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/snow/ - flakes & mistakes

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No. 110764

Does anyone else still follow crying emilys ex friend laura? Omg shes not so much an ana snowflake as she genuinely struggles with an ed and doesnt seem to flaunt that around on her social media profiles like the other wannarexics do, but fml she posts staged selfie after selfie, day in day out, wirh comments asking if she looks 'fat' or ok? For someone with such supposed low self esteem she posts more selfies than the mf kardashians put together!!! ? Dont know if she deserves any thread of her own just yet but shes deffo attention seeking and constantly crying out for validation from the rest of the wannarexic community.

No. 110765

Why didn't you just post this in the proana thread?

No. 110769

This belongs in >>106059

No. 111031

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