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No. 62722
>>62719Marina is pretty bitchy and throws shade at Hyuna and other Korean girls like crazy. Not even a Koreaboo, but whenever a girl does that kind of shit period it's just disgusting.
Then again, looking the way that she does I'm not surprised that she would feel jealous. Gross hair, not a great body, Chiclets teeth and a pig like snout.
No. 62728
>>62724>special snowflakeyThat's because she is. You can feel it in the videos and the site posts. Marina practically oozes that kind of bullshit from her pores.
You can tell that they're threatened by the idea of anyone else coming to Korea to do what they're doing (maybe even better than them), because they refuse to even give solid advice on how to run a gig like theirs from Korea, how to go about doing it, etc. It's like lol bitch, neither of you are anything special. You're two white kids in Korea who refuse to even become a part of this culture and regularly bash on Koreans for stupid shit like daring to make music in other languages.
No. 62740
>>62728>MarinaUgh come one, Marina is a pretty name compared to Martina, it's insulting to call her anything than Martina
But yeah, the fact that they get so upset at people criticizing legitimate issues with what they say lets you know how entitled they feel to Korea. Like no one is telling them to stop making videos or to change their personalities (even though it would be an upgrade), but fuck realize why so many people have a problem with what you're saying.
The majority of their fanbase are young teens, I think, so they're going to completely overlook what they're saying and accept their personal experience as being applicable to the entire country. Koreaboos do this shit too because they want to believe the bs of two people who don't even attempt to acclimate to their environment.
They don't even make that many videos talking about issues in Korea, since they don't know much about it outside of kpop and street food, and people flock to them as though they were gurus.
has to be because of how these koreaboos think 'well if they're willing to accept those two fuckers, I should do fine once I get there, since they're so wacky xD!!!'
No. 62744
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>>62736and the way she dresses, I know tumblr tards love wearing mismatched shit to draw attention, but Martina takes it a step further
ffs she's 31, she's still in her teen phase. She did that #Dear Me vid talking to her teen self and mentioned how different she was from everyone back then, I think she identifies with that word. Not because it's true to her character, but because it's what she wants to be and goes the extra mile without jeopardizing her "career"
I always try to imagine her in Japan, which was always where she wanted to end up. I think that because of all the other youtubers there (i.e. Rachel and jun and others) her and Simon wouldn't have made it as big. So now b/c of youtube they just
loooove Korea.
No. 62765
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My favorite thing about EYK is how they got their Koreaboo fanbase to buy them roundtrip flight tickets to Europe. I remember reading an article about how they didn't have real work visas in Korea after quitting their teaching job, and just left the country every 6 months to renew their Visa Waiver Program tourist visas. Now I'm not knocking that at all (it's how I lived with my boyfriend for 1 year+ without a proper visa), but they seriously got their delusional fans to pay for the most expensive and annoying part of staying in Korea on that visa. They even registered their business in Canada so they wouldn't be caught working in Korea without a visa (freelance work is a huge loophole when it comes to working on a visa.)
But now they managed to get TTMIK to open a cafe with them (which they are hardly at), so they probably finally got themselves a business visa. Hyunwoo and the TTMIK team does all of the advertising and visit pretty damn frequently, and I always see them when I go there.
No. 62771
>>62765Its sad, you hardly see them interacting with any Korean people that isn't Soo Zee, and even she hardly shows up in videos anymore. I don't think they truly care about Korea as much s they do with their fame that's associated with Korea.
They're doing everything they can to stay in Korea, with other people's efforts. They don't even mention the Cafe anymore. I hope that TTMIK are making most of the profit off of it.
No. 62775
>>62765I was in Korea when this launched and I really dgaf about EYK but my friends looooove them and wanted to go really badly……… I can't believe i waited 1hr+ under Seoul's summer sun for this…
what we don't do for friends tbh.
It's good that at least TTMIK are behind this, and I believe they are respectful.
But seriously my eyes almost fell of secondhand embarrassment when I saw an asian-american girl crying on the line to enter because Simon with an ugly-ass beard showed up there
No. 62781
>>62765When I took a trip to Korea, I really made it a point to go visit the cafe but I was really sad that they weren't there :( I really wanted to see Spudgy most of all tbh. Didn't they use to hold like weekly liveshows there? I didn't even notice that they stopped
I really only watch them for fapfaps and wanks, I can't care too much for their kpop videos or anything. I know they really support LiNK, but even LiNK is a bit questionable compared to other similar organizations.
No. 62806
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>>62794All of their 'merchandise' is overpriced Gmarket crap that they marked up x30 because they stuck a Spudgy pin on it
BTW what ever happened to their 'new lifestyle diet'?
No. 62813
>>62810It's very much Tumblr.
I'm glad one of you asked for a thread or else I would have hesitated to make it. My friends adore these fuckers and any time I bring up legitimate criticism, I get told that I'm "negative".
No. 62815
>>62801Thanks mate ):
I seriously don't get how people think these guys are even funny… I remember when exo released 'what is love' and tumblr was filled with that "i lost my pants" cringey shit and I don't even know how this managed to happen…..
The two videos of them i watched were the one about NK bombing threats (kinda useful because most foreigners thought some crazy stuff was going on when it didn't) and one about what one should pack to Korea.
Besides this their videos mostly suck and I couldn't stand 1 minute on it
No. 62824
>>62819Lol they do that shit with cosplay.
>LELELE ANON UR ASIAN?!?!? XDDDD DO YOU LIKE YAYA HAN BXCUZ I KNO U COSPLAY XDDDDEYK comes up in the same conversations when we're casually mentioning Korean products or music or food.
>>62821I was just exclaiming that it didn't surprise me to see them doing such a thing. It's pretty shitty that they think people are that stupid.
>>62823Honestly? Do what I was about to do. I was on /cgl/ last year when everyone was crying over wanting real shimapan and how striped underwear is apparently so hard to find. These dumbasses, I have like three pairs from Target in several colors. Wide striped, just how they like them.
Buy a bunch of Target panties and sell them as real shimapan, lol.
No. 62827
>>62794I really only got into watching them because of Spudgy haha… I have my own pekingese so I have a huuuuuuuge weak spot for anyone who has them…
I remember when they held an AMA they seemed to avoid a lot of questions that outed them but I can't really remember much of them unfortunately. I really wonder where they'd be now if it wasn't for Soozee and Leigh. I used to think that their korean must've been at least halfway decent since they have lived there for quite some time but… lol
>>62818>>62824People are so gullible and desperate that I wanna just buy bulk off taobao and do that shit myself ugh
No. 62830
>>62829Actually it started on that weeb Ahri thread and someone asked for it so it happened
But come on they're lolcows
No. 62831
>>62829How? I'm the OP and I made this because of someone asking in another thread for a EYK thread to be made. I don't have a Tumblr because the bitches hate everything that I am.
So, lol.
No. 62833
>>62827Don't Soozee and Leigh do all the editing and filming? What exactly do S&M do these days?
BTW, it's hilarious that they only bring up Soozee when they need a Korean opinion. "Soozee said ____, so it must be true!" I wonder how many Korean friends they actually have?
No. 62839
>>62830They really are.
Also, I dislike this trend that if there's something that Tumblr likes/hates, you must also be from there. Sometimes shitty people like what you also like. That's just life, man. Sometimes, they hate what you also hate.
>>62835It's because of their manner of dress/hair and their obnoxious attitudes. All of EYK is very tryhard and sad, like much of Tumblr is.
No. 62842
Why are you guys hating on EYK? Theyre infitely better than these unfunny tumblr fucks Hallyuback: listening to the guy especially makes me want to take a waffle iron to my face. Could he be any more mono tone and annoying?
And the girl. Shit.
Like, they are soooo much more tumblr than EYK.
No. 62849
>>62842You don't have to post here if you don't agree then. No need to shit up the thread.
>>62846Because people wanted to.
Go make one if you're so concerned.
No. 62854
>>62844Cat eye makeup is love but it isn't like makeup is gonna help fix Martina's face, specially if she keeps doing faces all the time
I still think Simon is gay or bi or into men somehow
No. 62861
>>62846Can't remember if it was HallyuBack or not, but they once had a video about having kids in Korea, and somebody in the comments said something about their kid could "toTally have Korean citizenship!!!11!!" and I corrected them saying that they wouldn't, because that's not how citizenship works in Korea, and then my comment was promptly deleted afterwards lol
Other than that, I know nothing about them and they are completely boring
No. 62862
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>>62855You're right, anon.
It isn't at all shitty to make mass, sweeping generalizations to your impressionable mostly teen fanbase who will readily believe your words without question and go around spreading bullshit.
It's not shitty to
>>62765 or
>>62771 or even
>>62740We should all just drop the thread, specifically because YOU said so, and talk about only what YOU want to talk about! ^_^
Jesus, where the fuck did all of these asshurt anons suddenly come from within minutes of this being made..
No. 62867
>>62855They are lol-worthy because they are huge 31 year old Koreaboos.
This isn't PULL, people don't post here under the guise of exposing people. We laugh and bitch at people because it's fun.
No. 62871
If people don't want to talk about certain cows, just fucking hide the thread. Nobody is forcing you to read any of this and yet they act like they're obligated to.
No. 62883
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No. 62994
>>62958Because their argument was that striped underwear was allegedly sooooooooo difficult to find because baw all undies have stuff on them!1!1!1
They were such morons about it. There were so many threads about amg I need reel shimapan ackshullay frum nippon it HAS 2 be frum nippon!!!11 Meanwhile, I'm finding striped panties at Target and Kohl's, nothing on them but stripes, in several different colors. They wanted them because shimapan became popular again and of course the most desu and moe NEED to wear striped underwear!
I don't see the appeal, they're underwear with stripes and I use them as period week panties. People must have some real grand imaginations to feel turned on at stripes. Can't imagine what they feel when they saw Steve from Blue's Clues in his shirts.
>>62986This. It's getting pretty annoying seeing these white knights hopping into the thread and then denying that their knighting after getting passive aggressive about "amg y rnt u gaiz talkin bout wat i wan talk bout QQ"
No. 62995
>>62824jfc this happened to me with a casualfag. She was like "You've been cosplaying for about 7 years now, right? Do you like Yaya han? She cosplays too. Are you going to choose a cosplay career like her."
Painful shit.
And yeah, I feel you with people bringing up EYK if you listen to any KPOP or like anything at all Korean.
No. 63009
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Why doesn't Leigh get her eye fixed? Shit bothers me like nothing else.
No. 63011
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That greasy ass beard.
No. 63021
>>63017same :( though I really wish I could be someone like Rachel or Sharla (mostly Sharla) just livin the weeb life. Instead I just live vicariously through studying abroad and pretending like something cool will happen to me one day :( sucks. I'm mad that even shitty kanadajin3 gets to still be in Japan like wtf.
it's must be scary living as a vlogger though, one day it's gotta end and then what are they all gonna do?
No. 63023
>>62994lmao, steve
but yeah, the fact that it became a "trend" just tells me they're all sheep. They're stripes ffs.
Btw, not to come off as too tumblr as many complain but, is it meant to be ironically sexy, like this whole sexualization of shit thats usually meant to be innocent? Because for the most part, people usually associate lingerie in lace, silk or that mesh like material as sexy.
Cotton panties are usually associated with younger girls…
No. 63024
>>63021yup, I keep searching in hopes I can find a nice scholarship for my master degree…
It seems they are planning to move to Japan soon, and they already registered the "Eat Your Sushi" domain. They'll just keep living off weebs. Maybe they gonna ask for money again to buy a kawaii sugoi studio in Akihabara
No. 63026
>>63000Yep, I agree, no one would invest any time on watching any of these people even if they just had a casual interest in knowing about Japan or Korea because they're not learning much from them. I think Koreaboos and weeaboos get so butthurt because they invest their energy into the people, so they don't care whether the info is accurate or not. They just want to know about these peoples experience in terms of it being negative or positive so that they can easily relate to it on those terms.
So if a really good looking chick had a bad time because she couldn't get a date, it'll draw weebs and koreaboos more than someone who cares about the cultural reason behind why. I mean when I think of koreaboos and weeaboos I don't think of people who legitimately care for the culture, I usually think of people who reduce the countries down to anime, idols, music genres, food and interest in foreigners.
No. 63027
>>63009Soo Zee is so pretty
Leigh's eye bothered me at first too, you kinda get used to it of you watch eyk for a while, but it would make me so paranoid. I ended up looking up if your eye can become like that at any point in your life and it can.
No. 63029
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What the fuck? What do they even mean by breed? Are they fucking their pets?
No. 63030
>>63000>I'm not interestedThen why are you still here?
All this fucking butthurt.
No. 63036
>>63033They'll just be rehashing shit. To be honest, I always preferred the Canadian students who would vlog from Japan. Just all of them. It was nice seeing just students being casual in their tiny ass rooms and being like, "Hey guys, well this is something I learned in Japan tonight.."
No. 63045
>>63036Exactly. One of my peeves concerning eyk was that at one point when they first started receiving criticism I think, they began to start off their vids with these disclaimers saying, 'these are our opinions based on our experience, and we have to say that otherwise people will get mad,' like dude. We know these are your experiences, the point is
you're making generalizations.
Those videos that have like 56 views on them sometimes end up being more informative. I was just looking up stuff now and came across Trish J luv, though idk if she's accurate, but she doesn't have all the bs frills and thrils eyk throws in to detract from the fact that they don't have anything of value to say.
No. 63055
>>63038yeah they stated that they didn't need to learn english because Koreans want to practice their english instead or because of the places they hang out with or something where everyone speaks english.
It's like they forget that the reason they pick on the english of kpop artists is because it isn't amazing, their primary language is Korean and they're trying to learn a second language. Then here come these bozos wanting to stay below intermediate level in a second language to make things easier for themselves rather than what would be best in a convo between them and a Korean who may not get the gist of what their saying.
They made a video saying how Koreans don't understand sarcasm, and since thats about all eyk is good at, you'd think they'd be concerned about how they come off.
No. 63081
>>63078… did anyone actually think they were popular in Korea?
Do their fans think they are because they've had a few shit interviews with mostly low-tier groups?
No. 63083
>>63078This is really true. But EYK doesn't need any Korean fanbase in order to keep going
>>63081I think the most important interview they had was with SHINee and still all they did was making them very uncomfortable and SM really angry for releasing that shit
No. 63086
>>63081Yes, sadly.
A lot of people who pay attention to internet celebs are.. retarded. They think that anyone with a webcam and a YT account is ~*famous*~ and this blogging via video crap culture has given complete, talentless nobodies with nothing to offer a platform to speak their irrelevant and unfunny opinions all the while people with the same attention span nodding their heads.
No. 63087
>>63078I believe there's an reason why:
영국남자 and Dave speak Korean. And I bet they lived either the same amount of time or less in the country in comparison to eyk
No. 63089
>>63083lol they were mad because of that, they had promised all their fans that they would do an interview because they were sooo sure that it would go through and when SM rejected it after watching the vid they bitched all over their blog
>>63087yep, plus 영국남자 is decent looking
No. 63097
>>63089Dave is kinda cute too I think…
And let's not forget the Abnormal Summit cast. They didn't got famous off the internet but some of the guys even have idol-like kr fansites lmao
No. 63100
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>>63096that's all you need to see to sum it up
No. 63129
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>>63114She used to be more normal looking
No. 63136
>>62716How they deal with negative comments:
"Thanks, your comment made us 20$"
No. 63198
>>63183I agree.
Theres various ways to be sexy. Hyuna wears provocative clothes but so what? while male artists do dances that include humping or touching their crotch
No. 63227
>>63215it's so stupid, at least they dance in their videos rather than just posing and staring at the camera with a fake sultry look on trying to look sexy
The one dance I wish wasn't a part of kpop, and 95% of the rest of the world tbh, is twerking. I think you
do need to have a reasonably larger butt to do this, and while it looks really tasteless, if it's what you're going for, there is a "right" way to do it. Kind of like how you can't be stick thin to do a proper belly dance since it defeats the purpose. No. 63246
>>63239Honestly, yes, when I first saw the comments on both videos the users were white or black. Then you get people on there thinking that they're standing up for them by saying stupid shit like, "WELLHELLHELL YA KNOW, HYUNA MAY NOT GOT A BIG ASS, BUT IT STILL NICE!~"
Just.. they're not funny or cool. They sound like creeps.
No. 63249
>>63236>>63239doesn't every Korean expat rant and rave about how in Korea you can wear something as short as you want as long as it only applies to the legs?
I know in the US for the most part people usually didn't wear shorts that short, usually leaving short cut clothing to tops to show off cleavage, but for the past few yrs girls wear short shorts like that too, getting even shorter now a days so that they look like high waisted underwear basically, with braless tops. People are getting more used to it, so idk why they go there spewing such bs.
No. 63315
>>62824Holy shit yes. I was at a con and I heard this girl talking to my sister's friend bout what songs played at the J-pop dance and some Japanese versions of K-pop songs played or whatever and I asked what played (I'm Koreaboo trash tbh) and right away she was like "oMG U LIKE K-POP??" I said yes and she asked my favorite group. I answered with SHINee, she then proceeded to yell "SOY UN DORITO!1"
Y'all remember that shit joke?
I tried to get away from her after that as nicely as I could but she talked for so long I just gave up. She tried to talk to me about how EYK gave her good tips on stuff for when she wanted to go to Korea. I cringed. They're the last people you should listen to. They're like kanadajin but in Korea and there's two of them.
Anyway, sorry for the rant I'm just so gld this thread is here.
No. 63318
His face says it all.
No. 63344
>>63315Their tips aren't even that good tbh. I was a major Koreaboo around 2008-10, but K-pop kind of wore on me. But I still liked Korea and came to Seoul, and it was still pretty different than what I expected. People like EYK paint Korea to be like some big playground, where everybody is "SO RANDUM LOL" and wears weird accessories and clothes. Or that the internet is some magical thing, and that everything in Seoul is super high tech, and that all apartments are high tech.
I fucking love living in Korea, but it's not all sunshine and rainbows here.
No. 63373
>>63344what were the greatest surprises/differences for you?
actually this question applies to anyone thats visited
I notice that when I go to another country, it's usually not to different from home for me for some reason, like I've yet to experience culture shock (then again, I haven't been to any outlandish places).
No. 63378
>>63373Nothing too big or 'culture shock'ish, honestly I was just surprised that it was pretty much like any other place. There isn't magical wifi that is found everywhere (only available to certain users of certain mobile phone services, if you aren't a member, you don't get the free wifi thats available everywhere) Everything isn't super high tech everywhere. Maybe in some buildings in some areas, but a majority of the area is quite normal.
But if I had to give a useful tip to people coming long term to work or study is this:
You need to be VERY careful about how you are treated by some people, mostly guys. Obviously this doesn't apply to all men, but a lot of guys will treat you like shit if you aren't careful. Also, if you aren't Korean, most guys will think you are pretty easy. They say you want to be friends and offer to hang out, and by the end of the day they ask you if you want to spend the night in a motel with you.
People forget that men are men everywhere, and Korean guys are just as likely to want to hook up as any other guy in any other country. You've got to be smart and look out for yourself just like back home. If you aren't careful, crazy shit can happen. Oppa won't come and save you.
No. 63391
>>63373To add to what
>>63378 said. Definitely be careful. Date rape is a problem there. I know from experience. My translator for the police was a police woman and she said as such and that women rarely report it so not much gets better regarding it. My friends have also had men follow them when they walk alone or in small groups.
Overall though, my experiences have been positive. My husband is Korean and been very supportive about helping with the language and culture so that makes the experience better. Most people speak minimal English in shops and such but knowing basic Korean is better.
No. 63392
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let me burn my eyes in acid please
No. 63409
>>63405Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. They've mentioned it a few times, but recently made a video actually talking about it. They didn't talk about fertility in the video, nor have they anywhere else as far as I know, but even just looking it up tells you that infertility is common among people with EDS. She might be infertile, but it's rude to assume so imo.
People have also mentioned that having a kid would really hinder them right now. There's no doubt that their videos probably take up the majority of their time and attention rn, so having a kid would just be a huge hassle on top of whatever else they have to do.
No. 63491
>>63373What I loved the most was awesome security, great transportation and yeah, wifi everywhere LMAO also cosmetics are the best
I adapted really really easily to the life there and I really really want to return.
>>63378this is true imo, i've gone on dates with guys who just wanted to fuck. This shows koreaboos that Korean men aren't all innocent and are men just like anywhere else. Of course i'm a foreigner so I don't know how it can be as a whole. I mean, they'd probably thought i was easy and wanted the same thing as them.
No. 63556
>>63378Thats one of the most common things I've read about from people who go to study there. They say that what they thought was a friendship was actually a guy priming them for a quick fuck, only to rarely hear from them again unless its to have sex again. Obviously not everyones experience is like this and doesn't speak of every Korean guy out there, there are multiple factors at play. Though for this to be common occurrence among foreigners is telling.
I may be fucked up for this, but it makes me laugh when Koreaboos get uspet at the fact that the sex was awful or the guy didn't fall in love with them and treat them like the girls in romantic dramas because its like a reality check for them. They actually made Korea and its men to be the definition of chivalry when its so far from the truth.
No. 63559
>>63236Fuck, I'm actually in love with this dance.
Makes me wanna dance.
They're really good too, I feel like Koreaboos are worst than Weeaboos, jfc.
No. 63562
>>63556>>63378This reminds me of a black Koreaboo friend of a friend who visited Seoul last year and posted a status along the lines of: "Went clubbing last night and let's just say there was no need to worry that Korean guys wouldn't like black girls ;) I got way more attention than back home!"
Clubs are for hooking up in every country, Korea is no different, PLUS the stereotype that black girls are easy… and she's still thinking she's going to get dat Korean husband soon.
The other thing is that she's fairly SJW but loves the 'hiphop' style Kpop. I never understood how Kpop doesn't get more hate for ~cultural appropriation~. Does it not count because they're Asian? Every so often there's an article comparing CL to Iggy Azalea and all the SJW types cry about 'OMG SHE'S NOTHING LIKE THAT CULTURE APPROPRIATING BITCH~~'
No. 63635
>>63562>>63597>>63607>>63612Wait, so let me get this straight, sjw only talk shit about white rappers, but not East Asian ones??
I thought they would shit on Asian rappers too considering some of the vids I would see being reblogged back when I was on tumblr, I think one was about how rapmonster was saying "I can talk black" and proceeded to embarrass himself, and how some other chick was like "I rap better than the black boys". Ugh I actually find a good percentage of the rappers in Kpop pretty horrible, not just due to their lack of skill but because of their lack of knowledge of hip hop and rap itself.
A lot of them always mention the same rappers as their fav, and it's usually the worst artists in the U.S. I wonder if they think they're good not because of lyrical content but because of the amount of play they get or how catchy the songs are? I never hear kpop artists mention the traditionally known good rappers in the U.S.
Anyway, to not keep this going for too long, I would 100% support white rappers more because of this if I was a black sjw. Like, at least a good amount of white people can recognize when a song is actually good regardless of who's rapping it, can understand the culture that created it and can assimilate into it without coming off as try hards (kek, those kpop vids with the random, mute black people that are just there for street cred/"solidarity").
These sjw's yellow fever knows no bounds. They only call out Koreans when they make fun of dark skin, but if they fetishize black people or appropriate their culture it's all good??
No. 63672
>>63646There was 6 posts. No big deal.
Why not contribute yourself then?
No. 63683
>>63681Do you not get that some of us had no idea who the fuck these two were and were looking for others to fill in the blanks because clearly everyone had so much to say earlier itt?
Jesus fuck the past 48 hours has reeked of fucking newfaggotry.
No. 63687
>>63681not everyone followed eyk, crackhead.
and most results for any dramu surrounding them are going to come from unreliable tumblr blog posts.
that doesn't mean that you get to shit up a thread by being off topic.
it doesn't fly in any other thread and yet you and other anon somehow think you're above the rules.
No. 63693
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>>63683>newfaggotryAhahaha, I've been here for a long-ass time, but OK.
Complaining about a few OT posts shits up thread in the same way as the posts themselves, only absolutely no-one is interested. Improve your post quality by taking 2 seconds to look up some other info on EYK and bring the thread back to topic. Even if the info turns out not to be true or something, you've at least generated some discussion rather than just bitching.
>>63687Wasn't even one of the OT anons either, but OK.
Here you both go. EYK getting in trouble for asking for fanfics to talk about. Did this video ever get made in the end? No. 63695
>>63687 sucks because tumblr is basically the only place where you can get any info on them. though a lot of the links on this post
are valid
No. 63698
>>63694if they actually spoke it, they wouldn't need translators when they go on talk shows in Korea, they're definitely full of shit
>>63693I don't think they did because they may have used common sense for once and realized it would make them even bigger douche bags
No. 63700
>>63697yeah thats one of my reasons for disliking them as well, plus they turned out to be shittier than I thought when I checked out the link about not giving credit to the artist whose work they posted
I don't get why people get so enraged about the cows people want to talk about on here
Enough people on the Ahri thread were talking about EYK and subsequently koreaboos that a thread was dedicated to them
for those interested to bitch about
No. 63705
>>63697Oh, and the shaming of Korean women yet Martina tries so fucking hard to be aeygo, the whole cafe thing, jacking up Taobao-tier items to sell as if they're ~*exclusive*~ when there's just a stupid pin on it, getting their fans to foot their living expenses in order to stay in the country so they can continue playing LOL WHITE N KOREA XDDD. The whole language thing is just the most entitled and rude fucking thing. It isn't even just because it's an Asian country either. I want to visit France, but holy shit I would not dare set foot over there unless I were able to rattle off in French in my sleep. It is so fucking rude to visit another country and make fun of their shit while simultaneously attempting to assimilate.
>>63700From the looks of the posts, it's anons who liked certain people and I guess they didn't realize that something they enjoy could also be hated by other people. I mean, think about it; They don't HAVE to post in the threads if they don't want to. They have the ability to hide them. It isn't as if a thread about someone else existing means that it somehow takes attention away from other threads. That very notion is retarded in itself. It also doesn't clog up anything since they can just hide it or simply not click on it. Yet they act like they're chained.
In the end, it really does boil down to, "I like this person, don't talk bad about what I like!", but the posters try to play it off in the 2apathy4u way like they don't care when they obviously do or else they would have ignored the thread to begin with.
No. 63740
>>63735please don't tell me after years of living there they can't even converse properly.
how do you even get such a teaching job without any language skills but english (great skill there having english as a mothertongue)? and why would you go there without any knowledge? it really baffles me
No. 63742
>>63740I don't even visit every single thread here, but just in passing I see that bitches who don't even fluently speak the language somehow keep getting over to Japan or Korea and manage to get by.
I really don't understand this witchcraft. Should we all just abandon common courtesy and fly to wherever regardless of whether we know the language or not?
No. 63762
>>63747The only thing I can say in their defense (not that I'm defending
them, just how they can get away with this), is that Korea requests teachers fluent in English who will speak in English all the time, preferably white, so that their kids have no choice but to learn English to communicate with them.
No. 63767
>>63762Yeah, basically.
It's fucked up but I've heard enough stories of Europeans who even speak ESL being picked over Korean Americans, just because they're white. It doesn't happen everywhere obviously, but some shit schools do to please the parents (who don't speak English themselves) and think the English is more ~genuine~ coming from a white person.
No. 63796
>>63776It's big in Japan too, the idea is that the students are learning English from a native speaker
in English, not in Japanese.
No. 63797
>>63776It's funny because teachers for JET don't need to know shit Japanese, but if you want to apply for their other position (Coordinator of International Relations) you need top notch JLPT1 Japanese. They really don't fuck around during the interview apparently and you seriously have to prove yourself. It's really funny how it's such a drastic different. I do think that
>>63762 really hits the nail on the head. OT but When I studied abroad, even though I could barely understand what was going on at first, it kind of clicked for me after a while and it became a little easier to pick up the language once you stop questioning EVERY. SINGLE. LITTLE. THING. and having the professor translate it and spoil you. ofc, there are downsides, but for the most part I think it made things a little easier.
My current Japanese professor is a white dude who did JET a couple years back as a teacher, and I don't think his Japanese was as good as it was now but he's pretty much fluent nowadays. It's amazing what a little effort into learning the language will do for you.
tbh I really do quite enjoy EYK as a guilty pleasure to binge watch when I'm bored, but it seems like such a huuuuge waste to not learn the language. More than anything, I think being fluent in another language is one of the coolest things to show off. When I was abroad, I went through so many periods of stress and self hatred because I wasn't picking up the language as fast as I wanted to. Going out anywhere stressed me out because I couldn't speak the language. I really don't understand people who don't want to learn the language of a place they're going to live in. All I would want to do is fully assimilate myself, or I could take it as a failure and move back home.
No. 63835
>>63797Yeah I imagine being in a country where you can't communicate with the vast majority of people is terrifying. I just imagined what EYK would be like if they were completely fluent. I think it would have a lot of people have less things to criticize, but I also think they wouldn't be able to get away with as much as they do, because Koreans can argue with them if they disagree and EYK wouldn't be able to write it off as "!#@$T%$^%^&^&??!!" Though if no koreans had issues with what they "report," it would be of great benefit for these two to learn. They would be asked to be on tv muuuuuuch more often, especially since they go abroad so often, they would likely be asked about that all the time.
But nope because being fluent in Spudgy speak is apparently what has them rolling in cash.
No. 63875
>>63847I'm so fucking annoyed they've been going to Japan and attempting to get into their 'kawaii culture' lately. Like, they had ZERO interest in Japan until they were invited over by some nobodies and now they're like "OMG KAWAII DESU NE"
Fuck Simon and Martina.
No. 63945
>>63344I know. I've heard that a lot of people who were born in Korea or live there who have heard of them have either laughed or cringed at their advice.
Also thanks for the actual tips/views on it. It's really helpful for a lot of people to know what it's really like and what to be aware of. I think we all appreciate the fact that you didn't sugarcoat it like they do. And I've heard that Japanese men, Russian men, and pretty much men anywhere are like that. I'm sick of hearing that "zOMG ASIAN BOYS R SO NICE BC OPPAR/____-KUN"
No. 63993
>>63987I don't even understand why they have such a following. They're literally the prime example of dweebs who scream "zomg I'm so randum xD" from the pits of hell.
Like honestly, if it wasn't for the amount of Koreaboos out there (from theor subscriber count at the very least 600,000), would they have such a cult following?
They literally have no talent, jfc. They can't teach (if they can't communicate in Korean, they can't properly teach Korean kids), they're corny as fuck, they're unoriginal, tacky, fat, I really don't get the appeal.
No. 64005
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>>63998>this defensive cuntinessHoney, really? You're late to the party, we told the fangirls to BTFO earlier. You mad that we're talking shit? You hide the goddamned thread and move the fuck on.
And, as for your comment; Because not all of us aspire to be YT bloggers. Believe it or not, I know it must be oh so shocking, not all of us have the desire to be on a camera nearly every single day or week, even. You know what they call a person who lowers themselves to a certain level in order to make money? A sell out. Not all of us want to be that. Maybe some of us would like to get to where we want to be the normal way, not the "Hi, I'm entitled suburban Starbucks sippin' white qurl gib moniez pl0x XDDDD omg is that a taco?! XD" way.
I absolutely love how every video blogger and "professional cosplayer" nowadays thinks that these gigs will bring a lifetime of financial security. You will age, you will become irrelevant, some other person will replace you, and yet everyone thinks they're the next PewDiePie.
No. 64028
>>64005Not that user; This is also called a living or just living and there is no normal way to living except the way you are taught. If you don't steal or damage someone severely it shouldn't be a problem for anyone especially since they didn't take money and disappear they are still dont whatever they were doing whenever the fuck they started it.
The type of person to usually say or think its a problem when there isnt, is people that are afraid to do something in the first place that is similar to taking a chance (yes I know about that ONE video about slut shaming) which is why you mentioned pewdiepie. They Prey on whats "normally accepted" or call things "a real job" just to feel a bit better about the fact that they can not live and do whatever the fuck they want to do and get paid for that, you know life is unfair you didnt get lucky enough. You dont think or maybe even try to think that they maybe already know it cant last forever urr durr, they maybe have a life savings? No? Not an option?
But because you harp on this conclusion of failure so you can feel superior, your "Ha ha thats what you get for trying to be something not normal to my 9-5 life." its blatantly obvious whats the real problem.
You girls give me life and yes I harp on girls bitching about girls that shouldn't "really" be bitched about its a life lesson. And sure my words will fuel you to write even more self pity worth drama, yues these tears, I drink.
Go on…….
No. 64030
>>63998Wtf, lmao I don't have a right to criticize people who publicize themselves? You literally just gave me shit for not thinking that Simon and Martina deserve the following that they do, especially when they provide information that is based more on personal experience than actual fact. It makes no sense to me that people flock to them as though they were credible sources regarding Korean people or culture when the two can't even speak the language unless it involves food or Kpop names.
Literally all they do is make the same type of comments people in their lolsorandum xD phase make regarding kpop artists. They also make the once in the blue moon video providing their subscribers with Korean "facts," as well as their Korean food vids where its just them eating and their wtf Korean or Japanese items vids, 'cause hey why the fuck not? They're interchangeable right? If you're a weeb you're likely a Koreaboo too and vice versa. They know their fans will flock for anything with Korea or Japan in the title, so just throw it in there, no matter how stupid it is.
Like there is nothing of actual value being shared regarding Korea itself. Other youtubers with a decent following who market themselves as vloggers in Korea usually make sure they let their subscribers get some insight about what life is like there for many, not just themselves. They seem to isolate themselves within Korea yet want to talk about it as though they founded the country. Although I know it's Simon and Martinas channel and they can do whatever the fuck they want with it, they could do better.
I don't have to take their place to prove that, the fact that others already do is enough, and not even pertaining to Korea itself but vloggers from all over the world in general.
No. 64035
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>>64028Your words literally didn't do anything but make me laugh because this whole post reads like an autistic person, but hey, we always get sandy cunts like you barging into cow threads trying to tell us all why we're so wrong and yet here you are.
No. 64040
>>64030It's the logic that 12 year olds on the internet use, anon. They shout the same whenever you criticize Miley Cyrus or some shit.
>W-WELL SHUT UP BCUZ DEY RICH N NOT HURTING ANYBODY OMG LIKE Y DO U CAER THO H8ERZ GAWD OMGAWD #YOLOWhen you encounter these people, there is literally no reasoning with them. They jam their fingers in their ears and refute all logic in favor of being willfully ignorant and "rebellious".
No. 64041
>>64028Just because someone doesn't want YT fame, doesn't mean they work a 9-5 job. and what's wrong with that anyway? Anon is simply stating that YT fame will fade and you're lucky if you go 10 years. They're already in their early 30s ffs. They need to think about a real long lasting career.
YT fame is temporary and ages like old pumpkins.
No. 64045
not the anon you replied to, but Ho.Ly. shit anon, are you one of their nasties?
Everyone has a right to an opinion, and no matter how long this board will be up I think this will remain being repeated because people like you get so butthurt over the people they like and think you will change everyones opinion like the entitled asshat you are.
It's not about the fact that they aren't following your typical mind numbing 9-5 desk job, no one is trying to bash them for that or weeping in envy.
It's the fact that you would expect people that have such a following due to the info they share about Korea, would at least know how to speak the language and make better videos regarding Korea. That's it. They shouldn't claim to do what they say they do when they don't.
The other anon
>>63998 questioned why people who are here complaining about the kind of shit eyk puts out don't make our own channels and become more successful, but its evident that the moron doesn't realize that their audience doesn't give a fuck nor does it want useful information. Thats why they can get away with making fapfaps and wtf videos. If I was envious of what they had then I would do it too, fuck it, but it would make me feel cheap because I actually know better.
No. 64048
People don't get that this shit is honestly annoying. It's online. It's offline. It's everywhere; People constantly thinking that they can whine or demand something for an easy way out in life when there's no such thing and nobody is obligated to just hand you shit. Being random or obnoxious or having tits isn't a free pass to do whatever the fuck you want. It isn't about bitterness. It's about not setting yourself and others up for failure years down the road. People hop on the YT bandwagon not realizing that people like Michelle Phan, PewDiePie, and Jenna are all examples of pure luck. Even within the cosplay circuit, we have dumb little cunts fucking up the hobby by trying to be like Nigger and Yaya when even Yaya herself is slowly becoming irrelevant because she's aging and shooting herself in the foot over and over by being obnoxious with no remorse.
EYK is honestly no better because they do exactly what others have done, which is avoid getting real jobs. They registered this bullshit "business" in order to avoid getting deported back to Canada because they're desperate fucking hipster weebs. Had anyone else made such a channel and actually did shit CORRECTLY without such a blatant entitled air and lack of respect for other people, nobody would be here bitching.
No. 64050
>>64041Eventually enough good looking, young North American, Australian and European koreaboos will come to Korea, start their own channels that will relate more to what people who can actually travel there will want to know.
(When I was thinking of travelling there and looked up info on where to go, one of the most common themes that came up was sex, dating, birth control, body image, family issues, Korean relations between men and women, etc.) But because they have a demographic primarily composed of people who want to hear Martina talk like she's autistic and enlighten us on the wonder that are diet shoes, they get to be as mediocre as possible and provide info a few google searches can lead to. They don't even have to get out of the house, or better yet, talk to a Korean person that isn't Soo Zee.
No. 64058
>>64049I can already imagine the channel:
>Won't learn Japanese because they'll find enough people willing to translate for them or who "want to practice their english so they couldn't learn"
>Will get bombarded with weebs who want to see Akihabara and Harajuku but because that would only consist of them panning across streets when recording and not actually interacting with Japanese people, they won't make them
>Instead they'll make more videos about food. They've already tried "the best sushi in Japan" and Kobe beef, I hope they try fish sperm next and die from projectile vomiting
>they'll make comparison videos between the differences in Japan and Korea which can take up 90% of their channel, each one being devoted to the most trivial of things, for example:
>Driving on the left vs the right side of the road and how difficult it was for them to get used to, all in their spudgy voiced ofc I don't want to think of the rest
No. 64061
>>64058Anon, how could you forget all of the crayzay pocky flavors in grorious nippon XDDDDD video?
For shame.
No. 64069
>>64051Yeah, they've been shitting up multiple threads for the last day or so.
>>64058I really cannot stand the Korea vs Japan videos because they know that's going to bring a political shitstorm and they dont give a fuck. They're so misinformed too about both countries. ugggh.
No. 64073
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>>64061ugh, I can't believe I forgot about the pocky, I'm sick of it, it's the go to food mention for everyone who goes there (ot but when I first got into Kpop every guy group would be forced into playing the pocky game, do they still do that?)
>>64066Lmao though I wonder how different eys would be from Miras channel
No. 64076
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>>64073Not too different I imagine
No. 64085
>>64035I didn't see this coming at all. ha you think I didnt see this before you. I live for this lol but please go on….
>>64045 The fuck is a nastie? All I know about the people is from this thread
>>64041 You can summarize my post like this +You aint happy so others who look like it shouldn't be+, has nothing to "literally" do with 9-5 or youtube, dong berry. And im suppose to be the 12 yr old? 12yr olds takes things literally.
I truly enjoy you guys raging and thinking im the same anon as some anons ago. The only good thing to happen to this thread is us. Gets you guys revolting to find and talk more about these two or their fans and still bring up nada.
No. 64089
>>64076ofc they're trying so hard to be "omg guyz! look at this interesting foodz from Nippon!"
Such try hards.
No. 64096
>>64085>I didn't see this coming at all. ha you think I didnt see this before you.
>And im suppose to be the 12 yr old?
>Gets you guys revoltingdude you speak the same language as Asha
ALso, lets not forget:
>All I know about the people is from this threadthen stfu, if you don't know anything then don't contribute bs
No. 64122
>>64091Cause I don give a fuck?
Cause grammar will not validate me here?
Cause I rather spend more time laughing at you guys sidetracking on mwah to prove the point that you guys will bullshit anything just to talk bad about anyone?
Cause its popcorn worthy.
Cause I can.
Have lots of options, choose wisely.
No. 64123
then stfu, if you don't know anything then don't contribute bs"
From the horses mouth. Guess this should end now huh? Someone is getting salty though.
If it has been this long and still i haven't seen anything massive but one video, that means you guys don't know anything but assumptions? So we all should stfu right?
My psychic powers is telling me some bullshit response is coming this way.
No. 64136
>>64122>>64123kek, this entire thread is salty.
You guys needa step away from the computer and smoke a bowl or something
No. 64139
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>>64123Look, I really don't give a shit about these people, didn't even know they existed before this thread, but you have to understand that just because they are getting everything handed to them through scamming doesn't mean that the rest of us are going to do the same, nor does it mean that we have to just deal with it and ignore the fact that it's annoying to see them doing this shit.
Some of us are trying our best to live a life where we get shit because we earned it, and although it is easy to go and try to make a youtube career a la Pewdiepie, not all of us can actually afford to go on a daily video schedule like most of these people are.
These people weren't lucky; they just knew how to play their cards to get the shit they wanted, and what that anon was saying was that a career on a platform as wobbly as YouTube is really no guarantee that you'll live in luxury forever.
Just how many "famous" youtubers have had to sell merchandise and books because they're living beyond their means?
>But because you harp on this conclusion of failure so you can feel superior, your "Ha ha thats what you get for trying to be something not normal to my 9-5 life." its blatantly obvious whats the real problem. You're being an incredibly condescending piece of shit right here, sweetie.
People may live average lives and to them, average may be good, so what's your problem with that? Scamming can only take you so far and the little cult of people who may be following for the next couple of years is probably going to be gone once they get bored of them. They won't be the first nor the last youtubers who suffer from this. Someone stops being relevant and then they get replaced, that's life.
This is a place designed for gossiping. I don't know what you're doing here if you're against people gossiping, and honestly trying to sound like you're educated and condescending when your English isn't that good is honestly annoying. English isn't my first language but at least I don't try to put myself on a high pedestal by pretending I am better than the rest of the people here.
You can call me salty or TL;DR all you want, in the end I'm still tipping my fedora to you, m'lady.
No. 64194
>>64123>you guys don't know anything but assumptionsyou said that you don't even know who they are but
we're making assumptions?
YOU haven't seen anything but the mention of one video because you choose to not read anything else people have spoken about in this thread. You don't know anything about them? Go to their channel, watch some videos, form an opinion, then go look up the controversy regarding them to see if you agree. It's as simple as that.
Your so fucking lazy you want everything handed to you wrapped in a nice little bow. The people who dislike them here have all watched their videos, many transitioning from being their fans to no longer liking them. We invested time into eyk, and it's why we're able to speak about them. Notice how those who
do watch their channel or used to are in agreement, and the only people complaining are those like you who don't even know who they are much less what they've done to anger people.
The only difference between eyk and the other cows on this board is that a lot of people find them intensely likable, which is one of the points we made here. It makes people disregard the fact that people paint them as Korean ambassadors when they haven't done anything to deserve that title aside from having a bunch of koreaboos flock to them and fund their living expenses there so that they can keep making videos about how mystical Korea is.
If that isn't lolcow worthy enough for you than don't worry about it.
No. 64244
>>64197thats what I dont like about them, that they claim to provide information about Korea, but its so damn general that you could look it up yourself if you know how. Thats what leads me to believe their audience must be very young or not care about how accurate the info is.
what's their channel basically about anymore? Although they got a lot of hate for the way they went about talking about kpop, at least it wasn't information that was coming of as fact but an opinion, so its more forgivable than saying something like Koreans are all thin to a bunch of gullible teens.
No. 64727
>>64632it actually makes sense in terms of an immersion experience
I've gone to a language class abroad and the teacher rarely used English in class. a lot of it did just sound like noise, but becoming familiar with the sounds aided in being able to pick them up in other conversations and figure out meaning through context.
No. 64866
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eyk is successful because it attracts these delusional fucks
No. 65384
>>65342I am planning to study abroad too.
Should I make a study abroad thread in /b/?
No. 90410
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>>90405She's really unattractive
No. 90415
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>>90410I hate how childish they are, and whats worse is that they've seem to become more immature the longer that they have had their channel. I think that this is due to their fanbase being made up of preteens and teens. Martina especially seems keen on behaving 20 yrs younger than her actual age. I wonder if she does it to fit in with her fans or if there is something else going on.
I went to see the video of her in this screenshot
>>90410, and couldn't help but notice the comment in the image.
Am I wrong for finding that fucked up? Like these two literally make a living by talking about Korea, but find it a fucked up place to raise kids in? Where the hell do they think their Korean friends were raised? Oh yeah, I forgot, they don't seem to hang around many Korean people aside from Soozee and that guy from Talk to Me In Korean or something.
No. 90447
>>63562tbh i see a lot of white koreaboo sjw's with superiority complexes and koreaboo denialism complexes bitching about MUH CULTURAL APPROPRIATIONS
hell black half korean girl being accused of blackface
No. 90463
>>90447Even if she wasn't half black those tumblrites are still fucking retards. The strawman argument of "u all laughed at black rappers now u like rap cuz they not black !!!!" is ridiculous, k-pop itself is very far away from actual rap and just because they borrow some of the aesthetics it doesn't mean they're "appropriating" the "black rap culture". I've loved rap and hip hop since I was a kid and listened to black and white artists equally and had the same respect for both of them. Asian hip hop artists constantly do collaborations with western black rappers for crying out loud.
And people don't laugh at white rappers? Have a look at Eminem for example, people called him a mayo and didn't believe he could rap because he's white and laughed at his face. And Iggy Azalea gets shit on constantly for being a "culture-stealing white girl" even though she's been into hip hop for all her life and moved to the states to pursue her dream.
People like the whiny bitches in that post's comments are the real racists.
No. 90465
>>90457Uh, yeah, I mentioned that. However, their response, which is right there in the image is not limited to just the anti gaming laws. It would be retarded to not want to raise a kid in Korea bc of that specific law.
They said that while they enjoy many aspects of Korea, they wouldn't want to raise a kid there. This is a general statement and one they have made before on a topic completely unrelated to gaming and more so to do with the educational system in Korea as well as some other issue I don't remember.
Anyway, my opinion still stands. They love Korea and Koreans as they claim all the time, who have been raised under that same system, but it's somehow not good enough for their kids. They were fine teaching under it until they began to focus on their youtube channel, but wouldn't be fine having their kids exposed to it.
I'm pretty sure their issues with Korea don't just end there. Thats why a lot of people dislike them, they don't seem genuine in their love for the country because they don't seem to appreciate it or its people. It's like some gimmick to them.
No. 90474
>>90463I think you missed the point they were making
is appropriation of culture when you want to associate yourself with it while subjugating the people who created it. There are tons of posts around online talking about how many black people get told they won't be hired for a job in Korea for simply being black, or will have people fear them from the image that is displayed of them in the media despite never having met a black person.
However, some people still enjoy their music, will want to hear them play it or collab with them, but limit it to just that. It's purely business oriented and they don't give a shit about black people otherwise. Other people will want to go into the genre, while hating black people, despite the majority of the artists inspiring them being black. Other people will actually copy black people down to a t while hating black people.
I mean if I were black and I knew South Korea to have found blackface to be inoffensive in the past (like how do they understand the same racist ideology used in the U.S. despite their not being a history of blacks in SK?), while many places refusing to hire black people but wanting to imitate the culture, I'd be upset. I know that it's not as bad as it used to be, with black people being hired to help out entertainers.
Also, just because you love someone elses culture does not mean you can't appropriate it. I can love Indian culture and done so my entire life but that doesn't mean I should wear saris and bindis for fashion or move to India and become the icon for what Bindis and Saris represent.
I don't have an issue with Iggy rapping, but I do dislike the media portraying her as the best female rapper of all time, etc etc and receiving accolades her black counterparts never did even though they paved the way for other female rappers.
Eminem is talented, not mimicking what black culture is unlike Iggy. Its why so many influential and talented black rappers wanted to work alongside him. Like actually want to. Not just because emimen was doing well.
No. 90478
>>90475Aside from the fact that it's near impossible to understand anything she says because she garbles all her words since her mouth is constantly filled with T.I.'s cum, her lyrics, rhymes and delivery are pure horseshit.
I'm pretty sure she doesn't even write them herself, which is even worse.
No. 90484
>>90474>companies don't hire black people in SK because of media representation boo hoo hooI'd like to see some proof of this instead of the "b-but they're poor pitiful victims all around the globe" tumblr truth. And it's especially ironic because it's the black people themselves who cherish showcasing the excessive thug lifestyle in music videos, not the whitey.
>I can love Indian culture and done so my entire life but that doesn't mean I should wear saris and bindis for fashion or move to India and become the icon for what Bindis and Saris represent. I can tell you're a white American. Indians couldn't give a rat's ass if you moved to India or wore a sari or bindis. I don't give a shit if someone wore accessories related to my country's mythology. We're not living in the middle ages damnit, it's not like you're burning a flag.
>I don't have an issue with Iggy rapping, but I do dislike the media portraying her as the best female rapper of all time, etc etc and receiving accolades her black counterparts never did even though they paved the way for other female rappers. The fuck? Have you heard about Lil' Kim, Queen Latifah, Missy Elliott, Lauryn Hill or M.I.A.?
Even Nicki gets a lot more recognition than Iggy does. Nicki even got away with her signature "fuck skinny bitches" line and was praised for its empowering message, while a white bitch who said the same thing got loads of hate for body shaming.
>>90478>Aside from the fact that it's near impossible to understand anything she says because she garbles all her words since her mouth is constantly filled with T.I.'s cum, her lyrics, rhymes and delivery are pure horseshit.
>gosh darn poser bitch she such shit i hate her so much stupid POSER SHIT HRNNGH!!!! No. 90534
>>90490Not the anon you're replying to but…
Iggy might've worked pretty hard and all but her rapping is pretty shit. She should just keep it at clean vocals since her songs are nice until she starts rapping.
No. 90663
>>90659Thats what I was thinking. I hate when threads focus on issues of race, sexuality, gender, etc when they're not directly related to the lolcow in question.
Anyway, I wonder where the majority of EYK's money comes from. They change apartments and studios all the time. They were able to open up a cafe. They do tours all over the world. They hired numerous assistants. I know that they sometimes get endorsements, like the free car. Though idk if Korean companies themselves are funding them or if its just youtube and their teen fanbase.
No. 90732
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>>90663Well they have ads on their website, youtube revenue, an overpriced store (that hat is $28), and some kind of premium membership thing. Plus if they asked their fans to donate once they'd probably ask again.
No. 91093
File: 1430367671627.jpg (109.46 KB, 500x524, eyk.jpg)

>>90732Someone on some tumblr blog complained about this once:
"Their store…
Can we talk about their store for a minute? I’ve never been to their actual website before but the other day I saw a post about their store so I decided to check it out. My god, some of the stuff they are hocking are pure rip offs!
I can understand about the shirts. I mean okay sure, you can’t get them from anywhere else. $18 is about the average price of shirts from Youtubers anyway.
But the beanies. Why do beanies cost more than shirts??? They are selling them for $20 each… Meanwhile you can buy them on Ebay for about $2 - $3! Just go to and search ‘cat ear beanie’ and you see the exact same beanie.
The only thing that’s
special about them is a tiny ass patch that’s basically just free advertisement for them. But of course, that justifies a 10 times price increase. Not to mention that there is a $6 shipping cost on top of the $20. If you really want that beanie so bad you can go on Ebay and get it for less than the price of shipping from EYK.
And the cat ear hats. $30?!?! Again, Ebay for $5. But of course, they slapped a shitty ribbon on it and that justifies the huge price increase. You could do the same thing yourself, just grab a roll of ribbon from the craft store which would cost you no more than $5.
Who is this buying this stuff???" No. 91304
>>90729Yeah, most of the travel is for con appearances so I guess they're getting their expenses paid.
>>91093>>91243Or less than a dollar on Taobao…
No. 209278
>>91093That's fucking shitty but i can't feel bad for any idiot who fall in this shit, even if you're 14 or 18, you know a basic hat like this can be found very cheap on ebay.
this is stupid