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No. 65757
>>65756Marina is pretty bitchy and throws shade at Hyuna and other Korean girls like crazy. Not even a Koreaboo, but whenever a girl does that kind of shit period it's just disgusting.
Then again, looking the way that she does I'm not surprised that she would feel jealous. Gross hair, not a great body, Chiclets teeth and a pig like snout.
No. 65760
>>65758>special snowflakeyThat's because she is. You can feel it in the videos and the site posts. Marina practically oozes that kind of bullshit from her pores.
You can tell that they're threatened by the idea of anyone else coming to Korea to do what they're doing (maybe even better than them), because they refuse to even give solid advice on how to run a gig like theirs from Korea, how to go about doing it, etc. It's like lol bitch, neither of you are anything special. You're two white kids in Korea who refuse to even become a part of this culture and regularly bash on Koreans for stupid shit like daring to make music in other languages.
No. 65763
>>65760>MarinaUgh come one, Marina is a pretty name compared to Martina, it's insulting to call her anything than Martina
But yeah, the fact that they get so upset at people criticizing legitimate issues with what they say lets you know how entitled they feel to Korea. Like no one is telling them to stop making videos or to change their personalities (even though it would be an upgrade), but fuck realize why so many people have a problem with what you're saying.
The majority of their fanbase are young teens, I think, so they're going to completely overlook what they're saying and accept their personal experience as being applicable to the entire country. Koreaboos do this shit too because they want to believe the bs of two people who don't even attempt to acclimate to their environment.
They don't even make that many videos talking about issues in Korea, since they don't know much about it outside of kpop and street food, and people flock to them as though they were gurus.
has to be because of how these koreaboos think 'well if they're willing to accept those two fuckers, I should do fine once I get there, since they're so wacky xD!!!'
No. 65764
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>>65762and the way she dresses, I know tumblr tards love wearing mismatched shit to draw attention, but Martina takes it a step further
ffs she's 31, she's still in her teen phase. She did that #Dear Me vid talking to her teen self and mentioned how different she was from everyone back then, I think she identifies with that word. Not because it's true to her character, but because it's what she wants to be and goes the extra mile without jeopardizing her "career"
I always try to imagine her in Japan, which was always where she wanted to end up. I think that because of all the other youtubers there (i.e. Rachel and jun and others) her and Simon wouldn't have made it as big. So now b/c of youtube they just
loooove Korea.
No. 65768
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My favorite thing about EYK is how they got their Koreaboo fanbase to buy them roundtrip flight tickets to Europe. I remember reading an article about how they didn't have real work visas in Korea after quitting their teaching job, and just left the country every 6 months to renew their Visa Waiver Program tourist visas. Now I'm not knocking that at all (it's how I lived with my boyfriend for 1 year+ without a proper visa), but they seriously got their delusional fans to pay for the most expensive and annoying part of staying in Korea on that visa. They even registered their business in Canada so they wouldn't be caught working in Korea without a visa (freelance work is a huge loophole when it comes to working on a visa.)
But now they managed to get TTMIK to open a cafe with them (which they are hardly at), so they probably finally got themselves a business visa. Hyunwoo and the TTMIK team does all of the advertising and visit pretty damn frequently, and I always see them when I go there.
No. 65769
>>65768Its sad, you hardly see them interacting with any Korean people that isn't Soo Zee, and even she hardly shows up in videos anymore. I don't think they truly care about Korea as much s they do with their fame that's associated with Korea.
They're doing everything they can to stay in Korea, with other people's efforts. They don't even mention the Cafe anymore. I hope that TTMIK are making most of the profit off of it.
No. 65770
>>65768I was in Korea when this launched and I really dgaf about EYK but my friends looooove them and wanted to go really badly……… I can't believe i waited 1hr+ under Seoul's summer sun for this…
what we don't do for friends tbh.
It's good that at least TTMIK are behind this, and I believe they are respectful.
But seriously my eyes almost fell of secondhand embarrassment when I saw an asian-american girl crying on the line to enter because Simon with an ugly-ass beard showed up there
No. 65773
>>65768When I took a trip to Korea, I really made it a point to go visit the cafe but I was really sad that they weren't there :( I really wanted to see Spudgy most of all tbh. Didn't they use to hold like weekly liveshows there? I didn't even notice that they stopped
I really only watch them for fapfaps and wanks, I can't care too much for their kpop videos or anything. I know they really support LiNK, but even LiNK is a bit questionable compared to other similar organizations.
No. 65779
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>>65777All of their 'merchandise' is overpriced Gmarket crap that they marked up x30 because they stuck a Spudgy pin on it
BTW what ever happened to their 'new lifestyle diet'?
No. 65782
>>65781It's very much Tumblr.
I'm glad one of you asked for a thread or else I would have hesitated to make it. My friends adore these fuckers and any time I bring up legitimate criticism, I get told that I'm "negative".
No. 65783
>>65778Thanks mate ):
I seriously don't get how people think these guys are even funny… I remember when exo released 'what is love' and tumblr was filled with that "i lost my pants" cringey shit and I don't even know how this managed to happen…..
The two videos of them i watched were the one about NK bombing threats (kinda useful because most foreigners thought some crazy stuff was going on when it didn't) and one about what one should pack to Korea.
Besides this their videos mostly suck and I couldn't stand 1 minute on it
No. 65789
>>65786Lol they do that shit with cosplay.
>LELELE ANON UR ASIAN?!?!? XDDDD DO YOU LIKE YAYA HAN BXCUZ I KNO U COSPLAY XDDDDEYK comes up in the same conversations when we're casually mentioning Korean products or music or food.
>>65787I was just exclaiming that it didn't surprise me to see them doing such a thing. It's pretty shitty that they think people are that stupid.
>>65788Honestly? Do what I was about to do. I was on /cgl/ last year when everyone was crying over wanting real shimapan and how striped underwear is apparently so hard to find. These dumbasses, I have like three pairs from Target in several colors. Wide striped, just how they like them.
Buy a bunch of Target panties and sell them as real shimapan, lol.
No. 65790
>>65777I really only got into watching them because of Spudgy haha… I have my own pekingese so I have a huuuuuuuge weak spot for anyone who has them…
I remember when they held an AMA they seemed to avoid a lot of questions that outed them but I can't really remember much of them unfortunately. I really wonder where they'd be now if it wasn't for Soozee and Leigh. I used to think that their korean must've been at least halfway decent since they have lived there for quite some time but… lol
>>65785>>65789People are so gullible and desperate that I wanna just buy bulk off taobao and do that shit myself ugh
No. 65792
>>65791Actually it started on that weeb Ahri thread and someone asked for it so it happened
But come on they're lolcows
No. 65793
>>65791How? I'm the OP and I made this because of someone asking in another thread for a EYK thread to be made. I don't have a Tumblr because the bitches hate everything that I am.
So, lol.
No. 65794
>>65790Don't Soozee and Leigh do all the editing and filming? What exactly do S&M do these days?
BTW, it's hilarious that they only bring up Soozee when they need a Korean opinion. "Soozee said ____, so it must be true!" I wonder how many Korean friends they actually have?
No. 65798
>>65792They really are.
Also, I dislike this trend that if there's something that Tumblr likes/hates, you must also be from there. Sometimes shitty people like what you also like. That's just life, man. Sometimes, they hate what you also hate.
>>65795It's because of their manner of dress/hair and their obnoxious attitudes. All of EYK is very tryhard and sad, like much of Tumblr is.
No. 65800
Why are you guys hating on EYK? Theyre infitely better than these unfunny tumblr fucks Hallyuback: listening to the guy especially makes me want to take a waffle iron to my face. Could he be any more mono tone and annoying?
And the girl. Shit.
Like, they are soooo much more tumblr than EYK.
No. 65805
>>65800You don't have to post here if you don't agree then. No need to shit up the thread.
>>65803Because people wanted to.
Go make one if you're so concerned.
No. 65806
>>65802Cat eye makeup is love but it isn't like makeup is gonna help fix Martina's face, specially if she keeps doing faces all the time
I still think Simon is gay or bi or into men somehow
No. 65809
>>65803Can't remember if it was HallyuBack or not, but they once had a video about having kids in Korea, and somebody in the comments said something about their kid could "toTally have Korean citizenship!!!11!!" and I corrected them saying that they wouldn't, because that's not how citizenship works in Korea, and then my comment was promptly deleted afterwards lol
Other than that, I know nothing about them and they are completely boring
No. 65810
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>>65807You're right, anon.
It isn't at all shitty to make mass, sweeping generalizations to your impressionable mostly teen fanbase who will readily believe your words without question and go around spreading bullshit.
It's not shitty to
>>65768 or
>>65769 or even
>>65763We should all just drop the thread, specifically because YOU said so, and talk about only what YOU want to talk about! ^_^
Jesus, where the fuck did all of these asshurt anons suddenly come from within minutes of this being made..
No. 65811
>>65807They are lol-worthy because they are huge 31 year old Koreaboos.
This isn't PULL, people don't post here under the guise of exposing people. We laugh and bitch at people because it's fun.
No. 65812
If people don't want to talk about certain cows, just fucking hide the thread. Nobody is forcing you to read any of this and yet they act like they're obligated to.
No. 65816
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No. 65823
>>65818Because their argument was that striped underwear was allegedly sooooooooo difficult to find because baw all undies have stuff on them!1!1!1
They were such morons about it. There were so many threads about amg I need reel shimapan ackshullay frum nippon it HAS 2 be frum nippon!!!11 Meanwhile, I'm finding striped panties at Target and Kohl's, nothing on them but stripes, in several different colors. They wanted them because shimapan became popular again and of course the most desu and moe NEED to wear striped underwear!
I don't see the appeal, they're underwear with stripes and I use them as period week panties. People must have some real grand imaginations to feel turned on at stripes. Can't imagine what they feel when they saw Steve from Blue's Clues in his shirts.
>>65821This. It's getting pretty annoying seeing these white knights hopping into the thread and then denying that their knighting after getting passive aggressive about "amg y rnt u gaiz talkin bout wat i wan talk bout QQ"
No. 65824
>>65789jfc this happened to me with a casualfag. She was like "You've been cosplaying for about 7 years now, right? Do you like Yaya han? She cosplays too. Are you going to choose a cosplay career like her."
Painful shit.
And yeah, I feel you with people bringing up EYK if you listen to any KPOP or like anything at all Korean.
No. 65827
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Why doesn't Leigh get her eye fixed? Shit bothers me like nothing else.
No. 65828
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That greasy ass beard.
No. 65831
>>65830same :( though I really wish I could be someone like Rachel or Sharla (mostly Sharla) just livin the weeb life. Instead I just live vicariously through studying abroad and pretending like something cool will happen to me one day :( sucks. I'm mad that even shitty kanadajin3 gets to still be in Japan like wtf.
it's must be scary living as a vlogger though, one day it's gotta end and then what are they all gonna do?
No. 65832
>>65823lmao, steve
but yeah, the fact that it became a "trend" just tells me they're all sheep. They're stripes ffs.
Btw, not to come off as too tumblr as many complain but, is it meant to be ironically sexy, like this whole sexualization of shit thats usually meant to be innocent? Because for the most part, people usually associate lingerie in lace, silk or that mesh like material as sexy.
Cotton panties are usually associated with younger girls…
No. 65833
>>65831yup, I keep searching in hopes I can find a nice scholarship for my master degree…
It seems they are planning to move to Japan soon, and they already registered the "Eat Your Sushi" domain. They'll just keep living off weebs. Maybe they gonna ask for money again to buy a kawaii sugoi studio in Akihabara
No. 65834
>>65825Yep, I agree, no one would invest any time on watching any of these people even if they just had a casual interest in knowing about Japan or Korea because they're not learning much from them. I think Koreaboos and weeaboos get so butthurt because they invest their energy into the people, so they don't care whether the info is accurate or not. They just want to know about these peoples experience in terms of it being negative or positive so that they can easily relate to it on those terms.
So if a really good looking chick had a bad time because she couldn't get a date, it'll draw weebs and koreaboos more than someone who cares about the cultural reason behind why. I mean when I think of koreaboos and weeaboos I don't think of people who legitimately care for the culture, I usually think of people who reduce the countries down to anime, idols, music genres, food and interest in foreigners.
No. 65835
>>65827Soo Zee is so pretty
Leigh's eye bothered me at first too, you kinda get used to it of you watch eyk for a while, but it would make me so paranoid. I ended up looking up if your eye can become like that at any point in your life and it can.
No. 65836
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What the fuck? What do they even mean by breed? Are they fucking their pets?
No. 65837
>>65825>I'm not interestedThen why are you still here?
All this fucking butthurt.
No. 65841
>>65839They'll just be rehashing shit. To be honest, I always preferred the Canadian students who would vlog from Japan. Just all of them. It was nice seeing just students being casual in their tiny ass rooms and being like, "Hey guys, well this is something I learned in Japan tonight.."
No. 65847
>>65841Exactly. One of my peeves concerning eyk was that at one point when they first started receiving criticism I think, they began to start off their vids with these disclaimers saying, 'these are our opinions based on our experience, and we have to say that otherwise people will get mad,' like dude. We know these are your experiences, the point is
you're making generalizations.
Those videos that have like 56 views on them sometimes end up being more informative. I was just looking up stuff now and came across Trish J luv, though idk if she's accurate, but she doesn't have all the bs frills and thrils eyk throws in to detract from the fact that they don't have anything of value to say.
No. 65851
>>65843yeah they stated that they didn't need to learn english because Koreans want to practice their english instead or because of the places they hang out with or something where everyone speaks english.
It's like they forget that the reason they pick on the english of kpop artists is because it isn't amazing, their primary language is Korean and they're trying to learn a second language. Then here come these bozos wanting to stay below intermediate level in a second language to make things easier for themselves rather than what would be best in a convo between them and a Korean who may not get the gist of what their saying.
They made a video saying how Koreans don't understand sarcasm, and since thats about all eyk is good at, you'd think they'd be concerned about how they come off.
No. 65856
>>65855… did anyone actually think they were popular in Korea?
Do their fans think they are because they've had a few shit interviews with mostly low-tier groups?
No. 65857
>>65855This is really true. But EYK doesn't need any Korean fanbase in order to keep going
>>65856I think the most important interview they had was with SHINee and still all they did was making them very uncomfortable and SM really angry for releasing that shit
No. 65858
>>65856Yes, sadly.
A lot of people who pay attention to internet celebs are.. retarded. They think that anyone with a webcam and a YT account is ~*famous*~ and this blogging via video crap culture has given complete, talentless nobodies with nothing to offer a platform to speak their irrelevant and unfunny opinions all the while people with the same attention span nodding their heads.
No. 65859
>>65855I believe there's an reason why:
영국남자 and Dave speak Korean. And I bet they lived either the same amount of time or less in the country in comparison to eyk
No. 65860
>>65857lol they were mad because of that, they had promised all their fans that they would do an interview because they were sooo sure that it would go through and when SM rejected it after watching the vid they bitched all over their blog
>>65859yep, plus 영국남자 is decent looking
No. 65864
>>65860Dave is kinda cute too I think…
And let's not forget the Abnormal Summit cast. They didn't got famous off the internet but some of the guys even have idol-like kr fansites lmao
No. 65865
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>>65863that's all you need to see to sum it up
No. 65872
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>>65870She used to be more normal looking
No. 65873
>>65755How they deal with negative comments:
"Thanks, your comment made us 20$"
No. 65884
>>65883I agree.
Theres various ways to be sexy. Hyuna wears provocative clothes but so what? while male artists do dances that include humping or touching their crotch
No. 65888
>>65885it's so stupid, at least they dance in their videos rather than just posing and staring at the camera with a fake sultry look on trying to look sexy
The one dance I wish wasn't a part of kpop, and 95% of the rest of the world tbh, is twerking. I think you
do need to have a reasonably larger butt to do this, and while it looks really tasteless, if it's what you're going for, there is a "right" way to do it. Kind of like how you can't be stick thin to do a proper belly dance since it defeats the purpose. No. 65891
>>65890Honestly, yes, when I first saw the comments on both videos the users were white or black. Then you get people on there thinking that they're standing up for them by saying stupid shit like, "WELLHELLHELL YA KNOW, HYUNA MAY NOT GOT A BIG ASS, BUT IT STILL NICE!~"
Just.. they're not funny or cool. They sound like creeps.
No. 65892
>>65889>>65890doesn't every Korean expat rant and rave about how in Korea you can wear something as short as you want as long as it only applies to the legs?
I know in the US for the most part people usually didn't wear shorts that short, usually leaving short cut clothing to tops to show off cleavage, but for the past few yrs girls wear short shorts like that too, getting even shorter now a days so that they look like high waisted underwear basically, with braless tops. People are getting more used to it, so idk why they go there spewing such bs.
No. 65895
>>65789Holy shit yes. I was at a con and I heard this girl talking to my sister's friend bout what songs played at the J-pop dance and some Japanese versions of K-pop songs played or whatever and I asked what played (I'm Koreaboo trash tbh) and right away she was like "oMG U LIKE K-POP??" I said yes and she asked my favorite group. I answered with SHINee, she then proceeded to yell "SOY UN DORITO!1"
Y'all remember that shit joke?
I tried to get away from her after that as nicely as I could but she talked for so long I just gave up. She tried to talk to me about how EYK gave her good tips on stuff for when she wanted to go to Korea. I cringed. They're the last people you should listen to. They're like kanadajin but in Korea and there's two of them.
Anyway, sorry for the rant I'm just so gld this thread is here.
No. 65896
His face says it all.
No. 65898
>>65895Their tips aren't even that good tbh. I was a major Koreaboo around 2008-10, but K-pop kind of wore on me. But I still liked Korea and came to Seoul, and it was still pretty different than what I expected. People like EYK paint Korea to be like some big playground, where everybody is "SO RANDUM LOL" and wears weird accessories and clothes. Or that the internet is some magical thing, and that everything in Seoul is super high tech, and that all apartments are high tech.
I fucking love living in Korea, but it's not all sunshine and rainbows here.
No. 65899
>>65898what were the greatest surprises/differences for you?
actually this question applies to anyone thats visited
I notice that when I go to another country, it's usually not to different from home for me for some reason, like I've yet to experience culture shock (then again, I haven't been to any outlandish places).
No. 65900
>>65899Nothing too big or 'culture shock'ish, honestly I was just surprised that it was pretty much like any other place. There isn't magical wifi that is found everywhere (only available to certain users of certain mobile phone services, if you aren't a member, you don't get the free wifi thats available everywhere) Everything isn't super high tech everywhere. Maybe in some buildings in some areas, but a majority of the area is quite normal.
But if I had to give a useful tip to people coming long term to work or study is this:
You need to be VERY careful about how you are treated by some people, mostly guys. Obviously this doesn't apply to all men, but a lot of guys will treat you like shit if you aren't careful. Also, if you aren't Korean, most guys will think you are pretty easy. They say you want to be friends and offer to hang out, and by the end of the day they ask you if you want to spend the night in a motel with you.
People forget that men are men everywhere, and Korean guys are just as likely to want to hook up as any other guy in any other country. You've got to be smart and look out for yourself just like back home. If you aren't careful, crazy shit can happen. Oppa won't come and save you.
No. 65904
>>65899To add to what
>>65900 said. Definitely be careful. Date rape is a problem there. I know from experience. My translator for the police was a police woman and she said as such and that women rarely report it so not much gets better regarding it. My friends have also had men follow them when they walk alone or in small groups.
Overall though, my experiences have been positive. My husband is Korean and been very supportive about helping with the language and culture so that makes the experience better. Most people speak minimal English in shops and such but knowing basic Korean is better.
No. 65905
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let me burn my eyes in acid please
No. 65909
>>65908Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. They've mentioned it a few times, but recently made a video actually talking about it. They didn't talk about fertility in the video, nor have they anywhere else as far as I know, but even just looking it up tells you that infertility is common among people with EDS. She might be infertile, but it's rude to assume so imo.
People have also mentioned that having a kid would really hinder them right now. There's no doubt that their videos probably take up the majority of their time and attention rn, so having a kid would just be a huge hassle on top of whatever else they have to do.
No. 65911
>>65899What I loved the most was awesome security, great transportation and yeah, wifi everywhere LMAO also cosmetics are the best
I adapted really really easily to the life there and I really really want to return.
>>65900this is true imo, i've gone on dates with guys who just wanted to fuck. This shows koreaboos that Korean men aren't all innocent and are men just like anywhere else. Of course i'm a foreigner so I don't know how it can be as a whole. I mean, they'd probably thought i was easy and wanted the same thing as them.
No. 65915
>>65900Thats one of the most common things I've read about from people who go to study there. They say that what they thought was a friendship was actually a guy priming them for a quick fuck, only to rarely hear from them again unless its to have sex again. Obviously not everyones experience is like this and doesn't speak of every Korean guy out there, there are multiple factors at play. Though for this to be common occurrence among foreigners is telling.
I may be fucked up for this, but it makes me laugh when Koreaboos get uspet at the fact that the sex was awful or the guy didn't fall in love with them and treat them like the girls in romantic dramas because its like a reality check for them. They actually made Korea and its men to be the definition of chivalry when its so far from the truth.
No. 65916
>>65889Fuck, I'm actually in love with this dance.
Makes me wanna dance.
They're really good too, I feel like Koreaboos are worst than Weeaboos, jfc.
No. 65917
>>65915>>65900This reminds me of a black Koreaboo friend of a friend who visited Seoul last year and posted a status along the lines of: "Went clubbing last night and let's just say there was no need to worry that Korean guys wouldn't like black girls ;) I got way more attention than back home!"
Clubs are for hooking up in every country, Korea is no different, PLUS the stereotype that black girls are easy… and she's still thinking she's going to get dat Korean husband soon.
The other thing is that she's fairly SJW but loves the 'hiphop' style Kpop. I never understood how Kpop doesn't get more hate for ~cultural appropriation~. Does it not count because they're Asian? Every so often there's an article comparing CL to Iggy Azalea and all the SJW types cry about 'OMG SHE'S NOTHING LIKE THAT CULTURE APPROPRIATING BITCH~~'
No. 65922
>>65917>>65919>>65920>>65921Wait, so let me get this straight, sjw only talk shit about white rappers, but not East Asian ones??
I thought they would shit on Asian rappers too considering some of the vids I would see being reblogged back when I was on tumblr, I think one was about how rapmonster was saying "I can talk black" and proceeded to embarrass himself, and how some other chick was like "I rap better than the black boys". Ugh I actually find a good percentage of the rappers in Kpop pretty horrible, not just due to their lack of skill but because of their lack of knowledge of hip hop and rap itself.
A lot of them always mention the same rappers as their fav, and it's usually the worst artists in the U.S. I wonder if they think they're good not because of lyrical content but because of the amount of play they get or how catchy the songs are? I never hear kpop artists mention the traditionally known good rappers in the U.S.
Anyway, to not keep this going for too long, I would 100% support white rappers more because of this if I was a black sjw. Like, at least a good amount of white people can recognize when a song is actually good regardless of who's rapping it, can understand the culture that created it and can assimilate into it without coming off as try hards (kek, those kpop vids with the random, mute black people that are just there for street cred/"solidarity").
These sjw's yellow fever knows no bounds. They only call out Koreans when they make fun of dark skin, but if they fetishize black people or appropriate their culture it's all good??
No. 65927
>>65924There was 6 posts. No big deal.
Why not contribute yourself then?
No. 65931
>>65930Do you not get that some of us had no idea who the fuck these two were and were looking for others to fill in the blanks because clearly everyone had so much to say earlier itt?
Jesus fuck the past 48 hours has reeked of fucking newfaggotry.
No. 65932
>>65930not everyone followed eyk, crackhead.
and most results for any dramu surrounding them are going to come from unreliable tumblr blog posts.
that doesn't mean that you get to shit up a thread by being off topic.
it doesn't fly in any other thread and yet you and other anon somehow think you're above the rules.
No. 65934
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>>65931>newfaggotryAhahaha, I've been here for a long-ass time, but OK.
Complaining about a few OT posts shits up thread in the same way as the posts themselves, only absolutely no-one is interested. Improve your post quality by taking 2 seconds to look up some other info on EYK and bring the thread back to topic. Even if the info turns out not to be true or something, you've at least generated some discussion rather than just bitching.
>>65932Wasn't even one of the OT anons either, but OK.
Here you both go. EYK getting in trouble for asking for fanfics to talk about. Did this video ever get made in the end? No. 65936
>>65932 sucks because tumblr is basically the only place where you can get any info on them. though a lot of the links on this post
are valid
No. 65938
>>65935if they actually spoke it, they wouldn't need translators when they go on talk shows in Korea, they're definitely full of shit
>>65934I don't think they did because they may have used common sense for once and realized it would make them even bigger douche bags
No. 65939
>>65937yeah thats one of my reasons for disliking them as well, plus they turned out to be shittier than I thought when I checked out the link about not giving credit to the artist whose work they posted
I don't get why people get so enraged about the cows people want to talk about on here
Enough people on the Ahri thread were talking about EYK and subsequently koreaboos that a thread was dedicated to them
for those interested to bitch about
No. 65940
>>65937Oh, and the shaming of Korean women yet Martina tries so fucking hard to be aeygo, the whole cafe thing, jacking up Taobao-tier items to sell as if they're ~*exclusive*~ when there's just a stupid pin on it, getting their fans to foot their living expenses in order to stay in the country so they can continue playing LOL WHITE N KOREA XDDD. The whole language thing is just the most entitled and rude fucking thing. It isn't even just because it's an Asian country either. I want to visit France, but holy shit I would not dare set foot over there unless I were able to rattle off in French in my sleep. It is so fucking rude to visit another country and make fun of their shit while simultaneously attempting to assimilate.
>>65939From the looks of the posts, it's anons who liked certain people and I guess they didn't realize that something they enjoy could also be hated by other people. I mean, think about it; They don't HAVE to post in the threads if they don't want to. They have the ability to hide them. It isn't as if a thread about someone else existing means that it somehow takes attention away from other threads. That very notion is retarded in itself. It also doesn't clog up anything since they can just hide it or simply not click on it. Yet they act like they're chained.
In the end, it really does boil down to, "I like this person, don't talk bad about what I like!", but the posters try to play it off in the 2apathy4u way like they don't care when they obviously do or else they would have ignored the thread to begin with.
No. 65945
>>65944please don't tell me after years of living there they can't even converse properly.
how do you even get such a teaching job without any language skills but english (great skill there having english as a mothertongue)? and why would you go there without any knowledge? it really baffles me
No. 65946
>>65945I don't even visit every single thread here, but just in passing I see that bitches who don't even fluently speak the language somehow keep getting over to Japan or Korea and manage to get by.
I really don't understand this witchcraft. Should we all just abandon common courtesy and fly to wherever regardless of whether we know the language or not?
No. 65951
>>65949The only thing I can say in their defense (not that I'm defending
them, just how they can get away with this), is that Korea requests teachers fluent in English who will speak in English all the time, preferably white, so that their kids have no choice but to learn English to communicate with them.
No. 65953
>>65951Yeah, basically.
It's fucked up but I've heard enough stories of Europeans who even speak ESL being picked over Korean Americans, just because they're white. It doesn't happen everywhere obviously, but some shit schools do to please the parents (who don't speak English themselves) and think the English is more ~genuine~ coming from a white person.
No. 65959
>>65955It's big in Japan too, the idea is that the students are learning English from a native speaker
in English, not in Japanese.
No. 65960
>>65955It's funny because teachers for JET don't need to know shit Japanese, but if you want to apply for their other position (Coordinator of International Relations) you need top notch JLPT1 Japanese. They really don't fuck around during the interview apparently and you seriously have to prove yourself. It's really funny how it's such a drastic different. I do think that
>>65951 really hits the nail on the head. OT but When I studied abroad, even though I could barely understand what was going on at first, it kind of clicked for me after a while and it became a little easier to pick up the language once you stop questioning EVERY. SINGLE. LITTLE. THING. and having the professor translate it and spoil you. ofc, there are downsides, but for the most part I think it made things a little easier.
My current Japanese professor is a white dude who did JET a couple years back as a teacher, and I don't think his Japanese was as good as it was now but he's pretty much fluent nowadays. It's amazing what a little effort into learning the language will do for you.
tbh I really do quite enjoy EYK as a guilty pleasure to binge watch when I'm bored, but it seems like such a huuuuge waste to not learn the language. More than anything, I think being fluent in another language is one of the coolest things to show off. When I was abroad, I went through so many periods of stress and self hatred because I wasn't picking up the language as fast as I wanted to. Going out anywhere stressed me out because I couldn't speak the language. I really don't understand people who don't want to learn the language of a place they're going to live in. All I would want to do is fully assimilate myself, or I could take it as a failure and move back home.
No. 65961
>>65960Yeah I imagine being in a country where you can't communicate with the vast majority of people is terrifying. I just imagined what EYK would be like if they were completely fluent. I think it would have a lot of people have less things to criticize, but I also think they wouldn't be able to get away with as much as they do, because Koreans can argue with them if they disagree and EYK wouldn't be able to write it off as "!#@$T%$^%^&^&??!!" Though if no koreans had issues with what they "report," it would be of great benefit for these two to learn. They would be asked to be on tv muuuuuuch more often, especially since they go abroad so often, they would likely be asked about that all the time.
But nope because being fluent in Spudgy speak is apparently what has them rolling in cash.
No. 65965
>>65962I'm so fucking annoyed they've been going to Japan and attempting to get into their 'kawaii culture' lately. Like, they had ZERO interest in Japan until they were invited over by some nobodies and now they're like "OMG KAWAII DESU NE"
Fuck Simon and Martina.
No. 65971
>>65898I know. I've heard that a lot of people who were born in Korea or live there who have heard of them have either laughed or cringed at their advice.
Also thanks for the actual tips/views on it. It's really helpful for a lot of people to know what it's really like and what to be aware of. I think we all appreciate the fact that you didn't sugarcoat it like they do. And I've heard that Japanese men, Russian men, and pretty much men anywhere are like that. I'm sick of hearing that "zOMG ASIAN BOYS R SO NICE BC OPPAR/____-KUN"
No. 65982
>>65981I don't even understand why they have such a following. They're literally the prime example of dweebs who scream "zomg I'm so randum xD" from the pits of hell.
Like honestly, if it wasn't for the amount of Koreaboos out there (from theor subscriber count at the very least 600,000), would they have such a cult following?
They literally have no talent, jfc. They can't teach (if they can't communicate in Korean, they can't properly teach Korean kids), they're corny as fuck, they're unoriginal, tacky, fat, I really don't get the appeal.
No. 65985
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>>65984>this defensive cuntinessHoney, really? You're late to the party, we told the fangirls to BTFO earlier. You mad that we're talking shit? You hide the goddamned thread and move the fuck on.
And, as for your comment; Because not all of us aspire to be YT bloggers. Believe it or not, I know it must be oh so shocking, not all of us have the desire to be on a camera nearly every single day or week, even. You know what they call a person who lowers themselves to a certain level in order to make money? A sell out. Not all of us want to be that. Maybe some of us would like to get to where we want to be the normal way, not the "Hi, I'm entitled suburban Starbucks sippin' white qurl gib moniez pl0x XDDDD omg is that a taco?! XD" way.
I absolutely love how every video blogger and "professional cosplayer" nowadays thinks that these gigs will bring a lifetime of financial security. You will age, you will become irrelevant, some other person will replace you, and yet everyone thinks they're the next PewDiePie.
No. 65986
>>65985Not that user; This is also called a living or just living and there is no normal way to living except the way you are taught. If you don't steal or damage someone severely it shouldn't be a problem for anyone especially since they didn't take money and disappear they are still dont whatever they were doing whenever the fuck they started it.
The type of person to usually say or think its a problem when there isnt, is people that are afraid to do something in the first place that is similar to taking a chance (yes I know about that ONE video about slut shaming) which is why you mentioned pewdiepie. They Prey on whats "normally accepted" or call things "a real job" just to feel a bit better about the fact that they can not live and do whatever the fuck they want to do and get paid for that, you know life is unfair you didnt get lucky enough. You dont think or maybe even try to think that they maybe already know it cant last forever urr durr, they maybe have a life savings? No? Not an option?
But because you harp on this conclusion of failure so you can feel superior, your "Ha ha thats what you get for trying to be something not normal to my 9-5 life." its blatantly obvious whats the real problem.
You girls give me life and yes I harp on girls bitching about girls that shouldn't "really" be bitched about its a life lesson. And sure my words will fuel you to write even more self pity worth drama, yues these tears, I drink.
Go on…….
No. 65987
>>65984Wtf, lmao I don't have a right to criticize people who publicize themselves? You literally just gave me shit for not thinking that Simon and Martina deserve the following that they do, especially when they provide information that is based more on personal experience than actual fact. It makes no sense to me that people flock to them as though they were credible sources regarding Korean people or culture when the two can't even speak the language unless it involves food or Kpop names.
Literally all they do is make the same type of comments people in their lolsorandum xD phase make regarding kpop artists. They also make the once in the blue moon video providing their subscribers with Korean "facts," as well as their Korean food vids where its just them eating and their wtf Korean or Japanese items vids, 'cause hey why the fuck not? They're interchangeable right? If you're a weeb you're likely a Koreaboo too and vice versa. They know their fans will flock for anything with Korea or Japan in the title, so just throw it in there, no matter how stupid it is.
Like there is nothing of actual value being shared regarding Korea itself. Other youtubers with a decent following who market themselves as vloggers in Korea usually make sure they let their subscribers get some insight about what life is like there for many, not just themselves. They seem to isolate themselves within Korea yet want to talk about it as though they founded the country. Although I know it's Simon and Martinas channel and they can do whatever the fuck they want with it, they could do better.
I don't have to take their place to prove that, the fact that others already do is enough, and not even pertaining to Korea itself but vloggers from all over the world in general.
No. 65988
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>>65986Your words literally didn't do anything but make me laugh because this whole post reads like an autistic person, but hey, we always get sandy cunts like you barging into cow threads trying to tell us all why we're so wrong and yet here you are.
No. 65989
>>65987It's the logic that 12 year olds on the internet use, anon. They shout the same whenever you criticize Miley Cyrus or some shit.
>W-WELL SHUT UP BCUZ DEY RICH N NOT HURTING ANYBODY OMG LIKE Y DO U CAER THO H8ERZ GAWD OMGAWD #YOLOWhen you encounter these people, there is literally no reasoning with them. They jam their fingers in their ears and refute all logic in favor of being willfully ignorant and "rebellious".
No. 65990
>>65986Just because someone doesn't want YT fame, doesn't mean they work a 9-5 job. and what's wrong with that anyway? Anon is simply stating that YT fame will fade and you're lucky if you go 10 years. They're already in their early 30s ffs. They need to think about a real long lasting career.
YT fame is temporary and ages like old pumpkins.
No. 65991
not the anon you replied to, but Ho.Ly. shit anon, are you one of their nasties?
Everyone has a right to an opinion, and no matter how long this board will be up I think this will remain being repeated because people like you get so butthurt over the people they like and think you will change everyones opinion like the entitled asshat you are.
It's not about the fact that they aren't following your typical mind numbing 9-5 desk job, no one is trying to bash them for that or weeping in envy.
It's the fact that you would expect people that have such a following due to the info they share about Korea, would at least know how to speak the language and make better videos regarding Korea. That's it. They shouldn't claim to do what they say they do when they don't.
The other anon
>>65984 questioned why people who are here complaining about the kind of shit eyk puts out don't make our own channels and become more successful, but its evident that the moron doesn't realize that their audience doesn't give a fuck nor does it want useful information. Thats why they can get away with making fapfaps and wtf videos. If I was envious of what they had then I would do it too, fuck it, but it would make me feel cheap because I actually know better.
No. 65992
People don't get that this shit is honestly annoying. It's online. It's offline. It's everywhere; People constantly thinking that they can whine or demand something for an easy way out in life when there's no such thing and nobody is obligated to just hand you shit. Being random or obnoxious or having tits isn't a free pass to do whatever the fuck you want. It isn't about bitterness. It's about not setting yourself and others up for failure years down the road. People hop on the YT bandwagon not realizing that people like Michelle Phan, PewDiePie, and Jenna are all examples of pure luck. Even within the cosplay circuit, we have dumb little cunts fucking up the hobby by trying to be like Nigger and Yaya when even Yaya herself is slowly becoming irrelevant because she's aging and shooting herself in the foot over and over by being obnoxious with no remorse.
EYK is honestly no better because they do exactly what others have done, which is avoid getting real jobs. They registered this bullshit "business" in order to avoid getting deported back to Canada because they're desperate fucking hipster weebs. Had anyone else made such a channel and actually did shit CORRECTLY without such a blatant entitled air and lack of respect for other people, nobody would be here bitching.
No. 65994
>>65990Eventually enough good looking, young North American, Australian and European koreaboos will come to Korea, start their own channels that will relate more to what people who can actually travel there will want to know.
(When I was thinking of travelling there and looked up info on where to go, one of the most common themes that came up was sex, dating, birth control, body image, family issues, Korean relations between men and women, etc.) But because they have a demographic primarily composed of people who want to hear Martina talk like she's autistic and enlighten us on the wonder that are diet shoes, they get to be as mediocre as possible and provide info a few google searches can lead to. They don't even have to get out of the house, or better yet, talk to a Korean person that isn't Soo Zee.
No. 65996
>>65993I can already imagine the channel:
>Won't learn Japanese because they'll find enough people willing to translate for them or who "want to practice their english so they couldn't learn"
>Will get bombarded with weebs who want to see Akihabara and Harajuku but because that would only consist of them panning across streets when recording and not actually interacting with Japanese people, they won't make them
>Instead they'll make more videos about food. They've already tried "the best sushi in Japan" and Kobe beef, I hope they try fish sperm next and die from projectile vomiting
>they'll make comparison videos between the differences in Japan and Korea which can take up 90% of their channel, each one being devoted to the most trivial of things, for example:
>Driving on the left vs the right side of the road and how difficult it was for them to get used to, all in their spudgy voiced ofc I don't want to think of the rest
No. 65997
>>65996Anon, how could you forget all of the crayzay pocky flavors in grorious nippon XDDDDD video?
For shame.
No. 65999
>>65995Yeah, they've been shitting up multiple threads for the last day or so.
>>65996I really cannot stand the Korea vs Japan videos because they know that's going to bring a political shitstorm and they dont give a fuck. They're so misinformed too about both countries. ugggh.
No. 66001
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>>65997ugh, I can't believe I forgot about the pocky, I'm sick of it, it's the go to food mention for everyone who goes there (ot but when I first got into Kpop every guy group would be forced into playing the pocky game, do they still do that?)
>>65998Lmao though I wonder how different eys would be from Miras channel
No. 66002
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>>66001Not too different I imagine
No. 66004
>>65988I didn't see this coming at all. ha you think I didnt see this before you. I live for this lol but please go on….
>>65991 The fuck is a nastie? All I know about the people is from this thread
>>65990 You can summarize my post like this +You aint happy so others who look like it shouldn't be+, has nothing to "literally" do with 9-5 or youtube, dong berry. And im suppose to be the 12 yr old? 12yr olds takes things literally.
I truly enjoy you guys raging and thinking im the same anon as some anons ago. The only good thing to happen to this thread is us. Gets you guys revolting to find and talk more about these two or their fans and still bring up nada.
No. 66005
>>66002ofc they're trying so hard to be "omg guyz! look at this interesting foodz from Nippon!"
Such try hards.
No. 66007
>>66004>I didn't see this coming at all. ha you think I didnt see this before you.
>And im suppose to be the 12 yr old?
>Gets you guys revoltingdude you speak the same language as Asha
ALso, lets not forget:
>All I know about the people is from this threadthen stfu, if you don't know anything then don't contribute bs
No. 66009
>>66006Cause I don give a fuck?
Cause grammar will not validate me here?
Cause I rather spend more time laughing at you guys sidetracking on mwah to prove the point that you guys will bullshit anything just to talk bad about anyone?
Cause its popcorn worthy.
Cause I can.
Have lots of options, choose wisely.
No. 66010
then stfu, if you don't know anything then don't contribute bs"
From the horses mouth. Guess this should end now huh? Someone is getting salty though.
If it has been this long and still i haven't seen anything massive but one video, that means you guys don't know anything but assumptions? So we all should stfu right?
My psychic powers is telling me some bullshit response is coming this way.
No. 66012
>>66009>>66010kek, this entire thread is salty.
You guys needa step away from the computer and smoke a bowl or something
No. 66013
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>>66010Look, I really don't give a shit about these people, didn't even know they existed before this thread, but you have to understand that just because they are getting everything handed to them through scamming doesn't mean that the rest of us are going to do the same, nor does it mean that we have to just deal with it and ignore the fact that it's annoying to see them doing this shit.
Some of us are trying our best to live a life where we get shit because we earned it, and although it is easy to go and try to make a youtube career a la Pewdiepie, not all of us can actually afford to go on a daily video schedule like most of these people are.
These people weren't lucky; they just knew how to play their cards to get the shit they wanted, and what that anon was saying was that a career on a platform as wobbly as YouTube is really no guarantee that you'll live in luxury forever.
Just how many "famous" youtubers have had to sell merchandise and books because they're living beyond their means?
>But because you harp on this conclusion of failure so you can feel superior, your "Ha ha thats what you get for trying to be something not normal to my 9-5 life." its blatantly obvious whats the real problem. You're being an incredibly condescending piece of shit right here, sweetie.
People may live average lives and to them, average may be good, so what's your problem with that? Scamming can only take you so far and the little cult of people who may be following for the next couple of years is probably going to be gone once they get bored of them. They won't be the first nor the last youtubers who suffer from this. Someone stops being relevant and then they get replaced, that's life.
This is a place designed for gossiping. I don't know what you're doing here if you're against people gossiping, and honestly trying to sound like you're educated and condescending when your English isn't that good is honestly annoying. English isn't my first language but at least I don't try to put myself on a high pedestal by pretending I am better than the rest of the people here.
You can call me salty or TL;DR all you want, in the end I'm still tipping my fedora to you, m'lady.
No. 66015
>>66010>you guys don't know anything but assumptionsyou said that you don't even know who they are but
we're making assumptions?
YOU haven't seen anything but the mention of one video because you choose to not read anything else people have spoken about in this thread. You don't know anything about them? Go to their channel, watch some videos, form an opinion, then go look up the controversy regarding them to see if you agree. It's as simple as that.
Your so fucking lazy you want everything handed to you wrapped in a nice little bow. The people who dislike them here have all watched their videos, many transitioning from being their fans to no longer liking them. We invested time into eyk, and it's why we're able to speak about them. Notice how those who
do watch their channel or used to are in agreement, and the only people complaining are those like you who don't even know who they are much less what they've done to anger people.
The only difference between eyk and the other cows on this board is that a lot of people find them intensely likable, which is one of the points we made here. It makes people disregard the fact that people paint them as Korean ambassadors when they haven't done anything to deserve that title aside from having a bunch of koreaboos flock to them and fund their living expenses there so that they can keep making videos about how mystical Korea is.
If that isn't lolcow worthy enough for you than don't worry about it.
No. 66018
>>66017thats what I dont like about them, that they claim to provide information about Korea, but its so damn general that you could look it up yourself if you know how. Thats what leads me to believe their audience must be very young or not care about how accurate the info is.
what's their channel basically about anymore? Although they got a lot of hate for the way they went about talking about kpop, at least it wasn't information that was coming of as fact but an opinion, so its more forgivable than saying something like Koreans are all thin to a bunch of gullible teens.
No. 66025
>>66021it actually makes sense in terms of an immersion experience
I've gone to a language class abroad and the teacher rarely used English in class. a lot of it did just sound like noise, but becoming familiar with the sounds aided in being able to pick them up in other conversations and figure out meaning through context.
No. 66027
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eyk is successful because it attracts these delusional fucks
No. 66034
>>66030I am planning to study abroad too.
Should I make a study abroad thread in /b/?
No. 66044
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>>66043She's really unattractive
No. 66045
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>>66044I hate how childish they are, and whats worse is that they've seem to become more immature the longer that they have had their channel. I think that this is due to their fanbase being made up of preteens and teens. Martina especially seems keen on behaving 20 yrs younger than her actual age. I wonder if she does it to fit in with her fans or if there is something else going on.
I went to see the video of her in this screenshot
>>66044, and couldn't help but notice the comment in the image.
Am I wrong for finding that fucked up? Like these two literally make a living by talking about Korea, but find it a fucked up place to raise kids in? Where the hell do they think their Korean friends were raised? Oh yeah, I forgot, they don't seem to hang around many Korean people aside from Soozee and that guy from Talk to Me In Korean or something.
No. 66046
>>65917tbh i see a lot of white koreaboo sjw's with superiority complexes and koreaboo denialism complexes bitching about MUH CULTURAL APPROPRIATIONS
hell black half korean girl being accused of blackface
No. 66055
>>66046Even if she wasn't half black those tumblrites are still fucking retards. The strawman argument of "u all laughed at black rappers now u like rap cuz they not black !!!!" is ridiculous, k-pop itself is very far away from actual rap and just because they borrow some of the aesthetics it doesn't mean they're "appropriating" the "black rap culture". I've loved rap and hip hop since I was a kid and listened to black and white artists equally and had the same respect for both of them. Asian hip hop artists constantly do collaborations with western black rappers for crying out loud.
And people don't laugh at white rappers? Have a look at Eminem for example, people called him a mayo and didn't believe he could rap because he's white and laughed at his face. And Iggy Azalea gets shit on constantly for being a "culture-stealing white girl" even though she's been into hip hop for all her life and moved to the states to pursue her dream.
People like the whiny bitches in that post's comments are the real racists.
No. 66056
>>66052Uh, yeah, I mentioned that. However, their response, which is right there in the image is not limited to just the anti gaming laws. It would be retarded to not want to raise a kid in Korea bc of that specific law.
They said that while they enjoy many aspects of Korea, they wouldn't want to raise a kid there. This is a general statement and one they have made before on a topic completely unrelated to gaming and more so to do with the educational system in Korea as well as some other issue I don't remember.
Anyway, my opinion still stands. They love Korea and Koreans as they claim all the time, who have been raised under that same system, but it's somehow not good enough for their kids. They were fine teaching under it until they began to focus on their youtube channel, but wouldn't be fine having their kids exposed to it.
I'm pretty sure their issues with Korea don't just end there. Thats why a lot of people dislike them, they don't seem genuine in their love for the country because they don't seem to appreciate it or its people. It's like some gimmick to them.
No. 66058
>>66055I think you missed the point they were making
is appropriation of culture when you want to associate yourself with it while subjugating the people who created it. There are tons of posts around online talking about how many black people get told they won't be hired for a job in Korea for simply being black, or will have people fear them from the image that is displayed of them in the media despite never having met a black person.
However, some people still enjoy their music, will want to hear them play it or collab with them, but limit it to just that. It's purely business oriented and they don't give a shit about black people otherwise. Other people will want to go into the genre, while hating black people, despite the majority of the artists inspiring them being black. Other people will actually copy black people down to a t while hating black people.
I mean if I were black and I knew South Korea to have found blackface to be inoffensive in the past (like how do they understand the same racist ideology used in the U.S. despite their not being a history of blacks in SK?), while many places refusing to hire black people but wanting to imitate the culture, I'd be upset. I know that it's not as bad as it used to be, with black people being hired to help out entertainers.
Also, just because you love someone elses culture does not mean you can't appropriate it. I can love Indian culture and done so my entire life but that doesn't mean I should wear saris and bindis for fashion or move to India and become the icon for what Bindis and Saris represent.
I don't have an issue with Iggy rapping, but I do dislike the media portraying her as the best female rapper of all time, etc etc and receiving accolades her black counterparts never did even though they paved the way for other female rappers.
Eminem is talented, not mimicking what black culture is unlike Iggy. Its why so many influential and talented black rappers wanted to work alongside him. Like actually want to. Not just because emimen was doing well.
No. 66060
>>66059Aside from the fact that it's near impossible to understand anything she says because she garbles all her words since her mouth is constantly filled with T.I.'s cum, her lyrics, rhymes and delivery are pure horseshit.
I'm pretty sure she doesn't even write them herself, which is even worse.
No. 66062
>>66058>companies don't hire black people in SK because of media representation boo hoo hooI'd like to see some proof of this instead of the "b-but they're poor pitiful victims all around the globe" tumblr truth. And it's especially ironic because it's the black people themselves who cherish showcasing the excessive thug lifestyle in music videos, not the whitey.
>I can love Indian culture and done so my entire life but that doesn't mean I should wear saris and bindis for fashion or move to India and become the icon for what Bindis and Saris represent. I can tell you're a white American. Indians couldn't give a rat's ass if you moved to India or wore a sari or bindis. I don't give a shit if someone wore accessories related to my country's mythology. We're not living in the middle ages damnit, it's not like you're burning a flag.
>I don't have an issue with Iggy rapping, but I do dislike the media portraying her as the best female rapper of all time, etc etc and receiving accolades her black counterparts never did even though they paved the way for other female rappers. The fuck? Have you heard about Lil' Kim, Queen Latifah, Missy Elliott, Lauryn Hill or M.I.A.?
Even Nicki gets a lot more recognition than Iggy does. Nicki even got away with her signature "fuck skinny bitches" line and was praised for its empowering message, while a white bitch who said the same thing got loads of hate for body shaming.
>>66060>Aside from the fact that it's near impossible to understand anything she says because she garbles all her words since her mouth is constantly filled with T.I.'s cum, her lyrics, rhymes and delivery are pure horseshit.
>gosh darn poser bitch she such shit i hate her so much stupid POSER SHIT HRNNGH!!!! No. 66068
>>66063Not the anon you're replying to but…
Iggy might've worked pretty hard and all but her rapping is pretty shit. She should just keep it at clean vocals since her songs are nice until she starts rapping.
No. 66072
>>66071Thats what I was thinking. I hate when threads focus on issues of race, sexuality, gender, etc when they're not directly related to the lolcow in question.
Anyway, I wonder where the majority of EYK's money comes from. They change apartments and studios all the time. They were able to open up a cafe. They do tours all over the world. They hired numerous assistants. I know that they sometimes get endorsements, like the free car. Though idk if Korean companies themselves are funding them or if its just youtube and their teen fanbase.
No. 66075
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>>66072Well they have ads on their website, youtube revenue, an overpriced store (that hat is $28), and some kind of premium membership thing. Plus if they asked their fans to donate once they'd probably ask again.
No. 66077
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>>66075Someone on some tumblr blog complained about this once:
"Their store…
Can we talk about their store for a minute? I’ve never been to their actual website before but the other day I saw a post about their store so I decided to check it out. My god, some of the stuff they are hocking are pure rip offs!
I can understand about the shirts. I mean okay sure, you can’t get them from anywhere else. $18 is about the average price of shirts from Youtubers anyway.
But the beanies. Why do beanies cost more than shirts??? They are selling them for $20 each… Meanwhile you can buy them on Ebay for about $2 - $3! Just go to and search ‘cat ear beanie’ and you see the exact same beanie.
The only thing that’s
special about them is a tiny ass patch that’s basically just free advertisement for them. But of course, that justifies a 10 times price increase. Not to mention that there is a $6 shipping cost on top of the $20. If you really want that beanie so bad you can go on Ebay and get it for less than the price of shipping from EYK.
And the cat ear hats. $30?!?! Again, Ebay for $5. But of course, they slapped a shitty ribbon on it and that justifies the huge price increase. You could do the same thing yourself, just grab a roll of ribbon from the craft store which would cost you no more than $5.
Who is this buying this stuff???" No. 66081
>>66074Yeah, most of the travel is for con appearances so I guess they're getting their expenses paid.
>>66077>>66078Or less than a dollar on Taobao…
No. 66086
>>66077That's fucking shitty but i can't feel bad for any idiot who fall in this shit, even if you're 14 or 18, you know a basic hat like this can be found very cheap on ebay.
this is stupid
No. 66431
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It's so weird because they literally have no following in the country they are living in/blogging about.
They still can't speak Korean for shit. They try to make fun of Korean words that derive from English, but they can't even pronounce those properly, and just say "euuuuuuuuuh" after the word. I LOL'd at Martina being too dense to spell the Korean word for conditioner right in their skincare video.
No. 66550
can we let this thread die and start a new one with a different photo. im fucking sick of seeing
>>65755 pop up everytime i scroll down. so fuckign annoying
No. 66904
>>66649???? She has lips
Lmao are you blind
No. 66906
>>66895I wouldn't think so. I mean from watching a little of Korean and Nip tv, it seems their regular shows are already "Celebrities React to: ______" So I would assume it isn't a big deal.
Maybe if someone did westerners in Korea reacting to shit in Korean it'd be popular.
No. 67666
>>66062>I can tell you're a white American. Indians couldn't give a rat's ass if you moved to India or wore a sari or bindis. I don't give a shit if someone wore accessories related to my country's mythology. We're not living in the middle ages damnit, it's not like you're burning a flag. I'm also an Indian and I also have Indian friends, both Hindu and Muslim, and we, my friends and I, do get offended whenever non-Desis wear Bindi or Sari - unless they were invited by a Desi person to experience our cultures and what not.
Culture Appropriation isn't a new fad that tumblr created, it has existed before, there has been papers written on it way before tumblr has existed.
It must be nice to be as egocentric, as yourself, and to make sweeping generalization that everyone from your race must _surely have the same opinion as you!_
Chill, behen-ji.
No. 67862
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kek apparently suzzee and the girl with the weird eye arent following them on instagram anymore. And they've been filming at home instead. There was also this weird post on /r/Korea from someone who went to their fanmeet in Taiwan about them moving to grorious nippon.
>>67547honestly, it's not too hard to gain weight in korea. there are a lot of processed foods, and alot of the new foods popping up are super greasy. i remember in their old videos martina said she would eat ramyeon as a SNACK before dinner.
No. 67915
>>67862link to the post?
I noticed them filming at home rather than at the studio but I didn't think too much into it… I'm curious as to what happened.
>>67909I thought Soozee was actually a worker for them and only Leigh and Rose were interns for them?
No. 67951
>>67862Went through all their instagrams and it looks like Rose and EYK still follow each other, but both don't follow Leigh or Soozee, and Leigh and Soozee follow each other but both don't follow Rose or EYK.
It looks to be the same way on twitter too. I really do wonder if something went down? I'm curious lol.
No. 67966
>>66907You're black so your lips probably look like a blow up doll's
not a good look
No. 67971
>>67967If something did go down, why not still film in the studio? It's still theirs, after all.
Also, a really random note but I noticed that Amber (of f(x)) follows EYK and Rose but not Leigh or Soozee. It's probably not important since EYK and Amber are obviously friends, but since she also follows their web developer… it makes me wonder if Amber ever followed Soozee and Leigh in the first place too? And if she did, I wonder why she would unfollow them like Rose and EYK seem to have.
No. 68132
>>67971>>67951Maybe their contract is up and they decided to start moving to Japan? They've been there a lot lately, maybe they were scouting locations for the new studio.
It'd be too much of a pain in the ass to make a contract for Soozee so she probably got canned, plus they won't need a Korean if they are doing Japanese shit, and Leigh was probably on a internship so they probably are ending that as well. Rose is the only one the actually need because she does web content and they probably set up their company in Canada and have her hired through their so her contract won't need reworking.
Plus I never felt like Sozee and Leigh got that well along with Simon and Martina. Whenever they interacted it felt like those awkward "gotta get along with my boss" vibes. With Rose I felt like they actually liked her as a friend.
No. 68133
>>68132Honestly if they were actually smart and wanted to expand, they should move to Japan and keep Leigh and Soozee in Seoul doing Korean content. It might actually bring in Korean viewers if they had Soozee do Korean vids, maybe looking at foreigners in Korea while Leigh keeps up with the expat in Korea vibe.
Then Simon and Martina can just shit up Japan with whatever pig noise lip smacking eating video they want to do next.
No. 69445
So I was looking up Kpop diets and came across this: don't know about anyone else, but Martina looks the same to me, tbh.
No. 69775
>>65755Yeah and it's a shame since she isn't ugly or anything, it's average and with better styling she can look good.
He is just so fucking ugly is impossible to fix, like an european 15 century prince resulted from inbreeding
No. 69850
>>69445It was a while ago. If you watch their food videos around that time you'll notice they keep talking about how they don't eat rice and shit because of their diet.
But they definitely gave that up, they both gained the weight back and are eating whatever they want.
No. 69878
Looks like Leigh and Soozee are in Indonesia, judging by their instagrams…
>>69870When you've got two fluent speakers on your team, who gives a damn about learning the language past knowing how to order food and the very basics?
No. 70170
>>70139I wasn't referring to
>>69499 with asking for specifics but they at least know how to say extremely basic shit like 'one of this, 2 of this" etc
But even when they went through the McDonald's drive through, Soozee ended up being the one to order instead of them…
No. 72111
>>72070I'm actually curious- what protests?
When they've done more serious videos they usually wait a while because apparently the korean news is unreliable (i.e. Ladies Code car crash and Ferry sinking video) so that's the only reason I could possibly think of for them to avoid doing it.
No. 72848
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Oh my you guys were spot-on. I don't want them in Japan :((
No. 72853
they have finally milked korea dry,
No. 72908
>>72896It actually is, and I wonder if it's just me but it felt like the two were actually kind of…fragile in the video? Like they've been dealing with a lot.
I'm sure they're ecstatic to move to Japan but the announcement video wasn't obnoxious. Even if they were straight excited, I would be too so I wouldn't blame them either way.
No. 72927
>>72915Yeah, I wouldn't blame Simon for feeling that way, having to see his wife get weaker and feel more pain each day to the point that the possibility of being wheelchair bound is brought up.
That shit isn't easy on anyone.
No. 72947
>>72908>>72915>>72927Honestly it looked like he was trying to hold it together whenever she talked about her condition and whenever she went into detail it was like he was trying not to cry. Definitely the most genuine emotion I've felt from them in any video, reminds me a lot of their very early videos when they were more serious (and enjoyable).
It looks like they plan on moving back to Canada after Nip to let Martina get solid medical care/a routine, so Japan will probably only be a few years.
Now the big question is what crew or group will they join in Japan? They seem to be friends with Rachel and Jun, so I'm guessing they'll be their biggest support (unless they don't leave Japan or something either, because Rachel's been pretty vaguebloggy the past month or so as well) and Sharla will probably be in their videos as well as she's friends with Rachel.
No. 72968
There's something about them moving that makes me feel unsettled. I actually do like watching EYK (though it took me a couple of years to actually start watching them), even though they have their own problems and flaws. I don't really watch a lot of vloggers anymore, but I like their consistent programs and how their videos are shot and editted (especially those trip videos- but that's probably all because of Leigh's camerawork and editting).
I don't know. I've associated them with Korea for so long, it feels kind of weird and sad to me? Kind of like an end of an era. Regardless, I'm really happy that Martina gets to live her dream while she still can. Unfortunately, looks like they'll have to deal with public transportation again. I'm actually also worried about Spudgy too. They didn't take him on tour because they said he's so old and flying would stress him out or something, no doubt moving might also. I really only love EYK because I love Spudgy (I have a peke myself so….) so he's probably the one I'm the most worried about int his entire situation lol.
Also, even thought the jvlogging community is so saturated, I think they'll stand a chance since they've already got an established audience. I don't think they'll lose anyone, because they stopped doing Kpop music mondays a long while ago (good fucking riddance) due to backlash or something, and their audience likes weeby stuff probably. I think nowadays the only really Korean centric thing that people who are interested in Korea would even stay for are the TL;DRs. FAPFAPs are all about delicious food (which, I would honestly watch regardless of what country they were doing it in) and WANKs are the same too. WTFs are just WTFs, they done both Japanese and Korean products.
>>72927I remember in another video he even said he was learning to apply makeup so he could do it for Martina when she starts losing mobility in her hands or some shit. Shitty people as they are, I really admire them as a married couple, especially all the things that Simon does for Martina.
No. 73053
>>73033Yes, I have type three too and it does hurt, but I never heard of someone going cripped in a year or so. I'd expect that of someone 50+ due to the high possibility of arthritis.
My guess is that it may seem worse due to the fact that Japan and Korea, in developed areas are walkable, compared to rural parts of the US where you need to drive everywhere and buses don't exist. Martina would no doubt do better in a more rural setting.
No. 73134
>>73082I think in her Draw My Life thing she mentions having been diagnosed early on? Maybe it was after the car accident when she was a kid or something.
>>73053I don't think they think she's going to be crippled in a year but maybe they don't want to risk never having gone before she gets a major injury or something?
No. 73136
Meh, their pity party story doesn't change anything. If they didn't have the drama surrounding the 100K donations without living up to their promises, nobody would care if they were moving to Japan.
Kind of shitty that now that they are moving, they are getting their deposits back, thus having all of that money back in the bank. Not much they can do about it, I guess, but it still rubs me the wrong way.
Why don't they just do one last big trip touring across Japan, and settle back in Canada? I mean, I would sympathize more if Martina had not been to Japan yet, but didn't they go twice this year? It sucks seeing Martina in pain all of the time, but yet she is distancing herself more from some medical treatment/medication that she could get a lot easier and cheaper if they just moved back.
No. 73176
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>>73171>>65865>>65828>>65755why would you choose to dress like this when you looked so much more normal before…
No. 73622
>>73547Korea can be a cruel country. As they themselves have said, Koreans are blunt as fuck about calling women fat or unattractive which Martina is both, so I have no doubt she's heard it a couple times there by now. In addition to that she's also mentioned a few times how businessmen don't even look at her and go straight to Simon instead. She's probably grown sick of living like 40 years in the past in terms of how women are treated and wants to move up a notch.
That's not to say that Japan is much much better, however, they at least will not call her fat or be rude to her face unlike Koreans would. They'll laugh the second you're gone, but never in your face.
I do believe that Martina wants to continue exploring the world with the time she has left, I dont doubt that for a moment. But I also believe that she never wanted to stay in Korea in the first place and most likely had she stayed anywhere for a few years would have chosen to stay in Japan instead.
No. 73623
>>73622As far as I know Japan isn't much better in those regards. I've heard they're pretty blunt about weight gain too.
Also, I don't think she's ugly personally. I don't think she possesses the typical "attractive foreigner" aesthetic but I think she's sort of cute.
No. 73627
>>73623uhh she very literally looks like an obese retard who got permission to shop at hottopic from her social worker handlers…
they both look fucking terrible and have only gotten worse over time.
No. 73852
>>73723I think this anon is just mad because they look similar or just as ugly as martina, lmao
sorry that you're ugly
No. 73901
>>73884The studio they're working with probably is hooking them up with entertainer visas or giving them a contract with visas attached or something.
I actually wonder if this studio has any control over their show now and if that's going to cause any issues with them since they've been their own bosses for years now.
No. 83464
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They've arrived
No. 84176
>>83666Why would they still keep that name
Shouldnt it be eat your sushi kawaii desu now
Lord they never grew out of the edgy teen phase did they
No. 84411
>>84187It was their original intent from the beginning. IIRC, they happened to choose Korea since they scored jobs there and it was close enough to Japan or whatever. They've said in their "We're moving to Japan" video that they didn't plan to stay so long in Korea to begin with, but now that Martina's condition is deteriorating even more, better late than never to complete one of her dreams.
>>84396Maybe a few weeks since they're apartment hunting now I think.
I think this sort of signifies the end of their youtube career. I'm not a HUGE fan of them, but I do enjoy watching them from time to time whenever they post something. It's a bit sad, because I remember in an older video they said they try their best to come up with new ideas in order to not fall behind since it's sort of eat or get eaten on youtube- the instant you become boring, everyone can move on to another foreigner vlogging in a different country. Their reasons for coming to Japan were for Martina, before she's unable to walk or whatever because of her EDS. Inevitably, they'll probably have to go back to Canada. They probably won't be able to stay in Japan as long as they did in Korea, and once they move back to Canada, it's sort of over for them. They've built themselves on showcasing countries like Korea and Japan, taking advantage of how exotic it is to others and their interest in a world their fans might never experience. Canada is just another boring Western country that everyone basically considers the same as the US, and no one finds North America interesting.
Of course, they have teaching degrees and whatnot, so they can always go back into education afterwards, but their youtube career most likely won't last for much longer. Part of me is really interested in seeing how things will go for them, but part of me hopes their youtube careers might last because I do enjoy their videos. I know they're cows, but I don't hate them because I don't really find them as bad as someone like Venus.
(also, Simon can't drive in Japan like he did in Korea (not that they get to keep the EYK mobile anyway) so that also hinders them. Taxis are kind of expensive from what I hear)
No. 84740
>>84411Thanks for your take on this. I've only a watched a few of their videos… but this is sad…
Why can't Simon get an international license?
No. 84758
>>84740I assume that he could (or really, both of them could since they both have their licenses- oops forgot about that), but I'm assuming that he just got his license by going to the Canadian embassy in Korea and getting a translation of it which allows him to drive just fine since Canada and Korea drive on the same side of the road. I don't know what the process is to get an international license, or to get a license for a country that drives on the opposite site. There also come the issue of whether or not they'd like to buy/lease a car in Japan. They would very seldomly rent a car while in Korea for their road trips before they got the EYK mobile that was basically just given to them by Kia. I think if Kia never gave them the car, they never would've considering actually getting a car. Who knows though? Simon might see it as an advantage to get his international license and getting a car to make Martina's life a bit smoother.
Also I just thought about this and maybe, MAYBE, they might be able to continue making a living off vlogs if they returned to Canada. Since they have a solid fanbase who probably also enjoys them as people on top of the content they put out, daily vlogs of their life might not be so bad. I've been watching a lot of JennaMarbles' boyfriend's videos recently, and his channel is composed mostly of daily life vlogs. Of course, I think he has a bit of success since he's associated with Jenna (although I enjoy his vlogs regardless of Jenna or not- but it does help drive traffic to his channel), but EYK also has that success of having established themselves and people might be interested in seeing their day-to-day life vlogs if they do something like that once they return to Canada. It's just an idea though, I don't know if it would really be interesting or not or enough to keep their fans/gain new ones.
No. 84759
>>84758If they live in Tokyo they might not need a car, but it would probably be more convenient and helpful to have one because of Martina's health condition.
I would be interested in their vlog's of Canadian life. That seems like an untapped market. Especially if they get paid by the government to be offical tourism ambassadors. On the other hand though I'll be disappointed that it's not Asian stuff because I'm such a weeb. Though at some point Martina might be too tired or in pain to even continue filming or uploading videos often enough to retain the interest of their viewers. It really is a full time job.
No. 84760
>>84411honestly, not focusing on korea is their career death knell. japan is no where near as popular in the west anymore (as opposed to the 90s and early 00s).
and fucking forget life in canada. they don't have anything going on in their lives / personalities. their entire career is based on desperate koreaboos.
No. 84762
>>84759I've only visited Korea once, but public transportation seemed about the same as Tokyo for me? Then again, it's all a bit of a blur. I've seen those convenient lift-type things that go up the stairs for people in wheelchairs/old people in stations where there arent any elevators/escalators available, but I wonder if their Japanese will ever get good enough for them to ask the station attendants to let them use it since Martina looks like a very healthy and physically capable individual on the outside.
>>84759I wonder if she'll turn to becoming a make-up guru instead? She did use to post some tutorials and reviews about cosmetics in the past (though mostly on Open the Happy).
>>84760Korea was great for them since they happened to be one of the first to do it, and were one of the first to make it big doing Korea so any competition within Korea got drowned out pretty fast, imo. Kvlogging sort of became synonymous with EYK whereas Jvlogging makes you think of multiple people. Viewers could honestly go to Sharla or R&J's channel if they wanted to see life in Japan, but I think part of EYK's "charm" is the quality of their videos. Having solid segments and sort of decent camerawork puts them at an advantage for me.
I haven't watched Rachel and Jun in a long while now actually (I was so offput by how they would appear bland and sort of cringeworthy for me- while EYK at least seems more natural on camera) but I think recently they've also been developing in the same way EYK has in terms of camerawork and more "professional" quality videos (especially in regards to going out and promoting specific places like the Fox Village and whatnot. I'm sort of confused about all that Japanese housing stuff though).
If they ever do go the route of vlogging in Canada, I really hope there's more Spudgy centric stuff lol. I'm such a sucker for their dog…
No. 84800
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>>84799Martina always looks so fucking gross
No. 85471
>>85443Yeah she's definitely in second place to EYK, now moving up to first. The downside for her is she's obviously with a production company now so she constantly has to do those awkward ft. videos with the unknown Korean vloggers and isn't as open as she was before, but at least production value is up so she can snap up the EYK fans pretty quick.
There's also another black girl (the lesbian one who is in a committed relationship with a Korean girl) and a Korean American girl who do vlogs, but they haven't picked up really.
No. 85536
>>85534 is it ChoNunMigookSaram
No. 85667
>>85536Yea GookSaram lol
>>85533idk someone said she didn't know she was Black lol. Yea she's mixed for sure. She said her mom's side of the family has White, but she does looked mixed. Her mom looks mixed too. At least she can speak Korean unlike EYK.
Getting back to EYK, I really hope they try and learn Japanese and the culture. Kinda messed up to move to another country and not try to fit into their society. They seemed arrogant in Korea.. apparently the Japanese healthcare system isn't great for foreigners too, so good luck getting care for that disease.
No. 85792
>>85690meh its not like theyre gonna go for gold with japanese.
theyll only be in japan like, 1 year, probably before martinas disease goes south
No. 85793
>>85533> only recognisable black thing about her is her hair other than that she looks white/latinolmao ok
her skin may be white but she does not look white
No. 85817
>>85805> If they do manage to learn Japanese, it simply makes them look racist towards Koreans because they probably won't be living in Japan for that longlol i wouldnt put it that far…..
but i agree with everything else.
in in america myself and i dont mind all the immigrants who work super hard and dont ask for much and just want their kids to have a good life but damn its their 2nd gen SJW kids that piss me the fuck off. yes there is negativity, even crime, surrounding the language barrier of immigrants, but that happens in any country tbh. every damn country.
No. 86140
>>85805>>85874Had they learned Korean well enough, Japanese might have been a bit easier. I hear that grammar wise they're very similar, so all they would have to work on is learning the writing system (which is a feat in and of itself, but regardless).
I've been here for a few months now and it's hard to break out of the shell and knowing how I can get away with barely any Japanese- but it sucks knowing that I'll never really feel like I "live" here. Just knowing spots that natives go to and stuff tourists don't see doesn't make it you any less of a tourist, which is basically what they did in Korea. They'll never really be able to experience Japan unless they master the language and get out of Tokyo.
Also, if they lived outside of Tokyo I think it might be better for them. Not only does it make it easier to learn (people just don't fucking try speaking English at all- they didn't for me at least), but there's this charm about places outside of Tokyo. I've lived in northern Nagasaki for a bit before I came to Tokyo, and there's something about the city life that I don't particularly like (also I miss mountains everywhere).
sage for blog post
No. 89453
>>89446I wonder if it's bc Japan values quiet more than korea.
Idk, Japan is super uptight. Id visit but I wouldn't want to live there. It's the suicide capital of the world
No. 90024
>>85874iirc some Japanese people do appreciate foreigners picking up the language and being involved in their culture. I've watched some lesser known JVloggers recount stories where they do less 'touristy' things and locals really like it.
When you live in Japan if you don't take the opportunity to learn, you won't learn much. People will treat you more or less like a tourist and keep their distance? You really have to try. I was surprised that Simon and Martina have lived in Korea so long, but barely speak the language. So if they will have the same approach in Japan, I'm not expecting much.
Sorta OT but do you guys watch any good and unknown JVloggers? The popular ones have their fair share of drama, and personally I just want to hear someone's good o' experiences. If they dont't do the usual 'Tokyo/Touristy' schtick, then it's even better.
No. 90724
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>>90714since when did Simon become such a smug and insufferable grease ball of a man? He is so far up his ass, think I can see that little ponytail peeking out of his throat
No. 90773
>>90759this is pretty true. I don't exactly like them and I kinda think they're fat slobs but I find it funny that so many attacks on them consist of "they're WHITE people who try to EXPLAIN Korea omg!" kek, so if they were asian or black or anything else, it would be totally okay, right? (I'm just talking about the "explaining Korea" criticism; I do think the e-begging is scummy and deserves to be called out)
for some reason, people expect Simon and Martina to be serious cultural ambassadors and then get mad that they're just two average, dumb-ish Canadians with a weird sense of humor.
No. 90776
>>90773>"they're WHITE people who try to EXPLAIN Korea omg!"Haha, yeah. Have you noticed on that note that Asian Americans love pushing this meme that their culture is too "deep" and "impenetrable" for foreigners to understand?
You'll notice one example of this forced supposed esoteric-ness is how Asian Americans love to talk about how they can "tell other Asians apart" because of their super mysterious Asian powers ^_~
In reality I hear Chinese being mistaken for Koreans and Koreans for Chinese (by each other) in my city's Chinatown all the time.
No. 90779
>>90776right? I'm a second gen Asian in a western country and honestly believe these people need to get over themselves.
recently at my university, some kids from the Asian-American association (or whatever they call themselves) decided to protest "microaggressions" by holding up signs with Asian stereotypes written on them such as "you must be good at math" … and then got protested by another group of Asians who claimed that their protest was one big microaggression. lmaooo.
of course this is at a school where a professor got threatened with termination and forced to attend anti-discrimination training for just explaining that "wetback" is a slur so idk what else to expect.
No. 90811
so i haven't seen them in a year or so. what is this new bullshit with the ehlers danlos?
you don't lose your ability to walk just from having eds, not even hypermobile type. you're born with the disease. the absolute worst thing you can do for it is to not exercise and be fat while eating sweets instead of gourging on salt. when i don't walk daily it's the worst pain ever the next day, not the opposite.
plus her skin isn't even light or translucent looking, nor do i see a scar on her. not to mention she stands all of the time, most people with eds develop POTS at an early age.
>>73885also this
if she weren't lying it's essentially fucking herself by going to a new country, especially one so lacking in care for rare genetic disorders
No. 90914
>>90811I know this is an imageboard, but according to this (if you look under the section that says "weakness of the muscles") It says that more severe cases do require a wheelchair or cane to help them get around. free to correct me if I'm wrong.
I do agree though, she isn't doing herself any favors in regards to her weight. In fact, I get really pissed off when they both go film in another country because it's never focused on the sites or landmarks, just on FUCKING FOOD.
You know, it's not like I'd like to see beautiful locations that have some kind of cultural significance or anything. Nah, I just want to see videos of two people eating massive amounts of food like gluttons and only showing different varieties of food for an ENTIRE fucking video.
I love food as much as the next person, but god I am not at that level anymore. I used to eat like that when I was crossing into overweight territory, but now I just feel grossed out when I see how much they eat.
It's pretty obvious that they both have an unhealthy relationship with food. Simon actually does have more of an excuse though, as he actually works off the excess calories that he eats. As for Martina? She looks quite tubby compared to her husband so I doubt she does anything remotely physical.
No. 90966
>>90965Same. I want more Spudgy videos though.
>>90949I remember in their (old) morning routine video they said they worked out, and I guess Simon's been keeping up with it but I guess Martina just stopped…?
No. 91001
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I honestly can't believe they are being sponsored and given an apartment by their company when the jvlog market is so saturated by better content creaters that don't even get the same perks as them.
Also lol at them for thinking they are such hot shit for reading katakana and "understanding" (I use that term very lightly) a waitress at a restaurant. No wonder they thought they could 'speak' korean.
>>90946and Simon acting like the crust being cut off of a convenience store sandwich is such a big revelation. He is aware that those exist in Korea too right?
>>90914Simon is such a big Anthony Bourdain wannabe 'food traveler'. It's so cringeworth trying to see him describe food like a pompous ass lol
>>90979there really isn't an excuse, as she's lost the weight before.
No. 91035
>>90965>>90980Same, I enjoyed them a lot/find them tolerable now but I'm honestly pretty sick of all the food videos.
I know they've always done more food than anything else but now it's just "hey watch us disgustingly eat something everyone knows about and just talk about how good it tastes". I wish they'd do more day videos at cafes or fun locations.
I mean shit, they're in Japan now, can't they release touristy "Visiting ____ Temple!" or something at least?
No. 91380
>>90980I guess they're really reveling around in the honeymoon phase of everything being new to them (although shit like bentos shouldn't be since they've traveled to Japan before- shouldn't common shit like that already be old to them?)
>>91035I really hope they do something like temple videos or something. The vlogs type videos they did while on their NA and Europe tour were some of my favorite videos because they were gorgeously shot and just interesting and exciting to me. If they did stuff like that in Japan, ESPECIALLY in maybe some more bumfuck locations, I think I'd really enjoy it. Even non-jvloggers will vlog about Tokyo (JKfilms, JennaMarbles, etc) and it's just stale air at this point. Personally, I enjoy more rural areas of Japan and there are asstons of videos on major cities, they might be better off really experiencing Japan outside of the city (isn't that what they wanted anyway- to experience Japan? You're not really getting all that much by just staying in Tokyo most of the time tbh).
No. 91387
>>91001Wait, who's sponsoring them??
Also, it was so hard to watch them get excited over bento boxes and conbini sandwiches. Like, fucking really? They're in their early 30s and acting like 19 year olds visiting Japan for the first time ever.
No. 91647
>>90979This, I'm not even overweight but I'll do an hour and 30 minute to two hour walks averaging 6-8 miles.
I get that walking and getting around could be difficult for her, but she could at least half that. It's definitely true that calorie counting at a 1200 calorie deficit would probably be all she really needs right now.
No. 92156
>>91874I dream of someone going to like a village in the countryside and teaching English there or something. A lot of villages have specific culture, and I would love to know about one's specific culture.
Or someone who's a big animu weeb, finding the best shops to go to and showing their latest finds. Most of the J-Vloggers are casual when it comes to anime, and I would like someone who knows what they're talking about, rather than just pointing out its cuteness or something.
No. 93318
>>93299>>92168He reminds me so much of a 16 year old weeb, awkward speech and all. How old is he? Since he hangs out with Sharla so much I'm assuming at least over 24?
>>92151Their visas are sponsored by a production company. That's how they are filming in a studio and already have a cameraman/crew. I don't think they're getting their apartment paid for them though.
No. 93322
>>93318Tbf, English isn't his first language.
And he just turned 19 almost a week ago.
No. 93392
>>93290not only that, but many koreans (hell, most easy asians) take skin care routines very seriously.
doesnt seem like she does
No. 93395
>>93299RIGHT! i literally thought so too.
his lisp and what not is so sad. since he's kinda cute.
but he sounds like my mentally challenged neighbor :*(
No. 93411
>>93368Ah, my bad. I must have missed it.
Spudgy and Meemers are probably what are taking them so long to find an apartment. I keep reading everywhere that it's very expensive to get a pet friendly place in Tokyo, especially with a dog.
No. 93478
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Dat eyeliner on their latest vid tho
No. 93553
>>93318to be fair he can't be a weeb because he's half japanese. js
On another unrelated note. Simon and Martina make it a mystery who their camera dude is. And said in the last video he's half british half japanese. Now people think it is PDR aka Duncan
No. 94250
>>93553japanese people can be weebs. its called otaku.
in the west, people refer to themselves as 'otaku' in an attempt to minimize the harsh reality of being a weeb.
in japan, 'otaku' is literally used to mean 'nerd of japanese culture /anime etc' so yea…. einshine is.
No. 94268
>>94266I could've sworn it was in the thread somewhere but I remember them saying that Soozee and Leigh were moving onto different projects with the end of EYK and that's why they were pulling out more in the past year, and they wanted a fresh start and not be bogged down by EYK people being like "OMG HOW IS MARTINA?" when they're working with a new vlogger/with a whole other type of production.
I don't think it's a jealousy thing, I mean any sort of exposure was great for EYK and they regularly had Soozee and Leigh on cam, especially for the games. But you could tell Leigh and Soozee were closer and Rose, Martina and Simon were a different group. I think it's because Soozee and Leigh were production and while Rose did do their website, she stayed in Korea to become a dancer/some sort of pop figure so she was more similar to them in craving the spotlight.
No. 94287
Simon is such a big Anthony Bourdain wannabe 'food traveler'. It's so cringeworth trying to see him describe food like a pompous ass lol"
Actually Simon is more like the travel foodie/critic Andrew Zimmerman, since Andrew Zimmerman already acts like a pompous ass and Simon resembles his behavior greatly. Andrew travels to "exotic" countries and eats "weird exotic foods" and makes smart ass remarks. Simon likes to travel too, and find weird foods too and make Japan and Korea seem all weird and quirky.
No. 94290
>>94274wat. How am I white-knighting?
>>94272That's true. I always understood it as more of a "we're only friends because we work together" sort of relationship and that's why Simon and Martina stopped following them, because they stopped working together
>>94279How were they using them? They were literally hired by them. It was their job to do all the shit. And thank god they did because Simon and Martina are clearly useless without a production crew, they've gotten super lazy since then. I do think the hotels were sponsored by AirBnB though, because whenever they'd travel and have an awesome location they'd plug AirBnB really hard.
No. 94291
>>94290 here,
Did a quick search on Soozee and Leigh and it looks like they've started their own channel.
I guess they're going to do what some people guessed a few months ago and will try to take EYKs K-fans.
The fact that Simon and Martina haven't said anything about it either/plugged their old 'friends' new channel says something too, kek.
No. 94538
>>94437damn they could afford a house?
also, i wonder how long it will take before everything japanese stops becoming magical and kawaii and they start shitting on everything like they do to korea lol
No. 94654
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>>65755kind of sad how OP's picture is more attractive than they currently are now.
Also, is it me or has Martina been dressing more spergy since the move? Girl, the pigtails and 'CrAZY jAPAn KAWAII!!!' isn't working for you, and never will. Especially when japanese women your age dress really conservatively with a lot of neutrals and tailored clothes.
No. 94702
>>94701>>72978Congratulations on being a cunt.
At first I thought your replying to the recent posts, but realized your replying to someone's post from 2 months ago.
No. 94984
>>94948Well i guess they'll be buying a car soon from all their youtube money woooooooo
So inonsistent right? I am not sure if i remember correctly but did 't they say they moved to japan cuz living in Korea was getting harder for Martina because of her sickness and all the high buildings and shit?
Now they're living 20mins from the station and have to walk a lot??? Also is it really such a difference in Tokyo and Seoul with the stairs and elevators like they said? I can't imagine that…
I think, they are just living a great life off of their earnings and personally i wouldn't give a shit about it if they at leeast were honest about is
T instead of being all meee martinachan is sick and we do this for you guys and omg we wanted to do this anywayyyy
No. 95352
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>>94291I know Leigh irl. Apparently S&M hired Soozee and Leigh under the gist that they were just a small company so they couldn't afford to pay their interns. Leigh was having trouble finding a company to intern with (she is doing her whole degree in Korea) so she chose them. They told her work would be minimal (a little editing here or there, creating effects on videos) since they couldn't pay. Then they did the gofundme and their viewers increased, so they basically had unpaid interns doing all the dirty work (filming, editing, uploading) while they just stood in front of the camera talking, and after their work was done they would jut order food and watch Netflix in their studio. She also told me that they are the kind of people that think making fun of someones mistakes/putting people down = funny and they would do that all the time. They really are shitty people
No. 95354
>>95352Got any more milk on that? More examples of them being shitty?
Also, did Leigh and Suzy secretly just hate Simon and Martina throughout?
No. 95374
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>>95354Limited milk, but I'll give what I got.
Pretty much just a shitty boss/miserable employee type of thing from the both of them. They put a lot of pressure on Leigh to put up the videos and edit them by a certain amount of time, so she seemed pretty done with them by the time the whole japan thing came up (I only met soozee like once, so idk her side).
Also remembering her shitting on them talking about always buying expensive coffees/cakes/cupcakes/new makeup/clothes and bringing them into the studio and always shoving them in their face while not paying her a cent lol I think leigh was paid so that they could qualify for some visa, but it was just minimum wage or some low amount.
No. 95376
>>95374*I think soozee was paid
No. 95379
>>95374Thanks for the response!
That sucks that they weren't paid what they were worth. Hopefully their new channel becomes popular.
One thing that always kind of rubbed me the wrong way was when they'd film Fap Faps and quiz Soozie or Leigh and reward them with food. I get that they have to film Simon and Martina, but they aren't allowed to purchase the same food that they get or aren't offered the same meal? I always found that kind of shitty.
No. 96852
>>96847PDSKabushikiGaisha is actually Duncan's brother, not his friend. And Dante is really big in the Japan Youtube scene with nearly a million subs, so it's pretty laughable that people think that they would agree to be S&M's assistant.
Einshine is half american not british, and hell, even he is too popular to work with them lol
No. 96857
>>96856But the new guy is working for them, not with them. And when you are as big a youtuber as Dante, you probably aren't looking for another 'job' working behind a camera and fetching stuff for a a couple of weebs like that.
And not to mention, Dante's english is shit so there goes that theory entirely lol
No. 96864
>>96863But Dante is a really really famous Japanese youtuber. He's not a part of the foreigner j-vlogging crew, and he's only ever done collabs with Mimei in that regard, but only because that's his sister in law and they probably see each other a lot. Dante is pretty damn stupid, but not stupid enough to not see that he is way more relevant in the world of Japanese youtube than Simon and Martina. He is bigger than Mimei, Duncan, Rachel and Jun, Sharla, Mira, and Victor. He's like the 2008 Shane Dawson of Japanese youtube. Stupid yet is insanely popular and he and all the other top youtubers do collabs all of the time.
Simon and Martina are nobodies in Japan (as they were in Korea).
No. 96894
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>>96813Is Martina just wearing eyeliner and no other makeup? It always looks odd when people do that, regardless of whether they're good-looking to begin with or not.
No. 96897
>>96894I don't mind eyeliner on it's own but brown is less harsh if you're doing minimal make up.
Also her eyeliner is drawn kinda shitty.
No. 97256
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Everything about her looks weird. Her hair seems too childish, her makeup and face are unfortunate and that body looks really poorly taken cared of. She seems a bit chubs tbh or maybe she just doesn't naturally have a nice figure. Simon looks like a hipster asshole though I'm starting to hate their looks so much.. But I still watch them because I like seeing things about Japan in English.
No. 97694
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jfc how many times a week are they eating ramen and curries? no wonder martina is ballooning up again
No. 98568
>>98540The video is not so bad for beginners, though there is some minor mis-information.
Kokoa refers to hot chocolate, Chokoreeto is just chocolate in general. And as you sid there are some minor stroke order mistakes. How long have they been in Japan? Personally she should be already trying to learn the simpler Kanji even if she can't write them. It makes things a lot easier. But I'm just weebing out here lol.
No. 98671
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>>98540it annoys me so much that they are putting out 'lessons' of shit they barely learned a few weeks ago when there are tons of videos like this out on the internet made by people with way more experience. If you want to track your learning progress, then make a vlog about it and share what you studied that week, and what your strengths and weaknesses were. Don't teach lessons on shit you don't know. For god's sake, Martina doesn't even know what the small ッ symbol meant, and called it "the little smiley face thing." Ugh.
Why don't they just sign up for classes? They've got more than enough money. That's what baffles me so much about their lack of Korean ability. They could have afforded to take classes at one of the best language schools in the country that was literally a 20 minute walk at the most from their studio. They could have bought a cheaper apartment and signed up for professional Japanese lessons. Martina said that living in Japan was a dream she has 'since she was a kid' and she literally waited until she was 30 years old two weeks into living there to actually sit down and learn the freaking katakana? And kek, simon going on and on about how he was going to learn the language to be able to speak to their new neighbors. YOU COULDN'T EVEN ORDER DELIVERY FOOD TO YOUR HOUSE AFTER LIVING IN KOREA FOR 7 YEARS.
Sorry for all of the salt, but my inner language nerd is having a 'sperg attack
No. 98681
>>98671It pisses me off too.
I hate the "omg ive wanted to liv in japannn since i was litttleeee amg" its like most people wanted to, you're no fucking different.
The usual shit
No. 98817
>>65885That's like twerking if you have a flat butt.
it's just embarassing and they're dressed like whores btw
i dont understand why you're offended though lol
No. 99892
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>>98819It's Ouran cosplay lol. Simon is supposed to be Honey and I think Martina is Renge.
Why an ostensibly heterosexual man would accept to dress up as gay pedobait, I have no idea.
No. 100307
>>100169these two pigs want to call this their 'job' but can't even do their own camera work. I would sort of understand it if they weren't tech savy, but they used to do their own filming all the time, and I'm sure it wasn't horrible?
God forbid they take their own shots, but that probably just gets in the way of shoveling massive amounts of food into their mouths.
No. 100527
>>100307gets in the way of shoveling massive amounts of food into their mouths
exactly, they even dream about shoveling food down their throats in their dreams, someday Simon and Martina will be too lazy to shovel the food and will just have an IV hooked up to their vains to feed them coco curry, ramen, ranch dressing, potato chips and a lard of fat.
No. 100533
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>mfw I showed my boyfriend Simon and Martina and literally the first thing he said was "their faces are so..gross."
No. 100535
>>100530That makes me not want to move to Tokyo, I live in an unpopular undocumented part of Japan currently but soon I have to move to Tokyo area and I don't want to, because like you said that place has been done to death, and is overrated. Why can't people vlog about Kyushu (places other than Fukuoka, like for example Kagoshima, Oita, or Miyazaki), Shikoku, Chugoku, Hokuriku, no one makes videos on these places.
No. 100541
>>100538I hope there is another opportunity for relocation in the future for you. :)
Tokyo is by no means a bad place to live, it's super convenient, we have Disney Land, lots of stuff to see, and having a foreign community can be really nice. It can just be all kinds of crazy and exhausting.
No. 100577
>>100535There are a few people who vlog areas outside of Tokyo but they're either more focused on the day to day (so more about their lives than "Wow Japan!") or its someone who is just visiting the areas.
This guy does amazing quality videos and does either non-Tokyo areas, or areas in Tokyo filmed in a very refreshing way so you aren't just like "wow. 009 again. amazing" No. 100589
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those fugly nails lol
martina is way to ott about sailor moon, it's almost embarrassing
No. 101335
>>101300>>101257>>101256K whatever, Sailor Moon has been popular for ages, and the rerelease hasn't started a trend it's just a bunch of people who finally able to get a hold of the shit that wasn't readily available as kids. If it wasn't so popular and well received among Japanese people then why are the sales for the collectible items always selling out?
Again, you're not cool or interesting for disliking a commonly liked thing, maybe instead find more interesting and valid reasons to hate people other than "they like Sailor Moon ew"
No. 101408
>>101393>I just DON'T CARE >writes entire posts dedicated to how much no one carescool story
But if we put the stupid animu disussion aside, no matter how much of a Sailor Moon Fan she is, these nails
>>100589 look absolutley terrible. And I love the strategically placed Sailor Moon chopsticks in the background. Why are there chopsticks? Because so Japanese desu? Because she loves the animu just sooo much? Both?
No. 101410
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>>101408Those chopsticks are child sized too, look ridiculous in her ogre hands anyway
>>100589Because Sailor moon is just another way for her to prove how 'speshuuuul and different' she is. It all goes back to her childhood. Most people her age are nostalgic about normal-fag stuff, but not Martina! Her kawaii desu japanese friend Miki showed her the magical world of sailor moon and onigiri, so she has to bring it up all of the time as if she were actually raised in that Japanese family herself.
No. 101429
>>101300>>101335I can't believe you tits are arguing over an old show. Sailor Moon merch is either popular with little kids, MIDDLE SCHOOL GIRLS or foreigners. Most of my Japanese don't even care, they're in their 20's and some probably have a keychain at the most just for nostalgia. But other than that most don't give a shit unless they're otaku/weebs.
Sailor Moon is just another trend for people to hop on so they get more follows/subs/likes if anything. It's a entry way to gaining more popularity.
>>101408You're a twat.
No. 101759
>>101742>>101746Wow you didn't even bother to change your writing style or wait a while before defending yourself. Summer must be coming early this year!
Also Sailor Moon is babbys first animu for girls (DBZ for boys). Tumblr has a huge boner for it because pastels, schoolgirl uniforms, magic and Japandesu. It's all about ~m u h e s t h e t i c~ Or for the wannabe 90's kids (born in 1995 or higher clinging desperately to a youth they never experienced/were too young to remember) who never watched it on tv, only saw the remakes and just pretend they've secretly loved it since childhood.
No. 101864
>>101742It's the equivalent of a grown woman buying a MLP kiddie fork and bringing it into a restaurant and instagraming it because she is ~~so special snowflake desu~~~
I get being nostalgic and liking a certain series, but it's still gross seeing a chubby weeby overweight woman not stfu about her animus. She literally mentions sailor moon in every video.
>>101798>"No, we are not fluent in Japanese yet. I know it's been six weeks, but we've been trying our best!"Their definition of fluent must be pretty liberal if they think they could have been fluent in such a short amount of time. Try a few YEARS guys.
No. 101871
>>101690Yeah, I know. Kept seeing the merch and shitty SV rip off bags all over the place. It's just something to get views basically, I bet half of the merch is just thrown in the cupboards when they're off camera.
Isn't it true that girl who copied kota b4by.jpg or w/e only buys kawaii shit like liz lisa for selfies and sells it? Lol. As if she would go out dressed like that in person obv. So it's obvious, most of the weebs do it for views/attention.
>>101759Yep, everyone born before 95' and so on just claims they love it when they don't remember it. I was born in 1993 and I can't remember shit tbh.
No. 102307
>>101871I think you mean born
after 1995, those born before then (90-93 realistically) would be old enough to barely remember it, 94+ not so much.
No. 103921
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>Those shoes
>That sleeve
>Those calves
No. 104651
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martina's fashion makes kittens cry
No. 104826
>>104797They're on good terms with the jvlogging community though, they've released videos with Rachel.
And I think they did do a bunch of collab videos with other western kvloggers/travlers but never posted them on their own page. If you search on youtube eyk colleb you'll see them in a bunch of other channels, they just never posted one on their own.
No. 106536
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No. 106546
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No. 106673
>>104820>Most of that brand Sailor Moon stuff is bought by school girls (junior high and high school girls, and elementary school kids) No it isn't. Bandai did a lot of collabrations with expensive fashion and designer brands such as Qu-Pot, Anna Sui, SV…, whith $350+ bags, expensive jewellery and clothes etc. They sure put out some cheaper stuff like phone cases, but many of the items are designed and intended for a female audience who watched the 90s anime, and is now in their 20ies or 30ies and have enough money to afford all this brand new expensive brand merchandise.
>I don't know of any Japanese adult females (late 20s-30s) that buy or talk about Sailor Moon. Probably because they keep their mouth shut and their power level low. I can't imagine it woud have much positiveeffect if you reveal yourself as a crazy Sailor Moon fangirl to the public in Japan.
But believe me, most of the expensive merch is not sold to school girls.
You can hate or be indifferent about Sailor Moon as much as you want, but that's how it is.
No. 106682
>>65755They are the korean jun and i forgot her name
>koreanYou know what I mean
No. 106990
>>106984The Japanese guys in that video were hot including the guy next to Simon helping him with the soup bowl.
Martina packs down the sake and food to her stomach and arms.
No. 109612
>>107725just taking their faces, i think his is better, more salvagable if he would get rid of his greasy beard and manbun
martina… her face… so… punchable
No. 109889
>>93478I really hated seeing this eyeliner on her, however, it just occurred to me that because of her disease, she may not have been able to apply it herself and relied on Simon
If thats the case, that's the only way anyone can forgive such shotty liner application
No. 109902
>>109889Nah, she's just trying to make big kawaii animu girl eyes by bringing down her lower lash line like all weeb girls do.
She's always been shit at applying her makeup and eyeliner, so you can't really blame simon even if it were his fault.
No. 117913
>>117717I've been waiting so long for someone to recognize this.
I love u.
No. 119900
>>118226Yeah, it is irritating that people aren't paying attention to what they put in their mouths and don't want to watch out for their body when they work in entertainment. They're special snowflakes though, so they can look however they want cause it's more empowering or some bullshit.
In the past they used to work hard to keep off weight, they talked about that often. While I know Martina has her health issues, I find it odd that they don't seem to give two fucks anymore. It's kinda sad.
No. 128610
>>128593Such a gorgeous home, it makes me want to live there. Watching Martina trying to get up those stairs just made me sad, think they will install one of those chair lift things elderly use?
Poor Spudgy, I think i feel the worst for him. That dog is best in a flat where he can get around by himself.
No. 128673
>>128593Ew, why does she think talking like a retard makes her look cute?
Anybody else think they have a weird DD/LG thing going on?
No. 128696
>>128603I agree, it's like they filled their house with random garbage. I feel like you'd walk in and they'd say "Lel so funny right look at our meme wall!"
also: "asparagus with buh-neeto on it which is like a fish" …what. Bonito IS fish, it's fish flakes. They really are stupid aren't they?
No. 128884
Did anybody see the video of them walking Spudgy and talking to ALL of their neighbors in English, even though the neighbors were speaking Japanese to them? I guess they already learned how to order, so everything else must be meaningless to learn now.
>>128878lol their korean pronunciation sucked too. back in the day, people called out Simon for using the wrong grammar when ordering, and his excuse was that nobody could understand his simple pronunciation mistake when using the right word. Martinas pronunciation of Bibimbap hurts me everytime.
No. 128917
>>128673Martina's stupid voices drives me up a wall.
Also she seems to be gaining more weight. Look at her ham arms.
No. 129146
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Simon and Martina are coming to Norway's biggest anime/nerd-con (Desucon) where they will talk about Japan…since they are sooo knowledgeable.
In Norwegian: "They'll talk about Japan, food and everything they have experienced during their travels"
…I wonder how much they got paid?
No. 129148
>>129146Video from when some Norwegian organizers visited them: actually seem OK here tbh. Still themselves but less annoying than their videos
No. 129155
>>129151aren't cons in general pretty shitty?
Not that Desucon is that great anyway…
No. 129158
>>129155well yeah, but desucon is the worst of the worst
still gonna go tho lmao, its not like we have that many conventions to choose from in norway
No. 136724
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so gross
No. 136750
>>136721What on earth is her hair? She thinks that looks good?
Also kek at her brows and make up, and her fucking outfit. Jesus. I'd be embarrassed if I knew her, looks like som dd/lg type shit.
No. 137253
>>136769she looks like she cried or is absolutely not used to wearing contacts in the beginning.
She looks so good in this style. I wish she would recognise that.
No. 137976
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No. 138035
>>136760>>136721In some semblance at her defense, I think the shirt is a promo. Sharla has been wearing shirts from the same company and is now giving two away (one is even the shirt Martina is currently wearing)/has a discount code, so I think Martina isn't far behind.
The company is smart, it's total weebware and like this they'll get a solid amount of customers. It's cute stuff just not for 30+ year old women to be wearing.
No. 138682
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>>136721I don't understand why that bag was even necessary…. an actual child's school bag…
Is it really THAT hard to find something classy like pic related?? Sailormoon has so much shit catered to its older fanbase, I wouldn't be surprised if they had nice bags.
She needs to learn to wear what suits her over what she likes, even if what suits her most of the time isn't what she likes. What a fucking cringefest- this is really why I didn't like the idea of them coming to Japan.
No. 138740
>>138682That bag is actually pretty cute. Yeah, with the reboot of the new SM trash anime, they started making new bags and purses geared towards women in their 20s and 30s. Martina is literally wearing a child's backpack, which is massive cringe.
>>138690It took them a very long time to reach 1mil subs. I think they only reached that goal last year? They were a niche in Korea. I'm not ashamed to say I used to watch EYK back when they were just reviewing kpop videos with kpop music monday. It started off as them sending blogs to their parents in Canada and let them know South Korea isn't North Korea, but then they got popular as canadians in SKorea, talking about music shit. They used to be entertaining and kind of endearing, but the fame went to their head.
Then for some reason they got a huge fanbase who supported them on kickstarter to get their studio and even travel around the world to speak at conventions. What did they speak about? I honestly don't know.
No. 138756
>>138740I would never forget them buying cheap mass produced shit off Taobao and just slapping their logo and charging 4x the price.
And the cringe when they interviewed kpop stars.
No. 138766
>>138740Their music mondays and food segments are what made me like them at first. They seemed really excited to share new stuff with people, especially with the music. I loved how they would also show other types of Korean music like indie stuff, instead of the usual "TOP 10 KPOP BANDS HERE IS BIG BANG"
Now I cannot sit through 5 minutes of their long ass EYS episodes. It's a completely different channel and it's so dull. Even their food segments are boring because it's just yakiniku/sushi/food that we've seen 50 million times already.
No. 141564
>>141287Yeah exactly. Now it's a channel only about them and they aren't interesting or compelling enough to do it. Plus the challenges are stupid as fuck.
>>141299>>141549I sympathise with her, but at the same time as the anon said, why get a house with stairs? Also, why buy bikes? And her having to sit down/be less mobile isn't limiting to their videos. Their previous EYK videos were largely sitting. They could easily go back to their music mondays/item reviews, hell, they could get local food probably delivered or get Simon to record the getting the food segment and then they eat the food at home if Martina can't leave that day.
You can easily work around her immobility.
No. 141672
>>141564Didn't they stop music monday's because they didn't really follow the latest music anymore? and also because the fans would fight each other to death after each episode like the obsessed kpop fans they were?
Also maybe they bought bikes because at least now she can still somewhat enjoy it.
Don't get me wrong, I"m not trying to whiteknight them (even if I'll admit that I think they're fine other then a tad bit cringy at this point) but I can't imagine how it is knowing you will get more and more immobile.
Would like to see them go back to music monday's though.
No. 141674
>>141672It doesn't have to be music mondays, but I just miss their segments tbh. I'm in the same boat, I don't hate them or anything, I just think they've become a weird mix of boring and cringe since they've moved to Japan.
And true, I definitely get what you mean about them trying to live life to the fullest until Martina can't really move anymore, but at the same time shouldn't they have taken some care with like a single story house? It sucks they had to get rid of the EYKmobiles, those were probably great for them in Seoul.
No. 141679
>>141674I agree, their segments is what was the most fun to me. These days I don't really watch/follow them anymore, but that's also because they cater more to the 15 year old weeabo/koreaboo audience. Which is fine by me, it's what pays the bills, it's just not for me anymore.
As for the housing, I agree and am kinda curious what made them decide to live there instead of on ground floor.
In the end, I just can't help feel sad that Martina, who's still pretty young, will loose her mobility. That's some nightmare shit to me. I guess due to that I"m willing to just let them be a couple weebs for as long as they want to. Dunno how that opinion is here exactly, but I always thought they were a cute couple and I just hope the best for them.
No. 146449
>>73202no lol they love hyuna bc they see Kim Hyuna and hyunA as 2 different people and that Kim Hyuna is really hardworking and sweet
One summer of college exchange in seouland being a retarded koreaboo reading netizenbuzz was enough for me to figure out who they love and who they dont
No. 146450
>>141672>>141680they stopped it cuz they're racist assholes and it was much more evident in their music mondays
theres a reason they're SO hated in korea
I think thats the real reason they moved
even in that video they did with that japanese lady who eats a lot of food all the comments were by koreans in korea saying how much they hate eyk
No. 146462
>>146450I wish I could read Korean because the Korean to English google translate is notoriously shit, but from what I could make out a lot of the hating comments from Koreans are pretty petty?
Like they seem weirdly obsessed with the fact that EYK said it was hard to find a place with a bathtub in Korea but they had a place with a tub in Seoul or something. Also they just seem really upset that EYK is talking positive about Japan and were negative about Korea but they just moved to Japan so obviously they won't have as much bad stuff to say? Like I'm sure after 8 years or whatever in Japan they'd have videos talking about bad experiences as well.
No. 146520
>>146462imo they were mad because eyk never actually tried and all they did was complain about korea pm the entire time they were here.
they hit all the marks of stereotypical expats: didn't speak the language, and did nothing but complain but stuck around because their options back home are shit as well. despite all of this they acted like ~experts~ on korea and ofc it made korean people mad
No. 146523
>>146520I don't think they only complained though. They made videos on issues in Korea like the prostitution industry and the whole 'respect your elders at all costs' thing which I didn't see as complaints. Most of their videos were happy and promoting Korea.
Idk, I'm not the biggest fan of theirs anymore but I don't think they did a terrible job in Korea. Though I do admit I don't understand how they didn't become fluent after 8 years.
No. 147493
>>146520I've been out of the loop for a while but I never felt like they complained a lot by any means.
They might have never been the most integrated of all people but to me they never came across as intentionally mean are disrespectful.
No. 147623
>>147513Pretty much, they were your average foreign teachers, they had just gotten married and decided to go. They made some vlogs for family which took off and got them where they are now.
Honestly, I never understood why people hate them that much, they're doing fine. If they try to be informative they're hateful cunts against Korea, if they aren't they're ignorant cunts that are hateful against Korea.
I mean wasn't the whole 'slut-shaming' thing because of a single small comment during some Hyuna centered music monday?
No. 147626
>>147623tbh, i just think the people going on about how they are disrespectful are the minority. A lot of people just think they are annoying, unfunny immature gross hipsters.
Most of the Korean comments on that video were just calling them gross lmfao and saying things like "There are men on abnormal summit who have been learning Korean for 3 years, yet these two idiots can hardly be understood" which is hilarious because their Korean skills are just the worst
No. 148284
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pretty sure their whispering voice is same level as most peoples normal voice lol
No. 148846
>>146520I will agree with you on the fact that they never properly learned Korean despite living in South Korea for nearly a decade is insulting. However, they spoke up on a lot of subjects that people almost never discuss in Korea, such as public drunkenness, sexism, the beauty standards of men vs women in Korea, gender inequality, etc etc and I really liked that they did that.
They always stated that their experiences were their opinions and NOT a fact or generalization on all of South Korea, but people will were like 'whaa whaa, you're generalizing so much, Simon!!'
They're kind of annoying now in Japan, but I genuinely liked their segments about info on random subjects in Korea.
No. 159070
>>66072>>66073i read this whole thread and didn't see anyone mention this so….
waaaay before simon and martina did the north american tour, there were facebook groups that represented a region of the US that were coordinating how to bring simon and martina over. at the time i was a big fan of eyk so i joined my region's group. eventually, the leader of my group said she spoke to soozee (or someone at eyk) and managed to get costs for the trip, which included roundtrip airfare tickets (in fucking business class (minimum) because simon is too tall for coach and martina can't sit in those seats because of her disorder, and hotel/airbnb stays. the fans were also the ones who scouted the locations and venues for these meet ups (and probably paid for them too). i'm not sure but i think spending money for food and touristy stuff, and maybe even car rental/gas was thrown in there too. i don't really remember though
not only that, but this specific trip brought over soozee and leigh as well (whom i still love so nothing against them), so 4 tickets and accomodations needed to be paid for.
so yeah, apparently, on all of these tours and fan meets, the fans fund the bills, which immediately turned me off when i found that out and started my declining interest in eyk.
No. 159128
>>156296everyone's gotta start somewhere and if they don't start somewhere they'll be no better than when they were in korea…
Just fucking speak Japanese, like no one here actually gives half a fuck lmao.
No. 236872
>>236863>>236865This video has been out for a while now…
and the points they make made sense…they basically just said Korea was awesome for the time they decided to go but Martina's condition makes it hard to be there and they are getting older and want more quiet? I don't see what's wrong with that. They said they would never take back their time in Korea.
No. 236886
>>236872It made sense but at the same time they are comparing two vastly different experiences. Like in Seoul they lived in the centre and if I remember right even in the party district, so obviously it was extremely crowded and busy. If they had gone to a suburb like where they are now in Japan it probably would have been very similar.
Also putting in their experiences as a boss vs just a preformer for a parent company is also not the best way to compare their experiences because obviously one is a lot more work than the other. Like maybe if they would've joined that one company that like every kvlogger is in right now it would've been a better comparison?
Either way I know I'm being nitpicky, I just didn't see their comparison as that great. I would've liked maybe a lifestyle comparison and then professional one or something.
No. 261083
>>260883I wonder how many of their older fans from when they were EYK in Korea still follow them?
It's as if they are mentally stunted at 20 years old.
No. 261128
>>260883Why the fuck did I watch that? I'm not even vego and that pig head coming out of the broth made me gag.
Also, the food porn bit was funny in one video, in the next 200 videos it's boring and kind of gross.
No. 261182
>>261083I used to follow them back when Korea was new to me and I actually enjoyed their music reviews, I discovered a lot of great artists through that. But now I just cringe at how they still act in the same giddy way in public. 0.30 onward, for example.
>>261128Lol sorry. I think it's just the fact that the food they're eating isn't that nice? Like if it was a lovely colourful ramen that was photogenic I'd understand why you'd want to film it. But it was just an oily, meaty one. Makes me think that this whole time despite living in Asia, they probably haven't been very adventurous with their food…
No. 261188
>>261153>When they film in that ramen shop i din't believe for one second that they do it to show us what ramen in japan is like but rather show us how awesome they are and what cool shit they get to do in japan. You're spot on. They even cover things that have been done to death just as a reminder that they are INDEED still in Japan. Some of their recent video titles: Training in Samurai City, What is Tonkotsu Ramen?, What is Onigiri?, One Year in Japan!, Japanese White Strawberries…for $40?!?!
Like we get it, you're in Japan rn and you think you're the first to introduce the world to the concept of onigiri.
No. 261294
>>261182Holyshit, why does this bitch still have pink hair? It's like, that isn't that issue but she never learned to dye or style her hair properly in all these years?? ffs she was living in Korea for nearly a decade.
Also, Simon has been balding for a while.
No. 368429
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Guys it happened. Simon finally shaved off his shitty hair.
No. 368484
>>368429This is news. He is no longer "fun-yeah". He looks good.
>>236863After they ran off with their korean video fans money they make this video. That studio money went to this japan move.
No. 368490
>>236863They are reading the stitutiin wrong. They are successful now. The neighbors know they are famous. So they are curious. They have money now so they live better. Get real.
I will agree that koreans can be foul but japanese get huffy about their language as well. Its that they are weird white people so they can say what they want.
I hate korean driving as well.
They do seem happier now.
No. 434470
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They're the first youtubers I've seen go for the YouTube Partnership thing now.
It's getting pretty ridiculous, people keep asking about their old segments/what people actually subscribed to them for but they're just excusing it by saying it "takes too long". Here's an idea, just don't do a fucking food video with you stuffing your faces for once.
But wait! They actually do have time for their old segments! It's just going to be exclusively for people who pay now!
No. 545424
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Simon has no life outside of his sick wife. I know people show emotion differently, but he’s just so eager to out everything out there. Crying on camera abiut how much he loves Martina, ‘encouraging’ her to speak up about her disease so he can go on abiut how much he helps her everyday, etc. Its good that he loves his wife, but its almost unhealthy how he puts her in this pedestal. At least Martina has friends and reaches out to other jvlogging women. Does Simon even have any male friends?
No. 715346
>>715339Literally the only thing they've done lately is have their dog cremated.
Otherwise they're just weebs sperging out in their tiny Japanese apartment and eating food.
No. 715389
>>715329I never got that either. They could have moved back to Canada where they have citizenship and free health care, but no?
It's odd they moved to Japan where i doubt a country that dislikes foreigners would have a good effect on Martina's health.
>>715346Also, RIP Spudgy.
No. 989695
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sorry for necroing, but seems like there's trouble in nipponland. this post makes it seem like simon is finally fed up with martina and is ready to move on like the narcissistic asshole he is.
No. 990219
>>989695Its weird to think about how their youtube careers died. If they never changed from EYK to EYS they still would have been relevant especially with how popular kpop is nowadays.
The majority of their fanbase were kpop fans and they ruined that when they decided to make their channel about japan.
No. 990230
>>989695I think it’s more to do with being tired dealing with a terminal diseases be him being a narc anon lol
Was waiting for him to crack or her to die, no one should have to bear all the burden on their shoulders
No. 990234
>>990219They've always been anime/vidya fans first and KPop fans second,
Nonny; it's just a lot harder to teach English in Japan than it is Korea.
No. 990244
>>989695This is probably more to do with the stress of being a spouse to someone who's literally deteriorating in front of their eyes. Martina can barely walk these days and as cringey as they both are, that's a horrible way to go.
>>990219I honestly wonder how they're paying the bills now. They were HUGE with the kpop fans and if they'd stuck in Korea they could've ridden the EXO and BTS waves and probably be world-known. Now they're just riding what little fanbase they have left. There are too many Japan vloggers and not enough Korean ones even though they moved to Japan to do it before Martina couldn't physically enjoy it.
No. 990263

>>990248Damn, remembering that gives me major nostalgia, I loved their song "reviews" as a kid lol They actually even interviewed Shinee. They were so popular (and kind of "important" to foreign fans, I got most of my info from them) already during a time kpop wasn't even that big yet in the west (I'd argue that Japan/weeb culture still had the upper hand back then), now with the insane boom of kpop they would have made millions. Just look how many subscribers and views people get for mere kpop reaction videos, there's were silly but so much more creative. They're so dumb, that money could have made Martina's (and his) life so much easier…
I seriously wonder what they live off nowadays, their latest videos are mainly streams and have less than 100k views, that's nowhere near enough for Tokyo…
>I heard they stopped EYK in Korea because of death threats.I thought it's because Martina's illness made them realize that they "must follow their true dreams (which is living out their weeb fantasy in Nippon) immediately" or something like that?
No. 990285
>>990246It's definitely gotten worse. In a few videos she's had to sit on stairs and inch her way down and says some days the best she can do is bike to the store before going back to bed. In their day routine video she dislocated her jaw and popped it back in on camera. Shit's intense.
>>990248>>990263Also didn't they stop their weekly music segment because of foreign fans being obnoxious shits as well? It was so many years ago I can scarcely remember. I wonder what ever happened to Suzy and the other girl. Do you think they're still earning money off the You Are Here cafe they helped open a few months before they moved to Japan?
No. 990307
>>990263>That Wolf reviewOh man, memories. I remember when Exo just debuted and i had a good time watching their light hearted reviews about them.
I think if they would have stuck with Kpop music monday or stayed in Korea doing Kpop stuff in general, they would have been huge. They would have probably even moved onto BTS stuff eventually. Japan seems like such a cope out. I know they've been living there for 4 years or whatever now, but they cant be making any money from just being in Japan vs Korea and having their own company.
>death threatsI heard kpop stans in korea/Korean stans made death threats to their dog because they didnt like foreigners criticizing their oppas.
No. 1024300
>>1023949Wow, they're #15 on trending. Their career might not be dead after all.
When I saw this all I could think was that they had to leave because of COVID and I guess I was partially right. At least they have access to healthcare and everything in Canada.
No. 1024327
>>1023949Wasn't Japan kicking foreigners out because of COVID-19, or was that just Americans? That could be why they are currently back in Canada.
While they're definitely cringe, I've watched them since their officetel days in Bucheon. They definitely should have stayed in Korea, but I enjoyed their Japan videos, and Korea and Japan both suck as a whole with handicap accessibility so I get traveling to as many countries with little to no handicap availability in most Asian countries as they could while Martina was still able to get around with just a cane.
I think overall they're going to really slow down their Youtube production or may quit all together, especially if Simon is going back to school. If COVID-19 prolongs them further enough from going back and Martina ends up being wheelchair bound by the time they're able to, I don't think they'll be able to go back anyway. That is probably what will happen.
I know everyone was really critical of them 1. getting their Seoul office in a building that didn't have an elevator and 2. renting a 2 story home because of Martina's disability and I think it's
valid criticism, but I don't think either one of them really knew how quickly Martina would deteriorate. From an outsider, it seemed obvious but the two of them always seemed to be in denial. (Their channel is over ten years old and Martina's EDS has gotten waaay worse in the past 2 years.)
I also see this "make or break moment", as a break tbh; people subscribed to them for Korea/Japan videos. If they made it clear that they will return to Japan when they're able to, I don't think this would have a lasting effect on their videos. But saying that they may never return? Midnight munchies and build a letter videos ain't it.
No. 1024412
>>1024404Oh shit, good catch anon. I thought maybe they were just a couple who didn't wear their rings, but skimming through some old videos, they're wearing them.
I know they must love their pets equally, but it always felt like Martina favored Spudgy a little more and Simon favored Meemers a little more so I was a little surprised when Martina didn't show up in the Fudgy video. I chalked it up to her EDS being really bad, but if they aren't together anymore, I wouldn't be surprised if Martina never finds herself ready for another dog. I remember seeing Martina get super choked up at Simon mentioning getting another dog (I think the Totoro cream puff video).
No. 1024433
>>1024404>>1024412Given that they had to quarentine, I want to give the benefit of a doubt that they each had to go back to their respective family homes and then they just uploaded the videos later. Especially since Meemers was with Martina in her video and then suddenly Meemers was in the video with the new dog despite Martin's first video being during mandatory quarantine.
Seems odd that if they weren't together anymore the cat would be shuffled around from place to place, especially if Simon is more attached to the cat.
No. 1024503
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>>1023949I always wonder what they live off, even when in Japan, their views are just way too little. Plus now they're no longer young, they moved to Korea over a decade ago and I don't think they really worked in different fields pre-youtube, so what will Simon work as, who's gonna hire him?
>>1024327I wonder whether they regret ever leaving Korea, with the current kpop boom they could have made so much, which could have granted Martina a much easier and comfier life.
No. 1024530
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They’ve already changed their YouTube about section to include the new dog. I think it would be weird if they chose to update their profile like this before announcing that theyre broken up, which makes me think they’re separated temporarily. Tbh I think that’s healthy for them because they seemed codependent and lacking boundaries.
No. 1025040
>>1024951I haven't watched anything of theirs in over a year but I spent the better part of yesterday watching videos after seeing this thread updated. They're still annoying to some degree but there's definitely still something nice about their videos, especially the informative ones about grocery costs and how to do the recycling.
>>1024965I didn't even consider that. The way the intro vid of the dog was made, the first thing you see is the puppy taking a poop the moment Simon picked him up from the breeders? home so I just assumed it was a spur of the moment naming.
No. 1025174
As someone mentioned, the ring thing may be Martina not wearing it because of her joints, or it could be avoiding the constant handwashing with the ring. The first thing that came to mind for Simon was he is getting in shape, and he is losing weight, so his fingers may be slimmer now and he needs to get his ring adjusted to fit again. Just an idea there.
As for their channel, I don't think it is necessarily dead, it just may be changing audiences and direction. Their channel has been doing that since it began honestly. From life in Korea, to K-pop, to an eating channel, and now it is going to change again. They will still have a dedicated audience as well as gaining new members of it due to the change. I do wonder where their channel will go to now. I'm glad Martina is home and closer to family now. I think that is best for both of them all around.
And yeah, what is the thing with Fudgy. You would think that name would be too close to Spudgy. I didn't even own Spudgy and the name kind of unnerves me. But it's their dog in the end, so if they are happy, so be it.
No. 1035916
>>1035816I've seen comments (can't find them again anymore) from people on their newer videos who have also noticed neither of them wearing their rings and seeming to live apart. They did like a few comments, mainly the ones saying "they wouldn't have split! also their relationship isn't our business!"
idk, anons pretty accurately called it when they were leaving Korea for Japan and when they split contact from Leigh and Soozee, so I don't think it's entirely wrong to think they might have split.
No. 1036028
>>1036010nah I think its more that their brand is centered around their relationship and knowing that they split for good would affect that brand greatly. I don't blame them for being hesitant to announce it. It's likely it's not even final.
But I definitely think if they were NOT separated they would have said something by now. But not because they need the negative attention.
No. 1036031
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Guess Martina decided to post a pic with Fudgy because people will not stop pointing out how she hasn’t appeared in videos of him yet.
No. 1036035
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>>1036031Guess they’re just on a break but don’t want to really announce it straight up. Simon’s mentioned marriage counseling, and someone who follows him on goodreads saw that he was reading a book called “8 dates” or something that’s supposed to be a self help/relationship book. It’s not easy to announce that things are rocky with your partner of 12?? years, who’s relationship with is a central part of your social media presence, but there must really be something going on behind the scenes if they can’t even fake post “Hey guys! Nothing to worry about! We’re just not wearing our rings bc of constant hand washing/other excuse, etc etc. We’re still happily married!” Honest to a fault I guess lol
No. 1037542
>>1036035Pretty much what
>>1036096 and
>>1036123 said. For example, whenever Simon would "flaunt" his great husband status by giving Martina flowers, I always took it that he was trying to convince himself he was a good husband. That is, he couldn't help Martina with the actual problems in her life, so he had to try and make up for it with small gestures and saying how great he was as a husband. Not to mention they're only in their thirties with no kids. Normally they'd be living their lives doing what they wanted. Instead, in Japan at least, they lived like many older married couples live - mostly isolated where the healthier partner is a caregiver to the other. I'm not saying there is anything wrong with taking care of your spouse, but if Simon has certain aspirations for his life, he obviously can't accomplish his own goals in life taking care of Martina alone. Imagine having to take care of all the chores of owning a house and pets, finances and work, AND leaving your partner alone when going out for fear they fall and get hurt.
And as for Martina, I'm sure coming to terms with the fact that you need to take a step back has been difficult, such as moving back to Canada and needing help from others.
Definitely not easy, but taking a break is certainly a positive way to see if your relationship is worth it. I can't really imagine them both moving back to Japan and starting this cycle all over again, but maybe Simon could.
No. 1040285
>>1039415I think Simon has always been into Japan stuff, just not big on necessarily living there.
But now that he's already lived there, he's probably already met a decent amount of Japanese women who would hook up with him when Martina kicks the bucket.
Nothing against Martina, but living with someone who is slowly dying is probably very emotionally painful, and the mind probably can't help but look towards what's going to happen next.
Especially if you're a nice guy like Simon who probably wants to be a dad.
No. 1055069
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this comment seems to be written by Martina and she sounds kind of bitter, and like they’re definitely separated
No. 1055093
>>1055069She sounds bitter. And "his dog". They're definitely not together. Don't know if that's permanent or not yet but I wouldn't be surprised.
At this point they should just address the issue directly, instead of being vague like they have been
No. 1055143
Good question, I don't think it would've been Spudgy or a decline in ad revenue, so that leaves Martina's health. My tinfoil is the pressure of a future spent being her caregiver might've broken Simon, who said that he wants to live for himself for at least awhile. What was going to be a temporary thing of them living separately is probably now looking more and more permanent, and thus Martina's anger in that comment.
The things she says he will make a video about are pretty shallow, as if she's thinking to herself, "the dumb things he chose over me…working out, a new dog, and school to be a (whatever simon thinks he'll be)"
I wish they'd just come out and address it. I get that we're not owed an explanation but they're just going to have to keep fielding these questions if they don't come out and say anything. Like I said, I think at first Simon sold it to her as a temporary thing and that's why they didn't come out and say anything for a long time, but Martina is starting to see through that and she's mad. Sad all around if my theory is right.
No. 1055264
>>1055069This is embarrassing considering the channel name is still shared. They need to make a decision.
Sounds like someone talking about an annoying roommate and not a partner.
No. 1055274
>>1055127The way that she mentioned he hasn’t been interested in making videos makes me think that was a source of tension. I agree with
>>1055143 that Simons role as a caretaker had broken him and I’d also add that his codependency made him realize he and Martina need time away from each other. But this is
problematic for Martina because their whole brand is being a super close couple and now that her income is endangered (and she’s disabled without many other options probably) then she’s probably upset about that
No. 1055673
>>1055655You feel horrible for him, not the disabled wife he's leaving for greener pastures?
Stats show men leave their chronically sick wives at significantly higher rates than women leave sick husbands, in fact it makes women even less likely to divorce their husband if he's ill. It's no surprise at all if he leaves.
No. 1055676
>>1055558To be fair, they haven't been in Korea in years and they were pretty much the pioneers of kvlogging even if they were weebs.
>>1055069I actually feel bad for both of them. Simon sounds like he's going through depression (we saw signs of it in his solo Japan vlogs) and is trying to cope with Fudgey and starting his life over, and Martina has her failing health but at least she has her family to help her with day-to-day tasks.
Usually when cows/snowflakes start a downward spiral I do get some amusement out of it but I just really pity them both. Yeah, they're weebs and a bit obnoxious on camera but they're not bad people.
No. 1055703
>>1055701Just a shit situation overall.
Martina looks bad bitterly commenting on Simon's choice to focus on other things (though she has every right to be), Simon looks bad for leaving his chronically ill wife despite constantly harping on and on about doing so much for her for the greater part of the past near decade they've been online (e.g. the morning routine videos where he shows how he preps everything for her before she wakes up, the tattoo video where he says she was his reason for living, other mentions of learning how to do her hair and makeup for her because she will most likely be unable to at some point). Part of me feels so bad that I hope things will blow over for the both of them and this break is a means of a mend, but it is what it is.
No. 1055985
>>1055981I was a big fan of them back in their korea days, because I thought they were cute. I saw them on their tour shortly before they moved to JP and the meet and greet was pretty awkward - simon just seemed so mentally done with the brand.
They were successful enough to have a custom EYK car and ship it to the US from KR for their tour + the cafe and studio rent. I think the move to JP cost them much more money than they thought because of lost followers and expenses. I imagine this put a huge strain on their relationship on top of all the other stuff.
No. 1056273
>>1055985They really only moved to Japan because it was a bucketlist thing to do before Martina got so bad she was physically incapable of it.
They really should have stayed in Korea because they lost probably 75% of their fanbase with that move. They were literally the only Korean vloggers, they knew idols left and right, and they were international celebrities and the pioneers of their time.
Even now I don't think their seat has been replaced, meanwhile Japan vloggers are a dime a dozen.
No. 1057232
>>1057220It depends on the illness. Martina has EDS so she will have her mobility decrease over time because it effects connective tissues.
The whole bucketlist moving to Japan was pretty overdramatic because if she had actually taken care of her illness before it got bad she would have had a much better chance of have more healthy mobile years. Most people with EDS seem to do physical therapy, braces and medication to help them keep functional for the longest possible time.
No. 1057280
>>1057220>what happens to most chronically ill people? I'd imagine they become pretty much isolated and bitter.nailed it; we all wind up here on lolcow
and eventually commit sewer slide
No. 1058256
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>>1058247The fake out with the right arm was just… inconsiderate. People are clearly voicing their concern about the relationship and he plays the elephant in the room as a joke. Also my first thought when I saw his face in the video was that he was going to say he has a cancer diagnosis. It's not just the weight-loss but he looks like he hasn't gotten a night of sleep in a very long time. Also him saying he's the happiest he's been in a long time in a completely dead-inside tone… I don't buy it. Everything about this video was fucking weird. He didn't say Martina's name once.
No. 1058260
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Girl. You know well they ask everyone that.
No. 1058326
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No. 1058327
>>1058294You don't need to be a handsome guy to have an asian girlfriend. I think generally that balance is tipped in favor of ugly nerdy white dudes anyway, for whatever reason.
Simon looks fucked up, and I feel sorry for Martina. She's lame in her own way but it really seems to me that Simon went through a mid-life crisis and left her to pursue really shallow, stupid interests and be an even bigger dumb ass than ever before. Not saying that being a chronically ill person's spouse is easy, but watching this dissolution play out publicly is sad and letting her field most of the comments if not all of them is shitty.
No. 1058350
>>1058256Completely OT but skinny Simon looks like a bald bearded Keith from the tryguys.
I wouldn't be amazed if he started a keto or vegan diet since depleting the body of complex carbs or protein really fucks with the brain.
No. 1058375
>>1058340Wish this were the case but more likely he developed a crush on someone else, started fantasizing about leaving Martina more than usual, and began weight loss.
Within the first few minutes of that video you could tell he was very into himself.
No. 1058393
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No. 1058394
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2/2 full image
No. 1058416
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He has the crazy cultleader look going. I always had this hunch that they are in a codependent relationship which was exacerbated by external factors - being a minority in a foreign culture, him needing to be Martina's caretaker, etc. and perhaps he felt the need to redefine himself as an individual human being?? But this change is still fucking extreme
No. 1058503
>>1058499i understand they want privacy especially since they have been together for so long, it can hurt.
But, its ironic that Martina posted this
>>1055069 with the username "Simon & Martina". Of course people are going to ask, of course people are going to want to know whats happening, and of course people will pick up on stuff, especially when one half of the channel just picked up and left with no explanation.
They can address it in their own time but Martina needs to be less salty to her fans who are clearly just worried about it.
No. 1058638
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Simon liked this comment, surprisingly. This confirms what everyone already knew.
No. 1058688
>>1058638There's nothing wrong with finding yourself and obviously no one here knows what Simon was like before he and Martina became a couple and even though its actually been a couple of months this seems like such a drastic change.
Maybe that's why everyone is saying this is unsettling, because we didn't see the change happen as it was happening and now we're all left with this very different Simon.
I still think he looks sickly and like he hasn't been sleeping but I genuinely hope he's okay and is getting the help he needs outside of mindfulness and meditation.
No. 1058920
>>1058513I always thought he was gay as well. Always felt like he was overcompensating when he was trying to proof how manly he truly is. Him constantly saying ''dothraki man warrior''was super cringy to me.
That said, if he's straight then he was def someone who adjusted himself for Martina and that might be why it seems like he's having some identity crisis. He did genuinely loved Korea and Japan, but all the cringy shit he did to appease the fans felt like it was all Martina.
No. 1058947
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Update from Simon in the comments of the most recent vid
No. 1058955
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>>1058638He liked this comment too, it must have resonated with him. I wonder who he was “pretending” to be then
No. 1059002
>>1058247Lots of the video seemed like an indirect jab at Martina.
>”I’m spending a whole year on my own wellness project, instead of pouring my hours into planning, and filming, and editing, and publishing videos. I want to spend that time on developing myself”>”I’ve been reaching out and spending time with friends and family who I’ve lost touch with for more than a decade and it feels great to have that love and support from people who care about me”>”It’s been a hell of a ride to get from Japan to where I am now and it’s not been easy but I feel really great, I feel happy, deeply happy, I feel connected, I feel at peace, I feel very good”>”I feel that challenges are tests given to us by the gods, and at the end of it you can look back and it and see did you handle it with grace and dignity? And I hope I can look back at this time and say that I’ve done just that, even if I had to do it single handedly” Maybe I’m just reaching and the man just really wants to work on himself but I feel like he’s been implying that Martina has been a weight to him. I know the last line is also a pun on his broken hand, but it also doesn’t feel entirely like a joke lol.
No. 1059010
>>1059006Yeah, he gives off a real visceral "no thanks" vibe in that picture. I think it is the empty eyes, completely shiny head, and weird half smile. His emotions in that picture are really inscrutable, and someone else being unsure of their own emotions is usually an instinctual sign that you should avoid this person.
And yeah the dog comes off as a prop to disarm you into thinking he's sweet. Might not be true or anything but its a VERY ugly image.
No. 1059040
>>1058995Generally it's a healthy thing to have hobbies and activities that don't involve your partner. Being in each other's pockets all the time isn't good for a relationship.
>>1058998I feel like he's felt sort of directionless since he came back from Asia so he's jumped into healthy wellness guru 110% and can base himself around that instead of addressing any actual issues. Bit different to just deciding to take up running to get a bit fitter or something, seems more of a fuck you to Martina who can't get healthier.
No. 1059057
>>1059040I agree completely & I didn't mean to make it sound like a negative thing. I just think it's part of what drove them away from each other for the time being considering he's 30 something years old and probably only now discovering who he is, separate from his partner.
Also I'm pretty sure he got into fitness and more specifically weight lifting to prepare his body for Martina as she becomes unable to walk/ falls more frequently. I forget what video he mentions this is. I dont think he did it to spite her; that would be some serious resentment
No. 1059099
>>1058247>>1058256Dude, what the actual hell was that video??? Forget his looks, he just straight up seems like a completely different person. It felt like I accidentaly wondered up on the right wing political side of YouTube, with all those proto-MRA 30yo white guys who are not so subtly racist.
What a fucking downgrade, I actually liked him better than Martina back in their Korea/Japan days but he is just unbearable now while at least Martina seems the same, even if a bit bitter.
No. 1059158
>>1059066I don't know, I have a lot of negative opinions about simon but him being a cheating jackass never seemed to be one of them, he just never struck as the type. While I think he might leave martina because of her illness (which is scummy) I don't think he will do it because he craves a new relationship asap, but because he wants to get out of the current one.
I'm assuming too much anyway, but I'm curious to see how it will all go down especially because they centered their internet persona around being a cute totally in love couple
No. 1059272
>>1059002I agree with you anon, it almost feels like a "wow look at how much fun I'm having without you Martina" kinda jab
Haven't watched them in many years but I do feel kinda sad knowing Martina is essentially now left all on her own with a debilitating chronic illness.
No. 1059276
>>1059272I feel sad for her too, and it makes you realize how peoples priorities can change completely in such a short amount of time. She was his reason to keep living and apparently helped pull him out from a bad depressive episode, he knew about her illness and loved her for years and then suddenly working out and a dog seems to be his focus and she's left in the dust.
Idk something might have happened or martina could be an asshole behind closed doors, but if his reason to leave is really just to find himself i think that's scummy. He could work on the codependency and his own physical and mental health without separating and moving away from his sick partner. It's hard to care for someone with an illness like this but he knew she had it and chose to keep going.
No. 1059286
>>1059276Ye I get that caregiver fatigue is real and grossly underappreciated, but right now it feels like he's basically trying to guilt her for being sick and holding him back. That's whats giving me a foul impression.
>>1059282Agreed, I don't think he's cheating but I do expect this to be a proper break up/divorce and for him to find someone he can do all the things he couldn't do with Martina really soon
No. 1060005
>>1059734rewatching his video, this really explains why he is so weird. also now
>>1055069 Martina's comment about his school doesn't come off as rude or unsupportive, now that we know that his education are just classes on meditation lol.
honestly, as much i wouldn't want to be too harsh on Simon since this is a hard situation, imagine being his emotional support (let's not forget he literally had no will to live) through the best years of your life and now when shit hits the fan, he leaves because he found something else to base his entire personality on. hope he will at least have the decency to continue visiting Martina and helping out her/her family after the divorce
>>1059984you don't get to make your relationship a public brand for everyone to see and for you to profit off of only to later act as if people who speculate about your issues are some kind of amoral pigs lmao
No. 1061090
>>1060212I know it was a rare neurodegenerative disease. I feel like they mentioned the name in an Instagram post at one point on Canada Day, but I could be wrong. Either way, looks similar to ALS in my opinion - slowly losing general mobility of your body. But I can't say for sure that's what it was.
In the new video, when he first walked in and sat down, it gave me such feminine vibes. Sure, showing off your skinniness, but the way he did it was very feminine. But since he was married for so long to a woman, I wonder if (assuming the gay rumours are true) either he's bisexual, or he was a lot more religious previously and felt it would be better to hide his homosexuality.
Also, based on his comment of "wellness project for a year", makes me think that maybe the two of them decided they'd take a break for a year to focus on themselves. Also, based on his meditation-focused lifestyle, could be he is using marijuana, but through the form of oils. Also reminds me of people who do MDMA or LSD - they always liked telling me how present it made them feel and how they saw the world in a new light. Granted, those people also tended to tell me how great it was and how I should join their cult, but who knows.
No. 1061126
I doubt they will get back together after the break. As ugly as Simon is, I'm sure he'd find a female friend within the year, confide in her about Martina, the demands and 24/7 support she needed, "it was so draining.." The only hurdle would be family, couples like that have intertwined family trees.
I don't know a lot about them, have they ever talked about having kids? Simon's on a "discovery journey" (read: quarter life crisis), so I doubt that's on his mind, but they're not the youngest, they'll be reeling from the break up, so if they wanted to have kids, they'll be rather old in time they have their first child.
On a positive note, this may be good for Martina. Being less dependant on someone, maybe she'll grow out of her stupid immaturity and cringeworthy behaviour.
Simon's video just shows he's currently stuck in a bubble, God, the way he entered that video gave me the creeps. Who'll tell him he ain't shit? He always gave me a narcissist vibe. Good riddance.
Also, I don't believe any of his words about Martina being his purpose in life and such. But she sure did!
No. 1061215
>>1061210ayrt and agreed. I guess it helps that compared to a lot of other disabled people online she's honestly not even close to the type of cringe you see in munchie communities. If anything, and I realize I'm sounding like a wk too, she honestly did most she could with what life dealt to her.
Like yeah it's cringe but honestly let her.
No. 1061222
>>65755Speaking of ana vibes, but tinfoil-
I wonder if his journey of intense exercise in the past became more than simply training his body to help with the physical demands of Martina's deteriorating health.
Exercise and calorie counting can also be a way to exert control when other aspects are beyond your control (i.e., not being able to stop the progressiveness of Martina's disease and feeling helpless over it.)
So I wonder if his ana-chan state is him overexercising or restricting out of cope, even if they are no longer together.
If I'm right, that is really sad.
No. 1061253
>>1061221Yeah, they were cringe (at least in the last couple years I watched them) in a pretty acceptable way. And 100% Martina was at least not a spoonie weirdo, she had interests outside of her illness and tried her best not to let it control her life OR her content. Simon also seemed like a pretty decent guy, and they seemed like a cute couple. That's what makes this sad and weird.
I've seen people saying Simon seeming SO different and Martina seeming relatively the same makes them think that maybe Martina is the one who called things off…but I still think it is Simon. Its just hard to imagine somebody who relied on their partner as much as she did (through no fault of her own) saying hey, go live in your own place while I shack up with my elderly mother. Agreed Simon has ana vibes now, he's looking gaunt and NOT healthy at all. And if what he said is true he lost like 50 lbs in a matter of months, 10 lbs on a month on a man who wasn't obese seems excessive and really fast.
No. 1065690
>>1063188They're still active after all this time? Wow.
Do you happen to have a link?
No. 1068192
>>1065690Not the person you responded to, but this is their Youtube channel. the link does not work, search: "Do Stuff" on Youtube.
No. 1080065
File: 1605109186157.jpeg (838.13 KB, 1125x2183, IMG_EE04BFAC15A0-1.jpeg)

saw this on the /r/simonmartina subreddit - looks like martina is making a clothing shop?
No. 1084095
>>1080206Wait they are getting a divorce???
Also the merch seems really cute
No. 1086263
File: 1605804572882.png (1.4 MB, 828x1792, 4F3618C1-F9E5-429F-ABEA-CA5DFC…) video, looks like she’s officially promoting her own insta now. Smart choice since the channel will completely die after the drama between these two ends.
No. 1104872
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>>1086263Martina aka king.kogi dropped her new merchandise. Hope this venture works out in her favour while Simon sits in his shack with his sad puppy.
No. 1107066
>>1104872I really like the merch. Martina's doodles were always really cute.
Honestly, I think its good for them to be separated, Martina seems to be focusing on her art and coping with her condition and Simon, as creepy as he came out, is working on a book.
Tbh i don't think their channel will completely die, and if it does, they have enough people on IG to redirect to other stuff like king kogi. They'll probably be fine financially.
No. 1135790
According to the reddit /r/simonmartina, simon is currently vacationing in hawaii through the end of June: think that's really irresponsible and stupid during a pandemic, but damn martina really blew up his spot
>>1135790I wonder if they are in the process of divorce and their channel/branding is part of assets being split so they can't say anything or make changes.
But good for Martina rightfully calling out his dickmove.
No. 1139144
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Someone wrote a whole damn research paper on EYK's white privilege kek
"Vlogging White Privilege Abroad: Eat Your Kimchi 's Eating and Spitting Out of the Korean Other on YouTube: Vlogging White Privilege Abroad"
No. 1139191
>>1139162"The Korean Other" in this case means all the stuff vloggers like to show off that is just so quirky and absurd to us westerners.
The title is a clunky word play on their channel name and can be translated to something like
>Simon and Martina regurgitate quirky pop culture clickbait things about Korea for the entertainment of other koreaboos instead of showing an authentic living experience because they're essentially permanent tourists rather than people with a real insight on Korean culture No. 1140955
>>1139829>mental illness can cause people to do shitty things that they should then be forgiveni fell off following them, where did they use mental illness as an excuse for shitty behavior?
the current simon hate is definitely partially fueled stans who feel the need to pick a side, but i don't think recognizing mental illness as a real thing and holding people accountable for their actions are mutually exclusive. again didn't follow them for the last few years so maybe i'm out of the loop but i've never seen build a ladder used to justify something like an international vacation during a pandemic?
No. 1147907
>>1139829I've seen some inappropriate comments but most of the comments I've seen acknowledge his mental health issues and hope he gets the help he needs while condemning traveling during a pandemic.
>>1140955I do partially agree that a lot people are picking a side and that's where some of hate for Simon is coming from BUT he's not making it very hard to dislike him let's be honest.
No. 1150935
>>1149310your aunt was a fucking
victim and your uncle was a piece of shit. do better
No. 1151923
>>1149310I doubt it. They'll either work on their marriage or they'll divorced. I can't seem them staying together after all this though if I'm being honest.
>>1150935Agreed. What a horrible thing to do to someone you supposedly love.
No. 1151997
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>>1149310>this whole postIt's ""normal"" in that it's statistically more likely a man will leave a sick partner, where a woman is statistically more likely to stay, but just here to echo exactly what this anon said
>>1150935Your poor Aunt having to deal with cancer
and an entitled ass who couldn't hold off from pussy while she was literally dying.
As for thread topic, considering her salty replies about him on Youtube and his new serial killer look, I think they've split for good.
No. 1152943
>>1149310>but we were told it's a normal thing to happen when your significant other is ill.Wtf?! Your poor aunt.
Y'all got gaslit by that guy.
No. 1159064
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Divorce saga confirmed
No. 1159171
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>>1159149samefag but here's a good example from the subreddit of the kind of fans who 6 months ago were probably wishing their boyfriends were more like Simon, and now are accusing him of "abandoning his puppy" in addition to obsessing over calling him out for Hawaii. Just seems a little excessive, I think he gets it, everyone is upset with him. If the pandemic wasn't a factor accusing him of neglecting his dog because he went on vacation is deranged. Then needing so badly to find out if people saw you dragging him that you log in to your boyfriend's Facebook to make sure they didn't delete the comment? Take it easy man. He's just some guy.
No. 1159229
>>1159195I did not see it coming, but I had a bad feeling when Simon released a video last year and he kept claiming that he was happy and finding peace in meditation while he looked like he was about to cry. Then I knew something was wrong with him, so I am not surprised they are getting divorced. The pandemic has caused a lot of marriages and relationships to break up.
I feel bad for Martina, she seems like a sweet woman (although annoying at times) and dealing with chronic illnesses. I hope she keeps the channel since she clearly enjoys vlogging and she was the one who edited all their videos. Simon can fuck off and go find his own path. I never really liked him, tbh, his humor was always cringey.
>>1159195 No. 1159290
>>1159195Someone on Reddit said they noticed differences in their behaviour from mid 2019 onward and I recently went back and watched some of their videos and I couldn't see it.
I do see changes in their behaviour and relationship in the 6 or so months before they announced they had moved back to Canada though.
No. 1160635
>>1160330afaik it was martina that left replying to a comment with something about him being in hawaii and she disapproved of it but it's his life and whatcha gonna do
shrug emoji.
Personally i believe it wasnt an amicable split at all, she's been very passive aggressive towards him replying to comments about him and he was completely disregarding their brand image when releasing videos and stuff; but at least im glad they finally admitting this devorce debacle, i remember at first they said something like "the thing you're think it's happening it's not happening!!", stringing their simps along lol.
Yeah guys, amazingly, if you have people pay you for the parasocial fantasy of having you as relationship goals, they're going to be nosy and demanding. What a fuckfest.
No. 1161226
>>1160635Yeah, definitely not amicable. It may have started off that way for whatever reason but Martina felt burned by something eventually to throw Simon to the dogs like that. If I still loved someone I wouldn't necessarily offer up such a tasty bit of gossip like, "he's in hawaii during a pandemic!" to our former fans - unless I wanted to see him get torn a new asshole.
Personally my tinfoil is they moved back to Canada as a couple, maybe taking some "time apart", but as the months went by Simon started treating her badly or making it more clear that he wanted a permanant split, so she became more and more passive aggressive in comments. WHen they first moved for example there were pictures of Martina with Fudgy and I think even a picture of her in that Toronto apartment? Either way, I think it started off amicable/potentially temporary, and became permanent due to something Simon did, or said.
No. 1162095
>>1161815I agree that they were probably talking seperation way before moving to Canada. Probably a couple of months before their social media silence.
I think the separation became final in Canada though.
No. 1162277
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>>1162143I think more than we thought. Hell maybe even more than Martina thought. They had a podcast episode about how they aren’t soulmates. Simon literally shames ppl who leave their partner when they change and says “ppl lawyer up, hit the gym and find a new person” and reassured Martina that he wouldn’t leave her. Now we are here. They lawyered up, Simon hit the gym, and I don’t think people who think he may have cheated are that tinhat-y. They’re clearly on bad terms and I agree that this wasn’t an amicable split. Other people have voiced this and I want to as well, I don’t know how Simon went from “my wife is my reason for existence” to “I’m hitting the gym and meditating here is my new dog and apartment.” I mean part of Simon’s tattoo sleeve is Martina-inspired. Couples go through rough patches, and I’m sure caretaker burnout occurred, but this happening after years and YEARS of Simon constantly stating how he’ll be with Martina for FOREVER AND EVER… they’re separated. It doesn’t make sense as a viewer.
They updated their insta. Name change and new pfp.
No. 1162616
>>1162143I think his personality, the one we in their earlier videos was probably really how he was but I think he slowly changed over the years, as people do, but I think his changes stemmed from caregiver burnout amung other things. You can definitely see the small changes in if you look at their earliest videos in Korea and in the their last year in Japan.
>>1162522I disagree. They're still allowed privacy even though they've shared a good amount of their life and marriage online. They don't need to tell us exactly what happened, if Simon had an affair or whatever the ultimate cause was for their marriage falling apart. If they choose do discuss that later on down the line then so be it, but they don't owe anyone that information.
No. 1162626
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Posted on their facebook
No. 1162800
i wonder if that was written by simon, with the "love and peace" namaste bullshit line at the end lol.
>>1162522>>1162616ultimately, the problem is making your private life your brand. At the start of this they were (understandably) pissed off at people prying and asking for explanations, saying they werent a reality tv show with planned out storylines. And that's true. But like anon said, people were investing brain space and more importantly money in their "show", which WAS based on their private life and the fantasy of a very committed monogamous couple living their best life in the capitals of hyperfans fixation, Seoul and Tokyo.
I think if anything, this goes to show that being an entertainer that bases their brand on their private life is a very, very risky thing to do, because you're inevitably going to need to keep things private and what you're selling is the parasocial fantasy we can be friends! Come join the NASTY family starting at 9.99$ a month!
but yeah i mean i would love to know the actual deets lol
No. 1162857
>>1162800Hey, I'd love to know what really happened too. Just because I believe they don't owe anyone a detailed explanation as to exactly why they ended things doesn't mean I don't want to know lol
And who knows.. maybe one of them will go into detail eventually.. once things are final or have calmed down a little.
No. 1162880
>>1162277Kind of fucked up opinion, but I tinfoil Martina over exaggerated her illness and Simon finally realized and left.
For years she mentioned she had difficulty walking, so bad that she couldn’t go down stairs and get out of bed. Iirc there was a vlog where Simon would bring her breakfast in bed everyday bc of it. But in her recent solo videos she’s standing up for long periods of time, walking around to shop. I don’t think she’s ever had a wheelchair either.
No. 1162890
>>1162880aw dude, no, i don't believe that at all. Theirs is a heavily edited show, she's just showing when she's good enough to stand and not being ko'ed by her chronic illness. If you hear other accounts of people with the same thing (can't remember the name, it's a progressive deterioration of the ligaments of the bones i think? idk i'm both ignorant and not native english lol) they all give consistent accounts that it's a massive bitch of an illness to go through. She definitely had a pink cane that she decorated, and i do recall a wheelchair for the very worst days?
i mean yeah, i guess we're in the same boat as far as believing something said by a stranger on the internet, but i don't want to believe she'd lie abt something like that lol
No. 1162905
>>1162902Munchausen’s Syndrome, aka faking sick for attention. we used to have threads on the munchies but they got banned and now most of the good content is on KF (there are some subreddits but they’re full of other munchies bragging about how they’re sooo much better than the cows and REALLY sick and special)
you probably got it confused with eating disorders because a lot of former anachans switch to being munchies so they have an excuse to keep starving and purging, or an excuse that they got fat, or just to keep getting attention and not having to do anything for themselves. like “oh no, I’m not restricting, it’s my gastroparesis that I totally didn’t give myself by fucking with my digestive system for years! I’m not a lazy womanchild who makes mommy/my boyfriend do everything, I’m chronically ill (please ignore that my ‘good days’ magically line up with things I want to do!)”
No. 1162908
>>1162901Pretty sure it's been public she has EDS for a long time now though, before it became a trend at least.
>>1162907It's def possible but I guess it's harder to believe when Simon so clearly did a 180 and went full on stereotypical white guy mid-life crisis (the only thing missing is a younger gf but I wouldn't be too surprised at this point)
No. 1162909
>>1162905oooh gotcha, i had no idea. thanks!
Martina has Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS), if that's any help.
>>1162907i wouldnt go as far as to wonder if she's physically
abusive, but mentally, yeah, i could see that, especially because in japan/korea is hard to get help for mental issues and i guess that even going to a therapist in a second language you're not perfectly fluent into can't be easy
No. 1162974
>>1162901She claims to have hypermobile EDS (type 3). I remember that she posted or said somewhere in a video that she went to a doctor or something who say hEDS tends to be over diagnosed/the catch all diagnosis and it's usually a different variant, but it turns out she just has hEDS afterall.
I don't think she's faking it, she's shown herself popping some joints back in here and there in some videos, and like
>>1162908, she's claimed to have had EDS for basically their entire Youtube career (the earliest I can think of is vid related)
No. 1162985
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>>1162974Just kidding, found it.
EYK discussion can continue in Youtube General, right? They're not really milky outside of the current divorce saga.
No. 1176756
>>1176499lol the level to which his simps are defending him are hilarious.
"Simon is replacing his unhealthy codependency with Martina with an unhealthy obsession with mindfulness and THAT
No. 1251738
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(from latest Pho video) Yeah whatever happened didn't end well :\
No. 1252209
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>>1251738Oh damn. I didn't even notice this in the comments.. sounds like Simon divorced her rather than something mutual. A lot of people are asking about him just in the latest video comments.
I wonder if she'll change the channel name to just Martina at some point.
No. 1252219
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Sorry for the shitty collage but I don't have IG and only saw it this way on desktop.
Simon's officially moved to London, Ontario with new pets (three dogs total) and let Martina behind, more than likely with Meemers.
No. 1253346
>>1251738Holy fuck. I think most of their more casual viewers don’t follow them enough (like on Instagram where they have exclusively posted all the divorce stuff) to know what happened.
So a majority of these commenters have no idea about the divorce after a DECADE of couples content and will ask about the other half of the duo. I get it is supremely painful but what does Martina expect when there is no video explaining the situation on their main channel? Most people won’t be bothered to follow anything more than the main channel they have created.
It sucks that commenters ask but they likely have no clue. Striking out at them does nothing.
No. 1257615
>>1255930Yea it’s a bit strange.
You’d think if Simon was really as nasty as the eyk subreddit makes him out to be he would be equally passive aggressive about Martina.
Also why the fuck can’t Martina complain/talk to a therapist about Simon instead of their community? Really none of their fans shouldn’t know about anything beyond “we are getting divorced”. Her little tidbits she leaves feel so calculated and weird. Such a spectacular blowup after a decade of a perfect marriage makes me think there was some serious fuckery on both sides.
Reddit just makes ANY community a hellscape lol
No. 1259043
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Anyone else see this post on fb from Simon?
Something weird about Simon highlighting that Fudgy hasn’t had any illnesses etc.
Considering the history with Martina it kind of comes off as snarky?
No. 1259262
>>1259043Lol hello reddit.
Have you ever had a dog? It's completely normal to become obsessed with their health and comment on how well behaved they are/aren't. You need to do some serious mental gymnastics in order to believe that "i really like that my dog is energetic and sits on command" really means "PH-ew am i happy i'm out of my chronically ill ex-wife clutches!!". Seriously the length you guys go to demonize this guys are outstanding, please seek therapy and stop projecting your hatred for all the people that rightfully dumped your ass on a man you don't even know
No. 1259521
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Martina officially left eat your kimchi
No. 1259546
>>1259521now Martina is posting resources for dealing with/recovering from life with a narcissist.
Sage to assume that’s aimed at Simon?