File: 1422453351819.png (252.07 KB, 915x1165, 1422417953938.png)

No. 44246
New Peter Coffin thread. In this installment, Peter sends hotwheels a poorly worded cease and desist from a totally legit law firm. Yes, the law firm really exists, but the DMCA exists only in Peter's head.
First thread
>>41777 No. 44248
File: 1422454261980.jpg (130.27 KB, 583x493, coffintemplate.jpg)

It was also discovered that (unsurprisingly) a quick google search shows that it's a template.
No. 44250
>>44248This level of stupid shouldn't be possible… this up for things to add to his ED
No. 44257
File: 1422455940466.jpg (23.89 KB, 335x278, image.jpg)

>>44252I was not aware the page was up and done.
And it's an arTICLE OF THE NOW
Gonna get snacks to read holy shit
No. 44261
File: 1422456946342.png (459.66 KB, 1104x701, article.png)

No. 44266
>>44246>In the event you fail to meet this demand, please be advised that Peter Coffin has aked us to communicate to you that she will pursue all legal remedies>sheNot only this but
>her>respomd>Twitte>false lies>no period in the last partDid a retarded chimp type this or something? No way this is legit, not that that wasn't obvious already already lol
No. 44277
File: 1422467645768.gif (1.84 MB, 325x244, 1414464847069.gif)

>>44276I don't even care anymore (ok, maybe a little) because the result has been too funny. I can't get off this ride.
No. 44297
File: 1422474796531.png (760.7 KB, 600x1125, 1422471728208.png)

No. 44313
>>44305Good Lord I'm such a noob. I avoid 8chan when possible because the theme hurts my eyes.
Fuck I'm stupid.
No. 44318
File: 1422479226061.gif (2.51 MB, 286x258, 1410505367588.gif)

>>44296>he doesn't care!>look how much he doesn't care you guys!>obviously this isn't affecting him in the slightest!>h-he has a happy life a-and a wife that loves him! really!>autismautismautismautismAUTISMAUTISMAUTISMAUTISMAUTISMAUTISMAUTISMAUTISMAUTISMAUTISMAUTISMAUTISMholy shit this guy
No. 44320
>>44307>>44305>>44303Thanks anons!
Jesus this is a whole new level of cringe. WTF is wrong with this guy? Sure he's not good looking, but if he got a
real job, dropped the comedian shit, and hit the gym, he could ind himself a decent looking girl.
I just don't understand him, I mean I do, he's a pathological liar, so I guess he can't help it, but fuck, how do you let it get this bad?
>>44313Haha you and me both anon. I would read the Peter Coffin threads and my fucking EYES.
Well now we know, /cow/ looks kawaii now.
No. 44356
File: 1422484604109.jpg (86.68 KB, 1012x568, image.jpg)

What is this thing hovering over the baby? It creates a shadow so it can't be medical tape or w/e
No. 44370
File: 1422486461394.jpg (17.39 KB, 250x188, image.jpg)

Why does this pic show it having so much more hair?
All babies are fucking ugly vagina mucous.
No. 44371
>>44370It has has black hair. I know another anon said that some babies are born with red or purple faces (I was born with the umbilical cord wrapped around my neck so my face was purple in my newborn pics for like a day or so)
But, I'm pretty sure that baby is either black, Hispanic, or Asian and she (LOL I MEAN PETER) put a rose over it so we couldn't see the ethnic features the baby might have.
No. 44375
>>44373I think they match. They have little animals on them.
>>44371Damn nigga you emo AF
No. 44391
>>44359Newborns are hideous but their mothers and possibly fathers think they are cute because of hormones, I'm convinced everyone else is faking. They do end up being cute after some months though.
>>44369Plus it should look even more fucked up.
No. 44392
File: 1422490465245.png (15.3 KB, 555x205, also realistic sex dolls lel.p…)

this is probably old news, but why would you make that your subtitle… is he trying to be funny?
No. 44394
>>44376In both CA and TX they print them out.
It's incredibly stupid to have someone write this, especially since nurses and doctors are notorious for their shit handwriting/signatures.
No. 44423
File: 1422495745731.jpg (110.16 KB, 1366x587, plastic cherry.jpg)

Peter took his dolls virginity.
This isn't milk anymore, Peter isn't a cow, HE'S THE MOTHERFUCKING GOOSE THAT SHITS OUT SOLID GOLD EGGS.
No. 44480
File: 1422508070705.png (1.02 MB, 1628x669, 1422506502137.png)

new habbenings
No. 44494
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No. 44497
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>>44494Boy I tell ya what thats a doll she sure is.
No. 44502
File: 1422513402140.jpg (393.88 KB, 598x900, belly.jpg)

She also has that weird belly thing going on.
No. 44505
File: 1422516070677.png (10.66 KB, 877x160, xx.png)

So I guess someone on /cow/ contacted xiaxue about it.
No. 44512
File: 1422519865051.jpg (Spoiler Image,12.45 KB, 200x300, 1422508083219.jpg)

No. 44526
File: 1422531258405.png (781.51 KB, 1095x546, 1422524627408.png)

Peter wearing a wig.
No. 44529
No. 44530
>>44500oh god its HER
anon you are a genius
No. 44531
>>44526this just keeps getting better
also notice how the arm looks thicker than her normal arm in the left pic, if you follow the outline of the t shirt sleeeve all the way around
No. 44533
File: 1422535032235.png (65.01 KB, 599x373, Petespirecy.png)

>>44526Haha, did his tongue get stung by a bee?
Saw this tweet of Peter on ED, he seems very unstable
No. 44540
File: 1422541273272.gif (368.64 KB, 248x131, holyshiet.gif)

>>44538ewwwwww, that is just nasty
No. 44552
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No. 44553
File: 1422548622357.jpg (19.79 KB, 303x302, Capture.JPG)

I think he was showing off with his new $15 purchase in this pic
< No. 44602
File: 1422574244911.png (314.23 KB, 478x531, magicdoor.png)

>>44574The fuck is wrong with the door?
No. 44604
>>44602it's peter in a wig
he photoshop'd his figure
No. 44606
This saga has been a tease for the last couple of days. Someone just needs to come out with the final confirmation of the truth whatever that may be.
At least the potential lulz have been upped today by Twitter ecelebs siding with Peter. There will be a lot of red faces if Ashleigh is a doll.
>>44602Looks like normal perspective to me. The camera is looking down slightly.
No. 44614
There isn't a shred of doubt in my mind that the boy is using a m fucking doll, and I'm assuming the pictures of BraceFace were some real girl's mouth or entire face shopped over the dolls.
But what the fuck is this shit, does anyone have an explanation ? No. 44617
>>44612Basically it seems like Peter has had his eye on the SJW Patreon pot since the start of Gamergate. Thus he's been anti-GG for months and is claiming that /cow/ is actually GG harassing him. However it wasn't really getting him anywhere because either SJWs don't care about white men or because they're too smart to touch him.
But today, Graham Linehan (creator of IT Crowd, Black Books, Father Ted, etc) tweeted some anti-GG stuff and followed Peter. This seems to have gotten Peter some of the attention he wanted.
>>44615I think that the more Peter tries to tie himself to GG and involves minor celebrities the more likely it is that someone like Milo will be able to convince Breitbart to hire a PI and find the truth. I don't really see this ending any other way since PI anon was apparently a faker.
No. 44626
File: 1422583264477.png (209.72 KB, 640x1054, dZLQlKB.png)

>>44624He's apparently been a dick on Twitter for years. Earlier on 8ch there was links to blog articles complaining about him going back a couple years. The threads at 8ch move too fast and I'm too lazy to find the links
There was also screenshots of GG people talking to him on Twitter basically pointing out that you could never make the IT Crowd today. Jan is a stereotype of a technologically illiterate woman. There was an episode mocking trannies. There was an episode mocking Jan for looking like a man. Etc.
>Pic is Graham accusing June/shoe0nhead of being a misogynistic male because GG must be 100% male. He later deleted the tweet but said that June is still a stupid self hating woman or something. No. 44629
>>44624Holy shit, that really makes me sad.
>>44626I wonder if any unichanners lurk here anymore.
No. 44640
>>44636>>44633Out of curiosity, why did you guys stay?
I've been to unichan and… it's very niche I guess? I didn't get the point of the board and all I saw were pictures of this wannabe Boxy girl plastered all over the place. And people arguing whether her breasts were real or not.
No. 44642
>>44640Unichan intrigues me a bit. I really want to know the rundown of all this Peter and Brown, Cecil, Loli, OC, etc. drama.
It kind of seems like nothing new happens though, like everyone just argues about things that happened years ago.
No. 44647
>>44644YES, someone please do, I'll love you forever m'lady
I'd start one but I know jack shit about everything except that a guy got sent to jail for stalking a girl in the sphere or something. I'm really curious.
No. 44648
>>44635>Christ. What ever happened to Bawksy and her massive personal army that was unichan and catiechan?Catiechan died and absorbed into the forum, and Unichan became very disillusioned with Catie starting shortly after her return. I've read some comments here about Unichanners turning on her because she's a feminist and we're misogynists or something, but that's not really true (though she is a very annoying type of feminist). She's greedy and not entertaining anymore.
>Out of curiosity, why did you guys stay?Boredom. I usually don't follow or even understand most of the threads, but some of them can be pretty funny. And then you have the occasional mega lolcow like Coffin.
>I've been to unichan and… it's very niche I guess? I didn't get the point of the board It's extremely niche. It's turned into a general discussion board for the old hardcore Boxxy community that formed in 2009. That community was and still is full of so many strange and interesting people that it's able to generate enough drama and comedy without any involvement of Boxxy or Catie. Though it'll die out eventually.
>and all I saw were pictures of this wannabe Boxy girl plastered all over the place. And people arguing whether her breasts were real or not.I don't want to argue about it and you guys won't believe me anyway, but June doesn't actually pretend to be Boxxy or anything. The reason she's associated with any of this is that someone on Unichan found a video of her doing a Boxxy impression in late 2010 I think, and then convinced her to come to the site. Beyond that initial impression video she hasn't tried looking or acting like Boxxy, she just naturally kind of looks like her. She became an active member of the community and made songs and artwork and stuff. And the fake boob thing I don't really care about, but I don't think she has fake boobs.
>>44642>Unichan intrigues me a bit. I really want to know the rundown of all this Peter and Brown, Cecil, Loli, OC, etc. drama. >It kind of seems like nothing new happens though, like everyone just argues about things that happened years ago.It's just your typical autistic circlejerk, with varied forms of mental illness thrown into the mix. A good portion of the community is nuts, and their antics provide the fuel for the drama. A decent portion of Unichanners are fairly normal Internet addicted people who caught the Boxxy wave in 2009 and just never managed to pull themselves away from the community.
It's difficult to explain why we focus so much on stuff that happened years ago. I'd have to write something very long to even begin to scratch the surface. At least we're not quite as bad as Crackyfags. Their board has existed for like 10 years at this point, and we're only at 6 years.
No. 44652
File: 1422587878463.jpg (52.86 KB, 800x600, browntown.jpg)

>>44651Here's the news article about the arrest, and here's a picture of him. As you can tell he is a very well-groomed and stable individual. No. 44657
>>I don't want to argue about it and you guys won't believe me anyway-Take it e-z there buddy. We asked and you answered us, I know we come off as catty bitches, but we can be civil when we're genuinely interested in something.
I think almost everyone here that's not from unichan has no idea wtf is going on over there.
We should be a thread about this.
And dude come on, you gotta get a kick out of the Quirky threads. And the OC one must have been extra juicy for unichaners (HOW THE FUCK DID OC END UP IN UNICHAN ANYWAY? She obsessively checks that board, even during her camming sessions)
No. 44661
>>44657Oh yeah, I love the Quirky threads and triple love the OC threads. I only started coming here cause of the OC stuff in the first place.
I could write up the whole story of how she first came to Unichan in the separate thread. It was really really funny when we found out there was a whole other board out there that hated her just as much as we did.
No. 44687
File: 1422593336452.jpg (67.64 KB, 625x409, mlady.jpg)

The fedora is strong in this one
No. 44700
>>44698Nah, she definitely has a hint of a Scottish accent
I'd upload a ref video but that went pretty badly last time
No. 44705
>>44701Yeah, agreed. If he uploaded a video like this in the first place (before PIfag) people probably would have been more likely to believe him. The fact it's taken him this long just makes things more suspicious.
Has any evidence of PIfag being real/fake come out yet? I mean, it could make sense if he's living with a couple and braceface is the wife and the sex doll/sockpuppet accounts are Peter's doing.
No. 44707
>>44697webm from a generous anon on /cow/, seeing as he said he'll delete it soon
>>44706Aberdonian accents are kind of known for being weird. I can understand how Americans would have trouble hearing it, but yeah.
No. 44708
File: 1422597915148.webm (1.61 MB, 480x320, 1422597092425.webm)
>>44707shit, dropped video
No. 44712
File: 1422600028672.png (58.51 KB, 574x588, 1422598324143.png)

Even though I support GG some of the best lols right now comes from the fact that Twitter is so convinced that it's GG attacking Peter.
Doll or not, Peter is a certified lolcow.
No. 44717
>>44716Nobody in the UK wants a green card unless they're like some bimbo who wants to make it big in LA. Why go from Aberdeen to SLC? It's a lot of effort for a lateral movement.
I wonder if they're both Mormons and if it's some arranged marriage or something.
No. 44722
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>>44701There's a lot of weird coincidences but there's also a lot of nitpicking. I was very much on board with the idea that Pete uses a doll since the beginning of this and I was so hellbent on proving it, but after the marriage and birth certificates (Harrison's and Ashleigh's) and
now the new video, I am disappointed and reluctantly admit that I believe she's a real girl and that the girl in that video (Braceface) is the same girl as all the other self-taken grainy photos on her tumblr. The only things different are that her tits aren't enormous (but we all know by now that she stuffs) and her eyebrows are a little fuller, but us being (mostly) girls, we know that eyebrow pencils/powder is a thing. I guess Peter just got
insanely lucky. And she has some skewed perception of what husband material is. And maybe has some kind of mental problems.
No. 44723
>>44717I know a few English girls who are OBSESSED with America. And a "nerdy girl" like Ashleigh who's got a hard on for most of the pop culture stuff the US shits out is just the kind of person who'd want to live here.
>>44722I haven't believed the doll shit for a second. She is very stiff and fake but it's all computer editing. I'm sure she shooped the pregnancy pictures herself to put on some kind of "perfect girl" image. It's clear she panders a LOT so she really is the perfect girl for Peter. Now, if we're all lucky, PI-anon will come up with some proof. Until then, I'm afraid we milked something that was a huge disappointment.
No. 44725
>>44717Maybe they were pen pals? My (catholic) church promoted an international catholic pen pal project.
I also never saw that many "out of your league" relationships as in my church community manlets with gorgeous women and vice versa.
No. 44727
>>44723What's funny is that I posted that same side-by-side edit on /cow/ and they would
not have it and accused me of being an autist/having brain damage/needing glasses/thinking all "woman" look the same (hilarious since I am one) because I said they look identical. One person listed off pretty much all her facial features and how they're ~so different~ to the 'doll's' and when I posted that comparison pic all they could say was "the eyebrows tho". They are extremely reluctant to believe otherwise and don't want to be proven wrong when they've come this far.
No. 44730
>>44697There's just something about this. I never thought there was just a sex doll involved, but also a real woman. The Ashleigh in the video looks very, very different than the one in the pics and gifs, and I think this might be the result of very heavy shooping and lighting, kind of like Kooters. And obviously some very heavy push-up bras to make her tits look gigantic.
One of the things that makes me feel kind of queasy about this video is that she says "they think -we- don't exist; they think -we're- not real", and this just makes me feel like she's including Peter in this?
One thing for certain is that the people in /cow/ are kind of reaching at this point. P.I. anon never delivered the documents he said he would, and in past threads people said they put Peter under investigation for possible fraud. People are saying this and that but they don't really reach any closure.
No. 44734
>>44727>>44730I do like to think that lolcow has a little more dignity. Let's be honest, /cow/ points the "autist" finger a lot because they're all exactly that. They did bring us good enjoyment and they've got some pretty tasty cows over there, but there comes a point where you have to admit you were wrong and move on.
No one is saying Peter and Ashleigh aren't BOTH cows. They're both fucking goldmines in their own right, but this doll thing was all some weird fantasy that was spawned from all of our desperation for a pt/chris chan 2.0.
No. 44747
>>44730I think she's referring to toilet nigger and herself.
Honestly, I didn't care if they were real or not. I've had so many lulz because of this guy I just love it.
No. 44777
>>44747That's how I felt about it all. I really didn't care if she was real, fake, the baby was shooped in, or even their own. I just enjoyed seeing a retard like Peter sperg out on Twitter every chance he got. He loves to promote that stupid slogan "Don't feed the trolls" but yikes, he did that well.
Like the other anon, I still feel like the Tumblr photos we see of Ashleigh and the Ashleigh we saw in the video are different, as if there is two sides to her. You have one that is heavily shooped, making sure tits are in view almost always, mouth always covered, body looking slimmer, etc. and the other that (I think) honestly looks better, even if they're having a hard time trying to keep their mouth closed to cover their braces. Ashleigh, just be your damn self. Don't say you love your body then do that shit..
I just didn't get why they took so long to do this? I know one reason was to hold off so Peter could promote his Patreon. Once he saw that wasn't going to work, even after throwing a fit about it, I guess he finally got her to agree to doing a video….after all that time of saying "I won't! I won't do it, we don't negotiate with online terrorists, they're bullies, I won't give them the satisfaction!" they caved in, when it could have been done ages ago. At least GG gets the blame..
Tbh, I'm glad it's done, though. Those damn threads on /cow/ consumed me. Reading all those fucking crazy theories and people spazzing if you don't agree with them….got old real quick. I haven't checked the threads over there today, but I know there's someone in there still in denial hard lol..
Can't wait for the next person to come into spoitlight, though.
No. 44779
>>44777Right?! She looks so much better in her 'Braceface' form. I don't know why. She just looks a lot cuter and nicer. She seems so much more uninteresting and not even as attractive to me when she's pushing her chest out with maximum cleavage.
I'm also relieved it's pretty much over, I was far too invested in those threads. Even when reading them, I wished I wasn't, because I was spending so goddamn much of my time on them. I last checked them maybe about 8ish hours ago and trust me,
everyone is still in denial. The amount of people who are like "welp, that's it I guess" are very, very few. I'm one of them and I only saw like 2 other people. Everyone else were ripping me and those other couple to shreds because we 'fell for Coffin's shit'.
No. 44782
>>44708I'm still not convinced. She looks kinda different, doesn't even glance at him, and most importantly she doesn't address the actual issues
she doesn't say 'I'm his wife' or 'my baby is real' or 'im not a sexdoll'
No. 44783
not a single time does she heads on address what's happening
No. 44789
>>44787imagine how creepy it is if ti's his friend's gf, neighbour or whatever and he has a sexdoll that looks like her somewhere in his house
ew ew ew
No. 44790
>>44779The girl in the video looks more…normal. Normal is good, normal is perfectly a-okay! It's just sad to see someone that looks nice, even with a bit of imperfections, but feels it's necessary to hide them and use photoshop to get a certain level of attention by making the boobs the main feature.
Just checked /cow/, but you were right. There will be some that will keep digging, but I think it's about ran its course for me, though. I've definitely enjoyed keeping up with it all.
>>44781Now, I do admit that they do seem odd together, especially for two people who claim to be oh-so in love and perfect for one another. They don't interact like a typical husband and wife would when it comes to this kind of shit, and there were no claims to clear up the rumors such as "this is my wife, we have a baby together, blah blah". It's hard to base it off that alone, though. They acted amused by it all, and only addressed that she was a real person, without really going for the hard-hitting claims everyone else was throwing up.
I know my husband and I are an odd couple. We don't have rings and yesterday was our 6 year anniversary, which was spent with me on /cow/ and here. I will say that we would have reacted differently if put in this situation, but then again, we wouldn't have ourselves in this situation to begin with. Most people clear the air immediately to get it the fuck out of their way before shit goes on any longer, such as how Peter drug it out to where it is now.
Peter's just a weird faggot. I would've like to have seen toilets nigga in there with them both saying its their kid, but eh, I don't see them doing another video. They'll say they did what we "asked", even though it didn't put the final nail in to have people believing them.
I do think the girl is real, just has problems with her image. Probably married to get to the US if anything, and the rest is an act.
No. 44798
>>44794even if he got all 3 in the video, I'm not convinced the baby is his. She's just his friend or whatever and she has a baby.
I mean, he's brown eyed for starters, mexican looking. So is his mother and all his siblings. Where would the blue eye gene come from?
No. 44800
File: 1422633103544.jpg (291.16 KB, 1280x1280, tumblr_niuvgn6ia51r5ygdco3_128…)

>>44797yeah that pic is bullshit nonsense
my sister was in pain for MONTHS after a regular c section, too drugged up and sick, constantly vomiting and in pain the day after the procedure
I know it's different for different women, but it's so weird to be taking such a sexy selfie with makeup and posing the day after wtf
No. 44803
File: 1422633237683.jpg (21.44 KB, 590x442, shishan-has-a-removable-tongue…)

>>44800oh yeah and that tongue looks EXACTLY how a realdoll looks when you pull the tongue out
and when she puts her tongue out for photos its always like this
No. 44804
>>44798Yeah but it would be more telling. His body language would give something away. Not toilet nigga and certainly not ashleigh act enthused/ecstatic/happy to be near him.
Somehow Ashleigh is less sassy on video than she is online. Like why would you not mention thanking people for defending your kid? It's your first fucking baby that people were "bullying". That video was TOO short and sweet.
No. 44807
>>44803Except this one.
>>44526The tongue looks dirty AF.
No. 44812
>>44809please, either address the valid and plentiful points made from the skeptics or move on. he should be happy to be 'prodded' by us, i'm sure it's the most traffic he'll ever see.
>(We all know how that works.)lol, absolutely not.
No. 44814
>>44810Well considering there's someone who just posted this
>>44803 I'm gonna assume there's still a few people here in denial.
That being said it's not an autistic breakdown like /cow/ is having, so there's that.
No. 44817
>>44812You've never seen those couples who have kids for the sake of "saving their marriage?"
It happens all the time and it usually ends up a failure.
No. 44820
File: 1422634496311.jpg (308.65 KB, 562x780, 1422085157818.jpg)

>>44786Because it looks like a toilet, nigga.
No. 44825
>>44787I don't want to sound crazy but I though about it too. Whenever there's "proof" there's a bit of gray area like his wife shaking the baby with the mask on ? The strange pregnant pics ? The "Oh I just delivered a kid, here's my tights cause I'm obviously way more important than my kid" (like wtf, even Xiaxue ends up putting more pics of her son than herself and that's saying a lot)
I thought "If I had to prove I'm married to someone how would I act ?" and I immediatly though about holding hands or having an arm around the other's waist. I think it's a clear sign of bonding and these two are super vague in the video and barely touching.
It feels like he told her "There's people who think you and your baby don't exist, crazy right ? Would you mind making a vid together ?" and maybe it took him a while because she didn't accept right away.
Plus I still feel Photoshop could explain the massive difference between the video and her pics but damn. When she tried to barely close her mouth, her chin had wrinkles because her teeth take so much place. I's clear she's the one in the walking the dog video and isn't a model, just really average.
No. 44826
>>44822It's just speculation just as what you people are saying you're doing. With no proof to back it up. Because I have a different opinion doesn't mean it's any less irrelevant. All anybody asked for was a video to prove that Ashleigh was real. Nobody told them to hold hands or make out or call each other pet names or whatever. I can't believe I'm defending him, but everyone got what they wanted.
As I've said before, they're both fucking assholes who dragged this on longer than it needed to be. Probably for the sake of more views idk but they delivered so what now? Only the ones who believe it's all fake are allowed to have a say?
No. 44831
>>44809Coffin is both a attention whore and pathological liar.
He pretended to be in a relationship with a Japanese model for months. She even bragged about his goddman dick. After he was found out he claimed to have been catfished and that is his story to this day.
He pretended to be a lawyer to intimidate the blogger who blew open the Kimi saga.
He created a fake blogger to harass people and play PCIDF.
He ran a fake game company.
He buys fake subscribers for his YT account.
And this guy suddenly lands a SJW, Gaymur Grill with a huge rack who not only gave him her virginity but also married him (with the wedding dinner at Wendy's) and bore him a child.
Her online presence is nonexistent before she meets Peter. All her photos save a few are her slutting around for tumblr. Do you know couples with newborn kids? They love plastering that shit everywhere.
And don't even get me started on her tumblr aside from the photos because the text just reeks of Kimi.
I remain convinced of shennenigans.
No. 44834
>>44828But that video shot down more than half of the proof. So what proof do you guys still have? They didn't refer to each other as "wife and husband?" My boyfriend and I don't act like a traditional couple rather.
Not saying it's still impossible that it's fake, but I'm say the doll theory is most likely shot down.
No. 44837
>>44834There are still things that make no fucking sense and are too weird to ignore. If you're over it then bye.
And considering how online it's all about "mah husband", "mah waifu", "mah son", and he always fails to call Harrison by his name or his and ashleigh his wife. Come on. That's fucking weird.
No. 44838
>>44835They probably both get government assistance. Peter probably has unemployment and Ashleigh could easily get disability if she's actually agoraphobic. Then there's food stamps and welfare.
Kind of really wanna call CPS though because this makes the baby shaking video all the more real.
No. 44840
>>44834it didn't, though. that video supports what supposedly pianon discovered. why be vague if you're going out of your way to disprove these rumors? why act that way with your significant other online but act like that on camera? why doesn't she look as 'glamorous' as she does on tumblr? she looks nothing like tumblr girl besides having long hair and dark eyes. i'm not even completely gung ho on the doll theory, but that is not the same person as shown on tumblr. he did the same exact thing with 'kimi', why wouldn't he do it again? if it smells like shit it probably is.
and i'm sorry you spent your anniversary on /cow/ and /pt/, that's kind of shitty.
No. 44841
>>44837So I have to leave the thread because I don't agree? I still think they're both cows and I still have an opinion, so what now?
It was a three second video of them in it together. What everyone wanted. Why would they be all "mai waifu" when they're trying to be haha funny sarcastic in your face YouTube comedians?
No. 44845
>>44844Except that they could actually just be an awkward couple? How in the hell is that not relevant?
I just think it's making lolcow look stupid. I mean someone just brought up pianon up as "proof" when he hasn't provided documents himself. As I said, I'm not saying there isn't a chance that it's all fake but it really feels like everyone's reaching at this point.
No. 44846
>>44843my bad.
>>44841because that was the point? to prove that he was happily married to his perfect busty gamer girl, which that clearly was not. they weren't being sarcastic/funny and she's no comedian, she's a regular person who is pretty awkward on film.
No. 44849
>>44846But that's what they were trying to do. It just failed in its awkwardness and the fact that Peter isn't funny to begin with.
And no Ashleigh isn't but she shook her fucking baby to help Peter pretend he's funny. You don't think they'd do some crappy unfunny video?
No. 44851
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>>44841She isn't a comedian.
For your consideration.
No. 44856
>>44852And how does that fit into her online persona? Super open person busting out her tits at any and all opportunities. Taking sexy selfies before/during/ or after givin birth.
Now she uncomfortable? When she has to affirm that her family exists?
No. 44859
>>44856Love, when do we ever fit our online personas?
Seriously people, if we were talking about this face to face, I wouldn't even have an opinion. Comparing a tumblr personality with one on a video that has to be shown to a LOT of gossip blogs and people is just silly.
No. 44865
>>44859that's fine if that's how you roll, i don't have a tumblr persona, love~
it's one thing to behave a certain way, but the photos don't match. why would you dress up to take stop motion gifs on tumblr and dress down on a video to prove you're the hotty wife of peter? THINK about it.
peter wrote to himself as kimi too, why wouldn't he do it as ashleigh? same lame sense of humor.
No. 44867
>>44862But most people don't. So really neither does what you guys are saying.
It's literally a thing that people are more mean or different on the internet because they aren't face to face with people.
Let's just, for the sake of the argument, agree that the girl who covered her mouth for the accent video is the same. The girl clearly has issues with being in something that she can't edit. Just like Dakota gets REAL shut offy and awkward when she's in somebody else's videos instead of her own. Except Ashleigh doesn't know how to use after effects.
No. 44872
>>44867And she's not face to face with anyone while she's recording a fuckin video!
Where is your proof that most people don't? You're just makin unsupported claims about how people "are".
No. 44876
She obviously fought having to be in a video in the first place and I'm assuming they pulled the video because she asked for it to go down. You guys are really just reaching pretty horribly at this point.
No. 44895
>>44887They didn't say doll but they DID say they were two different people and didn't look alike.
>>44840>>44858For example.
>>44889And I brought up everything I had. Not a single one of you had anything to prove me wrong. If we're being completely fair, none of us live in that house so really none of us have a leg to stand on.
And can WE PLEASE stop bringing up pianon until he actually has documents? He is the farthest thing from proof.
Anyways done with this argument for real this time. Just wanted to get my last word in. Thanks to the few people who were actually civil.
No. 44898
>>44895You have reading comprehension issues and choose to ignore things.
Doll does not mean 2 different people. You have admitted that you can't even keep anyone's arguments straight. Stop shit posting.
No. 44901
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Reminder that these exist. (1/2)
No. 44939
Theory: Braceface is severely codependent and desperate for approval. She latched onto Peter not because he has anything of substance to offer, but because he paid attention to her at the right time. She may even believe that non-losers can't possibly be really attracted to her, so she ignores them when they hit on her.
I've met several girls (and guys) that fit this description.
Peter, if he's smart, encourages her codependency and self-loathing so she's less likely to leave him.
Braceface takes fucktons of selfies and shoops the shit out of them because she thinks she's ugly. Her obsession with beauty results in compulsions to angle her body certain ways (heel up, face tilted, eyes on phone, phone blocking most of her mouth). Her selfies with Peter look more human because she's more relaxed with him.
She shooped her pregnancy pics because she thought her prego belly made her look fat. She has no pictures of herself immediately after giving birth because beings sweaty and having mussed up hair isn't sexy. She made herself look nice and then took the thigh pic to convince us that she's a goddess who's super hot all the time.
She acts like Peter because she's mimicking him to make him like her more. She doesn't really have her own personality. She won't shut the fuck up about being a nerdgrrrl because so many guys think it's hot. She constantly takes pics of her tits for the same reason.
She doesn't show any affection for Peter in the video because she can't shoop in real-time, so she's uncomfortable, and maybe even mad at Peter for making her do it.
Toilet Nigga was conceived because codependent girls put out. She takes almost no pictures of him because A) he's ugly and it reflects badly on her, or B) she's doesn't really care about him because she isn't truly capable of caring deeply about another human being.
No. 44976
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No. 44987
File: 1422661572574.png (368.53 KB, 857x522, 565445.png)

it's ridiculous how blatantly obvious it is that they're both lying.
her repeated giveaways: constant blinking, rapid looks to the side
his repeated giveaways: occasional extremely tense face (forced smile+raised brows)
there are plenty more, especially considering the moment that they occur (for example the speech anomalies, like "it's very nice to receive the support that we have")
furthermore the facial expressions/voices in the video hint to the facts that
1) he cares more than her about the situation
2) she is reluctant to do the video
3) they're not a couple (he hints to her with a hand gesture, no touching in the video whatsoever)
4) probably was only shot once, otherwise they could have minimised the above mentioned signs of lying by simple practice.
No. 45003
>>44895This is going to be TL;DR because I read all your posts and I'm condensing my replies in one.
The thing is that the video doesn't prove jackshit. I am not one of the people with conspiracy theories who think the real Ash got murdered or that he's using stop-motion, but neither the people who want to defend Petey boy nor the people who are still skeptical have any solid grounds to declare which version is the true one.
What /cow/ originally said was that they wanted a 60 second video of Ash, Peter, and Toilet Nigga having some family time together, doing random shit, and proving that she was indeed his wife.
Several threads ago, and I mean even before Peter posted the vine with Ash holding the baby, people on /cow/ agreed that Toilet Nigga was real, yet in the yt video Ash seemed to think people thought the baby was fake. Peter lurked the threads on /cow/ so he
knew that people didn't think the baby was fake, which for some reason flew over his head [conveniently].
Neither of them addressed what people have been making fun of him for. Neither said shit about the marriage or the sex doll theory. They didn't do what /cow/ ask for, and they asked for something very specific for several threads.
On top of everything, Peter appeared in one of the threads saying that he wasn't going to give in to "online terrorists", yet he still went ahead and made the video, a video where he fails to deliver shit because it's so vague that you still have people claiming it's a lie.
You don't need to be holding hands and kissing, but a "I am real, and he's my husband" would have sufficed.
And I mean come on, look at Chris Chan and PT. Both were harassed online and yet they disappeared. It's not like Peter couldn't have done the same. He could've simply ignored the trolls and continue with his life yet he didn't, he kept going nuclear every time /cow/ came up with something new and gave them more to laugh at him.
I do think that some people in there are reaching, but this kind of vagueness is not closing this case no matter how you look at it.
What I think is that Peter thought he could get SJW's to fund his Patreon by playing victim and crying harassment. When that didn't work he decided to give his "proof", so people could leave him alone, but this didn't work either.
I also happen to think that Ash might be his roommate, or at most a friend, and that Peter manages her accounts. I've never met a woman who words shit the way she does. That's a man talking.
However, in the case she
is behind her accounts, then she suffers from severe body dysmorphia and this is why she doesn't look like it's the girl from the pictures.
Either way this has been a good ride so far.
No. 45047
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No. 45049
>>44657>>HOW THE FUCK DID OC END UP IN UNICHAN ANYWAY?She was friends with lolitachan and she spammed pictures of herself all over the board for attention, just like on PULL.
(She needs an ED, it would be so juicy.)
No. 45062
>>45003Thank you.
And can we point out that there's only one voice repeating "see, braceface is real, ergo video proves everyone wrong" even though nobody doubted that to begin with? That's Peter shitting up every thread with strawmen as usual.
No. 45070
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No. 45096
>>45079Dirt poor and famous for faking a girlfriend OR kicking himself in the nuts.
Even Kiki wouldn't touch that.
No. 45099
>>45047>Anderson, TXMost likely a different Peter Coffin. It's not
that unique of a first and last name.
No. 45221
File: 1422732169804.jpg (513.11 KB, 900x900, doll.jpg) at this German porn forum from 2013, a full year before "she" posted it on Tumblr.
No. 45227
>>45225The entire profile is really weird. All the links run through a couple of adpages.
No. 45249
>>45226It's not clear when that video was made and for what purpose.
Peter uses it as a "that will shut them up". He pulled a similar trick when reddit almost uncovered his doll use two years ago.
No. 45310
>>45227Could be herself trying to get some money.
Or could be someone else using her pics to get some money.
No. 45477
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>>45470her boobs seem to expand in this one that you linked. or is that just breathing motion? im tired
No. 45479
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>>45477I don't know anymore.
No. 45512
>>45511No doubt this is a human girl, but those recent selfies with similar poses and eyes that do not move on Tumblr, it looks like a doll was used.
I really think there is a doll. It's possible that they're both in on it.
No. 45513
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No. 45516
>>45511What if the dolls eyes just look like this?
But seriously, all her gifs are so fucking dull and her moves are just stiff
No. 45521
>>45519I dont think so.
What we seem to have is 2 girls, one is the doll that is the 'selfies', the other is the girl with braces. The issue is now who is she and what is she doing. The video of them two is too awkward for them to be a couple, but is she a knowing participant?
No. 45524
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Braceface obviously has a hard time closing her lips over her teeth. These gifs where she has her mouth closed without straining too much must have been made pre-braces, and anything where her mouth looks normal can't be recent.
No. 45538
>>45516No it's clear there's contacts on her, there's always a faint line around the eyes when you wear contacts. I noticed cause it seems these ones are the one to make your eyes a bit larger rather than the regular clear ones.
>>45512To be honest she seems to be doing this on purpose, like "Oh no guys I'm not an android, why would you think that, I'm a human, silly" -Pose like a fucking robot in every picture-
Plus Peter doesn't seem to mind his wife is fucking shoving her tits in everyone's throat. I know some guys don't care but I imagined he'd like if his girlfriend was not as whorish. I'm not a prude but she's supposed to take care of her kid and all she does is showing her boobs on her blog and making them jiggle for the world to see.
No. 45546
>>45524I said exactly this like a week ago in the other thread, and people were like "oh noooo her teeth are fine bluh bluh bluh"
I fucking knew that was why she always hid hee mouth. I have a friends who's teeth are the same, and I know what it looks like when someone tries to close their mouth over them.
I think brace face is real but left Peters sorry ass. That video of them was so awkward.
No. 45565
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Her arms are pretty hairy
No. 45869
>>45853>>45855couples don't really pose like that when they take selfies, especially on the second picture.
again, it's like she's not aware he is there.
some fucked up shit is going on
No. 45871
>>45869The first one looks natural IMO but the second one looks like she was taking selfies and he came along and joined her for a bit.
I just can't get over how boring their selfies are. They're just the two of them in the same handful of poses, making the same faces. I know my boyfriend and I vary our poses and expressions because who wants to take the same photo a million times except teenage girls?
No. 45872
>>45871>>45869The most forced/awkward couple poses I've ever seen, it's like dude into her and girl not having it.
WTF @ how he's holding her hand in the second one.
No. 45873
>>45855And of course the pictures with them together are bad quality again.
What phone is she holding? Looks like an iPhone 4 or 5. Even the front cam on my iPhone 4 has better quality.
He definitely adds a lot of noise filter,
the noise is way too evenly distributed and clear.
But why, what are you trying to hide Peter?
Does her silicone skin not look real enough?
No. 45878
>>45873Yep, and note how she hies her mouth AGAIN
Something is fishy anon, esp. in regards to the noise anon, well done for spotting that. iphone 5 or even 4 should NOT have this much noise, maybe if she's taking the pics in nightmode, but then occam's razor right?
No. 45884
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>>45871 There is no "couple-ly" pictures of them, if you know what I mean. It's just her taking million selfies of herself and if he is on a pic, he looks like he is creeping behind her
pic related, random couple selfie from google images
No. 45946
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>>44246Where are her gigantic milk bags?
No. 46033
>>45955Nope. I think it's old. It came up when I was scrolling through Tumblr search feed using her username.
Something is just so off about this whole fiasco.
No. 47101
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No. 54255
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Calling it now, all pictures are going to look like this: