 1471753255840.jpg (113.95 KB, 800x800, o0800080013465841955.jpg)

this too
No. 167280
rarely say this about Dakota, but she looks really good in these photos. They aren't unflattering screenshots of shopped to I recognizable alien baby fetus proportions.
No. 167317
>>167270>>167271she looks so much better with bangs and more natural makeup.
>>167076her eyebrows look fucking stupid and her hair is so gross here, what was she thinking.
No. 167348
File: 1471784272919.jpg (152.92 KB, 1078x1488, Screenshot_20160821-135508_1.j…)

I get that the usually blurry hairline is because of the face tracking on her camera/beauty app, but that doesn't explain her scalp on the latest instagram post…
No. 167368
>>167254Hear, hear.
I will be there to toast the cows glorious return to the top with a tankard of the finest milk known to farmers everywhere.
No. 167439
File: 1471810258225.jpg (123.03 KB, 1200x900, CqYhgMFVIAA-5Z7.jpg)

>>167348Here's the higher res version
Her parting looks so goddamn weird
No. 167448
>>167439omg that blur at her hair line
im dead
No. 167456
File: 1471815095683.jpg (17.14 KB, 300x250, c6c6f06458e06ea92df1d4d403bd8a…)

>>167271>>167084gotta cover than Robbie Rotten chin
No. 167603
>>166663man. she's not pretty at all. i mostly mean this because she used to look incredible in those tumblr photos years ago. the fact that she looks like
this and has the nerve to still say "people didn't think I was human, so i was forced to make videos to prove it", while looking so fucking ordinary. does it come to a point with these people where they believe their own lies, or is she actually aware that everything about her life is a facade?
No. 167705
>>167603I used to envy her so much 2012 era but now I think all of us who idolized her and were jealous of her free trip to Japan at 16 for taking pretty selfies are very glad we are not her. What else would you do if you were in her situation? She wants to keep the fame she built as a teen cause it's what she worked for her whole life. I feel bad for her knowing this won't end well but also like excited and counting down the days. I was disappointed that she did her best damage control regarding the theatrics of her baby fang failure.
If she had just never gone on tv she could've been such a popular youtuber or livestreamer even with the obvious after effects and photoshop because we wouldn't have so much proof and material of her real face to use against her. In 2012 era I knew she photoshopped but thought it was minor touch ups and makeup, had no idea how extreme it was because we just didn't have much material of her real face to work with.
>>167700Did she ever have a personality? Constructive criticism is a step up from the typical comments about looking like a weird alien. Sounds like she'd just block you again though. I think it would be funnier if we raided her comments supporting her worst shoops like "your lips are goals what lip product do you use?" or something she could actually respond to. Maybe we can coax her into making more extreme shoops huhu
No. 167709
>>167700Rima, fuck off already. no1curr
btw your instagram is cringe central, no wonder she blocked you
No. 167759
File: 1471919719214.jpg (25.93 KB, 300x250, IMG_0741.JPG)

My favorite Kota was when she was still in her kawaii phase despite popular opinion, but now I don't know what the fuck is going on with her edits.
No. 167887
File: 1471970188547.jpg (526.52 KB, 599x579, risel.jpg)

No. 168160
>>168148>Never interact with them directly.uh, if that's what they wanted maybe they shouldn't create a social media presence where any random person can comment..?
and yeah no shit people don't like comments like that on insta, they're raging narcissists looking for 100% validation all the time.
No. 168187
File: 1472077949306.png (1.22 MB, 750x1334, image.png)

>>168160You are the biggest raging narcissist of them all you fat fucking cow
No. 168239
>>168160…You totally missed the point.
They dont give a fuck if you believe they should leave all kind of comments, if it's narcissistic or not, they just do it, that's all you should know. all these years deleting such comments must be like a sport to them. Find a differnt way to express yoirself if you don't want them to delete your comments or block your account, they'll do it no matter what you think.
No. 168244
>>168218still have no idea who you're talking about and this thread isn't interesting enough to go back and check.
hopefully nobody bumps this garbage fire of a thread unless koter does anything of note… which she won't.
No. 168313
>>168309>>168309What a bore.
I have downloaded this in case she deletes.
No. 168314
>>168309>>168310But isn't it what you guys wanted for ages? I mean people on PULL used to complain how the always edited, never left the house and so on. Its a good thing and I think she looks totally fine to be honest. Not keen on her hair mind… but she doesnt look bad. At least she looks a bit more comfortable?
I think in a sense Kota is trying to compete with Tay now. Literally.
Also what if she starts getting into the habit of doing more natural videos like this? Maybe we will see a bit more personality from her finally since the scene days. Only except she's mature (so we hope).
God help she ever gets together with the Jvloggers and Venus tho
No. 168334
>>168309Her Japanese is actually really good. Colloquially speaking, I do think she's at an advanced level.
But if she is trying to get into v-logging, I don't think it'll go very well if she's only going to speak Japanese and not put any English subs.
No. 168339
>>168337Japanese audio with English subs would be great; best of both worlds. I don't care how Tay-like the video was, Tay already copied Kota so eh, full circle.
You can still tell how insecure she is about her face though, hiding behind her arm/hand, and covering half of it under her hair when she was lying down.
No. 168346
>>168314This seems more like a video Bravo heavily encouraged her to do rather than something she wanted to do.
The first bit is clearly filmed and edited by her, while the bits outside were filmed by someone else and there is little to no angles/ editing going on with her face. She looks like her normal self which is great, but I can't ever see her doing regular vlogs like this.
No. 168351
>>168310My reaction exactly, I can't even watch this After Effects mess!
PokemonGo isn't even a thing anymore, that's how late this video is.
>>168333Unlike Taylor, Koots can hold conversations and tries to integrate with Japanese society. Sadly poor Kota, she needs to spend 2 weeks warping shots that had her face and body. The video is also stretched taller in some places.
We probably would get one video like this per month at best. Because to do it and be competitive she first has to get invited to events and be timely with the upload.
No. 168364
>>168352what's a turn off is that she clearly only did it to compete with taylor. it seems bitter and disingenuous, because it's clearly something she doesn't like doing. so she's just being a fake once again while also being incredibly jealous. it's like, does this girl have no ambitions of her own? does she ever work hard to do anything? her laziness is extremely off putting. what is there to admire about her at all? her hair? her makeup? her outfits? her art? her photoshopping style? her blogging content? her personality? there's nothing at all.
>>168352>its no lie that Venus will soon be tagging with people like Tay, Sharla, Rachel and other bigger vloggers. They all use each other but the two "living dolls" in the same country, same city, competiting to maintain their kawaii ass crowns would be fun to see it play out.i disagree about venus. she doesn't seem interested at all in merging with any other youtube star or collabing. she's just too antisocial. she has no friends at all as it is. and venus isn't even known in japan sometimes i forget she actually lives there.
No. 168376
>>168309oh that wiggly, wiggly lip.
I agree that it seems like her agency may have pushed her to make this video, or least use the event footage.
Pokemon go is still relevant but the video is a bit too late to be particulalry topical
No. 168388
>>168344She has half a million subs on YouTube, if she sticks with it she could make quite a bit of extra money. That's also a good back up if she doesn't get enough gigs anymore.
(Unlike Kaka, who has about 60k. Too bad, hm?)
No. 168456
>>168435I don't see how Kota's content will be particularly interesting. In this video she woke up, talked about ?, showed us her phone, shot of her in the car, and then walked around the store no comment. It's literally no different than the jvlogger crew. No thanks. She barely works and stays at home all day playing video games so what could she vlog about? And if it's for promotion, by the time she's finished editing and posting a video in two weeks time the event will cease to be relevant.
I know she's basically a flop and is trying to do other things to save her career but vlogging ain't it. She should focus on art, if anything.
No. 168460
File: 1472167317058.png (1.09 MB, 1080x1080, Screenshot_2016-08-25-20-50-40…)

No. 168477
>>168465I wonder who her tripodsan is, someone was using her camera at the event for her.
>>168368chin shifting 2:07
waist shifting 2:14
No. 168479
>>168477Probably Taiko Katano her visa or some 'friend'
Doubt it's Yula since she's pretty busy nowadays with her new book. Funny… Kota and Yula were friends… you'd have thought Dakota would've bought her book and promo'd it!
No. 168485
>>168456Most of the other jvloggers get more popular everyday just doing regular stuff, why wouldn't Dakota?
All you need to do to be popular as a jvlogger is be at least average looking and vlog often about Japan-y shit.
No. 168486
File: 1472170492072.jpg (102.08 KB, 701x411, wonky.jpg)

>>168309This is really noticable on the thumbnails because of all the distortion to make her eyes bigger but her body and shoulders tiny.
No. 168491
File: 1472170963537.jpg (405.06 KB, 2400x2400, image.jpg)

>>168309She's edited all the footage guys. My favourite part is at 2:14 where she's given herself a waistline. But she moves away from the window and the cut out waistline is "filled in" by her actual shape lol.
inb4 "it's because she bends her arm back in" - check out the spots on her dress and you'll see she's literally cut out the shape of the body she wants. Sad.
No. 168499
>>168491Not just the spots, but the whole waistline changes and the thickness of the ribbon down the middle of her dress re-stretches.
In some shots her tummy goes out as far as her boobs. She doesn't have a waistline and the dress is too small for her.
For reference of how she keeps cutting out a waist then adding boobs
>>164858 No. 168502
>>168500which is why i said
>if she actually had the mental capacity to have a single aspiration in life.there's a lot she could do. it's not like she's homeless. she just doesn't want to. why support/care about someone who can't bother in any aspect of their life?
No. 168512
>>168502Wasn't her aspiration to become a model in Japan? Seems like that one happened. And she tried to have her own accessory brand, even though it didn't work out.
She isn't the most proactive person in the world, but I don't think you're giving her enough credit for the things she's already done.
No. 168514
>>168309wow what made her suddenly do a fairly involved video
( i say fairly involved because its more her usual sit in front of the camera in her bedroom)
No. 168515
And she already tried sponsored videos but did such a lazy, weird job of it. Her efforts are focused on staying still for easier AE edits.
No. 168517
>>168507>>168515it's not impossible to improve and put effort. people have overcome worse odds. she has a fanbase and they'd buy her shitty art like they do for so many tumblrinas. if dakota even came across as a compassionate person in touch with her fans they'd do a lot for her and support her, too. but she likes feeling superior and never associating with them. so she's a massive cunt. she's doing everything wrong.
>>168512she didn't work towards being a model lmao. she posted videos of herself brushing her hair, got scouted, did shitty modeling work her agency sent her to while feeding off her viral youtuber status and then fell out of favor. what has she done? learn fluent japanese like a good gaijin? the only reason she got famous is because she was the first one to do the living doll thing. ever since weebs and living dolls began copying her she lost her special points and is like any other kawaii white girl living in japan. we always said she wasn't particularly stunning. she was just special at the time and had an interesting scandal with the whole copyright photoshopping thing. now she doesn't have anything.
No. 168525
File: 1472174936567.jpg (51.26 KB, 303x320, ugly-Bündchen-2.jpg)

>>168517>she didn't work towards being a model>did shitty modeling work her agency sent her toTh…that's what you do when you work at being a model…and you act like every model can get huge one day just because she does some shittier work earlier in her career. 99% of models don't become well known and aren't able to move past a certain point. That's not really their fault, that depends on what agencies want out of a model and what the public wants to see. Like, Giselle Bundchen has a tiny-eyed, big nosed, man face yet she's the highest paid model in the world. Right place, right time.
Yeah I agree she's not anything special. But she has done things, that's a fact. She's done way more modelling in Japan than the "actual model" Taylor. And again you downplay the fluent Japanese thing. People harp on Taylor 24/7 for not knowing Japanese and not modelling enough, but Dakota is doing the things people keep saying Taylor should do but they're still not happy. God damn, get your head out of your own ass.
No. 168528
>>167705>I used to envy her so much 2012 era but now I think all of us who idolized her and were jealous of her free trip to Japan at 16 for taking pretty selfies are very glad we are not her.This a thousand tiomes i was deadly jealous,then saw her real face,then after a while her style of shooping/clothing changed,aaand she slowly stopped being interesting to me. And now her future just looks dark and i am indeed very glad i'm not her.
OT for blogging but i am way less self conscious,solved my own BDD problem and got my shit together so it also helps, meanwhile she seems to struggle with a horrible BDD i wouldn't wish on my worst ennemy and similar problems
No. 168553
>>168540Are those recent scars? It looks like it could be cigars like
>>168464 said.
No. 168554
>>168525modelling is a tediously subtle craft that only looks like it's based on chance to someone who knows 0 about the industry. fashion designers will want nothing to do with someone like that. no model starts off knowing that. they learn as they go, they take cues, they adapt, they find their angles, they IMPROVE and find themselves getting more work. a model who never improves is a model no one will want to work for. obviously they start off scouted in malls at age 15 but you're not supposed to stay at that level forever.
>Giselle Bundchen has a tiny-eyed, big nosed, man face yet she's the highest paid model in the world. Right place, right time.dude you just don't understand the modeling world at all. giselle is a fantastic model who knows how to move her body in front of the camera and embody the essence of the brand she's working for. compare the print work of magdalena frackowiak to bella hadid and see the difference. in fashion it's never about how conventionally attractive you are nor is it about chance, it's all about molding yourself to fit every client's needs and that's a timeless talent which is why naomi campbell still gets jobs despite being old and haggard.
a model who can cater to every brand is a sensational model. a model who can only pull off one brand is not. dakota has never been able to pull off a single one. not only because she's a shit model but because news flash her measurements aren't right lol are we acting like she's isn't just false advertisement anyway and that her photoshopped face isn't what played the biggest part in no one wanting to work with her ever again? designers also lose their shit at models whose weight fluctuates and basically who look different than the person they hired. dakota never has. so no, she has no talent and she hasn't achieved anything. if she were to have kept ANY of her connections while working then that means she did something right. but she's been nothing but a disposable model who was hired for her e-fame and then dropped once that faded.
>She's done way more modelling in Japan than the "actual model" Taylor. People harp on Taylor 24/7 for not knowing Japanese and not modelling enough, but Dakota is doing the things people keep saying Taylor should do but they're still not happyoh boy lol should've known you were one of those. get your head out of kota's ass buddy. you care more about her career than she does.
No. 168559
>>168554You said everything I wanted to say.
Also I'll add that Bravo has been throwing Dakota at clients since the beginning. For a while they even had her as a direct booking so potential clients had to book her sight unseen. She has been spoonfed every advantage in her career and yet hasn't managed to grow.And even now Bravo is paying in an effort to get her to blow up again. All of those "Real Barbie" articles and retweets that recently reappeared aren't random. Someone at Bravo has a personal interest in Dakota.
No. 168566
>>168554I obviously didn't say Dakota had talent, I just said she's like the majority of other models. They stay in one place and then their career is over.
>but she's been nothing but a disposable modelYeah, like most models. All I'm saying is, at least Dakota did that much. You're acting like she could be something big if she tried, but even you admitted that not everyone has the talent for that.
>you care more about her career than she does.Clearly, so do you.
No. 168582
>>168566>at least Dakota did that muchaka nothing. being a disposable model is no accomplishment. it means you took a taxi to the places your agency sent you to and failed to appeal to any designer. it may be common among models but that doesn't change the fact they're failures who weren't cut out for modelling. just because dakota got handed job opportunities doesn't mean she worked hard for them. the essence of a successful model is the fact they're able to evolve and impress brands
on their own.
no dakota definitely could be something big if she tried. the thing is that she never tried at all. maybe if we saw her have drive and dedication in other aspects of her life like blogging and hair tutorials then i would believe that she tried her best at modelling and failed. i would've given her credit for that. fact is she didn't.
No. 168604
File: 1472195224443.png (806.31 KB, 1377x488, lol.PNG)

Does anyone speak Japanese and know whether she mentions what happened to her phone?
I was like wow how did she afford the samsung galaxy and the next time she shows it off it's cracked lmao
No. 168730
File: 1472248780683.png (456.05 KB, 466x581, Screen Shot 2016-08-26 at 22.5…)

>>168724No I think Dakota always wanted to. I remember some shitty old profile said how she'd wanted to be one since she was little. Also her old ass tumblr, she used to constantly blog models and I even remember her doing this picture trying to palm it off as "runway" make up.
No. 168817
>>168732Same here anon. I think
>>168730 is really cute, and would love to see Kota wear this with her new style.
No. 168863
>>168730uhh no?? i followed her tumblr since the day she made it, and she never once posted or reblogged, or even talked about any person that wasn't her. and she never said that gif was "runway model makeup" how can you lie about this when her tumblr with that gif still exists? lmao the only comment along with it was that her eyebrows were still pink days later.
as for the aspiration, she did want to be a model but not Japan specifically. anon is right that she probably chose it because her aesthetic was heading there, before that she tried and failed to be a model in the states.
No. 168996
>>168803No, that's just how her hair naturally is. Hair grows you know, you don't just keep the same old hair you had when you were a kid…
She has had hair extensions though, which will thin out your hair over time.
No. 169003
>>167254she could probably still be a tv personality. whether anyone here agrees or not she has some kind of a sense of humor. she'll just be an aged model (which is a common character trope)
>>167270she looks adorable here
No. 169282
File: 1472414808050.jpg (165.93 KB, 1200x1200, Cq3LCgBUsAARkcr.jpg)

No. 169284
File: 1472415077577.jpg (274.6 KB, 1200x1200, CqwpwQNWAAAnK3Y.jpg)

No. 169298
>>169282dude how does she leave so little trace of shoop
fucking wizard
No. 169303
>>169298I'm assuming it's a warp tool, they're great for scooting things around an image with little to no blur.
Also, Kaka has been shooping herself for how many years now? If she had a better understanding of proportions, she could probably make some good money as an image retoucher. Instead I just imagine her feverishly shooping away her own images for hours on end.
No. 169411
File: 1472445777522.png (483.45 KB, 401x411, welp.png)

so much for a comeback lmao
No. 169415
File: 1472446014308.png (1.03 MB, 718x374, 1.png)

No. 169420
>>169282She's getting lazy, everything under her mouth is really, really blurry. More so than usual.
Glad to see her huge as fuck are making a mega comeback.
No. 169422
>>169284I know its petty, but I'm going to make fun of her for re-wearing an outfit.
Way to re-wear an entire outfit Kota. Lazy, you're suppose to be a model!
No. 169425
File: 1472446580349.jpg (414.72 KB, 600x900, A92Z9513590.jpg)

the anime shit was cute. i mean we've always known she shooped but at least she shooped as something aesthetically pleasing and anime related. now she's just a poorly shooped western girl with 0 sense of style who randomly speaks japanese. ? where is the market in that. she's such an idiot.
No. 169427
File: 1472446795499.jpg (245.64 KB, 800x1142, 077.jpg)

her prime tbh
No. 169455
>>169422I'm pretty sure that is a throwback pic from the same day as the one with the old guy
>>169425Jesus fuck this outfit was hideous
No. 169467
File: 1472463926855.png (194.32 KB, 407x374, 1466351187819.png)

>>169423irl her face is too wide for concealed lips. Yeah, with after effects it appears fine, without editing it appears a bit strange. I think she started making her lips bigger to maker her face appear smaller.
No. 169502
>>169427I don't think she really liked this era it was all for pop teen tbh
now nicole fujishi (is that her name?) has taken her spot.
No. 169507
>>169427that and
>>167000 were the best kota eras
No. 169544
>>169427She looked great and cute but not 2012 tumblr era or Scene era Kiki … Aka the shit that went totally viral.
Every year or so she jumps to a totally new style to try and see what is going to make her go big again. Thin concealed lips Kota, anime shortened-lolita dresses Kota, now she's trying to look like a high-end russian alien prostitute because why not …
It's not like her first crazy editing and lies caused her any problems, it started her modeling gigs. She definitely won't go back to a style that didn't go viral and certainly not without the help of some crazy shooping.
No. 169555
File: 1472495940512.jpeg (55.56 KB, 750x858, image.jpeg)

>>169284This needs to be posted on /x/
No. 169602
>>169564it must be incredibly frustrating for kota to see someone who obviously envied her try and who once tried to hopelessly copy her now stop, do her own thing, and slowly become more more relevant, likeable and tbh prettier that dakota– at least to kota. taylor is much thinner and taller than kota so we know she's already envious of that. she also has long hair. i mean who would be envious of dakota's holiday ham face and cankles? taylor might not be blowing up to viral status but at least she has a very stable fanbase and is steadily growing in popularity. she's also very dedicated to her craft and is an overall genuine vlogger who actually
talks to her fanbase, something kota never gave enough of a shit to do. total downfall. kota did EVERYTHING wrong. if anything she serves as an example of what not to do.
No. 169603
>>169602Very true anon.
Now that Tay's chummed up with Sharla and now Venus she's defo gonna get more fame.
No. 169652
>>169284why is this pic so creepily full of symbolism?
the twiggy
the big posted called faces
the bg posted called 'funny face'
the matilda pic
the cross and roses
No. 169662
>>169298The hair gives it away for most of these dolly chicks, even the better shoopers like kooter. The hair around their face/shoulders is always mysteriously curving inward or weirdly kinked, or defies gravity. Like the hair on her arm here
>>169282 is not laying naturally, it looks like the ends are stuck to her arm.
No. 169876
File: 1472579793834.png (790.26 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-08-30-13-52-35…)

>>169686>>169708Funny you say that. This spunds something Kiki would say.
No. 169877
File: 1472580233243.jpg (181.18 KB, 1200x1200, CrHFpm0VIAImnF7.jpg)

>>169876Im surprised she replied to something like that.
I don;t think she's had plastic surgery, she still looks the same in her candids. Its just her overuse of PS
No. 169905
File: 1472586336339.jpg (57.18 KB, 688x500, fb.jpg)

>>169876>we live in a wonderful world with makeupyou can live without makeup koot, photoshop is what changed your life -insert crylaugh emojis-
No. 169917
>>169876>if i did any plastic surgery i would lose my job in an instantExcept shes already lost her contracts with every single brand she's ever been set up with and she no longer gets work because of her heavy photoshopping and fake measurements. I mean. Implying she even gets work anymore LMAO.
And why does she act so obtuse no one thinks she's had plastic surgery like… no one. I promise. We all know you shoop, Kota. It's been four years. Everyone knows she photoshops. How is she not embarrassed to write that lmao. How pathetic.
No. 169961
>>169415holy fuck
please someone show her this, she has to be stopped
No. 169971
File: 1472604242136.jpeg (64.61 KB, 750x686, image.jpeg)

She only has 64k followers, and this video clip got 500,000+ views? That's hella weird, but I suspect it was linked on a board or something (maybe people were laughing at her real face).
No. 170330
>>169876What a bitchy response, good ol' Kooter still hasn't changed a bit I see. This is why she shouldn't go back to using English honestly, nobody else is gonna kiss her ass and swallow her bullshit whole like the Japanese will, so if this is how she handles comments about her that have been around since she went to Japan, she really shouldn't try to go back to using English and just keep ignoring anyone and anything that isn't grorious nipponese. She's not cute/popular enough anymore to go back to publicly being a salty bitch. It was "cute" when she was still getting deals with Popteen and Etude House an Candydoll, her little rude American tomboy brat persona, but if she starts acting like Kiki she's gonna lose a lot more than just some jobs. She should know better than that, as lo as she's been there and as well as she speaks Japanese, they don't like that bitchy, snide narcissistic shit. That's why Kiki never got anywhere in Japan, even though she was skinny, pretty, and willing to fuck whoever for whatever she wants.
No. 170695
File: 1472782507436.jpg (50.29 KB, 560x539, gab.JPG)

idk if this girl tries to look like dakota on purpose but dakota this could be you if you did ya lips right
No. 170696
File: 1472782562784.jpg (24.66 KB, 342x389, uhsor86hjcw8.JPG)

>>170695or this
she's basically dakota with wider set eyes
No. 170762
File: 1472820921075.jpg (196.99 KB, 1200x1200, CrVSWMLUMAAp0mC.jpg)

No. 170799
>>170695make herself look like dakota how??
have you people seriously never seen cute white girls with bangs?
No. 170812
File: 1472840641115.jpg (55.42 KB, 634x726, FromPULL~~WhoDatPokemon_EshKot…)

>>170762A liquid eyeliner instagram spam? Shit kooter, you need to get sponsored by Adobe and promote their Photoshop liquify tool, youre gonna be swimming in golden butt nuggets
Meanwhile back at the pulltards a shitty Dakotamon gets posted kek
No. 170852
>>170762goddamn her top lip looked fucked up
Bad shoop kooter
No. 170904
>>170762At least blend in your actual lip color with your ugly lipliner in photoshop, Kooter.
For how much she photoshops, she still does such a shitty job
No. 170907
>>170762LMFAO, the way she blurs the top lip to make the actual cupids bow blend into her horrid chola make up is so blatantly obvious and pathetic.
Not fooling anyone, Dakota, knock it off already.
No. 171083
File: 1472948276457.jpg (91.45 KB, 450x745, taobaotankerbell.jpg)

>>170907Either Kooty has a missing philtrum or she shoops the shit out to blend with her face. If she's got a missing philtrum then this is a sign that she used to be a baby born with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (way to go Momma Cathy). If she's got that philtrum IRL then she really needs to cut down on the shooping or totally go cold turkey
No. 171103
File: 1472953590333.jpg (146.09 KB, 460x394, what fas looks like.jpg)

>>171083She's got a shit eating smirk in every photo, on many white girls their upper lip tends to smooth out when they smile. It's not indicative of FAS. FAS has very distinguishable symptoms that are diagnosed at infancy, not every white girl with a flat face has FAS and I wish this meme would die.
No. 171207
>>167151I don't think they can really see the contrast. Aren't Japanese kinda blind towards foreign faces?
If you showed them Kota and this girl
>>170695, they wouldn't know who's who. Kota's shoop-face and real face probably look the same to them.
No. 171212
File: 1473002705234.gif (70.25 KB, 200x161, E-T-Face-85889.gif)

>>171207>Kota's shoop-face and real face probably look the same to them.sure
No. 171368
File: 1473063401378.png (452.93 KB, 484x603, Screen Shot 2016-09-05 at 8.15…)

>>171159I saw
>>170695 and thought she was pretty, but in pic related she looks disgusting. Christ.
No. 171381
File: 1473070782921.jpg (117.54 KB, 440x675, tumblr_m07v33D7fM1qzy8r9.jpg)

>>171316I'm pretty sure the ring in this picture is the same as the one from her tumblr era too.
>>169282Its kind of weird she's suddenly posing with all these old clothing accessories lately. Its all been in the last few weeks too. Maybe she knows these sort of cute-edgy-statement pieces is what helped her get popular, and is hoping for history to repeat. But none of this really fits her boring style at the moment.
No. 171543
>>171368The level of instagram filter & tweaking is close to the level of Dakota's shooping. Just check her entire instagram ( and you'll find another privelleged attention-seeking girl. I'm tired of these girls trying to ride on the faded living-dolly fame donkey, especially coat-tailing the kawaii erufu godessu (Dakota); inserting this girl in this thread has the odor of self-posting. This isn't /cgl/ 2012 all over again, y'all need to stop this shit.
No. 171552
>>171543Dakota didn't get famous for looking like a doll or being pretty though, she got famous because she was good at editing and makeup and nobody could figure out for the longest time how she did it. Now that more people are using photoshop, lenses and editing apps to take even basic selfies for IG, she's nothing special. In 2012, After Effects was still widely unknown by anyone who wasn't into photography or professional video editing seriously. Dakota used professional tier software and setups to make herself into what she wanted to look like, which was impressive for someone who "quit school at 8" and never finished high school, but that's all she had going for her. Models don't need to know how to edit, and she doesn't have enough angles to work or a versatile enough look to be a serious model, not to mention she's too lazy to even take care of her figure of whiten her pumpkin teeth. She only became a model because someone in Bravo had, and for whatever reason
still has a massive, throbbing gaijin pussy hunter boner for her and her ~all natural forever 16~ act.
No. 171554
>>171543Dakota didnt invent this shit.its the same shit as every current photo trend. Just remember the scene girl trends. Same shit, new look. Dakota isnt the queen of this look.
And theres nothing living doll about her.
No. 171569
>>171381Good catch anon, she definitely hasn't been making bank for a long time. These little $5 instagram posts won't cut it for her.
>>171554I'd agree, but she self posted in this thread so it's clear she's following Koots.
No. 171588
>>171586No she didnt. Most ppl dont know who the fuck Dakota is.
Shes not this super popular it girl you try to make her out to be.
No. 172454
File: 1473394082542.jpg (140.58 KB, 1080x1080, 14276418_183190008773461_88839…)

Odd shapes everywhere.
No. 172491
File: 1473415706810.png (544.4 KB, 580x572, koot.png)

No. 172513
File: 1473422927534.png (917.94 KB, 640x420, getThumbnail.png)

No. 172515
File: 1473423112086.jpg (48.18 KB, 800x320, Cr4K6uOUsAAraA9.jpg)

Why would anyone want her on their mobile phone???
No. 172732
File: 1473486125325.png (2.62 MB, 2208x1242, image.png)

Here guys!
I caught the last bit of her live event just now.
No. 172734
File: 1473486178812.png (2.69 MB, 2208x1242, image.png)

No. 172735
File: 1473486561271.png (4.34 MB, 2208x1242, image.png)

No. 172737
File: 1473486846863.png (4.32 MB, 2208x1242, image.png)

No. 172986
File: 1473563576927.jpg (68.86 KB, 625x435, 2746-1428530856-9.jpg)

>>170699>>172791Not sure why you keep saying this.
No. 173439
Can anyone access this site and cap the stream? Dakota was in this show but the site requires a Japan IP address: The show's summary with Dakota: No. 173527
>>173439I live in Japan and I'm not fluent.
But this leads me to an app that has different live channels on it. Pretty cool, but I don't think I can find the old show with her in it.
No. 173688
File: 1473794988604.jpg (112.59 KB, 480x720, 004_size6.jpg)

No. 173733
>>173729sure whatever you say anon..
She looks incredibly average in my opinion.
No. 173948
>>173856Don't break their illusion they need to rip on everything Dakota does to make life look a little less bleak for themselves.
>>173688Her lip lining looks bad otherwise this would be a really cute picture.
wavy hair really does suit her
No. 173956
>>173856You literally have no way of knowing if she did or not. Aside from the tacky character costumes she's worn, every other time she's been in Lolita she's looked super cute except this time.
But I guess the onslaught of random and completely coincidental yet suspiciously timed Kota whiteknighting is starting now, interesting how we average about 1 post an hour, until someone keeps calling her cute over points people keep saying look like shit.
No. 174154
File: 1473922593369.jpeg (137.11 KB, 675x776, image.jpeg)

Dat sexy coldsore
No. 174190
File: 1473939620888.jpg (212.36 KB, 2417x1074, image.jpg)

>>174167her jaw keeps changing in this segment.
No. 174196
>>174167Her lips look like an asshole.
And whats with these bad shots of her playing video games trying to get some lets player cred? What was she saying during?
No. 174215
i thought it was just me who noticed this
oh kooter
No. 174223
File: 1473951769287.jpg (18.9 KB, 833x134, Sieppaa.JPG)

>>174167Wow, she left the ratings on, and it's looking pretty bad. Also her instagram video announcing the youtube video has like 65k views and the youtube one is doing quite bad considering her amount of subs and followers. Poor thing. She looks so incredibly bad nowadays so it's no wonder tbh
No. 174264
>>174238This. She has this huge chance to get a back up to modeling by doing vlogs. But she fucked it up.
You know how many peoole will love to watch a couple of model vlogs. Kota dropped the ball
No. 174310
File: 1473989880377.png (Spoiler Image,830.32 KB, 784x545, Innocent World screen shot.png)

>onslaught of white knighting…Where? Honestly, where? There's a couple comments here and there about something someone actually likes about her, and then a shitload of sperging about how she's an ugly swamp creature from a fantasy novel and they only put her next to literally anyone else in the world to make the other people look good by comparison.
The truth is, Kooter is not a hideous bridge troll. She's just an out of shape pseudo model who doesn't know how to style her hair or do her makeup in a flattering way. I'd put her at a 6/10(maybe less right now because those lips are getting BAD), but she could definitely be a 7 or an 8 if she stopped trying to fake it on the internet all the time and got her real life shit together.
No. 174332
>>174264It actually legit makes me mad, even though I know it shouldn't. She had the world on a silver platter with her YT channel and her modeling and she pissed it all away because she hasn't learned to grow with today's internet culture.
Ad revenue and brand-deals are the way to go today when you have a large following, even if you have an ~irl modeling job~. Jesus, supermodels like Karlie Kloss have a YT channel because they know thats what their fans want to see now, AND you get a pretty penny from it.
Dakota let her channel rot for too long, no one is going to want to see a vlog from 3+ weeks ago of some sort of event. Her true fans would have already seen this footage anyway. As far as I can tell she doesn't talk about the experience or anything. Just creepy shots of her face and some behind the scenes footage.
But why am I surprised, she does absoluetly nothing all day. This vlog is literally of her in her apartment, curtains closed, playing games, and watching herself on TV.
No. 174353
>>174264I don't think she'd ever want to show her real face, so vlogs aren't in the future for her.
Not to mention, she's not very creative or interesting so she has nothing to vlog about, so nobody cares to watch (as seen on the poor viewcount and votes).
All those people years ago who said Kota won't get very far since her short career was based on a lie are finally able to say "told you so".
No. 174364
>uploads 'Innocent World screen shot.png'>sets image to 'SPOILER' KEK KEK KEK KEK KEK KEK KEK
I was gonna comment on some of the spergy anons comments but damn it anon, you just went full retard. I hope you're not handling Hillary's e-mail at the moment.
No. 174393
>>174167KOTA WHY
No. 174510
File: 1474064600991.jpg (110.44 KB, 742x1170, Dakota 2011 tumblr-famous.jpg)

>>174392Webm link is dead anon. Any better alts?
>>174415She tried starting a vlog way back in 2012 and it's still in her YT video list, now in 2016 (jfc that's 4 years already!!) she's gonna (re-)start it again.
But if some of you who have followed Kooter (& also Keeks) even way before 2012, you're already familiar of how _SLOW_ she makes real content. The vlog is gonna be another agonizingly slow content production. Why? Because it has to pass the Kooter quality control & adjusting, so that it blends well with the image that she wants to portray. Despite her admirable tenacity, she's an unfortunate master procrastinator. There were so many things that she could have done right & better in the past years, from 2012 on after she got luckily signed by Bravo, but those never materialized, especially when Keeks & CrayCat are whiteknighting, internet sock-puppeting, DMCA-ing every critic & worst, creating even more unnecessary drama around her.
Here we are, still watching her doing the same predictable pattern, albeit now in a updated but different style. New marketing box label, same old Koots inside.
I do miss her look in her tumblr-famous 2011 days (PIC related).
No. 174575
>>174510I remember the days when Koots would selfpost to CGL this photo and call herself the most perfect dolly girl or someshit to get people jelly.
Look how far you've come Koots!
No. 174581
>>174510I don't know, before she went viral and moved to Japan she was uploading videos/ pictures at a pretty decent rate. it probably doesn't really seem that way now since she ended up deleting most of the videos. I would say she posted a new video at least once a week and then a few pictures/ gifs throughout.
She's either too lazy to keep that up, or think she's too above doing that sort of thing.
No. 174593
File: 1474088963069.png (3.94 MB, 1164x1182, 14724148j08050.png)

>>169282been meaning to upload this since forever rip but have some unshooped kota
No. 174653
File: 1474109139677.jpeg (47.96 KB, 749x562, image.jpeg)

No. 174677
File: 1474112873152.png (287.5 KB, 1080x819, New Canvas.png)

>>174655enyoj my horrible skills
the hartley hooligan face fit perfectly over hers. amazing. like mouth on mouth and eyes on eyes
No. 174687
File: 1474116169286.gif (1012.45 KB, 500x267, giphyricci.gif)

>>174653That Christina Ricci metamorphosis
No. 174706
File: 1474122066376.jpg (76.81 KB, 720x724, _20160917_102048.JPG)

>>174593It's a match on the rings and nails… Pic is from august 27, btw.
No. 174717
>>174653If that is a fucking Sailor Moon cell in the window, where it is literally bathing in damaging sunlight, I might kill her.
Put it in a gd frame on a wall if you want it for decor. She is just destroying it as fast as she can.
No. 174728
File: 1474128212967.jpg (86.92 KB, 1100x1303, image.jpg)

Jfc this is terrifying. Why Dakota? Whyyyyy
No. 174729
>>174724She only wants their attention, she doesn't want to be associated with them. She thinks way too highly of herself to admit to being a web, that's why her story of how she became interested in JFashion/Japan changed from "my parents bought me an anime DVD when I was 5" to "America just doesn't have fashions this cute!" to "Japanese horror movies/horror manga".
Dakota probably likes to imagine herself as some high class fashionista just because she can call herself a model and wear poorly arranged brand clothes and tie her hair back in a ponytail.
No. 174788
File: 1474148097071.png (162.68 KB, 525x344, Screen Shot 2016-09-17 at 5.31…)

Just noticed this also, lol. She's so lazy, she knows she can get away with these obvious shop fails.
No. 174797
>>174575 I'm from No. 174510.
Those glorious 2 years (2011-2012) of /cgl/ will never come again anon. No one has ever seen such severity of tripfag infestation, e-drama & shitposting to a degree that the once slow board even got the attention of and intervention from moot himself. I dare not even speak of the names of those self-posting trips that keep resurrecting shitty threads, reinserting their blandly pathetic personal drama. Crap de la crap of shitpostings at its finest.
I first encountered that pic of Dakota in /p/ on one of the threads for portrait photo critiquing. I might still have the EXIF data on the image but its in a dead PC ATM; I'll post it here if I can find it so you all can see the details on what camera she used, the settings, focal length & all. Too bad it wasn't a RAW file & it didn't have the GPS coordinates in it as far as I can remember; but what stood out to me was that JPG went through Photoshop (CS3 I think) before it was posted in /p/. Normally, when you post images in /p/ for critiquing, you post it _unaltered_ with EXIF data, preferrably RAW. About a day later I see the same pic posted in /b/ and some btards went apeshit bonerz and later in /cgl/ where Koots/fam selfposts her tumblr pics when its clear she has no relation with the issue of cgl at all. It's history from then on. There were rumors in one of the chatrooms though that a cgl janitor might be in cahoots with Koots fam; this didn't surprise me at all, especially when in every opportune /cgl/ thread, Koots gets posted.
No. 174827
File: 1474164858803.jpg (160.61 KB, 1265x674, xPHzHKAAvgs.jpg)

>>174726Idk why it doesn't work anymore. Anyway here's a screen shot of the end of the video. She was waving goodbye and laughed about it.
No. 174831
File: 1474167069336.jpg (57.67 KB, 300x408, cabelos-compridos-2013-7.jpg)

>>174828I noticed a lot of people in here saying she needs the bangs back, but I don't think the bangs are that cute either. The problem isn't going to be fixed by having a bunch of hair hanging around a different part of her face, she needs to wear it differently altogether. Side parted and tucked behind her ears or something. Her hair is already so fine, cutting bangs or those side pieces takes away from the overall volume of her hair. Grow that shit out, put some short layers around the bottom or wear it wavy.
No. 174846
>>174718She literally dressed up when she had her nails done, did a bunch of pics in her apartment and latergrammed them when she had time to shoop.
>>174797I had no idea she posted herself to other boards. I only semi-frequented CGL back then, but I'm not surprised she was attention whoring in other places. She just can't help it.
No. 174847
File: 1474175415930.webm (3.53 MB, 1280x720, ダコタ ローズ 2016 Takaoka 着物 Festa …)
>"their my fault" their my fault =/= they're my fault == they are my fault
God you are a dumb spergy & butthurt DQ. Learn to code your grammar. Go finish middle school & get your GED certificate. Quit trying to fluff this thread with your dumbasshatery drama. Contribute or GTFO. Never mess with the farmers farming or the tolerance of Mod-sama…
>>174726See attached vid or try this reformatted link, it worked for me: >>174734
>goes defensive on an anon critic >labels said critic as 'newfag' >mentions that 'site'First off, seasoned "oldfag" farmers (incl. ex-cgl's) never even dare mention the name of that 'other' site because citing it is an indirect promotion of that site. Since you mentioned that name & stirring the drama-pot, it only confirms that you are: (1) a foetus here suckling your way to be edgy-cool, (2) you are the one that hopped over our border from 'that' site, and (3) drama-stirring to derail a thread is a typical behaviour of users from 'that site.' Therefore, YOU ARE FROM THAT SITE. BTW, you are aware that our Mod-sama knows your IP and can even bar you from the farm, don't you? Not to mention all the silly and wonderful things available at hand…
Contribute or GTFO, foetus.
>>174847What are you sperging about? It's over a day old and I was correcting the last sentence where I said "you are attacking farmers for
there I meant Their. You know what you are getting ridiculous someone perm ban this sperglord. You get into the most petty arguments. You aren't contributing anything but derailing.
No. 174968
File: 1474234934842.png (403.19 KB, 360x524, lol_bad_opening.png)

>>174827I found it more hilarious at the opening. Granted it's natural (for one eye to close sooner than the other when blinking) but it's still funny.
No. 174975
File: 1474237216708.png (458.3 KB, 640x1136, IMG_1722.PNG)

I love how Dakota updated her age on all her profiles, but only made a little post on twitter about turning "21" with a cake emoji.
Most people just say "it's my birthday'" like Kiki did, but Dakota has to keep up with her age story by being so specific with "I just turned 21 cake emoji". lol @ both of them posting birthday stuff at almost the same time.
Also, isn't t weird how her IG follower count keeps shooting up? She followed more people on twitter too yet her amount of likes on IG/faves and RT on twitter stay pretty much the same as usual.
No. 174978
>>174975>American model based in TokyoFor some reason I can't help but feel like this is a subtle ploy to make people think she was a model
before she moved to Tokyo to make her seem more important/popular? Like, the only reason you're even loosely considered a "model" anymore is because Bravo won't get rid of you. Nobody books her for gigs unless she's in Lolita, a costume or some ridiculous OTT outfit decked out in her VW. Without Bravo booking all her gigs and translating for her nobody would have ever hired her as a model after she let herself go and started dressing like every other wannabe fashionista on Instagram who also claim to be "models".
No. 175049
>>174978That's exactly what she is trying to do. Trying to sound like she's an established model or something.
It reminds me of how she always said she came from Chicago and not Florida.
No. 175138
>>175115>>175122>>175130She says her dad gave her a 13-year old necklace that has a lot of sentimental value. Although I can't imagine why she would mean Scott, why would a cheap looking pentagram necklace have so much sentimental value to him unless it was left over from his band days, which were more than 13 years ago.
13 years ago Kiki and Kota were just starting to build their online scene presence and Scott and Cathy were both still working class normalfags before the grandma died and left them her house and money.
Although her silver ring she's worn every day for the last couple of years is equally as simple looking, yet Dakota claim once when asked about it that it was her grandma's ring she inherited? She only started wearing it roughly 2 years ago, yet grandma Tierney died before Kota even had a Tumblr.
No. 175149
>>175122Her and Kiki didn't even acknowledge each other on their birthdays (with timezones they were essentially on the same day) and Dakota
still copyright claims everything with her last name on it that's in Japanese. There's no way to tell if she cut off contact with them completely, but she has put a lot of time and effort into fully severing herself from them publicly.
No. 175172
>>175149Dakota has to distance herself for Kiki. If a new fan of hers googles her background this is what they usual get:
>googles Dakota Rose: gets results associated about photoshoping, fakery, Kiki Kannibal >googles Kiki Kannibal: gets results on encyclopedia dramatica, Stickam drama, racism, that Rolling Stone article, false flag DMCA's, online harassment, etc. >finds old Dakota Rose scene phase, photoshop use, online fagotry, etc. Oh noes. She has to stiry away from controversies otherwise companies would shy away from her as a model sponsor/ spokesperson.
No. 175179
>>175138I have a feeling that if it is from Scott, she's just using the sentimental thing as an excuse for why it's a $2 necklace. "Its okay its so cheap looking guys, its SENTIMENTAL"
Okay koiots.
No. 175209
File: 1474324156804.gif (1.24 MB, 520x375, no need to be upset.gif)

>>174847The best way to discourage derailing is: not participate in derailing.
Don't derail the threads, please.
No. 175229
>>175110You can tell how small her boobs are here kek
has she always had that mole/pimple/mark under her eye?
No. 175243
>>175216It is on a chain if you look closely under her hair. It's just that she had to shoop her chin down so much it nearly obliterated the chain.
>>175110>pentagramI know this is reaching, but damn if Kooter was looking for a new way to get e-fame and became a Felice Fawn clone that would be an amazing turn of events.
No. 175258
File: 1474336110442.jpg (165.13 KB, 768x1024, IMG_1748.JPG)

>>175243Her babyfang line had a lot of pentagram/star of David charms clusterfucked all over various lengths and colors of ribbon and chain. Also the knockoff VW orb logo, random crystals mixed with studs and spikes. It was a clusterfuck. And of course the only i a left of it are heavily shooped pics of Dakota wearing her own stuff.
No. 175267
>>175258>every shape that's trendy with any group of peopleOh. Well damn.
Seriously though, are there any cows out there right now doing Felice's look(I'm not sure Mila counts anymore)? I want to see Kooter try hard to be "so goff" and "satanic". Honestly it would probably suit her sour bitch personality better, and her chain smoking habit.
No. 175293
File: 1474342749990.png (49.29 KB, 640x1136, IMG_1754.PNG)

Lol, Dako-chin's birthday falls on the same day as a Japanese holiday this year.
>Respect for the Aged Day (敬老の日 Keirō no Hi) is a Japanese designated public holiday celebrated annually to honor elderly citizens. (Wikipedia)
No. 175443
File: 1474401983403.jpg (178.56 KB, 1078x1539, Screenshot_20160920-210201_1.j…)

I could be reaching, but this could be a stab at Dakota?
>look at me I don't have to shoop my jaw!
No. 175476
>>175443>>175444omfg she needs to just get on with it instead of meticulously trying to assuage people's opinion of her image.
we get it, you're pretty. do something
No. 175537
>>175489it was settled, period. there are only a small number of retards like you that still won't accept it.
>>175534literally read what it says next to the underlined "09-19-93" it says "age: 15". on the top it says the report is from 10-19-10" do the math. 1993 - 2010 = 17, but 1995 - 2010 = 15.
go read the fucking kiki thread, this is argument is over. Dakota is the age she says she is.
No. 175544
>>175537There's no reason to believe the written age on that report is the accurate one. Maybe the cop is bad at math? Really, you have no proof whether the written age is real or if the date of birth is the real thing. We're all just guessing which one tells the truth.
It's interesting that no one seems to debate that Kaka is 24 though? Which I assume is also based off her birth date from this same police report?
No. 175568
is a walking parody of herself and her "electrodub" is the Yoko Ono music of the genre. Just watch the YT Electronic Division channel for her promo-dj-vidyas and prepare for the cringe: No. 175579
>>175537Thanks anon, I don't know how many times we've explained it, damn pulltards are slow.
>>175489Just go and read Kiki's thread. Spoiler: Dakota = 21, Kirsten =24.
No. 175580
>>175554so there's two options.
1 points to the age she says she is, and other documents says she is. totally coincidence.
the other points to an age that has never been seen outside of this single police file.
obviously. it's the second option~ let's just
assume the police was bad at math! hurrrr durrrrrrrrrrrr. No really, how are you so stupid? are your parents siblings?
No. 175639
>>175580Did you hear about the cop who beat and teased a teenaged white male into a coma because another cop messed up putting in a license plate number for another car? Or the countless stories of cops shooting people suddenly because they "feared for their lives" over something trivial like a traffic stop?
Not all cops are qualified to be cops. A lot of them only decided to be one so they could carry a gun and feel important and waste taxpayer money running errands and going to lunch in their police cruisers.
No. 175640
>>175580you do know that the cop put kiki's eyes as BROWN in the report?
Also dakota showed her fucking passport on camera. Are you dumb?
No. 175704
>>175678>>175640You're aware they were standing outside in the driveway at night when they were filling that out, right? Blue eyes aren't obviously blue in the dark, they can look brown.
>expecting upper middle class white neighborhood cop work from shitty Orlando cops who answer white people domestic disturbance calls in the suburbs Cute.
No. 175827
>>175579I read Kiki's thread, it was literally the same type of sperging going on here, and then a mod red texted.
>a mod said it so it must be true, mods know everythingThe only thing we know for sure is that there is no definitive proof of Dakota's real age available right now. All we can do is guess.
No. 175920
File: 1474534749188.png (799.65 KB, 1080x1054, Screenshot_2016-09-22-18-57-22…)

Is this the end of the stache lips?!
No. 175971
File: 1474556024115.jpg (521.23 KB, 1080x1033, 20160922-1088060809.jpg)

>>175920My attempt at a de-shoop with Facetune.
No. 175975
File: 1474557282040.jpg (112.33 KB, 640x400, IMG_1778.JPG)

>>175971It's good, but you made her face too long, realkota has a wide face and a longer chin.
>>175827I went on her ED to get pic related and this caught my attention.
It says that Kiki and Kota
are 3 years apart, but it also says Kiki was 14 in 2005, which would mean she just turned 24 (correct). But if Dakota was 11 in 2005 wouldn't that have made her 18 in 2012?
>2012 - 2005 = 7 >11 + 7 = 18I admit I stuck at math, but it seems to add up?
No. 175990
>>175987where the fuck do you see flabby arms
they're not even on the picture
No. 176065
File: 1474578954031.jpg (46.3 KB, 496x598, IMG_1779.JPG)

>>176021She doesn't have to try, she's famous for her shoops, not for actually being pretty/model tier.
No. 176085
File: 1474581911641.jpg (124.87 KB, 1080x1080, 14294861_1659862310995907_1965…)

it's a shame she didn't end up like anastasiya shpagina who grew out of the extreme shooping and looks more confident and happy and managed to make a career out of her fanbase. i mean she's ugly now lol but she looks happy. and clearly no one cares since she has 1.2 million insta followers and plenty of fans.
No. 176088
>>175942what cold sore? There's nothing there. I think you and
>>174154 (or maybe that's you too) have no idea what a cold sore looks like. It's literally just shine from her lip gloss or whatever.
No. 176131
>>176016Yeah she literally made herself a whole neck.
>>176117Every inch of that pic was shooped, only for a candid to leak.
No. 176152
>>176131I wonder if there's someone maybe in Bravo who is leaking them? She barely goes to events anymore, she only takes taxis when she goes anywhere to avoid being seen, and yet we still get candids leaked here and there.
>>176134It is, heavily shooped.
No. 176153
>>176085It's weird that you posted Anastasiya's Sarah Paulson transformation without explanation, while mentioning she's ugly. It's misleading.
But you're right that she has made something of herself and set herself apart from the other girls. She threw away the living doll gimmick and instead became more creative and pushed through her insecurities. She surprised me so much.
As we have seen from recent sketches(and shoops), what existed of Dakota's talent has regressed and her online personality is so dull and uninspired. I was honestly rooting for her to grow up and gain confidence while being away from her family, but she's so cardboard now.
No. 176174
File: 1474596554823.jpg (666.11 KB, 420x236, 8SjBpGS.jpg)

>>176162You know, a simple "Oops. I didn't know she was in character." would suffice.
No. 176214
>>176137Koots might eventually go into
loli gravure modeling if there isn't enough gigs for her to do, I mean she's already pandering to the lolita festishes of middle-aged japanese men. That will be inevitable if she doesn't go far by her 5th year "modeling" tenure.
>>176152Either Keeks or someone in Bravo is leaking the candids. Bravo really supported Koots fully just to save face. If you check out Bravo atm, their modeling talent pool has gone down in quality and in number.
No. 176244
File: 1474620441219.jpg (98.87 KB, 600x800, tiarra.jpg)

>>176088It's on the same spot every time.
No. 176285
File: 1474640897046.jpg (67.22 KB, 600x800, IMG_1785.JPG)

>>176244>>176245I love Tiara Milly. They make her look cute to sell their brand but they leave her cold sore on her to keep from making her look too good. It's nice and big in this one, even with the extra lip color.
No. 176303
File: 1474650922921.png (1013.57 KB, 1440x1473, 20160923_131355.png)

No. 176320
>>176214She doesn't have the face or body for gravure though, she's a square with no boobs.
>>176283I wouldn't be surprised if these non models are doing escort work or someth on the side to keep Bravo afloat.
No. 176408
File: 1474678019559.png (3.32 KB, 280x272, cGIay9e.png)

>>176236I'm sorry, but your shoop looks nothing like her real face. It just looks like you shooped her into a 3rd person.
No. 176412
>>176244Well then it's still not a cold sore? They aren't permanent, they come and go and aren't in the same place every single time.
Didn't she have snake bites back when she was cuter? It's probably that.
No. 176422
>>176412They don't come and go in a day or two, they stick around for up to two weeks at a time. Dakota had the cold sore in several different shots by TM, but everyone else lets her shop her lips as she pleases. And even if it isn't a cold sore, there's no way snake bites from 2 years ago would cause a 1cm sore on her actual lip
above where they were placed.
No. 176561
File: 1474725023929.jpg (44.52 KB, 600x521, cf4c19cc.jpg)

No. 176571
File: 1474727533298.jpg (23.79 KB, 600x429, 124326425614.jpg)

>>176561Looks like an anime character mask.
No. 176581
>>176565Just spat out my drink hahahaha
That show gave me nighmares.
No. 176584
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No. 176585
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3 out of 5
No. 176586
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No. 176587
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Last one
No. 176592
File: 1474732863892.jpg (11.84 KB, 251x242, 2fbeQPg11titub2o1.jpg)

When pics from this event first came out everyone was laughing because they put her off to the side in the shadows, but now it's "oh they put her in the best lighting and only shooped her and no one else"? Come on anon, seriously. You can see her lipstick mustache clear as day.
No. 176596
>>176592I know that the original raw pictures looked like shit. That's why I was surprised that she looked so much better in this particular set.
I didn't mean literally best lighting, I meant they tried to make her look better compared to the other participants. They left the lipstick mustache because that is her thing right now, but that picture looks smoothed and processed and tweaked.
No. 176598
>>176592general pics from the event =/= the obvious photoshoot that was taken seperately. Looking at the pictures kooters probably just had someone making sure she looked 'dolly' because in all of those pictures not a hair is out of place and the lighting is nothing but flattering.
I think the best point is to compare her eyes to everyone else's. You can pretty much make out everyone else's eye veins but her eyes were definitely whitened.
No. 176602
File: 1474734509522.jpg (540.84 KB, 1104x736, IMG_000641.jpg)

>>176596>>176598ikr literally everyone else got musty closeup photos with the flash on
No. 176644
File: 1474747139511.jpg (65.78 KB, 600x800, kirk-cameron-birthday.jpg)

This is giving me such Kirk Cammeron BDay feels
No. 176648
File: 1474748564838.jpg (843.49 KB, 1104x736, IMG_00030.jpg)

>>176642What about the group shots? She looks pretty much the same here even though she has a shadow across half her face.
No. 176657
>>176655And the point I'm making is, she doesn't look different in the group shot versus her solo shots. The likelihood of them only giving her reflectors or better lighting, or only shoping her, or whatever else you guys want to pretend to know for sure happened, is low to non-existent.
Like really, let's shit on her for something legitimate like that horrifying birthday picture that looks like she's wearing someone else's skin, not debate about something that there is no evidence for. Getting real tired of how far some of you people will reach.
No. 176706
>>176565I died.
>>176655I have to agree with this anon. Her photos were taken and treated differently, her photos were run through lightroom while the others are raw AF.
Wouldn't be surprised if her jaw was messed with. We already saw the candids and video of her face, lest we forget.
No. 176710
>>176706>We already saw the candids and video of her face, lest we forget.ikr where are those pictures of her in that etude house conference with her tiny hair bow lmao.
they used a huge reflector on her face for these closeup pics so her face looks 2d. i think they're trying to make her look appealing so she can get jobs again.
No. 176719
>>176583>>176584>>176585>>176586>>176587>>176710These are standard shots that can be used for padding her modeling portfolio Anon. Bravo already poured a lot of money on Koots and the yield on their investment has been quite lukewarm at best. Dakota could've been working on both sides of Japan and Korea, weren't for that "Kimchi-gate" incident she made. I have yet to encounter an agency that treated a model with the benefits of living expenses, residence in prime real estate, and even special coaches, all the while only doing modeling work once a week or even less. How is Bravo even recouping the losses? Clearly the relationship between Bravo and Koots has gone
far beyond a typical agency-model/talent relationship…
No. 176724
>>176719The problem with Koots is that without photoshop she has never been model quality.
And honestly she hasn't improved with age. In the last year or so her features have become really hard.It's just growing up and getting older but I think facially she was in her prime some years ago.
And I agree that someone at Bravo has a hard-on for her.
No. 176744
>>176724> facially she was in her prime some years agoYears ago, like when we saw her first candid in Japan, her face was still pure potato.
>>175975Anything we saw before this video was shooped and after effected to hell.
The difference is that her lines are more pronounced, jaw or nose have gotten larger with age. Her forehead is huger due to hairloss.
Not to mention she seems to be heftier and wouldn't fit into her old taobao knockoff clothes, which is why Kaka is wearing em. Meanwhile Kota is swimming in sweaters in the summer heat.
No. 176772
>>176561saging for Dakota ass-licking. I generally don't give a fuck about her and only started paying attention to her because of her hilariously awful alien fetus shoops, but I'm starting to feel really bad for her.
Her self-image must be in the gutter right now. She keeps wearing these gigantic clothes that hide her body shape, her facial shoops look inhuman and hideous, and she's hyper-focused on certain details to the point of obliviousness (e.g. shooping the hell out of her head without realizing that she made it tiny compared to the rest of her body). Normal people with a healthy self esteem don't do that.
Add in the fact that she's practically a shut-in and she has no follow-through (Baby Fang fell apart almost immediately), and it really seems like she's in a bad place right now.
I mean fuck, she had (has?) a boyfriend but he hid their relationship. She kept posting pictures of herself wearing his clothes, so I really doubt she was a big fan of keeping their relationship a secret. That alone had to fuck up her self-esteem.
For nearly half her life, she's been tasked with being famous for being pretty. Her parents were pushing this on her at an age when most parents are upset that their daughter wants to wear mascara. She's been constantly judged, told that every single inch of her is terrible by legions of internet strangers, whom she's been taught are the people she
must please.
And now she's 21. She's already past her peak. Instead of being a famous model, she's doing crappy dolly shoots and her boyfriend refuses to be seen with her in public. She's a failure, and it's almost inconceivable that that'll change.
No. 176775
>>176772>She's a failure, and it's almost inconceivable that that'll changeshe's not a failure just because she's not some e-famous kawaii model, no one gives a fuck about that beyond underage jvlogging stans, she's still so young she could do anything with her life
if anything she's successful because she'll have an interesting story to tell
No. 176785
>>176775An interesting story to tell? Like how she conned her way to modeling agencies and shoops herself hell and back?
Tbh I'm just purely disappointed in her. I thought that at least if she faked her way through she would show some admirable qualities like being a hard worker or actually taking modeling seriously. I still don't find anything admirable about her despite how much opportunities she had to grow
No. 176799
>>176772She isn't 21 ffs. People keep saying she is further up in the thread. She's fucking 23 now jesus christ. She doesnt even look 21, you can tell she and her sister are well in their 20s now.
Even the baby picture she put up on her Instagram with Cathy holding Dakota. Kaka is in that picture too and shes a baby there too. They're practically near the same age. She's 22-23 at the most. Now buying the "buh she is 21!" fuck off.
Both are toddlers in that picture.
No. 176806
File: 1474809982933.jpg (377.15 KB, 960x1280, ayylmaomask.jpg)

>>176561>>176805I got Ayy lmao mask vibes tbh
No. 176808
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>>176806There, that's better.
No. 176872
File: 1474829130833.jpg (106.17 KB, 650x975, 25-27.jpg)

>>176561i think she's trying to look like these dolls which is… better in theory lol
No. 176877
>>175920holy fucking shit
the eyes are batshit as usual but the neck…
girl THE NECK, you fucked up bad this time
No. 176882
File: 1474832134839.png (1.08 MB, 640x1136, IMG_1800.PNG)

Hey guys, I saw Dakota's sentimental 13 year old heirloom pentagram on FB today.
No. 176885
File: 1474832447481.png (55.35 KB, 320x251, Aliensimpsons-1.png)

>>176561i see no difference
No. 176897
>>176799Even 23 is a great age to start something new and sell yourself. Taylor is no spring chicken and her vlogging thing seems to take off more and more each year.
Kota's age isn't the problem here, and I would argue that neither is her fakery. The problem is that she's given up, we were really rooting for a redemption arc with Babyfang but after that fell apart she seems back to her hiki ways.
If she would either just become a boring jap housewife, become actually serious about her talent/modelling or instead just do any other actual job then that would be something. We can't know what she is really up to all day but right now it looks like she's half assing something in between the three with no real aim. It's frustrating to see that.
No. 176903
>>176897the modeling gigs she was handed were the stuff of dreams. she even got to work alongside shinee with fucking etude house. and nothing came of that??
she didn't put the effort to shrink into the fake proportions she was submitting to her agency, she didn't market herself right, she stopped uploading videos, she kept changing her shooping style, she stopped blogging on her official website, she didn't put subtitles, she didn't interact with her fans, she didn't learn how to model better, she didn't make connections with people, she didn't work hard, etc. she was randomly rude and boyish then fake sweet. she was talking about loving vomit and gore movies while modeling for popteen. she did everything wrong. i've never seen anyone be handed a dream career on a silver platter and then lose every last bit of it.
No. 176936
>>176798I assume most people here are teenagers, that would explain it. If not, then they're "college educated" 20-somethings who think they're smart just because they got a degree in something worthless like art or women's studies.
Koots can turn her life around, but probably not in Japan unless she marries some rich guy. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think Japan has the kind of educational opportunities for adults that America has. If she went back home she could get an education and gain some experience in the work force, and/or find a nice western guy that likes her real face and doesn't know anything about her alien exploits. She could maybe have a decent setup for herself a few years down the road.
I doubt she will do any of this though. She's far too wrapped up in her kawaii alien baby world at this point to just quit and move on.
No. 176943
>>176936lmao no one is saying that her life is over forever until the day she dies. models have a short shelf life and at dakota's age and with her reputation she's fucked forever. it also has to do with a judge of character seeing as she had a million opportunities handed to her and failed to progress at any of them.
it's a fact she's currently a failure. and she doesn't seem to try to do anything else since modeling isn't working for her. modeling? failed. blogging? failed. open a store? failed. vlogging? failed. she still draws like a 12 year old on deviantart when she's been drawing her whole life. the prognosis looks… bleak lmao. plus she's an ostrenga. her family went into debt and moved in with a family member who knows what they're doing i mean they relied on their own kids to make a living since they couldn't. kiki is still an unemployed loser i mean. oh well.
No. 176944
>>176936… the fuck did I just read? …"Correct me if I'm wrong" your WHOLE POST is wrong.
Omg really don't ever post that amount of misleading information again.
No. 176946
>>176938You must be one of the types of people I insulted.
I didn't say white guy, I said western guy, as in someone who lives in the west. They would be much more compatible with her culturally, and wouldn't be looking for some mythical forever-16-year-old girl to bang.
What do you propose she do in Japan to correct her situation other than marry someone rich? She trashed what little career she had, and she's uneducated and has no other prospects.
No. 176953
>>176926are you high? what would her mom get out of all of this? From what we've seen Kooter has had no real interaction with her family and they havent even visited.
To say that she didnt want to be a model is the most bullshit thing I've ever heard in this thread and that's saying a lot. She's blatantly bragged about her 'connections' and stuff and if her mom was pushing dakota then why not Kiki???
Is her mom in Florida magically taking shitty photos of her in her apartment and shooping them? If Dakota didnt want to be a model she could have easily just not put any effort into social media and shit like that.
No. 176959
>>176952That's what I was saying in my original post. She can study and get work experience, in America. I have no idea if Japan has that kind of opportunity for people that aren't the traditional college age, it doesn't seem like it, but again I don't know for sure.
Everyone's just getting all pissy because I insulted ~muh feminism~ and suggested that one option she had was to get married. Like it or not, it's true.
No. 176969
>>176962So what are her options in Japan? You can't just pretend she has "many different options" when clearly you don't know of any. She's also a foreigner, which limits her options even more. It doesn't really matter that she can speak Japanese, that won't help her much in a lot of fields. They'd rather hire a fellow Japanese. Someone who has been through their school system and will stay with the company for a long time. Call it a "stereotype" again if you want, but if you look into it you'll see that it's mostly true. Western foreigners = English teachers and that's about it.
She could continue to model, maybe, if she hadn't taken a shit all over every good opportunity she's had so far. Her career is in shambles, you'd be delusional not to see it. It would take A LOT of hard work that I highly doubt she is capable of to save her modeling career. And her age is a factor here. If she had had some success up until now, yes undoubtedly she could continue for a long time. But she really hasn't been successful, it's like she's starting over from square one every time she gets a gig. 21(or 23) is too old to be moving that slow. She's going no where.
Marrying for money, marrying to have a family, or going back to America to get educated are her best options.
No. 177002
>>176977>I know a lot of foreign people with different jobs there, nice jobs, from engineers to translators, not only teachers and there are students from around the world there in different programs and not only for a semester. first of all i call lie since you say you
know all of them lmao instead of having heard of them. second of all bruh in what way does any of that apply to dakota lmao. age has nothing to do with it we've seen her character and we've seen how her entire family are losers even as adults. her parents relied on their daughter's cheap accessories store to pay rent and you're talking about kooter like she's magically gonna grow up and change? we're talking about the opportunities for her with the qualifications she has aka none. her resume is also poor considering they'll only see that she's been handed a variety of jobs none of which she was able to stick with. no shit there's successful foreigners in japan with a wide range of fields. how does that relate to kooter lmao. she couldn't even branch out from modelling to being a tv show host OR starting her own brand. she's done for truly.
No. 177009
you're being delusional anon. she doesn't have a degree unlike engineers, and I doubt she's taken the JPLT. she doesn't have a lot of skills or qualifications or education
No. 177014
>>177002I KNOW foreigners living in Japan with different jobs since I've lived there and I made many friends, I don't need to lie about those things, that's why I said your information is misleading and full of stereotypes, but anyway anon keep believing what you want, keep saying Dakota has no options and that she's done… but for now, the reality is : She's still there. The day she leaves the country then you talk about how much her career is over.
>>177009She doesn't need a university degree for certain jobs, and obviously she's not going to be an engineer, are you stupid? when I mentioned the engineers I was pointing out not all foreigners living in Japan are teachers, don't be stupid, read again.
She has experience in the fashion industry, she can get a job behind the cameras when she gets older. And she's still working as a model anyway, the day you see her leaving the country then you say her modelling career in Japan is over, but for now she's there. She has time, Taylor is still a model and she's like 7 years older than Dakota.
No. 177026
>>176897It's not just about age. Taylor has been funded to have the lifestyle she does in order to vlog it. She can't lose because even when she half asses it, she can literally buy content and followers. Videos containing shopping, eating, travelling or getting beauty treatments all cost money.
Koots had more to lose. She doesn't have the money or lifestyle to vlog everyday. She can't afford to half ass anything, and yet she did. Look where she is now. The whole babyfang thing was textbook lazy.
>>176952I don't think the ostrengas are capable of any type of education. Weren't they homeschooled?
Degrees don't guarantee people jobs or livelihoods nowadays. Work experience and connections do. Even if Koots was able to get that far she'd be like 30 and competing against far more capable young grads who have connections.
No. 177037
>>177030But the thing is that right now there isn't that new dolly girl taking her place so…
She's still in Bravo and getting hired for TV talk shows, fashion events and magazines, and that's the reality for now girl.
No. 177038
>>177033Did we ever get receipts of Kaka actually doing something educational in Japan?
Kota obviously has many dreams and wants, doesn't mean she will put in the effort. Babyfang was her chance to prove it, and all she did was sell overpriced tacky ripoffs.
No. 177125
>>177037no one is looking for that new dolly girl anymore lmao. markets change. just like we find the living doll thing old they do to. they can live without hiring dakota's mediocre white ass. the only reason she was hired in the first place is because she went viral and was thought to look like a cgi character which she doesn't irl.
>She's still in Bravo and getting hired for TV talk shows, fashion events and magazinesshe literally gets less than 1/3 of the jobs she used to before. she's working less often than a japanese model in the same field of work. she has a bad rep. no one likes her lol.
No. 177129
>>177072you're right anon, that one.
Wasn't Kaka posting on ig stuff about human anatomy around that time?
No. 177138
>>177125THIS entire post.
If people were still craving for that hardcore 'dolly' look Taylor would be way ahead of Dakota anyway. Hell even Himezawa would be doing better than she is now if people were really craving for the white girl/Euro look.
It's laughable for people to say 'she's still getting hired tho' since she's literally gone months without a single sign of a job this year. I'm pretty sure we can count the actual gigs she's gotten this year on our fingers. Hell even Taylor who obviously doesnt care as much about modelling as youtubing has gotten more jobs and more impressive ones imho (working with ladybeard > anything kooter has done this year imho)
There's only so far you can make it in Japan by being wishy washy with your image. It's the kind of thing where you have to stick to it 100% or people will stop caring. If you look at the well known of Japanese pop culture you see a lot of people kind of sticking to their 'genre' and kooter never did that.
She wanted to be a dolly fairy real life gamer girl fujoshi barbie who just likes pastels n flowery things but jk because she talks super manly and brutish but isnt that charming while she sits there trying to portray the barbie look until she says something crass?
No. 177207
File: 1474920952264.png (86.72 KB, 268x325, 1473066486196.png)

>>176785no like how she transported herself from her bedroom in Florida to Japan and away from her nuts family, that I'm sure the average weeb would be desperate to do
>>176797She isn't young anymore
She's in her early 20s… she's fucking young.
>>176943>it's a fact she's currently a failure.fucking hell so many jealous salty bitches here. She's done a stint in Japan modelling, it's chill.
>>176969>Marrying for money, marrying to have a family, or going back to America to get educated are her best options.literally shut the fuck up what a depressing outlook
unlike a lot of people her koots might have grown up a bit and be slightly disillusioned by the whole kawaii modelling thing and just be going through the motions doing the jobs she can, which would explain her lack of enthusiasm.
she should go travelling or something and vlog that
No. 177208
File: 1474921007794.jpg (184.31 KB, 600x800, IMG_1831.JPG)

>>176285>>176245I don't think Tiara Milly liked Dakota very much, they never did stuff like this for any of their other models. Check out dat glaringly obvious pantyline, yeesh.
No. 177209
File: 1474921148518.jpg (209.45 KB, 600x800, IMG_1832.JPG)

>>177208And then this time when they completely erased her retinas. Wtf was that even??
sage for doubleposting
No. 177214
File: 1474922536618.jpg (155.86 KB, 600x800, IMG_1835.JPG)

>>177213It's weird though that it wasn't like that for any of their other models, just Dakota.
>that time they literally copy/pasted a dress on her and shooped her arm over it No. 177250
>>175975>>175976The Rolling Stone article matches Dakota's age timeline as well as Kiki's timeline for when she joined MySpace and had the Danny Fiasco.
However, we know Kiki and Dakota both joined MySpace in 2006, and that the minimum age to join was 13. So if, according to RS, Kiki was 13 in 2006 when she joined MySpace, Dako was 11 when she joined.
Of course Dako says she lied about being 13 to join, but that would make them the same age in 2006? Not "1 year & 1 day apart" like Kiki claimed before Dakota got a Tumblr.
No. 177256
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>>177250If they were really 3 years apart, Dakota would be a lot younger looking than Kirsten in this photo.
No. 177257
>>177207>She's in her early 20s… she's fucking young.Not for a model. And certainly not for an unsuccessful model. She may as well be 30 and done for she draws so little interest and so few jobs now.
>what a depressing outlookKeep living that fairy tale dream anon. You can't be 18 years old forever with the whole world ahead of you. Life catches up to you at some point and you have to start making realistic decisions about your future (unless you want to be a washed up mess that everyone avoids, be my guest).
Don't talk about being grown up like you are one.
No. 177299
>>177254So they haven't even attended grade school? Meanwhile people here are like "they can study at a university" topkek.
>>177265Is she pretending Babyfang never happened?
No. 177308
>>177282If her family visited her at least before kiki's disappearance we would have heard or seen about it. If she were going to school we would have found out about it (unless she got a private tutor which is doubtful).
Even with all the jobs she used to get it's impossible for that to have been enough to last her all this time. That is a fact.
If she had planned her future why would she be doing what she's doing now with low tier jobs and terrible shoops? If she didnt NEED to model she could have just stopped easily especially with social media.
No. 177318
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No. 177323
File: 1474951864128.jpg (52.39 KB, 400x411, tumblr_o71mxxyDkH1rf27ieo1_400…)

>>177318>those lone peppers in a pan with no seasoning while the stove ain't even onkek reminds me of this meme
No. 177347
File: 1474960923237.jpg (54.51 KB, 500x500, meghan-trainor-makeup-121-500x…)

>>177257fucking hell who the fuck wants to be a model, it's hardly fulfilling
>>177265she said herself she's not interested anymore
>>177257>unless you want to be a washed up mess that everyone avoidsso marry for money or return to fatland where there's an even worse education system…gr8 advice tnx but stop posting
this threads is always filled with raging jealous weebs that are constantly trying to prove koots is an objective failure and has NO LIFE AHEAD OF HER WHATSOEVER SHE MAY ASWELL JUST BURY HERSELF NOW
srsly until she's single, 48, and living in a trailer on child support, it's just not an argument
No. 177353
>>177347Calm down annon, and keep your raging boner down for koots
She isn't a failure, shes just a failure with modeling after all this time. Her spotlight in that industry is fading and she obviously isn't pursuing it as enthusiastically. That's why she's actually saying shes not interested in modeling anymore and come to think of it, her baby fang was one way of trying something new. She knows she's not relevant anymore, so at least she can move into something she can work with. But in that regard, she did fail in becoming consistently relevant in the industry that supported her so much. It's just a missed opportunity on her part, and that's the truth
No. 177374
File: 1474974205516.png (615.51 KB, 668x669, Screen Shot 2016-09-27 at 12.0…)

She's going for the kiddy look again.
No. 177378
File: 1474975013243.gif (1023.85 KB, 500x281, done-af.gif)

>>177374She looks just like a toddler..I can't… I'm so done. Her and keeks are trolling with the selfies lately.
No. 177383
File: 1474977104101.jpg (155.96 KB, 960x960, 10254981_836143389771025_31625…)

>>177374She's trying to look more and more like Kristina Pimenova.
No. 177403
File: 1474981721821.jpg (99.65 KB, 1080x1080, 14504817_1096725087073144_9199…)

>>177374Larger version. Look at all that forehead/nose blur.
No. 177413
>>177374Holy fuck i thought someone shooped her face on a toddler it's seriously getting scary. Kooter please wake up.
I still want to believe in her. I just don't wanna see her end badly for some reason.
No. 177445
>>177335Wow, that's legitimately creepy as fuck.
>>177347>fucking hell who the fuck wants to be a model, it's hardly fulfillingDifferent people find fulfillment in different things. (Successful) models get money and tons of attention because they're so attractive and/or interesting-looking. It makes them feel special. It's also very varied; you're not doing the same thing nonstop for 40 hours a week, every week, until you die.
>this threads is always filled with raging jealous weebskek
>that are constantly trying to prove koots is an objective failure and has NO LIFE AHEAD OF HER WHATSOEVER SHE MAY ASWELL JUST BURY HERSELF NOWMost models are between 16 and 21. For that profession, Dakota
is getting too old. She's highly unlikely to make it big at this rate, and the likelihood goes down a bit more every day.
She could be extremely successful at all sorts of things, but probably not at
the thing she's been trying to do for half of her life.
Now get your granny panties out of a bunch.
No. 177453
File: 1474995571877.gif (495.56 KB, 500x275, giphy (1).gif)

>>177355it's the bitter face of the average lolcow user, she grits her teeth with a satisfying and deluded jealousy as she has a vision: her shit post will ultimately lead to the dethronement of all kawaii aidoru princesses, and one day it shall be her, HER ON THE THRONE AS KAWAII AIDORU OF ALL NIPOON AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHASKDASKJFAPNVNA;DKVA
No. 177474
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checks out threadkoots could do anything with her life she's so young, she could go on to be really fulfilled by something completely different and still be able to turn around and be like 'lol one time I went viral for being hot and I scammed my way to Japan and got paid for being hot, shit was so ca$h', meanwhile you boys will still be sitting there gritting your teeth and pointing out the bags under her eyes.
< you
No. 177482
>>177374Back to the alien toddler shoops again I see, she'll probably stick to this since it seems to be getting more likes than her other posts.
>>177463I'm not sure who Alexa is but how many gigs has Taylor gotten this year? Cause all I've seen was her modeling those Halloween costumes. Anyway it's not like Dakota is like Micky or Himeka but I don't see her having some big successful clothing brand or modeling for popular brands anymore since her Babyfang thing was a failure that she didn't even try to revamp, her youtube videos don't get alot of views like that vlog she uploaded a week ago only has 26k views…Dakota will probably end up like Magibon, Applemilk, or Beckii Cruel.
Oh and lol at all the "your just jelly" comments, this isn't 2012 when she was going viral, getting 1 million views per video, getting tons of modeling gigs, appearing in popular magazines like popteen, etc. all of that is gone and Dakota is just a girl who had her 15 minutes of fame.
No. 177532
>>177403I have no words. We know what type of target she's after. Needs new sugar daddy?
>>177482The stans calling people "jelly" are the ones who secretly wanted to be her and live through her. They refuse to admit there's no chance for Kota to be relevant anymore beyond these fugly shoops.
No. 177551
>>177476Yes Tay is 28.
>>177482Alexa is Taylor's friend, a Polish model living Japan since many years ago. She appears in her videos sometimes. Alexa speaks Japanese and is a model full time. Taylor is more into vlogging and youtube, she still gets jobs however she needs to keep working in her Japanese, she explained her agency is pissed about that situation, not because of her age lol she's still in her 20s and she looks younger than her age, their age is not the problem.
No. 177614
File: 1475049509331.png (835.9 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20160928-165739.png)

Has…has she shooped the eyes on her baby photo?
No. 177615
>>177492I don't really follow the jvlog drama because it's so not lulzy, especially when they're making a bit of money and are just making haul vlogs etc. (kill me). That's why I don't think koots is that lulzy because she's had a good run, like I'd be pretty satisfied to go on an do something else fun now.
>>177510exactly what part of 'life exists beyond how you are perceived by shallow weebs on the internet' do you not understand. lol at your bitter stream of consciousnesses this is you
>>177453 No. 177684
File: 1475082911911.png (563.41 KB, 640x1136, IMG_1851.PNG)

>>177614>>177629Hardcore pushing that "look how golden blonde my natural hair color is(was)!" vibe.
Also, subtle mention of Kiki, and lol @ her shooping herself thinner than Kiki (if that's even a pic of them and not stolen from google, since Dakota has never had hair that light since she got to Japan, nor has she ever been taller than Kiki).
No. 177693
File: 1475084499237.png (359.86 KB, 720x1280, highfivehead.png)

>>177684I saw them interacting on Instagram the other day. It always weirds me out when they say something nice to each other, I'm too used to their whole "sisterly competition/shade" thing
No. 177727
>>177629or she's showing off her shooped kid pic. you sound envious about something
>>177669if anything it will get lighter
No. 177786
File: 1475110590057.jpg (131.82 KB, 639x987, Dakota-Fanning-Uptown-Girls-Pr…)

>>177311Except they don't look 3 years apart. 1 year is believable, Dakota looks a bit younger but is about the same size as Kaka.
<= Dakota Fanning and Elle are 4 years apart, and Dakota Fanning was small as a little girl too, but look at that size difference.
No. 177794
>>177463What part of you have to have some success when you're young in order to continue to get modeling gigs for a long time do you not understand? Taylor still gets modeling jobs because she had more success a few years ago in Hong Kong than Kooter has had in her entire career so far. That, and she still makes an effort to get jobs occasionally.
If Giselle Bundchen and Adriana Lima hadn't had success in their teens/early 20s, no one would give a shit about them now that they are both well over 30. Making a name for yourself carries you a long way. Being a lazy fuck with no personality at jobs means you're done modeling before you even started.
No. 177805
>>177669Some of my classmates were as blonde as
>>177614 in elementary school, they're now a bit older than kota, and it has darkened fom blonde to brown. So, much like
>>177733 said.
No. 177820
>>177786They look way too close in age, just that Koots is heftier. However sometimes fatter kids look bigger/older. So it's hard to tell.
>>177805That and Koots specifically posts about how ~white blonde~ her hair supposedly is, which is what everyone else is mocking.
No. 177827
File: 1475125146077.png (163.3 KB, 480x800, Screenshot_2016-09-29-13-50-42…)

Dakota is past her prime and not popular anymore as the Japanese are already onto her shit. You google her in Japanese and the first thing that comes up before any of her social media, wiki page etc. Are websites about her being a racist, liar and photoshop fiend. Its no wonder so many places have cut ties with her, especially popteen which loves to have that squeeky clean, sweet as sugar image for all their models.
No. 177829
>>177827Popteen had more to do with her being in a group that's aging out but the rest of it…holy shit!
Just read the matome article.
It eviscerated her.
Can't imagine anyone who read that would want to hire her.
No. 177831
>>177827First, many of those sites talking about the photoshop and her old videos aren't even written by a Japanese person, the most complete one was written by someone from old PULL actually. There are some Japanese sites for gossiping etc in which they do criticize her and a lot of idols, not only Dakota. When girls get famous is expected they are going to get criticism and hate…
After 4 or 5 years working in Japan, do you really think her agency cares about what some random weebs have to say? Lol the entertainment industry deals with that and more hate and drama.
Maybe you are new or forgot that when Bravo announced she joined the agency, a lot of girls from PULL went to their FB page and wrote her manager e-mails with all that information and old videos.. did it work? Not really.
Do you know how many times a lot of girls have cried about this before? "she's not relevan anymore " / "I wouldn't hire her " hahaha everytime you check Dakota's thread is the same. Useless.
No. 177835
>>177831The articles on the sites in that cap are certainly written by a Japanese person for a Japanese audience. They are shitty click-bait news sites but are the same kind that made her go viral in first place.
ダコタローズ 嘘 is the third suggestion when searching her on google.
No. 177837
>>177831I mean, its obvious Bravo has a hard on for her, for whatever reason. But Bravo seems to not be able to get her big jobs anymore. Just because she's still with them doesn't mean people want to work with her.
She hardly does any print work, she slowly phased out of PopTeen (which is super uncommon apparently), hasn't been on TV since PopT, has done like one runway… To me, I wouldn't be surprised if people in the fashion world in Tokyo have had enough.
No. 177838
>>177837It seems like she lost popularity when she started appearing on TV a lot.
From what I read on jp sms a lot of people found her really unlikable.
The most common complaint was.
"She regular pretty but has a terrible personality."
No. 177841
>>177831Oh yeah I'm sure it was ALL pull who gossiped about her on that 'Girls Chat' or whatever that exclusively japanese site is called. There are PLENTY of japanese people tired of her BS so dont pretend it's only westerners calling her out. Hell you can even find people calling her out in japanese and stuff on twitter and instagram she just deletes and blocks immediately.
You can keep deluding yourself into thinking that anyone gives a shit about her but last time I checked she went from being the face of several purikura machines to modelling on the same level as cosplayers and being on no-name shows. When was the last time she's been in a magazine? When was the last time she did a print ad? The BEST part is: She's only a step above himezawa now.
>>177837Also this: Popteen usually has pretty extravagant 'graduations' when people are leaving their magazine and Dakota just stopped showing up so it's more than likely she was fired on bad terms.
>>177839I wouldnt call it a tinfoil conspiracy since japan will always support their own over a foreigner. Especially since she was terribly rude on live TV and not in a funny way at all. It's like how you can bring a new friend to a circle and be cool with them but if they insult someone who's been a solid member of the group you'll probably drop the new friend like a rock.
No. 177843
>>177834Ugh here we go again.
I said MANY of those sites, not ALL of those sites. Please try to write everything in a single comment, that way we know who is who.
>>177838There's an article that talks about her gaining popularity then losing it then gaining it again but I don't remember they mentioned she's REGULAR pretty. This reeks like "she's averageee" shitpost
>>177841Did you fucking read my comment? I mentioned THERE ARE JAPANESE SITES that write about her but they talk about several other idols???? Fucking learn to read.
No. 177848
>>177843The first two sites are Japanese news sites. Not gossip forums.
I translated the comment directly from Japanese sorry. It's 普通に可愛い.It wasn't an insult.
>>177844Basically she was on the panel of a karaoke program. She scored a pair of popular comedians 12/100 and made a snide comment. It didn't go over well with the audience.
It's talked about in this thread.
>>>/pt/139377 No. 177865
>>177859No it's not only one person all the time, sometimes when I write here there are some other anons who think the same. These are my posts ->
>>177860>>177857>>177843>>177831>>177461>>177463Right now, yes it's maybe only me, but there are some other anons who think this thread is neverending BS. And that "uuh it's only 1 person" accusation is pretty dumb, is like me accusing you of the same when everyone knows this thread is full of PULLtards.
Not everyone here thinks Dakota is average and has no future in Japan etc. Deal with it.
No. 177871
>>177865Who said all the time? Today when you're same-fagging all over the thread. You're dead obvious.
People have stated facts and cited sources and you choose to ignore them. You're posts are the opposite of logical. Stop using terms like "Pulltard" when you don't even know what they mean.
No. 177873
>>177871I know all those sources lol that's why I ignored them, it's so annoying you come with the same shit over and over again.
You have 0 proof she ended in bad terms with pop teen, from all the possible reasons, like "I don't want to do it in front of cameras" you always chose the worst scenario. Not all of them have to do it in front of cameras, it's just a magazine, not AKB48.
No. 177875
>>177871What's logical to you? Let me see…
"Dakota has no future in Japan, fucking cunt why can't you accept that? and she hates her family it's so weird she talks to Kiki now in the comment section, like she can't use DM/Skype/Line NO, she never talks to them in public because she's so ashamed of her own family… anyway in other news pop teen fired her because she was rude and mean and she's now irrelevant because she has bad reputation on the internet and she's rude to everyone in Japan."
Am I talking like someone you can agree now? lol
No. 177878
>>177873Really? Because some of those Japanese sites are new-ish and I haven't seen them discussed here before.
I'm not the anon that said she left on bad terms. I always assumed she was phased out along with rest of the older models there and that she stopped appearing regularly because she was busy doing TV stuff. And because maybe she wasn't making her measurements.
No. 177880
>>177878Like I don't have to see those links posted here to find stuff myself? ..The fuck?
No? Those are comments I've seen in this thread and in PULL so.. but it's ok, it's nice to know you don't agree with that.
No. 177887
>>177884I know right. God this same fagging retard
>>177875is just running in circles. If you don't like this board, why are you here?
Also I love how you assume it was me constantly replying to you when I only posted
>>177827 and
>>177831. Now just get over it
No. 177888
>>177875Last time I checked this was lolcow, I didn't know it was a koots appreciation thread.
It's a gossip site and what comes from gossip is usually bad things so I don't know why youre so surprised that people anonymously shit talk. How upset some of you are getting is pretty funny, and what makes this all the more stupid is that pull actually like kooters of the late and is anything but proud of how far shes come to be. Its an absolute hugbox over there so you should post there more often so you wont give yourself a heart attack about how badly annons are talking shit about kota. You guys are getting real offended about some public figure here. Please let's just enjoy her cringey edits and how her modeling is becoming a train wreck- or you prolly won't because it's offendind you and it's too obscene for your Nippon idol.
No. 177890
>>177888You literally talk like a PULLtard/snotfaced child btw. You need to be 18+ to be on this site.
All you fat jelly lesbians have been saying she's a failure who will get kicked out of Japan aaaaany day now for years. It's hilarious.
No. 177891
>>177890Please give more salt, your stupidity is really entertaining. How angry you're getting is really pathetic.
And my case proven, I think people actually dont know what being a pultard is, and case given youre prolly a newfag who gets offended way too much
No. 177899
>>177890Ikr? Since 2012.
4 years later they still say the same shit.
No. 177905
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>>177897>>177890you're both retarded. Go back to your fucking safe spaces
No. 177906
>>177897 said, I'm not the same anon. lol @ being this buttmad.
>I-I don't even care!! You're just a salty pathetic angry offended newfag!!! Did I use enough edgy internet language to fit in??? Go back to your shitty forum, child.
No. 177909
>>177906youre being a dumb edge lord yourself and I proved my point. Both of you dont even know what a pulltard is- its definitely not the same as it was in 2013 and dumbasses just use that stupid term to defend themselves. And here you are kissing kota's ass so hard that you feel the need to argue to me like what a bunch of REAL pulltards would really do.
Talk about being an edgelord
No. 177911
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What the hell did she do to her mouth?
No. 177913
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I was in Harajuku today and saw this so I had to take a photo.
Sage for useless input.
No. 177958
Look at the picture of kaka and kooter on caths lap. They're both fucking toddlers. No way are they 3 years apart.
No. 177968
>>177958I've been scouring the catalog, and I know it's been posted at least twice but I'm having a hell of a time finding it. I know it was posted several times, once from Popteen where it says Kiki and Kyler can't speak Japanese, once from some tv show (where she made the fake timeline) that said it was Kiki, Kota and
Scott by accident.
No. 177969
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>>177967But we already have so many amazing Kooter candids!
No. 178032
>>177855I've never seen the clip, did she know what she was rating?
>>177896The picture on the right was somewhat shooped, since she provided it to the tv show when she first came to japan. Note that it has her old shooping style (eyeliner, lips, lower eyebrows, etc) and she didn't think to remove the nasolabials from smiling.
>>177992I think it's an added shine because the upper lip is mostly drawn on and doesn't exist. She blurs below the lipliner to hide that it was drawn on skin past her actual lip line. This is consistent in all of her shoops..
No. 178077
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>>177911Jesus christ this is actually terrifying, wtf!
I always wondered with these types of pictures… most of her skin is blurred obviously, but she missed the tip of the nose and the under-eye lid? Is this intentional? Not the first time I've seen it, but if you're going to shoop that much, why not do the whole thing?
No. 178078
File: 1475202174374.jpg (16.51 KB, 351x319, kota4.thumb.JPG.63fa9e070894ce…)

>>177969yeeesh, I forgot how short and stringy her hair is without weave or "tape ins". Her new shoop is a mixture of what she kind of looks like but with extreme enhancements. To be honest though she made it far being a con artist and professional liar.
Picture because she trying to make her shoop closer to her actual appearance so when she gets jobs she's doesn't look like a total fraud, just a little this time.
No. 178085
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>>177958>>177968Here it is. The photo says she's 6.
No. 178088
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>>177958>>177968>>178085And here's the Popteen page where she says Kiki (22) and Kyler (23) can't speak Japanese. It also says this is the most recent picture she has with any of her siblings.
Not sure what the other section says about "チップス" though.
No. 178101
>>178088The other section is her claiming to have fed chips to foxes and owls in the forest by her house.
Which sounds like a load of kawaii bullshit honestly.
No. 178125
>>178107It's totally made up.
Also anyone remember videos of her and Kaka letting animals fight or something in their house?
No. 178177
>>178101Complete BS. Foxes and owls won't come up to a human for chips,
maybe for a scrap of meat, but an owl isn't gonna land on the ground and let you feed it chips. Not even in a wooded residential neighborhood.
No. 178186
>>177909>>177905For someone crying they're not a PULLtard you sure know a lot about the site and where to look!
>>177967Pretty sure this stuff is the closest thing:
>>175070>>172491>>169905>>166663>>164858I don't know if it's because I'm so used to seeing her shoops or not but her real face just ends up looking so… fat, with tiny beady eyes.
No. 178191
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Man her recent shoops really are bizarre…
No. 178196
>>178191Holy shit, her eyes look like they're painted on her. Her whole face is just "what the fuck".
She must be trolling at this point. I refuse to believe she's not doing this to troll us.
No. 178203
>>178195people from that site just love accusing others of being
from that site ~ its a psych trick of promoting taht site so they get the traffic and attention. if you don't mention it then it never gets promoted here. simple ain't it?
No. 178218
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>>178191Holy shit! She's starting to make herself looks like she has waardenburg syndrome.
No. 178252
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>>178191Kota wants to be her former copycat so bad
No. 178344
>>178191She's trying to be like that little girl someone posted for sure.
>>178209Gotta hide the chub. It's so hard to shoop even with the sweater.
>>178225Haha yes, available at a million stores 10 years ago. Both of them and their old outdated accessories crack me up.
No. 178361
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>>178192She now resembles an avatar. She's has to be trolling..
No. 178366
>>178252is that the one who used to go by kittyphina?
She looks like old kota but with a pig nose. I miss that phase…
No. 178369
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>>178366Seems so, and her shoops have surpassed Koots now. Honker aside.
No. 178447
File: 1475326182610.jpg (87.06 KB, 960x960, 11800013_943994948977216_59462…)

is cute, it's just that her old shoops made her look so ugly and weird. She looks different in candids, but still attractive imo. Maybe I like her real face (aside from the weird nose) because koots fucked up so much.
No. 178459
>>178191Looks like the backpack was "dragged" towards her waist to make her look slimmer.The pocket flap, buckle and strap looks weird
>>178344b-but anon, Kaka come up with the ivory-white scheme! you know, because no one else in the world is as creative and trendy as her to be able to pick these colors on a drop-down menu
No. 178679
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She went to Takoaka to walk for Kimonofest 2016, now she says she's heading back to Tokyo. How hard up do you have to be for jobs to take the bullet train (which isn't cheap) to another city, do one thing and then leave?
No. 178722
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No. 178724
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What kind of magazine is this
No. 178725
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>>178724Sorry for the samefag but I figured out that it's for a pachinko magazine (
No. 178734
File: 1475429792971.jpg (135.86 KB, 720x720, 1c03ee69d1b661066f2943464037c6…)

>>178728i think it's a thing in japan in this kawaii fashion scene that they all do their own makeup. they're not blank canvases they hire characters who have their own thing going on already. when it comes to makeup it's why they have thos9e little sections in magazines where they give you tutorials on how they do their style. kind of like how amo used to have her own style with the reddish brown eyeshadow and ayumi seto too. i don't think any of them have actually ever done a bad enough job for someone to comment on it…. maybe they should start with dakota and her mustache liner. imo it throws off the look. she's got some wannabe kylie jenner shit going on.
No. 178750
>>178747It's not like she'd be paying out of pocket anyway. Transport to and from would be covered by Bravo
>>178748I'm sure it will be, in a month after she has finished editing every frame, carving a waist where there was none, and making herself look better than all the other models. She has a lot of work to do.
No. 178792
>>178724Is this an actual magazine for sale or one of those free ones?
Either way fucking lol. From Vogue to this. Being in an onsen with that dirty old man is still the highlight of her career for me. Never stop being kawaii, Koots.
No. 178869
>>178728I thought this was weird too, but remembered they're not editorial or high fashion models.
>>178819What brand was the ad for again? It was also one of those "we booked her before seeing her in real life" early gigs for sure.
>>178859She was paid to go into a tub with an old man and say she likes old men. There's a video, it was awkward and gross.
No. 178925
File: 1475507905993.png (398.26 KB, 640x1136, IMG_1960.PNG)

So I was looking for pics of some Babyfang pieces when I came across this. It says Shibuya Parco is shutting down, and even google maps says it's permanently closed. And if you look at the dates, it happened right when Dakota had her pop up shop there. I wonder what happened? We know her Osaka shop got cancelled because of "management issues", maybe this was it? I can't read enough moon to get anything out of it except that it opened back in 1973 and has been a big deal for art and culture. It's strange that it happened so suddenly, too.
No. 178986
>>178859As the other anon said yeah a few years ago she joked about "oyaji" being her type.
The onsen thing was her traveling with this (60-70ish) year old manga artist guy to a ryokan. That's a weird enough premise for a show in itself, but there was a scene where they're each in their small separate outdoor baths separated by a wall. Old man knocks on the wall and half-jokingly asks if he can come to her side. This is the prompt for any girl to say "omgggg iyada no way!!" but not our Koots. Bathing ensued and the program ended on an awkward note. It was extra weird because it seemed like she was only wearing a towel underwater and the baths were quite small and personal.
This is one of the leftover broadcasts that aired after her giving that terrible score to the flavor of the month comedy singer guy. It's right around where she pretty much disappeared from media.
No. 179326
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'Nother Disney princess shoot.
No. 179328
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No. 179329
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No. 179330
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No. 179331
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No. 179333
>>179330Is this Secret Honey again?
If so, wow they really upped the shooping this time. The completely lopped off her chin and increased her eye size.
Wonder why.
No. 179334
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No. 179336
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No. 179345
File: 1475666137522.png (533.71 KB, 428x617, Screen Shot 2016-10-05 at 12.1…)

>>179331Sorry kooter
But Peachy owned the Elsa look hands down. She even looks like Elsa…
No. 179372
File: 1475676377502.jpg (80.3 KB, 530x685, greek-girl_world-cup-2014_02_t…)

>>179356Whites actually have phenotypically distinctive features though. You really think there's equivalence between saying that Chinese look the same and claiming that this girl and Scarlet Johansson also look the same?
Of course not. On the flip side, Asians, barring staggeringly few outliers, all have exactly the same hair color, hair texture and eye color.
>>179365The whole "Japanese idolize European features" thing enrages the SJW-brand of weeb, who assume it's some kind of neo-colonialism. In fairness, sometimes it's overplayed. Lots of anime characters just look extremely… non-human. But other times it's blatantly obvious that they resemble white people more than they do asians, e.g. the blonde in Your Lie In April.
No. 179377
>>179372>Of course not. On the flip side, Asians, barring staggeringly few outliers, all have exactly the same hair color, hair texture and eye color. On this note. It's useful to underscore this with an example: During the North Korean mass games, it's actually taken as a point of pride among North Koreans that all the performers look the same: same height, same facial morphology and features, same body type etc since it is, in their minds, an illustration of how pure the Korean race is.
North Korea for those who don't know is a state more like NS Germany than a Marxist-Leninist one. But we're getting off topic. Back to Kota.
No. 179406
>>179372If you dyed her hair blonde, it wouldn't be that easy to tell them apart unless you're used to white faces tbh.
>>179377Don't Aryan enthusiasts do the same thing, though?
>muh blond hair and blue eyes>muh racial homogeneity >REEEE if you have brown hair or eyes you're a shitskin, if you're a redhead you're not even human #notwhite No. 179407
>>179336I actually like this. I think she suits Anna very well.
Peach makes a far better Elsa, though.
No. 179408
>>179406>Don't Aryan enthusiasts do the same thing, though?No, they emphasize the heterogeneity of white phenotypes as evidence of the comparative uniqueness of the white race.
>if you're a redhead you're not even humanThat's a South Park meme.
No. 180027
>>179326>>179397 Jeez, those eye bags are heinous. But at least her extensions look good in this one, this brown color really suits her too. She needs to let go of this ~natural
coughdarkcough blonde~ crap and accept that her hair is light brown now.
No. 180044
>>180026That's not why they like white people. This topic shouldn't come up because it's obvious surrounding their history as to why. Blacks are capable of doing the same you don't see Japanese bending backwards for 'hair' types. Japanese are mostly attracted to blond hair. because it's "socially" desired. Who keeps bringing this topic out?
>>179326This wasn't a good edit at all, she looks like a psychiatric patient.
No. 180107
>>180026It's pretty obvious what "type" of white features are most touted, though. Hide behind differences in hair/eye pigment all you want, but it's far from "all" white people who are celebrated by any stretch of the imagination.
Also, I agree with
>>180044. I doubt Japanese people are into white people because of heterogeneity. When it comes to gaijin, they either like hafus (or girls that can pass easily for hafu), or one specific type of white person (blond hair, big blue eyes), unless they're specifically trying to appeal to a global/international sort of market instead of just other Japanese consumers. That's probably why Flan and her penis nose never made it big lmao, even though she's white. Also why we haven't seen Mira bragging about all the gravure magazines she's been in (though I think she might be married to some Japanese guy? Idk). It's like the flip-side of white people who fetishize pale-skinned East Asian girls. They may go for "brown Asians" like Filipinos from time to time, too, because "hey, still Asian" but they generally prefer one type, and overall it's more of a fascination/pure sexualization than idolization or actual appreciation as humans.
Wonder how many average/below average white chicks ITT are going to read the other posts about nips worshiping whites, then go on a trip to Japan and come back embittered about not being treated like goddesses or taking Dakota's spot tbh.
No. 180113
>>180107>Flan>totally plain, big nose
>Mira>literally QuasimodoI get your point anon, but I'm pretty sure these 2 were not popular in Japan because they're not attractive by anyone's standards. (Not saying Kooter is necessarily attractive, but she is better looking than these 2)
Yeah you see blondes with blue eyes as the stereotypical white foreigner in anime a lot. I personally haven't noticed the real life preference for blondes in Japan, but it's entirely possible. I know Miranda Kerr is really popular there but she's a brunette. It's probably much more about actually being a cute/hot white woman than it is about hair color specifically. Actually it's probably fine to just have medium brown or lighter hair, just colors they don't have.
No. 180153
>>180113Miranda Kerr is popular everywhere, though. I mean, Ariana Grande and Beyonce and Fergie are also very popular in Japan, but I wouldn't use them as a baseline. Attractive, famous people are still attractive and famous in Japan. I was kinda appealing based on what
>>179353 said.
Also, Japanese people can be brunette.
No. 180165
>>179334Horrible costumes. The fit is so awful they make her look fucking fat, which is not good for a
ahem broad girl like Kota.
No. 180271
>>180165That's because she doesn't really fit the measurements and they are pouring her into the dresses.
According to the Secret Honey website, the measurements are 65cm waist for the dress part and 63cm for the blouse. What do you think Koot's measurements are nowadays?
No. 180281
>>178724So there is an interview in this magazine.
It's all the same usual bullshit.
-real barbie
-how she learned Japanese
- Now she wants to be an actress
Someone on the other website translated the whole interview. continues to be a pathological liar.
No. 180287
>>179334Well BIG difference is Kooter had to wear all those costumes and got paid.
Peachy does it as a hobby and always choose what suits her better.
I do agree Peachy looks better as Elsa, but Kota had literally no choice, good part is she got paid $
No. 180290
>>179360Yeah definitely Tinkerbell. I think that's the one that suits her better so far, and she has Tinkerbell's personality sometimes (from the original Peter pan movie) she looks like a very short tempered person, always moody.
>>179352 Pretty much. Lol.
I didn't like that velvet fabric they used for the Elsa's costume.
Some of the costumes look expensive, some look low quality.
No. 180762
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>>180153Maybe dark brown, but I've never seen a Japanese/Asian generally with that very common mousy brown hair white girls often have. I think even this color is different enough to stand out to them.
Also, this is not Japanese but from all of the kpop videos I've seen when there's white women in a video there's usually a mix of blonde and brunette girls. I think things like anime tend to use blonde to represent white people because they also usually draw most of the Asians with a lighter brown hair color than is natural for them.
No. 180956
>>180092Are you serious? Red hair was thought to have been a sign of deceitfulness, degeneracy and potential witchcraft way back in medieval Europe. It held negative connotations within christian communities and countries way up until the Victorian era, if I remember year 6 history lessons correctly.
Saged for OT but your historical ignorance is baffling if you live in the west
No. 181128
>>180092 Here, start with a wikipedia on Red Hair Anon:
>>180281 Bravo might have had the career talk with Dakota. She is approaching her 5th year with them as a model/talent. If her modeling track is getting bumpy, they have to switch her to acting; most likely starting in comedies and minor roles in dramas. Her singing abilities is, uhm, "questionable": (
No. 181200
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Dakota better watch out, now Taylor is doing Lolita modeling too! Idk what brand though. When was the last time Dakota was in GLB?
No. 181203
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>>181200Oops,I missed this one in the other thread.