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No. 157939
So when you buy the cow you really do get all the milk. Especially out of this lard ass.
Vile, annoying ham dyke who complains about her weight when she's almost over 500 pounds. Exploits and promotes her "eating disorder" (oh boo hoo) doing Mukbang challenges on Youtube with a 10K sub, half her fans complain and warn her about her weight yet does nothing about it. Her aunt disowned her for being too fat, family is in jail for drugs. Her and her 12 year old looking boy girlfriend own shit tons of animals, they never walk them and allow them to shit on the floor.
Now is currently living at her girlfriend's mother's house in Kentucky. Doesn't work, doesn't clean, doesn't do anything but eat once her girlfriend's family is out the house. Had her girlfriend's mother buy her some weight loss program (expensive af) and she just keeps piling on the pounds for Youtube money so she doesn't have to work.
Also has a history of abusing her ex girlfriend.
Enjoy her gross videos guys:
Youtube: No. 157953
>>157939I've been waiting for a "plus-sized" cow to be active. Any caps or interesting links? It's almost required for a thread and I'd rather not have this die while weeb/"ugly" girl thread #5844 is still active.
I'll post what another anon said in the fat thread.
>"i have to force myself to eat, i really don't wanna eat but i haven't eaten today at all and that's not good!">"i'm the queen of moderation">"if i was not filming this mukbang i probably wouldn't be eating">"if i sat here and ate carrots and stuff i'd get so full but i'd probably only eat 100 calories and that ain't enough">all spoken in between giant greedy mouthfuls of pizza No. 157974 her house is a fucking tip, garbage all over the place and then she randomly brings home another cat to add into her zoo??? The conditions her dogs are kept in are deplorable, shit like this makes me mad because there are totally worse fates for animals than death. Overcrowding and neglect is defs one of them. One thing I will say is good on her for calling the vets and everything but like still. . . she doesnt work or do anything so i doubt she is prepared to take on the responsibility of yet another animal.
''i feel like someone abused this cat and just dumped it'' but her dogs live in their own filth . . . like come on dude. Take a step back and check how your animals are living before you go picking up anymore. common fucking sense. She also admits to taking on another kitten not too long ago and having to give it up very quickly due to apartment rules, what pisses me off is shes romanticizing the idea of rescuing all of these animals without even giving much of a thought about the care and time they require. Like seriously put down the fork and take the dogs for a walk theyre going stir crazy and you can tell.
Also lol at 7:00 in she stops recording and orders her gf around like a butler.
No. 157978
>>157974Exactly its bad enough she has never had a stable home due to moving around to foster homes. Then she and her girlfriend move into her girlfriend's mothers house, its cramped as fuck but their bedroom they share just had shit everywhere. The animals sleep with them and
>>157977 as that anon said BATHES?! This is just nasty.
No. 157979
>>157974They don't even walk the dogs. Her girlfriend apparently used to work and Amber would sit on her fat ass all day just doing nothing. Her girlfriend drives her everywhere, now that they live in the middle of nowhere (girlfriend's mothers house) its even harder and she just relies on the mother or her gf.
But back when they had that apartment the dogs would piss and shit on the floor.
No. 158078
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This gave me a chuckle. She's talking about Pokemon GO. Perhaps she should practice what she's preaching.
No. 158079
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No. 158096
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I can't even.
No. 158653
>>158651Her current girlfriend (one who looks like a boy) is Destiny.
Crystal is her ex who was in the earlier videos with long hair and just as fat.
Well that's the thing… people are speculating she's using Destiny for accommodation because she's a foster kid. Fam is in jail and her aunt doesn't talk to her cos she's fat.
No. 162674
>>162673Yeah in the video (ya gotta search her channel) "I WAS RAPED" it was some video about abuse with some old girlfriend who is now trans
She was talking about having to finger herself for her ex gf
its messed up
No. 162716
>>162660Man I would never sub to her, but I have watched a bunch of her blogs since this thread was made. I just can't look away.
She is both depressing and perplexing. I can't imagine living the way she does and not just being so fed up with my situation that I have to change SOMETHING. I want to pity her because it sounds like she's had a rough life, but thats even more of a reason to want to build up your own life and do something for yourself.
I mean damn.
No. 165795
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>>165735apperantly she blames her weight on destiny (gf)
what the actual fuck?
No. 165952
>>165935She's in it for the money
She knows its shit for her health but she's gaining subs in masses by the DAY
No. 169618
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she's been wearing the same bra in each video for 2 years guys
people are starting to take the piss
No. 171536
its been there for almost 8 months
No. 171640
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>>171472I've never watched one of her videos before this one. Holy shit. She thinks the Cheesecake Factory is fine dining, she thought their shitty tile flooring was fancy. Her reactions to everything in Target is painful. She's so tacky.
Watching her entire body jiggle when she walks, talks, or just sits in the car. Any slight movement seems to send her massive body into a jiggling spree. Ugh, what the fuck.
No. 171735
>>171559She claims "I don't have diabaeetees doe"
Pfft if not then not yet kek
No. 171736
>>171640Her girlfriend does all the leg work despite getting cramps in her feet too. Before she met this fat ass Destiny (gf) was already fat but she's put even more weight on now that she's living with her.
So Amber just sits in the car and waits while her gf does the shopping. Unless its for food, she doesnt get out of the car.
No. 171737
>>171720I get what you mean. But the fact of the matter is she's basically killing herself on camera, she knows this, she lies to her fans about losing weight when she's obviously eating shit on camera gaining it. She ignores her subs/comments and if she was that offended she would disable the comments. She wants a drama about her.
Plus her life is total dog shit. She leeches off every girl she meets on the internet, moves in with them and their family. Doesnt work.
Doesnt clean up the pets. Doesnt wash or walk the dogs. Does fuck all.
She's a mess.
No. 171941
>>171792Her parents are both in jail due to drugs and domestic abuse. She has a brother apparently and he's in some bum fuck redneck town after being locked up. She doesnt know and her aunt wants nothing to do with her because she's fat/sponger. So that side of the family has totally cut her off. But then again she could just be making this shit up - she lies so much.
She's had loads of girlfriends, so she says but the only other one we've seen if Crystal from two years ago in her old videos where she started her 'weight loss journey' and Amber was much shyer then.
Crystal looks a lot like Destiny (current gf) but had longer hair but was still obese and just as ugly. Again Crystal's family took her in just like Destiny's family and looked after her broke ass. Amber contributed to shit all.
Crystal eventually dumped her. She wasn't a fan of Youtube either. Hated being on camera whereas Destiny doesnt mind.
It doesnt help that Amber was in foster care half her life and she went from state to state. She's lived in tons of states, never had any balance or a proper home. She was working and had her own shit in Florida months back before she met Destiny but she's just lazy now.
She met a girl online (Destiny), got a fuck ton of pets hoarded up, moved in with Destiny's parents house. Infact the house is Destiny's step father's. Not even the mother's house. Its in the middle of nowhere in Kentucky and Amber makes up so many excuses about not losing weight.
The bitch could go for a jog, a walk since there is SO much land around that fucking shanty house. Its ridiculous.
No. 171949
>>171948Same here, I went on a binge one day and its like… you know those really shit reality tv shows or documentaries about how awful people lives are? Its that.
No wonder she's getting views because she's suck a train wreck thus car crash. A total mess. She's so bad she's brilliant and the comment section is lethal. But she knows this, she's a cunt and she's getting cash to fund her addiction.
No. 172024
>>171941I feel bad for this girl. I really do like her. I can see the bad side you guys are presenting, I do. I just empathize with her and I enjoy her energy. But people are always very different behind closed doors.
I have hope she can make something of herself. I hope.
No. 172141
>>172024>>171949>>171948I binged watched her too and she made me laugh so much (unintentionally ofc) that I kinda like her now. I'm from the south so hearing her familiar sounding slight twang is soothing, I like her voice. When she has full body shots, oh my god. Like I thought I'd get used to it after the first few times but every single time she shows her full body I'm blown away. It never gets old. For a southern fatty she's not particularly dumb or lazy, how do you let yourself get so big like that?
I ended up thinking her and her gf were super cute, they're so relaxed with each other. Ngl I can't help but wonder what their sex life is like because I can only picture a dead one. How could you be physically attracted to someone hidden in a cocoon of obese? I mean Amb has an appealing personality but I could not fuck someone so damn big. Doubt I could even find her vagina, her thighs and fupa would swallow me first. Destiny must've fallen in love with her personality and was willing to sacrifice a sex life for it. Like she decided, 'hey, eating instead of fucking isn't so bad!'
In one video Destiny was pointing to a dessert she wanted and Amber was like "Don't lie and act like you're gonna get that, you always get full SSOO FAAST." made me chuckle envisioning Destiny pigging out until she's painfully full but compared to Ambers' portion sizes Destiny 'hasn't eaten much at all!'
Her comment section is wild though. She reminds me of Trisha Paytas.
No. 172278
She has an eating disorder. Binging is an eating disorder. I have battled with bulimia, binging, and manic depression. I have been 300 pounds, i have been 150, and everything in between. She needs professional help, she's not crazy, disgusting or less than a human being. I have empathy for her, but I don't feel sorry for her. She's using this to her advantage, but I don't think she feels she's doing any harm to herself. When you're that far into lies, compulsion and mental illness, it's hard to see the truth.
No. 172347
>>172172I'm the anon from
>>172141 and while I did say a few nice things I still criticized her. I like her as much as I like CWC, Kooters or Kaka. I have to like a cow to some degree to bother keeping up with them. Aren't you kinda fond of your favorite cows/snowflakes in some way, even if it's just because they give you lulz?
No. 173511
>>157939"be vegan u can eat as much as u want"
"i ate 8 servings of white rice in a sitting, gained SEW MUCH W8"
"i was ~~~plant based~~~ for 2 weeks"
No. 173536
>>173511Amb may be a hypocrite, but she directly criticised those quotes. Did you even watch?
It's depressing to watch her cry about how she is nearly on her deathbed due to her weight, then her next upload being a mukbang or a vlog laying in her musty hoarder bedroom with 10 pets, blinds closed.
I scrolled through Destiny's twitter and it's obvious she's blown up since she's been with Amber. Her siblings are all a third of her weight.
No. 173626
>>173511Sage for rant
Unlike other fatties, she's not in blatant denial. She knows she's morbidly obese and unhealthy. She knows she eats too much. I do feel bad for her in the sense that Being at that weight is hard looking all the progress you have left to tackle, it can seem insurmountable and impossible at times. Changing diet and habits is a very slow process.
I find Amb charming because she's not spouting off some social justice fat acceptance nonsense. It's just, here I am. I'm morbidly obsese. I was successful with weight loss beforehand but hit a rough patch and gained more. She doesn't point the finger any anybody but herself for not coping with hard times properly or taking advice in the wrong way.
Also she constantly receives very harsh criticism on her YouTube videos but she continues to upload them and leave the comments open for people to sperg. She doesn't go into an autist rage about "da haters". She acknowledges the nasty comments but continues to push out videos on her life and leave her comments open.
She is lonely. A bit spastic and annoying. She's fat. She's a bit lost. I would like to be her friend. I would understand if the YouTube comments were from people who actually cared about her and wanted to call out
problematic things in her life, but it's just a bunch of Internet fucks that probably have a much sadder life, or are hefty themselves.
If you ever read this Amberlynn, there are people out here who support you. You're not hurting anybody but yourself, and I want you to see that, and get some positivity and motivation, and have a happy existence where you are independent and you can read as many trashy YA novels as you want.
No. 173814
>>173627KEK omg did you see that video where Amberlynn was like "Some of y'all have been sendin' Destiny nudes, textin' her sayin' she's sexy, I texted back 'This is Amberlynn I assume you watch my videos Destiny does not want to see your titties'"
I refuse to believe anyone fucking sent Destiny nudes sincerely. Has to be a troll. Which one of you beautiful bastards did that? If it was an attempt to get her to cheat, I live for tea please proceed
No. 173850
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>>173626She's been banging on about weight loss for more than a year at about 400 pounds then decided to quit and gain another 100 pounds.
It's all done for the attention, views, comments and of course $$$.
As a "snack" that she bought to just drive around Walmart for an hour at 4mph was chocolate bars, cashews and some baked pretzels.
No. 173854
>>173626Also she uploads videos at random.
Videos from July or February and are uploaded in September or are simply deleted and reposted.
It's impossible to know which video is from what month or year.
Her vegan "mook bong" for example was originally made back in July yet was reuploaded on the 11th of September.
That video you posted was probably back when she went vegan during July for a week despite her saying she felt so amazing.
No. 173913
>>173903Not sure of the entire story, so I don't know what Amberlynn had described in her video. But I will say that it is disturbingly common for people who have raped/ abused others to not even connect that what they did was rape/ abuse.
>amberlynn actually deleted the video since the rebuttal was posted lmao.THAT IS SUSPICIOUS AS FUCK.
No. 173943
>>173913Yeah you're totally right, and I shouldn't have said flat out that I believe the ex. It's very possible either one is lying, I just feel like Amberlynn has a history of stretching the truth. Also yeah - the fact she deleted the video is fucking weird. The ex claims that she has texts/photos to back her up, so maybe she will reveal those soon.
One thing I know for sure is that Amberlynn is a fucking moocher and jumps from girl to girl to live off them and their parents. She's now done it three times in a row that we know of and it seems like such bullshit.
No. 174108
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Reading through her ex's comments and I see this, it looks like people are really doing their research! If you look at Ambers recent video, one of the top comments has people talking about starting a Facebook group or discord to keep screenshots and other information safe in case she deletes things. Her fame is coming to an end, it's going to be hilarious to see what she does.
No. 174122
>>174108Honestly it would have been much better to see her trainwreck organically
But no. Those pearl-clutching, meddling grannies over at GuruGossiper have to make their power moves. Like that forum so fucking retarded. They don't just sit and watch. I bet you anything it was someone from GG who messaged Amber's ex, and started this. Amber's gonna go into hiding and won't share shit anymore
No. 174128
>>174123Yeah you're right I guess she would still churn out YouTube videos for the ad money. I hope I'm wrong but GG grannies are gonna be the end of this. No doubt the person who messaged Destiny on ig was from GG. They did the same thing to foreverkailyn. Like someone legit pretended to be a girl on okcupid for a month to get nudes from foreverkailyn. It was the most pathetic thing I ever seen on a message board. Hopefully they don't scare AL away.
Anyway, it really is crazy how many necklaces Amberlyn has. It's depressing because necklaces are the only way she can express herself fashion-wise. She can't really fit in plus-sized clothing. Does anyone get depressed when she opens her drawer to see dozens upon dozens of ziploc bags of necklaces.
No. 174468
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>>173903Destinys sister has shown up in the comments of this video.
No. 174469
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>>174468Her second comment is more interesting, it seems like the family has warned Destiny about Amber.
No. 174658
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>>174508I clicked on one of her profiles and just saw this photo.
I know the "fat girl angle" exists for a reason, but I find it somewhat laughable that it just exacerbates her weight instead and she thought it was okay regardless.
400 pounds and an extra 50 here.
No. 174674
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No. 174862
>>174796She mentions she tried making a trolling video but baleeted it because she's 'above all that' but she's aware her videos are basically bait. She sounds fickle af, like she can't decide whether she loves the hate or not. I think she'll go back on her word and allow the comment section again/bait more eventually, because attention.
She hasn't been to the doctor since she was 18, and she's almost 500lbs.. We all know that test is going to be 100% diabeetus positive.
No. 175334
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She's taking a youtube break.
No. 175723
>>175560I don't think she will stay away for long. I hope not, she was one of my favorite cows.
I also think when she reappears, Destiny won't be around.
No. 175750
>>175560Why do they do that? Cows typically think trolls want to run them off the internet but trolls totally want cows to stay around. We want to be entertained and laugh. What is the motive with GG? What do they gain from running cows off? Even if it was weenery attempts they had to have known Destiny and her family would tell Amber no matter what the ween said, same with the ex, just gonna scare Amber away..
I didn't know people were contacting her family too. Do you know details?
>>175723Does Amberlynn ever have periods of time where she's not dating someone?
No. 175794
>>175750I don't know exactly but the YouTube account who re-uploaded AL's video instigated the entire thing. Not sure if it's from GG/YTT/ or elsewhere but it's extremely similar to how GG/YTT handled foreverkailyn. I'm just salty AL isn't uploading anymore cuz of these clowns. Amberlynn's Facebook and family's Facebook links are all over GG. But could just be dedicated YouTube commenters. Idk
I'm not saying AL doesn't deserve it, sure she is an attention leech and worthless pig. But damn I wish she would have eaten herself to oblivion and documented it instead of going private
No. 176345
>>176263She needs people to feel bad for her, of course she'd be back right away.
And still no video about her ex exposing ha
No. 176429
>>176263lol back already? AND with open season available in the comments?
she has such a punchable face.
No. 177135
>>176979Destiny's mother apparently kicked them out according to that chat thing. It was all over the show on YT.
Give it time and Destiny will kick her. But she's so stupid shell probably keep feeding this fucking cow.
No. 177198
She forgot the word "salad".
No. 177243
>>176979Before all of this drama happened, she mentioned In a few videos that her and Destiny had been looking for apartments and that they even viewed some.
Amb would never say it, but regardless I don't think destiny's mother kicked them out.
No. 179380
>>179374No, it's not. Born in America, lived here my whole life. Never, ever, ever have heard of something like this.
We do have something called ice box cake, but that is a layered dessert featuring whipped cream and chocolate wafers. Maybe AL decided to bastardize it.