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No. 1593482
Alicia Silverstone is an actress, a vegan activist and a mother, most famous for her role as Cher in clueless, over the last 2 decades or so she has gone off the deep end, getting into various insane vegan hippie beliefs and practices(unironically believing in karma and claiming tampons cause infertility), what's most concerning however is her overly "close" relationship with her son, Bear Blu Jarecki, she
>breastfed him tell he was 9>took baths with him tell he was at least 10(whether she takes baths with him as of now is not known)>sleeps in the same bed with him>posts various videos of them kissing on tiktokshe also posts daily on Instagram, tiktok, her blog and her youtube channel, she is not at all shy from revealing her retarded opinions and doing insane shit
Her blog and bear's tiktok channel No. 1593484
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Alicia Silverstone Reveals She Still Sleeps(in the same bed) with 11-Year-Old Son Bear: I'm 'Following Nature'
>During an appearance on "The Ellen Fisher Podcast," the 45-year-old actress shared a few details about her attachment parenting style and revealed that "Bear and I still sleep together."
>The "Clueless" star shares her 11-year-old with her ex-husband Christopher Jarecki, and joked that she would "get in trouble for" her comments by critics. "I don't really care," Silverstone laughed off any possible judgements.
>Bear and I still sleep together," she said, noting that she is just "following nature" with her parenting style.
>"If you were in any kind of wild setting where there are animals … if you put your baby over there," she said, pointing away from herself, "your baby is going to get eaten. It's not ideal for the baby to be over there."
>The actress also explained the "elimination communication" parenting tactics she would employ when raising Bear, and shared that she would rarely use diapers when teaching her son to potty train as a toddler. Instead of diapers, Silverstone would "watch his cues" to know when he would need to use the restroom.
>"There was a period of time where I was watching him naked and watching the cues," Alicia continued. "The cues part for me was really fun because I thought that he was flirting with me because he would do this little smile. That's when he had to pee."
>Silverstone also explained why she didn't end up having additional kids, sharing that she wanted to "savor every moment" of Bear's life first.
>"I wanted to have more [kids], but then my relationship got messed up, and it wasn't a great time to bring one in," she said. "I didn't want to have one right away because I was so in love with my Bear." "I wanted to squeeze every little moment out of him, so it wasn't until he was like 3 that I was ready to make another baby and then I didn't have a partner, so that's why I don't have four babies."
>In November 2020, The actress revealed that Bear cut his long hair.
>"My baby's growing up 😭💔 I miss his hair!!!!! Was it his decision? Yes. Did I cry inside as I watched him get it cut? Maybe … but did I try to stop him? Not for one second," she shared in an Instagram caption.
>"The reason he chose to keep it for as long as he did was because he loved it so much!!!" she continued. "He just wanted to try something new. Although I have a feeling he'll find a way back to his long hair again in the future. No matter what though, I will always support my sweet, caring, and precious little boy in every decision he makes. ❤️🥰"
No. 1593485
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she had him breastfed till he was 9 and he's not vaccinated nor has he ever taken any medicine in his life according to her
>“He’s never had to take medicine in his life,” she told Page Six of her 7-year-old son, Bear, on Thursday. “He can get sniffles and a runny nose but he’s not down, he still goes to school. Two times in his life has he been like ‘Mommy I don’t feel good,’ and it was only for a few hours and he was back running around.”
No. 1593488
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they took baths together with her till he was 10,
>The Clueless star has revealed she and her son Bear have been soaking up some quality time together with shared baths during the lockdown measures imposed as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. And the actress has claimed that they find the activity ‘nourishing and comforting’. Silverstone explained: ‘My son and I take baths together, and when he’s not with me, I take a bath and that really feels nourishing and comforting.’
>Alicia – who has Bear with her ex-husband Christopher Jarecki – also said she and her tot have been doing other activities together, including dancing, bouncing on the trampoline and jumping rope. And the duo are focusing on maintaining their vegan diet, as the 43-year-old actress says her mental health is affected by her eating habits
>She added: ‘I always bring everything back to diet. When I don’t eat well, I don’t feel well, and then my moods go all over the place.’ Alicia says she turns to fresh herbs, greens, miso soup and ginger tea to keep her body healthy, and for her mental and physical health she takes daily long walks, practices yoga and meditation, and keeps a journal
>The Lodge actress also spoke about the bullying she has received because of her decision to have her son follow the same plant-based diet as her, as she said people have referred to her as ‘the freak’. Speaking to The New York Times newspaper, she said: ‘People said lots of different things, and I was sort of “the freak,” and I guess I’ll take pride in that because it is hard to be the person that’s speaking out, and it is hard to be the person that is saying the thing that isn’t what everybody else wants to hear.’ And the star claims the vegan diet keeps her son’s behaviour level as she told US Weekly: ‘I can tell you that from the get-go, I think of him as a brown rice baby because I ate brown rice when he was conceived, when he was in my belly and when he was on my boob, and now he eats brown rice. ‘The centering, grounding energy of that nourishment in his organs has left him such a calm boy
No. 1593490
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regarding parenting from her blog (>I can savor every moment with my son. And holy moly is it magical. >Most days, taking care of him and making his food, hearing his stories, and, of course, snuggling with him is the most divine, delicious thing ever. Reviews of her parenting book:
>There are many parts of this book that deal with choices that we as expectant mothers and new moms will have to make, both medical and lifestyle choices, and when the book delve into those, it was incredibly judgmental, hurtful even, and you can tell that the author is talking from a place of great privilege. The worst part is that she seems oblivious to that. I was vey uncomfortable when she talked about traditional cultures and their birthing and childrearing practices. Many of these women do not have any other choice, and to highlight these lack of choices as something that is essentially better and more pure was probably the most insensitive part of the book.>As a scientist, a vegetarian for over 20 years and a fan of all things natural, I want literature that is balanced and provides solid scientific background to all "natural" claims. That is not what this book gives you. Instead, this is a one-sided diary of a rich, spoilt woman who uses every page to piss on medicine that brought mankind to where we are now. It is insulting for women and couples fighting infertility from the very first page. It is degrading for women and very successful at pulling them away from their nature because everything is portrayed through idealised hippie worldview. Women don't have a "hoo-ha" and a "chichi", they have vaginas. There's no place for language like this in a book dedicated to the period when thorough understanding of your body and its functions is a must. I won't even start about all the anti-vaxer nonsense. Absolutely disgusting and a sign of being totally detached from real life and uneducated about one's own body. Not everything can be cured and prevented through food and to claim it the way it's done in this book is highly irresponsible. Alicia should consult specialists when writing something like this or rebrand it into a work of new age fiction No. 1593491
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Her making out with her son
No. 1593494
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This one is the creepiest btw
No. 1593499
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even excluding her weird ass relationship with her son, her helath beliefs are uttery idiotic as well
>She claims that using tampons can lead to women having fertility issues.
>"Your chichi is the most absorbent part of your body," she writes.
>"Unfortunately, feminine-care manufacturers aren't required to tell you what's in their products, which means that no one's talking about the potential pesticide residues from non-organic cotton and the 'fragrances' containing hormone-upsetting, fertility-knocking phthalates that are snuggling up to your hoo-ha."
>She also spoke out against vaccinations, claiming that anecdotal evidence has led to her beliefs.
>"While there has not been a conclusive study of the negative effects of such a rigorous one-size-fits-all, shoot-'em-up schedule, there is increasing anecdotal evidence from doctors who have gotten distressed phone calls from parents claiming their child was "never the same" after receiving a vaccine
>"And I personally have friends whose babies were drastically affected in this way."
>The 37-year-old also suggests in the book that postpartum depression is ‘less common’ among women who adopt a vegan or plant-based diet.
>She also claims veganism can cure fertility problems, illnesses such as lupus and other
No. 1593524
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Weirdly though she'll let anyone babysit him apparently
>You’d think that celebrities would be the most private and cautious people on the planet when it comes to their kids.
also more inappropriate mother son kissing
>Not actress Alicia Silverstone.
>“It was the most random day ever,” says Roxy, a 26-year-old Sydney nanny who Alicia hired to babysit her son Bear Blu, 5, and a friend’s son, August, 11, in July this year. “She didn’t check my
No. 1593594
>>1593589Yeah it's not about the bathing, it's all the stuff she says about him that's wacko
gonna tl:dr the stuff right above
>Instead of diapers, Silverstone would "watch his cues" to know when he would need to use the restroom.>"There was a period of time where I was watching him naked and watching the cues," Alicia continued. "The cues part for me was really fun because I thought that he was flirting with me because he would do this little smile. >"I wanted to have more [kids], but then my relationship got messed up, and it wasn't a great time to bring one in," she said. "I didn't want to have one right away because I was so in love with my Bear." "I wanted to squeeze every little moment out of him, so it wasn't until he was like 3 that I was ready to make another baby and then I didn't have a partner, so that's why I don't have four babies.">And the actress has claimed that they find the activity ‘nourishing and comforting’. Silverstone explained: ‘My son and I take baths together, and when he’s not with me, I take a bath and that really feels nourishing and comforting.’>I can savor every moment with my son. And holy moly is it magical. >Most days, taking care of him and making his food, hearing his stories, and, of course, snuggling with him is the most divine, delicious thing ever. >>1593524Haven't read this article but the headline says it all, no mother should be passionately kissing their son or vice versa, that's incest. The way she describes physical interaction with him and her own unhealthy boundaries is veryyy weird.
And it's not like she has to save on bathwater or something like is the most common reason to share baths.
Breastfeeding until aged 9 and co-sleeping until 10 is also a choice, considering how she talks about him.
It's weird how tolerant people are of this stuff, like heaven knows what kind of man he will turn into after all this, I assume a very fragile, needy one with absolutely no boundaries with his future partners
No. 1593659
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yo i was reading her wikipedia page & in 2012 she was feeding her son chewed up food from her mouth like a fucking bird? on her blog No. 1593675
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>>1593594>"There was a period of time where I was watching him naked and watching the cues," Alicia continued. "The cues part for me was really fun because I thought that he was flirting with me because he would do this little smile.what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck
No. 1593710
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I was looking through her IG and… yeah. Explains a lot.
No. 1593717
jfc is Clueless cursed or something? Brittany Murphy dead, Stacey Dash insane, now Alicia is unhinged as well. if Paul Rudd dies or does some freak shit soon I will not be surprised
not at all shocked about her being a crunchy antivax out of touch hippie because that's a standard personality lately for a lot of GOOP-leaning white woman celebs, but god the shit with her son especially
>>1593675 >>1593524
>>1593494 is what's really getting to me. she's so stupid for thinking he's not going to absolutely resent her in his teen years for essentially borderline-grooming him like this. either that or he'll be mentally and emotionally stunted and give off that homeschooled-cult kid energy from all the coddling. anons saying this kind of thing isn't abnormal in non-US countries, yeah maybe the bathing thing if he was like, 6 years old max, but the combination of everything she does all at once is so unnerving. once kids reach double digit age especially, it's really important to give them their own personal space, no matter how close you are to them. and she's sharing all this freely with no issue so imagine what she ISN'T sharing. there's no way this story doesn't end up fucked one way or another
No. 1593721
>>1593604 this exactly. if you're freaked out by Liev Shreiber but not Alicia idfk what to tell you
No. 1593972
>>1593675The flirting this is absurd. There’s absolutely a method of potty training where you basically let them run around naked, and they figure it out pretty quick through the first couple of accidents.
Everything isolated is kind of…eh. But when you put it all together- it’s just really feels gross.
No. 1593983
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>>1593781Yikes. The kid looks just like the dad too. Where the fuck is he at.
No. 1594013
sage cause this might be a reach, nbut bare with me, there was a film I saw a couple months back with Alicia Silverstone, it was a unique low budget post-apocalyptic survival film, one of the major plot points was a romance between the main character who was 18 and Alicia Silverstone's character who was recently divorced, I originally thought it was based having a romance depicted between a hot young man and an older woman, but now seeing elements of the film with what I've discovered in this thread, some details of the film start seeming "iffy", cause the mc is a young man who has lived in his entire life in woods, living as a survivalist away from society, he's basically the most perfect/idealized version of what she probably wants her son to be(he also kind looks like him) and they fuck each other in this film
No. 1594044
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>>1594013here's the actor and her son, they do kinda look alike
No. 1594207
>>1594193The 1st vid is completely innocuous, maybe the 2nd one I can kinda see what you are saying, but he is way younger than 11 and I don’t see the open mouth kissing (idk maybe I just missed it). The amount of affection you give a child is culturally variable (and her culture isn’t general American, it’s Hollyweird New Age culture).
I’m more creeped out by forcing a growing child to be vegan and the fact that she is fucking up his childhood by using him as her social-media plaything than the so-called “incest.”
No. 1594223
>>1593491>>1593494I’m sorry your parents don’t love you
I mean she
is insane but nothing strange in these videos particularly
“Making out”… the fuck…
No. 1594348
>>1593524since no has posted this yet
>Actress Alicia Silverstone has said her son tried to mimic her Clueless kissing scenes after she let him watch the nostalgic film >Even though she said Bear "loved" the 1995 classic, she soon realised it may have not been the most ideal time to let him watch it…>During an interview with Entertainment Tonight the actress, 45, said: “'He saw Clueless when he was five, because it was on at the Hollywood [Forever] Cemetery… Four thousand people came to see and I couldn't pass that experience up, of watching it under the stars, pillows on the ground with rosé.>She added: "But, at the time… he loved it, but what he really picked up [on is] he tried to kiss me, like, passionate kisses, because that’s what he saw in the movie." No. 1594362
>>1594283It's because there is a lot more content/milk available with Alicia vs. Schreiber and Martin and maybe a little bit because we relate better with women so it's more mind-bending and to see this behavior from one of us.
could be an image of her before dance class with a leotard under the sweater but who knows…
No. 1594365
>>1594273>Literally chewing all of his food and never weaning off breastmilk, as Alicia did, is extreme coddling, she was practically doing everything in her willpower to prevent her child from challenging themselves and growing.This, her intentions are
abusive, to create such unnecessary reliance where the kid needs her to eat or drink outside of babyhood. She's in the US, there's no need to do any of the things she does, you have sanitation, access to water, premade food, formula (usually) and any kinds of drinks. It's batshit and
abusive to create unnecessary reliance and artificial scarcity like she has, and the anons defending it definitely have some skeletons in their closet.
No. 1594369
>>1594366Okay anon then how come literally everyone in this thread thinks Alicia's relationship with her son is creepy/
abusive/incestuous except you?
No. 1594381
>>1594376also as
>>1594362 stated she has a youtube channel, a tiktok and blog where she posts frequently, she's open about her social life to the general public, other celebs are probably just as fucked up as her but there better at hiding it and not posting it on the internet
No. 1594433
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>>1593482this whole situation is giving me lady arryn vibes
No. 1594488
>>1594475Relax, we just said that
nonnie was kinda overreacting with the pecking thing. Nobody said that what she's doing is normal.
No. 1594604
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>>1593494so this normal in yall culture….
No. 1594612
>>1593710This is really
triggering my latent antisemitism.
No. 1594630
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This is old like
>>1594619 said, his hair is cut now but whew
No. 1594660
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>>1594630no that's him for a year ago, seriously you can see from her tiktok that the kid has normal hair now, vidrel was from three weeks ago
No. 1594832
>>1594598I think plenty of us can attest that parents can do subtle things that aren’t
abusive enough to intervene, or are normal somewhere in the world, but still fuck up your sense of boundaries and cause issues with socialization for life. Who cares if you don’t think it’s technically abuse, the end result is still a messed up adult.
No. 1595542

recently watched this mini-doc about her fucked up life, so finally here's some milk that has nothing to do with her son
>at the age of 5, her father basically saw her as an investment, he wanted to use her for fame and fortune
>at age 6 he had her do bikini clad photoshoots and he'd send these pics to modelling agencies
>at age 8 she became a full time child model
>after that she did some ads and had a stable acting job in the wonder years
>her "big break" however was in 1993, when she starred in a stalker romance film, The Crush, she was 15 and had a kissing scene with a 29 year old actor and was highly sexualized in the film
>she was nominated and won an MTV music award for this role, in the "Most Desirable Female" category
>after that she starred in a number of pervy straight to DVD films
>between 16 and 17 she starred in 3 music videos for the band Aerosmith, all 3 were sexualized, but the last one was controversial even for its time, it had alicia and steven tyler's 16 year old daughter, as schoolgirls who sneak out, sell lewd photographs to horny old men, enter an amature stripping contest and end the night with a an erotic pillow fight
>however it was cause of these Aerosmith music video's she got her big break, as director Amy Heckerling saw her and wanted to cast her in an upcoming TV sitcom(that would eventually become clueless)
>clueless was a massive commercial and financial success and Alicia became a star
>she finally could choose the roles she wanted
>and she choose batgirl in Joel Schumacher's Batman and Robin, which was a massive failure
>many dissatisfied fans started blaming her and started making jabs at her appearance, calling her fatgirl
>it was only in her 20's, away from the influence of her parents and skeevy agents that she was allowed true control of her, she would never attain the level of fame she once had and only did minor roles in the 2000's but she was doing what she wanted on her own terms
this doesn't excuse her creepy behavior with her son but it didn't come out of nowhere, this came as a result of her own highly sexualized childhood and adolescence
No. 1595608
I don't why people are moralfagging over gossip. I don't think this woman is the worst person in the world but she doesn't need to reveal so many personal details and post videos online.
>>1595259Yeah I think this is a good point. This child is going to grow up so maladjusted. But things like breastfeeding until 9 aren't normal anywhere.
No. 1595610
>>1593546Some Americans, think hippies (but most don’t go past age 9/10) it’s still seen pretty taboo here. Many many East Asian counties - Japan, Korea, China etc . Some European countries. That’s all I know and I’m a little to tipsy to name them all off this second, maybe later tonight anon.
But I’m no way saying this womens relationship with her son is normal, and I think her bathing with her 10yr son has more sinister intentions than when other families do it. - you know just to get clean and bond, not sexual anything. With all the facts in this thread this women is definitely a pedo. It’s just sad really.
No. 1596033
>>1595542omg how could I forget about the music videos?? thanks for the rundown of that video
nonnie this is all very disturbing and relevant information.
>fatgirllmao brutal
No. 1596271
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Psychologist and Parenting experts slam Alicia Silverstone, 45, for STILL sleeping with 11-year-old son Bear, warning bizarre attachment parenting practice will give youngster 'boundary issues', limit development - and leave him prone to bullying
>Parenting expert and psychologist Reena B. Patel criticized Silverstone's parenting styles, specifically, her co-sleeping with her son, adding that Bear is much past the age where it's considered acceptable to continue to share a bed. >'When a child begins to question the difference in genders, hits puberty and or starts to show discomfort is when to stop. It can be as early as five years of age,' Patel told>The mother-of-one (seen in 2020) said that she still sleeps with her tween son, claiming that she is simply 'following nature' by sharing a bed with him and experts have criticized her>Clinical psychologist and best-seller of three parenting books Dr. Laura Markham said that overly attached parenting is 'irresponsible parenting'>Is 'attachment parenting' healthy? Inside the controversial practice followed by Silverstone >The practice of attachment parenting focuses on eight 'principles', which begin while a woman is still pregnant with her child. >Attachment parenting is intended to ensure an incredibly close bond between a child and their parent through practices like breastfeeding, co-sleeping, joint bathing, and natural childbirth. While some insist that the technique nurtures a healthier, happier relationship between parent and child, critics have warned that attachment parenting can cause children to be overdependent, while increasing the stress placed on their parents. >Parenting expert Reena B Patel noted that 'when a child is a toddler,' they should begin sleeping independently. >The parenting expert added that a prolonged attachment parenting style can cause 'boundary issues' and 'lead to challenges in other relationships'>Many other experts have claimed that overly attached parenting is 'irresponsible' and after a child is no longer a toddler parents need to learn how to take a 'hands off' >Co-sleeping has also been called out as one of the more potentially-dangerous aspects of the practice, with critics warning that bed-sharing with a baby can increase the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). >The parenting expert added that prolonged attachment style parenting can lead to a reduced amount of 'exploration freedom a child receives, can create co-dependence, may limit independent skill development and can lead to challenges in other relationships. '>She added that 'when a child is a toddler,' they should begin sleeping independently. >'It's important to clarify how one would sleep when at other houses and how to rewind and provide affection to others when at school and visiting extended family, or when mom isn't around to bond with,' the psychologist said. >Patel noted that a prolonged attachment parenting style can also cause 'boundary issues.' >Further more, the parenting expert even said the overly attached parenting techniques can impact Silverstone's love life by not allowing her enough 'alone time.' >She added that Silverstone's overly attached parenting style would more than likely cause issues for Bear in the future and added: 'It can [lead to bullying and] social effectiveness should be considered and at that age.' >The parenting expert continued by noting that Bear should 'try to sleep independently.'>'As they get older there are sleepovers and camps. What would happen in those situations. When a child gets ready to move out or go to college.'
>Silverstone has been known for her 'alternative' ways of parenting, in her 2014 book, The Kind Mama, the Clueless alum compared letting her baby sleep in a crib to 'child neglect,' and in 2020 said her and Bear often wake up and 'snuggle for two or three hours' before she bathes alongside him. >She added that her way of parenting was 'loving' and focused on genuine communication and cuts out things like TV from her home.>Silverstone then joked that she would 'be in trouble' with mom-shamers, but added that at this point in her life 'I don't really care.' >Clinical psychologist and best-seller of three parenting books Dr. Laura Markham said on her parenting blog Aha! Parenting that attachment parenting is beneficial up to a certain extent, but when children began tor grow overly attached parents need to learn how to take a 'hands off' approach. >Dr. Markham added that although toddlers have a 'fierce need for connection with their parents,' they need be allowed to 'explore' without being 'over-controlled'>The psychologist added that parents who use the attachment style as a set of parenting techniques rather than a theory are 'over-controlling'>In 2012, Silverstone sparked furious controversy when she revealed that she fed her then-11-month-old son by pre-chewing his food and passing it from her mouth directly into his mouth>The Columbia University Alum added that 'good parenting' is knowing when to take a 'hands off' approach. >The psychologist noted that many parents often take the attachment parenting style too far, and begin to 'over-parent, because they believe the attachment parenting style is a 'set of rules' rather than a 'theory.'>Dr. Markham further criticized those who continue to co-sleep with their children grow older, adding that it's not a practice of attachment parenting because it doesn't respond to the 'developmental' needs of the child, and even went as far as to call the technique 'irresponsible parenting.'
>Berit Brogaard D.M.Sci., Ph.D is a Professor and the Director of the Brogaard Lab for Multisensory Research at the University of Miami and has told Psychology Today that overly attached parents are 'typically no less estranged from their children than neglectful or indifferent parents.' >She added that parents who raise their children with standards they believe to 'perfect' such as refusing them screen time or fast food creates a lifelong need for the parent to control every aspect of their children's life, while their child grows up with an 'unsuspecting' need to over compensate and an expectation to never fail. >Silverstone, who follows the attachment style of parenting, said she rarely used diapers when potty training Bear and 'snuggles' him for two to three hours when they wake up
>Despite criticism from experts who say she is exhibiting 'irresponsible parenting'; the actress added that she 'doesn't care'>Going her own way: Inside Alicia Silverstone's VERY controversial parenting practices >2012: Actress sparked furious controversy after sharing a video of herself feeding her then-11-month-old son like a baby bird, revealing that she was pre-chewing his food and passing it to him from her mouth to his >2014: Silverstone said in her book that she was anti-vaccination and instead relied on a vegan diet to keep her son healthy, claiming he had 'never been sick'>2014: Her book, The Kind Mama, also laid bare her decision not to circumcise her son, despite Silverstone being raised as a Jew, writing: 'If little boys were supposed to have their penises "fixed," did that mean we were saying that God made the body imperfect?'>2020: In an interview with the New York Times, Silverstone admitted that she an her son still took baths together >And although Dr. Markham recommends parents take a step back as their children grow and set 'limits', Silverstone seems to be following her child at 'every turn.' >In spite of clinical psychologists and parenting experts, fans of attachment parenting insist that the technique nurtures a healthier, happier relationship between parent and child, critics have warned that attachment parenting can cause children to be overdependent, while increasing the stress placed on their parents.>Silverstone has opened up about her unconventional parenting practices in the past; in 2012, she sparked debate when she shared that she was feeding her then 11-month-old son by pre-chewing his food and spitting it from her own mouth directly into his. >At the time, the actress defended her techniques by noting that 'people have been feeding their kids that way for thousands of years.'>In 2014, the actress once again sparked furious controversy when she revealed that that she was anti-vaccination, and instead relied upon a vegan diet to keep her son healthy - claiming at the time that he had 'never been sick' as a result of his plant-based food diet.>'I'm not against Western medicine,' she wrote. 'The problem is we're using it as a first step for everything, even when it's not needed.'>The actress continued: 'There is increasing anecdotal evidence from doctors who have gotten distressed phones calls from parents claiming their child was "never the same" after receiving a vaccine. 'And I personally have friends whose babies were drastically affected in this way.'>Silverstone has shared her passions for natural living ever since she gained widespread recognition following her roles in The Crush (1993) and Clueless (1995), despite being met with criticism from parenting experts and fans who have said the mom-of-one is 'ruining' her son. No. 1596328
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>>1596302>>1596311for newfags unaware, Katherine Marion was a vegan sexworker in her 50's who was sexually abusing her young son, CPS finally took the boy away when he was 16 and he grew to be a somewhat normal person
No. 1596336
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>>1596328and picrel was the boy at 17
No. 1597710
>>1595542She has a somewhat nude scene in "the crush" where she's only 15 as well. Super fucked up.
It's pretty obvious she's been groomed from a very young age and seems to be doing the same to her son. It's both horrifying and sad she's continuing the cycle of abuse. While her father exploited her for fame/money, she's clearly using her son's love for her to fill some sort of void she must feel she has been missing in her relationship with adult men. This poor kid is going to end up so fucked up.
No. 1602349
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>>1597193 she already has one, just look at them lovingly making out in public
No. 1602434
>>1602343Men can and should just take showers like normal fucking people, you know that?
>>1602417>>1602420It's not that strange, if you told me you were taking baths with your father on a daily basis at 10 years old and he'd explain your entire life online for all to see with pictures of you in your underwear though? I'd be worried.
No. 1602468
>>1602343I live in the uk where most nobody is circumcised and yeah, it makes no difference as long as men shower every day.
Plus circumcised men have sad dry cocks and problems with sex, like this affects women too when circumcised men are trying to jam their dry cocks in there. It's not necessary at all imo and is the singular thing alicia got right kek
No. 1603147
>>1602905You're not really contradicting me. My main point was that it happened to begin with because some crazy """doctors""" thought masturbation was unhealthy and sinful. The Kellogg guy I mentioned also said that burning little girls' clitoris with acid was an amazing idea and that in both cases, anesthesia shouldn't be used to traumatize children as much as possible. Some guys are disgusting, some guys have good hygiene habits, and all of this is unrelated to my point because little babies shouldn't have their healthy organs removed just for the aesthetic, for superstition, or for outdated scientific bullshittery.
>stop blaming foreskin or parents and infantilizing men.I'm infantilizing literal newborns. Who are infants. And who are usually raised by their parents. Learn how to read.
No. 1603206
>>1602774I’ve been wanting to make a post in the tinfoil thread about this since I watched a documentary about it last week kek but Americans are pushing it onto African countries to, I guess, farm foreskins
Anyway she’s right about circumcision but all of her extraordinary and better-than-everone-else parenting methods are just to flaunt it on social media. If she really cared about her child, she would do what she thought would be the best for him and keep it off social media but she won’t because she needs attention and ass pats.
She’s exactly like every other “crunchy” mom, only famous and rich, just look at
>>>/snow/1601736 this woman literally sacrifices her children’s health and future just to “stay true” to her crunchy holistic natural vegan not like the other moms LARP
No. 1603273
>>1603228Kek I love you
No. 1603342
>>1603291Weird we're talking peens in a site filled with radfem. Men run shit. If they wanted their son's dick gloves kept then they can start enacting laws immediately.
>>1603278It's not about loneliness. I'm positive it's about control and grooming. Maybe not in a full out sex way, but in a romantic and emotional incest way. Plus there's a level of narcissism to incest.
No. 1609034
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maybe I'm looking too into this, but when her son was 8, both of them recreated a somewhat famous photo of Paul McCartney and his wife Linda, with Bear as the husband and Alicia as the wife, which might be how she' see's their relationship, vegan husband and wife instead of mother and son
No. 1609422
>>1609405Would you say this
>>1609034 is an example of her using her son as a substitute husband
No. 1610420
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Here, try this
No. 1610430
>>1609389>I wonder why so many celebrities and well-off people in Hollywood end up being weird as fuck toward children.see
>>1595542 she was essentially sexualized her entire adolescence until she turned 19 and was considered too fat and old, with a childhood like that she would never really end up normal or have a healthy understanding of boundaries
No. 1610433
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She really does not look good at all. Veganism
can be so unhealthy and ages people like milk ffr…The greasy hair, the martin bryant ass fashion sense
No. 1610850
>>1610547I sometimes wonder how many nonnas interacted with kids or have even seen them if they think this particular video is indistinguishable from all the other weird shit she does. Not everything she does with him is milky or
No. 1611799
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Posted this weird tiktok about her being in the movie Clueless, and she re-enacted one of the beginning scenes where some skater tries to flirt with her but with her son…I swear I give this woman the benefit of the doubt for 2 seconds and then I take it right back
No. 1611844
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>>1611841he's a weirdly tall 11 year old boy, he looks healthy as one can being raised on a vegan diet since childhood, also just find out she did a whole semi-naked photoshoot with her son and ex-husband when they were still married
No. 1611924
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>>1611844>>1611876I agree, she wasn't semi naked. She was wearing loose shorts on that photoshoot
No. 1612272
>>1610547Lmao Alicia seems like a weirdo but the tinfoiling here is wild. A kid is "just casually shirtless around his mom"? You'll be shocked to learn parents even see their kids
gasp fully nude when they bathe or change them. Escandalo!
No. 1612288
>>1596287>Thank you! Anons are pulling individual actions out of context and saying they're "normal in other cultures." No shit, but it's everything TOGETHER that makes it creepy. This is par for course with attachment parenting proponents. Where their techniques aren't totally made-up bullshit, they pick and choose parenting techniques that are done out of necessity or take culture norms completely out of context while also conveniently ignoring that not only is the mother-as-sole-caregiver/nuclear family idea incredibly new, children in nearly every culture throughout human history become independent at a much, much earlier age than contemporary western and especially US children. Attachment parenting is ultimately an appeal-to-nature excuse to use your kid as a source of validation and emotional tampon
>>1596302First thing I thought of when I saw this thread. Hope Kaelin's doing okay
>>1611876Agree that the photoshoot isn't a big deal, but if you add everything up it's abundantly clear that she's engaging in emotional incest, which is a well-known phenomenon.
No. 1612921
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>>1611799she also recreated another scene with clueless where she calls her son "daddy"
No. 1612969
>>1612633What? I don't think you understand the whole thread of the conversation. I was implying that Hollywood is crawling with predators and creeps who fuck their
victims up and who in turn become predators and creeps themselves and perpetuate that vicious cycle. I don't see what you're "repressed and confused concepts on parenting" comment or your spiel has to do with anything I said? That's a borderline schizo response to be honest.