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No. 136772

1aurapa1mer is a tiny little cherub lamb who raps about the terrible men she hangs around with, very badly.

No. 136773

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>actually putting your email in the email field

Lurk more.
Anyway, it's funny how she has unedited videos next to her shooped pics on instagram.

No. 136774

you would think ppl would put more effort on self-posting

No. 136775

Her rapping was cringe inducing.
I feel kinda bad for her..on her instgram her style goes all over the place, from school girl cosplay to edgy to basic bitch fashion. She doesn't seem to know who she really is.

No. 136776

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You have to be 18+ to post here fag.

No. 136777

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The real lolcow here is this underage SJW vendetta-chan.

No. 136781

Best post

No. 136786

No. 136796

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OP is a dumb little tumblr shit

That being said, this dulcetangel girl should learn how to apply falsies. kek at that glue

No. 136797

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Uhh okay I take it back. OP is far more cringe. Look at her bad art.

No. 136953

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>people teased me for my dumb vendetta post! MY LIFE IS RUINED!!!! a-also it totally wasn't me guys i swear

No. 136971

How would someone get her email address and why would they do that lmao, she's not important enough for someone to legit make an elaborate scheme to ruin her life.

No. 136977

yeah it's obviously her. she's posted on lolcow before, and got banned for being an underage tard: >>122636 (she also had a bunch of tweets about ginger bronson which she deleted when people found out).

ella you're 14 years old, go play with your easybake oven instead of trying to start drama online.

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