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No. 1367855

A thread to discuss all the hilarious online and IRL “wigger” nationalists ready to secure a nation of its glorious exxon gas stations and cancer-inducing fast food monopolies.
This thread is specifically about eurocentrists, mostly white americans or europeans who genuinely believe that they were responsible for all human advancements and sciences and that arabs, moors, native americans and especially Egyptians were all white or inferior to the dominating Western way of life.

A common trait among eurocentrists is that they often look to Ancient Egypt as the source of all human culture, hence the adoption of the Ancient Egyptian culture and symbolism from the flawed disbelief that other groups are capable of developing and sustaining civilizations of their own without their divine intervention/paternalism. You can typically find one curling up and seething when a minority mentions their own plight and calls it racebaiting, constantly trying to play devil’s advocate over a person of color’s personhood and humanity, making things seem hypocritical when they’re not, downplaying the significance of race in the modern world even though their ancestors were the forefathers of racial separatism or racial “science” which is why we have the disaster of black/white/asian/etc, congregating on freedumb of speech forums and image boards such as 4channel /pol/ and moaning about Karen being the new slur for white women who dindu nuffin wrong with getting that black child killed for playing the park

tl;dr a bundle of raging purposeless red-faced faggots who’s a gift that keeps on giving no matter where they go and hide

IMPORATANT NOTE - No racebait, no posting normal white people and no regurgitative comments about "you spent years colonizing a good part of asia for spices and still can’t season your food" or other bullshit, go to kiwifarms if your gonna behave like that

No. 1367860

Where are the cows?

No. 1367861

we already have the viking thread

No. 1367862

shit thread

No. 1367871

No. 1368353

The viking thread is only for Varg though, there are so many other milky online nazis.

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