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No. 1091456
The 12th thread for one of the absolute worst YouTube artists Baylee Jae. She's come under increased criticism over the past few months for her inability to take critique, general narcissism, excessive spending and hoarding of children's toys and art supplies, and laziness. She also draws like a 12 year old and has her very own instructional "How to Draw" book that was released November 2017. (inactive) No. 1091577
>>1091559I'm curious on how much in tax she's going to be paying after this.
With bare minimum googling it says she will have to pay 25-30% which is like $12.5k-$15k from her $50k earnings
Which will be about $35k after tax and based on
>>1088183 numbers for the box items
>-$19USD x 1000 = -$19k she spent on merch>-$5000 on boxes>-$500-$1000 (paid labour)
>Profit: $10k or lessIf someone could correct me on the numbers I'd really appreciate it
No. 1091581
>>1091577Wouldn't she get back some of the money she spent?
Sorry I have no idea how taxes work in Canada and I never sold my own products. But it should count as business expenses, so she should get some of that money back, no?
Well provided she fills out her tax forms correctly and actually pays her taxes….
No. 1091594
>>1091581she has an accountant now who holds her accountable. If this was 2017 Baylee, she would pocket that 50k and whine in a vlog about the tax man coming after her.
>>1091577Holy shit did she really spend that much on merch? That's fucking crazy. I thought the boxes alone was gonna do her in. God knows the labor cost but like someone said in the last thread, she must have been generous if her 'friend' felt 'guilty' for finishing quickly.
So for sure we are looking at a 10K profit?
The B grades haven't sold out yet.
No. 1091692
>>1091611If every item
>>1089690 cost at least 1usd x 12 x 1000.
Some likely cost more, some less and the boxes, at least 5usd per piece, and the backing cards and all the bits and bobs… it adds up.
But unless Canada has very strict rules what can and what cannot be deducted as a cost of business, those spendings only help her lower her taxes and she defo won't be paying on whole gain from shop, but income only.
No. 1091989
>>1091877yes and no, you can;t fully just right off any room you use for buisness. Like if you work from home in a studio apartment, you cant just write off your apartment as a business expense, you can write off the protion/percentage you use for business, or the specific aspects of it, but not anything that doesn't directly relate to your business or is used for other things. Like if you use internet and wifi, you can't write off your entire internet bill unless you ONLY use it for your work/business. You can get in a lot of trouble if you try and are caught. So any room in her house she uses for purposes outside the business can not be written off. So ultimately she can write off a PORTION of her internet bill, but since she uses it for other purposes and her husband does its only likely a small portion, same with her rent, electricity and other household things, she works there but she also lives there and so it's a small portion that ultimately gets a tax write off.
No. 1092053
>>1091577How many complete boxes has she made in total? Cuz that sounds about right, probably a 10k profit cuz she spent so much on really dumb things that could have cost a lot less like the boxes. I don’t think she even gonna pay her “friends” that much either tbh, she seems like the kind to buy booze and call that additional payment and only pay like 10$ an hour (min wage in that area is around $14).
And lmao 10k is pitiful for all that work, if that’s really her profit she’s only making barely above minimum wage for like 3+ months.
No. 1092151
>>1091594The B-grades sold out really quick, she only has A-grade left.
Yesterday she gave an update on how many boxes she sold, which was 761. A 100 of them being B-grades.
So I'd say
>>1091577 is about right with the 10k profit. If she doesn't sell more that is.
No. 1092184
>>1092151They are wrong. 760 boxes total sold.
660 A boxes x75
+ 100x65 B boxes
- 20000 merch costs
- 5000 boxes cost
- 1000 paid labour other costs
- 25% income taxes after deducting costs (not counting for other taxes magic and reductions)
Is closer to 22 500 usd of profit that goes directly to her pocket.
For a total of two or three 40hrs weeks works she put into it?
I just want to know where I could meet the devil she clearly sold her soul to.
No. 1092187
>>1092184Same anon fag.
If she sell remainder of 250 A boxes it's up to 14 000 usd after taxes.
I mean, I get it, we don't lime BJ and we all want her to see her fail at some point, but I draw the the line at malicious incomperence of basic math equations. 2+2 ain't 5 just yet.
No. 1092197
>>1092187Dang. Good for her lol dislike her and all but she really does have dedicated but brain dead fans.
She'll make a decent profit but she will blow through this money! We know how she is. When she blows through the 25+k watch her scramble for something else.
No. 1092263
>>1092204her youtube views are down but she still gets enough money. Her youtube checks probably went from 4k to 3k or some shit and to Baylee 3K isn't enough. to be fair she does have expensive rent. She is probably fine on twitch but I think in the last thread it was determined she doesn't make enough. It's a good amount but not enough she can quit youtube, which she clearly wants to do. Twitch would be so easy for her, she can scream and baby voice all she wants.
She really is stupid thinking 5 vlogs a week is what is gonna save her ass. She clearly hates art, said even said in a recent Q&A her heart isn't into it. All she has to do is draw 2-3 shitty potato girls a week for youtube and she could be fine. Or show off her art supplies, retards love that shit.
She does have same whales which is insane. She did do this around christmas time and all. She proved a lot of people wrong lol Also her fans are probably just as fucking shitty with money as she is, especially if one fan said they are waiting for student loans in order to buy her shit.
>>1092227>she's a lazy slob that simply lucked out with her fanbase.Which will never be realized. She is still lucking into shit. I still chalk it up to the fact she is the lowest for some people to aim for. Her fans really are just as stupid, slow and artistically challenged as she is. If this lazy slob can earn easy fucking money all the while showing no effort for it all, then that's what they want as well.
No. 1092309
>>1092197It's not that she doesn't already plan on bying 9k roland printer/cutter for a measly handful of stickers.
They are good, but let’s be honest, not at her scale. Printer that makes my merch doesn't even have one of these and they specialise in weird custom orders. O asked and they said they prefer separate printers and plotters for variety. These are good if somebody has only stickers business that mills 24/7 to minimize unprintable media margins, but otherwise? Not worth it. She could do so much better with really good printer and second silhouette, like all the planner shops, but that would require brain power on her side, maybe even hiring help. She's too lazy and cheap to put effort in, so she will throw money at her percieved problem (she doesn't have a problem with sticker costs or quality, she just wants new toy).
No. 1092461
>>1092309> She could do so much better with really good printer and second silhouette.I agree with you anon but to add to this she already has Pixma Pro 100 which is a top quality printer that professional artists use but she barely uses it now and it collects dust.
The way her thought process goes:
>"I need to make a big batch of limited merch">Mental gymnastics to 'invest' in new $$$$ machine>Buys said machine>Creates a few batches >Gets lazy and stops using it>Finds a manufacturer for it instead>Tricks her audience that the manu is better and machine collects dust>Rinse and Repeat No. 1092484
>>1092461That's good printer for giclee prints, not for vinyl/foil sticker printing where you either need solvent or UV ink. If you ever had issue with glossy prints rubbing off, it was becuase the ink wasn't curating to the plastic base and was likely not laminated.
Regular office/photo printers won't handle specialty inks. If she wanted to do planner stickers, that's cool printer with extra inks tho.
No. 1093035
>>1093033Wouldn't doubt if a number of people are worried about financial stuff here, which is why Baylee gets shit on so much for her spending habits. It's crazy watching her gets thousands for such low effort quality work. She does spend it as fast as it comes in though and has seemed worried the last little while.
Good luck, anon! keep going!
No. 1093073
>>1093062So she's closing on 30k after taxes.
I really feel some kind of way about that.
I also really hope she buys that roland printer. For the lulz.
No. 1093085
>>1093084Their house is ugly, too big and not really theirs.
I really don't know why they haven't been trying to find some place to buy
No. 1095208
>>1094125Not many doesn't mean not all. But the thing is, whether she could or could not, she didn't even try. She didn't even try to save up for it, to budget, curb her spending, hustle evenly or implement budget strategy.
The only responsible thing she did finance wise was to pay off student loans asap.
The rest?
Like moving to bigger place, buying new car, buying shitload of stuff, going to Disney and so on and on and on.
She assumed she couldn't, so she didn't even meet with financial advisor until few years into her having tax issues. Does she sound like responsible mortage holder?
No. 1095384
>>1095208exactly. They could afford it, they could have been in a house by now if they wanted it. But that is too much for Baylee. That would mean she can't buy her Disney shit and 4-5 time Disney world/land whatever visits a year.
If they didn't want to be in a house, fine, inb4 some faggot goes "Why do you people care if they buy a house?" Baylee used to talk about it and tweet about it, it was obviously something very important to her.
>>1095371Christian's friends are really nice to help out. Getting paid but still. She has Jacob with her, least she still has him around.
Baylee stans who lurk here. Tell Baylee to stop putting her hair behind her ears on camera. Just not a cute look on most.
amazing to watch her work, she seems less annoying when she is actual doing something productive. She did have tons of time to finish this before hand so we are seeing her rush.
No. 1095445
>>1095384Disneyland noob, here. How much does ONE trip cost?
I know parents can save for years and years for their children to take the trip and might have the chance to go just once, but how much bank is/was she making to go 4-5 times a year??
Just thinking of all that money wasted when she could have saved for/bought a house. She absolutely could have been a homeowner by now, but her spending habits are out of control. She will never own one because she doesn’t have the willpower to save. Even if she tried to, now, her YT is going down the drain and one video isn’t even hitting 50k views. That Chloe Rose is in the same niche and does similar click bait thumbs, she gets like 300k with way less subs.
Also, pretty sure Jacob is her only friend, so she needed him around. Just glad they were taking covid seriously and wearing PPE.
No. 1095449
>>1095384Jacob has been her only friend ever since the vlogs started. In The first 2 years or so she would only hang out with Jacob and Christian, occasionally she and Christian were invited by one of Christian's friends.
She doesn't seem to have made any friends in art school or at her work.
No. 1095470
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This incompetence…
No. 1095473
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What is this? Who’s this Edgar guy?
No. 1095482
>>1095445>>1095449which is kind of weird watching her party vlogs where she acts like all those people in her house are her friends when they side eye her quickly and only make small talk. Jacob really has been thee friend from the beginning and everyone else is just his friends or christian's friends. If she wants a small social circle, okay, cool. But it's obvious and hella phony watching her act like miss social butterfly when the people she tries to socialize with want little to do with her. She is shoving a camera in their faces so I'm sure that doesn't help.
>I know parents can save for years and years for their children to take the trip and might have the chance to go just once, but how much bank is/was she making to go 4-5 times a year??She was able to pay back 18k in taxes in one and half months, she makes (made?) good money and that was just around 2017-18 or so. She makes enough where her sister thought it was excessive Baylee went constantly.
>her YT is going down the drain and one video isn’t even hitting 50k views.I seriously wonder how bad it is. Since her first thread it's been "her channel is dying!" and she is still some how going. This box and the vlogs are an attempt to keep up video views and cash. Some say "Oh it's just Baylee jumping back and forth between shit like always." That is true, but with her serious lack of views now she probably is hurting a little in regards to youtube cash. Baylee does think more vlogs means more cash.
>>1095473A selena stan. Legit his twitter is just selena crap and some Baylee fan art.
No. 1095506
>>1095482Honestly I find it kinda sad and cringe when she talks about these people, and says they're like her family. She doesn't even seem that close to her family anymore.
I remember back in the days she would facetime with Brooklyn every day, send them presents for things like birthdays, mothersday.
Maybe it's her terrible editing but it really doesn't come across that she and Christian's friends are close. All they do is drinking and it always seems hella awkward.
To the Disneyland thing, alone on the trip where she goes to the D23 Expo and Disneyland she spends amounts that is just not possible for a lot of people. At least not without saving up for that. On year she even got sorcerer tickets for her and Christian (according to google one of these tickets is over 2000 dollars).
No. 1095530
>>1095445Air fare alone could be 1000 dollars a trip couldn’t it? Anaheim Disney sucks, and if she lives in Vancouver isn’t that like a reeeeally long way to Florida?
My sister spent 1000 dollars to get from Cali to Florida around Christmas and it seems the norm. Cheapest from Cali to Florida is probably 500.
Disney itself costs 150 dolllars for park tickets per person I think, if you were going for five days maybe you could get it down to 600-700 for five days.
Disney land meals cost about 15 dollars per meal, even the grosses nastiest corn dog or foot long hot dog, wet noodle pasta cost at least 15 dollars a meal. Souvenirs are the same Disney stuff you could buy at Walmart but cost three times as much. Hoodies are like 60.
No. 1095745
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gross Baylee
Different day, different video and yet she is wearing the same thing
gross lmao
No. 1095747
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No. 1095784
>>1095555She is the bread winner! Her youtube took off and they moved into that six bedroom house. He can afford to buy baylee nice things, her six hundred dollar picture, because she most likely covers the bills. It was her youtube money that took them to Disney world and that trip to hawaii.
If Christian made more money she wouldn't be this pressed about making tens of thousands of dollars or needing more youtube views.
Again, she was able to pay TENS OF THOUSANDS lol in back taxes like it was nothing. Only one time she made a mistake where she was gonna be late paying she drained her account and Christian's. She probably drained his because she was busy spending her money on toys.
No. 1095899
>>1095827Her time managing skills are just none existing. She also has no idea how and what to prioritize. She started to sculpt that goblin rather than working on the picture, that is meant to be published in a zine.
It's so easy to find artists who manage to do better than Baylee.
I wouldn't be surprised if deep down she is rather jealous to see others succeed. She makes good money for sure but everything else is a disaster. She also never thinks about how long this can keep up. Her store always feels like a fast cash crab, not something that is meant for longterm.
No. 1095999
>>1095506About Brooklyn, did she and Baylee have a fight? I used to watch Baylee years ago when she just started vlogging and her and Brooklyn seemed super close back then. I think Baylee even said her sister was her best friend. They were talking daily and she was on voice call in almost all of her streams. Now Baylee barely ever mentions her (tho i dont watch her streams anymore so i dont really know.)
Maybe i’m just imagining drama where there isnt any but did Brooklyn get fed up with how careless Baylee was with money?
I’ve always found Brooklyn way more likable than Baylee, she seems to have her life well together. (She also looks a lot better, probably because she eats way healthier.)
No. 1096012
>>1095999There wasn't any huge major drama but if I remember correctly they did get in a spat on twitter about a year or so ago. It was something to do with holidays and Brooklyn had said something along the lines of not being able to afford multiple trips to Disney a year. It was around the time Baylee had been planning to go to twitch con and Disney.
Somebody in an earlier thread posted the screenshots of the exchange but I can't find them. But in it, it did sound as though Baylee didn't seem to consider that her sister isn't as well off money wise as she is and couldn't afford to go on trips to Disney and I totally get if that caused a rift between the two.
No. 1096030
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>>1096012Yeah they used to talk on Twitter and tag each other, Baylee drew her something for her birthday and publicly wished Brooklyn happy birthday and such. She doesn't do that anymore.
I dann imagine it being about money. Brooklyn has some tweets that imply she doesn't have as much ("my car got broken into and they left the sunglasses they stole on a nearby porch not even thieves want my stuff) and when baylee mentioned her cintiq broke she asked if a repair shop could fix it (she should know that her sister doesn't get stuff repaired, just replaced). Tinfoil of course.
No. 1096050
>>1096030I could see that they just grew apart a bit. Baylee is unrelatable to a lot of people, and just because you're family doesn't mean you have a lot in common.
I mean what would you talk about with her? How she just burned through several hundred to thousands of dollars for Disneydolls? What a long day she had sitting around all day doing nothing?
Like they probably still along just fine, just aren't as close anymore.
It's sad to see Baylee pass of a vacation with part of her family. She used to say how important family is to her and she rarely sees them, why pass of family time then? It's not like she hasn't seen Disneyland before and that was also not her first time at Twitchcon. Honestly don't really understand why she goes to Twitchcon every other year, she doesn't seem to be into any streamers and she isn't that big on Twitch either.
No. 1096094
idk if i’m linking this right - sorry in advance this shit isn’t cute. clean up after yourself.
(this is an imageboard, post caps) No. 1096105
>>1096096she would have to do work consistently, and not only when she feels like it. So she waits until she has the urge to make money or is finally done preparing her products, actually does some work for a few days and then is her lazy self until it she feels like doing something again.
There'd quickly be no customers, if they had to wait 2 weeks until Lazy Jae feels like packing and sending out an order that came in when it wasn't convenient for her.
No. 1096137
>>1096050Family is only important for sympathy points. During her Judy (JUDAAYYY I'll stop) saga she was in near tears and saying how much Judy meant to her because of her dad or some bullshit. Her dad really had nothing to do with it (yeah he gifted it but you know) she just wanted people to leave her alone so she pulled a daddy's girl card.
Sister can't afford the shit Baylee can, to Baylee that's unacceptable. The whole tweet exchange was just baylee pissed off and how she didn't want to go boating on a lake. Boating on a lake is middle class thing to do, hell even cheaper if not your boat and with a friend at their cottage, so something Brooklyn can afford. Baylee was annoyed her sister couldn't drop everything and go to disney for the 3rd time that year. Baylee totally missed it was more than just boating on a lake, it was spending time with family and friends. So fuck Baylee and her "FAMILY MEANS SO MUCH TO ME!" only when she was poor it did.
Baylee is the rich sibling who'll the others will go "Hey, remember when you had that huge house?" one day.
About her store, yeah she only likes to see huge chunks of money coming in. Small amounts hitting the bank doesn't sit right with her. She needs 600+ to justify another shopping trip and wasting time.
No. 1096377
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I also hate how she puts her tongue out to speak some words like every other 2 seconds. UGHHH(namefag, nitpick)
No. 1096450
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wow she REALLY doesn't care at all huh
No. 1096531
>>1096257She got it done last minute. It's probably shitty knowing baylee.
>>1096391And she insists on giggling in every sentance even when she gets called out for how annoying it is. Along with her baby voice. She laughs at what she says because she is talking to the viewer, she is laughing in place of someone else. So she thinks in a conversation that what she is saying is engaging and warrents a positive reaction. Not even tin foil, just it's obvious. Girl is lonely and has no one to really talk to and spewing word vomit into a camera is the closest she gets to socializing.
No Christian doesnt count. I'm sure they talk but baylee needs a friend to vent to, not a spouse.
She looks awful and when she does dress nice, especially in earth tones, she actually looks great. But, that involves effort. Make up, nicer clothes, washing hair all require effort. Baylee is peak lazy. Depressed probably.
If someone makes some shit excuse again like "she has a skin condition (she does but no excuse to look like a greasy mess) She has this! What if she has some ovary problem!" Fuck off. She has the money and the time to help manage all the shit.
No. 1096564
>>1091577I forgot to add:
>$1500USD on Uline boxes & productsIf she's a smart cookie they're paid in part with the shipping costs
No. 1096568
>>1096294She sounds so depressed in the entire video
Is actually working too hard for her?
No. 1097052
>>1097025Yeah she's simply too lazy to do her research for finding another company. Same with every other company that she wanted to quit. The most she does is asking her viewers for suggestions.
>>1096956I remember her talking about it when she was in Arizona with her family. I wonder if Brooklyn wanted to go there with her again since their parents own a house there.
No. 1097365
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So she's taking the day off from posting a vlog because she's still recovering from packaging her advent calendars.
No. 1097403
>>1097365weird! if you would have planned this out properly, you wouldn't have had to rush and break your back getting everything shipped out properly.
i kind of love that her friends helped one afternoon/night and peaced out to help her with drop offs though.
No. 1097433
>>1097294>>1097427she does one workout stream and 10 minutes in and she looks like a roasted pig. It is just her jiggling around for 45 minutes, no real exercise going on after all. After 30-45 minutes of jiggling, she gets on camera sometimes and acts like she just did a triathlon. She will then proceed to scarf down heaps of food.
>>1097403Christian's friends probably weren't getting paid anymore and had better shit to do. I'm sure Jacob it was the same. She doesn't have friends besides Jacob.
No. 1097477
>>1097365Does she not realise doing packaging and logistics is extremely normal for artists with bigger followings?
To use Katnipp as an example, she does 100s of packages daily with her team and she is twice the size of Baylee and doesn't get the privilege of taking a week or so off cause she did "one big project"
if it was an artist with a large patreon they have to pack 1000s of orders EVERY MONTH and create new art non-stop.
Lazyjae is such a hack, she had 6 people (she probably underpaid) helping her and she didn't do shit except vlog, make snacks and tell people what to do.
Artists with 1/5th of her following work harder and smarter than this pink whale that's trying to roleplay as a successful artist on youtube
No. 1097685
>>1097471Isn't that some shit. The one person she has had since the beginning and they both used one another. People should go back and watch, or skim through really, her vlogs with Jacob, over time and quickly it happened they just become so awkward together.
>>1097478She has people in her comments calling her an inspiration and it's honestly sad. They themselves are often trying to start an art channel so of course Lazyjae, the arttuber who got by with luck and tapping into an immature market, is the one they put on a pedestal. Anyone worth their salt knows LazyJae is the lowest of the low in terms of quality and relevance. Not shocking she has no discount versions of her. Even those that try to be can't get it to work because it's freaking Baylee.
No. 1098280
>>1098243We always talk about her being a slob, but she never ceases to amaze me with how bad it gets.
Seeing all of the trash littering the floor - is it really that hard to have a trash can or bag that you use instead of just throwing shit on the ground?
No. 1098377
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She could really use a larger shirt. Could she be pregnant?
No. 1098402
>>1098377nah anon she's just bloated and fat
I don't think Baylee wants to have kids at this point, She's been with Christian for 10 years they might've talked about it during their engagement.
She's too set on looking after her cats and wouldn't want to turn her art room into a baby room and I think having a baby would be too much reasonability for her anyway.
To add, there's nothing wrong with choosing to not have kids, Baylee doesn't seem like she wants to be a mother at this point maybe when she's like 35
No. 1098426
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I can't with this comment
No. 1098442
>>1098377She looked so bad, the shirt is way too small.
She's a big girl, she needs to get rid of some of her old clothes and get some that are her size. She must feel uncomfortable too, if not for how it looks than just for how it fits.
No. 1098583
>>1098377God damn ! Is she seeing this ?
Does she not know how dumb she looks ??
No. 1098605
>>1098402yeah the pregnancy ship has set sailed along time ago. At one point it was just an excuse so she could be lazy "When I'm pregnant, I can vlog even less if I want!" Legit said something along these lines before.
>>1098426same fag who brought up her weird youtube comments section calling her an inspiration. Her fans really do see her as the pinnacle of what it means to be an artist/youtuber.
>>1098442She probably thinks that because the shirt is more adult, isn't a shirt a 12 year old would wear, she is dressing more her age. She still hasn't listened to the youtube comments she deletes telling her to buy clothes for her size.
She knows she looks stupid. She tries to play up the "ugly quirky girl shtick" you know "If I act ugly and silly no one can call me out on it"
No. 1098658
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she got popular with her gross amount of copics and not with actual talent or aesthetics
not surprised she is taking a bath with them for her youtube collab crap lol
so gimmicky
No. 1098667
>>1098243wtf is she doing in her vlogs? screeching, baby voice, jumping like an autistic gremlin. Again with the room cleaning! 3 hours? She is the queen of wasting time.
>>1098658>she got popular with her gross amount of copics and not with actual talent or aesthetics.No shit. It's why people get so angry that this no talent hack keeps lucking into shit.
why would you post something so disgusting?
No. 1098831
>>1098605She'd look less stupid of she'd just buy clothes in her actual size. Then if she'd go to a hairdresser to fix that mess of hair and regular showers, she'd look totally fine.
She used to look way better in her vlogs, she absolutely let herself go more and more after her wedding.
No. 1098848
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No, it is not cute at all. It's comments like these that are annoying as heck because it's so clear that Baylee has her subscribers under her thumb and they also believe she is this dainty little cute, cottagecore, pastel 'influencer' rather than the blob she actually is.
>>1098377 if this picture is anything to go by, how do they not notice that she is anything but cute and dainty?
Also she really needs to stop pulling her shirts down her ass because it is just the worst look.
No. 1098939
>>1098658That’s just gross now.
Be better baylee, gosh…
No. 1099494
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>>1099144bruh…this looks ugly af. The ribbons made it even worse
No. 1099510
>>1099494Why is the ribbon on the bottom upside down. I really don't understand. If it were two sided and you flipped it, kinda like a playing card, yeah makes sense to be upside down. But it just looks like she made a mistake (I mean this whole sculpture is a mistake but even more of a mistake) and didn't change it.
Also instead of baking it onto the wood and not baking it for enough time so the clay is still pliable which makes it totally prone to breaking, why not just make the individual pieces separately and then attach it after. I swear Baylee just makes mountains out of molehills and make things way more difficult than it rightly has to be
No. 1099738
>>1098848Baylee doesn't read here. Her stans do. Any negative comments she gets or acknowledges are just similar ones she gets in her youtube comments (and she deletes them as soon as the get posted) Someone mentions she doesn't look cute with her hair behind her ears and now a stans mentions it to Baylee? It was obvious her stans were here last thread with that random comment defending her and some defending it.
>yeah maybe we shouldn't be mean to Bayleelol wtf
She's an ugly fat turd and has the personality to match.
>>1099494She wasted so much time to make this and it was for no reason. She had boxes and the zine to do but she did this and it still looks like a gross caricature. She gets shit on because she doesn't do art and when she tries she can never time manage properly. Someone said in one stream Baylee spent 4 fucking hours just playing with kiki on the table and made 3 clay roses. Damn.
No. 1100198
>>1100068no it wouldn't have, because the rest of it is already fuck ugly.
also sage your posts.
No. 1102481
You guys really surprised that she just went with basic gifts? It's Baylee after all. Of course she also counts her ugly Advent calendars as gifts.
>>1102378She really took all day and still didn't manage to wrap all the presents? Just how slow is she in her day to day life?
No. 1102489
>>1102378Basically all the 'gifts' she bought were originally for herself or her own merch it comes off a bit narcissistic. I bet Baylee went on a shopping spree for herself then she realised she doubled up on a lot of items and decided to pawn off it on to her family as Xmas gifts
Wild how her husband had to tell her to buy specific gifts for him, I guess he finally learnt after the useless shit she got him for his birthday and xmas every year.
No. 1102547
>>1102489that’s exactly what she did, she says it when she talks about the toque.
it’s funny that those earrings from Amazon came in obviously tiffanys inspired packaging, and if she didn’t spend money on bullshit (or if she wasn’t so selfish) she could have just bought her mom a pair of actual tiffany earrings. for the cost of all that crap put together, she could have easily bought something nice.
I noticed she stopped sharing her vomit meals lately. What gives
No. 1102578
File: 1607382399203.png (1.19 MB, 1273x664, food.PNG)

>>1102547Nah she's still sharing her meals
1000 calorie dishes to maintain her weight gain
I still think she's fasting? but I don't think it helps with the amount she consumes
I don't know why anyone would be interested in her meals when it's an "art vlog" channel I guess she needs 30 minutes of empty content for that ad revenue
No. 1103062
>>1103047if you’re going to add all that stuff to the sauce, why not make the Alfredo from scratch?
i can’t believe this girl who goes out for bullshit errands nearly every day bought all her presents on amazon. that ugly ass no name made in china jacket cost $270.
No. 1103076
>>1103056It probably tastes good, though. All that fat and cheese and all. But, the calorie count … and that's probably double the fat intake she should have in a day.
I actually like the jacket and it suits Christian. It is expensive, though, for a no name.
That sculpture, though. No, just no.
No. 1103153
File: 1607460147711.jpg (277.59 KB, 1322x806, jacket.jpg)

>>1103062>$270No it didn't, it cost $190 CAD
No. 1103162
>>1103153That's a nice looking jacket
>>1103076>I actually like the jacket and it suits Christian. that will look absolutely ridiculous on Christian. That shit looks slim/built (slim in it's description) and your gonna see a porker wear it.
It took till now for her to get him shit he actually wanted though.
No. 1103182
>>1103162With suits it was more like, that it fits his taste or personality or whatever, not whether it fits him seize wise.
After seeing Baylee in it and how it fits her - I can only conclude that the jacket may be either too small for him or Baylee really has exploded in term of weight gain. It fit her well (except for the arm length). But the shoulders seem too narrow for Christian. Oh well, who knows.
No. 1103245
File: 1607468496731.png (1.05 MB, 828x1792, 80A63798-B595-4933-A43E-3B825A…)

>>1103153this was as far as i got in my search tbh but it’s still overpriced regardless
No. 1103878
>>1103825Kinda nice that she gets rid of some of her old stuff that she never uses, but at the same time this feels so crappy.
Like she just stumbled over a bunch of her old crap and decided to make giveaways in order to gain some followers and views maybe.
No. 1103986
>>1103825She had ALL day to get shit ready and then mailed and leaves it last minute. She is gonna be a pain in the ass at the post office (shoppers drugmart's postal area let's be real) the lines are already long enough with old ladies getting confused with mailing out one damn card. That annoying pork girl laugh and porker talk.
Damn her sketchbook is so shitty. "Look at my studies!" Bitch looks like she learns nothing from her 'studies' Different colours of heads doesn't make the piece good. Why the fuck is she giving away a used sketchbook? Just fucking use it up, actually lean fundies for once and not just mindlessly copy shit from right side of the brain or Loomis.
>>1103979That "Mail me shit and you might see it in a vlog!" Like damn that was fucking so shitty of her. She has the damn money to buy whatever the fuck people suggest to her. But nah, Get's her fans to buy crap and waste more money on shipping just for the already rich girl to have more free crap.
No. 1104367
>>1103825Did she say the sketchbook was arguably one of the better prize because it has some sketches, studies and "original" art. Is she that far up her own ass.
Also I think it's weird that she giving away items from the box that Jazz gave her for free. She should have just given the entire box instead of some items from within it.
No. 1104414
File: 1607610569880.jpg (67.78 KB, 928x520, yy9mvMUrFg.jpg)

Another day, another one of her hideous unfunny faces. I want to know what she did to get people to think she's funny and quirky rather than stupid and annoying.
>>1103902>>1104301I agree with both these, why would you give a nasty half used sketchbook as a prize rather than just buying a new one? But yeah, her idiot fans would think they're so lucky for getting 'original art' - when really they're just getting trash.
No. 1104573
File: 1607629538743.png (654.47 KB, 1406x781, chrome_MukyX9TEML.png)

>>1104567It is! That's the watercolour set she bought off wish that she's giving away. So it's not even like a good or semi-good set of paints, it's cheap shit from Wish.
I think it's pretty much confirmed that she's not giving away this stuff because she's being a kind person who wants to do something nice for her subscribers for the holidays, she just wants to get rid of shit from her house that she doesn't use
No. 1104586
File: 1607630956626.png (369.86 KB, 457x524, Ahk8Wbcqnb.png)

>>1104582This is what the final sculpture thingy looks like for those who don't want to watch the video
No. 1104595
>>1104586This took her weeks! Holy shit this could be done in a day at most but she procrastinates everything and this was made for no damn reason. She had a zine and her calendar to finish that was more important. Even though she sculpted a black girl, it's recognizable as Baylee's basic ass potato girl style.
>>1104582what a boring vlog. She has to show off food for more content. We get it Baylee, you are a fat ass.
No. 1104764
File: 1607647532145.png (851.97 KB, 863x576, morbidlyobayse.PNG)

the finished product looks like ogre Fiona in blackface
No. 1104773
>>1104764hate her lol so fucking ugly, even when she isn't pulling these faces. This bitch and her slob husband settled in life at this point. Neither seem to bring out the best in each other. Shit, dude breaks his ankle and she is the one bitching about him being home and how she won't drive him to work. That money she makes must be worth it.
"No need to bring up Christian!" He looks far gone and just as greasy as she does.
No. 1104780
File: 1607649072567.png (654.8 KB, 492x596, cancer.PNG)

that artists rewind gave me cancer
nothing but a self-indulgent herd of internet degenerates flopping around
No. 1104782
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No. 1104912
>>1104786If she at least would buy clothes that actually fit. She'd look much better and actually thinner too. Now she just looks like a fat sausage.
That she wears those long shirts underneath makes it even worse.
No. 1104945
>>1104582God she just can't get shit done, can she? She does so little but acts as if she just had a full on work day.
All she was doing: edit her vlog, drive to chitchat, clue on pieces to the sculpture.
No. 1105013
File: 1607696143202.png (1.09 MB, 1220x736, Captura de Tela 2020-12-11 às…)

This is from the other vlog but I just had the time to post about it now. WHY WOULD SOMEONE ADD A SHOT FROM THIS ANGLE FOR THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE TO WATCH??? Damn….. she is pathetic!
No. 1105168
>>1105128Damn her portions are out of control and what the fuck those scrambled eggs, sour cream and cheese mixed in. If you make yours that way, no offense just this lard ass doesn't need the extra calories.
She treats every cleaning session as this big arduous task. Baylee, just clean up right after you make a mess. Lazy sack of shit.
A giveaway for all this shit she got for free and bought in a manic state to get her dopamine rush. Now she has this shit and you'd think an ARTIST as she calls her self, would have used up all this stuff by now. But no, it was done for that dopamine rush because this girl is in a bad mental state.
No one cares for your nails, Baylee, or the fact you don't have polish remover.
She does not need those damn fucking bowls. And of course she justifies it with "It's On SAALLLEE11!!!!" TENS OF THOUSANDS well spent.
No. 1105676
>>1104733This was so boring. You'd think a bunch of artists could come up with something enjoyable.
>>1105128She gets so little done in a day. Her loungewear looks like she just went out wearing her pajamas.
No. 1106059
File: 1607812913787.png (480.22 KB, 940x1490, Screen Shot 2020-12-12 at 2.34…)

>>1105855The artists featured in the video are the obnoxious art youtuber type who aren't that successful outside of youtube. Kattnip doesn't belong in the same sphere as them, nor are other youtube artists who run successful shops like Amii Ceramics or Lovesoup.
>pic related. the full list of people featured in the video. No. 1106060
File: 1607813002711.png (5.28 MB, 3360x2100, Screen Shot 2020-12-12 at 2.40…)

>>1106059also this clip is so funny because Baylee is double the size of all of the other girls
No. 1106182
>>1106060barf. Lazy Jae has never learned to dress herself. From her awful outfit she wore to the poppy concert to her terrible black leggings and apron she wore to a convention, this fat ass just doesn't get it. She knows she is big but doesn't know just how big. If she can get it on her body, no matter how much it cuts off circulation, then it means it fits and she can't be that fat (according to her)
We never see her around normal people. Christian doesn't count. We know she is a big girl but seeing her next to standard sized people and poorly dressed at (her biggest issue really, dress for your size) that really puts it into perspective. Baylee wants to be that cute, soft, uwu girl, that's obvious. What's also obvious is that she has yes men, who tell her blatant lies "You look so cute with the hair behind your ears, Baylee!" No she doesn't, she looks like a drowned pig.
She looks embarrassing. She is the type of person you are embarrassed to be around. The pork laugh, the delusional fashion sense, the lack of manners and random shrill baby voice. I bet Baylee is that friend that interrupts constantly. You can never get a word in because she just never shuts up and the friendship isn't about the both of you, it's about her. She'll gift you shit but you will be an after thought. like how she treats her family in terms of presents and her fans with the giveaways. If you don't benefit her in some monetary way that she can exploit, why should she be nice (see her friendship with jacob where they used one another)
She uses Christian's friends in vlogs, to make it appear she has this large circle of friends who just love to come to her house for parties (before corona-chan) and she is this social butterfly. She'll drink her wine (nothing wrong with her drinking lol) with a smug look right into the camera as to say "Yeah, just adulting, so what
snort" shove the camera into some randoms face and they blankly stare, laugh and try not to be rude to the host but it's obvious they didn't come over for her.
No. 1106613
>>1106182lol That girl from Craftastic looks like ana-chan. Everyone els looks fatty compared to a sack of skin and bones. Wouldn‘t call her normal-sized.
Chloe is the only one who looks healthy to me.
No. 1107255
>>1107241You know she already has very low standards for comedy anyways. She never matured pass poop jokes.
I thought she was growing her hair out? Are you suppose to keep dying the bleached parts? I feel like she’s going to eventually say screw it and go full pink again.
No. 1107349
1. It was made by the same person who writes the Baylee erotic fanfictions she reads in the streams.
2. The creator is a regular in the streams and therefore a 'friend'.
3. She has no content.
4. It's supposed to make her look bad to be funny
But yes, I didn't find it funny either, just cringe. But anything that puts Baylee in a bad light is fine by me.
No. 1107375
>>1107255if she sticks to the dye she's using, that's ok for her hair, as it's basically just conditioner with pigments, not "real" hair dye or bleach which is actually damaging the hair. It just looks stupid.
>>1107240I hated her reaction to the interview. I think parts of it are actually funny and props to the person putting in the work of collecting all those clips, but her reacting to it absolutely ruins it. She should've just included it as-is, or take the chance and do some stupid animation to accompany it. But THAT would be an actual idea for a project and because of that it wouldn't happen with Baylee.
No. 1107649
>>1107507Girl dies basically nothing all the time and complains when she does have to work.
It's odd to think that she once had a fulltime job and still vlogged, made yt videos and had a store on the side.
No. 1107661
>>1107657A couple months ago when she started this diamond painting, that vlog got quite some views (it's like double as much as her other vlogs), so I think it's just another lame attempt to get views again.
Girl is so desperate.
No. 1108613
File: 1608161696664.png (931.48 KB, 596x860, SOLDOUT.PNG)

She's basically sold out all her boxes
No. 1108630
>>1108613So she's surpassed 30-few k in USD after taxes. She was right, tens of thousands.
Where did my life go wrong and hers so right?
No. 1108898
>>1108860stop policing others, jfc.
>>1108768Doubtful she gave more than 50 away. And let's say she kept 50 as a back up. It's still 900 sold. It's still over 30k after taxes.
No. 1109066
>>1108752yup, it won't last long. She got her TENS OF THOUSANDS but it will be gone by march, and that's being generous. Baylee is willing to drop 200 bucks at michaels on a whim and that wasn't even the only store she visited that day and spent money at. She has no trouble making money and has no worries about spending it.
The money she makes is enviable. But, she spends close to 4000 thousand on rent alone, even if rent was 3000 that's still a lot. Add in insurance for her cars, he massive grocery bills because let's be real, two fat asses live together. Add in all the shopping she does, online included. Girl loves to buy shit, the only thing she has going for her to make her happy. She proved everyone right with tens of thousands but watch her scramble when the money is gone. Rinse and repeat.
>>1107913damn she was annoying back then. Like a young girl annoying. So it seems like she started eating more once she started dating and feeding Christian.
No. 1109187
>>1109173God forbid to both workout and edit the vlogs in the morning. Can't do that, then she might be productive.
With her showing her planner it's so obvious that she counts stuff like wrapping Christian's presents as actual work, not as something she does after her workday.
No. 1109577
>>1107913Wow she really doesn’t care about her weight now.
What happened?
No. 1109705
>>1109678Because that’s what she calls riveting content, Anon. Good god, this vlog was boring as fuck.
I wonder what her goals will be for next year. It must be sad to just go day to day without any sort of plan for yourself. IIRC, in one of her videos a couple years ago, she set some art goals for the year but when she looked back on them, she didn’t achieve anything.
I wonder how she feels looking at other art YouTubers who set out to do a lot, actually get things done and improve. I don’t think she learns anything from her peers, she’s just stuck in this little bubble.
No. 1109932
>>1109691Like yeah, you yourself are a whininy bitch, anon, whining about anons who don't do what you think they should on a site that's not yours to mod.
Stay pressed or apply for a farmhand if you know better what this site should be about.
No. 1110010
>>1109883when she finally does an art video it's fucking shit lol she has no visual library so we see her do the same fucking thing every time she draws. Potato Girl facing forward. If it is something beyond just a face forward girl, it's in a body position baylee has never drawn before (or sketched multiple times) and it ends up looking stiff. Also she never sketches to begin with so of course everything looks bad.
You can find that watercolour set at fucking walmart or michaels for cheap. But she's gotta make it seem like it's amazing coming from her. Also her fans should realize they are receiving her crap she touched once because she isn't an artist but a lazy hobbyist.
No. 1110085
>>1109883Giving away a paint set that had cat hair in it???
She’s gross wtf
No. 1111227
File: 1608478694937.png (268.46 KB, 398x595, 06fc68035111ce8acb3940692c7acd…)

>>1111175Her rendering is soulless and bad, she always somehow manages to do almost no work and still manage to overwork the blending so you get this weird, muddy and blotchy look like on the flower petals and candles.
Her art always gives me weird coomer fetish artist on their SFW account vibes.
like you can look at her art and tell what he fetishes are but its artwork aimed at kids, ick
No. 1112118
>>1112017i didn't realise she did anything worth taking a break from.
she says she's going to play video games and work on her diamond painting. that's… just what she does.
No. 1112131
>>1112118No, but you see . . . she's not going to film it - because that's so stressful for her and it takes up so much time in her day because she's just so busy doing much more important things.
Oh wait.
Honestly, this woman needs to get a handle on her life
No. 1112546
>>1112017She hasn't done anything in december except for some tax work and yet she feels the need to take a break? She's seriously peak laziness.
It's what bothers me the most with her, she thinks she's so busy and works so hard but she really doesn't.
No. 1112681
>>1112546I think for her doing anything counts as being productive - be it for youtube or not. So she'll include cooking, going to a shop, wrapping presents etc in her schedule as opposed to those being just tasks that most people will do. Sure, if she was running a patreon, had a full time store and was still doing proper youtube videos it would be understandable if she were to take a break
But she doesn't, she thinks she's so hard working and busy but she's nothing more than a lazy slob
No. 1113189
>>1112681Lmao I give her three days until she is vlogging again cuz she lacks anyone to talk to and she’s lonely AF.
It’s so telling how much she is lucky compared to other artists to have the audience that buys all her cat hair riddled crap while doing so little. The current artist discourse is about how much like IG and tiktok say you have to do to get any clout on their platform and she barely does any of it or anything of note. She couldn’t run a patreon and can barely keep up her store full time nor does she do anything with substantial editing on her YT. And yet she convinces so many that she works SO hard when it’s like, she’d rather just play Pokémon or switch all day than actually work on art. It’s crazy
No. 1113272
>>1112714God her struggling reading the card, can't this girl do anything?
The flower arrangement was quite pretty and the text on the card was very sweet. Christian really thought of a nice thing to get. Feel kinda bad that the flowers will just get lost between all the mess in the house.
No. 1113503
File: 1608752801842.png (761.64 KB, 881x492, 5fZRAJJqrG.png)

>>1113496She called this mess aesthetic. Like, girl, no, that shit isn't aesthetic in the slightest. You're dirty. ugly desk with all its crap on it is the furthest thing from aesthetic you could get. How dumb is she?
No. 1113546
>>1113531or put a piece of glass over top, like ikea sells for this table for this specific purpose.
mess isn't aesthetic. i know you see artfully messy photos on instagram, but they stage those. they don't just live in squalor like you, baylee.
No. 1114841
>>1113496That handwriting was alright, you just can't read Baylee. She complains about Christian's dresser being messy, meanwhile her art room, the kitchen and the living-/diningroom are a complete mess.
Midna still looks chubby despite having been on a diet for a while now. Does she give them that many extra treats?
I can't understand how anyone enjoys her streams. They're either super boring and she just won't say anything or she simply screams.
No. 1121137
File: 1609704410650.jpeg (470.97 KB, 828x1104, 2307E7EB-8807-4E23-B56E-5E35A5…)

I though Baylee had a drawing course! Even that hand is similar.
No. 1121197
File: 1609710376981.jpeg (351.25 KB, 750x1176, CD596D58-7B74-48E1-92A6-33E23A…)

>>1121137This artist isn’t GOOD, she has a very obvious same face problem and her poses are very static imo. It’s not horrible either, tbh it’s pretty cute. However let’s been real, she’s leagues ahead of Baylee. I feel like this is what Baylee wishes her art style was but she lacks the anatomy skills, even for something so basic
No. 1121626
>>1121197Baylee just has no understanding of the fundamentals and no sense for aesthetics.
And since she so far managed quite well with her skill level, she sees no reason to put any work into it. By now I lost all hope for her to ever change and improve. She'll always be this artist that doesn't like doing art and simply lucked out.
No. 1121971
>>1121969She isn't burned out, she's bored and possibly depressed. She just thinks it's burnout, because she keep lying to herself about how busy she really is.
She keeps jumping around with her schedule but she never makes actual meaningful changes that would improve her life.
No. 1122218
File: 1609809390648.jpeg (416.51 KB, 2208x1242, 91FAE510-C6BF-48AD-8A8F-8CCCFF…)

i cannot believe she actually thought this looked good. she also thought the streaky texture looked the best on the leaves?
No. 1122220
File: 1609809597080.jpeg (519.12 KB, 2208x1242, 2637C68F-C912-47CD-8CB2-AA1E4E…)

the fact that she said this was “gothic” because of the color of the roses made me want to cry. the flowers are dead and drying up baylee.
No. 1122328
>>1122218Why didn’t she use watercolor or some sort of paint ???
Oh! It’s cause she’s pig headed…
No. 1123257
>>1121969>i guess now that she has her advent calendar cash she's not worried anymore about posting.of course. This is the typical Baylee pattern. Give it a few months and watch her scramble to make money on the next thing. Girl can make money but seems to have trouble with it lol
>>1122466surprised she has dived head first into being a gametuber. Stream on Twitch and upload the streams on youtube shortly after. Or done 'Let's plays' she has a built in audience and not like she'll branch off into games her audience will dislike. She could do let's plays of pokemon, animal crossing (boring but some have been doing it) Zelda games. You know what though, recording, uploading, minor editing will be too much for her. A regular vlog is too much now.
No. 1124051
>>1123998No matter how much nice stuff she gets, her room and all always look like cheap knock-off stuff someone got from Wish.
She has no idea how to work efficiently. No way her edits really take that long like she acts, her edits are super basic and all she films is her face talking to the camera.
No. 1124089
>>1123998What is this cheap bullshit aesthetic she trying to pull off. I see so many other people put actual effort into this aesthetic. She has the money. Go all in or get out..
Also BAYLE GET SOME DECENT CLOTHES jfc. She looks so damn gross.and that stupid hat and her non existing hair. Come on now look decent for your fans atleast.
No. 1124090
>>1123998Her tik tok was that disgusting they had to take it down. HA
I wanted to those mean tik tok kids tear her to shreds.
No. 1124186
File: 1609979129238.png (858.71 KB, 808x476, stackingpapertotheceiling.PNG)

flashing bills amid a pandemic
people are jobless and worried about being evicted
So tone deaf lol
also can she just retire those porker miss piggy pants already(nitpicking)
No. 1124459
>>1123998- she is gonna make sketchbooks now. you know, the thing she uses so very much and absolutely for actual sketches.
- she really drew green leaves for a fall/mushroom theme pattern. she also wanted a pastel version? does everything have to be pastel with baylee??
- of course she got a package. wouldn’t be a baylee jae vlog without one
- she ordered some ornate spoons and couldn’t decide on either gold or antique gold, so she got both because of course she did.
sorry, i’m new to posting here, but been lurking for a while so i hope i’m doing this right.
No. 1124558
File: 1610022952922.jpg (23.62 KB, 315x504, oM4tnZYe8H.jpg)

This clown needs to get a hold of herself. Stupid onlyfans is way gonna boost her already inflated ego and then she pulls shit like this. God how does she think this is funny or entertaining??
Also how long does it take her to edit her garbage vlogs, they are the barest of bare and yet she acts like its's such a chore and takes so long as if they're like the slightest bit aesthetic. Just watch her change her schedule in like a month because she's not making enough money from youtube and will go back to posting every day.
No. 1125804
>>1125702I think it's hilarious how she always squishes her picture in the thumbnail to make her look thinner but then always decides to pull retarded faces. The second the video starts playing you see her big round fat face anyway so not sure who she is trying to kid.
And then she buys all this shit that she has no room or use for, aggravating. Just look at the absolute state of that house. Look when she opens any drawer and watch all the shit just rammed inside explode out. Disgusting lazy slob.
No. 1126953
>>1126798Got any more on high school baylee
Id love to hear more.
No. 1128192
>>1127805She probably gonna launch them in summer again, like she did before.
I bet she's rather desperate to find a way to drop the store. She seems so tired of it.
No. 1129775
>>1129512I remember that. It was so weird, like she thought she was that cat character Mittens. She never explained it though and later never mentioned it again either.
I believe it came up shortly after the Judy drama, because she was considering that cat with the bow to be the new vlog mascot.
No. 1130468
>>1126119She legit made her TENS OF THOUSANDS. Yes, we all know her twitch failed, her doodle domain (she was a raging cow about) but she still just gets enough brain dead fans to buy her other shit, watch her vids. She'll be fine for a little while longer, hell could be for a few years with her luck. We know realistically she is an utter failure but she still defies the odds lol Upside is that you can tell she is salty twitch isn't her money maker lmao she really wants to put in the least amount of effort and get the max reward.
Again, everyone can give realistic facts, shitty twitch, bad art but she still makes it out on top, financially anyways.
>>1126798Figured this is how she was as a teen. Bet her friends from her old school were more "we've known each other since childhood, might as well stick it out a little longer."
>>1130230"I have a split personality!" how old was she here? This is something a 13 year old would say, thinking it was cute and edgy or some gay shit. It's not cute coming from a 25 year old. "It's uncontrolable" nah, it is, you just want an excuse to be a dumb bitch.
No. 1130748
>>1130638sage your posts, first of all.
and please gtfo with this furry shit.
No. 1133115
>>1132458lol at her blaming covid for not doing much. Her vlogs have been boring and all the same before 2020.
She is only gonna do this art journalling this once maybe twice and drop it like everything, but I guess she really needed that Skillshare sponsor money.
Same with her other goals. She isn't going to learn oh sooo much about animation, she'll read a few pages and drops it yet again.
No. 1133124
>>1132458I don't understand her fussing around about how other people do art journaling and her needing to research it. Even before the Skillshare video.
As if some doodling whatever she wants to is above her abilities suddenly. If she's so informed about journaling, what about "just do whatever you want and whatever works for you" doesn't she get?
Also her result looked like it was done by a child after it was colored, but at least she drew not exclusively one of her generic girls with closed eye for once.
No. 1133190
>>1133137She did. Almost a year ago Wacom send her a cintiq one and a mobile studio pro tablet for free, and then she got it in her head that she totally misses animating and she bought an almost 3000$ progam.
And to be fair she did animated herself pooping before the tablet was hidden away in a drawer not to be used again.
She is the perfect example of an amateur artist who thinks the equipment makes the art.
No. 1135300
>>1135097Pastel colors and all that blush is really unflattering.
>>1135273She simply can't cook and doesn't try. I don't understand why she feels the need to even share her it in her vlogs. She doesn't do anything nice cooking wise (or really anything nice ever).
No. 1135321
>>1135297it's a pretty normal thing. i think christian finishes work late so he probably wants to veg when he's done.
a lot of korean vloggers i watch also sit in front of the tv to eat.
No. 1135834
>>1135097Of all her stupid shitty art, why did she buy a bunch of stuff of that stupid dead eyed girl? Especially on the blanket, it looks so creepy!
>>1135273I wouldn't call that cooking. No wonder she's doubled in size over the past year or so. She has no consideration of portion size or what is or is not good for her. She really needs to get a grip on her diet, it's honestly disgusting.
>>1135300She always overdoes everything. Too much pastel, too much bleach in her hair, too much blush on her face. Don't get me wrong there are lots of girls out there who suit the pastel look (both average and plus sized) - I know it's cliche to compare Baylee to Katnipp but the thing is that Catherine knows how to dress for her size to still look cute and presentable (like the actual owner of a business who puts herself on Youtube should) whereas Baylee just looks unkept and slobbish
No. 1136072
>>1132159am the faggot you are replying too. Yeah she over spent on boxes, probably was scammed in that process lol She still made her money. Someone else called it (she was gonna succeed) while everyone else said it would fail. She would make her money back from the calendars and then some. Her friends could have been paid in beer and a little less than minimum wage. She won, might not be nice to hear, but she made her tens of thousands in profit. And yes, said before that her fans LOVE the fact she gets by on minimal effort. They see just how little effort she puts in and gets a massive reward and go "Good gooly gosh! That could be me!" her comment section will be bullshit like
"Such an inspiration!"
"I am also starting my own art channel, Baylee!"
She got lucky. Just lucky.
Regards to Taxes, she was fucky with them for a few years but she has her accountant now. She owed 18k once and was able to pay it off in a few months.
It's been said since her first thread here that her channel is dying and holy shit when is it gonna die??
No. 1136140
>>1136072It's her one selling point: making lots without the effort. That's what her fans like about her, they are way too naive and just as Baylee don't have any idea about the art world. So they don't realize that she simply got lucky.
Her channel is dying and has been since the first thread. It's just a very slow death.
No. 1137208
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>>1137002Look how fat, greasy and disgusting Christian has got, Jesus Christ, they were made for each other. Weed smoker so probably stinks too. ugh.
And then letting Kiki chew on that pin back, she could have swallowed it, and now that's going to be put right back on a pin that some idiot is going to buy. Disgusting.
No. 1137213
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>>1137208What he looked like just a few years ago
No. 1137902
>>1137002She's already pushing the animation stuff back so she can finish her diamond painting. She has no sense of prioritizing and separating hobbies and her work.
I wish I could just lazy around all day doing nothing and still cash in that kind of money every few months.
>>1137177I'm kinda surprised Kiki hasn't yet eaten something bad like paint or has injured herself by climbing and jumping. She sometimes jumps on to the desk right next to the pins without backing.
No. 1139195
>>1139185Why does she have to catch up with editing? It's so basic what she does, it shouldn't take her that much time.
She puts more effort into finishing that stupid Pokedex than she puts into her art and merch.
No. 1139267
>>1139185Thumbnail looks mad gross
Especially with all the fleshy pink tones
No. 1139460
I don’t get what takes her so long to edit. No transitions, leaves in background audio and lets music run out, leaves in unflattering angles. It should take her 5 minutes top to edit her vlogs.
I was going to say I wonder how she feels seeing all these artist move into bigger studios, but she went from ‘awww Jazza’s new studio!!’ To ‘I’m going to play Pokémon!’ Nothing inspires her to work harder or invest in herself. Sure she gets new merch and new tech she doesn’t need, but she really needs an area without the cats. It’s dangerous to keep them near her items. She’s just asking for Kiki to get hurt and some big expensive vet trip she can vlog about it. I guess she wants to stay home so she can do game shit instead of her actual job and get distracted by cats. All her vlogs are exactly the same: overshare, cats, IF she does something, stream footage, cats, gross proportions, watching TV.
She really does not try to do anything different.
No. 1141779
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>>1141771"look guys, i'm making faces again to show i have a personality" ewww big EW
No. 1141786
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>>1141771what the fuck??? did a child draw this?
No. 1142576
>>1142360She had an interview with ChloeRose a while ago, and there she actually said how she is steadily losing followers now. She got a small spike after merging the vlog and art channel, but since then it's down hill.
I think that's why she is trying to sprinkle in some art here and there. She doesn't seem like she actually wants to draw or is really enjoying it, it really seems more like a task she has to do that day.
No. 1144162
>>1143813I agree. If she would seriously be reading here, she would make very obvious comments about it in her vlogs.
She can't deal with criticism and gets defensive about it. She's quite active on Twitter, so I wouldn't be surprised if a Tweet made her worry.
No. 1144527
>>1144226I think someone from here or who reads here asked her about Judy because that thing wasn’t that important that after all this time someone would actually miss it. Someone late to the party probably asked because people have commented about this thread on her YT comments before.
We had shifted from taking about Judy to her food habits and she still hasn’t talked about that.
No. 1145289
>>1145252It's a puzzle. Why does she has to make a big deal out of it?
All that talk how she so wants to study the basic of animation and she still hasn't done anything.
No. 1145790
>>1145586At this point she isn't even slacking anymore, she's simply incompetent and lazy.
it's incredible how much luck she's having, she really struck gold with her fanbase.
I don't think she is happy though. Seeing her vlogs over the years…she just seems miserable. No friends, no goals, just floating around the same boring day after the other.
No. 1145989
This is what your
posts look like
This is a poem
About Baylee
Still famous
Why does anyone watch her?
Nobody knows
No. 1147923
>>1147674You mean like that Improvement series that she started, did 3 videos for (none of them really being studies or learning) and then never touched again?
She has no idea how to improve, how to study and she also lacks any interest in it. During her improvement series it was all about it looking aesthetic, using different colors and trying to copy Waffles…not about actual practice.
She never uses any of her projects to really learn anything new.
No. 1147945
>>1147923Yup that’s my main beef with her- she’s a person doing “tutorials” but has no place teaching or being perceived as having any authority in any subject. Her anatomy “studies” weren’t actually studying anything, she gets caught up in rendering and making her sketchbook look “pretty” rather than like learning anatomy or structure. And her other “studies” are copy-tracing from the Disney art books, which is a bad way to study since you’re just copying what other artists are seeing rather than interpreting and stylizing photo or life reference. Plus remember the big sketchbook challenge a bunch of art tubers were doing that was like a 500page book? She completely beefed it and rushed it and didn’t even complete it.
the hot guy series at least was a slight branch outside of the Disney copies but they still had terrible anatomy that could have been fixed with more knowledge. And she completely dropped it once that ice king dick pic and pooping Santa drawings didn’t get the views that she thought they would.
Waffles is a pretty decisive artist on here but at least from her sketchbooks and improvement videos, she draws outside of her videos regularly. Baylee doesn’t seem to even want to draw if she can’t film it so she’s stagnated because she’s too comfortable and lazy but her followers eat up everything. She would be able to build up her audience quite easily if she actually improved and worked at it like a lot of artists on social media but she’s the epitome of skating on mediocrity
No. 1148125
>>1148076What grinds my gears with her, is when she acts like she doesn't has time for things.
Like with reading the outlander books. She has nothing going on in her life.
>>1147945She just lost all passion for art. She has no goal, no motivation. She is all talk but she never follows up then. Just look at her wanting to learn animation again. She had talked about that a year ago, was gifted a wacom mobile studio (which according to her she totally needed because she could not do animation otherwise), and bought an almost 3000$ program for it. All she did was animate her pooping.
She brought it up a week or two again and still hasn't even opened that animation book she wanted to go through and learn from.
No. 1148164
>>1148076Does she deliberately choose the most unflattering picture for her thumbnail or does she think it actually looks good?
>>1148125She acts like she has so much on her plate when in reality she streams for a while, cooks shit food, fafs about doing fuck all. There are people who get 10x the amount of work done and don't complain about being busy or having too little time.
She has absolutely no work ethic it's embarassing
No. 1149043
>>1148076States she just starting the diamond painting and wont stop until its her lunch.
Lunch at mid afternoon
Currently the afternoon…
So you are going to spend 30 minutes or less before you take a break.
No. 1150438
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She brought a $1500 tape dispenser.. Jesus Christ.
No. 1150461
>>1150438I have second hand embarrassment for her.
Who in there right mind buys an industrial grade tape dispenser, I know it's for water activated tape but bitch could buy like a 10 pack of sponges for $2
Literally no sane popular artist who has an online store would buy such an expensive unnecessary machine, knowing Baylee she'd probably use 2-3 times this year and get bored of it.
No. 1150534
>>1150438This is why I can’t take her seriously. She might be able to make money, but she doesn’t know what to do with it when she gets it. She likes to flaunt her wealth with the stupidest things to make herself look important.
She still won’t invest in clothes that fit or nicer loungewear.
No. 1150594
>>1150438You know what's the worst though? She will think that this is an investment to make her more efficient and faster, yet she has the slowest, most inefficient way of doing just any thing in her life.
She isn't working smart at all, she just throws money on to random things.
No. 1150625
>>1150594That's Baylee to a T though, she seems to think the more money she throws at a problem the more efficient it will make her. When in reality she's just wasting money on unnecessary clutter that she'll use for 5 minutes, get frustrated over and then give up on and it'll sit in a corner for the rest of time (cricut anybody?).
She doesn't know how to work hard let alone work smart.
I know people say she should just give up youtube and open her shop full time and just run that as a small business - but she lacks good business sense and work ethic to even consider doing that. She's an embarrassment, not just to 'youtube artists' but to the small business community - not just Katnipp - who really bust their humps to make their businesses as successful as possible. A big part of running an online business is marketing - something Baylee doesn't know how to do because she just coasts along on her pre-established fanbase which isn't going to be getting any bigger now she's stopped doing art videos. Instagram and twitter are the biggest platforms for gaining an audience and she doesn't utilise them effectively.
I could go on, but jesus this woman child is frustrating
No. 1150770
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Ms. Spends a lot dropped $1000 for a industrial tape dispenser for someone who only opens their shop up less than 5x a year.
No. 1150881
>>1150756I already think baylee's videos are crusty and unappealing, but after looking at other artist and and studio vlogs recently…..jfc her environment is so cruddy and messy. It makes a huge difference after looking at other artists vlogs.
She keeps buying things! She thinks her setup is so cute. It's crummy and hoarder looking.
She needs to do a MASS declutter of not just her art supplies but everything. It's really sickening especially cause she has the money to make so many improvements.
No. 1150883
>>1150770Haven't seen any artist with unnecessary machine. Wtf why does she need this?
Can someone smack some sense into her?
No. 1151028
>>1150883Can somebody just bash her with her stupid tape machine.
She needs some serious help.
No. 1152047
>>1151327She seems to think having all these gadgets makes her more efficient somehow - but they really don't. Big fancy sticker machine? Good if you output a lot of stickers ala Katnipp or the planner shops you see. Tape dispenser? Good if you have boxes of different sizes and have a lot to do per day (think big packaging warehouses). But the thing is, Baylee doesn't need any of that. It's been well documented on here that she definitely is one of those people who think the better art supplies you have the better an artist you'll be. It's basically the same philosophy but for shops stuff and it's just not true in any capacity.
The fact that her stans seem to support her in her impulse buying shows that they have no idea what an actual good shop owner is like - how she has any fans left is beyond me honestly
No. 1153160
>>1152972Yes! She's an unrealistic example of an artist that has had a lot of luck and privilege snowball into a successful career. Despite the fact that her skills need work. And today's vlog was
literally a shameless plug of all her products for twenty minutes. It's clever marketing, if entirely unnecessary. Like yes, we know how product rotation works. And yes, she probably has saturated the market with her products. Since she doesn't make a ton of new art or products each rotation. You'd think there'd be a lightbulb moment, somewhere during her filming…
No. 1153455
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This is why people on here keep saying her stans are brainless making shit like this edit. Baylee is a lot of things, brilliant is not one of those things
No. 1154735
>>1153484These are those weird social media leech people that always pop up with high follower numbers like hers and try to get them to follow back to boost their own numbers too. Honestly I think it’s real creepy if a stranger would have highly photoshopped pics of me on hand but she’s always plastering her face on things cuz she’d rather be an “influencer” than an artist so no surprise she thinks it’s a complement. She’s probably used one of these or a bot to buy her YouTube subs too.
>>1153160Yeah you’re right, she just keeps recycling the same things over and over. Like an artist like katnipp usually has or works on new things in new videos but she only releases them publicly like every couple of weeks and maintains a high volume shop. Baylee can barely release one thing every couple of months which is fine, she’s obviously selling stuff but she really does nothing to grow her audience.
Speaking of which, how long do you think it’ll be until baylee does a whole studio makeover again now that other artists like katnipp have videos where they’ve built or remade their offices? I give it a week
No. 1154863
>>1154735She'd need actual space to redo her 'studio' but her room is so small and cramped by the amount of shit in it that she wouldn't be able to redo it. She'd be able to have redone her old art room because it was quite spacious and large, but not this new one.
She might have a big 6 bedroom house but other than a few rooms (basically the basement), all the rooms in that house seem to be quite small. Baylee did herself a disservice moving her art space upstairs
No. 1154928
>>1154863But it's also understandable that she distrusts her landlord/ -lady and fears the room might flood again.
On the other hand, the stuff she has for shipping doesn't need that much space. As much as she lacks any taste in style, she also isn't very smart to use her space efficiently.
No. 1156050
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>>1155939Eh tbh at least she's branching out from "bust looking forward" drawings like the stiff youtuber witch, bakery thing, and Christmas drawing.
No. 1156076
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>>1156050Somehow it's even worse in oil painting form. The expression isn't so much 'serene and calm' as 'having been doped with a high dose of morphine'. But yes, it is nice to see something other than generic girl facing forwards and smiling.
No. 1156314
>>1155926>pew-lineShe literally ordered thousands of dollars in just boxes from Uline for her calendar, she spent hundreds more on tape and at most she has most likely spent at least $10,000 on Uline products
Baylee is full of shit and her virtue signalling needs to stop, if you want to use Uline fine, but don't make a make a big deal about your negative views on a company to your thousands of viewers and still give them money
No. 1156501
>>1156314This! How can you pretend to dislike a company and still support them. She’s so dumb and she doesn’t even realize how stupid she sounds. The stuff about Uline has been around for ages.
Also why does she have to make everything so difficult? Katnipp talks about how she can eliminate customer inconveniences while Baylee buys super strong tape that will be a hassle for customers to open their orders in. She could have purchased bio degradable mailers to put her boxes in for shipping and they come in a lot of cute colors. The brown tape looks ugly and even if she did get custom tape the way she tapes things looks very childish. She just loves making things harder for herself.
No. 1157239
>>1157196There is definitely enough dirt on here on her to make a video. Like the rise and fall of Baylee Jae.It'd piss her off and shake her into reality a bit. Sure she has stans but she is declining in popularity more and more.
Topics of interest:
Her hypocrisy when supporting companies she rips apart ie. Uline
Her mocking other artists with aesthetic channels then wanting to go hard into cottagecore
Her letting her cats all over her merch and artroom.
Deleting comments and criticism
Theres a lot of weird little things to unpack.
No. 1157860
>>1157196Thing is, she really isn’t relevant enough in any art world to make any sort of impact and all her little transgressions on being woke but going back on her word are small enough to where most people won’t care. Like if she started using Judy again if she didn’t try to repaint her, I think there would be backlash enough to be called out, but anything else would get her rabid stans to gang up and claim bullying on their precious poor innocent white girl, never mind she’s a grown ass adult. The only thing of note that got her negative notoriety was the Wish sponsored video and she shut down the comments on it FAST even when people validly expressed their concerns in a not flaming way cuz wish promotes bootlegs and has shady practices when she couldn’t delete them all fast enough. Yet she still left the video up and refused to address it in videos later cuz $$$. She did lose a couple thousand subs over it like a lot of people replied to her on twitter, but that was the days of socialblade and she “miraculously” gained back those followers within a couple months.
She’s not a hot flaming ball of garbage and won’t tank in a blaze of glory like some artists do on social media mainly cuz she doesn’t use social media like a lot of artists do. She’s privileged in that way in her army of stans means she doesn’t have to do the YT/IG/tiktok/twitter/etc shuffle that a lot of artists do, like with tiktok she just uses it to shake her fat ass on camera rather than promote her shop. So baylee is more like a slow moving garbage ship in the ocean rather than a forest fire
No. 1157933
>>1157860Agreed nobody wants their name and rep tied to publicly shitting on her because it’ll just come across as you’re the one with the issue. So many artist hate on Sticker Mule for their support, but still use them for their stickers because they’re good. Baylee is just too stupid to hide her support of Uline because she feels like she needs to put everything in her vlogs.
The whole thing with Judy is over too. As much as everyone wants to cling to it, it’s gone.
No. 1158602
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I swore to myself this new ugly oil painting looked just like something Baylee had done in the past - it's this stupid assless girl that she sent to one of her subscribers for that art supply box thing she did. It's basically the same picture as that. She says she's not trying to copy that bakery picture (which in the grand scheme of baylee's bad art is boring but not terrible) but she's looking in the wrong place. At least this new art is a bit more cropped so we don't have to suffer through the bad anatomy of a full body picture that would just be too much to deal with
No. 1158817
>>1157933Sticker mule’s quality is really middling compared to other sticker printers IMO but there as a thread going around trying to “stick it to the man” by detailing how ordering on a sale costs them money. But it’s still shitty AF cuz if you don’t want to support their ideologies then just don’t order from them? Even more shitty when you’re someone like baylee who isn’t starved for an audience and has the money/credit to burn, it’s just super performative when she tries to be woke but goes back on her word. Like when everyone put black boxes up for BLM but didn’t do anything to raise money or donate to charities and just does black characters for the points.
Yup Judy is dead, she knows well enough not to go back to that. I wouldn’t put it past her to pull another gaffe, like her ugly sculpture looking like a black caricature and her walking back slightly on it, mostly cuz it doesn’t seem like she has any friends who are
POC or close enough to tell her when she goofs and all her stans cultivate a hug box who thinks she can do no wrong
No. 1158870
>>1158602Baylee did also point out this picture, so she is well aware that it looks similar to other stuff she's made but still couldn't be bothered to sketch out something else.
She always just throws the first idea she has on to paper (or in this case her ipad and then canvas). Her art is just as repetitive and boring as her life.
No. 1159716
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>>1158906Yeah and there’s a reason why oil painters don’t usually work in this cartoony ass style and why baylee is the only oil painter outside of people just learning how to paint in this very blendy way. It just doesn’t work and with oils especially, you need to be more purposeful with painting and building up paint this way is just amateurish and she’s making too much work for herself cuz she has no confidence in her painting skills but refuses to learn. like I get where
>>1156778 is coming from where she’s trying to be Thomas Kinkaide but he’s primarily a landscape painter (and doesn’t paint his own work anymore, it’s all assistants now) and the last time she tried to do landscapes they were equally just as bad with perspective and basic drawing issues.
And I’m not dismissing that you can’t do a cartoony style in a painting, like better painters can do it like this painting from the castlevania show where they look slightly cartoony and anime. And even tho this is most likely a digital painting, you can see all the fundamentals baylee lacks but is trying to mimic without actually using any of the same knowledge or reference like this painter
No. 1160116
>>1159716Anon, I'd be really surprised if new Thomas Kinkade's work were done by himself and not his assistant, becuase he's dead since 2012.
Tho The Painter of Light [tm] is very shitty kitchy painter and not in the good way, so her love for his work only shows how utterly she lacks any semblance if good taste and eye for any kind of coherent aesthetic.
No. 1160158
>>1160063Yea and it shows. She is basically making one of those sketchbooks that people will buy but won't really use.
The cloth cover + embroidery means the covers will get dirty so fast. Just the fabric over isn't so bad, but the embroidery, especially the white flowers are just going to get ruined so fast if people use the sketchbook often. Don't get me wrong, it looks nice.. but not for a sketchbook. It's just not practical. Are they even going to lay flat with the raised designs?
No. 1160189
>>1159991I wish Baylee's shop had a bit more thematic cohesion - if she was full rural/cottagecore aesthetic and everything she made was along those lines it could be pretty nice. But between these new sketchbook, the more cutesy simple enamel pins and her prints that are all over the place, nothing connects or makes sense. And whilst it isn't the most important thing in the world for everything to match it means you have a more solid brand identity. Baylee doesn't have that.
>>1160158 I 100% agree with this. You wouldn't be able to take these sketchbooks anywhere as they're just get messed up and ruined in a bag. Also the embroidery is likely to start unravelling over a period of time which if you're going to spend $15+ on a sketchbook (which I assume is what baylee will sell these for) isn't really worth it
No. 1160554
>>1160158I've been thinking the exact same ever since she said it's going to have embroidery. I like a cute sketchbook as much as the next but they ain't gonna look cute when you seriously use them. Even more so if you actually gonna take them places.
It's kinda funny how she always is more concerned about aesthetics than practicality, yet everything always looks shit and generic.
No. 1160596
>>1160554This. She doesn’t think about how the customer will use her product and she doesn’t care if it’s built to last because she’ll already be paid by then.
>>1160189Even if she didn’t want to go full cottagecore with the way she does her updates she should focus on a collection. The collection can be in the bg while she does these extra projects to show us and she could reveal parts as they come in.
She seems like she has a hard time sticking to a theme and hasn’t figured out that you can have more than one, just make it make sense.
No. 1160612
>>1160596I think this is the biggest let downs with Baylee and why doing a shop that isn't open all the time has really screwed her over. Because if she had one that was open all the time she could do collections and release them maybe once or twice a year. Like she could do a bunny themed collection and then a cottagecore theme and then whatever else, so when she gets sick of the items or people stop buying them then move onto a new collection. But baylee has the same stale stuff in time after time because she only really makes one or two new things per when her shop is open - which really isn't sustainable. She doesn't have enough new audience to warrent keeping the same things in her shop as all her stans are going to have bought the old stuff already.
It's honestly pretty clear she doesn't want to do the shop full time as then she wouldn't have time to do 10+ hour game streams or vlog her lift 24/7. If she really dedicated her time to doing the shop full time and doing weekly studio vlogs (that don't have to be aesthetic like Katnipps since she has some sort of aversion of aestheticism) - then maybe something would improve. But honestly you can barely call her an artist at this point.
No. 1160899
>>1160691Hi Baylee girl! We found Baylee!
But in all seriousness, what the fuck are you trying to do here, anon? Clearly you shouldn't be reading here if she's your 'you know how it goes' and not discouraging others from reading. Go away to the greener pastures.
No. 1162250
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It's a pink blob just like her. Surprise Surprise
No. 1162371
>>1162304Soo many tacky props
What “aesthetic” is she even trying to go for anymore ??
No. 1162375
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her comment section is just as bad, holy shit
No. 1163842
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>>1163840>Instead of trying to manage this I'm just going to hide itYeah I think that encapsulates the issue with her skills and attitude in general pretty well
No. 1163875
>>1163865probably. it's also impossible to clean those curtains once they inevitably get dirty. she should have put some hooks.
it still looks cluttered as hell
No. 1163877
>>1163840Baylee's idea of cutesy room decor = mounds of undusted tacky disney crap
Baylee's idea of elegant room decor = mounds of undusted tacky disney crap
Apart from the fact she has no sense of style, she's never going to get that room looking the way she wants because she won't part with her hoard of tat.
No. 1163892
>>1163840Take a shot every time she does a stupid laugh during this video.
Adding fake ivy everywhere just made it looks so stupid, same with the chair. I think she's confusing cute floral patterns with old lady couch pattern because that's the impression I get. Then again Baylee basically acts like an old lady - so it's kind of fitting in a way.
No. 1163996
>>1163984This!!! She has too many clashing themes. Disney, rustic, anime, gamer, victorian. None of it is cottage core. The ivy looks cute on the shelf but then she had to go add it everywhere and it looks stupid.
He whole thing was pink pink pink and then she adds a navy blue chair. The fabric boxes look great in the cubes but why didn’t she pick a different color that actually matches her room. She bought this stuff online where you can get anything and still chose the ugliest things.
Her makeover was just hide the problem areas and add more shit instead of actually finding a solution for all those wires and getting rid of things she knows she won’t use again.
No. 1163997
>>1163840Bru wtf
This looks gross
How u gonna cover up a gaming chair like that. U can't even see the pattern with her giant lump body on it.
No. 1164087
File: 1613597111549.png (11.32 KB, 845x90, alxLYtWVic.png)

Yeah her style has matured alright, matured into a granny style. No, you know what, there are some stylish grannies out there. Baylee is just grabbing at straws of what looks good and unfortunately her dungeon of an art room is way to cluttered to really look good. She would really have to pull everything out and redo from the ground up. Also I love how she threw some fabric over her nasty af pink desk because she couldn't be bothered repainting it!
No. 1165288
File: 1613740601835.jpg (26.06 KB, 400x400, 3t2zMOlh_400x400.jpg)

She changed her youtube/twitter profile picture - do you think she's finally giving up on the pink hair?
No. 1165385
File: 1613751786218.jpeg (1013.05 KB, 1993x1170, EFC811C1-8EE6-419E-AAF1-0359CE…)

>>1165379It’s insane how much more… alive? She looks as a brunette. Her hair was the same color as her skin for so long.
No. 1165541
The hair is a huge improvement. She looks so much better with darker hair. Her skin tone and eyebrows just looked insane with pink hair.
I find it funny she says now she can buy all the pink shirts as if she didn’t bounce around on camera in a full pink nightgown. Hopefully she starts realizing the older clothes didn’t fit and seriously invest in some clothes her size.
>>1165509This entire thread is people giving her legit good advice to be better and you’re mad she actually made a change and people saw that it looks good? Get some help.
No. 1165718
>>1165379How immature and childish a person has to be to not go to a hairdresser because she already went there once recently!!
She had the same thing with the lady at the post office. Bitch is almost 30!
No. 1166641
>>1165819I didn’t watch the vid cuz I didn’t want to give her views but since she didn’t go back to the hairdresser, did she dye it herself with a box dye? Cuz she was too embarrassed to go back? Like the brown is an improvement over the pink but it’s so single toned and too dark for her skin tone, if the pink was a shitty party city wig the brown is a slightly better wig from Amazon. I think a hairdresser would have made it look more natural cuz she really needs some highlights or something and a hairdresser would have mixed more than one color to make it look more natural. It looks like a bad wig on a fish.
But yeah you’ve nailed all of her vlogs, she makes every random event some kind of like big drama and talks about them at length when it’s like, yeah she only does this cuz she has nothing going on and she thinks her life is SO exciting. It’s sad that her stans eat this up when it’s like, this is just a mundane ass life and baylee isn’t special.
No. 1166787
>>1166751For that she would need better skin. As she showed off her new hair, her skin looked so horrible grayish.
>>1166742Why did she do that? I would have thought that with the red color she would block all the empty spots you get through bleaching which means less space for the brown dye. That‘s why she has redder spots now.
No. 1168285
>>1168035she looks great with the brown hair. She doesn't look like a walking corpse anymore.
She's moving to Alberta at some point? If so I'm gonna guess her lack of proper income is to blame. 6 bedroom house is great, if you can afford it.
Her painting sucks. Too much orange and related colours. Funny when she acts like she knows what she is doing.
She will never give up her horde of consumer crap. If she does, be damn shocking.
No. 1168400
>>1168317She depends on Christian. I think they will only move after he gets a job in Alberta.
Did she ever mention what he thinks about moving back?
No. 1168665
>>1168495exactly. She doesn't give a shit about Christian.
"what does he think of the move?" like Baylee gives a rat's ass. Dude sprained/broke his ankle and she made him take the bus to work because driving him would be to 'inconvenient' for her.
can you imagine living it up for 4-5 years. Spending close to 4k on rent a month, buying whatever your heart desires just to see it dwindle month by month. She has always talked about moving back to Alberta. Since 2017 or so, mostly when she was feeling lonely. Now it's kind of obvious why she is bringing it up more.
No. 1169493
File: 1614185263305.png (499.1 KB, 648x797, O3AVQRPuQJ.png)

Why does Cinderella have ridiculous bratz lips? they take up half her face - it's not a good look.
No. 1169516
>>1169503If she at least would be good at drawing within her comfort zone. Her art is terrible. She has no idea of anything, anatomy, lightning, colors….
Cinderella looks so stiff and wonky. The lip injections don't make it better.
No. 1169640
>>1169572If having a kid or if she was feeling homesick she'd bring up moving. She's probably doing it now because things may not be going that great. She still makes decent money but she has a expensive lifestyle to maintain. late half of 2020 she was bummed out she was losing views, which means she was losing money. She did great with her calendar, good for her, just we all know Baylee and how her wallet hates being heavy for too long. Tin Foil hate off.
Shit she needs her weekly Michael's haul and it's not cheap.
>>1169493 It's an okay drawing…if she was 15.
No. 1169867
File: 1614217205295.jpg (281.96 KB, 1134x797, Untitled_Artwork.jpg)

>>1169768Where do I start?
No. 1170090
>>1169472Wait . . . did she seriously not draw the legs in her sketch and only the body? No wonder her anatomy is so weird - she doesn't go the whole way when drawing, like it doesn't matter if you're going to cover the legs with a skirt or whatever, you still need to draw them to understand how the fabric will move. I don't understand how people continue to thing her art is good!
>>1169867How is it that this sketch makes more sense than Baylee's entire finished drawing?
No. 1170131
>>1170090Because it follows anatomy, form and actual physics of motion with a dash of properly placed perspective shortening. Baylee? She draws flat and has no appreciation for actual skill.
>>1170124Sunflower girl is so bad that it's good. You don't appreciate it fully until you redline it. I tried and failed because it's so bad, TBH.
No. 1171237
>>1171147There are so many places that do nice paper bags that you can recycle and she choose plain brown bags! Even if you are going to print things onto them, why not choose white or any other nicer colour than standard brown! You'd think she would think this through since she's so obsessed with things being 'cute' and 'aesthetic'
>>1171191Oh god I know!! There is no reason they should have taken 4 hours. Maybe half an hour, an hour at a push. But 4 - get the fuck outta here. Plus it's not like she was photographing loads of stock, it's the same shit she's had for ages now - why not just reuse the old pictures and save time.
No. 1171411
>>1171283Clickbait, anon. Majority of thumbnails are clickbait thumbnails and Baylee follows this. Baylee really does have some of the worst and most fucking obvious clickbait faces. Everyone relies on clickbait, with Baylee she has to amp it up because, well, it's pretty obvious why.
>>1171147Baylee living the life. Skate by doing nearly dick all. Run an online store that she only needs to put minimal effort in and her stans nearly buy out her stock. Yes we know she is fat and looks lonely, but damn she lucked into something easy. She makes it hard for herself but she has it easy.
She looks better when she dresses more age appropriate.
No. 1175332
File: 1614794705726.jpg (136.08 KB, 1123x801, fxiocy8kZA.jpg)

Okay but does the edited one not look better - like the head looks more proportional overall. Baylee's original drawing the head is too wide and fat looking, but stretching it vertically made it look better. And yet she's bitching about them changing it, catprint did her a favour
No. 1175971
>>1175551Dunno. Sometimes you want one side of the border to be wider than the others, like when you want to use it for signatures or comments or whatever bc you plan to cut it down yourself. The printing company could have asked at least instead of printing something that wasn't agreed on. She's right to be offended.
I also think the art still looks warped and it's more obvious how wrong the anatomy is.
No. 1176287
File: 1614891812700.png (16.46 KB, 851x193, kDWKt7Kp4i.png)

>>1176258This is what it states on the website, and by the wording it implies that if your print isn't sized correctly then it'll be stretched. So I'm thinking this is on baylee for not setting up the file correctly.
No. 1179019
>>1177198>>1177285I think it’s sad she devalues her own work to charge so less for it and that she’s too lazy to consider how much of a wage she’s working at if she can calculate her expenses, but yeah it’s really infuriating and insulting to other artists to think she can get away with underselling like that. Like a majority of artists don’t have the security and privileges she has to where she literally can’t fail and have someone else providing for her and it’s not a good look she’s so nonchalant about it.
Meanwhile I watched HulloAlice’s newest video and she said she was inspired by baylee cuz she’s nice and her studio vlogs were inspiring but it’s like, wow you’re really drinking the cult juice if you think she respects her own art and other artists in the same way. Baylee is so insular in her own world and rarely does shoutouts or collabs or promote or take advice from other artists so it’s like where are you taking this from? Can’t be her streams?
No. 1179632
>>1179474Because it sets a terrible precedent when people follow in her footsteps and we already know other artists follow her? And because if you spend any time on art social media like twitter, artists already deal with people who think they can compete with companies like Amazon and wish? And also cuz artists struggle to make a living wage or a full time wage off of their art so you see lots of people trying to argue with artists for charging anything more than below minimum wage for their services?
Like yeah it’s on her cuz she devalues and hates her own art so much that she doesn’t think it’s worth paying full price for it and she’s not a Chloe Rose and selling at gallery prices for her elementary school art but devaluing it because you can is rude to smaller artists trying to make a living and undermines the market. And it doesn’t have to be a lot, she can raise them a couple of dollars more and run coupon codes if she wants to sell them that cheap, but it’s a problem in general when you go under market without calculating a decent wage or thinking about how it effects the market and your audience
No. 1180019
>>1179879Oh same! I’ve been to Calgary expo before and there was a lot of good arts and artists in the alley but a lot of them were struggling because there were a lot of congoers who thought their prices were too high like on a 15CAD pin or like 20cad for a handmade bag. Meanwhile baylee is out here spending hours stamping out those stupid badge pins and selling them for less than a dollar, not even realizing the hours she spent pressing them + supplies worked out to less than minimum wage.
It’s just very gross baylee is too self centered to realize how much damage she’s doing to the market and how she’s basically training a lot of young people to not value their time or careers as artists.
No. 1180032
You give Baylee too much credit here. She has a million followers but we all know most of them are bought. Her art is also mediocre at best. She's a single artist and if the market can't handle one artist that undercuts all then the market is fragile and shit anyways and a sane business person wouldn't compete there. She's not Amazon, she's the art equivalent of Wish. But also, don't forget, ya'll may be artists but your art is not interchangeable (unlike goods on Whish or Amazon). Like, people like Loish's stuff bc of her style. If you want to sell your stuff to Loish's costumers you have to copy her style or make yours simliar in a few places so it copies the look & feel of it.
Overall, people know which kind of art they value and which not, which kind of art is of more value to them and what they are willing to pay more for more value. If you don't sell shit it may be that costumers don't like your art, your presentation isn't appealing, you are not appealing (like you're too shy and seem to be not interested), your table is in a shit place or the prices don't reflect what people are willing to pay. If your target audience is kids and you price your stuff at 25 dollars a piece and up, that's on you not Baylee or any other vendor. So there are a lot of factors why a vendor might not sell, Baylee's prices are of lesser concern.
No. 1180599
>>1180032I'm not saying she's single handedly destroying a market, it's just that her being so desperate to sell out of things and lowering her prices to the point where she's not really making any money after investment is an unhealthy practice and sends a bad message to other artists and consumers. Will it bankrupt everyone? No, of course not… but it does have a ripple effect in the long run, regardless of popularity or youtube clout. It's just bad for the general culture of artists to severely underprice as a whole. I can't decide if she just equates selling out of a product to be a success regardless of how much she spent on it, or if she really does just value her own work so little.
The sale of small merch like pins, buttons, stickers, and the like is also a weird thing on its own from my experience and this is where Baylee makes her most money— small things that are easy to carry or gift AND are cheap are fast to sell. Rather than spend $20 on a print that might get damaged, a lot of people will shell out $2 for a pin of their favourite character just because it has their favourite character on it. She sells her big prints too but usually has far fewer on hand, she probably makes the most sales on her small merch that is much easier to impulse buy. I sell primarily buttons myself and people will drop LOADS if you have art of characters or subjects they like, just because it's there and less of a commitment than an 11x17 print that requires wall space.
No. 1180897
>>1180599I don't know if she equates selling out products as a success because, at least during her artist alley days, she was always super overprepared and would harp on about how if she sold out of something it wasn't because it was popular but it was because she was underprepared. It was something, as a person who tables in artist alleys too, that stuck with me as a really negative mindset to have. At least in a shop setting you can have a set amount of products and quantities and it's much easier to see what is popular and what is not.
What baffles me is how, time after time, she sells out of stuff. Like, how many of her fans are actually coming back to buy the same print or pin or whatever time after time. Because she doesn't market herself at all, she doesn't use Instagram enough to be reaching a new wider audience now that she doesn't do art youtube videos and her twitter is basically just her chatting shit 90% of the time so she's not gaining anything from that. It's always been kind of sus to me - but I might be tinfoil hatting it over that and I shouldn't doubt the power of her ass-kissing fans
No. 1181177
>>1180908>>1180599Her pins are some kind of cute and very mainstream. No wonder she sells them the most.
If they werent from her, and lying in a random store, most people here propably like them.
Thats why they sell, her art ist cowpuke, no one over the age of 12 and with even a slightly taste would hang them on their walls
But the pins are decent
No. 1182934
File: 1615582294707.jpg (123.61 KB, 1241x882, 1615427598267.jpg)

Basically she'll be taxed for her youtube income and it will go to uncle Sam. She is already taxed by the Canadian government (which at one point she tried to get out of) and now by America too.
No. 1182950
>>1182934sage and same faggot
according to a treaty a Canadian can't be taxed by their home country and USA at the same time. So, she dodged this one lol
No. 1184532
File: 1615751494067.jpg (158.5 KB, 1000x1000, 1615750500914.jpg)

How anyone could choose something as unsettling as "goofy Baylee" as their branding used to confuse the crap out of me. This took me like 10 minutes, so it's far from perfect, but I really don't get why she didn't approach it like this. … I just stumbled upon her old icon few minutes ago and it just brought back sum old feelings… So strong, that I had to draw it. Like, immediately.
No. 1185189
>>1185181>>1185186She only ever asks her friends to help.
I remember she said she'd feel weird having a stranger come to work to her house.
No. 1185336
>>1185189>>1185204Yeah, and tin hat is that she asks her friends because she doesn’t want to nor bother whatever accountant she has to pay or budget for their salary cuz it’s easier to pay them in merch and pizza. But she can easily ask one of those friends to become her employee, they’re all young and the job market sucks and some might be up for a part time gig to help. It’s just real sketchy she only uses people for her store if their labor is free (like Christian and when she let her friends make boxes at a party) or they’re “friends”.
And yeah there’s lots of services now that help artists manage stores so they can do more things without the worry, white squirrel is one that comes to mind cuz they’re a fullfillment center but there’s lots of them around if you look. And like other people just get employees, like Katnipp’s employees are her family but she runs two companies large enough to be able to pay them. Baylee is just putting this all on herself to be able to whine in her videos but I also thinks she does it cuz if she had more time then she’d be expected to do more art and we already know she hates doing it now
No. 1185484
>>1185174Major lol at there being a major leak in her car (ft a moldy seatbelt) and her response is “it will have to wait until after the store update”
She is a moron who deserves a moldy broken car.
No. 1185684
>>1185484Her response to her car being literally so moisture ridden that it's moulding from the inside highlights just how little she gives a shit about her stuff. Any normal person would have gone to a garage and tried to get the problem fixed as soon as they noticed the issue because it's not like cars are exactly cheap and moisture issues if left unfixed could easily cause parts of the car to corrode.
>>1185486You know what, yeah. I can totally see her doing that. Baylee is so good at throwing money at a problem that buying a whole new car instead of trying to get her current one fixed is totally on brand for her
No. 1190607
File: 1616448981064.jpg (17.91 KB, 352x260, 20210322_223506.jpg)

Why does she always pull her tongue out while talking? Does she think thats cute?
Its so cringe watching her talking
No. 1192085
>>1191966Girl in the painting be like: "hurr durrrrr"
Gosh it gets uglier the linbwr u look at it. The lips. The eyes. Id scrap the whole face( and even the whole painting).
The colors are terrible and she's just making everything muddy..
No. 1192086
>>1191966That girl needs to learn how usefull a grey paint tube can be.
How cant she see how oversaturated her painting is?
And not in that colofull, string way, but in "its an orange blob" way.
No. 1192141
File: 1616617837038.png (277.64 KB, 783x810, grey image.png)

>>1191966the values of this painting are so awful, i wish she would bring the hairline of the girl down just a bit. she looks really fucking stupid, and like her forehead is massive with how it is at the moment.
No. 1196655
>>1196606"I want my studio vlogs to be better. They don't even feel like studio vlogs, they feel like half-assed crap."
We've noticed for awhile Baylee
No. 1196687
>>1196666She clearly wants to become some sort of twitch thot or gamer. Too bad you need to be either pretty or have a good personality to do those things and Baylee lacks both of them.
>>1196663I don't know who would want to watch her streams, from the small parts she puts in her vlogs she seems to scream and complain and pretend to be funny. She has such a forced personality, like she's uncomfortable around people.
No. 1196828
>>1196663The last time I checked, one or two years ago, she had about 2k people onnher stream.
Thats enough to make a decent living
No. 1197529
>>1197320she is so damn lucky and she doesn't even know it. It's sad she thinks it's hard work, cause you know she does. I mean, good for her, 40k in a few short days is incredible. She'll have nothing to show for it one day. She currently has insane amount of bills. Her rent alone is crazy. She still does her weekly shopping where she over spends on crap. Her money she can do what she likes just, she probably doesn't have a nice nest egg.
>>1197160 said she can milk her stans for a few more years. During her calendar launch thing, a comment on her video was "My student loans haven't come in yet but when they do I'll be buying a calendar." Her stans are just as shitty with their money as she is.
She must have been extremely good or a street urchin in India to have such a stellar luck filled life now.
What she does want, streaming, seems to be the only thing not totally going her way.
>>1196828 not enough for what Baylee needs. Her rent is 3k alone, not including other bills. She'd also need enough to spend spontaneously. 2k subscribers and the odd donation is great if your bills are manageable and you don't spend the moment it comes in.
No. 1199222
>>1196828Imgur link won't work but twitchtracker says she gets 222 average viewers.
I've been a watcher for a long time and was shocked how little viewers she got when she's always pushing twitch, no way she's making a living off of it.
No. 1199408
>>1199222She gets way more viewers for art and store prep streams than she does for her video game streams. Not that surprising since most of her audience doesn't gaf about Fall Guys and if someone new did want to watch a Fall Guys stream… they'd watch a better streamer. She's so lazy she wants to play video games all day even if in the long run it costs her money. I hope Christian is making bank to pick up the slack or her shopping habit will sink them when her income drops.
What's sad is that her washi tapes are cute and generic enough she could get some real interest in the planning community - but that would involve making any effort to market herself to a customer base besides her vlog audience - and she could probably get them stocked in local scrapbooking stores in her area - but she does all her shopping online so doesn't realise she has a market IRL. She could be so successful if she put even a little effort in.
No. 1201671
File: 1617555784007.png (3.44 MB, 1920x1080, bayleejaeeaster.png)

Not really sure if this is worth the bump or not, but this is the latest art she's been working on for Easter over on twitch.
No. 1201673
File: 1617555895709.png (636.04 KB, 1920x1080, bayleejaeenamelpins.png)

Here is her new designs for a couple of enamel pins as well.
No. 1201678
It's not cute
It's creepy
No. 1201794
>>1201791PsychoPAT the Bunny or fuckin else.
Im sorry i couldn't help myself.
No. 1202183
>>1202100i guess i need to start watching her on twitch then.
her latest vlog makes no sense. i don’t understand why she completely cut out actual art videos? we can either watch 30 seconds or an entire 5 hours or whatever?
No. 1202197
File: 1617636662468.jpg (2.32 MB, 4096x4096, CollageMaker_20210405_17295499…)

Is her tongue to big for her mouth or does she thinks that is cute?(nitpick)
No. 1202275
>>1202196Why. Why does shevwant pink hair?
Can't she see it looks gross on her.
Also she needs to stop shoving her cringe streams down her subscribers throats. There's a reason most of them stay on her youtube.
No. 1202611
>>1202275I doubt she realizing that people simply aren't that interested in her streams, and the ones that actually are, are already watching. Her streams are rather boring, she isn't that engaging or interesting. Honestly she engages her audience very little in general. She mostly just seems annoyed or simply not caring.
>>1201671You know if she would just be bothered to do some sketching before hand, she might could have figured out a nicer way to draw the bunnies. It's not the most creative idea ever, but it could look cute. But I guess she needs to stay on brand by shitting out terrible art.
No. 1203310
File: 1617801220587.jpg (401.34 KB, 1166x1715, Screenshot_20210407-061346_You…)

>>1202196I remember when i left a comment like time she changed her schedule saying she should just go full twitch streamer since she so clearly wanted to be a twitch streamer and do youtube on the side. Called it to a tea
No. 1203406
>>1203091Sometimes I get the feeling that she genuinely doesn't know how to improve anything. This is as good as she can get.
>>1203310She's so delusional, she always had time to make personal art she just never bothers to make any.
No. 1203942
>>1203709Like the other anon said, maybe she listens to you. Although I really doubt it.
On the other hand, there is nothing to be afraid of. Baylee is not your friend, the people in her streams are not your friends. If you can't take her shit anymore, then leave. Don't excuse yourself or announce that you're leaving, just go. What's the worst that can happen? People talking shit about you in her streams - which you will never know of because you will not be there? C'mon.
No. 1204093
File: 1617910896877.jpg (127.27 KB, 1435x801, 1qaArWzhiv.jpg)

Streaming currently and people kept asking why the bunnies didn't have tails and she got so annoyed by people asking she made a graphic
No. 1204430
>>1204093But why is there no tail tho?
Dumb ass
No. 1204486
>>1204093In before she switches her schedule again because streaming art is too much work for her. She's never been good at taking critic well.
That picture looks awful. The bunnies look stiff and soulless.
No. 1204588
>>1203942>>1203709Yeah I agree. Even if you’re a “known” person, the reality is Baylee probably doesn’t even think of you apart from when she has to cater to her chat and she has never taken any concrit unless there is an adverse reaction like her Wish video or trying to get the attention of Jeffree Starr. But luckily you have enough awareness to realize that her followers have parasocial relationships with her and are immature enough to make her their leader of their clique even though baylee also probably doesn’t think or anyone in her streams in the same way they do. Tbh just move on and watch better, other self sufficient artists without people creating their parasocial hugbox around her and don’t give her any more of your money. There’s tons of artists who have ambition and are self sufficient in their businesses and engage their communities a ton more than baylee does (like we all contrast baylee with katnipp but Catherine is very successful and doesn’t foster a
toxic community in her patreon while also running her business & engaging with fans).
Like you’ve grown up and she hasn’t so just move on
No. 1205218
File: 1618057351853.jpg (190 KB, 1577x915, b281ThYrFD.jpg)

>>1204816>>1204093But seriously though - why doesn't the bunny have a tail. She said on stream because it wouldn't make sense from the angle - but, no, it would make sense so now it just looks wrong and weird. Like all of her artwork, it's anatomically messed up
No. 1206486
>>1206439she is such a loser. these are the highlights of her week?
this stupid bunny art is the only good looking thing she's done in years tho
No. 1209983
File: 1618599396264.jpg (129.99 KB, 1431x803, w4AecIDpOi.jpg)

So y'all remember that ugly oil painting she was doing - well she's finished it . . . and oh god, it's worse than we could imagine. A poor dead-eyed girl with no neck. It's so ugly with its muddy, borderline indistingushable colours. And yet, she is going to get so many ass-pats from her dumbass followers who think she's gods gift to art.
No. 1212553
File: 1618874376870.jpg (132.84 KB, 1431x803, PicsArt_04-20-09.17.31.jpg)

this is so bad, holy shit
No. 1212967
File: 1618937112447.jpg (143.26 KB, 1062x1354, b2 1.02.07 PM.jpg)

>>1212553I tried to edit it so it looked better but it was hopeless
No. 1213027
File: 1618943378931.jpg (108.01 KB, 1709x887, ih.JPG)

I do think she has potential she just lacks some basics and maybe focus.
I tried fixing some of her mistakes.
No. 1213592
File: 1619024104759.png (1.38 MB, 1360x800, ew.png)

>>1212031Why the fuck would you use a shitty unfinished sketch as the back of your thank you cards? She is so lazy she can't even think of something better for it? Literally anything would be better than this
No. 1214903
File: 1619195266714.jpg (103.93 KB, 1667x893, ARXsbsZeo7.jpg)

So this is from her latest stream . . . anybody got any guess what the heck it is she's meant to be doing or what this is based on?
No. 1215669
File: 1619278833241.png (55.35 KB, 320x251, Aliensimpsons-1.png)

it's been done
No. 1216480
File: 1619391054422.png (22.48 KB, 410x96, bruh.PNG)

>>1214903how many layers does this woman need for a thumbnail? does she just keep using this same template file and copy pasting layers for new thumbnails
No. 1217252
>>12171861. To fill the void
2. Because she thinks getting ~professional~ equipment will make her popular
No. 1222830
>>12223436 hours for 5 flowers. Wow she's going at it slow. I mean as far as outline goes they look fine and they have a stationary feel to them so good buying appeal to them.
I got to the point where she started to colored them in and now I'm not a fan. The pink one seems a bit muddy
No. 1223944
>>1223775>>1222858She overworks everything. These only look good because of the limited color palette. They'll sell well in the planner community. If she's scaling the stickers down to a more decent size for print then drawing them large is understandable.
But I see she's falling into the trap of using sketchbooks for final pieces, which hinders actual practice.
No. 1224432
File: 1620282094376.png (1.1 MB, 1200x823, rosegirl.png)

Tried to revise the picture into what I thought Baylee was trying to go for. Didn't really finish it, but you get the gist.
No. 1227153
>>1226007It doesn't look horrible, anon. It's leagues better than what Baylee could do. Like
>>1224436 said, redraws clog the thread and bitter anons will shit on it no matter how good it is.
No. 1230142
>>1229834I wonder how long she keeps this up. Currently she seems to like this idea of being that fake cottagecore, full time streamer and shop owner on the side. She just never sticks to schedules, or can keep up with stuff like meal prep.
>>1229868She only does this because she got backlash on that Q&A video. So now she has to make a point of always saying how much plastic everything else is.
No. 1230619
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Turns the Wednesday game stream into a 17 hr game drinking stream.. cancels the art/store prep stream and doesn’t reschedule it to Friday? Stupid decision in my opinion considering she has literally thousands of pins to grade right now.
No. 1231058
>>1230619She really is the queen of procrastination when it comes to gaming like I don’t know how you can spend 17 hours in a game that isn’t a story driven one? I don’t watch her streams so I don’t know what she was streaming exactly but she does these long streams with like shiny chaining in Pokémon and that’s not a very entertaining kind of stream, it’s literally just busy work.
I don’t keep up with trends in gaming streams a super lot but isn’t Fall Guys also sort of a dead game in terms of streaming entertainment? Like it’s literally just the same thing over and over and I know people have turned off on it on PC cuz there’s so many cheaters. Like games like Among Us or games you play in groups are much more popular but does she even have enough friends to play a game like that? Heck she can even do it with her legion of stans but I find it weird she thinks these 17 hour solo streams are entertaining and she can make a career of it
No. 1231503
>>1231058I'm pretty sure it got an update so it's semi-popular again. I've seen a lot of other twitch streamers play it.
Not for 17 hours though lol. There isn't enough new content to fill so much time.
No. 1231752
>>1231503Yeah like if it was Pokémon snap cuz she’s sooooo into Pokémon, I would sort of understand but it also wouldn’t be 17 hours. Is this actually fun for other people watching the stream? Cuz agreed, I’ve seen newer content but it’s the same repetitive races over and over.
>>1231119Lmao so only using them as cheap labor she pays in alcohol and pins then. What a good friend she is
No. 1231805
>>1231752Personally I find her streams extremely boring. She has the personality of a tea bag and never has anything fun or interesting to talk about. Her streams are either silence or just random screaming.
She rarely seems to engage with people in the chat and honestly, her community on Twitch doesn't seem like fun either.
She has been streaming for years now and it seems like she's been stagnant for a long time there. Good equipment just doesn't compensate for personality and engagement.
No. 1232201
>>1232006She never had weekly vlogs though.
She used to daily vlogs, then she used to just film and upload whenever she had enough material which was so often that she resumed to daily vlogs, then she uploaded monday to friday and now this.
Don't recall her ever having a "every friday" schedule for vlogs.
She seriously switches her schedules a lot. You'd think after doing youtube and twitch for years she would have figured out what works for her.
No. 1232590
>>1232201She’s really not subtle anymore about envying other art tubers either but she doesn’t realize their consistency is successful because they don’t switch it up as often as she does in addition to like, editing their content in an appealing way. Like I don’t think she would have bought applecheek’s plush naturally since she only collects disney stuff and doesn’t connect with other artists as much as she should. And no doubt her YT videos have steadily stopped making money since she switched to her vlogs, she hasn’t grown past her million sub count for a long time. So she thinks it’s surface level stuff like adding a lace frame to her videos or changing the schedule when it’s like, no Baylee nobody wants to watch your boring ass content
Like I think she’s lucky she can sort of experiment with her channel cuz she has her Stan army but she does t do anything significant with it ever since she got too lazy to make art videos. Like she knows she needs to do something to make YT and twitch keep being a moneymaker but a nice microphone doesn’t give you a personality
No. 1234924
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>>1234922Forgot the image
No. 1235131
>>1234924It looks very flat, girl has no sense of 3d space. It's also boring. No point of interest, no story behind it. She is as mediocre as always.
>>1234979She isn't. Just think about that failed improvement series she had. It was obvious that there was no real interest in getting better and she also has zero idea how to actually improve.
She doesn't even care for art anymore. She only does it because she has to in order to keep people interested in her stuff and for her store.
We all know she would drop it in a second if her gaming streams would take off.
No. 1235329
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This hood looks so wrong
No. 1253838
>>1253716no, she just thinks it's quirky.
speaking of the vlog tho… who meal preps pasta? it takes less than 10 minutes to cook it fresh.
No. 1256331
>>1253624So she's getting a new laptop just so she can edit downstairs instead of in her art room?
Why does she spent all this time on the brown paper bags and stamping them? I like cute packaging and all but all that time she could use for actual important store prep or for creating new art for the store.
No. 1257281
>>1257159She got it in 2017 and it's an HP spectre laptop. She does really basic editing as well, I'm sure it can handle it perfectly fine.
She probably just wants an excuse to buy yet a new thing. She currently has two desktop PCs (one in the basement for streaming packaging, one in the art room), an ipad, the wacom mobile studio and the HP laptop.
I wonder if she is frustrated over the fact that her Twitch has never taken off. It's not going terrible but she can't live from it either.
No. 1257950
>>1257281Yeah I’ve seen a lot more successful streamers and art tubers have considerably less and she has like what, SIX computers now? Like she’s definitely trying to buy herself a personality at this point if that wasn’t even more relevant. Plus she doesn’t do anything particularly in need of higher end equipment, her editing is basic AF and she streams like fall guys and Pokémon, those don’t need the horsepower unless she’s like streaming herself eating her pasta in 4K or something.
I feel as though she can’t blame anything but herself for her disappointing twitch performance but she’d probably find them anyway. Like she has her fan base and stans but doesn’t do anything new or exceptional to give her channel growth. Like none of the games she plays requires skills and her personality isn’t really appealing either. Does she even host other streamers on her channel or have a network? Her sister streams too doesn’t she? My impression, since I don’t watch her twitch, is that she keeps herself very isolated and solo in terms of streaming which is kind of like, how would you expect growth or more subs when you don’t challenge yourself?
No. 1258238
>>1257950All that tech is defiently overkill for her streams and video editing. as for the streams themselves ive listened to a few of them for background noise and thats litterally all theyre good for, just background noise while your doing something else, its too boring to actually be engaged in.
Hell i have tried to interact in her chat but the few times she did acknowledge me she just responded in a "playful rude" way that felt more passive aggressive. now im not trying to be like "oh woe is me baylee was mean to me" im just saying that kind of attitude left a bad taste in my mouth, and id imagine other people she responded like that to felt the same way. sure its fine if she was occasionally playfully rude to like her mods since she would know if theyre ok with it but being like that to new viewers, basically strangers, is gonna drive them away and prevent your streams from getting a bigger audience.
No. 1260069
>>1260048The "painting" at the end
It takes a special talent to make watercolours look that bad(especially expensive ones like Shmincke), it's so sloppy, effort 0.
I can't believe someone her age is praised for her drawing skills when a 13yo can do the same stuff if not better
No. 1264105
>>1263959Imagine drawing for years and years and even have art as your main job for about 8 years and still be at such a low skill level.
When your life is so boring you need to talk about an ink pad for 5 minutes.
No. 1264665
>>1264651She just genuinely has no talent nor love for art, I draw infrequently but even in the process of drawing I improve
while working on each image, because I make many sketches and adjustments as I work. She has no talent, inspiration or passion for art, this is the art you make when that's the case. Practice and study (as a chore/daily) is helpful for those who lack talent (where talent is an aesthetic knack or instinct) but have the inspiration and passion to learn what looks good and how to create it.
She's an "art youtuber" not an artist, she wouldn't draw a line if she didn't have a vlogging career tied to it. She will never practice and study because she has no artistic aspirations, and hasn't got the talent required to improve without it. We will literally never see more than a 5% improvement with her art due to all these factors.
No. 1264667
>>1264665Samefag, a good example of an arttuber who studies and improves but maybe lacks talent (aesthetic instinct) is ergojosh. He's improved a
lot in the last year because he's always studying and practicing - he has a love for art and is inspired to keep working at it, despite it not coming easy to him imo. So she could improve just as fast as him if she had literally any passion for art and studied. So I'm agreeing plus tangenting off you anon
>>1264651 No. 1269870
>>1269865it's going to be great to see her move all this crap back upstairs by sept/oct when it cools off. what a colossal waste of time.
i don't see why she doesn't get a window ac unit? she'd be sitting right in front of it and they're more powerful than the standing ones. she loves spending money needlessly usually.
No. 1270634
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Why do you do these crazy faces Bayls, you could look pretty but you make yourself.. This monstrosity.
No. 1274094
>>1274084They look cute but I don't think they'll hold up that well. They're gonna get dirty very quick especially if you want to take it with you.
Kinda ironic how she sells sketchbooks now, seeing how she never filled a sketchbook. She rarely even sketches.
No. 1274112
>>1274088did she? she posts a new skillshare video every couple months.
maybe she just said that bc she got dragged for her wish one.
No. 1281536
>>1281357unfortunately she sells out of most merch during her store launches. she doesn't value her time, so she's probably working for herself for less than minimum wage, but she gets a big influx of cash every store launch.
she also has some videos in the 1-5 million view range that probably still generate money. i'm sure her copic alternatives video has crazy residuals too.
No. 1283296
>>1282990I agree. She should keep the sleeves plain since she can't be efficient with the process or be fussed to get them printed from a manufacturer but even then, there's the time frame of having them made and delivered without too much stress.
Other artists make custom packaging like with NoIssue and using stamps on their envelopes but they do that because they've figured out how to do it more efficiently.
Baylee's putting too much work onto herself and should relax a little bit. Or maybe she sees other people's art vlogs and gets ideas?
No. 1284873
>>1284447Former mod of her twitch here from back when she first started doing twitch.
No drama for myself but
>>1284423hit the nail on the head as to why I left. Alongside her immature behavior.
No. 1285152
>>1284873 here
>>1285147Idk about the other mod, but why report something when Lazyee would vlog it herself with the way she shares everything?
No. 1285269
>>1284813If she could she would just drop the store and art all together. She only pushes herself through it because it gives her a nice chunk of money.
If Twitch would take of more, she'd just go for fulltime game streamer.
No. 1287628
>>1287335She always does this. She starts way too late on holiday or seasonal stuff. I don't think any of her holiday items ever launched in a timely manner.
She could really use some classes in time management. September should be when she's fully into store prep and early-mid October is when you would want to launch it. So ppl are already in the mood for Halloween and can get the item before Halloween, not when Halloween is over.
No. 1287631
>>1287335Nah you should really start in May or earlier(June at the latest)
But whatever I guess her fans are okay with always getting stuff late.
No. 1287652
>>1287335Fall guys fall guys fall guys.
She never shuts up about it.
No. 1287843
>>1287820The only reason she can get away with it is because of YouTube. If it weren't for her having done YouTube beforehand and gained a pool of loyal idiots who will drop everything to buy her shitty merch, she can afford to do the design-manufacture-sell-time off-repeat method of working but if she was any other self-employed artist, she would never be able to get away with it.
You see so many small and self-employed artists relying on things like kickstarter to get merch funded because not everybody can afford to spend literally thousands of dollars on shipping and manufacturing - if Baylee had to do something like that I think she would cease to function.
No. 1291226
>>1291135Well its her chat and probably an alt of one in the mods who keep bringing it up in Chat. She clearly just wants to brush it under the rug rather than actually deal with it properly.
Again, if its someone from here bringing up the drama in her chat all its doing is drawing attention to this forum which is A) Against the Rules & B) Pointless as we don't need a bunch of her fans coming in here again.
No. 1291441
>>1291357To be fair that's what the mod called themselves. Whether they are or just said it to piss Baylee off who knows.
But honestly she has bigger problems than mod drama.
No. 1296096
>>1293049How sad is that though? Like the vlog is the highlights of her weeks and it's the same boring stuff over and over again. She can't even blame the pandemic since her life as always been boring and just gotten worse.
Baylee herself doesn't even seem happy or content either. She seems bored and kinda depressed tbh.
No. 1299318
>>1299293yeah, it really isn't that hard to make sure your art will fit what you're doing it for. Every art piece she does that she likes she ends up turning into a print. The smart thing to do is to make sure the ratio you are working in will work for your prints. It's not like she doesn't know if she'll use it, cause she always does.
She's been doing it for years now, why hasn't she figured that out yet? Like seriously we keep going around in circles around here cause she literally does not change lol
No. 1299799
>>1299372Yeah like lots of other studio vlogs do weekly vlogs where sometimes not a lot happens but they either switch it up with doing a project focused vlog or advice or AMA, make them shorter, or like they actually have friends and collaborators. She got lucky with buying the amount of subs she has now, like there’s lots of better content studio vlogs with only 100k ish more people but they’re way more interesting than her.
>>1299399Doesn’t she have like six cameras or something now?
No. 1299853
>>1299372Actually I dont see much difference between baylee and apple.cheeks for example (the only two I watch, because the rest is hella boring or annoying)
But thats maybe because I always skip the parts whith her face when she talks to the camera.
No. 1299940
>>1299291They are two people in a big 6 room house and yet everything looks so cluttered and messy all the time.
>>1299399She did. She just likes to buy things, no matter if needed or not. She is the definition of all the people that think the equipment is what makes it.
>>1299372She used to make fun at studio vloggers because she was mad that her one studio vlog didn't perform well (was years ago now) and now where she did switch over it's this crap she puts out. No effort, no thoughts put into anything.
No. 1304706
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>>1304568Can you imagine willingly posting yourself like this to the internet? Lmao such a pig
No. 1305467
>>1304568Their parties/get togethers always seem so boring and awkward. It is obvious that they do not care about her and are just there for Christian and the house.
That whole food prepping thing didn't last long, like most things she starts.
>>1305378Not sure but I would assume the coffee was already cold. She isn't the best cat owner but it's not like she doesn't care either.
No. 1307413
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She now has 4 different channels - clearly she's still trying to milk money from YouTube since she's not able to be a full time twitch thot
No. 1307515
>>1307413629 subscribers lol
she's going to abandon this idea by the end of the week
she also only has 638 subs on her gaming highlights (?) channel. kind of shows you how many legit viewers she has.
No. 1309191
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One can say, that this fizzled out a bit.
No. 1317827
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This art falls into the uncanny valley - it's just weird. I don't know if she's planning to make it into a print or a sticker, but the realistic style just doesn't work at all
No. 1319095
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>>1317827this looks like a rip off of calico critters
No. 1319651
Her artistic skills are just seriously lacking. She would need to learn some color theory and improve her shapes. Some design as well.
Her art always looks wonky and stiff. She tends to choose odd color combinations. She's been a professional artist for 8 years now but hasn't improved at all. She's still at a beginners level. Seems like she even gotten worse…her old stuff wasn't good by any means but there was at least some charm to it.
It is frustrating to see how she has no talent with anything she does and yet she still just lucks out.
>>1319573When she had a toy channel she got into Calico critters and got like two houses (one was a gift from Christian I believe and she never unpacked it) and some figures and all.
No. 1325834
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So she changed her schedule again… Doing less game streams is a good idea but no art streams? Seems like she has come to dislike making art so much that doing it once a week is too much for her
No. 1327911
>>1327414I don't like when people complain about fanart that makes Klasky Csupo characters "too pretty" (I'm reminded of the douchebag storyboard revisionist who screeched at a fanartist for drawing adult versions of the kids "too attractive") but I totally understand getting angry when diverse designs get same-face-ified in fanart. The kids in original had a lot of variety in terms of facial features and head shapes, and Baylee just scrubs all that away and gives literally everyone the same weird Disney doll face.
Draw the characters as cute/beautiful as you want, but for god's sake, try to distinguish their features from each other. There's no excuse for making Suzie and Angelica color-swaps of each other like Baylee did. It's also really jarring to have her generic-looking characters next to Reptar, who she drew in the Klasky Csupo style.
No. 1328376
>>1327825lol she was never aspirational. her art has always sucked and her house always disgusting.
also you gotta sage your posts.
No. 1334834
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WHAT THE FUCK is this outfit??? Why always the long shirts underneath? Why the tight clothing? I don't care she is fat… People are fat, I am fat… Whatever! But why dress like this? Holy crap this woman is insane
No. 1335425
>>1335422No, I don’t think she’s reproducing any time soon. If BJ doesn’t do the do and have a kid now or soon she probably won’t have one ever.
Don’t forget to sage your post if you’re not posting milk. It’s okay to make mistakes sometimes I think
No. 1337463
>>1335422No. She used to talk in her vlogs about getting children after they would be married, but seem like they aren't interested in children anymore.
They tried it, it didn't work and that seems to be it.
>>1334834She seems to be in denial about how big she actually has gotten.
No. 1338852
>>1334834Did she take that picture down ?
I dont see it on her twitter.
(sage) No. 1342663
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This is last 3 years from Twitch leaks.
Have fun, nonnies. No. 1354606
>>1353831It’s clear when she dropped the art streams to “focus more on the business side” what she actually meant is, now the countries opening up more she can go on trips and get drunk every week with her friends. Obviously she doesn’t want to give up playing video games 12 hours a day, so cya art streams.
Also why does she always need to go into gross detail about her bathroom habits?
No. 1363045
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i'm probably nickpicking but the embroidered shirts reminded me how
immature her taste level still is.
No. 1385300
>>1384810less than 14k views on her main channel, less than 6k views on her vlog… WHO is shopping from her store that she sells out of stock all the time?
for all the talk about how different the two vlogs would be, they seemed exactly the same.
No. 1386251
>>1386234To summarize the vlog, she package orders, eats food, make fall guy layout for her stream, buys weird 25 dollar 'antique pitcher'.
About vlog channel coming back, she says she's going to put not work related footage and Disney doll unboxing.
She is currently preparing to do oil paint on a weird shaped wood. It's going to be interesting to see the process.
The part that annoys me is Baylee left her art room opened while going Christmas shopping and Kiki got gesso on her paws(and on the floor). She really should have closed the door before heading out.
No. 1412860
>>1411047She changes her icon to a bunny now.
Idk why she keeps changing it. It’s like she’s actively trying to make her brand inconsistent as possible
No. 1426364
>>1417212I especially hate the girl,painting. The
Ips are huge and I don’t like that everything is red
No. 1429331
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I can’t believe how much she’s changed since the beginning of her vlogging career. I remember watching the original vlogs and thinking she was a cute and relatable person. Something over time just seems to have sent her into a downward spiral.
No. 1429609
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No. 1430153
>>1429955Yeah, same. I check the board once every 2 months because of how inactive her lurkers are and I can't even have her videos as background noise without being bored.
I tried but it's less about the art and the process and more about her food and antics around the house.
And if she does art, it's cottagecore crap.
No. 1430986
>>1429331The content of her vlogs dipped considerably as soon as she quit her job, got the cats and then moved in to that house and got married.
I enjoyed watching her head to work each day saying what she planned to do that day and then see her walk home from work telling stories of what happened in the office and then taking little detours here and there before getting home. And then she quit and sat on her ass all day every day.
Then the cats came. She'd often find interesting ways to fill time in the vlogs but then the cats came and then she would just film them doing nothing for 10 minutes to pad things out. Super lazy and doesn't help that I don't really care about other peoples pets.
And then the house move was just her bragging about how much money she has and look at all the pointless expensive shit she keeps buying to fill it with and make it look awful and cluttered inside.
And then getting married just caused her to let herself go and get fat and ever lazier as she's bagged her door mat of a 'man' and doesn't need to worry about being alone forever.
I could go on.
No. 1548982
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This thread might be dead but I’ll not be the only one who sees this shit