File: 1466232742429.png (595.41 KB, 589x586, Screen Shot 2016-06-17 at 11.3…)

No. 141496
File: 1466232883990.png (595.41 KB, 899x588, 1.png)

Past boyfriend thisisshotty
No. 141497
File: 1466232921745.png (Spoiler Image,113.42 KB, 598x530, 2.png)

Currently taking legal action against him because he made a song about her
No. 141498
File: 1466232975957.png (Spoiler Image,189.62 KB, 489x572, 4.png)

New boyfriend "David"
No. 141499
File: 1466233087505.png (22.49 KB, 305x174, Screen Shot 2016-06-17 at 11.2…)

Doesn't believe when people tell her the guy she is dating is a complete asshole.
No. 141501
File: 1466233168995.png (Spoiler Image,307.93 KB, 560x629, 5.png)

No. 141502
File: 1466233185765.png (231.19 KB, 498x554, 6.png)

No. 141503
File: 1466233216084.png (29.11 KB, 589x155, 7.png)

David obviously talking trash about her.
No. 141506
>>141503What the fuck? Granted I don't know much about her, but this is maddening.
Do you know who her baby daddy is/any more info on her kid?
No. 141509
File: 1466234041281.jpg (112.44 KB, 500x375, large-12.jpg)

Father of her child is "Billy" former teenage boyfriend. Is said to take care of the child on weekends
No. 141511
File: 1466234548316.png (434.81 KB, 596x639, Screen Shot 2016-06-18 at 12.2…)

Drama between her, shotty, and david
No. 141512
File: 1466234694025.png (450.84 KB, 609x629, Screen Shot 2016-06-18 at 12.2…)

David obviously degrades other women
No. 141527
Her ex boyfriend shotty still has tons of pics and videos on his instgram of her. She let's them take videos of her twerking her bare ass, saying vulgar things like "I want that dick"
I used to think she had such a low self esteem and maybe she was too shy to stand up for herself. Except after all of the videos on his insta, i'm starting to think that she actually likes the attention because obviously she's not embarrassed at all by it. No. 141533
File: 1466241326760.png (12.78 KB, 305x106, Screen Shot 2016-06-18 at 2.11…)

when confronted about her actions, she always has to defend herself and her "man"
No. 141534
File: 1466241644675.jpg (Spoiler Image,67.88 KB, 578x588, douche1.JPG)

oh my god these guys
images incoming
No. 141535
File: 1466241663317.jpg (Spoiler Image,43.09 KB, 581x323, douche3.JPG)

No. 141536
File: 1466241689648.jpg (Spoiler Image,109.57 KB, 588x584, douce2.JPG)

No. 141538
File: 1466241702993.jpg (Spoiler Image,27.89 KB, 576x160, douche4.JPG)

No. 141539
File: 1466241717445.jpg (Spoiler Image,114.73 KB, 937x599, incredibledouche.JPG)

No. 141575
>>141567It's probably some relabeled shit.
Based on this post, her boyfriends seem more cow like than her.
No. 141618
File: 1466266609955.png (45.86 KB, 597x189, douchebaggery.png)

No. 145665
File: 1466396551757.jpeg (533.2 KB, 2048x2048, image.jpeg)

That over lip lining tho
No. 145689
File: 1466407729707.jpg (Spoiler Image,54.93 KB, 640x480, 164374-t6.jpg)

No. 145690
File: 1466407756687.jpg (Spoiler Image,60.7 KB, 852x480, 167288-t6.jpg)

No. 145691
File: 1466407914494.png (Spoiler Image,476.51 KB, 728x552, 5633.png)

No. 146322
>>145665tfw you realize the insta ho aesthetic is the scene. thank god this too shall pass
this girl has obvious self esteem issues keeping around a dirtbag like this. less lulzy and more just plain sad
No. 147582
I kept up with her before she got with thisishotty. She was so cute then, her IG was all about her daughter, and she seemed like a nice person, but then he came into the picture. He was disgusting and obviously using her for her followers (he had only 8k around the time they started dating)
He'd post videos of him slapping her ass, slapping other girls asses, smoking, stupid edgy teen shit, only they're adults and shes a mother. I was happy when they broke up, but then she immediately got with her current ex. Her current man is a sexist trump supporter and jesus lover, I'm surprised he'd even go for a single mom-slash-camgirl. I guess because she lets him get away with shit like
This girl needs to learn to love herself, I hope her daughter turns out okay. At least her baby daddy seems okay overall.
No. 148052
File: 1466894601766.jpg (55.29 KB, 581x589, jb.JPG)

>>147582I agree tbh. I hope she can realize her worth someday, especially for her daughter's sake…
I'm from SoCal area & there are tons of girls like her (not as pretty tho tbh)… and douchelords like her boyfriends are a dime a dozen… unfortunately some people literally don't know there's a different way to be/act lol
It's like they're stuck in 2005 Glamis/Monster Energy/Metal Mulisha mode lmao
No. 148055
File: 1466894784155.jpg (51.17 KB, 491x581, glamis.JPG)

>>148052pic related lmao y'all
No. 148135
File: 1466907434369.jpg (51.95 KB, 476x583, smalldik.JPG)

>>148094Yeah. Like he needs to make up for a lack of testosterone or smth. kek
No. 152991
File: 1468064344878.png (40.87 KB, 337x194, Screen Shot 2016-07-09 at 12.3…)

is she trying to deny being a hooker?
also lol @ >a pretty girl does she seriosuly think shes hot? shes delusional
No. 153221
>>147582her boyfriend is an incredibly small man, i'm sure in every sense of the term. she's fucking beautiful and has gotten used to being stepped on. he knows that and probably gets off on it - of course he would, he knows he doesn't deserve her at all so he shames her. it's really obvious projection.
a lot of women who have been in abusive relationships seek them out unconsciously if they weren't taught better or choose to learn. she's on too many drugs to give a shit and has learned to enjoy it, or she'll eventually crash when her lifestyle begins to show itself on her face and she'll get a reality check.
just honestly what the fuck is she doing chasing scene boys she's so fucking cute she could get a much better man
No. 153223
>>148137I'm covered in tattoos that I can easily cover for work. The work I have is fucking expensive too and some of it I traveled for so I judge people like this harshly, and asked tattooers what they thought of it.
A lot of tattooers, especially in vegas I can't stress that enough, are pretty true to the shitty stereotypes. Even the ones that do tasteful work are still narcissistic and can hustle. This guy probably went to some shit shop with that awful i'm-a-grown-man-that-likes-the-misfits style and they did pseudo-traditional work on his face because "sick tats bro".
You only get your face tattooed if you have something to prove or you hate yourself. That permanently changes your entire life and let's be honest he has no fucking skills and he fucked himself.
No. 153404
File: 1468175042144.png (624.97 KB, 807x494, dtower2.PNG)

Her boyfriend bragging about being a felon and being arrested 22 times in the comments section on one of her photos.
If I had a daughter I wouldn't let this asshole come within fifty feet of her.
No. 153405
File: 1468175194534.png (31.94 KB, 273x322, dtower3.PNG)

>>153404more of his "waahhh i was arrested a million times and had a hard life" sob story
No. 155667
File: 1468524450643.png (1.21 MB, 1334x750, image.png)

No makeup
No. 155690
>>153404Holy fucking shit I loathe this kid.
No. 163273
File: 1470387724146.jpeg (100.6 KB, 640x1136, image.jpeg)

Looks like Jessie's back with douche bag, 30 year old wannabe rapper that cheated on her. She made her Twitter followers her personal army after this dude and look where she is now.
No. 163385
File: 1470429882618.jpg (423.29 KB, 602x656, dafemales.jpg)

Ok. But what does the selfie have anything to do with the caption? Lmao
No. 163386
File: 1470430106341.png (44.48 KB, 593x250, 215.png)

Says she explained why she's back with the other asshole on FB. Can anyone get the milk, haven't had an account in years
No. 163423
File: 1470441648207.png (157.98 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

Part one of her explanation
No. 163424
File: 1470441704004.png (165.5 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

Part two of her explanation.
No. 163426
File: 1470441736073.png (157.46 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

Part three, out of four
No. 163427
File: 1470441772465.png (138.59 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

And here is number four
No. 165559
>>164641Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) is an extremely rare trauma disorder. She'd have to have been through severe and probably prolonged/extensive trauma during childhood. I think you can only develop it up to like 8 years old.
It's a severe trauma disorder, not something you develop without being subjected to childhood trauma.
No. 183784
File: 1476646716399.png (213.55 KB, 640x1136, IMG_2676.PNG)

Soooo she took her cheater boyfriend back and claimed it was all a delusion and that he never actually cheated on her, yet here it is again that he cheated..
No. 183785
File: 1476646771901.png (223.34 KB, 640x1136, IMG_2677.PNG)

Part 2 of 3.
No. 183786
File: 1476646813400.png (260.55 KB, 640x1136, IMG_2678.PNG)

And 3 of 3.
Discuss her stupidity lol
No. 191762
File: 1478046338347.png (340.91 KB, 640x1136, IMG_2936.PNG)

BUt… you have no room to talk idiot.
No. 304641
File: 1493929704618.png (1.46 MB, 750x1334, IMG_1164.PNG)

Time share real estate. That'll last long… not. I swear, he is the most immature 30 year old. He's like 30 right?
No. 304650
File: 1493930244916.png (384.1 KB, 750x1334, IMG_1166.PNG)

2 years? Lol are y'all forgetting last summer? The internet sure doesn't forget when you basically ran away and fucked some random dude for a few months and did nothing but talk shit about your "Prince Charming"
No. 316756
I cannot stand this stupid girl's or her boyfriend's digital presence. (I'm a blogger with about 50k followers), my friends are friends with these two and her posts are always in my discovery page even after blocking her. She's delusional, always instigating sordid Internet drama, pleading insanity, and just generally promulgating the most cancerous attitudes known to the Internet.
Everything about her is fake: fake attitude, fake relationships, fake business endeavors, fake personality, fake lifestyle.. Wigs, lashes, circle lenses, lip fillers, Soon to have fake breasts, spray tan, fifty pounds of makeup, fake nails, stuffed push up bra, overly edited photos.. there's literally nothing real about this attention starved girl.
She pretends to be a self-made-rich and famous star online, when in reality, she's destitute, rents a room in a derelict, foreclosed house.. (lies and claims to own it, describes it as a mansion) despite having been a sex worker for several years. She dropped out of high school and instead of investing in her or her daughter's futures, education or standard of living, she coerces her relatives, who have all but disowned her, into financially assisting her efforts to afford unnecessary, vain plastic surgeries.
She attacks anyone online who attempts to provide constructive advice (or who otherwise isn't another one of her intolerable, brain dead, sycophantic followers.) It's ridiculous! The boyfriend is a joke who will never succeed at being the musician he pretends to be on the internet. Instead of actually doing what she claims she does in terms of self improvement/"good vibes", she simply morphs into whatever "aesthetic" that corresponds to the dick she's riding that month. Baby daddy: "emo scene", Shotty: "bad bitch", David: alternative tat hipster.
She has no genuine identity or self concept and demonstrates this with an endless barrage of bi-polar tweets and Facebook tirades. She claimed to love sex work, that it was empowering, and that anyone who doesn't is a "boring waste of life", then she gets out of it, she moans on and on about how much she hated it and how it was destroying her psychologically.
Grade A pathological liar. She presents herself online as if she's Kylie Jenner, just for having a measly 100k followers (a large percentage of whom are fake accounts) after several YEARS of having a fan base linked to porn/cam sites. Complete and utter white trash. She pretends to be appreciative, above petty drama and loving towards her "fans", yet she goes on twitter crusades and Facebook purges against anyone who doesn't feed into her narcissistic, bullshit, black hole of an existence.
Constantly preaches about being secure and happy, yet frequents a plastic surgeons office every week and only dates abusive men. Her poor child's only role models in life are going to be her, the Internet whore mother, and her depraved cohorts who are all addicted to drugs and alcohol. Literally every day is a façade with this girl and guy. Renting luxury cars they can't afford and taking "luxury vacations" to the hotel he works at or to old men's boats in Miami (near where I live) for camming.
She manipulates her followers into attacking whoever pisses her off that month, parades around giving lectures about how successful she is/how much she loves herself regardless of how she's actually going absolutely nowhere in life.
Failed/never existed clothing line, failed cam site, failed modeling, failed high school. No marketable skills besides shoving foreign objects up her putrefying ass. Not really sure why so many people on this thread excuse and sympathize with her behavior merely because she knows how to pack makeup on her face and waste tons of money on artificial cosmetic enhancements in order to look like a polycarbonate trashy hooker.
Why blame the guys for being the problems in her life? She attracts and tolerates men like that for a reason and it's not because she's an innocent victim. Even if she was a naturally born beautiful goddess, it doesn't excuse being a shitty mother, tearing others down, and causing all of her personal issues which she then enlists pity from others for having.
No. 316766
>>316756Why won't she fix her crack baby teeth?
I remember back when her and billy were together she would always complain about her family, and about billy. Now she complains about shotty. I mean she no doubt is picking some losers, but the common denominator here is her..
No. 316963
File: 1495244894378.png (679.74 KB, 1527x1653, IMG_0215.PNG)

>>316925Don't worry Anon, you'll catch up quick. just click the post number of the post you want to reply to, and it will show up linked like mine is to yours now. When you post like you did now (green name) the thread "bumps" and will jump to the top of the board, when not really contributing to the subject, or for any reason don't want to bump the thread, just put "sage" in the email field. Welcome to the farm!
No. 325499
File: 1496177225980.png (242.09 KB, 750x1084, IMG_1430.PNG)

Jessie's getting her boobs done today
No. 326045
File: 1496225168503.png (182.33 KB, 750x1180, IMG_1447.PNG)

Had to delete and reupload, didn't wanna leak a friends ig .-.
No. 326841
>>326791samefag but oops my bad, wrong phrasing but i was trying to ask why she's still overlining even though she's got like 1ml at least in each lip, like around the cupids bow area?
anyway i'm super interested to see how her boob job turns out, she seems like she's got a low body fat % so if they aren't under the muscle and average size we might have a new bolt-on flake
No. 327511
File: 1496394281058.png (Spoiler Image,231.45 KB, 750x1099, IMG_1484.PNG)

I kind of wish she would've went bigger purely for the milk that would create. :(
No. 328273
File: 1496479450033.jpg (52.91 KB, 629x240, buckyew.jpg)

this is really trashy imo.
No. 328280
File: 1496480347263.jpg (62.18 KB, 608x339, teeth.jpg)

im just wondering like.. why spend so much on lips and boobs when you would benefit more from braces…
No. 328289
File: 1496481555975.jpg (Spoiler Image,50.57 KB, 731x390, period.jpg)

Dumping some stuff from jessie's baby daddy's twitter.
sage for upcoming multiposting
No. 328290
File: 1496481726746.jpg (Spoiler Image,111.81 KB, 691x964, kys.jpg)

She got caught cheating and told her ex baby daddy to kill himself…
No. 328291
File: 1496481865360.jpg (78.87 KB, 765x474, classsy.jpg)

this may explain her custody situation a little bit. It always seemed/seems to me that billy cares more about actual parenting than she does. The only time she talks about her daughter is when its fun.
No. 328585
File: 1496525967192.png (63.73 KB, 640x511, IMG_1834.PNG)

>>328280According to her estimation, fixing her teeth would cost upwards of $34,000.. but I mean, if she keeps her mouth closed all the time, then she's able to conceal her horrendous malocclusion in addition to her unparalleled stupidity, so it's actually a win-win for the rest of the world.
No. 328591
>>328291Yeah, she always claims that she doesn't post about her often because it somehow protects her from "all the creeps" of the world, (interesting because the majority of her audience are from her camming days; she actually threw a fit online about how she was losing thousands of followers after she quit) but she posts her daughter nonetheless, without any privacy restrictions and even used to post curbside images of the house that they used to rent a room in back when she pretended to own it. It's just stupid.
If you look at Billy's Instagram, he posts about the daughter constantly and actually makes insightful fatherly observations about her, where as with jessie, it's just her bragging about all the material things she provides the daughter with (even though in videos and pictures of holidays the child barely has anything) and parading the poor child around as her "mini me", as if she's little more than an accessory.. it's disgusting. He should definitely have full custody. The cow and her pizza (w)rapper have openly discussed on Instagram that they aspire for Leah to be just like them one day in terms of being a sex worker and overexposed on the internet. I get that circumstances can get rough and if the daughter chooses to do that one day, all right, but that shouldn't be the parents already preconceived aspiration for her.
No. 328728
>>328585I mean braces or veneers would be fine. She's around my age (early 20s) and people get braces way later than that.
>>328591Billy turned out to be a better parent than I thought he would. I followed her way back before she was even pregnant, and the way she made things seem was that billy sucked and that she had done nothing wrong. Now that it's been a few years, I definitely see things are actually the opposite. Billy is a great father living in his own home with a stable job and making real parenting choices and even taking Leah to get her teeth fixed because apparently 4 teeth grew in without enamel. I have no doubt now that Jessica needs to surrender custody to billy until she can make decent life choices. Bucky is not someone she should be dating as a parent. If you look at any posts Bucky makes, they're all about him and the things he does for Jessie/Leah. Even when he's talking About Jessie it's about him. A "single mom" needs someone that doesn't quit his job every 3 months and spend all his money on being a "rapper". If you're almost thirty and you've been attempting a music career and it hasn't panned out it probably won't. Jessica and Bucky are poor examples of what adults are. Leah shouldn't be looking up to such scummy people. Her mom can't hold a job, can't find a suitable mate, can't provide a healthy home environment, cares more about dick than being a good rolemodel for her daughter. Bucky can't keep a job or seem to grow the fuck up. How sad is it that Leah only has one responsible parent?
No. 328729
>>328339 and from my understanding, she would need to have her jaw broken. Her teeth are too messed up to be fixed through braces or veneers alone. At a younger age, she could have had her jaw resized without this because it's more malleable as a child/teenager.
No. 328730
File: 1496551412141.png (162.08 KB, 750x738, IMG_1503.PNG)

1. I love that she's still overlining even though she has the upper lip of leelah.
2. She needs to do her roots
3. Her lips also look like a prolapsed butt hole.
No. 329051
>>328273Forreal in his music videos all she does is jump up and down like a noxious flea; perhaps during filming, her implants will rupture/incisions tear open in front of all the homeless youth they pay to occupy the background and then there will be a NEW YouTube video documenting her martyr's journey to self love. That's ALL she captions her photos as now. "I've never been so hot before."/"I just can't get over how beautiful I am.
No. 329058
File: 1496604423836.png (125.58 KB, 640x1136, IMG_1911.PNG)

>>328730I wonder if she honestly believes that anyone who thinks she's a stupid joke is actually just jealous of her like she always rants online.. Like, jealous of what exactly? Being poor? Being a $300 credit card bill away from being a hooker? Looking like a glazed rat? What is wrong with her? She said she was in therapy but it clearly hasn't proven effective.
No. 329066
File: 1496605594603.png (1.07 MB, 640x1136, IMG_1919.PNG)

>>328730shes really mouthy for someone who looks like a damn alien.
No. 329835
File: 1496711047845.png (168.36 KB, 750x1042, IMG_1521.PNG)

Oh goody hopefully more milk will be coming soon.
No. 329860
>>329835Being a gross slut isn't kawaii, get out.
But I guess it means kawaii milk and I like kawaii milk.
I miss Koot and Venus milk for that sole reason.
No. 329986
File: 1496733338554.png (151.59 KB, 750x1181, IMG_1529.PNG)

More of what
>>328591 said with Jessie bragging about material things for her daughter instead of normal parenting things.
No. 330353
File: 1496790101314.png (1.57 MB, 750x1334, IMG_6114.PNG)

She sure knows how to pick winners
No. 330521
File: 1496805134448.png (137.99 KB, 640x540, IMG_2124.PNG)

>>330369She was completely flat chested before and admitted that she used to wear two push up bras every day in order to hide it. I'm pretty sure she also used silicon bra implants.
No. 330523
File: 1496805210899.png (427.78 KB, 640x1136, IMG_2123.PNG)

>>329835No more new account I guess. She deleted her bio about being a mommy too.
No. 330674
File: 1496828397411.png (79.54 KB, 750x1187, IMG_1581.PNG)

>>330523It's still here she just switched the names again. Lmao.
No. 331094
File: 1496884841708.png (17.68 KB, 181x213, IMG_2151.PNG)

>>330674She looks like she's doing some schedule II drugs or something….. and that's with a full face of makeup.. wth.
No. 331204
File: 1496900131215.png (11.12 KB, 212x191, IMG_2170.PNG)

>>331179It looks like the lip fillers have already dissolved too. Hope she has another $1000 to redo them soon…
No. 331255
File: 1496911888896.png (92.26 KB, 750x1048, IMG_1586.PNG)

Can someone tell me why she's always doing her makeup like she's coked the fuck out?
Sage for no milk just selfies
No. 331951
File: 1497033620075.png (1.48 MB, 750x1334, IMG_6162.PNG)

poor girl is trying so hard and still not there
No. 332110
File: 1497047252211.png (713.6 KB, 640x1136, IMG_2233.PNG)

>>328730I'm sorry I just love how you said her lips resemble a prolapsed rectum and now she's featuring a lip color called "butt naked" with belligerent captions. Maybe she heard you :)
No. 332199
File: 1497061001945.png (146.46 KB, 640x1136, IMG_2237.PNG)

>>331951I love how even when people give her asspats and compliments she still freaks the fuck out on them and yells. Proves what a miserable, shit headed, ugly bitch she is on the inside.
No. 333245
File: 1497073589075.png (138.21 KB, 640x883, IMG_2262.PNG)

>>328728Wow, looks like you predicted the future again. She quit her job already. Wonder if it's back to camming now.
No. 333257
>>331255I think she's going off the deep end again. Despite being extremely narcissistic, self obsessed and superficial, she's probably always been aware that she's physically and mentally repulsive. She's really, really ugly without makeup and retouching if you ever see Snapchat videos where she can't edit her appearance. In addition to that, she has an abhorrent, defensive, snotty personality. She's also illiterate and stupid. This manifests itself into an obsession with drag style makeup, social media and plastic surgery.. because they're the only means of control that she can exact over her appearance/how she's perceived by others, since her actual self is garbage. That's why she hates herself and pretends to be inspirational even though the majority of her online presence is dedicated solely to self promotion and to attacking people who don't blindly worship the toilet she shits on. She has no artistic merit, but tries to justify her makeup obsession by claiming that it's to inspire others even though it's the same redundant, 2007 cam whore look in her tutorials and she never features anyone with her makeup "artistry" except herself. This ultimately results in, as you say "coked the fuck out" makeup.
No. 333460
File: 1497123004714.png (139.29 KB, 640x1136, IMG_2287.PNG)

These disgusting lips are creating a civil war within her community. The first injection looked "ok", kind of clowny, cause she had a huge mouth with thin lips, but whatever. These are just ridiculous. And she STILL is overlining them like a motherf.
No. 333725
File: 1497181724443.png (135.62 KB, 750x958, IMG_2038.PNG)

Someone is trying to compensate
No. 333780
File: 1497193721982.png (47.97 KB, 431x357, IMG_2328.PNG)

>>333725Yeah, exactly as I said. She pretends to be rich, but she's actually destitute. She's never pictured even driving her own car, she's always in someone else's passenger.
By extravagant lifestyle I'm assuming she means that she now decorates her walls with Guess plastic bags as opposed to Sephora. She doesn't even have a headboard for her bed because she wastes all of her money on surgery and shoes.
No. 333786
File: 1497194775066.png (31.17 KB, 220x318, IMG_2330.PNG)

>>333725"Extravagant lifestyles"
But your circus monkey only owns one discount quality, ill fitting suit.
Maybe stay at Applebee's for a while.
No. 333793
File: 1497195041125.png (107.66 KB, 640x640, IMG_2333.PNG)

>>333789Ah, except he also has one dark suit that is also ill fitting.
Mr. and Mrs. Moneybags, everyone. Please kneel and receive them.
No. 333805
>>333789Jesus Christ, these two are stereotypical poor white trash who think they've made it big because they've managed to make a little money, but they have no taste or refinement whatsoever. I can just imagine him strutting into a restaurant in that suit that looks like he outgrew it 10 years ago, Jesse on his arm with those overlined, prolapsed anus lips, wearing a cheap stripper wear dress and in one of her awful wigs.
Sounds like a scene from a movie.
No. 333997
>>333969 actually, sperlings has the cost of living listed for Vegas as 4% higher than the national average. That's a nondescript/insignificant margin. Not to mention, the real estate market tanked there a few years ago, so there's tons and tons of affordable foreclosed housing, not to mention they have NO income tax, have constant tourism and gambling driving the economy, which creates an excess of jobs since tons of people want to visit but not necessarily live and be employed there long term (in regards to the majority of transients.) Aside from that, I don't really see how she's sweet. She told Leah's father to kill himself when she got caught cheating and he's an amazing dad. The Bucky fellow is clearly a loser, but she dates guys like him and David because that's the only kind of guy she can keep around with how abusive and crazy she is. There's so much twitter drama between those three and she was really public, cruel and vindictive about it. She tears people's heads off when they compliment her online if they don't compliment her the
right way. She goes on ridiculous diatribes against her "haters" and then deletes it all when she gets embarrassed or called out. She pretends to be really sweet, but it's a façade. She's just a superficial white trash bimbo.
No. 334012
File: 1497217508053.png (101.77 KB, 640x829, IMG_2343.PNG)

>>333969 yeah she's real sweet dragging her own kind under the bus. Then bragging weeks later about her jessie lush MySpace scene days. The guy just said that tit implants aren't artistic mods comparable to tattoos.
No. 334015
File: 1497217610412.png (85.34 KB, 640x833, IMG_2345.PNG)

>>333969Scene is douche but Scene Barbie is winner-winner-chicken-dinner.
No. 334136
File: 1497232890627.png (133.76 KB, 640x1136, IMG_2359.PNG)

so sweet. Like cyanide pie.
No. 334145
File: 1497233576275.png (51.6 KB, 630x417, IMG_2354.PNG)

>>329986I think she neglects the child and then just buys her crap to compensate and brag online about it. She'd look even worse if she only spoiled herself online and never bought anything for the child she neglects.
No. 334148
File: 1497233676632.png (108.52 KB, 640x900, IMG_2357.PNG)

>>334145Alcoholism never looked so milky.
No. 334163
File: 1497234568068.png (89.28 KB, 640x819, IMG_2385.PNG)

>>333725So many anons are in denial about this girl.
No. 334167
File: 1497235014074.png (133.77 KB, 640x913, IMG_2398.PNG)

>>328290 I think she's bipolar. Would explain her insanely abusive and unstable relationships.. Now we're all guilty of exercising neurotypical privilege.
No. 334172
File: 1497235288757.png (44.92 KB, 636x447, IMG_2383.PNG)

She has a pizza tattoo.
No. 334277
File: 1497252130341.png (108.22 KB, 640x904, IMG_2352.PNG)

I think Becky needs his own thread tbh. He's a walking dairy farm in his own right.
No. 334280
File: 1497252631762.png (45.97 KB, 570x570, IMG_2452.PNG)

constantly alludes to everyone confusing her with Barbie in public despite resembling a moldy armpit.
No. 334290
File: 1497254259251.png (43.34 KB, 465x545, IMG_2450.PNG)

"We be nice to them if they be nice to us! Take it off us, precious!
We swears to do what you wants.. We swears!"
-Jessie, streammate
No. 334495
File: 1497294892934.png (203.66 KB, 750x1334, IMG_6180.PNG)

So desperate to lcomvincr herself and others that her life is a fairytale
No. 334500
File: 1497295250251.png (98.31 KB, 638x546, IMG_2366.PNG)

>>334495She's crazy insecure about that relationship and covers it up with Prince Charming appreciation posts.
No. 334501
File: 1497295338124.png (80.1 KB, 640x832, IMG_2372.PNG)

>>334495More insecurity from Blow Up Barbie.
No. 334502
File: 1497295449097.png (85.13 KB, 640x595, IMG_2416.PNG)

>>334495I missed the part where Cinderella and PC cheat on each other constantly by fucking racists and underage girls.
No. 334504
File: 1497295792819.png (74.75 KB, 640x549, IMG_2368.PNG)

>>334495Old, but he's 30 something, been with her for several years and she constantly posts about wanting to get married, to which he never responds.
No. 334520
File: 1497297695881.png (32.53 KB, 639x321, IMG_2411.PNG)

>>334505I guess she's excluded though?
No. 334521
File: 1497297899607.png (64.94 KB, 640x493, IMG_2405.PNG)

>>334520She should just start tagging herself in these tirades to specify who they apply to most.
No. 334524
File: 1497298054330.png (160.07 KB, 640x829, IMG_2409.PNG)

>>334495I think Cinderella and Prince Charming shacked up together out of financial necessity.
No. 334533
File: 1497298642791.png (86.36 KB, 640x470, IMG_2363.PNG)

>>334495She's clearly jealous of literally anyone who didn't grow up in a double wide outside of Vegas fucking guys for 6 packs of 7up and glue-on eyebrows.
No. 334537
File: 1497299170341.png (137.15 KB, 640x683, IMG_2378.PNG)

>>331255"Coked the fuck out", as you say, while simultaneously dragging herself on Facebook.
No. 334542
File: 1497299894308.png (81.56 KB, 640x570, IMG_2471.PNG)

>>333725You guys have
no idea how lucky she is, he may cheat constantly and sexually degrade her on the internet, but at the end of the day it's all about finding a man who will take u on a nice vacation in the suburbs outside of Vegas at the hotel he works at so u can post about it on IG & FB in order to perpetuate your sham of being a rich and successful power couple <3
No. 334546
File: 1497300357243.png (120.89 KB, 640x739, IMG_2476.PNG)

>>334173Maybe the pizza tattoo is about Bucky?
No. 334548

>>333805Nothing wrong with shopping at Walmart but why make someone photograph you there and why those hashtags..
No. 334564
File: 1497301935240.png (71.14 KB, 637x917, IMG_2480.PNG)

>>334548Prince Charming rents rolls royces soley to post the steering wheel logo on Instagram.
No. 334857
>>334504They've barely been together 2 years (if you count the time they spent apart while fucking other people as together lol)?
>>334546The pizza tattoo was a friendship tattoo with some other girl. But they're no longer friends I think.
No. 334858
File: 1497337047209.png (255.25 KB, 750x1100, IMG_1702.PNG)

Girl you've been spoiling yourself a whole lot lately… poor Leah.
No. 335109
File: 1497385666311.png (47.06 KB, 640x398, IMG_2403.PNG)

Someone was jealous. Her sister paid for her tit surgery.. and now jessie is unemployed lol. The irony.
No. 335113
File: 1497385948956.png (177.32 KB, 635x928, IMG_2426.PNG)

>>335109These statuses are about the sister who just recently paid for her new mosquito bites.
No. 335118
File: 1497386105985.png (117.46 KB, 640x874, IMG_2432.PNG)

>>335113if you're going to charge family members money to be readmitted into your life why not put the money towards something
useful No. 335120
File: 1497386260578.png (63.15 KB, 640x445, IMG_2433.PNG)

>>335113Remember kiddies, regardless of how psycho a relative is, airing the dirty laundry out on Facebook automatically grants you x10 sanity points.
No. 335144
File: 1497388777321.png (67.82 KB, 640x434, IMG_2370.PNG)

-twat who degrades and blocks all non ass suckers
No. 335145
File: 1497389128107.png (55.04 KB, 640x382, IMG_2468.PNG)

>>335144But God have mercy on anyone's soul should they tell you your lips resemble a vaginal syphilis infection.
No. 335162
File: 1497391784572.png (948.13 KB, 640x1136, IMG_2504.PNG)

>>33485830 years old, $1500, Miss Trailer Park 2010, a bad attitude and nothing to lose.
No. 335201
>>335164She has two sisters.
Heather is one that she seemed to always get along with and the other one I've never seen her social medias.
Heathers instagram is @honeythievery
No. 335223
File: 1497398134549.png (88.45 KB, 640x451, IMG_2505.PNG)

>>335201>>335164>>335201I think she has another sister named Leila and two brothers or something? So a total of six kids? The sister she trashes all the time is Danielle and I'm assuming she's the one who paid for the boob job since in her comments (before disabling) she said it was to pay her back for "being a shitty sister in the past." Unless it was this Leila.
No. 335225
File: 1497398295038.png (51.56 KB, 640x371, IMG_2507.PNG)

>>335201This convo is interesting. Will be uploading the rest.
No. 335228
File: 1497398494356.png (91.14 KB, 640x529, IMG_2509.PNG)

>>335227Even the one she gets along with sees that she's dramatic and crazy. Danielle and Jessie are probably too similar to get along.
No. 335235
File: 1497399090193.png (92.31 KB, 640x844, IMG_2510.PNG)

>>335228Pot calling the kettle psycho.
No. 335238
File: 1497399349267.png (96.56 KB, 640x827, IMG_2511.PNG)

>>335235So the married sister, Danielle and her husband, take care of the parents, but jessie is angry and slighted because they are providing medical care for her diseased cat that she was neglecting and because they don't give her enough money. Maybe take less selfies and try holding a job for once. This whole family sounds like a dairy farm.
No. 335241
File: 1497399525264.png (87.2 KB, 640x770, IMG_2512.PNG)

>>335238Everything is "poor me, poor me, blah, blah, blah, I want more money from my family" and her own sister calls her out since she sends her gas money etc. So much for her being rich from camming.. Isn't that always her come back for people who disapprove of her job? The thousands of dollars she makes a week that everyone else is stupid for not making as a chaturbate model? What a joke. You're almost 23, with a kid and a 30 year old bf. Make it work or shut up about how rich you are online. You're NOT entitled to your sibling's money. Especially not for elective plastic surgery.
No. 335324
File: 1497407761825.png (143.56 KB, 750x1034, IMG_1720.PNG)

>>335227I wonder whatever happened to her dog vulpix
No. 335331
File: 1497408430830.png (231.41 KB, 750x1204, IMG_1723.PNG)

Lord I can't wait to see her when she's done with the granny bra. She's about to be walking around titties out all the time.
No. 335418
File: 1497438879181.png (130.73 KB, 750x692, IMG_1768.PNG)

No. 335420
>>335331We are now making fun out of people for doing proper after-surgery care? Really, showing and discussing proper maintenance is now entertaining?
That's a compression bra that's required after silicon implants.
I have no idea who this girl is, but you're so stupid it hurts my soul.
sage cuz im
triggered No. 335508
>>335420It's entertaining because of the atrocious grammar and the supporting pertinence to the rest of the thread. If you don't know Bessie's overall story, I could see where the comedy is difficult to perceive in that one instance. I'd recommend perusing the entire thread though, if you didn't bother to before commenting. If you don't know our cow, then I'm perplexed as to why you're
triggered.. every few days she goes on miraculous descriptions of how happy she is over a fake business endeavor or plastic surgery. 12 hours later it's a diatribe about how furious she is with life, the Internet, and her body. Not your flavor of milk? Then leave her newly implanted DD milk shakes to us. They go well with her publicly displayed neuroses.
No. 335521
File: 1497458179569.png (139.93 KB, 640x697, IMG_2537.PNG)

Believes her life has been hijacked by Ghost in the Shell independently of her own digital presence or content.
No. 335523
File: 1497458325307.png (63.29 KB, 640x802, IMG_2391.PNG)

>>335521Whatever happened to this…
No. 335547
File: 1497461153036.png (89.58 KB, 640x729, IMG_2538.PNG)

>>335539Speaking of speaking of..
No. 335549
File: 1497461317379.png (126.15 KB, 640x862, IMG_2540.PNG)

>>335539Shotty poppin' all caps. (Should've posted for #tbt)
No. 335573
File: 1497462579024.png (17.05 KB, 214x214, IMG_2544.PNG)

>>335567if anyone looks like Prince Charming it's her. Honestly.
No. 335575
File: 1497462702699.png (53.67 KB, 640x572, IMG_2448.PNG)

>>335573What's with their obsessive delusion about resembling Barbie and ken? What crack is she smoking? Has she ever seen the guy she's dating?
No. 335581
File: 1497462901712.png (139.99 KB, 640x758, IMG_2481.PNG)

>>335575I can't recall this ken doll… must've been included in the recalled white trash delinquent playset that my parents refused to purchase.
No. 335582
File: 1497462956131.png (198.6 KB, 637x751, IMG_2478.PNG)

>>335581He's such a catch…. we all should be so lucky.
No. 335585
File: 1497463579383.jpg (399.15 KB, 1936x1936, IMG_2547.JPG)

>>335576Jealous bitches bow down
No. 335590
File: 1497464020715.png (68.65 KB, 424x531, IMG_2386.PNG)

>>335418Can't tell if she hates herself more than she loves herself or vice versa.
No. 335592
File: 1497464374791.png (109.17 KB, 640x519, IMG_2401.PNG)

>>335590One minute she loves herself, the next minute, she hates herself. Told everyone she didn't have a problem with how she looked. Which is it?
No. 335596
File: 1497464706933.png (116.3 KB, 639x794, IMG_2417.PNG)

>>335582But why does she think everyone wants her ugly pos man child/children. She's never dated an attractive guy in her life….
No. 335599
File: 1497465204471.png (82.24 KB, 640x783, IMG_2367.PNG)

>>335596Killin em killin em
Killin dem brain cells
No. 335631
File: 1497471275426.png (91.58 KB, 640x539, IMG_2380.PNG)

Doesn't give a fuck about animal rights and bashes those who do.
No. 335632
File: 1497471454411.png (95.77 KB, 640x698, IMG_2355.PNG)

>>335631She's so stupid. I can feel the pain in my myelinated Schwann cells.
No. 335633
File: 1497471569700.png (29.23 KB, 640x208, IMG_2356.PNG)

>>335632Sucks 2 suck if ur a rabbit being chemically scalded until u slowly die. I NEED MY KAWAII DESU LIP LINER!
No. 335635
>>335633This super cunt.. her purchases alone count for so much cosmetic profit considering that she goes through a metric shit load of spackle every day. The
least she could do for the planet is wear cruelty free.. and if not, then don't bash those that do.
No. 335636
File: 1497472030958.png (71.91 KB, 640x391, IMG_2535.PNG)

>>335631Multiple personality disorder maybe? Or perhaps she's having trouble keeping up with all the trends that she derives her entire shit personality from.
No. 335637
File: 1497472464373.png (114.21 KB, 640x638, IMG_2415.PNG)

>>335418She says that "every year" is going to be her year, but they all suck in retrospect.
Also, looks like she rolls with winners.
Birds of a feather.
No. 335644
File: 1497473565080.png (36.87 KB, 640x249, IMG_2406.PNG)

>>335418Lmao how was 2016 not her year if she was making almost 200k annually? She's so full of shit. I know girls can make decent money camming, but she was at that for a while and unless she's got a collection of i8's stashed somewhere, I'm calling bs. You don't rent a room, make 200k, and still force your sister to pay for your boob job. She could've bought herself a new set of teeth for every day of the week.
No. 335649
File: 1497474156343.png (48.95 KB, 640x327, IMG_2436.PNG)

>>335644>>335647Panhandling outside the nudie chat room.
No. 335650
File: 1497474308928.png (62.54 KB, 640x419, IMG_2531.PNG)

>>335649.. as she calls other people leeches. This girl is a real shit show.
No. 335706
>>335576I can't get over that this guy is 30 (or almost 30?)
he looks like a 12 year old
No. 335835
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No. 335836
File: 1497521471282.png (216.18 KB, 750x1089, IMG_1784.PNG)

No. 335837
File: 1497521696509.png (230.3 KB, 750x1054, IMG_1785.PNG)

How unfortunate, he looks just like his mom.
I also am going to make a wild guess that his mom was a sugar baby bc his dad is fucking ancient.
No. 335997
File: 1497555574582.png (65.33 KB, 640x680, IMG_2572.PNG)

>>335873Ah, I think the camera has 4K
resolution video shooting capability, but he articulated the caption in such a way as to suggest that he spent $4K on the contrivance itself. He didn't; he discussed his budget openly online with their cohorts and it was well under $2k. Again, misleading exaggerations to pretend affluence.
No. 336002
File: 1497555737879.png (161.78 KB, 640x905, IMG_2573.PNG)

>>335837Which is strange, considering that he's also the exact image of his 80 year old father at 30… perhaps his parents are related.
No. 336007
File: 1497556082928.png (228.12 KB, 640x974, IMG_2571.PNG)

>>335835Why is this fool constantly patting himself on the ass for tolerating a single mother with a child that isn't his? And always bragging about the potential that he technically could have, that he'll never actually realize? "As much money as a doctor"… "saving up for a new home… next year" which means he probably has more than $500 in his checking account for once in his 30 year life.. and why brag about how you used to be "that guy" who had prime pickings of trailer park cam girl trash outside of Vegas? Like, you're not a UCLA frat daddy, shut up.. And tour life? This fucker is deluded and goes on like he's G-Eazy.
No. 336008
File: 1497556258532.png (134.07 KB, 640x782, IMG_2574.PNG)

>>336007Wow! Leah got promoted to "almost practically part of their family after two years"! And she's not even HIS? What a lucky tot.
No. 336014
File: 1497556760391.png (79.93 KB, 640x920, IMG_2576.PNG)

>>335835Grade A stepdad. How billy even functions with this fool around Leah is beyond my comprehension.
No. 336016
File: 1497556856313.png (71.91 KB, 640x920, IMG_2575.PNG)

>>335873TAKE OVER….ER.. ER..
No. 336017
File: 1497556928864.png (71.55 KB, 640x895, IMG_2577.PNG)

>>336007She has no ass either. The magic of angles, people.
No. 336018
File: 1497557038695.png (55.98 KB, 640x839, IMG_2581.PNG)

>>336008Probably lured her into a van that said "free candy/self esteem" across the doors.
No. 336021
File: 1497557358101.png (17.12 KB, 217x221, IMG_2586.PNG)

>>335836Can we take a moment to appreciate that David Tower is also the guy who did her white trash Coco Chanel tattoos? Bet shotty didn't anticipate that D would be busting nuts where he was kissing a few months later.
No. 336027
File: 1497558127662.png (129.19 KB, 640x919, IMG_2589.PNG)

>>336021I bet he goes soft if they ever do doggy with the lights on. Poor dude.
No. 336029
File: 1497558256772.png (66.83 KB, 640x416, IMG_2588.PNG)

>>336027Dtower is a profit blessed with precognition.
No. 336135
File: 1497571190907.png (217.17 KB, 750x1089, IMG_1786.PNG)

>>336007He's been "about to buy a house" since 2015 lmao
No. 336138
File: 1497571468576.png (126.15 KB, 750x1075, IMG_1787.PNG)

He's also been attempting be a rapper for like 5 or more years. Just give up already Bucky.
No. 336139
File: 1497571512782.png (190.68 KB, 750x1082, IMG_1788.PNG)

His best friend (on the left) and some other girl got shotty tattooed on them.
No. 336293
File: 1497587947450.png (112.81 KB, 750x836, IMG_1790.PNG)

Billy mentioning dance casually like he doesn't have to prove anything
No. 336301
File: 1497588704805.png (62.18 KB, 750x312, IMG_1792.PNG)

>>336292But on Facebook it's a different story????
Instagram is "me and shotty did this for my kid"
Facebook is "'step daddy' and glama t did this for my kid"
Also bitch you're not married, stop referring to him as her stepdaddy that's just ur boyfriend hoe.
Also- I posted this and then took it down so I could black out the location of Leah's dance school. I don't think it's smart to advertise where she's taking her kid. I hope she deletes the status or something..
No. 336307
File: 1497589469595.png (246.27 KB, 750x1070, IMG_1794.PNG)

>>336301Update: I'm pretty sure his sister works for the place leah is doing dance at.
No. 336308
File: 1497589539082.png (142.74 KB, 750x820, IMG_1793.PNG)

>>336007His mom got him his Hilton job lol
No. 336337
>>336301So, Jessie has effectively revealed that she
has considered that Leah may actually want to go to college and not be a high school drop out cam whore like her, but has delegated the entire financial responsibility to Leah at 4 years old by way of earning a scholarship through.. ballet? Couldn't have possibly rolled some of that nearly 10k for plastic surgery into a college fund or plan that matches the investment with some form of compounded APR? What a self centered bitch. Clearly over compensating with posts to mask that she's a terrible parent whilst dually feeding her black hole of an ego by gaining the extraneous attention from doing so.
No. 336338
File: 1497596902142.png (54.74 KB, 640x308, IMG_2533.PNG)

Whatever happened to this bright idea?
No. 336339
>>336301Yeah, so she probably had nothing to do with it. It was probably his family's
BIRTHDAY present for her, and as always she's painting this grandiose façade for self glorification with little regard to the child's safety. Taking credit for things she hasn't even provided and fabricating an alternate reality for herself online.
No. 336343
File: 1497598950062.png (49.84 KB, 640x301, IMG_2609.PNG)

>>336307…This bullshit never happened for Leah. Honestly, who knows. I doubt the lessons will last longer than a few months. I hope not though, the poor kid needs something positive in her life that isn't wrapped up in her mom's bullshit psycho kool aid, but I have all ideas that jessie will make it all about herself, turn into a Dance Mom, instigate drama with mothers, portray herself as a victim, and live vicariously through Leah while only being present to film and photograph for her own social media accounts. Sad.
No. 336397
File: 1497614334722.png (82.91 KB, 750x398, IMG_1809.PNG)

Wow :( how :( deep :(
No. 336510
File: 1497625446520.png (73.92 KB, 750x765, IMG_2119.PNG)

What a huge TAKEOVER.
No. 336512
File: 1497625684210.png (131.13 KB, 750x1262, IMG_2120.PNG)

The comments on the video are hilarious. They make themselves look so ignorant.
No. 336658
File: 1497646733000.png (110.03 KB, 640x558, IMG_2413.PNG)

>>336293All jessie ever used to do was bitch abou having a daughter in the first place. Now that she can use her to milk attention from people she wants to be seen as mother of the year. When you grind or sacrifice for your kid, you care about the kid knowing that, not preaching it to the rest of the world.
No. 336661
File: 1497646880498.png (180.85 KB, 640x816, IMG_2414.PNG)

And even if billy didn't set up appointments, which I doubt, after the first few week or so of her being that sick, YOU have to make the appointments and stop delegating such important tasks to someone if YOU know they won't.
No. 336667
File: 1497647433482.png (173.16 KB, 640x919, IMG_2624.PNG)

>>336510Since when is this bitch going on tour either? A tour of what, the homeless shelter? And what self made makeup brand?
No. 336668
File: 1497647592696.png (76.41 KB, 640x365, IMG_2438.PNG)

>>336658Examples of how all she used to do was bitch and moan about her kid. Maybe if you paid attention to her, she'd have better behavior.
No. 336670
File: 1497647680638.png (86.01 KB, 640x492, IMG_2421.PNG)

>>336668Shit, I'd beat her ass too if she was my mom..
No. 336673
File: 1497647844148.png (38.14 KB, 640x256, IMG_2422.PNG)

>>336670Sounds like the mischief that neglected, unattended children get into.
No. 336675
File: 1497647967542.png (48.52 KB, 640x284, IMG_2423.PNG)

>>336673Does she actually think her child imitating her raucous behavior is adorable?
No. 336676
File: 1497648053152.png (60.08 KB, 640x353, IMG_2439.PNG)

>>336675She was literally so proud of Leah being disrespectful to her father that she just had to post it to the world?
No. 336683
File: 1497648398773.png (70.61 KB, 640x422, IMG_2425.PNG)

>>336676Been delusional for years. I hope she's not actually stupid enough to think people can't tell what a pack of lies this is. 5 outfits for herself? What bullshit.
No. 336691
File: 1497649099975.png (102.85 KB, 640x462, IMG_2444.PNG)

>>336673 pt.1
She has no parenting consistency whatsoever. She was given a tablet to keep her occupied while she's neglected.
No. 336692
File: 1497649149103.png (53.74 KB, 640x437, IMG_2608.PNG)

>>336691Honestly I think Leah will turn out to be just like her mom because that's Jessie's obvious goal.
No. 336693
File: 1497649211760.png (57.75 KB, 636x377, IMG_2607.PNG)

>>336692All she cares about is Leah becoming her mini me. That's how narcisstic she is.
No. 336699
File: 1497649642530.png (86.97 KB, 640x513, IMG_2620.PNG)

>>336696I can already see jessie having mental break downs at 40, unable to cope with the loss of youth and validation when her daughter is 20 or so and getting all the wrong kinds of attention from men.
No. 336704
File: 1497650147201.png (62.45 KB, 640x460, IMG_2395.PNG)

>>336658Her going on rants about struggling and begging for cash on Facebook really make posts like this hilarious.. like bitch you can't afford your makeup, you just take food out of your kid's mouth to pay for it. Stfd.
No. 336707
File: 1497650293883.png (53.86 KB, 632x380, IMG_2350.PNG)

>>336696Was it really necessary to publicly insult Leah's dad's contributions or taste in clothes? Of course, everything has to be a competition with this skank.
No. 336711
File: 1497650683472.png (44.23 KB, 640x348, IMG_2613.PNG)

>>336710She's one of those people who fantasizes about having children solely for how fun it would be to dress them up.
sighIf you want to pretend you and your clown are barbies, fine, but kids aren't dolls.
No. 336713
File: 1497650835195.png (59.43 KB, 640x370, IMG_2455.PNG)

>>336711This whole Barbie obsession should qualify as a mental illness in and of itself.
No. 336751
File: 1497658520936.gif (413.93 KB, 500x375, IMG_2637.GIF)

>>336713This poor girl must've grown up with absolutely nothing.. peep the background living situation- and now she's living a desperate lie with this shotty idiot.
No. 336865
File: 1497679540375.png (111.46 KB, 750x947, IMG_1832.PNG)

Jessie can't swim, I'm surprised. Her new boobs should count as floatation devices right?
No. 337760
File: 1497842072237.png (170.39 KB, 750x959, IMG_1838.PNG)

Celebrating Father's Day….
No. 338232
File: 1497936151070.png (160.63 KB, 629x920, IMG_2819.PNG)

>>336301I think she words posts like that just to piss Leah's dad off. Don't really see what a miracle shotty has been for them, but ok, whatever you say, bitch.
No. 338920
>>336699yup. Jessie claims she wants Leah to be her little mini me but I bet as she gets older, she's going to become jealous and bitter. especially if Leah is prettier, smarter, more successful and/or has better luck with relationships than Jessie has.
Jessie's going to be one of those women who can't deal with the fact that she's getting older and her daughter is ~*blossoming*~ and becoming a lovely young women. normal, well adjusted women are excited to see their kids become young adults, if a little sad because their babies are growing up. but some moms become upset because that means that they're no longer the center of attention, especially when they have daughters. I can totally see Jessie being one of those women.
No. 339624
File: 1498167674716.png (159.74 KB, 640x791, IMG_2954.PNG)

>>338920This is a load of pigshit. Why is everything a fcking Lifetime movie with this bitch? She never said any of this crap when L. was born. I know she was born prematurely and had to be on life support for a while after birth, but I also remember her posing the kid in high heels and boots at a very young age (about one year) and her dancing around in them.
No. 339626
File: 1498167860132.png (19.6 KB, 158x212, IMG_2855.PNG)

>>338574Each of her fake tits are now larger than her head individually.
No. 339634
File: 1498168604318.png (83.51 KB, 640x913, IMG_2960.PNG)

>>3388731. Bucky can't dance for shit.. neither can she honestly.
2. Her tits are uneven. The left side (her right side) is much more lopsided than the other.
3. Why does she put in hair extensions just to sit in the pool with her clown ass bf?
4. Why is she always sticking out her tongue in dancing videos like a damn iguana?
No. 339639
>>339634They're trying
really hard to convince everyone that they're happy. It makes me uncomfortable.
No. 339640
File: 1498168990716.png (115.14 KB, 640x854, IMG_2962.PNG)

>>339626I don't get how she doesn't realize how scary this makeup looks on her.
It's like a melting wax T-Rex and she thinks she's hot shit.
No. 339642
File: 1498169365809.png (170.27 KB, 750x678, IMG_2150.PNG)

She is seriously delusional if she thinks this is going to happen. She just started ballet and is going to private school because of it??? She lives in her own fantasy world.
No. 339654
File: 1498170335979.gif (22.31 KB, 208x260, IMG_2973.GIF)

>>339647She just has a meaty ass tip but her nostrils are also really upturned and high.
No. 339672
>>339655Yeah and the kid is only getting to do this because of Bucky's family's generosity. It was a birthday gift by them because his sister works there and jessie is wallowing in the credit because people are sick of her bragging about herself. She blew all her money on fake tits and lips that HER sister had to split the cost of and now wants to run for single mother of the year even though the ONE thing this kid has gotten in regards to bettering her future isn't even something her mom paid for, but is taking credit for.
Honestly for anyone eager to kiss Jessie's ass, that's what her Instagram is for. She's always desperate for new followers and sycophants.
Plus, what does the kid being "pretty" matter?
No. 339747
>>339685I think it's safe to say that we all admire the sentiment of "defending the children" that you're speaking for and I guess that maybe in the future, we could crop her images out the captions, but then it's hard for the captions to make contextual sense because so much of Jessie's deplorability is derived from her being a horrendous mother. So far everyone on this thread that even replies to anything concerning Leah responds with sympathy, pity, and concern. Anons on this thread have censored addresses and locations that Jessie herself posts publicly without censors. All of the photos are from her PUBLIC Instagram and Facebook. We've all seen them there, just like anyone else can. Her Instagram and Facebook have a combined following of over half a million people, the majority of whom are customers or fans from her webcamming.. the scope and reach of this image board is such a minuscule number in comparison that it actually makes no difference regarding L's online exposure. Her child is already posted all over the internet anyway, by her own admission. When webcamming, she posted photos of them both, naked in the bath, with her sailor moon cam show props around, posed the child with strippers/showgirls, and uploaded videos of her dancing naked. All we are doing is criticizing her decisions because so much of Jessie's milk directly pertains to her being a pathological liar, a shitty mother, and a psychotic narcissist.
Also, there are countless articles of evidence that prove neglect, if you scroll up there are posts about Leah destroying Jessie's room, throwing tantrums and acting out in violence in response to being neglected.
No. 339754
>>339685I think
>>339672 was trying to say that whether or not the child is "pretty" is irrelevant because nobody on this thread is judging the child's physical appearance and that even if they were, it would be wrong regardless of the child was the ugliest human on the planet since they're just an innocent kid who happens to be related to a cow.
No. 339762
>>339685Sames. I see where you're coming from but the reality is that this image board isn't going to make any difference in Leah's life or how the world views her.
Her mother has not only worked as an event stripper, a cam girl, and a semi nude show girl, but she's completely broadcasted their lives and relationship to each other on the internet where she's obtained marginal fame/infamy on global websites.
Jessie has stated that her daughter will know that she was/is a sex worker and I'm sure that the majority of whoever will be in Leah's life will know that too because Jessie literally boasts about it to everyone she meets. Jessie has never cared enough about Leah's future to keep her identity or life private.
This poor child will forever carry the stigma in life of being Jessie's daughter because Jessie has dedicated her existence to posting their entire lives online. Her daughter is treated as little more than an accessory to her own ego, a source of pity, attention, envy, and validation. Leah's upbringing would already collateral damage, even if her mom wasn't internet infamous because her mom was shitty
before being Internet infamous.
It's tragic and horrific but this image board has nothing to do with it. We're just criticizing what is circulated.
She made a comment about how disadvantaged Leah is to have to live in Vegas, but honestly that's probably one of the only areas jessie could afford to live in that won't be as judgmental of her family.. especially if she's going to be attending a private school.
No. 339776
>>339731Dude not only that, but have you you seen how she keeps posting photos on Facebook of
other people's children in leotards with the public setting to her thousands of followers with their ballet studio location revealed prior? If I saw that bitch photographing MY scantily clad kids and posting it to her horny perverted audience online I would downward punch the fake tits out of her chest.
No. 339826
File: 1498189497026.png (108.11 KB, 631x920, IMG_3007.PNG)

>>339792Or how about how Bucky snuck into a Hilton conference room when it was empty to pose for photos pretending to be a CEO or CEA.
No. 340364
File: 1498268765614.png (41.66 KB, 750x178, IMG_1978.PNG)

Wow a week of ballet Jessie wow wow wow how good of a mom wow
No. 340365
File: 1498268874718.png (121.49 KB, 750x1085, IMG_1979.PNG)

Wow you haven't posted a selfie in *~forever~* (5 days is the last time she appeared in a photo on her ig..) I can feel my skin breaking out from just looking at her makeup
No. 340370
File: 1498269294630.png (37 KB, 750x230, IMG_1980.PNG)

>>340364Same picture but posted on Facebook and of course there's a different caption
Side note- she posted two videos of Leah "performing" and for someone who's "going to earn a scholarship" from ballet, she sure seems to not know the choreo as much as other girls lol. (I know that she's four and four year olds aren't going to do anything perfect, but it looks like at least other kids practiced their routine)
No. 340405
File: 1498274926861.png (71.35 KB, 640x370, IMG_3033.PNG)

>>340365It's not even a current selfie. Wtf.
She should've stopped at 1 syringe. They actually didn't look terrible after 1, but she kept overlining them ten minutes after her lips ended and then got a second syringe and kept overlining.
No. 340598
>>340370Getting a child a bouquet for a performance is normal, not extra.
Wow what a ~far out~ mom
No. 340905
File: 1498362211982.png (235.54 KB, 750x1049, IMG_1989.PNG)

Hmmm unemployed and coloring her hair pink. What a great idea..
No. 340906
File: 1498362291425.png (52.51 KB, 743x166, IMG_1990.PNG)

Bucky you're not her dad!
No. 340908
File: 1498362718572.png (150.57 KB, 750x743, IMG_1589.PNG)

Dem overlined lips and that fried pubes hair.
No. 340910
File: 1498362760922.png (4.05 MB, 750x1334, IMG_1595.PNG)

Candids spam
No. 340911
File: 1498362785286.png (178.87 KB, 750x1271, IMG_1583.PNG)

No. 340912
File: 1498362818534.png (150.26 KB, 748x1283, IMG_1584.PNG)

No. 340914
File: 1498362914461.png (160.67 KB, 750x1207, IMG_1582.PNG)

I'm glad she finally got boobs lol
No. 340925
File: 1498363766710.jpg (71.1 KB, 640x498, IMG_6288.JPG)

The meme she made when she hoped over to David
No. 340930
File: 1498364384911.png (62.91 KB, 309x476, IMG_3071.PNG)

>>340912This guy's hover hand! Smart man, he didn't want to risk catching the chlamydia or the stupid.
No. 340932
File: 1498364566876.png (134.98 KB, 570x800, IMG_3072.PNG)

>>340912That's some serious tit fluctuation. Isn't that before she got implants? I bet she quit working there out of laziness, or she couldn't handle being around girls that are prettier than her. Maybe they made fun of her mosquito bites?
No. 340934
File: 1498365180736.jpg (20.72 KB, 320x240, IMG_3077.JPG)

>>340925Are we really surprised tho
No. 340935
File: 1498365249015.jpg (31.06 KB, 242x480, IMG_3078.JPG)

>>340913Ruined one of my fav childhood animes
No. 340940
File: 1498366329670.png (1.58 MB, 1500x873, IMG_1992.PNG)

No. 340942
File: 1498366541683.jpg (92.25 KB, 567x850, IMG_3074.JPG)

>>340940She's come a long way tho
No. 340943
File: 1498366574145.jpg (247.38 KB, 600x922, IMG_3075.JPG)

>>340942Trailer Parks Illustrated
No. 340944
File: 1498366597272.png (Spoiler Image,1.28 MB, 1334x750, IMG_1995.PNG)

What an unfortunate angle for her
No. 340946
File: 1498366645194.jpg (112.71 KB, 643x481, IMG_3076.JPG)

>>340940Does she gots a discount code for $ off to whoever cut her bangs..?
No. 340947
File: 1498366745705.png (52.14 KB, 750x188, IMG_1996.PNG)

>>340946No but she's trying to get one for plastic surgery
No. 340949
File: 1498366834755.png (Spoiler Image,1.31 MB, 1334x750, IMG_1994.PNG)

Why are her nips so vertical ???
No. 340950
File: 1498366918288.jpg (Spoiler Image,17.51 KB, 240x180, IMG_3079.JPG)

>>340944On Facebook she said her c section scar was invisible.
No. 340954
File: 1498367403907.jpg (47.32 KB, 300x300, IMG_3081.JPG)

Guys were these their engagement photos ?
No. 340957
File: 1498367682460.jpg (92.62 KB, 600x900, IMG_3082.JPG)

>>340934Fucc wit me getcho ass BLOCKED !!
Actually did get blocked for thumbing up someone else's comment about her lips being "outta control."
No. 340960
File: 1498368155205.jpg (216.78 KB, 640x946, IMG_3084.JPG)

Can't tell if he's trying to convince us or himself.
None stop.
The rest of her life? You psychic now too, Bucky?
Who came up with this scholarship Bullshit?
No. 340963
File: 1498368537412.jpg (65.36 KB, 500x500, IMG_3080.JPG)

Gabrielle Chanel is rolling in her grave over those tattoos.
Why get any branded logo tatted anyway.
Especially when you live on the polar opposite of the socioeconomic spectrum.
No. 340972
File: 1498370369435.png (1.43 MB, 1334x750, IMG_1998.PNG)

When your life doesn't turn out how you'd expected
No. 340973
File: 1498370431910.png (Spoiler Image,1.56 MB, 1334x750, IMG_1999.PNG)

I found a newer video :/
No. 340974
File: 1498370471788.png (Spoiler Image,1.71 MB, 1334x750, IMG_2001.PNG)

Her faces are funny
No. 340975
File: 1498370553629.png (Spoiler Image,1.63 MB, 1334x750, IMG_2002.PNG)

I just enjoy that she puts on this show for everyone that she's got money and she's doing well but that bedroom looks like it's from the seventies and not in a good way..
No. 340978
File: 1498370957446.jpg (24.97 KB, 500x279, IMG_2004.JPG)

>>340963They were unfinished for a while too.. lol
No. 340979
File: 1498371399027.jpg (62.48 KB, 594x594, IMG_2003.JPG)

I forgot Jessie was in her other sisters wedding!
No. 340980
>>340979Oh, that's the one she hates. I believe she captioned that photo, "I look nothing like my siblings
crying emoji"
No. 341538
File: 1498456937772.png (150.81 KB, 750x996, IMG_2012.PNG)

Wow I can see where your shitty synthetic extensions didn't take the pink. Looking like a kmart troll.
No. 341884
File: 1498519576994.png (174.2 KB, 750x1077, IMG_2036.PNG)

Ugh why doesn't she know that those shirts are for under other shirts/dresses. White trash king and queen right here
No. 342445
File: 1498606946433.png (80.27 KB, 640x757, IMG_3144.PNG)

>>341884Anyone know why her tits are discolored blue/purple?
No. 343888
File: 1498815399970.png (92.77 KB, 750x632, IMG_2128.PNG)

I thought you hated people who judge you for using makeup that tests on animals. You can't be a vegetarian and still support animal cruelty. That's just a plant based diet honey…
No. 344430
File: 1498906247037.png (155.45 KB, 750x1027, IMG_2133.PNG)

I luv that her eyes were shopped to no end lol
No. 344512
File: 1498927564792.png (56.46 KB, 640x686, IMG_3244.PNG)

>>344430Might be her circle lenses.. She literally is uncomfortable with everything about her natural self.
She's also starting to look like Jefree Star.
No. 344560
File: 1498933830303.png (70.2 KB, 640x824, IMG_3246.PNG)

>>344430I thought she was a rich and powerful self made celebrity and that Prince Charming was goals so why does she need permission from him to pick up her friend lmao.
No. 345318
File: 1499049906767.png (221.19 KB, 746x1002, IMG_2167.PNG)

she's got a big forehead, and if you zoom in, you see her scummy toe nails
No. 345363
File: 1499060753299.png (Spoiler Image,82.68 KB, 750x855, IMG_2169.PNG)

Those teeth tho
No. 345893
File: 1499142121564.png (209.59 KB, 640x903, IMG_3570.PNG)

Momma's bringing the milk, babez.
David and Jessie are at it again.
No. 345900
File: 1499142602091.png (140.71 KB, 640x885, IMG_3588.PNG)

>>345893David's clearly not over her, but I'm not sure why not..
No. 345906
File: 1499143532026.png (37.75 KB, 619x196, IMG_3593.PNG)

>>345902He still keeps porn of her even though he has a new janky ass single mom to fuck?
No. 345907
File: 1499143587035.png (48.96 KB, 640x321, IMG_3585.PNG)

>>345906I want David to posts the texts…
No. 345908
File: 1499143709493.png (99.69 KB, 640x445, IMG_3596.PNG)

>>345907Crazy bitch "follows all her exes too".
I can't with these degenerates; it's like the white trash kardashians.
No. 345910
File: 1499144014255.png (248.66 KB, 640x915, IMG_3568.PNG)

>>345908Dragging Jessie's ass to hell.. I wonder if davids seen this thread?
No. 345954
File: 1499152344947.png (187.63 KB, 750x1080, IMG_2179.PNG)

>>345910She's imploding. Pt2 coming
No. 346065
>>345955She seems to be deluded into thinking that so many people say disparaging things about her solely for how she looks (ugly without cakeup), not for the simple fact that's she's a malevolent, blood sucking leech who dedicates her life to instigating drama and portraying a facade of being rich and powerful with a perfect life.
Oh, and being a huge hypocrite/terrible mother with reprehensible taste in "men."
No. 346151
>>346149Exactly. Shotty seems like a mostly harmless, goofy idiot who probably cheats and uses her online for attention, but is primarily just a moron living in a fantasy world.
David seems like a psychopath. He told a girl online he'd knock her teeth out irl in the comments and she didn't even say anything aggressive. He posts really agitative content just to hurt people.. feel really bad for his current gf, but she seems to have a screw loose too.
No. 346213
File: 1499197042642.png (105.37 KB, 640x500, IMG_3602.PNG)

>>345954Firing back at David, despite "being above the drama and haterz"
No. 346220
>>346157Why is she obsessively trying to convince everyone that her fake tits and lip injections qualify as art? They're not art. They're strictly clinical procedures that she paid several thousands of dollars for to address her rampant insecurity. She's an ugly, ratty ass looking bitch and she knows it. The whole world knows that she knows it.
She needs to get real and quit acting like she's filled with peace, love and sunshine when all she does is cause more drama by attacking people and lying to herself.
No. 346222
>>346213Not talking about this post in specific, but I read her comments on IG to David and all I can say is that I'm REALLY sick of her pivoting between texting in Ebonics and scene/alt internet lingo. Especially when her cr*cker ass boyfriend does it.
It pisses me off as a mixed person.
Especially with her stupid ass lip fillers that make her look like a duck and the ridiculous breast implants that look like they're going to tear open her chest at any moment.
It's like they can't fucking decide if they want to be weaboos or wiggers.
No. 346305
File: 1499206414050.png (54.48 KB, 750x282, IMG_2718.PNG)

Seems like some regret is starting to set it about her boob job? She went way too big and looks so unnatural. I feel like they'll explode at an second.
No. 346307
File: 1499206716414.png (82.53 KB, 640x389, IMG_3604.PNG)

>>345955She thinks posting a photo with circle lenses on and her face covered in a literal face mask counts as a "natural, no makeup selfie".
Bitch, your skin is completely covered with a different color and texture, shut the fuck up.
Everyone knows you hate yourself without makeup, hence you caking your face every day for 4 hours just to sit in the pool with 120 degree Vegas heat frying your mayonnaise colored skin and shitty hair extensions.
No. 346312
File: 1499207190541.png (74.49 KB, 640x495, IMG_3606.PNG)

>>346307Also, you can tell she tried to trick people into thinking that she had a natural face on compared to the ridiculous Bullshit she normally has going on with her face. (No winged liner, not drastically overlined with three sets of fake lashes) Then flipped shit at the Jade girl for calling her out on it.
No. 346317
>>346213Jessie is no genius, but she has a point. A dude covered head to toe in tattoos really has no right judging women for wearing makeup or getting plastic surgery.
Though wasn't David her tattoo artist? Jessie, you're just digging yourself a deeper hole here, stop talking.
No. 346321
>>346317I agree to a point, if you're solely comparing the fact that both forms of body modification cover the skin.
But, I see a huge difference and error with her comparing her fake tits to tattoos.
Tattoos are art. You get inspired, you draw them, you color them, then you needle the ink into someone's actual skin and they have a living work of art that hopefully has some kind of sentimental or personal value.
Fake tits are just sacks of saline or silicone pouches that you shove under your skin because you're unhappy with your body.
Even if you argue the same point, but with her makeup, it still doesn't work really. David makes a living with his tattoos because tons of people appreciate his art enough to purchase it. He's amassed a large following for a guy, especially for just a tattoo artist.
Jessie, does not make a living doing people's makeup. In fact, she's never even been shown EVER doing anyone else's makeup at all. The only money she makes, are sporadic mac sponsored posts here and there, and they only sponsored her because she has a large following from camming.
Jessie's makeup is actually shit, if you watch her videos. She only knows how to make herself like a completely different person, she doesn't know how to do makeup on others or come up with interesting or unique looks. It's always the same trashed out hooker look mixed with several psychedelic colors.
She doesn't care about makeup artistry, she's uninspired and not an artist at all.
She just claims that she is because it helps her to justify her vanity, caked on makeup, and billions of selfies online.
No. 346338
>>346307For the thousandth time, she's a fucking bitch to her followers even after they compliment her and kiss her ass in between trying to express a valid opinion.
Jade Waite: "I wasn't trying to be rude, you're beautiful.. I was just saying… I love your makeup.."
Can she just like, leave.. the internet really doesn't need any more bitches like her.
No. 346467
>>346439I'd be surprised if it doesn't end up all over the internet again.
She has no real friends outside of social media, she has no career, no education or pursuit of education, she doesn't play a sport, she has a shitty relationship with almost all of her own family members..
she's treated everyone in her life like shit once she doesn't have a use for them or they don't bow down to her, so she really has no way of dealing with breakups other than to drag them all over the Internet, since that's the only place on earth she has any power whatsoever.
Even then, she seems to just torture guys to get even for whatever she claims they did and then goes right back to them because she's so shitty that she has no other options and knows she can't really hope to do better without improving herself first. Pretty pathetic.
No. 346473
>>346449Lol you guys are worried about her relationship status, meanwhile, if anything I'm more concerned with her actual future…
Like, this bitch is in the physical prime of her life.. and she lives in straight up poverty without bucky or David supporting her financially. She has no diploma, ged, degree or even a trade/certification to do anything useful. All she can do is sex work and that provided her with a barely livable standard of living.. she has a daughter on top of all this, who will need financial support.. What's going to happen when she's old and all the makeup and wigs in the world can't make her look okay and shes ruined all her connections in life… fam/friends/lovers etc.. honestly, her only hope is to marry a guy while she still looks ok with makeup that they can take care of her and even the lowest on the food chain (buckies and davids of the world) don't want to marry her ass because of how crazy she is… cause she certainly isn't going to take her lazy arse back to school.
No. 346550
File: 1499241679273.png (186.82 KB, 750x937, IMG_2302.PNG)

Did Jessie try to contour a double chin out? Also note that green pool and all the filth at the bottom right… ew
No. 346739
>>346550God she looks so disproportionate because she doesn't eat or exercise…
her bobble head and fake tits contrast so much with her ostrich legs.
No. 347316
File: 1499359594119.png (56.5 KB, 639x922, IMG_3620.PNG)

>>346550I know the Leah Defense Force/Forum Child Services will be pissed about this… but honestly I'm just going to say that unless billy gets custody, the kid is most likely going to become a clone of Jessie.
It's a shame because all kids start out sweet, innocent and precious, but she does imitate her mom constantly and Jessie puts all of her effort into forcing Leah to be a clone of her. I guess there's always a slim chance that she won't turn out to be like her mom, however the probability is stacked against her.
But, it's still shitty of David to point out.
No. 347559
File: 1499387283177.png (588.01 KB, 640x1136, IMG_3627.PNG)

>>347316This guy is such a fckin loser. There were 4 people including himself and his crack whore gf at the "forth of July party" that he filmed, very shittily, might I add.
No. 347943
File: 1499452365713.png (183.65 KB, 640x813, IMG_3629.PNG)

Jessie has temporarily removed all forms of social media. Is shotty referring to
No. 347945
File: 1499452649156.png (45.13 KB, 348x434, IMG_3630.PNG)

>>347943The look you make when you realize the whole world doesn't worship your bullshit narcissistic online facade like you thought*
No. 347975
File: 1499455658319.png (58.82 KB, 639x542, IMG_3631.PNG)

>>347943She reactivated her account.. that's why us says 105 posts, Instagram is reloading them all.. That was quick.
No. 348012
File: 1499460131096.png (111.66 KB, 640x558, IMG_3638.PNG)

>>347943Is it just me or hasn't she always explicitly referred to her followers as "fans" and used them as her personal army to target anyone who disagrees with her?
No. 348014
File: 1499460241943.png (150.61 KB, 640x710, IMG_3639.PNG)

>>348012Pt. 2.. what's the big deal with revenge porn when there are countless videos of you on the internet fisting yourself nude and you already posted porn with David on twitter…
No. 348058
File: 1499465012252.png (169.29 KB, 640x900, IMG_3640.PNG)

>>348014-This sycophantic "fan's" comments encapsulates everything wrong with their deluded following: "I love and support them regardless of what they DO because I'm a FAAAN."
-why do bucky and Jessie constantly panhandle for asspats whenever somebody dislikes them?
-why do they constantly reiterate that anyone who disagrees with them and verbalizes their opinion is a "scum, garbage loser with no life", but the crazy strangers who compose endless paragraphs pledging their undying, irrational loyalty to their duo of clowns aren't equally wasting their time by verbalizing their opinions online?
- I also love how they accuse anyone who dislikes them of not having a life, but they can't even hang out with 3 people without filming it to post on IG. Jessie can't even take a shit without posting about it and relating it to how much of a selfless internet martyr she is.
No. 348178
File: 1499477982169.png (448.84 KB, 750x1334, IMG_1872.PNG)

Yeah, she posted a screenshot of the attached photo with a long rant about how it was posted five minutes after she reactivated. How would she know that? Also I'm kicking myself for not getting a screenshot of that, I've only lurked until now but I reported all of the whiteknight comments as spam, which deleted them, and she later deleted the post. I didn't think she would actually react honestly, it just kind of pissed me off.
No. 348181
File: 1499478191311.png (107.76 KB, 750x744, IMG_1873.PNG)

deletes that, and then posts this. kek
No. 348184
File: 1499478358267.png (35.16 KB, 415x494, IMG_1874.PNG)

No. 348198
File: 1499479379696.png (88 KB, 639x939, IMG_3648.PNG)

>>348071Yeah, we're all
clearly jealous that we don't physically resemble the incestuous offspring of trailer park hillbillies cross bred with DNA from various species of flat worm.
What kind of brain dead, cum guzzling penny whore is so deluded by her own massive ego that she has to rationalize that anyone who thinks she's stupid is
actually jealous of her.
Idk about you guys, but I was raised to consider this kind of girl's life to be the
worst case scenario of socioeconomic failure.. Hence tv shows like Maury.
sooo envious. Wish I could've been a high school drop out with a kid on my hip. If only we were all lucky enough to date 30 year old failed rapper wannabes instead of going to college and not needing to validate every insecurity we have with endless selfies on a site where we only have a following from shoving dildos up our asses.
only we hated ourselves enough to cake our faces with 50 lbs of makeup and spend thousands of dollars that we didn't have on plastic surgeries.
sigh if only..
Her Vegas trash friends are equally pitiable. They actually think she's living the American dream and continue to feed this crone's ego.
I'm laughing from my beach house as I type this. Jessie honestly needs to accept that a lot of people just sincerely find her fiasco of an existence to be hilariously entertaining.
File: 1499494581028.jpg (205.9 KB, 640x867, IMG_3654.JPG)

>>3481811. I think she sold all her clothes except for 2 tank tops and 1 tee shirt in order to help pay off her plastic surgeries.
2. I think it's funny that she's spamming selfies now, as if that's supposed to exude confidence? It only demonstrates that her blimp sized ego is bruised and that she's desperate for compliments.
3. The dumb cunt probably deleted her post about this thread because it would've directed a ton of even more traffic to this site, considering it's already one of the first search results that appears for her name online.
No. 348390
File: 1499505116207.png (985.37 KB, 1160x587, why.png)

>>348386Agreed. She looked sooo much better before getting them. I think she should go back to her older makeup looks (pic related). She looked pretty cute back then
No. 348461
>>348429She's going to be making a point to respond nicely to at least
some people now after discovering this thread because she's going to be paranoid of losing her already dwindling online support… like with how the one girl called her out for mistreating her "fans" on bucky's photo, but that's the only reason she'll start temporarily giving a rip.. Cause she's shallow and self centered.
No. 348466
>>348386She should actually sue herself, because the ridiculous results weren't the physicians fault.. she got multiple lip injections, by her own volition. The first syringe looked
ok, as far as fake duck lips go, but she went back for even
more. You can only fill thin chicken lips so much before they just look retarded, and even AFTER that, she continues to overline them ten minutes as after her lips end. She's clearly chasing the "Instagram baddie" physical aesthetic now, which is why she wanted huge tits, huge lips etc… because it's trending online and she can't cope with not looking comparable to girls 1000 times hotter than her. The poor doctor had nothing to do with her obsession or subsequent requests.. it's all a rendition of her lack of intelligence and desperation. That's why she goes COMPLETELY overboard with everything.
No. 348477
File: 1499522735659.png (134.88 KB, 640x767, IMG_3659.PNG)

guess she looks better on the right, but she never consistently looked that way at all. That was just one fluke makeup look, even though it' was labeled "every day makeup".. even back then, she always looked
fucking crazy to me.
Below are examples of what I mean.
Some of these photos look
ok as photos, but consider how ridiculous these looks would be in real life, like if you saw this girl at school or the grocery store. Plus, regardless, her personality has always been shit and that's what matters most,
No. 348479
File: 1499522828969.png (105.94 KB, 640x757, IMG_3658.PNG)

>>348390If I saw this walking around in real life, I would think it was Chewbacca or some kind of mutated pasty sewer rat.
No. 348482
File: 1499522905435.png (101.33 KB, 640x747, IMG_3661.PNG)

>>348390That overlining kool aid mustache tho.
No. 348486
File: 1499523204384.png (93.08 KB, 640x740, IMG_3662.PNG)

>>348482Also, someone needs to teach this bitch how to dress herself.
She acts like she's fashionable and chic, but unless it's a single stripper wear dress, her outfits always consist of booty shorts (which exaggerate her scrawny chicken legs) some form of black sweater and a cropped top. Really trashy and played out for someone who's turning 23 soon. She dresses exactly like the cash me ousside girl did before she started doing Fashion Nova ads at 14.
No. 348495
>>348466That's also why she's trying to wear a lot less makeup now.. bc looking like you have a birthday cake for a face is phasing out online, unless ALL you post is makeup, and even then, people are getting away from it. She's too stupid to observe that once a trend becomes super popular, the polar opposite starts to become popular.
She's trying to catch on now because of David and her followers remarks about natural beauty, but it's honestly too late for her..
No. 348501
>>347943I find it rich that bucky claims everything on this thread is false when nearly every post is supported with image and text based evidence directly from their social media accounts.. has he deluded himself into thinking that entire debacle with David was a fictitious product of our board? Or did jessie hold a gun to his head as he made that post?
I somehow doubt that he even read everything on it considering that he hasn't made any butthurt remarks concerning
his own milk.
No. 348503
>>348390I mean if u like stencil brows & bum hole lips sure
Ver ver nice lmao
No. 348506
>>348429It's because she's a belligerent narcissist. Narcissists never acknowledge or appreciate people who support them, because they expect it naturally as the order of things. It's the bare minimum to them. They attack in full force people who question their facade because it
triggers their psychotic rage.
No. 348915
File: 1499562655706.jpg (521.57 KB, 2560x2560, IMG_2815.JPG)

She has no idea how she treats others. The only time she posts about ~sharing love and being kind~ is just to save face or cover some drama she's in, otherwise she acts like she's better than "us little guys." I think people are starting to notice though. The person hasn't replied to her yet, I'm waiting to see what they say.
No. 348971
>>348915Idk why she goes on like she's so famous anyway. Not really hard to get 100k+ followers on Instagram when you sex cam for several years. She's had an IG since IG existed too, so it was even easier to gain followers back then.
And the Facebook following is due to so many old men using it from her camming days as well.
Also, she uses a Like Bot app; one time I scrolled down the likers list of one of her selfies right after she posted, and 95% of the user's avatars were blank with spammy 865_ghjtghf usernames, following 6000 people with 10 followers a piece. She floods her photo with spam likes and then the normal followers cover it up by liking the post after she does that so that it's inconspicuous.. that's why she barely gets any comments on a lot of posts in proportion to the likes. Most people with 100k+ followers get hundreds and hundreds of comments.
So, yeah.. lol.
No. 349185
>>349184You are clearly lost if you think you are supposed to be anything but anonymous here.
Still bumping the thread too. Gg Briana.
No. 349296
>>349192Interestingly enough, "Briana", some of us
do have English technical writing degrees! Some of us
do have "large" followings on the internet (50k large enough for you to care, "briana"?) Some of
us are graduating from an Honors College at a large university, magma cum laude, in a year and are going on to graduate school after. Some of
us are
actually engaged with an
actual diamond ring with a guy who
hasn't cheated on us or exploited us as a whore on the internet for followers.
Some of
us have parents who are bridal designers and aerospace engineers, reside in large cities, in houses with marble floors and huge pillars outside the door, by the beach.
Side Note: some of
our pools
also couldn't qualify as a large scale Petri dish for experimental algae development.
Sorry if it sounds like bragging about my life, I'm not meaning to; I'm just
so tired of this cancerous attitude that anyone who posts to an image board is a miserable, neckbearded, "sCumMy LoSEr with nO LIfE." As bucky so eloquently phrased. I'm sure all the other anons on this thread have amazing lives too, considering that we each have a few minutes of free time in our day to post from our phones or various rigs with internet service to laugh up a grammatically correct storm about Jessie, I just can't speak for any of you specifically.
One of Jessie's most narcissistic traits is that she cannot conceive that
anyone could think she's a joke,
unless that person were somehow beneath her in every way (which would be
pretty hard to accomplish, imo.)
The real people with no lives are people like Jessie, who dedicate her entire existence to painting an alternate reality of her life for strangers that she supposedly doesn't care about. Jessie becoming an lolcow was destined to occur by (lack of?) virtue of her own nature…
Also, FYI, since you clearly don't have very much information in that amoeba sized brain of yours, this website is comprised of hundreds and hundreds of users. It's not just 2 people talking to themselves, like Jessie would love to imagine, for her ego's sake.
This thread is also one of the first results that appear when one googles her name, so there wasn't much cow tipping to be accomplished in the first place! I bet future sponsors will love that, if they're authoratative enough to research with whom they'll be associating their brands..
I would also like to discern that "briana" didn't disclose
her anonymity either, because she neglected to include
her last name!
everything that
anyone does could arguably be construed as a waste of time, but I think I would attribute defending a busted up, illiterate, lulzy cam whore
above cracking a few jokes amidst our daily activities at the expense of said cam whore, who also identifies as a "public figure" at the very top of the definitive "waste of time" scale.
*I'd tell "briana" to sage her posts when they don't contribute anything meaningful to the discussion in the future, but it would appear that a mod has already graciously banned her.
I think it's safe to say that
>>348971 was onto something with the Instagram botting app since ~"Briana"~ suddenly decided to join the convo now even though Jessie posted about this thread days ago before subsequently deleting.
No. 349354
>>349236I'm with you, I think it's Jessie posting under a pseudonym. I reviewed Jessie's recent posts and determined so many syntax, grammatical similarities and colloquialisms.
I will post below, might get temp banned for this like others on this thread but idc they all said very true things that I couldn't agree with more.
Anyway, will be multiposting similarities that I noticed.
No. 349355
File: 1499618141973.png (26.14 KB, 508x207, IMG_3679.PNG)

>>349354"I find it funny how…"
No. 349357
File: 1499618221235.png (14.66 KB, 433x135, IMG_3673.PNG)

>>349356"Oh god"
Jessie's highly limited lexicon is showing..
No. 349358
File: 1499618255870.png (12.13 KB, 506x108, IMG_3677.PNG)

>>349357…. you'd think she would've tried to not make this so easy.
No. 349359
File: 1499618363209.png (28.5 KB, 640x241, IMG_3674.PNG)

>>349358Excessive use of &&& instead of "and", like commonly educated people.
No. 349360
File: 1499618419170.png (37.35 KB, 472x248, IMG_3676.PNG)

>>349359I also find it hard to believe that anyone in her actual life actually cares enough to post so many times in her defense besides herself.
No. 349368
>>349190Hi, my name briana and I can't spell for shit but I love to dick ride jessieblush the ugly internet skank, probz cause I identify with being a nasty ass cow and aspire to be like Jessie someday omg NOTICE ME jessie am I ur biggest fan yet PLZZZZ ??
I make fun of anonymous (even tho I won't post my full name or contact info) because they know how to articulate complex sentences and serve dank roasts like it's thanksgiving and that makes me feel insecure cuz I probz dropped out of high school like jessie and got preg at 16 by a methed out goat fucker who didn't give 2 shits about me ?????? gg anonymous!
No. 349373
>>349184Download a VPN app to bypass your ban and post your IG handle or FB.. Wanna be internet famous, or become a meme? If not, then go back to eating Jessie's ass on her Instagram. This isn't the place for it because some of
us are
also active /b/ posters.
Got milk?
No. 349605
File: 1499641264016.png (867.25 KB, 750x1334, IMG_1939.PNG)

when you don't get any likes
(sorry for the way it is, the post was too long to screenshot with the amount of likes showing lol) but this was on Facebook.
Speaking of that, why did she delete twitter just to say she doesn't have a twitter and start using Facebook like a twitter?
No. 349679
File: 1499650976035.jpg (110.94 KB, 540x960, IMG_0141.JPG)

>>349605When you find out you're an lolcow and the only back up you got is a dumb bitch named "Briana" who may or may not be just another one of your many alter egos.
No. 349716
File: 1499656817081.jpg (19.05 KB, 600x400, 66mxte9.jpg)

>>349605Tbh she looks so much better in that picture. She looks like a middle aged, botched surgery, used up, ex pornstar now. Which is kind of insane given how young she is.
No. 350767
File: 1499803086172.jpg (89.81 KB, 640x749, IMG_0155.JPG)

>>335162>>333725I thought these people were "ballers"? Really pathetic that they preach so often about having "extravagant lifestyles" and "not needing nobody", yet they are constantly requisitioning favors and can't even afford to rent a convertible of their choice. Wasn't Bucky always posting snapchats or Ig stories of himself in a convertible? I'd theorize that he sold it to help pay off Jessie's new udders, but I doubt he's that selfless….
No. 350862
File: 1499816857139.jpg (96.12 KB, 640x895, IMG_0156.JPG)

>>350767Guys, if she gets Botox at 23… oml.
The muscular paralysis.. the potential milk this could produce.
Jessie: "fuck it all, who needs to smile when my teeth look like shattered razor blades."
No. 350875
>>350854Why don't you kindly remove yourself from our thread and try to focus on something productive, like losing the 200 extra lbs of "pregnancy weight" that you gained at 16, since you don't derive any entertainment from this board.
Your face looks like someone smashed a Boston terrier in the snout with a cast iron frying pan and then dumped a metric shit ton of knock off Estée Lauder double wear on it out of sympathy.
I can already tell that you recreationally jog inside wal-mart in dark wash denim, rhinestone embellished booty shorts with your obscene mass of blubber spilling 3 ft out of your Salvation Army tank top while your screaming child yanks at your repulsively diseased teat and your bf imagines fist fucking the underage cashier who has a 98% chance of being both of your first cousins.
You can go; I PROMISE you, we don't have any Twinkies, and even if we did, we'd feed them to our anachans before we wasted them on Jessie's asscrack lickers.
You're free to leave.
No. 350896
>>350891Anon, you're asking a lot of someone who presumably learned how to do makeup from Jessie Blush, cumslut MUA, phD, M.D…
I mean this obsessive loyalty has to be derived from somewhere, it's not like this thread is funny to her like it is to us cultured human beans..
No. 351049
File: 1499854582851.png (217.7 KB, 750x1118, IMG_2333.PNG)

Hoe, do you know what a trap is? It's a lady boy you dumb fuck. Lord have mercy
No. 351097
>>351049>>351049I wonder how many more posts will be passive aggressively directed towards anonymous lol.
Plus I'm bewildered as to how she's STILL deluded into thinking that her pasty white, gangly praying mantis looking body somehow incites anger/envy from us. I wouldn't trade mine for hers even if it was the last on earth.. Cause HIV… not even considering that she looks nasty. No ass, no hips, no thighs. Just terrible quality fake tits.
No. 351215
>>351198Also, why is she bothering to add a disclaimer for this particular desperate-attention-whore selfie when her entire page is a catalogue of them?
She's trying so hard to look empowered and confident, but instead, she's just disclosing what a vacuous, desperate for attention bitch she is. Anyone notice how since people started calling her out for not giving a fuck about her followers, and now she's suddenly writing back to everyone in her comments? So fake and self serving, it's not even funny.. and she thinks no one sees through her.
What pretense.
No. 351384
File: 1499897430239.jpg (76.75 KB, 640x796, IMG_3659.JPG)

>>351049Jessie looks like a bargain-basement Farrah Moan.
No. 352073
File: 1499990969151.jpeg (93.42 KB, 640x664, image.jpeg)

Thought this was worth posting. I'm pretty sure Jessie creeps this thread, an anon mentioned her resembling Farrah Moan & wouldn't you know, she starts following her.
No. 352090
>>352073Farrah is 1000% prettier and 5000% less insufferable than that anorexic bimbo. She looks
and acts more like Jeffree Star.
And yeah, it's not really a surprise that a self obsessed, insecure, narcisstic shit show would lurk on her own lolcow thread; she's already posted and issued a retracted digital rampage on the subject.
No. 352102
>>352073Jessie Blush is physically nothing but makeup, angles, plastic and synthetic hair.
Psychologically, Jessie Blush is 8 kilos of illiteracy, 9 cups of psychopathy, 38.6 mols daddy issues, 64 oz poverty and 56 newtons of psychedelic cat piss.
She reminds me of Smeagol and Gollum, where marginal internet fame is like The One Ring, and her physical/character degradation can be observed directly from her social media accounts.
Especially because she pivots between being "poor pitiful me" to a raging bitch with self diagnosed mental health issues.
Someone should edit a gif of the scene where Frodo gets his finger bitten off by Gollum, to where the heads are replaced with stills of Bucky OR David and Jessie respectively, with the ring being Jessie's phone and Bucky or David getting his gored.
No. 352115
>>352073She thrives on generating drama because it's one of the only forms of attention that she gets in life besides old men hitting on her.. An unfortunate consequence of being stupid and useless beyond sex work.
That's why she's obsessed with makeup, if she couldn't make herself look like a completely different human, nobody would pay to jack off to her and therefore nobody would pay any attention to her.
She can't help herself.. it's too tempting to not retaliate passive aggressively for her.
No. 352136
File: 1499996059973.png (114.71 KB, 636x885, IMG_3751.PNG)

>>3520731. I'm surprised she didn't caption this as "I finally did it guys! My new 3 bedroom mansion ???????" (seriously, bitch, learn some other emojis.)
2. Bucky is a shit photographer; this photo has no compositional value. You don't take fashion photos while focusing on the architecture.
3. She's trying to emulate ACTUAL fashion bloggers' photos.. probably because she wants free clothes.. since she's poor and has no fashion sense. (I remember her posting about wanting clothing sponsors.)
And because someone on this thread dragged her ass for only wearing under shirts as outfits.
4. This is the most boring, juvenile and tacky outfit I've ever seen in my life.. My god. That forever21 dress can only work as a candid/casual photo. Sneakers with a sweater dress of the same color in July?? Are you shitting me?
5. She needs to burn that ugly ass Betsey Johnson bag. It's fucking tacky as hell and screams "I have no refinement or sophistication and am permanently arrested in 13 year old trailer park chic/ghetto fab style."
6. That dark ass magenta hair color looks like shit. It makes her look severely jaundiced and even more attention starving than usual. She has no concept of the color wheel and how to apply it to fashion or hair. She looks like a troll or a dollar store Barbie.
We get it, you felt incredibly ugly and insecure as a teenager, so now you're trying to absolve that issue by never advancing past that stage, but it's not working.
Grow up already, you're almost 23
and you're a mother. It's time to stop emulating trollz and Lisa frank stickers/chasing online aesthetics and get your life together.
No. 352317
File: 1500029098085.png (119.79 KB, 750x744, IMG_0827.PNG)

Most recent picture of Jessie and Bucky.
No. 352583
File: 1500064007009.png (124.13 KB, 640x676, IMG_3764.PNG)

>>352317Impeccable timing, anon.
Also, her tits look like boxing speed balls. Gross.
No. 353259
File: 1500167735911.jpg (100.86 KB, 622x1334, IMG_2132.JPG)

>>353256I'm on mobile so I can't post multiple photos at once but this comment just shows how far up her ass her little fans are. No way in hell, even if I were half blind, would I think that this trashy ass photo is anything reminiscent of sailor moon.
No. 353318
File: 1500176634892.png (1.07 MB, 750x1334, IMG_7014.PNG)

Only fools are impressed by this.
No. 353359
File: 1500182863368.png (241.12 KB, 750x1334, IMG_2386.PNG)

They right next to each other prolly going "hey go look what I commented and comment back!!!"
No. 353518
>>353359"Lemme tell you why that's bullshit.."
When they broke up he talked so much shit about her for wearing 50kg of makeup every day. (Just like every guy she dates) she's deluded if she either can't remember or thinks other people don't. Alas, I can't provide any screenshots pertaining to this because she deleted all the evidence of them fighting I think.. plus she changed her fb settings upon discovering this thread.
No. 353603
File: 1500230242323.png (75.44 KB, 749x411, IMG_2408.PNG)

>>353518Hey Bucky if you're reading this, your gf thinks you suck
No. 353775
File: 1500249682488.png (62.29 KB, 750x324, IMG_2413.PNG)

Back when Bucky talked shit about girls wearing too much makeup, yet Jessie wears 60 pounds of it lol
No. 354572
File: 1500390369237.jpg (321.48 KB, 1242x1242, IMG_2433.JPG)

Jessie is so bad in candids. She looks soooo different than her selfies..
No. 355162
File: 1500446503214.png (150.72 KB, 750x980, IMG_2457.PNG)

Jessie blush staring in…
No. 355163
File: 1500446584304.png (139.61 KB, 750x1125, IMG_2456.PNG)

(Cont.) trick pony!
No. 356564
File: 1500611980146.png (377.9 KB, 1242x2208, IMG_1432.PNG)

This was in the comments of a video she shared where this girl was slurring her words talking shit about people and I think Jessie just lowkey admitted to doing cocaine?
No. 356590
File: 1500613204324.jpg (266.94 KB, 960x960, IMG_2516.JPG)

Also, her boobs look hella lopsided, and I get that one arm IS raised. But idk they look botched to me.
No. 356655
File: 1500615731366.jpg (652.55 KB, 1242x1360, Enlight13.jpg)

Okay but you have to admit, the resemblance between her and a furbee is kind of incredible though.
No. 357240
>>356564>>356800Wow, really surprised she could ever afford coke.. guess we know now why Leah was a premature birth.
Also, it's not that hard to be skinny when you snort yay and don't eat anything lol.
No appreciation for this nasty bitch.
No. 359362
>>357680She's 22, 23 in September.
Her daughter is what? 4? So she had her at 18? 19?
You don't have to be "stalker" to know information she's made public.
No. 361452
File: 1501139933211.jpg (59.57 KB, 671x640, IMG_2681.JPG)

Is it just me or does it look like she's got a bun in the oven here? Like it's either that or rlly bad period bloat. But it's all low like in the uterus…
No. 361453
File: 1501139945643.jpg (109.96 KB, 960x960, IMG_2682.JPG)

No. 361953
File: 1501207450520.png (168.83 KB, 750x1014, IMG_2697.PNG)

On his ig story he's talking about how he's made so much money that he was able to drop some to stay in a nice hotel with Jessie; yelling takeover in like each clip. Mother fucker staying at a Hilton, probably had his mommy get his room comped, or he got it comped since he works for Hilton as well. Keep talking about how you drop so much money to treat your girl, we all know you're a budget "baller"
No. 362329
>>361953Lake Las Vegas is so run down, the Hilton there sells Groupons all the time because it's such a ghost town. Even paying full price, on a weekend, a room is only around $125.
Also, you can go to the spot where that photo was taken without being a guest of the hotel. Shotty totally seems like the type of dbag that would go take pics like this just to impress his retarded fans
Hella baller status.
No. 362818
File: 1501317429020.jpg (245.07 KB, 1199x800, IMG_1675.JPG)

How in the hell does she honestly think she has a pear shaped figure? I feel for her if she truly has struggled with body dysmorphia and if that has caused her to have an eating disorder but I feel like her view of her body is still askew.
No. 363681
File: 1501454721695.png (183.64 KB, 750x816, IMG_2443.PNG)

I wonder if her or billy knows bucky has slept with Billy's newest gem he has around Leah?
No. 363851
Boy am I glad to have found this.
I'm not one to really rip into anyone. I'm sure she has her shit; I figure you've got to to have made some of the choices she had.
I used to be kind of jealous on Jessie, actually. Of her looks. And then I saw the post of her without makeup and realized she's pretty average. And now the cosmetic enhancements. I guess anyone can be pretty with enough money.
Anyway, I was always pretty…indifferent when it came to Jessie as person. But over the past few year, especially her time with Bucky, I've found her starting to frustrate me. As others have posted, she's unnecessarily aggressive and hostile to people offering opinions that she doesn't agree with. It's pretty clear their intentions are to purposely offend her but her first reaction is to become aggressive and rude in response. And it's hypocritical as she often "criticizes" (more like passes judgment) on people in her posts as well. A shitty part of being in the social media spotlight is that you get a lot of criticism. Some haters, but some valid. And if you have an eating disorder, anxiety disorder, etc, you have to be aware that it's going to be a greater struggle for you. it's probably best to see a therapist to help you through those issues so you're actually able to handle what will come both on and off the Internet. Maybe she is. I don't know. But it seems like after having her "breakdown" that brought her back…after ruining…her and Bucky she hasn't mentioned much of finding help. If I was blacking out and hallucinating and losing sight of reality, you can be damn sure I'd be working with doctors and shrinks to make sure I wasn't putting myself or other in danger. Which brings me to another point: posting about doing coke, working in sex industry, living in a party house, etc and having severe mental health issues can all be screenshot (and are documented here) and I wonder if Leah's dad could use it to build a case for full custody if he wanted to?
One of the things that really peeved me was her complaining about how she doesnt get enough credit for her work but she sees all these other MUA who are successful. That complaint should have resolved itself with self reflection: how much work does she puts in compared to them, how much time does she dedicates to her work compared to them, how is she promoting her work compared to them. It's all virtually nonexistent in comparison to the MUAs who are seeing a lot of success from their HARD WORK AND EFFORT. If you aren't truly dedicated, you're just not going to see the same results. Duh. But what's more frustrating is that she believes she is just as dedicated and has put forth just as much effort when you only have to scroll though her IG and her YouTube videos to see that she's not even really putting work out.
Bucky is a fucking lolcow in his own right and he almost irritates me more than her. Whenever he does a "freestyle" I cringe because it's just….bad. He thinks if it rhymes it's great when it's just a bunch of forced words that lack any depth. My favorite was when he posted a freestyle battle when one of the challengers was getting ripped on for not being as great as "Shotty". THATS RIGHT. It wasn't BUCKY rapping, it was some other dude roasting a guy FOR Bucky. And he wasn't half bad. I wonder if Bucky had a chance to get up there because I would have loved to see how he did in comparison. It just speaks to how he needs to give up the dream or be satisfied being an unknown, mediocre artist because he absolutely doesn't have the talent to make it big. And Jessie knows that. You can tell when she cringes at some of his freestyles in their snapchats. And WHY must he say in almost EVRY.DAMN.SNAP "WHOO" and "you already know what it is" and "it's the takeover"?? Do I? And is it? It reminds me of when Miley Cyrus insisted that she was going to start a movement with her work. Spoiler alert: She didn't.
You know that friend(or acquaintance) you follow on IG? The one that posts a lovely post about how great their SO is and how happy they make them every other week? But you heard from another friend that her boyfriend fucked Susan and that they fight all the time. I feel like that's what's going on here. Generally, when I see a couple posting excessively about their love for each other, it tells me the relationship is shit and they're compensating to the outside world. I saw a post mentioning how Jessie had deleted a bunch of stuff about Bucky a few weeks ago and I had noticed as well. She edited her captions and deleted the more recent pictures.
I don't hate the girl. I mostly feel sorry for her. It sucks to be in the place she's in right now, but it's impossible to move out of it without being really honest with yourself about who you are and why you're there. I don't see that happening anytime soon.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 364915
File: 1501637416099.png (231.5 KB, 749x1123, IMG_2778.PNG)

I'm glad they did something with Leah other than take her out to eat/ brag about spending so much money on her. I hope it was at least fun for Leah :)
As for her outfit, that's some white trash shit. Those tanks are for layering, not to wear on their own.
Repost bc I forgot to sage as this isn't truly milky.
No. 365409
File: 1501704659651.jpg (84.56 KB, 214x442, ew.jpg)

Has anyone else noticed her bf's teeth look like his mom drank every day of her pregnancy
No. 365546
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Hmmm..kind of..ironic.
No. 366304
File: 1501812478090.png (136.6 KB, 750x810, IMG_2816.PNG)

So is Jessie's new "job" a prostitute? Cause she sure keeps dressing like one. I wish Bucky would give up on his attempt at being a rapper..
No. 366356
File: 1501822774891.jpg (529.94 KB, 2048x2048, EE03A871-99C3-4A10-8B49-F6FE81…)

What loving man let's his girl go out and be FILMED looking this sloppy???
No. 366742
File: 1501888888277.jpg (23.39 KB, 625x213, klol.jpg)

also known as: i have to pretend i spend time with my crotch fruit
No. 368492
>>362818lol pear shape? bitch no. you have skinny legs and arms and your fat goes to your stomach first. she has NO hips, NO curves.
& that's totally fine - I have a pear shape myself and tbh I would looove a slender, boyish body shape, I've always loved how it looks. but stop lying about something as obvious as the shape of your body. WE HAVE EYES, JESSIE.
No. 369178
File: 1502255785263.png (142.4 KB, 750x1009, IMG_2878.PNG)

Jessie blush..Jessie jugalette
No. 369514
File: 1502308314713.jpg (15.75 KB, 240x200, IMG_2886.JPG)

>>369213 Her nose legitimately looks like stitches nose…
No. 369909
>>369548I agree. If you compare the aquarium outfit to the sloppy, ridiculous crap she's wearing in
>>366304 and
>>366356, she looks nice comparatively.
No. 370392
File: 1502425587263.png (128.09 KB, 749x1073, IMG_2890.PNG)

Shotty looks like a meth addict.
No. 377642
File: 1503458842719.png (57.19 KB, 739x450, IMG_3176.PNG)

She's gonna be a designer guys
No. 380713
>>380669Can you tell us about her dynamic with that fuck boy she's been with on and off and on again? I can't get over the fact that she blasted his ass all over social media after she had started fucking someone else and he still wanted to get back with her.
Welcome to the farms, btw!
No. 381060
File: 1503867567378.jpg (191.12 KB, 1242x1330, IMG_2660.JPG)

Jesus Christ. I think she's become one of those people where once they have a small taste of plastic surgery, they just go overboard and want to change everything.
No. 384750
File: 1505096467315.png (134.59 KB, 750x1077, IMG_3886.PNG)

$300 for a fucking tacky mirror? What a fool. Apparently Bucky bought this and other stuff from the set for her birthday. My boyfriend would have the same reaction, $300 for a tacky mirror you could probably diy for like $40. Lmao.
No. 385412
>>383312I definitely agree with you on the Snapchat thing. Jessie is constantly showing off her new boobs or twerking in the snaps. Probably couldn't take the criticism from posting that kinda stuff to Instagram anymore.
And it's really obnoxious that Bucky's snaps always start out with those stupid "WOOOOP YOU KNOW WHAT TIME IT ISSSSS!"
No. 386156
>>384750Stupid ass Shotty is on Snapchat talking about how he has to turn down offers to do shows because he's so busy making that money.
But Bucky, I thought this was THE TAKEOVER and you were basically the Jay-Z of LV? Stupid fuck.
And it doesn't matter how much money you make when you waste it on shitty makeup palettes and overpriced 'princess pink' furniture for your camwhore cunt of a girlfriend. Buy a house. Start a college fund for Leah. Then you can brag homeslice.
No. 386721
>>386284You really think that's still happening?
Jessie is whining about how the mirror arrived broken again. But it's really well made guyz, postal service just sucks
No. 387199
File: 1505499166294.png (192.42 KB, 1240x1243, IMG_3325.PNG)

Her room reminds me of a casting room with the infamous black couch. The entire place looks so tacky and cheap.
No. 387294
>>387292Forgot to sage. .-. Sorry.
But I can't believe she's trying to pass this off as something other than trash. Literally what. Someone in the comments of the post she made about the original mirror breaking, said that she could just put a new mirror in the frame. So why she's decided to make them "artwork" or chalk boards.. I don't understand. Her "art" btw is just chibi drawings. Lol.
No. 390244
File: 1505965464097.png (188.29 KB, 750x1113, IMG_4105.PNG)

Her wig is so bad
No. 390528
File: 1506015335101.png (164.41 KB, 750x999, IMG_4118.PNG)

Who the hell wears a full face of makeup and a wig to the pool?? It must suck to be so insecure that you need all these things to feel better about yourself.. at a pool.
No. 390534
File: 1506016653515.jpeg (151.74 KB, 720x960, 813B54A7-AFA3-4B00-A245-D27459…)

No ass having Jessie and her buffalo friends at the pool
No. 390559
File: 1506021379608.jpg (178.64 KB, 960x720, IMG_3470.JPG)

Her legs look soooo disproportionate to her midsection, in my opinion. Not that she's fat or anything, obviously, but she has like a hot dog kind of body shape with big fake breasts and toothpicks for legs and it looks so strange.
No. 390561
File: 1506021485129.png (278.17 KB, 1219x1896, IMG_3473.PNG)

Also girrrrl nobody gives a fuck about these tacky ass mirrors anough to need like 6 posts updating everybody about them
No. 390599
>>390561Those window shutters are the kind they put in ghetto apartments. Lmao. Such a baller.
Also I wanna know what is on that canvas hanging up.
No. 390603
File: 1506026721764.png (77.01 KB, 615x847, IMG_4133.PNG)

Uh yes you do, she's on your PUBLIC Facebook.. same with you boyfriend's social media.
No. 390616
File: 1506029015449.png (219.73 KB, 750x1115, IMG_4136.PNG)

Does Prince Charming only own one suit?
No. 390646
>>390616"Couldn't ask for a better life.." BITCH I CAN. How about a life where you own the house you are raising your child in? A life where you have a college fund started for that child? Hell, a life where your vain ass didn't have to make stupid ass duck lip faces because you are too ashamed to show your jackass ass teeth unless you are so coked up or drunk that you forget how bad they look.
Stupid fake ass cunt.
No. 390845
>>390528These lips look like prolapsed anuses
Also I can't help but to imagine how sticky these creatures must be underneath all that make-up and hair
No. 390846
>>390534samefag but….her head? It looks like a grape compared to her body (which I would expect because of her awful chest) and it's like half the size of all her friends'.
Is that editing or just unfortunate photography? Because I'm concerned.
No. 391546
File: 1506188326302.png (279.36 KB, 750x1178, IMG_4194.PNG)

Do you guys think she cares about anyone/anything else? Lmao
No. 392721
File: 1506402214298.jpeg (1.23 MB, 3152x3940, 1BC61EC4-5295-4060-B55B-72CC9C…)

If you wanted proof i’ve known her 10+ years , here’s some old old photos . I have much much more as well .
No. 397608
File: 1507083605643.jpg (65.17 KB, 649x321, jskbkjs.jpg)

apparently shes going to actually do something with her life…
No. 397673
File: 1507094658871.png (147.26 KB, 1242x587, IMG_3935.PNG)

Yeah, because you went way overboard and now your bust is completely disproportionate to the rest of your lanky frame. I understand her being insecure about her breasts and wanting to have a breast augmentation but she way over did it.
No. 400806
File: 1507529097775.jpeg (149.42 KB, 717x1062, 6F254A13-E64C-40AD-B15C-B26B64…)

Can’t wait until she’s bald because she can’t seem to make up her mind about what color hair she wants.
No. 401676
File: 1507667412474.jpeg (204.68 KB, 729x1057, EBA3FFAA-24A2-4715-8AF6-1BBE2C…)

>>401377Post images or don’t post this kinda shit
No. 402167
File: 1507750481870.png (2.86 MB, 750x1334, 05FD8646-0E4F-4F1E-9EBB-A31FE0…)

I don’t post my kid on social media… unless it’s to brag about being legendary
No. 402304
>>401676>>402167These pictures are probably going to be removed bc they’re photos of her child.
But I agree, it’s bull shit that she claims she doesn’t post Leah on instagram like she trying to be a good mom. When really she doesn’t post Leah often because she wants everyone’s attention on her. That’s why her feed is mostly selfies. Bucky posts more about Jessie and Leah, than Jessie posts about Leah and Bucky. She’s living her perfect life. Someone else providing for her, while she takes selfies all day and lives a very vain life. Nothing matters to her except herself.
No. 404205
File: 1508089551202.jpeg (355 KB, 750x1102, D0796C1D-B921-449E-80ED-652C01…)

Jessie’s loser boyfriend trying to sound like he’s on the same tier as Mickey Avalon and dirt nasty. And he’s not. Dirt nasty may be a joke, but he’s better than whatever the fuck shotty is.
No. 405967
File: 1508436873893.png (241.27 KB, 748x1104, IMG_5408.PNG)

Incoming photo update dump
No. 405968
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No. 405969
File: 1508436908451.jpg (214.52 KB, 750x1106, IMG_5412.JPG)

No. 407216
File: 1508627755304.jpeg (201.72 KB, 750x845, A8D86DF2-DEEE-4113-AB50-AE0819…)

Shotty out here blocking Leah from tigger and stealing the show. How sad is it when you (a thirty year old) compete with a 4 year old for her moms attention..
No. 407812
File: 1508710721072.jpeg (43.59 KB, 295x353, 15761468-DB24-469B-8F8E-93E000…)

Sara champerlain is also a former cam modeling who’s on a shit ton of drugs, talk about a dead beat mother.
No. 407828
>>407780We block out Leah, she's not actually posted.
Also, "because she wanted to feel pretty" really? I didn't know you needed a man to feel pretty lmao.
Jeez, stop sperging and go take a selfie or something.
No. 407851
>>407841We've never said anything negative about Leah, we only comment on your awful parenting skills and the types of things you're exposing her to at such a young age. We're only worried about her future and we'll being honestly.
I thought you didn't care about haters? And questions since you're here, what made you out yourself on your own thread? Was it the selfie comment? Does calling you ugly help you feel better about any of this? Sorry that some of us are blessed with plump lips and natural Ds.
Why don't you start at the top of the thread again, look at where you are now, then come back and ask us why we think about you the way we do.
No. 407914
File: 1508721587294.png (316.17 KB, 750x1334, B1E767E5-AC0F-472E-B9F1-FC4C61…)

>>407912Maybe I should do what everyone else does, notice the writing anyone? Looks familiar. Fuck off.
No. 407929
>>407921Nah, if you knocked your shit off we wouldn’t have anything to complain about.
However, since you won’t delete your stuff just know that this will probably not stop. The repercussions of having a large internet following is that sometimes people aren’t going to have the nicest shit to say about you. So it’s either you shut up and deal with it or you bow the fuck out.
No. 407938
File: 1508723892686.jpeg (90.57 KB, 750x1260, C655AD7E-4954-4457-AF7F-2C83B7…)

One last thing my instagram is majority of females.
No. 407958
File: 1508725539521.jpg (8.64 KB, 299x168, download.jpg)

>>407938I'm sure there are some creepers mixed into that percentage hiding behind fake accounts. Gross, but it happens more often than you might think
But anyway
What just happened to this thread? Has this just been Jessie and Sara going back and forth? sage for dumb
No. 407959
File: 1508725627374.jpeg (38.94 KB, 749x364, AEB7B9FB-E907-4879-9B49-F51F7F…)

Yes that’s literally what we just told you.
No. 408044
File: 1508739478376.jpeg (165.48 KB, 640x881, 9A6591F9-FD11-4525-89C5-022948…)

>>407928You are the sensationally delusional joke, Jessie. That is precisely why such a large number of people have congregated and published their observations regarding you in their freetime.
It says little about the characters of the publishers and everything to do with yours- for several years, you have broadcasted every minuscule detail of your life to an audience on the internet.
Today, the internet is a web of entertainers, information and content. You have never been amicable to your audience’s unbiased feedback; you have consistently derogated, blocked, or enlisted your mindless drones on Instagram to attack anyone who bears a word of criticism, despite how kindly or well intentioned it might have been.
I read your vapid little diatribe where you proclaimed to be a reformed, born again, come to Cyber Jesus woman, and for a moment, I felt reticent about ever posting on this thread again, but in the same digital breadth, you have demonstrated that you are STILL a pathological liar, deluded and a narcissistic cow.
Everything on this thread was public content that YOU supplied to the internet for attention in order to satiate your own vacuous vanity. You wanted to feel like a celebrity, but celebrities provide entertainment by succeeding OR failing and the public’s opinion of them is reflective of how they present themselves and treat others. You adore being a victim because you’re addicted to attention.
You are unable to cope with criticism because you are little more than a bubbling cess pit of brewing psychological disorders, insecurity and anger.
You have supplemented a lack of parental love and attention with horrifically abusive relationships that you proudly showcased to thousands of impressionable young women online. Bragging about your following’s demographic only reinforces how damaging your presence is online.
Secondly, do not dare to assert that you would EVER have obtained your relatively meager “internet fame” if you had not webcammed and advertised your webcamming across ALL of your channels. You have had an Instagram since the platform launched and you did NOT blow up on the internet prior to your webcamming.
Your situation is pitiable and not inherently reprehensible- a socioeconomically disadvantaged, intellectually underprivileged girl turns to sex work after becoming pregnant and dropping out of high school… that is simply tragic.
What causes so many people to despise you is that you parade yourself around like a goddess among peasants while simultaneously fabricating lies and façades in order to garnish envy from your following because YOU have been envious of other people your entire life.
You thrive on conflict and drama because you are unable to determine the difference between positive and negative attention- even now, you ask for names so that you can publicly shame our identities online and play the poor innocent victim role again on instagram.
You are self obsessed and you contribute nothing to this planet unless it serves to inflate your own ego to thousands of strangers because without your following, you have nothing in the world besides that poor child and whatever man you leech off of. You have no education, no career, no productive talents and no real personality.
You copy whatever trending aesthetic crosses your path on the internet because again, you competitively NEED the attention that copying trends brings. You are never satisfied with your hair, your face, or your body because your fake, contrived, less than average appearance is all you have control over.
You epitomize hypocrisy, narcissism and self destruction. You are so conceited that you convince yourself that ANYONE who finds your virtual presence detestable is socially, mentally or aesthetically deficient.
The fact that the anonymous contributors of this thread disdain your lifestyle that you market to thousands of women innately PROVES to me beyond a doubt that they are infinitely better off than you, someone who LIVES to contemplate unnecessary cosmetic surgery and targeting other people online instead of ACTUALLY contributing positivity to the planet.
You have incessantly bullied friends, family members AND strangers on both Instagram and Facebook, callously, might I add, and you think yourself too great to be criticized in return.
This thread is your reality check- learn from it, or be a laughing stock for the rest of your life, both on
and off the Internet.
No. 408047
File: 1508739842617.png (1.01 MB, 640x1136, 0699ABB2-568E-466B-A2AD-C27AB8…)

>>407913You never marketed your webcamming on Instagram to men? Really, now…
No. 408048
File: 1508739939775.jpeg (188.93 KB, 640x886, 894F5ECF-09E0-4AB3-A917-A98C69…)

>>407921Nearly everything posted on this thread is substantiated with visual or textual content that YOU have published online- not based on blind assumptions.
I really appreciate that you kept your webcamming separate from your social media like you claim though, that’s pretty top notch.
No. 408051
File: 1508740314903.jpeg (62.34 KB, 640x375, 2B5A78EC-FBF0-4DF4-A5CA-6057AC…)

>>407913I wasn’t going to post this out of respect for the family of the victims that you sensationalized as a public relations opportunity, but FUCK YOU, you disgusting piece of shit for using a TRAGEDY to brag about your anorexic body weight.
Facebook is NOT google and simply CALLING and inquiring to the donation facility would have answered your bullshit, white knighting plea for heroic approval.
It would have been less of a loss for society if you had taken the place of any of those poor people that you digitally capitalized on for attention.
No. 408053
File: 1508740582589.jpeg (60.21 KB, 640x308, 71F3199A-2274-44EA-893B-F84CCA…)

>>408051Again, fuck you in your nasty blackened asshole with a spiked club.
Heroes-nurses, soldiers, police, teachers- were slain that night and you fucking monopolize it as a bragging opportunity about your weight?
You are as repulsive on the inside as you are on the outside, with or without your 60 pounds of animal tested spackle.
No. 408055
File: 1508741085907.jpeg (170.1 KB, 640x854, 02197D1F-A4ED-4CC8-AA93-AF1746…)

>>407938Of the tens of disingenuous you made about the shooting, the only photographically evidence you provided in show of support was a fucking makeup look and you posing for photos at a memorial.
No screenshots of volunteer work, charitable transactions or food donations. Just CLAIMS of having done so without proof, while you posted unlimited photos of you posing and smiling at the memorial.
Fuck. You.
No. 408057
File: 1508741300469.jpeg (58.67 KB, 640x319, 0DE8B2ED-A4E4-4D93-896D-04EA89…)

>>408053How convenient, I bet all of their “money donation centers” were all full too, eh, Jess? Pathetic.
No. 408063
File: 1508744827528.jpeg (194.28 KB, 640x861, 82BA55DA-4850-44DE-997C-D4949D…)

>>408057>>408048Yeah, you’re totally never marketed your webcamming to creepy men on Instagram. Right. Trying to recruit young, desperate girls to go down your bullshit path so they can all be as fucked up and miserable as you? If cancer fucking has a face, it’s Jessica Born’s.
No. 408065
File: 1508744995809.jpeg (140.79 KB, 640x777, 2D3F8F3E-24BD-4F5F-BE94-21FC44…)

>>408063I love how this dumb bitch claims she hasn’t cammed in two years, has lost thousands of subs, but refers to current instagram follower insights to claim that her account was ALWAYS for the women and separate from camming. I remember in some comments that she disabled where she said she’d be proud of Leah if she aspired to become a sex worker like her from a young age. Sad.
No. 408068
File: 1508745094373.jpeg (155.96 KB, 638x870, 361D1EE5-F444-4A6F-A4D2-1AD500…)

>>408065Guys her IG has always been separate from her camming persona! Just look at this innocent photo she’s reposted 50 times of a classically sweet cartoon character..
No. 408070
File: 1508745299595.jpeg (152.25 KB, 640x871, 293CA33D-A33B-46A9-8474-D21A67…)

>>408065No camming promotion here, guys! Just a trip to Miami for make up artistry :)
Such bullshit. I still remember the post she made of her chilling on some old men’s boat with two other ugly bimbos. She received a lot of accusations about being an escort and subsequently deleted it.
No. 408071
File: 1508745358778.jpeg (141.49 KB, 640x850, E290AEE4-E905-4744-A753-6AD061…)

>>408070One post clearly wasn’t enough.
No. 408076
File: 1508745578472.jpeg (143.82 KB, 640x875, C51C6D26-274E-4750-BA24-BE0C17…)

>>408073Can we all take a moment to appreciate that this ignorant cow considers old men flying her out once in her life to south Florida is “traveling the world”? This bitch has only left the country on a cruise to Mexico on David’s dime and only left Nevada to see California to fuck David and go to Disney Land.
No. 408082
File: 1508746749434.jpeg (227.52 KB, 640x910, D20386F6-9F00-44F9-861D-D70E01…)

>>408080Mine is that this cunt is still trying to brag on Facebook by showing off a house she will never have any chance of living in.
Las Vegas real estate is fucking cheap as hell, Jessica. The housing bubble burst there because the majority of humans only want to VISIT Vegas for the casinos, not fucking live there. You are paying more because you fucks are RENTING rooms in a house, not paying a mortgage with a fixed interest rate. You’d know that if you actually graduated high school.
Lmao if she moves to Louisiana to ordain herself Queen of the Swamp People.
That state has one of the highest incidents of STD’s in the nation, so she’ll be in good company should she ever return to the adult industry.
No. 408084
File: 1508746906532.jpeg (142 KB, 640x911, 82A4AB2B-811F-48C1-BBDF-7CED6B…)

>>408082Aww, homie was expecting a cascade of comments reassuring her how adored she is by everyone that breathes… and she didnt get any.. ?
No. 408085
File: 1508747031300.jpeg (64.53 KB, 640x385, B65FCEA6-83CF-4A8F-8452-95700A…)

>>408084She’s desperately spamming shit that she thinks will impress people.. like reading for leisure. Nobody gives a fuck, you obviously can’t read
that well if you couldn’t even obtain your GED.
This is such a Narc hemorrhage.
No. 408644
File: 1508823420892.jpeg (73.01 KB, 640x462, BA9594E0-FBB7-481A-A050-D0A63A…)

>>408634The cum guzzling penny whore of malocclusion is imploding again guise.
No. 408650
>>408646Narcissists can never cope with the idea of people disliking them.. they put themselves in these situations by being total Maury on roids cases and then beg to be hated, while simultaneously acting disgusted at having received negative reception.
Idk why she’s so proud of herself. Her greatest accomplishment in life has been giving birth and even rats can do that more efficiently. I mean, you gained a following because you used to shove leg sized dildos up your ass, do you want a medal…?
No. 409024
File: 1508909932328.png (366.77 KB, 1242x1835, IMG_4780.PNG)

Her and Bucky are so dense and narcissistic that they truly believe him taking part in another lame gig in Vegas counts as a legitimate charity event. Ticket sales go towards this foundation but let's be real, how many people in Vegas really want to see "Shotty" make an ass of himself AGAIN and watch Jess do her drunken dance around the place? Seeing her try so hard on Snapchat is enough, I can't imagine how cringeworthy it would be in person, especially in the name of charity and doing good deeds. The idea that they would actually raise a lot of money through this is pretty unlikely.
No. 409026
File: 1508909992856.png (75.29 KB, 1242x408, IMG_4779.PNG)

Actually, not even Jessie wants to go and deal with this bullshit.
No. 409198
>>409026That bitch is too unintelligent to realize that people can tell she plasters charitable claims all over the Internet recently because she has constantly been criticized for being a self absorbed pig.
She would go to any local clubbing event out of desperation to show off on Instagram and pretend that she’s a D list celebrity, regardless of where the proceeds went.
She is not a conscientious person, therefore she overcompensates with public displays pretending to be a not shit waste of carbon human. This bitch does nothing kind without making the biggest deal about it online.. like, just refer it by the event’s name (to attract more attendees) or simply a party if you REALLY feel the need to attempt to make a martyr of yourself for going to a cheap locally hosted Vegas event.
Maybe you wouldn’t hate getting ready so much if you didn’t have to artificially redesign your entire body with wigs, 60 kg of makeup, lashes, nails, corsets, etc.
No. 409207
File: 1508951845781.jpeg (50.51 KB, 442x460, D7741B75-9CCA-4250-8E3B-19524D…)

>>409024I’m waiting for her to scrounge enough money to get that ass “augmentation” that she claimed she was getting. (Notice she never simply calls anything fake, it’s a simply a “breast/ass/lip augmentation”)
It’ll go over really humorously with the emaciated chicken hamstrings she’s got going on.
No. 409478
>>407851Going back to her poor parenting skills for a second here.
Does anyone remember when she and Bucky were broken up, and he called her out for being an awful mother? He even did it in a song, and she threaten to sue him for slander and harassment?
So clearly her "prince charming" has thought she's a bad mom as well.
No. 409509
File: 1508999029494.png (383.72 KB, 1241x1763, IMG_4849.PNG)

"We raised a bunch of money for charity!"
1. I like how they're trying to be so public about this "charity event" but don't mention anything about what charity this was actually for aside from the name of the foundation on the flier, which I might add, isn't even really the focus of the flier to begin with? It seems more like an afterthought?
2. They look like the only fools in this joint so unless they donated copious amounts of money (that they don't even have) themselves, I highly doubt they really helped much.
No. 409639
>>409509The venue didn't even advertise the gig on its FB page, it's only advertising the one tomorrow.
And the charity being helped doesn't even have a website. Only a fb page with 116 likes.
But it's the muthafukkin takeover, right Bucky?
No. 410147
File: 1509088945789.jpeg (66 KB, 640x531, 24138C7E-3BE6-470C-B5DD-C2E500…)

>>409509A “Public figure” that claims to support her “majority” female following that jokes about rape in public statuses. Just when I thought she couldn’t be any more of a piece of shit..
Also, does she not understand what a public figure is? She is not an activist for any cause and she has absolutely no involvement in public affairs.
The only thing public about her is her putrefying puss-ass.
No. 410852
File: 1509196516380.jpeg (158.54 KB, 732x1035, 9D6DE51F-1073-4F74-B700-CE7F70…)

Bucky looks like a skeleton. I bet when he and Jessie have sex, you can hear their bones clacking.
No. 411066
File: 1509226997885.png (336.33 KB, 640x1136, 8407ACFE-C006-4348-B663-6E8EB3…)

>>410852Also, so much for them getting their shit together and leaving their past selves behind.
Not gonna lie, I thought he discovered a newly found love in one of Jessie’s old dildos until I realized it was a bong.
No. 411941
>>411066That’s one of the cheapest piece of shit bongs I’ve ever seen. Probably cost $20 and is acrylic. If you’re gonna smoke weed and post about it on the internet at least invest in nice glass.
However we all know they do coke bc Jessie has admitted to doing coke (and then deleted it) and they just look like they fuckin do. I wonder if the Hilton he works for has drug tested him…
No. 411943
>>411066That’s one of the cheapest piece of shit bongs I’ve ever seen. Probably cost $20 and is acrylic. If you’re gonna smoke weed and post about it on the internet at least invest in nice glass.
However we all know they do coke bc Jessie has admitted to doing coke (and then deleted it) and they just look like they fuckin do. I wonder if the Hilton he works for has drug tested him…
No. 412210
File: 1509417813779.jpeg (157.08 KB, 639x905, 49F32CB1-0671-4CD1-BF9A-82E10C…)

I’m pretty sure this elf “sponsorship” she keeps posting about is just a rewards program.. says they send you a box of goodies with your redeemable points.
Here’s the link to it. I honestly can’t stand this girl. I have about half as many followers as her and I’ve turned down collaborations with Chanel because they test on animals, but she brags all over Facebook about getting free $3 makeup.. glad it’s cruelty free, but I remember her saying she loves animal tested makeup and doesn’t care about them as long as it “works good” and then trashed vegan makeup supporters.
Just saying as another “Instagram” influencer, she’s really wasted her following. I think the only people to ever actually sponsor her were Mac and a few wig companies. The flat tummy tea one, everyone gets once you get several thousand followers and they only pay you if you have millions now. Bleh.
No. 412216
File: 1509418714710.jpeg (186.16 KB, 635x837, 85F159B0-75ED-4EF2-BAB3-8C2065…)

>>395690>>396708I’m also
>>412210, I just checked and realized the “Mac sponsorship” is also BS. It’s another tiered rewards program, if you spend more than $500, they send you a deluxe gift each year.
No. 412217
File: 1509418762835.jpeg (123.07 KB, 640x1056, 8FA0062D-BA27-46B8-A146-A5447A…)

>>412216Here’s her tier..
No. 412219
File: 1509418841004.jpeg (125.19 KB, 640x737, 85248981-FEE5-4449-AF37-5C9E38…)

>>412218She claimed it was another gift from Mac but in reality she just spent the gift card from the first set…
No. 412220
File: 1509418950591.jpeg (180.53 KB, 640x1053, 64F8EFB5-65F7-4218-8CF3-C4E840…)

>>412219Last post on this but I think there might’ve been one box a long time ago that (may) have been sent as a “sponsored” box, but I’m not really sure.. I do know that these are definitely not though. Especially from the #fixfam hashtag. It’s non exclusive.
No. 416139
File: 1509989711730.jpeg (221.97 KB, 750x1097, 748282C8-3CCB-49F8-98E1-62B38E…)

Why does she think she’s fooling anyone? She’s wording stuff so that it looks like she’s been given them for free. But she probably bought the socks. Does she even have a job? They spend spend spend, so either they spend all of Buckys or she’s got some job too. Probably something shitty other wise she’d be bragging about it.
No. 418226
File: 1510116308357.png (125.31 KB, 1214x469, IMG_5331.PNG)

I'm 110% willing to bet this didn't even happen and she just wants to seem like a good mommy raising a little sweetheart (I'm sure Leah is a peach, Jessie on the other hand…)
No. 418449
File: 1510138428225.jpeg (76.19 KB, 640x429, 15AE3891-E2AC-4C0C-9204-9533BA…)

>>418226Is she srs… I really hope she’s not going to start trying to pass herself off as a fitness guru online.
This is someone who used to be really overweight and now has almost no muscles whatsoever because she lost the weight by starving her body into emaciation.
No. 418450
File: 1510138713279.jpeg (46.63 KB, 640x264, D1B8D17C-2D40-4E42-9FF2-4C8023…)

>>418449 (pt. 2)
If she’s ever done even a weightless squat in her life without her twig legs snapping in half I would be thoroughly amazed.
No. 418453
>>418450Love how she designated herself as the spokesperson for all “fitness models” on Instagram. I lift and advertise protein supplements on my Instagram and this is not true for a lot of people. If you do a
correct squat, especially with weights, you activate all of your leg and glute muscles. Maybe some lunges if you want out of boredom, but don’t act like you’re an expert on physical fitness. You’re not a P.T, doctor, kinesiologist, nurse etc. you didn’t even graduate high school.
No. 418454
File: 1510139438229.jpeg (74.77 KB, 640x553, F8093867-94AA-461C-9CB7-E8E487…)

>>418450Can’t tell if she’s trying to make excuses for her plank shaped ass, or if she’s attempting to pretend that she exerts so much physical effort to maintain the nonexistent ass that she thinks she has, so that she can brag and feel knowledgeable about something completely beyond her niche and scope of understanding.
No. 418458
File: 1510139781571.jpeg (138.21 KB, 640x910, 5FFE6E01-0A80-431B-B58B-B21BA8…)

Very similar post to when she used the Vegas Massacre as an opportunity to brag about her scrawny, preying mantis physique under the guise of blood donation inquiries.
I can’t understand this girl’s obsession with herself. I think if she doesn’t feel like she’s inciting jealousy in others then she can’t function. Like if other people don’t want to be her, she loses her shit because she doesn’t even want to be her deep down.
No. 418463
File: 1510140108387.jpeg (17.19 KB, 148x339, 0DCA63D7-5AFA-42B6-AA07-E758D9…)

>>418450Maybe try building an ass in the gym before hosting Facebook lectures on the subject.
No. 418465
File: 1510140286266.jpeg (46.69 KB, 409x342, D8933574-AAAB-44F3-A034-E144E5…)

>>418463Wasn’t she ranting about wanting ass implants recently too. Lol why even bother just shoot up a fuck ton of tren, you’re stupid enough.
No. 418467
File: 1510140616785.png (265.8 KB, 640x1136, DF86A6E0-5A0A-4058-B311-E606B5…)

>>418465Sage for repost but I feel like she must’ve seen Nikki blacketter or Tammy hembrow in her explore page after getting her tits done and had a narc melt down. (Both of which use anabolic steroids and/or have had ass augmentations too.)
No. 418688
File: 1510160644273.png (313.33 KB, 1242x1389, IMG_5365.PNG)

Her infamous kissy lips face in almost all her selfies doesn't even look like a kissy face. It looks like she's trying to drink through an imaginary straw.
No. 420070
File: 1510288828051.png (39.83 KB, 300x450, jdisjs.png)

have an awful old jessie pic
No. 420073
File: 1510288869444.png (403.75 KB, 400x533, jndd.png)

No. 420074
File: 1510289022660.jpg (130.86 KB, 328x500, jndwn.jpg)

her brows
No. 420075
File: 1510289090480.png (887.05 KB, 600x800, kmk.png)

photo dump
No. 420464
File: 1510338263731.png (1.36 MB, 900x1342, jblush.png)

No. 420677
File: 1510355644542.jpeg (165.14 KB, 640x922, 362AFEB1-9A95-4E63-86AE-B95315…)

>>420464Thought this bitch was vegetarian though..
No. 421207
File: 1510436818006.png (174.84 KB, 750x1069, IMG_0041.PNG)

Bitch is looking desperate. You know it kills her that she doesn't have a ring on her finger from bucky.
She'd probably be married right now if she hadn't cheated on billy lol.
No. 424279
File: 1510719486610.jpeg (406.83 KB, 1936x1936, 8E6059F9-3277-42BC-8997-C9E072…)

>>421207Maaaaaaarrry meeeeee bucccckkkyyyyyy
No. 425312
File: 1510816284807.png (72.57 KB, 750x496, IMG_0090.PNG)

What Jessie has to say about Lilpeep
No. 425422
>>425312On that note, as she clearly states that it was so obvious he needed help, then blames others for sitting back and watching tragedy unfold after claiming to know she shouldn’t blame people, as she proceeds to blame people…
I’d just like to point out that I didn’t witness any lil peep conservation efforts on her part.. Never saw any posts/tweets/letters etc concerning him or directed to his manager. So…
Also, she and Bucky glamorizing that bullshit toxic partying lifestyle about drunkenly chasing dollar bills and twerking on YouTube for crack money really isn’t helping the cause of deterring youth from participating in it too.
Like.. you’re the poster child for self destruction. The only reason she isn’t still on that track is because Bucky’s family made an effort to clean bucky’s life up with an adult job after over thirty years.
That’s the only reason she isn’t still camming, stripping, whoring, or walking around Vegas naked for money. Because Bucky has a stable job and more involvement with his family.
Now she’s trying to pretend she’s Betty Crocker because she gets to live off of him now.
No. 427324
File: 1511037843590.png (235.99 KB, 534x665, Capture.PNG)

eyeroll I wish someone would do this to her. She needs to stop acting so high and mighty.
No. 429804
File: 1511327539293.png (199.2 KB, 750x1093, IMG_0147.PNG)

This thing is $70 and she's asking if anyone wants to buy it for Leah for her… I thought shotty made big money? What a fuckin joke.
No. 431038
File: 1511497193843.png (55.64 KB, 527x617, Jessie 1.PNG)

Not gonna lie I'm actually kind of glad she posted this? I just hope she sticks to it.
No. 431070
>>431054True, sometimes I feel a little sympathy for her but then people point out how shit she is and the sympathy vanishes. My mistake.
Just wait until Leah finds out how crap she is she'll probably go live with her dad to be honest.
No. 431089
File: 1511508080381.png (172.03 KB, 1234x708, IMG_5661.PNG)

If she's so concerned and Leah's skin is so sensitive why doesn't she take her to a dermatologist or something instead of consulting randoms on Facebook that could potentially recommend products that will make her have worse reactions?
No. 431499
File: 1511577221854.png (17.91 KB, 528x304, Jessie 2.PNG)

Leah is already growing up to be just like mommy, how unfortunate.
No. 433001
File: 1511817260686.jpeg (296.06 KB, 1242x1560, 53DF6A81-8358-42A7-A25C-E5DB05…)

you haven’t been together “two years and a half years” lololol not a year ago she was posting trashy pictures of that other ugly ass tattooed guy munching on her dark miscolored snatch while whining about how bucky was fucking underage girls.
No. 433409
File: 1511838306748.png (86.95 KB, 750x601, IMG_0206.PNG)

>>433001 >2 and a half years later still the cutest coupleBitch this was last year
No. 433410
File: 1511838349337.png (Spoiler Image,99.25 KB, 551x902, IMG_0207.PNG)

>>433409Full pic. Everything is still on twitter.
No. 435389
File: 1512099713512.png (45.18 KB, 750x354, IMG_0260.PNG)

Anyone else wondering what happened to her dog "vulpix" like.. she was all about the dog and then quit mentioning and posting pictures..
No. 436700
File: 1512277807581.png (371.42 KB, 427x673, kfsdkf.PNG)

Give it a week or so and she'll be bitching about how girls are snakes and trash again.
– I didn't think her friends face needed to be seen.
No. 436709
>>436706This is the best contribution to anything I've ever posted on here.
Sage for OT
No. 438551
File: 1512518679682.jpg (30.24 KB, 623x227, surejan.jpg)

DollskillxJessieBlush? LOL
No. 439265
>>438986There's no way they would let her model for them. Especially not if she's going to reach out to them first, which considering she already deleted the post is what I am assuming happened.
She's just trying to get free stuff as per usual.
No. 441347
File: 1512877223808.jpeg (121.72 KB, 640x910, D529CD21-5648-4B74-9CFA-F0D335…)

>>438943Wish she’d delete this too and actually let her shitty alcoholic single mother self like she claims she has.
No. 441353
File: 1512877597515.jpeg (242.32 KB, 640x904, 01D90E7D-ECCB-4807-91C1-FA4AC0…)

>>438986What the fuck is this bitch smoking though.. she already resembles reptilian animal roadkill and then she has to write novels on Facebook describing exorcist like seizures for the benefit of all her free lance neurologist friends… nobody fucking cares, Jessica. You are so pathetically starved for attention that you’re talking about “remission” as if you’re a cancer survivor to describe your pathetic little headaches. Maybe stop trying to do simple addition at the grocery store? Fucking Christ.
No. 441355
File: 1512877867270.jpeg (170.58 KB, 640x1136, 81A84911-6FCF-442E-ACCC-D1C69B…)

>>430511Still desperately trying to make excuses for not having an ass. Now she’s going around on the internet giving fitness advice as if she’s a doctor or a NASM certified PT.
No. 442023
File: 1512979842140.png (334.29 KB, 516x679, Leah car.PNG)

Bucky's present to Leah cos Jessie doesn't have shit to give her.
At least the kid is getting something cool I guess.
No. 444374
File: 1513318367402.jpeg (188.5 KB, 640x1136, C788ABDC-9A61-46DD-A410-645BD3…)

>>442023Doesn’t get any tackier than this guy.. that’s not even exorbitant for a Vegas steak house lmao.
No. 444378
File: 1513318809400.jpeg (243.48 KB, 640x913, 23DEFE77-9DFF-48D3-8482-A8D7D8…)

>>444374Calamari, steak, fries and a salad. Congrats on finally graduating to middle class fancy dining experiences after age 30.
And I suppose jessie spread her apologetic pseudo vegan Bullshit to him too. Neither of these fools have ever been vegetarian
or vegan.
No. 445037
File: 1513397652248.png (195.98 KB, 745x1106, IMG_0507.PNG)

Tonight on "That never happened":
No. 445384
>>445356>>445373Might be bullshit but I am 100% ure they would give alcohol free champagne flavored drink. No hospital could be this retarded, but implying it is true I wonder if she realises that
>>444378Oh how fancy. It's like looking at ~my first fancy date with my new girlfriend~ which could be cute but…they are 30. lol
No. 445406
>>445387I’m in my late 20s and even I was given sparkling apple juice in champagne flutes after giving birth.
Not only are you hemorrhaging from just giving birth, you’re breastfeeding your child. Alcohol is the last thing you should put in your system.
No. 448641
File: 1513805429516.png (279.49 KB, 1242x1429, IMG_6445.PNG)

I don't know if she can really call someone else's endeavors garbage when she used to try to sell basic bras with hot glued craft gems on them…….
No. 448697
File: 1513810986536.jpeg (544.3 KB, 1242x1152, A22F4950-D5CA-47B4-9B24-8C9D39…)

I still cringe about the bras she tried to sell.. And let’s not forget about her “clothing line” attempt either lmfao.
No. 459012
File: 1514836088828.png (163.56 KB, 750x907, IMG_0761.PNG)

>>458800She still follows him tho so I wonder what's going on
No. 459854
File: 1514925828287.png (235.55 KB, 1242x806, IMG_6969.PNG)

She claims to be a makeup artist and to have an undying passion for beauty but can't even spell any of these products/brand names right….
No. 481532
File: 1516931250725.png (7.94 MB, 1242x2208, 83B0D55A-F8E4-4E18-93AF-0A961D…)

she got a medusa piercing.
No. 482841
>>482812Would you know if her lip fillers affect the piercing in any way?
Also not sure when she got it but she’s already caking it in makeup, yikes.
No. 490060
>>486654She's probably camming again and wants to appear single and available.
Sage for speculation
No. 490760
File: 1517600277200.png (4.01 MB, 1242x2208, 5E25FACA-ADF0-46C2-9CED-4536C3…)

No. 495936
File: 1517977772087.jpeg (130.16 KB, 1152x864, lolcow(JB)2-16-18.jpeg)

>>4959342nd snapchat story
No. 496927
File: 1518044684568.png (190.33 KB, 750x1334, IMG_1265.PNG)

No. 497317
File: 1518066266762.png (129.32 KB, 749x1077, IMG_1266.PNG)

>>496927She getting thicker from actually eating for once
No. 499917
File: 1518291025174.png (105.67 KB, 750x1057, IMG_1288.PNG)

WHere that ass at
No. 499919
File: 1518291066592.png (88.31 KB, 750x1056, IMG_1289.PNG)

Sage for double post but here's another bts
No. 500327
File: 1518320284766.png (160.66 KB, 750x1058, IMG_1301.PNG)

Tragic how white trash they are
No. 502124
File: 1518567423102.jpeg (697.67 KB, 750x1235, 4A9DA2CC-2561-4447-9771-66A3C3…)

No. 502238
File: 1518574172255.png (113.39 KB, 750x725, IMG_1326.PNG)

White trash Barbie and Ken
No. 502344
>>502329Can we just talk about the shoop on her legs tho pls
So uneven and disproportionate bahaha
No. 502345
File: 1518581519747.png (91.69 KB, 750x754, IMG_1328.PNG)

No. 502346
File: 1518581707281.png (50.7 KB, 750x527, IMG_1329.PNG)

Shotty begging.
You're making so much money Becky, how you still begin for some trashy "company" to sponsor you?
No. 505573
File: 1518826182829.png (152.98 KB, 750x1090, IMG_1368.PNG)

this was Jessie's gift for Valentine's Day from Bucky. They say it's 24k gold. It's actually 14k and they got it off amazon.
No. 505575
File: 1518826268348.png (93.49 KB, 750x1131, IMG_1372.PNG)

>>505573 The amazon listing
No. 507483
>>506851This this this.
Why is she living so lavishly if she doesn't have a job. Yeah I get Bucky is paying for it but shouldn't they be penny pinching and saving for a house like they claim they're going to buy instead of getting a boob job and massages? Get a fucking job. I could understand the boob job if she was still camming. You could justify the "photo shoots" then. But Jessie isn't a model. She's not even camming anymore. She's sitting on her ass all day whining about why she doesn't have things.
No. 507485
File: 1518985585499.png (162.71 KB, 750x1004, IMG_1332.PNG)

How.. "romantic"
"Get yourself a trophy girl"
Lol if my boyfriend said any of this I'd be mortified.
No. 507491
File: 1518985753481.png (81.19 KB, 744x388, IMG_1393.PNG)

"It's real people" makes me think he's insecure
No. 509310
>>141536>spending thousands of dollars on a plane ticket and hotel roomuhhh? what?
also, I'm sure his daughter will disown him when she's 13.
ie old enough to see his tweets and tell the judge she doesn't want to see him anymore.
No. 514749
File: 1519620279989.jpeg (87.22 KB, 720x960, 72013643-144D-4BB2-97D4-7AC8C1…)

Her legs are so strange and shapeless.
No. 515541
File: 1519705466383.png (98.93 KB, 750x958, IMG_1499.PNG)

Where are her arms?
Tyra would be disgusted with this pose
No. 516889
>>516318She looks like an oversexualized child and it has nothing to do with her breast size (kek at you saying her fake titties are small tho).
Jessie is a classic case of someone trying to wear sexy outfits and cake on a bunch of makeup to try to look sexy but they will always look like a child due to their overall body shape (waist to hip ratio), hairstyle choices and expression.
Think JonBenét Ramsey
No. 520509
File: 1520188311432.jpeg (375.34 KB, 1242x1878, 6561B61A-D20F-4E8D-89EF-139B78…)

No. 523838
File: 1520492782321.png (137.26 KB, 750x1077, IMG_1612.PNG)

>>523065Back on her bullshit
No. 524283
File: 1520544122782.jpg (35.32 KB, 400x299, IMG_0214.JPG)

Sage for incoming throwback photo dump.
No. 524287
File: 1520544257243.jpg (51 KB, 400x299, IMG_0209.JPG)

Her eyebrows
No. 525063
File: 1520634268803.jpeg (123.56 KB, 750x361, 2372BE37-8BAC-476C-9A4F-7C6712…)

Anyone can buy tits, try bragging about something that you didn’t pay for
No. 526872
File: 1520831010624.png (157.64 KB, 750x1058, IMG_1633.PNG)

She's back guys..
No. 526875
File: 1520831050941.png (113.6 KB, 750x1086, IMG_1632.PNG)

>>526872Also here's the picture she chose to post, with everyone else cropped out LMAO.
No. 528758
File: 1521016479326.png (20.73 KB, 305x183, IMG_1650.PNG)

>>527499She's definitely packed some on
No. 528762
File: 1521016995812.png (57.18 KB, 750x296, IMG_1656.PNG)

>>527499She's watching lol
No. 529406
File: 1521069035117.jpg (14.73 KB, 586x87, watching.JPG)

She's watching. I'm assuming this is about the 'pregnancy' posts.
No. 529569
File: 1521086096064.png (117.12 KB, 750x873, IMG_1661.PNG)

I wish she would've fixed her nose instead of getting implants
No. 529638
>>529569Ever since someone here compared her nose to a corndog that's all I can see.. Photoshop anons, feel free to work your magic with that mental image.
while I'm here I might as well ask, is someone going to make Jesse a new thread when this is at limit? She's boring but she's the cow whos name googling ultimately led me to this site (during her Instagram drama with David). Also if she gets a new thread what would be thread pic?
No. 529659
File: 1521097568701.png (87.54 KB, 750x545, IMG_1651.PNG)

Oh boy
No. 530891
File: 1521201058467.jpeg (356.9 KB, 1242x1256, C481019E-875E-43DD-8D73-50ADF4…)

we weren’t even calling you fat or anything jessie, calm down.
No. 530947
>>530929Seriously, it's been what, 8 months? Can't really blame weight gain on that now…
It's been over 6 months since she humblebragged about how she was going to go to cosmetology school. Since we know you are here reading, sup with that Jess? Decided you'd rather live off Shotty's real estate earnings? Or are you going to start whoring yourself out again?
No. 531203
>>531111Fr, not to mention cosmetology school is actually hard. It's not just learning to make people pretty. You have to learn skin diseases and disorders, hair diseases and disorders, nail diseases and disorders, basic physiology, basic anatomy, blood contamination, sanitizafion, sterilization, Osha, EPA, state board regulations, how to mix chemicals, why you mix them that way, and the technical hair stuff before you can even get into the artsy cute hair stuff. She wouldn't make it through half the program. And if she did, she'd never pass state board.
No. 531212
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Who is surprised?
No. 537459
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No. 537460
File: 1521917271493.jpeg (94.71 KB, 1242x411, 0C6F7A6A-DEEB-43E1-B51D-9B45FA…)

Steal her? You mean, take ownership of her after you got bored and probably couldn’t afford to take care of her? Pls don’t adopt another animal Jessie, you’ve already proved you’re shit when it comes to taking care of animals.
No. 537481
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She got a chihuahua. I’m assuming vulpix was stolen by her family???
No. 537482
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No. 539633
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No. 539635
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is she pushing her tiddie up or is it just uneven
No. 540470
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Katie you aren't slick.
No. 540488
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No. 540490
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No. 541587
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responses to the stye tweet. a couple of them go on to say it’s from stress and how Jessie needs to meditate and shit
No. 541588
File: 1522422762789.png (8.22 MB, 1242x2208, 9C4E5864-229D-4717-8D6A-254DA4…)

Not sure why the last one spoilered whoops
selfie dump 1/3
No. 541589
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No. 541590
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No. 545776
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No. 546184
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No. 546185
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No. 547060
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Her nose is fine imo but yes Jessie, fix those chompers.
No. 547111
>>547060Is that going to occur before or after you:
-launch your clothing line
-go to cosmetology school
-your man making bank selling real estate actually purchases a home #takeover
Such a selfcentered dumb cunt. I wish Billy would fight for custody of their child so she doesn't end up just like her trashy ass worthless mother
No. 547420
>>547361I don't think she's ever managed to do anything productive with her brain, she's always just been a cute scene girl, a wanna be model and a camwhore.
As stupid as she is, I think she may actually be smart enough to see that her looks are fading and she has no job, education, skills or intelligence to fall back on.
But then again she's too stupid to see that it isn't too late for her to learn a skill, get a degree, or you know, do anything at all with her life that her daughter will be able to talk about with pride when she gets older.
"My mom is a hair dresser, what's your mom do Leah?"
"My mom sticks dildos in her ass"
No. 547935
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I think she would be 1000x prettier without her lip fillers.
No. 548503
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Hey Jessie, instead of buying a hundred dollar cake celebrating the anniversary of a tit job you couldn’t even afford, how about prioritizing and maybe put that shit towards something like your daughter, a car or idk a fucking place to live?
No. 549105
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Has she only gotten her lips done? I don’t know why but her face looks super plastic here
No. 551349
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No. 551352
>>551349Beat me to it.
Still, 5-10 mins ago she posted on snap and she was jamming in a car. Not gonna SS as I don’t want her to be sus
No. 551691
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Oh, you mean like how you and shitstain are always more worried about making yourself look like fools on snap than actually paying attention to driving? Interesting.
No. 552378
>>552145Yeah, he also snapped her flashing her ass and twerking with her ass out as well. Real class act.
Is it just me or does it seem like from what she posts on her socials and what her and Bucky post on Snapchat that Leah is mostly only with them when they’re going on some kind of little vacation? Every other thing I see is Jessie without Leah, doing whatever she pleases and always has drinks in hand. There’s a picture that I believe was posted in here from when she was just recently at Disney and you can clearly see Leah’s little shoe at the edge of the photo and Jessie looks…a little tore up to say the least. More like Jessie Lush.
No. 552379
>>552145Same anon as before, here’s the pic I was referring to
>>546184. Maybe it’s just a bad photo, but to me she looks intoxicated. Not to say that parents shouldn’t be allowed to have some fun of their own but Jessie is hardly a parent, and I believe drinking on vacation shouldn’t be around children as young as Leah, especially in combination with how idiotic Jessie acts sober.
No. 553268
File: 1523513672276.jpg (287.79 KB, 1067x1038, Screenshot_20180412-010126.jpg)

remember when Jessie was really supportive of shotty cause she knew he was gonna make money eventually and now that he actually has some cash flowing in and he's money hungry, and even more of a show off, she absolutely can't stand it lmao
No. 553729
>>553551He seems like the kind of guy that thinks if he spends a couple hundred dollars on a girl she owes him.
They are both shitty people that deserve each other
No. 554113
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No. 554167
>>554115Your reading comprehension isn't very good. If Jessie really was as beautiful as she thinks she is, she wouldn't settle for bucky. She would have better options. People that can use their looks to get by don't pick the bottom of the barrel.
Bitch is throwed and thinks the world views her as a goddess.
No. 554231
>>554167>People that can use their looks to get by I just don't subscribe to that notion- a lot of people (read: celebs) who "use their looks to get by" have actually got there via connections, family, even government connections on occasion. This obviously doesn't apply to JB. Not WK, just disagree with the basic premise that looks = easy great life (at least for the majority).
All things being equal she
should have a better guy than the one she has, so I don't disagree there.
No. 555660
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No. 557880
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No. 557920
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I lowkey do feel bad, all these people are like “OMG I WOULD COME GET YOU BUT—“ She really doesn’t have anyone to count on. Some girl got her an uber though. She needs some real friends. She also admitted her relationship with Bucky is a facade, like we thought.
No. 559606
File: 1524104215876.png (1.17 MB, 750x1334, 14D2A187-6D30-4311-BBF3-36D9DB…)

Bitch is big dealing this ams she is in a sling. No mention of needing surgery for her collarbone either. Keep faking shit Jess!’
No. 559885
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Uh oh.
No. 559887
File: 1524136013655.png (1.84 MB, 750x1334, 80ADEE93-0C6D-4EF9-894E-618C81…)

Someone make a new thread. Milk is coming.
No. 559990
new thread
>>559988I made it then had to delete/repost because I forgot the title and I also censored the pic so it doesn't get spoilered. Sorry if it sucks I tried.
No. 930878
File: 1581437861427.png (25.22 KB, 595x293, GED.PNG)

The comments above were correct. She never had a diploma and is now supposedly going to get a GED. I do not know how this form works but i was looking for some of her old cam show files and stumbled upon it. Ive watched her for a long time now since before her kid and most of you are totally correct.