File: 1654431988710.jpeg (1013.53 KB, 2388x1668, 1653881692494.jpeg)

No. 1550117
File: 1654451645113.png (327.12 KB, 430x632, Screen Shot 2022-06-04 at 5.14…)

cece confirming everyone's suspicion that she didn't really need to go to the ER and was just sent there as a consequence of general liability-reduction policies.
No. 1550162
File: 1654454135186.jpeg (662.56 KB, 828x1563, DFAD0BEA-2E08-4114-A07C-6FEF57…)

Sniping this from the other thread since we’re not using it (sorry anon who originally posted it)
No. 1550166
File: 1654454495758.jpeg (397.23 KB, 1170x2069, 0D553F13-C216-47CE-A566-F01F6F…)

i honestly dont get whats going on with this one.
No. 1550187
File: 1654456236883.jpeg (88.94 KB, 640x491, BD65DEE7-E50C-44E0-BFA3-379918…)

This comment on Niamh’s new picture is really mean. The account only follows one person and has one follower, and it’s this girl (1/2)
No. 1550191
File: 1654456562886.jpeg (474.74 KB, 640x1050, 80458F87-EB62-4BA1-B890-9D662F…)

>>1550187This person is a fucking freak wtf
No. 1550232
File: 1654459147391.png (5.55 MB, 1170x2532, D924343E-B3EC-4A48-8A77-BA6C92…)

CC is literally flexing her feet in this video to make them look skinnier it’s so weird
No. 1550309
>>1550294What in the white saviourism? Do they have any connections to or experience in Sri Lankan culture? Do they speak Tamil? How exactly will two unqualified and very privileged girls help to improve the mental well-being of people likely in a very different situation?
And how have they raised over £3000 already? What a waste. That money could actually be used to help people, rather than paying for plane tickets for Fiona’s vanity project.
No. 1550311
>>1550294is this still happening though?
That started over two years ago. Fi clearly cant go and shes not even in uni, Harriet could have graduated plus, are they even friends?
No. 1550347
>>1550323Asos has jelly sandals like that for women.
No. 1550521
File: 1654476296308.jpeg (737.93 KB, 828x1498, DCB4AD9B-9B8D-4913-B67E-D40332…)

She ate A roll. A single roll. A roll of low calorie vegetables and some rice.
No. 1550715
>>1550547Maybe she’s going to watch a musical in Sri Lanka,
nonnie! Because they also seem to give her the gift of actually using her legs and not being pushed around in her pram- I mean chair.
No. 1550740
breakfast was chocolate raspberry protein pudding, with strawberry unicorn cream, topped with whipped caramel butter yoghurt custard, lots of peanut protein gummy worms! part 2 was cinnamon raisin toast with coconut milk syrup, candied orange, rainbow sprinkles, pink teddy bear sprinkles, strawberries, clotted cream, mint jam, and toffee sprinkles. part 3 was jelly donut with marshmellow mango fluff piped inside, topped with peanut butter cinnamon protein power. part 4 was banana bread yoghurt topped with a honey crumpet topped with cherries topped with whipped cream topped with extra biscoff. part 5 was whole milk topped with chocolate cream cheese custard syrup. part 6 was magic super unicorn gummy topped lemon cinnamon bun. part 7 was
No. 1550742
File: 1654502139822.png (381 KB, 402x522, Screen Shot 2022-06-06 at 2.55…)

Jesus, Ham.
No. 1550746
>>1550710if she's lucky maybe (i bet she won't even go) she will get a taste of how difficult life can really be.
>>1550742not bone ratting but damn she has really gained weight. her arm looks fine but that doesn't just look like bloat to me… and are her pants huge or is it just me? does she see herself as a frail waif that needs to gain into that size lmao? she was never underweight. anons last year called it, she just wants an excuse to eat herself into obesity
No. 1550759
>>1550746I think the pants are purposefully baggy/large as a style thing - they look a little more reasonable in some of the other pictures she posted.
But yeah, she seems to have objectively put on a decent amount of weight and it can't be very healthy for her. Maybe we'll get the "doctors are fatphobic" story arc soon, when she sees her GP next and they comment on her weight.
No. 1550798
File: 1654507675323.png (248.13 KB, 370x262, hammie.png)

Her whole midsection is a round ball
No. 1550813
File: 1654509251092.png (1.86 MB, 1057x862, porkypiggu.PNG)

>>1550795She's also arching her back and possibly pushing her stomach out to make the bloat look worse. That being said her whole social media presence right now is this corny "not a before and after" shit. I wonder what she'll pivot to in like three months when she can't clench and contort herself into looking thinner.
No. 1550827
File: 1654511410661.jpeg (508.75 KB, 828x1239, A16693FB-CBA8-4E48-88EE-76426F…)

>>1550746>>1550795Yeah, you can’t usually “squish” bloat. I don’t care if someone is heavier and has some meat on them or has a belly, but calling it “bloat” and acting like the paragon of anorexia recovery when you’ve just been eating a little too much is icky.
No. 1550844
File: 1654514277019.jpeg (1.49 MB, 1170x2167, 65BF244A-9FD1-4D10-B85A-CE752A…)

im actually very impressed and proud
No. 1550874
File: 1654517721312.jpg (72.36 KB, 438x766, gl with that.JPG)

No. 1550876
File: 1654518054745.jpg (635.68 KB, 1920x1280, Hamfightsthis.jpg)

>>1550827It kills me her handle is still "Hannah Fights This" because she doesn't even post weepy burger chomping anymore. there's no struggle only positivity. Safe to say you've won against big bad ana girl you can stop fighting now it you'll need to fight BED and insulin resistance next
No. 1550950
File: 1654525405720.jpg (302.13 KB, 1284x1904, 20220606_172228.jpg)

No. 1550981
>>1550294somehow, that makes me so damn angry. She can't walk alone, can't eat alone, but wants to travel to another country to teach them something about mental health? She isn't a professional, she just has mental health issues like thousands of other people do. Fi doesn't see how privileged she is, most people going through mental health issues can't rely on other or stay at home for years without earning money, the last thought those people have is raising money for a holiday. Also, it makes me angry because my last vacation was over 10 years ago and I don't have people donating me money to travel somewhere to improve my and others mental health, same goes with friends of mine, fighting every day, alone, not a single day free or able to rely on others.
>>1550742that's not a bloat, that's what happens when you gain weight, mostly from sugar and other carbs.
No. 1551001
File: 1654529560603.png (354.32 KB, 402x522, 1654502139822.png)

>>1550742fix'd it for you, hun
No. 1551050
>>1551001all for milk, but there is no need to post this. this is a level of low.
yeah han is annoying and cringe but fat shaming her like this is disgusting. she’s a human being who can see these things. i just think this is too far and pro-ana in itself
No. 1551152
>>1550876i’m baffled too where she got the idea to pretend to recover from AN. is this due to anti-diet culture? would ham be doing this if it wasn’t for FA/HAES movements? did she start to feel her clothes getting tighter and decided to eat a salad instead of fish and chips once and it made her feel sad or something?
does she just want to become e famous and this is the avenue she chose?
i wonder if she is genuinely delusional and thinks she really had AN or she is just LARPing for attention. maybe it’s some combo of the two and she is very unaware of herself. healthy dieting is perfectly fine… doesn’t mean you’re getting an ED the second you diet. and she appears to have an odd, codependent relationship with her mom- anons have pointed out before she doesn’t seem to have friends who are peers. and hammum doesn’t seem to care if ham gets a job, continues her education… is fine somehow with her daughter’s bizarre social media attention pining “hobby” that now includes taking an increasing amount of pics in her underwear! instead of wanting her to develop skills or grow into a mature adult.
the only obvious fact is ham intensively seeks validation re: her body and eating habits from strangers. i’ll never understand how that will ever make her happy, validation comes from within. SM attention seeking rewires the brain and becomes a never ending chase with no closure, no happiness. only an immature desire to fill a void that can’t be filled with this immaterial, performative “self love” that exists falsely just to get praise. glad i don’t understand it.
pity the cow.
No. 1551170
>>1551156i think you’re right. i guess it’s an unfortunate reality since many girls her age struggle with self esteem issues, and this is how they scramble to fix it.
pity poor ham, but not because of the fake AN. i pity the obvious lack of self respect and self esteem. it’s like watching an animal on a treadmill running full speed believing it’s going to get that carrot (cake) on a stick.
No. 1551273
File: 1654544850889.jpg (382.9 KB, 1080x2023, Cecebait_e.jpg)

Cece continuing to relapse bait on tiktok
No. 1551299
>>1551273Wow, what an actual pro-ana scumbag. Fucking horse face out here purposefully
triggering her followers, who are presumably in recovery themselves since that was her whole thing for a while. She has no shame.
No. 1551303
File: 1654546472880.jpeg (93.27 KB, 828x1534, 06C47EEE-F8AB-452A-889A-ED0ABF…)

Why is Hxn’s room so bare? It’s worse than an ip hospital room
No. 1551336
File: 1654547993946.jpeg (298.23 KB, 828x1439, F85A3275-BA92-4DAB-AEB4-1552E0…)

I’ve seen influencer ad declarations that are more noticeable than this TW
No. 1551667
File: 1654567950317.jpeg (495.93 KB, 1170x1962, FAE5142A-55FD-4488-8E65-A6450D…)

>>1549888I can’t even with this one. it’s almost as bad as her post on Feb 20 just gone.
No. 1551668
File: 1654568123155.jpeg (276.58 KB, 1170x2532, B49E40A8-3915-4215-AC4F-B24D88…)

>>1549888Dedset think that imogen is aware that she is also clickbaiting with her red knuckle that looks a lot like it’s from purging. ????
No. 1551765
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>>1551700Looks like a nude lipstick.
No. 1551862
File: 1654585896796.png (489.31 KB, 398x690, Screen Shot 2022-06-07 at 12.1…)

this is honestly just really sad
No. 1551873
>>1551587Nope, the new account isn’t a catfish. @crystalkaro is her personal account,
nonnie. She goes by crystal on her ED accounts and Karoline on her personals. Not surprised you didn’t know this since you also namefagged kek lurk moar
No. 1551881
File: 1654591619955.png (1.05 MB, 1170x2532, 7890750B-8718-4FD2-8E61-586F53…)

Porky porgie has a girlfriend. Imagine holding her fat rolls out of the way when going in for a cunt lick #gross
No. 1551916
File: 1654602484803.jpg (359.12 KB, 1080x1731, Screenshot_20220607_124646.jpg)

sure you are, porgie! because it's not as though you could easily turn your head slightly more and the toob wouldn't be visible in every single selfie! it's very obvious she's loving the fact she has a toob as she makes sure it's very obvious in every photo she shares - she's definitely gonna make the most of taking selfies over the next few months!
No. 1551918
it's either an online catfish, another fat bull-dyke, or a "George Glass" aka doesnt really exist.
Anyway, thanks for the mental image of the cunt lick. you've made me literally gag!
No. 1551940
>>1551926i call it hedging your bets, when you're that obese and fugly the chance of finding a male who is into you is rare. adding another gender of attraction increases your chance of getting some by 100%.
now you know why there are so many fat lezzos.
No. 1551953
>>1551926porgie has been one of my favorite cows since thread 40, but I don’t remember her being gay either!
if only her and cece were closer, I have no doubt they’d fall into a whirlwind ana romance.
No. 1551976
File: 1654606766660.jpeg (Spoiler Image,49.13 KB, 413x742, images (2).jpeg)

>>1551152>Hammum is fine somehow with her daughter’s bizarre social media attention pining “hobby” that now includes taking an increasing amount of pics in her underwear! They're from Birmingham, where the heights of clout and local celebrity when Hammum was young is being a Page 3 glamour model. If you don't know what that is, basically topless thots that don't do actual porn starred in these lad mags before internet porn/onlyfans was a thing.
Let's not forget that she's got a dad too who signs off on this behaviour. Both her parents think because she has followers that the humiliation is part of a budding career or income stream. But she's been doing this for two years and hasn't even landed a peanut butter sponsorship? She could put so much energy into her studies or even making irl friends instead of constantly creating chubby pride content.
No. 1551977
>>1551881I bet they're probably from a different state/city/ country and their dating online. I'm guessing they're unwell aswell and meet in some chat or something. 'Don't say or live is any less just because we can't be physical' etc
Just my guess
No. 1551983
>>1551940Another one. Gtfo
What's with you edge lords
Go back to 4chan
No. 1552128
File: 1654617636115.png (7.02 MB, 1170x2532, E9A744AC-29EC-4ECC-8FDD-99D40A…)

She does look less spoop in the face. Good for her I guess
No. 1552168
File: 1654619190609.png (8.96 MB, 1170x2532, A0ED6CF9-6D66-4789-9398-035067…)

Why does she use literally everything she does and everywhere she goes as another opportunity to bulk up even more
No. 1552174
File: 1654619327352.png (Spoiler Image,657.85 KB, 1137x639, sickly.png)

>>1552167how tf is she still on Youtube.
No. 1552193
File: 1654619938562.jpg (701.68 KB, 1080x1080, SaveEugenia.jpg)

Her mother is a horrible person. Reminds me of Dee Dee and Gypsey Rose….it will be too late to save Eugenia one day
No. 1552211
>>1552193so..both moms even look "off".
Something about them seems evil.
No. 1552219
>>1552215not putting her into forced treatment and literally pretending Eugenia Looks normal is the same as starving her.
Thats literally abuse.
Her mother said in the recent video Eugenia's Tiktok was removed from haters, an that people are just jealous of her. typical narcissistic behavior to control and ENABLE her daughter.
No. 1552233
File: 1654621393061.jpg (808.18 KB, 1080x1080, SaveEC.jpg)

Tired of Eugenia's mother not being held accountable. That is not normal behavior for anyone.
No. 1552237
>>1552234she might be 28. but her mental age we can agree is that of a teenager.
Deb literally pulled her of out of school at a young age to hide her child's start of her ED. Then enabled her mindset by living on the internet literally for years…she still a child mentally.
Her mother has stunted her growth being a controlling narcissistic parent. Turning EC friends into "the enemy" and anyone who disagrees with them as well.
Example: Someone autistic who is an adult is not mentally capable of making responsible grown decisions, relies on their parent to help them whether they are an adult or not. Trusting they are doing what is right for them.
No way her mind is in the right place either after starving herself for years. Her MOTHER should be the one helping her make good decisions, not poisoning her mind against everyone. She is a mentally
abusive parent no matter how you see it.
No. 1552243
>>1552237i cant bring myself to care about a attention seeking cow who has flashed her panties multiple times for her fetishizers and who has defended her creep moderators.
>her parents enable her so its NOT her faultyes it is, literally all the cows in this thread have enabler parents but thats not stopping anons from shitting on 16 year olds here meanwhile babying a almost 30 year old.
No. 1552249
>>1552243I think her mom abused her as a child. she literally had a video saying "not incest" when she was younger when talking about her moms "love"<<that's fucking weird. who says that?
There is something dark with her family they are hiding. They way the two interact with each other is too weird and uncomfortable. Or maybe her brother was involved, either way there is a big hole in "why" she has her ED.
No. 1552257
>>1552249your literally just pulling out speculations out of your ass to defend the bonespo qween.
Also ever heard of saging newfag??
>>1552252 they would fit in well there with people who think euginia should be protected from everyone else and that any mean thing anyone has said to her is the cause of her ed.
No. 1552265
>>1552256agreed. literally one day she will die from her ED, and he mother will have enabled her, her entire life. Its clear she has not been helped from her family, judging from how her mother reacting to the 5150.
her mother is a monster
No. 1552301
>>1552276I think its because she posts so much of her life and blatantly ignores when people are concerned for her health. She is at times even rude about it.
She also has a huge following of minors who she says she does not influence. Which is a blatant lie.
No. 1552311
File: 1654625595208.png (4.18 MB, 1170x2532, 63608F92-EE7B-4B02-AFE5-86BE35…)

And beige. And gray. Hi, Cece!
No. 1552323
File: 1654625924616.jpg (38.28 KB, 1117x357, journalist.JPG)

Georgies a journalist at a sunscreen company. What??
No. 1552431
>>1552424tinfoiling that it’s that documentary she mentioned a while back, when she was saying “I have to decide if it’s the right choice for me”.
either that or treatment, but I think we all know which is more likely kek
No. 1552449
File: 1654630865518.jpg (272.48 KB, 1080x1897, Screenshot_20220607-213759_Ins…)

Even my cat cringed at this video. God. If I would be a kid at her uni I would bully her so hard
No. 1552475
>>1552411she's so stressed because there's a breathing coming up, but now she's got a straw with a motivational motto on it.
[cue to small outfit of the day with her ugly, bare legs showing]
No. 1552508
>>1552431I think as long as Fi is getting some sort of attention and validation for being a super brave warrior she won’t mind either way. Documentary or
appointment days!! , either would satisfy that crave for asspats. Guess we’ll all have to wait with bated breath, kek.
~just breathe everyone, we can get through this~
No. 1552519
>>1552411Still trying to find out about some plausible excuses why she doesn't gain weight (and why her collarbones stick out like mad).
All that while filming herself munching on a cereal bar, for the hundredth time.
No. 1552635
>>1549888>>1552237She has the mind of a child skip to 6:45
Cant really blame her though all the years of being int he spotlight cracked down on her at this moment
No. 1552778
File: 1654663976937.jpeg (1.09 MB, 1090x1785, 4B78A8C4-F603-4495-B24B-A5D1DE…)

Nikol is back, this time with full shots of her pulling at her ass. How dainty
No. 1552834
File: 1654671610786.png (5.84 MB, 1170x2532, 5BEBBBB6-C327-4C3E-AEBF-31AFFC…)

>>1552778what. the. fuck.
No. 1552902
File: 1654682208248.jpeg (449.8 KB, 1170x1239, 287BBE9F-ED2F-47A5-B766-964E9A…)

>>1552846Exactly. The WKing is ridiculous, she didn’t need to gain anything. Don’t forget we’re talking about someone who’s lied from the beginning about suffering a serious mental illness for internet clout. The irony is she probably DOES have disordered eating now, just not the type she wants. Her entire diet consists of sugary shit, chips and burgers. She looks like a dump truck already, it’s basically a one way ticket to obesity
Anyway, I found picrel interesting. Her content is all so performative and one dimensional, apart from the college stuff who even is she? I’m glad someone said it
No. 1552914
File: 1654685366089.jpeg (1.38 MB, 1170x2197, 27158782-B8B6-4CF4-A494-D255C4…)

Fi spreading hummus on a bread and calling it lunch
No. 1552920
File: 1654686648415.png (721.32 KB, 695x1347, Screenshot_20220608-210355~2.p…)

1auren_lives on Instagram /1aurenfraser on tiktok
She's been posted before, the "inpatient for a whole year" but always a normal weight attention seeker is back toobed again. She will make recovery tiktoks and then be alleging she's sooper dooper sick and needs a toob. Judging by the shit eating grin, she's not at all upset.
No. 1553003
File: 1654696777535.jpeg (1.02 MB, 1067x1422, 06AE9C60-9A36-4374-8E0E-C3408F…)

No. 1553035
>>1552955wtf is wrong with you?
under no circumstances this enough
No. 1553060
>>1553003just continue your vendetta elsewhere
fuck off
No. 1553129
>>1553003The amount of non milk lol
She probably didn't see the hair strand
No. 1553154
File: 1654706045346.png (2.37 MB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20220608-122923.png)

Not to add to the ham weight sperging but she really doesn't look overweight in her fully clothed photos. She's not thin but she really does look to be a normal weight. Will she stay a normal weight if she continues to never eat anything with nutritional value ? No but it's not like she's already even necessarily overweight. Would love for the anons claiming that she already admitted to being ow to prove it. Regardless, her weight isn't what makes her milky and I think that we all need to take a step back from the bone rattling and just focus on her larp when she talks about it. Maybe one day she'll develop a personality and post about that instead kek
No. 1553195
>>1553128why don't you stop your fucking bonerattling??
Fi's screwing up at her appointments and stressed, because she does not gain weight. And she knows the particular reasons for that, we can be sure.
It's as easy as that.
No. 1553215
>>1553154Oh m8, too tight near the crotch. Ouch.
>>1553191Remember she used to buy account follows by the 100s.
No. 1553249
File: 1654710280455.jpg (306.02 KB, 1080x1821, Screenshot_20220608-134343_Ins…)

She's just genuinely deranged. She seems so out of touch I can't tell if she's trolling.
No. 1553260
>>1553128No, and it's not like it's dripping with hummus or something.
No significant protein, not even some salad and dressing basically just carbs and it's very plain so it's still a very restrictive lunch for someone in recovery especially.
No. 1553381
File: 1654716325440.jpeg (493.3 KB, 1536x1536, ECAC435C-BFA8-44E5-B0A3-E7AB42…)

>>1552568Ok so this might be a bit too shiny and metallic for some of you but I’m getting the feeling that liveonfilmbyhanna might be self posting? I’ve highlighted the comments so far about her that seem weird:
- Keeps bringing her up out of the blue.
- The comments are always WKing and “so sad for her really want her to get better” - no one talks like that about any of the other cows
-and the writing style seems very similar every time.
- Could be a reach but the accent sounds like English could be their second language like Hanna.
- Fits with her need to be the sickest Ana (as in the fourth picture one of her ig captions plus the ridiculous shooping fiasco).
Definitely not saying all comments about her are self posted but this weird pity party for Hanna anon is definitely weird.
No. 1553501
>>1552902>Your posts are boring and repetitive >omg thanks I know! You're such a big help!Ham has no shred of self respect lol. Why respond to shit like this at all, especially if she's truly passionate and believes in what she's doing, why admit to wanting to pivot after a single mild criticism. It's so obvious she only cares about likes and not where they come from.
>>1553154To shed some light with a humble PL, I have the same body type as Hammy and yeah it's easy to catfish from a front-on angle because she has a defined waist. She carries weight in her lower belly, hips and front of the thighs. You'll notice all her purposely chubby photos are standing in profile and her cute posing photos are always head on, outfits are high waisted to make her look hourglass.
I do believe she's at the tipping point between normal and overweight, not from her crazy bodyposi posing but because her face has filled out in the last few months.
No. 1553544
File: 1654725218009.png (1.95 MB, 1080x1963, Screenshot_20220608-175012.png)

>>1553154here is the post where she admitted she's overweight, and this was 7 months ago and she's gained since then. overweight doesn't mean 600 pounds. she is medically overweight and she admitted it herself. she has admitted to gaining since then. end of.
No. 1553566
File: 1654725981196.jpg (363.71 KB, 1040x1848, Screenshot_20220608-180536_Chr…)

She's got the hood pulled up to look extra uwu frail
No. 1553609
>>1553421Honestly she posts crying faces but there are never any tears/ red eyes/ blotchy face ♀️
Croc tears.
(emoji) No. 1553653
File: 1654730622677.png (211.76 KB, 473x446, Screen Shot 2022-06-08 at 6.23…)

>>1553648The sickest ana, living up to her claim that she's not posting anything that might
trigger/upset her followers.
No. 1553694
File: 1654733594600.jpg (305.86 KB, 1080x1836, Screenshot_20220609-101033_Tik…)

>>1553566Keeping up with the relapse baiting
No. 1553712
File: 1654735611404.jpg (480.35 KB, 1080x1955, Screenshot_20220608-204641_Ins…)

Pepperidge farm remembers.
No. 1553741
File: 1654736974640.png (6.6 KB, 225x225, 799BCA6F-2646-4C98-94A7-949AB4…)

>>1553694serving Olive Oyl realness
No. 1553805
>>1553778I doubt anyone
hates her it's not that deep
No. 1553855
>>1553501This is the most coherent and logical response to Ham, so I thank you for that anon.
Agreed that she knows her angle, audience and also, let’s face it, how to play her parents. She won’t be looking for a “new angle” for her Instagram account because she doesn’t own a personality outside of it. She’ll say what needs to be said in order to seem to innocent and naive whilst continuing to manipulate a young audience - all because she doesn’t have a single friend beyond the world of IG
No. 1553869
>>1553782No this is true, she was posting all that
triggering shit about not keeping down gatorade or water for weeks beforehand, which is common with electrolyte issues
No. 1553877
>>1553869have you ever considered that…. not everything she writes is the literal truth?
If she actually couldn't keep water down for weeks, she would have died. You can't just wait weeks to need to go to the hospital if you're not keeping any fluids down. It has nothing to do with being a "good" anorexic or not, it's biologically impossible.
Was she maybe throwing up a little bit but nit everything she drank? It's possible. Do lots of people lie and claim purging is involuntary vomiting? Uh, yeah.
No. 1553884
>>1553877Exactly! You can even convince yourself it’s involuntary
Mostly likely she could just stomach less liquids (not no liquids)
No. 1553934
>>1553915Yeah don’t disagree its a problem, but there’s no need to broadcast it let alone an exaggerated version…
To me it’s like not only broadcasting spoopy body checks online, but exaggerating them by shooping
No. 1553936
>>1553934exactly. Notice that the original post
>>1553653 is making fun of her for sharing this when she claims to totally not be posting unhealthy,
toxic shit or bragging, not even commenting on whether any of it is true or not.
No. 1554277
>>1553653Is barely anorexic for like 2 years
Let me laugh.
No. 1554289
>>1554282"massively stressful week" = appointment with a doctor, (who's pissed off asking the same questions) concerning her calorie intake and non-existent weight gain
"try to survive" = larping on Youtube as a frail elven princess
No. 1554300
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>>1554294She posted a comprehensive list of her complications that's still in her highlights lol
No. 1554309
File: 1654774104968.jpg (1.04 MB, 1080x1682, DIDlol.jpg)

DID and anorexia larper reminds me of Ceces tiktok, kek. Her name is Ash but she uses Tamzyn now and makes videos to validate how sooper sick she is. I bumped into her path when she was in Melbourne briefly and the stuff she's claiming about her sooper severe ana is made up fantasy she justifies with DID (secret BPD cow)
No. 1554312
File: 1654774297682.jpg (983.55 KB, 1079x1668, DIDlol2.jpg)

>>1554309Which personality is she larping ever had this happen? Top cow
No. 1554314
File: 1654774432281.jpeg (934.45 KB, 1170x2411, CF3AF8C7-186F-4940-9E55-1BCDCA…)

saving shan seems to be heading down just an open relapse route …. that she simply has to tell all her followers about ??
No. 1554335
File: 1654778097248.jpg (127.32 KB, 1080x1909, Screenshot_20220609-133124_Ins…)

Probably the 100 meds she's on…Christ I feel bad for her.
She was malingering before, but all those meds have fried her brain. Poor girl, no one deserves this.
No. 1554362
File: 1654780234710.jpeg (49.83 KB, 828x554, 30FFC97C-3C2E-4A59-96AB-A2FD18…)

>>1553653Notice how she only posts this shit on her personal - because the anas who follow her recovery account will be able to see through her lies
>>1554300>cold intolerance so bad that I was wearing sweaters in summer Yeah, but Washington isn’t exactly a tropical climate, is it?
No. 1554393
File: 1654783128629.jpg (157.5 KB, 720x1315, 20220609_151729.jpg)

Omfg, the BEST mentally ill gay person on the planet!!1!1
Dear Cece: maybe your dates and "cute girls" don't seem to stay because they lurk at your insta/tiktok, then see this fucking trailer of what a shitshow of a narcissist you are, and think "wow, no thanks!" And no, I'm from germany and not one of these girls lol
No. 1554407
File: 1654784018472.png (17.91 KB, 147x320, AECB7B20-31CC-4EED-953E-8C811D…)

Wtf is this one going absolutely insane ? She is followed by some known cows so it seemed appropriate to post. Milky in a "give me all your attention because I practically live in IP" kind of way
No. 1554476
>>1554472Hi Cecelia!
Come to any country where there's no private ed clinics and they wouldn't give you a time of day! In US any fattie can sign up for treatment if they just have the money. The only chronic condition with CC is the attention seeking.
No. 1554544
>>1554393let's break this down. this video consists of cece bragging about:
>a college or university educationof course, she mouths to the camera "tWo DeGrEes". can't help herself.
>natural hair coloryou don't have blue hair, here's a cookie cece (not that you'll eat it).
>at least one parent who isn't abusivecece makes sure to add,
*2 nonabusive parents! so something totally outside of your control is now a flex on
victims? jesus.
>the ability to differentiate between romantic/platonic/sexual attractionno way she didn't have a romantically ambiguous relationship with one of the 5 girls in that brunette clone friend group a while back.
>a full time jobYou're. Literally. THIRTY. YEARS. OLD.
No. 1554564
>>1554335Pseudo-seizures are also a thing. I’m guessing this is what the doctors are thinking as she said they are ‘routine’ investigations? (it’s basically a non-epileptic seizure)
>>1554393Cecelia is trying to make her whole identity a lesbian-who-doesn’t-look-gay. She thinks she is the only lesbian ever to exist who has long hair that isn’t bright blue or pink. For a gay person she really stereotypes people.
No. 1554604
>>1554255Lol I should have been clearer with my tinfoil I only really think those specific comments I pointed out in the original were self posted because she just seems so desperate to do anything that might solidify her image as the purest daintiest Ana, but I reckon the rest and overall majority of them were not.
I hear you guys that said the site is too hard for her to use but she is obviously trying to start up a recovery IG account (already has a name “little fighters” for her ‘fans’ and other wannabe influencer type behaviour on her account ) with a curated image as a tiny frail waif so I’m sure she has/does googled herself to make sure her image is intact which would lead her here. And then all you have to do is Google “how to post on lolcow” and bobs your uncle.
So I think she was pleased to see she was being talked about but wanted to slip in a few sympathetic comments to make herself look better. I mean who wouldn’t if you were an anorexic teenager who is desperate for the sympathy and asspats that come from having a ‘recovery’ account where you post endless tube and hospital selfies, you had never heard of this site and you discover lolcow where people are anonymously commenting on your weight and ED and you can secretly steer the conversation away from how badly you photoshopped your last picture and back to how “truly sick and underweight she is and I just feel so bad for her”, to make it look like people are feeling sorry for you… it makes total sense.
Anyway who cares really I just think we should keep a bit of an eye on her and the context in which she keeps appearing in this thread
No. 1554632
>>1554604This is way too long and detailed to not be a self poast kek
>we should keep a bit of an eye on her I’m sure you’d like that
No. 1554697
>>1554671I’ve never looked at Laura so my apologies for thinking an anachan would be malnourished kek…she’s probably just lying about having any, in that case.
>now quit it and go have a balanced meal we’re gonna focus the aggression towards the people this thread is actually about. that’s not a request.
No. 1555070
>>1554393What's this "queer" nonsense. Say you're a "lesbian". Stop being silly.
>>15550082 years ago.
She quickly became institutionalised. She stayed in hospital because she went to the bridge (or w/e) and said she had an ED. Since then she's developed more things, face scratching, the other bollocks she does, etc. I think she does this to stay in there. Her seizures aren't going to be genuine. She's doing all she can to be seen as desperately unstable because she wants to stay in a hospital.
No. 1555071
File: 1654813037516.png (819.85 KB, 636x745, leg lifts.png)

>>1555070Woah, dropped pic
No. 1555075
File: 1654813182472.jpg (37.3 KB, 450x422, marycry718.jpg)

No. 1555079
File: 1654813384212.png (3.73 MB, 1170x2532, 398F943D-AFE3-4C13-BBD5-17E49E…)

what was that about her looking less spoopy?
No. 1555121
>>1555103Don't forget the splits on Starbucks floor!
>>1555079Such a stupid move getting inked when they're thin. If they ever recover, they tattoos are going to look really odd.
No. 1555157
File: 1654819517896.jpeg (191.26 KB, 1170x2039, 6C2979BD-B2E1-4F1C-84A3-FBE719…)

more like she felt freedom to restrict
No. 1555163
File: 1654819979569.jpeg (686.47 KB, 1170x2159, F17CB005-54B3-4F54-9F42-DCCC98…)

>>1555079why does she think she can post recovery content looking like this and why do people fucking believe her? God guess their brains are fried too if they follow her for the spoop
No. 1555184
>>1554520No vendetta at all, my phone decided to take the worst screenshot ever for some reason.
Geez some people are really paranoid.
Anyways someone said it wasn't milky because it wasn't about ed's, even when some known cows follow her and she also had an ed for some time. Oh well. Next time I'll wait for a more obvious thing.
No. 1555231
File: 1654823263941.jpeg (400.46 KB, 1170x2108, 6B78BECC-3156-4B35-9D83-51222C…)

“I will block you if you call me out for bodychecking” the shirt lift and legs pushed out is not subtle
No. 1555322
File: 1654825921731.jpeg (698.44 KB, 799x1065, E13F9FFC-1422-492C-B37D-489885…)

might be knit-picking but the red mark on her knuckle… also the cheek sucking in is embarassing
No. 1555340
>>1555322I have this theory that prim-and-ordered Cecelia, whose home and closet looks like a pinterest board, is rubbing her knuckles on something to make it look like she's B/P and make people concerned because in actual fact she finds vomiting abhorrent.
She strikes me far more as a 100% in control no-bingeing ana chan.
No. 1555361
>>1555340>100% in control no-bingingsuspicious as hell.
if it was about her anachan cred she'd avoid being known as bulimic over anorexic
No. 1555622
File: 1654844997132.jpg (669.51 KB, 1079x1778, Screenshot_20220610-080807_Tik…)

saging because this isnt really milk i suppose but got this on my fyp and thought…she looks familiar somehow? click on her profile and its cube head our old friend! love seeing cows in the wild.
No. 1555663
File: 1654850076328.jpg (28.28 KB, 520x221, AjRy8qO.jpg)

>>1555282> >1555363
re. divorce
No. 1555690
File: 1654853456884.jpeg (129.63 KB, 1080x1192, hammie.jpeg)

Ham is really trying to hide her lower body's width with all this posing. Is she not proud of her perfect body after all? She's so cross legged and leaning that she has to hold on to something to not tip over.
No. 1555702
File: 1654854866729.jpg (912.48 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20220610-105304_Gal…)

>>1555701My bad
My dumb ass forgot to add photo
No. 1555728
File: 1654858879960.jpg (212.25 KB, 750x1289, IMG_4804.jpg)

Found a new tik tok Anachan. Claims to be in recovery while bodychecking and telling her followers that she is healthy.
No. 1555738
File: 1654860293763.png (497.27 KB, 1020x552, itshouldhavestayedindrafts.cec…)

There is very little that is more vindicating than watching Cece getting called out in her comment section and losing arguments about it with multiple people.
No. 1555739
>>1555736Who hurt you,
No. 1555753
File: 1654862320949.png (Spoiler Image,8.33 MB, 1170x2532, 2F9AD215-4485-4BEA-AE3C-F29ACB…)

is she genuinely delusional or just trying to trigger ppl
spoiler cause idk slightly graphic not really
No. 1555764
File: 1654863906668.jpeg (1.09 MB, 2048x1030, E5F49D2A-66CC-463B-9A23-8C6AFC…)

>>1555756>>1555757And that’s why Cece’s so sour. She desperately wants to be ~speshul~ but she’s your run of the mill anorexic, never been anywhere near ACUTE level (which most aren’t) and it eats her up inside
No. 1555791
File: 1654866878750.jpg (211.29 KB, 1080x1507, Screenshot_20220610-091350_Chr…)

>>1555764This exactly. Some anons were sperging several threads back that ACUTE will take people who "aren't that sick" but tbh that's delusional jealous anachans talking. The medical criteria is pretty strict and they discharge once patients gain up to bmi 14.
No. 1555809
>>1555791Yup. I like how she mentioned Denver here
>>1553712 …technically not a lie but you know she wanted people to think she was on her way to acute. For a supposedly “smart” educated woman she’s ever so transparent.
No. 1555856
>>1555826lmao no wonder she’s constantly seething. I know lots of anons here like to pretend otherwise but you
can be malnourished at any weight. And there’s Cece with her “chronic” “severe” “SEED” with zero ‘serious’ medical complications
No. 1555888
File: 1654872505757.jpeg (1.67 MB, 1170x2078, C29EFCDD-EB1D-4FEF-BB23-30B2CC…)

Wow she looks awful in bikinis
No. 1555898
File: 1654873127373.jpeg (391.94 KB, 1170x2113, 8F8348F4-7543-4EE3-A24E-BE1D4E…)

>>1555804You anachans are so disturbed. “Critically low weight” is considered anything less than BMI 15 (70% IBW) per the ACUTE website itself. Read here. Cece has definitely met that, and probably does now honestly. It’s the medical instability piece she doesn’t meet, but if your weight is low that’s not a requirement, again per ACUTE themselves
No. 1555911
>>1555793she definitely seems to have BPD… reee i don’t care if you’re unhappy in this dysfunctional relationship with me, look what you did now for leaving me!!! i’m anorexic now and it’s all your fault!!
very mature cece lol
No. 1555930
File: 1654875429295.jpg (202.63 KB, 1037x1759, Screenshot_20220610-113515_Ins…)

>>1555911This seems pretty blamey it's in her "about me" highlight
No. 1556102
File: 1654881538997.png (6.98 MB, 1170x2532, 8851AE26-7131-4357-BFC5-725828…)

oh my god.
No. 1556105
File: 1654881598086.png (7.03 MB, 1170x2532, FEB770D2-250D-46AC-9E65-F9254B…)

>>1556102she 10000% knows what she’s doing
No. 1556114
File: 1654881789531.jpeg (234.74 KB, 1170x1962, 74074C0C-EEE3-4C02-BF4D-C72080…)

>>1556105horse face is definitely trying to mimic zara with the whole in denial act. we see through u cece.
No. 1556121
File: 1654881943921.jpeg (212.81 KB, 828x1404, EC5BB137-AE00-41D0-ABC7-4D3A14…)

>>1555738Whenever she’s challenged, the mask slips and she reveals her rude and bitchy self.
No. 1556128
File: 1654882237881.jpg (317.02 KB, 1080x1946, Screenshot_20220610-132934_Chr…)

>>1556105It seems like she genuinely thinks she's quirky and adorable
No. 1556217
>>1556202I agree. She definitely needs to address the core of her issues, which is likely the personality disorder. Once she learns how to better regulate emotions, tolerate distress and interact with others, she'll be less likely to harm herself to cope. Of course she will have to gain weight and maintain a balanced diet, but these kind of interventions can be achieved on an out patient basis, within the community.
>>1556207I wouldn't go as far as to say that she's scripted her relapse because I do think that she is genuinely eating disordered. However, you are right to say that it feeds her need for attention and validation which isn't uncommon for ED sufferers with co-morbid cluster B PDs like her (and she definitely displays traits from most conditions in that cluster). You are also correct about her posts being specifically designed to cause concern and manipulate her viewers.
No. 1556302
File: 1654890361392.png (128.56 KB, 744x700, Screenshot 2022-06-10 at 20.42…)

>>1555898>>1556143lowest bmi they've taken is 8.4, highest is 19.7, average on admission is 12.9. sage for no milk but acute is 100% for superspoops and those about to die from medical complications. cece is neither No. 1556309
>>1555930It irks me that Cece doesn't crop out her ex-fiancee in the photo or edit it so you can't see her face. Also why is she still hanging onto the photo if it was "traumatic"? I'd have gotten rid of anything that reminded me of that time because why
trigger myself. It feels like everything she does is petty and for attention. Glad ex-fiancee figured it out before the wedding.
>>1556102Feels like she's challenging people to say she's too old by the way the description is written. Why does she over complicate? Dull. She's a no fun vampire who sucks the fun out of people. Can't just live her life, nah too pedestrian.
No. 1556410
>>1556312ayrt, these records are from october 2008 to december 2010. i know that normal bmi ed-havers can have medical complications; i'm just arguing that cece-pd does not fall into that category, nor does she fall into the 11-12 bmi range that acute generally takes
>>1556113crystalkaro/elfkaro got banned from edtwt recently but prime example, her tiktok is her twitter body check vids repackaged as aesthetic ootds
No. 1556412
File: 1654895732794.gif (2.57 MB, 388x696, MmmMilkyCece.gif)

>>1556102nonnies drinking up the unabashedly pro-ana cece bodycheck milk right now:
No. 1556450
File: 1654897434581.jpeg (188.96 KB, 736x1638, 2BACD47C-5C30-43FA-8AE3-B3C589…)

That thigh definition honestly got me triggered tho…
No. 1556465
File: 1654898031936.jpeg (1.45 MB, 1170x2018, 2FD53891-94F9-4C2F-A002-081FFF…)

No. 1556530
>>1556367Can everyone shut the fuck up about BMI speculations you literally cannot tell numbers based off a photo or video on the Internet it’s such a stupid thing to argue about
Denver ACUTE is for people who are too sick for the ITU, whether that be low BMI or otherwise. ERC or any other facility does not want anyone dying on their property. They’ll kick you out of treatment if you’re a major suicide risk, too. ACUTE is a unit within a hospital so the skellies can go to the morgue.
No. 1556558
>>1556529would be a shame if mods starting handing out bans for bmi sperging… oldfags would
hate that, it definitely wouldn't single-handedly resurrect this thread from the dead or anything.
No. 1556591
>>1556529>>1556530Yeah. By all means go ahead and keep guessing BMI, but it makes your post suck, no exceptions.
Cece is on the warpath to get spoopy, and farmers should respond accordingly.
She NEEDS to get admitted to ACUTE for her own selfish attention-seeking purposes. We expect it or some equivalent. She is living off of attention (and probably b/p and Adderall) at this point.
>>1556450Shut the actual fuck up. Cecelia is probably fingering herself to your post right now.
No. 1556681
File: 1654909535354.jpeg (301.87 KB, 1170x1435, 1792309A-2202-40FC-8BF6-26EE2A…)

The messy hair and socks with heels Oh Ganer, never change(emoji)
No. 1556830
File: 1654921829820.jpg (355.69 KB, 1080x1802, Screenshot_20220611-142835_Tik…)

>>1554312Looks like Ash is going down the Laura route. Why is she wearing ballet gear for a long haul train trip?
No. 1556840
File: 1654922309957.jpg (1.29 MB, 1393x2048, pixlr_20220611143659597.jpg)

>>1556830Why does an actual adult think this is a good idea? She literally went around the Australian outback wearing a ballet costume.
No. 1556843
>>1556840is she on tiktok now? her instagram has been super locked down for a while, so I've been wondering if she was still munching it up
is her fat roommate still going on and on about fnd?
No. 1556888
>>1556842 >>1556843
Yeah its coffee cats/ash/tamzyn. Her BODY is called Ashleigh apparently. She's posting heaps on tiktok and still living with christine who doesnt
really post much anymore or at least not on my feed.
No. 1556951
File: 1654928784233.png (3.23 MB, 828x1792, ADF3F711-42A3-497E-BE48-841048…)

Cece being insufferable as per usual. She’s banging on about how TikTok isn’t just for children, not sure what point she’s trying to make exactly.
No. 1557033
File: 1654938552773.png (8.19 MB, 1170x2532, CDB80EDA-7153-44FA-906C-7DF401…)

I am so sick of her screwing her face up like this, I’ve never seen any actual evidence of tears or crying. It’s non stop
No. 1557053
File: 1654942512898.jpeg (499.74 KB, 828x710, 02A3AA03-06CD-4921-AA43-252551…)

A lot of ED tiktok accounts are getting suspended.
No. 1557076
>>1556969Very normal to pose in the gym (in bodybuilder land at least). With heels, less so, but I don't think it's the weirdest thing she does considering she probably can't walk in them well yet.
I'm kinda hoping she decides to quit bodybuilding and just stick with strength. She's finally actually built some muscle and looks healthier. But cutting is such a fucking stupid idea for someone with her history. Ah well.
No. 1557124
>>1556853>those sperging about BMI totally miss the point of these threads too…well put
nonnie, anons sperging about bmi are cows in their own right
No. 1557143
File: 1654958909410.png (3.33 MB, 750x1334, A5748D3E-0459-4D8F-B97D-5C7FD4…)

Unabashed relapse baiting from Niamh kek
No. 1557161
File: 1654960839082.jpeg (378.31 KB, 1242x1415, B7DD3DB9-CBD1-482B-936D-6FA018…)

from zara’s story
No. 1557197
File: 1654964149120.jpeg (713.78 KB, 828x1491, 513107F2-6DBA-48FE-B655-276CB3…)

Long time no post from watermelon.
Looking like garbage.
No. 1557285
File: 1654968449269.jpeg (1012.02 KB, 1125x2187, 3CCF1903-9E6B-4979-910C-982E3B…)

I don’t want to bring traffic to this account but they are definitely a scumbag, this is pretty sick. Found them in lucinda’s Twitter because her thread was quit so I thought I’d check on her. I’ll delete the post if it doesn’t belong here but they draw disturbing pro ana art
No. 1557350
File: 1654970430816.jpeg (282.28 KB, 1170x1699, CBCB8B88-4186-4D68-8C0F-DE2EC0…)

>>1557285out of morbid curiosity i had to look up couplespo and oh my god these people are insane
No. 1557416
File: 1654973609613.jpeg (1.56 MB, 1170x1983, 43280521-0B35-4866-8ED7-B64578…)

someone in the comment section called her out saying it’s bc she’s malnourished not adhd
No. 1557439
>>1557285its … really horrendous
but i expected that
No. 1557514
File: 1654978974335.jpeg (Spoiler Image,517.31 KB, 828x1231, 91DB863E-C991-4BAA-9D82-D8D4CF…)

cece back at it with another attention seeking selfie. this time complete with popped collarbones and a weird arm angle that will surely get her some concerned DM’s, to which she will reply that she’s fine and “has support!”
No. 1557535
File: 1654979818873.png (8.79 MB, 1170x2532, C86EAD28-BB4E-4B59-82F3-EA12C6…)

Here’s momsfavdisapointment making sure she reminds us how super sick she was that she lost some hair. It burns me up that she’s pretending like her video was suppose to be about her solid recovery. It’s just a bragging post and reminder that she use to be sick. She sits her & awkwardly pulls out her side hairs to make them look worse. Lots of people have those. Totally normal. Her hashtags are total bull. It’s not “prorecovery”. It doesn’t “endthestigma”. It enforces it. She’s also not “inpatient” currently. She’s just trying to get more followers & back pats with those hashtags. And if you were actually worried about looking like a “clown”, you wouldn’t put it up or video it. Idc if she was a skelly & still relapsing. She’s a cow with no interest in actually recovering.
No. 1557654
File: 1654986025945.jpeg (257.81 KB, 828x1545, 4880F7A1-3BE0-4D4F-8A39-E59951…)

2/2 (i meant 1/2 before)
No. 1557735
File: 1654989246075.png (1.83 MB, 750x1334, 168CACA6-8ADB-4D11-BF54-D95F55…)

Deleted and re-posted without her (obviously tensed) arm in it. Probably got one too many ‘mean’ messages calling her out for it. I get more embarrassed for her every day kek
No. 1557848
File: 1654996930726.jpg (471.85 KB, 2880x2880, 20220612_131846.jpg)

Sorry no idea if she has been discussed before but here, have a body checking skelly. Poena_ on tiktok.
Wears shorts in every vid, walks backwards and stands like an awkward pigeon. I'm embarrassed for her, what a life.
No. 1557868
File: 1654998712018.jpeg (926.08 KB, 1170x2374, 02340EB1-0400-4310-B017-56D198…)

uh oh… zara might want to hide, the true ana queen is arriving for the scots
No. 1557968
File: 1655010788714.png (948.13 KB, 720x1304, Screenshot_20220612-132803~2.p…)

>>1549888No one could be more surprised than her. I can see why she doesn't want psych involved, it might mean getting her BPD sorted out
No. 1558007
File: 1655017156602.jpeg (211.88 KB, 828x1545, 61D2C03A-3162-4C70-91F8-BCBD86…)

>>1556951The comments on this Cece post
No. 1558114
File: 1655032487880.jpg (389.06 KB, 1080x1893, Screenshot_20220612-130017_Ins…)

Is she fucking kidding me… Her fear food of olive oil, so she "challenged" herself with a healthy meal with "lots" of mozarella and tomatoes??? She has literally zero clue from nutrition if this is her "fearfood" but she can gobble down a ton of sweet pancakes covered in chocolate and sugar everyday. Also her birthday pictures were cringe af, what teen has the nerve to document their birthday with a ton of boring food photos? Her life is a joke
No. 1558131
File: 1655037892180.jpeg (377.63 KB, 1242x552, 1428248E-CA4D-4D42-BC5A-412D04…)

i wonder what our darling em got up to this week
No. 1558138
>>1558131she posted somewhere last week that she did something stupid and Lauren saved her. She did again today.
I really wonder if the other poor girl, literaly saved her from an attempt or something
No. 1558170
>>1558165Yes, she prefers to
trigger a vulnerable audience instead. :(
(:() No. 1558263
>>1557690No I don’t but if it’s anything like your previous whiney drivel than you haven’t got much of a leg to stand on lol. Yeah but someone else had already given the constructive criticism, your comment was about dying of boredom or something lol. So if you feel that strongly that it’s affecting your health then leave or whatever idc. Anyway this is also boring let’s stop
No. 1558289
>>1558270i thought the "old lesbians" thing was a hint at her looking for a new
victim too lmao. the most mentally unstable
abusive people ALWAYS are convinced they just need to find "the one" and then their life will be perfect when in reality they always just abuse those around them.
No. 1558313
File: 1655054222936.jpeg (369.98 KB, 1170x1970, 41121B8B-B149-42C0-AD73-16F7CD…)

Body check queen at it again
No. 1558346
>>1557735"A sociopath and some old lesbians come to a concert."
Sounds like the beginning of a very bad joke.
No. 1558357
File: 1655058121633.jpeg (342.7 KB, 1125x1599, F9615CFB-C42A-43E9-9829-7E6192…)

There’s been some traffic on Poena_ lately, but has anyone mentioned how weird she looks?
No. 1558366
File: 1655058835175.png (7.99 MB, 1170x2532, A3D4CB8B-A266-43E9-993D-4E0B9E…)

She is actually delusional
No. 1558587
>>1558313Who the fuck dresses like this in the hospital?
Half the girls in there don’t even bother getting out of pajama pants.
No. 1558624
File: 1655076466147.png (3.36 MB, 750x1334, D74B254F-11F2-4F1A-ABA6-FA3591…)

It’s like she’s trying to flex the lanugo, kek
No. 1558673
>>1558636Hi Cece!
“Living in the moment” does not mean posting endless selfies, nor does it mean run to post pictures of your weekend after this site brings up that you’re doing nothing but posting selfies. She’s only posting pics of the concert and not her bodychecks because we pointed it out. This is neither clever or authentic. Cece would be way less sufferable if she DID actually post more fun things instead of endless body checks and “proving” to us she’s at a concert.
(hi cow) No. 1558737
File: 1655084707751.png (1.55 MB, 1170x2532, 8A27A582-EE22-405F-9C63-092426…)

I know this cow has been posted here before but she was underage at the time. Well she’s just turned 18 and is still on her shit.
No. 1558746
File: 1655085016455.jpeg (328.52 KB, 1170x1983, 187E2FBC-5AF5-4C5B-8BB7-4902A1…)

Sorry forgot to post pic
No. 1559093
File: 1655120457802.jpg (283.83 KB, 1080x1742, Olympics.jpg)

B1 and B2
No. 1559103
File: 1655122198243.jpeg (896.21 KB, 1242x1586, 738CD455-C5DF-46F2-AE7D-7FB380…)

i wish she would stop posting pics of herself severely HEAVILY underweight. and admitting that the first pic was only a month ago?? when i’m sure she was still claiming she was fine and recovering well.
No. 1559141
File: 1655126540305.jpeg (1.03 MB, 1170x1954, 138ABD3A-6331-40E8-915C-6168A6…)

*haul. because everyone needs to see your underweight body (1/2)
No. 1559142
File: 1655126561832.jpeg (927.52 KB, 1170x1918, 980AD4C4-C961-4C20-ADF6-2C1EDD…)

No. 1559171
>>15575142 weeks left til July! don't let us down!
You got this Karen…I mean Cece.
Because you are totally not trying to relapse right.
No. 1559210
>>1558587one thing I like about Niamh is that she puts on outfits nice enough that the whole “it’s an OOTD not a
body check!” excuse, while still an obvious lie, is at least slightly more believable.
No. 1559237
File: 1655133559201.jpeg (883.1 KB, 954x1362, 49B19A0E-EEAE-4A24-9D0C-7C6BEA…)

when niamh isn’t weirdly flexing her legs she doesn’t look that underweight
No. 1559239
File: 1655133632712.jpeg (865.13 KB, 902x1366, 729B99FB-2A2C-46F3-8301-772695…)

starting to make me think that she isn’t relapsing and rather just going back to her old attention seeking poses
No. 1559279
>>1559237She looks okay here. She actually has nice legs. If she's doing all this faux model stuff, it's a given she's going to want to be underweight.
A good sign is that her head looks in proportion. She hasn't got the lollipop head. She should give up the ana lark and concentrate on studying fashion or something. Seems she's wasting an interest. It's actually good she has an interest. People lose all interest in everything except thinking about food when they get into the ana thing.
No. 1559282
>>1559278NHS treatment has a fixed amount of sessions for aftercare. In the US it's private, so clinics see $$$ and I think that's all they care about. Keeping them stuck in there and don't mind the revolving door. Just tinfoiling, but probably accurate.
When an ana's out of the danger of fucking their body up big time, they get left with other therapies to go to, also limited sessions.
No. 1559369
File: 1655142544290.png (577.41 KB, 427x756, 0145677666.png)

In case you already forgot, here's your daily reminder of who's the real ana queen.
No. 1559420
>>1559369Imagine intentionally describing protein bars in a clearly
triggering way to others in recovery, just to try and feel better about yourself. When I saw this post I was disgusted in her. Seems like she might have struggled with a binge recently and needed to convince herself of some shit. Pointless.
No. 1559466
File: 1655147408855.png (234.9 KB, 395x584, helpfultipsbycecexxxx.png)

>>1559369no worries all, cece has been kind enough to give us some awesome tips on how to eat a fucking protein bar
>just get used to having them in the housecece is allegedly so anachan that even having food particles within 1km of her living space is enough to
trigger her.
>just bitesfingers crossed she posts a video of her sobbing while working her way up to a microscopic bite of a 200 cal protein bar à la Fi
>approach them as a dessertI'm about this close to alogging. She really made a post solely to
trigger her followers & then manipulated her followers' well-intentioned (albeit playing into her narc fantasies) dms into a "helpful tipz & trickz!" follow-up post that is equally histrionic. She is the most evil cow in this thread I swear.
No. 1559494
File: 1655148755218.jpeg (833.77 KB, 822x1410, 6EF29A98-7D86-4EBC-A8D9-BAF0A2…)

>>1559378Apparently she saw this because she made a new post just to specify that it’s almond milk… kek. Also she says she didn’t even drink it.
No. 1559555
>>1559494nonnies aren't even tinfoiling at this point
>nonita makes joke about how much milk she's drinking>cece posts within an hour specifying that it's almond milk & she didn't drink itno way this is a coincidence. she hasn't dropped lurking hints this obvious since she used LARP in her instastories a while back (still searching past threads for that pic, it's bugging me that I haven't found it coz I'm definitely remember it)
No. 1559673
File: 1655160551657.jpeg (622.32 KB, 1170x2082, 66C37933-6A84-4EA4-9DB2-A0E09F…)

No. 1559742
>>1559369>>1559466My god, she is such a piece of shit lowlife.
This is truly twisted, rancid behavior and it's all so thinly disguised.
Like she truly believes people will read this stuff and believe she's just innocently existing – it's the meanies who take issue.
I'm almost in agreeance with the anons who say she's evil at this point.
No. 1559766
>>1559673I’m learning?! FOH you’re a grown ass adult you should already know better and you do, you just need to prove to everyone how sick you are to make yourself feel
valid without caring who you harm on the way. Pathetic
No. 1559786
If this
>>1559673 backhanded "apology" is anything to go by, she might just be a bitch-no personality disorder required.
>>1559735 With all of the stigma around BPD (even within the medical community) I can't blame Cece for wanting to put some distance between herself and the diagnosis. A BPD diagnosis is kind of like the kiss of death for a patient because any legitimate health issue (psychiatric or physical) can be written off as cluster B attention seeking antics and clinicians might refuse to investigate further.
As for Cece, she strikes me as the sort to (if she hasn't already) gun for an OCPD diagnosis because it is a personality disorder that is seen in a more positive light (ex: the reserved, orderly, workaholic perfectionist) and it is the one that is most often found in restrictive subtype anorexics. If BPD is accompanied with an ED, it is usually the "less glamourous" ones like bulimia and the b/p subtype of AN. Despite the image she tries to portray with her carefully curated home décor and outfits, Cece's traits are more inline with cluster B personality disorders than with OCPD or any of the other cluster C conditions.
No. 1559799
File: 1655169843837.jpeg (1.16 MB, 1170x2029, 29848FEB-BDF4-4C9C-8A85-8E7CF5…)

No. 1559870
File: 1655176183068.png (296.93 KB, 683x758, zaraweightsperg.png)

saged because I'm not sure this is really milk but Zara posted a series of tellonym things about her weight. if they're such dumb questions then I don't understand why she can't just, y'know, not answer/post them?
No. 1559872
File: 1655176471231.png (477.36 KB, 394x624, thisisntmilk.png)

>>1559870samefagging to say I spent a little bit looking around everyones socials for milk, and aside from Zara, all I found was this funny meal from ganer. That's literally it, milk is pretty dry lately outside of cece's overflowin udders
No. 1560108
>>1559872Protip: She eats this every single day. But first she takes a snap and puts it on her Insta.
No. 1560265
>>1559466Nobody is talking about
>Food waste fear is real for someone with a history of food scarcity and poverty Has Cece ever given evidence she was anything but upper middle class? She went to college, traveled a lot and stayed at private clinics in the US annually, her family is loaded??
Imagine being so desperate to avoid criticism you lead people to assume you grew up in Ethiopia with rickets
No. 1560337
File: 1655214803004.jpeg (660.93 KB, 1125x1228, 4098330A-29E1-482F-9B77-0BF590…)

Kay’s back online after a stint in hospital, blogging about weight gain and faking recovery
No. 1560351
>>1560108ayrt I almost included a note to say “honestly for all I know she eats this every day too, it’s been a while since I’ve seen her slop rituals posted”
good to know ganers as dedicated as ever.
No. 1560441
File: 1655221264147.jpeg (1.05 MB, 828x1388, F23F1270-930F-4B98-AE92-7EB66E…)

please tell me someone’s watched this, or is willing to watch it. I don’t think I could handle the second hand embarrassment
No. 1560442
File: 1655221547017.png (6.86 MB, 1170x2532, F78D8F4B-2350-402F-AB73-EB4321…)

Didn’t Alice say she wasn’t going to wear skimpy clothes in hauls bc she knows her body is triggering like??? She must know a huge amount of her followers are just kids with EDs and she’s giving them thinspo.
No. 1560498
File: 1655224820940.jpeg (1.24 MB, 1170x1977, C209E295-8743-4A70-B2EC-711E72…)

No. 1560569
>>1560442My exact thought wish people would post her more here she’s pretty milky with all the medical bullshit and
“omg I’m so sad people got mad at me for bodychecking uwu I’m only going to EVER wear sweatshirts”
One week later: showing off emaciated arms again
No. 1560615
File: 1655230390967.jpeg (1.04 MB, 828x1498, 5A631A97-6823-4C38-96AA-92BC9D…)

She’s literally eight years old.
No. 1560660
File: 1655233734526.png (1.28 MB, 750x1334, 68D11568-5E3B-4BB6-B6A9-2462C7…)

No. 1560665
File: 1655234199521.jpeg (430.87 KB, 784x979, B78FCD86-3DCE-4E25-A2C4-9F9A22…)

>>1560660Kek, as soon as I saw that fod, this guy came straight into my head - even has the same crazy eyes
No. 1560670
File: 1655234845711.jpeg (Spoiler Image,371.22 KB, 750x695, 955F02AE-F25B-40DB-880F-C82AB8…)

she’s a dead cow but the way she needed to position her arm in the thumbnail is sending me
No. 1560713
>>1560670Not only is this movie old news in the ED community, it’s notoriously
triggering kek. They know that and chose to talk about it anyway
No. 1560724
>>1560663Totally. She also knows she
triggers people and hopes people find her that will follow her bullshit as isn't her account still public? Not checked recently but it were before. She's a grown ass woman.Yes an Ed and mental illness isn't just a young person's issue however by 30 most wouldn't try to highlight it as much as she does and them claim to still be learning so didn't mean to
trigger anyone.
No. 1560734
File: 1655239393154.png (2.53 MB, 1170x2532, F5481806-FC9F-4EC4-82A4-5D05CA…)

Lol, like she needs an ensure
No. 1560769
File: 1655241687694.jpeg (264.37 KB, 828x1472, 0C8D801E-950B-436B-9179-DDD20F…)

how has no one talked about rosierecovers? she claims to have been in recovery for like 9 months and has not gained any weight, she has probably lost weight. it’s giving zara.
No. 1560789
>>1560498>you are sick enough even if you’ve never been IP/underweight etc Constantly posting about how underweight she is, how her doctor doesn’t know what to do, how she might die. Classic
>>1560660If she didn’t want the concern she wouldn’t have mentioned the medical thing at all, she could have just said ‘I’ll be taking the rest of the week of social media to have some me time’ and no one would have questioned her
No. 1560797
File: 1655244155420.png (1.03 MB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20220614-230026.png)

>>1560734You missed the best bit. This is why BPD is so stigmatised, textbook shit right here. They fuck it up for those with BPD that want to get better in life.
No. 1560923
File: 1655253302858.png (184.67 KB, 425x757, 666.png)

>>1560660"Wont be on here for the rest of today"
No. 1561128
>>1561076fuck. off. Cece.
seriously, could you make it anymore obvious it's you.
No one has that many WK's, especially an insufferable cunt like you.
No. 1561149
>>1560923so she has two degrees AND a full time job yet still has the time to attention-seek and
trigger people half her age on a DAILY basis? BDP / HPD priorities i guess, kek
No. 1561154
File: 1655270758890.png (8.27 MB, 1170x2532, BAD79A35-BDCB-4659-B4D5-66786E…)

New cow? Apparently in recovery but has a spoop pic pinned on tiktok and subtle body checks throughout her tiktok
No. 1561268
File: 1655285731856.jpg (294.86 KB, 1080x979, 287248821_1396316280792940_873…)

Cropped the image because the poster isn't a cow, but you know whose OP she's on about kek you were right
No. 1561317
File: 1655291149280.jpeg (518.66 KB, 1170x2026, 0DE3D938-D227-46A5-9FC6-68FF73…)

Taking bets on how long before she’s back inpatient for the millionth time…
No. 1561364
File: 1655296894884.jpeg (680.87 KB, 1164x2096, 0587A190-EEF0-4AA6-9489-651EC4…)

She’s alive and looking even more skelly. This along with loads of her stupid protein bar ratings
No. 1561494
>>1561471Instagram recovery accounts should not be arguing the way retards do on MPA.
Cece is trying to have it both ways by flapping her "disordered cognitions" and spinning around to act like she isn't being pro-ana because she is struggling. it's a very dysfunctional and disordered hill she's dying on and the callout posted upthread is
valid No. 1561582
>>1561561I wasn’t at Denver. I’m aware Denver is more of a strict/intense facility because many of the patients there come from ACUTE.
The other ERC locations take anyone off the streets pretty much.
No. 1561630
File: 1655313318353.png (Spoiler Image,10.22 MB, 1170x2532, 439A5A02-3CDA-4C3A-817F-826170…)

No. 1561634
>>1561417>>1561545>>1561626Can you retards quit with the blogging already. There are ways to make the same point without inserting yourselves into it kek go braid each others hair and sperg about how TrUe and
vALid you are somewhere else
No. 1561795
>>1561628They (ERC) also have residential locations in Chicago, another inpatient/res in Dallas, a res in Washington (which is where CeCe’s bird box bug out took place), and I think they just opened an RTC in Maryland. All that said, the US ED treatment system, outside of maybe ACUTE and the other medical stabilization programs, are designed to act like the bubbles of a “summer camp”. They’re soft, and cushy and often opened in lavish mansions in affluent areas of the country. They get field trips, chef cooked meals, TVs with streaming access, and extremely green clinicians who tend to code patients. The whole environment is so lovely/caring/warm/supportive uwu, with people that will given you stupid praise for eating one forkful of air, that it churns out repeat offenders like full fat cream on top of milk. It’s disgusting.
No. 1561817
File: 1655324046485.png (878.69 KB, 726x502, Scaled (77%).png)

did u miss me??
No. 1561835
File: 1655324832255.png (756.14 KB, 828x469, skellyarm.png)

looking as good as ever
No. 1561870
File: 1655327054821.jpeg (392.66 KB, 1170x1940, 87FF0577-DBBF-4690-9A7B-AB5A4B…)

>>1561868She is so fucking milky she will never let people forget her ACUTE ERC stay
No. 1561878
File: 1655327592211.png (5.36 MB, 828x1792, 01875132-7221-4FB2-9D25-D4C254…)

In the interest of new milk, anyone keeping up with this ERC child groomer. Talked to an ERC cow before admitting with her, said cow turned 18 in treatment, and now they date AND live together. This girl (woman, I should say) is 22 or 23.
No. 1561879
File: 1655327649971.png (3.83 MB, 828x1792, 700F6EB5-6B85-4472-AF95-E8E6AD…)

>>1561878“Fuck the rules in res” they literally just wanted you to act like a responsible adult.
No. 1561902
File: 1655328591313.jpg (297.84 KB, 1080x1767, Screenshot_20220615-172925_Chr…)

No. 1561984
File: 1655332930841.png (3.39 MB, 828x1792, CDC04165-B1D2-4746-A057-019220…)

>>1561970Gladly, or you could just look at the account and figure it out yourself
No. 1562002
>>1561795>>1561616>>1561545>>1561414So many blogging anachans.
JCU2 is in Australia. It is an 8-bed medical stabilisation unit in a public hospital and serves a large area. No one should be trying to get admitted because those beds are much-needed. Nothing to do with your ERC pillow fights
No. 1562016
File: 1655334536575.png (6.76 MB, 1170x2532, B312EC9E-E7DC-4014-9DBE-DB2D3A…)

Cece made a series of videos showing us all her kids’ sized shoes “in case anyone didn’t believe her”. so smol. dainty! god who gives a flying fuck Cece
No. 1562057
File: 1655336535376.jpeg (155.59 KB, 867x1554, 40CCA211-0DBA-4FB9-BEDC-78DF81…)

>>1562032Definite response to talk on here about the childish jellies. Just confirming that they are kids size and she is tiny in every way
No. 1562100
File: 1655338596900.jpeg (191.85 KB, 828x1420, 1E1EA249-AF6B-40EE-A1F3-4801D9…)

No one is going to send you hate for your average sized feet, Cece. We’re going to laugh at you because you care so much about letting everyone know you actually do fit into kids shoes.
No. 1562101
File: 1655338601584.png (5.55 MB, 828x1792, 3EEA60C6-FE1B-490E-90B6-4CBE4B…)

>>1562093This whole lot live together currently
No. 1562106
File: 1655339041400.jpeg (396.39 KB, 1170x2074, F90BA315-4AC7-4438-9CF4-E9E0F2…)

I think they have a point, Alice.
No. 1562116
File: 1655339547482.gif (3.38 MB, 480x341, giphy.gif)

>>1562100Amazing how she just wants to pick fights over nothing. You are 30 years old and picking fights on an app targeting teenagers. Grow the ever loving fuck up.
>No one is going to send you hate for your average sized feet, Cece. We’re going to laugh at you because you care so much about letting everyone know you actually do fit into kids shoes.Priorities of a grown woman. Kek. She has no real personality. What a shame.
No. 1562121
File: 1655340206644.jpg (350.83 KB, 1080x1939, Screenshot_20220615-203133_Chr…)

No. 1562159
File: 1655343269731.jpg (184.05 KB, 694x694, 20220615_203223.jpg)

She is (was?) friends with Laura. ERC pals, no doubt.
>>1562079Her birthday is in November, when they were at summer camp together. Looks like Hannah waited for the moment she turned 18.
No. 1562170
>>1562016got to offset the extra-large face somehow I suppose.
>>1562100Cecelia even if someone did send you hate, all you would do is screenshot it and cry about it on your stories because all you know how to do is act out for attention and lament about you got dumped years ago and won't get over it (because attention).
No. 1562205
File: 1655345803049.png (4.51 MB, 1125x2436, 7FCA010C-1CDD-4993-93F5-00DEED…)

They dyed their hair matching recently, which wouldn’t be alarming except for the seven year age gap and the fact that Hannah met her when she was 17
No. 1562210
File: 1655346179707.png (5.85 MB, 1125x2436, 75A0C618-C083-4D96-9878-2F7D2A…)

This girl’s parents let her move from Connecticut to Colorado at freshly 18 to move in with some girl she met IN TREATMENT WHAT THE FUCK
No. 1562226
File: 1655347298121.jpeg (1.31 MB, 1170x1690, 593EBBC1-33AD-4E23-B9D5-CA4045…)

Don’t think Ham ever tried to hide that she was fat
No. 1562241
>>1562210i seriously cannot imagine any parent in their right mind being even slightly okay with that.
tinfoil but im thinking her parents rightfully told her no and ole pinhead groomed her to come out and live with her anyways.
No. 1562299
File: 1655351598741.png (381.63 KB, 535x535, nosehosepals.png)

>>1562242The long face makes it look like she could be a spoop but I don't think she's ever been truly spoopy.
No. 1562321
File: 1655352830736.jpeg (609.4 KB, 1170x1935, 558B784C-E014-4A17-9774-E96212…)

>>1562277This garbage for “breakfast” seems like classic BED. She can’t control herself and seems to only eat carbs and sugar. No way she’s ever had a restrictive ED.
No. 1562396
>>1562371you can be 18+ and still be mentally stunted
nonnie… (as shown in literally every single thread)
imagine a mentally ill grown woman being in the same hospital as your 17 year old daughter, grooming her to go move out with her the second she turns 18 because she'll be "independent", kek.
TLDR; situation is still fucked up, stop downplaying it
nonnie No. 1562489
File: 1655372256075.png (799.25 KB, 491x775, dainty.png)

>>1562476idk it looks kinda small to me. And the yog bowl isn't hers. Obvs the fish/toast is her bfs tho I'm pretty skeeved out by the idea of eating that for breakfast too.
No. 1562491
File: 1655372338887.png (241.23 KB, 343x814, f off scarlett.png)

Scarlett so uncomfortable at her highest ever weight. But totes not disordered guys.
No. 1562517
>>1562455Uh I don't think she's a sociopath
nonnie, that would mean she's got antisocial personality disorder (in old terms) I'm taking my NDP assumption back, sticking with "certain narcissistic traits on top of BPD"-but yes, she's thriving on conflicts. Lolcow too is fueling her, so it's good to discover new cows like pinhead posted above.
No. 1562519
File: 1655377562550.png (287.38 KB, 491x642, scarlettalmondmilk.png)

Because we haven't had any Scarlett in a while but people still seem to be interested, here are some lulz from tiktok:
complaining about 'off season bloat' while looking like salmon jerky
people expressing concern about her back when she does that 45 degree arch thing
making nice cream and spooning some onto the counter and then SCOOPING IT INTO THE BOWL. I don't care how clean your kitchen is, that is still. nasty. Probably used it as an excuse to not eat it after filming
No. 1562536
File: 1655379760141.jpeg (80.49 KB, 272x185, 86F875B3-71F6-4514-9F1D-AF8DF8…)

>>1562504Ham is that you???
No. 1562594
File: 1655386522027.png (1.89 MB, 828x1792, B8A04CB0-3F99-4A82-A65C-8C3218…)

Kek, Cece has to flex her ED all the time. Having food based dreams resulting in panic is classic anorexia and she knows it
No. 1562649
>>1562634i was thinking the EXACT same think kek. iirc, this isn’t the first time that something like this has happened either.
personally cece is my favorite cow and she knows exactly what she’s doing by posting shit like that. she is straight up pro-ana recently.
No. 1562680
File: 1655392836491.png (1 MB, 1125x2436, 13681C97-A6F8-4B14-94F3-FD4F0D…)

Speaking of annoyances, miss “dating a skelly fetishist while saying she’s on palliative care while also going back to school in the fall” is still adding things to her wishlist. Make your bf buy this shit for you Laura you’re a grown woman.
No. 1562760
File: 1655398653890.jpeg (970.93 KB, 1170x1955, C0AE4FFC-BDA2-48B8-ABB7-29BBB7…)

two cows unite
No. 1562775
File: 1655399620410.jpg (Spoiler Image,189.12 KB, 1080x2010, Screenshot_20220616-100758_Chr…)

I really fucking cannot with Zara. Seriously? Talking about how she's moving forward in recovery and posting a very obviously posed ahem skelly photo in her pool. Also posting all her proana shit on one account and other preaching recovery. Also wtf is with zarbie? She ain't not barbie kek
No. 1562833
>>1562602You act like we're making fun of someone who doesn't deserve it.
>is unbelievably condescending to people who express genuine concern>shows off her body to young, impressionable people who are mentally ill and can be triggered>is 30 and is obsessed with herself enough to not have friends or any semblance of a life>she just posted a piece about her "tiny child feet" She is unhinged and rude. She deserves every bit of our mockery.
No. 1562841
File: 1655404773354.jpg (192.52 KB, 1062x1703, Screenshot_20220616-143920_Ins…)

Uwu trying to be warm
No. 1562842
File: 1655404789692.jpeg (227.85 KB, 1170x1721, A02992F5-1903-4B2C-AF67-431782…)

At least Cece isn’t dancing around half naked like Mel and Zara and Fi etc. She looks like absolute shit here but better this than body checking
No. 1562846
File: 1655405027893.jpg (304.3 KB, 1071x1726, Screenshot_20220616-144250_Chr…)

Ok groomer
No. 1562863
File: 1655405873626.jpeg (15.77 KB, 259x194, 6C0F86AC-60F0-4944-B417-0C742D…)

>>1562846She reminds me a bit of Brenda Spencer (female school shooter) just with more chin, obvs
No. 1562900
File: 1655407551984.jpeg (34.19 KB, 500x500, artworks-IwOlZnaVbClvkw0y-YWvz…)

>>1562846pic related
also, how did healthyhole meet her
victim in treatment if she's 17 and hole is 25? does america put 16/17 year olds in adult psych wards or do they not have different wards for adults and minors?
No. 1562988
File: 1655412828566.jpeg (1.17 MB, 2685x2685, F4BADE4B-6A8F-41F9-A7C9-C3CC1A…)

Wow she used to look so normal but has destroyed her body
No. 1562996
>>1562519lmao what is that sperging about scooping back food into the bowl.
It's okay
nonnie, you don't need to fucking sterilize your food for it to be safe you schizo.
No. 1562998
>>1562842Wearing baggy clothes and stating she is cold reeks of drama. She probably posted these then went and got changed into something cooler. She isn't a child but a fully grown adult. People with a lot lower BMI than her manage to wear suitable clothes on warmer days and don't act as fragile as she does. She knows exactly what she is portraying on her social media and knows she is
triggering her younger followers but doesn't care as long as she gets attention.
No. 1563070
File: 1655415846106.png (786.35 KB, 1344x954, ffs.png)

>>1563062This thread is a fucking travesty
No. 1563103
>>1563073nobody cares what your BMI is. imagine believing the fatlogic that T2 diabetes is purely genetic.
i diagnose you with fucking retardation.
>>1563077 based.
No. 1563117
File: 1655421863897.jpg (506.97 KB, 1080x1879, Screenshot_20220617_000857.jpg)

never seen anything like it before?! fi, that's literally just an overpriced pop tart. it's just that a pop tart would be deemed "sooper scary" - it's essentially the same in terms of calories, just low carb/zero added sugar/high protein, so totally manageable for fi! just like how a standard chocolate bar is a huge, overwhelming challenge, yet the protein bars she eats in a daily basis which are coated in a thick layer of chocolate are easy peasy!
No. 1563141
>>1562835>>1562651Yeah, she just happens to be the most infuriating at the moment.
All of her posts tend to orbit around letting everyone know she's an overachiever, a perfectionist, an intellectual, losing weight, underweight, cares so much about other people, and yet is ever soooo frail uwu.
And don't forget so progressive and feminist but that's another post.
She's too fragile for this world, and yet she works tirelessly to convince that world to admire her for it.
All that said, there is definitely room for worse, and we all look forward to redirecting our despair.
No. 1563167
File: 1655425986439.jpeg (472.74 KB, 750x1062, 8CBCD81B-C19F-4429-8480-D328ED…)

Kek. Love her.
No. 1563191
File: 1655428147570.jpg (1.19 MB, 2388x1668, itsyouanachanyourethedamncow.j…)

sage for autism as always
No. 1563197
File: 1655428704476.png (266.48 KB, 965x697, bmJFYQI.png)

>>1563196POO POO PEE PEE nobody fucking cares. learn to stop blogging. PLEASE.
No. 1563272
>>1563132Considering how big ERCs program is it’s even weirder that she chose the minor in a sea of adults. The less secure ERC is super into gender groups and shit so there were many options.
>>1563149Different anon but she’s been brought up a few years back. She was spoopy once at like 15/16 and been a vacationer ever since. Adopted by a Mormon family iirc
>>1563196Tell Cece that her local hospital is the same caliber as ACUTE. Nothing wrong with acknowledging that ACUTE was CREATED as an international critical care setting for severe eating disorders and malnutrition. Sure they’ll fill their extra beds to make more money but most of those patients are stable enough for a regular inpatient. The vast majority discharge in one week. The real skellies have to stay longer
>>1563167Sorry when did nourish get tattoos?!
No. 1563519
>>1562644doesn’t use recovery hashtags but also doesn’t tag/
tw her obvious bodychecking. she wants the asspats for recovery without being criticised for lying about it/not doing it. the cows have a disease that’s literally fuelled by attention and they all want to pretend they’re on social media because it “helps them recover”. it’s transparent for a 17 years old and straight up embarrassing for a 30 year old woman to be posting this shit public. go private, or better yet just get off social media, and follow ur fucking meal plan.
No. 1563528
File: 1655450445767.jpeg (61.2 KB, 820x580, 7EE4768B-D893-4037-A097-1B0703…)

>>1562602You’re ugly as fuck and you look like this dog.
No. 1563579
>>1563545I feel like she needs to take responsibility for how
triggering she is. Like she literally
triggered me and she has thousands of pre-teens and adolescents fawning over her telling her how beautiful/perfect she is when she’s still spoop/skelly af. It’s irresponsible, idc if she thinks it’s unfair that bc of her body she shouldn’t post hauls or whatever. It’s
problematic. Tbh imho even baggy clothes are
triggering bc it’s like “oh so petite look how this sweater just hangs off me”. Plus the “refeeding syndrome for a year BS she was peddling
Maybe I’m just bitter.
No. 1563625
>>1562249The only reason she's managed to convince herself she's uwu disordered is because literally
everything is an eating disorder now. Want to eat healthy? Congrats, you have orthorexia. Don't like certain foods? You're ARFID now, come pick up your bracelet. Do you think about fasting sometimes and occasionally go on a diet? Omg that's having
anorexic tendencies and
restrictive thought patterns.
Anorexia has lost all meaning, and it's because of wannabes like Ham. They glom onto ana-adjacent labels in the same way that non-gays have glommed onto vague gay-adjacent labels like queer and non-binary.
No. 1564011
>>1563625congrats, anachans, you played yourselves by trying to recast your mental illness as a glamorous lifestyle choice
now you’re cross because the fat plebs want into the club you promoted
No. 1564362
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I don’t know if this is milk, but possible new cow? She just had to include the .5 kek.
No. 1564478
File: 1655518665949.jpg (1.01 MB, 1920x1080, 832727q77e636.jpg)

Was already making a new potential thread pic when anon posted theirs. Posting it anyways, enjoy.
No. 1568099
File: 1655841132626.png (Spoiler Image,2.35 MB, 828x1792, C826CB39-218C-4551-96B7-112EBC…)

who called it? does anybody think this isn’t actually happening?
No. 1570961
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No. 1570963
File: 1656100816637.jpeg (Spoiler Image,251.17 KB, 750x1334, 75958BC5-F13E-483E-87F4-2691FD…)

Sophie constantly posting fresh self harm and talking about how she gets caught draining her tube
No. 1574521
File: 1656424700655.jpeg (259.53 KB, 1125x1800, C3BB3154-DFE8-40F0-B64F-776106…)

She still posts pictures from 4 years ago, just wait till you meet her in person, she’s giant.
Her game is who can be the sickest and she has to be No#1 otherwise she will spread lies to make people feel bad and try to get admitted.
It’s all bullshit, and she needs to face reality, move on, it’s not all about you.
No. 1574527
File: 1656424904420.jpeg (310.87 KB, 1125x1659, 4EDA2972-4E51-40D4-8B9D-F17665…)

Once again she is making sure she looks sick but she is a fake!
Hospital hopper! Hospital hopper!(subject fag)
No. 1574543
>>1549888>>1574521Remember when she was caught pretending to be a nurse when she posted photos of a hospitals computer screen that showed she is faking anorexia?
Sis, even staff know you fake shit for admissions and attention. You've now decided to go with the munchie larp and get a stoma.