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/snow/ - flakes & mistakes

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File: 1464298627218.jpg (Spoiler Image,96.69 KB, 960x960, 1937157_1691642887789271_26795…)

No. 134524

this girl is the epitome of asian stretching/beauty apps and proana poses. she has been faking bulimia for a few months now, she deleted her blog after people with REAL ED's caught on to her bullshit and lies. her instagram is https://www.instagram.com/tascha.whiteley/

you can see a plethora or proana/thinspo pics on there. she has a lot of young girls following her and she is clearly damaging to them… utter lolcow imo(lol)

No. 134526

some quick info; her name is tascha and she is from the UK. also she buys followers on various social media accounts using her boyfriends drug dealing money

No. 134528


there's a containment thread for a reason

No. 134529

i didnt want to clog that thread because she is less known than the proanas on there, i apologise

No. 134533

File: 1464299093037.jpg (56.12 KB, 640x640, 1173100_951101555010838_509927…)

is this her?

No. 134535


yeah yeah, can you see the wobble at her thighs where shes edited them? its hilarious ahahaha

No. 134537

File: 1464299943953.jpg (80.66 KB, 640x640, 1168558_198254080359566_984517…)

such anorexia

No. 134539

this girl seriously isn't faking her eating disorder and i think this is either someone she knows irl or eboni trying to stir shit. there is no milk with tascha.

No. 134542


hi tascha

No. 134544

not eboni but nice try, although she did give me the idea to make this thread, poo breath

No. 134549

No. 134550

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No. 134551

keep thinking im eboni idc hahah i dont even like her that much anyway i think shes a bit weird but we both know that tascha is a lying little scumbag who is faking an ED and people are lapping it up… disgusting

No. 134554

File: 1464302539428.jpg (77.85 KB, 640x640, 10986340_789625724452535_10443…)

such anorexia, much eating disorder wow

No. 134555


does she not realise that calories exist hahahahah fatty mcgoo

No. 134556

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No. 134563

dank meme fam

No. 134573

If you're going to samefag, at least try to hide it a little better.

No. 134575

This belongs in proana general if you insist on forcing this discussion.
She's not interesting, you're not interesting.
Take your vendetta out elsewhere, you fucking rectal tumour.

No. 134577

okay tascha

No. 134578

nah but seriously ill put her back with the ohter proana thinspo liars
no worries

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