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No. 1200814
Starting a new thread because there has been some fresh milk flowing with London Lonlon Lobsterchan.
Summary of old milk:
>Known for multiple instances of begging for money, mostly to go to pay for plane tickets, housing, and badges at anime cons but also for personal "necessary" finaces.>Claims to be "disabled with IC, fibromyalgia, autism&bipolar," an perpetual abuse and cyberbully victim, spoonie, living in poverty, and having BPD. This grocery list of conditions is her trump card for excusing her behavior and blaming others. Never posts proof of these claims and attacks people who ask for it.>Some of her past donors came out and said she treated them in a shitty way or blocked them for no reason after they gave her money. Lon of course immediately went after them, called them out on her FB, and called them abusive.>Used to make (now deleted) wannabe idol videos with singing and dancing, often wearing giant lobster claws on her hands as a symbol of her disabilities. Also wore a lot of Jfash. She now says she is above all that and recently made a video about how her behavior and wearing Jfashion in general is cultural appropriation, despite modeling for Japanese brands in the past like 6%DokiDoki who clearly don't share that sentiment. (Video is still up on her new Youtube, link below.) She also made some (also deleted) YT videos about ableism and spoonies.>Even though she will immediately jump down someone's throat if they dare question her "disabilities," there are videos of her looking pretty able bodied when she modeled for anime con fashion shows and when she volunteered as an anime con rave dancer, clearly moving with no physical limitations. Her friends also posted videos of her twerking and flailing around during cons.>Despite always begging for money while saying she is broke/disabled and on SSI, she would constantly get new designer clothing and accessories over the years, both jfashion and western brand pieces like her "$300 Prada glasses.">Begs for money a LOT, almost as much as she claims to be abused by her current boyfriend of the month. It's hard to even keep track of how many times she e-begged. Being "homeless" and "poor" didn't seem to stop her from getting a dog, either.Lots of her facebook meltdowns are posted here:
>>41001Surprise surprise, she is back again with an even more colorful story to go along with her newest GoFundMe scam!
>Turning 31 this year.>Saying she got sent to a "state run hospital" aka "insane asylum" aka "prison" (all her own words) by her "abusive" ex and her family, where she was held against her will, held in solitary confinement, starved and also robbed of $3K worth of property in the process.>Is now self diagnosing herself with MS.>Claims to be related to Marilyn Monroe, Marie Antoinette, Princess Diana of Wales, because she is Mormon.>Is dubbing herself the real life Harley Quinn of South Mississippi.>Claiming to be homeless now due to breaking up with the boyfriend.>Wrecked her car, blames her boyfriend for that because he broke up with her, even though she was driving alone.>Before that was stripping, said she got laid off due to covid.>Is now @'ing famous accounts to e-beg, saying she needs money for school tuition despite being in school taking 5 classes a semester that she somehow cannot afford? because she is making documentaries y'all.>Says all of her past doctors and boyfriends abused her.>Her IG posts and Tiktok vids are completely unhinged. You really have to see/read them to witness it, they are all over the place so it's hard to summarize them here.>Already raised $200 with her newest GFM scam: there is a lot flowing, I'm going to post some recent screenshots for now, but any help would be appreciated since there is so much.
IG: london_laceflower
Tiktok: cryptohoney
New Youtube: Thread:
>>41001Second Thread (not much here):
>>472243 No. 1200816
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ttps:// #watercurses
Homeless | abused emotionally | assaulted | forced into solitary confinement due to gaslighting (11 nights) then spent an additional 16 nights in a state run hospital (basically low security prison type deal, starving my ass off) | all 4 computers and nintendo switch stolen -| $300 glasses stolen | car wrecked due to abuse and trauma while driving / had seizure
My boyfriend gaslighted me to my entire family that I was suicidal so I was involuntarily committed. In the United States that means you are held in a prison cell for as many days as it takes for a bed to open up in a psychiatric state run facility. I stayed 11 nights in a solitary confinement concrete freezing prison cell. I had bronchitis and fluid in my lungs. There was no medical help for me. Been suffering from a myriad of neurological symptoms all the while such as difficulting walking, sitting, standing, muscle mass loss rapidly in a short span of time despite eating balanced meals, numbness and tingling, seizures, heart problems (diagnosed at the state hospital as tachycardia of unknown cause and mitrial valve prolapse) and severe neck pain. (MS was suspected by neurologists)
Boyfriend kicked me out the house after breaking up with me while I was driving, causing me to wreck my car. He said we were life partners and proposing soon just 3 days prior and applied for a home loan with me earlier that week. He has untreated severe Borderline Personality Disorder and possible machaussens by proxy.
After the wreck he didn’t even care if Ibwas hurt and refused to answer my call post wreck. Instead he sent a text saying he wanted a restraining order and to come pack my things immediately. They cops were called on me for coming home for “breaking and entering” my own home where my roomate beat me. Theres pictures of those bruises. He also stole my entirer stash of medication prescribed to me and my $300 prada prescription glasses. Ive been walking and going around blind. He also stole my bank cards, my ID and my medical insurance cards because why not. (Cont:!/story.php?story_fbid=10225028680335038&id=1558380606)
No. 1200819
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GoFundMe screenshot with the rest of the story. (Cannot copy and paste off the website for some reason.)
No. 1200822
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@selmablair hey I know you don’t know me at all, but for years I thought I might have this disease, but I let doctors and I let the past abusive boyfriends allow me to believe that I was just crazy. As I write this, I’m actually speaking into my phone because technology has come so far. My brain is on fire. The left side of my mouth is on fire. I’m trying so hard to hold it together. Today I think I might’ve just bought a house. Today I spent the whole day marching around the house singing along to My favorite female rap songs that I have saved to playlist five years ago. My roommates and some of my family members have thought I’ve been in a manic episode for the last month, which is actually true but I have never felt more sane. I feel like a child of God. Today I talk to one of my friends off of the ledge of killing themselves. I save their lives and I think I might’ve found them a new home here in Hattisburg Mississippi. Are used to be able to type 100 words per minute on my phone with my hands but now it’s so hard. I don’t know what’s wrong. I mean I do it’s the Mylan sheath that has shrunk from my brain. From my neurons. I’m making a documentary from my iPhone called water Curses. It is the title of my favorite song of all time from my favorite band of all time cold animal collective. Please listen to it. It’s been my favorite song since I was 19 years old. God is real and I know he’s real because I was living in Omaha Nebraska alone when I was 19. My family was in another state by then. My bipolar father had already picked up and moved away by then. And I was on my own going to college by then. I had all A’s but that would soon be ruined by an abusive boyfriend by then. Fast forward to now. I am recovered narcotics addict. Because of my past, doctors treat me like I am a drug seeker. I’ve had the security please called on me simply for disagreeing with doctors. I’ve had doctors screaming at me “there’s nothing wrong with you! You’re just constipated!“ I’ve had doctors tell me that it’s just my bipolar causing my pelvic pain, and it turned out that I actually had endometriosis deeply infiltrating my pelvis, causing scar tissue. Thanks for reading
No. 1200824
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This is not to brag. This is to show you what generational wealth can mean even if your “very poor“ in the deep South Mississippi. My ancestors include Marie Antoinette, princess Diana of Wales, and my ancestors were concentrated in London England. My real name on my birth certificate is London! I don’t need to move to Los Angeles or New York City! I know who I am! Do you? I need leftists to stop leaving their towns in the dust. Why do you think that poor neighborhoods stay poor? it’s because y’all keep going to college and then leaving those poor uneducated people who don’t have the same opportunity as you and leaving them to fend for themselves. Leaving them to get shot by police. Leaving them with no clean water. Do you get where I’m going with this? I am the L Woods of the Mississippi. #socialism #mississippiartist #mississippiphotographer #Mississippifirst #owningthelibs #notmypresident #snowflakes
No. 1200825
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My entire documentary, Water Curses, is made using an #iphone11 and an old #iphone6s and @apple has some amazing software that makes my movies look like legitimate filmmaking. I’m so grateful because I don’t have a camera crew and I don’t have money for a camera crew. And this isn’t the kind of documentary that even needs a camera crew. Most of the time a real camera would probably not work in most situations. I need to appear like a normal person. I’m just a patient walking to the doctor. I’m just an aunt babysitting her nephew. I’m just a future wife making I love love letter to her future husband. However, when it comes to trying to edit everything, I’m having a very difficult time. All of my stuff is over loading my equipment. My iPhone frequently freezes. I can’t seem to get them to upload to the cloud because my Internet is not good. I can’t seem to of upload them to my computer because the iTunes needs good Internet to work. Could someone please tell me what to do. I’ve tried the iCloud method. I pay the subscription for iCloud 2 TB. @apple.techsupport someone please help me figure this out. I can drive down to the coast it’s two hours away, but they do have big Apple #imac and dedicated #externaldrives that I can use. I might just have to do that. Otherwise I could really use the help of some funding from @grimes and @elonrmuskk between the revelation of having multiple sclerosis and trying to buy a house and taking five classes this semester and making two documentaries about social justice issues I’m kind of spread myself a little thin and I could really use your help you guys. I just want everyone to be happy and free and these documentaries will help people. Please share this post to your story and I will DM you a drawing of your choice. It can be a literally anything you want as long as it’s a photo that you took. I will draw it within 24 hours and I will post the drawing to TickTock I will draw it live on TikTok.
No. 1200826
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I am real life Harley Quinn straight outta South Mississippi State hospital for the legally insane AAAAAHAHAHAHA SOLITARY CONFINEMENT CAN’T BRING ME DOWN.
I ain’t hurting no body or myself, me and everyone I met locked up in those prison cells ahem I mean “holding facility ain’t deserve to be there. We were all just mentally ill and surviving minding our business. Almost everyone there had an abusive person who had them involuntarily committed due to gaslighting.
Stay tuned for my musical based on my experience haha you think I am kidding.
No. 1201199
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Agreed, she has completely gone off the deep end. I'm glad I wasn't the only one watching her behavior and feeling this way.
I spent longer than I would have liked going through her tiktoks and she says a lot of conflicting things in regards to her proclaimed mental and physical illnesses, dates of things happening and her financial/living situation, so it appears she is still lying about the main things she tries to e-beg for: being poor, homeless and not able bodied.
I wasn't sure if I should post some video files of her tiktoks here? There are so many and all of them are absolutely bizarre. It's hard to tell if she is faking the crazy so she has some kind of "proof" to help her continue to crowdfund or if she has actually lost her mind.
Some of her tiktoks included:
>Repeatedly talking about buying a house despite claims of being poor.
>At hospitals, saying how they won't give her treatment or don't treat her like she is disabled.
>Running around her town/flail dancing/doing pole with no restrictions.
>Caring for children or driving, which seems dangerous considering how unhinged she appears to be, especially when she claims to have seizures and blindness?
>Says she has MS, then many videos after are of her talking about wanting to get tested/diagnosed for MS after saying she already has it.
>Says she has a service guide dog for her health conditions then in a video says he was only a partially trained service dog and not officially one because he "has an anxiety disorder."
>Toggling back and fourth about how her family abandoned her vs she is very close with them.
>Talking about what she used to be addicted to… while drinking alcohol after supposedly taking her medications in this same video.
>Is currently saying she is going blind but is able to reply to comments on IG and see in her videos.
>Talking nonsense while peeing on the toilet?
If anyone would like some video files posted here let me know, but they are all up on her tiktok if you want to watch them now.
I also found some short videos of her old lobster idol persona which I can upload if anyone wants, since she scrubbed her old youtube. Pic related is from a few years ago but I didn't see it posted on LC.
No. 1201311
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>>1201250She is currently claiming to have and/or be diagnosed with: diabetes, multiple sclerosis, autism, interstitial cystitis, fibromyalgia, blindness, depression, "brain damage" and borderline personality disorder along with being bipolar.
I'm probably missing a few, it's hard to keep track.
No. 1202002
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GFM is up to $400 now.
She also uploaded a slew of new tiktoks, pic related.
While reading through her last thread (which is a wild ride) I thought it might be helpful to make a list of her scamming/e-begging lies.
Asking for free wigs because $100 cash went "missing" at mechacon:
>>42821 Needs $50 for polaroid film because ex ruined them by being in them:
>>217026Needs $500-$2500 for being stranded in Seattle with a broken car:
>>291391Scammed about $550 out of Airbnb/con roomie:
>>302560Needs money because SSI is late, only $2 in her bank account:
>>327135Needs $20 for circle lenses:
>>335808Needs $500 because makeup was stolen out of her car:
>>335966 and
>>336735Needs $600+ for broken car related issues (sound familiar?):
>>346914Passive aggressive e-beg for mechacon:
>>347349I want money to flirt with you:
>>360607Buy me a sleeping mask:
>>369353 and
>>369970My car broke down order me pizza or don't talk to me:
>>371929Pay for my gas to drive to school:
>>377038Send me money for my car accident and sick dog:
>>411518It's my birthday my family and dog are sick give me money:
>>416202All my pokemanz got stolen by my
abusive ex give me things:
>>541237And of course, the $3000 she is asking for now.
Also, below are some funny Karen spergs I wanted to make note of since I was already wading through all this shit:
United Airlines wheelchair assistant abused me:
>>344315AnimeExpo didn't let me pee:
>>346296 and
>>347581I didn't get a free camera:
>>364862Fuck you for not liking my rubix cube post:
>>386068Dr Not taking her seriously:
>>178254This foot clinic was shady!!!:
>>372733Incompetent Doctor office (re: Dentist) about her oral surgery (re: wisdom teeth removal):
>>376485Wisdom teeth removal was the worst pain she ever had (hmm…):
>>376758Why doesn't anyone reach out to me:
>>393983Either help me or leave me:
>>401315My teacher is a meanie:
>>405701Muh doctor wasted my SPOONS:
>>457362The receptionist did not treat me as DISABLED as I am:
>>538242 No. 1202270
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>>1202249Glad you liked it. There is a hell of a lot going on with her. It also sounds like a lot of old friends completely dropped her which might be why she wrote such an insane story for her GFM to get money this time.
She now reminds me of Heather Sparkles but as a munchie with more scams, it's a crazy train wreck to watch.
I'm gonna upload a few of her stranger tiktoks here just in case she deletes. Will sage after this, but if uploading vids isn't necessary please tell me and I will stop.
No. 1202289
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Her sonic underwear made her cry.
No. 1202293
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Drinking after taking medications.
No. 1202294
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Listing the drugs she 'used' to do (surely these could not be related to her 'mental illness' symptoms) while drinking after said meds.
No. 1202296
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I'm disabled.
No. 1202297
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No really I'm disabled.
No. 1202298
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I am so disabled don't question me you ableist scum.
No. 1202299
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Oh, I forgot. She said she has a tumor too.
One more for The List.
No. 1202301
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Last one for now.
No. 1202304
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>>1202299I do feel like her family is right.
No. 1202359
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begging and “homeless” but don’t worry she still has time to do her archery kek
No. 1205359
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(1/2) as per usual, her begging scheme was about her “boyfriend” breaking up with her and making her crash her car or whatever the fuck. now she’s calling him her fiancé again. that was fast, and her go fund me is still up and with the same sob story. There is an update saying someone donated a $1000 gaming PC to her. poor sap kek
No. 1205363
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(2/2) this one was a video of her dancing like an idiot and looking drugged as per usual. her family and her boyfriend are the reason she’s “homeless” but she’s also clearly not homeless and now says they are the only people that love her kek
No. 1233062
>>1230651She probably realizes she really can’t hang in bigger cities and wants to stay local so that she can stay manipulating people to get the things she wants. California or New York people won’t tolerate her terrible attitude.
She is trying to rebrand as some socialist/communist too while kissing grimes and Elons ass. And trying to make rap and hip hop on tik tok on some cringe appropriation shit ???
Watching all her tik toks makes me think she just 100% has schizophrenia and I really wonder how it’s never been looked into.