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No. 1006963
8Passengers are a family of 8 consisting of Ruby Franke, her husband Kevin Franke, and their 6 young children. They have a vlog family channel on YouTube with 2.44M subscribers. Here’s the rundown:
>They are a Mormon family, and Ruby’s parenting style is pretty strict.>She humiliates her kids on camera by filming awkward moments (giving her daughter the sex talk, showing her daughter shaving her armpits, filming her daughter shopping for her first bra). The kids always look super humiliated and embarrassed and often ask her to stop filming, but Ruby refuses. >Her oldest son was sent to a Mormon Wilderness camp, where he lived in the woods with other “troubled” kids. The Frankes sent him here because he wasn’t doing well in school.>When the oldest son came home, he got his bed taken away for SEVEN MONTHS and had to sleep on a beanbag chair in the family room. >Ruby has taken all the kids’ phones away for over a year. Kids complain that they have no friends at school because of this.>Ruby’s 5-year-old daughter forgot to pack a lunch for school. Her teacher texted Ruby, asking her to bring in a lunch for her daughter, and Ruby refused, saying her daughter should starve to learn her lesson that she has to remember to pack a lunch. Ruby then says that she hopes no one shares food with her youngest daughter so she really learns her lesson. >In one video, two of Ruby’s sons are playing around and laughing. Ruby tells them if they don’t stop, she’ll take away their “privilege to eat dinner.”>Stole her eldest son’s homework and told him he had to pay her $20 in cash in order to get it back. The homework was worth half his grade. She said she did this to teach him the value of his things. >Shows an art piece her young daughter made for her and said, “Too bad it’s going in the trash.”>Puts her young son on camera and asks him if he thinks Ruby and Kevin are going to divorce. >Threatened to cut the head off one of her youngest daughter’s stuffed animals. The daughter is crying and is clearly very upset and scared. Youtube Channel:’s Instagram: @8Passengers
A few videos that explain the situation more:
The Disturbing Truth of Family Channels: Passengers called out by fans: Passengers Mom is in Big Trouble: articles: is also a petition for CPS to investigate these lunatics: No. 1007144
>>1006963I've known some Mormon families, and while they had stricter parents than most kids I knew, they certainly didn't veer into
abusive, using deprivation of basic needs as punishment etc. Lots of this seems to be a terrible parenting thing not a Mormon thing (except the number of children).
No. 1007437
>>1007414Almost 100% sure you're talking about the Licciardo-Toivola family. The mother, Taina is the one in charge of the channel.
She loves to ride on the "supermom of 10"-shtick, the older kids seem to be obviously embarrassed by her antics. Entire family is also vegan.
No. 1891807
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>>1891786it's been reported by more serious outlets too were found with injuries after one of them jumped out of a window to alert the neighbours.
they're marked in custody on the sheriff's website too: No. 1891818
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Ok saging because you all probably know but heres an article about her starving one of her kids for those who dont or want more detail.
No. 1891830
>>1007144read under the banner of heaven by krakauer
those families aren't exceptions per se but many of the things ruby is doing fall very in line with mormon theology, including the taking phones/limiting access to tech thing or labeling necessities as privileges. also mormonism is inherently incredibly sexist and (to add to your anecdotal evidence) every mormon family ive met had relatively okay repressed sons (as far as "okay" moids can go) but very maladjusted nervous wreck daughters.
weird as hell for ruby to put all this on cam though considering how vain and generally "out of place" it is for a mormon woman to do this. she seems to be a good ol practicing mormon when she abuses her kids but the media attention is too strong to resist. plus why tf is she talking about divorce like that especially to her kids? divorce is the most evil thing a mormon woman can ask for.
No. 1891901
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Grabbed this from an article:
Ruby Franke's sisters released an Instagram statement saying her arrest on suspicion of child abuse 'needed to happen' and that 'the kids are now safe'
Her three sisters made the joint statement on Instagram. No. 1892011
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>>1892000She posted this on her story and also posted saying she’s being trying to get CPS involved for ages
No. 1892013
>>1891786yeah I know, I often get comments on that but i'm a boomer and I still visit eBaums regularly.
>>1891818So she's been going for becoming DaddyofFive 2.0. Youtube / influencer families already have a terrible name. I forgot who they where but remember that couple that adopted the Chinese autistic child, had it for like 5 years or something and then just returned it? They're the scum of the earth.
No. 1892113
>>1006963>>1892013>Chinese autistic child, had it for like 5 years or something and then just returned it? they "rehomed" him
they made videos for a while without hoping to avoid the situation but they eventually had to give their stereotypical sitting on the floor/bed while wearing sighing sad explanation video of basically tossing their son somewhere else
i can't wait for the netflix doc series about these insane family vloggers in the future kek fucking insane narcissist adults
No. 1892321
>>1892051>>1892113Yeah and remember
this is what Youtube wanted just "wholesome family vloggers" pushing product. I'm sure they regret that decision since one after the other they turn out to be child abusers.
The new youtube CEO has a job to do cleaning up after Susan Wojcicki's mess..
No. 1892504
>>1892396oh yes, Youtube has been wanting to "change directions" for quite some time now, i'm talking since
at least from the top of my head 2018. There's even been some leaks about it how they wanted to get rid of tea channels and gossip channels, trying to change it to sort of well.. more controlled, i guess? like television? Some of the major PR nightmares they have had are with Shane Dawson, Austin Jones, Family of Five, all that sort of stuff. They wanna go more Disney and less Jerry Springer, way less Jerry Springer and way more Nickelodeon. There's old articles online about that stuff too.
No. 1892595
>>1892113>>1892051I thought they only had the child for a few months at most. Five fucking years of raising this child and they threw him back into foster care like nothing? They're pieces of shit.
>>1892504Imagine the stuff that will come out about onision. T is old enough to start speaking for himself at this point.
No. 1893874
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>>1893459heh- took the liberty to look her up and holy fucking shit lady, its a vagina, not a clowncar. she does pop up here and there on lolcow (like in tradthots) but she doesn't have her own thread yet. I think she should and yeah I think you're right, one of these days when CPS removes the shit from their eyes she'll definitely be next. Just some shit I found: like these are these "traditional Christian (or other cult) wholesome mothers" and basically base their entire personality around that and "being perfect", in the meanwhile taking it out on the kids sadistically since they have no other outlet what so ever and they're "just being good traditional mothers and discipline them." (Bible said spare the rod, spoil the child, amirite?)
Those poor fucking kids. Holy shit. (unintended pun there). I think there should be a thread, maybe we should ask?
Also sorry did not mean to sidetrack this thread, hope you enjoy the milk. There's plenty to go around.
No. 1893877
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>>1893874Andrea Yates says hi btw.
No. 1893898
>>1893878I ain't a scrote you absolute tard. Fuck off, I say whatever the hell I wanna say, twat.
Its not like we haven't got enough people in the world. If anything we need less fucking people.
>>1893882I bet he ran dryer than a martini.
(infighting) No. 1894371
>>1893874I would definitely post if you start a thread nona. I’ve kept receipts on Karissa for a while but I’m too lazy to start a thread myself
A fundie general thread would be nice too
No. 1895157
>>1895062God, the emotion in that man's voice … his heart is breaking for this kid, a complete stranger, whose own mother believes that "eating is a privilege"
The kid is so happy to have a fucking banana, poor little man. My heart is breaking, I hope the witch who did this to her children, her flesh and blood, gets torn apart by wild dogs.
No. 1895177't this nice? This cunt of a mother accused her 12 year old son of molesting kids and going as far as accusing him watching porn at the age of 3. Also if R molested E then why is E with him at Jodi's house? Now the accused
victim is gonna be separated from his siblings for the time being. How low can she fucking go?
Recently Jodi's niece went on a livestream for 3 hours explaining how she went through the same thing where they made her confess into doing things that she never did. Also this happened to her previous clients as well as they are speaking out.
I'm just baffled at this point. I hope the older kids like S will call out on this bullshit since she was the one who's doing all the raising while she and her deadbeat husband are going on vacations.
No. 1895581
>>1893874White women really hate their black children. Not ALL white women obviously (most of you are completely normal and fine), but many of them (including my own mom) like the aesthetic of black children as a social status woke points thing, but act satanic towards their own.
Sage for sperg, but I'm right.
(racebaiting) No. 1901155
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Kevin Franke's attorney has made statements claiming that Kevin didn't know about any of the abuse the children were facing, and went on to blame Jodi Hildebrandt.
>>1895177Jfc she's a piece of shit who deserves whatever is coming to her. Her own sister has spoken out about being estranged and cut off from the family. They only started reconnecting with the oldest daughter that left that environment.
No. 1901158
File: 1695186450092.jpg (130.07 KB, 651x853, pos.jpg) detailing what Ruby Franke's sister knew, she also reconnected with Shari Franke, the eldest daughter who dipped out of that hellhouse.
No. 1904763
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Sage to be safe but this cow crossover was pretty amusing to stumble across
No. 1913637
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Saw this in line at the grocery store today
No. 1932320
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She's daddy of five and Louise Turpin rolled in to one.
Remember with the Turpins there was also one kid who escaped out a window, who was previously bound and gagged, begging neighbors for food and help.
I'm sure her fellow inmates will give her the full treatment.
No. 1979637
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A lot of evidence has been released in this case. Be aware that there are graphic pictures of the abused children. It is horrific. I don't believe the father knew nothing about this tbh. I think it just got too intense for him & she got the kids away from him to abuse on her own. The files are available at the link on this page. journal is truly horrifying, worse than the photos even in terms of how the abuse is described.
No. 1979760
>>1979637Kevin absolutely knew about it and participated in it until the folie à deux/sexual weirdness between Ruby and Jodi got too intense
he was doing “exorcisms” on the kids, which meant waterboarding them, hitting them with cactuses, heat-torturing them, and so on
No. 1979766
>>1979760yes, you are right. I didn't really follow them until the abuse rumors began (not in their demographic), so I didn't realize his involvement until I read around a bit more. However, how is he not getting investigated and charged too? There's plenty of evidence of his prior involvement in abuse. I don't get why he is a free man.
Ruby and Jodi are monsters; I'm not trying to detract from that. If R hadn't escaped, he and his sister would probably have died in Arizona after Jodi moved them to the new "land." I was heartened by R and E telling their mom off and not losing their spirits entirely. I hope they know they have millions of supporters who want them to recover and live amazing lives.
I hope the other four children are also getting therapy and help. I wish so much they'd get out of Mormonism for good. Leave Utah. That state is so creepy.
No. 1980620
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>>1979637The images and videos are horrific. Even the EMTs are disturbed so you know it's bad. Her journaling so frankly about the abuse she inflicts daily is insane, she even calls it abuse like she is fully aware what she's doing is abuse but feels completely justified or has some psycho godbag reasoning for it. So much worse than I imagined it would be.
No. 1980783
For anyone just becoming aware of this if you want to go down the rabbit hole a lot of the 8passengers content has been archived in the following places. Obviously there are clips floating around like vidrel since this went mainstream but if you want to see the actual videos you have to look a bit harder, I'm not sure there's a 100% complete collection anywhere but if anyone knows of one I'd be interested. older videos (4+ years) exactly how bad it got since Franke/Hildebrandt were arrested and convicted, then going back and looking at the "happy family" vlogger videos is trippy.
No. 1980848
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>>1979637There are far too many references to this poor child’s bathroom habits and it’s so demented. I left some out because I just felt bad. Can you imagine how humiliated he must feel? Obviously Franke is making it sound like he was doing it on purpose but anyone else can see its some kind of trauma response. Also
>poop too watery??? He’s so beyond emaciated how could he have normal stool anyways…. Beyond demented nonas.
No. 1980852
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>>1980848Samefag, but this in particular was so disturbing to me. This poor girl must have been in so much anguish.
>she is so numb >After being cozy w/ the cactus You see this more in the videos when you see Franke’s expressions but she enjoys the pain she inflicts on them. In the journal there’s more insight to her reasoning and the whole Satan and demons are in my children and I have to get it out angle, but at her core she likes to control her children and be a sadist to them. In some video, I’m sorry I forget which, but she brags to her own children how she gets to eat brownies and sleep in a bed. (Theres even one where she makes one of them rub her back and she’s so grossly smug and prideful when she asks for it. Control freak shit) In the videos it’s made out to be like a dinner is skipped once in a while or there won’t be food if they’re forgetful but in the journal she constantly denies them food. They’re always fasting and she asks them to go ask Satan for food, or that she will feed (their name) and not the demon inside them. She feeds the 12 year old brown rice beans and lentils and makes even the food out to be a punishment. Even the food she denies them she has a whole narrative how children need plain food like that for disciplinary purposes and to be humble. There’s even a part where he asks for different food and a bed. When he runs away the first time and she monitors him 24/7 she ties themselves together and he sleeps in her bed while they’re tied by the feet… and she says “he got what he wanted,” bitter as fuck. SICK. It’s sick. “Being cozy with the cactus.” Beyond gross. She makes a point that the girl acts out as a form of manipulation and I just know that must torment the poor girl.
>She doesn’t get water if she screams Franke is constantly projecting her demonic sadism onto her children.
No. 1982590
>>1982422>>1982476He looked like a holocaust
victim, but also the wounds on his ankles were horrific. The adults were clearly treating them but it's like they did just enough first aid to be able to keep him tied up. Any longer and he was gonna lose a foot if he didn't starve to death first. 10,000% he wasn't gonna live another 6 months if he hadn't escaped.
No. 2080140
Shari Franke (Ruby's eldest daughter) published a book (with the help of a ghost writer it seems). The audiobook is narrated by her, i'm almost done listening to it. So far it hasn't and i don't think it will talk about the abuse the younger siblings faced, it's more about Shari herself being emotionally abused by Ruby and how it affected her and how Jodi infiltrated the family. Ruby and Jodi were likely sleeping together, Shari saw massage oils in the bedroom Jodi was staying in, Ruby and Jodi spent a lot of time there together, the kids and their dad had to text Ruby for permission to go in the room. Shari is still mormon despite mormonism playing a part in this. When Ruby didn't like something about Shari, starting when Shari was a little girl she'd say "What kind of man would marry you" "I feel sorry for your future husband" etc both about appearance and behavior. Shari is currently engaged at only 21. Kevin Franke, Ruby's husband was useless. He told Shari that he felt like he was surrounded by man hating women at his first Connexions meeting kek. When Shari looked Jodi up she found out some man was saying that he went to Jodi for help with his marriage but she called him a sexual abuser with no proof (kek as if it's so out of left field for a man to be a sexual abuser).
One of the incidents Shari told from her childhood was about one of her brothers cutting some of her hair as a "prank" and then Ruby shaving his head unevenly to teach him a lesson which i didn't think was a horrible thing tbh. Ruby and Jodi were insane and extremely manipulative. In Shari's therapy sessions with Jodi, Jodi encouraged her to scrutinize her own behavior and write down her infractions such as "felt smug in class because i knew the answer when nobody else did". Same therapy was later done to the dad in which Jodi told him he shouldn't hug his daughters and that it's weird, and tried to make him doubt his intentions with them, like she wanted to instill pocd or something. Shari says a common theme in Jodi's therapy was accusing people of incest, pedophilia, sexual abuse or saying they have porn addictions and that Jodi saw sex everywhere. Shari got groomed and sexually assaulted by an older man who was a high ranking mormon or something who told her he was training her for her future husband. That's all i can think of rn(this is an imageboard/post proof)
No. 2082008
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>>2080501Jodi was and is very gross, would eat Dairy Queen and ranch constantly and not bathe or wash herself for days while she cut her arms up and down (fighting the 'demons' attacking her). Ruby having a relationship with her is disguising and exactly what she deserves- Ruby faked her smile and love and she deserves her reputation being torn down on every level. She will forever be connected sexually with a gross closeted psycho while in prison while her entire family leaves her and finds peace and happiness.