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No. 144562
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No. 144563
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No. 144564
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No. 144565
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No. 144566
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No. 144567
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No. 144572
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I found the cow guys, it's cool.
No. 144574
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>>144569this is the only black face can find
No. 144581
>>144578Someone wanted the recent black face picture which he posted on IG before quickly deleting it straight after but all I could find was this one while so yea Someone did care.
chill out
No. 144582
This should've been added to the OP links as well. was a MASSIVE cow back in the day because he could never keep his gob shut about anything, the only reason he got "internet famous" in the first place because he would stir up shit and cause drama on a daily basis on a shitty blogging site called "Melodramatic". It was his main soapbox platform before Myspace became popular. I remember he had the most followers, friends and visitors than anyone else who blogged on Melo.
He used to be very, very similar to Onision in regards to attention seeking and narcissism… I don't know if he's changed his behavoir though since he started his makeup business, but I know I don't hear too much about his bullshit these days.
No. 144584
>>144582didn't he used to be a sugar baby or something like that for creepy internet old guys when he was a teen?
>>144579I totally agree with this. Idk if he leases that rolls royce and that other fancy car (I know fuck all about cars), but how could he own that shit with a start up? He's not public right? I want the receipts on that business.
No. 144586
>>144584>>didn't he used to be a sugar baby or something like that for creepy internet old guys when he was a teen?I've no idea, back when he first posted on Melo, he already had his "Jeffree Star" persona on show.
I've never heard of him before then, but judging from the photos posted above that look like his teen years - he looked like an average angsty mallrat emo.
No. 144587
Shit thread start out, but yeah he's pretty lulzy.
>>144584He lives in a huge house in Calabasas, which is where a bunch of celebrities live like the Kardashians and Justin Bieber. I have no clue how he affords it, he probably doesn't make /that/ much through his makeup considering it's out of stock 90% of the time. It's fucking odd
No. 144589
>>144559Jefree was a
huge cow back in the day. Don't know about now though. I've been hearing a lot of praise abput his lipsticks from irl friends, never heard anything about him having shit products anywhere but online.
No. 144592
>>144587He claimed he used to live in downtown Hollywood for years just before his popularity hit it's peak on Myspace. I've no idea what downtown Hollywood is like but the place he was living in looked like a crustpunk dosshouse.
It's like the only expensive thing that he looked like he owned was his makeup collection at the time, and it was that slutty, trashy glamor teamed with his edgy, rude and opinionated personality that attracted all the little emo scenesters.
No. 144601
>>144597What even is the bad here? He's just shopping
>>144596 Jesus Christ, did she even touch his junk on purpose? Sometimes at concerts you get shoved and hands go in bad places which is what obviously happened here
>>144595 No. 144611
>>144609>>144610Pretty much this. He has the attitude of a 2edgy4u 13 yr old and tries to hard to be controversial.
>>144608Yeah its weird they act like makeup is like gold dust i'm pretty sure you could find those items cheaper and better quality somewhere else. There are so many make up brands you can afford to be fussy and I would rather not give my money to a spoilt ungrateful asshole tbh.
No. 144616
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Jeffree is horribly sexist, even to this day. He claims over and over that he's changed, but his dirt in the recent years, (hell, even recent months) are so easy to dig up. He sells makeup to stupid women who would easily suck his diseased dick for instagram views. They choose that over actual quality makeup made with ethics.
He calls women cunts, sluts, etc and then backpeddles to say 'i can do this because i'm a gay man!'
Honey, no you fucking can't. He's just as bad as Lime crime in my views and would never get my money. He's petty, childish and I have no idea how he remained relevant for so long.
No. 144623
When he first started posting on Melo and LJ, he got so much attention that his posts were cross-posted on EVERY relevant lolcow community on LJ. Every post he made was a screaming queen rant about how much he was persecuted for being gay, how "fake" everyone was except for him and how much drugs and sex he was having whilst living a glamorous but trashy life.
To be honest, Melo wasn't really a popular site outside of socially-outcast edgy teenagers, it was no more popular than somewhere like He would post dramatic blog entries multiple times in a single day which of course made him the most viewed and added account on that site, so much that other users there began to think that he either co-owned the site or was an admin there.
When Myspace opened, that's when he pretty much jumped ship and abandoned LJ and Melo as they started declining in members. Then when Myspace began to lose popularity in favor of more current social media trends, he jumped ship again. I think that's when I started hearing less about his shenanigans, maybe because the demographic that first began to follow him had grown up, moved on and didn't care anymore.
I'm pretty surprised that this thread has been made about him because of that. Outside of his new business venture with cosmetics, he's not been relevant for a long time.
That's unless there's new milk that we don't know about, has he done anything lulzy recently?
No. 144624
>>144622I purchased the OH SO coveted Androgyny and was SUPER unimpressed. The colour was ultra pink on me (like Limecrime's Polly.) I was expecting the colour to be more similar to Colourpop's tulle..not pink -_-
The formula is ok. It doesn't last if I eat or kiss…and it smells rancid. Glad I spent 30 dollars on it.
No. 144626
>>144625I've read the thread, if you mean the videos, I can't see them unfortunately as the platform I'm using can't access them.
Can anyone give a rundown of what's happening?
No. 144629
>>144620I really loved (still do tbh) his shade Redrum, it's probably my favorite red lippie I've ever tried. It lasts forever. But whatever that coral shade he had was AWFUL. So watery, it wouldn't even dry. Got a similar email when I complained, but lo and behold, they never brought it back when it sold out, and every other shade he's released has always been kept on, so obviously they knew it was shit too. Also, the first order I made sat for 2 weeks before being shipped out. Then took another week to get to me.
I wasn't really planning on ordering again - I was sorta eyeing his highlighters because it's a lot of product for the money - but in light of all this recent drama, definitely nah.
No. 144636
>>144631God, I can't believe how many lazy fucks are on lolcow. Read the thread stupid.
>>144599 and here
>>144600 is the new drama.
No. 144637
>>144636Who fucking cares, he's a bitch and is mean and hurts people's fee fees.
I don't think he's ever been any other way anon, this thread is boring and shitty.
kill yourself.
No. 144638
I used to be a big fan of his when I was a 13 year old scene weenie bitch.
Now that i'm an adult and have work experience, I can't believe that he has not grown out of his sass queen persona.
He runs a business now.. A legitimate makeup business, and he is still using social media to spew hate when he becomes upset, he still cannot control his emotions apparently. Is he not embarrassed at all by it?
Had it ever come across his mind that since he is running a business maybe he should at least try to become more presentable? With the way he acts, does he even understand that it can affect the reputation of his livelihood?
OH YEAH. And check out this old video of him from 2007 making racist jokes. If you guys haven't been updated, this video has resurfaced and has turned away and upset many customers. No. 144640
>>144638OMG, racist jokes in 2007! He should be crucified!
Seriously, who gives half a fuck other than tumblrfags and teenage girls?
No. 148669
>>148633Does anyone actually like his music? I tried listening to it but his
very affected way of speaking just sounds terrible. I knew it would be terrible but I thought it would be terrible in a good/campy way.
No. 150648
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So Jeffree just came out and apologized for it all on Twitter.
No. 150668
It's just to cover up he's probably still shallow inside. He's gotta make cash tho so yano
Same with kaka and kota "buh dey were jus teenagers!"
fuck off they were old enough to know better
No. 150919
>>148856Same. I started buying his lipsticks when they launched and I own about 4-5 now, but his attitude is disgusting. He won't be getting any of my hard earned money either. Image is everything and he treats women like shit (his MAIN AUDIENCE) as well as straight men and black people.
His highlighters look like shit and I'm convinced anyone who uses them are teenagers who think extreme highlighting is a normal part of makeup. I'm sick of woman looking like drag queens because of these tumblr and IG trends. Bold and heavy makeup is not sexy. Jeffree is a manchild and a piece of shit.
No. 151831
>>144615you could say he was.. an
udder mess
No. 151902
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>>151890>>151842of course he got implants
No. 152956
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Anyone else he put this random black girl in his video from the re-surge of his drama? To seem more PC or whatever
No. 153202
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>>151821Honestly his fans clearly aren't much better (let alone brighter) than him. They deserve each other actually. Kek
No. 157076
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Kat Von D just publicly ended her friendship with him No. 157177
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One of a few quickly deleted replies
No. 157180
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>>157178and a bit of back and forth, jeffree has decided he is too good for shit stirring, despite making a fucking career out of it.
No. 157183
>>157180He's already made his comments though, like in
>>157177Drama queens always stir shit up and then when they have nothing more to say, they play the "but I'm not gonna stoop to your level!" shit. These morons aren't staying quiet out of peace and love, it's because they'd already told everybody everything.
No. 157205
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>>157201Love her and she comes across as a real person with concern for an artist and even still some concern for Jeffree here. Really sad to have thought of Jeffree as a creative person when he has so little regard for artists who helped make his brand what it is.
Can't wait for the inevitable snapchat tirade from Jeffree though lol
No. 157240
>>157076We all predicted this was eventually going to happen when word would get out that he's actually a nasty piece of work.
Maybe he just didn't get the memo that preaching your own fucking agenda is bad for your business.
No. 157349
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No. 157357
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In the midst of Jeffree crying about how BJ and Kat are lying, Kat comes out with another bomb. He's pathetic.
No. 157498
>>157478>"I know people are expecting me to pop off and be crazy, it's like, I don't– that's not how I react when something is not true because I have nothing to be angry about"He is so fucking full of shit, honestly. That doesn't even make sense?
Why would you be
less inclined to get angry when someone is (supposedly) lying and talking trash about you that isn't true, as opposed to if they were telling the truth?
I'd be much more furious if someone was trying to make up false rumours about me than if they were just calling me out on shit I'd actually done.
And isn't that what he's always done anyway? Gone off on shit like this, trying to 'drag' people. By that logic, does it mean he was lying, wildly over-dramatising and making shit up when he got mad and defensive all those times? The whole incident with that Shayla girl, for example; when she denied saying any of the shit Jeffree claimed and he proceeded to chimp out on Snapchat.
Looks to me like he's guilty as fuck and doesn't know what to do with himself. I'd assume he's now afraid of how this, on top of all the other recent drama, will affect his career and popularity.
No. 157528
>>157513If he has any sense of self awareness he will make the "truth" video very calm and inoffensive to try and pretend he's mature. If he goes off on Kat and calls her a bunch of bullshit he knows he will lose fans since there is an overlap in his fans and Kat's who are still riding the fence or waiting for a chimpout before unsubbing.
Though didn't he delete one of the tweets where he was like "no wonder no man stayed. What a bitter dark person" haha
No. 157568
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oldie but goodie.
No. 157604
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god this one always disturbed me
No. 157605
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Anyone ever watched Whatstyleistonickel? He doesn't blog as much anymore. But he always reminded me of JS too
No. 157607
>>157604w h y would anyone ever think that this was a good idea for a photoshoot
also it looks like blood literally shot out of his nonexistent vagina like a bullet from a gun. that spatter pattern…
No. 157610
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>>157607Because this is literally what profile pictures for scene kids were back in the Myspace times, it's nothing abnormal.
This one was the classic though, it was everywhere.
No. 157611
>>157478God he looks like a meth addict here lol.
>>157604I don't think he understands how periods work..
No. 157612
>>157610I understand that he had a popular Myspace/scene aesthetic but apart from that he is just a bitchy man dragging up or as his fans would say "sassy".
Nowadays he just looks like a monster. Where is the appeal?
I liked how Kat mentioned his hypocrisy regarding vegan labelling on his products. The man comstantly buys non vegan cosmetics and brags about his designer leather goods on his beauty channel.
No. 157668
>>157666In the video he just posted
>>157649 he says he's not vegan but made the lipsticks vegan because a large number in his following is vegan and he was just trying to cater to everyone.
I've seen both kat and jeffree's videos now, and honestly both of them are pretty convincing
when his video came out I definitely thought he was going to go off the rail and yell and berate just like he always does, but he was really composed
his text messages serve more proof than kat bc she didn't even show any of that
what i find odd is how he says his lawyer contacted BJ to pay him, but he says he didn't steal his idea
if you didn't steal his idea then why does he need payment?
No. 157680
>>157668yeah I just finished the video now actually haha.
I was really shocked by the maturity of his response and his side is really convincing bc of the texts.
And my thoughts exactly, he knows the idea was from BJ and that he was just being a cheapass who wanted to pay a buddy far less for the same basic idea.
Glad the artist was paid in the end but I do also agree it was bullshit for Kat to speak on the artist's behalf after accusing jeffree of stealing lipstick formulas or whatever from the lab.
No. 157682
>>157649He responded to this very maturely, I'm surprised.
I think his points are valid too, but I hated how he had to bring up how his family is getting doxed. Makes me discredit his claims a bit.
No. 157735
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>>157649I think they're both trying to out victim each other
No. 157784
Jeffree's side of the story has was too many inconsistencies and his clearly rehearsed video was filled with emotionally manipulative retorts.
>>157735>>he never did artwork for me, and we passed on using him>>Kat shows preliminary sketches BJ did>>Jeffree backtracks like a motherfucker and claims AFTER seeing the sketches that he couldn't afford BJ's work>>now claims to have paid BJ - even though he said in his message to Kat that BJ never did any artwork for him. If he didn't do any artwork, why pay him?Surely, if you're working with someone professionally, and money is an issue, you ask the costs BEFORE anyone does any artwork whatsoever. Regardless of whether it ends up being used or not. Also, I assume BJ has been paid off also from revealing his side of the story in a NDA type way. If BJ was in the middle of being paid on Friday (like Jeffree is insinuating), surely he would've said something to Kat, right? Instead of going off and derailing the conversation about the Too Faced thing (which is hilarious as Too Faced definitely describes Jeffree anyway).
No. 157811
>>157649>Jeffree never responded to Kat with "fuck off" after she asked him what was going onAnd yet, he himself says "She accused me of something that wasn't true, SO I TOLD HER TO FUCK OFF and then blocked her number-" in this tweet right here
>>157178Hello blatant contradiction.
No. 157864
>>157668He's only composed because Kat Von D is a huge name and celebrity. It would be business destroying if he went off in a rant saying 'this fucking cunt' etc like he does to everyone else. He probably wanted to go off and say shit like
>>157177 but he actually had the intelligence to realise that would be complete damage to his rep and his business. He's still a cunt though and I would not trust his snake ass.
No. 158664
>>158652I almost cant believe that
Like Lime Crime really fucked up and now J* whose dick everyone was sucking a week ago is below them?
Maybe there is a god
No. 158675
>>157649 I really like Kat von D's makeup products, so I'm glad this cut this cunt off. It sucks though because a lot of Jeffree's 12 year old followers came to Kat's Instagram and flooded her with insults, even though a lot of people told them to go to Stephanie Nicole's video with evidence of Jeffree's abuse to women and morally bankrupt view of the people who buy his products.
They will still defend him. It's really irritating. I say good for Kat. She doesn't need his toxic persona hanging around. I have a hard time believe Jeffree is under attack considering how he is. His products aren't even good quality compared to KVD.
No. 158752
>>157649>Kat was supposed to be an investor for his brand but then stopped replying to his emails, from there he used his "life savings" to start it upHaha, he means he had to be his own adult instead of getting his monies handed to him for just being "sassy" and having penciled brows. Boohoo faggot lol.
Kat probably knew he was a loose cannon, would ruin his brand eventually, and that's why she didn't take the risk. Smart move on her.
No. 159112
>>159017Jeffree's been trying to remove a bunch of videos as of late and Tweets etc. to save his dying reputation.
Someone reposted a video on Facebook he's been getting removed all over YouTube of a series of clips from his MySpace days of him being racist etc. to others
But multiple people are reuploading it to YouTube en masse thankfully
No. 159366
>>159278Are you for real take insulting black person as racism?
>innsulting poc = racismIt'ss tumblr tier loogic.
No. 159463
>>159366Calm down anon chan we were talking about insulting/swearing while representing a brand in general not about insulting black people specifically.
Don't read tumblr shit into every comment, okay?
No. 159469
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anyone remember this putrid little dweeB?
No. 159470
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>>159469also anyone remember Brandon Hilton?
I've followed him longer than anyone else he's such a full blown cow and the milk never dries up.
>pretends he 'took the fashun wurld my storm when he was 13 years old'>pretends he used to be myspace famous along with Jeffree, regularly alludes to it as if it's such an achievement >wrote long posts about how he's mates with Lady Gaga & Paris Hilton >LOOK THIS IS US HANGING OUT IN THIS PHOTO (you mean you waited in line for 4 hours and paid $100 for a selfie)>spent a long time being a gaga imitator and making the cringiest music videos of all time>even made a fucking movie about himself where he plays his own mary sue>claims family was shot up in some burger king heistthe thing is he's been on the faking-it grind so long he's actually amassed a following and I even think his haters forgot about him.
At the moment he seems to have jumped on the drag race bandwagon and trying to inch his way to fame that way. (he even has more followers than a lot of previous stars!?) I'm almost hoping he'll be on the next season so I can watch his talentless ass flop once again for the millionth time.
>he must be almost 30 at this pointI was gonna make a thread about him but I wasn't sure people cared about him anymore. Should I?
No. 161795
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>>161691I hope people stop buying his stick. In all honesty, Kat Von D and MAC are my go to lipsticks. If Sugarpill even went to lipsticks, she'd be set. I'm already in love with her eyeshadows, and they're very pigmented and well priced as well. On top of that, Amy may be a bit insane, but she's a sweetheart. Jeffree is a scumbag and the quality of his lipsticks drop every launch.
No. 161939
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>>159470holy fucking Stickydrama nostalgia. He posted the most ridiculous shit back in the day, barely even believable I always thought he was a troll. He's still a nobody I love it
No. 161991
>>161812I know they had a slight difference in the two trinket batches and I think because of that, Amy cracked down hard on the formula to try and make sure it was consistent and perfect every time
Sage for OT
No. 174554
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last post i promise:
the new lipsticks… actual vibrators
he said he's been working on them for years, but they look like he put them together in two weeks
No. 174661
>>174554>>174567Honestly speaking, what can you expect from some sham of a person like him?
Money over quality.
No. 174730
>>174567Oh gosh they look so close to Lime Crime too (as in, not really close but maybe close enough to bother Doe) that I'm surprised Doe doesn't go after him for copyright infringement.
She should anyway. I'd love to see a catfight between these two.
No. 181857
>>181828just like "his" rolls royce, I bet all of this stuff is borrowed or rented.
He is not making enough to be living like kylie jenner or something. he seems to only show each bag like once (wear it a few times I mean) even though he is so "obsessed" with them so I bet he leases them for a month or two through a service or buys and returns them.
he would do anything to seem rich.
No. 181868
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>>181860>handed to him for being a myspace famous bitchy trannykek yeah what he's built a career off the kind of surface-level edginess that was only relevant 10 years ago, and he wants to call it 'hard work'. Soz we didn't all catch teh myspace tranny train
No. 181876
>>181871Nah, his bf lived with his parents somewhere else, and then Jeff just couldn't date someone who lived so far away (I think they met up once, can't remember) so he gave him a job and let him move in with him. He's pretty much his sugar daddy.
The dude also isn't gay/b0 he 'dosen't care about that stuff', so yeah Jeff is the first man he's with, feels real fishy (and in the video I saw all the bf wanted to do was get high and chill lol).
No. 187973
File: 1477370011434.png (195.91 KB, 540x454, tumblr_ofiexwiiPW1r0jce3o1_540…) this on tumblr and thought it was amusing (why would anyone think this was a good idea)
No. 188094
>>161691I bought Watermelon Soda and was so disappointed. Jeffree said it was because of the California heat that made customers Lipstick liquidy. I'm from Ireland so I don't know if that's an actual thing that happens to liquid lipsticks over there.
I bought 714 just to be sure that I just didn't get a bad MS but it was the same and super streaky. I'm not buying any more of his products.
For the price of the liquid lipstick and shipping it cost be 28 euros for that piece of crap.
NYX lipsticks cost me 7 euros and I think they're amazing
No. 188141
>>188094714 just has a terrible formula or something. (I bought one, and it was fucking awful.) The first release of it was so terrible it was the only lipstick he didn't restock out of all the colors he released. Then he finally brought it back for summer and I guess it was more of the same.
I really did like Redrum. Probably one of my favorite red lipsticks I owned and didn't budge. But I'm not repurchasing.
No. 188189
>>188143i feel the same, wearing yellow lipstick and black highlighter is never going to be a mainstream thing.
Although, I do think the gothic culture could use that highlighter in some creative ways.
Sight de-rail. But there's a Youtuber called "ItsBlackFriday" and I feel like she is the only person who could possibly pull that off.
No. 188220
>>187973She literally looks like she smeared lead all over her face.
>that Hitler stachedisgusting.png
No. 188252
>>181828Goodness he's so fucking annoying-he uses a lot of AAVE seems to think hes a black girl which is ironic given what hes said before about throwing acid on a black girl so that she'd be lighter.
Also hes a blatent poser, he keeps stroking his hair and trying to be "cute and sassy" with the way he talks (like seriously if you played the drinking game you'd be dead from alcohol poisoning in this video alone) also the comment he made about "if you know a lipstick in this colour" doesnt he have his own make up line why not just make one in that colour. WOuld be better than that horrible banana one he has unless some people like dressing up as boho the clown (well tbf i guess thats jeffrees asthetic.
His BF is hot tho, damn.
No. 188842
>>188189I feel like if you do goth makeup, as in very pale foundition it could good as a contor shade as its pretty ashy but i dont think it could work on anyone as a highlighter imo. Also, note how jeffree hasnt posted any pics of it being worn as a highlighter, just as shadow. he knows its awfull and people are only buying for the gimmick.
>>188261 i watched someone use it as a shadow, its not pigmented (as a shadow) at all!
No. 188845
>>187973lol looks like shes turning into a silverfish also
>highlighting the bridge of your already oily ass nosebinch!
No. 192876
>>181828Aaaand this is another reason I refuse to support this jackass, aside from his racist past coming to light. No matter how much money he has, he'll always be a tacky bitch.
>>187973This is nothing more than an overpriced black eye shadow. I don't think even emo and scene kids would've ever gone through a pan that size back when those subcultures were a thing. He's great at showing the world how stupid his fans are, cognitive dissonance and all.
>>188842The stupid thing about that "highlighter" is that his retarded fans are trying to push it as a highlighter for black girls. What the
No. 195438
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he is perpetuating a sense of glamour and a lifestyle that he himself cannot even afford this shouldn't be allowed
No. 195462
>>195241Even people that don't know who he is are making fun of him for this stupid useless item. I remember watching his Kat Von D response video and he kept talking about some completely unrelated shit about how she told some formulator at Too Faced that he was trying to steal their formulations. The
fuck? That seemed so stupid to bring out and now he's bringing out a highlighter that looks almost exactly the same as one of their eyeshadow colors named "Totally Fetched" and his so called
highlighter is named after the Mean Girls queen herself, Regina George. The fuck is going on? It's common industry practice to dupe other brand's colors, but really? Down to the product's reference material?
>>195381…he's doing OMG videos? I'm probably reaching here, but that's what Tati does every week on her channel for ridiculously expensive items.
>>195416>>195404Agreed. I was beyond finished when he came out with a mint green highlighter. It's a god damn pastel eyeshadow in a pan so big that you won't hit the pan for at least three generations.
>>190521Ugh… Manny is Jeffree's biggest cock sucker so this isn't surprising at all. He's part of the YouTube bitch trio along with Patrick Star.
No. 232261

I know that it's been a while since anyone's posted but Jeffree's done some real shit recently, mostly concerning his attitude with money.
VERY recently he burned through (literally) a 5,000 dollar Chanel bag with a hot knife (video related) for shits and giggles,
Released a lipstick that might have caught on fire (could have been the packaging, but it still apparently has a smell rancid enough to cause headaches) Source: a video of himself and his workers smoking weed in his own warehouse: (actual source deleted but proof here, also some complained their packages smelled like weed)
People have taken photos of hair inside their highlighters that they ordered from him.
I wasn't sure whether I should make a new thread since this one hadn't reached capacity, so here is all the info I can think of, for now.
No. 232347
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>>232333Jeffrey Star doesn't GET cancer, Jeffrey Star IS the cancer.
No. 232368
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>>232261>hair and weed smell in makeupugh chinese knockoffs might have better quality controls
No. 235772
>>232261I bought his first two lipsticks (redrum and unicorn blood ) when he launched two years ago. Now I'm glad to say that was all I bought. I could not support such an egotistical megalomaniac. He really is the epitome of tacky fake bitch. He thinks because he's gay he can say sexist and racist shit. Fuck his dumb ass. And his tattoos are beyond ugly.
I'm more upset he's still relevant because all he knows how to do is whore himself to young and impressionable fans.
No. 235858
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Has anybody noticed JS has a gross fake ass now too?
I feel like this is his destiny, we all know he won't be able to handle it as he ages
No. 235874
>>232261>>232334People on GG were suspecting it's fake, apparently there are more expensive grade replicas from China that come with authenticity cards and such so I wouldn't be surprised if he bought a fake bag with a fake authenticity card or even showed an authenticity card
from another one of his chanel bags he 'owns' so that he could spark controversy, he is so thirsty for attention but it's already suspected that he rents his designer bags, as if he really makes enough to buy one just to destroy. His fans are all stupid as hell and eat this shit up.
>>232356She probably would no joke. She's obsessed with Jeffree so no doubt she's seen it and thinks it's fashionable.
No. 338695
>>338661Tbh I don't really care about that video and I'm black, it took place 10+ years ago and when I watched it I got a strong vibe that the girls antagonized him first (prob call him a fag or something). Not that this makes what he said okay, but I doubt it was him just harassing some random girls like the video seems.
If I were to take issue with something, it'd be more recent stuff like not paying the person who designed his logo until Kat Von D called him out on it. That's very sketchy to me among some other things.
No. 338781
>>338661>>338769It's basically him apologizing for the old videos of him yelling at a black woman and then saying it's because he was a sad and depressed kid who had abusive/alcoholic parents and was bullied.
He basically doesn't take the blame for any of his shitty actions and instead excuses it because "muh depression".
Also conveniently doesn't bring up any of the recent incidents like him calling a black woman a man last year and threatening her.
No. 338983
>>338695Soo, what's your excuse for the racist shit he's said within the past year?
Anyways, I don't get how this horrorshow is even remotely relevant still? He's an amazingly shitty person and I'm convinced at this point his followers might be legitimately retarted.
No. 339010
>I'm convinced at this point his followers might be legitimately retarted.Same actually. Why would you buy liquid lipsticks and highlighters from this douche canoe? Every single brand makes the same shit he does, it's not original.
The fact that people don't see through his bullshit makes me irrationally angry. He's such an attention seeking, trend jumping snake, how can anything he says be redeeming? I can't wait til he gets old and irrelevant. And for drag makeup to go back to drag shows.
No. 339177
>>338983I'm not a fan of Jeffree and don't follow his antics so I have no knowledge of these things, I was just saying that for me that video is so old it's beating a dead horse at this point to only ever bring that up and his apology was mostly about that video, so that's what I commented on.
>>338716Oh, ok. I only watched it once and that was a while ago, I can't remember it very well.
No. 342144
>>338661Stephanie Nicole being her BAMF self commented on his half-assed apology and his shit fans.
I completely agree with her statements, plus he only apologized for the old videos (and it wasn't even an apology, it was just saying he was abused and bullied so his racism was ok?) and he doesn't even bring up his current shit behaviour/racism.
Her comments on it all start around the 20 minute mark.
No. 342187
>>338695"when I watched it I got a strong vibe that the girls antagonized him first"
and 2 wrongs totally make a right.
No. 598795
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No. 598797
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It was sort of obvious for months but he denied and denied it.
No. 598928
>>598795What a child. How is a 30+ year old so petty that he would shit talk a professional colleague to a teenager online?
That's the epitome of lonely and desperate for attention.
No. 600748
>>598795>I would never tell you anything negative about someoneFollowed immediately with
>he is one of the worst peopleUm. Ok, Jeff.
No. 649635
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Thoughts? Couldn't find a link on youtube, so here's the video on twitter:'ve been really enjoying Shane's recent content of this type, so I'm pretty interested. But he's also best buds with Jeff so I'm sure it'll be super biased. I haven't watched any of the recent collab videos they put out yet though…
I'm honestly surprised this thread isn't more active. He's always putting out videos and being shady as shit and starting feuds with people. Is it just cause the thread image is for ants?