No. 1034413
Dakota's last thread maxed out & locked, use this one to discuss her attempted comeback alongside her eternal frenemy, Kiki.
>Dakota Rose Ostrenga, went viral on Tumblr in 2011 for heinously photoshopping herself into a kawaii pedobait animu pickme before pickmes were even invented yet
>Previously nothing more than the tagalong younger sister of MySpace scene queen & starfucker Kiki Kannibal/Kirsten Leigh Ostrenga AKA Sperg-chan (>>>/pt/333878)
>Signed to Bravo models in Japan, who unintentionally revealed her real face and tanked her ability to model for anyone afterwards, so she spent the next 5 years as a blogger posting fake selfies while inexplicably living luxuriously, also going on TV to talk about going viral & deny plastic surgery- while wearing a mysterious and basic ring & going to high end model parties… all without doing any legitimate modeling work (that isn't shooped or blurred out)
>Lived like an upper class sugar baby in a huge apartment in Shibuya, ate in luxurious restaurants weekly and received many extensive gifts from unnamed, unpictured friends she never mentioned or showed off again, in addition to barely working or blogging. She also received random, expensive gifts from her "roommate" at the time like a limited edition PS4, jewelry, and a bicycle.
>Kota carries on like this, flaunting her lifestyle on Instagram and twitter. Anons here on LC catalogue her posts, as she goes back and deletes a fuckload of pics after Sheinagate, because prior to that she was getting thousands of dollars' worth of clothes, accessories, and gifts from her mysterious friends, including Sachico of the brand Malicious.X, who invited Dakota to dinner at an upscale traditional restaurant just to deliver her a bag by hand. Dakota immediately deletes the pic once LC anons notice how much Sachico swag she's received going back years, some peices costing several hundred USD.
>when Sheina gets busted for visa fraud, Kota suddenly flies home that July, removes the 5-year mystery ring. Kota quietly returns to Japan later, pretending nothing happened while starting collabs with small time Instagram brands and artists. Her lifestyle prior to Sheinagate is now just a happy memory for her.
>Varying periods of silence, a couple of new mystery rings and many overshooped selfies later, Kota has settled into her new routine of pretending to be too busy working to worry about the internet.
>After months of relative silence in between pitiful sponsorships and dwindling FILA-posting, Dakota's sister has announced her comeback to the internet via IG and YT, which has prompted WK "I bet Kiki is still jelly of Kota" crossposting in her thread. Thus this thread may serve as a Dakota Rose containment thread.
>Posts from Kiki's thread claim Kota just got work for YSL, despite zero mention of this on her own accounts.
>Anons also post a new, unseen pic of Kota (related) claiming it's unshooped (kek) and suggest Kiki is jealous of Kota for the -nth time.
>Based on this new pic, Kota cut her hair yet again, now sporting a boyish pixie style. OP theorizes (jokingly, don't execute me) that perhaps Dakota has had to sell off her precious ~dark blonde~ locks to get work, since the more she works the shorter her hair gets.
Social Media:
No. 1034426
File: 1599411100348.jpg (218 KB, 720x1440, Screenshot_2020-09-04-00-31-01…)

Shouldn't this be on /w/?
Anyway,the YSL work was mentioned by Kota. But at her stories.
No. 1034460
File: 1599416176647.jpeg (671.73 KB, 828x992, D8F12CF2-6EE4-42AF-98EB-F3DEE7…)

>>1034448I don’t mind it tbh, it beats the coconut head bob and she has like nine hairs left.
No. 1034462
File: 1599416450239.jpeg (286.77 KB, 828x824, 2AA84061-190E-49CC-8FB1-3AF00B…)

Butch suits her features.
No. 1034482
File: 1599420136367.jpg (178.37 KB, 1200x762, sailoruranus.jpg)

>>1034426>>1034463>>1034469I'm dying. Weren't they making fun of sailor uranus or some other sailor moon character when they were talking about dykes on cam a long time ago? Now she has that exact hair down to the color